1 j tar a p VOL. LIX NO. 18,.V21 En tcrcd at Portland C Oregon) Powofficp as -Second-Class Matter. PORTLAND OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL . 5, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS APRIL WILL DASH . POLITIGAL HOPES TEACHERS REQUEST EDUCATIONAL PLANK IRISH MALCONTENTS USE FIRE AS WEAPON MISTY EASTER BARS BOY. 19. RESISTING POLICE, SHOT DEAD GORGEOUS CREATIONS IN NEW YORK PARADE OUTLAW KILLS ONE OF POSSE AND " PAL nrmiT nc dommctc DIES ON TRIP ST REPUBLICANS RKCKIVE PLEA OF STATE BODIES. MASSES OP IMPORTANT DOCU MENTS ARE BURNED. CITY , STREETS LACK USUAL RESPLENDENT MAN IS TORIAt. DELIGHT. SAR- SPRINGTIME BRILLIANCY. BISHOP M HUGHES (TlPrimaries to Be Held in Eight Big States. ELIMINATIONS ARE EXPECTED New York to Decide Johnson's Chances in East. CONTESTS GIVE PRESTIGE Nebraska May and Seal M it'll ii Eliminate Pershing Bryan's Fate, an Crucial. BY .MARK SCLUVAX. WASHINGTON. April 4. (Special.) We are now entering a month of de cisive political events. The only pri mary of any importance so far held was the South Dakota one. But April will be crowded by primaries of much more meaning than South Dakota's. By the 28th of this month it ought to be possible to make some quite confident deductions regarding both the republican and the democratic nominations. If not by April 28t certainly by May 5, the day following the Indiana pri maries. By that day some republican candidates will be seen to have been eliminated and the order in which all of them are to enter th.e convention ,wlll be determined. Also, by that day It will be possible to forecast the name of the democratic nominee with lair confidence. The first of this series of important April primaries will come in Michigan next Monday. For at least three of the republican candidates much hangs on the outcome in Michigan. If Wood should carry Michigan as he carried South Dakota, his leadership In the race will be strongly confirmed. If Lowden is as clearly second to Wood in Michigan as he was in South Da kota, his prestige will be materially impaired and a question may be raised as to whether he is to be the candi date upon whom ..the anti-Wpol forces ' in the convention will concentrate. Michigan Citicial for Johnson. Most important of all, however, will be the showing made by Johnson in Michigan. Johnson is believed to have a chance of doing even better in Mich igan than he did in South Dakota. If he should do belter he will have an entirely different relation to the cam paign as a Whole from what he has had in the past. 'There are two reasons why John son may do better in Michigan. One is the fact that he has at least some thing of an organization in Michigan, whereas he had nothing whatever in South Dakota. The second reason is ovne of those curious accidents of poli tics which occasionally have large importance. There was a regiment of Michigan soldiers' on duty in Arch angel. They didn't like it there; they didn't believe in the principle upon which they w-ere kept there and they wanted to come home. To this regi ment of Michigan young- men Johnson endeared himself by his course in the aenate demanding their return. .Most of these soldiers came from about De troit and the result is that the in fluence of these young men, coupled with certain 'other elements, is be lieved to make it possible for John son to carry the Important stronghold of Wayne county and Detroit. If Johnson should by any chance run nrsi in iuicnigan tnat ract will go a measurable distance toward altering the whole aspect of the campaign. East to Show Westerner's Fate. ri'lt even more important to John son than Michigan will be certain isolated events in New York state the ' following day, Tuesday, April 6. There is no real presidential primary in New Tork and no state-wide contest, but Johnson has picked out two spots in the state In which he is making a contest for delegates. If he gets the delegates in those two sections it will be a. demonstration that he has a fol lowing and can get votes in the east. That Ls the great thing which it Is now necessary for Johnson to dem onstrate. His chief handicap is the widespread belief that while he ls concededly popular In the weet and middls west, he is not strong In the east. If the events in New Tork should deny this belief, it will make htm a formidable factor indeed. The east believes that Johnson is radical. The best service that John son's friends could nw do would be to- spread as intensely as possible through the east propaganda to show that Johnson ls less radical and more conservative than the east thinks. There is not space here to make an accurate evaluation as to Just how radical or ho,-conservative Johnson is under circumstances where he has responsibility. Such an evaluation woold have to be carefully made, and would necessarily include a good deal about Johnson's temperament. But it is said by many that -when John son was in a position of responsibility as governor of California his official actions were more or less satisfac tory to the conservatives of the state. I have heard a lawyer for certain large public utility corporations say that the law regulating public utili ties, which was passed under John son s regime in California, is one of the- two best laws of the kind in the lountry. T have heard it said that (Concluded on Page 4. Column 27) Instructors- "ot "Attempting to Dictate," But to "Remove Educational Limitation." NEW TOftK, April 4. A petition urging the adoption of an educational plank in the national platform of the republican party was presented to day to Will H. Hays, chairman of the republican national committee by Judson P. Wright, president, of the New York Teachers' association; Wil liam T. McCoy, chairman of the Illi nois schools committee, and Olive M. Jones, president of the New York Principals' association. The teachers are not "attempting to dictate," Mr. McCoy said, "but with the likelihood of woman suffrage be coming a law, thus giving the vote to 80 per cent of the 700,000 teachers in America, they feel that the most im portant service they can give will be to see that their vote goes to the party that most definitely pledges it self to remove educational limitations from 'the children of the country. Teachers have never been in politics, but they are alive to the situation as they never have been before and are going to the polls next November with that situation uppermost in their minds." "This delegation. represents the 32, 000 teachers in Illinois and the 53,000 teachers in New York," the petition declared, and added: "We may in a way claim to represent the education al forces of the nation." There is a "great and growing- de terioration in public education caused by the tremendous loss of trained teachers," the petition stated. "The basis of the cause of these conditions which threaten the effi ciency of education is the deficiency in educational ' funds. The failure to pay teachers adequate wages is a na tional sin, Ions confessed, but un atoned for." The 'average yearly salary of the teachers in 1919 was $634, the peti tion said, and there had been only a 10 per cent increase during that year. More than 30,000 rural schools are without teachers, it continued, and added: "The desertion of farms is largely due .to removal of farmers to cities where they can get decent schooling for their children. Illiteracy, which disqualified 70,000 drafted men for effective service in the great war, is on the increase.". , CANADA "FL.IERS"T0;T0RM Dominion Air Force to Be Recruit ed at Once Among- Veterans. OTTAWA, Ont.1, April 4. A Cana dianair force is to be formed im mediately. The personnel will be drawn from volunteers from the ranks of former officers and airmen of the royal air force resident in Canada. These will train at centers which will be in operation all the year round and officers and airmen enlisted in the new force will spend at least one month out of every 24 in active 'training, receiving pay and traveling expenses during their active period. The force probably will be limited in the beginning to about 5000 men inclusive of all ranks, and the train ing centers will not number more than one or two to begin with for the whole dominion. The age limit is set at about 30 for junior officers and 38 for senior officers. WOMAN 'STICKS' OWN TYPE Mrs. W. Ii. Morrison Both Editor and Publisher of Maupin Times.' HOOD RIVER, Or.. April 4 (Spe cial.) Mrs. W. L. Morrison,' editor and publisher of the Maupin Times, was here yesterday, ending a tour in search of new equipment for her plant. She visited with her uncle. T. G. Smith, Barrett orchardist. Although a woman slight in build, Mrs. Morrison might give lessons to strong men in energy and enterprise. For five years, doing both reporting and the mechanical work, she has issued Maupin's weekly newspaper and printed the letterheads, state ments and other stationery of the residents of the vicinity. Mrs. Morrison is seeking a larger press for her newspaper. NATIONAL STRIKE IS PLAN Unions Suspect Move by Employers to Increase 8-Hour Day. NEW YORK., April 4. Plans are being worked out for a national strike of 6.000,000 trades unionists "to head off a suspected move by employers in leading industries to abolish the eight-hour day," William A. Maher, vice-president and secre tary of the marine workers affilia tion and one of the leaders of the harbor- strike, announced officially tonight. He said the complete plans would be submitted to Samuel Gompers and the executive council of the Amer ican Federation of Labor. ESCORT TO MEET PRINCE Dreadnought Will Greet British Heir at San Diego. SAN FRANCISCO, April 4. The dreadnought New Mexico, flagship of the Pacific fleet, late today cleared for San Diego to meet the British battle cruiser Renown on its arrival there with the prince of Wales aboard. The" New Mexico will make Its an nual full power test on the run south. Easter VT.on in Cleve land Undelivered. PRELATE STRICKEN IN HOTEL Oregon Methodist Episcopal Leader on Lecture Tour. PNEUMONIA ENDS LIFE District Head Preparing to Enter Pulpit When Overtaken by Death; Funeral Plans Wait. CLEVELAND, O., April 4. Ba-hop Matthew W. Simpson Hughes of Port land, Or., died at a hotel here today of pneumonia from which he had been ill since Friday. He had been on a lec ture tour since October, spending last week addressing Lenten meetings here. He was born in West Virginia 57 years ago. ' Previous to being or dained a Methodist bishop in 1916, Bishop Hughes had held pastorates at Grinnell, la., Portland, Me., Minne apolis, Kansas' City and Pasadena, Cal. A public memorial meeting in charge of Bishop William F. Ander son, resident bishop of this district, will be held tomorrow. Funeral ar rangements have been deferred, pend ing advices from his family. Bishop E. A. Hughes of Boston, brother of the dead bishop, is ex pected to attend the memorial serv ices. While the Easter message of joy was being delivered from Portland pulpits yesterday morning. word came of the sudden death of the Kt. Rev. Matthew S. Hughes, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal district of Oregon, who died at Cleveland, O. where he ha-i been conducting special services throughout passion week. When Bishop Hughes left Portland three . weeks ago for the , eastern trip he waa in good health, and letters since then have mentioned no indis position. Trip Made for Conferences. Bishop Hughes eastern trip was made in order that he might attend several important conferences of th church at various points and was to have been completed within the com ing week. For the past few days he had been at Cleveland. O., where he conducted special pre-Easter (services in Windermere church each night and at a downtown theater in the after noons. Friends in this city are inclined to believe that Bishop Hughes was over zealous in his work and that he taxed (Concluded on Page 2. Column 2. J DID YOU EVER NOTICE f t p T-, : ; 1 I r-. I rA going ove. 1 J , W r - ; m I w v ik wasR-. i I i j.i . i THAT THE MAN WHO CANT FIND TIME TO REGISTER Vl ; r : i i : ; : i i i.i 17 uvtv"v s ni t J CAN USUALLY FIND .TIME FOR LESS IMPORTANT MATTERS? . . . . Offices of Eight Income Tax Col lectors in Dublin Razed; One Soldier Reported Shot. DUBLIN", April 4. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Easter demonstrations in Ireland did not develop into a spectacular offer of force against the government which the adherents of the republican cause considered would be suicidal, but there was a series of outrages in many parts of the island. The malcontents took a new angle in their work -when they attacked 16 tax offices in many cities and towns. destroying the records in various ways, but mostly by fire. The attacks against police barracks and police huts numbered 35. In nrost cases the police had left the barracks to go to concentration points in the larger cities. Where only women and children were left in the barracks or huts the raiders gave warning of their intentions; hence there were no casualties. Sinn Fein Kins Kile. At Dublin castle tonight it was stated that the destruction of the tax records would avail nothing; all citizens whose records have been de stroyed will be re-assessed, and their taxes are likely to be increased by the need of funds to replace the bar racks and huts destroyed. Attacks on the police barracks and government offices are reported from Limerick, both town and county, and also from several places in County Clare. No casualties are reported, ex cept for the wounding of two soldiers by John Mitchell, whom they arrested at Glenade, Leitrim county. Mitchell fired repeatedly before surrendering. The Sinn Fein flag has been flying all day from the masthead of the flagstaff on the admiralty pier at Qucenstown. It was hoisted during the night and the pole was well greased, to prevent it from being hauled down. Soldier Is Shot. A man believed to be Private Lau rence McKenzie of Belfast was found shot through the head today in How though, east of this city. It is thought the wound will prove fatal. COItlC, April 4. Fires, believed to be the work of incendiaries, took place in Cork early last night. The blazes broke out simultaneously in the inland revenue pensions offices, sit uated half a mile apart. The Water supply, which was insuf ficient at first, was soon increased, but too late to present Ahe destruc tion of the buildings. The firemen this morning were fighting to prevent a spread of the flames. LONDON, April 5. In connection with the searching by the police of a I Glasgow steamer Arriving at London derry, the London Times says it is stated that the authorities learned that certain persons were believed to be on their way to Ireland from America by way of Glasgow. Organ Composer Is Dead. HOBOKEN, N. J., April 4. Homer Bartlett, composer, pianist and or ganist, died here yesterday, aged 75. His best known compositions are his concert polka and a Christmas an them. "Bethlehem." Mildness of . Day Encourages Throngs to Go to Woods to Seek Oregon Flowers. Not a single lily or violet of all the glad array that greeted Easter morning had withered when nightfall came for the sufficient reason that Portland saw the vernal festival through the mist of a typical April day. And so, while it was brave weather for the flower folk, it was not such as is encouraging to the appearance of new bonnets with decorative ef fects that cannot withstand a mild spring drizzle and the city etreets lacked in consequence much of the brilliancy of other Easters. The Easter egg, aided by a provi dence that looks after the "eggsten- sive" seasonal interests of little folk. had eo declined in price that its pres ence at many an Easter function was thoroughly enjoyed. Children found the hidden nests of the mythical rab bit on the front lawn, under the shrubbery, with vari-colored contents that would have set the original hen wild with anxiety. Though the sun found its way through the clouds but for a moment or so, the mildness of the day, and the knowledge that the country is blooming with Oregon grape and trillums, encouraged many to motor or tramp far from the city after the devotions of the day were attended to. Easter services, with special choral music, were celebrated In all Port land churches yesterday from altars laden with great masses of immacu late lilies and bright greenery. The sermon messages were appropriate to the day the most 'joyous, save one. of the Christian calendar. Glad, cheerful music of the Easter season was heard yesterday afternoon in the public auditorium, when 120 girls of the Washington high school glee clunv sang choruses, and Fred erick W. Qoodrich played organ solos. About 800 paid admissions were reg istered. Mr. Goodrich's principal selections were the "Hallelujah" chorus from Handel's "Messiah," the Easter music from Mascagni's ."Cavaleria Ru&ti cana," MarcDowell's "To a Wild Rose.' "The Holy City" (Adams), and "Tri umphal March" (Lemmens). The girls sang with careful atten tion to shading and expression under the direction of George D. Ingram. The vocal, .choruses were 'Largo" (Handel), "The Palms" (Faure), and "The Chord" (Sullivan). TROOPS TO BE INCREASED Japanese Army in Siberia Will Be Reinforced, Says Report. HONOLULU, April 4. The Japanese general staff is considering plans of increasing their troops in Siberia un til the Japanese forces there are suf flciently strong to clear east Siberia of bolsheviki, according to a special cablegram received last night from Tokio by Hochl, Japanese language newspaper here. A decision ls expected within a few days, the cablegram said. Wayne Cason Victim Of Accident in Fight. 200 PERSONS SEE STRUGGLE Crowd Follows to Jail When Youth Is Arrested. ISTUL FALLS TO FLOOR Lad Charged With Being Drunk Bias Arms Around Officer When Gun Is Fired. Wayne Cason. 19, son of Boon Cason, local attorney, was accident- lly shot through the chest at 6:15 o'clock last night during a struggle with policemen in the lobby at police headquarters, and died a few minutes later in the Emergency hospital. His death was due to the accidental dis charge of a revolver which dropped from the pocket of Patrolman J. S. Smith. Cason had been arrested on a charge of drunkenness by Patrolmen O'Hal- Ioran and Smith and had offered strenuous resistance. He died in the Police Emergency hospital atfer he dropped, bleeding at the mouth. Manx See Stra angle. An inquest will be held by Coroner Smith. The. fight between Cason and the police officers took place in the lobby of the police station as the result of n effort to place him in a cell on a charge of drunkenness. Fully 200 peo ple who had followed the officers and Cason Into the lobby of the station after he was first picked up at Second and Alder streets, witnessed the struggle which preceded his death. Jack O'Halloran, motorcycle offi cer, who admitted last night striking Cason on the head once during the course. of the struggle in the lobby of the police station, said he did so when it was apparent that Cason was reaching for the revolver of Police Officer J. S. Smith, who was involved In the struggle. Officer Strikes I.ad. Officer O'Halloran said he rushed to the rescue of Officers Smith and Linton when It appeared that Cason was about to get the best of the struggle with the two policemen. "Cason had his arms about the waist of Officer Smith at the time and it was apparent that he was trying to take the revolver from the man's pocket." he said, "so I rushed In and gave him a blow over the head." Other witnesses, including Desk Of ficer Wendorf, declared O'Halloran struck Cason over "the head three times. Whether the pistol was discharged before falling or went off as a result of striking on the hard floor of the lobby, witnesses were unable to say. Officer Smith, owner of the re volver, said he was unable to tell how it was discharged. He said that in the struggle Cason had raised him from the floor and that suddenly he heard the report and saw the revolver lying on the floor about eight feet away from him. He said he was unable to tell when the gun was discharged or how. Cason had been arrested at Second and Alder streets after he is said to have struck 14-year-oid Sam Gold stein, 66S Front street. The boy re ported the occurence to Officer Smith and he with Officer Drake placed Cason under arrest. These two policemen were later joined by Officer Linton when Cason began to struggle and resist the of ficers. Crowds which gathered sym pathized with Cason, and Officer Drake kept them back while Officers Smith and Linton took the prisoner to the station, one on either side. ' Fight Near Elevator. En route to the station, Cason is said to have struck his captors numerous times, and on various occasions the three rolled on the street as a result of Cason's struggles to escape. When the police station waa finally reached Cason was marched to the desk and Desk Officer Wendorf told the offi cers to take him to the jail. It was on the way to the elevator leading to the jail where the fatal fight took place. Just before the door opening from the lobby to a passage leading to the elevator, the prisoner made another effort to escape. He is said to have jerked himself from Officer Linton and, seizing Officer Smith around the' waist, raised him from the floor. It was at this moment that Officer O'Halloran ran in to the as sistance of the qfftcers and struck the struggling prisoner over the head. Al most simultaneously the revolver ex ploded. Witnesses Stories Agree. Immediately after Cason received his fatal wound he was removed to the hospital but died before arrival there. The shooting was witnessed by Earl Cane, 894 East Caruthers; Glenn Zim merman, 881 Francis avenue; Antone E. L. Flanchich, 996 Division street; Clarence Dederlch, 6093 Thirty-third street East. Their stories of the fight practically agree in every detail. All agreed that they were unable to tell just when'the revolver had been dis charged or how. They were also un- (Concluded on Pg 2. Column 1.) Dauntless Ones Brave Cold Driz zle to Show Finery in An nual Easter Display. XEW TOHK, April 4.-r-Cold, driz zling rain and skies that threatened snow failed today to prevent New York's annual Kastcr parade in Fifth avenue. Gorgeous bonnets and wonderful creations, examples of the French and American modistes' art, were seen, bravely defying the onslaughts oT the elements. The ranks of the parade were a bit thin, but the daunt less ones, in outfits more suited for Palm Beach than Fifth avenue in the early and uncertain days of spring, stepped forth to admire and be ad mired. m Probably never before has mere man loomed so large as a contender for sartorial honors. Not only were the young men resplendent; they were "gaudy." According to quotations by New York clothiers, the very latest styles in "business" $100, while evening least $200. The avenue saw suits come to clothes cost at suits of many colors and curs. There were fancy topped shoes, too, that would make a barber pole jealous. Trousers were tight, baggy and just loose, while the rainbow-hued shirts intensified the color scheme. The women, for the most part, wore heavy fur neckpieces with their spring suits and almost all carried gaily-colored parasols. Hundreds mo tored to church instead of risking costly silks and satins in the rain. They presented a flash of color amid the downpour as they hurried from their cars to the houses of worship Probably the greatest throng In the history of the churches crowded into the edifices for the special Easter services. ANNE MARTIN WILL RUN Nevada Woman, Defeated for Sen ate Once, to Try Again. WASHINGTON, April 4. Anne Mar tin, defeated two years ago for the United States senate in Nevada, an nounced from her headquarters here today that she would make the race again this year for the republican nomination. Miss Martin said she would accept the nomination it of fered on her platform, which included opposition to the peace treaty and the league of nations. Miss Martin declared that under no circumstances would she make a lone fight in the primary against a bi partisan fusion candidate and if so opposed would run as an independent. WHISKY LOOT IS $850,000 Theft of 18.000 t.ailons From Warehouse Is Reported. CINCINNATI, April 4. Sixteen thousand gallons of whisky were stolen from bonded warehouses of Old 76 distillery, near Newport, Ky., ac cording to revenue officers. The liquor was. valued at $S50,000. The discovery of the theft was made yesterday after an inventory of the stock. This was the fonrth theft of large quantities of whisky in ;nt Covington revenue district this year. WEEKLY PAY DAY WANTED St. Louis Terminal Yard Clerks Strike to Enforce Demand. ST. LOUIS. April 4. The yard clerks employed in the terminal here by the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad struck yesterday to enforce demands for a weekly instead of a monthly pay day. Freight movement has been delayed. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 57 deffreea; minimum. 4rt decrees. TODAY'S Rain; southerly winds. Foreijpn. Fi-fehting with reds in Germany 'relaxes on Easier. Page France considers further occupation of Germany as protective measure in Ruhr situation. Page 2. Strong-arm regime continues in Germany. Page 3. Irish malcontents use fire as weapon. Page 1. Strike in Denmark remains effective. Page 3. Domestic. Decadent Rome surpassed by America in orgy of wasteful spending.' Page 5. Teachers ask republican party for educa tional piank. Page 1. Alaska fishermen favor 26 per cent wage increase. Page 1 1. Bishop M. S. Hughes of Oregon dies. Page 1. April primaries to be decisive for presi dential candidates. Page 1. Resplendent man comes into own in Easter parade. Page 1. Nine midile-west states raked by Easter blizzard. Page 11. Pacific Northwest. Outlaw kills ex-Portland man in posse and then slays pal in quarrel over loot. Page 1. Siberians give 249 rubles for American dollar. . Page 4. Oregon atate hospital hens hold record. Page 16. Sport. Beavers leave Ontario for Salt Lake for ' opening Tuesday. Page 10. Quartet of heavies finish training for bouts today. Page 10. Operations of liquor ring between Portland and San Francisco ruspected. Page 7. Boy, 10. victim of accident in 'fight with police. Page 1. Northern Pacific president and party due In Portland today. Page 7. Portland and Vicinity. National Music club president to arrive today. Page 9. Real immortality held proved by Christ's existence on earth. Page 18. Possible successor to Dr. John Boyd is named by Presbyterian committee. Page 18. Frank A. Vanderiip to be guest of local chamber Wednesday. Page 17. Interest is keen In cereal exhibit. Page 17. W. H. Pauihamua advocates 10 to 12 cents for loganberries. Page 16.- Miety Easter bars debut of bonnets, rase 1. Ex-Portland Man Dies in Duel With Robbers. COMPANION SLAIN IN FLIGHT Pair Quarrel. Over Loot in Auto Race to Freedom. POLICE SCOUR SEATTLE Duo Caught Holding Cp -1 ifth Automobile Party Make Dasll in Midst or I u-illailc SEATTLE, Wash., April 4. (Spe cial.) More than 400 policemen, dep uties and special officers were en gaged today in a man hunt through out Seattle for an outlaw known only as "Blackle," a drug addict. Early today "Blackic" shot and killed Ray C. Scott, a deputy sheriff, formerly of Portland, and later, while making his escape in an automobile driven by H. A. Eba, "Blackie" shot and killed his companion, E. Cady and stripped Cady of the proceeds of six automobile robberies which had been committed by the two men during the night. Scott was called here from Portland last September by Sheriff Stringer to do special work in connection with the apprehension of burglars respon sible for the theft of thousands of dollars' worth of jewelry' from Seattle homes. Recently he took, an active part in the search for the slayer of Joseph Paschlch, postmaster. at Cum berland. Cane Held Without Parallel. Saturday night's series of robberies, culminating in the shooting of Scott and the killing of the robber by "Blackie," police officers said tonight, is without a parallel in Seattle crim inal history. The two robbers started early Saturday night halting auto mobile parties. Five machines were stopped on a lonesome stretch of road near Renton, the occupants robbed of their valuables and then led to a nearby cornfield, where they were bound, gagged and left. Deputy Sheriff Scott with Herbert Bcebe, Andrew Vaughan, William Pynchon and Ed Hughes, all deputies, had spent the greater part of Satur day afternoon on a murder north of the city awtd reported back at the county Jail at 1 A. M. this morning:. 'They learned at that time of the se ries of automobile robberies south of the city and sef out at once. Robbers Caught at Work. They scoured the roads in that dis trict until K45 A. M., when they hap pened upon the two robbers, guns drawn and searching the members of two automobile parties at Rainier avenue and Donovan street, a few blocks Inside the city limits. "Put up your hands," one of the deputies called out. Scott had not stepped out of the machine yet. The deputy's command was met with a fusillade of shots from the robbers. The deputies sought cover, better to single out the outlaws from the group of persons standing in the roadway with their hands up and then opened fire. More than a score of shots were exchanged. Amid a hail of shot from the deputies the robbers, pointing their gun at the driver, H. A. Eba of 10.020 Rainier avenue, commanded him to speed up. Scott Found Dead in Aalo. With the disappearance of the Eba machine down the road, the deputies came into the open, calling to Scott to start their car. Scott remained motionless in his seat. On reaching his side he was found dead, shot through the head. His pockets had been turned inside out by the robbers and his gun and money were missinsr. The deputies reported some time later that they were unable to give chase because the wiring on their car had been cut by the robbers. In the meantime, Eba urged his car to 60 miles an hour toward the main part of the city, prompted by threats of the robber in the seat behind him to kill him if he slackened speed Robber Kills 'Pal" In Car. He had been under way but a few minutes when a shot was fired in the tonneau. Prior to that time he caught the hum of conversation between the two robbers. After that he heard only the voice of one man who thrust the muzzle of a gun against his head and shouted to him to speed up faster. The car was making better than 60 miles an hour when a police car flashed by, going to the scene of the robbery. At First avenue and Pike street, the heart of the business district, Eba was ordered to stop. Covering Eba with a revolver the robber searched his companion taking money, jewelry and a revolver from his pockets and then darted toward the water front. Eba notified the police at once. A cordon of police was thrown about the entire district. Search' was made of every room in every house. Later dozens of other officers were pressed into service and scope of the .search, was enlarged. By this afternoon the entire three rhifts of policemen, including many from precinct stations, were engaged in the search. No trace of the robber has yet been found, however. Upon the arrival of the police at the Concluded on Page Column