THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY. APRIL 10, 190 HKAI, ESTATE. Suburban Homes. XI. . OR BOON C1TT LINE'S Tf BI3CEST BARGAIN. f A highly improved place of about 4 acres; very attractive 7-room house with cement basement, built-in work, fine , bath; water piped in bouse and auxiliary system for irrigation, i f Fine chicken bouses and fences: all equipped for a growi-ng; chicken business; all in cultivation: fine bearing orchard; lotsof fruit of all kinds; very rich aoll. This place la onlv one block of Risley station and 2 blocks of Concord: faces on 2 good roads and could be divided by purchaser any time and by buying at such a low price would make a very low cost for the improved part. , PRICK only $7000: terms. The land !s almost worth the price. Such a bar Fain seldom occurs. Investigate before lt'-s too late. KASER & RAIXET. R23-6 Gasco Bids. Main 7602. Z ACRES at Huber station: CO assorted fruit trees, berries, nice five-room bun sralow, chicken house and garage. Price i 43150. terms, or will trade for Fort- 1 land home. I Have 'pretty little four-room bunga low at Risley station; 1 acres; abun dance of fruit and berries. $3200, terms. One-third acre and a four-room new I bungalow at Beaverton. $3400, terms. jf Concord station "4 acre, nice five ' room buniralow This is a pretty place. $3500, terms. f EEE FRANK L. McGCTRE to buy your acreage or suburban homes. e Abington b!dg. MAIN' 1068. WEST SIDE ACREAGE, fc-acre Tracts. $630 year Multnomah Station. 1 and 2 blocks to carline. 6c Fare. Fine garden land. Ideal Home Site; Good School; Water. Gas, Electricity, Easy payments. 819 Tty. Exert. Bids. Main 675. Res. East 76S8. $75 ACRE NEW SUBDIVISION ACRE $75. "We are going to otter for a short time, 10-acre homesite, logged off and In grass, within one hour's drive on paved" highway and half mile of elec tric station. Will sell on payment of $250 down, balance easy. Such an op portunity seldom comes. B. 6". COOK, 601 Stock Eicll. bid-. For Sale Business Property. THREE-STORY BRICK. W On ground 100x100 on Union ave.; sub- I atantial construction, well adapted for I factory or loft purposes. Trackage can i be arranged; must sell to close estate. I Price very low. ! EENET W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St 1VEST SIDE. 50x100 COR.. 2-STORY NEW BRICK BUILDING, 4 FLATS, KINK LOCATION FOR BUSINESS. GOOD CAR LINE: PRICE RIGHT WITH . - TERMS. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 818 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. QUARTER block. Nob Hill apts.. or busi ness corner. Owner. Bdwy. 4683. For Sale -Acreage. JUST OPENING TTP A NEW ADDITION. CLOSE TO VANCOUVER AND . PORTLAND. NEAR THE PACIFIC HIGH WA Y. In tracts from 5 acres up, on terms of $10 down and $5 per month buys a fi-acro tract. Prices ranging from $50 per acre up; good soil, free from rock or gravel, lies level, just enough slope for drainage, some bottom land. Fine jana jor prunes, berries or garden truck. Fine location for onullrv ranch: wilt make you an ideal home; "highway being u, ciose to mis audition. CHARLES DELFEU 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. S ACRES ADJOINING REED COLLEGE. $7000 Ground all cleared, best of soil. ramlly orchard, 6-room house, which needs some attention. The ground alone is worth more than this price. The owner of the place has been left a widow and has placed it for a quick sale: $1500 cash and balance monthly, or will take a mouern or o-room bungalow. See flr- Clearwater at J. I HARTMAN CO., i Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Alain 208. 10 ACRES, all in cultivation: good 7-room house, barn 40x60: chicken houses and other buildings; good road, fine water J'cJ;ard, 1 mile car line, U mile school; ivi ins. OX)T $300 CASH, i 3" acres, ft acres in cultivation: 4. room housfy barn, garage and tvoodhouse. or , i-hard, heme, good water, good road. I in ne t-rnooi ana car line. Price JtiU0 njy $o0 cash, al. payments. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 W. 6th at.. Vancouver. Wash. ON LT M I LES TO PORT LA N D, inotce acreage close to Columbia river and highway at Columbia City; any size tracts, pood rich soil, no rock or gravel, cany clearing, good roads and water; thriving farming community; ewry maui-emeni io eel u era. low prices, r"flj "-'us. v. tin accept some traae. J on nnon. INTERSTATE T.AXD CO., 218 Stark St. I HUDSON ACRES. Licht. pa?. Bull Run water. clos In. i good car service; a few left. One acre in iui:-oearin raspberries at a bargain. K. li. M EXE FEE & CO.. . 410 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 4035. G RE WHAM FA RMS. All k inds of farms with stack, crop end equipment, near Gresham; suburban home, chicken ranches, berry farms, acreage; we have some exceptionally pood bargains to offer in 2, 5, 7. 10, l'J, 1 20, 30, 40 and 80-acre places, well )m . proved, located on finest roads In Oregon. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. 30 MINUTES out on S. P. electric, 1 acre with little house, barn, chicken house, wood ffhed, partly cleared, planted in garden and berries. Lots of tir stand ing : good reasons for selling. Price $1200. only $200 cash, balance like rent, S 15 per mont h. Mrs. L. M. Johnston, lake Grove station. Inquire 125 14th st. 9 ACRES. 4 blks. from car. close In ; 3 acres cleared ; fruit, berries, new- 5 room plastened bungalow, garage, chick en house ; fenced ; including cow and chickens, $4400, cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. ONE TO FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. " Close In, choice acreage on new Alder Crest road, south of Milwaukie; con venient car service; $"00 per acre up; easy terms. Can handle some trade. Johnson. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. fcOOO ACRES in southwestern Washington Xor sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing Wcation. terms, etc. WE1ERHAEUS-ER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. AND 1i acres. $250 cheapest to $1200 for boat level sightly corners, beautiful Portland Park, popular west side resi dential. 6o fare, water, gas, electricity; easv terms. 319 Railway Exchange Main 675 ; res.. East 7088. 1-3 ACRES cultivated, on countv road, 5 min. from Oregon Electric station: sidewalk; fine soil ; some fruit ; good well and house: terms. Owner. D. R "Brackett, Pine Knot, Main 5295. CHANCE to get 100 acres good land is of fered to the right man, capable of enter ing into woodcutting and hauling con tract, covering 5 years; capital reuui-ed about $2QOO. AH 401. Oregonian 18 ACRES young bearing family orchard 18x36 house, barn; fenced on two sides abundance of water; $1200, some terms' Wm. SchoLtes, owner. Rainier, Or P o v 156. w 2 V ACRES, all cleared, on Oregon City carline, near Concord station : 2 room cottage, ch icken house, good well and pump; can b-e bought on easy terms 29 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 16 58. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junctiqn. 2-room cot tape; 1 acre clpared, balance fir grove 2HM; terms. Bdwy. 1658. 209 Oregon - b:dg. '6' ACRES, partially cleared, c-ar Sylvan on Canyon roaa ; a good buy. John Hain NOT Spalding' bldg. . a ACRES FARM LAND. TOM ALLEN 6131 02D ST. S. E. ' CHOICE 30 acres. Improved, just outside city limits. Tabor 2026. HALF acres, Tlst st. ; 2 blocks from Ha. thorns car. Owner. East 3860. CHOKE suburban acreage, buildings, sale or trade, Owner, Bdwy, 46S3, SEAL ESTATE Fruit and Nut lanils. DOTOLAS COUNTY PRUNE ORCHARD. t-acre prune orchard, 10-acre pear orchard. 10-acre mixed orchard, 6-tunnel prune dryer. 8-room house. 1 mile to railroad: 200 acres. 125 cultivated. $S0 per acre; $S000 cash, balance $10OO per year at 6 per cent. J. W. Robertson. 009 Cham, of Com. bldg., Portland; eil N. 3d st.. Grants Pass. IDEAL berry land 6 acres, 1 mue from Linnton; black loam, small growth hazel brush; J160U, $650 cash, long time on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO., S48 Stark st. Mln 5429. FOR RENT '-room cottage facing beach at Seaside. Or. Well-furnished, including piano; references required. Call at 1G0 B. 45th. Portland. Phone Tabor 4001. FOR SALE Contract for 10 acres bearing apples of-Dufur orchards at Iufur, $30 monthly payments. Paid in $1460, sacri fice for $000. AV 56T, Oregonian. For Sale -Farm. DAIRT FARM. 360 ACRES, FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Twenty-two miles from Portland, on the state highway, one-half mile from railway station; 200 acres in hih atate of cultivation, balance good pasture; partly cleared; 50 acres In fall grain, 40 acres In good stand of alfalfa, which is under irrigation; tne water tor this irri gation is taken from a live stream on the place without any cost; 30 head of Jer sey cows, 13 yearling hellers, 40 bead of hogs, 0 good horses, 75 head of sheep; good seven-room house, machinery shed, large new barn 80x120; this barn has modern equipment for 80 head of cows and storage for I'OO tons of hay; three large silos that will hold about 90 tons of ensilage;' has a complete creamery equipment. The owners of this ranch wish to retire and will ?iv immediate possession. Call and see us we- will now it at any time. WAKEFI1TLD ' FRIES A CO- 65 4th SL STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. 160 acres of the very best loam soil, 85 acres in hig-h state of cultivation, 25 acres seeded to timothy and clover meadow, 10 acres of timber. 1 acre of Italian prunes, large family orchard, gooseberries, raspberries, currants and strawberries ; 8-room plastered house, with private water Bystem ; 2 barns, granary, dairy, chicken house and park, water piped to all buildings ; 7 dairy cows. 10 heifers, 8 will freshen, Durham bull, extra good team; 2 sets of harness, fine O. A. C. brood sow. with ti piss; 20 chickens, mower, hay rake, plow, disc, steel harrow, new disc, drill. 2 wagons, hack, buggy, 10 tons of hay, 2 tons of seed potatoes, ton of wheat, 300 lbs. of seed corn, new DeLaval cream separator, gas engine, county road runs through the place, 60 acres on each side, living w,ater on each 80 acres, siopes (rent.y overlooking country town one mile away and a beautiful farming country, paved road 8 miles and a mac adamized road 2 miles, owner wishes to retire, $J0UI less than the farm has ever been offered for sale. Price $22,500, $10,00t cash. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main sis., Vancouver, Wash. 5 ACRES, highly Improved, In Vancouver; snap. 10 acres in city limits; good for plat ting. 1800-acre ranch. 900 acres under irri gation, good outrange; a snap. 220O acres; all can be irrigated; cood water right; fenced; cheap. 160 acres, SO in cultivation, near Mal heur lake: good buy. 100-acre alfalfa ranch, Deschutes county; water risht paid up. See us for Darticulars. Fine suburban residence, modern, acre and a half, on Oregon City carline. 40-acre ranch, close in; sale or trade. CAMPBKLL-PHELAN LAND A CAT TLE CO., 303 Couch Bid. 130, WELL Improved, 3 miles, Castle Rock. Wash. Hardman and Hammeil places'. $8000, $3000 cash. bal. easy. Possession at cuce. 1800 wheat land. Claresholm. Alberta. 6oo well improved, will seed 400 a., $50 acre. 800 fenced only, will break 320 acres, 28 acre. Take coast or B. C. land or most any good property as payment, balance crop payments. M. F. MILLER, Claresholm, Alberta. Canada. IF YOU WANT A FARM. Just move ris-ht in and bo to work on this nice 40-acre farm, located about 3 miles from town and about half of which is in cultivation: no rock, all A-l boh. 4-room house, barn, spring water piped to house, few fruit trees. sDan of work horses, set team harness, wagon, mower ana rake that are as good as new, piow, harro-tv, lot of small tools, Simplex cream sepa rator. 5 comolete beds, cook stove. heating stove, about 6 sacks potatoes, 4 mircn cows. 2 yearling heifers. t5 cnicK ens. and enough hay to feed putting in crop, all for $4000; $1500 cash, balance 5 years at per cent. This is line location lor prunes or walnuts. W. B. McCARTT, Battleground. Wash. ' A CHOICE VALLEY FARM. 242 acres extra choice level land In the famous French Prairie district, Ma rion county, Oregon, 28 miles Portland, M mile electric railway station and town : - ISO acres in crop, 15 acres cood timber, 20 acres easy to clear, 27 acres pasture, springs, wells, 8-room house, barns, silo, outbuildings, family orchard. on main road, price $45,000; this is one of the best farms in all Oregon; this land is suitable for hops, loganberries, potatoes, fruit, grain and other crops; immediate possession. R. M. G AT E WOOD & CO., 165 4th St. MR. FARM BUTERi If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to pee me before buying. 1 can save you money. 1 have some 500 fine farms: my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building;. REAL home on' pavement, one mile car line, half mile high school: 64 acres in cultivation and some in crop : 9-room . house, good condition: barn 60x70: other buildings: lots of good water, orchard "and berries; 4 cows, 3 heifers, 4 dozen chickens, all farm tools and machinery; $12,000; oniy $400-0 cash. bal. terms. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 West Si x t h St.. Vancouver. Wash. $50,000, SPLENDID TERMS, 340 ACRES. Popular summer resort, is also fine stock, vineyard and truit ranch; sev eral good buildings, plenty of pasture, close, to Portland, both rail and boat service; owner retiring. Photos at of fice. Zimmerman & White, 818 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO. Alfalfa farms, good water rights; some fully equipped and ready to crou: prices from $75 per acre up. including water right. Come and see us for full particulars about this famous alfalfa country. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark Ft GOOD SO-acre irrigated farm, one mile from good town, sunny southern Idaho, Sh5o0. including good water risrht ah. joining farms held at $200 per acre and up and no better land or water thn this one. Your opportunity. Johnson. J .N 1 cnai All-, u.' s v- . - -o otaric 5L 3 60 ACRES AT REDMOND. 80 A. in cult., 20 more cleared; paid-up water risat; - sets oiags., an Kinus ma chinery, etc.; cow, chicks, turkeys, geese included in price; will take $3500 cash or trade for Portland residence as part pa v men t. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE On account of poor health 300-acre dairy ranch: good buildings, stock and improvements: close to Rchnni and church; 3 miles from JR.. R. and boat landing, x-rice ii,vuu; cash: rest . lone time. Inquire B. Busch. 4fn s First st. Devlin Apt., Room 14, Port land, ur. 100-ACRE ranch for sale, 4 miles south of Clatskanie. about 30 acres cleared. ond growth timber, 5-room house, sev eral ouiDiiuaiDgs, orcnara, cattie, etc arood place to raise strawberries: tr.nnii tor sale on terms. Marie Quef lander! Box 211. FOR SALE 10 acres at Mosier. Or. acres cleared, acres young orchard, Ruuu uuunc, 3 1. vo,4 ii, n rwT-M nOUSe place ail xencea. trice $2000. Bv 1 J i 091 A ' Owner. T v-a low ll i 60 ACRES, diviaea in iu-acre tracts; 2S acres clear, bal. timber; 12 miies from i'Ortianu; ntn boh, uargain. SUUU. CHAS. J. MEITXER, Olmitz. Kansas. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANPHr.a r ear ronmua. o iu per acre; easy terms; beat soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 209 Failing bidg. FOR SALE One of the best dairy farms in Clatakanie valley; lots of buildings, stock and Implements. $20,000. I. O. Hoi. man. Clatskanie, Or. LOGGKD-Or'P lands. $lO acre up; running water, good soil, tillable: employment; asy terms. J. R. Sharpe. S3 H 3d st. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farms. F&ul Bossier. Stockton, Cal, REAL ESTATE: For Bale -Farms- 12- ACRES adjoining: city limits of Hills boro; all under cultivation; 10 acres sown to fall grain; -rood 7-room house, with built-fns, electric lights, city water, family orchard and berries, good barn, 1 Hoistef n cow, team, wagon and har ness, farm Implements, chickens, apoxit tons of hay; must sell on account of illness; $0000; terms. Owner, W. L. Hinkle, Hillsboro. Or., R. 6, Box 9. Phono 2807. WAXTED REAL ESTATE. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me. - I sell houses only and have many buyers. All listings will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRiNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 501-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. HOMES WANTED. We Have a. list of prosperous pur chasers waiting; who want homes ranging- from $3000 to $6000 In food dis trict. Phone, -write or call. COE A. McKENXA tfc CO., -82 Fourth St. Main 452a HOUSES WANTED. We have added a house department and are pleased to have your property if it is for sale. John Ferguson, Ger linger bide. LOTS WANTED. We have several people that will build their own home, if they can be suited in location and price of the lot. John Ferguson. Gerlineer bldg. WANT TO BUY 4 or 5-room house: must oe modern, clean and on Improved st. : can pay $2000 cash, balance t-o per mo. Ans-wer giving full particulars. AG 308. Oresronian. I WANT homes from $200 to $7000; have clients waiting; list your property with met auto. C. E. Adams, 507 Cham, of Com. bldg. Mar. 2575; eve., Wdln. 8433. FEW ACRES near city for self; prefer some improvements; give location, price, terms, lull particulars. BJ 317, Orego nian. WILL exchange Hudson 6 for vacant lot in feniDsuia district., or first payment on improved property. Phone Woodlaws 132, owner. "WANTED For cash, a 6 or 7-room house. in or near iaurelhurst; must be modern and cheap for cash. Owners only. W S58, Oregonian. SMALL homes that are clean and priced rig in. Zimmerman sc wnite, blS Cham ber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Suburban home, not exceeding $3000; will buy from owner; no agents. a r on. uregonian. t WANT 5 or 6-room bung, from ownpr must be good location; $500 or less, ha'f cash. AB 379, Oregonian. WANTED More' houses and bungalows. Call us and we will do the rest. Alain WANTED Modern house of 6 or 1 rooms; must be bargain for cash. AE 942, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for good bungalow or housefrom owner; must be bargain. WANTED to buy from owner 3 4 or 5 room modem. AL S03. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. - i. m ani h8t your ranch with us. ne have many calis for valley ranches, well located. Improved and on good roads. We handle only such as are priced right and worth the money asked, we have at v resent a ranch of 204 acres, just south of Dallas; 8-0 In cuiti- V -.j," Jt acres n young prunes; fair buildings, to trade for Portland property ow "r. -"-"' "fie nesgara. wit a COE A. McKENXA & CO. 82 Fourth St. WANT small farm of 35 to 50 acre with 3o ,,miles of city : should have livable house and reasonable for cash and mort gage back. R. F. Bryan, 500 Cham, of w.... -uam l ef-.. Jtcs., XL a I n 3J5. FIVE to 20 acres on S. P. eiectric near jtwi liai-u . KLRie location, price, terms. c- owners oniy. a k. oil, oregonian Wanted to Rent Farms. 1 HAVE two clients wanting to renkfarms of 100 to 300 acres. They will purchase iu.v, tiys aau equipment. They mean business. Write me if you want to sell out. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE Jt- fn 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY EXPERIENCED farmer and poultry man, married, small place with build -, viuww io rmiroaa, wun work near u. . ii ui over m ues irom .fort land, Owners only. AP 86, Oregonian. FOR RENT FA R M S. FARM FOR T? F.VT 318 acres, mostly all under iiTtivntinn or in open pasture, very finest of sandv loam soil. Rent $75 per month and you can sub let the duck lakes for $300 per - c ! ciBuuMi property ror sale; con sisting of; 35 high-grade milch cows, mostly Holsteins, 4 to2-year-old Holstein uc-ntM-. t .no is ce in j-eariings. l regis tered Holstein bu:i,-3 head of fine horses. full line of farm machinery, including gas engine, ensilage cutler and blower. Sharplesa milking machine, new silo and an crops. This is considered one of the best hay and grain ranches on the river bottom. Price including lease and mu personal property; siu,.ih half cash. .Present income between $750 and $800 per month. For further particulars see jir. j-iair. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Sd and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. OH ICKEN ranch for rent. Four large -iin rv 1 1 nouses ana Darn. jarge six room .house, 14' acres with good pas ture. On Oregon City carline just 30 minutes' ride from Portland, Good water system. per month. Also eoou. jersey cow ior sale. Call per p ii one, uhk j rove l-i j. FOR RENT 3U acres. Improved, with 70 acres bearing fruit trees, close in. Rent 9 i.h, aiso -Jio-acre farm, buildings, or chard and 70 acres cultivated, $250 casn. . jvi. trice & uo., 200 Henry b'dg. TIMBER ItAXDS. SiixlO SEATTLE DONKEY, 1200 feet of i-ini-n line, ;buu leet o -,-incn line, ail necessary blocks, chockers, yard-era and oiuftu luuib. pnue "i. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy small sawmill and box lactory, witn or near available pine tim ber and home market. State location; power, capacity, price and terms in first letter. Robt. E. Philipp, 2714 Rucker ave., Rvereit, wasr:. WE HAVE for sale a dandy little mill only 10 miles from Portland: practicailv complete: capacity about 10M. if sold oerore sunaay, i:.tu. This is a snap. t i tun uiug. I n "j i 1 rt ' M lU.MPA.i OTt HAt-R. nr nn sn-SA h..i . w 9.000.000 feet of fine timber 'oil lower Columbia. Wash. side. i mile from river, ror particulars call 5 to o P. il, nnii .-wissipsippi ave., fortiana. Or. 25 MILLION fine fir timber, a mile from inaia im ra.ii roaa town; gooa logging and sawmill chance; J 2.50 per M Dart fB.h tar a no ri.Ani.. TO FX CHANGE RE AL ESTATE. EASTERN Washington wheat ranch. 32 acres, an ciearexi. 3-room houite. ham fenced; 3 miles from good town on coun ty roaa; wen ana windmill; $8000. Wan home in city. 1-60-acre eastern Oregon stock ranch river mrougn piace; iu acres cleared, fai house and outbuildings: entir farm cu be irrigated. Want home in city. $3200, INTERSTATE LAND CO., 24S Stark st. Main 6429. A HOW-ACRE stock and grain ranch. 8 mnes irom cjonaon. ur. ; 1000 acres in cultivation and the balance is pasture, except some 20O acres more that could do Droaen ana iarmea; small house am fair barn: good well, with trnKniin n gine: all fenced; Hay creek runs through tnejpiace, wnicn manes it meal lor Das ture; mijjht consider part trade. $10,000 casn ana on. i mice crop payments. B. J. riK", ex rerce, iaano. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Lincoln county farm on Yaquina bay. a-i acres; win lane Portland 5-room moaern nungatow irom Belmont to 50 south, as part payment; all good im jigvcineiK-!, mum nave so me casn test on easy terms. Phone Sell wood 1721. 160 ACRES wheat land. Benton countv Washington, value $4000; trade for lota in goou location, roruana, or mdse. J. B. ATKINSON, 112 West Sixth St., Vancouver, Wash. WANT one or more lots with small hous ana oeanns lruit. cio?e to car: terms o win excnanire some uiamonas. also ladv Alaska sealskin coaU AN 268. Orego mail. ST. HELENS FOR PORTLAND. New bungalow, two lots rented for $20 month, for west side house. Owner. ao o- i , uicgunian. duoi.-mws-j ouiiaing and groun bringing $80 per month In Clatekanit ur. frice $iu,ooo; might accept half traue. tr. ppx jm, iriatsjcanie. Or. SO AtKts, - mnes tL,. uregon City, loo prune ucem a- mi, a iimoer, Z Spring buiiaing; casn or small apartment. FOR SALE cheap, nice small horn- will trade for a good touring car. Bdw n tu ft 0- ACRES Douglas fir, value $1200. est mated a.ODO.OOO. will exchange for small car ana aiuerenct. an, regonian FOR SALE or trade, one acre in Salem value $800. Tabor 7261. WANT to seil or trade lot 75x100. rw blocks from Rose City car. Tabor Soil, TO EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE. 640 ACRES. 7 miles from Kez Perce. Idaho, about 340 acres in cultivation, balance first -class pasture land with run nine stream, good 5-room house, bunk house, large barn, large round-roof fattening house, larg-e machine shed, good well with water piped to house and barn lots. 5-ton - Fairbanks-Morse scales: all fenced and cross-fenced- with about 2 miles of hog-tight fencing;. Place in a high state of cultivation. 2 miles to ship-Ping- point. Price $50,000; mortgage of $70t0 at 5. 480 acres, 17 miles from Nes Perce. Idaho; fair improvements; 2 good springs with pumping plant., family or chard; 300 acres in cultivation; 28 acres more being broken up this spring, bal ance first-class pasture; 2 miles to ship ping point and 3 miles to store. Price $45,000; mortgage of $11,500. 320 acres, 5 miles southeast of Cheney. Wash. ; good 6-room house, large horse barn and large cow barn; well water: all fenced and cross-fenced: 100 acres in meadow and balanoe rnHir nrl timber. Price $12,500; mortgage of $6000. Will trade either of these places for a stock of general merchandise of about the size of the value of the place or will trade all three ranches and con sider a stock of merchandise up to $100,000. -r B. J. FIKE. Nez Perce, Idaho. YOU can turn your residence or sut) urban property in on irrigated lana in funnj southern Idaho, with first-class, paid-up water right. A frame apartment house In Olympla with $800 worth of . furniture, to ex change for Portland residence or Im proved suburban. . A bargain at ?5000 Farms to trade for part city resi dence, also an Irrigated farm for mer chandise stock. B. M. PRICE & CO.. 2O0 Henry bldg. FOR EXCHANGE: In Riverside, Cal.. on Main St., modern 8-room house, Jirst class condition; lot 65xl57-4. corner. Brings In $37 per month. Price $5O00. mortgage $1800, 3 years. Want 6-room bungalow, large lot, close In to Portland, or some business In Portland. Owner, Mrs. Peterson, 404 E. 7th St., Riverside, Cal. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. URNITURE of 9 rooms for sale or trade lor a Dodge or Bulck car. BC ore gonian. 200 GRAPHOFHONE and records; been used one month; to trade for diamond ring. AH 388, Oregoniaiiu WANTED To trade Indian motorcyc.a for Ford bug or chassis. Write sb i0tt. Oregonian. $40 VICTOR phonograph. 15 records, for rurniture, groceries, or wnat. Aiar. jmsj. FOR 8ALB, Horwre. Vehicles. Live tec k. I HAVE DISPOSED OF MOST OF MY HOLDINGS IN EASTERN OREGON. My second shipment of 23 head of mares and geldings, heavy-boned, blocky built chunks from 120O-17OO lbs., from 4 to 7 years old; all horses guaranteed as represented. Three teams of Iron-grays. 2 teams of blacks. All horses axe broke double and mostly single. HAWTHORNE STABLES. COR. E. 6TH AND HAWTHORNE. H. HARN. . 70 HEAD DAIRY COWS. I am offerinsr for sale my entire fcerd of grade cows. This Is probably the best herd of grade milk cows In the slate, having only good ones In the herd; the cull have been -weeded out. This Is a splendid opportunity to stock up, when most of them are milking heavy and ready to go on the grass. Holstein, Jer sey, Guernsey and Durham. Address F 302, Oregonian. GOOD, sound team of bays, weigh 2700 Ids. ; mare and gelding, la good working shape. $165; brown mare, 1150-1200 lbs.. a regular orchard chunk, fat as butter, round as an apple and slick as a seal; she is a peach and a real bargain at $85. Several sets good harness, at Transfer stable. 263 Russell st.. near Williams. 'OR SALE Team of blacks, mare and horse, 5 and 6 years old, weight 30O0 ids; gray ana bay, a ana s years old. Weight 2600 lbs. Guaranteed good work ers and gentle. H arness and wagon goes with them. Take Woodstock car to .Powell, 3 blocks east to feutj. MUST SELL this week; have team big brown mares. 6 years old, weigh 3300: sound and good workers; also small team with or without their harness. Call at once Creston Warehouse Stables, 60th and Powell Valley. YEARS-OLD Percheron team; half bro thcr and sister, weight 2800 ibs; none better; harness and wagon; aiso fine young Holstein cow to lreshen soon; must sell. Woodstock car to 34th; 5 blocks south to red barn. TEA M, mare and horse, 5 and 7 years o!d. weight about i00 lbs. His boned, blocky built, sound, gentle and true to work. Must sell, have no further use for them. Ask for Mr. Irwin, office Marlon Fuel Co., Taylor st. (dock). FOR SALE 2 young blocky teams weigh- in? 280, 5 yrs. : team weighing 320O, 8 yrs. ; 2 good farm wagons and harness: have moved to Portland and will sell them at bargain. 229 Gibbs. Take South Portland car. MUST EE SOLD by the 10th. mj 5 good young teams, all sound and in good con dition: can be. seen before 7 A. M. or after 5 P. M. at Cochran barn. St. Johns. Ask for Mr. Flayner. O. T. STABLES, 17th and Kearney sts., 20 good young horses and mares, some werl matched, teams weigh from 12O0 to 1800: every horse sold with a guarantee. O. D. Williamson. PAIR 4-year-olds, weight 2550 lbs., guar anteed the best or workers: heavy har ness and wide-tired farm wagon, for sale cheap. 5624 86th St. -M t. Scott car. JERSEY cow and calf for Bale If sold at once; will take $uo: gives 14 qts. Jnqulr. 1503 Curtis ave. Take St. Johns car. DliAD stock removed quickly; cssh paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for results. FOR SALE Young fresh cow and calf. 20th and Powell valley road. Woodstock car. YOUNG ranch team, weight 2600 lbs.. cheap. 2ttth and Powell alley road. Woodstock car. WANT 3 teamsters with teams to haul lumber, $3 per M.: 8 months work. Lewis. Marshall 1333. FOR SALE Good work team, suitable for orchard and tarming, weight about 2600 lbs. $190. Tayior st dock. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Pbelan Land & Cattie Co.. 302 Couch bldg. ' WANTED Team or large horses for feed and care ana Duy later. 1,34 Ujvlslon. Tabor S643. YOUNG 1200-lb. mare, gentle and well broke. Marion uuel Co., loot Taylor st, (dock). FOR SALE 3400-lb. team. fat. grain fed- right out 01 nara work. Marion Fuel Co , foot Taylor. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. wood lawn 20. FRESH Saanen milk goat. $40. Kilgore 5th and Main sts., Gresham. Phone 14x6. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. 2 FRESH cows, 3 heavy springers, fresh in tew gays. 131 nasi abo st- 1 CALF. 3 months old: 1 goat. 1 year old; soutn 01 arnauu station on roster road. WILL take stock in pasture. Roth A Stendler, Troutdale, Or. FOR SALE Prize-bred registered Chester White spring pigs. F. Butler. Sheridan. LOGGING teams. Wood. 2329. $12 per day. Phone HORSE, buggy, $65. 10320 61st ave. MU Scott car to end line, 2 blks north. FOR SAYE Two Tongenberg milch coats, phone Oak Grove 5J. FOR SALE 1 registered Holstein bull. Telephone Main 7298. FOR SALE One Jersey cow, fresh 2 was. Main 7298. NICE SERVICE BULL. 13 MONTHS OLD 32 W. WYGANT. "' pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SOLID OAK upright piano for tale or will trade for lot. Cajl at 141 E. Sumner st. Wood lawn 561. WILL trade my $250 Edison diamond disc phonograph, 15 double records. What have you? W 3 80, Oregonian. PIANO wanted 20 acres -clear, to trade for piano, you? AK 395, Oregonian. unimproved. What have FOR SALE -New player piano, including 75 rolls; will sell cheap for cash. Tabor 2303. $185 UPRIGHT piano, walnut, a fTTl practice instrument. BeiberUng-Lucaa Vluslo CoJ54tbBt. i-u"" I PAY CASH FOR USED Pllvno HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st. SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT . . . ..,-11 11 O fITl.RRRT nuj v . .... rf- nftiw." " am 1 1 . i . PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10c n." ,olL Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill.1' " NEARLY niw ii a golden oak diamond diBC Edison, records. $110. Mar. 3983. WANTED A good piano, at once: say cash if bargain. Marshall 57Q9. 65 SELECTED 65-note player piano rolls" $10. AN 3)0. Oregonian. is. PLAYER piano for sale, with rolls. East 60H8. 475 Pacific. CASH for piano or Victrola. Main 6517. FOR SALE, Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO CLOSING OUT. , i - t.5 Mmball Lpriirht, nearly new..$2i0 750 Steinwy & Sons' Upright 200 J00 Steger & Sons' fine manogany. 395 475 Hallet & Davis Upright 195 275 Bord A Co. Parts Upright...... 75 - 250 Collard &, Collard Upright. 65 800 Mendenball modern Player Piano , 395 3 Parlor Organs. $25. $35. $45 to $55. We store your piano for 73c monthly. We buy and sell pianos- only for cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 103 10th St. ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New. factory, rebuilt and used piano. $!)0l Steger Wax Circassian Walnut. 35 800 Steger dull mahogany -463 800 Steger Mission oak ..: 435 750 Steinway & Sons' Upright 435 500 Hobart M. Cable mahogany. . .'95 650 Steger upright grand oak...... 465 550 Thompson large I'priiAt . Others for 10r. S35. IL'65. TJOO. etc. Terms 6. in, 10. ia to 18 monthly. Stark Sts. j WE BUT. TRADE, RENT AND SELL PIANOd AND-ORGANS. BRASS AND ST "TUNG. INSTRUMENTS. KEWM4N-3 ItECOP.D EXCHANGE. l-'8 First. Main 44!5. Tabor UTJS. PIANO BARGAINS. 9185 and up; good upright piano bar gains, fully guaranteed; Victor. Smith A Barnes, Willard, Holmes, Ivy andthers. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4tix St., between Washington and Alder. PIA-NO FOR VICTROLA. $200 new Victrola and record outfit to trade for used piano; our proposition will please you. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Mam 8bti. Between Washington and Alder sts. - 85o RECORDS 55c. Brand new, standard makes, latest hits, including "Dardanella. Freckles," etc. Regular 85c and $1, to cloBe out. your choice 55c each. Multnomah Musio Co.. 208 Morrison st. FINE PIANOS CHEAP. 1!0-S2T5. Hardman. Hazelton Bros., Schobert, Emerson. Kimball, small size; Kimball, medium size; Kohler & Campbell. Mil ton, others; easy terms. Brokerage Co., 12 Worcester bldg. VOCA LION ORGAN. 2 manual with electric motor. Just the organ for cliurch or moving picture house; make' us an offer. Seiberling Lucaa Music Co., 125 4lh st. PLATER PIANO SNAPS. We have several player piano bargains, fully guaranteed. See them. Seiberllng Lucas Music Co., 125 4th., between Al der and Washington sts. TRADE YOUR PIANO or orran on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. Selber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 8586. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos; get our prices. Sieberling- Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8588. WM. RA AB. piano tuner, player-piano ex pert; many years foreman Sherman-Clav & Co.. with Haiold S. Gilbert. 334 vam. hill et. Phone Automatic 532-84. GRAFONOLAS Rent a large cabinet Grafonola with records, cheaper than owning a machine and buying your own records. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155 I-nrnlture lor Sale. BIG AUCTION SALES TUESDAY. THT.ESDAY, SATURDAY AT 2 P. if. 'Big auction sales where you ran buy your furniture and kitchen wa;- at a great savin. OKI FURNITURE CO, 211 Second St. COMPLETE five-room housekeeping out fit for sale cheap; furniture in good condition; 65 quarts of choice canned fruit goes with furniture; must all go in bunch; a -barffaln for family: no deal ers wanted. 26; Holladay ave., coiner Larrabee. Houae tor rent. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine St. MAGNIFICENT South Bend mahes'ole range; Meier & Frank's price $13o: will sell lor $80 or trade on YYesiinghouse electric. East 5132. WILL sacrifice my furniture, inc. Ludwig piano, rugs, beds, library tajle. Uni versal range, everything, for $800. Tabor 6185. 3610 67th St. S. K. SACRIFICE Barber chairs, good condi tion; all Kinds. Portland cutlery and Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st. near Stark. GOOD 6-hole cook stove. $S; gas range, $5; gas plate. $I.oO; Iron bed. $3: chair?. $1: go-cart. $ 1.50; Etansy. 75c. 38 4 E. Wah. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Steel and Spruce Div.. 31 N. 5th st., bet. Burnside and Couch. Bdwy. 2739. FURNITURE for sale. Call botween 9 A. M. 1 745 Wilson nd 1 P. M. ' ONE 6-hole Majestic range for sale. E. 10th st. N. Phone Wdln. 6185. FOR SALE Some fsrniture and 5 good 0x12 rugs cheap. 1062 E. 13th N. GOOD furniture for sale, igan ave. Call 768 Mich- FOR SALE .-Furnicure. mornings and evenings. Call East 575 FOR SALE Dining room table and four chairs and 1 small table. Call East 3378. FOR used ranges and water heaters tery cheap call Tabor 23Q7. FURNITURE for sale cheap, house can be rented. 023 Belmont near E. 30th st. OVERSTUFFED tapestry covered daven port. Inquire 8O8 Northrup st. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. WhtA Leghorns, Reds, Barred Ply mouth Rocks; strong chicks hatched from best hoganized heavy laying slock; prices reasonable. C. N. Necdham, Salem, Or. BABY ' ' CHICKS. r.OOO a week; O. A. C. and Tom Bar ron; get the best while the glttlng Is good. Egtcs $I.T0 a setting. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. 82d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. BABY CHICKS FOR SALls. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoganlzed stock only; March chicks, $14 per $100; April, May and June, $12.50 per 100. 4AK HILL HATCHERY. Pelaluma. CaU PETALUMA White Leghorns lead the world in egg production: we sell BABY CH1X at $13.50 per 100 during May and June, safe arrival or lull .count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th St., Petaluma. Cal. TANCRED White Legnorn chicks, $20 per hundred. Barred Rock and' Red chicks 3oc each, 'labor 432J. parkrose Hatch ery, Portland, Or. LIGHT. Brahma eggs. $3 per 15. Setting hen For sale. 473d 60th st. So. E. pbon Broadway 213. ( THOROUGH MR 12. u ti. 1. K. rooster, one year. old, for sale, cheap.' 590 Vernon avenue. THIRTY-FIVE Tancred and Ferris White Leghorns, April pullets, all laying, $1.50 each, at isid eiaaiyou Bt. WANTED 5O0-chick oil-burning hover. Phone Sellwood 1937. BABY ?hicks. a week old. $2.50 a dozen. Sellwood 2774. Pugs. Kabblts. Birds' Pet Block. WE BUY. raise, and sell fur-bearing rab bits, and other fur-bearing animals. List what you have with us. stating your low. est prices on large lot shipments. The Fur A Specialty Farming Co.. 515-517 N. P. ave.. Fargo. N. Dak. BLACK FUR RABBITS. " I have two pairs of registered Siberian fur rabbits and four young ones that I will sell very cheap or let out on shares. 7419 63d ave. S. E. Tabor 5302. FOR SALE Cocker spaniel pups, dog pups, $20 each; bitches, $10; express paid to vou; 1 red one left. Cub bears wanted. Thoa. Slegmund, Box 76, Wallowa. Or. YELLOW-CRESTED canaries, singers and females, two and one year old: stock breeding and others. Cages. Cheap. No dealers. Tabor 6790. 2096 Delano st. ST. ANDRE ASBURG roller aingere. Call Tabor 5266. lausrhea and Boats. $1350. 4-room modern houseboat: 2 bedrooms, bath, hot and cold Bull Run water, gas. electric lights. telephone. completely furnished. Including piano: best moorage on the river, 12 minutes from First and Alder; cash or terms; a real buy. An swer giving occupation; this is essential. BF 600: Oregonian. FOR SALE Motor boat. 22 ft. long, cedar hull, hardwood deck. Farrow marine engine; flrBt-ciass condition. Mar. 4486 . for appointment. WANTED to lease for 6 months, without operator. 1 25-horse-power launch: bank reference. Fred Houchen. Cathlamet. W ash. BOATS Regal, 10 H. P., complete. $200; Gray, 36 H. P., complete, $350. Several - other marine and auto engines, clutches, etc Liberty Boat Co. East 6S03. FOB BALE. Launches and BoatA. FOR SALIS S-ft. hull. tank. pipe, clutcn. shaft, pump, etc., in good order. 106 'orbett gt. Machinery. SPECIAL. One second-hand 16x0x12 Fairbanks Morse underwriters' fire pump. One second-nand b-in. Mershon hori zontal band re-saw. THE J. K. MARTIN CO.. 83 First St.. Portland. Oregon. A.T.X, of the transmission machinery from the. spruce division tut-up plant, consist ing of gears, puilevs. shafting, boxes, etc TH3 J. E. MARTIN CO.. 61 First St.. Portland, Oregon. ' WANTED 15 M to 1:5 M capacity iw. mill complete or separate machinery and power equipment, especially com bination rtrebox boiler and .enaine. AV 5HS. Oregonian. NEARLY new machine lathe. Carroll Jamieson; 17-inch swing, 10-ft. bed, quick shift, two chucks and extra laths tools. Gresham Garage. Gresham. Or. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. 55 1st st. ONG 18-in. by 10-ft lathe. S3T5. Portland Transfer Co., 144 First st. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, .50 com plete with carrying case; supplies tor all uakes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY". 110 Sixth St. Main 22S5. DO AN E GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SFRV1CE. All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. KEPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. . Buy. Sell, Kent and Exchange. Main '.i7. Supplies 263 tt Oak St. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKE?, sold on monthly payments. bend tor price list, 'rne w noiesaie xype. writing Co.. 321 Washington st. REMINGTON typewriter as new: serial -Number ilS 80112; will sell tor $!M or trade for -latest model Multiplex ham mond. East 5132. LATE model second-hand visible type writers; cash or terms. 402 swetland building. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. 120. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 304 Oak St. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typew rite r Co.. 84 5 1 lu M a 1 11 3668. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. NO. 75 Edison rotary mimeograph In KOud condition : price $15. Phone East 841)0. UNDERWOOD, 5. fine condition. Auto matic 213-30. BJ 453. Oregonian. M Ifecellaneoua. FRUIT TREES Peuch. plum. Italian. Pa ' cific peach plum, early apple; first and second choice. 2. 3 and 4-year trees: also shrubs und roses. Phone Tabor 7711 or call at 3U1U 51st st. S. E. Jit. Scott car. 0 A BARGAIN in ladies' new sample silk dresBcs. sixes 16 to 42. most al, colors; also spring coats and hand-made blouses. 456 Pittock block. GENTLEMAN'S i-iz- .'IS dark tan raincoat, latest syle belt all around, with patch pockets; cost i28: sell for $15; practi cally new. East C-4S2. 5 SACKS small seed potatoes. $5.50 per KM) lbs.; 5 sacks fancy earliest of all seed. $8 per. Oowleys. 188 3d st! CHILD'S rubber-tired Carlole bed. large enough for a child of 0; used only wppks: cot $28, ael! $15. Main 1256. DRY or green slab and block wood, mixed. 16-Inch; also 4-ft. country i!ab; delivered promptly. Call Tabor 9"42. MEKRY go-round and ocean wave for sale, good condition, between 24th and 25th sts.. on Thurman. See Bell, on grounds. WHY PAY $15 lathes when you can buy th;m for $5 See us at -E. Second-Market. SAFE. Toledo computing scales, meat slicer, large platform scale. 242 SALMON. LARGE and small register, 2 floor cases, scales, computing, couple counter cases. 275 THIRD. UiiED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1132 East Gli san. Montavilli car to 39th. Tabor 2825. CLEAR title to two lots at Prlnevllle, Or., cerrtrally located; will trade for auto mobile. 242 Salmon st. SODA FOUNTAIN, Vack bar, 2 counter caes, 1 cigar case, 1 wall case. 243 Hith pt. N. WOOD delivered promptly, best first growth sawed cordwood; long, stei-dy lires; $7.0O per toad. Phone Main 3323. FERTILIZER. Good manure, delivered east or west side. Tabor 2704. WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. 10 to 16-inch slab and block wood, prompt delivery. Phone Main 5347. $S; HOTEL ranges, both single and double oven, which were used by the spruce di vision. May Hardware Co.. 124 Front St. FOK SALE Saddle, bridle and chaps, all for $46: paddle is lamous Miles City, !U.t hanH itittrf, fall Kpllwnnd III Tft'rt t.rjrw earner., for sa!e. 1 RUiftU view outlit; 1 8xlo studio outtlt. Addreu AO 306. Oregonian. LARGE cook stove, refrigerator, child's bed, galvanized bath tut). Mason truit jars and gas fixtures. 355 Graham ave. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top de.k. 1 sate, musnong At ju ni Pirk st. 8-FT. floor cases, 6-ft. floor cases, wall cases, candy case, 3-plece mahogany case. 242 SALMON. LARGi and small National register, penny keys; counter case, gas griaaie, revoiv. ins stools, checrk -writer. 242 SALMON BLOCK WOOD and heavy slab, 16-inch lengths, ijuick delivery ana tine wood, $6 to $8 cord. Bdwy. 2199. FOR SALE Diving outfit, cheap if taken this week. Leaving town. Evenings, Main 3i.9. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 248 Main St. New and second-hand books bought, sold and exchanged. Ail supjects. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington st. VICTOR phonograph with horn, good as new; hoine-cannea siring oeans. -qt. Jars. Mar. 769. after 5 o'clo'-k. PRUN ES P It USES. Big extra! Italian prune. 100-pound sacks, !.. iw intra hi. .Main 10.0 FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse six-horse engine and saw. mounted on Iron truck. Phone Main .os. FOR SALE Cheap, practically new dicta phone and transmitter. 42.1 Pittock block. SINGER vamping shoe machine, cheap. 5o3 Uekum bias, nome punaays. RANGE for sale. Call at 232 E. 61st St. N Montavilla car. WOOD Country slab, block wood and railroad ties. Main 266. FRONT and back bar, large and small; ice box; sacrifice price. 275 THIRD. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. .0 ist ex., near Ash. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged! bought. Bentley Co., M. 49Q5, . -, . . . . . . n .. 11 n :n cleaner. 24-hr .1 .1 deL anywhere. Bdwr. 258; form W. 125ol GOOD MANURE. EAST 4307. E BUILT type-jrritera, 110 Sixth tt- E. W. Pease Co.. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for Pacific Tent & Aw.llng. 1 N. 1st u COMPLETE Iun,t'jJ'LUQNto, desk. chair. ZINC-LINED cigar wall case, coupla cigal lift-top floor cases. 275 THIRD. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COS BE TT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. FOR SALE Second-hand safe, good at new. N 116. Oregonian. HEAVY block and alabwood, also 4-foot slab for sale; cheap. .Tabor 8679. fOr first-class, 4 ft. fir wood. Bdwy. 5121. GOOD garden manure for rosea lawns. Main 44S5. SMALL gas range. 1 cook stove. 1 heater, bargains. Wdln. 2-2 mornings. OAK and fir wood for sale in carloads. AC 358. Oregonian. COATS, suits and dresses; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 6402. LARGE white wicker baby cab for sale, in good condition. Call Tabor 4777. NEARLY new A. B. combination range cheap Phone East 1151. NEW drag saw, with clutch. $100. 220 Front st.. near Salmon. East 2949. BEAUTIFUL white fox fur. cost $123. sell for $50. P. Q. box 648. ENGLISH BABY CAB. GOOD AS NEW. MAIN 5.VJ9. FOR SALE New $73 Hoosier cabinet. $50 cash. Marshall 1129. WAYNE outsine five-gallon gas pump and for sale cheap. Tabor 3762. WOOD for sale: planer trimmings. $5 per load. Woodlawn 59Q4 or 1133 Mont, ave. NO. 6 AUTOMATIC w-ater heater for sale. 222 Morrison. Main 49R7. HEATER, stair carpet. 2 coats, and some dresses. East 3O0. Apt. 23. 42 FLAGPOLE for sale. Call Tabor 7126, FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. TOOLS WANTED. Shotsruna. Rifles. Electric Fans. Tents, Stoves, Cash Registers, Showcases. Desks, Chairs. Sewing Machines, Typewriters. Bicycles, Furniture, Musical Instruments. Sto"-e. Restaurant and Hotel Fixtures. Bought. Sold. Rented. Exchanged. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 First. Main 44'J,".. Tabor 67:S. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Sell direct to diamond brokers and receive what your diamonds are worth; we pay spot cash, any amount: pawn tickets bought; all business strictly con fidential; private office for ladies. " THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 405 Spalding Bldg.. Fourth Floor. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. t Rather than return our salesdmen spring temples to the factory we have placed same at tse disposal of the pub lic at wholesale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats In our salesroom at 726 Morgan bldg. UNITED RUBBER CO. SEWING MACHINES. 20 late drop-heads, like new. Singers, Whites. National, Rotary, Willamette, etc., 15 to $35. A large number of good machines from S to SIC Machines rent ed, S3 per month. Slnser store. Moos bldg.. 193 4th St. Main 6833. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to 25 per set. Don't mat ter tf broken; old-timers are most valu able. Crowns, bridge-work bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. 3d and WasTt. b WING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 043L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, ISO Third, near Taylor. PLUMBING. Plumblrfg jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERK3 METAL WORKS. Phone East 1934. 161 Russell St. HOT-WATER tanks i0-gal., $7: 40 gal.. $0; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, as heaters installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8M0. KODAKS AND PETNS REPAIRED. We claim w e re & boon and a blessing to men In fixing the faults of a Kodak or pen. SANDY'S. 329 Washington St. MUST SELL. Eleclrlo coffee mill, cash regis'". haapjiiM ..-.let. coffee urn. SLeam table, cheese cutter, other fixtures. 113 Second Bt. SAFES Fire and bui glar-proof safes, new ana second-band, at right prices, oougui sold and exchanged. NOP-RIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 10i Second St. Phone Main 2045. OFFICsFURNITURE from N. W. Steel Co. and Spruce Div. Dr C. Wax oitlce Equipment House. Bdwy. 2739. 31 N. 5th. bet, Burnside and Couch. O. AA. Babcock. mgr. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked weather- beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by our famous and instantaneous rubber Dondlng system; aii work guarameco. Phone Mali! C640. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD- WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB: ALM) COAL, SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. lU-O. s'KW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 3S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 48 Front St. LADIES' suit3. coats, dresses, furs and shoes bnucht and sold. tosuo Appare Exchange, 403 Alisky bldg., Sd and Morrison. FOR SALE Fox hot air furnace with hot water coi s lnsta led. in A-l shape; price very cheap, $85; cost new $275. all M. 44 14. KASTMAS 3A Kodak, case, portrait at tachment. automatic tripper. in excel lent condition, $16. Tel. Broadway 1894. 54 Davis st. FIREPLACE mantel top. sond quarter .awed oak faced one edge like top. guaranteed not to warp nor check, very choice, fnone -nsj. LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sale or rent at- uareu s clothing store. 51 3d, Multnomah hotel bldg. WINCHESTER rifles. 3o cat., mod. 189o, high power, $40; 32 automatic, 190o, aJU, gold bead ana Lyman signts; ime new. P. O. box 1153, city. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresbes. sllgnuy worn. Aiain vjdi. FOR SALE AL'TOMOBIXES. OAK LANDS. TOURINGS. ROADSTERS. SEDANS. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND. I'.'IK CHANDLER CHUMMY. Sl.V'O. I need money, will take livestock, d mond or furniture up to $200, Ford or light car to S500. ana balance ei term?. East 7154. PODGES. ROADSTERS. TOURINGS. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND. 191S MAXWELL 5-paste, touring car in fine condition, good tires; car has just been repainted, looks like new. bargain, $60 will give terms. Phone East 1962. CHEVROLET."". BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND AVE. 1916 HUDSON 6-40 touring car in fine mechanical condition, good tires: car Just repainted, looks like new, will sell at a bargain and give terms. Phone Marshall 1613. 1920. CHEVROLET, spare tire, otner ex tras; car owned by mechanic, run 2000 miles: a gwd buy, casn or terms. 109 llth ?t.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Big Stock: USKD CAR9. Prices right. CO. No misrepresentation. COVEY M OTP Ft CAR UUPMOBILE. in good condition, just re painted, tires In good condition, glass side wings on windshield; a bargain. Phone Main K'ftS. CHEVROLET. 1916. Al mechanical con dition: must sell. A real snap at $450. witli terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Hurntaide. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell the'r parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. 105-7 North llth st. HUPMOBILE touring, first-class through out, a wonderful buy for $1125. with 89-91- 9TH ST- NEAR FLANDERS. 1U1U HAYNES, like new, your offer may take it away. Nineteenth and Couch. Bdwy. 113. KELLOGG 4-cyiinder air pump complete for attaching to auto, nearly new, make an offer. Phone 211S3. LATEST type Ball Ac Ball carburetor. used very little, Al condition. Phone 21183. FOR SALE Apperson 6 Chummy roadster in first-claps running order: just over- hauled. 704 Lovejoy st. Main 6329. 1918 FORD touring, new tires and in won. derful shape. $150 will handle. Nineteenth and Couch. Bdwy. Its. FORD roadster. 4 extra tires, .all good shape. Call evenings between 5 and 7. 1005 E. 8th st. N. Take Alberta car. $450 OAKLAND touring model, 4-36. ex cellent condition, ail good tires. Tabor 8173. LEAVING town and will sell my Overland at a bargain. Call early. East 6632 or Broadway 2162. lyl" FORD touring for sale by owner, good condition, $423, cash or terms. East 7 762. BRAND new Studebaker light Bix. never been off pavement, for sale reasonable by owner; going east. Tabor 8499. $275 Light car; good tires: model 23 Studebaker. Jeffery & Hanawalt, 65 . N. 23d st. Mar. 1428 MAXWELL touring at price cheap enough for a dealer te buy and resell. Will give terms. East 1583. CADILLAC touring, 1915 model. A ba gain. $475 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. MAXWELL in excellent condition, new top. seat covers and paint: looks and runs like ne'.v. Will give terms. East 15S3. ONE 85-6 Overland in first-class condi tion. Call Bdwy. 1852. DANDY Studebaker 6-pass., 3 extra tires, $500: easy term;. 221 6th st. 1916 DODGE. 700 cash, 351, Oregonian. by owner. AB FOR SALE 1919 Ford touring car, good as new. Phone 319-13. 1920 CHANDLER Sport and Hudson Super six at a sacrifice. AG 302. FOR SALE My order for 1920 Buick: 1m mediate delivery. Phone E. 1576. FORD sedan, bargain. 1920, extras, cat like new. $$75. terms. Phone 31.'-92. WILL seil my option on new Douge; de livery in 10 days. Tabor 7ons. BUICK light 6. just like new. Marsh, U53. rOB SALE ACTOMOBIXES. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. PLANT. We realize that all purchasers of usee cars do not realize to what extent t.i. r...,.. i n nlant has developen its reconstruction departments. Tnj" cars being offered speak generously o the success accompanying our efiorts. J "DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. A complete line from 1915 to ltlt Touring 1915 Touring 1917 Touring 1916 Touring 1915 Touring. 1919 Coupe . . 1917 Sedan .. . .$1123 . -,. . 925 . 750 . 675 . 1S50 . 1300 good J918 V IICW. VJ !-. . lot7 CHEVROLET chassis for bug 3W 1918 FORD sedan. demountable rims. 3 extra tires, fine shape 1918 FORD sedan, electric starter 1917 FORD roadster, a dandy.... 1917 FORD touring - 1919 OVERLAND 90, a remarka ble' buy . . . . 1916 OVERLAND touring, only... 1917 GRANT Tr., a real car. needs some work done: yours for.. 1917 MAXWELL roadster ........ 1916 REO touring, good value .. 1916 6-40 HUDSON 1913 CADILLAC, good stage car. ...... . . . . , , . i . i .......I n.rvtp. car r4 45-rt 5u sr. 92. 5i 2 s v.?v.',f.1-;r.'Hf. . im .in in II V i '" -- . - 1917 BL'ICK touring 11 liliT Ptl'lCK 4-cvl. touring 1919 VELIE. snort model, only... lToeJ 1918 STUDEBAKER 6. good shape, new top. new paint low 1919 FRANKLIN, 5 cord tires, de- , mountable rims and bumpers, wind deflectors, just like new 23IM CADILLACS. Being deprived of the opportunity oj purchasing a new taaiiiau x in nn concern when there is avallabl- such a fine selection of cars. Even thj most critical observer woum uouoi me. had ever been used. 1918 touring car. In perfect condi tion a beautiful car at a very reasonable figure $G60 191S 4-passenger. new top. lined in velour, Victoria curtains, fitted with plate glass, velour scat covers, bumper and extra tire 3"i' 1915 roadster, newly painted...... 125', It gives us great pleasure to offer thes- cars to you on very easy payments. We are open Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington St. at 21st, .Main 6244. 1917 HAYNES TOURING. 1919 WTT.I.YS-KNIGHT tourlns. -f 1920 CHEVROLET tourlns. like new. ST in extras. -1017 BI'ICK delivery, with panel body. 1918 FORD touring. 1910 CHEVROLET touring. 1917 MAXWELL touring. 1919 BL'ICK touring. These cars are In A-l condition an' can be bought on terms. PORTLAND GARAGE. Used Car Department. Fifth and Taylor Sts. Marshall 600. REAL USED CAR BUYS. Overland eighty-three touring Maxwell touring Saxon touring Maxwell touring . 1 Ab.K , .... ........ . . 60- . BJ. Ov erland eichly-live touring Also a dandy Oldsmobile coupe, li new, at a big discount. t l nese cars nave dmh - j chanical condition. Small payment dowtsl feasy terms. THE C. H. S. CO.. 108 Broadway. Broadway 1..3. USED AUTO BARGAINS. 1 Vclie, $1050. t Overland. 1919. $750. 1 Franklin. $700. I Dodge, $650. 1 Maxwell. 1918. $5.0. 1 Chevrolet Roadster. 37j. 15 Fords, $275 to $500. 10 Cars. $100 to $20. 2 Ford bugs, $350 and S450. Llppert Stewart ton truck. $00. 1 Bulck ton truck, $600. LONG & SILVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave. MY BEAUTIFUL 1918 Saxon touring; tin car has had very good care and is I first-class condition; not like the sv erage used car: tires are practically nev and the upholstering shows no wear a all: a new Pantasote top and side cur tains: new pnint. and la the prettiest ca in town; $800. cash or terms. $3o0 dowr balance $45 a month. Call Mr. Smith Marshall 1383. mornings. BABY GRAND SEDAN. Practically new; run but a few hun dred miles. A most beautiful car. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 600 . ONE Hudson super aix, Lexington six. 2 Cole eights. Studebaker sir. Chandler six. Indian motorcycle. Willys-Overland. 2B6 K. 37th street. Tahor FORD BUG. tr.. . windshield 'ncvcrythin g. will sell for $100 lesa than others are get ting for iame bug T,TT. 90 N. BROADWAY. BPWY. 8-4 METZ MASTER SIX. Tcs. It's a new one. See It at 15TH AND WASHINGTON. HL'PMomr.r. 1917 TOURIN43. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND A E. 1917 MAXWELL. For $465 cssh Sunday. See Cy at Von ,n,nerv garage. Front and Montcomcr $50 BUYS 1917 Maxwell, i.-psss.. jou.... car 5 SOOd lircs. car in iinr . condition, just repainted, looks like MJ ... . - thnn Maraliall 1 J .1 I apartment 42. ruRVROI.ET bug. beautiful blue pa; job. new tires, new body. In fact ti , f. ':., i . dmibt the classiest bug N I n et een t h and Couch. Bdwy. 118 1917 FORD touring car. $42.1. 150 UNION AVE. LATE 1917 Dodge car driven annul 6 miles. A No. 1 condition. 191. For newly painted. A No. 1 condition, bt Ben. 343 ancuuvi OVERLAND country club, wire "'i1''; 10 per cent mechanically perfect. -H xlLS' and Couch. Bdwy. 11 SAXON SIX, In Al condition; iooka 1 new; must sen. n. uir ,.. ... . - - ternis. 30 Grand ave. North, near Bur, side lflS HUDSON speedster, none better lh . i 1 1 -n... mnii n., rfiiri! . tnis one; ' ' . ' equal to any; new cord tires. , Nineteenth and Couch. Bdwy. 118. LATE fc18 Ford sedan, electric start j i - .. , - In fine Shane, all over 1920 license; will sacrifice for quick sas 434 Mill st. wain 4uiJ. m ivwpl.T. tftiirinc- 1916: motor iniHl:inn. A real bargain. $400 wf' terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near But. side. m 19"0 MODEL CHEVROLET ROA D , STER. ALMOST NEW: EXTRA EQUIPMENT. AT A BARGAIN. 747 E. 10TH ST. S. w 1919 PREMIER 7-pass., 6-cyl.. new I painted: good tires and extra equ' . ment: private owner sacrifice on acoou of leaving town. i-aii siatn 1918 BUICK SIX touring, just like : brand new paint job. cord tires, fine. $800 down. bal. lonif terms. Mr. Sawyer mornings. Bdwy. 2273. DIXIE FLYER DEMONSTRATOR. siiR iv used, factory guarantee, at attract discount: terms. 108 N. Broadaal Broadway 17.3. 1920 LIGHT SIX STUDEBAKER. loo like new. driven 3000 miles: $30 -"-j titau unw ' - oraiu, .ii 1 , 3 600. 1919 MODEL 90 Overland, this car is li, new and $200 wi,i handle. - N i n eteenth and Couch. Bdwy. 11-S OVERLAND ' need cash; shall 1675. 9. o-pass., fine conditic no dealers; (400. .Ma:' FOR SALE by owner. Ford tourin e completely overhauled: fo50 casb. Phoi Woodlawn 71 before 6 o'clock. 19J9 DOUT touring, a classy imail car m the price of a Ford. k Nineteenth and Couch. "Bdwy. 11 I STORAGE wanted. Belmont Garage, pho East 8-;53. 734 E. Morrison. FOR SALE Hudson 6-40 by private pai:. ?7.V. cash or terms. Call Tabor 159. I IMjIXifc. tounns. new top, jrrod tires. ike a new car. East 2f6. A