18 THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, APIMT, T, 190 REAL ESTATE. For Bal-HoiuM. 'JJOOM bungalow. SOxino lot: fuU cement pRspment, laundry travs: good plumbinjr; located on Atlantic street; 1 block from car. f2HH, $-,00 cash. 4-room house, on 60x80 corner; lieni Taid; full r.mant ha.nm.nr' furnu'a urepiace, laundry tray,, nice grounds, ry'r,re rooms; near Peninsula park, i-loo. $40t cash. 7-room house, on 150x100 on Kast 45th , etJ Pav'n "d everything paid; pood Piumblns. rhs ami electric lights: fruit trees. 10u0. 7U0 cash. Hawthorns car. 8 rooms on K. 37th, near Division: nens paid: furnace, firepiace: hardwood T.oor,; best of plumbing. Price J4500. 100l cash. 8 rooms, near the Hawthorne car; on -Marguerite avenue; everything In and Iaid; corner lot; this Is a modem p.ace; jrnod furnace, hardwood floors; price tfioo, .-,oo cash. .loha Ferguson, 'jorllnger bldg. Wain ST.-'S. NEW, modern tunsalow, five room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, white enamel finish throughout, fireplace, nice fixtures, full concrete basement, full lot. ?ew, modern. bungalow type, six room and leaping porch, one bedroom n ground floor, hardwbod floors, fin ished in white enamel, fireplace. Vull concrete basement, full lot. Price $3650, asy terms with Interest at 6 per tent. New, modern bungalow of four rooms. tach and. breakfast nook. Iutch kitchen, two bedrooms, full concrete 'basement. . .... uu x-nce mu, easy terms. O. W. BRIAN, k fl09 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main lUW, evenings .Marshall B RA NT) -N'EW COLONIAL SIX-ROOM HOUSB IN LAURKLHURST. Tjocated close to park; material and workmanship the best; built by day labor and to be sold at ac tual cost. No builder's profit or big commission, which means a saving to you of at least $1500. ALSO Tn seme location, a new 6 - room bungalow; & masterpiece in archi tecture and finish. I will sell these two places on very easy terms to responsible parties. .No more at these prices. First come first served. Phone early Monday, Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. .Evening. Kast 2080. i I T $7300 ALAMEDA PARK BUyGALOTC f 8 rooms, 2 baths, large living room, i fireplace, dining room, Dutch kitchen. bedroom, breakfast room, bath, toilet and lavatory on first fl.; 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet on second fl. Hdw. fls.. buffet, bookcases, large closets, full floored basement, furnace, wash trays, etc. Neat and clean, on hard surla.ee l street. T CI-EVELAN'D-HnNDERSON' CO- Kit "eia 3uTiq.jX3 Xoavuuh ZIZ Main 6731!. 9 450O HOME FOR 93200. Bur.falow type house containing 8 rooms with living: room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. - bedrooms and bath downstairs. 3 bedrooms and extra toilet Upstairs, full busement, wash trays. oodi lift; 2 blocks- to car and good school in Mt. Scott district. Owner oc cupies1 lower floor and rents upstairs for $15; price only 9320O. terms $t)0 down, balance easy payments. LTJEDDEMANX COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6907. ROSE CITY PARR. 5 Rooms, Sleeping Porch. Gara-re. $0100. This home 'will really appeal to you: tVie beaut of design and completeness of interior arrangement, together with the fine material and workmanship, con tribute toward making it a quality home of unusual distinction. We cannot over - describe its beauty; from hardwood floors to furnace every detail is com plete. May we not have the privilege of. showing you ? A. G. TEEPK CO.. 264 Stark st.. near .id. Main 3002. Branch Office, 50ih and Sandy. S5S00. READY TO MOVE IN'. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, lo cated at E. 2Hth and Sandy; fine large living and din in a rooms with hardwood floor.-; dandy kitchen with lots of built ins; breakfast room, largo cement base ment; furnace. This is an ideal home and has never been occupied; terms if desired. See J. A. McCarty at E. .'t'-Uh and GI:san st. Office Tabor 3433. Eve ntng. Tabor 5057. BEAUTIFUL, ALA MEDA PARK HOME. Pre-War Prices. A ft-room wonderful home, furnace, beautiful fireplace, all built-in features, oak floors, pun room and breakfast room, lawn and roses, cement runway and large garage; 100x100 corner with hard urface st-. and fewer in and paid. It's a beauty and price is right; $S500 and very reasonable terjns. Rummell & Hum mel 1. 74 Stark st. ,j-4r0 BEAUTIFUL f -room bungalow on Ivon and o'.Uh, large mirror in hall door; fireplace, built-in buffet, kitchen in white enamel; living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms and baih on first floor; floored att tc. big enough for 3 nice room; gas range, gas heater and linoleum go with place; $1000 initial pay ment ; street improvements in and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. NR.R ST. JOHNS. Close to the Industrial district where things are booming: 5-roora bungalow, with garage; lot 62 .a by 110s feet, clone to boulevard ; see it at 10rl Am herst St., then call me; home evenings. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. MrKKXNA & CO.. S2 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings Columbia B3K. !S ROOMS and hath, attic. 50x "100 lot. good location, in Sunny tide, near Laurelhurst Park; only I'lOOO. $350 down. bal. like rent. Phone Marshall 2003. OWNER'S SACRIFICE; MORTGAGE DUE. Must ra ise cash immediately ; beauti ful D-room bungalow, near pavement : ; .garden; vacant; 92S50, worth $3.00. Also 6-rnnm, paved, gara ge. rented $.",0 ; jfpcctal -.. Another coy home, s eep insr porch, paved, rented $25: only 92500, $r,5 cash, balance $20 monthly; in cludes interest. Evenings, Ta bor 7055. ROSE CITY PARK. A ?-room strictly modern bungalow, 1 furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. won- cferf ul cabinet kitchen, cement bje ! Went, wash trays, etc., oak floors. large li vinir room- floored attic. .iOxi no lot with garage; 10 feet Sandy blvd; price $n000. reasonable terms. Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. SUNNYSIDE. 5-r. bungalow, modern. Al condition, Jocated between 38th and 39th: If 5 rooms is w hat you want, look at this, 2SOO la the price, and it requires $1000, bal. ea sy: it's a ba rga f n. Improvements all paid, rnone laoor euvo. yui aiaai- yon. 12200 CASH, "BALANCE LTKB RENT. HITS 5-ROOM MOUBRN BUNGALOW STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR. GOOD GARAGE, 8 BLOCKS FROM CAR. SEE BROWN & m tlLE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE miUDINO. 5-ROOM bungalow -with garage, on the Rose City cur line; has built-in buffet, sleeping porch, cement basement, cor ner lot 57x100; price only $2S."0; $350 down, c . femock, Marshall 2003. A DJOJ NINO I RV1NGTOX. A 5-room bungalow, furnace, 'fireplace, hullt-lns. cement basement, wash travs etc. ; iOx 1 00 lot. hard surface t. and sower in and paid; price only j:;.00. with sKime terms. Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. t0000 PUTS a cozy 6-room house, a hH up. hot water heat, fireplace, bath and m nne garage, lot cor., 30x100; at 101 E. 'htn t. Aonn. Call Main 434, Harvey Welts & Co, BY OWNER New. large 6-room bun gain w: dn breakfast room, garage: the last word in not only a bungalow but also a home; JS50O. terms. Broadway car. 011 Mafon st. wooa. uo aner o i". m,. for ap pnj ii i iinrii i a. KENTON DISTRICT Five-room cottage, double garage Trio 2oo. KILLTNGSWORTK AVE. REALTY CO lil KILLINGS WORTH AVE. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENT NG S :il0O 6 rooms. 914 Gantenbcin avp. 5 rooms, 4S55 E. 64th st. S. E. $1600 aiso - nne iois, sfix. ccott line; bO acres soutn rsewport ; win trace. 9 rooms, west side, $S5O0. Owner TJroaoway .f-.f. JTOH SALE by owner, attractive 5-r -room ot. ish hardwood floor, cement basement, w tra vs. gaa heating system 1 natal Phone "Woodlawn 464 or call 1134 G". Vnrlh led. .enn FOFt SALE Five-room piastered house witn Dam, urn j. itn st., Medford. Or., $1200, one-hnlf cash, balance two years' time at V interest. Page & Dresner, agents. Aieaiora, or ilrs, Ida Jacks, Al ba-ny. ur. KFAL ESTATE. For Sale House. B1HR CAREY COMPANY Succeeded by CAREY SAV1DGE COMPAXT, 210 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. 600 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. The public is invited to come to our show rooms on the second floor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of Stark and Third streets, and Inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gal lery crammed full of neatly arranged 'x7 photographs of homes. Eight sales men with autos to show you property. A pleasure to show our homes. No obli gation on your part. SUNNTSIDK NEAR LAURELHCRST. $4200 The owner is leaving for Indiana tomorrow and his wife will re main here only long enough to sacrifice this home. Will sell furnished or unfurnished this large 2-story 8-room bunga low, double constructed throughout. Fine large white enamel kitchen, fireplace with glazed brick with Ivory mantel top, inverted dome lighting fixtures, built-in buffet, toilet first floor, bath, toilet, 4 bedrooms, good sleeping porch second floor. Down payment and monthly payment quite reason able. ANOTHER SUNNTSIDB HOME. $3oo0 7-rooru 2-story bungalow type home on a paved street with sewer and sidewalk paid in full Furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, 2 toilets, bath, 3 large bedrooms; near high school; Something a little better than the ordinary. Terms can be .ar ranged. NEAR UNION7 AVENUE NEAR FAILING STREET. $2500 Dandy 6-room cottage, paved street, sidewalks and sewer paid. 60x100 lot. 2 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing. $500 down. 65 ALBERTA HOMES. HERB ARE SEVERAL THAT CAN'T BE BEAT: J 2 600 1 block from Alberta car 90x100 ft. lot. Ample room for two houses. 4-room bungalow, best plumbing, abundance of shrub bery. $500 down. $2350 Located near Killing-worth, 1 block to Alberta car; 80x100 lot; 6-room 2-story home; white en amel plumbing, gas, electricity, trees and tihrubbery. chicken house. This is a real bargain. $500 down. $2200 On 31st at. and Alberta, you will find here a truly cozy little home, very attractive inside and out. 5 large rooms, full cement base ment. Reception hall has beveled mirror, several unique features. 5700 down; $25 per month. T NUSUAL A LAM E DA PARK HOME. $30o Located on Prescott st.. 4 blocks to Broadway car, story and a half bungalow. Dainty break fast nook, music room, 1 bed room down, 2 up. Paved street, sewer and sidewalk paid in full; garage, art-brick fireplace. In terior finish, oak and white en amel. $1000 in cash to handle. HUNNISIDB SNAP. $3300 Here is an unusual buy in a 6 room modern bungalow type home. 3 large airy bedrooms, bath and toilet on second floor, paved street sidewalks and sewer in and paid for; JtiOO down. HOSE CITY SPECIAL. $43o0 rolks if you are looking for a modern 5-room bungalow with furnace, fireplace and hardwood floors and everything, you will be passing up a splendid proposition if you don't investigate this pretty home. Paved streets in and paid for. $2850 down. A large assortment of good homes for sale in every residence district in the city of Portland. See ours before you ouy. Ve can save you monev. BIHR CAREY COMPANY Succeeded by CARE Y-SA VIDGB COMPANY, 2ia Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. OPEN EVENINGS. LADD'S ADDITION HOME. Here's a rare snap In a 2-story. 6-room house with sleeping porch and garage located in very best section, walking distance to city and near car; built bv day labor by present owner and a real bargain at $7250; terms. Tabor 407. 5-ROOM HOUSE. ON a hard-eurface street, 8 bearing fruit trees, fine lawn, a snap for $2X30. J000 down, balance to suit. Ask Kellogg A. -T. De FOR EST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. BEAUTIFUL home in Mt. Tabor district. j uiock irom car; rooms and sleeping porch; fruit trees and flowers; a well built real home; consider trade on sub urban Uh 5 acres. Tabor 412. BARGAIN 7-room modern house, new: large garden, plenty fruit, berries and outbuildings. 1153 57th Ave. S. E. Suburban Homes. MODERN HOMES AT MULTNOMAH STATION. NEW. NIFTY AND UP TO DATE. 7-room home on the boulevard, with all modern conveniences ; cement base ment, furnace, city water, gas and elec tric lights : house huf 1 1 la.t summer; w ill sell at $5500 and might consider small house in the city in trade. Classy new bungalow on auto road and 4-10 acre of land, 6 bearing fruit trees, chicken house, ail built-in con veniences, including Dutch kitchen and breakfast table; nothing like it in Mult nomah district; will sell at $5200 on terms. For Inspection of either of above homes see owner, 204 Henry building. Phone Main 5425. MULTNOMAH HOMES. Large 5-room modern bungalow ; fur nace, fireplace, all built-in conveniences, large basement; H acre of ground. Price $500. Modem 8-room house, with all conven iences, sun room; . acre of ground, fruit and garden tract. Price $,".700. Whole acre of ground with 4-room house; large bearing orchard and choice gardening tract. Prt.-A S-tiwv. Th above' are all on Improved county viubc io .nuiinomah station. All are brand-new homes and can be occu pied immediately. r Fvr-v Prti-ulars call on BEN RIES LANP, 404 PlattbUig.:li7 Paik St. SOUTH MULTNOMAH HAlFaCReT" These are slipping away from you. o i mem aoout tnree a week. Streets " ' smewaiKs laid and Bull Run water piped to every tract. Nothing like it has ever been offered around Multnomah at the prices asked Be sure you get in on one of these be Jore the last one 4s rrn tt- lars callon BEN RIESLAND. Exclusive rales agent, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st J2 JIr',.NeWman' his representative, at the Multnomah offire on Sundays. 5 ACRES, located close to Aloha statio i ii- jjvea roaa on graveled road; all under cultivation; new- 6-room . cU uungaiow, with ce "V '."""'"V.- "oor; large chick Sp.endid bungalow, close to St Helms road, five room, downstair and room for four add.tional up: all kinds og 'r"'t;.la,re Rounds. fuii concrete b-.us ment: furnace: built-in buffet, paneled down5 r00m 0utch kitchen; S0O. fJOOO .. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S-' Fourth St. Main 4S22. FIVE ACRES GARDEN HOME. Five acres located .1 blocks from the station. acres under cultivation all can be cultivated. New house of five rooms. Just being completed. Barn chicken house, few fruit trees. 4 blocks from surfaced road. Verv low car fare and good train service. Price 400 on wi'in SHrS?,1'' Inspected. Marsters. with JOHN FLRGUSON. Gerlingcr bids OREGON CITY ILNE. One and 20-100 acres, located on the River road, 4 blocks from Oak Grove- 1 acre under cultivation, balance in tim ber: 2-room box house, barn, chicken runways, woodshed; ga, for lEhls an3 rooking; well. Price loo lOOO ra M, shier with JOHN FERGUSON. GerZ linger bldg. ' l SUBURBAN HOME " H acre. 4-room bungalow, electric lights, well. pump, chicken house, small barn, 2 blks. to car; Oregon City line' with berries; J1030 cash. Fisher! INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Main 542 OREGON CITY CAR STATION 2 BLOCKS. Modern bungalow, beautiful in desiirn' 75x100 lot. fine shrubbery, plan" and garden: GOOo .easy terms. "'"nla n r.. Ji.NULEH ART CO.. Main 72G0. o--t neory Bldg. J430O NEW 5-room house ana almost one acre; short walk to two eleclric car lines, right on main highway: close in fine family orchard 10 years old A beautiful home: $20OO will handle 'See Mr. R. A. Blyth. with John E. Howard 31S Cham, of Com. OREGON CITY LINE. 5 acres. 4-room bungalow, barn and woodshed: Al soil, bearing fruit treea all for $3SOO. S1200 cash. bal. good terms. Pee Brown & Biddle. 324 Ry Exch. bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line from 1S(K up. Inquire 3d bouse north of Risley station, on Oregon City car Une. sign "Alder Brook." :h ,rs'K1 . DearinST fruit trees, logan and other berries. This is close to school f P- rfi8 h'- Place. Price $4750 $Lt0 cash. Personally inspected bv EEAt ESTATE. Suburban Homes. OAK GROVE BARGAIN. 5 acres. 2 blocks from the car on the most prominent corner in Oak Grove. All under cultivation, i'i acres in or chard, mostly in Lambert and Roval Ann cherries with a few Kentish, all in full bearing. Also 30 wonderful chestnut trees in bearing. 1 .". 0 apple trees of different varieties. 30O currant bushes, lots of strawberries, roses and beautiful shrubbery; nice houM of seven rooms, bultt on bungalow style with two fireplaces and fine water system, electric lijrhts and bath. "We should ask you M5.0O0, but owner has decided to sacrifice and the price is to be $8000. Shown by appointment only. John E. Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. OAK GROVE ACRE. Here Is a dandy cultivated acre at Oak Grove with nearly a dozen fine hearine; fruit trees; good four-room frame house with sleeping; porch, never-failing well. The place is well fenced. Would make a cbarming home. Must be sold this week; $1700. with 500 cash, easy payments. Phone- Main 5B24. RALPH HARRIS CO., 27 Chamber of Commerce. HERB IT IS: Only three miles from Washington St. The soil can't be beat. The road is perfect, year round. There is spring and running water. There are buildings and orchard Listen, 8.56 acres for S450O. terms Might trade for Portland home. Iaring & McReynolds, 615 Couch bldg. NBAR MULTNOMAH. PRICE ONLY 2250. Over H-acre of fine land and good 6-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed, etc Lots of fruit and ber ries. Close to Capital highway. $1000 will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 805 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. i'or Sale Basmesa Property. WEST SIDE. SOxlOO COR.. 2-STORY NEW BRICK BUILDING. 4 FLATS, n.MS LOCATION FOR BUSINESS, GOOD CAR LINE; PRICE WITH TERMS $45,000. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. 818 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. 5O0O. 50x1 0O lot. one 4-room, one 5-room: 19th audi Overton ms. West side; must sell at once. See owner. 325 Ry. Exch. buildlnc. INCOME, res. and business property for sale or traoe lor improeo. tariu uiuse iu. AC 313, Oreg-onian QUARTER block. Nob Hill apt., or busi ness corner. uwncr. tiawy. .o-o. lor Sale Acreage. FINE GARDEN LAND. At the edge of the city on good mac adamized auto road. 6-cent car fare. City water. 3 acres of the finest gar den land, all under cultivation. Elec tric and telephone wires to the place. Small house on the place. Price --'0. 470 cash. Personally inspected. Mish ler. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bids. GOOD LOGANBERRY LAND. 10 seres located H mile from the Red Electric line: all under cultivation; ded icated road to the place; half mile from graveled road; close to gootl school, both high and grade: price 1000 cash. The owner will show you Hie land any time, if given several days' notice. This land is located northwest of Salem. Or. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. HUDSON ACRES. Light, gas. Bull Run water, close In. goad car service; a few left. One acre in lull-bearing raspberries at a bargain. R. E. MENEFEB & CO.. 418 Railway Exchange Bliifi. Main 4035. 12-ACRE suburban home, .loining city limits of Gresham, all in high state of cu.tivation. good variety of fruit and berries; 6-room plastered house, modern plumbing, hot and cold water, private water system, fine barn, silo and out buildings: the place is worth S500: owner's price. C50: the buildings alone are worth the price asked; terms. Kridyr-Elklngton. Greshajn. Or. ONLY 30 MILES TO PORTLAND. Choice acreage close to Columbia river and highway at Columbia city; any size tracts, good rich soil, no rock or gravel, easy clearing, good roads and water, thriving farming- community, every inducement to settlers, low prices, easy terms. Can accept some trade. Johnson, ,. INTERSTATE LAND CO., S48 Stark St. i0 Af'RES, all in cultivation. H mile from rrirrw.!- A a . u hflai,!(ltm ! K Email creek, 'runs through one comer. This tract is beautnuuy locatea uu .,uiv .. i-- D finA nunrrv home, or is nrst- cUss for general farming. Owner wishes to make a quick saie or m for Portland Heignis nome. TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. finpSHAM FARMS. All kinds of farms with stock, crop and equipment, near Gresham; suburban home, chicken ranches. berry farms, acreage- we have some exceptionally good bargains to offer in 2. 5. 7. 10, 12. O 30 40 and SO-acre places, well im proved, located on finest roads in Oregon. KR1DKR & ELK1NOTON. Gresham. Or. $3100 FOR beautiful 4-room bungalow near Union ave. and Woodlawn bchpol: full cement basement, inea """,",,''-"', , ni . v.in o- .... and electrili, nn shade trees on' lot; this is a brand new houe: V00 cash, balance on monthly payments. . - rt TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. A NICE-COUNTRY. HOME. 10 acres new buildings, nice running stream, large spring, your own water works- have your own trout pond, lovelv shade paved road, three blocks to car line: 40 minutes' ride by car or aulo: price Is low. This Is worth asking about. W. W. Smith. lOli Fourth street, cor. Morrison, room 31. . 5 3H-I00 ACRES on Walnut ave.. Aigaru, nice house, large barn. 1 acre in or chard, berries of all kinds, good well and also creek. The owner la anxious, to sell this and will accept J4..00 on rea sonable terms. Let us talw you out and show you this fine place. TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce 1 ACRE on Oregon electric. 7 miles from Portland: beauliful modern i-room bun galow fireplace, den. all built-in effects. Jement basement, larse orchard, berries o' all kinds, good garage and barn, onlj 3100. eay terms o;;o Chamber of Commero ON B TO Fl VIC-ACRE TRACTS. Close in. choice acreage on new Alder Crest road, south of Milwaukle, con venient car service: 300 per acre up, easy terms. Can handle some trade. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. CAPITAL HIGHWAY. 8 ACRES Famous for loganberries, a sood borne and one of the most prominent corners between Portland and Sherwood. Phone or call for details. GEO. E. ENGLEH A RT CO., Main ti24 Henry Bldg. 50O0 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, fJ per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. A PICKUP. NONE LIKE IT. THEE BIG ACRES AT EASTERN CITY LIMITS. CULTIVATED. TWO FAIR HOUSES. THINK. OF TH E . PRICE, ::T50. PHONE HAAS OR SIMMS. MAIN 6127. 40 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland and 1 mile Irom highway, on gravel road and R. R., creek; some cord wood and im provements. Price $jr00. $ouo cash and auto worth $500 as 1st payment, bal. :i0 monthly. '247, Wash. st. CHANCE to get 100 acres good land is of fered to the right man, capable of enter ing into woodcutting and hauling con tract, covering i years; capital required. C-IAlWI 4 M Jill nvnnU. 5 ACRES at Tonquin, on Oregon Electric; cottage. barn, chicken houses, fruit trees; big bargain for cash. Write owner, R. Schmidt, 702 Claus Spreckeis bldg., San Francisco. FOR SALE 160 acres. Joseph. Or., all level and fenced ; 5-rooro house, cellar, fireplace, good spring, large barn; 94000 half cash. U51 E. 57th at. X. 6 1-3 ACRES, close to Mabery station on Bull Run line; ideal place for summer home; $1100, terms. Broadway 1GC8 209 Oregon bldg. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction; 2-room cot tage ; 1 acre cleared, balance fir grove -92100. terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658. 4 ACRES, all cleared, right at station very best of soil; 2-room shack; 91750' terms. 200 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 5 ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain 507 Spalding bldg. ,n' SACRIFICE Beautiful 19 acres, improved near electric, ouw. uwner ei'cntnxs Tabor 7u.r. 0 ' 16 ACRES FARM LAND TOM ALLEN B131 02D ST. S. E. ' CHOICE 10 acres, improved, just outside city limits. Tabor 20'J6. HALF acres, 71t St.; 2 blocks from Haw thorns car. Owner East 3 5 GO. BEAL ESTATE. for Sale Arrr.tr. CHICKEN RANCH, which Is a real chicken ranch, 2 acres of ground, nicely sit uated on choice corner of Foster road and anohter improved highway. Prop erty is equipped with every facility for chicken raiding, has large barn, brood ing and hatching houses: now has a full Mock of 4O0 full-blooded White Leghorns that go with the place. There Is a full-bearing orchard and much small fruit, berries, grapes, etc. The place must be seen to be appreciated. It will take at least J20O0 ca?h : price $000. For particulars call on BKN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St., and we will be glad to take you out in our car and show you the property. It is one of the best buys we have offered this year. A MODERN fi-ACRE FARM. WITH, EQUIPMENT. Near paved highway on good o ad, 1.4 mile from Oregon Electric station, 1'2 miles from Portland, near Tualatin river. Good 4-room cottage with fireplace, built-lna, electric lights in all buildings, all but H acre In cultivation which is good pasture with spring and running atream, all fenced, good garden with fruit, berries and shrubbery. Thla is equipped with all necessary farm imple ments, pood horse and buKfcy. Price 93750. terms. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. BIG TEN-ACRE BARGAIN. Only 275G buys this fine tract only miles of Multnomah fetation; it lies fine, ta exceedingly rich soil, has good fences on all sides: most of the timber was cut off years ago. making it very easy to clear; there is a fine spring creek which never goes dry. A. real bargain. KASER A RAINEY.' 8G3-6 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602. CHOICE suburban acreage, buildings, sals or trade. Owner. Bdwy. 4tJS3. Homestead Relinquishment. 160 RELINQUISHMENT. 12 cleared; run ning water, house, 1 fine cows, 2 brood sows. 13 chickens. 3-year lease on ad joining ranch; near Eugene; ail for 9000 cash, if taken quickly, a 01 Corbett bldg. Fruit and Nut r&nds. MUST HAVE THE MONEY. A fine opportunity if you have $10,000 cash to get a good paying orchard of over 50 acres, nearly all bearing; prunes, cherries and loganberries a combination insuring against failure. Owner must have $10,000 cash; bal. can run, st 6 per cent. 7 miles out; good roads; house, barn and dryer; sightly place and good income producer. W'rite at once or come down this week. Win. Fleming, 341 State street, Salem. DOUGLAS COUNTY PRUNE ORCHARD. 3-acre prune orchard, lO-acre pear orchard, 10-acre mixed orchard. 6-tunnel prune dryer. 8-room house, 1 mile to railroad; 20 acres, 125 cultivated. 9S0 per acre; $SOO0 cash, balance 91U00 per year at 6 per cent. J. W. Robe-rtson. noy Cham, of Com. bldg., Portland; tt31 N. rid st.. Grants Paes. For Sale -Farms. WHEAT. WHEAT. WHEAT. 14(H) ACRES IX WINTER WHEAT. 2240 ACRES. ALL HIGH-CLASS WHEAT SOIL. There has not been a failure in 20 years on this property; average In that time has been 25 bushels to the acre ; some years produced 50 buahels to the acre. There is not a wante foot on the 2240 acres; level, all worked by tractor and combine; 2 beta of buildings; fine wa ter at each. All crop goes to buyer, including full equipmen t for place ; possession at once if desired. 75-horwe caterpillar tractor, latest model thresher combine, horses, tools, etc.. etc. Private elevator on place, big saving in sacks; R. R. shipping point only 3 miles. A wonderful layout for 970 per acre. Adjoining land sells for 9100 per acre. No incumbrance. Will take equipped stock ranch for al, ur part. MacIXNES & PRATT, 41T Board of Trade bldg.. P o rtland. Or. HOME OF CLOVER AND CORN. UMPQUA VALLEY". From 1 acres of this SO-acre farm was sold 9-00 worth of clover seed ; 14 acres of corn yielded an average of 75 bushels an acre. IT'S THE SOIL AND CLIMATE. LONGEST GROWING SEASON IN OREGON. This property is 3 V2 miles from, a good town on the S. P. ; 5 acres are In cultivation. acres timber, 40 acres bottom land, sandy loam soil; 16 acres in clover, 10 acres wheat. 10 acres oats, 5 acres orchard, prunes and apples, 3 years old. New house of T rooms, not quite fin ished. Insured for 91"(): new hip-roof barn with silo, cost 92000; line spring and creek; . acres may De irrigated With place goes 6y cows horses. I brood sows. IO pigs. Price only 9S000, terms bait cash. CAN VOU BEAT IT? M acl N N KS & PR A TT. 413 Board of Trade bldg., Portland. Or 167-ACRE WASHINGTON CO. FARM FOR ONLY 9SO0O. North of Hilleboro. 1 mile from R. R 17 acres under cultivation. 35 creek bot tom, of w hich 35 has been clashed and coated : can be cleared at very little cost : SO fenced and cross-fenced ; two million ft. ol timber, county cruise, ana onlv 1 mile to nidinz on Co. road : 8- room 3 Vfe -storv bungalow, plastered and finished downstairs, all modern built in fixtures, fireplace, water piped to house from spring; lamiiy orcnara 01 lOO trees. Read carefully what goes with this; Good team, harness and Wag on, plow, harrow and small tools, cow and heifer. 45 old goats and 25 or more kids. 32 sheep, will lamb about May I; few chickens. Everything for only 9000, bale cah. can you coat it STEWART & BUCK, :;15 N. W. Bank bldg. BARGAINS 20 acres, 4 cultivated: 5-room house, outbuildings, bearing orchard ; 1 mile of Buxton ; 9150. terms. 1 0 ACRES near Forest Grove: two million feet timber, running water; tine soil : 9-0 per acre, easy terms. 10O ACR KS northwest Forest Grave; 20 cultivated ; crop, good house, barn, outbuildings, orchard , creek, spring, wa ter piped to house: one million feet tim ber, team. 1 o cattle, sow, chickens, im plements; $5000. terms. 40 ACRES near town and highway: improved, fenced, good house, bat h. toi let, hot. cold water, piped to buildings, barn. garage. outbuild In gs, orchard, stock, implements, hay. grain, house, fur niture; 95OO0. good terms. Might con sider house on this. DUBOIS, 803 Spald ing bids. IS ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND NEWBERG. This place is all under cultivation but 2 acres of fine timber with bruph all cloared out and in pasture; all fenced hog-tight with woven wire; 5 acres in clover. 7 in wheat seeded to clover. 2 acres of new land ready for potatoes. 12 sacks of need potatoes; 1 acre In d i versif ied orchard : (rood 5-room house, larse barn and outbuildings. With this goes 7 tons of hay. some straw, mill feed and enough grain to feed chickens for a vear: 70 White Leghorn hens, 2 Holstein cows. 2 hogs, 1 Beman. 4-horse tractor. 40 ricks of Itt-inch wood, all small tools, everything complete for K500. half cash. We will bo pleased to show this any time. , STEWART A BUCK. 315 N. W. Bank bldg. SIXTT-EIGHT acres In the best fruit belt In Chebalem valley, 34 acres In cultiva tion and 10 acres in prunes, 4 acres just coming into bearing. 22 acres In oats, balance oak and pasture land, fair 6 room house, good barn, workshop and granary, spring water, R. F. D. on good g ra v el roa d, only 2 miles from the new New berg and Yamhill highway. mile to school: 2 cows, some young stock and farm implements; aleo crop. This place is offered at a very reasonable price of 9 HOMO, half cash, and good terms on bal ance. Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth st. 100 ACRES WITH GOOD PRIOR WATER RIGHT. 00 acres good stand of alfalfa, balance all cleared and can be seeded to alfalfa this season, potatoes or grain; fenced and cross-fenced ; all ditches In and ready for use: 4-room house, barn, ga rage and other outbuildings, all in good shape. This place if located near Bend. Oregon, and is one of the good producers of that section. Price is 9100 per acre, on extra good terms. Will ronsider a good home up to 95000 and $3500, bal ance time at 6 per cent. In thickly set tled community with good roads and all conveniences. Good reasons for selling. STEWART & BUCK, r.15 N. W. Bank bldg. SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO. Alfalfa farms. good water fights. Some fully equipped and ready to crop. Prices from 975 per acre up. Including aAipr rlcht. Come and see us for full particulars about . this famous alfalfa country. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. GOOD 80-acre irrigated farm, one mile from good town, sunny southern Idaho, 97500. including good water right. Ad joining farms held at $200 per acre and up and no better land or water than this one. t our opponunuv. j on nnun, INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. rHtnKPW FRUIT. GARDEN" RANCHES. rear Portland. $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. Hcrarnnq. jtj raiimn mug. 11 ACRE'S, 975 DOWN. Near sta. on S. P. electric, soma cleared. Employment near by. 91100 $75 down. Draper ,401 Board of Trade LOGGED-OFi" lands. $10 acre d; running water, good soil. tillable: employment; aay terms. J. R. Sharps. S3 3d st. 40 ACK r-a, ciose in. w per acre ; part) v cleared; near highway; all tillable; cola springs, morgan, -i- .x rixst su REAL ESTATE. DAIRY FARM. 3G0 ACRES, FCX.LT STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Twenty-trwo miles from Portland, on the state high-wa v, on-half mile from railway station; JiK) acres in high state of cultivation, balance good pasture. partly cleared; "0 acres In fall grain. 4M acres In good stand of alfalfa, which is under irrigation; tne waier for this irri gation js taken from a live stream on the place without any cost; 30 head of Jer sey cows, 15 yearling heifers. 40 head of hogs, 6 good horses. 75 head of sheep ; good seven-room house, machinery shed, large new barn 80x120; this barn has modern equipment for 80 head of cows and storage for 2O0 tons of hay: three large silos that will hold about 30 tons of ensilage; has a complete creamery equipment. The owners of this ranch wish to retire and will give immediate possession. Cali and see us we will snow it at any time. WAKEFIELD FRIES A. CO., 85 4Lh St. TOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In central Albert and Saskatchewan ara rich park lands open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford ex cellent shelter for stock. Hers grata growing, dairvlng and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. Th country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific Railway Is offering a large are of these fertile lands in Lloyd minster and Battleford districts. Thin fertile land will becoms the horn of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows ths world's prize wheat. Near Lloydminster the world's prise oats have been grown, and butter of ths highest quality is mads. a man can soon become inde pendent on a farm in this district. These lands can be bought now at prices averaging about 918 an acre. Ton pay down 10 per cent. If land Is pur chased under settlement conditions, no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then 16 annual payments. Interest is 6 per cent. U. E. THORNTON, Supc of Colonization, Canadian Pacific Railway, 970 First street, E. Calgary, AlbHftS. ALL SEEDED TO CROPS. 63 acres. located miles from the electric depot and one good graveled road: 17 miles from Portland : 50 acres of this land in crop. 12 acres of pas ture; good fences; 2 acres orchard; good buildings, consisting of barn, granary, chicken house, house and two wells. s mile to school. This place is well stocked and has compete line of equip ment. Mail route from Oregon City and all rural conveniences. Mis hie r. with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. A CHOICE VALLEY FARM. 242 acres extra choice level land In the famous French Prairie district. Ma rlon county, Oregon. 2S miles Portland, .4 mile electric railway station and town; 180 acres in crop, 15 acres good timber, 20 acres easy to clear, 27 acres pasture, springs, wells, 8-room house, barns, silo, outbuildings, family orchard, on main road, price $4500: this is one of the best farms in al! Oregon ; this land is suitable for hops, loganberries, potatoes, fruit, grain and othtr crops; immediate possession. H. M. GATEWOQD A CO., 165H 4th St. WELL-EQUIPPED PLACE. 40 acres, located on the main rocked road, which will be paved this season ; 2 miles from good town. Ciackanias county, Oregon; ;12 acres under cultiva tion ; all can be cultivated ; 7 acres standing timber and pasture ; large or chard and 100 bearing prune trees; good fences; 6-room house, spring and well, barn, chicken houses ; close to school. Price 9"O0. with 91500 cash. Personally inspected. Mishler. with JOHN FER GUSON, Gerlinger building. , 176 ACRES, in Gilliam county and on the Shutler flats, 4 miles from elevator; 1100 acres under plow. 4oO acres now in crop; place rents for 9;i5O0 cash rent; fully equipped with 45-horsepow er Holt cat erpillar tractor, 2 12-ft. seeders, 2 3-bot-tom 16-lnch plows, 6 harrows, ii wag ons and small tools. Place is all farmed with machinery, no stock ; good 5-room house, fair barn ; all fenced ; 940 per acre with eq uipment . If you want a wheat farm in the best of wheat belt look this up. Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth st. SOUTHWEST OF BEAVERTOX. SO acres, located on good road; all good land and under cultivation; good 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; all in fine shape. Price 36520, with equipment ; fine young team and har ness, sulkey plow, disc harrow, spike tooth harrow, w agon, 3 cow s. 00 chick ens. Half cash. This is a fine farm in good locality. Personally inspected. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. CHICKEN or fruit ranch of Hi acres, nearly all in cultivation; 4 acres prunes and some small fruit; good 7-room house, 2 stories; fair barn, city water at gate, telephone and daily mail ; 2 horses. 2 cows and some implements. This is the best of fruit or berry land and located close to city and one of our largest canneries In the slate. Price is only 355O0; good terms. In the New berg district. Hesgard, with COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth st. MONEY MAKING ORCHARD. ThiMy-three acres in beat part of Hood River, 22 acres in splendid old irees of best varieties, 4 acres alfalfa, al! irri gated, making 95O0O a year at low ap ple prices; most beautiful homes! te io Hood River; large modern house with every city convenience: buildings,' tools, gardens, gra pes. st ra w ben les evt ry thing. Send for full description, or nave a look. 925,000, leas agent's 5. Terms. Phone 4634, Hood River, Or. S. S. SMITH. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it win pay you to see me before buyinir. I can save yoa money. I have some 600 fine faruis; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it cosis you nothing, bee -or write to me. A. O. BENDEP., RITTKR. LOWE A CO.. 201-7 Board ol Trade Bldg. 160 A CRES. 5 miles west of Car! ton ; 75 acres in crop (oats and wheat . balauce in good fir timber. This is rolling land, th best of soil, fred shot. lies fine and easily, worked ; good new 5-room house, fair barn : spring water, alno crtf-k; 1 good team. ;i cows. S Poland China hogs. 1 sow. all farm machinery. This land is on good rock road and in one of our best farming districts. The price is only 9I-"'0O cash. Hesgard, with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth st. FAR FOR SALE Price H0O0; half cann, balance time; 30 acres. 12 acres cleared. 7-room house, large barn, chicken house, 6 miles North Battle Ground, Washing ton. 3 miles from railroad, good school, some farm tools, and cow; stove and miscellaneous articles included. Must sell to settle estate. GEORGE O. DAVIS, Attorney-at-Law, Suite 201 U. S. National Bank bldg. Vancouver, Wash. 12!. ACRES adjoining city limits of Hills boro; all under cultivation; 10 acres sown to fall grain ; good 7-room house, with built-ins. electric lights, city water, family orchard and berries, good barn, 1 Holstein cow. team, wagon and har ness, farm implements, chickens, about 9 tons of hay; must sell on account of illness; 90000; terms. Owner, W. I. Hinkle, Hillsboro, Or., R. fi. Box 9. Phone 2S07. FARM 20 A., f cleared, balance easv clearing; fenced: good hpuse, orchard, cloe in; lies good, no rock; 92JOO, cash. 3 0 A.. 5 cleared, all fenced, good 4-room house, fair barn, orchard, o cows, small tools, on main road ; no rock ; 31600, H cash. Phone Saudy 67 or write Go. Beers. 100-ACRB ranch for sale. 4 miles south of Clatskanie, sdoui ju acres cleared, sec ond growth timber, 6-room house, sev eral outbuildings, orchard, cattle, etc.. good place to raise strawberries; 95000, for sale on terms. Marie Quef lantrer, Clatskanie Heights. Clatskanie, Or Box 211. THREE RIVERS IRRIGATED LAND Kennewick, 10 acres, $125 per acr. Pasco. 10 acres, 350 per acre; larger tracts, similar prices; terms. Write for 1020 booklet of bargains. "You need the money I save you." Hover, 512 Selling oiQg. aiain vi. IMPROVED 60 acres, 6M miles from Eu gene, on highway, 3600O. Take city property or grocery stock to 93O00, bal ance cash, or what have you? AV 648, Oregonian FOR SALE 10 acres at Mosler. Or. 6 acres cleared. 2 acres 3'oung orchard, good house, small barn, chicken house: place all fenced. Price $2000. By owner. Woodlawn 2314. 11 ACRES AND 4 ROOMS. House all furnished, on electric line and hard surface highway. , m In. walk to sta. Price 320O0. $550 down. DRAPER, 401 Board of Trade. 60 ACRES, divided i 10-acr tracts; 28 acre clear, bal. timber; 12 miles from Portland; rich soil; bargain. 900tH). CHAS. J. MEITNER, Olmitz. Kansas. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Rosaier Stockton. Cal, BEAL ESTATE, lr &ade 1 arms. FULLT EQUIPPED COUNTRY HOME ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 40 acre, all tillable, most all In cultivat ion fenced and cros fenced; bet 01 water, almost level, family orchard. 75 Italian prune trees all in bearing, good house, completely furn ished with f irt clas furniture cmif-tlnc of brass beds, kitchen ranee, heating stove, dining table, buftet. kitchen cab inet, rugs, shades and cooking utensils, large barn, fully equipped dairy, machine shed. chicken house and park, woodhcd extra , good heavy span of marcs. 6 Rood " dairy cowj, 3 calves, 3 brood sows. 3i chickens, cream separator. 2 plows, mower, rake, harness, spike I tooth harrow, fanning mill, wason and all small tools, feed and scad. 15 acres now seeded to crop, that is exceptionally good land, no rock or gravel, only it mile from small railway town; 10 miles from Van couver on paved highway. Price 9U500; half cash. THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE. THIRD AND MAIN STS., VANCOUVER. WASH. 172 ACRES on two electric lines and Pa cific highway. 7 miles west of Port land; 12 acres best teaver dam, balance almost beaverdam, all in high state of cultivation and thoroughly tiled and equipped with one 7-room and one 4 room house, large barn, concrete build ing, working cabin, large chicken house and running water. This place has an established horse radish business which will pay for the place In a few years and owner will teach purchaser business. Land will also raise asparagus, onions, celery, rhubarb, etc. No agents. AL Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATK. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. fWE SEED IT TODAY.) S69 HOMES SOLD LAST YEAR. Nine homes sold in one day. March 13; 3 OO homes sold since January 1, 1920, THK McGITIRK SYSTEM brings results. Your home is sold If listed with us. Deal with; an old relia ble firm. FRANK L. McGUIRE personally Inspects, appraises and pho tographs your property. We display all photographs in a conspicuous place In our large snow rooms, which are contin ually crowded with live homo ouyers. Fourteen exoerienced salesmen with au tos to work on the sale of your home. . FRANK L. McUUKK. Ablnglon bldg. . Main 1068. Established 1RP0. Successor to H. D. McGuIre Co. -FORTY YEARS OF SERVICE." PELL YOUR HOME. We want at once a 5 or 6-room bungalow; must be modern and in good location w-ith full lot . not over $5000. Phone Main 5624. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 627 Chamber Commerce, WE HAVE CAP H buyers for small farms from 10 to 100 acres: let us turn your land into casn : we also have a fine Portlanld home to trade as part payment on a good 40 seres; list with us at once. We can sell farms. DARING A Mc REYNOLDS. 615 Couch Bldg. Main 6054 IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list Tour houta with me. I sell houses only and nave, many buyers. All listings will be giveii proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARKINEIt, . RITTEit, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prosperous, pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from 93000 to $6000 in good dis trict. Phone, write or can. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522 HAVE many buyers for west side houses, fDMtniiv between Sheridan and Madi son streets : handling west aide property Is my specialty; your house is for sale; call and see me. John binger, 40 Cham t-er of Commerce bldg. Main S47S. HOUSES WANTED. We have added a house department and are pleased to have your property If it Is for sale. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. ; LOTS WANTED. We have several people that will build their own home, if they can be suited in location and price of the ioC John Ferguson, Gerlinger oidg. WE HAVfe a list of purchasers for flats 9150,000. List your property with us. ti u mniui. fii i'f Main 6252." 322 Abi'ngton Bldg. I HAVE a new Velio car and a good lot and some cash for a home. Prefer the Waverly-Richmond district. Call East 2VS. WANTED For cash, a 6 or 7-room house, in or near Laureihurat ; must be modern and che-an tor cash. Owners only. w 85js. Oregonian. WILL buy lot suitable for warehouse site if price right ; must have trackage ; do not object to east side location; give location and price. vrcguman riKir nH mi irk Vleal for barcain in mod ern bunsalow In good location. Submit complete details to A. K. Hill. 21o Lu bermens bide. wanted-Small buncalow near high and grade tchools and car; not exceeding 2700 : S.11HJ flow n anu u per muuiu No agents. AL bOl, oregonian. I HAVE from 9504)0 to 920.0OO cah to in vest in small apartment houses or flats owners only. AM 326, Oregonian WANTED Best Irvington home, not to exceed 95500; must be modern. AL S96, Oregonian. PRIVATE party wants 5-room ounga ow large lot; for cash only. Owners only A B 371, Oregonian. OVERLAND PO for modern 6-room housi equity: Hawthorne or Laurelhurut; mus be cheap. AC :J0K, Oregonian. wil l, nav rh for 5 nr 6-room buncalow In desirable location; no inflated values and no agents. Tabor iK-n. WANTED Modern house In restricted dls trict. F. H. Dcshon. Main ne. Wanted to Rent Farm. I HAVE two clients wanting to rent farms of 100 to 3O0 acres. They will purchase stock, crops and equipment. They mean business. Write me if you want, to sell out. A. G. FENDER, RITTE It. LOWE A CO.. Sol-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. K V exoerienced farmer and poult r. man married, rmull place with buildings, close to railroad, with work near by, not over 30 miles f rom Portland. Owners only. AP 86, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. SO ACRES, near OreRon City; 17 culti vated; bui'dings, orchard, stream; sea son's rent X2O0 ; sell tor 96MH) and ac cept residence part payments. Evenings, Tabor 7055. HOOD RIVER 25 acres, house, partly furnished r barn, orchard. " pears, appies, cherries, garden, hay, pasture; 940O cash. Frank McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. TIMBER LANDS. 9x10 SEATTLE DONKEY. 1200 feet of 1-Inch line, 2M1 feet of 4-Inch line, all necessary blocks, chockers, yardcrs and small tools; price S2000. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. TO EX t HANG F REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE a modern 7-room bungalow at $5000. clear, to trade on a fiiv home up to 910.0OO. pee us at once. DA RING A McREYNOLDS. 614-615 Couch bldg. Main 6054. WILL trade 914.O00 equity in well im proved wheat ranch for town property .ir bank stock; necessity compels quick deal: a bargain for some one. Owner, .1 1 57, Oregonian. 5 ACRES of genuine cranberry land In proven district, can be used for onion culture: will trade for first payment on house and lot or flat building. AC 360. Oregonian. 30 ACRES, 2 miles E. Oregon City. 100 prune trees, 12 fruit, 5 timber, 2 springs, building: cash or small apartment. Phone 213-06. WILL GIVE GOOD AUTO AS FIRST PAY MENT ON HOUSE. DARING & McREYNOLDS. 615 COUCH BLDG. MAIN 6054. WANT house and lot ; have 5 acres of genuine peat land as first payment; might put in rome cash. AE 371, Ore gonian - ZO ACRES fine land near F.eaverton. all in cult., except .oout 4 acres ; will sell at sacrifice; $2000 will handle. AP 326. OreRonian. IMPROVED 160 acres. 35 miles from Grangeville. Idaho, for Alberta or Sas katchewan land. H. Sparber, Blackstone hotel. Portia nd. THREE stores, 8 living room, rented $58 per month: exchange for Portland prop erty or merchandise- Owner, 325 Ry. Exch. bldg. C ROOMS and garage, full lot. exchange for acre with house, close in. J. J. Fisher. Afternoon Tabor 2634. FOR SA LE or trail e. 5 acres, fenced. 4 miles est; 2-R. house. V. E. Clow, Ta bor 6493. TO KX CHANGE REAL' ESTATE. PRICE'S EXCHANGES. 2f-acre farm, best bottom land. miles from Olympia. Wayh.;-10O acres under cultivation, remainder past u re ; one large, modern house, one cott ge. barns, granaries, garages and outbuild ing ; 25 best grade Holstein cows, some registered, one registered bull. 4 heavy farm hordes and all kinds of farm ma chinery: has two large silos and ensi lage, hay and grain to carry stock an ! seed; tltis farm adjoins outrange and has a living stream through it. All tor 927. 0nO; one-half In income property would be taken. This is a genuine farm buv. Sft-room frame apartment In Olympia, with $vo worth ot furniture to trade for suburban: here; only S5oo. 200 acres S miles f rtm Olympia, on Olympic highway, near the sound : 1 50 acres alder bottom soil, best of potato and berry land; can all be irriKated by three small etreams through the land; has S-room modern house, barn and out buildings; $ jo hi worth of timber; priced at S 14. uOO; will take alfalfa or stock ranch. See us for trades. B. M. PRICE & CO., 2oo Henry Bldg. TO EXCHANGE A choice 230-acre Wil lamette valley larm, in tne neart or tne hop and berry district, one mile electric, S miles to tood city, 30 miles Portland, 135 acres cultivated, 60 acres virgin lim ber, b3C market in valley for wood: fair farm buildings; possession Oct. 10. l2t. Price $45,ooo; would take trado for 920,000, $5000 cash, balance long time at low Interest: will consider any good property to $2o.OO0. This Is a choice place and platted into five-acre tracts, ripe for the .narkeu Address AV 553, Oregon! un. EXCHANGE. I have a 93ooO equity in a 7-room bungalow and a 4-room cottage to ex change f or - a modern 5-room, bungalow on west side. S-room modern home valued at 9S000 for close in income property. See Mr. Christenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. SPECIAL opportunity Beautiful 1 5 acres. near Vancouver; well lmprovea, laeai location. $4000: also 10 near Creswell and Eugene. 6- acres commercial or chard ; good buildings; $4000; for Im mediate sale accept residence, automo bile, cheap lot on either. Owner, 141 K. 60th N. Evenings. Tabor 7055. FOR SALE or trade for Portland. 6-room close-in residence. " acres, nigniy cui ti vatcd, 1 acre In crop, balance in bearing fruit and berries: 5-room semi-modern shingled house, large garage and chicken houses: located on Big Red car line. Price $3200. Must be sold this week. Address box 27, Huber. Or. 160 ACRES of land, 8 miles from Coeur d Aiene cltv, Idaho, for sometning near Portland. Main 10- TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. I HAVE a late model Overland touring. This is a dandy car and ready for busi ness. Will take piano as part payment. Bdwy. 3411, ask for Kelly. WANTED Man to excavate part base ment in exchange for first-class dental work in evenings. Mar. 900. Tabor 73SS. W I LL trade some good young horses and some fresh cows for late model automo bile. 8H6 Powell valley. FOR SALE. Honr. Vehicles. Livestock. 70 HEAD DAIRY COWS. T am offering for sale my entire herd of grade cows. This Is probably the best herd of grade milk com s in the state, having only good ones in the herd; the cuiH have been weeded out. This Is a splendid opportunity to stock up. w hen most of them are ml Iking heavy and ready to go on the grass. Holstein, Jer sey, Guernsey anj Durham. Address BF 302, Oregonian. FOR SALE 250 young ewes. almost lambed out, 75 wethers: 125 Angora nan nies, about 50 with kids; will sell any number at reasonable price ; 1 mare. 1 stallion, both registered; English Shire, 4 and S years old. weight 1700 each. 6 miles from Sifton, Wasn., P. O. Add less Orchards. R. 1-116. G. L. Basye. FOR SALE. S teams of good young horses and . mares, weight lOO to 1500 lbs.. 5 to 7 y is. old, some well-matched teams : all horses guaranteed as represented. Fi ee trial allowed. Sanitary Stables, 060 Union ave. S.. ccr. Stephens st. L. Glass. FOR PALE 2 good young farm teams, weight 2300 and 260O pounds: one black horse 5 years old. weight 1400 lbs.; one mule 9 years, sound and good worker in every way. price $65; wagon and harnee-s for all. Woodstock car to Powell, 3 blocks east to S'.W. MUST SELL this week; have team big brown mares. 6 years old, weigh 33U0; sound and" good workers ; alto small team with or without their harness. Call at once Creston Warehouse Stables. 5oth and Powell Valley. TWO good young family vows, one Jersey and one Holstein; one just frexsh with caif ; one coming fresh Moon : awfully good ranch team, harness and wagon, very reasonable. Take Woodstock car to Powell. 3 blocks earn to M6, 4-TBARS-OLD Percheron team; half bro ther and sister, weight 2S00 ibs; none bp iter; harness and wagoc ; a iso fine young Holstein cow to freshen soon: must sell. Woodstock car to 34th; & blocks south to red barn. DANDY little pair of sorrel mares, about 2100 pounds: -the best little team in Portland; will demonstrate thein In every way. They are a barg aln at 9150. Call 203 Russell st.. one block webt of Williams ave. TEAM of well matched black horses. 5 and 6 years old, weight 27oo lbs., guar anteed found and good workers every way ; gentle for an one to handle. Call quick for bargain. 759 Powell valley road. Hawthorne avenue car. MUST BE SOLD by the foth, my 5 jcood young teams, all sound and in good con dition ; can be seen be lore 7 - A. M. or after 5 P. M. at Cochran barn, St- Johns. Ask for Mr. Fiayner. O. T. STABLES. 17th and Kearney sts., 20 good young hordes and mares, some well matched, teams weigh from J 200 to 1800; every horse sold with a guarantee. G. D. Williamson. HA V E rented my place, want to ell mix head of cows, one bull; also 30 hogs and pies. Will sell all or part. W. S. King. New Era, Or. FOR SALK-j Two tels (including collars) light and double harnc:':, in good con 0 ition : J or tsalc at right pricu. Jewel Tea Co., Inc., 21 South Grand. GOOD tdx-holo cook stove, 98: Charter Oak heater. 97. ?0; oak extension table, $4; gas plate, $l.5o; iron bed. spring and matirpMS, $9. 34 East Wash. FOR SALE 3 good farm or brood mares, weight 1200 to 14O0 lbs., 4 to 10 years old. Good Investment for farmer or raiser. Taylor st. tdock). 3-YEAR-OLD Guernsey-Jersey cow, frenh one month sro; giving 3 gallons of rlrh mi lt per day; price 9110. 4122 73d st S. E. FIRST-CLASS saddle marc. 7 ears old, weight IOOO lbs., saddle and bridle all for 975. 4122 7:d st. S. E. WE BUY and aell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Phelan Land A Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bldg. WANTED Team or large hordes for feed and care and buy later. 134 Division. Tabor 3643. YOUNG ranch team, weight 2600 pounds, cheap. 29th and Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. DEA D stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukle 69-J for results. 2 POLAND-CHINA pigs weight 60 lbs. each, exchange for B. 11. or W. L. layinjf urns. n n 1 ii 1 c FOR SALE Young fresh cow and caif 29th and Powell Valley road. W oodstock car. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co., Wood lawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. MUST sail one pair of mares. 2400 lbs bargain. 1967 E. Stark st. Trial allowed! WILL take stock In pasture. Roth Kiendler. Troutdal. Or. FOR SALE Prize-bred registered Chester wnne spring pigs. r . uuer, Sheridan Fiance, Organs ana Musical Instrument. WM. RAAB, piano tuner, player-piano ex pert; many years foreman Sherman-lay A Co.. wiih Haiold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yam. hill st. Phone Automatic 532-S4 GRA FO N O LAS Rent a large cabinet Grafonola with records, cheaper than owning a machine and buying your own records. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. TRADE in your piano for a new, first-class talking machine. Wiley B. Allen Co., Morrison st. at Broadway. ' WILL exchange bich-grade talk ins; ma chine for good used piano. Wiley U Allen Co.. Morrison st. at Broadway. FOR SALE New player piano. Including 75 rolls; will aell cheap for cash. Tabor 2303. 185 UPRIGHT piano, walnut, a fine practice instrument. Seiberling-Lucaa Muidc Co., 125 4th St. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill St. SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3M YAM H I LL. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. !Oc pe Toll. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. XKA RLY n w 9175 golden oak diamond disc Edison, records. $1 10. Mar. 39S3. WANTED Ooori piano; can be old U nice tor.e. Main 3S64 today. ROUND Ste art phonoffrph, ideal for boa tin 5. Cal 1 East 1 0G9. FOX &ALE. rianow, Orgajsa and Musical lostrumeoiU. St;7i'.yTY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. t'-l K,mball Upright, nearly new ...,$21e poo Steger A Sons' fine mahogany . . 3;3 4:5 Mallet A Davis Upright lWi t', ?oM Co. Paris Uprtglit 75 - 0 Collard A Collard Upnghi 60 - S00 Mendenhall modern Player Piano 395 3 Parlor Organs, $25. $.15. 9 15 to $55. " e store your piano for 75c monthly. c.rTuy and el1 Pianos only for cash. SKt URIT STORAGE CO.. 10.i loth St. JlT received and put on sale a beautiful mahogany case, genuine Weber pianola Player piano ith 45 selections of player rolls and nice combination bench to match. Cost new, $1 IOO. Owner will sacrifice for just half, for all cash or l.bcrty bonds, or for a small additional charge, will make easy terms. Onlf 920 a month. See this Monday at Ore gon Eilers Music House. 287 Washington fviow om. ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. ,v. w factory, rebuilt and used pianos. . $00 Steger Wax Circassian Walnut . .$M5 'o Steger dull mahogany 465 soti Steger Mission oak 435 tMt Steinway Sons Upright 435 00 Hoi-art M. Cable mahoganv A.. 2l5 6:0 Steger upright grand oak.... 4fi" t.0 Thompson large UpriKht SOS Others for $105. 9235, $265. $1190. etc. Terms $6, $. 910. $12 to $IS monthly. SlHWAN PIANO CO.. 10th & Stark St. NICE-TONED Estey orsan, in very best condition ; cost new. i0. Will sacrifice for $37.50. Also nice Mason- & Hamlin cottage organ for only $25. and a Kim ball only $40. These and alto others. Oregon Eilers Music House, 2&7 Waah- ington st., below 5th. PIANO BARGAINS. 91S5 and up; good upright piano bar gains, fully guaranteed; Victor, Smith A Barnes, Willard, Holmes. Ivy and others. Seiberiing-Luoas Music Co., 125 4Ux St.. between Washington and Alder. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. 9200 new Vlctroia and record outfit to trade for used piano: our proposition will please you. Selberling-Lucas Musie Co., 1U5 4th st. Main 8536. Between ashington and Alder sts. NIL mahogany case Hardman piano in line condition; will take less than one half value if sold at once, and sell on terms 950 cash, balance 96 a monts. e it at Oregon Filers' Music House, W'as-hington, below Fifth. VOCALION ORGAN. 2 manual with electric motor, Just the organ lor church or moving picture house; make us an offer. Seiberling Lucas Muic Co., 15 4th st. OWNER will sacrifice $195 to sell imme diately, beautiful modern oak case, gen uine Schuman piano, actual value new 9.2o. On display at Oregon Eiicra Music House. 287 Washington st., below 5th. PLAYER PIANO-SNAPS. We hae several player piano bargains, fully guaranteed. See them. Selberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4ttu, between Al der and Washington sts. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctroia and records; our proposition will please you. Selber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 85 H6. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos: get our prices. Sieberlins Lucas Prano Co.. 125. 4th st. Main 8586. COLUMBIA cabinet grafonola including records and needle clipper, 963. good as new. Cali 1252 E. Aider, between 42d and 43d. FOR SAKE PRACTICALLY NEW LIN DEMAN A SON PIANO AT A BAR- NiW 92iO mahogany cabinet phonograph for 91o0; mutft- be seen to be appre ciated; please do not phone, but call at room 427. Hotel Morris. FOR SALE New 9575 piano, $365. AH 3i2. Oregonian. ROUND Stewart phonograph, hornese; ideal for boating; 910. Call East 1039. NEW PIANO, never been used ery much; will sell z price. Main 103. 2 FRESH cows: 3 heavy springers, froth m few days. 751 East Ash st. furmtuw tor Mut CAN YOU BEAT IT? Pilot Economy steel ranges, brand new, with 4-hoie top. heavv cast iron sanitarv base. oven guaranteed to bake, tine firebox for wood or coal and warming cioset, and the price only 949. 5o. Terms. M1PH FURNITURE CO., lJsS-190 First St. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale at a big bargain, complete outfit for housekeep ing will go cheap if taken at once; have plenty of .fine canned fruit, also good sewing machine, are leaving citv; also the house for rent; no dealers need call. 263 Holladuy ave.. corner of Larrabee. $loto STEINWAY upright piano, $50; Spanibh leather Morris chair, $20: leather chair, 920; o:k screen. 93. 50; good batting. :i5c: imitation leather daven port, half price; gas plate. $3; wood ra n ge, $12: bedsteads, stands, couches. Tabor 3325. FINK mahogany colonial dining table, beautiful mahogany library table, ma hogany and cane bedroom act. mahogany davenport, tea wagon, chairs; also 1 oak office table. I refrigerator; all nearly new. Phone Kast 7828. 8.3x10.3 WILTON rug. $40; gas range. $35.; gss water heater, $10: 2 massive porch chairs, 9-3; 2 leather rockers. 97. 50 each: 1 larse leather mi tail on rocker. 920: bed stead and spring, $7.50; 9 -piece hand painted fa lad net. 91 7.50. East 4105. FURNITURE for 2ale and f.at for reut, 0 rooms, 925. All high-grade furniture including $500 piano; 15 minutes from P. O. $70O takes it: an extraordinary bargain. Main 8245. Mr. Nord, 20O Henry bldg. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California: we can save you money on your freight in our through cars ; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co., 248 Pine st. V ER V fine parlor set. mahogany writ ing desk, oak aining table, couch. 4,tx6V -rug. New Home sewing machine. Owner leaving city. Tabor 47. FOR SALE Wood range and heater, iron bed, springs, dining table, chair, lounge. 2 tmall rugs; leaving town. 1251 E. 11th st. N. SOLD OUT. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD NE CESSITIES FOR SALE AT 651 KOD NEV AVE. COR KNOTT. SACRIFICE Barber chairs, good condi tion; all kinds. Portland Cutlery arni Barber Supply Co., 86 6tb st. near Stark. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Steel and Spruce Div. 31 N. Mb. tt.. beC Burnside and Couch. Bdwy. 2739. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale; all or by piece. 714 S. Princeton at., St. John- or. A NICE oak rocker and a good Morris chair cheap. Call Sell. 093. NEW oak furniture for sale, flat rents for 925 ; cloe In. Main 3456. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. White Leghorns, Reds, Barred Ply mouth Rocks ; strong chicks hatched from best hoganized heavy laying stock; prices reasonubie. C. N. Nedham, Salem, Or. BABY CHICKS. 3000 a week; O. A. C. and Tom Bar ron; get the best while the getting la good. E;gs $1 .50 a setting. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. S'd st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 310T. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hena, the world's greatest lay era Eggs from free-range Hoganized stock only; March chicks. $14 per $100; April. M ay and June, $12.50 per 100. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Petaluma. Cal. PET A LU MA White Leghorns lead the world in egg production; we sell BABY CHIX at $13.50 per IOO during May and June, safe arrival of full count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th sU, Petaluma, Cal S. C. R. I. REDS, good ones, hatching eggs. $2 for 15. or $S per 100. Can make immediate delivery 100 lots. B. A. Mitch ell. Orcnco. Or. LIGHT Brahma hatching eggs, $3 per set ting. 4735 60th fit. S. E. Phone Broad- way 213. 20 R. I. R. pullets. laying, $2.25 each; fine stock. Phone Woodlawn 4bl8. WHITE LEGHORN chickens for sale, egsa for setting. Broad way 154. WANTED Ancona eggs for setting; mut be pure breed. 204 Globe bldg. SETTING hens for saie. 4S-5 04 lq si., Lents. V ogs. Rabbit. Birds. Fes btoek. WE BUY. raise, and sell fur-bearing rab bits, and other fur-bearing animals. List what you have with us. stating your low est prices 011 large lot shipments. The Fur & Specialty Farming Co.. 513-517 N. P. ave.. Fargo. N. Dak. FRENCH spaniel. 4 months Old pup, long black curly hair. Phone Main 7352. 210 6th st. ST. AXDRKASBL'RG roller singers. Call Tabor 5266. FINK young singers, also females for mating. Tabor 1631. 13 r YARDS of star carpet, rcasonaoic. Broadway 15S4.