10 THE MOltXINO OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, APRIL G, 102O REAL ESTATE. ' For Sale House. McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAKD CO.. HOME BARGAINS. Those of yon w ho hava spent days and weeks looking for bargains in homes can testify that REAL, honeat-to-good-Siess bargains are rare. McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO.. handles high-grade property exclusively and advertises only the property it knows to be priced right. The follow ing are excellent homes in good loca tions, and we are pleased to snow them by appointment IN IP.VTNCTON. $8,000 Brand new 7-room bungalow; gnrage. $8,500 Nearly new 9-room 2-story house, fine condition. $8,500 Splendidly constructed 7-room bunfralow, garage; cost $11,000 to build. $9,000 Excellent corner, $-room house. -garage. , 'fl 0,000 Corner, 100x100, 8-room fine house; dou-ble garage. $15,000 Beautiful homo. 10 rooms: ga rage. All a home should be. $25,000 A real palace; 150-foot front. IX LAUR ELHURST. $8,000 Dandy 7 -room colonial; fine lo cation. $10,500 Brand new colonial, near the park ; one of the most modern homes in the city. $14,000 The most nifty and up-to-date home in L&urelhurst. $23,000 A large, fine home with plenty of ground. IN ROSE CITT. $5,250 5 -room strictly modern bunga low. $0,200 6-room bungalow, fully fur nished : fine location. $3,250 Positively the most splendid bungalow in the city; garage. ON THE WEST SIDE, $S,00O A thoroughly modern 7-room home; garage; fine view. IN NOB -HILL. $S,000 Close in splendid modern 8-room home. $17.500 A foreclosure: rost $2A.r00 to build. A wonderful bargain. $30,000 The best view, the best con structed, the finest finished home of its size in the cliy. CALL MAIN 530. VcCRILLIS-CLE AVE LAND CO. SMALL FRUTT FARM. ' RIGHT IN CITV LIMITS. T Beautiful home, sir large rooms on t main floor and Lnlahed rooms upstairs, i modern, bath, toilet, electric lights, fire 1 place, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, big lot, 100x78 feet, finest variety i r bearing fruit and berries, fine gar den, beautiful, well-kept lawn with fine , selection of flowers and shrubbery; han , dy to car, Creston and Franklin high j schools and Reed college, and the best I home value in Portland for $1000, one fealf cash, balance terms. ' E. W. HUGHES. i 07 Journal Bldg. Main 2S38. $470. nlr, BARGAIN. ROSE CITY PARK". Almost new 5 - room bungalow: full cement basement; fine large attic; a dandv fine garage; on paved strret. about 3 block from ear; all Improvements included In price. This Is the best buy I know of in Rose City Park See it with out delay. Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. Evening, East 2086. READY TO OCCUPY. 6-50 E. 46th street. North. It. C. Park, between Stanton and Siskiyou; all im provements paid; 6 rooms, cement base ment, drain, laundry trays, electric fix tures, hardwood floor, built-in kitchen, buffet, medicine cabinet, linen uloset, Radlantfire; 50x100 lot, lnxls garage, ce ment tloor and drive; walnut tree; fur nace, wallpaper throughout; for sale on rent terms by the owner, who will be at the house from 10 until 5 Sunaay. Call after 6 P. M.. East 1700. HEIGHTS HOME. Delightful view home; artistic in every feature, finished hi old ivory ; many French doors and special designed lead ed glass windows; finest den with fire place in city; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; very elaborate tile bath. hot water heat, garage, like new; built for home, by present owner who will loe several thousand dollars at $ 10,000. Terms. Tabor 407. LAUR ELHURST. r A BARGAIN. Strictly modern 6-room house. sleen big porch, double garage, lot 75xlO0 in th-5 very heart of Laure:hurst; excep tionally large rooms, 3 light, airy bed rooms ; full basement, furnace, beautiful fireplace; lots of built-in;?. This place an be seen by appointment only. See J. A. McCarty. B. 30 th and Glisan st. Office. Tabor 3433; evening. Tabor 5057. HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. $4600 $1000. Beautiful o-room modern home, one block from car, hard-surface street, very cosy interior, wnite enamel lintKh, built in buffet, fireplace, furnace, ail in per fert condition; few minutes' ride frorr heart of city. This buy will not last. mj uoii i ui'iay. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO.. 633 N. W. Bunk Bldg. Main 3787. BEAUTIFUL I RVINGTON HOME 7 rooms, hard-wood floors, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace ana laundry trays, full basement, attic Hii iintunea tor a otutard room or dam- ing. larjte lot. newly tinted and painted, a grand place for $3500. terms. Ask jveuogg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 32ft Henry Bldg. Main 2600. WEST SIDE HOME. f,O0. T rooms, besides 1! finished rooms in attic; dandy large living room, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, etc.. located on Hoyt fit., in Sob ii i! i district ; property lornieny neia at price now .kuu, terms. LU E DD E M A N N "OM P A NY. 013 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 6967. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. S750. Gas. water, small basement, 50x100 ft lot. fenced, roses, berries. 2 blocks pavement; vmd.ll payment down, balance like rent, discount for cash. Owner will fhow house from 11 to 4 Tuesday and weanesuay. ijv J-Jast b4th st. S. E. Mount Scott car to d-d St., rro south to Panama Grocery, then 2 blks. eaet. ALAMEDA. B room bunfralow. garage, fruit, S nlre bedrooms. Dutch kitchen ; cheap at $2U(M. $850 cash. Call owner. Main S051. $J00, FIRLAND cottage, 5 rooms and attic, cement basement, stationary tubs and fruit room, Iirst-class plumbing, 100x100 lot. good chicken house and rund: all kinds of fruit, era pes and ber rles. This is a delightful home and worth more money. Owner, Sundays and evenings. Tabor 4312; daytime, Broadway 2013. MAGNIFICENT LAURELH URST HOME. One of most elaborate 9-room Colonial homes in city, located on choice corner looking into Laurelhurst Park. 10x30 living room with tile fireplace, cozy den with fireplace; 4 nice bedrooms, sleep ing porch and 2 tile baths; all in old ivory; oak floors, sun porch, ceiled attic, ga rage, beautiful grounds. Tabor 407. ROSE city;. 6-r.n. mod. bungalow, all on one floor, fireplace, oak floors, French doors, gas radiators, beautiful shrubbery, garage. 1 -4 blks. to car, all nice lisht rooms. Jy appointment only. $1500 will handle this, balance monthly. 200 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1058. - "$1850 RICH MONO B C N G A LO W . 3 8 50. Five rooms, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, modern plumbing, street improvements in and paid, on 37th st.. near Division. H block from car; ideal location; easy terms. Call owner. Tabor 3S87. A-ROOM BUNGALOW. 100x100 lot, large barn, chicken pens, a good buy. $2500. terms. Ask Mr. Kell- J A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 260Q. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. $32.50 TERMS. 5 rooms on 50x100 lot; Improvements II In and paid ; this Is an estate and must be sold. Call 304 Vx Oak st. Broad- way 266. SWELL bunKalow, 5 rooms and bath, ce ment basement. 4636 43d st., take Wood stock car to 4flth; J260Q with $6O0 cash Finch. Bdwy. 344. J200 6-ROOM modem house, 2 lots, fruit and berries, garden In. Close to school. 1 blk. to car. 6300 9th st. S. E. Mount Scott car to 05th. Tabor 4953. pjVNPT little . cottaee home. 5 rooms $2600; terms. Mt Scott car to 7240 57th ive. S. E Tabor 325. FOR HAWTHORNE HOMES CALL HUBBELU TABOR 8S92. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. SPLENDID) HOMES. WAVERLT-RICHMOSD Beautiful 7-room bungalow on almost half an acre of land, only 20 minutes out; shrubbery and lots ef fruit; exceptional ch icken equipment; house has fireplace, furnace, pan eled dining rm., den. large living rom, Dutch kitchen; all street improvements in; $825, term a. HAWTHORNE One and one half -story bungalow home with fireplace, bui it-ins. paneled dining room, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs, 6 rooms on first floor, full cement basement; street improvements in. This is a very good home and worth more than the price asked. $3600. with $lloO cash, or completely furnished for $400 additional; located on -48th at , one block, south, of Hawthorne. AIN5WORTH AVENUE A real home is this, with 7 rooms and sleeping porch. The living room i very large, with fine fireplace and bookcases ; wholly and completely modern, with a lot 03x114, garage. plendid lawn, some fruit. This is a charming home and is under priced; $5750. $25O0 cash; leas for all cash. v For particulars on one of these phone Main 5G24. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. NEW, modern bungalow, five rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, white enamel finish throughout, X irepJace, nice fixtures. fll concrete basement, full lot. Price $3850, easy terms. New, modern. bungalow type. six rooms and sleeping porch, one bedroom on ground floor, hardwood floors, fin ished in white enamel, fireplace. Full concrete basement, full lot. Price J3-O50. easy terms with interest at 6 per cent. New, modern bungalow of four rooms, bath and breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, two 'bedrooms, full concrete basement, full lot. Price $2850, easy terms. O. W. BRYAN. . ROW Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main !VHi3, evenings Marshall 605. IRVING TON HOMES. $19.0OO, corner. 0 beautiful rooms, hot water, heat, ivory and solid mifhogany, 2 baths. 4 e-:.ra lavatories, lot 100x100; double parage. $12,000. big bargain in Trvington; 8 rooms. hilltarJ-rm. thoroughly equipped, hardwood floors throughout ; fuil lot; double gara ga. $ 1 0.O0O, 7-room bun galow home bui K 4 yrars ago, hot water, heat, tile baths, pedestal plumbing, good grounds, ga rage; $450O rash handles. $15,000, 100x100 corner, 8 rooms, all Ivory, hardwood floors, central entrance; terms. $10,500, 75x100 grounds with most ar tistic home of 8 rooms. French doors, fun room, 3 fireplaces, billiard room, $5060 ensh handles; also homes at $0000, $7000, $S250. Mcdonald. E. 419. BRAND-NEW COLONIAL. SIX-ROOM HOUSE IN LAUR ELHURST. Located cloe to parte ; material s nd workmanship the best ; bu'lt by day labor and to be sold at ac tual cost. No builder's profit or big commission, v.hlch means a saving to-you of at least $1500. ALSO In same location, a new 6 - room bungalow: a masterpiece in archi tecture and finish. I will sell these two places on very easy terms to responsible parties. No more at theae prices. First come f irst served. Phone early Monday, M r. Ielahunty, Main 1700. Evening. East 2086. ON ALAMEDA DRIVE Ts a very homelike, colonial style, house located on a large corner lot with 150 feet on the Alameda, convenient to car. Large entrance hall, living room, dining room and kitchen ; upstairs there are 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Fire place, full cement basement, furnace. Porch on 2 sides; some fine bearing fruit trees. Price is $6800 with convenient terms. MACINNES & PRATT, Main 380S. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. S Rooms, Sleeping Porch, Garage. $6100. This home will really appeal to you the beauty of design and completeness of interior ararngement. together with the fine material and workmanship, con tribute toward making It a quality home or unusual distinction, we cannot over describe Its beauty; from hardwood floors to furnace every detail Is coi plete. May we not have the privilege of showing you? A. G. TKKI'K (JO.. 26 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, f0th and Sandy. KENTON DTST. 2 blocks north of Txim bard . nea r M iss B rooms and ha t h besement. -garage; 50x100; price $3000, $1000 cash. 2 blocks south of Lombard on Miss. 5 rooms, one unplastered; needs some carpenter work and plumbing: has Ras, el. light and water: 5nxlOO; price $1000, S2(K cash, ot her gooa oargains. I. D. BATHR1CK. ."!.". Ch. of Com. Main 1055 in A. M.. 103 E. Winchell in P. M. ROSE CITY SNAP. $5350 6 rooms, all on one floor, every convenience; a cosy bungalow, built last year. 1 erms. 1 RVINGTON SNAP. $4500 Six rooms, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, built-ins, 50x100, ga rage. Terms. ALBERTA SNAP. $3450 7 rooms, artistic, 50x100, paved fits., in bungalow row ; block car; $750 cash. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Ahington Bldg. Main 4803 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 5-room bungalow, only two blocks from Hawthorne avenue; has fur nace. fireplace, built-in buffet, book cases, hardwood floors, living rooms, fin- isnea m oia ivory ana tapestry paper; garage; all street improvements in and paid. I his bungalow is in gooa condl Hon and can give quick possession, as owner is leaving city and must sell In the next few davs. Price ?47oO .J. A. HUBBELLu 1078 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8802. GROVE LAND PARK. Well arranged five-room bungalow In the pink of condition. Fireplace, fur nace, narawooa i ioors. garage, two oea rooms and bathroom on first floor; book cases, buffet, Dutch kitchen. Three more rooms can be finished upstairs. Street improvements In and paid. Close to Franklin . High school. Price $4&50. 91mm casn. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Main 0752. $5800. READY TO MOVE IN. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, lo cated at E. 28th and Sandy; fine large living and dining rooms with hardwood floors; dandy klLchen with lots of built- ins: breakfast room, large cement base ment: furnace. This is an ideal home and has never been occupied; terms if deeired. See J. A. McCarty at E. 39th and Ghsan st. Office Tabor 3433. Eve rting. Tabor 50o. ROPE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW GARAGE. $5500. Really, for a moderate -priced bunga low you will have to go some to beat this splendid home ; hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook; expensively papered, etc. It'll be a real pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW GARAGE. Modern 6-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms on first noor; hardwood floors, fireplace furnace, buffet and bookcases, cabinet kitchen. All large rooms. Good garage ana runway. f rice inc. an st. imp, Price s.vtoo. Located near 43d and Sandy, WLEi V tt. LJ 2 LJ-t-t tli. UhKbU.N CO., 212 Railway Erch. Bldg. M. 6752. SACRIFICE LEAVING CITY SAC RIFICE. Six-room, fully modern home, close in on east side, on car line. This is one ot the best-made homes in Portland- could not be duplicated for lees than 51U.OOU. l am forced to leave the city and win sacrmce eame lor Jti7.rO. If vo want a real home at the right price look this up at once. G. Av Sarles, 733 -HAWTHORNE DISTRICT- o t ov.uu. Modern, 5 rooms, breakfast root iia.iUnuUv .twu.o, i. niicnen, llgnt- ing fixtures, shades; inside in old ivory and papered with the latest designs; screened back porch; cement floor In casement; garage; corner lot; Imps.- In and jiaid; a bargain, $1000 cash. Cor. PHONE MARSHALL 858. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Cozy 4-room modern bungalow full plumbing, Dutch kitchen, 50x100. east ironi, corner lot, witn lots of fruit, bu from owner and save monev. S3;i.ft terms; immediate possession. Tabor 470ttT REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoitae. PIEDMOST. Modem and convenient In every re spect; large living and dining rooms lacing street, both have oak floors; living room has patent fireplace that never smokes, and built-in bookcase; dining room has beautiful grained panel ing, massive plate rail and built-in buf fet and china closet; large light kitchen complete with more cupboards than you can use; also cooling closet and ironing board; sunny breakfast room; large screened back porch: nice bathroom with excellent fixtures and large medicine chest with plate mirror; two bedrooms with nice closets and In one closet door Is full length plate mirror. Upstairs is one large bedroom and two combination bedrooms and sleeping porches. two large closets and large storage closet; large, light, full cement basement about 30x40. laundry trays, Lackawana fur nace piped for hot water; extra large garage with entrance from alley; fine lawn and Imported shrubbery. This house has been built about four years and has been taken care of. All paved streets. Fine location. 20 minutes to Third and Washington over four differ ent carlines; near Jefferson high school, churches and Peninsula park; one of the most restricted and beautiful districts in Portland. All for $6500. about half cash, balance very easy. Owner Woodlawn 1412 EAST MAIN ST. 6 ROOMS. ' $3850 Good 6-room house, 3 bedrooms, electricity, bath, full basement, all light, airy room 4. corner lot 50x75; Hens all in and paid; on E. Main and 23d; $850 cash, $i5 month. N. MT. TABOR 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $i;r0 Nice 6-room bungalow, electric ity, fireplace. 3 bedrooms, all on one floor; attic; lot 50xloo. on E. 63d near Glisan; $1000 casl . $25 month. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $4200 Fine 5-R. bungalow; fine attic, cement basement, elec, bath, in piuk of condition; 5uxlOO east front. E. 3d, uear Alberta; $loO0 cash. GKUSSX & BENNETT. SI 8 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-RM. BUNGALOW. GARAGE. A lucky find! Located Rose City's prettiest section, 6 beautiful rms. on one floor, fireplace, hardwood floors, den or musi? rm., nandsome built-in buffet, fine Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms down, 1 more party finished in large attic ; cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fine garage, cement runways; 50x1 oo, east front lot, fine lawn and shrubbery , Ihk blks. Sandy an can Priced $5250. Worth more. Some terms. If you want something worth while in a R. C. bunga low, see this today by appointment. It will be gone tomorrow. Autos at your convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Ycon Bldg. NOB HILL. Beautiful 6-room bungalow on large corner lot in exclusive dis trict; all modern conveniences, in cluding French plate glass win dows, built-in bookcases and buf fet, spacious halls and large liv ing room, steam heat, elegant vel vet Wilton carpets go with the house. Can be bought at a bar gain, as owner is leaving city. Tel. Tabor 309. Shown by appoint ment only; no agents. ALAMEDA VIEW CORNER. First time offered for sale; one of the most beautiful 8-room homes with (sleep ing porch and garage, located on choice double corner with view of city ; tile vestibule with coat closet, 16x'J6 living room, delightful dining room with lots of wall space, pass pantry, nice 'light kitchen, 3 large square bedrooms, elab orate dressing room. 2 baths and sleep ing porch ; large attic, one of nicest finished basements in city with most expensive hot water heating; built for home by present owner, no expense spared, extra heavy construction and best oak floors throughout. Ta bor 407. I RVINGTON. v EXCLUSIVE SECTION, 6 TEARS OLD : 75x100, 8 ROOMS, ("ENTER ENTRANCE, DOUBLE GARAGE; - $8750, $1000 CASH, $50 PER MO. EAST 1347. SUNNH'SIDE BARGAIN. 5-rm. cottage-bungalow, $3oO0; first class condition; no cleaning, painting or tinting to be done ; 2 hedrooins, fine bath, full basement; 50x112 beautiful lot, nice lawn, lHr,?e eiace for garden, 1 blks. Suruiyaide car; only $650 to handle. Paved Bts. and stwer. Quick action to get this. v Phone Main b02 lor appoint ment. Autos at your convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FINE 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. TWO LOT? PRICE 5500. Fine 7-room modern bungalow, 'Just like new; two lots, nice lawn and lots of fruit ; also good garage ; no better built home in pie city and right up to date in every way; the price of this home is not war prices; if you see It you will buy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. FINEST VIEW IN THE CITY. Fine 8-room m od e rn h ou se w h e re you can sit on the front veranda and look out over the city. AIho fine view of t he mountains. The owner has author ized us to sell at a very low figure. Call us ui. Can be handled on easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Sf. - Broadway 4133. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. Bunealow S3950. The owner of this s pi end id bungalow must sell at once; will give best of terms; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement wash trays, etc. ; lots of fruit and ber ries. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, ftOth and Sandy. $1375 $300 DOWN. For a brand new little four-room bun galow; close to the industrial district of University Park; you should see this at 907 Yale st. Maboney. COE A. McKENSA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Evenings. Columbia 638. HOME. SWEET HOME lis: T-WM SIIRITRBS. 5 rm. plastered bungalow on a 100x100 ft lot; fruit and betries; garase; 5 blks. to enr' Bull Run water. This is a well- built house, ideal tor chickens. Owner will sacrifice for $2000.- Marshall 3352. Eve.. Tabor 300O. J. B. ROCK CO.. 403-4 Couch Bldg. Good 6-room liouse, furnace, fireplace. laundry trays, etc. oarage, uiose in, east side. Easy terms. See Spencer COBB BROS., 263 Oak st. Suburban Homes. HRRF. IS ANOTHER ONE. 5-room house, 2 fireplaces, big living room bath in. uood well, a dandy barn. chicken house and yard for 100 chick ens, all wired, good outside cellar, ga rage, woodshed with lots of wood, fam ily orchards, lots of berries and flowers, strawberries ; on good gravel road, close to station and town, 8 miles out, 6-cent car fare; 1 acre fine soil, all for $4000. $1000 cash, balance easy terms, at 6 per cent RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. ACRES, located close to Aloha station end near the paved road; on graveled road; all under cultivation; new 6-room lath and plastered bungalow, with ce ment basement and floor; 2 large chick en houses, 100 bearing frurt trees, logan and other berries. This is close to school and is a high-class place. Price $4750. $1000 cash. Personally Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Ger - linger bldg. OREGON CITY ILNE. One and 20-100 acres, located on the River road, 4 blocks from Oak Grove; 1 acre under cultivation, balance In tim ber; --room box house, barn, chicken runways, woodshed; gas for lights and cooking; well. Price $1600. $1000 cash Mishler. with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. " SUBURBAN HOME. " " " 4 acre. 4-room bungalow, electric lights, well, pump, chicken bouse, small barn, 2 blks. to car; Oregon City line; fruit and berries; $1050 cash. Fisher, with - INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. Main 5429. OREGON CITY LINE. 5 acres, 4-room bungalow, barn and woodshed : Al soil, bearing- fruit trees' all for $3800. $1200 cash. bal. good terms. See Brown. & Biddle. 324 Ry. Exch. bldg. 10 ACRES, house, barn, orchard, well near elec., paved highway; $2500 (worth morels an extra buy; $1150 cash or more. Call at new office. 3d and Wash. sts. Main 3672. Frank McFar land. 20S Failing bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, frqm $18oO up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." $4750 10 ACRES IMPROVED. Good buildings, near Clackamas. You cannot beat this If you v,ant a good home near Portland. COBB BROS., 263 OAK ST. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. $4250 TAKES a new modern 6-room bun galow with all conveniences on choice corner tract of ground, 79x140 feet, at the junction of two improved county roads. All Improvements tn and paid for; about 3 blocks from Multnomah sta tion; owner compelled to sell. Will take substantial payment down and terms on the balance. Wo have other good buys In houses at Multnomah, ranging In siee from 4 to 8 rooms. We also have many chioce building sites, from i to one acre. MULTNOMAH is our specialty and we can give you what you want. For par ticulars call on BEN RIKSLAND at 404 Piatt bldg., or C. L. Newman, on the ground on Sundays. If you want to look over this country call up Main 8HO and arrange for the trip. We will be glad to take you out tn our machine. OAK GROVE ACRE. HERE Is a dandy cultivated acre at Oak Grove with nearly a dozen fine bearing fruit trees; good four-room frame house with sleeping porch, never-failing well. The place is well fenced. Would make a charming home. Must be sold this week; $170O, with $5O0 cash, eay payments. Phone Main 6624. 5624. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND PARK, in heart of Portland's west side popular suburban district; 4 to acre at less than price of city tot; on county highway, 2 blocks to Sbahapta station on Oregon Electric ( between Multnomah and Maplewood). 6-cent fare. 5 Otlckets, $3.03. Water, gas. elec tricity. Big saving In living expenses outside city; paying taxes here like buy ing few postage stamps; present prices lower than adjoining additions. See own er for special prices and terms. 319 . Railway Exchange. Main 675; res.. East 7688. 1 1-5 ACRES, all cultivated and first class soil, only 20 minutes out on Oregon Electric, 1 blocks to sta tion, near paved road; good house with basement, can have water, electric lights and gas; chicken house 12x24, woodshed, 2700 bear ing strawberry plants and other fruit : furniture and garden tools included for only 3600. terms. F. t R. .lease, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. NEAR LINNTON. Splendid bungalow, close to St. Helens road, five rooms downstairs and room for four additional up; all kinds og fruit, large grounds, full concrete base ment; furnace; built-in buffet, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen; $4000, $004 down. Mr. Ma honey. COE A. McKENNA Sc. CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. FIVE ACRES GARDEN HOME. Five acres located 5 blocks from the station. 3 1- acres under cult ivation, all can bo cultivated. New house of five rooms, just being completed. Barn, chicken house, few fruit trees. 4 blocks from surfaced road. Very low car fare and good train service. Price $4300 on terms. Personally Inspected. Ma raters, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. Wonderful homesite overlooking beau tiful Oswego lake. magnificent yew, cedar, dogwood ajid maple: wide front ajre on rock road, water and lights; you will be glad to show her this; only $800. less than price of ordinary city lot. Owner, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. LA KE GROVE Modern bungalow, $:;400, ?1 400 cash. McFarland. Failing bid g. For Sal Business Property. LATH MILL, buildings and and side-track: new machinery, complete and operating: also several hundred cords of excellent slabs available; plant is close In on S. P, tracks; splendid site, covering two blks. Can be handled for $2000 cash, balance on terms. Call Tabor 3091 or Tabor 165. QUARTER block. Nob Hill apts., or busi ness corner. uwner, duu y. ir.i. For Sale- GO0D LOGANBERRY LAND. 10 acres, located K mile from the Red Electric, line; all under cultivation ;-dedicated road to the place; half mile from graveled road? close to good school, both high and grade ; price $10OO cash. The owner will show you the land any time. If given several days' notice. This land is located northwest of Salem, Or. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. VERY CLOSE TN. 7TVx20f. all under cultivation; ritj water, can. cood plumbing; nice place good garden land; 4 -room lath and plas tered house, bath, 3 blks. from car, 6c fare. Price $1450. $250 cash. Personally Inspected. Ma rat era. with JOHN J-ER GUSON. Gerlinger bldg. HUDPON ACRES. T-fff-ht eat. Buil Run water, close in. good car service; a few left. One acre in lull-bearing rasp ner new i a oargaia. R. E. MEN EKE E & CO., 416 Railway Exchange Bids;. Main 4035. IIOCED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 80 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no roik, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Price $2t to $tf per acre. LEUDDEMAXN CO.. 918 Chamber of Commerce. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low nrire- 5 Der acre and up. . Liberty bond accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Taeoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 8 ACRES 4-room house, barn, chicken house and other buildings; nearly all in bearing orchard; county road; Including equipment, cow, chickens, tools, etc. $4150. easv terms. Corbln. INTER STATE LAND CO., 248 Sta.rk St. Main 642U. . ONE acre, with, little house, near lake ; barn, chicken house, berries. 2 dozen pouter hens thrown in; like rent, $15 a month, $2ui cash; price $1200. Mrs. L. M. Johnston, Lake Grove station Acre 62. Inquire. CHANCE to get 100 acres good land is of fered to the right man, capable of enter ing into woodcutting and hauling con tract, covering 5 years; capital required, about $2000. AH 401. Oregonlan. S ACRKS at Tonquln, on Oregon Electric; cottage. bam. chicken houses, -fruit trees; big bargain for cash. Write owner, R. Schmidt. 702 Claus Spreckels bldg.. San Francisco. 2 ACRES. $2500; at end of Hawthorne ave. car line. A fine home siLe; beats buying a lot or two at same price a few blocks nearer in. Owner. 010 Ch. of Com, Phone Marshall 1585. 10 ACRES fine-loganberry land, level and fenced, ready to plant, joining good valley town. A bargain at $1600, halt cash. Call today from 12 to 3 P. M. at 6t3 E. Morrison, f 00m 4. 5 ACRES OAK GROVE. Beautiful home site near paved high way and station. WU1 sell cheap 01 cash or give terms. COBB BROS., 263 Oak St 20 ACRES, 10 under cultivation, near Van couver, 7-room house, outbuildings, stock and implements. Address Perry Want land, Camas, Wash. Route No. 1. 10 ACRES, $2750: short distance east of city; uncleared land, but a big bargain. Hart. 010 Cham, of Com. Phone Mar shall 1585. CHICKENS, CHICKENS, CHICKENS. Yes. this is Just th place to raise them; 5 acres, close to station at Oswego lake; only $40O per acre. Main 1166. THREE acres; Bonita station. Oregon Electric line, small house and chicken house. See owner, J. L. Fearey, 806 Dekum bldg. Main 33S0. 6 1-3 ACRES, close to Mabery station on Bull Run line; ideal place for summer home: $1100, terms. Broadway 165S. - 29 Oregon bids;. GO OUT TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD to this fine acreage, close to station and boulevard; only $325 per acre. 615 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction; 2-room cot tage; 1 acre cleared, balance fir grove; $2100, terms. 200 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658. 4 ACRES, all cleared, right at station; very best of soil; 2-room shack; $1750, terms, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 165S. 514 ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. loO ACRES hill land, part timber, some open land, fenced, water and cabin, $800, $350 cash. Hansen, 404 McKay bldg. SACRIFICE Beautiful 10 acres. Improved, near electric, $3000. Owner evenings, Tabor 7055. ' 16 ACRES FARM LAND. 6131 2D ST. S. E. TOM ALLEN, CHOICE 10 acres, improved. city limits. Tabor 2026. Just outside HALF acres, 71st St.; 2 blocks from Haw thorne car. Owner. East 3860. 4 LEVEL acres, house, barn. $1500. Pow ell Valley. McFarland. Falling bldg. CHOICE suburban acreage, buildings, sale or traoe. uwoer, du,. wo. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. CHICKEN RANCH, Which Is a real chicken ranch, 2 acres of ground, nicely sit uated on choice corner of Foster road and anohter improved highway. Prop erty is equipped with every facility for chicken raiding, has large barns, brood ing and hatching bouses: now has a full tttock of 4O0 full-blooded White Leghorns that go with the place. There Is a full-bearing orchard and much small fruit, berries, grapes, etc. The place must be seen to be appreciated. It will take at least $2000 cash; price S6000. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st., and we will be glad to take you out in our car and show you the property. It is one of the best buys we have offered this year. FOR SALE BY OWNER. x 10 acres best sandy loam river bottom soil, all cultivated; 5O0 bearing Italian prunes, with own drier; joins Pacific highway, 25 ml. to Portland. For chickens, berries, onions; tomatoes or any kind of gardening you cannot beat this. Joins stream on one side with irri gation plant. The right party can handle this with $500. F. K. Jesse, 627 Corbett bldg. FINE GARDEN LAND. At the edge of the city on good mac adamized auto road, 6-cent car fare. City water, 3 acres of the finest gar den land, all under cultivation. Elec tric and telephone wires to t he place. Small house on the place. Price $2210. $470 cash. Personally inspected. Mish ler. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. CAD WELL'S ACRES. TN MT. SCOTT DISTRICT. 6-CENT FARE. BCLL RUN WATER, GAS. $20 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH BUYS THE BEST HOME SITES AVAIL ABLE ON THESE TERMS FOR PROP ERTY IN CITY LIMITS. INQUIRE WH IT ME R-KELLY COMPANY. 414 P1TTOCK BLOCK, OR A. W. LAMBERT A SON. 404 EAST ALDER ST. 16 ACRES. PLASTERED HOUSE. $4500, Faces good road. 2 miles from 4th st. electric line and highway: land lies pr feet I y ; 6 acres cleared, balance easily cleared; creek, family orchard. u,ice olastered house. 5 rooms and attic, c ment basement, fireplace, etc., good well and barn; price $450u, terms $20O0 cash. Daiance it per cent. LUEDD E M ANN COM PA NY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Homestead Relinquishments. 160 RELINQUISHMENT. 12 cleared; run ning water, bouse, - line cows, z orood sows. 13 chickens, 3-year lease on ad joining ranch ; near Eugene; all for $000 cash, if taken quickly. 301 Corbett bldg. . For Kale -Farms. WELL-EQUIPPED PLACE. 40 acres, located on the main rocked road, which will be paved this season: 2 miles from good .town. Clackamas county. Oreicon: 32 acres under cultiva tion; all can be cultivated; 7 acres standing timber and pas-ture; large or chard and 1O0 bearing prune trees: good fences : -room house, spring ana well barn, chir-ken houses; close to school. Price $5500. with $1-500 cash. Personally inspected. Mishler, with JOHN FER GUSON, Gerlingor building. O ACRES. Sherwood. Or., 50 acres under high state of cultivation: a new house, fa barn and outbuildings : a good family orchard. Now, this soil Is dark loani "soil and land Is all seeded, lies on srood county road. Just 3 miles from rail road stat Ion ; some fine timber; price $10,000: $:i.iOO will handle. PEFER & RICH A RDS, 608 Buchanan Bldg. SOUTHWEST OF BEAVERTON. 30 acres, located on good road: all good land and under cultivation; good 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; all in fine shape. Price $0520. with eauioment: fine youna team and har neea. sul key plow, dic harrow, spike tooth harrow, wagon, 3 cows. 60 chick ens. Half cash. This ia a fine farm In good locality. Personally inspected Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON Gerlinger bldg. MONEY-MAKING ORCHARD. Thirty-three acres In best part of Hood River, 22 acres in splendid old trees of best varieties, 4 acres alfalfa, ail irri gated, making $5000 a year at low ap ple prices; most beautiful homesite in Hood River; large modern house with every city convenience; buddings, tools. sardens. crapes. strawben iei every thing. Send for full description, or have a look. $25,000, less agent s 0. Terms. Phone 4634, Hood River, -Or. S. S. SMITH. MR. FARM BITTER, If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to se me before buyinjr. I can save yoa money. I bave some 500 tine farms; my years of experience are worth, many dollars to you and it costs you no'-hing. be or writ to ma. A. G. BENDER. R1TTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM FOR SALE Price $3000; half cash balance time: 30 acres, 12 acres cleared, 7-room house, large barn, chicken house, 6 miles North Battle Ground, Washing ton. 3 miles from raiiroaa, gooa schoo ome farm tools, and cow ; stove and miscellaneous articles Included. Must sell to settle estate. GEORGE O. p AVIS, Attorney-at-Law, Suite 201 U. S. National Bank bldg. Vancouver, Wash. 12 ACRES adjoining city limits of Hills- hnm oil unuer cunivaiion , iu mcrtr; own to fall grain; good 7-room house, with built-ins. electric lights, city water, family orchard and berries, good barn, 1 Hoist etn cow, team, wagon ana nar ness. farm implements, chickens, about 9 tons of bay; must sell on account of illness: 0OOO; terms. Owner, W. Hinkle. Hlllsboro, Or., R. 5, Box . Phone 2807. IN THE WHEAT BELT. 660 a., 400 a. under cultivation, 200 a, sowed to grain; 1 mile from town; credit and spring water; isna is roiling, no rouKh; crop failure unknown in this dis tricL. Owner wishing to retire will a riftce for $37 per a., bal. mtg. at 6 per cent. This one ia priced low for quick sale. J. B. ROCK CO.. 404 COUCH BLDG inn.irRB ranch for sale. 4 miles south Clatakanie. about 30 acres cleared, sec ond growth timber, 5-room house, sev era! outbuildings, orchard, cattle, etc. eood place to raise strawberries; $500O. for sale on terms. Marie Quef lander, Clatakanie Heights. Clatakanie. Or. Box 211. THREE RIVERS IRRIGATED LAND. Kennewick, 10 acres. iaa per acr Pasco, 10 acres. $0 per acre; larger tracts, similar prices; terms. w rite fo 120 booklet of bargains. "Tou need the money I save you. Hover. 612 Selling blag. wain IMPROVED 6O acres, 6 miles from Eu gene, on highway, 90000. Take city property or grocery stock to $30OO, bal ance cash, or what have you? A V 648, Oregonian. FOR SALE 10 acres at Mosier. Or. acres cleared, 2 acres young orchard eood house, smau oarn. cniCKen house place all fenced. Price $2000. By owner, wooaiawn -n. 11 ACRES AND 4 ROOMS. House all furn-iphed. on electric lln and hard surface highway. 5 min. walk to sta. Price " awn. DRAPER, 4Q1 Board of Trade. ui a fU evc .i ivided If 1 0-acre tracts : 2 acres c 1 ear. ba 1. t im be r : 12 m i l ea f ro m Portland: rich soil; bargain. $0000. CHAS. J. MEITNER, Olmltz, Kansas. ruini B". V TTRTT1T. GARDEN RANCHES. rear Portland. $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms : best soi I. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarl.md. 'JQtf sailing btdg. 11 ACRES, $75 DOWN. iCMr Bta. on S. P. electric, som cleared. Employment Rear by. $1100 $75 down. Draper, 4U1 Hoard of Trade EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 10 acres near Forest Grove, 2,500.000 feet good timber, running water. $2o acre, easy terms. V. Dubois, ova apaiaing iag, FIVE acres, with house and Improvements. lew minutes irom oponane, w ann.. will exchange on foruana property, or good truck. Main 3380. 600 ACRES $65,000, near McMinnville on- Y am lit It river; on a ol me oest xarmi in valley. Investigation solicited. Hart, 910 Cham, of Com. Marshall la85. $350O Tualatin valley 10 acres; level splendid soil; .,oo casn. Main 3672. Mc Karianu. -qj r t-nruRD-OFF lands, $10 acre up; runnln water, good soil, M? tillable: employment a.By terms. J. R- anarpe. aq it CALIFORNIA farms near Sacramento for sale, terms, wrue iur iu c. wane, Shawnee, Oklahoma. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farms, f&ui iossicr. oiockioa, REAL ESTATE. For Kale -Farm. FARMS FOR SALE AND ACREAGE. $2400 One acre, all fenced, woven wire, good 6-room house, nice fruit trees, berries, roses. Bull Run water and gas, garage, chicken house, fine garden, 20 minutes to car. $50OO 14 acres, located on bank of Tualatin, on good road, 10 S acres seeded to oats and vetch and wheat, all fenced and good boat landing on the place; tooO will handle. $350O 6Vi miles Vancouver, on good auto road, 6-room plastered house, i acre potatos, all kinds berries, good family orchard, good outbuildings, fine water; AlOvO will handle, balance t suit. 86 acres $75O0, located '4 mile from Scio, Or. 65 acres in cultivation, new 6-room house and. barn. This is fine soil and well located on good road; $2oOO will handle this,- balance you caa name the terms. $12.000 160 acres, located near Menlo. Wash. 30 acres in cultivation, river bottom land and a lot more of this is easy to clear; good Improvements, fine water, 9 milch cows and lot ot younfc stock, some hogs and fine team, chick ens and all farm machinery. Will ex change this for place near German Luth eran church. We also have all kinds of wheat, stock and dairy ranches too numerous to men tion; also houses and .small acreage. Be sure and call on us before you pur chase; we can surely save you money. PEPER & RICHARDS, 608 Buchanan Bldg. DAIRY FARM. 360 ACRES. FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Twenty-two miles from Portland, on tho state highway, one-half mile from railway station; IKK) acres In high state of cultivation, balance good pasture. partly cleared; 60 acres In fail grain, 40 acres In good stand of alfalfa, which is unaer irrigation; tne water tor this Irri gation is taken- from a live stream on the place without any cobt; 30 head of Jer sey cows, 15 yearling heifers. 40 head of nogs, o Kood horses. 7j head of tiheeo: good seven-room house, machinery shed, large new barn 8Oxl20:1 this barn has modern equipment for 80 head of cows and. storaee for 20O tons of hav: three large silos that will hold about 00 tons or ensilage; has a comD.ie creamery equipment. The owners of this ranch wish to retire and will give immediate possession. Call and ace us we will show it at any time. WAKEFIELD FRIES & CO.. S5 4th St. FIVE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. 40 acres, located on a graveled road nd 1 Vir miles from the pavement. Good loam soil ; 30 acres can be cultivated ; 12 acres under cultivation : 20 acres of pasture. Good creek that never goes dry. Half mile to electric station : 6 acres in clover, 6 acres of oats. Good 6-room house, barn. 30x40 chicken-house and other buildings. Family orchard of assorted fruit. Price $40O with 7 good cows, heifer, horse, harness, wagon and all the dairy equipment. The income from this place Is $140 per month. Stock has been inspected and passed Al. Per sonally inspect -d by A nderson. with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. ' A HUMDINGER 40 ACRES. 8 miles from Vancouver, Wash., 30 acres under cultivation, 12 acres In crops, oats and vetch, - acres in straw berries, rest plowed, rest open pasture, red loam soil, no rock, lies level, on good road, 1 mile to school, 2 miles to railroad station, 2 miles to paved high way; 5-room house, big fair barn, chick en house, good hog houMe, gasoline en gine, water piped to house and barn ; team good hordes, 4 dandy cows, 1 -year-old heifer, 1 brood sow, Chester White, 100 chickens, 6 tons hay, wagon, mower, cultivators, harrows, everything on place goes at price, $7000, $3500 cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. ALL SEEDED TO CROPS. 63 acres, located 2H miles from the e!ctrie depot and one good graveled road ; 17 miles from Portland; 50 acres of this land in crop, 12 acres of pas ture; good fences; 2 acres orchard; good buildings, consisting of barn, granary, chicken house, house and two wells, Vfc mile to school. This place is well stocked and has compete line of equip ment. Mail route from Oregon City and all rural conveniences. Mishler, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAY. Most all In cultivation, very bes of loam soil, almost revel ; good well with gas engine pump; 8-room bouse In good repair, fp ir barn and all nectssary out buildings; 1 acre of assorted orchard, 2 aoivs of strawberries. 1 acres of small fruits, including the following larm imple n.'nts: Plow, harrow, cultivator, cross-cut saws, garden cultivator and all small tools, only 2 miles from electric car. railroad station and ttmall town, only 0 miles from Vancouver. Price $7500. Liberal terms. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main sts. Vancouver. Wash. CHICKEN RANCH. 6 acres, 3 in orchard, 3 for garden: 7 room houe, 3 trap-nested chicken houses; incubator, tools, ruoke Iiouwa; near town- and school. $31XK). $5O0 cash. e-asv terms. COR BIN. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. Main 5420. WANTED REAL ESTATE. PARK ROSE PROPERTY. We have buyers fer both Improved and unimproved Park rose property. See us at once, v Parkrose Branch Offic on Sandy blvd., at end of Park rose car line. J. L. HARTM AN, 7 Chamber of Com. bids. Main 20S. BELL TOUR HOME. We want, at once a 5 or 6-room bungalow; must be modern and in good location, with full lot, not over $5000. Phone Main 564. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber Commerce. WANTED IN TRVINGTON. From owner, a good 7 or 8-room house, center entrance. I have $1500 cash and $65 per month to pay; will pay up to $8000. G 81. Oregonlan, IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list vour house with me. 1 sell houses only and nave, many buyers. All listings will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER, RlTTEit. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I WANT a home on Willamette Heights. Bhnu! 8 rooms. 2 bathrooms if possible: must be abarsAio; must have 75x100 lot or over. Not to exceed $15,000. Posi tively no agents neea answer. AO bo. Oregon lan. WANTED For prompt occupancy, modern house. 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, hot water heat preferred, double garage If possible; give full particulars, stating location, lowest price and best terms, AN 354. Oregonian! HAVE many buyers for west side houses, especially between Sheridan and Madi son streets; handling west aide property i m v specialty; your house Is for sale; call and see me. John Sinser. 420 Cham- . .-. . 1 4 Vl.l- QlTfl rer or v. m 1 t- uiu b- MAN in business wants good home quick in good district: Mt. Tabor preferred: will pay $500 cash and $10O per month and interest. Answer at once. L. E. Steinmetx. 4O0 Geritnger bldg. Main 604il or 1 abor " HOUSES WANTED. We have added a house department i nl eased to have your property if it is for sale, John Ferguson, Ger- llnger biog. I WANT A LOT either 50 or 75 ft, by lOO ft. In Irvlngton, between Broadway and Klickitat, and 24th and 17th sta Name price ana location, xm 009, ore gonlan. VB client that wants 6 or 7-room bunealow in Irvlngton ; they will pay W rash- price not to exceed $HOOO. Call M Clearwater, with J. L. HARTMAN C O m f a x 10 t n. x ma-'. We have several people that will build tneir own o - location and price of the lot. John WANT AN OLD INHABITABLE HOUSE. CLOSE TO HARD SURFACE THAT 1COO CASH WILL BUY. AM 364, ORE GO N I A N. c-E.rvf & to 7-room .house. In any good dint., from $4000 to $8000. from owner only, no agents. a i. regonian. HOUSE equity, have Chevrolet. $400; N. E. side; must oe umsam; ki- - u. r u id sumbrance. W 857. Oregonian. WANTED Woodstock or Mt. Scott car, ' 4 or 5 rooms; $&oo cash, balance month ly, from owner. Marshall 1022. WANTED Modern house In restricted dis trict. F. -L uesnon. -uio iJtoo. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. SEE FRANK I McOHRB To Sell Your Home. (WE NEED IT TODAY.) 569 homes sold last year; nine homes sold In one day, March 13; 303 homes sold since Jan. 1. 1920. THE McGCIRE SYSTEM brings results. Your home is sold if listed with us. Deal with an old relia ble firm. FRANK L. MoGUlRE " personally inspects, appraises and pho tographs your property. We display all photographs in a conspicuous place in our large show rooms, which-are contin ually crowded with live home buyers. Fourteen experienced salesmen with au tos to work on the sale o. vour borne, FRANK L. McGUlRE, Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Established 1880. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co., "FORTY YEARS OF SERVICE." WE SELL CITY HOMES, 1S4 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 19JU We can sell your home In short or der. Our appraiser will call and Inspect your home and advise as to its value, also taka a 6"x7" photo, which is dis played In our large show rooms, where hundreds of prospective buyers will view iu Eight live-wire salesmen, who erive their own cars, backea by thousands of dollars spent In advertising, bring re sults. Phone for our appraiser or call tou ay. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7437. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prosperous pur chasers waiting who want .homes rang ing from $3000 to $60o0 in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Farms Wanted. WANT farm, over 50 acres, good soil and water; over 6-room house; all stock and equipment ; will exchange for two Port land properties in fine shape; worth $iKK0 or pay difference. See or write me. J. ALBERT. 1423 Milwaukie St., Portland. Wanted to Rent Farms. 1 HAVE two client! wantlne- to rent fan of 10O to 300 acres. They will purchase ioi-k, crops ana equipment. They mean business. Write me if you wane to sell out. A. G. BENDER, BITTER. LOWE c CO 201-0-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY experienced farmer and poultry man, married, small place with bull.lmc. close to railroad, with work near by, not over 30 miles from Portland. Owners oniy. At Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. SO ACRES, near Oregon City; 17 culti vated ; bulidinas. orchard, stream : sea son's rent $.oo; sell for $o 00 and ac cept residence part payments. Evenings, MOOiJ HI v fc. K -5 acres. house, partly iunusnea; oarn. orcnara. pears, appies. incrntB, narocn, nay, pasture; -n rasn Frank McFarland. , 208 Failing blag. TIMBER LANDS. EIGHTY ACRES TIMBER. GOOD QUALITY, WELL LOCATED. VIRGIN GROWTH. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE. R. THOMAS. CLYDE HOTEL. WILL trade timber for close-'n acres, lots. Portland propenj. Tabor 20S2. TO KXCrfANGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE A choice 230-acre Wil t lamett-val ley farm, in the heart of the hop and berry district, one mile electric, 8 miles to good city, 30 miles Portland. 135 acres cultivated, OO acres virgin tim ber, bes-t market in valley for wood ; fair farm building? ; possesion Oct. 1. 1020. Price $45,000: would take trade for $2O,0OO, $5imh) cash, balance long time at low interest ; will consider any good property to $JO.OOO. This ia a choice pTace and platted into five-acre tracts, ripe for the market. Address AV 553. Orcgonian. 183 ACRES near Cresswell. 50" acres meadow, balance pasture, good 5-room bunga low, running water, valued $l0.ouO; trade for city property; will as sume. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St.- SPECIAL opportunity Beautiful 15 acres, near Vancouver: well improved, ideal location. $4000; also 10 near Creswell and Eugene. acres commercial or chard; good buildings ; $40M; for im mediate sale accept residence, automo bile, cheap lot on either. Owner, 141 E. 60th N. Evenings. Tabor 7055. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Will exchange $28. 000 equity in mod ern $41. (MM) apartment tioue clearing $HiWH per year for large residence or other desirahle clear citv property. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg HAVE client with 23 A. highly Improved, nice bldgs., near electric station. 10 miles from center of Portland. Price $l2.OO0. unincumbered ; wants larger equipped ranch up valley to $20,OOti and assume. J. B. Kuley, 928 Chamber of Commerce. WI LL trade $14,000 equity in well im proved wheat ranch for town property r bank stock; necessity compels quick deal ; a bargain for some one. Owner, J 1 57. Oregonian. ONE acre. 4-room house, bum, chicken house: on Oreuon Klectric R. It. hat have you to trade? SIMMS, 6-6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 6127. 30 ACRES. 2 miles E. Oregon City. 100 prune trees. i fruit, 5 timber, 2 Fprlns, building: cah or small apartment. Phone 213-OG. 160 ACRES of land. 8 miles from Coeur d'Alene citv, Idaho, for something near Portiand. Main 19. GARAGE and beach house at Seaside for TO EXCHANGE l ISCELLAN EOl'B. I HAVE a lave model Overland touring This is a dandy car and ready for buei- nepR. Will take piano as part payment. Bdwy. 3411. ask lor Kelly. WILL trade some good young horses and some freh cows for late model automo bile. 8'J6 Powell valley. TO EXCHANGE painting, papering, tint ing for furniture. Phone Sellwood 3636. FOB SALE, Hone., Vehicles. IJveatock. I HAVE DISPOSED . OF MOST OF MY HOLDINGS IN EASTERN OREGON. Mv econil nhlnmenf of 23 head rr ares and geldings, heavy-boned, biocky built chunks from 1200-1 700 lbs., from 4 to 7 years old: all horses guaranteed as represented. Three teams of iron-grays, 2 teams of blacks. All horses are broke double and mostly single. HAWTHORNE S TABLES. COR, E. 6TH AND HAWTHORNE. H. HARN. 70 HEAD DAIRY COWS. I am offering for sale my entire herd of grade cows. This Is probably the best herd of grade mllK cows in the state, having only good ones In the herd; the cuIH have been weeded out. This Is a splendid opportunity to stock up. when most of them are milking heavy and ready to go on the grass. Holstein. Jer sey, Guernsey and Durham. Address BF 302, Ore soman. FOR SALE 250 young ewe. almost lambed out, 75 wethers; 125 Angora nan nies, about 50 with kids: will sell any number at reasonable price : 1 mare. 1 stallion, both registered; English to hire. 4 and 8 years old. weight 1700 each. 6 miles from Sifton, Wasn., P. O. Addraas Orchards. R. 1-116. G. L. Basye. FOR SALE. 5 teams of good younr horses and mares, weight LlOu to 15o0 lbs., 5 to 7 yrs. old, some well-matched teams; all horses guaranteed as represented. Ft ee trial allowed. Sanitary Stables, 365 Union ave. S.. cor. Stephens st L. Glass. FOR SALE -2 good young farm teams, weight JiOO and 260O pounds: one black horse 5 year old. weight 1400 lbs.: one mule 0 years, sound and good worker in every way, price $65; wagon and harness for all. Woodstock car to Powell. 3 blocks east to 806. TWO good young family cows, one Jersey and one Holstein ; one Just fresh wtth calf; one coming fresh soon : awfully good ranch team, harness and wagon, very reasonable. Take Woodstock car to Powell, 3 blocks east to SV6. FRESH Durham cow with calf, gentle, eaay milker. $ 1 15 for both", nicely trained tittle brown mare, about 120O pounds: a regular chunk, $S5. Rear of Paint store, 265 Russell su, near W1U lama ave. -YEARS-OLD Percheron team; half bro ther and sister, weight 2H00 ibs; none better; harness and wagon; also fine young Holstein cow to freshen soon; must sell. Woodstock car to 34th; 6 blocks south to red barn. DAIRY FOR SALE. A good proposition. 8 fine cows, sell ing better than 100 quarts per day; would rent barn and pasture or sell cows separately. 1621 West Anna st. Phone Columbia 786. DANDY little pair of sorrel mares about 21O0 pounds; the best little team in Portland; will demonstrate them in every way. They are a barg sin at $150. Call 2t3 Russell st. one block west of Williams ave. - lO PIGS for sale. 7 weeks old. G. Nal 3!i miles from uewego on btaXford road FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, livestock. ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING AWAY I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC SALS my entire herd of cattle, consisting of 84 head, horses and farm machinery, sale to be held at my present home, the Mulligan ranch. Seven mi.es west of Vancouver, on river road, Thursdav. April 8. Sale to commence at 10.30 o'clock A. M. Cattle 51 milch cons, as follows: 41 high-grade lioisteins, 10 Durhama and Jerseys. 21 of them are fresh, 48 of them are milking; 3 short springers, 5 3-year-old Holstein springers. 4 U-year-o!d Holstein heifers. 1 2-year-old high grade Durham buil, 18 veal calves. Horees 1 span matched gray mares, o years old. weight about 2SO0 as good a team as there is in the country of their weight. 1 pony and saddle and bridle. Dairy supplies l old Simplex cream separator, 1 Champion milk cooler. 4v milk cana, two 5, two 3. balance 10 gallon; 4 milk buckets, strainers, etc. Machinery 3 S low wheel wagon. Iron wheel 'wagon, old buggy. No. 13 Acme ensilage cutter, blower and pipe; 10 H. V. Stover gas engine. 1-H. P. gas engine, 3-tnch centrifugal pump and 73 feet 3-inch pipe; mower, rake, tedder, - harrows, truck disc, pump and Jack, hay forks, 150 feet Inch rope. 2 plows, grindstone, about 60 feet 6-inch belt. 2 pulleys, 6 and 18-loch; leg chain, forks, a. edge, wedges, saws, garden tools and lot other small articles. This is absolutely one of the best herd of cows in the country a lot of big cows; some 7-gallon milkers. If you are in the market for extra fine cows, come to this sale; you will urely be glad you came. No reserve, every thing goes. I must move I must sell. Terms Sums under $20. cash; $-M) and up, six months' time will be given on approved note. Free lunch at noon, fcaie rain or shine. G. ROSELLrNI, Owner. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons. Vancouver. Wash., auctioneers; E. H. Detering. Van couver National Bank, clerk. TEAM of well matched black horses. 5 and 6 years old, weight 2700 lbs., guar anteed sound and good workers every 'ay; gentle for anyone to handle. Call Quick for bargain. 70f9 Powell valley roaa. nawtnorne avenue car. ONE Belgian mare 6 years old. weight 175fl lbs., heavy in foal to imported Belgian horse. First-class mare, but must ael 1. as 1 have no place for colt. Ask lor Ward. Office Taylor st. dock. O. T. STABLES. 17th and Kearney sts.. 20 good young horses and mares, some well matched, teams weigh from 120O to 1S00; every horse sold with a guarantee, . 1 . Williamson. TEAM Weight 3200 lbs., fat, grain fed and right out of hard work. Will give good triai and sell very reasonable. Ma rion Fuel Co., foot Taylor st. tdock). HAVE rented my place, want to tell mx, head of cows, one bull: also 30 hogs and pigs. Will sell all or part, W. S. King, New Era, Or. SPAN seal-brown mares, iiig boned, block built, weight about 2700 lbs., fine team for orchard or all kinds of farm work. Marion Fuel Co.. foot Taylor st, dockj. FOR SALE Two sets ( including'collars) light and double harness, in good con dition; for sale at right price. Jewel Tea Co.. Inc., 21 South Grand. FOR SALE 3 good farm or brood mares. weight 1JH to 14oo lbs.. 4 to 10 yeara old. Good Investment for farmer or aiscr Taylor st. (dock). i-Y EAR-OLD Ouernsey-Jersoy cow, fresh one month ago; giving 3 gallons of rich mi:k per day; price $110. 4122 73d st S.E. ; FIRST-CLASS saddle mare, 7 yearn old. weight ltMo lbs., saddle and bridle all for $75. 4122 73d st. S. E. TWO young fresh Jrr-iey. Holstein and Jer sey Durham. JJ hast 3d it, cor. Powell alley. v oodstick car. 1300 MATCHED TEAM of black. 4-year-old Percheron colts, unbroken: will make i.i.irt It.. IT V 1irnan Vamhill Jl- E. Morgan. Yamhill. Or. WANTED Team or largo horses for feed and care and buy later. 1 34 L vision. Tabor 3643. HORSES, wagons and harness for sale: closing out deal. Appiy So. :i Grand ave. W. .1. Sullivan. East 1314. YOUNG ranch team, weight 260O pounds. chap. 2!th and Poweil V alley road. "Wood stock car. DEAD stock removed quickly : cash paid for dead cows ana crippiea norses. fhone Milwaukie 00-J for results. 2 POLAND-CHINA pigs weight 60 lbs. each, exenange tor m. it. or w . laying bens. Main 7811. FOR SALE Young fresh cow and caf. ith and Powell vaney roao. wooasioca DF.AD horses, animals hauled away free. Porlianu rtenuennj o.. uvu m-.ii v. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dad cow a Tabor 4o.t. THOROUGHBRED Duroc pigs, reasonable. C rawford, stall 3 13, r'uoiic MarKet MUST soil one pair of mares. 2 400 lba., bargain. 1067 E. Stark st. Trial allowed. W 1 LL take stock in pasture. Stendler. Trotltdale, Or. Roth & W ANT pony or burro, harness, cart, buy or rent. AN 353, Orcgonian. . FOR SALE Prize-bred registered Chester White spring pigs. F. Butler, Sheridan. 1'ian ot, Org and t nnicuJ I nstrumenta. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $475 Kimball Upright, nearly new ....$JJ0 7.".0 Stetnway Ac Sons UpriKht 2.0 0m stejrer At Sons' fine mahogany 3ij 47. Ha.Het Ar lavis Upright 15 275 Bord & Co. Paris Upright 75 250 Collard & Collard Upr:gt 6i bOO Mendenhall modern Player Piano 305 3 Parlor Organs, $25. $35. $43 to $53. We store your piano for 75c monthly. We buy and sell pianos only for cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 103 10th St. ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New. factory, rebuilt and used pianos. $O0 Steger Wax Circassian Walnut . .$515 m0 Steer dull mahogany 465 8oo Stejcer Mission oak 43-5 75U Ptr-inway &. Sons Upright 4-5 50 Ifobart M. Cable mahogany .... 205 650 Steger upright grand oak.... 465 550 Thompson large Upright 305 Others for $lttii. $235. $265. $200. etc. Terms $6. $S. $10, $12 to $1S monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 10th & Stark Sts. PIANO BARGAINS. $185 and up; good upright piano bar gains, fully guaranteed; Victor, Smith & Barnes, Willard, Holmes, Ivy and others. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 1 25 4th st between Washington and Alder! PIANO FOR VICTROLA, $200 new Victrola and record outfit to trade for used piano; our proposition will please you. Setberliiig-Lucas M usie Co., 125 4th st. Main 8586. Between Washington and Alder sts. VOCALION ORGAN. 2 manual with electric motor, just tho organ for church or moving picture house; make us an offer. Seiberling Lucas Mufic Co., 125 4th st. PLAYER PIANO SNAPS. We have several player piano bargains, fully guaranteed. See them. Selberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th., between Al der and Washington sts. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 856. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos; get our price, steberltng Lucas Piano Co., 125 4th st. Main 8586. FOR SALE PRACTICALLY NEW LIN- DEMAN & SON PIANO AT A BAR GAIN. 407 WEST 23d ST.. VANCOU VER, WASH. WM. RAAB. piano tuner, player-piano ex pert; many years foreman Sherman-Clay 4t Co.. with Harold S. Gilbert. 3s 4 lam hill st. Phone Automatic 532-84. TRADE in your piano for a new. first-class talking machine. Wiley B. Alien Co., Morrison st, at Broadway. WILL exchange high-grade talking ma chine for good used piano. Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at, at Broad way. FO R SALE New player piano. Including 75 rolls; will sell cheap for cash. Tabor 2303. $T85 UPRIGHT piano, walnut, a fine practice instrument, Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3tf4 Yamhill su SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT HAROLD S. GILBERT. SM YAMHlLU PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10c per roil. naiuiu c uiiwii, J am hill. NEARLY new $173 golden oak diamond disc Edison, records. $110. Mar. 39.V3. WANTED Good piano; can be old if nice tor.e. Main 34 today. ROUND Stewart phonograph, laeal for boating. Call East 1O30. FOR SALE New $575 piano, $365. AH 302, Oregonian. Furniture for Sale. SOLD OUT. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD NE CESSITIES FOR SALE AT 651 ROD N'EY AVE. COR KNOTT. SACRIFICE Barber chairs, good condi tion: al! kinds. Portland Cutlerv and Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st. near Stark. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Steel and Spruce Div.. HI N. 6th st.. bet. Burnside and Couch. Bdwy. 2739. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale; all or by piece. 714 S. Princeton st.. St. Johns. jlioUSE for rent, furniture for Last Market su, corner tito.