ao TTJK MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, ATRFL 0, 1920 WANTKD MISCELtAJilOl'S. TOOLS WANTEP. Shotwunft. RlfK'S. Klertvic Fans, Teuts, otov3. Cnsh Kegistt-rs. Doki Chairs. Sewing Machines. Tylewrtter. - ' J5irycl;a, Vurnlture. Musical Instruments, Store. Rataurnnt and Hotel Fixtures feoujrht. Sold, Rented. Exchanged. NEWMAN-.-j EXCHANGK. 123 First. Main 44'JO. Tabor 6708. tlt.uO TO $25 TOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAELOR. He pays more than anyone la the city tor .ults. overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall l'SJli. or 203 Madison St., neat 3d st- Will call anywhere in the vity. day or evening. faPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I pay spot cash and the highest mar Vet value for diamonds. No amount Is too large for me to handle. 1 am com missioned by . a large diamond concern to buy all the diamonds ottered. My lo cation la downtown and convenient. Ail business is strictly confldentia! Krnest Ieeds. 340 Washington si. Main 31 7a. s-'arnitnr Aante. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, .love, and mil household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines, and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade CALL. MAIN 8072. LEVIN .HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. Front fat. MARSHALL G0S1. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. WE BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR K ITU RE FOR SPOT CASH, ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAT; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OK OUiv KIND IN PORTLAND. 180 FIRST ST.. PHONE MARSHALL 5U8L CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY "FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. "JOUR CALL WILL BRING THB BUiER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 1U2 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3l). WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICS FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST B4I7. ASK FOR MR. OHMANDY. 7 X WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPLTa, STOVES, ETC., TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL . WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO '.WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 2U8 First St. Main 7728. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S78. X WANT used furniture; cash will be paid tor stoves and ranges and all kinds of , household goods. Call us for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. PRIVATE party wants to buy housekeep ing furniture for 10-room house; no dealers. Mar. 604 1. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the. ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For waiding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WAN 1 ED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 5004. Will pay best WANTED Large flat-top desk. Neahl. Main 2S02. Call W ANTED TO BUY FURNITURE. 804. OREGONIAN. HELP WANTED MAIJE. MAN WANTED. That is. a live wire to purchase new S-ton truck, with trailer, on log haul; 10 years work. Requires money to han dle this. E. 4016. SOLICITORS and delivery man for dry cleaning and dyeing routes; men with Ford cars preferred. Apply in person Frank's Dry Cleaning Co., Union, ave. at Wejdlrr st. WANTED A man who owns one big mov ins truck or van to call at 304 Pine; can give him 10 bit? jobs a day ; steady work. Apply at once. MAN to work In kltihen from 6 P. M. 9 V. M. in exchange for board. Apply Multnomah Athletic club dining room, O'Sl Salmon st. WA NTED First-class barber for Lewis- ton. Idaho: guarantee $:;. per week For particulars apply Lewis-Stenger Barbers Supp'.y Co. . MECHANICAL draughtsman, $200 month: munt be a good man. with ref erences. Call Woodlawn 6149 from 7 to 8 P. M. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open shop floor and bench machinists for work in city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. 4 WANTED AT ONCE First-class open shop braes foundry moulders for work in city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak fcts. YOUNG man wanted for office work and collecting; stale reference, age and phone number ; $14 wk. to start. BC .so. Oregonlan. DRAG-SAW man, must be experienced in operation and care of Wade saws; log ging camp; good wages, steady for com petent man. BP 313. Oregonlan. WANTED Barber for country town. Ap ply at O Bricn-Shold Barbers' Supply Co.. -71 Washington at., Portland, Or. Phone Main 103. SALESMEN make from 5 to J20 per day: cash dally. 838 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th and Stark. $175 BUYS half Interest in downtown bar ber shop; owner leaving cit.v. White House Barber Shop, 363 4th EXPERIENCED Janitor, best of reference, reasonable wage. Main 5157. Ask for janitor. 5RUGGIST for taking charge of business In eastern Oregon; good opening for right man. BC 270. Oregonian. WANTED Machine shop helper with blacksmith experience. Cutler Mfg. Co., East 10th and Mill sts. "WANTED Female Impersonator to open for long trip in vaudeville ; everj-thing furnished. Ray Royce. Ritz hotel. "WANTED A good, live boy to drive de livery car. lrvington Market, 592 East Broadway. WANTED Grader and tallyman. 16.50 per day; position in sawmill town. Pioneer Eniplo y me nt Co.. 14 N. 2d st. WANTED Teams for state highway, up the river, J12 for 8 hrs. Portland Labor Agency. 11 N. 2d st. AMATEUR and professional acts now being booked. Frank Coffin bery. Continental Producing Co.. Buchanan bl d g. HOY WANTED to work In dining room University club. 6th and Jefferson. WANTED First-class coat-makers. Reed Bros., tail ors W il c ox blrl g LEARN the vulcanizing business, or write 1TS E. Broadway. Call HELP WANTED Shoemaker at 406 Mor rison st. WANTED Night man, age o0 or 60. tel Medford. 5th and Gllsan. WANTED GOOD CAMP BAKER FOR ALASKA. CALL WOODLAWN 1 4S2. W A NT E D Baker, ery. Eugene, Or. Apply University Bak- WANT paper hanger and kalsominer. Cal 777 Spokane axe, after 6 P. M. BARBER wanted for Saturday, street. HAN WANTED to purchase 2 U -ton trurk; good Job, close to Portland; easy terms. E. 491 o. . ENGINEER wanted for sawmill. Write to Dimmers Bros.. Cottage Grove. Or. EXPERIENCED stenographer. 125 future. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. good NON-UNION barber wanted: steady job, wages guaranteed. 205 Morrison st. SASH put tip man, mon et. sticker man. EXPERIENCED elevator boy. Mai lory ho tel ; 171 Lownnd.tls. BARBER wSinLed. 24-s Madison st. HELP WANTED MALE. 60O INEXPERIENCED men Mntld to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld era and tire vulcanizers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing so'diers as auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed If after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools In the world: four large schools. W rite nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS, Third and Elm streets, Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier St.. Seattle, Wash. ' $300 to looo a month ii ..Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks n you rake advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered bv the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL. Of THE WEST. IT H A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY UTUER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay cent until you are convinced that we u deliver the goods. That's lair, isnt Write for our $1 88-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No 5. , OUR COURSES ARE FH E E T O OREGON EX-SERVICE MfcN. AUCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. 3 8.287 YOUNG MEN ' have. In the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This Is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charrged. Employers naturally turn to the 'Y for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present Is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to gel a better position If you are prepared for It All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the 'employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you bunting a Job, or seeking career? Have you discovered where you fit in? Wou'd you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest in you ? The Y. M. C. A. Advisory and Em ployment Dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. WANTED Work nig foreman or superin tendent for manufacturing department of company ma king bee keepers sup plies; steady work and permanent posi tion with up-to-date and rapidly grow ing firm; position requires a high-grade man wiih some experience in manage merit of similar business as well as ac tual machine operation. A. E. Wright &, Sons. Nainpa, Idaho. WANTED Salcsmanager to open office and manage talesmen for high-class ar ticle; exclusive territory, big profits, ev ery merchant a prospective purchaser, no competition. Do not miss this oppor tunity ; $350 to $750 capital required. Should make $5000 per year. Call or write at once lor particulars. Pacific Sales Co., 211 Ferguson blag., Los A geles, Cal. EXPERIENCED dress goods salesman Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier &. Frank Co. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work bard for real success. If you believe you can sell life Insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard. 1205 Wilcox bid g. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school ; new building; modern equipment; best in struction; practJcal work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad- greds or inquire at room 4it x . i. a. bldg. Phone Main n't 00. branch II. LA BORERS for out-of-town work ; tree fare ; company goes good for board and room; otic an hour, 1 t pay tor Sundays. Apply 2lO Commonwealth bldg.. bet. An keny and Burnside on tfth. MOVING PICTURE ACTORS wanted, men and women, all types, for motion picture work. Blackstone Play ers, 1021 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Apply between 10 and 12. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Alder to East 20th, or phone East SOUS. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANTED Reliable couple tor country place; wife good cook and housekeeper, man all-around farmer; everything fur nished ; reierences required. AK 378, Oregonian. W ANTED A joung man typist for writ inn orders. M ust be fast and accurate on machine or need not apply. State experience and salary expected. BF 340, Orcxonlan. - ' FAR M PART NERS 'w A NT E D. Man and wife on tw-arrc general and poultry farm; woman good cook and housekeeper; man good all-around gen eral farmer. Box 24. Wells. Or. WANTED Experienced electrotype fin isher: eive references and state wages. Muirson Label & Carton Company, San Jose. Cai. WANTED Names ot men, lb-4.. wisning to become Portland man carriers; Sinn SI So month. Answer immediately, AV 421. Oregonian. FARM HAND, married, must have own furniture ; house and water furnished board themselves; wages per mo. O 170, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced laundry driver who wishes to invest some money and connect himself with a good paying laundry. A V 637, Oregonlan. WANTED A snry boy as helper on milk truck. Good job for the right boy. One living in Rose city rarK preierrea. Steigerwald Dairy. Phone labor l4. EXPERIENCED window trimmer, card writer and ad man: if out of town, ref erences in first letter. Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.. clothiers. 5th and Alder. Portland BOYS over IS to learn macnine knitting enod oonortunitv for aavancement. Ap ply- Jantzen Knitting Mills. 601 Sandy blvd. WANTED Cnatmaker. good man: steauy joo: will pay S15 and up. or 35 and up by week. Apply to F. J. Huber, Main St., M edf ord. Or. YOUNG man, active and intelligent, for faotorv work in wholesale coiree house One with roasting .experience preferred Apply at 34 N. Front, corner coucn. PRINTER - PRESSMAN for advertising Inn: make uo and oress work $36. The Morning: Enterprise. Oregon City. YOUNG man exDerienced in ledger work give age. experience and salary expect ed; wholesale house. AG 326. Ore gonian. MOTION picture operating instruction starts right away; class open lor a tew more. Apply at once. 435 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Experienced helper works.- Vancouver Dye Works. 2G0. 108 E. 0th st. n dye Phone WANTED First-class presser. steady po sition. Apply In person. U. S. Dry Clean ing Co., ISO uranq ave. WANT first-class oetall sticker man and sash men. McMinnville Planing Mill, Mc Minn vine. WANTED Boy for office work. Apply in own naiiuwiiuiis, reierences quired. BD 368. Oregonian. WANTED A good tailor to do bushellng nest wages- Tony, the Tailor, Corvallis, Or. MIDDLE-AGED man and wife wlthou family, to care lor halls and furnace free apartment. Apply 304 Morgan bldg. YOUNG man wanted to keep set book in a market. Main 2035. 624 Morgan DItlg. EXPERI KMJbU solicitor, married man and must drive I ord car. 1224 Sandy divq. WANHTED Students to learn vulcanizin and retreading ; latest methods taught. surK st. WANTED Auto trucks to haul wood 1 city. Holmau Fuel Co., Grand ave. and Division st. BARBER steady jod; z Saturday men. S. H. Howard, sec. Master barbers as sociation, j iu tn si. EXPERIENCED porter for barber shop. s. . novara, nu hi. WANTED First-class pants makers. Reed Bros., tailors., wiicox stag. BARBER wanted for out-of-town; S30 guarantee. Appiy t i BiarK- l CABINET makers wanted at once. Alad din Company, North Portland. WANTED Cabinetmaker. Co., North Portland. Apply Alaadln WANTED Good, experienced pantry help er See steward. Hotel Portland. FIRST-CLASS vulcanizer. capable of tak ing charge of shop. Phone East 8609. EXP. waitress. 206 Morrison.- Manhattan Restaurant. 2 OR 3 GARDENERS wanted. Prescott st. Apply 410 BELLBOY at Campbell hotel. HKLP WANTED m .. WE NEED SALESMEN at The Dalles. Al bany. Roseburg. Medford. Ashland. Ba ker, La Grande. Hood River. Salem, Mc MinnvIIIe, Marshfield. Tillamook and Klamath Fails. Oregon, and Kalama. Wash.; highest quality food products di rect to consumer; no Investment except light car for delivering; bond and reter ence required- Write for particulars re garding our selling plan. Our salesmen have a business of their own and some earn $300 per month. Grand Union Tea Co.. 443 Wash, st., Portland. Or. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of three boys between the ages of 16 and 18 for helpers on de livery trucks. Apply Meier &. Frank ga rage, 2d and Jefferson sts. WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY' GOOD proposition to offer to a high-grade salesman in the phonograph game. Ex perienced desired but not absolutely nec essary. The qualifications are a pleas ing personality and aggressiveness. Call and see Mr. Harold S. Gilbert at 3-S4 JTam h i II st. from 1 to 4 in the afte rnoon. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. City of Portland U. S. Government. an furnish help, male or female; free or charge to either party. Men's Div., Flat Iron bldg.. 311 Pine street, phone Bdwy. 4376; Women's Div., 202 Beck bldg., Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4369. WANTED RELIABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN FOR GENERAL CHORE WORK YARD CLEANING. CUTTING WOOD. HANDLING FREIGHT. ETC.. FOR LUMBER MILL COMPANY'S BOARD ING HOUSE AND STORE. NEAR POKT LAND. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. SALESMEN. Live salesmen, willing to work, can make from $50 to $lOO per week on commission : if unwilling to work don't take our time. THE ELECTRIC MAID SHOP, 133 loth St. WKNTED A competent laundry man. We will build and equip a modern laundry and ei titer rent it or go in partnership with someone if a reliable and compe tent operator can be found. THE CARLISLE-PENNELL LUMBER CO., Onalaska,. Wash. WANTED NEAT APPEARING YOUNG MAN. 18 TO 25 YEARS OF AGE. TO TRAVEL WITH MANAGER IN GOOD PAYING BUSINESS: SINGLE MAN PREFERRED; M UST BE ABLE TO PAY FIRST WEEK'S EXPENSES. M It. KENT. IMPERIAL HOTEL. ROOM 35. BANK BOOKKEEPER WANTED. Experience! man on posting machine work, permanent position. Write, giving experience and references. Benton County State Bank, Corvallig, Or. MAN to install and superintend operation of 25,000 capacity sawmill; will pay good salary and percentage on cut if desired; give reierences and experience. AG 524, Oregon ian. Al A N and wife experienced with switch board and like w ork to take charge ot oft ice in town near Portland ; will offer good proposition to right party. AV 622, Ortgonian. EXPERIENCED- salesman for retail cof fee route, excellent opportunity. Prefer man with Ford ca r. S ee M r. Ca ldweM, 9 to 1'.' A. M., Caswell Coffee Co., 25 E 12th st. . WE WANT a olean-cut, energetic man for an advertising campaign tha t we are conducting with the ranchers; a demon strator is available for the right man. Call forenoon, ts!8 Pekum bldg. ' ADVERTISING solicitors. Portland Busi ness Directory page, established farm paper; commission paid daily : other publications. Clyde, 230 Stock Ex change. STEADY, reliable man. willing to solicit. deliver or cierk in store; mutt De ener getic; promotion In view; bond and rcf. required: salary. Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Washington st. WANTED Boy over 16. with wheel, op portunity for advancement. Lennon s, 30U Morrison st. MOTION PICTURES. People who wish to enter the motion pictures, It would be to your interest to call at the Eagle Film Co.. 523-525 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED A high grade tire salesman to cover city. ooa position lor man win. ability. In answering, give full particu lars, age, previous position, etc. BF :3tt, Oregonian. - BARBER wanted at 304 Burnside st. Help Wanted (Salesmen. THE MILLION DOLLAR INVENTION. WANTED, STATE AND COUNTY AGENTS to sell the greatest time, labor and money-saving machine ever Invent ed. Does the work of three to five men on farm, weighs 22 pounds. Retails for 9 12.50, $6.50 profit. Farmers buy on sight. Men make $350 to $500 per month. Don't fall to see machine at work. Corner Third and Oak streets. Lewis Ahurson, owner. Multnomah Ho ter, room 628, Portland, Or. A. LARGE eastern corporation desires the services of an honest, ambitious. Intelli gent salesman to represent them tn ths -ortiana branch or I ice; this is a nie tlmfi opportunity and even if employed it will pay you to investigate this; fasci nating, well psylng, rapid promotion to right party. Call after 10 A. M.. 1109 Spalding bldg.. Mr. Fox. WANTED A live wire, ambit ions sales man, who knows he Is capable of greater accomplishments than his present posi tion offers; to such a man we have a permanent position' open, with greater possibilities of immediate advancement. AC 323, Oregonian. TWO live wire advanced salesmen fo: house-to-house canvass work; guaran teed taiary and excellent commission to producers. A pply Caswell Coffee Co., 25 E. 12fjh st. So. SALESMEN to sell to auto owners on street, also dealers; live proposition for live men big profits, sure seller; pay evcrv dav. Call between 12-1 P. M., 6-7 P. M.. No. 25 Park at., room 11. WANTED Sales manager for well-estab lished real estate tirrn. No capital re quired, but must furnish his own auto mobile. Applicants must furnish good reference. AF 308. Oregonian. A LARGE financial institution requires the service of two clean-cut and ag gressive salesmen; earnings are better than $500 monthly. AE 384. Orego nlan. HIGH-PRESSURE salesman to sell Texas oil leases few Oregon company; excep ' tionaP.y good proposition. AM 320, Oregonian. LIVE truck salesman for Multnomah county. Must be first class. Salary and commission. M 187. Oregonian. TWO experienced stock ana bond sales men ; unusual opening for the right men. A J 327, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Canvasser to handle otfr ex tensive, line of superior nursery stock In many of the best fruit sections of this state; capable men are making large earnings; demand never greater; sell ing experience helpful, but not essen tial; complete supplies furnished; refer ences required; cow is tho time; ad dress OREGON NURSERY CO., Crenco, Or. AGENTS at once, seihng bOc per month hospital tickets. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP "WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED young lady for permanent position as captain In down-town hotel dining room. AR 310, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER Knowledge of book keeping hours 10 to 2; $75. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Experienced cashier tor meat market. Give phone number. BF 338, Oregonian. WANTED Two highly recommended maids for chamber work ; salary $55 each. BD 312, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer and typist for wholesale house, state experience. BD S53. Oregonian. SCHOOL girl to assist with housework. Main 2113. Residence, 575 Elm st-. Portland Heights. OPERATOR for making silk shirts; , experienced operators need apply. only Ball Mfg. Co.. 4th and Couch st. WANTED Woman cook; for the country. Sell. 304. EXPERIENCED COATMA KERS. AH 369. OREGONIAN. GIRL for office work; must take some dictation and typing. AP 328, Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer Call 145 Grand avenue. EXPERIENCED Scandinavian chamber- ma i dEdisonnotUoBroadw a y . WANTED Suomalmen chambermaid. Em press hotel. DISHWASHER for small private hospital. - Apply 610 Lovejoy st. SIGN painter wanted, steady position. $10 per day. Albany Sign Co., Albany. Or. GOOD COOK FOR SMALL SANITARIUM. PHONE SELLWOOD 037. E:F. waitresses, Manhattan Restaurant. 206 Morrison. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. Hong Kong Cafe. 1074 Cth. WANTED Waitress for short hours, ply 501 Broadway. Yamhill bldg. THREE stenographers for out-of-town po sitions, salaries 100. 447 Morgan bldg. WANTED Dining room girl, 1751 Derby at. Woodlawn 2915. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO YOU WANT TO SjfRX A GOOD SALARY? A salary that is paid while you learn the business that increases frequently as you gain experience? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. j Apply at Telephone Company Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. THE MILLER SCHOOL OF ADDING. CA LCULATI4VG AND BOOK KEEPING MACHINES Enter now for summer vacation work. Courses sre short from four to six weks only. WE HAVE SECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Managers of all bank and mercantile offices require a knowledge of modern office appliances. 903-4 Yeon Building. OLD-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who .are ambitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can ' seil life insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard, 1205 Wilcox bldg., Pdrtland. Or. WANTED Competent saleslady in wom an's ready-to-wear store in prosperous Oregon town; one preferred who can do minor alterations: give references and state salarv requirements, age, expe rience in first letter. AV 566. Orego nlan. WANTED Good stenographer who is ac curate at figures, permanent position. Onlv one wltn practical experience need apply. Call East 105, Mr. Baker. Ore gon Moline Plow Co., 430 East Morri son street. WANTED Experienced drapery sales women. Apply Employment Bureau. 6ta floor. Meier s Frank Co. I HAVE more positions open than 1 hav pupils ready. Why not take up work which will make you Independent? Six weeks' course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours from tt:30 to 12:30. Room 411 Beck bldg. MOVING PICTURE ACTRESSES wanted, ladies and gentlemen, all types, for motion picture work. Blackstone Players. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. Ap ply between 10 and 12. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women agsd 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pay and steady employment. AB 3H2, Ore gonian. MOTION PICTURES. People who wish to enter the motion pictures. It would be to your interest to call at the Eagle Film Co.. 523-525 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED. All-around woman cook for commer cial hotel Ismail town) in southern Ore gon; 75 per mo.. Including room. AB 33. Oregonian. WANTED Young lady as assistant danc ing teacher; ballroom dancing, free In structions, good salary. Call at De Honey's Dancing Academy, 23d and Washington. Y'OUNG'lady for stenographic and clerical work; tact, courtesy and a willingness and interest in the work are essential; $15 a week to start. Address R 150, Oregonian. CASH I ER and bookkeeper, $1 25 ; book keeper and stenographer. $125; stenog rap hers. S76. $", $ HH; s cretary. $ 1 25 comptometer operators. $75, $100; two typists. 3411 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED 3 girls for shaking tab. on girl for hand wash and one girl in starch room. Experience not necessary. Cryxta! Laundry. E. 21st and Sandy road. Kos City car. WAITRESS We want one first-claHS tray waitress, satary room and hoard, work 6 days a week ; good side money. Address, with references, Pilot Butte Inn, aena, or. CANDY' GIRL. $12 week; experience un necessary ; prefer girl living with par ents. Call after 10 A. M. Harris, 120 ith st. WANTED Girls of neat appearance, over 18. for ushers; about 5 feet 1 in. in height; between 2 and 5 P. M-, Star theater. WANTED Salesmen of ability to help establish a new field of education ; big earnings. J? or interview, A J 310, Ore gon lan STRONG woman to work in wholsals house. Apply O Brien-fc-hold Barbers Supply Co.. 271 Washington st., Port land. Or. Main 103. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. GOOD HOME to suitable lady about April 15 for 2 or 3 hours light housework afternoon and evening in family adults. lrvington. AB 381. Oregonian A No 1 COOK for logging camp in good location, must be top-notch; wages to correspond. Triple A Lbr. Co., Wilbur, Or. WANTED Names of women or girl wish inr to become U. S. govt, clerks: $100- $125 month. Answer immediately, AV 421, Oregonlan! LADIES, do you want money. Wonderful article to selL Call room 514 Dekum bldg.. 9 to 12 A. M. GIRL for three nours nousework in ex change for nice room, breakfast and wa gea. 9il Raleigh. Phone Main 3730. wan i i-; u tuueatea young . lauy as housekeeoer for gentleman and lO-vear. old daughter; references exchanged. AH vU6. oregonian. TH E Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Young lady stenographer for wholesale house: state age, experience and salary expected. AF 330. Oregonian. ACTIVE ffirls wanted for steady factory work; good wages. Apply American Can Co.. 14th and Frortt. BILLING operator for Rem.-Wabl ma chine: give phone number, salary ex pected. AM 310. Oregonlan. WANTED Competent experienced assist ant bookkeeper: state experience and sal ary wanted. AO 328.Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicur tst. Lipman, Wolf 4b Co., mezzanine floor. WANTED Woman to help with cook. $65 and board; must live near 23d and Wash. Campbell Hill hotel. WANTED Japanese girl to cook and do light housework. .Apply E. H. Roberts. care Roberts Bros.. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED A high school girl to care for children for room and board; good home, good wages. Main 6090. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman (latter preferred) for work on ranch in Eastern Oregon. Phone E. 2073. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, not over 10 vears, for professional woman. 304 M.ot ' gan bldg. City reference required. WANTED Stenographer for first-class po sition ; knowledge of dictaphone essen tial. 420 Spalding bldg. YOUNG lady a$ stenographer, $12 week to start; Kive experience and reference In answering 11. Oregonian. ' WANTED Young lr.dy typist for btlMng work; salary $60 month. Apply 352 Oak St., room 801. WANTED Waitress, ChesterLury hotel, 201 N. 20th. HELP WANTED FKMAI.E. REFINED, .active, middie-ased woman or trained nurse, school teacher or business woman desiring a change from regu lar routine, as companion and to as.-lat with light housework and mending. No cooking or washing. Three in family. Comfortable summer home. Mut be In telligent, agreeable, optimistic and con tent in quiet environment; moderate wages. Address Box 52. Kerry. Or. WANTED Four ladies for house-to-house demonstrating work; travel In Oregon; salary and expenses paid. Inquire Sun day morning only. 9 to 12. S. H. Ben rett. Congress hotel. 6th and Main. No phone applications considered. EXPERT lumber stenographer; must be rapid, have had several years' lurmber experience and capable of further ad- iiincni. snouia oe wen eaucatea, congenial and accurate. Salary $125. State age, experience and references. Address East Oregon Lbr. Co., Enter prise, Or. WANTE D-A b tonograp her with expert -ence. Permanent employment if satisfac tory. Send reference and detail of ex prience to Southwestern Washington Bank. Ilwaco, Wash. WANT to employ experienced stenogra pher. One who has had experience in real estate office preferred.' Will pay $73 monthly- Give experience, age, etc., in letter AG MO, Oregonian. EXCELLENT opportunity for responsible young lady to learn multlgraphlng; must be good typist. State age. oft ice ex perience and phone number. AN 312, Oregonian WOMAN to care for nome and 3-year-old girl while widowed mother is em ployed. Call after 6 P. M., 1J60 E. 77th st. N. Montavllia car. GI RL for filing. No experience necessary. , State ajje and salary expected. Ad dress, with phone number. AR 312. Ore gonian. WANTED Glass washer. Campbell hotel. Wanted Domestic.. GOOD wages to willing girl to assist gen eral housework and care of child; knowl edge of cooking unnecessary. .Phone Marshall 346S. 150 AND no laundry work; 2 children: must be clean, capable and cheerful. s.'0 Thompson st., tor. 26tb. Call from 12 to 1 o'clock. WANTED By April 15. an experienced cook; wages $65. Mrs. W. H. Wallace, 1l5 North 20th, corner Kearney. Phone Broadway 3!60. GI RL to assist with housework a few months: 3 adults In family; good wages; electrical conveniences; evenings free 605 E. Couch. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three adults in familv; even ings free. 540 East 21st N. Phone East 57 19 WANTED Girl for cooking and some downstairs work, small family, no wash ing, no furnace; high wages. 7W Flan ders st. WANTED Competent woman for general housework; no washing, small f-wmily, comfortable room with bath. Call 10 to 12 A. M., 775 Flanders st. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework, good wages, Seventh-Day Ad ventist preferred. Phone Tabor 1478 or call at 1169 East Couch 8t. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework; good wages. Apply 151 Lad dington court. Tabor 5754. WANTED May 1, girl or woman for gen eral housework ; must be good pialn cook; wages $.'. Main :',:4. WANTED Girl to act as nurse and to assist generally ; good wages. Apply mornings. 821 Johnson. Main 260S. GIRL or woman to assist with general housework. 530 E. 21st N., after 6 o'clock. W A NTED-Competent girl or woman for general nousework; good wages. 559 Ladd ave. Telephone East 3787. WANTED Experienced upstairs girl and assist witn care ot 2-year-old boy. Mar shall 3056. WANTED Experienced girl for upstairs work, e-mail Tamil y. good wages. Apply mornings. 115 North 22d st. WA MUD Competent girl for general housework, family of two. Mrs. J. L. Hartman. Call Tabor 16o:i. mornings. WANTED An experienced girl or woman Tor rooking and downstairs work. Mrs. R. H. Ellis. Main 264. WANTED Old or middle-aged woman to neip woman. light housework, in city. Phone, automatic 32481. GIRL for second work, $45 month: private sitting room, bedroom and bath. Knight station. Sell wood 100S. WANTED Girl for general housework. April 16: 3 In family; pleasant home; good wages.Phone East 2803 mornings. WANTED School girl to assist with housework for room and board and suit able wages. Broadway 4IHO. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some nouse worn ; no warning, no rurnace, no i nursaaj uinncr. ai ?'; Joltnson. WANTED High school girl to assist with housework, family of three, good home, good wages. Phone Tabor Gl9. EXPERIENCED girl or woman as nurse maid, lor 7 months old baby: m-M wages. 340 10th st GIRL ' for cooking and downstairs work N o washing. Wages $60. Phone East 3900. Y'OTJNG girl io assist with good wages. Mar. 4SG0. housework ; vy i j 1 cv tain, near GIRL or woman for housework, steam heated flat, family of three. Mar. 4IW8. w rt.x i e,L- 4j-iri io assist witn general EXPERIENCED second girl, Call Main 2470. mornings. references. HOUSEKEEPER, by widower; easy place WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR BACH EI.QH. AH 301. OREGONIAN. AC GI RL for general housework Phone Main h326. best WANTED A young girl housework. No washing. io assist with -aii cast 6646. HELPVANTED MALE OR FEMALE, MAN and wife or woman and son about 20 years old. woman to do general house work and man to work outside- and S?! Apply mornings Tabor 3827. 725 E. 36th st. N. WANTED Circulator for initiative peti tion; will be circulating one at 2d and Alder at 2 P. M. Friday. J. F. Albright. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you ths trade In 8 weeks, E,v.e, you a t of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside at. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BE HNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, give you set of tools free, position secured. 33 N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Miss Bucket's private school; Individ ual instruction. 122 V4 Grand ave. E. 427. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Allsky Bldg., Thirdr and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school, $5 per month. 230 Tillamook st. East 3860. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K Welles, ex-assist, stats supt.. mgr.. N W. Bank bldg. Main 8276 THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. M n 4835. Teaching positions-free registration. VOCAL or piano lessons by profevsionaL 10 lessons 5. AN 309. Oregonlan. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency". Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE YOUNG man with repair experience wishes job in a garage. Phone Milwaukle 69 X. JAPANESE school boy. age 18, wants po- sition. BJ 316. Oregonian. 16-YEAR farm boy wants job on ranch. Address 5106 42d ave. S. E.. city. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman. AO 374. Oregonian. CARPENTER WANTS WORK BY DAY OR CONTRACT. TABOR 7194. BOOKKEEPER, competent, reliable, seeks steady position. AO 373. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants position as porter or hall boy. John Yoshioka. 21 2 Madison. WANTED Job driving car or truck; ex perienced. AR 00, Oregonian. CARPENTER A-l fast worker, rough or finish, short jobs especially. Bdwy. 716. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. DO YOU WANT A STICKER? Some one you can trust and depend upon to the most minute detail? Who will stay for life if there's a future? Have had road experience and college education. Am 1 the man you want ? Give desalted proposition in first com munication. At present employed. H 06. OREGONIAN. SALESMAN AGE US. ATTENTION. Young, azgressiv salesman with 14 years' road experience and college edu cation wants connection with a progres sive firm selling or the road. I can pro duce results. IT you have a futuie in your firm and want a sticker who will stick, see me. At present employed. H 83. CKGONIAN. LOGGING camp timekeeper, commissary man and staler, now employed In that capacity, wishes to make change; single man, 7 years experience; capable of lilling bill in large camp. SEE PIERSON, 415 Chamber Commerce Bldg., Marshall 3710. SITUATION wanted by married couple; life experience on farm or ranch ; two children if near school, if not. one child; permanent position only considered; can sure give satisfaction. AO 307. Orcgo nlan. PLUMBING Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently st reasonable prices; workman ship 'guaranteed. - M ERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1904. 161 Kuesell st. AMBITIOUS, industrious college man of Junior standing desires connection with reliable firm, wiil work either in city or outride; will travel; give particulars. AG 32!, Oregonlan. HANDY man with tools, can do any kind of repair work on lights, plumbing, car penter work, painting ; can hanaie mo tors, elect, or oil burners. Phone Tabor 2200. EX -OVERSEAS man. a sDecialtv salesman, with car, wishes i'e lines, raaius up iu o miles from Portland ; commission only; bond if necessary. AO 30S. Ore gonian. WEST M AG lJ 1 71 r Paintlng, paper hanging and tinting Phone- Auto. 21 W-77. Res, and shop, 307 East 3 9 ill st. YOUNG man 21. now employed nights flesires work I to 5 P. M. ; clerical ex perience: rood worker: drive any make car. . AL 312, Oregonian. WANTED Position as ranch foreman, by married man; general farm training and experience; best references. Ati oio Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position in a orivate lamliv: best of references. Darnel F. Sheuhan. care St. Vincents Hospital. GOOD tDDctrlnc vnunz man desires em ployment part lime or an aay ; ocricai or theater work; small salary considered. A F 306. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED groceryman wants posi tion as manager, or head salesman ot grocery dept. ; best of references given. AV ujii, Oregonlan. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work alter 2 P. M. and Saturdays; can operate type writer: take some dictation and knows bookkeeping. Walter Bennett. East56. EXPERIENCED gardner and florist wants evening work. rta&onaDie enarges; sun nyside or Hawthorne districts preferred- Phone evenings. Tabor 8i4: WANTED Position as watchman or auto cat tilling station: experiencea witn steam boiler and engine. AG 776. Ore gonian. POSITION as watchman or any kind of light work; can furnisa good reierences. T. G.. 167 W 1st st. KALSOM IN 1 NG. painting, papering done at reasonable prices by a capaoie ex service man. Broadway 351'-. ALTO mechanic, first clas , m-ill repair taught. Ma owner h garage; cirlvini shall 3083, apt. 304. E GARDNER. Lawns leveled, seeded and rolled. Phone East 6206 after 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED carpenter. finisher, all Phone Wdln. around man una hustler. 2483. CA RPENTER contracts for alterations. store fitting, buildmgs. large or small ; save you money. Manny. Seilw. 2421. WANT steady job driving for wholesale or retail hoJse; good delivery car. Ta bor 34W. ACCOUNTANT will keep small set of books mornings or do periodical work. Reasonable charge. BC 30i. Oregonlan. TREES! TREES! PRUNING AND TRIMMING. PHONE TABOR 1723. MARRIED MAN. aged 40. wlliint? worker, wishes position in garage or warehouse. Call Tabor 234. EX PERI ENCED janitor, who can kalso mtne and paint, wishes work; can give references. Call Tabor 234. HOUSE cleaning and wood work, also other job woik wanted by experienced r-olored man. Phone Bdwy. 2120. FOR floor waxing, window washing or washing woodwork or general house cleaning, phone Tabor 22o. JANITOR work wanted by man ana wife; apartment house preferred ; best refer ences. AO 305. Oregonian. A LIVE east, is Oreg"Tii WIRE sa lesman. lately from open for good position. A J 32tt, CARPENTER and general .lobbing, altera tions, repairing, reshingling a specialty. Kent Jensen. 1HH M WoodstocK ave. TRUCK driver and auto mech. wants job In or near city; good references; former I". S. govt. Instructor. Call Main 6013. GET H. E. Helm, the plumber, to fix those leaky faucets and toilets. 312 Pine ot. Bdwy. 2110. WANTED Steadv work for Ford light de livery with driver; part of or all day. Phone Bdwy. HOI. BAKER All around married man wants steady work; state wages. AV 570, Ore gonian. LINOTYPE operator desires position ; union. Address box 12, Portland. Or. WORK by the day or hour. 45c and carfare. Main 8122. CESSPOOLS AND .SEWER CONNEC TIONS. WOODLAWN 5483. SH INGLERS WHEN YOU NEED A SHINGLER PHONE WOODLAWN 3598. PAPERH ANGING, Painting and Tinting. Good, work; right prices. Marshall 2403. PAINTING, tinting, prices reasonablegood work. Tabor 305L PLOWING WDLN. 6214. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WANTED Sit. as night watchman; exps riencea; city refs. Main 5120. Morgan. CITY garden lots to plow and harrow. Broadway 607, Broadway 3016. UPHOLSTERING, furniture repairing done in youg home. 8110 63d ave. 3. E. WANTED Logging or piling contract; have 20 horses. AR 303, Oregonlan. A-l CARPENTER builds and remodels cheap by contract. Woodlawn 126. YOUNG man desires work of some kind; no soliciting. Room 821. Main 8700. JAPANESE wants short job after 6 P. M-, about 3 hours. Call 5-16-84. WANTED Hauling contract for 2-ton truck in or out of town. Tabor 6679. LANDSCAPE and general gardening; ref erences. East 246. $7 per day. THREE Chinese boys want jobs as bell boys. Phone 532-46. Book keepers. StenogTOpbrra, Office. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. 25 YEARS OF AGE. WITH A GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEPING AND EXPE RIENCED AT TIMEKEEPING. DE SIRES A PERMANENT POSITION WITH A RELIABLE FIRM. I WILL TRY ANYTHING WITH A FUTURE AND BEGIN AT THE BOTTOM ON A NOMINAL SALARY. AO 303. OREGO NIAN. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and accountant with ten years mfg. and mere, experi ence wishes position. AK 394, Oregonian. TEMPORARY work, experienced account ant, books checked, systems installed. AP 312. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT Small sets books ; ciatty. Terms very reasonable, shall 2310. sne-Mar- Soldiera and traitors. EX-SERVICE man desires work of some kind; no soliciting. AB 369, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains hand laundered, called for. Fast 6196. YOUNG colored girl wishes typing; and accurate. Woodlawn 3480. EXPERIENCED lady desires management of hotel. A K 381. Oregonian, WINDOWS, floors and general cleaning estimates furnished Marshall 3419. CLEANING or Ironing; good work, shall 3851. ' Mar- WANTED Cleaning. dusting or plain cooking by hour or day. Phone 533-70. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. ' Phone Bdwy. 1 642, room 55. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. M r. A mundson. uawy. o2o-. LADY wishes management apt. or rooming bouse. BC 310, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. SITUATION WANTED by weii-edut-ated. reliable widow lady, answering phone, taking orders, renting rooms or any sim ilar work-. Mrs. Wilson, phone Main 7s72. WANTED To take care of and sell room ing houses frtr real estate men. by wid dow with ability and business experience; best of references AV 6"6, Oregonian. WANTED Position, middie-aged woman to cook for ranch or camp. 6 to 15 men. Care D. G. Jones. Cottage Grove. Or. Lood onsrou t e. WOMAN of refinement, experience, desires position as matron in business house or institution; references. AE 368, Orego nian. TEACHER desires position at once for summer months; well qualified; 7 years experience; 3 years last place; highest references. AV 565, Oregonian. VUl.'NG lady wishes position In general office work, assisting bookkeeper, post ing, etc.: references. .AN 311. Orego nian. WANTED Position as companion or so cial secretary: no objection to Invalids or to Box 524, Missou.a, Mont. COMPETENT, mature young woman, tak ing business course afternoons, wishes morning work lor school days. AO 326. Oregonian. CATER ESS prepares and serves luncheons and dinners at reasonable prices. East 2534 or Taoor 6281. TWO experienced telephone operators want priva te exchange work, day or nihU A E 3m. Ores o i i ian. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains (lone up like new. Will call. East S518. LADY wants house cleaning, other work, hour, day; work guaranteed. Wooalawn 6305. YOUNG woman wants work, hours around 7 to 4: not less than $18 a week. BD 852, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work ; good ironer. Miss Andrew s, Pho ne S to 10 mo rn i n g s. Main 1140. WANTED A place tT take care of chil dren evenings while mother is aav. References. Woodlawn 1611. EX PERI ENCED lady dental nurse wants position with Uuwutown dentist. BD -"I I. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position as priat exchange operator. Can operate type w rlter. A K 3S0, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position in doctors oil ii e ; both hospit al and office expo riencc. Call E. 0014 e enings only. WELL educated girl wants position in doc tor's office or clerics! work in business office. Business experience. Se-1. 809. LADY 3794. wants da work. Call Broadwa v Call mom IO. WORK by day, J5c nr.. carfare. Mrs. Harrison, Fast 341S. lunch. SWEATERS made to order. 43 Mi. Phone Tabor ALL kinds of East 3862. curtains laundered. Bookkeepers. Stcnograpnerw. Office. RELIABLE YOUNG LADY DESIRES STEADY POSITION CLERICAL OR AS FILING CLERK; REFERENCES. T 58. OREGONIAN. WANTE -Position by thoroughly compe tent oung lady a tisistan t bookkeeper or Etneral oftice assistant; experienced operator on ledger posting machine and also expetr-nced in creamery office work. a i.ti. uregoniati. EX PERI ENCED stenographer and book keeper wants position which carries with It hard work, responsibility and oppor t unity for Initiative. Main S75. BOOK KEEPER - ACCOUNT A NT wishes books to keep requiring only part time: t an audit, open and close books ; expert work guaranteed. Bro a d w a y 27;; '2. COMPETENT stenographer and book keeper, able to do your work right and willing to work. Sell. 1418. lOl N G lady with several yers cxp. wishes position as steno. ; Monif book kcpiiig ex p. BC 311, Oregonian. TYPIST wishes office work; four months' . experience; salary reasonable. AO 308. 'Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady stenograpner desires permanent position. I 'hone East 2440. POSITION East 007. by experienced stenographer. EX PERI ENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 2S1 7. EXPERIENCED stenogr Jfcher wants posi tion. Tabor 3350. YOUNG lady with office experience, good typist wishes work. Main 3884. apt.B. YOUNG girl, high school education, wishes general office work. Phone Sen. 1813. Di essmsvk era. NEW 20th century dressmaking school and helpers shop; cutting, filing, by pat terns or chart; night and day clashes. Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. Main 622. FIRST-CLASS dresnmaking: suits mads over into street cresses: summer frocks of al! kinds . prices reasonable. Mrs. Kelly. East 7:'.'7. H 1GH -CLASS dressmaking by expert de signer. 67 4 Kerby. corner Fargo. Wood la n 5233. TH OS E desiring first -class dresstnak ing, w ork absolutely guaranteed, call lain S4O0. CO TS. DRESSES. SUITS MA DE AND R E MOD E LED. DR ESS M AKIN. D KPT. EM PPRl U M D Y E W K S . BD W V . 4 25 . HEM STITCH ING. rr and 8c a yard. M. Dalton. room 201 Broad way-Yamhill bldg. FIRST-CLASS and buttons. dressmaking, hemstitch inn 125 N. 17th St. Lora I'lotz. PLAIN sewing and handwork nearly done. Nurse uniforms. Tabor 0270. DRESSMAKER, experienced make tailoring. $3 day. Scllwood 3382. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, 424 Mor ris o n st.. near 11th. Nurses. PRACTICAL nurse w ijl care for semi invalid or elderly person; do light house keeping for same; no ranch. AN 307, Oregonian. PARALYTIC or sick lady patients taken by graduate nurse; private real acute, Tabor 200. CAPABLE nurse wishes engagement, gen- eral nursing or caretaking. Mar. 2883. NURSE wants 2 or more children to board In her suburban home. Phone sell. i4. 11 oose keepers. LADY housekeeper, will take entire charjre of home; C. S. preferred ; has daughter 4 years oid ; highest references. Phon East 64S5. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping for working man. AN 325. Oregonian. Domestics. THE VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 463S. House-cleaning, floor-waxing and all kinds work in the home and office. WANTED TO" RENT. Houses. WANTED TO RENT "MODERN" APART MENT OR FLAT. 5 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. BEFORE MAY 1ST 2 ADULTS); WILL CON SIDER WELL-LOCATED BUNGALOW; MAY PURCHASE BUNGALOW IF REAL BARGAIN AND IN GOOD OR DER. BANK REFERENCES. ( PREFKR WEST tDE. ADDRESS 302 SELLING BLDG.. OR PHONE MAIN 1777. WANTED Furnished house or bunga low. 5 to 0 rooms; no children, and can give very best of reference: will lease same for one year if required. Call Bdwy. 1HOO. 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow In Rose City. lrvington or Alameda by young couple, one child; will guarantee the best of care; can furnish references. Phone Tabor 3024. WA NT ED To rent or lease, by respon sible party, no children. 5 or 6-room mooern house with garage, east side. Phone Broadway j38 or Automatic 222-51. REFINED family three adults want five-i-mm hniiK. furniFhed or unfurnished in ' or near Piedmont, by May 1. Prefer lease one to two years. usinen man. W oof I lawn 562 S. WANTED To rent furnished 5 or 6-room modern bungalow or house In or near Rns City Park; will lease. Call Tabor 340. UNFURNISHED or partly furnished 5 or 6-room modern house or flat; lease If desired: references. Phone Main o899. Mr. Hancock. WANT to rent a flat or small house. 5 to 7 rms., west side, close in. or will buy furniture it price is right. AJ 328, Ore gonlan. WANTED Furnished house, flat or apart ment; lrvington preferred; references. Tabor 4104. WANT to rent 5-room furnished house; need not be elaborate but clean; price reasonable. AP 313, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent or buy from owner 3. 4 or 5-roora modern. AL 803. Orego nian. WANTED Small modern house with gar den. Call Wdln. 4 ISO after 6 P. M. MODERN 5 or 6-room bungalow, fur nished: responsible tenants. Tabor 809. Apartments. FURNISHED : couple. Wtn. :-room apt., by young A., P. O. box 507, ciy. WANTED TO KENT. ApartmrQte. WANTED TO RENT "MODERN" APART MENT OR FLAT. 5 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. BEFORE MAT 1ST 2 ADULTS; WILL CON SIDER WELL-LOCATED BUNGALOW; MAY PURCHASE BUNGALOW IF REAL BARGAIN AND IN GOOD OR DER. BANK REFERENCES, t PREFER WEST SIDE- ADDRESS 302 SELLING BLDG.. OR PHONE MAIN 1777. WANTED- 2. 3 or 4 -room apartment or flat, furnished or unfurnished. AK 403. Ore gonian. TOl'.Wi man wants room close in: give terms and conditions. BC 275, Orero- nian. TWO brothers want room; hot water, two beds, west side. Main SOI 3 mornings. A k for Julius. Rooms With Bowl. WANTED Rooms and board in strict, y private family for couple and infant. AJ 310. Oregonlan. Buines Places. DESK space In modern office building. BE 311. Oregonian. FOE RENT. Fnralitaed Roob PRINCESS HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Rooms, single, community and private baths, reasonable day. week or month. 340 East Burnside st. East 171. Just across the Burnside bridge. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk half bioclc south. Clean, modern, respectable: transient, $1.50; with private bath. $2 HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; digni fied and refined: $1.25 per day, double $1.75; $6 per week and up. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 Mth st.. at Washington. Rates. $5 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. THESE AR E RIGHT. CLEAN CHEAP; Perfectly clean rooms. $1.50 and $2 per week. Why pay more 7 The Wisconsin Hotel. Under new management. 545 Hood st. We study to please. SAVON lOTEL. 131 11th st., between Wash, and Alder ss. Modern, well-furnished rooms. Tran sient, $1 up; private bath, $2 up; week ly. $5 up. LA ICG E front room, suitable for two : f re phone and bath; nice residence; horns comforts: board If desired ! w est side. Main 6417. HOTEL. TAUT! 12th and Stark, pleasant, desirable, all outstse rooms, llephonea elevator; rtf s $5 per week up. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. Washington street, at Tw-entleth. Rates $1 day up; weekly $5 up. Main 31. N ICE. clean, w ell -furnished front room ; furnace heat, suitable for two : $10 and up. 624 Flanders from 11 to 6. ST. PAUL HOTEL, 4th and Alder Clean modern, central; transient. Si up; per manent, $& up. TWO single rooms with bath for gentle man or lady employed; references re q mred Marshall 2S30. NICE quiet room for gentleman, $3.50 per week. Call at 403 Russell or phone East 6436. LEEDS APTS., single rooms, modern, fire proof bldg.; hot and cold running water. 'H Market St. , NEW MANAGEMENT Clean and re spectable. 75c and up. $3.50 per wetk and up. 387 Yamhill at. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth. Rates $1 a day up. Weekly $4.50 up Steam heat. Free phone and batha. FURNISH ED ROOM, $2.50 for one, $3.50 for two per w eck. 22 1 6th st. UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 rooms, including gas range. 44SHall st. 75c $1 DAY. $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, Sd near Jefferson. BUS K MA R K hotel. 665 . Wash, st,, a clean, modern, respectable placs, close In. HAR RISO N hotel. Front and Harrison ; outside rooms. $2.50 up; board if desired. FOR business or commercial man; perma nent w'th home privileges. Marshall 16H4. EXTRA well furnished sleeping and light housekeeping rooms at 262 J 4th st. Unfurnished Bmids. FINE H. K. rooms, single and suites: modern, reasonable. 631 Hoyt. Broadway j404T FIN K 11. K. rooms, single and en suite; modern, reasonable. o 1 Hoyt. Bdy 4046. Furnished Hoonis In Prate Family, LOVELY, large, light room, nicely fur nished; sll home privileges; lovely loca tion; husband travels; references ex changed; lady only. Tabor 8831. WILL ren t 1 plcasan t s) ee pi n g room l n my flat at Multnomah station. 1 block from O. E. railway, rlgh t on Capitol highway. Phone Main 3439. LA RGE, pleasant, front sleeping room, hath, large closet: for 1 or 2 gentlemen; near 17th and Flanders. Phone B'dway 3458. Nit ' E LY furnished rooms, ladies only ; suitable for two; phone and bath; walk ing distance. 50 King St., near Wash. Phone 1257. FURNISHED root a m private family suit able for student or working man. $12 a month, with bath. 50 Montgomery st. at 16th. Main 6611. LARGE clean room for gentleman, heat. phone, ba th. bctt neighborhood, adult'. walking distance, homey. 560 E. Mala. East 1360. TWO separate, clean, furnished rooms for rent. 734 Hoyt st., between 22d and 23d. west side. Marshall 971. ROOMS, single or double, all modern con veniences: 15 minutes' walk to the busi ness center. 390 Jackson st. LIGHT, airy front room, close In; privilege of using parlor and piano; reasonable; gentleman only. Call Main 764. NEAT, steam-heated single room. $6 per week and $3.50 per week. 445 Colum bia st. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water. 2691. Fiftb at. CLEAN, comfortable room, modern home, west side : $10. Broadway 2274. NX 'ELY furnished front room in Irving tor.. $17.50. Call East 4S52. FURNISHED room, steam heat, private family, close in. Mar. 1137. LARGE room, modern home; walking dis tance. Phone East 6827. DESIRABLE room, bath adjoining; mod ern. walking distance; ret. East 257. NICE large room for 1 or 2; also smaller room. 414 Market. FIRST-CLASS sleeping room, walking dia tance. 455 Markets NICELY furnished large front room, walk ing distance, Marshall 2543. 490 Taylor. 26J 14TH. NEAR Jefferson Choice room, walking distance. Main 3893. CHOICE room in west side apartment; gentleman. Marshall 2439. . " Rooms With Board. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high -class famlry hotel ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ' " THE MARTH A WASHINGTON. 3 SO 10th st. for business girls and sturents. reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $4.5Q per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice, rooms and board, modern conveniences, walk ing: distance. SUITE rooms now vacant good board. 554 Couch. at the Marly n; Rooms With Board la Private Family. 1RVI NGTON Nicely furnished room with excellent table board ; home of refine- ment. 20 minutes city, Broadway car. 523 E. 25th N. ROuM with board, for gentlemen, in mod ern home. Easy walking distance. 33 per month. East 1383. 255 Halscy. ROOM and board for gentleman if quiet. Residence district. Widow's home. Call 8i9 E. Couch or phone East 5367. NICELY furnished room with board, pri vate family, easy walking distance. 703 Hoyt. , ROOM and board private family. 5195. in modern home witb 326 E, 32d st. Tabor BO A RD and room for man and wife or msn with two children: real mother's care. 3821 7Qth st. S. E. GOOD board, room: homelike: no other roomers; couple employed or man and child. Wdln. 2349. 827 Gantenbein ave. FURNISHED room with board; sleeping porch: 407 Clay st. Main 38-34. PRIVATE home for children, st. Marshall 2162. 714 Everett GOOD room, nice home, central, near M ultnomah club; good table. Main 221 9. ROOM with or without board for tad v. Mar. 2240, BOO M AND BO A RD FO R T WO M E N ; TRIVAIE HOME. 600 E. 10TH ST. S. 6