11 KELLY BUTTE TO BE II N We Give S.& H. Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More A Direct Cash Saving on the Money You Spend Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash on the Third Floor Special Demonstration of Hoover and Sweeper-Vac Electric Suction Cleaners on Third Floor Portland Agency for Rest good Mattresses Brenlin Shades Royal Bengal Rugs TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATUKDAT. APRIL 10, 1920 PIDUPMO DAY 22 Prisoners Now at Rock pile; 12 to Follow. HOSPITAL WORK DELAYED Contagious Structure Waits on Ma terial to Be Furnished Convicts. Eig-hteen tate and four federal prisoners took up their abode at the Kelly Butte rock.pile yesterday and will be followed by 12 more. Actual crushing operations should begin Monday. Instead of having a lot of little rock to begin breaking up with sledges, .s was the case when the rockpile was turned over to the city for tem porary use this -winter. Sheriff Hurl hurt finds that he must put the men to work blasting huge boulders be fore the breaking and crushing can . begin. The city's operation of the plant cleaned up at least 1000 yards j of small rock awaiting crusning. Tt s Tnhn. deDUtv county jailor. has been placed in charge as superin tendent of Kelly Butte. With him is a regular force of four guards and a cook. Hospital Work Held Up. TTntil operation of Kelly Butte is under way and crushed rock is sup plied, work will be held up on the new contagious hospital being built by city and county on county land adjoining the quarry, reported Dr. George Parrish, city health officer, to the county commissioners yester day. Work on the foundations has already begun. He presented plans to the commissioners for their approval. The plans call for a 2-story and base ment structure, providing 64 beds. The cost is estimated at $45,000. In response to the recent request of City Commissioner Mann for the $25,000 pledged by the county toward the construction of this new hospital, should city funds run short. County Commissioner Holman introduced a resolution asking the city for a bud get showing costs and proposed ex pendJtuhes. before taking any action. The county did not ask the priv ilege of spending $25,000 on the proj ect, but told the city that it would be willing to make good a deficit in city funds available, up to the maxi mum of $25,000. That the full amount will be required of the county seems certain. Clash Is Remembered. With the memory of a clash of au thority with the city over the con trol of traffic over the bridges which span the Willamette and which are owned by the county, in which the county commissioners were shown that they had no authority in law to regu late the traffic,- much though they wished to do so, the commissioners were able to answer a letter from Chief of Police Jenkins yesterday con cerning regulation of traffic over the Morrison bridge with much decision. Chief Jenkins called attention to the fact that it would be far safer during the redecking operations on that bridge if one-way westward traffic only were permitted. In re ply the county commissioners told him to go ahead and stop eastward traffic, if he desired, that he had the authority if he thought it advisable. While the commissioners could close the bridge entirely to traffic, they declared that any regulation was up to the pojlce power of the city.. MOVE-ADMITTED RADICAL Interchurch World Movement Speaker Answers Criticisms. "Surely the churches and church workers of the United States are radi cal," said Dr. H. F. LaFlamme yes terday, addressing a luncheon of Port land business men at the Multnomah hotel. He referred to published crit icisms of the interchurch world move ment. "Because the churches of which the Interchurch world movement is com posed are go firmly aligned against intrenched selfishness, either by em ployer or employe, so the Interchurch world movement must be. But the criticisms which have been directed against it prove that it is neither revolutionary nbr reactionary. They have come from the extremists of both sides. , Mr. LaFlamme explained the inter church world movement as a co-operation of the large communions of America, one whose objects was to fund the churches for evangelism, missionary and welfare work. Elks to Visit Grants Pass. MEDFORD, Or., April 9. (Special.) The Medford lodge of Elks will hold its regular lodge session Thurs day. April 23, In Grants Pass in com pliment to its many members residing in that city. A complete lodge ses sion, with-initiations and big enter tainment features following, will be held in "It's-the-Climate" city, the Medford members going and return ing in a body either in autos or by special train. It's a Starved Skin That Gets Dry and Rough Try this simple formula A little CRF.MB ELCATA rubbed gently into Che akut tben ii yon need Color, a, very littl. vtmge spread carefully over the cheeks before the) cream is Quito dry; and after thst the film of El cays lace powder over all." & Jm art at 30 3 60c 3 I Your dealer has ELCAYA and I 1 baa sold it for year. Ask bin. Eastman Kodaks Complete stock of all the popular styles and sizes. We do develop-, ing and printing. D ouble With White Goods Specials Main Floor Thrifty women will welcome this opportunity to buy White Goods at reduced prices. Note following special prices: 10 Yds. Nainsook $3.48 Main Floor Japonica Nainsook very fine soft finish for lin gerie and infants' apparel. No telephone, C. O. D. or mail orders accepted. One box to flJO AQ customer. 10-yard box DO.iO 36-In. Suitings 38c Yd. Main Floor Linen finish Suiting for nurses' uniforms, house dresses, waists, etc. Exceptional ly good wearing material. QOn 10 yds. to customer. Yd. OOC Pillow Cases At 45c Main Floor Bleached Pillow Cases of good quality. Size 45x 36 inche. Another big A pT shipment just in. Each fJK New Plaids for Skirts Main Floor Beautiful designs and colorings in Wool Plaids. New shipment just received. Women's Wool Dresses Boys' Corduory Suits at $5.98 Novelty Suits at $9.85 Basement Exactly 82 suits in this lot. They are made up in good quality cor duroy and are styled with round col lars, pocket and loose belt. (gF QQ For boys 3 to 8 yrs. Special DD.0 The Standard Store Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Trading Stamps Today Cash Purchases in All Departments New Polo Coats $45 Special Offering for Saturday in the Garment Store, 2d Floor Second Floor-These splendid Coats are made up in excellent quality Polo Cloth. Short, three-quarter and full length models. Some have inverted plaits in back, others are shown in the new loose box styles or with two small box plaits at back. Narrow leath er belts or belts of self material. Larije or small collars, patch pockets, set-in or raglan sleeves. Very smart for sport and street wear. fl? .4 C HA Very latest spring colors. Priced only iDrrOaUVr' New Spring Coats $21.50 to $115 Coats of Velour, Bolivia, Duvetyne, Silvertone, Jersey, Diagonal,, Tricotine, Velveteen" and other high-class materials. Every new and fashionable mode is represented. Prices range $21.50 to $115 Silk Gloves $1.49 Main Floor Many stores ask $1.85 to $2.00 for Silk Gloves of this quality. About 1000 pairs in the offering. Made in the popular 2 clasp style with fancy embroidered backs in two-tone and crochet em broidery effects. Milanese and tri cot fabrics of very fine grade. Shown in white and black. Prac tically all sizes. Priced JQ for Saturday at the pair D-L.r Women's Sample Neckwear At y3 to H- Off Main Floor This is a special assortment of high-class Neck wear secured at a big reduction on account of being samples. Very smartest effects in fine embroidered organdie, lace trimmed, nets with filet lace edge, Swiss embroidered col lars, net and lace sets, tab collars, ruffled collars, gilets, etc Also odd pieces from regular stock. Sale price 350 to $1.69 New Veils and Veilings In the Latest Novelties The correct Veil 'embodies the supreme finishing touch to carefully chosen costume. Here you may choose from the newest designs and colorings in Veils or Veilings. 1st Floor. Women's New Shetland Veils Priced at $1.75 and $1.00 SHETLAND Drape Veils with col ored embroidery in border also with chenille dot borders and '7C edces. Priced SDecial at OX.IfJ DOUBLE TRADUNG STAMPS GIVEN WITH ALL. CASH PURCHASES. $12.95 Basement An extra special offering for Saturday. Women who have need for new Dresses for utility wear will find these very desirable. Made up in good quality Wool Jersey in wanted colors. Some are embroidered, others are trimmed P" O QP with braids. Good range of sizes, at D-L"i.J DRESS SKIRTS SPECIAL $5 Taffeta Silks, Serges, Fancy Plaids, Wool Jerseys, etc.; smart up-to-date styles; values to $10.00; special at $5.00 BasementMillinery Trimmed Hats CT Priceld Special 40 Basement Excellent showing of all the newest models roll fronts, sailors, droops, turbans, etc. Black, red, green, blue and many other colors. Trimmed with flowers, ribbons, yarns, ap- QC f( pliquft Large selection. of 6tyles, special OtJ.VILr CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS AT $2, $2.50 Basement Boys' suits in fancy stripes and mixtures; also a few corduroy suits. Full lined knickerbocker pants; Sizes for boys ages QQ Of? 8 to 16 years. Special suit tO.OD of the Northwest Women's Silk Petticoats $7.49 to $26.75 Second Floor This is conceded to be the - most attractive and - com plete showing of Silk Petticoats m Portland. Literally scores of 6tyles from the neat tailored effects to the more elaborate ones trimmed with ribbons, fringes, loops, etc Jersey, Taffeta, Messaline. All the new plain shades and fancies. Prices $7.49, $10, $12.50 to $26.75 Smocks Of Voile, Crepe, Beach Cloth and Crash. Long and short sleeve styles, with or without collars. Numerous styles, from $3.50 up to $6.50 Wool or silk embroidered Pongee Smocks priced at $6.95 to $8.50 Corduroy Smocks $10.95, $12.95 Georgette Waist Special at $3.49 Main Floor Don't neglect this exceptional opportunity to choose a beautiful new Georgette Waist at a big saving. Dainty embroidered and beaded effects, with or without collars. Some are trimmed with'frills and plaitings. White, blue, flesh, pink and mais. Also white and cream. Crepe de (I0 A Q Chine Waists priced special for Saturday's selling at only DO.'xI I DOUBLE S. & H. TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. DRAPE VEILS in beautiful woven designs. Scroll and chenille dot ef fects with ribbon bands. fl1 f( Wanted colors. Priced at D-L.UU Crystal Soap Special 4th Floor Last days of this of fer. 14 cakes of Crystal White Laundry Soap and two Q- rkfT packages Soap Flakes iDA.vFO 3 packages Sea Foam Washing Powder and 2 packages QA Soap Flakes special at "v English Walnuts, a pound 350 Soft Shell Almonds, lb. 390 White Figs, special, pound 21 Black Figs, special, pound 21 Cerax Coffee Substitute 25, 450; demonstration 4th Floor. Garden and 25 feet Garden Hose s -fori Tea Room 4th Floor Plan your shop ping to include luncheon in our beautiful Tea Room, 4th Floor. Middy Blouses $2.50 to $10.00 Second Floor We 6how a complete line of fa mous Jack Tar Middy Blouses, as well as -several other well-known makes. New Wool Mid dies in attractive styles with or without yokes trimmed with silk or cotton braids, emblems and bands. Prices range $6.95 up to $10.00 New Middies of white galatea $2.50 to $3.25 New Middies with colored flannel or serge col lars and cuffs. Several styles at $3 to $10.50 Girls' Tub Frocks in a Sale $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 Second Floor Wash Frocks in dainty etyles for little tots 2 to 6 years of age. Plaid, ' checked and plain color ginghams. We also include in this lot Children's Creepers in sizes 6 months to 3 years. Priced (PI QQ very special for Saturday UX.0 Double Stamps with all purchases. $20.00 to $28.50 Spring Hats Priced Special $18 Second Floor You may choose from 93 Hats the great majority of them selling heretofore at $22.50 to $28.50. Some have served their purpose as models in our own workrooms, others were purchased underprice. Dress, semi-dress and tailored hats. Beautiful new transparent effects and hats of maline and horse hair braids. Very newest 6mall and medium shapes, trimmed with flowers and fancies. Hats formerly selling at Q- O HA $20.00 up to $28.50 on sale Saturday at the special low price D J-O.UU New Band Trimmed Sailors at $7.50 to $20 New Millinery Flowers and Fancy Feathers Lawn Needs Complete Stock, 3d Floor Now is the time to get your garden tools and have them when wanted. Our stock is large and you will find our prices as low as the lowest. DOUBLE Trading Stamps. Suggestions Combination Hoe and Rake priced 8O0 One-Prong Cultivators are priced at 650 Three-Prong Cultivators are priced at $1 Hand Sprayers are priced at only 750 Reversible Lawn Rakes are priced 850 Long or Short-Handled Forks at $1.60 Garden Rakes are 5O0 and up Garden Hoes 5O0-$1.25 Grass Hooks, 5O0-$1 $3.75 50-foot length $7.50 Young Men's Clothes Reliable Makes Reasonable Prices Main Floor Here are the clever, snappy styles the young men like so well. Single and double breasted ef fects in a wide range of popular fabrics, including the much-desired brown, green and gray jnixtures. Also a splendid showing of the conservative styles for older men. Spring Suits priced $35 to $75 Men's Shirts $1.95 Main Floor -An odd lot of Men's Shirts priced for quick clearaway. Broken sizes, but all are of excel lent quality percale. Shirts for merly priced at $3.00. Q- QP Special for Saturday at B-L.D 50c Suspenders at 29c Main Floor At this special price for one day only. Men's Suspenders of a well-known make selling in the regular way at 50c. Priced OQn special at the pair, only Jls Men's Cotton Hose 6 Pairs for $1 Men's $2.00 Pajamas at $1.59 Main Floor Men's Cotton Hose of good quality an odd lot, priced for immediate disposal on account color line being broken. Choice of Q"t several shades. 10' 6 nairs MEN'S Woolen Slip-On Sweaters in school colors, priced at only $12.50 Boys' 2-Pant Suits at $13.85 Fancy Gray and Brown Mixtures Main Floor Bring in your boy and let him try on one of these sturdy suits. Very latest models, with or without belts. Pants are full lined, with rein forced pockets and taped seams. Serviceable browns, grays and other dark colors. Sizes range from 8 to 18 years. Boys' two-pant J1 O OK Suits a limited number, offered for today's selling at only D-LO.Oc Boys' Knickers Special $2.69 Boys' Blouses On Sale 95c Main Floor r Special lot of Boys' Knickers offered at a bargain. It will pay you to buy two or three pairs at this prfce. Brown and gray mix tures. Ages 6 to 18. QO Q Priced special for Saturday wiiUJ Dutchess Corduroy LOT 2 Wash Dresses for girls 6 to 14 years. Pretty styles made up in fancy plaid and plain (PO QQ ginghams. Priced special J?ai.yO LOT 3 Children's Wash Dresses in attractive styles. Made up in plaids. Ages 6 to 14 years. fl0 QQ Priced special for Saturday DOVO Mem's $12.00 Shoe Dept., Main Floor Main Floor Men's Shoes of dull calf or vici kid. Blucher cut with "Neolin" soles. Made on medium wide toe last very comfortable. We have all sizes from 6 to 12 and width B, C and D. Regular (PO $12 shoes, on sale Saturday special at only $10 Oxfords At $8 Main Floor Men's genuine Kangaroo Oxfords, made on the "Formatic" last, which is wide and full. A real easy low shoe for spring and summer wear. QQ All sizes. $10.00 values; special at Main Floor Men's Pajamas of ex cellent quality material. Shown in assorted stripes in various colors. Cut generously full and well ?Q made. $2.00 Paiamas for DJ-.OI Main Floor Boys' Shirts and Blouses of excellent quality percales and ginghams. Made with military and sport collars. Broken sizes. QF Mostly light' colors. Special. Double Stamps with cash purchases. Pants at $3.50 a Pair Ivory Soap Special 4 Cakes 25c Ivory Soap will not be 6old or delivered at above price except with other purchases made in the Drug Dept. Limit 4 cakes to a Or customer. Special 4 cakes Ol Toilet Needs Listerine priced 230, 45c1, 85c1 Lux Soap Flakes at 2 for 25 0 Mentholatum priced 230, 450 Merck's Milk Sugar priced 75c4 Mercolized Wax priced at 890 Saline Laxative 4O0 and 750 Pluto Water 450, 3 for $1.25 Water Glass for preserving eggs, pint size 350 fluart size 500 gallons 750 gallons at $1 Whisk Brooms of excellent qual ity. Specially priced at 390 Sempre Giovine priced cake 490 Espey's Creams at 230 and 450 Elcaya Vanishing Cream at 590 Pinkham's Compound at $1.10 Colorite Hat Dye in all colors, now specially priced at only 250 Get your Green Trading Stamps. Drug Department Main Floor New Amber Beads Main Floor Genuine Amber Beads in the graduated styles large as sortment just received; 22 in. $10 Real Ivory Beads at $8 to $25 New Beaded Bags, $5.50-$ 125 Sho es at $8.00 PORTLAND AGENCY FOR BUSTER BROWN SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS.