the: MORxnrn okegoxiax, ratthidat, Aran, n, 1020 v CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ClfrT Editor Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 60o Advet Using Department. .Main 7070. A 6n5 !.'!Min 7070. A 6005 cnpeiintendent of Bids-. .Main 70i0. A ouo AMUSEMENTS. BEIUO (Broadway at H&ylor) Kolb Dill In "Wet and Dry." This afternoon and tonight. BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker Stock company In "In Walked Mary. ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) Khaym. the "Man of Mystery." Thla aft ernoon ta dtonignt. LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com edy. "The Married Widow " Three snow daily at 2. 7 and 9. . BH-roDBOME (Broadway at Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to a. V a i m . . . n . - i u.mrlAVa Ulu holidays, continuous 1:15 to 11 F. -PANTAGE8 (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows dally. S-S". 7 na :05. THRIFT STAMPS. WAR 8AVINGS STAMPS On Bale at Business Office. Oregonlan. Man Robbed bt Holdups. The Police were yesterday on the lkout '?! three men who are said to have up David Smith. 508 East Ash street, at East Tenth and Ankeny streets, late Thursday night and robbed him of $60 at the point of a revolver. Mr. Smith told the police yeirterday morn-lng- that he had just dismounted from the Montavilla car at East Tenth and Kast Ankeny streets when an auto mobile containing three men drove up. One of the trio got out of the ma chine and came toward him. he said, a the same time commanding him to put up his hands. ALLEGED ROBBERS HELD UNDER Boss. Robert Carpenter and D. -sten Edwards, who were arrested at Third and Ash streets Thursday by InsPef" tors Swennes and McCulloch, will liave a hearing on a charge of larceny next Tuesday. -They are held under 1000 bail each. The inspectors re ported recovering goods implicating the two in the burglary of the room of Walter O. Conway, Lincoln hotel and the room of Mrs. A. Carlson, Savon hotel. A phonograph and a kodak was recovered which had been taken from Mr. Conway and a suit ease belonging to Mrs. Carlson. Labor League la Discussed. Otto Hartwig. president of the State Fed eration of Labor, and. F. E. Coulter, secretary of the land and labor league of Oregon, were the speakers of the day at the regular luncheon of the City club yesterday at the Hotel Ben son. Both speakers talked on the plans and platform of the land and labor league, Mr. Hartwig discussing the proposed plan for a state bank and the public ownership of public utilities and resources, and Mr. Coulter " outlining briefly the platform and programme of the organization. Plant Specimens Sent East. Dis trict Forester Cecil has sent to Wash ington for specific Identification 275 specimens of plants collected during 1919 on the Siskiyou National forest by Grazing Examiner Ingram. The specimens are accompanied by notes giving full information conce'n'n? the time and place, and the condl tlons under which each specimen was found. Some. 160 films have also been sent to Washington by the dis trict forester's office, which will be made into slides for use by the for estry department. History of Nation Reviewed. Mil ton A. Miller, collector of Internal revenue, was the speaker at the lunch eon of the realty board in the Hotel Benson at noon yesterday. He re viewed American history in detail from the founding of the republic to the present time, declaring that the record shows the United States to be the greatest nation in the world, witn the greatest wealth and the most resourceful nature, its people able to meet every problem, no matter how trreat. He praised the pioneers of Oregon in glowing ter-ns. Woman's Clothing Stolen. Mrs. M. E. Harwood reported to the r-'lce yesterday that linen clothin; nd other articles valued at $100 ha'. ,;en stolen from her apartment at 627 East Morrison street. She said that a few days ago she began to miss things and after that the thieves paid her almost daily visits. As a result she moved to 110 East Fourteenth street. The Schaefer Copper works. 523 North Twenty-second street, reported to In spector Ackerman yesterday that the place had been broken into several times recently. Auto Demolishes Bictcle. Charles A. Rodgers, connected with the New York Life Insurance company, 613 Board of 'Trade building, received a skinned knee yesterday morning at Williams avenue and Going street when he was struck by an automobile driven by C. G. Hansen of 1093 East Thirty-second street north. The bi cycle belonging to O. D. Willimart, 390 Glisan street, a messenger boy for the Western Union company, was de molished yesterday morning when F. E. Morrison of the Conradlne hotel, backed his car Into the boy. Assault Charged to Doctor. Dr. G. E. Humberstone, dentist, with offices at 519 ',4 Williams avenue, was served with a warrant yesterday by Patrolman Leavens charging him with assault and battery. Charges against Dr. Humberstone were pre ferred by N. W. Howard. Fourteenth and Couch street, who alleges that the dentist assaulted him yesterday. Dr. Humberstone was released on his own recognizance and will be given a hearing today in municipal court. Liquor Gets Fines for Two. Nels Carlson who was arrested in a room in a lodging house at First and Clay . streets where he was declared to have had 16 pints of whisky cached away, was fined $50 by Municipal Judge Rosstnan yesterday morning on a charge of violating the prohibition law. Anton Nelson, who was in the room at the time in an intoxicated condition was fined $5. The raid on the place was conducted by Patrol men Fair, Smith, Powell and Willard. High-Priced sugar means certain advance in bakers' pastry and coffee cake. Royal bakeries recently made some fortunate purchases of low priced sugar. Therefore our famous coffee rake is cheaper than it will probably be for the next five years. It can be bought for loss than present cost of ingredients. Buy at the Royal's two stores. 268 or 344 Morrison, or from your grocer by ordering on day ahead. Adv. Evangelist Coming Sunday. Evan gelist Wilde will be here Sunday to cgnduct meetings at the First Naza rene church at East Tenth and Weldler streets. He will remain until April 25. With him will be the Wilde-Knight quartet, an old-fashioned gospel song group. Rev. Mr. Wilde himself leads the singing and assists with guitar music. Knioht Templar Easter Service Open to the Public. Easter services under direction of Oregon command- ery. No. 1, Knights Templar, will be held in the auditorium. Third and Market streets, Sunday evening, April 4, at 7:30 P. M. No admission fee open to the general public Vesper services Easter Sunday, 4:30 P. M. takes the place of the usual evening service at Calvary Presby terian church. Selections from Gaul's 'Holy City," 11 A. M. Topic "Resur rection, followed by communion service. Rev. L. Bowring Quick, min ister. Adv. Take Sunday dinner at the College inn. bpecial chicken dinner. Full a la carte bill-of-fare 12 M. to 7 P. M. East Sixth and Pacific streets. Adv xtELtEF ror your reet. visit our orthopedic dept. Dr. J. M, Ingalls In charge. - Knieht Shoe Co. Free con sultation. Adv. Highway Meeting Is Today. To consider market roads matters and the Oregon City bridge, the state highway commission will hold a spe cial meeting today. The commission will receive a delegation from Ore-, gon City to discuss the construction of a 'new bridge across the river. When originally estimated, the cost was placed at $280,000. Since then the cost of materials has gone so high that the bridge will now cost $360,000. Clackamas county offers to contribute $130,000, which the commissioners feel is not sufficient. Extension School Head Bust. Professor E. B. FItts in charge of the extension schools of Oregon Agri cultural college, addressed a meet ing last night in east side library. His subject was "Taking Care of Cows." Professor Fkts will conduct exten sion schools in Lincoln county next week. In the latter part of April he will go to Grants Pass to assist in a dairy educational campaign there and in the early part of May will be in Portland for the Jersey Jubilee going from here to Med ford for a milk cam paign. Kemmerbr Coal, carbon Coal Co. mine agents. $21 Hawthorn ave. Blast I 1SK Adv Beech-Nut Bacon. Sliced or in the slab, 75c lb. J. C. Mann. Grand ave. and Hassalo st. Adv. Cordwood, strictly first class. Wm. Haight. Bdwy. 2447. Tabor 8867. Adv. Milk Cure at the Moore Sanitarium Adv. SYMPHONY PLANS LAID ORCHESTRA TO BE UNDER. UN DERWRITER'S BOARD. Offering of 12 Concerts Daring Year Also Is Decided at Library Meeting. The members of the Portland Sym phony orchestra have decided to be under the direction of the board of underwriters or guarantors for the next two years, and that there ought to be 12 concerts, six symphony and six popular concerts where music of a iignter character shall be played each year. This course of procedure was agreed to at a largely attended meeting of the orchestra members last Wednesday at the public library. Carl Denton will continue his duties as conductor of the orchestra. Franck Elchenlaub presided at the meeting. Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett attended as representative of the board of guarantors. She stated she had been authorized to say that the boardi agreed to finance the symphony orchestral concerts for the next two years, on the same basis as in the prosperous season Just closed. She added that it was proposed there should be a dozen concerts each year. It was understood that last season the guarantors subscribed about $9500. and that regular subscribers buying course tickets for concerts and also box office-sales provided about $4500, $14,000 in all. This plan as outlined was discussed by various speakers, and the decision to continue under the guarantors' board, practically was unanimous. The orchestra players appointed this advisory committee to confer if necessary from time to time, with the board of guarantors: Ted W. Bacon, Robert M. Millard. F. Neuberger, Burns Powell and M. Christensen. WILBUR MACK COMING NATURAL COMEDIAN TO BE AT OK. HEIM NEXT WEEK. Charles Howard Will Offer Lively Skit and Sheldon Brooks Will Entertain AVitu Songs. Another four-feature show will ap pear at the Hellig next week, the Orpheum bill having Wilbur Mack, popular comedian, as the sole head- liner and three other acts being in big type on the new poster. This show will be on the boards for only three nights and four matinees clos ing with the afternoon performance next Wednesday. Wilbur Mack, the headliner. is noted in vaudeville for the finesse of his vehicles and he stands high In stagedom as a natural comedian. He Is a light comedian of the dress-suit type and he is at home in talk, sons: or dance. This season he is present ing to is company," a lively skit in which he Is assisted principally by Louie Holly, a beautiful woman. Charles Howard, .also a funster, is the first of the extra attractions. Howard and his company offer a live ly skit, written to display the fun making eccentricities of Howard. The next feature is Sheldon Brooks, popu lar song writer noted especially as being the author of the favorite songs, "Walking the Dog." "All Night Long." "Some of These Days" and "Strutters Ball." Brooks is assisted bv Horace George, jazz clarinetist. The fourth feature is Rita Mario's celebrated girls' orchestra in a musi cal revue, one of the liveliest instru mental acts of the season. This or ganization scored a big hit here in a former Orpheum visit. 139 ROTARIANS TO TOUR JUNKET STARTS TONIGHT FOR VICTORIA CONVENTION. Special Train Chartered With J. H. Joyce and ti. E. Omar In Charge. Portland to Be Advertised. Portland Rotarians to the number or 130" will leave Portland tonight on a special train that will be made up of six standard Pullmans, with bag gage and observation car, for the annual convention of the Pacific northwest district which convenes, at Victoria Monday. The special will be run over the Oregon-Washington line and will leave at midnight, ar riving at Seattle at a seasonable hour for the excursionists to board the regular boat of the Canadian Pacific line for the British Columbia city. The Portland club is going to the annual convention with a chest of FOUND A Diamond Ring During the month of March a diamond ring was found in the Broadway Hazelwood and has not been claimed up to this date. Same will be , returned to owner upon proper identification. Call at office BROADWAY HAZELWOOD 127 Broadway II , JUDGE BY OUR WINDOWS TOMORROW IS EASTER! HAVE YOU BOUGHT THAT EASTER SUIT? LET YOUR CHOICE be one of our smart, modish models that bear the dependable label of THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER Pleasing originality of design to meet dignified or lively tastes. Tailoring of the finest. All wool materials. $50, $55, $60 to $90 Alterations made same day. . EASTER HAT SPECIAL The Lion Service Hat Pearl gray, light tan and all the popular spring shades- $7 Exclusive Kuppenheimer Howe in Portland Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given good things for the fame and pub licity of Portland, the nature of which will be among the entertainment fea tures of the gathering. J. H. Joyce is chairman of the committee In charge of arrangements and has made thorough preparation for the pleas ure of the excursionists. Whatever has not occurred to him has been thought of by L. E. Omar, city pas senger agent of the Oregon-Washington who goes In charge of tha train and will accompany the party throughout the Junket. Among souvenirs to be distributed are 1250 sets of prints of photographic reproductions of views from Samuel C. Lancaster's portfolio of the Colum bia river highway. The printing, en velopes and privilege of using the copyrighted photos were all courtesle3 of various members of the club. SUPPORT OF TAX URGED President of Labor Federation Writes to Unions. Support of the labor unions of Ore gon for the higher educational mill age tax la urged by O. R. Hartwig. president of the Oregon State Feder ation of Labor, in a letter sent out yesterday to the 175 unions belonging to the federation. In his letter Mr. Hartwig sets forth the educational crisis In the state, as serting that unless the bill is passed May 21 It will be necessary to "re fuse admission to perhaps 50 per cent of the applicants" at the various state institutions of higher education next fall. "No question is so important to the membership of organized labor as Is the question of education," Mr. Hart wig writes, pointing out that "it will be necessary for every member of or ganized labor and his or her family to register and vote when the time comes." Mr. Hartwig asserts that the bulk of the prospective students come from the ranks of those who labor with hand or brain. CARD OK THINKS, i "V n desire to express our heart felt thanks to our friends and espe cially the Longshoremen's union, local No. 5, for their kindness to us in our late bereavement. (Signed) MRS. M. COSOROVE, MRS. W. A. EIVERS. Adv. ARCADIAN GRILL Music and Dancing MULTNOMAH H0TEL Portland, Oregon Featuring GEORGE M. OLSEN and His Refined Dance Orchestra DINNER 5:30 TO 8 P. M. Music and Dancing SUPPER 9:30 TO 12 P. M. Music and Dancing EASTER DINNER DE LUXE Sunday 5:30 to 8:00 $1.50 Per. Plate Special Music Price on our best domestic coal un changed. Edlefsen's. Bdwy. 70. Adv- Reputable corpora tion with factory now operating; successful ly, wants capable businessman to man age new plant. Exclusive process of reclaiming fabrics in used automobile tires which heretofore have been absolute waste. Can rebuild tires at much less cost and give just as good mile age. Manager must be man of standing and thoroughly capable. Rubber experi ence not necessary, but proven business ability essential. Possibilities for profit unlimited. For added information write AV 48, Oregonian. Salesmen Wanted Can use two lire-wire Automobile Salesmen Call Broadway 3231 And ask- for Mr. Rice f mm- M. ( jura i i n jut i f i FLOWERS for Easter The Holiday A magnificent display of fine flower ing plants in pots, hampers and baskets will greet visitors to our Floral Shop the present week. Unequaled in quality and variety nothing finer or more beauti ful than these can be had for Easter Gifts. Every specimen marked in plain fig ures at going prices. Free City Delivery Clarke Bros. Florists 287 Morrison St., Bet. Fourth and Fifth aiiMMnuiininnur- r Last GASC0 BRIQUET WEEK Order now! Phone Main 6500 EASTER FRUIT Large Size Seedless Oranges Five for 25c Large Size Florida Grape . fruit Two for 25c Rip J Bananas Per Dozen 35c BLOHM FRUIT CO. 171 FOURTH ST. Malm T73S Find the Place The Yankee Fruit Store, Middle of tbe II lock.. Between Yamhill and Morrison I 1 EAST. SIDE Baptist Church Cor. E. 20th and Salmon Sts. Easter Services Preaching by Dr. W. B. Hinson 11:00 "A Sob and a Song" 7 :30 "Graves and Gardens Baptism and the Lord's Supper. A freewill Easter thank offering of $5000 to be given to God. To reach this church take Haw thorne, Mt. Tabor or Sunnyside cars to E. 20th. Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICULARS CALL S:Z,?IZZ'MR. J. F.Myers I r i i of Flowers Tel. Main 7709 Day of (Contract Bureau) Portland Gaa Jt Coke Co. "The Woman and The Scarlet Beat" A great Bible prophecy in volving; Romanism and Prot estantism in their modern setting. This Startling' Lecture by Evangelist L. K. Dickson will be preceded by a half hour sacred concert by the Walla Walla Male Quartet assisted by Miss Margaret E. Holden Pianist They Are All Soloists CHRISTENSEN'S HALL Eleventh Street Bet. Morrison and Yamhill SUNDAY NIGHT April 4, at 7:30 o'CIock Seats Free The Public Invited Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 Vz First SU Portland. Or. Phone your want ads to Tha Oregro nlan. Main 7070, A 6096. First Presbyterian Church Twelfth and Alder Streets REV. HOWARD AGNEW JOHNSTON, D. D. of Chicago 10:30 A. M. "CHRIST'S REVELATION OF LIFE" 4 P. M. COMMUNION SERVICE 7:45 P. M. "THE ENTHRONED CHRIST THE CLIMAX OF THE RESURRECTION LIFE" 12:15 P. M. Special Easter exer cises in Sunday school. Special Eas ter musical programme morning and evening by the choir, assisted by violin, cello and harp. 10:30 THE UNIVERSE TO BE: ETERNAL LIFT"' 4 F. M. COMMUNION AND RECEPTION OF MEMBERS Special Easter Music NO EVENING SERVICE First M. E. Church Easter Services Location Twelfth and Taylor Streets MORNING SERVICES, 10:30 Reception of New Members SERMON "THE EASTER TRUTH" Special Music SUNDAY SCHOOL, 12 :1S Missionary Service CHILDREN'S EASTER PROGRAMME' EVENING SERVICE, 7:43 Sermon, "Do the Dead Know?" Special Music ' REV. JOSHUA STANSFIELD, D. D Pastor YOU ARE INVITED TONIGHT TO -Wo LARGEST MISSION ON THE COAST Corner Front and Burnside Street SEATING ONE THOUSAND PERSONS. LARGE CROWD EVERY NIGHT. SPECIAL SINGING. LARGE ORCHESTRA. YOU WILL ENJOY EVERY MINUTE. Under the Bi Electric Sign "JESUS THE LIGHT OF THE "WORLD" THE MISSION SPREADING THE GOSPEL BY AIRPLANE Sunday, April 11 The First Church of Modern Spiritualism Uth mm Yamhill Entrance oa Yamhill St. C. V Shaw of California, who has offici ated at the First Spiritual church for 3 months during absence of the pastor, leader. , Lecture and messages every Sunday at 3 and 7:45 P. M. A message to the world. Special music. Soloists Mr. R. W. Curtis, bass; Mr. Stanley Hecks, tenor. All are welcome. SEATS FHEE CENTRAL YOUR CHURCH and MINE East Thirteenth and Pine Rev. W. H. Nugent, D. D. Minister Service .11 and 7:30 Sunday School at 10 INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS THE THREE RESURRECTIONS OR THE HOPE OF THE CHURCH. THE HOPE OF THE JEW THE HOPE OF THE WORLD This Interesting: lecture shows the perfect harmony in God'a dealing with all mankind. Come and hear the truth by N. M. LEWTON Sunday, April 4, 8 P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE Kleveatb Street Betweea Waahlaajtoa aad Alder SKATS FREE NO COLLECTION I EASTER I nt the RAPTTST CHURCH Dr. W. T. Milliken, Pastor A. M. "The Triumphant Lord" P. M. The Hour of Decision" 1 Take Albert Car to E. 8th. I A J S t IT1 i II S t T DR. E. H. PENCE, Pastor imtK - y "THE SAVIOUR'S EASTER GREETING" la the Subject of the SIXDAY MOR.NING SERMON. "THE PAGEANT OF THE RESURRECTION" TO BE (ilVEN BY THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Chorus Choir OF 2 VOICES. Directed by Prof. J. Wm. Belcher, will furnish special music both services. lOl' ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. UNIQUE, UNUSUAL, IMPRESSIVE GREAT EASTER SERVICE CondarlH la LOBBY OF MULTNOMAH HOTEL WILBUR METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY EVENING. 8 n'Cloek Wonderful Moninl Prommnf Given hy Prof maor Wilder With Hia Male and Mixed Qnarteta. Patriotic Addrma hr P motor E. C. Hick. man. ' MORNING WORSHIP lOutO. Baptismal Service and Reception of Members. Sermon. "THE CHILD AND THE CHURCH" SABBATH SCHOOL. 12tl5 THE CHLRC1I AT THE BIS I. NESS CENTER. EVERYBODY'S FRIENDLY.' CENTENARY METHODIST THE FRIENDLY CHIRCH," Eaut Ninth and Pine. REV. FRANK I- WIJMKTT, PH. D Pnator. Easter Sunday t4S A. M SPECIAL PROGRAMME SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A. SERMON, "The Lord of Life" RECEPTION OF MEMBERS, 7i30 P. M., Sacred Concert "The Holy City" By Ganl. FORTY VOICES AND ORCHESTRA THIS CHIRCH INVITES YOf. 95.8v