THE ,3IORMXG OREGOXJAX. SATURDAY. APRIL lO, .1920 SPECIAL "DELINEATOR" OFFER NOW OPEN PATTERN SHOP, SECOND FLOOR H i ?! All Fitted Bags and Suitcases Quarter Less A Free Illustrated Talk on the ' Honey Bee XA one-day sale of all our fine fitted luggage for men and women. Built of distinctive black leathers. Ivory celluloid toilet fittings for women. Ebony toilet fittings for men. Interesting variety of sizes, styles, linings. Exceptional gifts for the bride and groom and for birthdays. Regular prices $35 to $85. Saturday's special "quarter-off" prices are $26.25 to $63.75. Meier & Frank's: Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor. will be given in our Sixth" Floor Audito rium today at 2:30 P. M. by Dr. Henry Collins, Bee Expert.' The talk will be illustrated by stereopticon slides. Admis sion free to everybody. 'THE LIFE OF THE BEE" the most fascinating and interesting of all insect life will be the subject of today's talk. It will be of special interest to children, besides proving a source of knowledge and entertain ment to grown-ups of both sexes. v - , EstUllKc4 1037 The- V Storev or- Portland Wfaeti Everybody Saturday What Comes Next in the Millinery v World? Why Sports and Garden Hats Besides all the flowered hats for dress and all the thou sands of untrimmed hats which clever women can trim for themselves there is SOMETHING NEW. Great shady colorful garden hats like the one pictured of novelty green or rose straw trimmed with white sports-angora scarfs and edging. As Paris-like creations as one could imagine at $15. A. large rose colored garden hat trimmed with wheat and two-tone satin scarf is $10. A cool green hat with raffia embroidery is $15. Useful little white poplin hats are $5.50. A smart straw sailor with tanger ine crepe scarf is $12.50. The Egyptian sailor with its curious many-colored Oriental ribbon is $20. "Phipps" sport hats with contrasting black edges are $15. Braided white straw hats are ex tra good at $7. Dress hats with flowers are specialized at $6.75, $7.50, $8, $9.50, $10, $12, and to $15. Meier & Frank's: Millinery Salons, Fourth Fldor. Square Neck and Middy Sweaters Are New Square-neck slip-on -sweaters "with flaring peplums and cord girdles are the very latest word of Fashion. Women and misses will wear them over thin summer dresses and blouses. 'Especially good ones are here at $7.95 in rose, lavender, apple green, red, heather, henna and blue. Middy sweaters are something new and different. They slip on and are belted just like a regular middy. $12, $15, $27.50. ' -Meier & Frank's: Sweater Shop, Third Floor. New Wirthmor Georgette Blouses $6.75 The Wirthmor plan of blouse making is unique. It results in exceptional economies because of standardized methods of making. Wirthmor blouses have real orig inality at this moderate price. Their workmanship is distinct ively superior. The picture shows "simplicity edged around with frills.' A double row of hemstitching accentuates the graceful outline of the shawl collar. But many other new Wirthmor styles have, just arrived. Prettiest ones we have had in several months! All at $6.75 each. .iliKkili mm ! -if m2 ifl JDwKS -Meier & Flunk's: Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. . . .Modish . . . The Black Velveteen Coat and a White Satin Skirt This combination is one of the most striking fashions of the sea son. Black velveteen sport coats are as picturesquely becoming as a black velvet evening gown might be. Under the name of a sport coat these black velvet wraps can be worn anywhere and everywhere) always to the delight of the wearer and of the observer. The model pictured is $37.50 lined with white or colored satin. Sport Skirts to be worn with velvet coats in clude white baronette satin at $20 and $25. Accordion pleated white silk at $20. White serge at $15 and $17.50. White flannel at $19.50. Black and white stripes at $27.50. Black and white checks at $10 to $32.50. White and pink golfme at $10 and $15. Pink flannel at $11.85. Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons. Fourth Floor. (1 LAST DAY! Spring Hosiery Sale for Men, Women and Children comes to a close at 5.45 P. M. this evening. It is the last opportunity for providing . the spring and summer hosiery supply at these prices which in many instances approximate today's wholesale cost. Buying in lots of two and more pairs is made especially advantageous to purchasers in this sale. Thousands of Pairs Are Involved Hosiery from the best manufacturers in the country. All good kinds. All at prices that represent liberal concessions on prices that were already low. 6 Big Specials for Men Cotton sox, lisle sox, wool sox, silk box. Scores for Women and Children Especially wonderful values in women's silk stockings seven" groups of these alone thousands of pairs. " ' Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Fluffy Hair Bows , Special 53c Lovely "Butterfly" hair bows for school and best. Tied of oV-inch taffeta ribbon. This taffeta is ex tra good because it has a heavily corded edge. All the bright colors that girls like. Pink, blue, cardinal, scarlet, navy, old rose, maize, white and black. ' It takes li yards to make such fluffy bows as these. Meier & Frank's: Ma'n Floor. 75c Candy Log Rolls 49c Have you tasted them yet? They are one of Portland's favorite can dy treats. Made of such good things as sugar, cream, butter, honey and corn syrup, cooked and creamed, then rolled in little logs dipped in delicious chocolate and covered with ground nuts. Why not take a pound home this week-end? None delivered. - Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor. Three Special Events in the Girls' Store First, a rand new ship ment of sunshiny dresses for girls 6 to 12 years. Two are pictured. Each is $3.95. - Other frocks in this lot are of percale at $2.98, gingham and chambray at $3.95 to $6.50. Pretty styles and very good materials and colors. Model Spring Hals Wonderful at $6.50 to $15 One-of-a-kind, hats for little American princesses of 2 to 8 years. So many bewitching styles that we are showing four in the picture and wish we could illustrate the whole collection. Mother? who are looking for something altogether out of the usual are invited. Regular prices would be a great deal more. Children's Spring Coats $7.85 Were $12 and $15 Sizes 3 to 7 years in well-made coats recently received. . Black and white checks, gray mixtures and herringbone weaves or brown materials. Velvet or self collars. Some braid bound, others with embroidered emblems. Double breasted. Meier & Frank's: Girls' Store. Second Floor. Sampeck and Other New Suits for Boys Of course Sampeck is a host in him self. And a veritable army of Sam pecks is here. The biggest stock of these suits in our historyw-and that's saying a lot. Every suit individual ized by Sampeck style and Sampeck tailoring and made of fabrics specially selected for their worth and wear. You Know That This Is the 'Sampeck Store of Portland Therein- safety lies for the boy choosing his own suit and for the mother or father interested in seeing that the young fellow gets the best. Sampeck Triple Service Suits Ah, they are wonderful! Wear? Like iron. But 'as elegantly fashioned as the best. Sizes 7 to 18 years. Prices begin at $15. New shipment of juvenile suits just received. $12.50 upwards. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Boys, Third Floor. Sale of Women's Gloves $2.19 Good quality leather gloves at a remarkably low price because se cured in a special purchase. All new they went on sale yesterday for the first time. Two-clasp. Overseam sewn. Black, white and tan. All sizes. Chamoisettes 56c Another unordinary valuel White washable chamoisette gloves. Two clasp. Finely serviceable quality. No phone orders, approvals or C. O. D.'s on either of the above. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Heatherbloom and Silk Petticoats "They wear twice ' as long as silk," say customers and that is the reason why they choose the new colored heatherbloom petticoats. They are not all heatherbloom, how ever, for their deep flounces are of taffeta. Priced $.5.95. Cotton taffeta petticoats with silk flounces are $4.95. Pin-Checked Silk Petticoats are ever so pretfy and new in rose, green or lavender checks. $5.95. Meier &. Frank's: Third Floor. Diadem Collar and Cuff Sets are the newest neckwear originali ties. Made by Crowley. Exquisite in every detail as well as new. De signed for elbow length sleeves. White, embroidered with rose, yel--low or blue. $7.50. A host of other new neck'fixings for this week-end neckwear day. Ruffled dimity, doubled organdie, cunning Buster Brown collars, or gandie chemisettes with tiny net frills. Fascinating things at $1.25 upward. Chemisettes for Eton Suits have material in the back as well as in the front so that they show prettily below the Eton coat. Checked organdie chemisettes in brown, pink or green, $5.95. White organdie with net or organdie frills $3.75 and $5.50. New Vestings of Net, Lace, Organdie are frill after frill of dainty lacy femininity. It is fun to make one's own' vest. 12 to 16 inches wide. $3.25 to $9.75 a yard. New Special Collars 95c , Fresh shipment of net and lace gilets, of vestees with collars, of collar and cuff sets, of English eye le embroidery collars, of georgette collars with lace. Very pretty. A special purchase. Veil Specialties Novelty French veils with con trasting light and heavy weight meshes, spider webs, elaborate scrolls, square designs. Bordered veils, as simple or as elaborate as one likes, the some thing different for which well dressed women are looking. . Veils with colored dots in smart combinations. . New colors in veils, cinnamon, henna, " French blue, toast, navy, brown, taupe and the always want ed black. , Veiling 65c to $2.75 yard; veils $2.50 to $6. Inexpensive Motor Hats They begin at $1.75 and go to $4.95, including hats with veils. Straw, Bilk and combinations. Soft little things comfortable to wear, easy to pack. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. ' W til iilllisli tutu ' ' Ttf- . s. L. 3 ill lVZ..-Jillllll!!i! Ill i ! 1 1 1 ! I ' 1VJ 1 "" What Does Your Mirror Say? - Don't say you never look in your mirror. You wouldn't be human if you didn't. Not that you are observed, perhaps, but what does it tell you personally and confiden tially? Does it show you a man alert, smiling, well groomed, satisfied with his appearance or does it render a dubious verdict or worse still are you almost ashamed to consult it? There Can Be Only One Answer and That Most Favorable if you wear clothes of quality, of correct style and size for your individual require ments, clothes that fit with proper spirit and seem to say to a man, "I am your friend it is my pleasure to serve you by making you think well of yourself and having you well thought of by your associates." Such Clothes Are Society Brand They have an air of fineness that appeals to every eye. They have a national reputa tion as the leader of correct style and care-' ful hand workmanship. All wool, of course. Add to your self-respect and the confidence of others in you by wearing Society Brand clothes. Suits from $50. Overcoats from $55. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Third Floor. Soisette Union Suits $2.35 Close to present wholesale cost. "With the weather turning warmer, it will pay to lay in the summer's supply at this price. The garments are, besides, quite excep tional in quality, fit and comfort features. Made of registered soisette a silky, serviceable fabric. Sizes 34 to 46. v' . A Special Purchase New $10 Hats New Four-iii-Hand Ties $1.65 3 for $4.75 a man would congratulate himself on getting two at this price ordi narily. New ultra-fashionable narrow shape scarfs for the new style pinch-front collars and wider flowing-end styles for the devotees of this expansive type. 28 pat terns new spring designs. $7.50 Styles for men and young men in this assoi't ment of new specially purchased hats in spring shapes and colors. A man can count himself ex ceedingly fortunate to be able to secure such a spring 1920 hat as this sale offers at $7.50. High quality fur felt. First-class workmanship and finish. Light weight. With silk linings to match and full leather sweat bands. The new ex tremely narrow and semi-narrow bands. Seal brown, Linden green, Belgian and black. Sizes 6Vi to 7i2. Meier & Frank's; The Slore for Men, Main Floor. 1 Fishermen! Just a line to remind you that we have the sort of tackle you want at the sort of prices you are glad to pay. For instance: Kingfisher enameled silk lines at 75c to $1.50 Allcock's best grade imported gut hooks, doz. 60c fly books 50c to $0 trout and salmon spoons 10c, 15c Leonard and Divine rods, Tyee salmon eggs, everything of the best at lowest prices. We issue fishing licenses. Meier & Frank's: Sporting Goods, Sixth Floor. SS3