THE MORNING OREGON! AN. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920 19 ) J FOB BALE. M iscel uaneous. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Sell direct to diamond brokers and receive what your diamonds are worth; wo pay spot cash, any amount: pawn tickets bought; all business strictly con fidential; private office for ladies. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 400 Spalding Bids.. Fourth Floor. , NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesdmen"s spring samples to the factory we have placed same at the disposal of the pub lic at wholesale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats In our salesroom at 720 Morgan bids. UNITED RUBBER. CO. SEWING MACHINES. 20 late drop-heads, like new. Sinters. Whites. National. Rotary, Willamette, etc.. $15 to 10. A larga number of good machines from $8 to SI'-'. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Singer store. Mow bldg., 193 4th st. Main 6533. 2 WILTON rugs to match. 8x5 and 2x3. both for $15; 2 pairs brown velour por tieres, 1( per pair; 2 full-size bed springs, $9 each; brass bedstead. 3-inch continuous posts, $17; 1 adjustable in- val ill's table. $. Woodlawn 47al. OLH FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $20 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most valu able. Crowns, bridge-work bought. Bring or nuiia the Aniuiican Brokerage. 40ii .Spalding bldg.. 4th f loot3.1and Wash. fcsWlNG machines, new and second-hand, sold for 'less; no agents employed: com plete line of parts for all makes; ma- cmnes repaired and rented. Main ai. (SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third, near Taylor. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly ana effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MKHKJ METAL WORKS. riione East 1904. lBltusselst HOT-WATER tanks :.0-pal.. $7; 40 gal., : tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls. ;aa heaters Installed: ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding- Shop, 203 Adams t. Eaat 8010. kodISFaxd PENS REPAIRED. We claim wa re a boon and a blessing to men la fixing the faults of a Kodak or pen. SANDY'S, 320 Washington St. MUST SELL. Elecrrlo coffee mill, cash register. showcases, scales, coffee urn, steam table, cheese cutter, other fixtures, no Second st. t bAFLS Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana second-hand, at right prices. Dougm Moid and exchanged. NoniUS SA1E & LOCK CO.. 100 Second St. Phone Main 2013. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. "We pay up to -o per set. Don't mat toi If broken; old-timers are most val uabie. i.'ruwna, brldework bought. Bring or mail. The American Brokerage. 400 Spalding bld., 4lh floor. 3d and Wash. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Steel Co. and Spruce Div. D. C Wax Office Equipment House. Bdwy. 273!). 31 N. oth. beL Burnside and Couch. O. M. iiabcock. DiGr. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked weather beaten and old, Jeaky roofs rejuvenated by our famous ana instantaneous rubber bonding system; alt wuik guaranteed. Phone Main 6040. PLACE TOUK ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB; ALSO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLA B3 IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 702U. DIAMONDS Lady must dispose of a few diamonds, soltalre rings, also diamond earrscrews. Call East 3026. by appolnt- m c nt. A, 1;: y "SINGERS, " $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. Morrison street singer store. 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. BAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices PACIFIC SCALE at SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 11. 48 Front St. LADIES' suits, coats, dresses, furs and shoes bought and sold. Vogue Apparel Exchange. 403 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. GENUINE seal scarf, trimmed with fitch, price. $30; only worn few times. Call before. 12 A. M. or alter 8 P. M Main 3338. "WINCHESTER rifles, 36 cat., mod. 1895, high power, $40; 32 automatic, 1005, $30, gold bead and Lyman sights; like new. P. O. box 1153, city. I)HV or green slab and block wood, mixed, 16-ineh; aiso 4-lt. country slab; delivered promptly. Call Tabor 0O42. JUEKRY go-round and ocean wave for sale, good condition, between 24th and 25th . ''s.. o' -Thui-man. See Bell, on grounds. WHY PAY 15 lathes when you can buy th.-m for $5. See us at E. Second-Mar- ket. fcAFE, Toledo computing scales, meat ullcer, large platform scale. 242 SALMON. LARGE and small register, 2 floor cases, scales, computing, couple counter cases. 27a TH I R D. 4-HOLE Triumph Eclipse wood and coal range, new coll, fine baker, $15. 1)25 E. Hoyt near 3oth. East tkitiu. USED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1 132 East Gll san. Montavilli. car to 30th. Tabor 2825. CLEAR title to two lots at Prlnevllle. Or., centrally located; wijl trade for auto mohile. 242 Salmon St. CHILD'S velocipede, nursery chair and crib. Economy fruit jars and gferden tools. Tabor 816, - BOD A FOUNTAIN. Lack bar, 2 counter cases, 1 cigar case, 1 wall case. 243 Hith Pt. N. WOOD delivered prcmptly, best first growth sawed cordwood: long, steady fires; $7.50 per load. Phone Main 3323. FERTILIZER. Good manure, delivered east or west Bide. labor 2iU4. PRACTICALLY new gas range. Call Sun day Portland Rowing club, foot of Ivon. roiv-SAiE automobiles: BABY GRAND SEDAN. Practically new; run but a few hun dred miles. A most beautiful car. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. CHEVROLET touring. 1018. in the best of condition: good tires: a real bargain Stiii. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near 1IODEL 00, 1918 overland. 5-pass in ex' cellent condition, new spare tire- owner must sell quickly; $72.'.. cash or term Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. m DODGE sedan, 3 018, only run a few thou sand; one extra tire and wheel owner must sell; a bargain at $160o ail Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. SEE THIS TODAYT Like new. Hudson speedster, new paint Job, good tires, guaranteed mechanically perfect: cash or terms. Call Tabor 1226. J'ORD touring car. demountable rims 2 spare tires, on rims: foot exhllarators cutout, batteries, shock absorbers, good Tunning order. $375 cash. Main 7534. JHU DSON SPSS DS TE R.completeTyover" hauled. new paint, guaranteed, and serv lee given same as new far; $1600 terms 89-91 N". WH ST.. NEAR FLANPERK J-'OR a small payment down I will give you a classy tt-cyltndfig roadster If you will promise to give it as good cars as I have. Mrs. York. 867 Weldler. CHEVROLET touring."-all parts oTe7 hauled A guaranteed car for little money: $4f,o, with terms. S9-HI N. UTH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS 1U17 CHEVROLET in fine shape, new top, completely overhauled and painted; good tires; $oto If taken at once.' Call Main mornings Del. and I. 1'ORD roadster, just overhauled; iooks and runs fine; demountable rims and shock Rbsorbers; a bargain at $425. Call evenings. Tabor 3210. 1917 BUICK 6.. roadster, fine mechanical condition: cord tires and extras: a snap buy to cash buyer; $900. Call Mr. Fish er. Main 178: CLASSY Ford bug. '19 block, new Chordas body; must sell immediately. Call Tabor 1 22fi. CADILLAC touring. A-l mechanical con dition, will sell at $475 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD touring, best of condition; a bar gain; $'00, terms. 30 Grand ave. North. near Burnside. j;UW Fords, touring and roadster, also rebullts and chassis, our motors speak for themselves. Hollister. 389 Everett. FORD truck In tine condition; good tires: a real bargain. $675. terms. 30 Grand ave North, near Burnside. FOR SALE Hudson 9-40 by private party e i . easn or terms. iau j aoor laifB. FOR SALE Glisiin st. Cadillac delivery. $110. 414 enr. loth. 3117 DolGE by owner: first-class condi tinn. t'ali Sellwood 1131. ImlxiK touring, new top. good tires, runs like a new ear. East 27j. LIBERTY speedster, new paint, cord - tires, runs perfectly; terms. Col. 832. "BEST bargain In the city, Hudson 6-40, $.",00 today only. 4:!2 Hawthorne ave. jn-o. FORD touring. 19J0 license. $085. terms. 1"0 E. 7lh St. East 6234 SAXON touring. 0-cylinder; new tires, joe extiv. ; prlviil . y f" : . M i rs 'la 1 1 77J. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS. SPRING IS HERE. Now is the time to buy. The price is going up soon. We will save you money. SEJS US FIRST. CADILLAC TOURING, starter, new one-man top: condition; $575 cash. self good BRISCOE TOURING; take this one now for $375 cash. DODGE TOURING, mechanical ly right: snap; $830. BUICK TOURING : one-man top: good tires; (325 cash. STUD E BAKER BUG, 6-cylinder: good condition; $225 cash. NATIONAL ROADSTER, atarter; good tires; $575. self- KISSELKAR 4-32. chassis, over hauled and good tires; $575. MAXWELL TOURING, late 1018. good new tires; guaranteed; $800. 1910 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, genuine German Basch magnetos; $125 cash. FOUR 1-TON TRUCKS, chain drive, stake body; good for ex press; $oi0. SUPER-SIX HUDSON. 191S, ex cellent shape; $1700. CHEVROLET TOURING, self starter; snap for $375 cash. MAIN-STREET GARAGE. Second and Main Sis. Main 3055. C. G. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard makes. Call and look thorn over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD TOURING $ 308 FORD ROADSTER. Jill9 .".00 MAXWELL TOURING 3"0 FORD TOURING 30O CASE TOURING 375 STUDEBAKER 6-CYL 400 CHEVROLET TOURING 500 BRISCOE LIGHT 4 600 OLDS MOBILE. 6-CYL 00 MAXWELL '18. like new 675 DODGE TOURING . . . . 850 OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB .... ! HUDSON SUPER SIX POO OAKLAND LIGHT SIX . . . ar U'"i0 WILLYS-KNIGHT I'-"0 BUICK LIGHT SIX. 1918 1275 BUICK BIG SIX. 7-PASS 1350 OLDS MO Bl LE ROADSTER 140 CHANDLER TOURING 14."0 STUTZ. 1018. 16 valve 2500 PAIGE. 7-PASS i;' JiETZ. 1018 60 STUDEBAKER 6. 1919. a bargain. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder street. " Broadway 1852. A "WHOLE DECK. Fifty-two cars to select from. Draw the one you want. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. B'l'CS BUGS. Several different makes, from $300 up. tnelndinir sneeiWllv built Cadillac speed ster, just finished and has plenty of pep. price $3.u, wun smati payment down and long time on balance. Al Auto Works & Painting Co., 625 Alder street. CASH OR TERMS. " Just bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. FORDS, FORDS, FORDS. ROADSTERS, TOURINGS, SEDANS, BUGS. MTERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND AVE. WE HAVE an exceptionally good pronosi tlbn for a htch-arrade motor-truck sales man for territory work. If you are that man call and see us. Don't waste your time calling unless you are a first-class truck salesman. . G ARFORD OREGON MOTOR SALES CO. 50 CARS. FORDS DODGES BUICK S. OVERLAND8 AND CHEVROI.ETS. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. USED CAR BUYERS. FIFTY SMALL CARS. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM 7 MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND. 1920 FORD TOURING CAR. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 210. HUPMOBILE. 1917 TOURING. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. FOP.D TOURING, new tires, been refln ished like new, price $365. Will demon strate to your satisfaction and give lib eral terms. At Auto Works &. Painting Ciy 525 Alder St. " OAKLANDS. TOURINGS. ROADSTERS, SEDANS. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND. 1918 OLDS 8 touring, only run short while, almost new cord tires; car is In best of mechanical condition. Will take Ford or light car in trade. Al Auto Works & Painting Co., 525 Alder st. DODGES. ROADSTERS. TOURINGS. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND. FOR SALE Newly painted roadster. 36 H. P.; new top. bumpers, spotlight and 1920 license; for sale by owner. Bdwy. 3019 or after 6 P. M. Bdwy. 4660. $30 CREDIT FOR $15. I have a $30 credit on the Oldsmoblle Co. which I will sell for $15. Address AE 970. Oregonlan. CHEVROLET touring. 1916; good paint arM good tires; will sacrifice at $400 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1919 FORD touring, starter block. Hassler shock absorbers, speedometer, run 1900 miles. $625 cash. 170 E. 7tb st. East 234. CADILLAC, electric light and starter, new tires; car in excellent condition in every way: $500 for quick sale, terms. Cook 4 Gill Co., 11th and Burnslde. MAXWELL 1916, best of condition; new 'body good tires, good paint; a real bar caln at $450. with terms. 30 Grand North, near Burnglde. ave, . -Din TtARGAlN Auto trailer, a coi i..i traveling outfit with 2 sprin-r beds and Hudson super-six. Phone 315-78. 742 Prescott mi ".TON Federal. $1850: light car in trade, some terms. 361 Tillamook. East 4541. " MECHANIC wants car not older than '16 from private owner: condition no ob pect. Pay up to $800 cash. Main 618. 1V19 CHEVROLET touring, looks like liew, will sell for $650 and give terms. 424 Belmont. FORD BUG, brand new body. Including top: pricen lor quica sale, wnn terms. IN. HIM !.. hr.AK ItiA-iUUKH. 5-PASSENGBR automobile; leaving city; good condition: self-starter; good tires. $3tu, terms. oo c st. LATE model Ford bug, a real buy, $225 down, balance i months. Mr. Harford, 440 Burnslde. nawy. 3i.-,-.. 1917 BUICK light silt touring Woulj coi.slder a j?ora or uoage as part pay ment; terms on balance. Bdwy. 30. FOR SALE Maxwell, 1919, by owner; - had best ot care, iooks new; extras an wy. j--i ripm st. 1919 FORD touring, ready for starter; run 1500 mites; bargain ior casn. ArJ 3ou. Oregoman. OAKLAND roadster light 6. perfect run nlng order: for quick sale $525. Phone Main 28"l9. 3 lit st. WOn SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT OUR BIG REMOVAL SALE you will find Just the car you Want and a real Bargain. A small payment down, balance easy terms. Tea, we will teach you to drive and No Extra Charge. 35 TO SELECT FROM 25 Used Car Department MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO. East First A East Morrison Sts. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. ' 150 TO SELECT FBOH. Look them over before you buy. EAST TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, 69-71-73-75 Grand Ave., Corner Stark. Morgan-Atchley ). Open Sunday and Evenings. USED CHEVROLETS. "We arf the headquarters for these cars: our prices are reasonable: each car is in good condition and terms that will suit you. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. OPEN SUNDAY. USED AUTO BARGAINS. 1 Velie. $1050. 1 Overland, 1919. $750. 1 Franklin. $700. 1 Dodge. $50. 1 Maxwell. 1018. $550. 1 Chevrolet Roadster. $375. 15 Fords, $275 to, $5O0. 10 Cars, $100 to $20O. 2 Ford bugs, $350 and $450. 1 Uppert Stewart ton truck. $200. 1 Bulck ton truck. $600. LONG & SILVA, 402 Hawthorne Ave. SAVE $550 TODAT ON A BRAND-NEW ANDERSON LIGHT SIX. ABSOLUTELY NEW AND IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SELLS NEW AT $2400; $1900. CASH OR TERMS WILL BUY THIS ONE TODAT. CALL MAR. 5342, OR TABOR 630. SAFETY FIRST. You take no risk and you save much money in buying a guaranteed Used Paige from the Cook & Gill Co., Paige distributors. Only four left. Easy terms, but hurry. See Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 321. 1919 F. A. CHEVROLET touring car. al most new, only driven 3000 miles, brand new extra tire on rear with cover. This car must be sold. We need room. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 40. SMALL MITCHELL SIX. 1918, with good tires, extra tubes and tire, new paint. In good condition, looks and runs the same as new. Price $875, $375 cash. Phono Woodlawn 2313 after B P. M. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. $1550 CASH BUYS HUDSON SPEED STER. JUST REPAINTED AND GOOD TIRES. CALL TABOR 630 OR MAR. S342. CHEVROLET TOURING If you want a car which is practically new and on long terms see mine. J. H. Lamons. Phone Bdwy. 4184. FORD ROADSTER, late model, at a bar gain. 150 UNION AVE. NEW FORD. For Immediate delivery, starter, de mountable rims, roller-bearing speedom eter, other extras. A good buy. Terms. - Am out of work so I cannot complete my contract. AL 800, Oregonlan. FORD SEDAN, demountable rims and oth er extras. $750; will take Ford tourlnr car in trade. 100 UNION AVE. 1918 BUICK IlKht six, 5-pass., In first-class condition: all good cord tires, 3 spars fabric tires; spring bumper; has had best of rare; $1250. Call owner. Main 757. or Mr. Knox. Broadway 1130; some t-?rms if desired. 1920 FORD TOURING, with starter; will take old Ford in trade. 150 UNION AVE. WIT DSON SIIPEK.STX. 1917. -inst Aver. I hauled, runs and looks like new car; I will sell cheap and rive terms: guar- r nnteed and -service sriven samA t a r.ew ' car. i 8-91 N. UTH ST., NEAR FLANDERS. I BUICK 1917 light six, 5-pasenger, In ex cellent condition: all good tires, new spare tire; car has only been run 12,000 miles, all on city pavement: a bargain. $900. Call Mr. Knox at Broadway 1130: some terms. LIGHT 6 BUICK touring, run less than 10,000 miles; new paint Job, looks like brafd new car O. K. mechanically, good tires. Price $1100, with terms, 1-3 down. Mr. Argo, Broadway 8281. 1918 CHEVROLET 4-90, just like a new car; has only run 7. sou miles; has 4 new non-skid tires and good spare tire: car is in perfejet condition; $700. Call owner, Msln 7780, or Mr. Knox at Bdwy. 1130. FORD TOURING car body, like new. $80. 150 UNION AVE. 1918 STUTZ Roadster, 16-valve motor, just overnauiea ana guaranteed Dy us; smart, good-looking roadster and the price ii right. Autorest Motor Sales Co., 10th at Salmon. 1918 BUICK big six. excellent condition. only run 7iuo miles, cord tires, rear ones new. Owner must sell $1350 Terms; worth $1500. Mr. Argo. Bdwy 3281. FOR SALE 1920 Ford 1-ton truck de livery body, same as new; pneumstle tires, speedometer. Phone Tabor 6526. Will consider late model Ford roadster in trade. INSURANCE. "FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURK1TT. AGENT, NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. " MAIN 1800. FORD TOURING car body, like new, $80. 150 UNION AVE. SAFETY FIRST. You take no risk In buying a guar anteed used Paige at tlte Cook A GUI company, Paige distributors. Only 4 left, good as new easy terms, but hurry. LATE MODEL FORD TOURING. $425. 100 UNION AVE. 1917 BUICK, 5-pass.. light six touring car: good urcs, ouinper ana spotlight and 1920 license; car in good mechanical condition: will give terms. Phone Mar shall 1050. apt. 42. $500 BUYS 1917 Maxwell car with 6 good tires. 1920 license and just repainted: looks like new and In fine mechanical condition; will give terms. Phone East 1962. MAXWELL -touring 191 just out of repair anop. new paint, new tires, guar anteed and service given; a snap at $850. with terms. 89-91 N. 9th su near Handera. 1920 FORD TOURING, with starter; will . 1, -ta XT-rl In , ,- - Am 150 UNION AVE. CHEVROLET. 191S. 5-passenger. owned by mechanic. 1920 license, good ures, s.too. Mack Inter national Motor Truck corp.. loth and Davis sts. 1920 HUDSON Speedster. $2400. Has not ytt run 5000 miles. Perfect condition and appearance. Would consider medium weight roadster as part payment, balance cash. AU 3j, oregonlan. 1910 ESSEX touring car. run oniy 1200 miles: price tor casn Slouu; pertect con dition. R. O. Bremmer, Pendleton, Or. 1920 MODEL CHEVROLET ROADSTER ALMOST NEW: EXTRA EQUIPMENT. AT A BAKU A IN. 1 47 E. 10TH ST. S. 1918 CHEVROLET: a inn: 6 tires, snot light, new Diamond Grid battery; run oniy on pavement; $020 cash. Tabor 6269. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. -USED CARS. Have you seen our stock of used cars? 25 to select from. We move May 1 and must dis ! pose of this stock of used cars before that date. We offer you at big reduction in price 2. 3, 5 and 7 passenger cars, 4 and 6 cyL Used Car Department MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. East First & East Morrison Sts. Phones. East 7272. Bdwy. 515. Automatic 633-43, 212-16. ATTENTION, AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRING. . FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP WITH COM PETENT MECHANICS. AT STANDARD PRICES. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND CO. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 4184. CHEVROLETS We have aome dandy touring cars In this popular make and will guarantee every one of them. LONG TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. Bdwy 2411. 631 Alder St, REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used . 1918 LEXINGTONS. Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms if Desired. BPrW MOTOR-CAR CO, 28-30 North Broadway. A REAL BARGAIN. LATE MODEL FRANKLIN. EXCEL LENT CONDITION. $1750. CONSIDER SMALL CAR IN PART PAYMENT. 105 PARK. MAIN 5103. LOOKS GOOD. 101T OAKLAND SIX IN GOOD ME CHANICAL CONDITION. $730. TERMS IF DESIRED. 105 PARK STREET. MAIN 8195. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. - YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON LAND & MORTGAGE CO.. MS SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. FOR SALE by owner. late model Hudson touring car. This car has been driven privately and is in good mechanical con dition. I am driving for the govern nietn and have no time to use my car. This car and price are risrht. Terms to suit you. Call Bdwy. 3974 between 7 and 11 P. M. evenings. Speedwell ga rage, 14th and Couch sts. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour ing car; almost new; bargain; five good tires. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. HUDSON LIGHT SIX. 1916 Hl'DSOX LIGHT SIX JUST OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED: 4 CORD TIRES AND A GOOD EXTRA. $890, CASH OR TERMS. TAKE'S IT. CALL ADAMS, TABOR 630. ONE Hudson super six. Lexington six. 2 Cole eights. Studebaker six. Chandler six. Indian motorcycle. 201 E. 37th St. Tabor 2S85. 1911 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Perfect condition. $600 and terms, FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. CHEVROLET touring: new tires, ne paint, overhauled, new battery, front seat cut down to sleep in. I had this car put In fine shape for summer trip, but I am compelled to sell; need $400 cash, but can arrange terms. 840 East Stark street. LOOK AMERICAN ' American roadster, in beautiful condi tion, worth $1000, can be bought for $475 to 'Close, an estate. Call Webster's Garage. East 11th and Fianders. FOR SALE New Maxwell, run less than juou win sen ror s:soo less than cost for quick sale; will give terms. Call Hroaaway l-'io. asK ror Mr. smith, Mor ris hotel, 10th and Stark. 1917 BUICK six roadster: looks like new fine mechanical condition; Victoria side curtains, paristote lop. new battery. loon -ires, oiner extras: iono. Phone Mr. Shorno. East 7200. FORDS FORDS FORDS. ror sale, 1-ton truck, 1919. good as new: worm drive: including body: will sell for $725 if taken at once. Cash or terms, call Tabor 1551. 1919 MAXWELL coupe, rood condition, lully equipped, bargain if taken im mediately. Marshall 442. will demon strate. Myrtle Gentry. BARQArN Stoddard-Day ton, 1914. In good mecnamcai condition; good tires; runs good; would make a dandy bug. sou taxes ii. oeuwooa hz MAXWELL touring. 1917: new top. paint and tires like new; will sell at $0OO, terms 30 Grand iv. North ,.. Burnslde. LATE MODEL DODGE. This car Is in- fine condition, looks like a new car: good tires: $1050. Call at 211 Washington st. LATE MODEL FORD TOURING. $425. XOU 1U. A V OLDSMOBILE, 1918. 5-pasenger. 6-cyl., thoroughly overhauled, privately owned. A bargain, $1050. See It at Montavilla Garage. labor 1925. OVERLAND touring, 1917: mechanic own er: car like new: all new tires, new bat tery: guaranteed. J. W. McColpln. 280 Front St. TERMS Late sport model Chandler. A-l condition, owner. Morris, euo iNortnwest em bank bldg. WTLL trade even 1917 Maxwell touring. Just overhauled, being painted, for light. .Bix or larger car. woodlawn Q.tHl. MUST BE7 SOLD OLDSMOBILE 8. 1918. GOOD CONDI TION. 5 CORD TIRES. E 7619 HUDSON SUPER SIX. new cord tires, paint i.L- ..ah- r,T-.,-i'.k. in verv wau cub. terms. Bdwy. 80. STUDEBAKER. 1918. -eylinder De Lux model roadster, perfect condition. 850 East Burnsme St. imw RALE Bv East Burnslde Garata 1918 Bulck roadster. Cord tires and a good looaeT. 1916 FORD, thoroughly overhauled, good tires. Tor sale cneap. terminal garage. cor. otn ana noyi. cawy, ian. 1917 SAXON six. a dandy running car. good tires, a Bargain at 9010 ana terms, 424 neimoni. FORD bug. dandy shape, very neat bug. a good buy at itio ana terms. 424 Bel mont. 1918 OAKLAND 6-paes., fine condition owner must sell; make me an offer. Mr. Argo, prwuittj h-oa. CHEVROLET, late '19. like new, run le than 500 miles; splendid condition; priced reasonable. rnana toiumbls 724 1918 DODGE, in fine condition, good tires spare, extra equipment. Phone E. 6954 for appointment or il 11 E. 17th. ltK SALE AUTOMOBILES. JUST BEFORE THE GOOD WEATHER BUY YOUR AUTOMOBILE. Buy now. you ca,n get a good pick: of the cars. 1917 Maxwell, fine little car. has been overhauled and repainted all in fine condition. $495. 1918 Maxwell overhauled and painted, all in fine condition. .$650. 1019 Maxwell, overhauled and re Painted, like new, (800. . Overland four, good shape, $525. . Overland, model 85. good shape, $700. 1918 Ptudobaker four, all fixed up and repainted, fine condlUon, $725. ... Late model Kissel sedan, all In fine condition, $1400. 1917 Chalmers light six, has been over hauled and repainted, fine car. $900. 1918 Chalmers light six. overhauled and repainted, here is your chance fof a good quality car for. $1100. HUDSON BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson six. 40 model, the light six overhauled and repainted. $890. 1916 Hudson super six. has been over hauled by our shop then repainted; we guarantee to you this car the same as '"ndard guarantee on new automobile, $1200, 1918 Hudson super six. overhauled by " ti, then repainted, guaranteed to you by us the same as a factory guarantee on a new car. $1750. Hudson limousine, like new, you cannot beat it, $2400. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., Glo-617 Washington BL, Portland. D. C. WARREN. Used Car Department 68-60 SSi at. Main 780. VELIE 6-cyl. touring car:must be sold at once; fine condition. Saint and top like new; good rub er, and a fine motor: at a bar. gain price. See this light 6 before deciding. MITCHELL. 7-passenger. 6-cyI-lnder. rlne shape; will sell cheap: a good car for little money. If rc inmreaiea in a gooa , ...... ... uvu k ami lu oca mil vvt. OVERLAND, model 90, Country Club, in tine condition; new tires, good top and fine mechanically; the beat car for the money. Be sure to see 1U Mr. Fluhart. Main 780. OLDSMOBILE. 8-cy!.. fine con dition; will sell for $800 for quick sale; let me show you what a nice snappy little car this .is. FORD TON TRUCK, worm drive, first-class condition; test it any way you like; guaranteed -O. K, ; $550. OVERLAND. MODEL 85 tour ing, tt-cyl.. newly painted and in first-class condition every way; new top. good rubber and a bar gain at $uoo. SAXON 6-cyl. touring car. Just been put In very best of condi tion; light and economical, quiet, smooth and powerful car; no rea sonable offer refused. Be sure to see this car before buying. CARS OP THE BETTER KIND. 1919 PATTERSON See this one. CADILLAC A real car. ( ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. 1919 VELIE SEDAN 90 per cent newi has wire wheels: driven little over 6000 miles; sold by Thursday price sisou. VELIE Five-passenger, Al In every way; a true bargain. 1918 NASH. 6-cyl., a bargain. BUICK LITTLE 4 Just THE -car you . want. USED CAR PALACE. 61 Union Ave. N. East 7717. OVERLAND. Model 808. touring: good top. tires nearly new. all curtains, splendid me chanical condition. This is a good strong car. Must sell at once: no rea sonable offer refused. Main 4995. 347 Washington St. 1918 BUICK. 7-PASSENGER. Oversize cord tires, new paint. In the best of condition mechanically. 681 ALDER. Terms; Na Brokerage.' PRIVATE OWNER 1917 Grant six. Just repainted, new top, gooa tires, mecnan tcally in first-class condition; must be seen to be appreciated. Ask for Hooper, evenings and Sunday, M. 4c M. Garage, corner 11th and HoyC Phone Broad way 1720 FORD SEDAN, demountable rims and oth er extras, $70; wlii take iora touring car in trade. 150 UNION AVE. MODEL 90 Overland, 5-passenger, in fln condition, a buy at $200 down, balance 10 months. See Mr. Soderberg, Bdwy. S455. 449 Burnside. 1919 CHEVROLET Has had good care, J920 license; not a dealer: casn or terms. Sellwood 2116. 5037 Powell Valley. W. P. Smith. LATH 1918 Ford sedan, electric startei and lots of extras; In rlne shape all over; 1920 license; will sacrifice for quick sale. 434 Mill st. Main 4013. OVERLAND touring. 1916 model, in per fect conaition; win. sen at oo and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Bura side. FORD sedan, electrio atarter and lights. demountable rims, lots or extraa, good tires, real buy at $725. terms. 424 Bel mont st. FORD delivery in A-l condition; all good tires; special body; a real bargain at $425, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock right. No misrepresentation. COVrj MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET. 1917. A-l Condition; good tires: will sacrifice at $495 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde MAXWELL touring. 1916. In the best of condition; good paint, good tires; $550. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. MAXWELTj tourinst. 1918. A-I condition iis,l nrivatolv: must sell: a barraln: $785. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1917 JEFFERY 7-pas., mechanically per fect, good tires and finish. Could use a smaller car as part payment; terms on balance. Bdwy. m. motors, rears, bearing;, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parte at half price. David Hodes Co., 100-7 .Nor.n tun sr. FORD touring. 1915 model. In good me chanical condition: a real bargain.; $300. terms. 8u Grand ave. North, near Burnside. ; HUPMOBILE touring.' first-class through out, a wonderful buy for $1125. with S991"N 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. "' PAIGE 8. 39, In first-class shape, cord tires, must sell, party leaving city. See Mr. Harford. 449 Burnslde. Bdwy. 3455 METZ 1918. O. K. condition, very reason able. I need the money. See It at B leas- dale. 530 Alder st. APPERSON 4, 82 H. P., 102O license. 6 pass.. in good condition. $42. City Hall Garage, 4th and Jeferson sts. BUICK 4: a barraln, $300; rebored. new piston; good looks; using ;every day. Ta bor 73. 966 E. Salmon. ' AUBURN BEAUTY six. practically nsw. will sacrifice tor Immediate saie. Call East 5621. 1918" PAIGE 6 Five-pass., cord tires and extras: owner must sell quickly; M50 down will handle. Mr. Arjo, Bdwy. 3281 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. SNAPS SNAPS. JUST A FEW SAMPLES FROM OUrf LARGE STOCK OF BARGAINS. - DIXIE FLYER, almost n'ew $1200 BUICK FOUR, food shape 800 'CHEVROLET 490. good buy 475 CHEVROLET Baby Grand 875 STUDEBAKER 4; gee this ES0 STUDEBAKER 6; SOME bu 775 SAXON 6. pick of three., 75 CHALMERS, a dandy 900 CROW-ELKHART;ee thla one... SS3 CHANDLER chummy, a bargain.. 1200 LEXINGTON sport model, new.. 1600 LEXINGTON, big-touring- 1600 ELGIN, 191 model tourlnr 1X0 OVERLAND big six; stags car.... 975 OVERLAND roadster, good shape.. SS3 OVERLAND touring, lata model... - 483 AND A LOT MORE. These are cars we have been buying during the winter at extremely low prices. You can get the benefit of our buying power. CASH OR TERMS. JUST BRING AN HONEST FACE. Open Evenings and Sundays. ' AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY, 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. SOME GOOD BUIS . READY TO GO. 4 CHANDLERS. 191S 7-pass. model, first-rlsss me chanical condition, good tires, bniiv finish and top Al con dition. Price - $1450 1918 4-paxa. roadster. In Al condi tion: cord tires with extra; a grand performer. Price 1350 101S Chandl-r dlsoatch. first-class mechanical shape, wire wheels, one of the snappy sport motr els. Price 1800 1918 Ol.lSmoblle 8. 7-pass.. In first - clsss mechanical condition; good tires. Price 1100 1917 Bulck roadster, good mechan ical condition; good tires. Price 900 1919 Chevrolet, n good condition, extra tire, etc, 725 191S Maxwell tourlnr. In good me chanical condition: good tirea Price 675 1917 Saxon touring. 6-eyIinder. re painted, good mechanical con dition, good tires. Price 700 OPEN SUNDAY. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. Alder at Sixteenth. 1917 HAYNJ3S TOURING. 191 9 WTT.LTS-KN1GHT touring. 1920 CHEVROLET touring, like new, $75 In extras. 1917 BUICK delivery, with panel body. T018 FORD touring. 1f1 CHEVROLET touring. IOIT MAXWELL touring. 1919 BUICK touring. These cars are In Al condition and can be bought on terms. PORTLAND OARAGE. Used Car Department. Fifth and Taylor Sts. Marshall 600. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1919 PATTERSON lms HUPMOBILE mis saxon mm case 1917 CHALMERS . 1917 RKO 4 1917 FORD 1019 NASH 191 FORD BUG . .1400 . 11 . 700 . 2000 . 900 7 no . 375 . 1T.00 . 500 18 TENTH STREET. Marshall 2.12. Opp. Library. 1918 SIX-PASSENGER STUTZ 16-valve motor. This car In perfect rondltion-throuirhout. If you are in the market for a Stutz let us demonstrate this one to you. H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 303-355 Burnside. Broadway 430. DODGE. 1917 touring car. In beautiful shape. Can be sold at a bargain. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY 4-0-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. LATH 1917 light six Bulck touring. A-l condition, equipped with new battery, spot light, chain, etc.; good tires. Owner must sell immediately. $1125. Call Bdwy 476. Mr. Mulliolland. Cash or terms. SINE Hudson speedster, equipped with wind deflectors, spot lights, motometer. etc. Owner is going away: must have . 2u!'-k le- $1300. Bdwy. 476. Mr. Mul holln nd. LATE 1917 Dodge car, driven about liuno miles. A No. 1 condition. 1917 Ford newly painted. A No. 1 condition. See xTc-n. ancuuver ave. I HAVE a Hudson, do you want IL Bovs the time is here for m.i,i ?"' What have you to offer. 812 Pine st. aaai.uu. louring; gooa paint good tires; a real buy at $975. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. DODGE, five-passenger, good running 00 der: cheap for cash. Blssell A Lister East Seventh and Belmont. 1920 FORD COUPE, starter and lighting system; been run about a month; cash or terms. Call East 2075. BUCK light 6 touring. In elegant condi tion: a Ford or Dodge as part payment, balance terms. Bdwy. 8606. OVERLAND 79. 5-pass.. fine condition; need cash; no dealers; $40u, Mar shall 101a. FOR SALE by owner. Ford louring car completely overhauled: $300 cash. Phone Woodlawn 71 before 6 o'clock. FOR SALE Apperson 6 Chummy roadster in first-class running order: just over hauled. 704 Lovejoy st. Main 6329. ELECTRIC coupe; fine shape, except bat terles. Will almost give it away. Wdln. 6337. 832 E. 14th St. North. FORD roadster. 4 extra tires, all good shape. Call evenings between 5 and 7 M0O5 E. 8th st. N. Take Alberta car. 1918 HUDSON 6-40 in fine condition: nice light six touring car: will sacrifice and give terms. Phone Marshall 1613. CHEVROLET touring. 1917: good paint, good tires: $020. terms. 30 Grand avi. North, near Burnside. $450. OAKLAND touring model. 4-3U. ex cellent condition, ail good tires. Tabor 8173. . LEAVING town and will sell my Overland . at a bargain. Call early. East 6632 or Broadway 2162. 1917 FORD touring for sale bv owner good condition, $425, cash or terms. East 1 1 HUDSON Super 6. the best buy in city. Brd. 537. 1918 FORD, first-class mechanical condi tiun. 204 Davis St.. between 3d and 4th. WANTED A good used motorcycle as part payment on a good used car. Bdwy. -8006. $75 DOWN, balance to suit, hjiys a fine Marmon roaasicr. oqwy. anub. 1914 FORD, good condUlon. a bargain. fnone ieiswu. jauur t j.vo. 1914 FORD, good condition; Phone Nelson. Tabor 7UOO. a bargain. CHEVROLET touring sacrificed, $375 takes It. ai conaition. luo E. 8th. BUICK llsht 6. just like ne Marsh. 909. FOR SALE Al'TOMOBlT.KS. USED CARS AT COST. BEST USED CARS. BEST PRICES BEST TERMS. BEST POLICIES. That Is OUR CLAIM SEE US. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND CO. 100 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 4184. FORD OWNERSv FORD overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed ..$2" . . . . S Magneto recharged u We. band-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. ' which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. LATS MODEL HUPMOBILE $1159. AND MANY MORE GOOD USED CARS. TERMS. MARSHALL 2S2. 1SS TENTH ST. OPPOSITE LIBRARY. GUARANTEE. A MUCH-ABUSED WORD. We shall keep faith and llvo up to any pledge or promise we make. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Bolmont St. Phone East O057. 50 00 00 ;o 00 00 :.o oo .u oo 00 SMALL CARS 50 MYERS AUTO "0.. 1SX GRAND AVE. 50 SMALL CARS 00 SO 50 HO SO M W Oft 60 5r 50 r.o i,0 r.o 50 oo GRANT SIX TOURING. A bargain: will give liberal term a This Is a real car. see tins. a r'Tiutnrivp COMPANT. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. 1018 FORD touring, extra fine shape: de mountable rims, natural wood wheels, liitmner. snot licht and extra tire; me chanically this Ford is better than a new one: $415, $100 down, bal. monthly. Al Auto Works & Painting Co., 525 Alder st. BUICKS. 1916 1917 1918. 188 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. CHEVROLETS. BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND AVE. LATE DODGE FINISH LIKE NEW. Fine mechanical condition, good tires, new ton with utate class windows, slop ing windshield, spotlight: $'.)00. Biesell & Lister, E. 7th and Helmont. PAIGE Beautiful big 1918 7-pass. Paige, perfect condition; new paint, new cord tires; looks like new: license paid: sella at $2680 new: a bargain at sio.iu: terms Owner leaving town. Call at 248 Stark 1920 LIGHT SIX STUDEBAKER. looks like new, driven 3000 mnes: ),wu iws than new car. Call Mr. Senn. Marshall 600. 1U17 DODGE, fine condition, cord tires hew top: can be bought today for $800, terms. 90 N. Broadway. Phone Broad way 3247. l'jl'O CHANDLER Sport and Hudson Super- six at a sacrifice. AOJUJ. FOR SALE My order for 1920 Buick; im mediate delivery. Phone E. 1076. Automobiles anlra. , CASH FOR FORDS. Roadsters, touring cars and sedana C. G. BLEASDALE. 830 Alder. Bdwy. 1852. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. Grand ave. and East Stark. LARGE bond and finance company wishes , i...n,a nrniinintfld with responsible automobile dealers or other business men who need financial assistance in taking care of tneir lime popci. w 322. Oregonlan. w a vr ,.o ru r-tistoniera on our list for ail makes of cars and can make that car tn-'an mon.-y to you. PORTLAND UAK r A L.r..- 1 Alder St. Broadway 2i9W C31 WANTED LATE MODEL CARS, E PAY CASH. TUB USED CAR EXCHANGE!, 127 Lowusdale St. S W. Corner. 10th and Washington. CASH for your cars. Bring them to the A-l Auto Worms ana get ma mascot market price for them, 52i Alder sL WE ARB In the market for used cara Drive them In and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st. LATE model Ford. Dodge or Chevrolet touring car: will pay casn. waia ar. Senn. Marshall 600, . HAVE spray baths and bathtub and other plumbing: first class; exenange ior auia. Broadway 4K48; HOME spray baths and bathtub, and ether plumbing; first class; exchange for auto. Broadway 4046. WANTED Metx roadster; condition of body and top no object: must be cheap for cash. B. K. Bodeker. Lyons. Or. WILL TRADE 5-pasenger Bulck, first clasj condition." for larger car. Wdln. 37K7. WILL pay cash for a Ford or Dodge car. 211 Washington. Main 6517. WANTED A Ford; must be in A-l condi tion. East 876. Motorcycle. 2-CYLINDER Thor. Bosch msgneto; good tires. Pay the $30 charges aKainst It and take it. 3H0 2d st. Main H302. 1917 HARLEY for sale, $150. St. bet. 5-7 P. M. ' Call 63 3d 1916 MOTORCYCLE, $125. Portland Ga rage. 5th and Taylor. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. WILL pay cash for good Ford; no Junk; no dealers. Woodlawn 4921. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOR SALE or trade for Ford, 1918 Indian electric, equipped, good condition; rea sonable offer. Tabor 433. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouDie enoot er, complete; cheap. Wm. Cook, itiutt A. box 93. Portland. FOR SAL12 Delivery box for hack of a Ford car. Price $10. East 84WI. Automobile for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates 132 12th street, between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH- NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. k.UTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mat. 332. 10TH AND YAMHILL, A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRU WITHOUT DRIVERS, ARMY GARAGE. ID AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3647. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck. In first-class con dition. $1150. C. G. BLEASDALE. 630 Alder. Bdwy. 1852. G. M. C. 5-TON truck, easy terms: ail sea son's job Included. Ask for Tillotson with A. M. Beaver Motor Co.. cor. 12th and Aider. Broadway 185S. FOR SALE -i-ton Republic truck, lofs model, covered body; by owner. $09 Halsey. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. GET THE TRUTH ' ABOUT BUYING OF AUTO TRUCKS FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK IN OREGON. SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. DO NOT BUY TRUCKS on representation ef salesmen or dealers of so-called easy money. Good contracts and pay for trucks in few months or year. Bring us your offered contracts and truck-buying propositions and get the benefits and advice free from owners and contractors of auto trucks with years of expe rience. V PROFIT BY THE MISTAKES MADE IN THE PAST AND BEN EFIT BY HELPING US PUT TH S AUTO TRUCK OPERATION IN DUSTRY ON A PAYING BASIS. THE OREGON MOTOR TRUCK HAULING CONTRACTORS, -201 Worcester Building. Main 4907. TWO TRUCKS. BOTH. LESS THAN ONE YEAR OLD. LOOK THEM OVER. 2-TON REPUBLIC $1350 Sis -TON G. M. C. $2900 PRICED TO MOVE QUICKLY. TERMS. FAGEOL SALES AGENCY. INC., 411 DAVIS ST. FREE TRIAL ON MONEY-MAKING TRUCKS. Come In and choose your truck. They are ail completely overhauled. Put it to work for ten days. If you are not sat isfied, bring it back and exchange it for any truck in the house. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 1- ton worm-drive Ford, express body -$ 650 Ii, -ton White, with cab IOIKi IV.--ton Federal 80o 2- ton Republic 14iHt 2-ton Keo 6ou 1-ton Republic, express body 7.NQ 1-ton Moreland 950 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. G BANNING TREECE. 642 Alder St.. cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS. 1-TON FORD $325 1- TON PACKARD $750 2- TON NASH.... $1400 2H-TON DENBY $1100 EASY TERMS OR WILL ACCEPT LIGHT TOURING CARS IN TRADE. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK OF . NORTH WES T, TENTH AND DAVIS STS. STUDEBAKER DELIVERY Motor In flt.9 shape: all pneumatic tires, self-starter and good electric lights. Will take light touring car or roadster in trade. This car Is a bargain. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. BARGAIN IN CHEVROLET 1-ton truck, pneumatic cord tires all around, only run about 3OU0 miles. This car ia ready to go and give you Immediate service. Will take Chevrolet touring or roadster in trade and give time on balance. FIELPS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck, ' dition. $1150. In first-class cen- C. G. 630 Alder. BLEASDALE, Bdwy. 1852. AUTO REPAIRING. E. H. CHAMBERS. GENERAL AUTOMOBILE RE7P AIRING. MAXWELL SPECIALISTS. 23D AND DIVISION. SELL. S765. GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cara TERMINAL GARAGE. 5th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 1586. FOR RENT Private garage. 650 . 4th- N. Tabor 2412. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrlp- --.-tlon. Use La France fur dressing for:... summer and save $100. Reasonable pricea . LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park., bet. Morrison and YamhllL . -Main 6029. UP TO $25. FOR MEN'S bUITS AND OVERCOATS., We pay any price for men's clotbea , OREGON CLEANERS AN Li TAILORS, 117 2d su. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 8344. . $3.00 UP TO $26 GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICK FOR MEN'S BUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 8U32. 240 V, BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEfoRE ANYBODY ELSE. CLOTHING WANTED. I don't set the price before I see the - clothing, like others do. but 1 pay what " It Is worth. Call and see me firm. Main 734. 201 H First st. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring I or mall, the American Brokerage. 405 tpalding bldg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wash, 1 WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $XO up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call ua and you will . get the right cash price for your goods. . 167 1st st.. near Morrison. Main 73a. , OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest casa prices paid; WIU call, day or night, PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3220. 2U0 Madlapn. WANTED Good rifle, larger than .32 . caliber: either single, shot or repeater; must be priced reasonable for cash. A.K SH3, Oregon-Ian. WANTED To buy old-fashioned gray of black Astrachan cape or set. BD 801, Oregonlan. WANTED Will pay cash for second-hand safe: give size inside, address and phone. AO 364, Oregonian. WANTED Tame rabbit sicins: will pay from 10 to 30 cents each, phone after r.:3( P. M.. Main 4630. WANTED A good used organ; will give mv new $00 violin-harp in exchange. Addrem P. O. box 36. Arleta sta.. city. WANTED Second-hand canoe; will pay cash; state price and condition. BC 276, Oregonlan. WANTED Full dress suit, size 37 or 3o Call Wdln. 601. or BJ 315. Oregonlan. WANTED ALL KINDS OF TOOLS, PAY CASH. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST. WANTED Mirror, 2t4x4 feet. Call Regal Tailors. Bdwy. 1399. HIGHEST market price paid for diamonds. ' H. D. Oliver. 122 Second st. WANT a .22 rifle and shotgun. Main 4490. Tabor 6708. 128 1st, WE will buy your old typewriters and pay yon cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 6th. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx A Co.. 2&3 Wash, at, JUNK Rags, paper, metals, oid clothing, tools, furniture; good prices. East 3171. WANTED To buy a steamer trunk. Mar. ls. Mr. uvasa, ' A