THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, v TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1920 17 0 FOB BALK. furniture lor ulc i BIG AUCTION SALES i TCESDAT. THURSDAY. SATURDAY AT 2 P. M. Bl auction sales where you can buy your furniture and kitchen ware at a Sreat saving. OKI FURNITURE CO SH Second 6t. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale at a big bargain, complete outfit for housekeep ing will go cheap If tnkon at once; have plenty of fine canned fruit, a.po good sewing machine, are leaving city: also the house for rent; no dealers need call, llrttf Holladay ave., corner of Uarrabee. tluiHJ STEiNWAY upright piano, $".".0; Spanish leather Morris chair. $20; leather chair, $20; oak screen, $-1.50; good batting. 35c; imitation leather daven port, half price; gas plate, $3; wood ran ge. S 12 ; bedsteads, stands, couches. Tabor S:t5. yiNE mahogany colonial dining table, beautiful mahogany library table, ma hogany and cane bedroom net, mahogany davenport, tea wagon, chairs; also 1 oak office table, 1 refrigerator; all nearly new. Phone East 7828. m DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California; we can save you money on your .freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine at. yOK SALK Dining tabie, 6 chairs, car pet. 2 iron beds and springs, lounge, kitchen treasure, wood range and heater, unrden hose, linoleum. Ice cream freezer, leaving town. 12,'1 E. 1.1th North. kw 3-aaw bolter and fi-saw lath ma chine, complete with saws, pulleys and belts, also trimmer and other equip ment. Price right. Call Tabor 3U01 or Tabor 16ft. VERY fine parlor set, mahogany writing desk, oak dining table, couch. 4Hx8 . rug. New Home sewing machine. Owner leaving city. Tabor 47. Poultry. MAGUIRK'S DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Reds. $30 per 100. O. A. C. Barred Rocks. :u per 100. Brown Leghorns, $23 per 100. White Ughorns, O. A. C. and Tancred Strain. $20 per 100. The best chicks from high-grade Ho sanized stock. Choice Cockerels for sale. Eggs for hatching. J. R. MAG LIRE. 77 Oregon St.. Portland. Phone E. 1805. BABY CHICKS FOR SALK. Chicks from H. C. White Leghorn bens, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoganlzed stock cnly; March chicks, $14 per 5100; April, May and June, $12.50 per loo. OAK HILL HATCHERY, Petaluma. Cal. LAYING LEGHORNS. Yonng hens and pullets, $1.73 each, guaranteed heavy - laying Hoganized stock. Don't get the ordinary Leg born because they are a little cheaper. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon St., near K. 24th. - JETALUMA White Leghorns lead the world in egg production; we sell BABY t'HIX at $13.50 per luo during May and June, safe arrival of full count, strong, li ve chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatehery. 441 6th st., Petaluma, Cal. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. "White Leghorns. Reds, Barred Ply mouth Rocks; prices reasonable. C N. Neodhsm. Salem, Or. LMHT Brahma hatching eggs, $.T per set ting. 47;lo 60th st. S. E. Phone Broad wa y 2 ID. PACK your eggs now for winter use; fresh, infertile egn. Phone East 404. J0 WHITE Leghorn hens and pullets; 6348 4th st. Phone Tabor 6b95. 0O CHOICE "White Leghorn chicks, two weeks old. 6424 tilth Court st. FO R S A LE Hen w ith 12 baby chicks. Tabor M14. FOR SALE st. -Hen with 8 chicks. 529 Hoyt Dugs, Rabbit. Birds. Pet Btoth. WE BUY. raise, and sell fur-bearing rab- Dits, ana otner iur-oearing animals, what you have with us, elating your low eft prices on large lot shipments. The Fur & Specialty Farming Co.. 515-517 N. P. ave.. Fa i go. N. Dak. THOROUGHBRED English bloodhound, 0 months old, for sale, $75. 1430 Alameda drive. Tabor 6021. 1'OH SALE A beauUTul Ilaltz mountain roller and brass cage, reasonable. East OirNH. AIREDALE pu-p about 7 months' old. only i 'j. ov'i 72 van. ei. ju . im. ST. ANDREASBURG roller singers. Call Tabor 5200. 131 YARDS stair carpet, reasonable. Broadway 1584. SO K. I. R. pullets, laying, $2.23 each ; fine stock. Phone Woodlawn 4818.' ALASKAN Spitz. Eskimo puppy for sale. Ca.ll Tabor SI 3 4. I-aunrheMGatid Boatt. IX) R SALK 60-H. P. 6-cylinder Lamb ma rine fnKlnc, perfect mechanical condition; demonstration. Bargain for quick cash sale; ideal lor cruiser. AV 610. Orego nian. l'0lt SALK 40 ty 9Vi by 3i S5-H. P. 5 ton launch, ready to run: $1200 cash. William S. Kinney, 604 Commercial, As. toria. Or. BOATS Regal, 10 H. P., complete, $200; Gray, 30 H. P., complete, $350. Several other marine and auto engines, clutches, etc. Liberty Boat Co. East 6803. HOUSEBOAT for sale, 5 rooms and bath, modern, completely furnished; 14 Wil lamette Moorage. Scllwood 501. 16-KOOT skiff, suitable fishing or Evin rude. Favorite boatnouse. Machinery. MACHINERY WANTED. Machinist's lathe, 8 ft. up. Machinist's vise, 5 to 6 in. Blacksmith's vise. 4 In. Steam or belt hammer. 200 lb. up. 3-drum Sander, 36 to 48 in. Variety or Universal saw table Combination punch and shear. Air spray painter. Call 11. M. GREENE. Main 213. 525 Medical Bldg. SPECIAL. One second-hand 1Bx1x12 Fairbanks Worse underwriters' fire pump. tine second-nnnd 8-ln. Mershon hori soutal band renaw. THIS J. K. MARTIN CO.. 83 First st.. Portland, Oregon. ALL of the transmission machinery from the spruce division (Ut-un nlant. cnnelnt- lng of pears, pulloy3. shafting, boxes, etc. ArliS J. K. MARTIN CO., B1 First St.. Portland. Oregon. vr r. -fl-ion eniy standard gauge; 1 60-ton Climax standard gauge. These engines are Just out of the shop: completely overhauled; prices right. Mohr Machin ery co Licwis tldg. Main 1S31. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, alsctric hoists, construction euulpmeut. Standard Mach. Co., 52 First liliARLY- new machine lathe. Carroll. Jamieson: 17-inch Rwln. in-ff quick shift, two chucks and extra lathe Typewriters. WANTED 1000 STENOGRAPHERS" to use Sever-Slip typewriter feed save time, registering of platinum and wast of paper and make the stenographer happy: can be applied by anyone: once usd never without It; agents will call on you and explain. Wm. J. Pratt & Co KEBUILT typewriters all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all irakes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth St. Main 22S.r. - DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SFKV1CR. All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics, KEPAIR ESTIMATES ON" REQUEST. Buy Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main j,;97. Supplies. 203 Oak St. tl'ARAMTEED fartory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKEo, sold on payments. - Send for price list. The Wholesale Type writing Co.. 321 Washington st. LATE model second-hand visible type writers: cash or terms. 402 Swetlaud building. W A XTED Underwood typewriter for cssh.- Phone Main I860. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $2f). The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. AJ.L makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Btli. Main 8668. M iarell aneous. B GAS range and Ruud water heater for sale, both la Al condition. Phone Broadway 4470. KUUD automatic hot water heater, used 2 months, at a sacrifice. 5428 39th ave S. E. Call even 1 n gs. MEDIUM-SIZE D trunk, good condition. Call Sell. 20.-.1. 9 to 6. 3 COATS and street dresses, very cheap East .".OP. apt. 23. FOR SALE Doors, windows, iimliir. 15Lh and Savier u friok and ilaia 2076. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. "WE BUT DIAMONDS. Eel! direct to diamond brokers and receive what your diamonds are worth: we pay spot cash, any amount: pawn tickets bought; all but,! news strictly con fidential; private office for ladies. THB AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO., 405 Spalding Bldg., Fourth i Floor. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesdmen's spring samples to the factory we have placed same at the disposal of the pub lic at wholesale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats In our salesroom at 726 Morgan bids. sV.VlTKU RUBBER CO. . GOVERNMENT buildings for sale cheap, to be moved away from premises; can be moved In sections; garage for autos and trucks, office buildings, sheds, fences, farmers' kettles, bricks, electric wire, roof paper and all kinds of lumber. Can be seen on premises, 14th and Quimby Bts., or 524 Board of Trade bldg. M- 6687. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. Ve pr.y up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most valu able. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mall, the American Brokerage. 405 SpaldUig bldg., 4th floor. 3d and Waen. SOWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main W3J SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1054. 161 Kuasell st. HOT-WATER tanks bO-gal.. $7; 40 gal., $!; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, ?as heaters installed ; ex pert plunibing. repairing. EastX Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East KODAKSAND PENS REPAIRED. We claim we're a boon and a blessing to men In fixing the faults of a Kodak or pen. SANDY'S, 329 Washington St. SAFFJS Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2043. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Steel Co. and Spruce Div. D. C. Wax Oftlce Equipment House. Bdwy. 2731 . 31 N. 5th. bet. Burnside and Couch. O. M. Babcock. mgr. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked weather beaten and old, leaky roofs rejuvenated by our famous and instantaneous rubber bonding system; all- work guaranteed. Phone Main 6040. PRACTICALLY new pair men's riding boots, puttees and silk hat at about half price; also baby go-cart. Mrs. Mar tin. Wdln. 2-J$0. 750 Williams ave. I WILL sell at par any part of 2000 units royalty stock, large dividends, payable monthly; act quick; they won't last long. AV 620, Oregonian. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB- ALSO COAL, SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 702O. DIAMONDS for sale; lady wishes to dis pose of several diamonds cheap; single stones, a Iso diamond earrings. Phone East 3626. Address, &6 E. 2Uth st. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Export sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 3S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1166. 48 Front St. LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sale or rent at Batell's clothing store, 51, Third, Multnomah hotel bldg. 1 PLANIMETER, never used; 1 24-H. P. double-opposed gas eng. A-l condition, for sale cheap. 1145 E. 19th North. Call evenings. . COMPLETE set of "messagea and papers of the president,' new and late edition, $60. Phone Woodlawn 2023. Call Wednesday evening. " FUR PALE Removable glass partition. 7 sections; would be suitable for sun porch. 500 Washington st. MERRY ao-round and ocean wave for sale, good condition, between 24th and 2.1th su.. on Thurman. see Men, on grounus. FOR SALE Seven round confectionary tables In first-class condition. 43U Washington. ' WHY PAY $15 lathes when you can buy them for $5. bee us at h. Second-Market. . WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. 10 to 10-inch slab and block wood, $6; prompt delivery. Phone Main 5347. DRY or green slab and block wood, mixed. lo-incn; also 4-it. country siaD; aeuverea promptly. Call Tabor 9042. WOOD and coal heater, A-l condition; being replaced by furnace. woodlawn 315a g SAFE, Toledo comparing scales, meat slicer, large platform scale. 242 SALMON. LARGE andvmall register, 2 floor cases. scales, computing, couple counter cases. 27o THlrtu. WOOD 4-foot green slab. S3. 50 per cord green slab and block mixed, $6 load- Tabor BS29. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 302 coucn oiag. USED APPAREU secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price, Jl,i2 Kast Oil san. Montavilli car to 39tb. Tabor 2S25. JOHNSON'S BOOfC STORE.- 248 Main st. New and second-hand books bought, sold and exchanged. All subjects. "kodaks. We daks. buy. sell, rmt and exchange ko Sndy's, 329 Washington st. CLEAR title to two lots at Prinevlllc, Or., centrally located; will trade for auto mobile. 242 Salmon st. SODA FOUNTAIN, lack bar, 2 counter cases, 1 cigar case, 1 wall case. 243 Tilth st. N. JOES heavy service bicycle for sale. In No. 1 shape, for 124). Inquire Clarence Fel lows, 315 N. 22d St. WOOD delivered prcmptly, best first growth sawed cordwood: long, steady fires; $7.50 per load. Phone Main 3323. FERTILIZER. Good manure, delivered east or west side. Tabor 2704. 1 ROLL-TOP desk end chair. 1 T. W. desk, 1 flat-too desk, 1 safe. Bushong & Co., 1 Park st. RIFLE bargains High power 35 cal., 18J5; 32 automatic. 1905; like new; sacrifice prices. Main Ii31. Morrison. o-FT floor cases, ti-ft. floor casos. Mall cases, candy case, 3-pleue mahogany case. 242 SALMON. LOCK WOOD and heavy slab. 16-inch lengths. Quick delivery and fine wood, 86 to$ cord. Bdwy. 2189. LARGE and small National regiBter, penny keys; counter case, gas griddle, revolv lng stools, check writer. 242 SALMON FOR SALE Well-made snow shoes. In excellent condition, 12xtf0, S10. 1128 Albina ave., apartment 28. FRONT and back bar, large and smaJl; ice box; sacrifice price. 275 THIRD. PACK your eggs now for winter use; fresh, infertile eggs. Phone East 404. VACUUM cleaner for rent. $1 per day. de livered, rnoiie xaoor lou.. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 4.1 1st St.. near Ash. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented exchanged, bought- Bentley -Co., M. 490.",! FOR rent, vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. dav xl del, anywhere. Bdwy. 2o8 ; fo-m W. 12"o! GOOD MANURE. EAST 4307. EBL'ILT typewriters. HO Sixth it. W. Pease Co. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. faniiv xeui oc Avr;uiiff, xs. xsi at. COMPLETE fountain, roll-tcp desk, chair , 242 SALMON. ZINC-LINED cigar wall case, couple cigar llil-LOfJ Laaco, I 1 n J ltl. SHOW cases, grocery counter, steam tables for restaurant. 41 xm. linn st. DESK ADDING MACH i N E, $15. 518 COiT BETT BLDG. MARSHALL '557. FOR RENT Vacuum cleanor, $l-per day Automatic 221-86. HEAVY block and slabwood. also 4-foot FOK first-class, 4 ft. fir wood. Bdwy 5121. 1 HAVE a hot water tank for $12.50. 312 Pine st. GOOD garden manure for roses lawns. Main 4-4 S3. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and eveninc dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. FOR SALE New 210-efeg Bu"cJteyTincu" bator at 4116 66th st- a. E. SMALL gas ranee, ljcook stove. 1 beater bargains. vVdin. 222i mornings. KANT.E for sale. Call at 232 E. 61st st N Moctavilla car. ' FREE One load of top dirt for lawn dressing. Thone East 19S0. OAK and fir wood for sale In carload m AC 358. Oregonian. RANGES, gas and coal combination, book case; other articles. 247 Graham, ave. rOR SALE. Miscellaneous. MUST SELL. Electric cof lee mill, cash register, showcases, scales, coffee urn, steam table, cheese cutter,' other fixtures. 113 Second st. PERENNIAL plants and bulbs, more than 3 kinds. Lily of the valley, SOc doz.; large foxgloves. 10c each; large Canter bury bells, two for 25c. Tabor 4510. 164 East 68th st. North. AB GAS range and Ruud water heator No. 25 for tale, all In Al condition. Phone Broadway 4470. f BECKER & WADE pressing machine. Phone Main 7307. BP. 331. Oregonian. NEW diamond disc Edison and records: cost $200. sell for $140. Main 737., FOR RAI.F Al'TOMOBII.BS. FREE TRIAL ON MONET-MAKING TRUCKS. Come In and choose your truck. They are all completely overhauled. Put It to work for ten days. If you are not sat isfied bring It back and exchange It for any truck In the house. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 1- ton worm -drive Ford, express body f AM) lW-tdn White, with, cab l.V0 lV-ton Federal BOO 2- ton Republic 14O0 2-ton Iteo 800 1-ton Republic, express body 750 1-ton Moreland 950 MANX OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. GRANNING & TREECE, 542 Alder St., cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. 1917 HAYNE3 TOURING. 1919 PAIGE TOURING, Larchmont model, run 1300 miles, $400 less than new price. 1919 WILLYS-KNIGHT touring. 120 CHEVROLET touring. Ilk new, 75 In extras. 1917 BL'ICK delivery, with panel body. 11120 HAYNES, $2."50. 11110 CHEVROLET touring. 1917 MAXWELL touring. 1919 BL'ICK touring. These cars are In Al condition and can be bought on terms. PORTLAND GARAGE, Used Car Department. Fifth and Taylor Sts. Marshall 600. 1920 490 CHEVROLET SEDAN. OWNER IS BUYING NEW BABY GRAND SEDAN. THIS CAR HAS BEEN RUN BUT 700 MILES AND IS BETTER THAN NEW. MANY EXTRAS. GUARANTEE. TERMS. SEE MR. DAVIS AT FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14TH AND ALDER. BDWY. 240. GRANT SIX TOURING. A bargain: will give liberal terms. This is a real car. See this. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East U057. 1918 FORD touring. Kelsey body, demount able rims, special carburetor, oil pump, Hassler shock-absorbers, speedometer, lock, extra tire, other extras. This car Is a bargain. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. v 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. OAKLAND TOURING $625. "". This is late '17 and Is being refin lshed and will be ready for delivery this week: we can take small car in trade as first payment, balance monthly; car is first clans. See it at 5f5 Alder st. RED FROST USED CAR CO. 1917 touring car, in beautiful shape Can be sold at a bargain. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St- Phone East 6057. 1918 BUICK.' 7-PASSENGER. Oversize cord tires, new paint. In the best -of condition mechanically. 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. IF TOU want a good used ear, one that will give you service and value for your money, see us. , BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM, 128 N. Broad'way. Broadway 89. SMALL MITCHELL SIX. 1918, with good tires, extra tubes and tire, new paint, in good condition, looks and runs the same as new. Price $876, $375 cash. Phone Woodlawn 2313 after P. M. IF YOU want a good used car, one that will give you service and value for your moneyi see us. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM. 128 N. Broadway. Broadway SO. 1919 ELGIN SIX. driven only 6000 miles. an exceptional ouy. 631 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. 5-PASS. SNAP, $485. Need money. My light 5 -pass, model 75 Overland, late '17 model, original paint, like new, good puncture-proof tires, good running order, some tenoa. East 7005. 1919 SCRIPPS-BOOTH This looks like a new car and mechanically perfect. 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKITT, AGENT, NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 180O. MITCHELL LIGHT SIX Oh. boy. but It is a swell looker and it runs like a deer. Will take a lighter car in trade and give you a deal that is more than square. 523 Alder st. Broadway 3411. MY 1918 CHEVROLET,' In perfect me chanical condition. 5 good tires, 1920 li cense paid; good paint, top and side cur tains: would not sell, hut am leaving town; will sacrifice. Call Marshall 3018. MAXWELL touring. 1917; new top, paint and tires like new; will sell at $500, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. OVERLAND touring, 1916 model, in per fect condition; will sell at $525 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. BUICK LIGHT SIX. 1917: condition ,,,.1 to its name. Why say more? $1100. and will give very easy terms or take traoe in. jj.i Ainer st- Broadway 3411, MAXWELL touring. 1916. in the best of condition; good paint, good tlres $550 terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn- side. 1919 FORD touring car at a bargain, mueit go right away, $550. good tires. In. the best mechanical condition; terms or MAXWELL touring. 1918. A-l condition used privately: must sell! - . t $7S.".. term. 30 Grand ave. North, near Dunisiuc. . CHEVROLET touring. 1817: good paint good tires: $.25. terms. 30 Grand avei 191T GRANT six touring car. No. 1 con dition, has good tires; will sell for $400 caatl. O'j.-i wam si. p. c, cor. 60th ave. 1918 OVERLAND, model !K), in goodshTpe- 2 spare tires, $725 cash. 724 East Ash! East 4509. DAUlLLAi; touring, mecnanical con dition; win sun ii tiid ana give terms. 3U urana ave. .-.orLn. near burnside. FORD touring, best of condition; a bar . gain; $.m0. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near duiubiu.. ;EW Fords, touring ana roadster, also rebuilts and enassis. our motors spea . . 1. . . .... 1 . UnlK.t.p Don n. Rl-TCK 4: a bargain. $300: reborerf n.w piston; good looks; using every day. Ta- OOT (d. ouucai.uuu. OAKLAND touring, new paint, seat rn. ersT good tires, price moderate, terms reasonable. Broadway 1858. 1917 BUICK four, leaving town, snap for cssh. flood rubber all- around. Call Owen. Marshall 1338. for appointment. CHEVROIJ3T touring sacrificed, $378 takes it. A1 condition. 153 E. 8th. BUICK touring, a good buy. Broadway 1858. VELIltf touring, new paint, good condi tion. Broadway 1858. 5-PASS. Studebaker, good tires. 3 extra casings, 4 tubes; $500, 221 6ta at. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. LET US DEMONSTRATE THE ' FOLLOWING CARS 4 TO TOC: 111 WILLTS KNIGHT. 1910 STEARNS-KNIGHT CHUMMY. 1919 BRISCOE. 1917 DODGES TOURING. 1919 OAKLAND TOURING. AND SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUYS. JUST PHONE US. RED CAP MOTOR SALES, 409 Stark St. Bdwy. 3961. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1919 PATTERSON 1915 Hl'PMOBlLK 1918 SAXON 1919 CASE 1917 CHALMERS .. 1917 RBO 4 1917 FORD 1919 NASH 1916 FORD BUG . . ..$1450 . . 1150 .. 750 . . 2O50 . . 950 . . 700 .. 875 . . 1800 . . 500 TERMS. 188 TENTH STREET. Marshall 232. Opp. Library. LIGHT SIX CHALMERS. Fin condition; 3 good tires; $750; will take all or part in liberty' bonds at faca value. 1916 Ford, demountable rims; $385; will take liberty bonds. 1917 Bulck, $1075 cash. 1919 Ford: new motor block; $615 cash. 170 E. 7th St. East 6234. HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO 15TH AND WASHINGTON ? Some cars! All late models. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. '" LOOKS GOOD. t 1017 OAKLAND SIX IN GOOD ME CHANICAL CONDITION, $750, TERMS IF DESIRED.. 105 PARK STREET. MAIN 5105. GUARANTEE. A MUCH-ABUSED WORD. We shall keep faith: and live up to any pledge or promise we make. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. 17 FORD TOURING WITH SHOCK ABSORBERS and lots of extras, and we will show you a regular good car; low price of H.!.j. with $150 down, balance easy. &05 Alder St. s RED FRONT USED CAR CO. A WHOLE DECK. Fifty-two cars to select from. Draw the one you want. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANT. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. IF YOU want a good used car. one that will give you service and value for your money, see us. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM. 128 N. Broadway. Broadway 89. ARE TOU MISSING IT? Missing the opportunity of getting late model car at below the market price, bee them at 15TH AND WASHINGTON. IF YOU want a good used car, one that will give you service and value for your money, see us. r BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM. 128 N. Broad'way. Broadway 89. 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX. New paint and very good tires:, sura enough pantasote top and all side cur tains in tlrHt-class shape: looks fine and runs the same way. Am forced to sell: cash or terms. See this, as I need the money. call owner. Marshall 1378. 1918 BUICK. 7-PASSENGER. Oversize cord tires, new paint, in the pest oi conaiuon mecnanlcally. 5S1 ALDER. Terms; Nj Brokerage. $35 REWARD, no questions asked, tin tomobile in city: black fenders, factory m,mHr J 1 1 TIT . - .... w ... , . dealer's license B189; taken from" 590 maraei street onve. can Main 1419 or mi w . . .!. -iarae. SPOT THE SIGNS ON THE WINDOWS AT 15TH AND WASHINGTON. PRIVATE OWNER 1017 Grant six Jus : , , . ureb, mecnan lcally In first-class condition: must be - ,"' i'H' -"on-u. ask lor Hooper, evenings and Sunday, M. & M. Garage corner 1 1th and Hoyt- Phone Broad, way 1720. FORD TOURING 1919 Model, been ru UreV .'"iVy.. P''"S-f e eld rood condition ' nAv- v u m.n 5Q0 cash. Can be seen at 194 N. 13th MJh.1n9,ll, CZ!I- ' Prt. me" ,- , , -"... Boqa tires, 192 license paid: good paint, top and aid ?owt'nw:...W."'2.f,0t "?.11but am leavin ilde 1ST .."-p. -an .Marshall 301 8 1(11 II U1TDUADIT I.' T . . ; . 7 i ; . ooa condition- Just repainted; looks like new: waoA ,?l2,0 Uceo: "I" elve terms irr," IT,. " payment. Phone 1919 BUICK touring car; cord tires- looks and runs like a new one: bumner nrf spotlight; $1500. some terms to responi- Die party. i-none i-rank Smith. Broad. way 1130. MY OWN 1918 Chevrolet in top-top shaoe. Just out of shop for the spring overhaul; ing. It has 5 good tires and good naint and too. 1920 license paid. and must sell right away. Make me an SAXON, 1918. lightest 6-cylinder- car. and is a bhuij 10 100a at. 11 more miles with less gas. oil and tires mean any thing to you, see this. $800: $300 down balance easv. Rronriwnv 3111 . . .. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, ax lea We wreck all makes of cars and sell their mrt. at half nHo. r". .. -.1 ., . . . Co" 103-7 North 11th " "DQM FORD touring. 1915 model. In good me chanical condition; a real bargain; $350 terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. $30 CREDIT FOR $15. I have a $30 credit on the Oldsmobile Co. which I will sell for $15. Add AE 970. Oregonian. - oarM OVERLAND TOURING, model 0- nTa top. new paint. Just overhauled. See It $70O $250 down, balance long time 5-i Alder street. Broadway 3411. " I HAVE a Hudson, do you want it. Boys, the time is here for making monev What have you to offer. 812 Pine ac Oakland's! ' " tourings. roadsters. sedans MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND HUDSON SUPER, new paint, new cord tires, excellent condition; $1000, terms. BUICK llrht six, 1918, run lass than 8000 miles: five good tires; Just like new Broadway 537. CLASSY- Cadillac bug, thoroughly over hauled, new tires and body. Phone Broadway 3060. J. E. Moore. 840 N. 2Sd- FORD BUG, $3T5; shock absorbers and other extras, cash or terms. Mr. Fisher. Interstate Land Co.. .-28 Stark su FOB SALE ACTOMOBILES. , SNAPS SNAPS. JUST A FEW SAMPLES FROM OUR LARGE STOCK OF BARGAINS. DIXIE FLTER, almost new $1200 BUICK FOUR, good shape 800 CHEVROLET 490, good buy ' 476 CHEVROLET Baby Grand 875 STUDEBAKER 4; see this...... C85 STUDEBAKER , some bus 775 SAXON SIX, pick of three 750 CHALMERS, a dandy 950 CROW-ELKHART; see this one... 885 CHANDLER chummy, a bargain.. 1250 LEXINGTON sport model, new. 1650 LEXINGTON big touring 1650 ELGIN, 1919 model touring 1550 OVERLAND big six; stage car 875 OVERLAND roadster, good shape.. 383 OVERLAND touring, late model... 485 AND A LOT MORE. " V These are cars we have been buying during the winter at extremely low prices. You get the benefit of our buying power. CASH OR TERMS. JUST BRING AN HONEST FACE. pen Evenings and Sundays. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. AT OUR REMOVAL SALE YOU WILL FIND 1914 BUICK ROADSTER. 2-pass., 4-cylinder. 1917 MITCHELL ROADSTER. S- passenger, 6-cyl. 1916 CHEVROLET. 5-pass.. 4-cyL 1916 STUDEBAKER. 7-pasa. 4 cyllnder. 1919 JORDAN.-7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1816 OVERLAND, 5-pass.. 4-cyL 1920 CASE, 7-pass., 6-cyl. 25 CARS TO SELECT FROM. Small payment down, easy terms. OPEN SUNDAY, 10 TO 4. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY. East First and East Morrison Sts. Phones Bdwy. 515. East 72 automatic 533-43, 212-16. - REMOVAL SALS. OF USED CARS. We move May 1 to our new home now being erected at Broad way and Everett St.. therefore, wa offer our stock of 25 high-grade used cars at big reduction in price. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. OPEN SUNDAYS. 10 TO 4. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. mit: fCHELL. LEWIS STAVER COMPANY. East First at East Morrison Ma BARGAINS. - 1 5-pass. Overland, electric lights and starter 850 1 5-pass. Chalmers 3..0 1 5-pass. Reo 300 1 4-cyl. Packard 400 1 7-pass. Peerless '. 1900 These cars have Just been overhauled and are guaranteed. You can buy any of these cars on your own terms. Apply Hemphill's Trade schools. 707 Haw thorne ave. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. 150 TO SELECT FROM. Look them over before you buy. EASY TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, 69-71-73-75 Grand Ave., Corner Stark. (Morgan-Atchley). Open Sunday and Evonings. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1919 LEXINGTON 3. Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms if Desired. BFUNN MOTOR-CAR CO, 28-30 North Broadway. HUDSON SUPER SIX '18 TOURING. This car is first-class and has been retopped and repainted and we will show you a wonderful car for the price and we can take another car-in trade; prefer sedan or closed, car; have a look. 005 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. BABY GRAND SEDAN. Practically new; run but a few hun dred miles. A most beautiful car. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St- Pbone East 6057. DODGE B-passenger touring, fine condi tion, new Philadelphia battery, all good tires, new spare tire, spotlight and bump er. This car has been driven very little and is In excellent condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. $800. Call owner. East 3178 or Mr. Knox at Bdwy. 1130. " PRIVATE OWNER. 1919 Chevrolet, $600 cash: Bumpers front and rear, spot light, new tires, spare tire, 1920 .license, mechanically perfect.- 1230 Union ave. 1916 FORD. 5-pass. touring ear. This car is In good condition and has fine tires and spotlight. 1920 license; will give terms. Phone Main 6395. FORD. '14 touring, $265 cash: Just over hauled, good tires, 1920 license; make fipe bug. See owner at 515 Mill St., Apt. 6. after 5 o'clock. CHEVROLET 4-90-5-passenger, as good as new, all new tires, good spare tire: car has never been off pavement. Call owner. Main 7780 or Mr. Knox at Bdwy. 1130. STUDEBAKER bug with high-tension Boch magneto, 30x3 tires all around, new body. $200. H. H., 103d St. and Foster road, Lenta Junction. FOR SALE Overland country club at a sacrifice by private owner. Call Main 813 Tuffs, and ask for Peterson. MAXWELL, 1919. touring; good paint, good tires; a real buy at $975, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. - CHALMERS touring, excellent mechanical condition, tire equipment and finish. Broadway 1858. . MY OLDSMOBILE 8, LIKE NEW. GOOD TIRES. SPOT LIGHT, $1300. TERMS 393 OAK ST. FRANKLIN, late 8B, just the same as new: 1920 liceuse and insurance. Phone siu-16- 5-PASS. COLE, make a dandy bug, S200; Call or write 534 Roselawn ave. OAKLAND 6, good shape, will sure go: ex tra tire, spotlight: terms. Tabor 1555. I BARGAIN Studebaker 17-4. In fine shape, ' $575. with terms, jxoodlawn 1598. I l1T CHEVROLET, a bargain. Call mom. I lnK bct- 8 and lj 29:M- ' I FORD touring, new tires. $300 cash. See I It 635 Davie Cweat aldej. , ro SAI.K AfTOMOniT.KS. JUST BEFORE THE GOOD WEATHER BUY YOUR AUTOMOBILE. Buy now. you can get a good pick oi the cars. . 1917 Maxwell, fine little car. has been overnauien and repainted all in tine condition, $495. 1918 Maxwell overhauled and painted, all in fine condition, $650. 1919 Maxwell, overhauled and re painted, like new, $S0O. Overland four, good shape, $523. Overland, model 85, good shape, $700. 1918 Studebaker four, all fixed up and repainted, fine condition, $725. Late model Kissel sedan, all in fine condition, $1400. 1917 Chalmers light six, has been over hauled and repainted, fine car, $9O0. 1918 Chalmers light six. overhauled and repainted, here is your chance fot a good quality car for. $1100. HUDSON BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson six, 40 model, the light six overhauled and repainted. $S90. 1916 Hudson super six, has been over hauled by our shop then repainted; we guarantee to you this car the same as a standard guarantee on new automobile. $1200. 1918 Hudson super six. overhauled by us. then repainted, guaranteed to. you by us the same as a factory guarantee on a new car, $1750. Hudson limousine, like new, you cannot beat it. $2400.- C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 613-617 Washington St... Portland. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. 1919 PATTERSON See this one. CADILLAC A real car. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. 1919 VELIE SEDAN 90 per cent ne nas wire wneeia; driven little 0t)0 miles; sold by Thursday over price . 1 ci.t ( VELIE Five-passenger, Al In every way; a true bargain. 1918 NASH, 6-cyl., a bargain. BUICK LITTLE 4 Just THE car you want. , USED CAR PALACE. 61 Union Ave. N East 7717. BUGS Several to choose from. TOURING CARS 45 to choose from. STAGE and FOR HIRES care 8 to choose from. f COMB IN AND PICK YOURS OUT. Terms Given. 8n-91 N. 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. A REAL BARGAIN." LATE MODEL FRANKLIN, EXCEL LENT CONDITION. $1750. CONSIDER SMALL CAR IN PART PAYMENT. 105 PARK. MAIN 5195. FORD TON TRUCK, $385. In good shape and a wonderful value. . AUTO SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont st. Phone E. 6007. I AM buying help: will sell my Moon five-passenger. Victory model 8-40. Per fect condition: 5 wire wheels. 5 good tires, bumper. Kayfield carburetor driven 2800 miles. Call Tabor 9328 I HAVE some of the bent buys In the city; " . 11 -" ivr. uuss. uenvenes and tour ing cars; will save money by seeing me before you buy. Tom. northwest corner 14th and Couch. Broadway 44U8. LIGHT 6 BUICK touring, run less than 10.000 miles; new paint Job, looks like brand new car o. K. mechanically., good tires. Price $1100, with terms. 1 -a down Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. ' FOR SALE 1920 Ford 1-ton truck de livery body, same as new; pneumatic tires, speedometer. Phone Tabor 5'0 w ill consider late model Ford roadster in trade. CHEVROLET. 191S. 5-passenger. owned by mechanic. 1920 license, good tires. $.'.00. Mack. Interna tional Motor Truck corporation, loth and Davis sts. 50 CARS. FORDS DODGES BUICKS OVERLANDS AND CHEVROLET'S 188 Grand Ave. East 53. ONE chummy roadster, excellent con dition; a real bargain by owner: see car t Oregon Auto Repair Co., 16th and Glisan sts. USED CAR BUTERS FIFTY SMALL CARS. Have you seen them? MEYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. CHEVROLET touring. 1916; good pslnt and good tires; will sacrifice at $450 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. A BIG BARGAIN Auto trailer, a com plete traveling outfit m-lth 2 spring beds and Hudson super-six. Phone 315-78. 742 Preecott st. FORDS FORDS FORDS. ROADSTERS. TOURINGS. SEDANS. COUPES. DELIVERIES. BUGS. MEYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. In the best of condition: good tires: a real bargain. $675. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnsiae. 17SK.D CAR RTTV3 See our assortment. FORDS. DODGES AND CHEVROLET 1K8 urana Ave. open Evenings. MODEL SO. 1918 Overland. 5-pass.. in ex cellent condition, new spare tire; owner must sen auicKiv: sin. cash or terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. CHEVROLETS. Best assortment in town. Some almost new. . . METERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. DODGE sedan. 1918. only run a few thou mjil miles: one extra tire and wheel - owner must sell: a bargain at $1650. '30 Grand ave. Nortn. nearisurnsiae. DODGES. 1915-191H-1917-1018. Look Them Over. 1SR Grand Avt. Open Eveninga. CADILLAC, electric light and starter, new Aires; car in excellent condition in everv way: $500 for quick sale, terms. Cook A Gill CO., llin ana nurnsiae. T5UICKS. 4 and 8-cylinder. 6 and 7-psssenger. 188 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. DODGE 1918 Just like new: easy terms $40O down, balance In 10 months. Nortlv west corner 14th and Couch- Broad' way 4408. MAXWELL. 1916. best of condition: new body, good tires, good paint; a real bar gain at $450. with terms. 30 Grand ave. .nonn. near i.iii nniur , KTimnRAKER: 1918. 6-cylinder re Lux model roadster, perfect condition. 850 East Burnside St. AUBURN BEAUTY six. practically new: will sacrifice for Immediate sale. Call East on -1 . 1B18 PAIGE five-pass., cord tirea nrt extras: owner must sell quickly; $450 down win nanqie. air. Argo. tfawy. 3281 1918 OAKLAND 5-pass., fine condition; owner munt sell; make me an offer. Mr. Argo, Broaoway .1-1 . CHEVROLET, sacrifice, run 9 months. 7000 miles: perfect condition: extras. 462 Hawthorne. CHEVROLET, late '19. like new: run less than 500 miles; splendid condition: ' priced reasonable. Phone Columbia 724. FORD 1917 Best Buy in city: terma See Tom. northwest corner 14th and Couch. Broadway 4408. , HUPMOBILES. 1916 Tourings. 1917. MEYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. DODGE, flve-paaaenger. good running or der: cnean iw " t. i-rn aa Agister, East BeYBiiiii tin mri uiuu OVERLAND 79. 5-pass.. fine condition need cash.; no dealers; $400. Mar shall 1675. WILL teach you to drive your machine reasonable. East 171. local 310. FORD touring with self-starter, $433, Room J, 112 ii 1st and Alder. . FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. SOME GOOD BUYS. READY TO GO. CHANDLERS. 1918 7-pass. model, first-class me chanical condition, good tires, body finish and top A-l con dition. Price j. . .$1400 1918 4-pass. roadster, A-t condi-. tion. cord tires with extra; grand performer. Price.... 1350 1918 Chandler dispatch, first-class mechanlral shape, wire w heels, one of the snappy sport mod els. Price 1500 t 1918 Oldsmobile. 8. 7-pass.. first class mechanical condition, good tires. Price 1100 1917 Bulck roadster, good mechan ical condition, good tires. Price . . 950 1919 Chevrolet. In good condition. ' extra tire, etc 725 1018 Maxwell touring, good me chanical condition, good tires price 673 1917V Saxon touring, 6-cylinder. re painted, good mechanical con dition, good tires. Price 700 OPEN SUNDAY. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR , COMPANY. ' Alder at Sixteenth. CG.' BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard makes. Call and look them over and got our proposition. Make your own terms. PORn TOURING $ I POI'.D ROADSTER. 1919 550 MJXWELL touring W FORD TOUR I NO : 3..0 'CASE TOURING 375 STUDEBAKER. 6 cvl 450 CHEVROLET TOURING 5O0 BRISCOE light 4 ."! OLDSMOBILE. 6 cyl. 50 MAXWELL 'IS. like new 75 DODGE TOURING 850 OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB 9"0 HUDSON SUPER SIX 9O0 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX 9-"' W1LLYS-K-N1UHT . . 1 2"0 BUICK LIGHT SIX. 1918 127.1 BUICK BIG SIX. 7-pass 13.".0 OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER , 14O0 CHANDLER TOURING 14..0 STUTZ. 1918. ltt-valve 2500 1919 HUPMOB1LE 14. Hi PAIGE. 7-pass 751) MET'.. 191S 500 STUDEBAKER 6, 1919.. a bargain. I C-. G.. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder street. Broadway 1852. REAL BUYS USED CARS. OVERLAND TOURING $-1"0 MAXWELL TOURING O0 SAXON TOURING fiOO MAXWELL TOURING $125 OAKLAND 8 TOURING 'l."-0 Hl'PMORII.E TOURING $lor.O VELIE 1919 TOURING $1350 These cars were taken in on new cars and have been put In good mechanical shape. Terms as desired. CALL AT 108 BROADWAY OR PHONE BROADWAY 1777. USED CHEVROLETS. We are the headouarters for these cars; our prices are reasonable; each car Is In good condition ana terms tnai win suit you. ' FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. OPEN SUNDAY. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUTt SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON LAND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. LATE MODEL TOURING CAR $495. This Is late. '17 Maxwell and Is re finished and retopped: has lots of extras and runs and looks first class; we will take small payment down. balance monthly. .vk Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. CASH OR TERMS. Just bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St- Phone Eaat 6057. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour ing car, almost new; bargain; five good tirea. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. BUGS. We have a number of these that can be bought on good terma 631 ALDER ST. tw Ton want a rood used ear. one that will give you service and value for your money, see us. BROADWAY 1'fED CAR SALESROOM. 12S N. Broad'way. Broadway 89. 1918 BUICK. This car would be hard to duplicate lor tne money., oeo u n 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage. OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. Run only 3300 miles at a big discount: this car is like new. See it today at 108 N. Broadway, near Gjisan at, or pnone uroau. in CHEVROLETS. We have a number of these from $400 up. They are ail gooa. 531 ALDER ST. TERMS. tit YOTT want a rood used car. one that will give you service and value for your money, see us. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM. 128 N. Broadway. Broadway 89. DODGE DODGE DODGE. We have them. In the proper condl tion; priced right. See for yourse'f. BROADWAY S411. 523 ALDER ST. 1918 OLDS SIX. driven very little; we will guarantee this car in every particular. 531 ALDER. Terms; No Brokerage- STEPHENS SILENT SIX. late model, in perfect condition: would pass for a new car: all cord tires and extra. $18O0 for quick sale and will give easy terms, or will taae anoiner car aa pari payment. Broadway ill. 1918 CHEVROLET. This Is a dandy car can be seen at oji A i. i .L. it sr. DANDY HUPMOBILE DIRT CHEAP. Just overhauled, fine condition. Owner pay charges. Big snap tor someone. East i;ih. DO YOU want to make money? Sell your Ford ana gei a n uumin. i ran nandl this for you with terina. Better see nu Bdwy. 2110. - . . i. i I hi, I? anilar. tmir n . , ,, .TO v ' i.f 1 1 ij - -'- " i conai- tlon. new tires. For quick sale $175. cau dipiii't , LATE 1918 Buick six roadster; paint and tlree like new and runs like new. Call '1J4A FORD truck in fine condition; good tires a real bargain. $675. terms. 3o Grand ave. rsortn. near purnsioe. id R l-tJK.lJ: mnai ire seen to oe annr,r ,t eV Call 264 Davis St.. between 3d and 4th. LATE, model Ford coupe, flighting and FOR SALE Al'TOMOBII.ES. FOR SALE AITOWOBII.FS. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. PLANT. We real I re that all purchasers of used cars do not reallre to what extent the covey Motor-Car Co. plant has developed Its reconstruction departments. The cars being offered speak generously of the success accompanying our efforts. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. . A complete line from 1&15 to 1913. 1919 Ttourlng 1918 Touring' 1917 Touring . 1916 Touring . 1915 Touring 1!I9 Coupe .. 1917 Sedan . . . .$1125 . 975 . 925 . 7M . 675 . 1V.O . 13O0 1918 1917 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good tires CHEVROLET chassis, for hii 800 FORD sedan, demountable rims, two extra tires, fine shape 7"-, V.'AU s,dn. electric starter 775 ,MRS .roa1B,er' a dana- - '-"' rOP.D touring 4-,o OVERLAND 90, a remarka ble buy .... "flRJI',A.Nt tourlnlt'.'oniy:: soil GRANT Tr.. a real car. needs some . . . 1918 1917 1917 1919 1918 1917 1917 1916 1918 191:1 1912 1918 1917 1917 1919 1918 1919 tliviliii, urs lor MAXWELL roadster 5--, V.E.. ourlng, good value 6o0 6-40 HUDSON !AD1LLAC, good stage -car! 5oo v,,-VJ.y-AC- good service car 4oo Si-i ro"ister, a beauty. 13i0 Si-IJ ,ourin8 lino V' -ryl- touring 775 r-lri-Sr'.,-,.mocl,l only.. 1750 STLOKBAKER SIX. good .??-'.1tw ,op nw Paint 1000 FRANKLIN, five cord tires. "riiiuuoiaoie rims and i2Pfik!: w,nd "eflectors. . just like new i5oo ,a1 CADILLACS. mj ,BnBrdeprlved of ,ns opportunity' of f"6"'" new Cadillac should cauie h . ,c.on: "hen Ihere is available ' mit tw,r8 ,Kelec,lon of cars. Even the most critical observer would doubt thev had ever been used. ne 1918 touring car, in perfect condi- tion; a beautiful car at a ioia . v!ry reaonable figure. .. $3600 l.'lB 4-passenger, new top, lined in velour. Victoria cur tains, fitted with plate gas.s. velour seat covers. iot- bumPer and extra tire... 8850 l.'lo Roadster, newly painted... 1250 .J. E.Wes us Breat Ple-"tire to offer these cars to you on very easy payments. We are open Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 2IsL Main 6244. ford bix -Classy and neHv v.. sure make a hit with It. "x'.-.OOr .,' HKOAUVAi 3411. 523 ALDER ST. FORD delivery In A-l condition; all good tirer; special body; a real bargain at $125. with terma 30 Grand ave. North near Burnside. FOR SALE by owner SliKhtly used 6-cvl- inUer National car. Recently overhauled in fine running order. Phone Tabor 132 or cal! 1021 Belmont. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock right. No misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET. 1917. A-1 condition; good lire, miii sai-iiiice at e i:".i ana Kive terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. OVERLAND touring; a bargain at $U50. ii rutin y iiiio. Automobiles antra. CASH FOR FORDS. Roadsters, touring cars and sedans. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder. Bdwy. 1S52. VE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. Grand ave. and East Stark. WILL PAY CASH FOR DODGE. I want a Dodge car In good condi tion and will pay cash for bargain; state condition, price and year. Call Tabor S 1 52. WILL PAY CASH FOR DODGE. I want a Dodge car in good condition and will pa cash tor bargain: state condition, price and year. Call Ta bur 8152. WE WANT cars. Customers on our list. for all makes of cars and can make that car mean mon.y to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. T31 Alder at. Broadway 2796. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE UHc:D CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdaie St. S. W. Corner. 15th and Washington. WANTED STORAGE BATTERIES. - CASH FOR OLD STORAGE BATTERIES. ADCoX AUTO JiCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. 36 ACRES on lower Columbia. 80 rods on highway; price $W0, to exchange for a good 5-pasenger car. Room 1 Vs. 245 V Washington st. WILL PAY cash for late model car: roust be cheap: state make, year, price. R 194, Oregonian. WE ARE In the market for used cars. Drive tiiem In and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st. LATE model Ford. Dodge or Chevrolet touring car: will pay cash. Call Mr. Senn. Marshall 600. WANT small car; will trade good busi ness, give or take dilference, 575 H Washington st- FINE business lot, block Kenton bank: trade for small automobile. Broadway WILL TRADE 6-passenger Buick, first class condition, for larger car. Wdln. 377. I HAVE a beautiful acre at Ocean View, valued at $1600; will exchange for good used automobile. Tabor 8118. EAST SIDE building lots and cah for good automobile- East 5:156. evenings. PAY spot cash for late Ford or Chevro let. Tabor 4573. 1918-19 DODGE touring car; wilt pay cash. BC 329. Oregonian. Motorcvclee. NEW HARLEY-D A VIDSON MOTOR CYCLE. - CALL 101 N. 11TH ST. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Auto Tires and Accessories. SOx3 FRONT FORD WHEEL complete, with tire and tube: also 1 brand new S0x3 Goodyear tire guaranteed: cost $45; will seill separate or take $20 for all. Phone Woodlawn 2525. A iitemoblle f0r Hire. TIRES 5 new 30x3Vx Non-skid. extra quality. 6 new 30x3 tubes, 3 used tubes. 2 Klaxon horns, 1 rear tire rack. 1 Ford connecting rod Jig. Make your own bearings and save money. 812 Pine ac Bdwy. 3110. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th street, between Washington and Aider. Broadway 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 262T BROADWAY 2629. LET U3 FIGURE ON YOUR GARAGE. We can build to suit and save you money; guaranteed to please. Phone Main 4335. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouDie anoot er, complete; cheap. Wm. Cook, loutl A. box 93. Portland. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIR'sI L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236! ALT H OF BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR, MAIN 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling! shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR SALK TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS. 1-TON FORD $325 1- TON PACKARD...".". $750 2- TON NASH Juno 2Vi-TON DENBY ..$1100 EASY TERMS OR WILL ACCEPT LIGHT TOURINO CARS IN TRADE. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK OF NORTHWEST, -TENTH AND DAVIS STS. MAKK us an orfer on -ton Republic one l'i-ton Nash, both In good mechani cal condition, equipped with PneuniaLic tires. Call 15 Union ave. uc