) Jtooma WltH Board in PMvfV F.miW. IN NOB HILL DISTRICT. Beautifully furnished room, large enoug-h for family of four or Ave; pri vate bath, toilet, hot and cold water, heat, alao table board: beautiful grounds and porches; a blocks from Couch school ; teachers and nurses are Invited to investigate. Call Bdwy. 5450 from U A. M. to 4 P. M. II.VINGTON Beautiful alcove room with sleeping porch, breakfast. 55; single room $:;0; on Broadway car line, one block from clubhouse. Call after 6 P. M.. Kaat 8253. JK RENT Beautifully furnished room, fireplace and running water, in Irving ton home; good home cooking; near car line: for 2 young people, employed. E. 32!. VOH RKNT Light, cheerful rooms, with or without meals, or for light house keeping If preferred ; private home. GOt Laurel st.. Portland Heights. Phone Marshall 3402. LluHT corner room, suitable for roan and wife or 2 men; smaller room suitable for 1 or 2 men: first-class board; walk- in distance. 01 Glisan. Marshall 1248. A YOUNG couple desire to share their lovely suburban home with refined mid dle aped lad y : give telephone number. r uregonian Furnished Apartments, THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's I tore: good surrounding, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts. ; all . outside with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. THE IDAHO, 380 S. 6th St.. between Harri- eon anu Montgomery, au iumisnea ior light housekeeping. 3 3-room apts. for rent. Newly renovated ; two for $27 pnr month, and one for $30 per month. Water, lights and cooking gas furnished free. Phone Main AFTER Saturday, 3-room apartment, front and back sleeping porchna. 427 Rodney ave. (.'lean and wholesome, good neigh borhood ; no children. Apply to jani tororlt. E. Cross, Oregon City. FRONT APT., consisting of 2 large, clean, light, well-furnished rooms; ground floor; suitable for family residence, business parlors or bachelors' club apts. ; also single housekeeping room. 117 N. 18th st t-ROOM apartment with front porch and hack sleeping porch, clean and comfort able, good neighborhood. 427 Rodney avenue. Apply to janitor on premises, or H. E. Crosa, Oregon City. HOUSE K KEPI Nil apts. of 2 and 3 large rooms with neat, light and linens; new furniture and rugs. Ii0 E. 15th, cor. of Ash. THE HOUSM AN. Three and 4-roora apts.. some with keeping porch, $tw, up. 730 Hoyt Bt. Main J5.VJ. LEEDS APTS. 3 and 4-rooni apts., mod ern, fireproof bids., steam heat, hot and cold water, private baths. 210 Market t. Walking diMance. IPEA BODY A PTS.. 19th and Upshur louBt-KPepini; apartments, l. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat; reasonable. Broadway 1 13-nOOM outside apartment; Immediate possesion; $t0. Marshall 2iMl. Barker apartments. JLiELKNAP Apt.. 2-room apt.. $35, in ducting light, steam heat ; also 3-room apt.. S45. 187 17th. near Yamhill. MULTNOMAH apts., 3-room apts., nicely iurnisned, a month. 227 Market st. Phone M4-8. 1MCK 1 room, kitchen and bath, $25; cor. onnru-p ana jvtn so., Cheltenham apts., npt. I. Broadway 3H06. SINGLE rooms for bachelors and working ' --tooth apis.; rent, reasonable. 510 Flanders. COSY 3-room furnished apt. and bath in i hiiiuii. t-w i c. win Bi. x. business "vk'" m Kimireu. cast. J.Jl WANTED A refined congenial lady to oiioio iwvviy a. mien t l minimum f X- pense. AL 30i, Oregonlan. NEWLY furnished apartments. Inquire Grana ave. ana East Ankeny st., or call 21-730. li-ROOM furnished apts. and sleeping rooms ; sun ny. sieam-neated outside rooms. 14 Grand ave.- N. IB H Slanfleld, 204 Porter St.. modern i wo-room apt., xurnisnea, reasonable. Main 7iJ92. LOVELY 3-R. turn. h. k. apt. free to aauits top onara ana some care of a sweet old lady; ref. ex. Sellwood 1102. TOU RN EY bldg., f urn inn ana unfur manea --room apis, .m aq su VMON AVE. and Kill fnjrs worth. $21.30, an complete, concrete oag. MODERN furnished apartment, heat. Jfffht, iAGGAGB and furniture moving. Phone Broadway -401. Alert Transfer. 38! Stark. :-ROOM apt., also one room and kitchen ette. 3Ji Mill, near Broadway. ALCO APTS.. K. Couch and Union ave.. ni.niT-iTi .-imim ntus., reasonaoie. i. LEAN, neatly fumiehed 2 or 3-room apt.. -'6. Fifth t. S VERY desirable unfurnished rooms. 390 Clay. I'nfurnlMhea Apsrtmentft, I'.Nt'ljRXKSHKD five and four-room apart ment for rent. Tabor 5215. TWO DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED APTS V.tU VJ Li A 1 MCE 4-R. apt.. $12. 73 E. 76th it. M. V. car. 1 block south. COOD. large 4-room apartment, rate $o0 per month. Phone B'dway 4T7. WEST SIDE FLAT. A very nice 6-room flat, walking dis tance, newly tinted and varnished: im mediate possession; rent $40 by month or lease. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bids. Main 6918. C-ROOM Hut with trarage, west side, easy walking distance. Key 5B0 Jiar&hall st. Manager. $;I2.SU Light, clean upper flat of 8 rooms 589 u. oth st. Tabor 4553. 15.00 Lower flat of 4 rooma. 571 6ih 1.ARG13, light rooms, modern, close in. jumu onty. rnone fciast 4J wi. t.MALL fiat with garage near Hawthorne Furnished fis.ia. ;7.50 4-ROOM. well-furnished flat; elec tricity, bath, gas range, water heater. l ilS K. a;id, o'clock or after. ti1?. KBNT Partly furnished 6-room flat. 2U stout street. ;:5; references. Mar --0. Key tio Stout at. "1.AT Four rooms and sleeping; porch 1 blovk to car. walking distance. 30. Phone E, 5043. L-ROOM. upper flat for rent. Phone East 4707; aduits. 1'IVK-KOOM flat, furnished; rent reason able. Phone Kast 0751. Housekeeping Rooma. ;i"OH. RENT 2-room housekeeping apart- nu j..iv a weeic uity lall Apts.. 217 V 0th St.. between iiain and Madison. CLLAN furnished housekeeping rooms; liBlit. phone and bath. GOO K. Waah ingion. J'OR RENT H. K. suite; hot and cold water, steam heat. .Hotel Stewart. 147 Broadway. I'HE BEAVER. 12th and Mar.; furnished H. K. rooms, $15 up, including gas range hot water, electric lights, laundry room! DARKER APTS. 186 Sherman St.. single and double apts. ; steam heat, electricity ,' laundry. $3 week and up. Mar. 383. 1 LARGE furnished housekeeping room.. furnace heat, light free. 654 E. Madison'. 1 AND 2 nicely furnished II K' strictly clean; walking distance; $12 and 1 J-'OR RENT Single light H. lt, room ; etc. Call steam heat, running water. 150 Eleventh si 1XK RENT H. K. apartments, eineli. and . en suite; also sleeping rooms. Call flat ii, lentn st. IV i-'URNISHED houaekeepinK rooms. 1 and 2-room apartments, nicely furnished. 246 jiontgomery. 4.50 W K E K Furnished housekeeping room, .aaa yvaanington, cor. 3rd st. $2.50 WEEK -Suite small housekeeping rooms, .ui ivnott. near Williams ave. ONE nioe. Uprht basement housekeeping I room. ill. -my St. BAGGAOB and furniture moving; phone jproanway wt. Alert 'fransler. 3oU Stark. 1 LARGE furnished room and bath In apt.; gae. e.ectrlcity. steam heat. Main 92:19. FRONT single room, also sleeping ooreh. Phone, bath and laundry. 655 Flanders. FURNISHED basement H. K. room, good ior uacneior. iu montn. tt7 Taylor. SINGLE housekeeping rooms; heat, light ana leiepnone. ou jeiierson. S-ROOM sui-te, kitchenette. Marshall 545. 67 N. 20th. HOUSEKEEPING and aleeping rooms. Park st. Bdwy. 2528. ONE room with kitchc-nete. 66 N. 2lst st ' Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. (CLEAN licht housekeepinc rooms, electric licht.s. furnace heat. &4 lAiq - i children, . Housekeeping Roomy in Private Family. TWO clean, neat housekeeping rooms, close in. west side; love.y neighborhood, large yard; can be rented singly or to gether; $6 per week. Call between 1 and 3 P. M.. 594 Everett, cor. 19th, or after 7:30 P. M. JUST what you have been looking for, clean and nicely furnished housekeeping - rooma in desirable residence district. 1020 E. Main sU, corner 34th. Haw- thorne car. TWO nice H K. rooms, gas. light, water and heat furnished. $30 month; refer ences; prefer employed couple. 1118 Belraontst. CLEAN housekeeping room with kitchen ette for working couple; everything fur nished; walking distance. 665 'Washing ton st. LIGHT H. K. ROOMS; EVERYTHING FURNISHED. FOR WOMEN EM PLOYED; NO CARFARE. PHONJ3 BDWY. 3016. 92 N. 16TH ST. NICE, light and airy H. K. room, running water in room: aras. el-ectricity. nhone and bath; west side, walking distance, t oo nui, ooo txii&an st. THREE . unfurnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, running water, walking aistance, cor. 8thand East Ash. Bdwy. 057. 15 month. $10 TWO furnished basement rooms; wat er and light free; nice location ; yard. walking distance. 564 K. 6th, THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, water, lights, heat, walking distance. 098 Everett st. - TRUNKS and baggage delivered ra down town district, 2oc Auto Service, phone Mai n20 5. DON'T search, stranger: 2 cor. rooms, gas ra ng e ,e 1 ec.. pho n e . $20. 300 4th st. THREE rooms and front porch, clean, very reasonable. 747 North rup at. TWO large modern H. K. rooms, 1st floor. 249 13.thst. LIGHT housekeeping rooms in private Jam lly. 205 N. iTJd. Main 1 3-58. $20 2 large furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light and gas free. 2o0 Market. TWO connecting rooms, modern walking distance, near Broadway. 3H2 E. 1st st. 1 0. N. 20T H. cor. Flanders, neatly fur nished house kee ping rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 4o0 Yamhill. TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms. 331 14th st. Main 5G08. FURNISHED housekeeping suite. $10 per mo. 588 Pettigrove. Bdwy. 3423. HOUSEKEEPING rooms at202 11th, cor ner Taylor. Hoasea. WHEN YOU M O VE Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 6747. A tcj Li t May 1st. 5-room m od ern bu n ga low; fireplace, built-in china closet, etc.; one block to garage. 88t E. Morrison. Automatic 314-80. fi-ROOM cottage, gas. electricity and bath: 115 Revere, corner Miss. ave. ; $21 per month. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark street. 6-ROOM house. 4-47H Broadwav. near Col lege: bath; price $20 per month. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark etroet. 6-ROOM house, modem except furnace. -H4.6 .Division. Phone 212-23. Call at 402 Marguerite. LOCAL and long-distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment. Green Tran. On 9n V- A. 1H w 4 na m-rn a. FOR RENT fl-room house on lot 50x100. Hf, 6.th rent month. Call Main 4766. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis" tance hauling a specialty. O. W. truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 4-ROOM cottage. 325 Schuyler, near let st.: one block to Broa d w ay. MODERN. 6 rooms, furnace, cement base ment. 701 First st. $35. Phone 3U-01. 6-ROOM cottage. $22.50; west side, close In. Owner. 808 N'nrt h r-n di, w-j 6-ROOM modern house, close in. 675 E Alder and 19th sts. 5 fottage. Woodstock district; rent $15. Call Guatoff, Main 2274. 998 HAWTHORNE avenue, modern, adults", 40: gas stove and bedstead for sal e. Furnished House. 30ft GRANT st., 5-room ootfnir to METZGER.PARKE?EHOUSON CO 260 Oak t. GEXTLEMAV, alone, will share mv . S room bungalow with someone that is Kijr.j. nv on;, urggonlan. S"oS 'urr"shedhoue- located at VACANT April 15. -room modern house, furnished. $:.Q. Phone Kast 530.". CORNER store in Taeoma. best location ... ...i, mi nj. nnifi or other high- class retail business; lease to responsi ble party. L. R. MANNING A CO.. Equitable Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. FOR RENT Larpe dry storeroom for STORE. 1187 Milwaukie it" fTr, nT month; good location for meat market John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. TWO stores, IT. and 27 Grand ave. Apoli to A. Ballln. East 8B60. WANT desk room in furnished office; also . n aua. uregonnn. Office GOOD showroom, suitable for one or two " . DuiL.uie 1'n one or two trucks; desk and phone furnished ; j-ea- . ". ..u . 1 1 1 1 r- 1 III 1 1 1 n sonable rent. Call Bdwy. 121. abk ior iiuj ii tun. BU8TKE8SOPPO RTCXITIES. 35 cars steady storage: "plenty repair work: active man can clear $60O month. WANTED Party with $10,000 to take ae- unci .-.i hi uueiiien (.nat win pay large returns; $300 salary. Address BF 69, Oregonlan, A CONFECTIONERY and- light grocery. u.fis . jiiivj uurniBua, hi oargain it taken at once; good reasons for aelllnc Phone E. FOR SAI-E Millinery doing good busi- nnas ana srnoa locaiion. taii mominrs. Woodlawn 6300. BAGGAGE and transfer business! for sale. wun or witnout trurK. Receipts over $1Q per flay. 315 Flanders st. RESTAURANT on Washington st.. near ntn st.; isoo casn. oaiance 9800 on easy terms. Inquire 413 Washington. APARTMENT for sale or trade; good in come, gooa proposition. af 305, Ore gon Ian. MOST attractive contract ever offered on jon-g log-nauiing contract: 200 needed to handle this. BJ 456. Oregon la n . CLEANING and pressing shop In good lo cation; a money-maiter; only $450. Call 511 Railway Exchange. excellent location, a busy place; prtee A SOLID cash grocery, no aellvery. in $2300. Call 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Princess restaurant, doing CAFETERIA business, good; must sell at once; going east. z IN ort a rirst. - ----T--t-Tt.isssss...a.s.i ''' ii....... ......... : POLLY AND HER PALS '. j THE OHT.Y DI7FEKE5CB IS UT TUB PRICEr BT gTERR ETT, .T , T . f t 1 i ii itUJU J.JXUU.urr lUl ..., 1 1 MMe. . M .xm , , t j MAw I MA i a M ! I i IM 4 m t m AM M , GARACE 70 TtV 10ft CONCRETE BUILDING, UP TO DATE. $2500. A first-class garage with a fine equip ment, old established and doing a good business. Seeing is believing, so look this place over. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. . 305 OAK ST. COUNTY newspaper, the oniy newspaper in the county seat, and controls the whole county, for sale. This Is a live proposition and doing an exceptionally good business, Man forced - to quit on account of ape and health. Write me for copy of paper and particulars. C. W. Leaf, St. Marie, Ida. POOL. HALL, BRICK BUILDING. $2000. SOME TERMS. Let me show you a swell pool hall, back and front bar, 5 tables, showcases, cash register and lota of stock; doing a good business. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. , 3V OAK ST. LATH MILL, buildings and side-track; new machinery, complete and operating; also several hundred cords of excellent slabs available; plant Is close in on S. P. tracks; splendid site, covering two blks. Can be handled for $2000 cash, balance on terms. Call Tabor 3991 or Tabor 165. FOR reasons that you will deem quite sufficient 1 desire to make disposal of my better than JtiO.OOO annual busines. located about 70 miles from Portland; will be at the Imperial hotel Wednesday and Thursday, where you can see me, the owner, in person. N. Selig. FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery, choice location, dough mixer, ovens, troughs, bread racks, shelves, tables, scales and groceries at invoice; shop, store and living rooms rent $35 month. Owner leaving town. For inspection write AP 329, Oregonian. A GENERAL mdse. stocrk for sale, invoice about $17,500 with fixtures. Will reduce stock if wanted to. Located on S. P. Co.. alwo P. A. A P. R. R.. now building, tap's rich country. Sales average about $7500 per month; np trades accepted. AV 621, Oregonlan. " DELICATESSEN AND GROCERY. " RENT $40. PRICE $1300. A swell place doing $35 per day and cheap overhead expenses: real buy, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. GRILL. HOTEL AND DELICATESSEN. Beat paying business In tha north west- Inquire BRAND'S. Boise. Idaho. FOR SALE At once, leaving city, service station and accessory store on Sandy blvd.; fine location, new pumps, tanki and stock of accessories, building and lot. A good, clean business and a fine In vestment. fc2d aoid Sandy blvd. Tabor 7433. A COUNTRY BUSINESS. Harness shop In best valley town; can do auto top work and tire vulcanizing ; a wonderful opportunity to buy a profit able, permanent business at actual In voice. Room 401 Dekum Bldg. CARDROO-M CLEARING $600 PER MONTH. I can show you a real snap In card room, with good fixtures, all for $2000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. FOR SALE TO CLOSE A STREET. GOOI RESTAURANT DOING $35 DAT GROSS. FINE FOR MAN AND WIFE. CEN TRAL LOCATION. $ 1 'JOO CASH. SEE HATHAWAY. 41 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 152t. HOME bakery and delicatessen, fine loca tion, lease, good fixtures and living rooms ; gas oven, large stock. A real money-niRker. Suitable for man and wife; $1500 cash. Owner. AE 373, Oro gontan. PARTNER WANTED."" Handy man with $400 can buy equal half Interest in auto repair and used-car business; profits extra good. Call room 401 Dekum Bid;. HAVE patent on small novelty article worn by all men: can be mfd. for 2c; sells for li."c. Will trade for anything of value or sell outright. 404 Couch bldg. SAVE COMMISSION. $AS0 BUYS GROCERY IN APT. DIS TRICT. CALL AT 168 GRAND AVE. OWNER. PARTNER WANTED for country garage; sell Chevrolet and Dodge cars; gas, oils, tires and auto repairing. You can buy In with a good mechanic; $2500 required. Call room 401 Dekum Bldg. WANTED Parties with from $100 to $."00 to invest in good business proposition ; must have Quick action. AE 374, Ore gon'.an . IF YOU want to sell your .business, for quick results call on Interstate Land Co., at 248 Stark st., ground floor. Main 6420. BUSINESS MAN. real estate business es tablished 15 years for sale. You can make fortune. Best Independent loca tion city. Write. A L 804, Oregonian. $300 RESTAURANT, good location, 3 yrs.' lease, doing good business: juttt the place for man and wife. See Morris. INTER STATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Greenhouses, best location, no competition within 100 miles; terms easy; write for particulars. Jewell Greenhouses, The Dallea, Oregon. GARAGE FOR SALE. HALF INTEREST IN ONE OF THE BEST LITTLE GA RAGES IN CITY, WITH GOOD MB CHA.MC. AE 3H3. OREGONIAN. WANTED -Man to invest $900 in dandy business proposition ; can't be beat for income; prefer cook or waiter; no res taurant. Call 207 Willard hotel. $liiT0 BARBER SHOP, best location in city, well equipped, violet-ray. electric clippers: lease; some terms. See Morris, INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 24S Stark sL DANDY CLEANING ASD PRESSING PLACE. ALL FOR $150. WEST SIDE. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. $2000 CONFECTIONERY and soft drinks, ice cream parlor, heart of city, with lease: some terms. See Harper, INTER STATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. PARTNER WANTED for wood and coal business: good profits; $50 required fully secured. Room 401 Dekum Bldg. AUTO 'tire vulcanizing store: can clear $250 month; will teach buyer the busi ness. Room 401 Dekum Bldg. FULLY equipped machine shop and auto repairing, first-ctass location: good rea son for selling. H 55, Oregonlan. AUTO repair business for $500: good cor ner and can clear $200 to $250 month. Room 4Q1 Dekum Bldg. UNUSUAL opening for Investment of $1Ho0 with largo profits. Address AP 827. Ore gonian. GROCERIES, confectionery, cigars, tobac co, soft drink; doing a good business. 1062 Corbett st CAFETERIA. $00 to $100 daily; well equipped, good chance to expand; $2500, Investigate. AC 859, Oregonian. GROCERY for sale. Call at 1122 Union ave. North. Will sell at Invoice ; price No fixtures to buy. GROCERIES, confectionery, cigars, tobac co, soft drinks; doing a good business. 1062 Corbett st. FOR SALE Tailor, cleaning and pressing shop; good location. Cil Sellwood 2512 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. $4.V BUYS small grocer? . 4 living rooms, some furniture; rent cheap. See owner at 861 Corbett st. Phcne Mar. 947. IF YOU WANT TO GET INTO BUSINESS SEE NORD. 20O HENRY BLDG. BARBER chairs and supplies, great aacri fice. 86 6th St., bet. Stark and Oak. - 3-CHAIR barber shop, $250. 203 Glisan stT $300 BUYS west aide restaurant. $650 buys grocery in apartment dis trict. $1100 buys good corner grocery; 1 liv ing room. At Invoice, confectionery and les cream stand ; good corner; west side; 2-year lease. $1000 buys photo gallery complete. At Invoice, good bicycle shop, or will exchange for farm. Grocery and feed .store, good location; doing $125 a day; will invoice about $250o including Dodge car and trailer; owner leaving city. SEE BROWN & BTDDLE. ' 324 Railway Exchange bldg. MAR. 3331. ' FOR SALE A steam cleaning and dye works All or one-half interest; 3 wash ers, 2 extractors. 1 De Still, 3 under ground tanks. 1 large duet wheel. 1 hot Tumier. 1 electric motor, iy H. P.: 1 Hofman press, 3 Ford delivery ears and office fixtures and electric Irons, 1 steam board. All for $64O0) six thousand four hundred dollars; one-hal-f for i$3250) thirty-two hundred fifty dollars. M ULTN OMAU C LEANING DY B WORKS. Matt Berwick. Prt. ,732-34 Sandy Boulevard. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOK ING FOR. POOL HALL. TOWN 30O0. Let me show you a swell pool hall. 4 tables, wall case, candy case, cigar case, back and front bar, cash register, fine assortment of fresh stock; brick build in good lease; rent $25; clearing $12 per day. Can show you the reason for selling. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 OAK ST. GOOD grocery and confectionery; old-established place, doing fine business, on good east side corner; $2HOO for stock and fixtures. If you want a place to make money, look this up. Do not an swer unless you mean business. No agents. The location alone worth the price asked. Am going east. Call even ings, Tabor 794. CHOICE GARAGE LOCATION on large corner lot In Portland. See Pierson. 415 Chamber Commerce Bldg. Marshall 3716. 234 MORRISON ST. 2D-HAND FIX TURES FOR SALE 1 SODA FOUN TAIN, FAIR BACK BAR. ELECTRIC CARBONATER. GLASSES, SILVER WARE, 2 MILK MIXERS. 2 CANDY SHELVES. 1 FRUIT SHELF, 2 CANDY SHOWCASES. 2 TABLES. 8 CHAIRS. 6 STOOLS. MOVING PICTURES, $1000 cash will put you in a movie. $2(H more on time; this should give you a good salary and can be built op. $3000 will buy dandy little place mak ing cood money; other shows from $SOOO to $20,000. Weston & CO.. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSI NESS OR WANT TO BUY ONE. LET US HEAR FROM YOU. AS OUR SYSTEM OF DEALING BRINGS QUICK RE SULTS. NORTHWEST BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 428 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. GARAGE for sale, large concrete building; good leae: storage more than pays ex penses. Too much for old man to look aftr. Will sell or trade for good Im proved acreage of 10 to 20 acres. Price I45O0. Phone Tabor 1928. FOR SALE Complete watchmaker's out fit. Including crystal cabinet and 5 H gross glasses, motor and all necessary tools; am leaving city, so see me quick Call 270 Glenn ave. or phone Tabor 2277 between 6 and 7 P. M. FOR SALE Well establisher Job printing plant in Willamette Valley city, or will sell half interest : plant includes three presses and new linotype: $2SOO will han dle alitor $1100 half interest. Address AV 560, Oregonian. $ia.500 FURNISHED hotel In good ocean report and commercial town; always full; must sell, owner too old to continue. Also good boarding house, furnished complete. $3750. Zimmerman A. White. 818 Chamber of Gm. Bldg. M ain 8052. AUTOMOBILE AGENCY. Have exclusive contract for the state of Oregon, standard make car, lease on salesrooms for 8 years, have 8 cars in stock, carload on the way, selling fast. See Mr. Millership, Alder hotel WE HAVE for rale a dandy little mill only 10 miles from Portland : practically complete : capacity about 1 0M. If sold before Sunday, $1050. This is a snap. 324 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. $6.",0 LIGHT grocery, living rooms In con nection; good location; rent $30. with long lease. See this before buying. See Morris. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Sta rk st. $2100 BUYS W. S. MEAT MARKET. $750 BUYS E. S. MEAT MARKET. SEE BROWN & BTDDLE, 824 BY. EXCH. BLDG. OA RAGE partnership for active business man In agency for 2 popular cars; will pay $20O month salary and share prof- its; $2500 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange. CAUTION. BUYERS Before cloning deal of so-called Interest In established real entate business get advice of Portland Realy Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. iao2. PA RTN K R wanted for auto agency, handling 2 very popular cars; also deal with second-hand cars; $3000, This Is a fine opportunity for good live man. Call 4Q1 Stock Exchange. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale of stock and complete set of blacksmith tools; old established business, located in good farming community. Address L. B., 244, Monmouth, Or. GARAGE BARGAIN. Doing a big business, on one of the best east side corners: more storage than you can handle. Roots & Morrin, 50tb and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Auto repair and blacksmith shop bl.lgs., 10-x25. and 45x35. Storage more than pays expenses. Good location. Reasonable price. Inquire at apt. 10, 887 Taylor st. WANT party with capital to take over producing property: gilt edged; no stock proposition. Phone 552-37. or address BJ 454. Oregonlan. SAVE COMMISSION. $3050 buys nice clean stock of grocer ies: rent $15; 1 large living room. Call at 60O3 S2d st. S. E. Owner. GROWING manufacturing business has opening for active man able to Invest $3500; employ 15 people; plenty orders, large profits. Room 401 Dekum Bldg. WANTED Party to finance or promote the manufacturing of a newly invented auto machine tool of absolute merit. AM 312, Oregonlan. GROCERY. fine iocation. will Invoice about $1600: will take light car In trade. Sales over $1600 month. Phone CoL 8S6. 7:5 Buchanan street. VULCANIZING, tire and accessory store. has filling station, on good corner: can clear $200 month; price low. tan oil nan way exenangfl. TOH RENT Poo! hall and card-room, with 5 pool tables and 5 card tables: $100 a month. See owner at 810 Union ave. N. BUSINESS man going to Vancouver, Brit ish Columbia, will act as agent or repre sentative for other parties. AH Ore gonian. $3650 GROCERY and confectionery; fine location ; all new stock ; lease ; receipts $75 day ; some terms. See Harper, IN- tkks i a i t; la.u i ::4s stark St. GROCERY GROCERY BARGAIN. BARGAIN. MX "ST SRLL TODAY. MUST SELL TODAY. Best buy ever put on market; doing cash business, clean, neat stock, rent $15. with living room; location Is beet in Portland. You can buy this for $805, make $500 selling again in less than week. if ft was not for sickness you Gould not buy this for S180O. PETERS, 15 N. 6th St. $895 $885 $85. buys grocery store that could not be duplicated for $1800, on account of sick ness; rent only $ir, with living room; location cannot be beaten; cash-and-carry business. If you see this you will this! First one comes will buy PETERS, 15 N. 5th St. TWO SPLENDID BARGAINS, lo rooms, furnished for housekeeping, freeh and clean. $1200. 21 rooms, high class, beautiful furniture, fine income. $3500. See Mrs. Albaugh, ' SOt Railway Exchange. $175 BUYS half interest In downtown bar ber shop: owner leaving city. Whit. "ome nargtr anop. .tn at. Bnslnea. QpportmiUle. Vuud, ROOMING HOUSE. . X want to buy from owner rooming bouse 12 to 35 rooms: pric. must be in reason. AF 308. Oregonlan. WANTED Small grocery with living rooms, about ffiOO. Have several cus tomers. PEJS JWIS. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK 6T. WILL buy restaurant, confectionery, gro cery or any small busineaa. AC 220, Oregonlan. WANT to buy In a small garage or repair shop: have the money but won't buy through agent. AH Oregonlan. OARAGE wanted. Want to buy one-half Interest in repair shop or garage and re pair shop. Morrin, 687 E. Mnin st. APARTMENT house, lease and furnish ings. S18 Cham, nf Com. Bldg. Zimmer man & White. Main WJ32. WAXTED Good hotel or rooming houae; no agents. AR 4h5. Oregonian. Hotel, and Koomiuf House.. DON'T SKIP THIS. 43-room apartment house, all modern, fine location, with a U-year lease; rent S125. Can b. bought and resold at a large profit. Thia ia the best invest ment in Portland. 401 Stock Exchange. FOR SALE OR EXCHAJNGK. 18-room beach hotel, furnished and equipped, good building, pleivty of work close by; will take house or improved acreage to S25O0, some valley town. -CEO. MORSE, Owner, Rocaaway. Or. A PAYING HOME. Why spend all your money for rent when you can have a home close in on west Bide that will bring In t-50 per month 7 10 rooms, housekeeping and sleeping, $60 rent. Call at 401 Stock Exchange and let us show you. 31-ROOM APT. WEST SIDB. Close in. steam heat, good furniture. In 2S & 3S, 8 or 5 years" lease, good in come; price $4.00. Terms; a?k Kellogg. A. J. DeKOREST & CO.. 320 Iftmry Bldg. Main 29k NEVER LISTED BEFORE. Nob Hill lO room, and lanre alp. porch; oak and mahogany, leather up holstered furniture; rugs to match; $200 cash. Mr. Magoon. 624i Cham, of Com, bldg $1230 11 RMS. H. K, right down in heart of city; rent $50. $1000 2 rooms, rent. $30; workman district. $750 11 Rms. H. K.. clo6 in; rent $40. SAFE INVESTMENT CO., 423 Henry Bldg. 2 ROOMS, all H. K., nice and clean; good location; clears $90. 9 rooms, best of furniture; snap If taken at once. 14 rooms, close In, fine furniture; clear $120. MAIN 1023. 215 Stock Exchange. NOB HILL. 10 large lovely rooma with nearly new furniture, furnace heat, electric lights'; make nice home and income he .BiOr.: price !.00. terms. Main R838. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. 15 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 20 ROOMS LEASE UM. Nice looking house, well furnished: White Temple district; attractive In come;; let me tell you; some terms; 20 rooms. .1. EUGENE HEDGES, 171 W. PARK. FOR SALE By owner, at a real bargain, first-class. 18-room, modern country hotel, all furnished and operating to full capacity; hotel ia located 18 mile, from Eugene, Or.. In a lumbering district. AV 645. Oregonlan. 44-ROOM APT. West side, cloe In, 7-S-17-2-1 -3, brick hldg.. In fair condition, a money-maker; good reasons for selling. A. k. Kellogg. A. J. DeKOREST A CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2tS10. $2500 3R ROOMS. Brick hotel, fairly good furniture, best rocation In city, right downtown: lea-se, good money-maker. It's a bargain at $2f.00, part terms. See me personally, J. EUGENE HEDGES, 171 W. PARK. WEST SIDE H. K. ROOMS. Id well-furnished H. K. room., hot and cold water in all rooms; rent $4-5, net income $100 and over, and your apartment besides. HENRI W. GOD DARD. 243 Stark street. I WILL sell my 20-room apt. house, all H. K.. in good condition and good fur- niture. clears $165 month: easy house for lady to run; price reasonable, by owner. AG 327. Oregonian. 16 ROOMS, clears $120 per month; close in, on west side, easy walking distance, rent $45 per month. Will sell for $2200. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ra.ilwey Exchange Bldg. To Buy or Sell a Hotel. ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUSE, See A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. We Buy Chattel Mortgages. HERE IS A SNAP. $3O0 per month clear to you. 30-room house; $2000. Mr. Magoon. 626 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. IF yon are looking for a hotel, apartment house, rooming house or restaurant, see Hill A Tannke, Hotel Bristol. Broadway 882. MUST SACRIFICE. S3 rooms, rent $126: clears $280; steam heat, elec, gas.; $1750, terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. 50-ROOM hotel In mfg. district, always all filled, with waiting list; steam heat; pavs over $200 month above expenses; price $4000. Call 511 Railway Exchange. WE HAVE an excellent list of small room ing houses, close in on .rest side. Let us show them to you. 401 Stock Ex change. 36-ROOM hotel, best town on river; also 3-oven Lang range, must sell at once. Box 711. Rainier. Or. FURNISHED rooming house at a sacri fice price; west side. L. Slmms, Main 51t9. MRS. M. E. LENT, Hotel and apartment hous. broker. T23-4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SEE M"E FOR BARGAINS. LIST WITH ME FOR RESULTS. J. ETJGENE HEDGES. 171 W. PARK. FOR best bargains In apartment houses e. member, of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg FOR SALE 17 housekeeping rooms; all wuui?i:u. rue ai- vi. oregonlan. Hotel, stud Rooming Hsotej. $750 buya housekeeping rooms, wast side. $1050 buys 10 housekeeping reams, west side, terms. $1700 buys TS-room hotel, west side. AV good place. Terms. SEE BROWN BTDDLE, 315 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. 43-ROOM BRICK . APARTMENT HOUSE. - We have a swell 43-room apartment house on -the east side, brick building; rent $60. with a 2 years" lease, clearing $250 per month. This place is close In; will sell on terms. Price $4000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. . IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming r Apart ment House of anv kind, anywhere, see F. R1ERDON. WATCH OIK ADS; WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 2Q3-S-T Board of Trade Bldg. 20-ROOM APART. HOUSE. WEST SIDE. RENT $90. A swell houae. fine furniture, furnace heat, 20 rooms, all rented, clearing $165 per month: close to Taylor and West Park sts. All for $2500. Some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. $00,000 BRICK apartments, oak furniture, Incona. $13,80O can be increased to $15. O0O. Will consider up to $20,000 In eome property, balance cash and terms. AJ 322. Oregonian. WBT AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found n cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. April 7: 3 purses, 2 straps. pair gloves. 8 books, suitcase, canvas bag, 2 coats, 5 lunch boxes. 17 umbrel las. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts. LOST The first oP the week. 1 tire ear ner, spare rim and tire, tail light and license plate No. 18U00 Ore., between Penn. Lbr. ,Co. and Montavilla. or in Montavilla. Kinder please notify Ber tram Pierce. 2016 E. Glisan. Reward. SUNDAY, April 4. near the nurses' home. 93 Ga.ntenbetn ave., lost a black ailV nanooag containing Jewelry and small change: valuable as keepsake. Reward. Sellwood 12ol. . LOST Black bill book containing con tract for lot. lOSS Of Which cuu.es .1-eut Inconvenience: return to Postal Savings oana. central station. 5th and Morrin on. No Questions asked. Reward. LOST Lady's purse containing about $45 and railroad ticket to Snnkun at ITnlnn depot Saturday, March 27. Liberal re ward ior return lo 40tf E. 224 st. North. East 6320. , LOST Year-old fox terrier on the Gilbert road or east of Lenta schoolhouse. city license No. 12: lame in hind leg; re ward. Phone Sellwood 594. LOST A tan leather bill book containing soldier's furlough blank -and currency. Suitable reward. Leave at Liberty Tem ple or phone Tabor 2060. LOST The person Is known who took the envelope from lady In Meier & Frank'i store; must be returned in 24 hours and s-ave lurther trouble. East 7i:i5. LOST or strayed in Fulton Monday, large black and tan Airedale, license No. 3385. Phone Marshall 853 or return to 161S irginla St. Reward. LOST One black purse with one $20 bill and some silver in it. at Meier : Frank basement lavatory, March. 29 or 30. Call Automatic 2411. Reward. LOST Will the party who found $20 greenback between Corbett building and Northwestern Bank on Morrison street please communicate with Main 6915. LOST Small package containing hem stitched w hite organdy collars and cufra. on west side. Sunriyaide car or East 38tb t. Finder call Tabor 5109. STRAYED From 441 E. 41st N.. a Bos ton terrier tfemale), on April S. Ta bor 5328. LADY'S wrist watch lost between A ins worth ave. and Broadway dance halL Please return to Tip-Top Inn. Reward. FOUND Easter Sunday, gent's pocketbook containing currency. Tonseth Floral Co.. 27 Wash. st. LOST Lady's glasses in case at Majestic theater or on street: notify Miss Will lams. Multnomah hotel. Reward. LOST One small wrist watch, plain gold, finder please return to 873 H East Oak street. STRAYED From 240 E. 89th St.. English setter dog, 8 mos. old. Reward. LOST Watch fob, monogram L. D B Reward. 822 Selling bldg. LOST Evening March 23. gold brooch. Phone Sellwood 900. Reward. LOST 32x3 U. S. chain tire. Reward. Kast 7395 STRAYED Blue Maltese cat. male. Re", ward. 1207 Tihbela St. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice Is hereby given that Multnomah county warrants, classes "J" and 'K." the same having been drawn upon the road fund and that were presented and Indorsed "Not paid for want of funds." from March 1. 1920. to March .10. 1920. both dates inclusive, will, if properly Indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland. Or.. April 8. 1920. JOHN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. NOTICE. -Port of Portland. Oregon, April 7, 1920. Permission has been granted to Milton Smith to change the name of his steamer "Inland Empire" 20SNS2) to "Service" 205882. WILL MOORE. Collector of Customs. BIDS WANTED. Bids will be received until April U on a tile church to be erected at St. Helens, Or. Plans may be obtained at 13:(0 Cleveland ave., Portland. Phone Wdln. 12:t9. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. A special meeting of the council' of the city of Portland. Oregon, is hereby called to meet at the council chamber In the city hall, on Saturday, April 10, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the pur pose of considering an ordinance enti tled. "An ordinance changing the grade of 26th street at points respectively 261 feet, 60O feet and 747.5 feet north of the north line of Wilson street, and de claring an emergency." in pursuance of a waiver signed by all of the property affected by such change of grade. GEO. 1 BAKER, Mayor. C. A. BIGELOW, Commissioner of Public Affairs. ' S. C. PIER, Commissioner of Finance. JOHN M. MANN, Commissioner of Public Utilities. A. L. BARBUR. Commissioner of Public Works. Attest: GEO. R. FUNK, Auditor of the City ef Portland. MY wife. Ada M. Robson. having refused to live with me, notice Is given I will not be responsible for any debts :con tracted by ber. James A. Robson. THE partnership of Gordon r Peterson has been dissolved. John Peterson Is no longer connected with me In business. James Gordon. 546 Lovejoy st. T HAVE thie day severed my connection with the Bass Day Motor Co. CHARLES A. BASS. FINANCIAL. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., namoer or commerce. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join thia association and get your real estate loan on the co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from 3 to lO years, repayable in small monthly installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association In Portland. UNION SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION. t9 4th st. "WE BUY WAR BONDS. VICTORY. LIBERTY BONDS. York Quotations. April 5, 1920. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th . 3s 4s 4 Us 4'.s 4s Market ..$96.60 $8.f6 $92.94 $S9 92 $97.80 Interest .. 107 ' 1.05 .23 2.01 1.42 Total ..$97.67 $90.91 $93.17 $91.93 $99.22 Mail orders receive" prompt attention. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Licensed by the City of Portland. 4Qo Spalding bldg.. Fourth Floor. LIBERTY BONDS CASftED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE, WK FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. LARGE bond and finance company wishes to become acquainted with responsible I automobile dealers or other business naen wno need financial assistance in taking care of their time paper. AG 321. Oregonlan. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned, on cattle, aheep. hogs. etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. tlO Chamber of Com. Main 3026. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate In Washington. Ore gon. H. K. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WANT to borrow $1500 on mv Rose City home; will pay 7 per cent for 3 yrs. Call Ts oor 2535 or Bdwy. 21. FOR SALE Real estate mortgage. $.".001. Will discount same 5 per cent. Box 12, Siiverton, Or. Money to Loan on Real Kstate. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ' ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per. month for 3rt months, or $21.24 per month for 61 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 243 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCtfi LOANS. 6H per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay 100 or any mul tiple thereof account principal, semi annually and reduce Interest INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value honse and lot at 6V3 to 7 per cent. You pay one half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and Interest. You have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five to ten-year period: 5V and 6 per cent. Same repayment i-'vileee. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308. -Suite 407 Yeon Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment 'privi lege. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPAJiY. Ol Third Street. Main SO7. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIKRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411 FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission: no delavs. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland, Or. $400. $5O0, $6O0, $800, $1000, $12(0. $1500. $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE I.OANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, .Mi PER CENT. 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 84 4th ST., HENRY BLDG. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Commission. No Delay. $1000. $1500, 20O0. $3000 and UP. We loan our money on real estate. F. H. DESHOX, 615 CHAM OK COM. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real estate, 1st and- 2d mortgagst-, contracts, live stock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber Com. Main 3026. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rate of Interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamter of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. Current rates. WM. Mac MASTER 3. 831 U. S. National Bank Bldg. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 8Q Fourth St.. Portland. Or. SEE I S TODAY. We loan monev on real estate. 6 and 7. long time, short time; monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder CELLARS-MURTO.N CO. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property: favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO. LTD 506 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. $30,000 TO LOAN at once on city prop erty or farms in valley or near Port'and will make in small loan of $500 to $5000 AO 310. Oregonian. $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms: no delay no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 ANDTJPlow rates: quick action. Fred W German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6145. SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co., 408 Selling bldg. MONEY on farm and improved citv prop erly. K. K. Baxter, 1203 Spalding bldg MORTGAGE T.OANS. lowest rates. A H Harding. 312 Railway Exchange Money t Lean Chattels an d Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTElE WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi moothlY or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. HO MORTGAGES. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. W. also loan on household furnitur. pianos, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED 218 FAILING BLDG. Mon7 to Loan ChatteUi and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT S PER CENT. established by portland busi ness men to pliotecx borrowers. loans made on diamonds, watches, jewelry, pianos, vio- TROLAS. UBJiitTY BONIXJ A.NO itii KITL'RE. S94 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS H ERR MA-NX. Uir. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAM ASSN. DO YOU .NEED MONET AT LEGAL. RATES, QUICK SERVICB YOU CAN UKT IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. KUKMTUKE, PIANOS, VICXKOLAS, REAL EisTAXJi BONDS. ETC If your payments an too lajs on your automobile or tunmuro contracts. w wl.l pay them up and advance you mors money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans, and leave the security lit your possession and you caa repay us la snia.ll monthly payments. ASO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their own note. Kates reasonable. Private office. JlU business strictiy confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANI LICENSED. 306-30T Dekum bids. Marshall S2M. S. W. Cor. Th Ire and Washington, MONET to loan on diamonds, jeweiry, leral rates: ail arncie held a year; estao Uahed 1&S8. Dan Marx fc Co.. 3 Waah. GEO. HARVEY Loans money on houae hold goods, legal rates. Tabor 3SCHJ. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furnl ture; legal rates. 208 Washington bldav JLoaus AVantwu WANTRD $35,000 ON HIGH-CLASS TN" DCSTiUAL PROPERTY, APPRATSED AT OVER $S0,OihJ. WILL tilVE F1PST MoaTUAtSE AT 8 PER CENT. WANT TO RESERVE R1UHT TO TAKE MORT GAGE LP WITHIN SIX MONTHS AT 3 1'ER CENT BONLS. BD Jl, UKBUO MAiN. WANT 7o0 at 7 per cent; $t00, 8 per cent; $-"(M), i per cent; JTo, 7 per cent; prop erty in Portland an-d vicinity. Kred W. Gorman Co.. 73 Cham. Com, bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR BALK ON improved larias and city properly. $1000 to S10.U00. F. ii . PES Ii ON. 613 CHAM. OF. COM. $15,0110. 6 PER CENT One-story brick building, new; income S-oO monthly; moral risk excellent; no commission. M ain SoQb'. WANT to borrow direct from private par ty $-J0.O0t; silt-edge security. AM ol3, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $t500 on my Rote City home ; will pay 7 per cent for three years. Call Tabor 2.i3. or H roadway WANTED $o500 each, two new i -room bunsalowa. irvington district. 301 Spat ding bldg. SE E O H EGO.N 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. -22 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PEKSONAU 603 PI TTOC K B LOC K bi2. PORTLAND INSTITUTE PHYSIOLOGY -THERAPJSUTICS. LIGHT. Its adoption ia office and institutional practice. GOAL OF SUCCESS. Evolution of the LIGHT BATH. The new type iSurdick ventilating system. The Professional Special Cabinet is the highest expression of the Radio-Vitant principle. It is truly the "prince ot light baths," blending all the special Jburdick" features in to a unit o ideal construction. Awarded highest sold nitdal at the Panama-Pacific Interna tional exposition. It gives health to the Invalid, rigor and vitality to the athletic and the typi cal American "pep" and punch to the busineKS man. and gives to woman these characteristics, w Men are most pleasing to the eye a particular grace or charm. A PLACE for LADIES that appreciate Distinctive service. You are cordia.ly invited to call and inspect THIS PRINCE OF LIGHT BATHS. MODERN INSTITUTIONAL TECHNIQUE. 6T.3 PITTOCK BLOCK 653. Washington at Tenth tetreet. WE BUV DIAMONDS. SrM direct to diamond brokers and receive what our diamonds are worth; w tt pay spot iah, any amount ; paw n -iiikeis. bought, ail bu&inegti strictly cuo tidunmU; private oil ice lor ladies. T H E A M ERIC A N B RO K E it AG E, 400 tipaidiiig liidg.. Fourth Floor. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST, Painless Deuti:try absolutely per formed by the nerve-blocking method, without after-effects; let us prove It to you. We muke X-ray examinations of teetQ when necessary along with oth er operations; we specialize in flrat-ciaaa Oenusiry at reasonable fees. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. E. ii. 1'UEHN. Majestic Theater Bldg. aftlVfr Wash. DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR 13 THE SCALPS CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. (I'.OO PER JAR. Get it at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO.. 800 Union Aw. N.. St- James Place. Portland, Or. Chicago, 111. A TT E N TION HE 1 RS O F SAM U EL H. WARD: If -the daughters ot Samuel B. Ward (who was a brother of J uita Caudee). w ho died in Oregon about ou years ago. will communicate with Dix tl. Row land. Fidelity builuing. Tacoma, Wash., they can obtain inionnauon of substantial va.ue to them. OLD FALSE TEETH. BOUGHT, We pay up to $-o per set. Don't mat ter if broke a ; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bndgework bought. Bring or mail. The AiiieiiL-an Brokerage, 4X Spalding bid.., 4th Door, Jd anu Waan. DR. ETHEL A. SA1RY" treats corns, in growing nails, peddicuring, manicuring, s nam poos, face and acalp mab&age. Open evenings. ooa Raleign building. Mar bhali aJ7tf. BATHS Steam baths and massage, new equipment, tpoueiy cieau; luin floor Broadway blag. Marsuall 3187. Trained iiuibe iu attendance. Dr. Laura ifi. Dow nlng. LADIES' and gentlemen's panama, straw, leit and beaver hats cleaned, b looked, dyed and renewed; buckram, net and wire frames. La France Hattera, Hlim M o rrison street. 1 GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ing. nan, waru and moes aooiuiea; new invention, no paiu, no soreness. Lowest prices in town, consultation tree. Here la ears ; arches 1 uteu. uUJ Dekum bldg. MINERAL Nauheim baths for rheumatism, blood circulation, biuuiacii trouble and stun diseases; ladies department with tnuneu nurde in attendance. Dr. Chybki, 'tw Third at. .Ham 6oJ7. NOTICE. CLEAN MONUMENT UN TOUR CEME TERY LOT. SEE HANSEN. MAIN j0 0 . 404 M'KAY BLDG. THE FUR SHOP. Expert remodeling at a iiavlng. Summer prices now In effect. 606 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH A SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE by trained nurse. Try it once, anu come again. Dr lrouide. Qb-li Broadway bldg. Main Dtf. FEB VET & HANMSBUT, leading wig said toupe makers. I tnest stock human hair gooas, hairdressing, manicuring, tace and fccaip treatment o4tf Aider. Mam i4ti. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST w ho doebn't hurt you; 8 ra. here; exam! tree. Globe bldg., 11th ac Wab, Bwy. 24, DR. ELNA SO REN SEN, 608 Panama Wdg. Lrugu-ba; manage ior stomach, kidneys, rheumatism, constipation. Open evenings. SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; im prove your system. Mrs. .Rollins. a Clay. Main b3itf. SCIENTIFIC massage. magnetic treat ments and violet ray, 1 to 0 P. M. Mrs. t reta lj ucn, o-t ueaum Diag. DR. MARGARET HATNIE give chiro practic steam baths, violet ray vibration ma-Lsagu. 13 Swetland bldg. Main 1763. CALL East S3S4 for beauty work at home hair ayeing a specialty; 14 years' cxdc rience; satisfaction guaranteed. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours '2 to 3 or by appointment. Pho., iuira si. PILES can be permanently cured without operations. Cail or write Dr. Dean, 234 Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed b 10 needles method: trial free. Josie Fist Uy.til4 Buh 6c Lane bldg. Main 6404. GERTRUDE DANIELS, euperfluous hair manicuring, face, scalp. 32 Flledner bldg! DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg! RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booMet. P. O. box 1105. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2l13 mornings? PILES CAN BE CURED without opera tion. Free booklet. P. p. tox j os. ELECTRIC body massage, 10 a M to 8 P. M. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 73T. M A S S A G ES. FO R LUMBAGO, ETC TTk BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN 866. " MYRTLE CLARK, manicuring, face ajid tcaip ircauueuu. twi Morgan tjuili. 100.2v