THE MORNIXG OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, APKIL. 7, 1920 19 FOR SALE. Ijiunohn ud Boan. FOR SALE 10 by 94 by 3V4 35-H. P. 5- ton launch, ready to run; $1200 culL William S. Kinney, 504 Commercial, As toria. Or. liOATS Regal. 10 H. P., complete. $200; Gray, 86 H. P., complete, $350. Several other marine and auto engines, clutches, , etc-Llberty Boat Co. Eat 6K03. HOl'SKHOAT for sale. 5 rooms and bath, modern, completely furnished; 14 Wil- lamette Moorage. Seliwood 501. Wanted 2d hand canoe: Sponcer pre- fcrred. Main 5756 before 6 P. M. Machinery. LATH MILL, buildings and side-track: new machinery, complete and operating: also several hundred cords of excellent slabs available; plant Is close In on S. P. tracks; splendid site, covering two blks. Canbe handled for $2000 cash.- balance . on terms. Call Tabor .1991 or Tabor 105. PECIAU One second-hand 16x9x12 Fairbanks Morse uriderw.-it-rx fire pump. One second-nand S-in. Mershon horl Bonlal hand re-san-. THS J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First St.. Portland. Oregon. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS L. S. TWO-STAUB COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and . automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO Broadway 3300. 329 Couch sL ILL of the transmission machinery from the spruce division cut-up plant, contest ing of gears, puiley3. shafting, boxes, etc Ihi J. E. MARTIN CO.. 1 First st.. Portland, Oregon. CJNE 2S-ton Slr.iy standard gauged 1 CO-lon Climax standard gauge. These engines are just out of the shop: completely u-rciimuiru. prices ngnu Aionr dlachin- ery Co., 501 Lewis Lldg. Main 1S31. FAIRBANKS-MORSE O A s" ENGINE. 3 H. p. ''," tvne. onlv run S hours worth $137.50; will take $95 cash. Mar- snail ;s840. 70S Hoyt street. "OR SALE, 2d-hand motors in first-class condition, All size from 1 horsepower to V5 horsepower Inclusive. Columbia. River w nip Bldg. corporation. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con Crete mlxjrs. electric hoists, construction ecuipment. Standard Macli. Co., 52 First si r-?i. NEARLY new machine lathe. Carroll Jaiiucson: 17- nch swim. 10-ft. hH Quick shift, two chucks and extra lathe .uma. rv.rewnain oarage, uresnam, or. Typewriters. I:E BUILT typewriters all kinds for sale. rent, exchange. Wa n pycIiimIv rlia- tiibutors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all K. W. PEASE COM PA NT. 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. I)OASE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER .m.'Rvirt! All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main ii:.9". Supplies. 203 Oak St. FOR SALE 2d -hand typewriters. Til ex cellcnt condition, having been recently overhauled, cleaned and repaired. Price i.f eiirii. unuerwooas. Remingtons, etc. Columbia River Ship Bldg. Corporation. COARANTEKD fa -tory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments. bend for price list. The Wholesale Type- "-'"g v--o-. o-i wasnington st. LATE model second-hand visible type writers: cash or terms. 402 Swetland ouiiaing. avanted Underwood typewriter for cai in. pnone Main IStiO. JSIBLE mnchlnes, year's guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Tyiiewriter Cu., 304 Oak st, ALI makes rented and repaired. Oregon xjypwiuur vo.. v- utn. mam aotis. Tort oA L e. Almost new Corona type writer, rtoom u.-io uregon Hotel. EW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cu rates. P. o. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 140 M isccllaneous. 2 WILTON rugs to match. 3x5 and 2x3. ooin lor io; pairs brown velour por Here. $10 per .pair: 2 full-size bed springs. $9 each: brass bedstead. 8-inch continuous posts. 17; 1 adjustable in vanq s table. $6. Woodlawn 4781. COMPLETE set of "Messages and Papers oi every '.-resident, new and lute edi timi, 20 volumes, i10. Phone Woodlawn 2023. Call not later than Wednesday - vt ii DIAMONDS Lady must dispose of a few diamonds, soltalre rings, also diamond earrscrtrws. call East 3026, by appoint' mem. , PRACTICALLY new pair men's ridin boots, puttees and silk hat at about half price: also baby go-cart. Mrs. Mar tin. Wdin. 24SO. 759 Williams ave. CLEAR title to two lots at Prlneville, Or. centrally located; will trade for .auto motme. 24:j Kalmon st. BoUA FOUNTAIN, lack bar. caMes. 1 cigrar case, 1 wail Kith St. N. 2 counter case. 243 JOES heavy service bicycle for sale, in No. 1 shape, for ijo. inquire Clarence Fel lows, JIO IN. J-Q st. WOOD delivered fcrcmptly, best first growth sawed . eordwood ; long. sted fires; $7.50 per load. Phone Main 3S23. FERTILIZER. Good manure, delivered east or wes side. J aDor lwoi. 1 KOLT.-TOP desk end chair. 1 T. W. desk i lint-ton fle-iK, 1 sale. Bushong & Co. : I r.trK st. fc-FT floor cases, 6-ft. floor cases, wa cases, candy case. 3-piece mahogany cane. n J i , ..I v . . X.A ROE and small National register, penny nfya . counter case. Kas griauie, revolv ing stools, check writer. 242 SALMON. For SALE I Bowser gasoline pump with 2o-gal. tank, 1-gal. stroke. Owner. 859 ' II also- AH OiVS range and Ruud water heater No. 25 for sale, all in Al condition. Phone Broadway 4470. A B GAS range and Ruud water heater for sale, both in Al condition. Phone Broadway 44 70. JUUD automatic hot water heater, used 2 months, at a sacrifice. 5428 39th ave. S. E. Call evenings. STUDENTS. ATTENTION. Set of anatomical charts for sale; Al condition. G. Oki Co.. 201) 2d st. 2v.'EW wheel garden cultivator with all at tachments, cheap, owner. Sell. 1114, 506 Clay borne ave. INCUBATOR, brooder, combined. $10: 6 Indian game hens, cockerel. Call 543 4th street. 14 2-3 YARDS stair carpet. Broadway 15S4. reasonable. WOOD Country slab, block wood and railroad ties. Main 2676. AT:EDAI,K pup, about 7 months old, only m. Call 3Q4V4 Oak st. Bdwy. 266. UEAUT1FUL gray satin suit for sale. Size 80; $14. AK STO. Oregonian. I"OR 8AI.B Wicker perambulator. Call Tabor f.soo. FOR SALE Doors, windows brick and lumber. I5th and Savier st. Main 2076. EEC KER & WADE pressing machine. Phone Main 7397. BP 331. Oregonian. KEW diamond disc Edison and records; tost $200. sell for $140. Main 7397. FRONT and back bar, large and small; ice box; sacrifice price. 278 THIRD. PACK your eggs now for winter use ; fresh infertile ess- Phone East 404. VACUUM cleaner for rent. $1 per day de livered Phone Tabor 7607. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash. VACUUM cleaners sold repaired, rented exchanged, bought. Bentley Co.. M. 4wo5l FOR rent, vacuum cleaners, 24-hr. day $1 del, anywhere. Bdwy. 258; form W. 125o! GOOD MANURE. EAST 4307. 11RUILT typewriters. 1 10 Sixth et. W. Pease Co.. BKCONH-HAND tent and covers for sale Pacific Tent A Aw. ling, 1 N. 1st st,'LKTE fountain, roll-top desk, chaiT 242 SALMON. ZINC-LINED cigar wail rase, couple cigar lllt-lOp imwi 1 o inii. T.ESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR. HETT PLUG. MARSHALL 057. oR RENT Vacuum cleanur, $1 per day Automatic 221-86. HEAVY block and siabwood, also 4-foot SIKD ior ciiraii, muur oui-j, FOR first-class, 4 5121. ft. fir wood. Bdv COOD garder manure for roses and lawns. Main 4485. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and' evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. FOR .SALE New 210-egg Buckeye-Incu-hater at 4116 6th St. o. E. SMALL gas range. 1 cook stove. 1 heater bargains. Wiiln. 2227 morntn gs. OAK and fir wood for sale in carloads. AC 358. Oregonian. RANGES8, gas and coal combination, book case: other articles. 247 Graham ave. , FOK SALE Cheap, practically new dicta phnne and transmitter. 423 Plttock b:pck. SINGER vamping shoe machine, cheap. Vta Dekum bldg. Home Sundays. 42 FLAGPOLE f"r sale. Call Tabor 7126. FOR SALE. M icel ianeous. WE BUT DIAMONDS. Sell direct to diamond brokers and receive what your diamonds are worth; we pay spot cash, any amount; pawn tickets bought: all business strictly con fidential; private office for ladies. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO.. 40S Spalding Bldg.. Fourth Floor. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesdmen spring samples to the factory we have Placed same at the disposal of the pub lic at wholesale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats in our salesroom at 726 Morgan bldg. UNITED RUBBER CO. . OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter If broken; old-timers are most valu able. Crowns, brldgcwork bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 40u Spalding bldg.. 4th floor, 3d and Wash, SFWING machines, new and second-hand. sold lor less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third, near Taylor. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954. 161Russell St. HOT-WATER tanks S0-gal.. $7: 40 gal.. !: tested and guaranteed; stove ana furnace colls, -7as heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side "Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East SMI. KODAKSTXD PENS REPAIRED. We claim we're a boon and a blessing to men In fixing the faults of a Kodak or pen. SANDY'S, 329 Washington St- MUST SELL. Electric coffee mill, cash register, showcases, scales, coffee urn, steam table, cheese cutter, other fixtures. 113 Second st. FOR SALE A folding bed, has good springs. A good-looking piece of furni ture. Call Tavbor o&02 after 7 P. M. and all day Saturday and Sunday. D04 E. oth. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bougut sold and exchanged. NUKRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. . Phone Main 2043. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Steel Co. and Spruce Div. u. C. Wax otllce Equipment House, Bdwy. 2739. 31 N. 5th. bet. Burnside and Couch. O. M. Babcock. mgr. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked weather- beaten and old, leaky roots rejuvenated by our famous and instantaneous rubber bonding system; all work guaranteed. Phone Main OO40. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD- WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB: ALSO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 700. 3 SWELL spring lady's straw hats. $1.50 each: arav. DlacK ana novelty: large on painting of. lion, $1.50. Call room 11. 146 Uth st. FGR SALE Two hand-made bread bags worth $150, for $40; they are made by Indians of Flathead reservation and are solid beadwork. 4134 Wash., room . IE' "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 382 Morrison. Marshall- 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1900. ' 48 Front St LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sale or rent at wateii s clothing store, 01 Third, Multnomah hotel bldg. HRV nr a-rcen Klnh nnri block wood, mixed 10-Inch; also 4-tt. country Rlao; aeuvereu promptly. Call Tabor 9042. MERRY go-round and ocean wave for sale. good condition, between 4tn ana j.iih Hts.. on Thurman. See Bell, on grounds. WHY PAY $15 lathes when you can buy them for $5. See us at E. Second-Market. . WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. 10 to 16-inch slab and block wood. $6; prompt delivery Phone Main 5347. SAFE, Toledo computing scales. slicer, large platform scale. 242 SALMON. LARGE and small register. 2 floor cases, scales, computing, couple counter cases. 275 THIRD. WOOD 4-foot green slab, $5.50 per cord; green slab and block mixed. u load. Tabor 6S29. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 302 Couch bldg. USED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1132 East Gil san. Moiltavillt caj to 39tfa. Tabor 2825. BLOCK WOOD and heavy slab. 16-lnch lengths. Quick delivery and fine wood, 0 to $8 cord. Bdwy. 2199. FOR SALE Diving outfit, cheap if taken this week. Leaving town. Evenings. Main 3759. JOHNSON'S BOOiv STORE. 248 Main st. New and second-hand books bought, sold and exchanged. All subjects. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's, 320 Washington st. ROBINSON bath scalos. half price. cabinet. physician's :t0H Broadway bldir. RANGE for sale. Call at 232 Montavilla car. E. 61st St. N. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour ing car, almost new; bargain; five good tires. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway !40. 1 HAVE a 1917 Ford touring that has never been off the pavements: has shock absorbers, foot throttle and lots of ex tras: upholstery, paint and top in very good condition: one person drove this car. Call Marshall 3018. CHEVROLET. 1918. 5-passenger. owned by mechanic. 1920 license, good tires. $500. Mack Inter national Motor Truck corp., loth and Davis sts. OVERLAND touring. 1916 model, ln per lcl wiiuuiuii, sen at sou and give wci..u .e. .loria, near Burn side. BUICK LIGHT SIX. 1917: condition equal . more.' SHOO, anu win Bje very easy terms or take "" '" -"'nr "i. proaqway 34 maxwell touring. 1916. in the best of .u..t.w.. . ufllut SOOq tires; $550 t.rmt :iO t;ra.nr1 m i Vn-.V, ' side. i - ..... near riurn 1019 FORD touring car at a bargain, must t..;-0..r"""5,"."" "re.s- the uca. ...... ........ . iviiuiuun: terms cash. Call East 2075. ""ins OI MAXWELL touring. 1BI8. A-l condition" "'""i sen; a hard. B,,ri,frlem"- ave' Nortb- ar MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheal. we wrecK an manes or , . their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., 1Q5-7 North 11th st. Modes HAVE a 1918 Ford car for sal le at $550, 1,1 cunumon. rt as had excellent care. 827 Chamber of Comm.rc" ' No FORD touring .1915 model, in good me . l,J,'u,l'u" a real oargain' terms 30 Grand . - v-rr'J1' 50, i.,r,-iri near b;T,il0.BI5 i0"'."; rst-clas through i.VrV,. o.kii DUy ior $1125. with 89-91 N. 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. $30 CREDIT FOR sin I have a $JO credit on the Oldsmnhll. Co. which I will sell for $15. ladrei AE 970. Oregonian. -s-aaress OVERLAND TOURING model 00: top, new paint. Just overhauled s iV $700; $250 down, balance long time. 5 -- fliuei en v" i . jo run Q way 341 1 nw vvuai vt na..nn. ton ' 1J.T "r ".-.. J',f. Kood Da in ana jcouu iirvH, wm eacriflr- at ti-.n nnrl fit a t.iv-T-n . 'tn I L. . -H.r.lrl- - ve. North, MAXWELL roadster, being overhauled can be seen In shop. Individual nalni ana top: something different; $000 nd ' near landers 1919 FORD touring, starter block, Hassl aui-oruers. Bpeeaometer. run l'loo miles, $625 cash. 170 E. 7th st East DODGE, nve-passenger. good running or der: cheap lor cash. Bissell & Liatr Tr- C ...... , V. Bna Rain... OVERLAND need cash; shall 1675. 9. 5-pass., fine condition no dealers; $400. Mar 1918 MOON B. $1475; In good shape; good paint. new -nr. james, so loth st. Broanway di-ii. ONE Ford touring car. $:.): one F light delivery. $325. Good mechanical conaition. wo v irst. FOR SALE by owner. Ford taurtnir completely overhauled ;. $350 cash. Phone Woodlawn II oeiure o o CIOCK. FOR SALE Apperson 6 Chummy roadster In tirst-ciaNs running oruT; just over hauled. an Mivejoy st. iuain 6o29. ELECTRIC coupe; fine shape, except bat tcries. v in amiuni Kie 11 away, vvdl 6337. 832 E. 14th St. North. FOK BALK AUTOMOBILES. JUST BEFORE THE GOOD WEATHER BUY YOUR AUTOMOBILE. Buy now. you can get a good pick of the cars. 1917 Maxwell, fine little car, has been overhauled and repainted all in fine condition, $495. 191 8 Maxwell overhauled and painted, all in fine condition, $650. 1919 Maxwell, overhauled and re painted, like new, .$800. Overland four, good shape, $525. Overland, model 85, good shape, $700. 1918 Studcbaker four, all fixed up and repainted, fine condition, $725. Late model Kissel sedan.- all In fine condition, $1400. 1917 Chalmers lie-hr six. hm been over hauled and repainted, fine car, $900. 1918 Chalmers light six. overhauled and repainted, here is your chance fof a good quality car for. $1100. HUDSON BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson six. 40 model, the light six overhauled and repainted. $890. I 1913 Hudson super six. has been over- ........ .i n r i u i ,iiui luen repKinieu, guarantee to you this car the same as a standard guarantee on new automobile. $1200. 1918 Hudson super six, overhauled by us, then repainted, guaranteed to you by us the sarnA as a factory guarantee on a new car. $1750. Hudson limousine, like new, you cannot beat it, $2400. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-017 Washington St., Portland. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. 1919 PATTERSON See this one. CADILLAC A real car. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. 1919 VEL1E SEDAN 90 per cent new: has wire wheels; driven .little over tioon miles; sold by Thursday price $1850. VELIE Five-passenger. Al tn every , way; a true bargain. 1918 NASH. 6-cyl., a bargain. BUICK LITTLE 1 Just THE car you want, USED CAR PALACE. 61 Union Ave. N. East 7717. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. 150 TO SELECT FROM. Look them over before you buy. EASY TERMS, UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, 68-71-73-75 Grand Ave., Corner Stark. (Morgan-Atchley). Open Sunday and Evenings. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1919 LEXINGTONS. Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms if Desired. BRCNN MOTOR-CAR CO., 28-30 North Broadway. GUARANTEE. A MUCH-ABUSED WORD. We shall keep faith and live up to any pledge or promise we make. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 0057. $450. 5-pass. OAKLAND touring car. Tires all in fine condition; spare tire, tube and rim. other extras. Motor In perfect condition: self starter. Must be sold today; $450. $200 cash, balance $25 a month. Call Mr. Taylor at Bdwy 4184. TOO N. Broadway. 1918 BUICK. 7-PASSENGER. Oversize cord tires, new paint, in the best of condition mechanically. 531 ALDER. Terms; Nj Brokerage. t-RtvAiE. uwner 1917 Grant six Just repainted, new top, good tires, mechan ically in first-class condition; must be seen to be appreciated. Ask for iinnn.. evenings and Sundav, M. & M Garage' corner 11th and Hoyt. Phone Broad way 120. ORD SEDAN, demountable rims and oth- " "in. nov, wiu taae Ford touring car in trade. 150 UNION AVE. AM buying help; will sell my Moon five-passenger. Victory model 8-40 Per fect condition; 5 wire wheels. 5" good tires. bumper, Kayfield carburetor driven 28O0 miles. Call Tabor 8328 LIGHT 6 BUICK touring, run less than iw.ww nines, npw paint job, looks like brand new car, O. K. mechanically, good tires. Price $1100, with terms, 1-3 down. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. 1918 BUICK big six. excellent condition only run 7700 miles, cord tires, rear mien new. uwnrr must sell $1350 Terms; worth $1500. Mr. Argo, Bdwy FOR SALE 1920 Ford 1-ton truck r!. livery body, same as new; pneumatic tires, 'speedometer. Phone Tabor 6.V6 Will consider late model Ford roadster in trade. SAXON, mis. lightest 6-cyllnder car and is a ocaut.v to iook at. ir more miles with less gas. oil and tires mean any thing to you. see this. $xoo: $;io down balance easy. Broadway 3411. 523 Alder' 1920 FORD TOURING, with starter: rill take old Ford in trade. 130 UNION AVE. CH EVROLETS. .. BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN SOME ALMOST NEW MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE CADILLAC, electric light and starter, new ' - - - 1 - - ... ... .. t vuiiumon in everv way: $500 for quick sale, terms. Cook & Gill Co., 11th and Burnside. MAXWELL. 1916. best of condition; new "L.i. ? . .., twu 1 1 1 l , a real bar gain at $450. with terms. 30 Grand FOR SALE Model 75 Overland roadster m vwvy wuuiuon, imi.ou down. bal. mourn lu rvbiiguBime party. Wood lawn 5027. LATE MODEL DODGE. This car is in fine condition, looks nvtj a new car; good ures; $1050. Call at .11 n. H&lllUElUH St. LATE MODEL FORD TOURING, $425. toy UNION AVE. OWNER will sell his Chevrolet tnurinr car for $750; 1819, good as new; liberal terms. Phone Broadway 4184. 100 No. orcauwsy. BUIC.TCS. 1916 1017 1918. 4 AND 6 CYLINDERS. 5 AND 7 PASS 188 GRAND AVE. OPEN BVENlN'Gs' BY owner. 1917 Oakland. ha tituf KdAn overhauled and In Al condition; bumper and i 5 good tires. $875. 185 V; 16lh St. between 6:; 0 and 8 P. M. FOR SALE Ford roadster. 1911: ano-in fine shape, $375 buys it. No dealers. East OAKLANDS. TOURINGS, ROADSTERS. SEDANS MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND FORD roadster, 4 extra tires, all good Hnape. van evenings oerween a and 7. imij c. Bui i. ii . a aae Ai-oerta car. .Eiuiv.iv ; a oarKain, .wo; rebored. new piston; gooa lontvs: using every day. Ta- nor f . nin c. C3AI-IUUI1. ALtiLK.N rvcAuxi six. practically new will sacrince ior immediate sale. Cai East 3H-1. 1918 PAIGE 6 Five-pass., cord tires and extras; owner must sell quickly; $450 down win naiiuic Jii - Atso, tiawy. 3281 1918 OAKLAND 5-pass., fine condition owner must sen; mae me an offer. Mr. A-Tgo, pmaiiiaj o-oi. rHRVRO ,KT. sacrifice, run n month. 7010 miles: perfect condition: extras! 46- n aw t noi lie. CHEVROLET, late l. like new; run less than o" mnes; spienaio condition priced reasonable rnone Columbia 724 1914 FORD, good condition; Phone Nelson, Tabor 7000. a bargain. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. RELIABLE BUYS IN USED CARS FROM A RELIABLE FIRM. When you deal with the PACKARD & NASH AGENCY you buy from a firm with backing, one w-hich will stand back of any sale made. These are honest values and we wlU assist you with terms if desired. Packard Twin Six, 4-pass., nearly new tires, sell lor $4fOU. Nash Six. 1919. 7-pass.. excellent ruh- ber. one extra, $1450. Cadillac, 1916. 8-cyl., 7-pass., a em for $1750. Chandler 6, 1919, 7-pass., fine tires. extra value for $1400. Scripps-Booth Six, the classy car, 1919 roadster. Just like new. can sell for $1250. Briscoe Roadster, 1919, light, snappy car ior iau. We have Overlands, Fords, a dandy Packard tug, several Stude-bakers and others priced from $400 up. Drop In at 10-th and Burnside any time and look them over. We have Juet what you want and at the right price and on terms to suit. Ask for Jones. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10th and Burnside Streets, HOME OF THE PACKARD AND NASH CARS. Open Sunday A. M. AT OUR REMOVAL SALE YOU WILL FIND 1914 BUICK ROADSTER. 2-pass..' 4-cylinder.. 1917 MITCHELL ROADSTER. 2 passeiiger, 6-cyl. 1916 CHEVROLET. 5-pass.. 4-cyL 1816 PTUDEBAKER. 7-pass.. 4 cyllnder. 1919 JORDAN. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1916 OVERLAND. 5-pass.. 4-cyfc 1D20 CASE, 7-pass., 6-cyL 25 CARS TO SELECT F ROM Small payment down, easy terma. OPEN SUNDAY. 10 TO 4. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY. East First and East Morrison Sta. Phones Bdwy. 515. F.sst 7272: Automatic 53-43- ?JJ-A6. REMOVAL SALE. OF USED CARS. We move May 1 to our new home now being erected at Broad way and Everett st-. therefore, we offer our stock of 25 high-grade used cars at big reduction in price. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. OPEN SUNDAYS. 10 TO 4. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY. East First at East Morrison sts. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OTTR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON LAND & MORTGAGE CO ., 28 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. GUARANTEE. A MITCH-ABUSED WORD. We shall keep faith and live up any pledge or promise we make. ii'TntinTtVH SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. HUDSON LIGHT SIX. 1016 HUDSON LIGHT SIX .1 UST OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED: 4 CORD TIRES AND A GOOD EXTRA. $8UO, CASH OR TERMS. TAKES IT. CALL ADAMS, TABOR 630. A WHOLE DECK. Fifty-two cars to select from. Draw the one you want. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. 1919 CHALMERS. Hot-Spot. This Is a new car and has been run J mues on pavement to break It in. Has spot light, bumper, clock, muffler, cut-out and entra tire. This Is a bargain, but must be seen to be appreciated. You can see car and get information and price at Elite Garage, 12th st., near Jefferson. DODG E. 1917 touring car. in beautiful shape. Can be sold at a bargain. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. SMALL MITCHELL SIX. Ifilfi. with good tires, extra tubes and tire, new paint, in good condition, looks and runs the same as new. price $87o, $375 cash. Phone Woodlawn 2313 after 6 P. M. CASH OR TERMS. Just bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. DODGE DODGE DODGE. We have them, in the proper condi tion; priced right. See for yourself. BROADWAY 3411. 523 ALDER ST FORD ROADSTER, late model, at a bar gain. 150 UNION AVE. STEPHENS SILENT SIX. late model, in periect connition: wouia pass tor a new ear; all cord tires and extra. $1800 for quick sale and will give easy terms, or win tase anotner car as part payment. Broadway i4ii. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY, EX11.K BUKKITT, AGENT, NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 100. FORD TOURING car body, like new. $80 150 UNION AVE. A BIG BAKOAlM Auto trailer, a com plete traveling outfit with 2 sprlne; beds and riuason super-six. pnone 313-78. 742 Freseotl SL CHEVROLET touring. 1918. ln the best of condition: good tires: a real bargain. $675. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Bunisioe. MODEL WJ, iwio uvenanu, o-pass., 1 n ex fAiittnt condition, new spare tire: ownA must sell quickly; $725, cash or terma Mr. Argo, aroaqway jt. DODGE sedan. 118. only run a few thou sand miles: one extra tire and wheel owner must sell; a bargain at $1650. 30 Grand ave. ionn. near urnsiae. FEE THIS TODAY. Like new, Hudson speedster, new pain iob. sood tires, guaranteed mechanic-all- perfect: cash or terms. Call Tabor 1226. FORD touring car. demountable rims. spare tires, on rims: foot exhilsrators. cutout, batteries, shock absorbers. Kood running order. $3o cash. Main 7o34. ITOB 8ALF ACTOMOBU.lCiy I SNAPS SNAPS. JUST A FEW SAMPLES FROM OUR LARGE STOCK OF BARGAINS. DIXIE FLYER, almost new $1200 BUICK FOUR, good shape 800 CHEVROLET 490, good buy 476 CHEVROLET Bafcy Grand 873 STTJDEiBAKBR 4; see this &S5 STTJDEBAKER 6; some fcus 775 SAXON 6. pick of three 750 CHALMERS, a dandy 930 CROW-ELKHART ; see this one... 885 CHANDLER chummy, a bargain..' 1250 LEXINGTON sport model, new.. 1850 LEXINGTON, bl touring 1650 ELGIN, 1919 model touring 1550 OVERLAND blx six; stage car.... 975 OVERLAND roadster, good shape. . 385 OVERLAND touring, late model... 4S5 AND A LOT MORE. These are cars we have been buying during the winter at extremely low prices. You can get the benefit of our buying power. CASH OR TERMS. JUST BRING AN HONEST FACE. Open Evenings and Sundays. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St, Phone East 6057 LET US DEMONSTRATE THE FOLLOWING CARS TO YOU: 1919 WILLYS - KNIGHT. 1919 STEARNS-KNIGHT CHUMMY. 1919 BRISCOE. 1917 DODGE TOURING. 1919 OAKLAND TOURING. AND SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUYS. JUST PHONE US. RED CAP MOJOR SALES, 409 Stark St. Bdwy. 396L SAVE $550 TODAY ON A BRAND-NEW ANDERSON T.IC.HT PIN ABSOLUTELY NEW AND IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. PELL.1 NEW AT I1M51): I1HOO. CASH OR TERM WILL BUY THIS ONE TODAY. CALL MAR. 5342, OR TABOR 630. BABY GRAND SEDAN. Practically new: run but a few bun- area miles. A. most oeauiuui car. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. 1U18 BUICK 4 roadster, original paint like new. mechanical conaition Al. new tirs and 1 extra, new tire, never on th around-: spotlights, bumper and othe extras: this Is the best Bulck buy In the city; $850, small payment down, balance monthly. Al Auto Works & Painting Co.. 525 Alder. GRANT SIX TOURING. A bargain-: will give liberal terms. This Is a real car See this. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck, in first-class con dition, $1150. C. G. BLEASDALE. -530 Alder. BuVwy. 1S52. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. $1550 CASH BUYS HUDSON SPEED STER JUST REPAINTED AND GOOD TIRES. CALL TABOR 630 OR MAR. 5342. BUGS. We have a number of these that can be bought on good terms. 531 ALDER ST. CH EVROLETS. We have a number of these from $400 up. They are all gooa. 531 ALDER ST. TERMS. 1918 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Perfect condition; $000 ana terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. 1918 BUICK. 7-PASSENGER. Overslxe cord tires, new paint, in the best of condition mechanically. 631 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. BUGS. BUGS. Several different makes from $300 up. including speciai-ouiit Cadillac sneedscter. lust finished and has plenty of pep: price $350 with small payment down ana long time on oai A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder fct. 1919 ELGIN SIX. driven e-nly 6000 miles. an exceptional ouy. 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. 1917. Just over hauled, runs ana iooks iiks new c will sell cheap and give terms; guar anteed and service given same as new s"jl N. 8TH ST.. NEAR f LANDERS. 1919 SCRlPw'S-BOOTH This looks like new car ana mecnamcany peneci. 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. ritick 4 roadster, like new. 1920 license lots of extras, extra gooa ierin, win take Ford in trade. A-l AUTO- WORKS & PAINTING CO., 523 Ald-er St. MITCHELL LIGHT SIX Oh. boy. but It Is a swell looker and it runs like a deer. Will take a lighter car tn trade and give vou a deal that Is more than square. 523 Aider St. Broadway 3411 1917 BUICK . $1000. 1918 OAKLAND 6. $750. These cars have been gone over. Just out of paint shop: terms. See M. James. 85 loth st. Broadway 3'fc"-1. SAFETY FIRST. You take no risk in buying a guar anteed used Paige at the Cook & Gill company. Paige, distributors. Only 4 left, good as new easy terms, but hurry. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, completely over hauled, new paint, guaranteed, and serv ice given same as new car: $loo. terms. 89-91 N. 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. ROADSTERS. TOURINGS. SEDANS COUPES. DELIVERIES. BUGS. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. DODGES. 1915 19! 1917 1918. LOOK THEM OVER. 18 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. CHEVROLET touring. all parts over hauled. A guaranteed car for little money: $130. with terma 89-91 N. STH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. HUPMOP.ILE. 1917 TOURING MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. 1918 XX)DGE, ln fine condition, good tires, spare, extra equipment. Phone E. 6954 for appointment or call 11 E. 17th. FORI-BUG Best buy In city. See this at N. W. cor. 11th and Couch. Bdwy. 4408. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. We do not ask you to buy our cars as we take them in. If we did we would have too many enemies. Our great prloe is to have satisfied owners, and the only way to have them is to sell them a car that we are not afraid to give a written guarantee, the same as comes on a new car, because every car we sell is thoroughly gone through, new parts put in if needed, every working .part oiled and greased. The reason we can do this is because we do most of our own work, and we are satisfied with a reasonable profit. We are not amateurs In this business; we know what we are buying and we know how to make them run and look like new. We never have a dissatisfied owner. If a car proves different from what we reDresent it. we make Rood. Match our cars and prices with others. We have a very nice selection on hand. DODGE TOURING, late model $ 700 FORD TOURING, late model 450 1917 GRANT SIX, rebuilt through out ............................. oO HUDSON 6-40. runs perfect, cords. 700 1919 OVERLAND, little 6. wire wheels; 95 per cent new.......... 1250 1918 MAXWELL: Just about new.. 600 CHEVROLET 490; new tires and overhauled 500 BUICK LITTLE 4; perfect 750 1918 OLDS; you cannot tell It from 1350 1918 CHALMERS little 6. run very little 1100 OVERLAND. MODEL 90. same as factory guarantee WILLYS-K NIGHT, newly painted , overhauled. HIGH-SPEED BUG. rebuild ........... cost $C50 to If we have not what yoa want, leave your order with U6: we can get It for you ana save you Dig money. THE FIRM THAT DOES NOT MISREPRESENT. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. EASY TERMS. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, CONLEY & AR BUCKLE. Proprietors. 511 Burnside at 15th St. Phone Broadway 1424. C. G. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD TOURING . . $ soo . . 550 FORD ROADSTER. 1919 MAXWELL TOURING FORD TOURING CASE TOURING FTUDEBAKER. H-CYL. . . . ; CHEVROLET TOURING BRISCOE LIGHT 4 OLDSMOBILE. 6-CYL MAXWELL '18. like new PODGE TOURING OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB HUDSON SUPER SIX OAKLAND LK5HT SIX WILLYS-KNIGHT BUK'K LIGHT SIX. 1918.-. BUICK BIG SIX. 7-PASS OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER CHANDLER TOURING STITTZ. 191S. 1-valve . 1919 HUP MOBILE : PAIGE. 7-PASS MKTZ. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6. 1919. a bargain. .. 3O0 . . 3.-.0 . . STS . . 450 . . 50O . . ."0 . . 7 . . '85 9M . . !H . . 050 .. 1250 .. 127 .. 1.150 .. 1400 .. 14.' . . 25O0 .. US . . 7." 650 C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder street. Broadway 1832. 1917 HAYNES TOURING. . . n n 1 ret- tour TNG. Larchmon model, run 1300 miles. $400 less than new price. . n. n -nrTT T "V C WTCHT touring. 1920 CHEVROLET touring, like new. $75 in extras. . . 1917 BUICK delivery, with panel body. 1920 HAYNES. $2550. 1919 CHEVROLET touring. 1917 MAXWELL touring. 1919 BUICK touring. These cars are In Al condition and can be bought on terms. PORTLAND GARAGE. Used Car Department. Fifth and Taylor Sts. Marshall 600. BARGAIN TN CHEVROLET 1-ton truck. pneumatic cora urew " ' ..... ..... j run about 30OO miles. This car is readj to go and give you immediate service. Will take Chevrolet touring or roadster In trade and give time on balance. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 40. TO FORD OWNERS. The next time you need genuine Ford parts or accessories, remember that you "n WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO., 60 N. Broadway at Davis Bdwy 521. Authorized Ford dealer since 1003. jooo 400 CHEVROLET SEDAN OWNER IS BUYING NEW BABY A . V ,-. CMT1-.AN- THIS CAR HAS RFFN RUN BUT 700 MILES AND IS BETTER THAN NEW MAN Y EXTRAS. DAVIS AT FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14T1I AND ALDER. BDWY. 240. lf18 BUICK. 7-PASSENGER. Oversize cord tires, new paint, ln the best ot condition mecnamcany. 631 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. 1918 BUICK. This car would be hard to duplicate for the money. See It at 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. FORD TOURING, new tires, been re f'ninhed. like new; price 35; will demonstrate to your satisfaction and l-T AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. B2B Alder St. 1918 OLDS SIX. driven very little: we will guarantee this car in every particular. 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. 1918 OLDS 8 touring, only run short while; almost new cord tires. Car Is In best of mechanical condition. Will take lord or light car in trade. A-l AUTO WORKS & PTG. CO.. 525 Alder. I HAVE some of the best buys in city: clean-up prices: bugs, delivery snd tour ing ears; will save money by seeing me before you buy. Tom. N. W. corner ' 14th and Couch. Bdwy. 4408.- LATE MODEL FORD, almost new. $450, has extra tire, tube and tools: small riMvment down, terms to suit on balance. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. ;, Aioer g?i. my 1918 CHEVROLET. In perfect me chanical condition. ." good tires. 1020 license paid: good paint, top and side curtains: would not sell but am leaving town: will sacrifice. Call Marshall .",018. MAXW ELL touring 119 Just out of repair shop, new paint, new tires, guar anteed and service given; a snap at $850. with terma 89-91 N. 0th st- near Flanders. 1918 CHEVROLET. This Is a dandy car; can be seen at 531 ALDER ST. FORD touring st $3." with $125 down, bal. long monthly payments, car Is first class every way. some extras. 505 Alder St.. Red Front Used Car Co. FORD sedan, electric starter and lights, demountable rims, lots of extras, good tires, real buy at $723. terms. 424 Bel mont st. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, looks like new. will sell for $650 and give terms. 424 Belmont. ; . FORD BUG. brand new body, including top: priced for quick sale, with terms. 89-91 N. UTH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. LATE style Ford touring body with wind shield. $35. 270 E. 43d. i'14 FORD, good condition, a bargain, phone Nelson. Tabor 790O. FOR SALE AUTOMOBn.ER. GOOD CARS THAT WILL GIVE SATISFACTION AT A BARGAIN. Come In and let us demonstrate them to your satisfaction. J. H. GRAHAM MOTOR CO., 86 Tenth St. Broadway 3231. 1919 CASE, model" 5-passenger sport' .$?25 down CAbE. 7-passenger 600 down 1918 CASE, 7-passenger 800 down 1918 MOON. 5-passengcr 475 dow lil7 BUICK. S-passenger 350 don 1918 OAKLAND. 6-passenger. . 2oOdown 1914 CADILLAC. 5-passenger. . 350 down 1917 .STUDEBAKER. S-pasa... SOO down I 1-919 SCRIPPS-BOOTH. 5-pass. 400 down v.i.,!Uji.t,1-i o-pass. 200 down ISIS MAXWELL. 5-passenser. 223 down xo i!fo vrlEV ROLET, 5-pass. 190 down 1917 GRANT 6. 5-passenger... 190 down 1(117 HPD--TTf - -...v.i,i.E,i5, o-passenger. IOO down 1918 BARY GRAND CHEVRO- i-tr, 5-passenger 223 down 1914 McFARLAND. 7-passenger $350 TRUCKS REPUBLIC. MAXWELL. FORD. DENBY. USED AND NEW S4 TO 5-TON. SEE MR. JAMES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW CARS. USED CHEVROLETS. We are the headquarters for these cars, our prices are reasonable: rach car win fE.a condition and terms that FIELDS MOTOR OAR CO , Chevrolet Agents. 14tn and Alder. Broadway 240. OPEN SUNDAY. 1017 OAKLAND six. overhauled and newly painted. 1918 Studcbaker 6. In fine shape, newly painted. Garford two-ton truck, oversize rear wheels. These are all good burs snd will dem- uneirare to your satisfaction. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. Phone Bdwy. 1738. 411 Davis St. 1919 F. A. CHEVROLET tourlnir car. al most new. only driven 3500 miles, brand new extra tire on rear with cover. This car must be sola. We need room. xerms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. I4tb and Alder. Bdwy. 240. 191 BLIClv. 5-DaSS.. liht nil tnnrlnir cb r good tires, bumper and spotlight and ii-:i license: car in good mechanical conaition: win give terms. Phone Mar- snail i:jo. apt. 42. $50 BUYS 1917 Maxwell car with 5 good tires. 1920 license and Just repainted: looks like new and in fine mechanical condition; will give terms. Phone East na.'. FORD BUG Classy and speedy. You can sure make a hit with it. $300: small I oown payment and $30 per month. BROADWAY 3411. 523 ALDER ST. FORD delivery in A-l condition: all good tires; special body: a real bargain at 4-io. witn terms. 30 urana ave. ortn. near Burnside. USED CAR BUYERS. FIFTY SMALL CARS. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? MYERS AUTO CO. 188 GRAND. Big USED CAR3. Prices Stock right. iso misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET. 1917. A-l condition; good tires: will sacrince at $lo. and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. oO CARS. FORDS DODGES BUICK S. OVERLANDS AND CHEVROLETS. 1K8 GRAND AVE. EAST 6363. 1919 MAXWELL coupe, good condition. fullv equipped, bargain if taken im mediately. Marshall 442, will demon strate. Myrtle Oentry. FORD. '14 touring, $2R5 cash: just over hauled, good tires, j:i-ii licence; niske fine bug. See owner at 515 Mill St., Apt , after a o ciock. MAXWELL touring. 191 1: new top. paint Slid tires nae new; win sen at s.iOO. terms. 30 uraod ave. North, near Burnside. WANTED 2 live-wire salesmen with pre vious experience, who can meet the best class of people and sell $3000 cars. BD 328.Oregonlan; 1916 HUP MOBILE 5 rood tires. 1920 li cense, side glass on windshield: ear .lust repainted; cewd mechanical condition: a bargain; terms. Phone Maln63U5. 1916 FORD touring car ln fine condition. good lire--, shock absorbers, spotlight and 1920 license and other extras: a bargain at $330; terms. Phone Main U395. 1916 HUDSON 6-40 In fine condition: nice light six touring car: will sacrifice and give terms. Phone Marshall 1613. 1918 SMALL HUP MOBILE Dandy buy If vqu want a late model; lots of extras. Call T bor63 1 3 LIGHT OLDS six. looks and runs like new. run 60 miles: spare tire, license, etc.: quick sale. Tabor 7817. CHEVROLET t"tu good tires: $3-. terms. 30 Grand avu. Norm, n Burnside. HUDSON SUPER SIX, new cord tires, paint like new. first-class in Aery way, $983. terms. Bdwy. 30. 1917 SAXON six, a dandy running car. good tires, a bargain ai oio auu wirii. 424 Belmont. FORD bug, dandy shape, very neat bug, a good buy at $475 and terms. 424 Bel mont. ( ii(l 1917, best buy In city; terms. See Tom, N. Y. cor. 14th and Couch- Bdwy. 44HS. . 1917 FORD touring, demountable wheels, other extras, new paint; must sell. 270. E 43d St. Main 5320. 1-1 ks;y Ford bug. '19 block, new Chordaa body; must sell Immediately. Call Tabor 1 226. CADILLAC touring. A-l mechanical con dition; will sell at $473 and give terma 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD touring, best of condition; a bar- sain- $350. terms. JO Urand ave. North, near Burnside. NEW Fords, touring and roadster, also rebullts and chassis, our motors speak for themselves. iw.iqii. cgreu. i?r,Dn truck in fine conaition; good tires: real bargain. $675. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near nurnsiae. I HAVE a Hudson, do you want it. Boys the time Is here for making money What have you to offer. 312 pine st. ci. ASSY Cadillac bug, thoroughly over hauled, new tires and body. Phone Broadway 3060. J. r- Moore. 340 N. 23d. STUDEBAKER bug wir high-tenMor Bosch magneto, 30x3 tires all around new body. 2no. H. & II.. 103d st- and Foster road, l.ents Junction. MAXW ELL. good tires; Grand ave. 1919. touring: good paint, a real buy at $975. terms. 30 North, near Burnside. MY OLDSMOBILE 8, LIKE NEW. GOOD TIRES. SPOT LIGHT, $1300. TERMS. 303 OAK ST. FRANKLIN, late SB. lust the same as new : 1920 license and Insurance. Phone 810-16. STUDEBAKER. 1918, 6-cyinder De Lux model roadster, perfect condition. 830 Esst Burnside it. 1919 FORD touring. 1920 license. $585, terms. 170 E. 7th St. East 6234. 1918 FORD, first-class mechanical condi tion. 2i!V4 Dals St.. between :id and 4ih. 5-PASS. COLK, make a dandy bug Call or write 534 Roelawn ave. BARGAIN Studebaker 17-4. In fine shape $575. with terms. Woodlawn 159S. " 1917 CHEVROLET, a bargain. Call morn ings bet. 8 and 1. Main 2924. FORD touring, new tires. $300 cash See it 695 Davis (west side). CHEVROLET touring sacrificed. $375 takes it- Al condition. 153 E. etb. FOR SALE; AUTOMOBILES. BECAUSE. Because you want a late model car. Because you want a lats model car that is in A-l condition. Because you want full value for your money. Are three of the reasons that you will come to our salesroom to purchass your car. Today we hav BUICKT SIX' ROADSTER BUICK SIX TOURING. FRANKLIN ESSEX ' STUDBBAKERS MAXWELLS CHEVROLETS OAKLAND OVERLANDS Many others. THBJ USED CAR EXCHANGE. USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1919 PATTERSON 118 HL'PMOblLE 1918 SAXON 1019 CASE ..$1450 . . 1150 . . 750 . . 2050 . . 950 . . 700 . . 875 . . 13iX .. 500 1917 CHALMERS 1017 RBO 4 1017 KuRll 19 19 NASH - 1916 FORD BUG TERMS. 188 TENTH STREET. Marshall 232. Opp. Library. NEW FORD. rrr- imm.HUi. rlliverv. starter, de mountable rims, roller-bearing speedom eter, other extras. A good buy. Terms. Am out or worn so 1 i n l ..... . my contract. AL SOO. Oregonian. Automobiles an lea. I AM LOOKING for a bungalow in some good district that will run irom to $4300. Address Geo. Owens. 1179 Mixter st. Agents save stamps. Have 5 lots. 50x100. Just south or Bertha station, this side of Multnomah, facing on paved road; free and clear: will take auto as part payment, or all. Give full particulars In first letter. B 312. Oregonian. CASH FOR FORDS. Roadsters, touring cars and sedans. . C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder. Bdwy. 1S52. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. fSED FORDS EXCLUSIVE LI. Grand ave. and East Stark. WK WANT cars. Customers on our "sis for ail makes ot cars ana can u car nvan mon.-y to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. - 131 Alder St. Broanway 2i96. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WB PAY CASH. THE UPED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. S W. Corner. 13th and Washington. W ANTE D STOR AG E B A TTE R . Its. CASH FOR OLD STORAGE BAT1LRIE& ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. CASH for your cars. Bring them to me A-l Auto works ana get iuo market price for them. 525 Alder si Phone B. 2797. WILL PAY cash for late model car: must be cheap; stale maac, v -194. Oregonian. WANT small car; will trade gooa dii- ness. give or laae aumrcntB. " Washington st. W E ARE In the mantel ior ueru Drive them an ana wai. - - " money. PaclflcAuto Co.. 523 Alder st. LATE model Ford. Dodge or Chevrolet touring car: win p Senn. M arshall 600. FINE business lot. block henton bank. trade for small auiomouitc. wu j 2M)2. WILL TRADE 5-passenger iJulca, iirsi- cIssj condition, ior larger hi. 37 1 . . 1918-19 DODGE touring car; will pay cash. BC 82W. Oregonian. WANTKU Hauling contract. - '-s - ton truck; short or long time. Motorcycles. 1917 HARI.EY for lie, $150. Cail 53 3d st. bet. f. NEW 11ARI.K1-OAMUMW .vi ijiun- C V CLE. LALIj uiii. 1 1 x n- c-,-w MliTOHClCES AND BICYCLES THY ija. .ia-.'m o. MAIN 6139. Auto Tires and Accessories. 30x3 FRONT FORD w ti , f.i. complete FORD with tire ann luoe; io 3ix3 Goodyear tire, guaranteed; cost $4o; will sell separate or lake $20 for all. Phone Woodlawn 2323. FOR-i SATB-ortrade for Ford. 1918 Indian electric, equipped, good condition; rea- sonahle offer. Tabor 433H, !.... sti.n AMBU electric trouoie aaoot- er, complete; c-iiei. " - -A. box 03. Portland. TWO nearly new motor wocci- tur -iv cheap. 01- .i i-pi-ii'ij' v civc.lE Harley-Davidson, good condition, " . .r ... '11.4(1 c-nnd runner. 1 ' - Automobile tor Hire- AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. ;ew 1920 models, reasonable ratea. IT' 12lh street, between Washington and AlderT Broadway 840. " NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. T3TVWY 2408 15TH AND WASH. Tw-e-w CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH." THIRD AND GL1SAN 6TS. BROADWAY 261'9. 262 a. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. LT- I SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE, Mar 232 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. Al TIIOF fc BENNE.TT. CARS FOR HIRBV WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY OARAOU, SD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. GET THE TRUTH ABOUT BUYING OF AUTO TRUCKS FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK IN OREGON. SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. DO NOT BUY TRUCKS on representation of salesmen or dealers of so-called easy money. Good contracts and pay for trucks in few months or year. Bring us your offered contracts and truck-buying propositions a-id get the benefits and advice free lrom owners and contractors of auto trucks with years of expe rience. PROFIT BY THE MISTAKES MADE IN THE PAST AND BEN EFIT BY HELPING US PUT THE AUTO TRICK OPERATION IN DUSTRY ON A PAYING BASIS. THE OREGON MOTOR TRUCK HAULING CONTRACTORS, 201 Worcester Building. Main 4907. WANTED Two two-ton trucks, driven by owners: steady hauling Job on pave ment: owners must be able to finance themselves for 15 days. OP 11. Orego nian 1 3-TON truck, first-class condition; will take light touring car as first payment. This truck can be seen at 507 E, Polk St.. St. Johns. FOR PALE i-ton Republic truck. 1918 model, covered body; by owner. 859 Halsey. . $550 -li.-TON Ford truck, large body. Just rainted. re.-tdy to run. C&n be seeti at 228 N. 14th.