THE MORXLXG OKEGOMAX, THURSDAY, APRIL. 8, 1920 17 REAL ESTATE. For Kal -Hnuaea. ALAMEDA VIEW mRSCR First time offered for sale; one of the ucanLiiui o-ruom Domes wun Bleep- ing porch and ranise, located on choice I double corner with view of city: tile vestibule ith coat closet. 16x26 living I room, delightful dining room with lots . of wall space, pass pantry, nice light l aitcnen, 4 large square bedrooms, elab orate dressing room. 2 baths and sleep ing porch; large attic, one of nicest finished basements in city with most expensive hot water heating; built for home by present owner. no expense spared, " extra heavy construction and best oak floors throughout. Tabor 407. RRADT TO OCCUPY. 650 E. 40th street, Norlh. R. C. Park, between Stanton and Siskiyou; all im provements paid; 6 rooms, cement base ment, drain, laundry trays, electric fix tures, hardwood floor, built-in kitchen, buffet, medicine cabinet, linen closet, Kadiantflre; 50x100 lot, 10x18 garage, ce ment lloor and drive; walnut trees; fur nace, wallpapor throughout; for sale on rent terms by the owner, who will be at the house from 10 until 5 Sunday. Call after ti P. M.. Cast 1799. IRVINGTON. Special high-grade home, T rooms, built by day labor 6 years ago of the best materiHl. The house and lot 7,"ix loo cost $N56. but I am leaving for .Alabama and will sell same at $8700. no agents; $1000 cash and 50 per titontk Including interest. For appointment, East 1347. FOR SALE by owner and only tenant, modern 5-room bungalow, nicely fin ished; beam ceilings, fine fireplace, with all built-in conveniences, on nice corner lot: lawn, good garden space and three fruit trees just starting to bear: plenty of fin roses and flowers; an ideal bun galow home. 2 blocks from car line, 8 blocks trom one of the best schools in the city: am leaving Portland; price $3250 cash or $1650 cash. bal. straight mortgage, with deed. AK 375, Orego lilan. BEAUTIFUL HOME, HIGHLAND DIS TRICT. Strictly modern 8-room house and ga rage, lot 00x100, paved street: well built house: full cement basement, fire place, hardwood tloors. built-ins; this week for $54oo. terms; save commission. Call owner. Woodlawn 974. LAL'RELHURST HOMK. Owner leaving wishes to sell and will give quick possession of an attractive, strictly modern. 2-story. 7-room home, with garage, just repainted and decor ated Inside and out; located on E. Davis t., near HOtli St.; built right, large rooms, tile firepiace. fine oak floors. 3 bedrooms and Inclosed sleeping porch; rice lawn and lots of shrubbery. Tabor 407. LAl'REl.H U RST. A BARGAIN. Strictly modern it-room house, sleep ing porch, double garage, lot 75xl0O In the very heart of Laurelhurst: excep tionally large rooms, o light, airy bed rooms; full basement, furnace, beautiful fireplace; lots of built-ins. This place can be seen by appointment only. See J. A. McCarly. K. 30th and Gllsan st. Office, Tabor 3433; evening. Tabor M57. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3750.00. Modern, 5 rooms, breakfast room, hardwood floors. Hutch kitchen, light ing fixtures, shades; inside in old ivory and papered with the latest designs; screened back porch: cement floor in basement; garage: corner lot; imps, in and paid: a bargain. 11000 cash. Cor 1. 37wi and Sherman. PHONE MARSHALL 858. $6500 Buys a fine home. 8 rooms: 4 bed rooms upstairs, buffet, bath, trays, fur nace, fireplace. hardwood floors. full basement, tin built house and guraye. Hawthorne near 39th st. lie quick. Cull Main 4564. HARVEY WELLS & CO.. 001' Gusto bldg. $l.'!75-$300 DOWN. For a brand new. little four-room bun galow; close to the Industrial district of University Park; you should see this, at U0T Vale St. Mahoney. COE A. M.KKNSA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings. Columbia 638. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHU RST HOME. One of most elaborate 9-roum Colonial homes In city, located on choice corner looking into Laurclhurst Park. 10x30 living room with tile fireplace, cozy den with fireplace: 4 nice beurooms. sleep ing porch and 2 tile baths: all In old Ivory; oak floors, sun porch, ceiled attic, ga rage, beautiful grounds. Tabor 407. ALAMEDA VIEW BUNGALOW. Cozy 6-room bungalow with large at tic and garage, located on fine view lo". 85 feet frontage: old ivory finish and oak floors throughout, tile bath, large plate glass view windows: neat as a pin; you'll never find a view properrV to equal this at $S0OO; quick posscssioa. Terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY. 6-r.n. mod. bungalow, all on one floor, fireplace, oak floors, French doors, gas radiators, beautiful shrubbery, garage. 1 Va blks. to ear, all nice light rboius. By appointment only. $15O0 will handle this, balance monthly. 20!) Oregon bldg. Broadway 105S. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? "We design and build spartments. fta rages, residences. anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten vears. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. $:;ooo 1000. Cosy 5-rnnm bungalow; built-in book cases, buffet, fireplace. gHs and elec tric lights, basement, laundry trays. A very attractive home. JOUNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. V. Hank bldg. Main 378". NEAR WALNUT PARK PRICE ONLY $3250. Dandy, good 6-room house and ga rage; on paved street and all paid. Can sell this on a reasonable payment and terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. BOS OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Here is one fine home. 5 large rooms, breakfast room, large attic; rooms fin ished In old ivory and tapestry paper: all built-lns of latest type; 2 blocks' to Broadway car. Full lot; all impmve ments paid: reasonable price: terms, owner. Tabor 8292. SF.LLWOOD. 7-ItOOM MODERN HOUSE. Fine 7-room modern house, only one block to car: full lot: fine lawn. This Is a dandy buy at $.17. 0. Call us Ui. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 80S OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. $1950 R- C. PARK; almost new. partly furnished; bath, gas. electricity, large corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent: move right In: some distance out, but fine chance for honest man with $000 to get nice little nome; good neighborhood, near school. Owner, Tabor 2078. $2100. 100x100 lot. with fruit trees and ber ries, good 5-room house with bath, gas and electricity; close to car and school. . JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Batik bldg. Main 37S7. 4 BLOCKS JEFFERSON HIGH. Good 6-room house, hardwood floors, all built-ins. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays, small lot; $600 down. 207 Going at., between Commercial and Halght. ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room bungalow, attic, full base ment. This bunglow is in a choice loca tion and near car. must sell at once; going on acreage; $1000 cash payment. Main 5456. INSURANCE. " FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BL'KKITT, AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAJN 1R00. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand-new 6-room bungalow, strictly modem, furnace, hardwood floors, built lns etc.: $1000 down, terms on fcralance. See it today. Owner. E. 4000. TWO houses in first-class condition, on full lot. First house contains 3-room apart ments: second house has 4 rooms: mod ern conveniences: situated on best car 1 i n c. 4 04 1 3th st. ROSE CITY bungalow, modern in every respect: this Is one of the best buys in Rose City Park. Call Tabor 0205; no r.47 Rait 6:d ut NT ' BY OWNER at Mt. Tabor, fine home. 5 all kinds of fruit and shrubbery lt water hi attns system, double garage' iaSGO. easy terms. Inquire Tabor 3462 ' WHY PAY RENT ? If you have $600 I will sell you my 7-rocm house with fur nace and garage for $2700. balance $30 per month. 67v interest. Sellwood 2783. ETORY-AND-HALF bungalow, double lot, fruit, berries, garage. $4000; termii. 317 it. 47th. FOR HAWTHORNE HOMES CALL HUBBELL. TABOR 8892. CALIF, bungalow. Irvington car; a perfect home: terms. Owner. E. 4000. " '. IRVINGTON HOMES. EAST 410 McDONELL. $3500 OWNER sacrifices Hawthorne bun gaiow. 340 E. 52d st. Marshall 2300. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room bungalow with garage- Inquire 448 E. Davis st WEST SIDE HOME $4500. $3000 CASH' .'.OxlOO. 8 ROOMS; FURNACE. OAS NO INCUMBRANCE. 786 CORBETT. NEAR GIBBS. S CAR. OWNER. MAIN 5II3K KKA L ESTATE. For Sale- House. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN'S CHOICE BUYS. $3000 In the ALBERTA district, dandy five-room bungalow, modern throughout, large attic, large lot, fruit trees, berries. 1025 Vernon ave. Shown by appointment only. Don't bother tenants. $3800 In the ROSE CITY PARK dis trict. Modern 6-room house, hard wood floors, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, all the modern - built-in features, living: room across front of house. This is an exceptionally good buy. $5000 In the R. S. PARK district. Up-to-date 5-room bungalow with all modern conveniences. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, living room 18x15, dining room 13x16. This is no shack, but a swell home in a' classy district. $600 In the H- C. PARK district. Beau tiful 5-room bungalow and music room, hardwood floors, fireplace, all the modern built-lns, paneled dining room with mahogany, old ivory finish, cement basement, ga rage, concrete runway, lot 50x105. .. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN, S-'S Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. We are open evenings until 8:30. Sun days from S A. M. to 1 P. M. Come In at any time and inspect our photos. $3500 FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow in nice location Alberta st., with hardwood floors all over, cement basement, some nice fruit trees. We think this is a very good buy. See us for further information; $1000 will handle, balance $35 per month. Including interest. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth Street. CLOSE TO I.AURELHURST. $3000 SOME BUY $3000. Here Is a good substantial house, six rooms, nice bath, all bedrooms are large, light and airy, full basement, good fur nace, hard-surface streets in and paid. Owner leaving city, easy terms, quick possession. There are few buys in the city like this. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg MODERN BUNGALOW. ON 100x100 CORNER. Six rooms, all built-in Matures, white Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, wash trays, rooms newly tinted and ev erything in excellent repair; corner lot lnoxlOO, paved streets. 1 block to car 'ne 7 blocks to Franklin high. Price $4200, terms. Phone owner at Main 699 between 6:30 and 7 tonight. .No agents. GRAHAM AVENUE. NEAR WILLIAMS. , " 1 V. IV 1 II V 1 1 1 1 . fj . Good 8-room house, nicely arranged for two families, 2 baths, full cement basement, ground 50x150; fruit trees, hard-surface streets In and paid. This ground alone is worth nearly the price we ask for all. Price $5000. terms. This ts a good Investment as well as a good home. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg." WEST SIDE. Eight-room house in exclusive residen tial district, close to carline, large liv ing room with fireplace, large bediooms, one with fireplace; finely arranged: 11 laid s room: full concrete basement and furnace; large attic; for convenience ac cessibility to' down-town, comfort and charming environment we heartily rec ommend this. $7500. COB A. McKeENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522 $4000 Buys fine bungalow on Glenn ave. This is a bargain. Act quick. CALL MAIN 4504. HARVEY WELLS & CO., 002 Gasco bldg. PORTSMOUTH. New double-constructed bungalow on paved street, a few feet from carline: situated otl Stockton St.. near Lombard;' finely arranged; nice attic; good base ment, $32o0. $500 down. Mr. Mahoney. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings. Columbia 638. FOR SALE 7-room, semi-modern house, Dutch kitchen, iinoleum shades, garage, one block to city limits and cement sidewalks. 5 blocks to car; chicken run and large garden plot partly planted. Good space tor cow. If sold this week, gas range, water heater. 40 laying hens go. all for $3250. By owner. Tabor 8512. $::700 HAIGHT AVE. $3700. WILLIAMS AVE. DISTRICT. 6 rooms. Oueen Anne bungalow type, with all the built-ins. all in Al condi tion; 50x100 lot. paved st. If you have $2200 cash you can make one of the best buys In this distrien. Could not be built today for $50U0. Better phone us tnilav. HO AG LIN-BIRD & PARKER, East ;riil.. 565 Williams ave. IRVINGTON. 8-ROOM house, cement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, den, sleeping porch, Dutch kitch en and all built-ins: one of the ideal homes of Irvington. A bargain at $0750. Terms. Ask Kellogg.. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2-690. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, very modern. In pink of condition, large rooms, oceans of closet room, oak floors, fireplace, fur nace; 2 blocks to car. Price $5650. C. M. PERR. COE A. McKENNA 4 CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. A REAL HOME". ON 31ST NEAR CLINTON STREET. Beautiful, attractive home, 5 rooms, floored attic, full basement, every con venience necessary for comfort: 75x100, plenty of fruit anil berries, paved street; -price $3500. $1000 down. SMITH-WAGONER CO .Stock Exch. SIX-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. PRICE $2575. TERMS $850 DOWN. Newly tinted, H block to car. full basement, cement sidewalks, sewer, ga rage. Immediate possession. North Mt. Tabor. Living room 12x20. Phone Ta bor 5106. Owner. LADD'S ADDITION HOME. Here's a rare snap in a 2-story. 6-room house with sleeping porch and garage, located in very best section, walking distance to city and near car; built by day labor by present owner and a real bargain at $7250; terms. Tabor 407. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW$3750. Large attic, built-ins, fireplace, fur nace, cement basement, laundry trays, dandy sleeping porch, garage with ce ment floor and water, nice lawn, -roses: close to car and school; terms. 1218 N. W. Bank bidg. ' - VANCOUVER AVE.. NEAR KNOTT. TWO HOUSES. $1300 EACH. 5-room houses, will sell separate or both: $300 down. bal. like rent, straight contract. Call or phone HO AG LIN -BIRD & PARKER. East 3595. 505 Vfr Williams ave. $2750. IRVINGTON PARK. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bath, gas, laundry trays: good basement; close to car and school. JOUNSON-DODSON CO.. 03 N. W. Bank bldg Main 37S7. $2O00 BUY 4-ROOM. SEMI-MODERN HOUSE. LOT 50x100. STREET IM PROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR. CLOSE IN. TERMS. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MARSHALL 3331. $300 WILL HANDLE. 3-room cottage. 4 block to car, in Alberta: bath and toilet, built-in kitch en: 50x100 lot. Price only $1600. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X, W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. . Look at this brand new modern 5 room bungalow; it will save you at least $500: the pleasing features are too many to mention, $1500 will handle, balance to suit. 1228 Lincoln street, near 41st. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 7-room modern home: never offered before; am going away; must sell quick; sacrifice for cash. Owner. 366 E. 5.-.d st. N. Tabor 4007. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 100x100 lot, large barn, chicken pens, a good buy, $2500: terms. Ask Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. . 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2OB0. BEAUTIFUL home In Mt. Tabor district. 1 block from car;. 7 rooms and sleeping porcn; iruit trees ana iiowers; a well built real home: consider trade on sub urban with 5 acres. Tabor 412. MODERN residence. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, concrete garage, large lot. fruit, roses, etc. Special price and terms for qutck sale. 304 E. 52d. Tabor 213. NEW bungalow, 5 rooms, built-in effects, lots 40x120: newly furnished. Price $3000. No agents. Terms 5521. Wood stock ave. satru win nanme. $2750 BUYS $4500 home If you can pay $1000 cash: renting for $45 month; must go qun'K. Q" -w"i "'"S. IRVINGTON car. on E. 16th St.. just fin lulled. B rooms: terms to suit. See it to ..... ni m anon pay. J mm, BARGAIN T-room modern nouse, new; large garden, plenty fruit, berries and .....ll.llu- 113 ." 7 1 Vl A v, a 112 1.1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. EAST IRVINQ 8T. BUNGALOW. $2900 Five-room bungalow, lot 75x100, large screened sleeping porch, cabinet kitchen, basement, bldg. that can be made-into garage, lots of fruit; 2 blocks to car and hard-surface street: $750 cash. More ground U needed. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $4500 9-room bungalow, . built for two families. 2 living rooms, 2 dining rooms. 2 Dutch kitchens, 2 fire places, three bedrooms, sleeping porch, comer lot 50x100, paved streets; 3 rooms now rented for $32.50 per month; on Wasco and 26th: price a snap. $4500, about $1000 cash. $9000 Swell 8-room house, furnace, 4 fireplaces, unobstructed view, on 100x100 comer, paved streets and all liens paid: 1 block to car, on E. 53d and Morrison; $2000 cash. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $9500 Fine nine-room strictly modern house, furnace. 2 fireplaces, oak floors; garage with two finished rooms: 100x100 corner, paved at., shrubbery, roses, etc. $2500 cash East 32d and Clinton. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. WHY NOT PIT UNDER YOUR OWN FRUIT TREES And watch them bud and blossom and enjoy the delicious fruits thereof, and why not sleep under your own roof, in your own beautiful home? Mr. Home less man, here is the chance of your life. Here is a real snap. This fine home has 6 large rooms on the main floor, and furnished rooms upstairs; It has fire place, modern bath, toilet and electric lights; full cement basement, laundry trays and Dutch kitchen: big lot. 100x78 ft., with the finest variety of all kinds of bearing fruit, berries and fine gar den; beautiful, well-kept lawn, with fine selection of flowers and shrubbery; U Is handy to car, school and Franklin high school and Reed college; located In the Annie Bell district, a fine neighborhood and the best value In Portland for $4000, one-half cash, balance terms to suit: quick possession. My auto is at your service to show you. IE W. HUGHES, 607 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. NEAR ALAMEDA DRIVE. TERMS. NEW 8-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. A non-resident owner lias listed and placed for quick sale. This is an ex ception and out of the ordinary in price, location, arrangements and construction. Shown only by appointment. Ask for Mr. Clearwater, at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. Evenings, Tabor 1606. DUTCH COLONIAL. . 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $72.10. OWNER LEA VINT? FOR EUROPE AND MUST SELL AT ONCE. Folks, we cannot say too much, ft is absolutely Impossible to overdescribe this wonder ful home. No better material, no bet ter workmanship can bo imagined. Finest hardwood floors throughout. Ex ceptionally large living room: the fire place Is of tile and la practically im possible of reproduction today. May we not have the pleasure of showing you? A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch office, COth and Sandy. REAL PinnMONT HOME. $7000 REASONABLE TERMS $7000. Here is a real Piedmont home that you should see If you are looking for a real buy. An exceptionally well con structed house and modern to the min ute: 6 rooms, breakfast room, den and sewing room, all the latest built-in con veniences, full cement basement, furnace. 50x100 lot, alley, good large garago, nice lawn and shrubbery. All street improve ments in and paid. Tn the heart of the district, two short blocks from car. Watch Our Ads. We Get Results. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $10,000 Buys a very pretty home at 504 East 24th st. N.: 8 elegant rooms. 3 bed rooms upstairs, with neat sewing room, fireplace. furnace (Gasco). hardwood floors, full basement: lot 5Ox10O; fine garage: everything arranged beautifully. Act quick. Call Main 4564. HARVKY WELLS & CO.. . 602 Gasco bldg. UNBELIEVABLE. An exceptionally well-built and at tractive five-room bungalow with won derful Ivy-covered cobblestone fireplace, cobblestone porch supports, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, bookcases. full-length mirror. beam celling, built-in basement, lot 50x100. with a wonderful view of city and snow cap mountains: total prire $:ooo. $M0 casn. balance monthly. FRED w. GER MAN CO.. 732 CHAM. OF COM. YOU would hardly expect to find such an imposing, such a splendidly constructed. practically new home for $450o on tertns 01 S4UU casn:: large rooms, bath, two toilets, full basement, furnace, built-in nuiret, uuien Kitchen, laundry travs grand porch extending around 3 sides or nouse. jimxiuo lot. abundance of fine fruit, berries: 2h!orks south WL car st st. !'.' Liberty st. Vacant. owner. I aoor -. forenoons. A REAL BUY. 6 rooms, house built 7 years; electric lights, bath -lad gas; ground 100x100 corner: in the Mount Tnbor district; paved and paid. This place is a bar gain at s.o.i'i. Trms can be arranged INVESTIGATE CALL ON US. H. H. VRDAHI. CO. (INC.) Main 6252. 322 Abington bids. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. ' Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow; fireplace and furnace. buffet. an excen- tionally nice kitchen with nook, large cintnes presses. At plumbing. Prlc $3700. 1r,n c-ish. balance easy. JOHNSON-DOUSON CO.. :i3 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 $20OO. $500 CASH, buys a modern 4-room. well-rurnished hunealow. oak dining set. leather-seated chairs. 2 good beds, good range, connected. It's all readv to get dinner. E. 23th, Just east of S. P. R. R. shop. See this quick if you want a good neai. rnone owner, cast .iL'a. 5-ROOM bungalow In Kenton: full plumb ing. concrete rounaation. basement ce ment: 1 block to car; 50x100 lot: all street Improvements in and paid. Price only $2550. $700 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37X7. $30O0 BUYS a modem 6-room house with all conveniences, on large lot, 90x100. situated 2 blocks from Wroodstock car line. For particulars call on BEN RIES LAND, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. NEW BUNGALOW, IRVINGTOX DISTRICT. Every modern convenience, large ga rage. Price $8000. Can be seen hy an pointment only. Call Taggart, Main 27. .IRVINGTON HOME. On 18th and Brazee. S rooms central entrance, all drapes: billiard room, fully equipped: fuil lot, dou'ble garage. .MCDONNELL. East 419. WAVERLY-RICHMOND BARGAIN. 7-room Queen Anne Home, hardwood floors. fireplace, cement basement laundry trays; only $3500; terms. Main 1 1 06. BEAUTIFUL new 5-room bulgalow. fur nace, nrepjace, ouiit-ins. hardwood floors throughout: Laurelhurst. No agents. shown by appointment. East 7978. $5200. $21 0O BUYS a good 5-room bungalow with hath, gas and electricity: good basement; on macadam street, close to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. G33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. TITLE INSURANCE Is quicker, safer and cheaper than abstract method. Ask voVir banker, he knows. Title and Trust Com. pany. PORTLAND BANKS request title lnsuT ance Instead of abstracts. Why? a.Ic your banker, be knows. Title and Trust Company. CLEAN 5-room house, lot 100x80; garage chicken house; all kinds of fruit- four blocks from Mt. Tabor car; $1685 Own er. East 5762. TITLE INSURANCE Is the modern war r handling titles to real ette. Quicker costs less and no abstract required Titii and Trust Company. ' CLOSE your real estate deal without anl noying details by using Title Insur ance Policy. No abstract required. Title andTrust Company. WHEN you get a Title Insurance Poltci you do not need an abstract of titl One premium pays tor all time. Titla and Trust Company. "" WHEN you purchase your nome hav8 the title Insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. Title and Trust Company FOR SALE by owner, good house, four rooms, with 2 or 4 lots; lawn, flowers and fruit. No. . 46 E. 87th N. Tabor )" EVERY purchaser of real estate should have Bis title Insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trmt Comiitin BANKS request title insurance because it is best. Ask your banker, tie knows Title & Trust company. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. $6800. A very attractive 6-room house, extra large living room, fireplace, paneled dining room with beamed celling, built in buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitch en, large pantry with all built-ins, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, large bathroom, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, garage; lot 50x100 feet; street improvements, in and paid. BEAUTIFUL LADD'S ADDITION $6100. Near the park; strictly modern. 6 room house with sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace. French doors connecting dining room, beautiful built in buffet, hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, full basement and furnace, laundry room, extra fine plumb ing throughout the house, on full lot; ' street improvements paid. This is the best buy in LaUd's addition. LARGE IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $7500. A beautiful 7-room bungalow, with garage, reception hall, living room, fire place, dining room, beautiful built-in buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen with all built-lns. sewing room. 4 bed rooms, 2 sleeping porches, bathroom. 2 lavatories and toilets, full cement base ment, furnace and Ruud hot water plant. This is a typical bungalow up to the minute in every respect. Best buy In Irvington. FRANCIS AVENUE. $2100. $500 cash. $20 per month, on Francis ave.. corner 42d St.. 5-room bungalow, white enamel plumbing, gas and elec tricity, corner lot; atreet improvements paid. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3650. 3 blocks "from Hawthorne are., near 8!th St. A very attractive 5-room bun galow; reception hall, living room, din ing room with built-in buffet, large kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, white enamel plumbing, good basement, laundry trays. Improvements in and paid. See E. M. PADDEN. Salesmanager. M ETZGER-P A R.KER-FERGUSON CO.. Downstairs. 269 Oak St. Main 3534. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. VACANT BUNGAttoW. Modern bungalow, almost new. has just been painted, tinted and gone over: one block to car: lot 50x100. with alley: good neigh borhood; vacant, ready to move into; price $2750. terms. 6-room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace. ' furnace; buffet, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases, glacsed-ln sleeping porch, cement basement, laundry trays, lot 50x 100: cement walks: paved sts.. roses, lawn; price $5800. terms. BLOCK TO IRVINGTON CAR. 5- room bungalow. fireplace, china closet, 2 bedrooms. 3 clothes closets: cement basement, chicken house lot 50x137; berries, lawn, etc block to Irvington car: price only $3600. $700 cash. BOSE CITY. 6- room modern house. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch. S bed rooms. 4 largo clothes closets, electric lights: lot 50x100: two fruit trees, 2 shade trees: straw berries, currents, roses and lawn; block to car; price $3500. terms. 7- room house, china closet, sleep ing porch. 3 bedrooms, base ment bath: lot 100x100: cement sidewalks, hard surface sts: price only $2600. $0O0 down. $2.i per month. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. $5750 For a few days longer we are able to offer you at this, price a home which you cannot duplicate for less than $0000; living room, dining room, kitchen, break rant room and entrance hall first floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch up. This house is absolutely modern, up to the minute; hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, built-in linen closet, dust chute, clothes chute, furnace, cement fruit room, full cement basement, wash trays: 80x100 corner; terms to suit your convenience. You will hive to hurry to get this excep tional bargain. Shown by appointment nIy' J A. WICKMAN COMPANY 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 & 583. BOSE CITY BARGAIN. 6 ROOMS. GARAGE. This is a dandy house. It has a cosy living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining room with buffet, clean, white enamel Dutch kitchen. 3 light, airy bedrooms and lovely sleep ing porch, full cement basement, ex cellent furnace, wash trays, fine ga rage, paved street, close to car. fruit trees and carefully selected shrubbery. Price onlv $5500: a bargain.. I.UEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main f967. HAWTHORNE CAR. 5-Room Bungalow. $3150. AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. Ton ran t conceive of a better buy than this. Located in one of . Portland's flnent re stricted residential districts adjacent to Hawthorne car. This Is modern In every way except hardwood' floors and furnace. Iot 45x90. See it today tomorrow may be too late. A G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 30P2. Branch office. 00th and Sandy. ROSE CITY. 6-room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases, glansed-ln Bleeping porch, cement nascment. laundry trays; lot .Mrs 1O0. cement walks, paved sts.. roses lawn: price $58oo. terms. Mr. G. W. Cone. Tabor 1524. -lunv H.rnnni bun X..MIO a . ' . . , w i.- r-i A r A gaiow. in Ai. . , ' living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, nrsaKiam "V ,, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, with furnace, laundry trays. ' . . . . . . .. I . I alnlr 1, riv al! improvement m. 1 tures, shades, garage and cement run wav Don't overlook this. L. K. MOORE. See Mr. Taylor, Main R667. 317 Board of Trade. VACANT BUNGALOW. Modern bungalow, almost new, has Just been painted, tinted and gone over: one block to car; lot 50x100. w4th alley: good neigh borhood: vacant: ready to move Into: price $2750. terms. Mrs. Yager. Woodlawn 4664. mmixivr, I.AURELHURST $4000. Strictly modern 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood iioors. an uuiii-nm, ' place, full cement basement. Fox fur--wx wn.h travs. woodlift. paved Btreet. near car. Price only $4000; terms $1000 down, balance like rent. ruprinpUiVV COMPANY. 913 Chamber ol Commerce. Main 6967. RnSE CITY. ft .oom hnrdvood floors, finished In white enamel; buiit-ins;- full, cement basenent, furnace, garage, a veu nice home at a reasonaDie price. INVESTIGATE CALu ON IS. H H. USDAHL CO. (INC.) Main 6252. 322 Abington bldg 8-ROOM modern house, garage and three lots on a corner located near Clinton and west of 39th street: street improve ments all in and paid: this Is a beau tiful home and priced right: it will pay you to investigate. See Mr. Lundgren with John E. Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID 6-room bungalow, Hawthorne, $4500 Magnificent. 6-room bungalow, i,iukah 75 .to. Fine 6-room home. Irvington. karage. $65()0. Splendid , T or .8-room home. Irvington. $ Good 8-room home. Holladay's Add.. $6000. EAST 273. HERDMAN. 10-ROOM house in Holladay addition, on car line; full basement, gas and elec tricltv: lot 100x100, garage. 4 fine fruit inu This is a bargain for $7iu0. Bf owner Terms. East 6202. 335 E. 15tb sr. North. :.ioo $700 CASH. 5-room bungalow; fireplace, buffet. complete kitchen, full plumbing, gas and electricity, full cement basement. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. - EAST SIDE $3750. ft-rnom house with sleeping porch, ce ment basement with Fox furnace, streets paved and paia; nouse wen num. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. BARGAIN' FOR QUICK SALE. 7-rm double-constructed. Dtitch kitoh en. furnace, garage, fruit, full lot. Wood stock car. $2750. $650 cash. Marshall 1022. 2-ROOM bungalow for $750, $100 cash, balance $10 per month, 12 minutes', walk from street car, west side. M. JC. LEE, 413 Cornett bldg. FOR the best 5-room cottage on the east Fide at $3ouu, call labor mil); must have $ 1 000 cash. SMART LITTLE BUNGALOW $320O Only $500 cash: splendid home. You will buy it on signu , Aiam aiuu. REAL ESTATE, For Sale NEW. modern bungalow, fire rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, wnite enamel finish throughout, fireplace, nice fixtures, full concrete basement, full lot. Price $3850, easy terms. New, modern, bungalow type, rlx rooms and sleeping porch, one bedroom on grouod floor, hardwood rloors, fin ished In white enamel, fireplace. Full concrete basement, full lot.. Price $3650. easy terms with Interest at 6 per cent. Kew. modem bungalow of four rooms, bath and breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, full concrete basement, full lot. Price $2850. easy terms. O. W. BRYAN. 609 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1963. evenings Marshall 865. IRVINGTON HOMES. $19,000, corner. 9 beautiful rooms, hot water heat. Ivory and solid mahogany, 2 baths, 4 extra lavatories, lot 100x100; double garage. $12,000, big bargain In Irvington; 8 rooms, billlard-rm., thoroughly equipped, hardwood floors throughout; full lot, double garage. $10,000. 7-room bungalow home built 4 years ago, hot water heat, tile baths, pedestal plumbing, good grounds, ga rage; $4500 cash handles. $15,000. 100x100 corner, 8 rooms, aill Ivory, hardwood floors, central entrance; terms. $10,500, 75x100 grounds with most ar tistic home of 8 rooms, French doors: sun room, S fireplaces, billiard room; $.XK) cash handles. Also homes at $60u0, $75O0, $8250. MCDONNELL, East 419. LAURELHURST HOME. $6500 EASY TERMS $6500. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and music den, semi-bungalow type, Al construction and strictly- modern; all bedrooms nice and large and exceptionally large closets, full lot, good garage, all street improve ments In and paid. This home Is in the heart of Laurelhurst and is a big snap. Let me show you. Can be seen by ap pointment only. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BANK MUST SELL. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. CLOSE IN. Fine 8-room home in Ladd tract dis trict taken over by our bank must be sold at once. This house is of brick veneer and stucco oement construction, consisting of 8 rooms and basement- All modern conveniences and house is strictly up to date. Can be bought fjr $8500 on terms. Buys like this are get ting scarcer every day. Better look Into this at the earliest possible moment. See bank's representative. N. 1L ATCHISON, 204 Henrv bldg. $500 CASH $500. $3100 ATTRACTIVE BUY $3100 Full 50x100 corner lot, 8-room house, full basement, furnace, close to Pied mont car barns, 2 short blocks to Mis sissippi and Kenton cars, 3 from St. .Johns car. Take a look at this snap. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSUR ANCE. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $4O0O. WEST SIDE. . tn. cne or Portland most exclusive neiini" residence sections: magnifi cent view of river and city; 1 block from car: on hard-surface street, close In; 0 rooms, white enamel finish, oak floors, fireplace, built-ins. furnace ce ment basement; selling at a sacrifice; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO B.-.3 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 $5800. READY TO MOVE IN. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, lo cated at E. 2Sth and Sandy; fine large living and dining rooms with hardwood floors', dandy kitchen with lots of buiit ins; breakfast room, large cement base ment; furnace. This is an Ideal home and has never been occupied; terms If deslrejl. Bee J. A. McCarty at E. 80th and Gllsan st. Office Tabor 3433. Eve ning. Tabor 5057. $4000 Buys a cosy bungalow, 4 rooms bath, fine attic: lot 50x!5o: all nicely ar ranged, with garage. 47th at., neai Hawthorne. Call Main 4564. HARVKY WELLS & CO.. 602 Gasco bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7 large rooms, hardwood floors, sleep ing porch, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, fur nace and laundry trays, full basement, attic all finished; swell floor for dancing or billiard room, large lot; newlv tinted and painted, grand place for $8500. Ask Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST c CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 290. NEAR ST. JOHNS. Close to the Industrial district where things are booming: 5-room bungalow, with garage: lot 2 by lies, feet, close to boulevard: see It at loot A m nerst St., then call me: heme evenings. Mr. Mahoney, . COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings Columbia 638 SLTNNYSIDE DISTRICT, on East Morrison St.. choice residence section, only one block from car. Modern 6-room house with ail conveniences and fruit trees. A dandy home, which the present owner constructed for herself, but has out grown; $3500. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St. WEST SIDE HOME. 8-room modern home. -large grounds, unobstructed view, located among other high-class homes: ran give quick pos session. Price $sooo. C. M. DF.RR. COE A. McKENNA CO., 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. 6-ROOM bungalow in good location: 1 block to car: 50x100-lot. with garage; rooms are well arranged and have all built-ins; cement basement, with laun dry trays and furnace. Price only $3500, $1350 cash, balance like rent. JOUNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a guar antee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your rer.l estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract rjQulred. Title and Trust Company. An abstract of title Is not a guarantee of your title; It is merely a history of your title. A Titla Insurance Policy Is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required- Titls and Trust Company. $:,000 VACANT $500 CASH. 5-room bungalow that I want "you to see: blk. to car. 6 blks. to Franklin high school, about same distance from. grade school. Ask ror Mr. Gray, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. 1-ROOM plastered house, $1450; water, gas, toilet, 4 large cherry trees bearing; lot 100x115; 3 blocks to carline; . small payment down, balance like rent. Own er will show house from 12 to 4 at 6567 95th st. Southeast. Mount Scott car to Lents. Might rent to right party. $2200 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. BUYS 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR, GOOD GARAGE. 3 BLOCKS FROM CAR. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 824 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING. 5 ACRES. RUNNING WATER, ONLY $1185. Over 5 acres with clear spring brook, splendid soil, open pasture; within 9 mile circle of postoffice; electric station; $25 down gives possession, balance easy. Owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark BY OWNER. New, large 6-room bungalow: den, breakfast room, garage: the last word in not only a bungalow but also a home: $8500. terms. Broadway car. 911 Mason st. Wood. 2553 after 5 P. M., for ap pointments. ' $3100 6 rooms. 914 Gantenbein ave.. 5 rooms. 4S55 E. 64th st. S. E. $1600; also 2 fine lots. Mt. Scott line; 80 acres south Newport: will trade. 9 rooms, west side. $8500. Owner Broadway 3232. FOR SALE by owner, attractive 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch. 50x100 lot. hardwood floor, cement basement, wash trays, gas heating system installed. Phone Woodlawn 464 or call 1134 Glenn ave. North. FOR SALE Five-room plastered house with bath. 106 E. 12th st., Medford. Or.. $1200, one-half cash, balance two years' time at 6'"S Interest. Page & Dressier, agents. Medford. or Mrs. Ida Jacks. Al ba n y. Or. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a guar antee of the title to your home., you buy your home havs the title In sured. Better be sals than sorry. Titla and Trust Company. ' ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modern 8-room home with all built-in rilllveilirilin cic-H"' IS m I Will take $1000 cash, balance to be r- ranged. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. $200 5-ROOM HOME $2800. Alberta district, nice lot, faces west, full basement, a nice comfortable borne. $300 down. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock ' Exch. WILL sell my equity cheap in 3-room house, partly modern, six bearing fruit trees and berries, near Col. Park. Call Col. 845. BEAL ESTATE. BIBTR-CARET COMPANY. Succeeded by CAEET-SAVIDGB COMPANY. 219 Railwav Exch. Bldg. Main 45T. 500 MODERN CITY HOMEa FOB SALE. Ths public Is invited to come to onr showrooms on the second floor of tne Railway Exchanse bldg.. corner of Stark and Third streets, and Inspect the hun dreds of photos on display. A gallery crammed full of neatly arranged oj7 photographs of homes. Eight salesmen with autos to show you property A. pleasure to show our homes, obliga tion on your part. 7-ROOM KOSB CITY WOMB. 14300 Here is a substantially built two story bungalow type attractive home. 75x100 ft- lot. Just off Sandy blvd.. on 72d st. Many built-in features. Whits enamel Dutch kitchen, massi-re buffet, toilet, bath, furnace. 3 bedrooms and bath up. oak floors, fireplace. Built only a few years. In splen did repair. $1000 down, balance $25 a month, B per cent Interest. FULTON DISTRICT. $3250 This home displays real class In side and out; 6 rooms all on one floor. Hardwood floors, fireplace, full ce-nent basement, laundry trays. 3 light airy bedrooms. In terior, decorations beautiful. Ex ceptionally low convenient terms. MOUNT TABOR SNAP. $2750 Price on this home was $3230 and the owner must have a little money quick, hence the unusual cut. This is a splendid 6-room bungalow, with a pergola across the front of the house. Expen sive vines and shrubbery and a pretty vard. One glance at the photo of this home will convince you that It Is a $3500 home. Can be handled for reasonable down payment. 2-STORY PENINSULA HOME. $3100 On Curtis st.. near St. Johns car , ana pavea street is a -i-story 7-room :nodern home, large lot. white enamel plumbing. 4 large bedrooms, garage, 34 bearing fruit trees, abundance or berries. grapes) and small fruit. $500 down. ANOTHER PENINSULA HOME. $3250 2-story. 8-room. well-constructed home on Knowles St.. 2 blocks from St. Johns car; best plumb ing, fireplace, many fruit trees, chicken house, $700 down. $35, 6 per ce-it interest, UNIVERSITY PARK BUNGALOW. $2900 Cm Syracuse St.. 100 feet from paved St.. is this dandy little bungalow; 5 rooms down, 3 un finished rooms up. Built-in buf fet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, built only 2 years, nice lawn snd rosea Convenient terms. This is an unusual bargain. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 213 liailway Exli. l ldg. Main 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. STRENUOUS BARGATV. S4650 $4050 $41150 $41150. 7 SEVEN-ROOM MAJESTIC RES. RIGHT AT EAST OK LAUREL HURST. Has den, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, hd. wood, floors on entire lower floor. Elegant built-lns, fine enamel plumbing, choicest elect, fixtures and a dan dy bast.; 50x100; paved sts. Right on carline. Would cost you $55o0 to build house: $10O0 lot: 5 years built. If it wasn't for the owner's necessary quick leave, you could not buy it from even him for less than $65O0. Call early for ap pointment. This Is one (1) oppor tunity which is rare. See It today. Don't be late. It's a wonder. About $2500 cash. Main 4SO.'t. J. C. C,OLlE.'BKl:t5. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bldg. '35 Years in Portland." IRVINGTON HOME. A large living room with love ly firepiace. dining room, sun room, kitchen. 4 splendid sleeping rooms and sewing room and tiie bath on second floor; on third floor all hardwood floors. 2 fire places, so ninny fine built-in fea tures, gas. furnace, garage; Ideal location and a charming home. For appointment call MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 7976. $4500 Let us show you this attractive double constructed bungalow, on one of the best streets In Hawthorne: living room and dining room across the front, large dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bed-, rooms and bath with back porch suit able for sleeping porch If desired; fire place with large mantel, and heavy French plate glass mirror; large plate glass mirror door to guest closet, dander buffet, hardwood floors in 3 rooms; street improvements In and paid; drive way now being built for garage. The interior finish is exceptionally good and very attractive. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 & 583. CENTRAL Irvington comer home, lower story of red brick, upper of gray shingles: artistic living room, dining room, breakfast room, sun room, kitchen: also maid's room and hath, first floor; old Ivory and mahogany finish: 4 bedrooms. 2 sleeping porches, bath and shower on second floor; all hardwood floors, combination hot water and hot air furnace, 3 extra lavatories, 2 fireplaces, fine garage, surely a most attractive home; $12,500. MRS. HARRY" PRICE PALMER. East 7976. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5350 $5350 $5350 $5350. Here, folks, is your ideal in a home a real typical bungalow of 6 rooms, all on one floor, with every desirable fea ture incorporated to the queen's taste. Large living room, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, corner, and new, too. Just fin ished in June, 1919. Owners are called to other position and don't need it. Con venient to car; about $1500 cash. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. "35 Years In Portland." HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room neat modem bungalow with every modern convenience. including fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, buf fet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, good full cement basement, with laundry trays; also garage. Street improvements are In and paid. Price $4s.,o. Terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. $5000. 8-room Irvington house at 445 E. 14th st. N. Large rooms, fine furnace, fruit trees and garage. East 7976. 1 $4750. CLOSE IN. A DANDY HOME. 6 ROOMS, NEAR WASH. HIGH. U. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Main 4803. TWO 6-room modern houses; fireplace: furnace, cement basement, wash travs. Tired of renting, will sacrifice for $3750 each; $10OO cash payments, bal. easy; no mortgage or liens; imp. in and paid. These homes are In Holladay-Irvlngton district: dandy loca tion. Marshall 3352. SELLWOOD $3800. 6-room house in the pink of condi tion, full basement, fine neighborhood streets paved and paid, and reasonable terms. 1 his is reauy a snap. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME Some thing choice, unusual design and finish: 2 bathrooms second floor: oak floors throughout. THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL. Price reasonable. Ncuhausen. Main 8078. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Must be sold at once. $4750.- Owner 350 E. 36th st. Tabor 708. EAST 16TH. NEAR SANDY $3700. 6-room house in splendid condition, fill! lot, all street improvements paid; A No. 1 buy. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. HAWTHORNE. Six-room modern furnished bungalow, ready to move In. $4000; $2000 will han dle. 439 K. 4 1st te. I aoor .w:t. COSY 5-room cottage, fine corner lot. on paved st. and carline. east of Laurel hurst, a spiennio nuy t e.iou: terms. E. J. GEISER. 417 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $5250: terms: at tractive 6-room house, oak floors, fire place: Braaee street- Neuhauscr. Main 8078. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW-STYLE HOME. Charming place, extra well built, mod ern, choice location; bargain. Neu Main 8078. REAL ESTATE. For ciale -Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $5250 5-room modern bungalow, large living-room, dining-room. Dutch kitchen, two beautiful bedrooms, all Ivory finish. Corner lot. A good buy. $6500 6-room modem, furnished bun galow, exceptionally well ar ranged. Good furniture Beautiful location. $8250 6-room bungalow with garage, on corner lot. Absolutely the pret tiest and best arranged home in Ross City. x rRVLVGTON". $S500 7-room bungalow, built by owner at cost of $11,000. Fine concrete garage. Owner needs money and will sacrifice for quick sale. $10,000 8-room well-built house on lOOx 100 corner. Double garage. This is one of the best buys we know of. "NOB HILL. $SOO0 8-room modern home. Close in. Lot alone worth $5000. see it today. $17.500 T-arce home, well located. Cost $2t.5oo: could not be duplicated under $40,000. A real bargain. CALB MAIN 630. McCRIIXIS-CI J! A VELA XD CO. 522 to 524S Henry Bide. IRVINGTON 1RVLNUTON $3850 5 r. furn., firepl.. hd. firs., cement bast., attic, mod. plumb ing; 2 blks. car; a bungalow. $4jO0 5 r.. sip. pr lirepl., fur nace, built-in. garage. 50x100; 4 blks to car; a bungalow. $70o 7 r. Majestic res., furnace, den, 50x100. garage, best plumb ing, 2 toilets; terms. $5800 7 rm., furn., firepl., hd. firs.. 50x100; snap $6800 7 rm.. turn., firepl., hd. firs., ivory finish, slpg pr., built in, garage, 50x100; high-grade property; terms. $750i) 6 rm., furn., firepl. hd. firs., tapestry dec, sir pr.. large liv. rm.; now vacant; $2000 cash. $7900 6 rm. new furn., firepl., hd. Ilrs.. built-in. sip. pr brkfst. rm. garage; a jewel; you'll like it; terms. $8500 9 rm., furn.. firepl., hd. firs., large liv. rm., built-in, ga ago, oOxlOO, central location. 6 yrs built; a real bargain; $3000 cash. $8750 9 rm. colonial, extraor dinary bargain in ciose-in (West Side) exclusive dlst. ; every conv Incorporated; garage; 3 car lines; terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG G. C. GOLDEN BERU Ci. C. GOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. 35 Yrs. In Portland. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. A house which took an archi tectural prize, and rightly, too; a large living room with such a lovely firepiace. a quaint and pretty dining room, sun porch, very complete kitchen. 2 bedrooms and splendid sleeping porch: lovely yard and native trees: old ivory finisn; really an unusual small home. with every detail ment.Ct ni comp'ete- By appoint MKS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7976, NIFTY ROSE CITY PARK , BUNGALOW $4750. Here, folks, is a dandy bungalow, right up to the minute in every respect. A home you will be proud to own. Large living room extending entire width of house; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement, large attic, etc.: full lot. a.-sments paid; can you beat it? Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch office 50th and Sandy. IRVINGTON home. large living room, fine dining room with beau tiful buffet, fine den. most com plete kitchen and butlers pantrv, 3 large bedrooms and sleeping i'nreh and bath; also splendid attic. 2 firepluces. and a home which Is In perfect condition throughout. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER East 7976. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW that will make you a delightful home Is offered for sale at very reasonable price; 5 pleasant rooms, all on one floor oandy fireplace, cement basement and furnace, big front porch; fine view all improvements In and paid; in a fine neighborhood. Price includes range and linoleum and Rudd heater: $48U0. with $1700 cash, balance mortgage at 6 per cent with optional pavments MacINNKS & PRATT Main 3Se;s. 413 Board of Trade bldg INVESTMENT SSAP. Why pay rent when you can buv on Alberta street, close in. two store rooms with modern 5-room apartment and sleeping porch above? All city Improve ments in and paid for: building in tirst class condition; present income $f,0 per month; owner Is leaving city and will sell for $4000 and $looo cash will handle. Can you beat this for an Investment? Must be sold at once. See Mr. Lund gren with John E. Howard. 318 Cham ber of Commerce.' M BLOCK TO IRVINGTON CAR. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, china closet. 2 bedrooms. 3 clothes closets, cement basement, chicken house. lot 50x137; berries, lawn, etc.; V- block to Irvington car: price onlv $.ioo, $700 cash. Mrs. Yager. W'd. 4664. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-Room Bungalow $3950. r vner must sell at once: hardwood L- ors. fireplace, buffet, full cement basement, etc. Full lot: very easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2fj4 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. A 4-ROOM house at 411 E. 17th St. N. Finest fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.: cement basement, electric lights, toilet and sink. $2600. OWNER. EAST 7970. $C.S50. $6X50. 70x100 CLOSE IN. 8 rooms, large attic, furnace, fireplace, finest plumbing, 2 toilets. 18 fruit trees, near 23d and Hawthorne. This is cheap. If vou want something good, see this. Never offered before. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Years In Portland." LILAC TIME IS HERE And fruit trees are b'ossoming.. A71 8 room house, cor. lot. 133xl0; one block from cariine; cherry, pear, prune, peach and npple tres: asparagus and other de lectable vegetables. Glory, this is grid . for $3250. See Mahoney. Coe A. Mr Kenna & Co.. 82 Fourth st Main 4522; evenings. Columbia 6:iS. 16-ROOM bungalow and one 5-room cot tage, located on 9th street near Pine. Both houses have all modern improve ments: cement basement and furnace: buildings in Al condition throughout: near 2 carlines: price for both only $5250. See Mr. Lundgren with John E. Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN. $22110 TERMS. 6-room modern hou.ce. 2 lots, fruit and berries, garden in; close to school; 1 blk. to Mt. Scott car. ::09 90th st S. E. Tabor 4953. 50x100 NICE LARGE. LIGHT 6-ROOM HOl'SE CEMENT BASKMKNTf WASH TRAYS. BEARING FRUIT. GARAGE. IRVINGTON. $52.-.0. " ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. SIS CHAM. OF. COM. MAIN S052. FIRST PAYMENT VALUE OF LOT. 6-room modern home, hardwood floors and everything else complete: fine Rope City location; must be sold quick: $5200 takes It, easy terms. 331 Railway Ex change bldg. DANDY 5-ROOM HOUSE. With cement basement, laundry trays, attic with one finished room, streets paved and paid, fruit trees; ail for onlv $2050. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 7-ROOM house, walking distance, east side, corner, for sale at bargain; $750 cash, balance $25 per month. M. E. LEE, 413 Corbett bldg, YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS $750 cash buys this perfectly modern. snappy home. Fine lot in choice location; price $45o0. Easiest terms. Brown. Tabor 59. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honses. LARGEST HOMH SELLERS Oi - THE PACIFIC COAST. 800 PHOTOGRAPHS OF JiOMSS " FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McOCTRfl! TO BUY YOUR HOME. . You are always cordially welcome to l.f,1-1- ,,Jr showrooms anti inspect our Si'NDKRFUL DISPLAY OF OVER Suo PHOTOGRAPHS of Homes for Sale. UNUSUAL BARGAINS. Every PHOTOGRAPH has accurate'"c,'iPtive of the HOME IT REF-. itbiiXTs. Homes in every section ot city. EASY TERJfci FRANK L. McGUIRE Personally APPRAISES EVERT horns Petore offering it for your consideration, "e safeguard your EVERY INTEREST. you ln Immediate touch with the fJ.S,M YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. WE 5 HELr YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT IF NECESSARY. 1 automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. $5750 RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE CITY' on a 68x120 corner, is this very substantial home: dou ble living room, coxy fireplace: -4 pleasant bedrooms. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN. East Ash. $5500 THIS LOVELY LAURELHURST HOME possesses unutual charm; ideally situated, overlooking Port land's most beautiful park; best possible construction, hardwood floors throughout, cheery fire piace. furnace, massive bu'tet; SPLENDID DUTCH KITCHEN", Woodwork is all white; artistic light. ng effects. East 44th. YOU WILL WA.NT AO SEE THIS. $3500 THIS ATTRACTIVE HOMTS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE: an unusual BARGAIN in a DOUBLS CONSTRUCTED. 6-room modem home: white enamel plumbing: BEAUTIFUL LAWN AND shrub bery: TERMS. ON Lawrence st. 2 blocks to ROSE CITY CAR. - $2500 a RAY 8HINGLBD HA W THORXE BUNGALOW that will please you; 4 attractive rooms,; clever built-lns; full garden lot; ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT. K. 34th, south of car. TRY IO SEE IT TODAY. Ws have PHOTOGRAPHS of over 88 , SPLENDID HAWTHORNE homes. ' . $23O0 $500 down. $20 per month (ma couldn't begin to RENT FOK THAT) are the terms for this 6-room very substantial WEST-' SIDE HOME: white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, street Hens paJd; First, near Curry. Another of our convenient WEST-" SIDE homes is this at $3750. with: 6 sunny rooms, cory fireplace, etc.: Montgomery, near 17tijL THEY'RE BOTH BARGAINS, $3S00 YOU WILL BE INTERESTED! ln this 6-room. most -attractive. . home; HARDWOOD FLOORS, paneled dining room with built-iti buffet, convenient kitchen. ' PLEASANT SEWING ROOM. 3 airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing; EASY' TERMS. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. $2990 SPLENDID KENTOM BUNGA LOW, 5 rooms, cozv breakfast nook. FINE PANELED DINING ROOM, built-lns: CHEERY FIREPLACE; house like NEW; , Rustett St.. close to car. And while you're INTERESTED Vn tjie subject of KENTON HOMES." let us tell you about this otr.r WONDERFUL BARGAIN; AU TISTIC 6-room modern EUNCIA LOW. music room, MASSIVE!" LEADED-GLASS BUFFET. fin DUTCH kitchen, best plumbing: $.MK) down. Buffalo St. There are 30 others ln Kenton JUST AS REASONABLE AS CAN BE. $4200160x100 E AST OF LAUREL Hl'RST Improved with a very substantial 5-room. attractive, modern bungalow; many convent- ences. 2 sunlit bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. full cement basement. CAN AR RANGE TERMS. SEE THIS TODAY. $4990 A ROSE CITY BUNGALOW THAT'S DIFFERENT; large liv ing room has fireplace; pretty dining room svith massive buffet, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, sunuy breakfast alcove; SPLENDID PIPELESS Fl'R NACK: fine cement basement. TERMS. $2700 REAL ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN 5-room, very aura,, tive modern home: living room with fireplace, built-in conven iences; 2 light, airy bedroom;,, while enamel plumbing, electric-, itv. gas; cement basement; FULL LOT. You couldn't BUILD THIS house today for $3500; only $650 down. E. 17th, near Going. $1400 SUCH A COMFORTABLE little' home. 4 attractive rooms, in a clever shingled BUNGALOW; white enamel plumbing, electric it v; FINE 100X1U0 lot, close to W'oodstock car. THIS WON'T' LAST. It will be of ADVANTAGE TO YOU to look over our PHOTOGRAPHS Of mora than 800 HOMES FOR SALE. Homes chosen from every district in the city. WE CAN SAVE YOUR, TIME AND MONEY. See "' FRANK L. McOUIRE, To Buy Your HOMK. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Successors to H. D. McGuire. ' Established IShU. BRAND-NEW COLONIAL. : , SIX-ROOM BOUSE IN LAURELHURST. Located close to park; material and workmanship the best; built by day lar bor and to be sold at actual cost. N'j builder's profit or big commission, which means a saving to you of at least $1600. ALSO ln same location, a new 6-room bungat. low. a masterpiece in architecture and finish. 1 will sell these two places on very easy terms to responsible parties. No more at these prices. First come llrst served. Phone early today. Mr. Dela hunty. Main liOO; evenings. East 20. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-Room Bungalow 95x100. $6500. Located 3.80 E. 47th St. N. Yon will appreciate the real value here. Extra large lot 95xlO0 practically 2 lots: all asHts. paid. Hardwood floors, fireplacr steam heating plant; garage. Let lis show you. v.- A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. ' IRVINGTON $7500 buys beautiful mod ern home, 6 rooms, reception hall anil sleeping porch, also garage; modern in every detail, built for a home and very best of material Ubed, double constructed,' in perfect condition. Tabor 6441. 5 ROOMS and bath. 2 block from Burn-' side school, $1500: $500 down, balance easv terms. AF 302, Oregonian. Suburban Homes. HERE IT IS: Only three miles from Washington st. The soil can't be beat. The road Is perfect, year round. - - There is spring and running water. v There -are buildings and orchard. Listen, 8.56 acres for $4500. terms Might trade for Portland home. " " Daring & McReynolds. 615 Couch blag NEAR MULTNOMAH. PRICE ONLY $2250. Over -acre of fine la nil and good 6-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed, etc Lots of fruit and ber ries. Close to Capital highway. $1000 will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. . . $4200 NEW 5-room house and almost an" acre, short walk to 2 electric car lines; riKht on main highway, close in; fine family orchard; 10 years old: this is a beautiful suburban home. $2500 will handle. See Mr. R. A. Blythe with John E. Howard. 31S Cham, of Com. 10 ACRES, house, barn, orchard, well, near elec. paved highway; $2500 (worm more): an extra buy; $1150 cash or more. Call at new office. 3d and Wash. sts. Main 3672. Frank McFar land. 208 Falling bldg. OREGON CITY LINE. 5 acres, 4-room bungalow, barn and woodshed: Al soil, bearing fruit trees', all for $3SO0. $1200 cash. bal. good" terms. See Brown & Biddle, o24 Ry. Exch. bldg. LISON! LISON! LISON! ON LY $300 FOR ONE ACRE. 4-ROOM HOUSE. BARN AND CHICKEN HOUSE. 200 FT. FROM STATION ON OREGON ELECT. SIMMS. 626 CHAM. COM. MAIN G12I. 4 AND H acre, $250 cheapest to $12 for best level sightly corners, beautiful Portland Park, popular west side rest- dentlai. 6c fare, water, gas. eiectricitv; easy terms. 319 Railway Exchange. Main 675. Res. East 7.VS8. GIVEN AWAY. Why pay rent when you can buy att acre home for price of improvements; orchard, berries, poultry houses. This is a rare opportunity: 7c carfare HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. - CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1X00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." BARGAIN 2 acres. Portland. Vi fruit: 6 room modern bungalow; near car. $520(r terms. 8o3 Spalding bldg. V LAKE GROVE Modern bunaralow $:"400, $1400 cash. McFarlanU. Failing bids: