THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, APRIL G, 1920 - BONUS LEGISLATION PROSPECTS BRIGHT Delegate Returns to City Much. Encouraged. FOUR METHODS PROPOSED x pec-tat ion Now Is Bill May Pass in Time to Make .Money Avail able Next Winter. Passage of bonus legislation by Congress before next winter is pre dicted by James O. Convill, repre sentative of Oregon at a meeting of American Legion men from every atate in the union at Washington, I. C, recently, while beneficial leg islation for world war veterans was before the ways and means commit tee of the house. Mr. Convill re turned yesterday from his mission and included this prediction in a report to William B. Follett of Portland, commander of the American Legion, department of Oregon. The American Legion bill has been passed upon favorably by the house committee, and Mr. Convill expects action by the house before the na tional conventions and passage by the senate in time to meet needs of ex-service men next winter. Con gress is overwhelmingly in favor of some soldier legislation along the lines of adjusted compensation, he reported. The bill prepared by the beneficial legislative committee of the Amer ican Legion and presented to the house committee March 24, 1919. pro vides compensation based throughout on length of service between the dates of April 5. 1917, and November 11, 1919 one year after the signing of the armistice inclusive. Poor Plans Offered. In the first summary of the bill to be received in Portland, Mr. Con vill points out the following features of four compensation plans to be of fered veterans of the world war if congress follows out suggestions of the American Legion, as appears probable: "first Land projects To be locat ed by the government in all states of the union where proper land is avail able: ex-service persons to be credit ed on account of their purchases of project lands at the rateof $1.50 per day for each day of seTvice in the military or naval forces between April 6. 1917. and November 11. 1919, inclusive; loans of 4" per cent in terest for improvements, stock and equipment. "Second Home aid. Designed to aa eist ex-service men in acquiring homes in city and country by the govern ment contributing to the purchase of such homes at the rate of $2 per day lor each day of service. "Third Vocational training To be given without charge under the board of vocational training for a length of time equivalent to service in the army or navy and assistance while such courses of vocational training are be ing taken at the rate of $1.50 a day for such days of service. "Fourth Adjusted compensation In the event ex-service men do not exercise the option to secure partici pation in land projects, home aid or vocational training then they are to receive adjusted compensation in cash at the rate of $1.50 a dav for each day of service, to be paid within a year from the passage of this act of con gress. "Kx-sorvice men or women to have a period of ten years within which to file application exercising their option to take one and not more than one of the four options." All Time of 8crvice Counts. A special feature of particular in terest to Oregon ex-service men point ed out by Mr. Convill in his report is the provision that the time of service in the case of national guardsmen shall be reckoned from the date they were called into service by their re spective state officers, without re gard to the date on which they were actually federalized. This will mean several months difference to 3d Ore gon and coast artillerymen. The attitude of congress and Ore gon's representatives on the question of soldier legislation is indicated in the concluding paragraphs of Mr. ConvilTs report to Commander Kollett, as follows: "Immediately following the presen tation and final arguments on this bill before the house ways and means committee, a poll was -taken of con gress by the representatives of the various states. The representative from Oregon hada conference with the Oregon delegation, meeting at the call of the senior member. Senator Chamberlain, at which meeting it was emphasized that Mr. Hawley, Oregon representative on the house commit tee, would do everything in his pow er to get the. bill reported favorably by his committee. 'Senators Chamberlain and McXary and Representative Hawley were present at this meeting. Representa tive Sinnott being absent in Oregon, due to the death of his brother, and Representative McArthur being ab sent on other business. It was stat ed at this meeting by the Oregon del egation that they would use their in fluence in every manner to help ex pedite the passage of the remedial soldier legislation and all expressed themselves as favorably inclined. "While the representative from Oregon was attending this meeting members of the legion from other states were likewise waiting on their congressmen and the poll of the opin ions there gained show that congress is overwhelmingly in favor of some soldier legislation along the lines of adjusted compensation. Considerable difference of opinion exists, however, ss to the proper means of financing this legislation, and it appears doubt ful if immediate action can be secured It seems certain at this time, how ever, that the matter will be adjusted before next winter, when a large num ber of men will need the money." AUCTION SALES TODAY. . At the Baker Auction House. Yamhl'.I and Wmi Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. DIED. CEREOH1NO In this city, April 4 190 at his parent's residence. 826 Front st ' Alfred J., beloved n of Mr. and Mrs' Frank Cereghtno, aged 2 years 3 months 1U days: deceased is survived by a father and mother and three sisters t-ophia. Stella and Flora Cereghino all of this city. Remains iro at the par lors of the Kkewes Undertaking Co.. Eater" and CiY-' Funeral notice! SENTELL At the 'residence. 310 Benton St.. April 0. 1920. Delia Sentell. aged 38 years, beloved wife of S. G. Sentell. Re mains at Holmar.'s funeral parlors. later1 UUl Salmon Ntice of funeral BOOTT At Seattle. Wash.. April" 4 1!"0 Robert Carl Scott, aged ,'tl years, be loved husband of Pearl R. Scott. Notice of funeral later by Edward Holman A Son. Third and Salmon sts. inrERAc cars. XSmOVSIKKS tor funeral service, jonbs AC TO LIVERY. Marshall, 114. Tl.NOOX,CE8. J 1 EL REAL ESTATE. I KKAI. ESTATE. ) - TATE. f KEAL ESTATE Vj B. P. O. ET-KS. NO. 142. Members are requested to Holman undertaking com pany this (Tuesday) after noon, 2:30 o'clock, to con duct the funeral services of our late brother, William W. "Wright. Visiting mem bers are invited tct attend. M. R. SPAI'LDING. Secretary. WASHINGTON COMMAN DER!', NO. 15, K. T. A special conclave will be held Tuesday evening, April 0. The Order of the Red Cross will be conferred on a large class of candidates. A large attendance Is de sired. All sojourning Sir Knights are cor dially invited to be present. G. P. EISMAN, Recorder. WASHINGTON COM MANDERY, NO. 13. K. T. A special conclave will be held Tuesday evening April R Thu rtrH.r ftf th. Vtnri Cross will be conferred on a large ciass of candidates. A large attendance la- de sired. All sojourning Sir Knight are cor dially invited to be present. G. P. EISMAN. Recorder., QRSGON COMMANDKRT, No. 1, K. T. Dancing and card party this evening (Tuesday), at 8:45. Masonic temple. West Pork and Turn- hill streets. inis win be the last party of the season. UUMMlTliilS. A. AND A. S. KITE. OREGON LODGE OP PER FECTION. NO. 1. Regular meeting In auditorium, Scot tish Rite Cathedral. this (Tuesday) evening at .8 o'clock. Work In 1 4th degree. VEN. MASTER. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL, NO. 11. R. AND S. M. Stated assembly Wednesday evening, April 7, at 7:30 o'clock. Re hearsal of super excellent mas ter degree at 8 P. M. sharp. All members of team please be present. L. L. SCOTT. Recorder. SUNNYSIDE LODGE, NO. 1C3, A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication . this (Tuesday) at 7 P. M.. temple. 3th and Hawthorne. Work in E. A. degree. Visitors wel- come By order of W. M. JAMES 3. GAT JR., Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Business session, to be followed by so cial: refreshments. Vi3iting brethren wolcome. C. E. MILLER. Sec. IMPERIAL LODGE, NO. 159, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) afternoon and evening, April 6. at 5 o'clock. Wqrk in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. A. C. JACKSON. Sec PALESTINE LODGE: NO. 141. A F. AND A. M. Stated .communication Wednesday. April 7. 7:30; visiting breth ren welcome. Arleta 6 La., Ml Scott car. W. S. THOMPSON. Sec. PALESTINE LODGE. 141, A. F. At A. M. -Special com munciation, Tuesday, April 0, 7 o'clock. F. C. degree. Visit ing brethren welcome. Arleta station, Mt. Scott car. W. S. TOWNSEND. Sec. PORTLAND CHAPTER NOt 87 O. E. S. Stated communi cation this (Tuesday) evening. 8 o'clock, W. O. W. hall, 3.(4 Russell st. Official visit from the Worthy Grand Matron. Alberta S. McMurthy. B yorder of W. M. BERTHA WILSON, Sec. OREGON - ELECTPIC COUNCIL. ROYAL ARCA NUM, will meet this (Tues day) .evening at S o'clock at Masonic Temple. All mem bers invited. O. O. HALL. Sec. 653 East Tenth St. 1VANHOE LODGE. NO 1. K. OF P., meets Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, fifth floor. Pythian building, 3S8 Yamhill street. All Pylhians welcome. Work in Page Rank. A. VV. RU HNDORFF, C. C. OREGON ASSEMBLY NO. 1. UNITED ARTISANS, will give card party and dance at W. O. W., hall, 128 lltli st., Tuesday evening, Apirl 6. Duiuing all evening in hall No. 3 and cards in committee room. Admission 35 cents. Everybody welcome. B. K. VAN ALSTINE, Secretary. IVANHOE HOMESTEAD No. 6038. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, will hold a special meeting Wednesday evening, April 7, for Ivanhoe members only, in the Women of Woodcraft hall, loth and Taylor. All members are urged to be present. REPORTER. ONEONTA TRIBE NO. 2., IMPROVED ORtER,'OF RED MEN. will'glve a dance at W. O. W. hall. E. 6th and E. Alder sts., on Thursday evening, April 8. Admission 65 cents per couple, including war tax. A.i P. FISHER, Chairman. WHERE TO DANCE. Cotillion hall, or Broadway hall. Port land's distinctive dancing pavilions. Al ways the best crowds and the best Lai.ce. Public invited every week aigau EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, tew designs. Jaeger Bros.. 181-1 6 th L FRIEDLAKDBit'a ror lodge emblems, lass pins and medals. 310 WasbAngtoa t FUNERAL yOTlCES. THOMPSON In this city April 4. Nellie Thompson, aged SO years, late of 27 E. 1-th st. N.. daughter of George E. Thompson, sister, of Ruth Thompson, Mrs. Alice Thornton and Maurice F. Thompson of this city; Mrs. Thomas Barnett andj W. A. Thompson of Grass Valley. Or.: Mrs. O. G. Sayra of Moro. Or., and Mrs. J. K. Nicholson of Bay Point, Cal. The funeral cortege will leave Flnley's, Montgomery at ,1th, this (Tuesday) morning at 9 o'clock and proceed to St. Francis church. E. 12th and Pine sts. Frienda Invited. Inter ment at Riverview cemetery. BRUCH At residence. 697 E. Ninth st. S.. Elizabeth Bruch, aged 76 years, wife of John Bruch and' mother of Mrs. Fred Bruch. Mrs. J. Curry. Mrs. Charles Ford, Rev. Sister Mary Claresea. Clara. Cath erine. Johanna. Joh-n H.. A. J. and Frank W. Bruch. Funeral will be held from the residence Wednesday. April 7, at 8:45 A. M.. thence to Sacred Heart church, E. 11th and Center streets, at 9 A. M., where requiem mass will be of fered. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Please omit flowers. McEntee A Ellers. directors. MARK LUND At the residence, 228 Jessup street, April 4. Charles J. Marklund. aged 78 years, father of Frank L.. of Flint, Mich.; Charles A., of Vancouver. Wash.; Mrs. E. W. Decker, of Nampa, Idaho; Mrs. E. J. Rueffer. of Scappoose. Or., and Mrs. S. G. Lapham, of this city. Funeral services will be held at the new residential funeral- parlors of Dunning & McEntee. Morrison at 12th .street, today (Tuesday), at 1 P. M. Friends invited to attend. Interment Rose City cemetery. YOUNG At the residence. 461 Skidmore st., April 4. 1020. Katherine Young, aged 53 years, beloved wife of Alex. S. Young, Bister of Mrs. G. M. Jessen of San Fran cisco, Cal.; Robert H. Harris of San Diego, Cal.. and aunt of Mrs. Walter Cline of Portland. Or. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at Hol man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts.. at 3:30 P. M. today (Tuesday), April 6, 1820. Interment Lone Fir Ceme tery. SCHWANTT The funeral services of the late David Schwantt will be held Tuea oay. April 6, at 2 P. M. at the First German Congregational church. East 7th and Stanton sts. Interment Rose City cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller A Tracey. JOHNSON In this city April 6, Eldora Johnson. The funeral services will he held Wednesday. April . 7. at 10:30 o'clock A. M. at the Pisgah Home. Friends Invited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. The remains are at Flnley's, Montgomery at 5th. WRIGHT At the residence. 108 4th St.. April 4, 1U20, William Winfleld Wright, aged 69 years. Friends Invited to at tend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts., at 2:30 P. M. today (Tuesday). April 6, 1920. Interment Rose City cemetery. TSUBOI April 5. T. Tsubol. aged 6 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tsuboi. of 307 Bumside street. Funeral will be held from McEntee A Eiiers parlors. 16th and Everett street, Wednesday, April 7, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. REUDUSH In this city, April 5, John C. Reudush. age 80 years, beloved father of Frank L- Reudush of this city. Funeral services will be held Wednes day, April 7, at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Rose City Park cem etery. YOUNG At Sumner. Wash, "April & Gladys Young, age 17 years. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Apri' 7, at 10- A. M. at the chapel of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at 30th. Friends in vited. MANCTNI At his late residence. 861 E. 7th St.. Marco Mancini, aged 32 years. Funeral services will "be held at P. L. Lsrrh undertaking parlors Tuesday at 2 , M. Friends invited. By order i I I OT crtle Iots. I - k-i I v. I x- crrt ;r - SMITH'S FLOWER SHOP Portland's progressive florist. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 H 6th. opp, Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. , LUBLINER Two Stores. We Strive tn nleM . 828 Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 7.13 ' U.rri.nn K.. t 14.1 . B- If .. 1. - , CLARKE BROS., florists. 267 Morrison St. Main 7709. Fine flpwers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays $1.50 up. Bdwy. 2870. 465 Wash. TONSKTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington at., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1101. ITINERA!. DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN " & SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY .Perfect Funeral Services for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washing ton street, between -i0ih and 21st . streets, west aide. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. a 7885. RIVERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM At Knd of Fulton Carl inn. Single tombs, family sections and rooms, beautifully arranged la marble, only san itary tombs in Portland; endowed for per Phone Bdwy. 331. Office 636 Pittock Blk. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine st. Phone Broadway 43Q. A 4538. Lady Attendant. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNIS HAL DIRECTORS. Main 9, Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS I-uneral parlors with all the privacy of a home, loth and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33 F. S. DUNNING INT. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEIAR Successor to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvlngton district. P. L. T DDPtl E. 11th and Clay Sta. si. T 1833. ERICSQN w"Br0adLwtyM4,oa s"- A. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 5802-04 2d at.. Lenta Tabor 52I5T. A. R. ZELLAR CO.IT Williams Ave. C 10S8. BKEEZE & SNOOK M.L Belmont. -j. 1;ia8 B 1546. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady nasistant. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS S66 4th st.. Opp. City Hall. Ken Bras. SLAESING GRANITE CO. THIHD AT MAPtSOM STREET i NEW TODAY.1 The Millmade system of buildine portable garages will save you money. They are made in a eTeneral style of architecture that will add to the attractiveness and value of your home. .Ask about our Easy. Payment Plan Shipped in sections anywhere. F. O. B. Can be erected in two hours. 2750 Satisfied Customers in This City Alone Keep your car where it is convenient, dry and warm. An inquiry will bring- a rep resentative to call at your con venience. Millmade Construction Company Sales Offier SOS Title A Trust Bnfldlnfr, Phone IMnln 4721. Factory Foot Williams Avenue. f. J. oox 344. Wdin. 2413. FOUR FAMILY FLAT In Kings addition, west side. Walk ing distance. Six rooms each. Fire places, furnaces; modern. Corner lot 60x60. Building could not be erected under $20,000 at present. Our price $15,500. This is a genuine invest ment. See agent, 518 OREGONIAN BLDG. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Ru(i and Woolen Clothlns;. W Make Reversible, Haad-Wevea FLUFF RUGS Room-Slse Flsiff Rosa, Wotps, 17.60. Rasr Raa-a Waves All Slsea. Hot bra Cleaalax aid Dyelngr Uepla, Mail Oraera Send tar MoolUet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning txia Rnca, Steamed CTeaaed, S1.SO, WESTERN FXtTFir SCO to, S4 Union Ave. N. Fhone East Asia. Mortgage Loans , Lowest Interest rotes Installment re payments II deaired. Uniidinar loans made. Na delay la eloainn;. A. H. BlRRELL GO. 217-21S Northwestern Bsafc Bnlldlnsr Marshall 4114. STORAGE SPACE laveatlarate Oar Plant and Rates. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present Hib. Costa t CUT I. MORSE, INC. Drayaare and Storage 12lh and bllus. ftsaa Uilw;. 347a Mortgage Loans Edward E. Gondey Co. 1 Attractive Garasres b. -" 1 4 . 1 I . ..,-. f - w.-- I - - vs. lU!. Let Us Build You a High-Grade Garage With our experience and scientific methods of production we can erect for you a distinctive single or double sjarae;e to match your house at a GREAT SAVIN TO YOU. Strictly hlgh-frrade materials and up-to-date features. A telephone ca.ll will bring our salesman. B11LDIVG CO. " GARAGE SPECIALISTS Phone East 5114 Factory SIS E. 11th Two Sleeks Sooth ot Hawthorne. $6500 Cannot Be Duplicated for S12.000 797 Colonial Ave. (Corner Overlooks. Overlooking Willamette river, 8 rooms and sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets, hardwood floors and doors. Strictly modern. Terms to suit pur chasers. Call SOS W. Rank: Hid-. Main 1677. WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS, Rags and Woolen Clothlns. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Ont Promptly. Rac Rnica Woven All alaea. Mall Orders. Send for Uooklet. Caraeta Cleaned. Laid and Relltted. southwest Rrn CO, 1SH East 8th St. fhoae East LIBERAL LOANS We loan out own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracCs,' livestock, notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, of Com. Illdg. Slain 30SS. REAL ESTATE. 'r Sale Beacb I'rnperty. SEASIDE LOTS IN CART WRIGHT PARK. New sea wall and new ocean pier now assured. Hard-surface road from Port , land, finished this year. Your choice of ovenr2.'!?J.ntB from '5 to Inquire WH1TMEH-KBLLY COMPANY, 414 Pillock Block. Portland. Or. M. COLE. Seaside. Or. Authorized Agents. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease, two choice lots. 50x140 feet, at Tillamook oeacn. on board walk, county road and railroad. Near dance pavilion and hotel. Address M ISO. Oreironlan. releFlatand Apartment Property. FOUR famiyl flat, in Klne's addition, west side; walklnn distance; six rooms each; L'.fJ!"5' farII'e. modern: corner lot Ox,o; building could not be erected ?l?erni:0"uuo at tresent. our price S, ooo. This is a genuine investment. See agent. 518 Oregonlan bide. 23-ROOM apartment house on west side. S,"52. In:.. 1et Prrit -00 Pr month; IJolO will handle this. Inquire 270 6lh t. between 10 and 4 o'clock. POt-R.Fr.AT buildlnir. close In on east side, direct from owner; snap at $10,000 ooo down: handxome income on In vestment. Phone Mar. 203 For Sale Lou. ROSE CITY PARK. BUY LOTS NOW. I0,"100. th st.. between Siskiyou and Klickitat. 16O0: paved st. and sewer in ISio perdi:ot!erm"- Th" " nap; onIy ROxlOO ft. corner, east from 53d and Biskiyou, near car: all improvements in and paid; price SlOSO. View tot. room for 3 houses. Wistaria ave.. facing- 45th st.; all improvements L'J.nd ,Pai1. at S 650. This is less than (900 a lot. 0x1O7 ft., view lot on TVIbera; lane, rear 47th. $12u0: bond assessments only This lot is located between two line homos; terms may be bad. 80x161 ft. Here Is a wonderful build in r site, located on the Alameda drive, between 4fth and 50th sts. This lot also faces on Wistaria ave. and is in the vi cinity of some of the finest homes In the district. This lot could be divided Into 4 beautiful bungalow sites: 2 of these Jots would have exceptionally fine view. The averasre price of the 4 sites, with ay improvements paid, would be S75 per site: the total price. $3500. which in cludes all improvements paid. 44th St., next to Brazee. This is a fine lot and adjoins a modern new .home; 50 ft. lot: price fllOO, includes all improvements paid. 4.1d, S. E. corner of Brazee. 50x100 ft This Is a fine location; street Improve ments are included In the price; price only $1200. $490 60x100 ft. lot. east front: some fir trees. This Is a sure snap, located on 60th st,, 150 ft. south of Klickitat; jio assessments. .-d St., between Alameda drive and Stanton; 50x100 ft.: faces west: only JSoO; paved street and sewer improve ments paid in full; terms it desired. 57th St.. 50x100 ft., east front. ir0 south of Klickitat: price $823; improve ments paid in full; terms. J. L. JIARTMAN COMPANY, - 7 Chamber of Com. Bids.. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 20S. ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OF FICE, 40th and SANDY BLVD. Tabor 2104. BARGAIN IN CITY PROPERTY Lots 7 and 8. block 65. Waverly ad!., make me an offer for cash and you as sume street Improvements; nicely lo cated. (1. S. Alien, R. F. D. 1. Van couver. Wash. FOR SALE At a bargain, choice resld-nce lot In Rose City Park, or mifjht consider trade on good late model car. Chandler preferred. Address Mr. Ritch. Room 828, Imperial Hotel. FOR SALE. IN PIEDMONT. 60x100. loo feet from car line. $300 capn or f i"w on time; easy terms. 1. o HAMgLET, Marshall &-. OWNER, leavink city, will sell 100x100 N. w. corner o4th and Broadway: 1 blk. from paved street; $675 cash. Tabor 47. LAJT 3 blocks Rose City car; southwest corner tioth and Klickitat. AN 355, Oregoaiao. rgjg gig iJ C-VV J ' t - r r t - J hi . I . !...-- : - -i '.i l - " - f - - $ - IOOxTMO. $1100, $50 down, '10 month.- 1 block from Sandy Blvd. in Park rose. Just outside city limits; low ' taxea. no street improvements to pay. ail cleared, ready for garden; build a ' little home, save rent; pressure water. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Branch office, end of Park rose car line. 100x150. , PARKROSE. 115 ft. south of Sandy Blvd. on Richardson road, facing east; ground all cleared, ready for gar den: sidewalks, gas, pressure water, electricity. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Parkrose Branch office on f-andy Blvd. at end of Parkrose car line. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Choice 7 rooms, living room 18(4x30 with fireplae and French doors opening on attractive porch; four bedrooms, ono with fireplace and sleeping porch; two lots in fine perennial garden, beautiful shrubs: close to school: exclusive neigh borhood: wonderful unobstructed view; 0O0 for quirk sale. BROOKE, 541 Montgomery Drive. Corner Elm st. Marshall 4827. ROSE CITY. CORNER LOT. $."..M. OOxloO. N. W. corner 08th and Stanton: graded St.. cement walks paid, east and south front, $550. About cash. UaU o per cent. ORCSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Hldg. Main 74.-.;. For Sale -Houses. LAUREL HURST. 5 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. NEW COMPLETE $7500. FOLKS, GET BUSY SEE THIS TO DAY. You never would expect to buy such a home as this in beautiful Laurel hurst for so little money: Ideally located, near car: complete with garage and everything one could ask for; the beauty of design and completeness of Interior arrangement, together with the fine ma terial and workmanship, contribute to ward making this a quality home of unusual distinction; from hardwood floors to garage every detail is complete. We don't expect to sell you the house from this ad; all we want to do all we expect is for you to see this splendid bungalow. A G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main S092.' Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. LAURELHU r"sT HOME. Owner leaving wishes to sell and will give quick possession of an attractive, strictly modern. 2-story. 7-room home, with garage. Just repainted and decor ated Inside and out; located on E. Davis St., near 3!ttli st. : built right. Uue rooms, tile fireplace, fine oak floors. 8 bedrooms and inclosed sleeping porch; nice lawn and lots of shrubbery. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 5-room bungalow and sleep ing porch, la fine location; has fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built in buffet, full 50x100 lot. This bunga low is priced w-ay below market. You will have to hurry to get this bargain. Price $4350. J. A. HUBBELL, 1078 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor SR02. LOOK ONLY $1700, $000 CAS1L 6-room cottage on a 8.'ixl20-tt. lot; also alley, a blocks to car. 5 bearing fruit trees, berries, cement walks wood shed; wonderful place for cow and chick ens, clear; $.vio cajtn, balance $20 per . month. Would make someone a verv "comfy" home. Marshall 3352, evening Tabor 301)0.. . , 1. B. ROCK CO., 403-4 Conch Building. ROSE CITY 1063 SCHUYLER OPEN Strictly modern, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, ali built-in, fixtures, shades, cement base ment; garage: full lot; city imps, in and paid. Only $4050. SEE OWNER FOR TERMS. MARSHALL 858. IRVING TON $ KKOO. AN ELEGANT HOME FOR $SOO. WE COULD NOT COMMENCE TO TEI.I. YOU THE NICE THINGS ABOUT THE COMPLETE 7-KM. EXCLUSIVE RESI DENCE. CENTRAL LOCATION. BLK. CAR. TERMS. MAIN 40. G. C. GOLDEN'BERG, Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years In Portland." CLOSE-IN HOME. Very choice corner on East 2d, only one block from Broadway, GOxllMl, with extra well built 6-room houw, has fur nace, cement basement, is In excellent condition. 1'rlce and -iiTins. apply, A. 11. BIHUKLL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. ROSE CITY HOME MUST BE SOLdT"" OWNER LIVING IN EUGENE. OR. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and hllliard room; oak flojrs. fireplace, bookcases, buttet, Dutch kllihrn. full cement base ment, furnace, wtiplitrays: riiixilrO lot garage; improvement In and paid. $17o0 cash, bat $25 per mo. and int. Call 304 H Oak st. Bdwy. 200. Mr. King. IRVINGTON. 8-room house, cement basement, laun dry trays, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace, den, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen and all built-lns. one of the ideal homes of Irvingion; a bargain at $6750, terms. A5k Kollogg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2090. Jle.-.OO A BEAUTY: 10 LARGE ROOMS WUDERN; FINE BUILT-INS. 3 FIRK PI.ACKS. 2 BATHS: HOUSE DONE IV WHITE; SLEEPING POUCH, SUN ROOM. BALLROOM; 7.1x100- FINE SHRUBS: HOME TO BE PKOUD OF NEWLY' DECORATED: VACANT: CAN MOVE IN. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. SIS CHAM. OF COM. MAIN 80.12. ONLY $17M) for a good 5-room and attic cottage, WEST SIDE, good location, all In nice shape, -good plumbing, gas, electric lights, sewer, improved street; $250 cash, balance to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 'N. W. Bank Blrtg. Marshall 4114. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income? We design and build apartments, ga rasres. residences. anvthlng: furnish plana srd finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc ." 924 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY. 8-room bungalow, hard-wood floors, fireplace-, furnace, laundry trays, sleep ing porch, full basement and all bullt lns; $5500. terms. Ask Kellogg. A. J. DeKOTtEST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2000. SIX-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. PRICE $2575. TERMS 850 DOWN. Newly tinted, hi block to car, full basement, cement sld-ewalks, sewer, ga rage, immediate possession. North Mt. Tabor. Living room 12x20. Phone Ta hor 5106. Owner. $2750 H A WTHORNEr RICHMOND. 5-room bungalow, on hard-surface St., with good basement, gas, electric lights, etc., in nice neighborhood: priced at old time values: $7.10 cash handles it. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. On E. 51st street, one block from car; 50x300 lot. sewer and sidewalk; one block off pavement; only $2500. THIS IS A SNAP. W. H. ROSS, HOP N. W. Bank Bid g. SIX-ROOM house, fireplace, furnace, nice, light rooms, on E. 16th st., convenient to Alberta or Irvlngton car, restricted dis-rk-t. 1 lot 52xlr)o: $3500. $1000 cash, baU ance $40 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 63S N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. LAURELHURST HOME. Eight rooms, strictly modern and one of the finest locations in this Add. 10O feet to car. You will like this home when you see it. Call for full description. Tabor 7681. 4 BLOCKS JEFFERSON HIGH. Good 6-room house, hardwood floors, all built-lns. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays, small lot; $6O0 down. 2i7 Going st., between Commercial and Halght. ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room bungalow, attic, full base ment. This bunglow Is In a choice loca tion and near car. must sell at once; going on acreage; $1000 cash payment. Main 556. $4300. EXTRA BARGAIN. SUNN YS IDE CORNER HOME. 7-room modern, all conveniences, cement basement, wash trays, furn full ace. aaraare. fine woodwork: Imorovem ents 'ner. paid. 066 E. Salmon. Tabor 73. Ow INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKITT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 1800. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME for $0500. A great sacrifice. If you. wish to buy a good home, why not see this? Terms if desired. COBB BROS., 2ti3 Oak St. ROSE CITY bungalow, modern in every respect: this Is one of the best bus in Rose CSty Park. Call Tabor 5205: no dealers. 547 East 62d St. N. 4 ROOMS and basement, new modern bun galow, one-half block from car line. $3100. Camphell-Phelan Land & Cattle j $ 3500 O WN E R sacrifices Hawthorne bun- galow. 34.0 E. 52d sL JUarshali 2300. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON . THE PACIFIC COAST. 800 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOK SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. " Yott are always cordially welcome to . visit . our showrooms and inspect our i WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF OVER " PHOTOGRAPHS of " Homes for Sale. Many UNUSUAL BARGAINS. Every PHOTOGRAPH has accurnte informa tion descriptive Ot the HOME IT REP RESENTS. Homes in every section of city. EASY TERMS. FRANK L. McGUIRE personally APPRAISES EVERY home before offering it for your consideration. We safeguard your EVERY INTEREST. We put you in immediate touch with the HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. WE WILL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT IF NECESSARY. 14 automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. $2100 BUT A FEW BLOCKS FROM BEAUTIFUL Laurelliurst park. " is this verv attractive, typical bungalow: DUPLICATE OF 4 ROOM modern APARTMENT; newly painted and tinted. PRAC TICALLY NEW; paved st. paid. K. Couch. WHY NOT INVES TIGATE THIS TODAY? $3100 YOU ARE SURE OF A WARM WELCOME when you come home to this ATTRACTIVE WAVER LEIGH - RICHMOND bungalow; large fuli-width front porch. S -a-hite Dutch kitchen. 2 pleasant bedrooms: white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas; FULL LOT. fruit, berries, etc.; close to car, 42d and Francis. TERMS. We have dozens of REAL BUYS IN WAVERLE1UH-R1CHMOND. $3990 HOLLADAY HOME A wonder ful value; 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, butit lns; HOUSE LIKE NEW; K. 7th near Oregon: coukin't be BUILT today for $.1000. unusual bargains like this don't LAST. See it today. 3650 AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN In Jef ferson high district; this 6-room home la the typical modern bun- . galow type, with low, rambling lines; PRACTICALLY NEW; large, full-width front porch; re ception hall with full rairror: llv- m . ing room with fireplace: leaded glass -bookcases; solid paneled dining room with massive 14-toot buffet; beamed ceilings; BEAU TIFUL INDIRECT LIGHTING effect: fine white Dutch klKtien; 3 sunny bedrooms; pleaiiant sew ing room; white enamel plumb ing; THIS WONDERFUL BUY IS A FORCED SALE; can be I handled on terms; 1 block to car. ' SEE THIS TODAY. $3500 WEST-OF-L A 77 RE L HURST HOME Six rooms, modern; Al condition: numerous built-lns. furnace, white enamel plumbing, v electricity, gas: 50xl0 lot; LOT alone Is WORTH S20OU. YOU COULDN'T BUILD THE HOUSE FOR $3500. E. 24th. TERMS. $3100 5-room. very HOME-LIKE. AT TRACTIVE bungalow, on 75x100 lot with 16 larire, full-bearing fruit trees: abundance of berries, etc. E. 70th, 1 biock to M V car. ALBERTA HOMES. (3100 On E. 31st. close to car. is this 6 room typical bungalow: living room with fireplace: solid pan eled dining room; Dutch kitchen; three airy bedrooms: FULL LOT; easy terns. VACANT. $2700 REAL ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN 5-room. very attrac . tlve modern home; living room with fireplace; built-in conven iences; 2 light, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing: electric ity, gas: cement basement; FULL LOT; you couldn't BUILD THIS house today for $3r.oo- only $i50 down; K. 17th near TJolng. $4200 100x100 EAST OF LAUREL HURST Improved with a very substantial five-room, attractive, modern bungalow; many conven iences: 2 sunlit bedrooms; white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas; full cement basement. CAN AR RANGE TERMS. SEE THIS TODAY. ' $2300 KENTON HOME: this Is a REAL BARGAIN: 6 rooms, artistic bun galow lines; music room, pretty dining room, massive leaded plans buffet. Dutch kitchen, while enamel plumbing: electricity, gas, only $500 down; Buffalo. $3950 ANOTHER PIEDMONT HOME of UNUSUAL values: 6 rooms with gaiaec: HOUSE LIKE NEW; living room with fireplace, pretty dining room with built-in buffet, tapestry wall paper. 3 Htjht airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, good cement basement, white enamel plumbing; electri city, gas; Mallory ave. TERMS. We have many unusual Piedmont homes. $2500 G RAY SltlNGLED HA W THORNE BUNGALOW that will please you; 4 attractive rooms; clever built-lns; full garden lot: ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT. E. 34lh, Foilth or car. TRY TO SEE IT TODAY. We have PHOTOGRAPHS of over 80 SPLENDID HAWTHORNE homes. $5300 Beautiful ROSE CITY BUNGA LOW on THE ALAMEDA; 5 roonu; massive brick columned front porch: living room with fireplace and buMi-ln bookcases: pretty dining room with artistic buffet; HARDWOOD FLOORS; 2 airy bedrooms, white Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. full cement base ment: SPLENDID FURNACE: HOUSE LIKE NEW. This is the BEST BUY WE HAVE in ROSE CITY, for the money. DON'T FAIL TO SEE this. We have PHOTOGRAPHS of 50 AR TISTIC ROSE CITIES. ' $5500 BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME: Ideslly situated on a slope overlooking DELIGHTFUL LAURELHURST PARK. Splen didly constructed; h. w. floors throughout; cheery fireplace, fur nace, massive buffet, woodwork all white; fine Dutch kitchen; UNUSUAL LIGHT FIXTURES. EAST 44TH. YOU-LL WANT TO SEE THIS TODAY. If you are in the market for A HOME it will be of ADVANTAGE TO YOU to look over our PHOTOGRAPHS of more than 8110 HOMES FOR SALE. Homes chosen from every district in the city. WE CAN SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. See PRANK I.. McOUlRE. To Buy Your HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Successors to H. D. McQuire. Established I860. FOR quick sale. Richmond district. $33oo, 5-roeni modern bungalow. 1 brock from car. 1 y, blocks from school. white enameled bedroom- and bath, laundry tubs, large built-in buffet, large Dutch kitchen, full basement, $ouO' down. Owner, 11S4 Ivon st: Tabor 5742. $1950 R. C. PARK: almost new. partly furnished; bath, gas. electricity, large corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent: move right In; some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nice little home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner. Tabor 2678. LADD'S ADDITION HOME. Here's a rare snap in a 2-story. 6-room house with sleeping porch and ga4-age, located in very best section, walking distance to city and near car: built by dav labor bv present owner and a real bargain at $72,10; terms. Tnbor 407. $3;..V COSY' cottage of 5 rooms. Sunny side: cement basement, furnace, laun. travs. streets, sewers, all paid: $1500 cash See J. P. McKenna. 13 years on Belmont at 3!th. Tabor 6403. SPLENDID 6-room bungalow, Sunnyslde; fine location! very neat, modern, base ment full size. lawn and shrubs. This fortable home. East. 273. Herdman.. $2150 6-ROOM cottage in Sunnyslde. This "is not strictly mod., but it la a good, honest buy: $250 cash. 6' J. P. Mc Kenna. Belmont atBUih. Tabor 6493. gy OWNER at Mt. Tabor, fine home. 5 lots, all kinds of fruit and shrubbery, hot Valor heating system, double garage, $8500, easy terms. Inquire Tabor 3462. TWO modern houses, newly renovated, good corner lot: close in: Immediate possession; $4000 down, terms. Owner. No agents.H54. Oregonlan. MOOO-BUNG. : swell hdwd. floors. This Is a nice little home in Sunnyslde: $500 rash. See J. P. McKenna. 13 years on Belmont at iK'tn. i aoor oj. IN LAURELHURST Modern 7-room house, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace: 1 block from car. Price $6500. terms. E P6. Ore g on i an, WEST SIDE HOME $4,100. $3000 CASH; 50x100 8 ROOMS; FURNACE. GAS. NO INCUMBRANCE. 786 CORBETT, NEAR G I B BS. S CAR. OWNER. MAIN 5036. IMPROVED house andys acres, valued at $1800; 20 mln. from center of Spokane for Portland property or good truck. Main33S0: BARGAIN 7-room modern house, new; large gar.den, plenty -fruit, berimes and outbuildings. 1153 57th Ave. S. ii. J3IKR CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by ..CAREY FAVIDGE COMPANY. 19 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487 oort MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE The public is invited to come to our show rooms on the second floor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of tark and Third streets, and inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gal lery crammed full of neatlv arsarged ' Photographs of homes. F.lght sales men with autos at your service. A Pleasure to show one H v fthli. gation on your part I a-K.," LAURELHURST PARK. ' .6O0 On Lait Burnside st.. a block J M.Uic,ijUISl We nave mis targe, --spacious 8-room home, substantially hullt. massive con--struction. typical bungalow lines.vl All street liens paid. 4 large bedrooms with bath end toilet on second floor. The built-in fea tures are complete and of the best, equipped with a good fur- nare- Some terms. e-cfLOOM ALBERTA HOME. -5oo Here Is a largo exceptionally well-built home on Webster street and Alberta. One block from Aiherta car. 2 bedrooms downstairs. 3 large bedrooms up. M hite enamel plumbing, beauti ful light fixtures, panel wall and dining room, many built-ina. No greater bargain In Portland to- day.. $10h to handle. UNUSUAL ALBERTA BUNOAI.OW. J-Il.0 On North 15th street, near Al berta .car, we have a 7-room story and half bunga.ow. ju.1 ns-.ea today. This home has verv attractive lines and is In splen did repair. $3500 will not build today. $S0O down. HAWTHORNE TYPICAL BUNGALOW. $4i.0 Here is a grand home. We have had nothing to equal it in months. Interior finish and decorations that are simply ir resistible. Distinctive architec ture. 3 large rooms and recep tion hall on 1st floor. 3 light, bea-utifuily tinteH beilrnoms with splendid bath and toilet upstairs. Were you to attempt to buiid this home today with the oak floors, mawive flrepiace. buffet and furnace a conservative esti mate of. the cost would be $5.HMl, not counting the lot and paved streets, which is paid. Conven ient terras can be arranged. Don't fail to see our homes to day. 8 autos to show our homes today. Phone in for appointment. No obligation to purchase. CHOICE CORNER LOT. HAWTHORNE. $4000 "Wise Investments are the road to wealth." Here 1 ft modern ,1-room bungalow that's better than money in the bank. .VixlO corner lot. Paved street paid. Garage, exceptionally pretty fire place. Just the arrangement that pleases the housewite. 4 bed rooms $120O down. ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL ALBERTA HOME. $2200 Don't judge the home by the price. Modern 5-room bungalow, beautiful finish Inside, beveled mirror in reception hall, nicely arranged Interior. full cement basement. S7oo down. PEE THIS HAWTHORNE SNAP. $3250 $40ft down buys a good 5-room modern bunRalow on 34lh street, with paved streets, sidewalks and sewer paid in full. .10x100 corner lot. Paved in front only. H. st white enamel plumbing. 2 light, v airy bedrooms. Vacant. Imme- rliste possession. A few dollars spent In redecorating and this Is a $;1700 value. A large assortment of good homes for sale in every residence district In the city of Portland. See ours before you buy. BIHR CAREY CO.. Succeeded by CAREY SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 P.allwav Exchange Uki. Main 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. BANK MUST SELL. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. CLOSE IN Fine 8-room home in Ladd tract dis trict taaen over, by our bank must be sold at once. This house is of brick veneer and stucco cement construction, consisting of 8 rooms and basement. All modern conveniences and house is strictly up to date. Cnn be bought fjr $8500 on terms. Buys like this are get ting scarcer every d:iy. Better look into this at the earliest possible moment. Se bank s representative, N. 11. ATCHISON, 204 Henrv bldg. MODERN Hawthorne avenue home, 7 exceptionally large rooms, fire place, furnace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitcnen, bookcases, large clothep presses, cement basement. laundrV travs, lot 50x120 with g:i-rag-, hard-surface Mreets In and paid. Tabor 30.SH. By appointment only; no agents. PORTSMOUTH. New double-constructed bungalow on paved street, a few feet from carllne; situated on Stockton St.. near Lombard; finely arranged: nice attic; good base ment, $3200. $5im down. Mr Mitlioney, COE A. MrKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4.122. Evenings, Columbia 6:;s. ALA M i: DA V I E W BU N G A l7 vF. Cozy 6-room bungalow with large at tic and garage, located on fine view lot. 85 feet frontage: old Ivory finish and oak floors throughout, tile hath. large plate glass view windows; heat as a pin: you'll never find ft view property to equal this at KO0O; quick possession. Terms. Tahor 407. SUNN YS IDE DISTRICT, oh East Morrison st., choice rKldence section, only one block from car. Modern 6-room house with alt conveniences and fruit trees. A tlandy home, which the present owner constructed for herself, but has out grown; 13.100. For particulars ill on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bld;,T, 127 Park st. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a guar antee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title o your rer.l estate. When you buy real estate get a Tltlo Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. An abstract of title Is not a guarantee of your title; it Is merely a hlftory of your title. A Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. 5 ACRES FOR $7.10. PAYMENTS LIKE RENT. Close to S. P. electric. 12-cent cam amuters' tare; level, second growth, fine for chickens and berries. Owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and stark. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY is a guar- antes OI tne iiiie oj -,ouc name. When you buy your home bitve the title in sured. Better be sale than sorry. Tiue and Tmtt Company. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modern 8-room home with all built-in conveniences and sleeping porch at $.1,100. Will take $1000 cash, balance to be ar ranged. See ATCHISON. 2l)4 Henry bid g. $30O0 BUY'S a modern 6-room house with al) conveniences, on large lot, 90x10". situated blocks from Woodstock car line. For particulars call on BEN RIES LAND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand-new 6-room bungalow, strictly . modern, fur-once, hardwood floors, built- ' ins. etc.: $1000 down, terms on balance.) See it today. Owner, E. 4QQ0. j FOR SALF Several new bungalows near-1 . lug completion. Rose City Park district- price belcw what it wouid cost to build I now. " a, urego- nlan. ; " "WAVERLY'-RICHMOND BARGAIN 7-room Queen Anne Home, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry tras: only $35io: terms. Main 1160. TITLE INSURANCE- is quicker. larer and cheaper than abstract method. Ask your banker, he knows. eTitla and Truii Com. pany. PORTLAND BANKS request title insTTT snce instead of abstracts. Why j,.ir our banker, he knows. Title and xrust -a ri.E INSURANCE Is the modern wa .1 landling titles to re, estate. QuickeV outs less and no abstract requlrud. r,7,l r,rt Trust Company. iit-ie CLOSE your real estate deal without an noylng details by using Title Insur ance Policy. No abstract required. Tit . and Trust Company. iii.e WHEN you get a Title Insurance Poi-icy you do not neea a One premium pays j-id Ttust Company. "u "v -- -"-unci or tin. tor ail time. Tiui WHEN you purchase your noma h titio insured. Get a Title ln Policy. Title and Trust Compan ave the llura n pany. BANKS request title Insurance because It Is best. Ask your banker, he knows Title A Trust company. 2 ACRES. Oswega Lake: house, barn $1200. M. 30.2. McFarland. Falling EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be safe man sorry. Title and Trust Company BARGAIN. 3-room cottage i-n Alberta; terms Phone Woodlawn 229i CALIF, bungalow, Irvlngton car, a perfect home: terms. Owner. E. 4000. BANKS prefer title Insurance instead ot abstracts Title and Trust company. iRVlNGTON HOMES. EAST 19. ilcDO.NLLL. - ICKMAN COMPANY. Shortest Way Home." thnrm,?K0i.f"'uld!' of Iocal conditions, a l,? Z -f lin'ledge of districts. laml.iar i?n 5--K.uea and "P'end'd organi m, n, o? ie. us' ive you the maxi mum of service in home buying. Here vahies- W Ur many exceptional home $2350 Let us show you this remarkably attractive home at this price; 4 rooms and bath down, including 1 bedroom. 2 bedrooms up; interior decorating In fiist-ciaas shape re- ..) wiiuea. iou can move into this home without spending a dollar for repairs; in a section v or good homes and by far the best buy at this price on the mar ket today. You can not do better. Must be sold to avoid f oraclosur. VACA.VT, MOVE RIGHT IN. -S..0 An attractive bungalow home Jith 5 rooms; reception hall, floored itlc. Dutch kitchen, targe living room and dining room with cased opaoings: needs redecorating inside. This is a bargain. iioOO Let us show you this attractive double-constructed bungalow on one of the best streets in Haw- - tnome: living room and dining room across the front, large din ing room. Dutch kitchen. 2 bed rooms and bath, with back porch suitable for sleeping porch if de sired, fireplace with large man tel, and heavy French . plate glass mirror, large plate-glasa mirror door to guest closet, dan dv buffet, hardwood floors in H rooms; street improvements in and paid: driveway now beir.s built for garage: the Interior fin ish is exceptionally good and very . attractive; terms. JjSOO Alameda Park bungalow, with i rooms and bath, also break. rast nook, attic for 2 additional rooms if desired .which can be finished for $2W) additional; strictly modem with an excep tional furnace piped to each room; gas kindler. a furnace that wili cut your fuel bill: garage: street Improvements paid. You will like this new, attractive bungalow and von could not duplicate It today for less than $ftoO additional. New and never occupied. Terms. We have any number of good bnvs, aro continually getting in new listings. List only salable homes that we know are worth the money. Come in. in spect our photographs before buying. We can save you monev. J. A. WICK MAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1004 and R2: 5-ROOM bungalow. 50x100 lot: full cement basement, laundry trays: good plumbing: ." located on Atlantic street; 1 block from car. $2Mo. $H0 cash. 6-room house, on 60x80 corner: ller.s paid; full cement basement; furnace', fireplace, laundry trays, nice giounrls. very large rooms; near Peninsula parb $il li -9- $450 cash. - (-room house, on 1.10x100 on East 4.1th street: paving and everything paid; good plumbing, gas and electric lights: frutt trees. $40uil. $700 cash. Hawthorne car. 6 rooms on E. S7th. near Division: liens paid: furnace, fireplace: hardwood floors: best of plumbing. Price $4590. $1000 cash. a rooms, near the Hftwthome car; on Marguerite avenue; everything in and paid; corner lot; tfcis is a modern Piace: good furnace, hardwood floors prue S02IM1 $.100 cash. John Ferguson. Oerllnger Mdg. Main 8520. TWO ROSE CITY PA R K SPECIALS $.:--0(i Dandy 6-room house, hardwood Tloors, cement basement, furnace, fire place, all modern built-lns. living room UuvSS front of house; faces east; good x.lhoo Modern 5-room hungalow. al rooms very large and spacious, living room ISxl.l. dining room 13x16: furnaca, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement base ment, built-lns. attic, garage; this is a beautiful home and a bargain at this price. HODKN & KOHLMAN. 22S Cham, of Com. Main 6.150. IN e are open evenings to S:30 I M Sundays from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Come In at any time and Inspect our photos. LAURELHURST HOME OARAGE. NEAP. PARK AND CAR. , $6.toO REASONABLE TERMS. Strictly modern 7-room home; sol!d hardwood floors, fine buffet and book cases, flrerpiace, large living room, breakfast room, cabinet kitchen. S fine b.-droonis. fuil cement basement, garage and runway. This home is In line con dition and Is reallv a good buy CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Mala 6752. NEAR ST. JOHNS. Close to the industrial district where things are tioomllig: r,-room bungalow, with garage: lot t'.2'-i by 110 feet, close to boulevard; see It at 1:1 Am herst St.. then call me; home evenings.' Mr. Mahonev. CfE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4.122. Evenings Columbia 6T.S.' O W N E R'S SAflnl-TCE; Mo'ltTGAGE DU E. Must raise rush immediately; beauti ful 5-room bunt-alow, near pavement; garden; vacant: I2S.10. worth $.'1.10m. Also 6-ronin. paved, garage, rented $110; a;i.-ci'il f''77.1. Another cofv home, sleep ing porch, paved, rented $2.1. only $:.1ll0. $-1.1.1 cash. balunce $211 monthly; in cludes interest. Evenings, Tabor 0,1.1. 4-HOOM modern bungalow snap. $1700, t-rms; built only a few years, well made, double constructed: bath, toilet, full ce ment basement, plastered: good-looking place: large lot, with fruit, berries, chicken park: located near or Woodstock cars, other bargains. Gar 'and. ::ol 3d. cor. Taylor. J22-IO CASH. BALANCE T.IKE RENT. BUYS 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR. GOOD GARAGE. 3 BLOCKS FROM CAR. SEE BROWN PIDDLE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE HI I LD1NG. YOU CAN RAISE CHICKENS, cows n' everything on this A. Ready for spring garden. It hns barn, chickeu liouse. Owner nnxlous to leave city, will take $1.1oO: $200 cash. bal. easy at 6 per cent. Let's heat the landlord. Call Marshall 3:1.12. Eve.. Tabor 3m. BY OWNER. i New. large i6-room bungalow; dee. breakfast room garage: the last word in not only a bungalow but-also a home: $s.10o. terms. Broadway car. 911 Mason st. Wood. 2553 after 5 P. M . . for ap polrittnents. . $3100 6 rooms. 014 Gantenbeln ave.. 5 roomSj, 4S.15 E. 64th St. S. . E. $1600; also 2 fine lots. Mt. Scott line; 80 acres south Newport; will trade. 9 rooms, west side. $8500. Owner Broadway 3232. FOR SALE by owner, attractive 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch. .10x100 lot. hardwood floor, cement basement, waah travs. cas heating system Installed. Phone Woodlawn 464 or call 1134 GleV.n ave. Nortri FOR SALE Five-room Plastered house with bath, 106 E. 12th St.. Medford. Or.. $12i0, one-hilf cash, balance two years' time at 6 interest. Page A Drehsier, agents. Medford. or Mrs. Ida Jacks, Al bany. Or. TWO houses in first-class condition, on full lot. First house remains 3-room apart ments; second house has 4 rooms; mod ern conveniences: situated on best car line. 4i4 13th st. $37.10 Full lot; 5 rooms; splendid condi tion: cement basement; wash trays, ga rage, some furniture; block to car. Zimmerman & White, 818 Chamber .of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL home in Mt. Tabor district. 1 block from car: 7 rooms and sleeping porch: fruit trees and flowers; a well built real home: consider trade on sul nrban with 5 acres. Tabor 412. ROSE CITY PARK. -Beautiful 7-room modern home: nerve offered before: am going away; must sell quick: sacrifice for cash. Owner, 3C6 E. ,13d St. N. Tabor 4007. $2:io0 Nice 6-room bungalow near Haw thorne: clean, ready ta move in. $500 bandies: good terms. Zimmerman & White. 818 Chamber of Commerce. TWO beautiful mod. homes on Mt Tabor car line. $.10tK each: both have large lot. See .1. P. McKenna. 13 years on Belmont at 3tlh. Tabor 6493. IRVINGTON $750 takes strictly modern homo. 6 rooms, rec. hall, sleeping porch, hardwood floors,, fireplace, hookcasen, buffet, furnace, perfect condition; also garage. Tabor 6441. FOR SALE Five -rooms, light, gas and water, leaving town, must sell: will take car part payment or terms. $1300. 1113 E Kelly St. , MODERN residence. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, concrete garage, large lot. fruit, rose etc. Special price and terms for quick sale. 304 E. 52d. Tabor 213. MODERN 7-room house, large lot. fruit, trees, garage etc.. Portland Hts. district. - o blocks from car and school; $4000. Marshall 2671. IRVINGTON. 6-room hunolow. all up to date, lot r.oxioor a gcod bargain -for the price. s;iiimi Call East 419. $4250 6 ROOMS, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, nice finish, terms; ifaw thorne district. . W. H. Ross. rr7r,0 BUY'S $4500 home If you can pay ,,Ch;S0nclnrSbe?t,,4dlm0nth;" s-- 6-ROOt small old house, modern plumb ing. $ half cash. 1400 E. Davi. Wdln. 6200. IRVINGTON car. on E. 16th St.. Just fin ished. rooms; terms to suit. See It 10. day. Phone F-. 4Q0Q. " lo STORY-AND-HALF bungalow, double lo fruit, berries, garage. $40o0; termo. 17 IS. 7th. 4 100.2v