20 THE 3IORXIXG OEEGOXTAN, SATURDAY, AriilT. 3, 1920 MEW BOUGH 2 OTHER DEALS PEND Portland Navigation Company Has Two Options. START EXPECTED APRIL 20 Steamers Pomona and Oregona Also Considered for Purchase by Newlj-'Formed Line. The Portland Navigation company, Incorporated April 1 by Dean Vincent, V. A. Crum and Captain Clyde Raabe, has purchased the-river steamer Gra hamona and taken options on the steamers- Pomona and Oregona and expect to begin operating by April 20, it was announced yesterday by Dean Vincent, vice-president of the Port land Trust company and president of the new steamboat company. Captain Raabe, a Teteran navigator and manager of river boats, has been made vice-president and general man ager of the Portland Transportation company and V. A. Crum, a Portland attorney, is secretary and treasurer. Grikamm to Operate Ffrst. The Grahamona will be the ftrst vessel placed in operation by the com pany. A crew of men is now working on the vessel making her ready for service. Captain Raabe is negotiat ing with the oil companies, and If a sufficient supply of oil will b avail able, the-Grahamona will be converted into an oil burner. Otherwise she will use coal for fuel. The route to be traversed by this vessel has not yet been determined. Her district of operations, according to Mr. Vincent, depends upon the de gree of interest manifested and the business in passengers and freight of fered on each of three proposed routes. One of these is up the Wil lamette to include Salem, Independ ence and Albany. If this route is chosen freight and passengers will be taken all along the line except at uregon City. Other Route Considered. The two other routes under consid eration would have as their terminals Lewiwton, Idaho, on the Snake river. ana r-nest rcapias. Wash., on the up per Columbia. The Portland Navigation concanv according to telegraphic advices from toalem, where the articles of incor poration were filed, has been formed witn a capital stock of $50,000. Mr. Vincent yesterday said no stock in the new concern was for sale. Arrangements have been completed with the commission of public docks for the use by the steamers of this line of municipal terminal No. 2, at me loot or iast Washington street. JfA.MJE "ECOLA" IS SELECTED Sew Schooner Will Be Launched When Water Permits. The name Ecola has been definitely decided upon as the one to be borne by the five-masted schooner being completed by the Monarch Ship building company at the north Portland yard of the G. M. Standi rer Construction corporation. The name, which means "Whale" ' In the Chinook tongue, has been se lected by W. J. Burns of Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and will be conferred upon the new windjammer at her launching, which will take place as soon as there is sufficient water be fore the launching ways. Mr. Burns said yesterday that the Ecola will probably be operated by i isaitour, Guthrie & Co. to carry lum eer to Australia. laden from Wesiport for Sydney, which has been delayed here about three weeks for repairs to her engines, shifted to the lower harbor today and will salt aa soon as weather conditions will permit. The steam schooner Florence Olson shifted today from Westport to Wauna, where she will complete her carg-o of lum ber. The steam schooner Multnomah shifted last night to St. Helens to load lumber. The steam schooner Wahkeena finished loading lumber at St. Helens today and sailed for California. The steamer Angeles was due tonight from San Francisco and comes to load lumber at the Inman, Foulsen mill. . Tne steam schooner Klamath was due from San Francisco with freight for Fort land. The tank steamer Frank H. Buck, laden with fuel oil from California for Portland, has been off the mouth of the river all day. awaiting better weather conditions. A tour-masted schooner was reported at 5 o'clock this afternoon about 15 miles off Northhead. Her identity was not known. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., ' April 2. (Special.) The steamer San Juan, recent ly purchased by Llbby, McNeil Sc. LJbby from the San Juan Packing company, was caught in a gale In the straits early this morning while en route to Taku bay. Alaska, towing a crib of fish trap poles. and -was compelled to return here on ac count of the crib starting to breaa up. The crib is beiner strengthened. The Jananese steamer Orondo Mara, after discharging a portion of her original cargo at Vancouver, arrived today and proceeded to Seattle, where she will load outward.' Tempestuous weather and heavy snow squalls while off Cape Flattery were re ported by the Japanese steamer Africa Maru of the Osaka snosen ahh which arrived this morning. She brought a large and valuable cargo for discharge at Seattle and Tacoma. The larger por tion of hen, cargo is destined lor tne e a. si After passing quarantine inspection she proceeded up the sound to discharge and load outward. Preperatlons are being made to tow the big sectional drydock. recently pur chased by the Moore Shipbuilding com pany of San Francisco from the Skinner & Eddy corporation, to San Francisco. The work Js being supervised by . a. Rosene, chief engineer lor ', r. building company, also recently arrived from San Francisco. The Dig tugs King and Hercules win ,i, .w San Francisco and each tug win tow a section. There are five sections. The tugs, after delivering two sections at San ior two -- -- five sections will be STANDARD OF VALUE CHANGED -IN INDIA Gold Basis of Currency Place of Silver. in PAPER MONEY TO ISSUE of the higher qnadrupedes or mara mals.lt hu been suggested thaf the tiny tree-dwellers helped bring about the extinction of gigantic reptiles by Sucking the eggs deposited in the swamps. System of Using Bonds and Metal as Security Same as Method in United; States. DENVER, Colo. The importance of the action recently taken by the British council for India with respect to the value of silver as compared with gold can hardly be over-em phasized by owners of mines in the oneer camps, where the white metal ie the leading item of value in the ores. Under the action referred to the empire of India (the sink of the precious metals) has changed from a terling and silver basis to a gold basis. The secretary of state for India in council has announced the adoption f a report by the Indian- exchange and currency committee and its recommendations go into effect at once as far as possible. and Cisco, will return .inortMl that the delivered about may . ..,,, fassenger un". -' -----r .,,. southwestern Alasaa is tne manv vears The facmc oiwui""'!' pa nat booked all It. -J" for nearly three months while the Alaska i-,rriMi h.. April " (Speciauj i ..i.j hv local shipping men this morning that the Llbbey Maine was ..m,K if,! outside the straits caused considerable uneasiness, as there was a H4- mne . Tjiter vessel has some ireignt ' T ' ".' j . . . v. . had passed in causea a leenus . , j . BanA mi t .. i r u in roiuucAtci . - - late this evening for Shanghai The Javary . -t r BtftR . cigarettes, to bacco and general cargo out from here this volage. , . yimr consigned to the Sinzukl Interests J Ja pan, the Liverpool Maru is due here about April 20. according to local sihpib sters. Madame SinzuKi is u -" woman in Japan and possibly has a knowl edge of the lumber shipment out of here. 'I- Tn.nn nm WAR UUB C .MM " noon to discharge. The vessel will return down sound and go In drydock. after which she comes here to load for the orient. Heavy west and northerly winds tied inr.l tuirboats last night and today. So far renorted locally, no damage was nArifl to Tacoma craft. Th. itnmihln Hvades of the Watson line arrived in port from San Francisco ii tali An n cariro here- last night. The Eastern Guide sailed Wednesday after t.tini, n a tntat of 1500 tons of general merchandise from local firms. The Hyades expects to load approximately 3000 tons s-hila htn. The Delwood is due in port to load for the islands the latter part of next week. At, riiRiharrinc her cargo here at the Milwaukee docks the Eastern Admiral shifted down the sound and completed unloading, after which she will be turned over to the United States shipping board. The Eastern Amlral is a Japanese-built vessel. Pacific Coast Shipping Xotcs. SAN PEDRO, Cal., April 2. (Special rtie steamer West Norranus will be launched from the yards of the South western Shipbuilding company April 120. It will be the loth hull to be launched from the yards. There are but 18 hulls contracted for by the government in this yard. Work on tho steamer Argonne, which company is building for its own account, is progressing rapidly. The tanker Tasalusa Is "having nine furnaces installed and heating coils in its fuel tanks installed at the Southwest ern yards The dock trial of the steamer West Oalera will be glvan April 8 and probably three more steamers from the Schaw Batcher yards of San Francisco will be towed here. Henry Robinson, former member ef the .. TTnlted States shipping board, declared - that the board was a failure. In an ad dress before the world traders of Los Angers. He says that government opera tion could not be a success, and that the government should sell its ships at a value of approximately $105 per ton. . which is what it would cost now to build them. THIRTEENTH SHIT LCCKT OXE Remarkable Recor Made by Vessel Built in Tacoma. ' TACOMA, Wash.. April 2. (Spe cial.) The thirteenth vessel built by the Todd Drydock & Construction corporation, the steamer Olen, is nrovinir one' of the most, remark able ships in operation built In the United States. The Olen, which sailed from the sound last August, is due back this month after making a trip around the world. The Olen has cov ered 28,000 miles with a repair bill of $2700. "She is now In Philadelphia load ins- rails for San Francisco. The Olen was launched June 25 1919, and' was sponsore,d by Miss Rosetta Nichols, daughter of Andrew Nichols, one of the Todd force. That there is nothing in superstition this case Is ehown by the fact that the Olen likewise was the thirteenth ship turned out at Tacoma yard after the armistice was signea. Movements of Vessels. RANT PEDRO. Ca!.. April 2. (Special .Arrived Hoqulam, from Grays Harbor. at 8 A. M. ; Colonel E. urate, irom Portland, at 5:30 F. St. Sailed Trlnldact. ior Astoria. at u ra. raiv Freeman, for Grays Harbor, at p M Shasta, ior romana, at u f. so. Arimiral Sebree. for British Columbia, at 10:S0 A, M. ; Svea. for Grays Harbor, at 2 P. M. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 2. ( Special. Twenty-day service between Seattle and Tacoma and ports on the west coast of South America was ' the schedule an nounced today by the newly-organized General Steamship corporation of Seattle. Tl steamships Merlden, Walllngford and Sllveradaand a shipping board steamship will be assigned In the future to the line. The steamship Merlden, purchased from the government, win begin loading April 2 at Seattle for the first trip of the new schedule. E. McConalogue, formerly with Bush Co. and the American - Hawa iian Steamship company at Seattle and San Francisco, will be traffic manager V.f 'he new concern. Captain H. H. Blrk--jholm, ex-Seattle representative of the San Franclsco board of marine underwriters now Puget Sound representative, has op "ened offices in suite 264 Coimm tiuiiriir Riley McCoy, veteran Seattle waterfront .i. , man. is recovering from an operation at the general hospital Wednesday, made nec r.ssary by injury received in attempting to lift a sack of sugar. R. H. Mattison, head of the chamber of commerce inausrnai Dureau. received -.telegram from vVuhlngton. D. C, today ..advising him that "no consolidation of the " 'Seattle and San Francisco offices of the "snip construction and repair division has been ordered or contemplated and Seattle's status with the shipping board la now something of a mystery, due to the fact '...that tnose oinces were consolidated ,.-eral months ago. Seattle Is protesting -against tne jvorinern Faciric district and placing repair ana construction work of Washington and, Oregon under the San Francisco office. The motorship Lfbby Maine of the Llbby, McNeil Llbby fleet, battling a 65-mile gale five miles off Tatoosh island, sent out wireless calls for aid this morning. Be fore the life-saving tug Snohomish of Port Angeles, reached her the Llbby Maine sig naled "Everything O. K." COOS BAT, Or., April 2. (Special.) The steamer Yellowstone with freight " from San Francisco, arrived at 11 o'clock this morning and will load lumber at North Bend. The steamer City of Topeka is due to arrive from San Francisco and Eureka to morrow at noon and will sail in the after noon for' Portland. - The steamer C. A. Smith is expected to " morrow to load lumber at the C. A. Smith mill, and the Johanna Smith will be ready T." to sail with a cargo of lumber this evening or early in the morning. ASTORIA. Or., April 2. (Special.) The strong northwest wind outside today was still interfering with the movement of shipping ana every vessel en route from San Francisco was reported several hours late. Off the mouth of the Columbia. well as all along the coast a nasty sea has been running for several days, but lncom inr craft report that in the dredge channel ... at the entrance of the harbor the water was smooth. -The - British motor schooner Malahat from Honolulu will be due tonight or to- morrow. She comes to load lumber at the Hammond mill and Frescott. l"hs molor rtb.ooE.er Orsons, ltunber The main feature is that gold in he future will be the standard value tn India and silver will remain a legal tender with the fixed ratio of 1 rupee for 11,30016 grains of fine gold. The committee recommended that the British pounds, which now is rated by law in India as worth 15 rupees. hould be made legal tender in In- ia at the revised rate of 10 rupees. This provision, however, is not to be adopted at once because disruption would ensue in commercial affairs. For the time being, therefore, gold imports will continue to control and will be converted into rupees at the rate of 15 to the pound. The reorganization of the Indian currency system assumes great im portance because of the huge volume to which, foreign trade has grown and the consequent inconvenience in making payments to and taking pay merits from the outside world, when silver, was the only metal that could be tendered in payment. The currency report also goes into the matter of popularizing papter money in India. A system will be adopted providing for an Issue of paper currency with a legal min imum metallic reserve of 40 per cent the balance to be based on govern ment securities. The amount of this class of paper money necessarily will be rigid, expanding and contracting only -as the metallic reserve or gov ernment securities fluctuate. Such fluctuations might tend to contract the currency at the very time when active trade demanded expansion. To provide for such seasonal currency requirements an Issue of paper cur rency by the presidency banks based upon commercial paper is to be per mitted. From this outline it will be seen that India's new system resembles that In vogue in the United States because part of the currency is backed by government bonds and metal, while the balance is based on commercial paper and is regulated in quantity by the needs of commerce. . The pane of 1893, following the failure of the Barings in London on account of too much credit to Argen tina, was accentuated by the British council for India, which contemplated to establish the gold standard among that 400,000. OQO of silver-using peo pie. The attempt has registered only a partial success. Gold is used for bank reserve (high value in small bulk), while silver-based currency, with the silver coins, is the money of circulation. China aims at a sim ilar plan, and has recently bought gold n New York. KAISER VAIN AND1 TIMID French Editor Tells of Conduct at German Headquarters. BERLIN. The former German Em peror William, while at the German great headquarters in Charleville, France, in the world war, surrounded himself with an army of lackeys, changed his uniform several times a day and had a strong objection to any but silk socks, according to a de scription of his conduct there by the editor of the Charleville Journal. The editor, M. Domelier, has just pub lished an account of the former em peror's conduct at Charleville. He says: "Everything he wore waa intended to attain the greatest effect. Accord- ng to the example of Napoleon he slept in a eimple field bed, which. however, did not stand under a tent but in a wonderful villa which had every imaginable protection against irplanes. Hie fear of fliers was so great that he constantly changed his sleep ing place and created a regular steel safe in which to sleep. In April, 1916, five bombs fell in the neighborhood of the imperial villa and at another time the court train was attacked, the kaiser's chief engineer, a cook and several court officials being killed. In the garden of the 'kaiser s villa there was an electrically-lighted dug out with a capacity of 30 men. Unlike his sone, the kaisers meals were simple. His lunch consisted of some roast or cold meat and a des sert. Only on his birthday was there better meal, such aa caviar and pate de fois gras, roast, rice, fruits, omelette and choice wine. He usually drank beer or a light Moselle wine. By tearing down some of the walls n the villa, the kaiser had a wonder ful bathroom constructed. Three of the big trees In the neighborhood he chopped down himself and distributed he wood to the poor families of Charleville. The inhabitants showed no appreciation for his kindness. They asserted that he was trying to gain their sympathies without paying pfennig. The women expelled from Lille for compulsory work he per mitted to do agricultural work." DEMON BONES FOUND LIVED IN ALBERTA 60,000.00 YEARS AGO. Tiny Tree Opossums Finally Ex terminated Breed by Sucking Eggs Laid in Swamps. CYRANO CLEARED OF PLAGIAR CHARGE Judge Decides Rostand Did Not Attempt Imitation. CONTROVERSY IS ENDED For Several Years French Play- Wright Has Been Stigmatized by Enemies' Attacks. whites. t3.05S.8Il worth of pleasure. cars were sent to the Union of South Africa from the United States during 1 months ended November. 1919. Without special effort we have In creased our exports from $14.834,974 J for the fiscal year ended June ou, 1914, to $40,349,6:4. In the 11 months ended November, 1919. The possibilities of developing American trade throughout the union are very great, as there is an insis- ent demand for American goods in almost every part. Perhaps the best opportunities are to be found in the upplying of specialized machinery and labor-saving devices for factory and farm use. Under the stress of war conditions, a great increase in factory production has taken place throughout South Africa and manu facturers desire Information about the atest and best machinery that will decrease cost and increase output. The trade of the country districts. however, is of a very backward char acter. The farmer does not take kind ly to drastic innovations or changes n design or character of the goods he uses or wears. Price to a certain ex tent is an important factor, but con tinuity of supply is of even greater importance than mere price. NEW YORK. Judge Augustus Hand, in the United States district court, has decided that Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac" is not a pla giarism, an order in an Illinois fed eral court to the contrary notwith standing. Judge Hand's ruling in the case of Hodgson versus Vroom marks the end of one of the most extraor dinary controversies chronicled in American court records. For a num ber of years Edmond Rostand, the French playwright, has been stigma tized as a plagiarist by a decision of a federal court in Illinois, and "Cyr ano de Bergerac," because of its sup posed plagiarism of an obscure piece copyrighted by a Chicago stock bro ker, has been barred from perform ance. Judge Hand reverses the Chi cago decision and henceforth "Cyr ano may be staged without acknowl edgement to the author of "The Mer chant Prince of Cornville" or his heirs. Edward Vroom, the actor, brought on this latest phase of the contro versy by announcing his intention of staging "Cyrano" at the Selwyn the ater early in March. Samuel Gross, wno wrote The Merchant Prince.' is dead, and it seemed safe enough to ignore the federal decision. But his widow still lives and insisted that Vroom should not produce Rottand's play unless the programmes acknowl. edged it to be stolen from Grots' fan tasy. Rostand Brand Refused. Mr. Vroom refused to brand Ros tand in this fashion and the lawyer ior tne former Mrs. Gross, now Mrs. 1CJ e' hased u'pon VhV contention t'haT the defendant, in acting "Cyrano" would infringe the Gross copyright. considering the ridiculousness of the whole contention, the Judge's statement is remarkably restrained. in regard to the master's decision he FATHER OF 18 OPTIMIST High Cost of Living Bunk Talk, Says Chicago Worker. the only one of my 18 children who ever has been In trouble so I'm asking you to let him off easy. Spectators in the court of domestic relations gasped and craned their necks to - see the speaker. Judge Trude shifted his chair so he could get a better look at the father of 18 children. 'Eighteen children?" repeated the Judge in a tone of awe. your name?" Exor Matthews, printer by trade and father of 10 of the finest boys and eight of the sweetest girls in Chicago, or elsewhere. No rve only been married once '.' But how do you manage to keep says: I am clearly of the oninion that nis conclusions are erroneous. Many of the similarities hot WA (ha tv nil. i two plays which the master disco v ered are extremely forced, if not im aginary. "Mr. Gross was evidently an artlve minded business man, who developed some skill in writing and was not witnout imagination. The Merchant Prince, however, Indicates an author up a family like that?" the Judge I not only without training in dramatic- asked. "You should have been deco- I composition, but without such culture rated by Theodore Roosevelt." I as might have relieved his work from I was decorated by him I have I irequent platitudes. . . . the letter at home. As for keeping I 'That the Frenchman. Rostand, up my family it's easy, if you know I whose work shows the precision and HOLLAND IS REFUGE OF THE OPPRESSED Dr. de Beaufort of Nether lands Legation Speaks. t REMARKS BEAR ON KAISER British Counsellor Stakes Pica for Better Understanding of His Countrymen. CHINA SENDS DELEGATES Chambers of Commerce Abroad to Have Men at Convention. NEW TORK. Ten delegates have been named by the American Cham ber of Commerce of China for the seventh national foreign trade con vention, which will be held at San Francisco May 12 to 15,' under the auspices of the national foreign trade council, the chairman of which is James A. Farrell. president of the United States Steel corporation. In announcing the appointment of these delegates, the national foreign trade council points out that similar delegations will be appointed from the various American chambers of commerce abroad, .in addition to the trade advisers to be appointed by the various commercial organizations of tne 30 leading nations bordering on the Pacific ocean. These representa tives from other nations are expected to serve as trade advisers at the San Francisco convention, for the bene fit of American merchants and manu facturers who are desirous of obtain ing first-hand information in regard to conditions in various countries. The names of the delegates from the American Chamber of Commerce of China Include the following: J. P. Babcock, Standard Oil company, Soo- chow; E. O. Baker, Connell Bros, com pany,- Shanghai; Frank A. Foster, Factingfu; A. R Hagar, International Correspondence schools, Shanghai; J B. Powell, editor Millard's Review Shanghai; F. J. Raven, American-Ori ental Banking corporation, Shanghai; W. E. Row, Fobes company, Shang hai; S. B. Treadwell, Chinese-Ameri can Publishing company, Shanghai J. Rosenfeld, A. B. Rosenfeld & Co., Shanghai. how. Fourteen of my children live at home. Two of my girls and two of my boys are married. The other girls are all young and do not work, finish thaf a successful French au- tnor is almost certain to hiv, ac quired through long study and train ing, Bhould imitate the play of an because my eons and I earn more I American author who is capable ol than $150 a week between us and that gives us a chance to save money. I don't believe all this high cost of living bunk, anyway. Matthews waa In court to plead for Francis, bis 23-year-old son. ac- writing such uninteresting, conven tional lines, is, I think, highly im probable.' Old Device Showa. The original contention of Gross was based on a slight similarity of cused ot contributing to the delln- I balcony scenes in the two plays. In quency of Mrs. Frances McCormick, 17 years old, wife of a sailor in San Diego, Cal. Toung Matthews was fined $50 and costs. The elder Matthews is 62 years and his wife 47. Their 18 children range from 30 down to 5 years. both scenes one man sneaks for nn other. This point was dinnH r u an affidavit made by Professor Spiers. " oiiuweo. mat tne device was an Old One. It iS Used In' Mnra rt'm Don Juan," in which "th rnn m.t.. love to Elvira above him upon the balcony, while his servant. Leporella, stands behind him and encourages him, Later simulating the voice and person of the Don, when Elvira de scends." An even clea.ri- In.i.... the device was shown hv p.. Spiers to exist in an early vaudeville piece often played in France. The other similarities between '.'Cyrano" ana ine Merchant Prince" are so strained and absurd that merely to explain them seems to refute their 5937 SOLDIERS ON LAND Canada's Service Men Take Ad' vantage of Grants. OTTAWA. Canada. Soldier land settlement schemes during the past year reached large proportions, plac ing 5937 men on homestead land. Al together 1,600,000 acres have been taken up. Eight Indian reserves amounting to 68.000 acres, have be come available and more than 100,000 cres of Hudson's Bay reserve lands have been turned over to the soldier settllement board for this work. Other ndtan reserves and Idle private land ill be brought under the board as the need arises. Each man secures ISO acres as soldier's grant and two-thirds of the men took an additional grant of 160 acres as a civilian grant. The sol ier settlement board Is composed o be head office at Ottawa and 19 dis rict offices in the nine provinces ominion and employs 1300 men and women. POUTLAND, April 2. Sailed at A. M., steamer W. F. Hrrin. for Gavtota. Arrived at 6 A. M., steamer Rose City, from San Francisco. ASTORIA, April 2. Stormbound outsfde. steamer F. H. Buck, rrotn Monterey. L.eii ud at 10 last night, steamer nose uuy. from San Francisco. POINT REYES. April 2. Passed at 11 A. M., steamer Davenport, from Columbia river for San Pedro. CRISTOBAL, March , 81. Sailed -Steamer Ossa, from Portland for New York for orders. SAN FRANCISCO, April 2. Arrived Steamers Chehalis, from Grays "Harbor: Admiral Schley, from Seattle; Captain A. F. L.uoas, from Seattle. Departed Steamers Dillworth. . for IPrlnce Rupert: President, for Seattle; MuklKeo, for Seattle HONGKONG. March 30. Sailed Mont ear! e. for Vancouver. FrEATTLK. April 2. Arrived Steamers Admiral Rodman, from Southeastern Alaska: Africa Maru. from Manila: Ori- dono Maru. Kastern Admiralty, from Kobe. Departed Ural San Maru, for K.ooe. via Tokohama: motorship Apex, for south eastern Alaska. TACOMA. "Wash.. April 2. Arrive Steamer Icontum, from Kobe. Departed steamers Javay. Tor snana;- hal. via Meadow Point; Phyllis, for San Francisco; Alameda, for Alaska- Marine Notes. The rovernment' dredice Colonel P. S. Minnie was lifted yesterday in the Port of Portland drydock. She is expected to Ke refloated Mondav. The passenger liner Rose City arrived from San Francisco at 6 o'clock yesterday morning after a rough trip up the coast. The tank steamer W. F. Herrln, of the Associated Oil company, left down from her dock at o'clock yesterday morning in ballast for Gaviota. The steamer The Anreles. coming from San Pedro to inaugurate the North China service of the Coiumbla-Pacifio .Shipping company, will be due at the mouth of the Columbia tonight and should reach this city tomorrow morning. Tides at Astoria Saturday. High. Low. 0:8 A. M...8.7 feet!7:19 A. M...0.0 foot 1:11 P. M...7.8 feet! 7:1' 4 p. M...1.2 feet Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, April 2. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. Sea rough; wind north west, 40 roi'es. NEW TORK. The skeleton of a prehistoric deinodon, calculated to be 60.000,000 years old, has been in stalled in Dinosaur hall at the Amer ican Museum of Natural History. The deinodon, which is also known as terrible-tooth," is described as per- haps the most e,wif t and powerful creature of its time. The skeleton stands 11 feet 5 inches high and measures 20 feet from the nose to the tip. of its tail. It is sup posed to have weighed several times as much as the largest lion of today. Dr. W. D. Matthew, curator of the museum's department of vertebrate paleontology, says that our prehis toric ancestors perhaps did not have to contend with the deinodon, which likely was extinct before the earliest caveman. The deinodon lived" during the cretaceous period of the age of reptiles, according to calculations based on the alteration of radio-active minerals. The skeleton of the deinodon was found three years ago by Charles H. Sternberg in the canyon of the Red Deer- river in Alberta, the richest repository of dinosaur skeletons yet discovered. The geography and cli mate of that region was far different 60,000.000 years ago, perhaps warm and marshy as the broad interior sea, once stretching from the Gulf of Mex ico to the Arctice ocean, was gradual ly receding and filling up with swamps and tropical growth. Reptiles roamed the earth In those days and eave for tiny opposum-like creatures in the trees, there was none ORIENTAL LURE MISLEADS White Girl, Wife of Chinese, Gets Justice at Last. CHICAGO. Mabel Eaton Fong, a young white girl, snatched ber year old, slant-eyed baby from it cradle in a yenhok smelling Chinese room ing house and went straight to the I relevancy. court of Judge Samuel Trude. The master's decision of the Chicae-o She whispered to the court for an court caused much amused comment -1 ""' " " i t vb renaerea, and has been deputies, and in a few minutes the attacked often since by critics nrt court room was filled with celestials I viewers. This decision should sotti smnnir thm tfanto Vnnr - I th mioatlnn - .. LL1 o v.e. . w.ic iur ail, "Two years ago I was crasy about vArvthlnp nrlntal " thai cr rl ihan l0ashlrrKU;chFUonL AHEAD IN STEEL restaurant, filled me full of the won ders of life with Chinamen. He told me what a wonderful man Kong was. I .married him, although he didn't speak English. Chu eaid he waa graduate of all the great Chinese universities. For two years that man has beat me. He has made me night. "When he didn1 the restaurant he made me work out and took all my money. I slept on the floor. "Last week he threatened to sell my baby. Then I fought him. The court ordered Fong to pay tne sobbing girl S15 a week. The China man agreed and turned to go. Tvalt a minute, ordered Judge Trude. "I will fine you 8200, and you must pay it to this girl." Fong shuddered, hesitated a mo ment, and reached into his tunic He paid in gold. Phone. your want ads to The Orego Biikft. . iUU IPiO, A 6.0J.5. Port Calendar. To Arrive at Portland. Vessel. . Prom. r,.- axr. r . n. uc. . . . ; .Monterey April 3 L L - w. ....... oaii r ran. ... April S Ptr. -ine Angeies. . . . aan Fran ... .April 4 Str. Nome City San Fran ... .April 9 xo wvmn znim roruana. Vessel For. Date. str. w anaeena. ... ...saa r-earo April 3 BIT. TYoni,ut ...... u. B. April 3 Str. Rose City San Fran. .. .April 4 Str. EelDeca Alexandria ..April a btr. jsoyniou .......iuDa .......April ! vessels in fort. Vessel Berth. Bge. Acapulco St. Johns Lbr. Mill. a K. Derun ........... x crminai ISO. 1. Str. Boynton Terminal No. 1. Str. Col. P. S. Mlchie. Pac. Mar. Iron Wks. Str. Eelbeck Montgomery dock Str. Florence Olson.. Wauna. . Bkt Georgina Inman-Ponlsen mill Str. Johan Poulsen . . East. & West, mill.' Bk. Levi G. Burgess. Clark-Wilson mill. Str. Montague ...... Terminal No. 4. Str. Multnomah St. Helens. 5tr. Rose City Ainsworth Dock. Str. Tomlura Mara . . Inman-Poulsen mllL Str. Wahkeena St. Helens. Su. wooahbt Output of Mills Incredible to Vlsl- tor From England. LONDON. "America's great Indus trial troubles are onlv bec-l nnlnv says W. T. Griffiths of the Iron and uieei trades onrederat ion. who hi work day and Ju?. rturn?il from trip to America. I I have been most imDressed with .no uuc mn. ut macninery in America for settling industrial disputes, es pecially in the iron and steel trade," no went on, in tnat respect we are years aneaa of America." Mr. Grif fiths added that he found general cnaos in every industry. J? ear or American comoetition. he continued, was more fictitious than real and he was thoroughly convinced that England had a wonderful onnor- tunity ior recovering its former po sition in tne ioreign markets. 'in one thing America excels." Mr. Griffiths concluded. "The output of tneir steel mills would be almost-in credible to the average British iron and steel worker." ENTENTE POLICY DECRIED vvedih Socialist Denounces Atti tode Toward Russia. COPENHAGEN. HJalmar Brantlng, the Swedish socialist leader and for mer minister of finance, speaking a the recent Scandinavian workers' congress, declared that be had ympathy with what he called th insane and destructive entente poll cy toward ttussia. out added tnat 'our joining bolshevism would not help the suffering Russians." The congress later rejected the Norwegian socialist proposal to Join the third Internationale of . Moscow. Anarchal methods will not cre ate lasting results," said Branting. We do not accept the dictatorship of any minority. The minority dic tatorship in Russia has shown its im potence in solving all really social istic problems. The giving up of democratic principles means floun dering in the rough sea of life with out a compass." MINERAL DEPOSIT FOUND Vancouver Firm to Manufacture Glass and Polishes VANCOUVER. B. C. Four lots on Industrial Island have been letased from the Vancouver harbor board by the Alunlte Mining & Products com- nanv nf -Victoria- n n which a s-lans factory will be erected at once and value of corn, the premier crop of th nroduction eommenceH within four I nation, has made it necessary for th months. Properties of the company I government to take all possible pre on the west coast Include an Immense caution to prevent further Infesta deposit of alunite rock from which I Uon from the European "corn borer, the DOtash Is taken bv roaatlnar in I which is supposed to have entered f,..,. . I the country in shipments of broom A hisrh-errade denosit of aluminum I corn and has obtained a limited foot lllute will Ha develnneri for Hellof. I hold in the east. metal polishes, toilet nreDarationa. I Large sums are being spent in an "CORN BORERS" MENACE Authorities Consider Methods o Excludlag Pest WAsm.NUTOiN'. The enormou effort to control It and a ruling soon la expected from the federal horti cultural board as to whether a quar antlne shall be imposed against all foreign countries to prevent further Montreal Mavor Advises Cessation I entrance of stalks and ears of Indian corn, Drooiiicuiii wr uincr piarwrs tnat calico printing and as a soap base. EXCHANGE HINDERS TRADE of Buying. MONTREAL. Canada. Mayor Mar tin has issued a proposition advising all Montrealers and all Canadians to buy supplies in Canada as far as pos sible, so long as the unfavorable rate of exchange between Canada and the United States continues. He especial ly advised that cltixens cease bnying luxuries and articles of dress from the United States, with an 18 per cent margain against Canadian money, The advice has been discounted In may bring tne norers. it would no apply to shelled corn or to the thrashed seeds of the other plants. SOUTH AFRICA INVITING Markets of Country Declared to Be Worth Cultivating;. NEW TORK. Few American man ufacturers realize that iri per capiti of white population South Africa has advance, aicne the state of exchan a-a I the greatest purchasing power of an had automatically shut off a large I country in the world, says the nation nronortion of Montreal trad ne- wiin I ai loreipn traue cuuncn. wimapopu the CUllOCL dtalcfi. labivu Ui vujr e mwivu auu Ob iUAl VC1 Addressing: 330 diners In the Hotel Astor, New Tork, at a dinner given by the bulgrave institution (the George Washington Manor House associa- lon), in commemmo ration of the 300th anniversary of the departure from Holland of the Pilcrrim fathers and their arrival In America, Ronald c Lindsay, counsellor to the British embassy and charge d'affaires, said: It is an unfrotunate thine for An- glo-Vmerican relations that many of tne important and dramatic incidents in your history are those In which you came into collision with my own country. The result is that In learn ing of the greatness of their own country the American younger gen erations receive an unduly unfavor able impression of mine and some prejudice is created. Chatham and Fox Remembered. "Would it not, be possible to lay rather less stress on Georee III. and Lord North, and rather more on Lord Cnatnam and Charles James Fox? And in the Incidents of the Civil war. to forget the inclinations of Russell nd Palmerston and to remember John Bright and those cotton spinners of Lancashire, whose interests would have led them to side with slavery but whose instincts were so sound that they always sympathized with tne cause of liberty? Perhaps I might ask Americans too to cai ry this spirit into your con sideration of modern 'nternational politics. I should never think of quarreling with fair criticism, and in the government of the British domin ions and colonies plenty of mistakes are made, just as. from reading American newspapers. I am com pelled to 'suspect that mistakes are sometimes made In the government-of America. But, criticising mistakes, ask yourselves whether any honest attempt has been made or is being made to secure justice and good gov ernment, and look around to see whether even amid mistakes some considerable progress and improve ment have not been achieved. Emphasizing the significance of the 12-year sojourn of the Pilgrim fath ers in Holland, Dr. W. H. de Beau fort, counsellor of the Netherlands legation at Washington, declared that Holland from the very earliest times has been regarded, more than almost any other nation In Europe, as a ref uge for the oppressed. His remarks on this subject were taken as bearing on the kaiser a refuge in Holland Holland Is Refuge. "Since the Dutch declaration of in dependence in 1681." said Dr. de Beau fort, "there has been in Holland a broad complacency toward other men's opinions and beliefs, both re ligious and political, which has caused Holland often to be termed the 'cradle of liberty.' "Since 1681 there have been loud knockings at our doors, one set of men after another, suffering for their actions or beliefs, and even since 191 knockings from no less than 1,000,000 of our neighbors, the Belgians, to whom we gave ready refuge and re lief. "But if the doors of Holland have always been open, no less than the very heart of our people, we have not been prompted by any reasons of self interest or of ultimate profit to our selves." Vice-president Marshall said every American was faced with the two fold duty of "worship to God and the making of a home." "The making of a home Is the all important thing." he said. "Men do not grow enthusiastic over boarding houses nor over restaurants. Dis pense with as many things as you will In modern life, you have lost naught if you have retained a spot that you leave with regret at break of day and toward which the eyes of your heart turn at every waking and absent moment. BABY NALIED . LYDIA E, Because Her Mother Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. BrooklvnK. Y. "1 could not writ all my thanks for yonr blessed mdi- tine, Lydia i. Pinkham a vege table Compound. 1 was in a erf bad condition and bad lost two ba bies. One of my good friends told roe about Lydia K. Pinkhama Vegetable Com- rrand and after bad taken eight . or ten bottles I felt like a different woman. I kepi on taking it until my baby girl was born last month and we have had ber christened Lydia Elizabeth. I wish you to publish nay letter to benefit other women who are suffering as I was." Mrs. Kathsmux Kubx backck, 1036 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Women who suffer from any femi nine ailment should not lose hope until they have tried Lydia . FinkJbam'a Vegetable Compound. The many convincing testimonials constantly published in the news papers ought to be proof enough foe women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Conk pound is the medicine they need. I"!!!!""!" '""M!!.,. I for which they will receive in return currants, figs, walnuts and dates. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Vancouver Marriage Licenses. S.fITH-RICHARJS Orris J. Smith. 27. of Portland, and Margaret Richards. 21. of xacoma. ash. BALOCO- WILLIAMS Spiro Baloco. IT. of Portland and May Williams. 22. of Portland. McDON ALD-CK A DA LL Thomas C. McDonald, legal, of Rainier, Or., and Cor nelia Crandall, lcirai, of Mayeer, Or. CROCKER-PARKER Albert Crocker. 51. of La Center. Wash., and Ann A. Par ker. 41. of La Center. Wash. WT1ITEHOCSE-D1NNIS Klmer White hou.ie. 2, of Rideefield. Wash., and Irene Dinnis. 21. of Rideefield. Wash. DEA.V-MILTON W. M. Dean. 85. af Portland, and Leila Milton, 36. of Port land. PAAKKONEN-WUORIXKN Axel Paak konen, 38, of Quincy, Or., and Jennie Wuo rlnen. S4. of Qulncv. Or. BAKER-GUEXTHBR John Baker Jr, 24. of Oregon City, Or., and Esther M. Guenther, 21. ot Oregon City. Or. DAILY MXTEOROLOGICAX REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. April 2. Maximum temperature 43 degrees: minimum tem perature. oO decrees. River reading, 8 A. M.. 5.2 feet: change tn last 24 hours. 0.6-toot rise. Tolsl rainfall 5 P. M. to P. M.). 2.0 inches: total rainfall since September 1. 1019. 26.04 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1. 36.9$ inches; deficiency of rainfall blnre September I, '.Mil. 10.U4 inches. Sunrise. u:49 A. jA. sunset. 6:41 P. M. ; total sunshine, 3 hours 0 minutes: possible sunshine. 12 hours .2 minutes. Moonrise. 6:21 P. M.; moon set. 5:12 A. M. Barometer (reduced sea level). P. M.. 30.16 Inches. Relative humidity: A. M., S6 per cent: noon, 00 per cent; P. M.. OO per cent. THE WEATHER. LINER'S HANDICAP FOUND Plugs in Kx-German Ship's Steam Pipes Being Removed. LONDON. The German liner Cap Polonia. on which the former German emperor had planned to make a trip around the world when the war was won, was allotted to a leading" ship- pine; company which gave her up af ter the . first voyage owing- to the enormous coal consuming powers of the vessel. Since then a number of wooden plugs and other obstructions have been found in the steamplpes. The removal of these obstructions is ex pected to reduce the steamer's coal consumption to normal. FORESTRY COURSE LIKED Pioneer School War Established ai Cornell, but Discontinued. SYRACUSE. X. T. Although the first school of forestry In the United States was established as a state in stitution In 1898 in connection with the college of agriculture at Cornell university, this school was closed In 1903 and has not since been reopened at Cornell. In 1911 the state, which had supported the Cornell school again established a state college of forestry at Syracuse university and the college has been making rapid crrowth since its establishment, now close to nine year sago. In 1910 the college of agriculture a Cornell university established a de nartment of forestry and that depart ment has done good work. It is not, however, a college of forestdy in it self, but a department of the col lege of agriculture, and its work is supported by appropriations for agriculture. 6TATIOKS. ft 5 Wind Weather. l.ahcr ...... Koise ....... Boston lcary Chicago . . . . lenver Des Moines.. Eureka Oalveston ... Helena J une.au Kansas City. I. os Angeles. Marshfield . Medford ... M inneapolls. . New Orleans! New York North Head. Phoenix .... Pocatello ... Portland . . . Roseburg ... Sacramento . t. Louis. . .. Salt Lake ... San Diego . . r ranclsco. Seattle Sltki Spokane .... Tacoma . . . . Tatooiih laid tVaidez Walla Walla Washington.. Winnipeg ... Yakima .... 2i :iH0.1h . ..N iCloudy 32 46 0.20 20,NW.Pt. cloudy 3 ... 14 n.fxv. . xe Pt. cloudy R! 3N 0.Oa6 W Clear 221 44 0.0u!.. K Pt. cloudy 241 3O.02i. . N'W'Clear 4t: 52 (.22 2o!NWC!ear 51 6H0.(H)14iE Pt. cloudy SI 2 0.O2 14 NWCloudy 14i24 0.00 12 NE (Clear 2S' .12-0.07 12.N Cloudy 50 O.OO;. . 3 Clear 42, 52 0.82' . -INW Cloudv .. .-.t o. 02 liN'W Cloudy 14,1 v. -' -4.W sno r.tii 74'o.ooi . .ink ;tSi 5" 0.42 io ne oSi 42 0.02 4 0INW 42 74 0.0O14IW 301 8v0.02 KllSW a 4Si0.2 itf,V 44 5lhO.4i..W 421 B6 0.0I:. .!S 34 54:0.2 12!N"W 3 42 0.22 i. .IE 4SI 62 0. 00;. .ISW 4S ..6 0.0O26W Srtl 42I0.2H1. . NE I 121 34O.0OI..INE 32! 36.0.12!. .IN 36! 42i0.031 . . IE 361. ..I .. . . 8!lS.0.0Oi. ,iNE Clear 32 420.22 12 W Pt. cloudy 56! 7K 0.6S . .'SW Clear -2 8 0.00 "R NWiPt. cloudy 32! 4t 0.O2 2Q NWlClear Pt cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clesr Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Snow Clear Clear (Cloudy . i-iear Cloudy Cloudy tA. M. today. Ing day. P. M. report of preced- FORECASTS. and vicinity Fair; Portland winds. Oregon and Washington Fair in wept portion, snow flurries in the portion: strong easterly winds. iialioSnow flurries. westerly th TRAVELERS' GlIDE. BRITISH SHIPS COMING Canadian Xavjr Is Isikely to Be Augmented. OTTAWA. Canada. -It is understood that if the Canadian naval policy now projected is carried out a number of craft now In the British navy may be presented by the admiralty to the Canadian government. Wether or not there will be a naval bill will not be decided until after parliament opens. Lord Jellicoe has been here and pre pared a report which is believed to have the concurrence of the cabinet. The ministry Is, however, inclined to be very cautious in any matter which Involves large expenditures and will consult their parliamentary fol lowing first- BIRTH RATE RECOVERING Visits of Stork In Germany Double Those of Year Ago. BERLIN. The birth rate Is making a rapid recovery throughout Germany, according to statistics which have been gathered by the American Red Cross representatives here. In most sections of the country, the number of births per month is now 'double that of a year ago, when the lowest point In the curve of vital statistics was reached. Figures for Berlin show a greater Improvement than for any other city in Germany. Health conditions now throughout Germany, however. Indi cate a- steady betterment. 500-FOOT TUNNEL ASKED Storage Reservoir for Irrigation Project Is Wanted. KAMLOOPS. B. C. It !s reported that arrangements will be made by the government to divert the waters of Bear Creek and carry them through a 500-foot tunnel to Niskonlith lake. where they will bo stored and used for irrigation. Nearly 4000 acres on the South Thompson river will be made produc tive by. this work, at a cost of about f ISO.OOO: ROYALTY GOVERNS .SPAIN Parliament Passes but One In Every 3 0 Laws. MADRID. That Spain Is governed by the cabinet of the day and not by the cortes Is evident from statistics of royal decrees Issued and laws passed in the eight years 1911-18. Of royal decrees there were 5973, while the laws which found their way through parliament numbered but 366. GREECE BUYS GOODS Cured Meats Shipped by Canadian Corporation. EDMON'TOS, Alta. Direct business is being done with Greece by local merchants. Recently the Brown Investment company consigned $10,000 worth of hams, bacon and other cured meats, ASTORIA S.S. ASTORI AN Daily (except Friday) round trips. Portland to Astoria, Leave Portland. Taylor-Street Dock. 7:10 A. M. Leave Astoria, Collender Dock, at 2 P. AL Excellent meals a la carte servic, FARE $1.65 EACH WAT (Including War Tax) For further particulars Phone Main 806S SAN FRANCISCO S. S. Rose City Depart 12 Noon SUNDAY. APRIL 4 From Ainsworth Dock Fare includes Berth and Meals City Ticket Office. 3d and Washingtoa Phone Main 3530 Freight Office. Ainsworth Dock Phone Broadway 268 SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND & S. LINES AUSTRALIA XEW ZEALAND AND SOOTH SEAS Via Tmhltt and Baratonn. Mail aaa pas- . hum rsB trem ban txaucise aiy g days. liMOX S. S. CO. or NEW ZEALAND. 230 Cmllfernlm St.. San Frmeiaea, r local steamship aad railroad i ij rr ;';- j-iIv."