IS THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. APRIL 6, 102O OR SALE TRCCRS AND TRACTORS. FREE TRIAL ON MOXEI-MAKIXG TRUCKS. Come In and choose your truck. They re all completely overhauled. Put It to work for J 0 days. If you are not satisfied bring It bark and exchange It for any truck In the house. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 3-ton worm-drive Ford, express body $ 600 H-ton White, with cab 1300 IH-ton Federal 000 2-ton Republic 1400 2-ton Reo 600 1-ton Republic, express body..... 750 1-ton Moreland ... 050 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. GRANN1NG & TREECB, 612 Alder St.. Cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. GET THE , , TRUTH ABOUT BUYING OF AUTO TRUCKS FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK IN OREGON. ' SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. DO NOT BUY TRUCKS on representat Ion of salesmen or dealers of so-called easy money, (iood contracts and pay lor trucks in few months or year. Bring us your offered contracts and truck-buying propositions and get the benefits and advice free trom owners and contractors of auto trucks with years of expe rience. PROFIT "BY THE MISTAKES MAUli IN THE PAST AND BEN EFIT BY HELPING US PUT THB AUTO TRUCK. OPERATION IN DUSTRY ON A PAYING BASIS. THE OREGON MOTOR TRUCK HA ULING CONTRACTORS, 201 Worcester Building. . Main -4007. 191S WORM-DRIVE FORD TRUCK. Best of condition, at a snap; terms considered. Ask for Mr. Bergh. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM 120 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 69. 1 ii-TO. truck, first-class condition ; will take light touring car as first payment. This truck can be seen at 5u7 E. Polk St.. St. Johns. 1U-TON Ford truck, large bodv, Just painted, re.idy to run. O-n be seen at 22S N. 14th. GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. 6thand Hoyt. Bdwy. 1586. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR GARAGE. We can build to suit and bave you money: guaranteed to please. Phone Main 4:;.",.V W ANTE D M ISCE LLA NEOU S. WE BUY DIAMONDS. If you need money, see us: we will buv your diamonds for immediate cash nd pay what your diamonds are worth: , any amount; spot cash; no delay. Pawn tickets bought: any jewelry, sold, silver platinum, at full value. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. Private Offices for Ladies. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Licensed by the CityVf Portland. 405 Spalding Bids-. Fourth Floor. . $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone la the city Cor quits, overcoats and shoes. Tile Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 122i. or 2o3 Madison at., Beai 3d st. Will call anywiiere in the city, day or eenlng. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I pay &pot cash and the highest mar Vet value for diamonds. No amount is too large for me to handle. 1 am com missioned by a large diamond concern to buy all the diamonds otiered. My lo cation is downtown and convenient. Ail business is strictly confidential Ernest Deeds. o4U Washington st. Main iJITo. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save 1100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park., bet- Morrison and YamhllL Main 6."29. UP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Wo pay any price lor men s clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 2d iu, N. W. Cor. Wa-h. Main 9344. """ $3.50 UP TO $25 GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY :vj;i2. 245 HUKKSiDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter If broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wash. 1 WANT USED CLOTHINGS We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoais. Call us and you will Set the right cash price fur your goods. 167 1st st.. near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; Will call, day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 201 Madiwn. KV1NRUDE motor with automatic reverse. v ould like to rade Dhonogm ph for. tamo or will py cash if a bargain. Phone Sen wood 1 . WANTED Will pay cash for second-hand safe; give else inside, address and phone. a v aM, ureconiaa. WANTED Tame rabbit skins; will pay from 10 to o" cents each. Phone after 5:34) P. M.. Main 4055. WANTED A second-hand 2-inch drum Bander ; state price and condition. Aico vs orM froauci.a Co.. Albany. Ur, PHYSICIAN will buy surgeon's instru ments and equipment. Call at 77S North rup street. W A NTEI -Two larse tents, suitable for horse barns. Phone 75R M ii waukiti, evenings. WANTED ALL KINDS OF TOOLS. PAY C ASH. MAIN 4495. ll'S FIRST. HIGHEST market price paid for diamonds. H. I- Oliver, 1 22 Second st. 11 -FOOT to 18-foot skiff or work boat. Phone Main 078. WANT a .22 rifle and shotgun. - Main 4415, Ttibor 679. 128 1st. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 oth. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx & Co., 2S.'i Wash. st. ' JUNK, ra gs. pa pr, old clothing, tool a, furniture, metals good prices. B. 51 71. WANTED A second-hand porcelain bath tub. Phone Tabor 5470. Furniture Wanted. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES. ETC., TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE SOS "First St. Main 772s! f A I 1 1 1 V CCTS We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE MAIN 8S78. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash, phone today. Main 4627 or Ifiti First sL REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For wardipg Co.. 8th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL, f Al I JAftrt. 3332. W ANTED"1 Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main 6064. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture- wsmtec. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, ruga. carpets, stoves, and alt household goods, and wlU pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES We also buy and sell bardwtrt, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding- ma chines, and store and office fur niture. When you have any thins; to bay, sell or trade CALL MAIN 8072. LEVIN HARDWARE ' FURNITURE CO. 221-22-2Z5 Front St. , MARSHALL 59SL GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO.. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 1S5 FIRST ST.. PHONE MARSHALL 598L CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THB HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THIS BUI ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 309. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRIC3 FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK FOR MR. ORMANDY. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a. house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. HELP WANTED MAUL WE WANT 15 millwrights at $8, 8 hours, for new construction work; also 10 con struction carpenters at $7, 8 hours. This work near 1 ndependence and Klamath Falls, Or. Write or wire DeLaney's Em ployment Service, 15 North Second st. WAN TED Workn ig foreman or superin tendent for manufacturing department of company making bee keepers' sup plies; steady work and permanent posi tion with up-to-date and rapidly grow ing firm; position requires a high-grade man w ith some experience in manage ment of sim'llar business as well as ac tual machine operation. A. E. Wright & Sons, Nam pa, Idaho. BOYS WANTED, to help on trucks. Ap ply employment bureau, 6th floor Meier & Frank Co. . WANTED J a borer and men to operate punch presses and other machines on reasonable 4ight metal ; permanent po sition and good pay to good live men. Apply in person to superintendent Coast Culvert & Flume Co. YOUNG man steno.. railway office, $106. Lumber stenographer-bookkeeper. $125 $1 50. Printing salesman, city, commis sion. Carbon paper salesman, city, com mission. Revising clerk, railway office, $130. 447 Morgan bldg. LABORERS for out-of-town work; free fare; company goes good for board and room; 50c an hour. 1 pay for Sundays. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldg., bet. An keny and Burn side on 6t h. WOOD turner, one who has had experi ence; must be able to get over the work and do good work, furnish own tools. Applv at once. Oregon Chair Co., 1190 Macadam st. Main 3402. WANTED Five young single men to travel in crew with manager and solicit ; pre fer men from the country; salary and commission. Call at Hotel Oregon after 9 A. M. today. See W. O. Gray. MARRIED man for laundry route; give references or do not answer. AC 329, Oregonian. WHOLESALE house wants young man for clerical work who can operate type writer fairlv well;- chance for advance ment to rigrht party. BC 207, Orego nian. IF YOU DESIRE learning motion picture opernti:? now is your chance. We will accept a few more but will close enroll ments this week. Apply today, 435 Chain -Y.r of Commerce. EXPERIENCED correspondent to furnish monthly letter of about 1500 words to trad1, journal: $10 a month.' Address Western Baker, 821 . Market St.. San Francisco. COOK, small crew, $10; second cook, S90; second cook. $75; pantryman. $75; flun keys, $60; dinner cook, good waes: dishwashers and potwashers, good wages. Lewes Employment. TRUCK driver for 3 -ton Velie truck; must be good driver and live at home; in answering give last place of employ ment and make of trucks driven. BC :i2A, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE ACTORS wanted, men and women, all types, for motion picture work. Blackstone Play ers, 1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Apply between 10 and 12. WANTED 2 teams with drivers. $10 day, for 'work In city; 2 teams, highway con struction work. $45 montti and board. Cal! 270 Burnside. Broadway 4862. WANTED Experienced electrotype fin isher; give references and state wages. Muirson Label & Carton Company, San Jose. Cal. WANTED Man for clerical position; must be fast and accurate at figures; state experience and salary expected and tele phone number. P 145, Oregonian. WANTED -Boy over 16 years old to work in coat room from 6 P. M. to 10 P. M. University Club, 275 Sixth Bt. PEOPLE FOR VAUDEVILLE; EXPERI ENCE UNNECESSARY. AL COTTON, 201-2 RIVOLI THEATER BLDG. WANTED All-around printer who under stands linotype, for country shop; hlffh speed not necessary. AV 554, Oregonian. WANTED Boy for office work. Apply in own handwriting ; references re quired. BD ."SGS, Oregonian. AV ANTED An experienced clothing tales man. C. J. Mathis & Co., 5th and Mor rison. FI RST-CLASS cabinet makers steady work, phonograph factory. Apply E. :tod and Broadway. BARBER WANTED For country, 23 guarantee Miller Barber Supply Co., 22 iid st. CHE.M 1ST, familiar with mfg. of mineral paints, dyes and fertilizer. AL o22, Oregonian. JAP or china boy, cooking, laundry, etc., 4 adults. 7S6 Johnson st. Phone Main 441M. v CO ATM A KERS wanted: good pay for the right want The Victory Tailors. 4W Washington. J A PAN ES E hoy wa n t cd in h ome to h c I p in exchange for room, board, wages. East li.PKKiKt'fcU solicitor, married man and must drive Ford car. 1224 Sandy oivn. t BOY wanted with wheel; opportunity for advancemon t. Lennon's. ,"0i Morrison. WANTED Experienced elevator boy. Mai lory hotel. 171 Lownsdale. W A N T E D Boy to work i:;th and Washington st?. in drug store. COOPERS waniea. tignt work. Annlv W ANTED General reporter at once. Dalles Chronicle, The Dalles. Or. Th. WANTED First-class pants makers. Reed hros., lanurn., w piug. LEARN" the vulcanizing business, or write 158 E. Broadway. Call WANTED--Elevator boy ot man. hotl. Palace WANTED Dishwasher. Woodlawn 2915. 1751 Derby SALESMAN to work with photographer. Konm ,i tan notei. ii-u mornings. KITCHEN poster; must understand firing luniHur. nniju;ii mil notei. PLATEN PRESS feeder; good. Ri'Ie st. Brockman Bros. 329 Burn W A NT ED Young man to work in dairy lunch. SOS Oak st. - TWO live, energetic salesmen. 830 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. W A N T E D M an to run a resa w. can. 66. 240 Salmon st. WANTED First-class coat-makers. Reed Bros., tailors. Wiicox bldg. PAPERHANGER to work spare time for nice 2-room apt. Mar. 3fK3. BARBER WANTED at 304 Burnside at. WAITRESS wanted. 32 Third at. EAKKK HELPER AT 207 4TH ST. " HELP WANTED MALE, 00 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld er tire vulcanizers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers as auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed It after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Iept. 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Kim streets. Spokane. Wash.; 700 Morcier sL, Seattle. Wash 300 TO $500 A MONTH!! .Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the htgh-salarled. skilled-mechanic ranks if -you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay cent until you are convinced that we u .deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't it? Write for our 1 83-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Booh No. B. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. VNTON AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. 16,287 YOUNG MEN nave, in the past 10 years, been assisted In finding positions through the Portland J. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This Is not an "agency." and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the " for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never bad such an opportunity to get a better position If you are prepared lor It. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a job, or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit In? Wou'd you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal Interest in you? The Y. M. C. A. Advisory and Em ployment Dept. can assist -you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service Is absolutely free to ex-servics men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. WANTED Salesmanager to open office and manage salesmen for high-class ar ticle; exclusive territory, big profit, ev ery merchant a prospective purchaser, no competition. Do not miss this oppor tunity; $350 to 750 capital required. Should make $5000 per year. Call or write at once for particulars. Pacific Sales Co., 211 Ferguson bldg., Los A geles, Cal. ' EXPERIENCED dress goods salesman. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Co. WANTED .Window trimmer and card writer with large city experience for live department store, interior state of Wash ington ; one who is capable of writing business-getting ads preferred, or one who has the genius to develop Into one. Salary according to ability. AV 549, Oregonian. WE HAVE a position open for a man with some selling ability ; no canvass ing.' fair education and some traveling experience ; good salary and chance for advancement; give synopsis of your travels, experience and education ; give references and phone. AR 353, ore gonian. YOUNG man about, 18 or 19 years of age. to do billing and answer phone calls in cigar department of large wholesale hoube. must be able to operate typewrit er and be quick at figures. Answer, stating age, experience, references, edu cation and salary expected. AG 774, Ore gonian. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Big de mand for high-salaried executives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities. Write at once for particu lars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Washington. D. C. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or .write W. E. Hibbard. 1205 Wilcox bldg. WANTED First-class window trimmer and advertising man to take full charre of that line of work. Meet me at Hotel Portland Tuesday, April 6. between 12 and 1 o'clock. D. M. Nayberger, Mc Minnvi 1 le. Or. WANTED A printer for country week ly; must be able to do display ads, make-up. and job work; work not hard, woman or elderly man would do; steady job to right party. Address Eastern Clackamas News, Estacada. Or. WANTED Sheet metal worker capable of installing heating and ventilating in schools; plenty ol work; only iirst-class men considered; give full particulars in first letter. Address U. S. Mtg. Co., Oo tario. Or. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY MACHINE MEN AND CUTTERS WANTED. OREGON DOOR CO.. SELLWOOD 62. FT. SPOKANE AVE. SALESMAN with light automobile, to sell talking machines in Portland and vicin ity; splendid opportunity for man with selling abili ty ; liberal commisuiun basis. Apply to Mr. Norris, the Wiley B. Aiien Co., Morrison at Broadway. AUTOMOBILE and tractor scnool: new building; modern equipment; besc In struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or Inquire at room 416 Y M. C JL. b:dg. Phone Main 87QO. branc b X WANTED Competent floor man for print ing office. Must be able to handle advs4 make-up and job printing. Union office. Union wages. Address Box 308, Nampa. Idaho. WANTED Experienced salesman to sell scholarships in old established school; hustler can easily make J 0 per week ; 1 25 per week salary guaranteed. BJ 331, Oregonian. WANTED Young man to work in stock; one naving had experience in dry goods preferred. Apply in office of Jones Cash Store, fcO Front st. WANTED. Spinner and dresser. EUREKA WOOLEN MILLS, Eureka, Cal. WANTED Experienced window cleaners. Apply 201 Henry bldg. WANTED A competent canvasser for ptano department. The Wiley B. Allen Co., Morrison st. at Broadway. Apply to Mr. Gabriel. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Aider to .East -otn, or pnone .East SOofci. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOTJ HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES WA.NT&u At once, a reliable man to take care of furnace and work on grounds. Apply to St. Agnes Convent of Mercy, Park Place. Or. FOUR energetic young men wanted to aril talking machines : liberal commission basis. Apply to Mr. Norris, the Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at Broadwa. WANTED Names of men, .18-45. wishing to become Portland mail carriers; $100 9136 month. Answer immediately AV 421, Oregonian. FARM HAND, married, must have own furniture; house and water furnished board themselves; wages 0 per ino! O 179, Oregonian. ALL KX-SERVICE men from the state of Oregon are given a free course at Hemp hill's Trade schools, 707 Hawthorne ave. Write or call for free catalog. FIRST-CLASS Hoffman -press operators that can do good repairing; steady job salary $36 a week: AV 540, Oregonian DENTIST. Registered in Oregon ; good salary steady.. AF 381, Oregonian. A FINN with some mining experience, to take charge of men and set as time keeper. AP 363, Oregonian. WANTED A coatmaker and a small Job maker; good wages;- piece work. McLeod & Johnson, Boise, Idaho. WANT first-class detail sticker man and sash men. McMinnvlUe Planing MllL - McMinnvlUe. Or. ONE coatmaker wanted by Elof Anderson, Boise, Idaho. PHOTO coupon salesman ; good proposi tion to a hustler. Peterson, Photogra pher, 214 Plttock hlk. A. RELIEF telephone operator Wednesdays and Sundays at Wheeldon Annex apts. City references required. WANT active young meri, both experienced and Inexperienced, for window washing; good pay. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. WANTED Young man for shipping clerk for large sash ar.d door factory; must bd experienced. Call Bdwy. flSO Monday. LETTERING, commercial art. show card writing classes. McDermott'i school, 43 4th st. HELP WANTED MALE. CARRIER wanted for route In neighbor hood of Grand ave. and Hawthorne: boy 16 yrs of age or over preferred. Apply room 2(Xi Oregonian bldg.. circulation dept. WANTED Boys over 16. with wheels, livht. pleasant work delivering tele grams in city. Our boys now making from $4 to $tt per day. Anyone who la willing to work can do likewise; ex perience unnecessary. This is a splen did opportunity for boys who are at tending night school. We can also use a few young men over 18 to work nights on steady salary. Apply MESSENGER SUPERVISOR. WESTERN UNION T E I CO., 76 THIRD ST. INTERIOR DISPLAY M AN AG-E R FOR SEATTLE DEPARTMENT STORE. A permanent position is open for' a thoroughly competent man to take ac tive charge of all Interior display work; should be familiar with dry goods lines and possess a thorough knowledge of color values and drapery arrangement; applications should be accompanied by details as to past business experience and will be held in confidence. Apply AV 556, Oregonian. LA RGE life Insurance company has good opening in cashier's department for young mail over 21 with some business experience, who is willing to start for moderate salary and- splendid opportun ity for advancement- and life career In the business; persons who are more In terested in top salary for the present than In opportunity for the future need not apply. Do not phone; call in person on Mr. Hicks, 613 Board of Trade bids., Portland. WANTED -Three young men for night work. Call 223 Lumbermen's bldg. this evening after 8 o'clock. Help Wanted hslesmes. THE TRANSO ENVELOPE CO. EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS ONE-PIECE WINDOW ENVELOPE. Have an opening for a compe tent local representative. The business Is already es tablished in Portland. What we require is a man who, being in constant touch with the buyers ot office supplies in this territory, can give proper care to the pres ent business and by diligent effort build it to the proportion of sim ilar terrRorles. As soon as appointed the new .representative will receive full commis.ilon on all DUMtness re ceived from Portland, whether se cured by him or not. This Is an unusual opportunity to become established with a per manent business, but to be suc cessful the salesman will have to be a worker. . Applications must be detail. in great THE TRANSO ENVELOPE - CHICAGO, ILL. CO., STOCK SALESMAN. A going Portland concern with several successful years to its credit Is increas ing its capital stock. An attractive contract and ample assistance will be given a stock salesman of proven abil ity. Phono for appointment. Main 5593. CONTRACT SALESMAN FOR OREGON AND WASHINGTON to place with dealers the exclusive PATHFINDER LINK OF CORD AND FABRIC TIRES AND TUBES. This is an exceptional proposition to dealers and salesmen; good lor $250 to ouu per -weea; we don t want anv would-bcs or has-beens, but we do want a real clean-cut. airsrcHsive man. In answering give references in first let ter. Address Puritan Rubber Co., suite iQ-ii w nson Diag., Yakima, Wash. A LARGE eastern corporation desires the services or an honest, ambitious, lntelll gent salesman to represent them in the roruana oranch office; this is a life time opportunity and even if employed It wn: pay you to investigate this: fascl -i a ting, well paying, rapid promotion to right party. Call after 30 A, 110 spaiaing Diag., Mr. Fox. WANTED An experienced dry Roods salesman for piece goods department ot live wire department store in one of the finest little citis in the Wlllamett va!ley; prefer young single man. This position hoids good future. Write, gtv- ius imereuces 10 character, aoiuty experience, etc., AV ,t57, Oregonian. AM BiTIOL a. live, aggressive man for salesman, under J.i years; must have good character, references, and drive auto; salary to start with, per week hiiu exi'.-nees. uooa position for th rii-nt man. Give phone number. BD .'. uregonian. SALESMEN to represent the Oregon-Wyo ming ni &: isas company in every com munity of Oregon; references and full particulars Jst letter. Address sales mxr 2 1 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Port land. BKjGL&T money-making proposition in Portland for two experienced men ta sell famous Federal tires; greatest tire year in history Is just beginning; ap plicatfons confidential. Weaver Tire Co.. 333-335 Burnside. st. SALESMEN to sell to auto owners on street, also dealers; live proposition for live men; big profits, sure seller; pay every day. Call between 12-1 P. M., 0-7 P. M.. No. 23 Park st., room -11. CITY salesman to call on the trade only: must be a live wire and producer; your future depends on you; give experience, references and phone number. AR 323. - Oregonian. SALESMAN for electric signs; good offer. 1 732 O'Farrell st., San Francisco. WANTED Man with light -v&r to travel: guaranteed $5 a day and expenses. Call between 9 and 11 A. M. Imperial hotel, rotrrn SOI. WANTED Salesman with some tractor or farming experience, 10 sell a popular small tractor; salary only. Box AE 387. Oregonian. TWO experienced stock and bond sales men; unusual opening for the right men. A.I 327, Oregonian. WANTED Stock salesmen. Sixth st. 68 N. North WA NT ED AG ENTS. AGENTS at once, hospital ticket!. seiiing oOc per month 601 Corbett bldg. H SL J WANTED FEM A I.E. WANTED For 1st of May. experienced women to help open up mountain resort: must be good cook ; $70 to start, $"0 later. Kor interview cal! Broadway &617 Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, EXPERIENCED girl to assist with house work, smail family. 70o Marhal). Main 8 I 78. EXPERIENCED hemstitching operator, out of town. In-juire Meier & Frank, hemstitching dept. WILL give H. S. or working girl room and board in exchange for services. 020 E. Main. EXPERIENCED hemstitch machine op erator, it; aiso errana gin, 3o Morrison St., room 203.. TYPIST. Come prepared for work. Ing bldg 316 Spald- WANTEP Young woman for 2d work: $:;." per month. Knights station, pbone Kenwood nrw. WANTED A strong and able cook for the Waverly Baby Home ; plain home cook ing. Apply Jit Hroaqway oidg. WANTED Competent stenographer, t per moTitn; chance for advancement. BD 3":t. Oreponiin. WOMEN for factory work; take N&S car south to end of line. Sterling Food Products Co.. 1122 Macadam road. WANTED Two or three girls for mangle. Crystal laundry, E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. DISHWASHER for small private hospitaL Apply 19 Lovejoy. n GIRL for light housework ; good salary, good home. 334 Jackson gt. Main 7090. WANTED Good plain house. 661 Savler st cook for board i STENOGRAPHER with experience. 12 First st. Apply WANTED A chamber maid, 1751 Derby st. Phone Wdln. ' 2H13. GIRLS or women, experienced in handling eggs. Apply No. 2 North Front. TWO waitresses, new Liberty restaurant. 24 N. 6th st. JAMTRESS for office bldg. Apply 40 Lewis bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? A salary that Is paid while yon learn the business that Increases frequently as you gain experience? DO YOTJ KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN 7 And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions T WHY NOT OBTAIN THB FACTS T Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 601 fith Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company. MEIER Sz FRANK COMPANY require the services of: One experienced drug saleswoman. Two experienced elevator operators. One experienced bakery saleswoman. Two experienced crockery saleswomen. Apply employment bureau, Meier & Frank Co. 6th floor THE MILLER SCHOOL OF ADDING. CALCULATING AND BOOK KEEPING MACHINES. Enter now for summer vacation work. Courses are short from four to six weeks only. WE HAVE SECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Managers of all bank and mercantile -offices require a knowledge of modern office appliances. 0O3-4 Yeon Building. WANTED Experienced - cost alteration hand for ladies' suit and cloak alteration department. Apply employment bureau, 6th floor. Meier & Frank Co. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of expe rienced sales won jn for laces and rib bons. Apply superintendent's office, 0:10 to I0:;;t A. M. OLD-LINE lire insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who are ambitious and willing to work hard for real aucceas. If you believe you can sell life insurance if given help bv su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard. 1205 Wilcox bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Experienced drapery salesr women. Apply Employment Bureau, 6ta fkor. Meter & Frank Co. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big demand for high salaried executives, past experience unnecessary ; we rain you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities. Write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418, Washington, D. C. I HAVE more posltioas open than I have pupils ready. Why not take up work which will make you Independent? Six weeks course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours from w:30 to 12:30. Room 411 Beck bldg. MULTIGR APH OPERATOR of experience wanted by large Portland firm; perma nent and desirable position; vacation. r.- in renlvinu rive ae. previous ex perience, addres and telephone number. AP aOtf. uregonian. WAVTEn Bv wholesale grocery house. comptometer operator, and must be able to operate typewriter and assist In bill ing. Answer, Plating age, reierences. ex perience, education ana salary wan tea. AC 301, Oregonian. LADY to do hand pressing In dry-cleaning department. Steady employment; none but first-class presser need apply. Give full particulars as to experience in first letter. Yakima ri Learn Laundry, Yakima. Wash. WANTED A neat and refined young lady of good appearance and cheerful dis position to fill position on the floor di rectine customers to various depart ments. The Wiley B. Alien Co., Moiri- son ft. YOUNG LADY TO CALL ON BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE; NO HOUSE - TO - H'JUSK WORK. ONLY THOSE WISHING STEADY POSITION NEED APPY. 326 BECK BLDG. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for suburban home, 3 children. - school age. ha by o, good home, good wages to woman un incumbered and wanting a steady place. Address Lock, box 74. Park Place. Or. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women a gad 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pay and steady employment, AB 302, Ore gonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply te The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts, Pnone AlaJa 8450. DM car. GIRL wanted to manage small grocerv on west side, must have some experience In bookkeeping and typing: wages $15 per week. AF 305, Oregonian. WANTED Names of women or girls wish ing to become U. 8. govt, clerks; 9100- 125 month. Answer immediately, AV 421, Oregonian. WANTED Elderly lady to take care of household for good home and small wages. 224 4th sL, or call Marshall 23"y. WANTED Stenographer for steady posi tion. Public Welfare Bureau, 544 court house. Call after :30 A. M. LADIES, do you want money. Wonderful article to selL Call room 614 Dekum bldg., 0 to 12 A. M. YOUNG GIRL wanted to assist housework. No washing. Congenial home. Tabor JO 1 9. TH E Florence Crittenden Home is reasy to belp any girl la distress. ik5 Gllsan. "MV" car. East 31 6. . ACTIVE girls wanted for steady factory work; good wages. Apply American Can Co., 14 th and Front. GIRL to work in hospital, with opportu nity to learn nursing; board, home and wages- Apply 70- Dekum bldg. BOOKKEEPER. $10O: stenographer, $70 100; dictaphone operator. S100; secre tary $ 1 25. 301 N. W. Ban-k big. WANTED Two steady, reliable women for work among little children. Apply to St. Agnes convent. Park Place, Or. LETTER1 NG. commercial art. show card writing classes. McDermott'a school, 45 4th at APPRENTICES for union depot lanch room. E. M Crouch ,M sr. BNKK, E. 3d and Ash ing department. -A girl for finish- GIRL to care fnr children and go to beach in summer. Tabor 7S37. W VNTED Chnmbermaid. Hotel. 201 N. 2 Oth st. C heater bur j ELDERLY woman for chamber work. 268 Third street. s , WANTED Experienced girl for care of ch 1 1 dren and upstairs work. Main 61 0. YOUNG woman for chamber work for Port land hotK WANTED Dlninf; room girl. 1751 Derby at. Wdln. 2915. MISS MATTTNGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. $6 mo. 26 14th. Main 3803. GIRL wanted by soft drink parlor and light grocery. 275 Third street. GIRL WANTED, good sewer, to work in umbrella store. Apply 1S3 4th. GIRL with experience wants position as dental nurse. Sell. 2066. CHAMBERMAID wanted at Olympia hotel, 131 H N. 6thst. WANTED Experienced waitress. 26 N. 2d. HELP WANTED FEMALR. YOUNG man with motorcycle for all day work, or -part of day if going to school. In real estate office; chance to learn business and ad vance. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON COMPANY, 209 Oak sL Main 3o34. INTERIOR DISPLAY MANAGER FOR SEATTLE DEPARTMENT STORE. A permanent position is open for a thoroughly competent woman to take active charge of all Interior display . work; should be familiar with dry good& lines and possess a thorough knowledge of color values and drapery arrange ment ; app Heat ions should be accompa- nied by details as to past business ex- ) , perience and will be held In confidence. Apply AV &o5, Oregonian. YOUNG lady for stenographic and clerical work; position offered Is in advertising department ot daily newspaper-and affords good oppor tunity to one interested in adver tising. Address AH 61, Oregonian. FOR EM AN on fruit ranch, widower with boy 13 years old, girl 1 1. wants house keeper; be her own boss: house with electric lights, bath and telephone; wag-3 $23 per month. Phone No. 77 Yl. White Salmon, or write T. J. Whllcomb, White Salmon. Wash. TWO housekeepers, out of city ; 6 first class waitresses, out of city; first-class laundress; hotel maids; good experienced cooks, city; nursemaid, cook, dishwash er. Need help of ail kinds. Room 301 Raleigh bldg. 327 Washington. SEVERAL good posit lous for dictaphone operators; salary $HK. We give free In structions dally In the use of these ma chines in our Employment department. No charge for securing positions The Dictaphone. 42Q Spalding bldg. WANTED One girl for bus girl, to carry dishes and clear tables. Work six days per week and as late as 12 P. M. at night. Salary $rt3 per month and board. Apply at the Broadway Haselwood. 127 Broadway. IF YOU are a saleswoman who can sell a high grade article and can take or ders from house to house; if you -have had experience along this line, then we have a 'good opportunity for you. Give phone number. W 833, Oregonian. WANTED Girls that can do oriental dancing numbers for local and road en gagements: also refined singers. Call Marshall HIH. ask for Mr. Miller, apt 400, or address AB 80, Oregonian. SALESLADY To sell high-grade article for household use; this is a good op portunity for a woman w ith real saies ability ; city work ; Give pa-st experience and phone number. W836. Oregonian rMOVING PICTUREACTRESSES wanted, ladies and gentlemen, all types, for motion picture work. Blackstone Players, 1O20 Chamber of Commerce. Ap ply between 10 and 12. WANTED Middle-aged lady, single, to answer pnone and do cooking Tor nerseii and be manager of a small hotel; sum mer's Job and good home; $30 a month; give reference. AL 323, Oregonian. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AG'CY. 240 Ankeny, Cor. 2d. One lady waitress, log camp, $110 mo., pay board. No charges. Fare advanced. WAITRESSES, city. $3 day; 3 waitresses. Pendleton: 2 waitresses. Aberdeen: cook. $.00 : waitress. Madras. -$30 ; waitress. Camas, $.0. R-B; pantry woman. $ i waitress, $t0. Lewes Employment. WANTED School or working girl to as- siMt younir mother with housework morn ings and evenings, half day Saturdays and Sunday for room and board, small compensation. Tabor 77 10. YOUNG woman for office work; some typ- in it and billinsr to work afternoons: btate a;rc, experience and salary expected. P ". Oregon Inn. WANTED A woman cook in a small saw mill camp tocaied on a railroad, serving about 30 men will bave two assistants. BI 330. Oregonian. GIRL or woman to work in store one oi two afternoons a week from 1 to 4:30 Call between 9 and 11 and 1 and 4:30. 353 X. 23d. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted. permanent position, worn not nara difficult. Apply, giving experience and salary expected. P. O. box 85. Portland EXPERIENCED maid wanted. The Reed hotel 2til Salmon st. Call after 0 A. M in person; no phone answered; wages $L7 w ee k. W AXTKD A maid for olafn sewina and to care for little girl. Marshall 3054. 1240 Thurman st. WANTED Tobacco stripper, hand or ma chine, or cigar hander. Appiy La Gran Marco Cigar Co., 02 th st. WANTED A high school girl to care lot children for room and board: good home, good wages. Main tio'.O. PEOPLE FOR VAUDEVILLE; EXPERI ENCE UNNECESSARY. A L COTTON 201-2 RIVOLI THEATER BLDG. 2 LADY SOLICITORS Exclusive. high grade, quick seller, pleasant work; com mission basis. BD 332, Oregonian. 2 LAW stenographers for good positions out of the city. Salaries lOO. 447 Morgan building. W ANTED A telephone relief operator at the Vi heeidon Annex ror weanesaays and Sundays. Kef. req EXPERIENCED lady cashier to cash In meat market. Apply at Packing t'o.. 3d and Ankeny sts. handle Boston ASSISTANT nastry cook, good wages. Tip Top De'ia teamen & Grocery. 13tb and MorrisonT WANTED A girl to answer phone. McKay bldg. 3d and Stark sts MANGLE girls. $15 per week Multnomah Hotel Lunch. WANTED General kitchen helper. Lunc Box. 17 Third st. Wanted lomestic. WANTED A Catholic teacher for fourth and fiHh grades; salary 3. a month and board. Appiy to The Academy of the Holy Child, E. 54 th and Alameda. Tabor 1081. GIRL or woman for general housework. plain cooking. 3 adults, good wages, l day off. Phone Main 2392 mornings or call 1005 Westover road. WANTED A woman or a girl to help with housework and help take care of a J 5-month -old baby. $60. 488 Rhone st. Phone Seil. 28. GIP-L wanted for cooking nd down stairs work; no washing; Wedne.diya and every other Sunday off. Main 5150. 1 100 Westover road. WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist with housework, small family, no chil dren. Apply 745 Clackamas street, cor. 22d, take Broadway car. WANTED Ex perienced cook and second girl. Mrs. J. C. Ainsworth. 5S3 Haw thorne terrace, Portland Heights. Phone Main IS. before noon. WANTED Girl to do general housework and cooking, adults only, no washing or Ironing. 709 Flanders st. Main 708. WA NTED Girl for general housework, small family; no washing, wages 930 to 60. Call Sell wood 313. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; must like children; S55. Pbone E. 2485. WANTED Woman for plain housework. J27H 1-th L, bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 6009. WANTED Experienced cook for small family, willing to go to Gearhart for nummer. Telephone Marshall 3079. WANTED Girl small family; Wdln. 4124. for general housework ; w ages 950 a mo. Call COMPETENT girl for general housework; good plain cook ; in family of 3 adults. 791 Overton. Telephone Main 3793. ELDERLY woman to care for home, fant iiv of 4 adults; good home; $;i5 month. 920 E. Mam. YOUNG girl, general housework small fam ily. 295 E. 11th N. Take lrvington or Broadway car. WANTED School girl to assist with housework for room and board and suit able wagee. Broadway 41 so. WANTED Girl or woman, general house work ; small family, reasonable wages. Tabor 5177. GIRL or woman to assist mother with baby and housework. 139 Floral ave. Tabor 2130, GIRL tr a S3 1st with general housework In apartment. Main 400S. WANTED Competent maid for reneral housework. 43S E. 14th st- N. East 4280. GIRL for general housework; r washing; good room with bath. East 4159. WANTED A nurse girl. 466 S. 19th. neat Jackson. Portland Heights. Main 8151. COMPETENT maid for general house work; wages $75. Call 4S9 g. 17th st. N. A COMPETENT girl or woman to assist In care of two children. Main 2926. WOMAN for general housework. 4 i dulis 7S6 Johnson st. rnone aiain 44;. WANTED A nvald for second work. 1067 East Burnside. Tabor 1167 WANTED A girl to do general housework. Marshall 333. 247 N. 24th. GIRL wanted for general bouse work, good wages. Main 6&7, HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Piano player. CL. after 12 M. Call Columbia HELP WANTED MALE OS FEM A LE. WISH first-r)H5s Spani-h teacher for even ings. A J ;t25. Orejonian. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BE HNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll sny time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools ' f ree ; positions guaranteed ; pay w nil- learnings tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 50S3. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you wnue learning, give you set of toos free, position secured. 3S N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOU Miss Buckel's private school : individ ual Instruction. 122 Vj Grand ave. E. 427. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free. f rank K Welles, ex-asslst. state supt.. mgr., N W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Allsky Bldg., Thtrdr and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. MRS. H ANNUM' S shorthand school, $5 per month. 230 TIiiamooK st. hast 5860. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. li'l Broadway. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4835. Teaching posit ions, free registration. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship arus ran teed. MERKO METAL WORK 3, Phone East 1954. 361 Russell St. VENEER PLANTS, attention Young man. 29. wants position; capable of taking charge of pair-up room, glue room, or stock and shipping room. Hans Rober, care Weed Hotel, Weed. Cal. WEST MAGUIR&. Painting, paper hanging and tintlr.g. Phone Auto. 219-77. Res. and shop. 397 East 39th at. EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position in a private family ; best of references. Daniel F. Sheehan, care St. Vincent's Hospital. WOULD like clerical position or as stenog rapher. 3 years' experience, fine penman, good character,, neat. BD 367, Orego nian. MAN and wife want work ; experienced waitress, kitchen man and dishwasher. hotel or camo; steady, out of town. AP 173, Oregoniin. EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR. 26 years oid, good mechanic, wants job truck, delivery or private car. 13 months M. T. C. U. S. army. AC 35. Oregonian WANTED Position as watchman or auto gas filling station : experienced with steam boiler and engine. AG 776, Ore gonian. ORCH A RDIST ooen for position. both technical and practical experience. AO :i.6, Oregonian. WANT zeneral orchard work. expert pruner; also capable landscape man. AH 3S6, Oregonian. WANTED Hauling of any kind or any where with 2x-ton irurK. w. rt. tuner. 122 E. 34th st. Tabor 8860. WANTED Employment as helper in cleaning and aye worfcs. gonian. AF 330, Ore KALSOMINING, painting, papering done at reasonable prices by a capable ex- service man. Broadway ool'J. CARPENTER and Joiner, general repair and alterations, on. ice nxiurei, eic. dqj. 2487. WANTED Position as band or circular saw flier: A-l references. T 182. Ore- gonian. WANTED Position as mill supt.; best of references, go man. manager o: T 164, pre E GARDNER. Lawns leveled, seeded and Phone East 6296 after 6 P. M. A LIVE WIRE salesman, lately from east. Is open for goou position. aj vre gonian. EXPERIENCED young work, not mechanic. 17 SO. man i: Phone i garage Marshall EX-SERVICE man. fast typist, knowledge of bookkeeping, good salesman. AR o24. Oregonian. H ISO floor t - RPENTER WORK SON ABLE WAGE. MAN. WANTED REA- AB 385. OREGO- EXPERIENCED married man an Hon on poultry tarm to lake charge. AH 4QO. Oregoniiin. B poSI- entire GET H. E. Helm, the plumber, to fix those leaky faucets and toilets. 312 Pine st. Bdwy. 21 10. wY.svRVK'K man wishes employment heloer in Karate; some experience. Call Mr. T., Eaft 2700. WANTED Job with a ton truck in out of city. AM 324, Oregonian. H1T.I.KRS WHEN YOU NEED SH INGLE R PHONE WOODLAWN 330H. PAINTING, tinting, prices reasonable, good work. Tabor 30.L COM PET ENT driver with Ford work in or out of city. E. 6309. KAI-SOMINING. painting, plaster-patch Ing ; reasonable. Main 2803. WANT hauling, have 3Hton truck. Phone Woodlawn luui. PAPERHANGING, painting and tinting. Good work, right prices. Marshall 2413 " PLOWING WDLN. 6214. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WANTED Sit. as night watchman; expe rienced; city refa. Main 5120. Morgan CITY garden lots to plow and harrow. B road w ay xiuwuwj- omq. ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or noun ' COOK Experienced chef, wants positi will leave city. East 8054. FOR odd jobs around the house or yard, or carpenter wor. can num. UPHOLSTERING, furniture repairing aou in your nome. piio djq eve, a. ta. WANTED Logging or filing contract have 20 horses. Art juj, uregonian. EXPERIENCED men will do your garden and lawn work. Tahor o4.;. DOORS and windows repaired, ad jus ted. any number: I specialize, navy, 16. liookkeepers, Stenographers, Office, EXPERIENCED accountant, bookkeeper, knowledse of stenography, open for po sition April 13 with good concern where ability counts; references, tiu oJS, ore gonian. Wanted TvoewrKina: to be done even ings at home or bookkeeping for two ot threje evenings a ween, o urego' ntan. A-N;rt i rnmntomctfr operator, also type writer nn era. tor. wants position, general oiftce work. Eight yrass' railroad office e x peri e n ce. Phone Tabor 86i2. Ai-nii;xTANT will take care of smal set of books mornings; moderate tee. A.I 35S, Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED bookkeeper, accountant. desires permanent city position; mooer ate salary. m ii-. urcgoman, v v PERIENCED accountant, systems in stalled, books checked and balanced. AH a70. Qregonia.i. Soldi ere and Sailors. EX-SOLDIER. t.- n..;.nMH timolceener. tvnlst and . j ftr rlorU not afraid to trv ( anything; have been employed out of city, but deaire now to connect with a reliable firm in Portland, where I can be at home. AG 36Q, Oregonian. P EXPERIENCED general store keeper and material man wishes to make a per manent connection with a live concern, where ability and industry will be appre ciated; wags a secondary consideration If 1 ran connect with the right concern; can furnish references. AR 492. Orego rin. EX-SERVICE man desires work of some kind; no soliciting. AM 360, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. REFINED elderly lady desires position as companion, with light duties. Tabor 9Q10. COMPETENT laundress, tine ironer, wants work, also cleaning. East 6492. LADY w ants day work. Call Broadway 7:t'.4. Call room 10. SCHOOL girl wants to work after school; give phone number. AC 327, Oregonian. WANTED Position as cashier or checker; best of referej'.-es. East 7040. A DEPENDABLE nurse care Tor chil dren evenings. Marshall 349. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtaina hand laundered, catted for. East 6106. WOMAN 2-1 -ii. wants work by - the day. Phone errCATioNS waxtku-fkmalb. YOU NG lady desires position in count ry ; prefer either light office work r More work; some experience in both; will stay all summer if satisfactory. Phone Mar. ' 41. "2. Ask for Miss Murphy. LADY, exn. in meeting business public, would like position, either local or trav eling: no house-to-house work ; refer ences Call M.irshall 320S before 9 A. M., room 5. or write AJ 324, Oregonian. WANTED To take care of and sell room ing houses for real estate men, by wid dow wi;h ability and business experience; best of .references A V Oresonlan. WANTED All small washings to take in. ladies' and gent's silk shirts and under wear a specialty. Will call for and de Itver. Broadway 1916. YOUNG LADY wishes steady employment; is very good matron, but will take any thing but housework. Please call at once. East SSm. LINENS and French hemmed infants' hand -made wear: curtains, draperies made. Sellwood 2WS1. CATERERS prepares and serves luncheons and dinners at reasonable prices. East 2534 or Tbor 62S1. LACE. SCRIM AND MARGUERITE cur tains done ux Ilka new. Will calL East 8M& LADY wants boute cleaning, other work. hour, day; work guaranteed, woodlawn 6305. WANTED by eirl employed few hours work at private exchange in the evening. N ISO. Oregonian. WOMAN with small child wants part of day s work; prefer place convenient to nursery. A B 3HS, Oregonian. WANTED Chambermaid work in small hotel or rooming house. Phone Kroaa- way 3S60. MAID FOR GENERAL HOCSEWORK; THREE ADULTS IN FAMILY. PHONE EAST 0719. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone 8 to 11, mornings; 6 to S arm. Main 1140. ALL kinds of curtains laundereo. Call East 3862. Bookkeepers. Rtenograpners. Office. A YOUNG girl wants a position doing clerical work or fning. have had experi ence. B SI. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT wishes books to keep requiring only psrt time. Work exnertly done; best of references; reasonable charges. Bdwy. 27C2, eve n i n g. CALL main 5769 for competent book keepers, stenographers, typists, prompt service. Business Men's Clearing House. 447 Morgan bldg. liKGINMXG stenographer wishes position; experienced in general on ice w orn. i- week. A B 387. Oregonian. RELIABLE youne: lady stenographer de sires steady position ; salary reasonaoie. Wdln. lf0S. H. S. GRADUATE, IS, knowledge of book keeping and typing, wants position, labor- 712S. - PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, typing. neau itcurate work. 404 Oregon Diag. EX PERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog raph er; best ot reieiences. Main Dressmakers. NEW 20th. century dressmaking school and helpers shop; cutting, ruing, oy par terns or chart; night and day classes. Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. Main 622. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; suits man over into Street ciresse; nummer irocM of al! kinds; prices reasonable. Mrs. Kelly. East 7H07. A RT1STIC and stylish work on coats. suits and dresses ny an expert, aiou erate prices. Phone Ea?t 7P3;. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions can LresbmaKinn uepu. 1U1" Dye works. 54i Morrison st. Bdwy. 4259. THOSE desiring first-class dressmaking. work absolutely guaraniceu. tan M09. Fl RST-CLASS eaHlern dressmaker, worK by dav or at nome. u . u i i k i v ia-u-. R.SS East 0th st." North, apartment 4. HEMSTITCHING, 6c and be a yard. M. Dalton. room .ui troau ay-i .nmm DRKS6M A KING, reasonable. SI 1 b'dg.. 10th and Alder. Main 34(8. Central FI RST-CLASS dressmaking, hemstitching a nd out tons ' -- - RELIABLE dre.-sinaker. at home or day engagements: -t. DRESSMAKER, experienced, make over, tailoring. $3 day. Sellwood C3S2. FOR all kinds of drapery work and hem stitching call Tabor 7S.'0. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers. 424 Mor rison s t.. near 11th. FOOD prepared by expert dietitian and lovely rooms for rent. Rest and convales cent patients come. 32o lt 33th. PARALYTIC or sick lady patients tsken bv graauaie mvh Tabor 2'.. EXPERIENCED nurse, care nursins, con valescent. Invalid or elderly person. Mar. 2SS3. Housekeepers. . ..-si-. ..--.v- oiunia nnsition on runt. ly ' . h-r two children, girl. 14. boy 11: good home for self and children considered more than high wages. Main lti.11. ISO W. Park. M1DD1 E-AG ED housekeeper, good cook, for business couple, two or three gen tlemen (no laundry); wages $43 to AC 328, Oregonian. tTrrrBLrT"middie-nged American, feood cook and housekeeper, wants position .at once. 4!j Williams ave., or AP 04. uregonian. - EiTdERLY woman wants nouseiceeplng in widower's home; no objection to 1 or -children; must be in Portland. W 1.4. Oregonian. FX PERIENCED woman wishes position as "housekeeper. 5S1 Clatsop ave. Domestics. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANER. TABOR 46:18. House-Cleaning, f loor-waxin snd a Vinds of work done In the home and office. WANTED TO BENT. Houses. WANTED Furnished house or bunga low ii to 6 rooms; no children, and can sive very best of reference; .will lease) same for one year if required. U,. Rdwv 109. 8:30 A. M. to j:-tO P. M. WANTED To rent a reasonably moaern cottage or bungalow of or 6 rooms; will tease indefinitely; possession in April; three adults, best of references and care. Phone Main 6346. WANTED Bv refined couple, no children. 5 'or 6-room bouse with garage : will Kive best of care. Prim between 9 and 12 A. M. Pnone Marshall 32S3 WANTED To rent o or e-roon moaern house, furnished or unfurnished, with garage or lot close by; east side. Phone Main 7670. m 5-KOOM house in Sellwood. Richmond or Woodstock district preferred; will ps months' rent in advance. Tabor -On. Fb'RVISHED house or lower flat by small famiiv for two or three months; best ot care given. Call Tabor 2143. BV reliable adults, modern, clean 5 or 6 room house; best of care. M V. or VL Tabor preferred, east side. East WANTED ft-room furnished bungalow, host references; give particulars. AO 3.".7. Oregonian. m W K NTED Three or four-room partly or unfurnished bungalow with garage, by responsible party. Phone Marshall WANTED TO LEASE Substantial house, with garage, not less than 6 months. East 216H. . SMALL house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, with garden and chicken pen. AK 370, Oregonlatu WANTED an 8 or 9-room house, with yard and garden space. Preferred out a little. Call Main 94b6. WANTED To rent modern f ii rn Lshed hous-e of 7 or 8 rooms; prefer Nob Hit) district. Broadway 3439. WANTED Small modern house with gar-don.- Call Wdln. 4180 after 6 P. M. wTTBl) 4 or 5-roomed Cijrnlshed hou?f, apartment or flat by April 10. Mar. 3663. Rooms. WANTFD Furnished or unfurnished 2 or 3-rooni flat or rooms In Fremont dis trict or near, by elderly lady. Tabor 115 BV 356. Orayoniar Rooms With Board. TOl"NI working man would like room and board In private home, west side pre ferred. AF 841, Oregonian. FOR RENT. NICE light room In pleasant home; suita ble for two. Main 8145. Furnished Rooms, HOTEL OCKLET Ratfi SI a day Morrison st. at Tenth. up. weekly 4 &o up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths 75c, $1 DAT. $2.50 week up: outside rooms Hotel Cadillac. Sd near Jefferson. BUSH MARK hotel. 565 '-t Wash. St.. s clean, modern, respectable place, close In SuM E very good sleeping rooms at 204 17th st.. near Taylor. HA RRISON hotel. Front and Harrison ; outside rooms, 12. 50 up; board if desired. LARGE airy sleeping room. Close in. 527 Taylor.