20 THE 3IOIIMXG OREGOMAX, AVEDNESDAY, APRIL 1920 VOR SALE TKVCKS AMI TRACTORS. TRICK MEN" HERE'S TOUR CHA.VCB TO GET A.' STLE.NDID TRUCK AND SAVE MOST OF THH FIRST COST. REBUILT FACKARDS. Fackards which we have tkn n trade and tttken into our shops and thoroughly gone over. All worn parts are repluced with nc' from our parts d-put and the tru-k ctnnea to you in condition for years of service. Your In vctment is less and your profit on run ning is more. Belter a used good truck than a. new poor one. I TWO 3-TO.V PACKARDS ready to BO to work, priced lor quick sale at JtOiO. TWO 3-TON PACK A RDS. rebuilt and rfHdy for road . work, from $l50 to Republic two-ton model, pood tires and body with rain curtains, ior jouv. Ford on-ton for only ?300. "We also have a 5-ton los trailer you can buy for little money. We can arrange convenient terms on all of these. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10th and Burnslde Streets'. PACKARD AND NASH DISTRIBUTORS. Ask for Jones. Open Sunday A. M. FREE TRIAL. ON MONEY-MAKING TRUCKS. Come In and choose your truck. They are all completely overhauled. Put it to work for lu days. If you are not satisfied bring it back and exchange it for any truck in the house. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 1-ton worm-drive Ford, express body $ 650 Ill-ton White, wlth cab 1500 IVi-ton Federal 900 1- ton Republic 1400 2- ton Reo 600 1-ton Republic, express body 750 1-ton Moreland 050 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. GRANNING & TREECE, 642 Alder SL. Cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS. 1-TON FORD 1- TQN PACKARD 2- TON NASH Sli-TON DENBY 32J J 750 $1400 1100 EASY TERMS OR WILL ACCEPT LIGHT TOURING CARS IN TRADE. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK OF NORTHWEST. TENTH AND DAVIS STS. MAKE us an offer on -ton Republic, one 1-ton Nash, both in good mechani cal condition, equipped with pneumatic Urea. Call 15 Union ave. 1018 "WORM-DRIVE FORD TRUCK. Best of condition, at a snap: terms considered. Ask for Mr. Bergh, BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM. 120 Broadway. Bdwy. yy. GARAGES. GARAGE BARGAIN. Doing a bia- business, on one of the tet east side corners: more storage than you can handle. Roots &. Motrin. Jutl and Hawthorne ave. OPEN' DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. Bth and Hoyt Bdwy. 1586. WANTED MISCKLLANliOl'S. "WE BUY DIAMONDS. If you need money, see us: we will buv jour diamonds for immediate ca&h and pay what your diamonds are worth: any amount: spot cash; no delay. Pawn tickets bought: any Jewelry, gold, silver, platinum, at full alue. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. Private Offices for Ladies. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE), Licensed by the City of Portland. 405 Spalding Bldg.. Fourth. Floor. 112.00 TO 25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for .ulis. overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 11!29. or li5 Madison St., neai 3d at. Will call anywhere in the city, ddy or evening. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I pay spot cash and the highest mar ket value for diamonds. No amount is too large for me to handle. 1 am com missioned by a large diamond concern to buy all the diamonds otfered. My lo cation is downtown and convenient. Ail business is strictly conf identic !. Ernest Deeds. o40 Washington st. Main 317o. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Usa La Franco fur dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Para., bet. Morrison and YanvhilL Main ov.29. UP TO 125. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. "We pay any price for men's clothea OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d IL, N. W. Cor. "Wash. Main 0344. tS.50 UP TO 126 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S t-UITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES ETC BROADWAY atKiS. 245 BURNSIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns. briUgework bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 4l5 Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wash. . " ' .... i UCI'l 1 -1 111. VI . We pay from flu up for men's used suits and overcoats. Cull us and you will get the right casli price for your goods. 167 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 738. liUR SPECIALTY Is buying men s caat-off clothing: highest cash prices paid; will call, day or night. PEOPLE'S SKCOND-H AND STORK. Marshall 325. 1'01 Madlaon. WANTED Tay cash to private party onlv for cabinet phonograph with recoi-ds: mut bo bargain; absolutely no dealers; i am not a dealer. AE o0. Oregonian. W'AN'TKD Will pay oanh for second-hand safe; give size inside, address and phone. AO 31. Oregonian. V'ANTKD Tame rabbit skins; will pay from 10 to 30 cents each. Phone after .V.30 P. M.. Main 4655. PHYSICIAN will buy surgeons instru ments and equipment. Call at 778 North rup street. WANTED ALL KINDS OF TOOLS. PAY CASH. MAIN 445. 1'28 FIRST. HIGHEST market price paid for diamouds. H. P. Oliver, 122 Second st. 14-FOOT to 18-foot skiff or work boat. l'none wain WANT a rifle and shutgun. Main 44U5, Tabor 671'S. 128 1st. WE wiii buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. hiGHK.ST SPOT CASH prices paid for (111. monus. Dan Marx & Co., 'ZS3 Wash. sc. WANTED A second-hand porcelain bath tub. or M70. Jt'NK Hags, papT. metals, old clothing, lou.f. furniture; guod, prices. East 5171. WANTED M 1 SC E LLAN KOU S. EVIMltDK motor with automatic v.ru would like to trade Phonograph for . same or will pay cash if a bargain. Phone Sellwood 1937. Inrnitora Wanteit. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. Ws want your used furnltvrs. rugs, carpets. stoves. and all household goods, and will par the highest caan price. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell barawara, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines, and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy. sell or trade. CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO, T-L-ZZZ-ZH Front St. MARSHALL. 5981. GEVURT3 FURNITURE CO, WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD .FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH; ALL CALL8 ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OP OUK KIND IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST.. . PHONE MARSHALL C98L CALL MAIN 3O0 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THH BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 30. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRIC FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK FOR MR. ORMANDY. 1 WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CARPCTS. STOVES. ETC.. TO SHIP OUT tN'fj WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 First St. Main 7728.' CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S78. 2 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 26113. Crown. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have trie ready cash. Phone today. Main 40127 or 16o First at. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. mh and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main 5084. HELP WANTED MALE. CARRIER wanted for route tn neighbor hood of Grand ave. and Hawthorne: boy Itt yrs. of age or over preferred. Apply room 203 Oregonian bldg.. circulation dept. WANTED At onee, first-class open-shop all-arjund boilermakers and boilermaker helpers for work in citv. Apply 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WANTED At once, first-class open-shop turret lathe machinists for work in city. Apply 0ZU Oregon bldg.. 0th and Oak ti'eets. WANTED At once, first-class open-shop iron foundry niolders; also two appren tices to lean molding trade. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Experienced laundry driver who wishes to invent some money and connect himself with a good paying laundry. AV 637. Oregonian. WANTED High school graduate, to learn banking business: good chance for ad vancement; salary $55 to start. AK 383, Oregonian. NIGHT clerk for out-of-town hotel, $75 a month, room and board. State age. expe rience and phone number. BJ 314, Ore gonian. WANTED Bright young fellow of good character, not over 18 or under 10. to work in coat room. Good salarv If com petent. University Club, 27." Sixth st. BOYS over IS to learn macnine knitting; good opportunity for advancement. Ap ply Jantzen Knitting Mills. 01 Sandy blvd. YOUNG man, active and intelligent,' for factory work in wholesale coffee house. One with roaMing experience preferred. Apply at 34 N. Front, corner Couch. A MAN can make I0 a day hustling mov ing jobs and driving my 1 Vi-ton truck on a 50-50 basis. 304 Pine st. Bdwy. 4SOS. YOUNG man and assistant in finishing room, one who has had some experience in spray finishes. J. C. English Co., 1 05 Union ave. N. WANTED Bank bookkeeper, experienced in use of Burroughs posting machine; permanent position; chance for advance- ment. AK 384, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED window trimmer, card writer and ad man: if out of town, ref erence in first letter. Sam'l Rosenblatt .fc Co.. 5th and Alder. Portland. GLD-ESTA BLtSH ED mortgage and fire insurance company wants a live real es tate man. M uk t have auto. Call at 3o6 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED Several young men from 18 to -4. tor inlg. plant in this city: good wages: experience not necessary. Apply 510 Oregon bids. WANTED -First-class barber to go to Aberdeen, Wash.; guaranteed 13o and 80 over $42. For particulars apply to Lewis-Stenger Barber Supply Co. WANTED Active young men. both ex perienced and inexperienced, tor window washing; good pay. Apply 610 Oregon bldg. WANTED First-class carpenter foreman for out-ot-town work. Apply olo Ore gon bldg. WANTED Experienced cafeteria counter man, none but experienced need apply. AL 802, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper for wholesale house; state experience. AB 367, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced stenographer for wholesale house; answer, giving ex perience. AC 30-2, Oregonian. VAUDEVILLE performers, professionals and amateurs. Continental Producing Co., Buchanan bldg., call for Coffinberry. WANTED An experienced hardware sales man. Apply Dy letter, bt. Johns Hard ware Co.. 102 N. Jersey. WANTED Young man for porter and general work in restaurant and bakery 229 N. 23d Ht. WANTED First-class porter. Apply Wil cox Barber Shop, ttth and. Washington sis., formerly O. K. MIDDLE-AGED man and wife without family, to caro for halls and furnace: free apartment. Apply 304 Morgan bldg. IOUN'1 man familiar with Burroughs posting machine; name salary. AF S32, Oregonian. AMBITIOUS young man for bank work; state salary expected. AF 331, Orego nian. YOUNG man wanted to keep set books in a market. Main 2035. 6'J4 Morgan bldg. WANTED Preiser for men's clothing. v. xj .qmia . -kj., m.n nun WOrriHOTI. KITCHEN" porter: must understand firm BARBER wanted for out-of-town $30 guarantee. Apply 377 Stark st. " TWO live, energetic salesmen! S3ft ChanT ber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. WANTED First-class coat-makers rh Bros., tailors. Wilcox bldg. ea PA PER HANGER to work snare time for nice 'J -room apt. Mar. 33. WANTED Porter In hotel. all-around man. 4 i5 V ashington st. NON-UNION barber wanted; steady job" wagcs guaranteed. 205Morrlson st. WANT man with truck to haul wrecking lumber. AK 376. Oregonian. GAS roller engineer, $7; all summer's work Call Bdwy. 4$''.:i. ' WANTED Man and wife-' as janitor for rent of apartment. 220 N. 18. LEARN the vuXan issirrg business. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. BELLBOY at Campbel 1 hotel! " " HELP WANTED MALE. 00 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify sa automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld Mn1 ilre vulcanizers: only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. ieJl"me"t war department for train in. so.diers as auto mechanics; don't cn fnivJ . 5"y..?ther hool until you have inspected this one: railroad fare refund ed It after personal inspection you find -JoT .""""''Presentation regarding the school: biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world; four t?? ,6cll?2.'? Write nearest branch. TRPAr-?r,S,PRN' AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm si.?.1,8' s,n.OKne. Wash.; 700 Merclcr st.. Seattle, Wash. WO TO $500 A MONTH ! hii e you earning that 7 Many automo f1' experts are. You may Join the nih-aalarled. skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer . ,S.ourBes offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH Ar,R.EHORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL tVRuJV,AT1:;s THAN ANY OTHER i-i (JUL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay ua a SeVi until you ar convinced that we'll tiV'I1" tho 0d8. That's fair, isn't it! t. uVte 'or our $1 88-page catalogue. ' "J!rree- A8k 'or Book No 5. kR CO u RS ES ARE FRK E TO a P5GON' EX-SERVICE M EN. AUCOX AUTO AXD OAS ENGINE i-k-tt SCHOOL, rMON AVENUE AXD frA SCO STREET. J8.U87 YOUNG MEN i f'Jn lhe past 10 ye1". been assisted v r,"-lnS positions through the Portland J" A advisory and employment apt. This is not an "agency." and no . ej'ra "ftes or commissions are charrsed. Employers naturally turn to the "Y for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply, lou never had such an opportunity to Bret a better position tf you are prepared for it. Ali men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ- ment service for ex-service men. MR EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job, or see kin a- a career? Have you discovered where you fit In? "Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take & personal Interest in you? The T. M. C. A. Advisory and Em ployment tcpt. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which yoy are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-aervic men. See one o the secretaries. Room 307. WE WANT 15 millwrights at 8, 8 hours, for new construction work; al&o 10 con struction carpenters at 7, 8 hours. This work near independence and Klamath J-allw, Or. Write or wire DeUni-y's Em ployment Service. 15 North Second st. WANTED Worknig foreman or superin tendent for manufacturing department or company making bee keeper' sup plies; steady work and permanent posi tion with up-to-date and rapidly grow ing firm; position requires a high-grade man with some experience In manage ment of similar business as well as ac tual machine operation. A. E. Wright & Sons. Nampa, Idaho. WANTED SaJesmanager to open office and manage salesmen for high-class ar ticle; exclusive territory, big profits, ev ery merchant a prospective purchaser, no competition. Do not miss this oppor tunity: $3?0 to $750 capital required. Should make $500o per year. Call or write at once ior particulars. Pacific Sales Co., ill Ferguson bid., Los A geles, Cal. EXPERIENCED dress goods salesman Apply employment bureau, sixth floor. . Meier Frank Co. OLD-LIN E lite insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell lite insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hlbbard. 305 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Sheet metal worker capable of installing heating and ventllutlng in schools; plenty of work; only lirst-clas men considered; give full particulars in first letter. Address U. S. Mfg. Co., On tario, Or. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY MACHINE MEN AND CUTTERS WANTED. OREGON DOOR CO.. SELLWOOD ttt. FT. SPOKANE AVE. SALESMAN with light automobile, to sell talking machines in Portland and vicin ity; splendid opportunity for man with selling ability ; Liberal commission basia. Apply to Mr. Norrls, the Wiley i. Alien Co.. Morrison at Broadway. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; new building; modern equipment : best in struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 41H Y. M. C. A. bldg. Phone Main 8700, branch J. LABORERS for out-of-town work; free lare ; company goes good for board and room; 30c an hour, 1 1 pay for Sundays. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldy., bet. An keny and Burnside on 0th. WOOD turner, one who has had experi ence; must be able to get over the work and do good work, furnish own tools. Apply at once. Oregon Chair Co.. liyo Macadam st. Main M ARRI ED man for laundry route; jrive references or do not answer. AC Oregonian. IF YOU DESIRE learning motion picture operating now is your chance. We will accept a few more but will close enroll ments this week. Apply -today, 433 Cham. V-er' of Commerce. MOVING PICTURE ACTORS wanted, men and women, all types, for motion picture work. Blackstono Play ers. 10'JU Chamber of Commerce bldg. Apply between 10 and 12. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Alder to East 20th. or phone East 8O08. HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL 4G2 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANTED Experienced electrotype fin isher; give references and state wages. Muirson Label & Carton Company, San Jose, Cal. WANTED At once, a reliable man to take care of furnace and work on grounds. Apply to St. A sues Convent of Mer-y, Park Place. Or. FOUR energetic young men wanted to sell talking machines: liberal commission basis. Apply to Mr. Norris. the Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at Broadway. WANTED Names of men, 18-45, wishing to become Portland mail carriers: $100 $135 month. Answer Immediately AV 421, Oregonian. FARM HAND, married, must have own furniture ; house and water furnished board themselves; wages $00 per mo' Q 179. Oregonian. iam " DENTIST. B Registered in Oregon ; good salary steady. AF 3S1. Oregonian. MEN to cut second-growth fir, $3 and $3.50 per cord; close to Portland. 500 Concord bldg. WANTED A coatmaker and a small Job maker; good wages; piece work. McLcod & Johnson. Boise. Idaho. WANT first-class detail sticker man and each men. McMinnviile Planing MilL McMinnvllle, Or. s OtSE coatmaker wanted by Elof Anderson, Boise, Idaho. LETTERING, commercial art, show card wrltins classes. McDcrmott's school, 45 4th st. WANTED Boy over 16 years old to work in coat room from 6 P. M. to 10 P. M University Club, 275 Sixth st. .WANTED All-around printer who under- j speed not necessary. AV 554, Oregonian. WANTED Boy for. office work. Apply In own handwriting ; references re quired. BD 3t8, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced clothing bales man. C. J. Mathls & Co., 5th and Mor rison. FIRST-CLASS cabinet makers, stead v work, phonograph factory. Apply E. 33d and Broadway. BARBER WANTED For country, $25 guarantee. Miller Barber Supply Co., 232 -idL st. CHEMIST, familiar with mfg. of minernl paints, dyes and fertilizer. AL a22, Oregonian. JAP or china boy. cooking, laundry, etc 4 adults. 786 Johnson at. Phone ,Main 44i. EXPERIENCED solicitor, married and must drive Ford car. 1224 blvd. man Sandy WANTED Boy to work in drug 13th and Washington sts. store. COOPERS wanted. tight work. Apply Panama Cooperage Co.. 228 Front. WANTED General reporter at once. The Dalles Chronicle. The Dalles. Or. WANTED First-class pants makers. Reed Bros., tailors., Wilcox bldg. UEL P IVAN T ElAM A JJG. Stenographer, railroad office, city $115 Car clerk, out of town lO Law stenographer, lieedsport.. loo Lumber stenographer. . . .$125- 150 Printing salesman, city, commis sion. Carbon paper salesman, city, commission. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE 447 Morgan Building. ARE YOU mechanically inclined ? if ao you can earn $HM to 300 a month in the auto and tractor business. We can teach you In a short time. Practical work oo up-to-date equipment, expert instructors, ideal working conditions, southern California, especially Los An geles, offers exceptional opportunities, you can earn board and room while at tending school. Write today for free catolosue. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 818 South Figueroa. Los An- geles. Cal. WANTED Boys over 16. with wheels, lig;ht, pleasant work delivering tele grams in city. Our boys now making from $4 to $J per day. Anyone who is willing to work can do likewise: ex perience unnecessary. This (s a splen did opportunity for boys who are at tending night school. We can also use a few young men over 18 to work nights on steady " salary. Apply MESSENGER SUPERVISOR. AVESTERN UNION TEL. CO., 70 THIRD ST. TRUCK SALESMEN WANTED. Must be high-calibered men of experi ence and unquestioned ability; producers, capable of earning big money; highest quality, old, established truck. We offer Lhe best commission proposition in Port - iand. If you can honestly sell an hon est product, address at once, in confi dence. Distributor, ,AB 372, Oregonian. LARGE life Insurance company has good opening in cashier's department for young mail over 21 with some business experience, who is willing to start for moderate salary and splendid opportun ity for advancement a-nd lite career in the business; persons who are more In terested in top salary for the present than in opportunity for the future need not apply. Do not phone; call in person on Mr. Hicks. 013 Board of Trade bldg., Po rt I a nd. WANTED Night man for new garage junt opening ; must know how to drive and whhIi cars; good chance to work up with the business; not much work to start vitn except to be here. Pay to t.rt $100 per mo. and will be increased as the business is built up, and accord in to ability of the man. We want a steady man, no floaters. References re quired. AL J08. Oregonian. WANTED ASSISTANT SUPERINTEND ENT FOR PA 'NT MFG. CONCERN; MUST BE THOROUGHLY EXPERI ENCED. LIBERAL SALARY: EXCEL LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT MAN. SEE H. B. NE1LSON, BENSON HOTEL. WANTED Neat, bright young men to travel in Washington, Oregon and Cali fornia, selling the retail grocers a na tionally known product ; salary and ex penses. New men working under crew manager. Apply room 300 Broadway hotel WANTED Com petent, steady man, or man and wife, for farm ; must be will ing to work; dry milker and good hand with stock ; good home and large part of living expenses and moderate salary to right party. No floaters or novices. AV 034, Oregonian. TWO milkers and bam man on 50-cow dairy must be clean and neat and milk 20 to 25 cows ; do not apply for this position unless you can handle It; best wanes. Apply Fernwood Dairy, Wednes day. April 7. from 10 A. M, to 1 P. M. WANTED Wednesday. 8:30 A. M.. young man, 19, In candy kitchen, $75; boy.-. 17 to 21, with bicycles; make $4 to $0 day: bookkeeper. 1115. Pioneer Employment Co.. 3 4 N. 2d st. WANTED Reliable couple for country place; wife good cook and housekeeper, man all-around farmer; everything fur nished ; references required. A K 378, Oregon ian. WANTED A. young man typist for writ ing orders. M ust be fast and accurate on machine or need not apply. State experience and salary expected. BF 340, Oregonian. STOCK salesmen, If you want to earn $100 and better per week, see me at once ; highest commission paid; strong co-operation from home office. Apply to Chas. M c Lr-a n, 3 1 4 Main a t . , Va ncouver. Wash. WANTED Five young single men to travel in crew with manager and solicit ; pre-, fer men from the country; salary and commission. Call at Hotel Oregon after 9 A. M. today. See W. O. Gray. FARM PARTNERS WANTED. Man and wife on 65-acre general and poultry farm ; woman good cook and housekeeper; man good all-around gen eral farmer. Box 24, Wells. Or. WANT young, live hustler to buy half Interest tn general contracting business; tools will pay for the investment have $1200 contract on hand now $250. Main 5429v WANTED Three capable, reliable young men for permanent position ; good pay ; discharged soldiers and sailors given preference. Apply only ! to 10 A. room 410 Fen ton, bldg.. 84 Sixth st- W ANTED Married man for laundry route ; must be good worker and relia ble ; best of references required ; pays big money. Give phone number. BJ 301, Oregonian. LUM P FIR. company requires services of . capable man to handle full set of books and cash accounting records ; splendid oppo't.unty for energetic man. AJ 306, Oregonian. Help W anted -aleapnen WANTED Reliable salesman with auto mobile for largest eastern manufactur ing concern in Its line; this connection means an Income from $4000 to $15,000 yearly ; line staple and repeater, re stricted and protected territory with lib eral drawing account. Our field man ager who will be here will work with you for a time if necessary. Good ref erences required. Read careful 1 ly. Give telephone number. AN 310. Oregonian. A LARGE eastern corporation desires the services of an honest, ambitious. Intelli gent salesman to represent them tn the Portland branch office; this Is a life time opportunity and even if employed it will pay yod to investigate this; fasci nating, well paying, rapid promotion to right party. Call after 10 A. M., 110 bpalding bldg., Mr. Fox. AM3IT10US, live, aggressive man for salesman, under 35 years ; must have good character, references, and drive aato; salary to start with, $25 per week and expj.iees. Gcod position for the ri-.cht man. Give phone number. BD 3 OP, Oregonian. SALESMEN to represent the Oregon-Wyoming Oil &. Gas company in every coin m unity of Oregon ; references and full particulars 1st letter. Address sales mgr., 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Poi t land. SALESMEN to sell to " auto owners on Htreet. also dealers; live proposition for live men ; big profits, sure seller ; pay every day. Call between 12-1 P. M., 0-7 P. M.. No. 25 Park st., room 11. HIGH-PRESSURE salesman to sell Texas oil leases for Oregon company : excep tionally good proposition. AM 320, Oregonian. WANTED Ambitious young man, now em ployed, to travel for well-known firm. Preferably grocery clerk, state age. AM, 322, Oregonian. WANTED 2 live-wire salesmen with pre vious experience, who can meet the best class of people and sell $3000 cars. BD 32. Oregonian. LIVE truck . salesman for Multnomah county. Must be first class. Salary and commission. M 187, Oregonian. LIVE WIRE traveling 'salesman wanted ; permanent connection and pays well. Main 2733. TWO experienced stock and bond sales men ; unusual opening for the right men. A J 327, Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner. S-room bungalow with garage. Inquire 448 E. Davis t. WANTED Stock salesmen. 68 N. North Sixth st. WANTED AGKNTS. WANTED Canvassers to handle our ex teusiva line of superior nursery stock tn many of the best fruit sections of this state; capable men are -making large earnings; demand never greater; sell ing experience helpful, but not essen tial; complete supplies, furnished; refer ence required; now Is the time; ad dress . OREGON NURSERT CO.. Orenco, Or. AGENTS at once, setting 60c per moat A hospital tlcketn. 501 Cor belt bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ADDRESSOGRAPH operator; give experi ence, salary expected and phone number. AK 3S2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicurist- Lipman, Wolfe & Co., mezzanine floor. WANTED Experienced maid. Apply to housekeeper, Benson hotel. WANTED Woman tn wa&n disnca in a sma II restaurant. 22J N. 23d st. GIRL bookkeeper and stenographer. Pa citlc Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 N 3d 0t, WANTED An apprentice gin for dis" trtbuting room. Apply Oregon Laundry. MU'LTIGR A PH-OPERA TOl $75 to Slurt. Apply this morning. 301 N. W. Bk. bldg. H-E1.P WANTED FEMALE. DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? A salary that Is paid while you learn the business that increases frequently as you gain experience? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you the facts and will a-so explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 601 0th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Company. MEIER & FRANK. COMPANY require the services of: Un experienced drug saleswoman. Two experienced elevator operators. One experienced bakery saleswoman. Two experienced crockery saleswomen. Apply employment bureau, Bth floor Meier &. Frank Co. THE MILLER SCHOOL OK ADDING, CALCULATING AND BOOK KEEPING MACHINES. Enter now for summer vacation work. Courses are short from four to six weeks only. WE HAVE FECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Managers of all bank and mercantll offices require a knowledge of modern office appliances. 903-4 Yeon Building. . YOUNG lady for stenographic and clerical work; position offered is in advertising department of daily newspaper and affords good oppor tunity to one interested in adver tising. Address AH 04, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced coat alteration hand for ladies' suit and cloak alteration department. Apply employment bureau. 6th floor, Meier & Frank Co. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STOKE requires the services of expe rienced sa lea women for lucea and rib bons. Apply superintendent's office, 1;15 to 10:30 A. M. OLD-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who are ambitious and willing to work hard for 'real success. If you believe you can sell life Insurance if given help by su pervisor, cail or write W. E. Hibbard. 1205 Wilcfrx bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Experienced drapery sales women. Apply Employment Bureau, Ota floor. Meier & Frank Co. FOR EM AN on fruit ranch, widower with boy 11 years old. girl 11. wants house keeper; be her own boss ; house with electric lights, bath and telephone; wages $25 per month. Phone No. 77 Yl, White Salmon, or write T. J. Whilcomb. White Salmon, Wash. I HAVE more positions open than I have pupils ready. Why not take up work which will make you independent? Six weeks course enables you to hold a good position. Cail at our school and be con vinced. Clans hours from 0:30 to 12:30. Room 411 Beck bldg. YOUNG LADY TO CALL ON BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE; NO HOUSE - TO - HOUSE WORK. ONLY THOSE WISHING STEADY POSITION NEED APPY. 320 BECK BLDG. WANTED Girls that can do oriental dancing numbers for local and road en gagements: also refined singers. Call Marshall 006, ask for Mr. Miller, apt. 400. or address AB 89, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE ACTRESSES wanted, ladies and gentlemen, all types, for motion picture work. Blackstone Players. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. Ap ply between 10 and 12 WANTED School or working girl to as sist young mother with housework morn ings and evenings, half day Saturdays and Sunday for room and board, small compensation. Tabor 7710. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women a gad 20 to 33 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pay and steady employment. AB 392, Ore gonian. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. WANTED Names of women or girls wish ing to become U. S. govt, clerks: $10O $123 mont h. Answer immediately , .A V 42 1 . Oregonian. WANTED Elderly lady to take care of household for good home and small wases. 224 4th St., or call Maruhail 2 3 tiU. YOUNG woman for office work; some typ ing and billing to work afternoons: tate aio. experience and salary expected. P ?.', Oregonian. W NTED A maid for plain sewing and to care for little- girl. Marshall 3054. 1240 Thurman st. WANTED A high school girl to care for children for room and board; good home, good wages. Main 6099. 2 LADY SOLICITORS Exclusive, high grade quick seller, pleasant work: com mission basis. BD 332. Oregonian. LADIES, do you want money. Wonderful article to sell. Call room 514 Dekum bldg- 0 to 32 A. M. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 9o3 East Gtisan. "MV" car. East 316. GIRL te work in hospital, witn opportu nity to learn nursing; board, home and wages. Apply 702 Dekum bldg. . BOOKKEEPER, 100; stenographer, $70 $100: dictaphone operator. $100; secre tary. M25. 3Q1 N. W. Bank big. WANTED Two steady, reliable women for work among little children. Apply to St. Agnea convent. Park Place, Or. LETTERING, commercial art, show card writing classes. WcDermott'i school, 45 4th st. ; EXPERIENCED girl to assist with house work, smail family. 700 Marshall. Main M7S. ; EXPERIENCED hemstitching operator, cut of town. Inquire Meier Sc Frank, hemstitching dept. WILL give H. S. or working girl room and board in exebauge for services. 92o E. Main. ' WANTED Young woman for 2d work; $35-per month. Knights station, phone Sellwood lOS. WANTED A strong and able cook for the Waverly Baby Homo; plain home cook ing. Apply 316 Broadway bldg. WANTED Competent Stenographer, $75 per montn ; ch-iaco for advancement. BP 3:;:. QregonUn. GIRL for light housework; good salary, good home. 334 Jackson st. Main 7000. WANTED A chamber maid. 1731 Derby st. Phone Wdln. 2915. GIRLS or women, experienced in handling eggs. Apply No. 2 North Front. TWO waitresses, new Liberty restaurant, 24 N. Gth t. JAN IT RE PS for office bldg! Apply 408 I.ewlsb!dg. APPRENTICES for union depot lunch -room. E. M. Crouch. Mgr. Gl iiL with experience w-n nts position as denta nurse. ecli. 2000. HELP WANTED FEM A LK. CHAMBERMAID WANTED AT HP& HELVETIA. 248 SALMON ST. Ml-ST BE EXPERIENCED AND HAVb Kr ERENCES. Stenographer-bookkeeper, city $ 1 00 Steno. for collection orfice. city.... to Steno.. advertising office, city to Steno.-bill clerk, ciiy 1"0 Typist, general office girl, city.... m Multigraph operator, city...$0 to 0 Steno. law ofiice. Keedsport JOO Steno. law office. Colfax too Steno. law office. Lewiston l-- Steno.. bank. Illwaco 1(V BUSINESS MEN S CLEARING HOUSL 447 Morgan Building. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR, good position for experienced girl. Permanent position, vacation on pay, etc. In replying give age, previous experience, address and telephone- number. AM 321. Oregoniaa HIGH SCHOOL BOY, or boy going to school, witn motorcycle, to work aiter noons add learn cur business. Metxger-Farker-Kergueo.i Co., 260 Oak. st. Main o34. lOUNG woman bookkeeper, one who has had newspaper office experience pre ferred ; must be active and accurate; good wages. Address The Guard. Eu gene. O WANTED Middle-aged lady, single, to answer phone and do cooking for herself and be manager of a small hotel; sum mer's Job and good home; $30 a month; give reference. AL 323. Oregonian STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST. Want girl who wants to learn and have steady place: give experience, if any. age. phone, wages wanted. AM o' . Oregonian. WANTED Diving girls, amateurs consid ered; big road thow, excellent accommo dations; also girls for diving pose act. C. M. Caaey, 171 W. Park, cail before 5 P. M. WANTED Girls of neat appearance, over IS, for ushers; about 5 tcet 1 in. In height; between 2 and a 1. M., Star theater. WI LL give room to girl or lady .who is employed during the day for exchange ot light work in the evenings. Call Main 4190 for particulars. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with cooking and housework ; priva te mater nity hospital ; can sleep home if pre ferred. 7S0 E. Yamhill. POSTING clerk for retail store; neatness, accuracy and good penmanship essen tial. State age, experience and salary expected. AC 310. Oregonian. WANTED By business girl, teacher to tutor in English and general informa tion; state pay and give phone. AK 373, Oregonian. WA XTBD Young lady stenographer for whole.-iale house; state age. experience and salary expected. AF 330. Oregonian. ACTIVE girls wanted for steady factory work; good wages. Apply American Can Co.. 14th mid Front. WANTED Woman to help with cook. $65 and board; must live near -3d and Wash. Campbell Hill ho te L W A N T E D An experienced stenographer for wholesale house; answer, giving ex perience AC UQ2. Oregonian. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman (latter preferred) for work on ranch in Eastern Oregon. Phone E. 2073. MAI D FOR GleNls RA I! H OU SE WORK. THREE ADULTS IN FAMILY. PHONE EAST 5719. GIRLS wanted for ushers. Apply 2 to 4 P. M. Majestic theater; not over five feet two. EXPERIENCED housekeeper., not over 40 vears. lor professional woman. 34 Mor ga n bldg. City relerence required. WANTEi) Stenographer for first-class po sition; knowledge of dictaphone essen tial. 420 Spalding bldg. GIRL for general housework small fam ily: good wages; 20 minutes from town. Main 2O04. EXPERIENCED Scandinavian chamber maid. Editon hotel. 200 Broadway. Wanted Domeaties. 40 PER CENT COMMISSION. Everv family a user. 20 differ nt arti cle. for them to choose from, made in Portland. Why work for others, when you can make more and be your own boss? Call 372 Main st.. cor. of Nartllla st.. or 1 block south r Multnomah club, before 2 P. M. w GI P.L wanted for cooking and down stairs work; no washing: Wednesdays and everv other Sunday off. Main M5'. 1 100 Westover road. WANTED Young woman for genera, housework in small family; must be good, plain cook: second giri kept. Phone East 71&2. 400 East 24th st. North. GOOD wages to willing girl to assist gen eral housework and care of child; knowl edge of cooking unnecessary. Phone Marshall 3408. . WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework: no cooking, no washing. Apply 202 Washington, near 3d. WANTED By April 15. an experienced cook ; wages soj. r. . ii. 105 North 20th. corner Kearney. Phone Broadway 3000. . WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework : 3 in family : small house: $75; every Thursday and Sunday out. 1124 Franklin. Main 702S. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; family of two. Mrs. J. L. Hartman, Tabor 1003. Call Monday morning. WANTED Girl for vooWine and general housework, 2 In family; all modern con veniences; good wages. Addreta SSI E. 12th ft. North. , EXPERIENCED girl to help with care of 2-year-old boy; good home and wages; evnins-a off; go to Seaside for summer. Call 713 Marshall. Main 7555. WANTED Exierienced cook for small family, willing to go to Gearhart for summer. Telephone Marshall 3079. ELDERLY woman to care for home, fam ily of 4 adults; good home; $35 month. 920 E. Main. YOUNG girl, general housework small fam ily. 295 E. 11th N. Take Irvlngton or Broadway car. GIRL for cooking and downstairs wo Call roomings at 572 Kearney st., Bdwy. 4023 WANTED School filrl to assist with housework for room and board and suit able wages. Broadway 41b0. WANTED Girl or woman, general house work; small lamny, reasonaDie wages. Tabor 5177. GIRL for general housework for 2 or 3 weeks in apartment: small family. Ref. 7:;0 Everett. Apt. No. 6. Main M10. WANTED Mav 1. airl or woman ior ai eral housework ; must be good piain cook: wages .o. -wain w.. GIRL or woman to assist general house work, good wages. 581 Marshall st. Bdwy. 247 4. WANTED Girl to act as nurse and to assist generally; good wages. Apply mornings. S21 jonnson. Main :inm. WANTED Experienced girl for upstairs work, small family, good wages. Apply mornings. 115 North 22d st. r'PFI:IKNTED eirl for cookina and some housework: no washing, no furnace, no Thur.Bday dinner. .At jonnson. EXPERIENCED girl or woman as nurse maid for 7 months' oid baby; good wages. 340 10th st. GIRL or woman to assist mother with baby and housework. 139 Floral ave. Tabor -i.fi. GIRI tf asitst with general housework In apartment. Main 400S. WANTED Competent maid for general housework .o r- itm u . cast 'au. GIRL for cooking and downstairs work. No washing. Wages $00. Phone East 3000. GIRL for general housework; no washing; good room with bath. East 4159. WANTED A nurse girl. 466 S. 19th, near Jackson, Portland Heights. Main 8131. GIRL or woman for housework, steam heated flat, family of three. Mar. 49V8. A COMPETENT girl or woman to assist in care of two children. Main 2926. WOMAN for general housework. 4 adults. 7S0 Johnson st. Phone Main 4490. W ANTED A maid for second work. 1067 East Burnside. Tabor 1167. ELDERLY lady to take care of wife and do light housework. Cail Tabor 5165. EXPERIENCED second girl, references. Call Main 2470. mornings. WANTED A girl to do general housewoik. Marshall 335. 247 N. 24th. GIRL for general housework; best wages, phone Main 8326. GIRL wanted for general house work, good wages. Main H887. EDUCATIONAL. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free, Frank K Welles, ex-assist, state supt., mgr.. N W. Bank bldg. Main S27. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. F1PK Teachers Agency Journal btdg. Mn. 4S.15. Teaching positions. f ree registration. "V a TF.S-F1SH ER Teacher.' Aeencv Frc registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. J EDUCATIONA L. MoLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you tho trade in 8 weeks. C ive you a sut of tools and some pay while learning. i'ositions secured. Ore gon ex-service men the course is free to yo-o. Write r call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BE UN KE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; toois free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secret ar ia 1. special courses; expert teachrrs. day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, give you set of toois free, position secured. 3S N. 2d st- LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. , EAST STDE COM ME RCI A L SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school ; individ ual instruction. 122 i Grand ave. E. 427. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alisky Bldg., Thirdr and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school. $5 per month. 230 Tillamook st. East 3dOO. lTUATIONSI WANTED MALE. PLUMBING . Plumbing Jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1934. 101 Russell st. DARK-ROOM MAN. experienced In film . developing, contact printing and enlarg ing, wants position with hours from. 1 P. M. to any hour convenient to em ployer. Phone Main 3181 during after noons. VENEER PLANTS, attention Young man, 20. wants position; capable ol taklni; charge of pair-up room, glue room, or stock and shipping room. Hans Robcr. care Weed Hotel, Weed, Cal. LUMBER office man, mill or wholesale; experience covers yard, mill, office, tell In sr. buving. Former! v assistant super intendent 70M miil; active; reliable. AC 31 1. Oregonian. WEST MAG I'iRCh Painting, paper hanging and tinting. Phone Auto. 219-77. Res. and shop, 3'J7 East 39th st. YOUNG man 21. now employed nights, desires work 1 to 5 P. M.; clcricai ex perience; good worker; drie any make car. AL 312. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position in a private family; best of references. Daniel F. Shechan, care St. Vincent's Hospital. WOULD like clerical position or as stenog rapher, 8 years' experience, tine penman, good character, neat. BD 367, Orego nian. MAN and wife want work; experienced waitress, kitchen man and dishwasher, hotel or ca mo; steady, out of town. AP 173. Oregonian.- Fl KST-CLASS machinist would like per manent position as maintenance man in local plant. Woodlaw n 1220 or write AL 310, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED groceryman wants posi tion as manager, or head salesman of grocery dept. : best of references given. AV 359. Oregonian. EX P BRIENCE D C HAUFFEU R . 26 years old. good mechanic, wants job truck, delivery or private car. 13 months M. T. C. U. S. army. AC 357. Oregonian. TWO salesmen, traveling with car east, would like to represent Portland firms on commission ba-is. Give full details in first letter. BD 329, Oregonian. WANTED Position as watchman or auto gas filling station; experienced with steam boiler and engine. AG 776. Ore gonian. ORCHARD I ST open for position, both technical and practical experience. AO :". Oregonian. POSITION as watchman or any kind of light work; can furnish good references. M, 511 Grant St., Vancouver. Wash. WANT general orchard worn, expert pruner: also capable landscape man. AB 3SQ, Oregon ian. JANITOR and wife want position In an apartment house; no children; best ot references. AC 303, Oregonian. POSITION as watchman or any kind of light work; can furnish good references. T. G., 167 V. lst fct- . EXPERIENCED Republic truck driver. also Ford driver, would like work. AM 311. Oregonian. r K A LSO MI N I N G . painting, papering don at reasonable prices by a capable cx- service man. Broadway 33 19 . CARPENTER and Joiner, general repair and alterations, office fixtures, etc. Bdwy. 24. s 7. WANTED Poditlon as band or circular saw flier; A-l references. T 182, ore gonian. WANTED Position as mill manager or supt.; best of references. T la, Ort- gonian. v. r; A RHN'ER. Lawns leveled. seeded and rolled. Phone East 6296 after 6 P. M. HOUSE cleaning and wood work, also otiier joD woi k w uhlu -1" colored man. Phone Bdwy. 2120. A LIVE W IRE salesman, lately from east, is open for good position. AJ 329, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED young man in garage work, not mechanic. Phone Marsha. 1 17 89. ELDERLY lady desires position nice fam ily and assist with duties. AK 38o, Ore gonian. CARPENTER Short jobs only; inside finish a specialty; glazing; fast worker. Bdwy. 710. EX-SERVICE man. fast typist also knowledge of bookkeeping, good floor salesman. -, " Cta.RPENTF.R- WORK W ANTE D R E A -SONABLE WAGE. AB 385. ORiiGO N I AN. . i'VKPENTKR and general lobbing, altera tions repairing, reshingling a specialty. Kent & Jensen. 9tH4 Woodstock ave. (7kt H E Heim, the plumber, to fix those leaky faucets and toilet. 31J Pine st.. Bdwy. 2110. EV-SERVICE man wishes employment as helper in garage; some experience. Cail Mr. T., East 2790. Vi'TKb lob with a ton truck in or out of city. AM 324, Oregonian SHINGLERS WHEN YOU NEED A SH 1NGLER PHONE WOODLAWN 359S. PAINTING, tinting, prices reasonable, good work. Tabor 3051. PLOWING WDLN. 6214. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WANTED Sit. as night watchman: eipt Unced; city rets. Main SlO. Morgap. CITY garden lots to plow and harrow. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman. D 153. Oregonian. FOR odd jobs around the house or yard. or carpenter work, call Wdln. 62S8. ITPHOLSTERING. furniture repairing done L "our home. 8110 63d ave. S. E. WANTED Logging or piling contract; have 20 horses. AR 303. Oregonian. DOORS and windows repaired, adjusted, any number: I specialize. Bdwy. 716. LANDSCAPE and garden work; experi enced men. Gilroy, Broadway 193.. A-l CARPENTER builds and remodeis cheap by contract. Woodlawn 126. EMPLOYMENT by elderly man. general 'housework. Kefs. AM 323. Oregonian. TOUwi'iffmd me worth your while. Main 7901, 7:30 to 0 tonight. YOUNG man desires work of some kind; no sf.llritirg. Room 821. Main S.00. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone Main 7."2S. Bookkeeper. Stenographers, Office. ACCOUNTANT Small sets books a spe cialty. Terms very reasonable. Mar shall -310 EX PER I ENCED bookkeeper, account; nt. desires permanent city position ; moder ate salary. R 192. Oregonian. Soldiers and bailor. EX-SERVICE man desires work of torn kind; no soliciting. AH 369. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. A DEPENDABLE nurse care for chil dren evenings. Marshall 349. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains hand laundered, called for. Fast 6196. LA D Y wants day work. Ca 1 1 Broadw a y 3794. Call room 10. WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone 221 SWEATERS made to orderl Phone Tabor 43S0. GIRL as housekeeper for a couple. Misi Thompson, 196 Fargo ft. ALL kinds of curtains laundered. Call East 002. YOUNG colored girl wishes typing; neat s nrt accurate. Woodlavrn 3 4 SO. COLOR ED girl wants woi k by the day, Wednesdass and Thursdays. Eat C994. WOMAN wifhrs day work. Ironing pre ferred. East 30S5. prrrATioNs wanted female. Ill DDLE-AGED woman would like work where she could take full charge, where man and wife are cmoloyed; no children; reference. Phone morning or eve. uto matic 2611. Local 3111. S213 Foster road. lOLNG lady desires position in coumr ; prefer either light office work or dtore work: some experience in both; will s;ay all summer if satisfactory. Phone Mar. 4 ir:. Ask for Mho Murphy. " LADY. exp. in meeting business public, would like po.iti.m, either local or trav eling; no house-to-house work; refer ence. Cail Marshall 32is before 9 A. M., room 3. or write AJ 324. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nuns girl wants the care of little girl in her own home. Ad dress 642 Upshur st., corner 20th. North Portland car. WANTED To take care of and sell room ing houses for real estate men. by w id dow with aw:ity and business experience; best of references AV 030, Oregonun. CATERERS prepares and serves luncheons ' a nd dinners at reasonable price. East 2534 or Tabor 62t. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will call. East 8518. LADY wants house cleaning, other work, hour, day; work guaranteed. Wood a. wo 6305. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away. References. Wood lawn 1611. WANTED by srirl employed few hours work at private exchange in the evening. N ISO. Oregonian. WANT a position taking care ot and teach ing children part of the day; good ref erences. AL 309. Oregonian. LADY with 4-year-old child wishes worn by day or hour on west side only. Main 1208. call bet. 8-10 A. M.. 6-9 P. M. REFINED elderly lady desires position as companion, with light duties. Tabor 901Q. YOUNG lady desires position as private exchange operator. Can operate type writer. A K 3SO, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED ladv desires management of hotel. AK 31. Oregonla n. SCHOOL girl wants to work after school; give phone number. AC 327, Oregonian. WANTED Position as cashier or checked best ot refere.i'jes. East 7040. Bookkeepers, Stenograpneni. Office. A YOUNG girl wants a position doing clerical work or filing, have had experi ence. B 81, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT wishes books to keep requiring only part time. Work expertly done; best of references; reasonable charges. Bdwy. 2732, eve nines AT ONCE Clerical work as office assis tant, by accurate, ambitious worker; no shorthand or heavy bookkeeping; re fer -en ccs. Main 110, room 20. C. S. CA LL main 5769 for com petent book keepers, stenographers, typists, prompt service. Business Men Clearing Houso, 447 Morgan bldg. COM PETENT stenographer and book keeper, able to do your work right and willin g to work. Sell. 1 41 S. W A NT ED Position as bookkeeper by young lady. 2 years' experience. Call Tabor 3SS2. NEAT, reliable girl wishes position ks typist : some knowledge of shorthand. Marshall 39S4. TEMPORA RY bookkeeping, stenographer; small sets of books w anted to keep. Main 6718. H. S. GRADUATE. IS, knowledge of book keeping and typing, wants position. T& bor712S. EXPERIENCED switchboard operator wishes position. Can do typing. Main 34. Apt. B. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, typing. neaU accurate work. 404 Oregon bids EX i'ERI ENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher best of refeiences. Main 2817. AN EXPERIENCED comptometer operator desires position. AC 309. Oregonian. PLAIN sewing and handwork neatly done. Nurse uniforms. Tabor 9270. Dressmakers. NEW 20th century dressmaking school and helpers' shop; cutting, fiting. by pat terns or chart; night and day classes. Dekum bldg-. 3d and Wash. Main 622. Fl KST-CLASS dressmaking; suits made over into street dresses ; summer frocks f all kinds, prices reasonable. Mrs. Kelly. East 7307. ARTISTIC and stylish work on coats, suits arid dresses by an expert- Mod erate prices. Phone East 7933. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions' call Dressmaking Dept., Emporium Dye Works. 19 Morrison st. Bdwy. 4259. THOSE desiring first-class dressmaking, work absolutely guaranteed, call Main S4O0. FIRST-CLASS eastern dressmaker, work by day or at home. Automatic 31S-32. K"S East 6th st. North, apartment 4. HEMSTITCHING. 6c and ec a yard. M. Daiton, room 201 Broad way-Yamhill bldg. DRESSM A KING, reasonable. 311 Centra: bldg.. IQth and Alder. Main 3408. Fl KST-CLASS dressmaking, hemstitchiug and buttons. 123 N. 17th st. Lora PlotE. RELIABLE dressmaker, at home or day engagm?rts; S4. Woodlawn 226. DRESSMAKER, experienced, make over. tailoring. $3 day. Sellwood 3332. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, 424 Mor- nson st., near 11th. . Nurses. TRAINED nurte, - '-j years' hospital train ing; refrs. ; reasonable. Call room IS. Kast 849. P A RALY T IO or sick lady patients taken by graduate nurse; private residence. Tabor 299. EXPERIENCED nurse, care nursing, con valescent, invalid or elderly person. Mar. 2HS3. THOROUGHLY experienced practical nurse wants case at once. Marshall 8393. U o use keepers. GOOD cook wants position on ranch, where she can have her two children, girl. 14. boy 11; good home for self and children considered more than high wages. Main 151. 1S9 W. Park. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper, good cook, for business couple, two or three gen tlemen (no laundry); wages $45 to $50. AC 32S. Oregonian. Domestics. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 4038. House-cleaning, floor-waxing and all kinds work in the home and office. EXPERIENCED cook dosires emplo meat in private lam ily. BD 327 . Oregonian. WORK in small boarding house or large family; no laundry. Phone 53-370. WANTED TO RENT. Honse W A NT ED Modern furnished house, seven or eight rooms, with garaxe; will lease; prefer Portland Heights. Westover Ter race or Irving ton districts. J. E. Bals Jev, manager. Standard Oil Company. Telephone Marshall 3790. WANTED Modern unfurnished house, seven or eight rooms, with garage: will lease; prefer Portland Heights, Westover Terrace or Irvington districts. J. E. Balsley, manager. Standard Oil company. Telephone Marshall 5790. WANTED Furnished house or bunga low, 5 to 6 rooms; no children, and can give very best of reference; wi il lease s;. me for one year if required. Call Bdwy. 1S99, 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. SMALL modern house or fiat or 3 or 4 un furnished housekeeping rooms for year or lonper by couple employed; reason able, close In. Main 4 429. WANTED By refined couple, no children. 5 or 6-room house with gxrage; will pi vc best of care. Pmme Marshall 52S3 between 9 and 13A.M. TO rent, a modern house by Aorii 12; Irvington. A'ameda or Beaumont pre ferred; references and best of care. E, 805 7. UNFURNISHED or partly furnished 5 or 6-rojin modern house or flat ; lease if desired; references. Phone Main Ct99. Mr. Hancock. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room modern house, furnished or unfurnished, with garage or lot close by; ea&t bide. Phone Main 7670. WANT to rent & flat or small hou.se, S to 7 rms.f west sid!. clo?e in. or w ill buv furniture if price Is right. AJ 32S, Oregonian. WA NT ED To rent, suburban place, fur nished house, near car line, few acres fruit and berries. Call Dent G:ay, room r. 4 N ort oni a hotel. 9-10 A . M . WANTED To rent. 5 or 6-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, in Piedmont, or nearby. Call Main 5729. FURNISHED house or lower flat by small family for two or three months; beat of ca re given. Call Tabor 21 48. WANTED To rent, with privilege of buy Ins, five or six-room house, near Russell-Shaver school. Call Wdln. 1103. BY rel iable adults, modern, clean 5 or 6 room house ; best of ca re. M. V. or M t. Tawbr preferred, east side. East 2 WA NTED Smalt modern house with gar de n . 'CllJAMlnJ4JqB:ner 6 WANTED A 4 or 5 -room house or fiat bv responsible couple. S; I wood 00. W A NTED 1 or 5-roomed furnished hou- apartment or flat by April 10. Mar. 3603..