16 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1920 BF.AL ESTATE. For Sale -Hoiwet. OUR ROSE CITY PARK SPECIALS. 18uO or 1900 with furniture for this cute little u-room bungalow on 56x100 corner lot, gas radiant burner In fireplace, nice big porch. Good terms. 93800 tt-rm. bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, all modern built-ins. liv ing room across front of house. This is a. fine buy. Let us show you. 14500 t or this modern 6-room bunga low, sleeping porch, fireplace, ce ment basement with laundrv trays, built-lnn: Improvements ail In and paid for. This is an exceptionally good buy. 95500 For the niftiest bungalow In this exclusive district: 5 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all the modern and up-to-date features, including all the built- ins. ail rooms extra large, living room 20x16, dining room 19x1 5. Karaite and new cement runway. This is a snap at this price. $3000 buys a modern 5-room bungalow In the AIberta district, over full lot, modern throughout, large at tic, basement, fruit trees. Good "buy. $9000 10-' room modern house ON WIL LAMETTE HEIGHTS, 98-4 Thur man st., OOxluO lot, furnace, two fireplaces, hardwood floors, ma hogany trimmings, ail the built ins. This, is a modern and well built house. If you are in the market for a home such as this, don't overlook this real value. A Commands beautnui view. IW-tT FM.-VT B f-.Ul Ul V 22ft Cham, of Com. Bldar. Main 6550. WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 0 . M. TO 1 P. M EVENINGS TO 8:30 9 M. COMB IN ANT TIME AND IN SPECT OUR PHOTOS. S3500 Shi oo. (Artistic fire-room bungalow. 9$? com a waiihu fun ifpiiri mn t hrouchout; cement porches. French doors to side porch, doors all 1-panel slash grain ex cept all glass back and front, full length mirror door, 13x32 combination dining and living room; ail windows casement, 3 'J -ft. drain hoard with sink, and laundry travs in kitchen: one side kitchen all light; complete wiring, base Rockets, etc., piped for gas heat; combination bedroom and sleeping porch; SOxlOO black soil, all in garden ; improvements paid ; place clear; beautiful shade trees, lots of ber ries; 20 minutes to P. O. Take Vancou ver car to Stafford St., i! doors west. 349 Stafford st. NOB HILL SACRIFICE. MAKE VS AN OFFER. Ftne lO-room houre and modern to the minute. On a fine corner in the choicest Vart of the Nob Hill district. Has 4 yiice fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, steam heat, fell built-ins, and good garage. This is Ideally arranged and very attractive in very way. Owner is non-resident and ias written us to accept any reasonable cffer. If you want a KEAL BARGAIN, CALL VS CP. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. 1SS LAURELHURST AVE. Eor sale by owner, 8-room. beautiful bungalow with nice large living and dining room, large windows, all finished in white, handsome buffet, French doors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, book cases, fireplace, hardwood floors, hand some fixtures, 2 bedrooms on first floor. 8 bedrooms upstairs, furnace, full cement basement, large cement porch, a garage, 1H blocks north of M.-V. car; S9000, $400 cash. T TWIN G TON CORNER. 520 E. 24th N.. cor. Brazee. Splendid 7 -room residence and garage: modern in every detail. $8750. Owner, 3309 or Main 491:8. IRVINGTON HOME $7900. This dandv home on the southeast corner ot 17th and Schuyler will be open lor inspection between 3 and 4 o clock Sunday afternoon. It has 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, sun porch, full cement base ment, fine eastern furnace, wash trays, etc. Immediate possession. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. Main 60ffi. xj:wn Kn r a fine uo-to-date 5-room, with larre attic, full con. basement, furnace And in fine condition: fine lot with bear in fruit trees and lots of shrubbery and roses; improved streets, all asscssm ents paid: on Vancouver ave. Only $1000 cash, bal. terms. A snap. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 519-20 Railway Exchange wirsT SinR BARGAIN $5500. 7 rooms, besides 2 finished rooms in ttic. full cement basement, furnace, nnxh tmvM. etc.: on Hovt St.. near 17th. This property just reduced from $8000 for immediate sale; terms. LUUDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0987 $1200 220O $2UO0 $2200 $2200. UOO CASH $200 CASH $200 CASH. o-room neat home. en. plumbing, bas't. Meet, and gas, 50x100; paved sts.. 8ever, S blks Irvlngton car. Hurry for this one. Alain 4BUk. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bd.; "35 yrs. in Portland." BY OWNER. 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace built-ins. white Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, good basement. 1 K0 73th sr.. Montavilla, $2;oO unfurnished, or ?:1000 furnished. A-l furniture. Terms. Tabor 2669. THAT VACANT rOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? TPC deilen and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnlss niam and finance. Established tea vara. We offer SECURITY SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co, Int. 024 N. W. Bank bidg. HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. PRICE ONLY $4250. Good 6-room modern house In good ondition. Also gooa garage, run lot. An exceptionally good buy at this price. Hax 2 sleeping porcnes. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3"5 Oak St. Broadway 41.".3. THE BEST BUY IN TOWN FOR $3500 f.rnnm. modern. 1 ft -story house. nnm down, also bathroom and pantry 2 rooms up: full plumbing and cement i basement: it is double constructed and i ni-iir nidine: It could not be built to dav for $r200: you better hurry. 593 Clpybourne. getlwood 3798. $23,10 ROSE CITY PARK $2350. fnv 4-room bungalow. Just remod - f hedrooma. bath. living-room Du-tc-h kitchen, cement basement; newly V4inminpd and natnted: 2 blocks to car fi fruit trees, berries: ,10x100 comer lot faring cast. Tabor 4700. ROSE CITY. 6-room modern burgalow, a'.l on one f"OOr Oak XlOOrs. niepiaue. His iui4iuib to mo-half block to car; see this ?. ., . i rw will handle this, balance mnnthiv Ttavments. Broadway 165S. 209 Oregon Diag. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. OWNED BY NON-RESIDENT. tr-TT.i. BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. Seven-room house, on hard -surface street, two blocks from car, 50x120, with Trutt trees .v. R17 Abington Bldg. Main S8i ' -ROOM BUNGALOW. nwv0 for a fine 4-room, with fire concrete uwnuoui. '- i , -f i.wi in Glenn ave. N. . Will take $700 -ash bal. monthly. A bargain. aiD' F L. BLANCH A RD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. r.c vow THE OLD FOLKS--$1350. nt little 3-room vine-covered cottage with electric lights, gas, Dutch Vitchen, concrete foundation, bath and toilet splendid lot, close to car; $300 r.Rh balance to suit. Fred W. German Co . 7 32 C hamber ot commerce. $3000 BUYS this 8-room house, fine condi rirtn water. lights, ga. garage, frui rH. hard-surface street. 2 blocks from Williams ave; terms if desired. East 40.10. c.nnfiM modern home, extra large lot. swell district, on Mount Tabor, near st cars; mis uomw nuuum do gooa i enough for any body, $5000; liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. ,-,O0 By owner. 6-room well-constructed -story house; large living and dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcase and buffet, full cement base-rnent- lot SOxlOO. east front. Overlook addition; terms. Main 216. " " $1750. 3-room cottage, furniture, 2 lots, 7 bearing fruit trees, small fruit, chickens. tVOlo ave. . i-., oet. oan ana 70th sts., Kern Park. tar. Take Mount Scott 14' EST SIDE Bargain. $4000; 10-room fur r tshed house on 11th St., walking dis tance, fine location ; $1000 cash, easy -payments. Phone Main 7520. Miss Sweet, ;:7 Hth st. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $2500. four rooms, newly painted and T,tJi wax: fruit, garage and chicken bouse; terms. Prentiss, 15 Chamber of Commerce bldg WKST SIDE HOME $4,500. $3t00 CASH 50x100 R ROOMS; FURNACE. GAS. NO INCUMBRANCE. 7f CORBETT. NEAR GIBB-S. S t An. uw.cn, mai, U3t-. otor Y-AND -HALF bunicalow, double lor fruit, berries, garage. $4O00; terms. 317 47th. vjCE shack, furnished, 40x100 lot. fruit trees; also 2 houses tor sale, very reason able. For information, C 1'Jfl. Oregonian. 4-ROOM cottage. J2j chuyier St., near 1st., 1 block to tsroaaway. 3-,0A OWNER sacrifices Hawthorne bun- 1 1 A n T r m Vavaholl O'lnA IRVINGTON HOMP9. east m. ucdoneuu KEAL ESTATE, For SaleHouse. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. 219 Railway Exeh. Bldg. Main 7487. 500 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. The public is invited to come to our show rooms on the second floor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of Third and Stark streets, and inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gal lery crammed full of neatly arranged 6x7 photographs of homes. Eight sales men with, autos at your service. A pleasure to show our homes. No obli gation on your part. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $6000 Here is a little paradise of a home on Alameda Drive. Rose City's choicest residence district, built less than a year; elaborate interior decorations, tapestry wallpaper, unusual lighting fix tures, built-in effects throughout. This is surely a choice home: oak floors. fireplace, gas radiator heating system : 5 large rooms and a breakfast nook: interior finish white enamel; garage, solid concrete driveway ; about $2000 to handle this. Will sell com pletely furnished for $7000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $4500 Substantially built 2-storr bungalow-type home on 72d st.. just off Sandy blvd. This attractive home on a 75xlOO-ft, lot. unusual buiit-in buffet, large light Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors. toiJet downstairs, bath and toilet. 3 large pretty bedrooms upstairs. Owner is leaving for his ranch, authorizes us to accept . $1000 down. Give immediate posses sion. Here is a real bargain. COSY ALBERTA HOME. $30O0 This attractive little bungalow radiates neatness and newness. You will fall In love with the rijh interior finish, oak floors, large built-in buffet, built-in win dow seats. 4 rooms downstairs: large double attic, full cement basement ; paved street in and paid for. Gas stove and gas heater included. Convenient terms. See this bv all means. IRVINGTON PARK SPECIAL. $3300 Here Is a dream of a bungalow. 7 -room bungalow type, unu&uallv attractive. Irvington Park is one of Portland's residence districts, located north of Alameda Park. Rector gas-heating system: 4 bedrooms. Let us show you this remarkable bargain today. Un foreseen circumstances force a quick sale. The price has been t ut to the bone. Will accept $700 down, balance like rnt. HERE IS A REAL BUY IN HAWTHORNE. $4750 You cannot duplicate or match this home in Hawthorne district for the money. $5500 will not build this home today; every con ceivable modern convenience is included in this wonderful home. Best hot-air furnace made: art brick fireplace; polished oak floors, elaborate buiit-in buffet, typical California bungalow type: 3 large bedrooms, bath and toilet upstairs. All street assessments paid in full ; interior finish in white enamel. About $2000 cash required lor your appointment to COMPLETELY FURNISHED ALBERTA HOME. $3300 Here Is some bur. Modern R room bungalow, double construct ed throughout and in first-class condition. Garage, abundance of shrubberv and berries. Well fur nished throughout: good rugs, at tractive buffet and fine parlor set: everything ready to move right in and start housekeeping. $700 down takes it. Placed on the market for the first time today. A large assortment of good homes for sale in every residence district in the city of Portland. See ours before you buy. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. 219 Railwav Exch. Bldg. Main 7487. OPEN EVENINGS. WEST SIDE For sale by owner, 7-room house and. bath at 410 10th St., Between Harrison and Hall; price $0500; terms. FOR HAWTHORNE HOMES CALL HUbBKLL, TABOR 8802. Suburban Homed. HOW IS THIS? 6-ROOM. BUNGALOW, ONE ACRE, AT MULTNOMAH. 6-room bungalow, nice living room with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, dining room. 2 bedrooms on first floor. 1 big room on second floor: basement under whole house, over a cord of wood in it, water, gas and lights, 1 acre good land. zi bearing iruit trees, lots ot berries. big chicken house, wire all around 1L : on good gravel road, 4 blocks to station. A fine outlook from this nlace. A snao at price, $4000, $1500 cash, balance good terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 Oak, Street. 5 ACRES, located close to Aloha station and near the paved road, on graveled road ; all under cultivation ; new 0-room lath and plastered bungalow, with ce ment basement and floor; 2 large chicken nouses, iw oearing iruit trees, logan ana other berries. This is close to school and is a high -class place. Price $4750. $1500 cash. Personally inspected by i Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlingcr TWO ACRES. $1700 buys them: 3-room plastered house. right at station, Oregon City car; .oo cash, balance o years, o1. $850 will buy 100x138. with small house. 2 blocks station at Oak Grove. WILL THOMPSON. Phone 16 M. Oak Grove. SUBURBAN HOME. H acre.. 4-room bungalow, electric lights, well, pump, chicken house, small barn, 2 blks. to car; Oregon City line; fit itt and berries; $1050 cash.' Fisher, Mi" INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. Main 5429. PARK ROSE One acre with 3-room mod ern bungalow: all city conveniences, fire place, built-ins. large attic and base menu garage and other buildings, variety! of fruit and berries of all kinds; close to car; price $4o00, terms. Owner, Tabor I !4.4. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car Una. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley Btation, on Oregon City car line, sisn Aiaer urooic. SUBURBAN home preferred, not exceed too- nave Jto acres, an tiuaoie land. to apply and will pay balance cash. Ad-1 dress P. O. box 10O1. or Sale -Acreages. LOGANBERRIES LOGANBERRIES. A splendid 10-acre tract, 3 miles from Jefferson, Or., in a district practically surrounded by loganberry fields. This is splendid land, all ready to plant, and enough loganberry tips are scattered over the land to set the entire tract out. The land is all cleared and there is dilapidated shack on it. Price 1150O: terms $150 cash, $15 monthly. We will be glad to take you up there. Fred W. German. Co., i32 Chamber of Commerce. CADWELL'S ACRES. IN MT. SCOTT DISTRICT. 6-CENT ! Alih.. HU.I.Jj KUiS WATER, GAS. $20 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH BUYS THE BEST HOME SITES AVAIL ABLE ON THESE TERMS FOR PROP- JL.KTY IN CITY LIMITS. INQUIRE WH1TMER-KELLY COMPANY. 414 PITTOCK BLOCK. OR A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 404 EAST ALDER ST. O0O ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers oniy; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre ana up. Liberty bond accepted at par. Writ for map showta ivcaiioa, terms, etc WitYERHAEUSfiR TIMBER COMPANY, la co ma mog., 'la com a. Wash. EAST 48TH-ST. ACREAGE" Close to the Creston school, where the city is putting in swimming pool and -playgrounds. If you want a snap in this location, come and see us. Pren tlss. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5 ACRES at Tonquin, on Oregon Electric; cottage, barn, chicken houses. fruit trees; big bargain for cash. Write owner, R. Schmidt. 702 Claus Spreckels bldg., I san t- rancisco. 5 ACRES close to Giiiis Station, on Bull Run line, one-naif cleared, balance fir and ceaar; gooa son, no gravel; $1000; terms, .ut uregon Diog. croaaway 1658. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale to close rat 320 acres fine level land in Harney county. Oregon. w. h. Fowler, 601 fanama mag., roniana, ur. 5Vi ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvan on canyon roaa ; a gooa Duy. jonn Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. 2 ACRES, just off Base Line road. fic I fir grove, close to canine; siuoo; terms. 'J0v uregon oiag. i roaa way loos. HALF acres, 71st St.; 2 blocks from Haw - thorns car. Owner. East 3860. 16 ACRES FARM LAND. 6131 2D ST. S. E. TOM ALLEN. CHOICE 10 acres, improved, just outside city limns, laoor o. Homestead Relinquibhments. 160 RELINQUISHMENT. 12 cleared; run ning water, house, 2 fine cows. 2 brood sows, 13 chickens. 3-year lease oh ad joining ranch; near Eugene: all for S000 cash if taken quickly. o01 Coroett bldg. Fruit and Nut lands. FOR SALE A splendid producing orchard from which we picked last year 15,000 boxes of apples and about .25 tons of1 prunes, pears, cherries, etc., only 21 hours drive over pavea roaa rrora Port land: two houses, one modern; would prefer selling only half interest to a man who will take entire charge of place. x 10.0OO cash will handle. AG 330, Ore gonian- , REAL ESTATE. Fruit and Nut Land. FOR SALE: An extra fine Hood River apple ranch, full bearing 40 acres, 28 in 10 to 2 5-year-old trees. 11 acres in 6 to 7-year-old. Good houses and build ings and fully eauipped. Kept in the fullest state of cultivation. The only work to do is to gather the crop. Owner must sell on account of other business connections. Address WESTERN AGENCIES, 525 Dunne st., Astoria, Or. For Sale -Farms. PURE-BRED STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. 320 acres. 80 to 100 acres in high state of cultivation, balance in pasture, all fenced and cross fenced,, principally woven wire: living water in pasture and the best pressure water system at build ings, a fine 8-room modern bungalow, with white porcelain plumbing, fire place, furnace, fuli concrete basement, a large dairy barn fully equipped with modern conveniences, also 6-room house for tenant, dairy, steam boiler, vats, double garage, house surrounded by fine natural grove and a variety of shrub bery, personal property consists of 33 head of registered Holsteln cattle, most ly dairy cows, 8 head of horses. 2 full blood Percherons, 400 sheep and lambs. 8 hogs, 2 flocks of chickens, 2 wagons, harnesses, manure spreader, plows, har rows, mower, rake and all small tools necessary to run an up-to-date farm, only 19 miles from Portland, 13 miles from Vancouver, 4 mile from railroad station, ideal pure-bred stock proposition. Price $45,000; will accept city property up to $10,000. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. ?d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. A FINE RANCH. 80 ACRES, 2Vi MILES FROM AURORA. 80 acres of finest black soil. acres under cultivation, balance in open pas ture and oak timber, all lies level, over in croD. on -k ravel road, coou lences. modern 7 -room bungalow, hot and cold water, bath and patent toilet, all plas tered, store and wash room, screened porch, good set of outside buildings, silo, gas engine, water tower, fully equipped, horses, cows, chickens, new tractor, binder, mowing machine, hay rake, plows, harrows, discs, wagons, har ness; in fact, everything goes with this place at price. J 18.000. J 10.000 cash, bal- ance good terms. Come in and see us aoout tnis right away. lt.LlABLK I i VKSTM iiT CO.. 305 Oak Street. WOOD WOOD WOOD 4000 CORDS OF GOOD WOOD OX THIS 67-ACRE RANCH. 20 miles from Portland. 14 miles from station, on hard road, house, barn, chick en nouse, gooa water, o acres in culti vation, about 50 acres of good tillable land when cleared. A cham p. i m u some quick money out of the wood busi ness ana nave rne land lcrt. with some cash. Price SttOuO. Take 42O0O cash balance 1-2-3-4 veara at fi nr r-nt si SAM HE WE Y at J. L. HARTMANCO.. No. t Chamber of Commerce bid a. BEST upland farm in Cowlitz countr. Washington ; 80 acres. 65 under culti vation, rest pasture. 37 miles from Port land, midway between Woodland and Kalama; one-half mile Pacific highway, Portrand-Seattle Ry.. school and church, R. F. D., three-fourths mile Coiumbia river and Martin s bluff railway station; crop nearly all in. rest plowed, good 7-room house, 2 barns and all neces sary machinery, 3 horses. 4 cows, lots of fruit; sold $342 cherries 1919; price $8500; consider Portland modern resi dence to $3000 in exchange. Mrs. E. E. Large, owner (on place, Kalama. Wash, Phone 287. GOVERNMENT LAND In desirable location is hard to find. But government irrigation has made the Central Yakima Valley a paradise. Why not go where crops are certain? SAMPLE BARGAIN THIS WEEK: 30 acres, I mile to town; fully paid ov. water right. 5 acres bearing apple orchard; 2 acres grapes; bat. alfalfa and corn : house, barn, good domestic water. A rare bargain at $200 per acre. Act now if you want it. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO., Inc. Main 4993. 512 Selling Bldg., Portland. MONEY-MAKING ORCHARD. Thirty-three acres in best part of Hood River, 22 acres in splendid old trees of best varieties. 4 acres alfalfa, all irri gated, making $5000 a year at low ap ple prices; most beautiful homesite in Hood River; large modern house with every city convenieme; buildings, tools, gardens grapes, strawben lea every thing. Send for full description, or have a look. $25,000, less agent's 5. Terms. Phone 4634, Hood River, Or. S. S. SMITH. 320-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. " PRIC ONLY $9500. 320 acros of fine wheat land In Wal lowa county. Oregon. 220 acres can be sown to grain; practically all level Chocolate loam soil. 2 sets of good buildings, 2 good springs, fenced and cross-fenced with 3-wire fence. Plenty of outrange. Would make an ideal stock and. grain ranch. $4000 cash, balance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO, 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. " FARM FOR SALE Price $3000; half caan balance time; 30 acres, 12 acres cleared 7-room house, large barn, chicken house' 6 miles North Buttle Ground, Washing ton. 3 miles from railroad, good school, some farm tools, and cow; stove and miscellaneous articles included. Must sell to settle estate. GEORGE O. DAVIS, A ttorney-at-Law, Suite 201 U. S. National Bank bldg Vancouver. Wash. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at tha right price, it will pay you to sea me before buying. 1 can save yoa money. 1 have some 500 tine far:ns; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See r write to me. A. G. BENDER, BITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-7 Board ol Trade Bids. FARMS FOR SALE. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last great block of Canadian Pacific Railwav company's reserve lands, remarkably cheap, on long and easy terms. Land seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Alberta, on Saturday, April 10, reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Exchange bldg.. L. P. Thornton, district representative. FOR SALE lOO-acre. farm, near Turner. Or., with u-room bouse and abundance of running water, alo good barn; 60 acres under cultivation, most in crop, balance is pasture and timber ; rural route and telephone: mile of school. $10O an acre takes everything, including Block and equipment; can arrange terms for half if desired. R. 11. Farria. Route 2. Box 23. Turner. Or. GRESH A M FA R M S. All kinds of farms with stock, crop and equipment, near Gresnam; suburban home, chicken ranches, berry farms, acreage: we have some exceptionally good bargains to offer in 2. 5. , 10, 12, 20. 30. 40 and 80-acre places, well im proved, located on finest roads In Oregon. KR1DER & ELKINGTOX. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE 10-acre ranch. Inquire of the Forum, it acoit. v asn. ; aeai witn owner. One mile to Amboy. three miles to Yacolt, Wash. Place all fenced and cross- fenced. 22 acres in cultivation, large bearing orchard, barn, house, other buildings; price $4500. $35O0 cash, bal. 4. improvements could not be- put on ror tne pnte. nemy ouuiae range.. FOR SALE Beautiful country home. White salmon lrouc trfiKe valley, on highway; good proposition for dairy; 35 acres, 7-room bungalow, barn 30x50. chicken house, etc., ail under permanent irrigation ; bargain at $7000; terms. F. M. Miles. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1300. THREE RIVERS IRRIGATED LAND. Kennewlck. 10 acres, S125 per aer Pasco. 10 acres, $o0 per acre; larger tracts, similar prices; terms. Write for 1920 booklet of bargains. ' ou need the money I save you." Hover, 512 Selling btag. wain BARGAIN 41 acres improved., near town and highway, splendid house, hot and cold water, batn, toner. line bam, out buildings, fine orchard, stock, imple ments, furniture; $5000, good terms. 803 Spalding bldg. 62 ACRES of river bottom land, irrigated 50 acres in a nana, 1 in pasture ; 00 ton silo: 4U( miles to Stan field. Or. rn gravel road. I also have other improved eastern uregon iarma. can Alar. 5S07. IMPROVED 60 acres. 6 miles from Eu gene, on Highway, sboou. Take city properly or srovery biol-r 10 JUUW. Dai ance cash, or what have you? A V 548, I TWO more wheat ranches sold in Gilliam county. Boon tney win ne all gone and prices win go up. write now to M. Fitz maurice. Condon, Or., for prices on largi wneat rancucs. 1 HAVE a large wheat ranch, 500 acres in wneat, an up. win sen or trarip. For particulars write M. Fitxmaurice, CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RAWmro rear Portland, $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. jnc-r nrij-uu, -irj raiting Diag. FIVE acres, with house and improvements. few minutes from Spokane, Wash., or will exchange on Portland property, or gooa irUL A. .TlaJ U OOCTV. FIVE ACRES, in cultivation: five-room cottage, barn and chicken houses; small orcnara;'oy owner, vs. cregonian. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre uo: runnin water, good soil. i tillable: employment asv irina. i . n. anarpi, oj aa ic. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley Advertisements for the 46 New Today" Columns of SUNDAY'S 0REG0NIAN must be received before 1 o'Clock Today (Effective beginning Saturday, April 3.) WANTEDREAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO SELL YOUR HOME. (WE NEED IT TODAY.) 869 homes sold last year. 1) homes sold, in one day, March 13. 300 homes sold since Jan. 1, 3020. The McGulre system brings results. Tour home is sold if listed with ua. Deal with an old, reliable tirm. FRANK L. McGUIRE personally Inspects, appraises and phto graphs your property. We display all photographs in our large show rooms, whirh a continually crowded -with LIVE HOME BUYERS. 34 experienced salesmen with autos to work on the SALE OF YOUR HOME. FRANK L. ilcGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Open Evenings and Sundays. WE SELL CITT HOMES. 1S4 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 3, 1020 We can sell your home In short or der. Our appraiser will call and inspect jour home and advise as to Its value, a iso take a o"x7" photo, which Is dis played -in our large show rooms, where hundreds of prospective buyers will view it. Eight live -wire salesmen, who drive their own cars, backed by thousands of dollars spent In advertising, bring re sults. Phone for our appraiser or call today. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. 219 Bailway Exchange bldg. Main 7487. PARKROSE PROPERTY. We have buyers for both Improved and unimproved Parkrose property. See us at once. Parkrose Branch Office on Sandy blvd.. at end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN, 7 Chamber of Com. bids. Main 208. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me. I sell houses only and nave, many buyers. All listings will b given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER, BlTTEii, LOWE & GO.. ?01-;-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED. We have a list of prosperous pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from $3000 to SH00O In good dis trict. Phone, write or call. COH A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. What have you to lift with us? W want listings of all kinds and if you are looking for a house or business tell ui your troubles and if we haven't got it will get it for you. n SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 614 Panama Bldg. WE want at once a 4-room bungalow, any good location north of Alberta, tributary to Vancouver car; must be in good con dition and priced right; not over $2000, with $40u cash. Phone Main 5024. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber Commerce. WANTED To buy 2 or 3 acres within 10 or 15 miles of Portland ; no buildings, but must be fenced. Owner mut ac cept Liberty bonds In full payment. STATE PRICE, TERM'S AND EVOCA TION in first letter or no attention will be paid. N 177. Oregonian. WILL trade 1016 Chevrolet touring car and pay casn airicrence ior a or i room bun sal ow on W to 1 acre good.soil. near paved or good road; must have wa ter and electricity; want something from 4 to 6 miles out; price from $1500 to 125041. AM 703, Oregonian. WE WANT AT ONCE, Alblna or Wood- lawn bungalow 01 o or o roomw, mm can be handled for less than $1000 cash. Phone us at once. Main 5624. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE many buyers for west side houses. especially between anerwiun ann Sain ton streets; handling west side property is m v specialty; your house is for sale; call and see me. John Singer, 420 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 047S. WEST SIDE HOME WANTED. A 0 or 7 room house in walking dis tance of Oregon Medical college; not over $4000 and must be worth the price. Give price, location and description. Address M 1S4. Oregonian. LOTS WANTED. We have several people that wilt build their own home, if they can be suited tn location and price of the lot. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. f I WANT to buy. right away, 2 or 3-room bungalow with bath; good condition, near car; small payment down, balance like rent. AP 332, Oregonian. WANTED 3-room bungalow In desirable location. Have gooa acreage in Willam ette valley to trade in as part payment Will assume. E 152, Oregonian. WANTED 3-room bungalow. Rose City preferred, from owner oy private party, Phone Main 7'"2S befora 8 or after 6 P. M, w & vtrd Rooming house from owner: has all casn ; give nuuietn aaa price, AL 811. uregonmu. wilt. PAY CASH for 2 or 3 houses around $3000 that 1 can put in on a trade tor more. M uregoman. WANTED Suburban home, will pay part cash ana nuu uuumui uw. 001 io, Oak Grove. WANTED Modern house in restricted r trlct. F. H. Deshon. Main 1166. Farms Want A. VALLEY FARMS WANTED. We have a clien wanting 40 acres with good buildings, mostly in cultiva tion, on good roaaa, not over mues out. W have calls for both large and Bmall valley farms and if you have some thing good and will give us the right price we will sell it. We make a spe cialty of well-located vnlley fa rind. HESGARD. WITH COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Any part or all of 15 million feet second growth fir timber, good loca tion, close in; would prefer to sell out right, but would consider pay-as-cut basis on part. Address box 263, Browns ville, Oregon. WANTED Man with portable mill to saw 1,000,000 feet of second growth. Will nay lump sura for logging and sawing. Camp is completely furnished; mill is all that is necessary. AO 338, Orego nian. 9WxlO SEATTLE DONKE. I-0O feet of 1-inch line, 2800 feet of --inch line, all necessary blocks, chokers, yarders and small tools; price 20OO. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce. EIGHTY ACRES TIMBER. GOOD QUALITY, WELL-LOCATED. VIRGIN GROWTH. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE. R. THOMAS. CLYDE HOTEL. LUMBER wanted, car load shorts, random lengths, assorted sizes. h. m. Greene, Main 213. 525 Medical bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. 6 ACRES land, some fruit; barn but no house. Call Woodiawa iioii. FOR EENT FARMS. ISO ACRE3 for rent on shares. Write to M. Tomnett, R. D. 1, box 58 Troutdale, Oregon. FARM for rent or sale; stock, crop and equipment for sale. See owner, 683 Va East Glisan st. Phone Fast 2476. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Gold mine, rich ore, abundance of vir gin timber, good water power, all in good working order. Am alone too much for me to handle, Just ri?ht for two or thre parties. In Northern California. 3000 ft. elevation, healthy climate; worth $15,000. Will sell for $10,000, or trade for good farm or good business Splendid oppor tuntty. Deal with owner. Don't write unless you mean business. John Betker, Forks of Salmon, Cal. 1&3 ACRES near Cress well. 50 acres meadow, balance pasture, good 5-room bungalow. running mater. va lued $10,000; trade for city property; will as- aume. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. 100x100 BEARING fruit, garden. 12-room house, 2 sleeping porches, close to high school and car; also 2W acres on Paved street, gas, electricity, water, close to scnnoi ana car. Trade for l or both. JBOOr 4410 lOth St. S. K. WILL trade $14,000 equity in well im proved wheat ranch for town pronertv or bank stock; necessity compels quick u v-Q i , . unrna in lor some one, owner. i uregonian. MODERN 6-room bouse, lot 50x130, grocery stock. See BROWN A- BIDDLE. 824 Railway Exchange Bldg. for 20 ACRES, all under cultivation, in Wil lamette valley, for sale or trad-e for acreage close in or bungalow ; will j sume. N 1 75, Oregon lan. FOR SALE or exchange. 7-room house. 50x 100 lot; will take in small car. See owner at place. 1 1 -K Aibina ave., or 30 S McKay hidg. Main HAVE 100 acres, all tillable, or 1 1 subur ban acres and pay balance cash for borne not exceed $5000. Address P. O. box TOOL 16o ACRES of land. 8 miles from Coeur d Alene city, Ida ho, for something near Portland. Main l'J. FOR SALE or trade. 50x100 corner. 354 E. 11th st. South ; deal w ith owners or a gents. SPOKANE lots for ta or trade, in good location. Wm. Ship ton. 451 E. Webster st. Phone W oodlawn oJnn. WANTED To exchange lot for 5 or 6 room bungalow, with balance cash. See owner Monday, .'fv ihurcn st. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, garage and chick en house, valued at $1 7.o. to trade for larger house, not over j.umhi. Tabor 51 OWN good house. Spokane. Wash., .want good house in Portland. East 60.3. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To exchange a diamond for ietroia : must be a nrst-ciasa machine. East sni9. TOR SALE. Honeti, Vehicle, livestock. 3 TEAMS of well-matched black horsen. pair and 8 years old. welcht 240O; Dair 6 and 7 vearn old. weicht 2HOO: a othr pair 5 and 9 years old. weight 3OO0; l Mnple mare 6 years old. welEht i.0. These are not lunk: all gen tie. fat. healthy and good workera In every way. ir you are looking ior a nm class team or nlncle hnrse at a reason able price it will pay you to come and look these over. Wagon and harness for all. Take Woodstock car to Powell st.. 3 blocks east. No. 806. cor. 2Qth FOR SALE Rrown team, mare and geld Ing, ft and n years old, sound, just brok to work this spring, weigh 2600. Been plowing witn tbein. Tney are aratn i-u ready for any kind of work n.w. Can be seen at Columbia stables. 302 Iron st. Will give a week free trial. $30t) i the price. No dealers need apply. As for Fielding team. FOR SALE 250 young ewes. almos lambed out. 7- wethers: 1 2u Antora nan nies. about 50 with kids; will sell any number at reasonable price; 1 ins re. 3 stallion, both registered; Engiiffh Shire. 4 and 8 years old. weight 1700 each. 6 miles from Sifton, Waah.. P. O. Addiess Orchards. It. 1-116. G. L. Basye. HAVE just received a car load of dairy cows, made up principally of tresh, large Holsteln cows; some Jerseys and some Guernseys. A few springers in the lot. Price $0 per head and up. See Mr. Bruce. Portland Union Stock Yards. FOR SALE Horses of all kind, suitable for farm, orchard or logging work, weighing from 1200 to 1R00 lbs.: 4 to 8 years old ; all in good shape for hard work. Prices reasonable to save feed ex pen e. Foot Taylor tft. (dock). TEN fresh cows. Hoist eins. Durhams and Jerseys, 4 to 5',4 gals, a day, some extra milkers; will sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 1128 Macadam st.. South Portland car to end of line, 1 block south and one block east. 3-Y BAR-OLD Jersey, fresn one month ago, giving a'i gallons rich milk per day; price $115. One 8-year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs.; price $50. Must be sold quick. 4122 73d st. S. E. Hawthorne ave. car. FOR SALE- $350 cssh buys exceptionally good bargain, milch goats. 4 thorough breds and one grade. Mrs. Gearln, 6 blocks south of Su Mary's station on Southern Pacific. 0 WELL-MATCHED team of black horses. 5 and 6 years old. weignt 2700; sound and good workers: very gentle for any one to handle. 7052 Powell Valley road. JUST fresh Jersey cow and Holstein calf bv side, giving aoout 4 gallons: reasons ble. Harper, Main 5429, Sunday. 3d house on Simpson st., across 42d ; Alberta car. 2900-LB. TEAM mares, good harness and old farm wagon, cheap; like to sell this week. Woodstock car to 52d St., two DiocKs norm, io. utov. TEAM of iron grays, age 4 years, weight ids., new, neavy narness, 3 4 -in. wide-tire wagon. For sale cheap on ac count of moving. 5624 8Cth st. MS car. FOR SALE or trade or farm Implements, one good Jersey mi'ch cow, extra rich milk. Write W. E. Gearin, Beaverton. Or. FOR SALE or trade, about 300 ewes and lambs and good range for summer. Ad dres Ed Pratt, Littell, Wash. WE BUY and -sell cattle, sheep and go 1. Campbell -Pheian Land & Cattla Co, 304 Couch bldg. DEAD stock removed quickly. Caah paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Pfcoae viiiwukie 69 J for remits, DEAD horses, animals hauled away rrea. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn go. YOCNG fresh Jersey-Durham. 6-gaIlon cow. No. 6 E- 8Sth st. N. Montavilia car. DEAD HORSES taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Two Toggenberg milch goats. Call Oak Grove 5-J. ta" THOROUGHBRED Duroc pi(rs. reasonable. Crawford, stall 343. public market. WILL take stock in pasture. Roth A Stendler. Troutdale, Or. PIGS. 5 mo a. lis old, lor sale, cheap. Mar. i277 FOR SALE Bonea. Vehicle. Li t etock. ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING AWAY I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC SALE my entire herd of cattle, consisting of 84 head, horses and farm machinery, pale to be held at my present home, the Mulligan ranch. Seven miles west of Vancouver, on river road, Thursday, April 8. Sale to commence at 10:S0 o'clock A. M. Cattle 51 milch cows, as follows: 4t high-grade Holsteins, 10 Durhams ftnd Jerseys, 21 of them are fresh, 48 of them are milking; ; short springers, 6 3-year-old Holstein springers, 4 2 -year-old Holsteln heifers, 1 2-year-old high grade Durham bull, 18 veal calves. Horse 1 span matched gray mares. 5 years old. weight about 2 MX) as good a team aa there is in the country of their weight. 1 pony and saddle and bridle. Dairy supplies 1 old Simplex cream separator, 1 Champion milk cooler, 40 milk cans, two 5, two 3, balance 10 galion: 4 milk buckets, strainers, etc. Machinery! 8li low wheel wagon, Iron wheel wagon, old buggy, No. 13 Ac ma ensilage cutter, blower and pipe; 1 0 H. V. Stover gas engine, 1H-H. P. gas engine, 3-inch centrifugal pump and 75 feet 8-lnch pipe; mower, rake, tedder, 2 harrows, truck disc, pump and jack, hay forks, 1 "K feet Inch rope. 2 plows, grindstone, about OO feet 6-inch belt. 2 pulleys. 6 and 18-Inch; log chain, forks, sledge, wedges, saws, garden tool and lot other small articles. This Is absolutely one of the best herd of cows in the country a lot of big cows: some 7-gallon milkers. If you are In the market for extra fine cows, come to this tale; you will purely be glad you came. No reserve, every thing goes. I must move 1 must sell. Terms Sums under $20, cash: $2 and up, six months' time will be given on approved note. Free lunch at noon. 8aia rain or shine. G. ROSELLTNX Owner. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons. Vancouver. Wash., auctioneers; E. H. Deterlng, Van couver National Bank, clerk. 15 HEAD of first-class horses and mares from 5 to 7 years old. 1400 to 10O0 lbs., some well-matched teams; also few cheap horses. All stock guaranteed as represented. Trial allowed. Sanitary Sta bles, 365 Union ave., corner ot Stevens st. L. Glass. fiaow, Organs and Musical Instransente. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $(. Kimball L prig lit. nearly new .. . .$200 7M Steinway dt Sons Upright 21W loo Sreger &. Sons fine mahogany . . :;o. 475 Hallet & Davis Upright 105 275 Bord & Co. Paris Upright 75 25 Collard & Coilard Upright bo boo Mendenhall modern Placer Piano 395 3 Parlor Organs, S25. $"5. $45 to $55. We store your piano for 75c monthly. We buy and ecll pianos only for cash. SECURITY STOHAGE CO.. 10."i 10th St ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New. fariorv rebuilt nnri nian tn $f00 Steger Wax Circassian Walnut - .$505 80O Steger dull mahogany 4i5 S0 Steger Mission oak 4:.5 7.0 Stcinway & Sons Upright 4X" 500 Ilobart M. Cable mahogany ... . 215 .jO Steger upright grand oak.... 46.' .0 Thompson lare Upright 305 Others for $ltfc5. $2o5, S26G. $200. etc. Terms $H, $S. $lo. $12 to $18 month'.v. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 10th & Stark Sts PIANO BARGAINS. $65 and up. Our one-year exchange plan guarantoea them. Terms given. Kingsbury Singer Victor Bailey Homer Irving and others. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co. 125 4th sL, bM. Wash, and Alder sts. BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EXCHANGED. RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS; PLAYER PIANO ROLLS; ALL KINDS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE 128 FIRST. MAIN 445. TABOR 67y8 PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 new Vlctrola and record outfit to trade -for used piano. Our proposi tion will please you. Heiberllng-Lucao Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 85x. TRADE TOUR PIANO r organ on a new Vlctroia and records, ur proposition will please you. Salbsr-ling-Lucaa Music Co 4th at.' Maui 8586. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid tor used pianos ao4 E layer pianos; get our prices. Sieberllng ucas Piano Co.. 125 4th su Main 854 PLAYER PIANO BARGAINS. W have several good used players, good as new, at half price. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 15 4th L, bet. Waaa. and Alder sts. WM. RAAB. piano tuner. player-Diano ex pert; many years foreman Sherman-Clay & Co.. with Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yam- mil si. t'none Automatic o.t-?v4. WILL exchange high-grade talking ma chine for good used piano. Wiley B, Allen Co.. Morrison st. at Broadway. TRADE in your piano for a new, firivt-class talking macnine. wuey a. Alien Co., Morrison st. at Broadway. 6o OLD-STYLE piano, good practice in strument. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Aider sts. $185 UPRIGHT PIANO, walnut case, a real snap. Seibcrling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st., bet. Washington and Alder I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. BIG reduction on new Victrola. mornin gs or evenings, Wdln. 2100. WA NTED Lightweight piano: must be r hea p for cart. Pnone bast 40 1 4. MAHOGANY Vlctrola. practically new, 42 records; cost $200, $100 cah. 221 tith st. SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 34 YAMHILI. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 1K: per roll. Harold S. titiOert. aamhlll. KIMBALL piano, almost new. almost your own price on terms. 0 1 z vorccster piq g W A NTED To buy a piano at once ; pay can. Marsniii ,mw, VICTROLA, cabinet srtyl. or piano want ed ; pay cash. Main 3504. r orn Hurts far Sale big auction; sales tuesday, thursday, saturday . AT 2 P. M. Biz auction sales where you can buy your furniture and "kitchen ware at a great saving. OKI FURNITURE CO 21 1 Second SU PLAYER-PIANO and furniture for sale a sacrifice ; owner leaving state: Library table, buffet, chiffonier, breakfast tabic, dining table, all solid oak; daisy heater. steel range, all same as new, used but a few months. 206 Occident st. TURNED dining table and 4 chairs. Ixl2 .Brussels rug. turnea morris cnair, teatner cushions; small size Peninsular heater and a 3-bumer gas plate; moving today (Saturday): hurry if you want these, 476 Janet st. Woodlawn 5311. LON'l sacrifice your furniture if going cast or to California. We can aava money on your freight In our through cars. Fireproof storage. C M. Olaea Transfer Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. ONE sideboard, solid oak. quarter sawed. and one soiia oaK square extension aiu tng table for sale to pay storage charges. 45 North 5th su FOR SALE A bar sain, solid fumed oak dining set, o-incn: Deaumui ouiieu on inch; 6 genuine leather high-back chairs and carver chair. Marshall 46Ho. GAS plate. $2; extension table. $4; kitchen chairs. $1 ; iron bedmead, $3; mattress. 2; jewel gas range, $5; cook atove, 4X5. 384 East Washington. TWO overstuffed tapestry rockers, neariy new, $35 each. Call 4243 53d ave. S. E., Woodstock car. 42-INCH golden-oak dining taole. 3 leaves, and 4 chairs; reasonable. 31 Victoria sc. East 6341. QUARTERED oak buffet. flrst-cla.Mi con dition, or will exchange for roll-top de&k. fc6S Hodnev ave. Woodlawn 5483. GOOD furniture for five-room house for sale. H51 Ihurman st. GOOD furniture for 5 rooms; house for rent. AB 128. Oregonian. IF YOU want to sell your furniture top notch, call Harper, Main 5429. Poultry BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S, C. White Leghorn hena the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Horanlxed atoeE only. March chicks. $14 per 100; April, May and June. $L.50 per 10O. OAK HILL HATCHERY . Petaluma. Cat PETALUMA White Leghorns lead the world in egg production. Wa eeli BABY CHJX. at $13.50 per 100 during May and June. Safe arrival of full count, strong. live chix guaranteed. The Pronear Hatchery. 441 6th st.. Petaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. White Leghorns. Reds, Barred Ply mouth Rocks: prices reasonable. C N. Needham, Salem, Or. THOROUGHBRED mammoth White Pekin duck eggs. $3.50 setting of 12. 401S d9th st. S. BARRED rock and R, I. R. ing. 11.25 for 15. 296 M. V. car. eRgs for batch E. 72d su N. PACK your eggs now for winter use; fre&h, lulerule esfia- Phone a&t 404. FOR SALE. Poga. Rabbit. Birds, Fes stork. WE BUT. raTse. and sell fur-bearing rab- oits. ana otner lur-uearm jr animals. List what you have with us. stating your low est prices ou large lot tihipments. The Fur & Specialty Farming Co.. 515-017 N. P. ave.. Fargo, N. Dak. A NO. 1 hunting dog. guaranteed to tree coon, cat and skunk: is alo a coon cattle dog, a heeler: black shepherd, o years old, $;3. 44S East Clav street. BEAUTIFL'L all-yellow Hartx mountain roller and new large brass cage $30. 11 E. 10th st. N. FOR SALE A oair of fine Flemish rabbits vlth hutch. $o. Phone Tabor 118. GOOD shepherd dog for sale, ave. S. E. 9634 4od ST. AKDRBASBL'RG roiier einger. Tabor 52ti6. FOR SALE Oood singers and Call the Studio. Main 46$. Launches and Boat. 36-FT. launch. 8-horse engine: price $K0: sloop. 22 ft. long, with rigging, price $"H. without rigging? S:w. Phone tellwood ItG. House No. East 7th st. CJ1 Mrs. C. L. Wright. HOUND-BOTTOM cedar hull with latest type Evinrude motor, fully equipped for salmon fishing; just run one day; am leaving city; must be cash. Salmon out fit included. Fast ISrtl. FOR SALE 10 by 9 V by 3 V, S5-H. P. ton launch, ready to run ; S 1 20 cash. William S. K.inney, 004 Commercial, As toria, Or. FOR SALE New trolling boat. 37xlW feet, without engine. Inquire at 1004 Lombard street, corner Buchanan, fcu loiins. HOUSEBOAT for sal. 5 rooms and baih, modern, completely furnished ; 14 Wil tamette Moorage. Sell wood SOL FOR SALE Fast motor boat: length 25 ft., beam 5 ft.; varnished deck; 20 H. P. Scrlpps engine. 54 Willamette Moorage. " ANTED To rent a houseboat. 3 to 5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Cal! rtawy. FOR SALE 16-fC canoe. Phone St 11 wood --in. Machinery. MACHINERY WANTRD Marhiniif lath 8 ft. up; machinist vise. 5 to 6 in.: black smith vise, 4 in.; steam or bell hammer 200 ib. up; three drum sander, 50 to 4$ in., variety on Universal saw table; .om oinauon puncn and shear air tpray paimrr. an m . At. ureeve, Majn 21 525 Medical bldg. On second-hand 16x9x11 Falrbaaka- ssorse underwriters' ore pump. One seconj-band 8-in. Merahoa bork- tODUU oana 1 esaw. THK J. E. MARTIN CO, S3 First st.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE One Orton and Steinberg lo comotive crane, is- tons. 3 years old Inquire at Aibina Engine & Machine w orks, Lewis and Loring sts.. Portland Or., or at Broadway hotel, Portland, and iSK ior jh. warts. FOR SALE. 1 12x12 molder. 1 9x12 S. C. engine, 1 35 H. P. boiler. 1 24-inch blower. Route 1. Box 0O. ML Angel. Or. ALL OF the transmission machinery from the spruce 0.1 vie ion cut-up plant, consist ing 01 gears, yuueys, snatting. Doxea, ate 61 First Street. Portland, Oreg o n. UOIST1NG engines for rent or sale, cob- crta mixers, electric hoists, comtmc. tion equipment, standard Mac a, CoZ.. 64 f irst su ONE second-hand 5-gat. and a 1-gal. gas oline pump ana a-oarrei tanK ior tale cheap. wayne ua la rut Pump Co., Old r'lttOC DIOCK. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriter alt kinds for sal. rent, exenange. wa ara exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with aarrying caaa; auppliae Cor aii wanes. Jfi. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth St.Maln 22 h5. DO AN E GUARANTEED TYPE WRIT BiR SERVICE All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR tbllMAlfiS UN KEWUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and. Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak St. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewrit era. ALL aiakks, sola on aiontniy Day' iftents. Send for price list. The Wiola- sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington at. UNDERWOOD No. 5. latest attachments periect condition ; greatly reduced. 1 M. Oregonian. LATE model secono-hand visible t pe writers: cash or terms. 402 S wet lan building. REMINGTON Standard No. 10. in fine v riition. See H. E. Fletcher, xnauacer Cor neltus note), 1'orilana. REMINGTON No. Itt. wide carriage bl.lin typewriter; cash or terms. Bdway 41 ALL makes rented and repaired. Oresoa Typewriter Co.. V otn. Main asaa. NEW, rebuilt, second-bacd rentals at cut rates. u. to., zji. btara. Main ivt VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. tto4 Oak mx. REMINGTON, her S01 IJ. aa new. No. 11: serial nuni- $:5. Fast 5132. WANTED Underwood typewriter cah. Phono Main 160. AliNcellaneoui. BEAUTIFUL black French t-crgc skirt $6 latest style. Beautiful purple jerse coat swea ter. Norfolk style, up to da t 15. Electric iron 14. new on. New trun SO. 50. Oil ratntintr of lion 13. Dark era mlk waist $2.50. Call 144 11th St.. room 3. FOR SALE A genuine walrus leath shotgun case for tale; ra.se would co. now about $75; take $27.50. Can be seen at 133V First St., room No. 2. DIAMOND ring, perfect blue-white l set in the latest design. 1200 for 011 sale. Can be seen at 240 Taylor st Sat unlay or Monday. MUST sacrifice 1 lO-foot clear case. 1 foot cigar case, cash register, scales, sod fountain, meat sheer, coffee urn an steam table. 113 2d st. BARBERS. ATTENTION. Two barber chairs for only $50. 2d st.. in cigar store. 6-HOLE range, kitchen treasure. bed springs, oil range. 3-burner; kitchen ta bl $40 takca it all. 42 N. 1st t. FOR SALE $25, Old Trusty 150 ejrga in bator and brooder, used 3 times. W ri Mrs. Gearin. Reaverton, Or. ONE A-B Battle Creek gas ranee and hot water tank, gas heater, in excellent cond tion. THbor BECKER & WADE pressing machln complete; good condition. G Ore gonian. HOLLY TREES with berries on from 10 ft. tall: extra fine; uc a foot. Auto matlc 2-2240. DOUBLE, flat-top. oak office desk. Ca today. 20a Lumber Exchange bids. 133-EOG X-ray incubator for sale. wood 34 1 4. REVOLVING post-card rark. capacity 7000 cards, bargain. Phone Broadway 400. NEW Wade drag saw, with clutch, for saJ IIO. 22 f ront ft. Phone East .'049. COATS, furs, suits, gowns ana even in dresses, slightly worn. Main SK67. 1 TUXEDO dress coat, almost new. size 4 SIO. r. U. POX 4".. HEAVY block and slabwood. also 4-foot aiao mi w . FOR SALE Second-hand safe, good new. N 116. Oresonian. fiooD garden manure, delivered. Main 4485. also for roses. GOOD MANURE EAST 4307. LADIES wearing apparel, samples and 'slightly used. 45tf Plttock block. FORiALE New 210-egg Buckeye incu bator at 4116 00th st. S. E. FOR SALE Extra good loganberry tips. Box 351. Salem. Or. FERTILIZER Cod manure delivered, ea9t or west side. Tabor 2704. USED Fearless dishwaser, good condi tinn In working order. Call se?l. 1220. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evenlni dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for aala Pacific Tent A Awning, 1 N. 1st L Pacific T' REBUILT typewriter! EL W. Peaae Co.. 1 1U bixm PACK ychir egirs now for winter use; fresh. Infertile eggs. Phone East 404. VACUUM cleaner for rent. 1 per day. de livered FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase, 43 1st st,. near Ash. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented exchanged, bought. Bentley Co., M. 4907. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. day $1; deb anywhere. Bdwy. a5S: form W. 1259. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaner, SI per day. Automatic 221-86. FOR SALE; Ice cheat, in good condition; price $20. Phone Sellwood 3575. MILLINERY stock or exchange. What have you in trade? AO 33 1. Oregon i a n. FOR SALE 40O grain sacks, 30 cents each f. o. b. Norway. Or. Frank ZeJio. DUCK hunter, chance to get best lake on pa u vies island. M 185, Oregonian. lhllRKOR. 16x30. oval. 611 Beimoni. FOR SALE. MJUce 1 1 aneoui. $$$$ DIAMONDS BOUGHT. I have tluO.ouo ready cah to in vest In diamonds. See M r. Ran dolph and get full market value i: you want to bell. ConiidenUaL GEORGES RANDOLPH. Diamond Broker. 4Pfl Spalding liidff., Fourth Floor. PRUNE TUEEb. Itajan, several thousand vf them. If 3 ou come to the WOODSTOCK NURSERY. 503 "Woodstock ave., at the end of the Woodstock carline, you will soon learn why we sell so many i l ALIAS FKL.N E TRE En closing out. Phone Sellwood 2332. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Father than return our salesdmen's pr;ne samolea to the factnrv have Placed same at the disposal of the pub lic at wholesale prices, consisting or raincoats, motor coats and leathar coats in our salesroom at 726 Morgan bldg. OR SALE l fountain, complete; 1 safe. fiiiu. x larue national casn register with penny keys. Boll-top desk, leath er chair, platform scale, 6-ft floor cae. linoleum, number of other floor caaes, steam table. Ice box. Toledo compuung scales, wall case, other fixtures; to be soiQ quicKly. 242 Salmon. Main 342, UOVKRNUEXT buildings for sale cheap. dc moved away irom premises: can b moved in section; garage for autos and trucks, office buildings, sheds, fences, tanners' kettles, bricks, c tec trie w ire. roof paper and all kinds of lumber. Can be seen on premises. 14th and yuimb u., or 524 Board of Trade bldg. M. 66s7. O It SALE UaL'k and front ha r. com plete. 1 larce. 1 small ice box. floor cases, couple lift-top counter cigar ca&es, ice cream tables and chairs, refrigera tor case. National vash register; num ber other fixtures. Toledo computing scale. Act quickly. 275 Third st. SEWING MACHINES. -0 late drop-heads, like new. Singers. Wbites, National, Rotary, Willamette, etc., $15 to 435. A large number of good machines from $S to 10. Machines rent ed. 13 per month. Singer store ALoosa bldg.. 13 4th st. Main 6S33. bii W IN G machines, new and tecond-aand. o.a ior leas; no a cents employed 00 m piete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Mam 943i. fciWING MACHINE! EMPORIUM. 190 Third, near Tay.or st. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done Quickly and effi ciently at reasonable pncea; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS, Phone East 1954. 161 Russell st. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to 425 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Brine or mail, the American Brokerage. 4u Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wail OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT irom .-. v. bteei and. spruce Froaucuoa for sale at 81 K. 5TH ST Between Burnaido and Conch. O. M BABCOCK. D. C. WAX. RIFLE BARGAINS One .35-cal.. model An.t; one .-j-cal. automatic, model iuv, almost new, perfect condition: don l miM tl us if you want a perfect gun. Main 1 73 1 . 22' M or r iso n . KODAKS AND PENS REPAIRED. We claim we're a boon and a blessing to men In fixing the faults of a Kodak or pen. SANDY'S, 329 Washington St. CREAM SEPAR ATOR Sharplcsa tubular, a vize -4. on'y used once; price $50. less than one-half of cost. g. H. Huwitt, Union Slock. "Varus farm. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gaI.. i; 40-gaU ; tea tea ana guaranteea; stove ana furnace coils, gas healers installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side ' Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 85.16. fcA FES r1r and burglar-proof eafea. new and second-hand at right prices, bought, avoid and exchanged. NURR1S SAFE ft LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2043. ALL KINDS of warped, craeked weather- beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by our famous and instantaneous rubber bonding system: all work guaranteed. Phone Main 6040. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD- WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB; AlO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 7020. CO MBINATI ON w ood and gas W ed pe wood range, $t0: coal or briquette heat er. S 12; both practically new ; must be sold by Saturday noon. Wondlawn 5650. LA TEST sty lea full dress ttieCo suite. also silk bats for saie or rent at Barell e clothing store. 51 Third Muitoomah be tel bing. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALK A SUPPLY CO.. Broad w ay 10O6. 4S Front BL b-FOOT plate glass oak trimmed floor show case, absolutely like new; will cll for a bout half t he price of a new one K.kenle dept., Yamhill tt. A NUMBER of used watches and clocks at a lmowt repair charge prices ; good time pieces BeldmK', 2O0 Washington bldg.. npstnirs. 4th and Washington tts. NEW "SINGERS," $5 aown. fit monthly. Expert ewing machine repairing. MORRISON S TREET olNGER STORE. 3b2 Morrison. Marshall 721. " SAVE THAT ROOF. lct us paint it m ith American Won der roof paint, slops leaks In all kinds of roofs. Call Automatic 211-04. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk. 1 n.u-top deak 1 sale. Buanong A. Cik, lPrk t. WOOD 4-foot green slab. 1.V50 per cord; green lab and block mixed, 46 load. Ta bor 5H20. USED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1132 East Gli san. Montavilla car to 30th. Tabor 2K25. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 248 Main at. New and second hand books nought sold and exchanged. All subject a KODAKS. Wo buy, sell, rent and exchange Ko daks. Sandy s. 321 Washington street. WOOD delivered promptly, best first growth sawed cordwood; long, steady f.res: 7.50 per load. Phone Main 3323. WANTED Everyone to know whit Dyan shine is. It is a dye and polish for all leather goods. 6-HOLE Buck range, good a-s new, $35. Inquire 223 E. 7bih at. N. Phone Tabor 17' Mi. STEEL range. "Malleable." excelleut con dition, for $00. Meier A- Frank's pr:ca S 1 :;. We want an electric. East 5132. FO R S A LE Six horsepower auto traction wood saw complete and wy Job. Tabor WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. 10 to 16-inch slab and block wood, S6; pro m p t delivery. Phone Main 5."47. CLASSY soda fountain, beautiful back bar, scale, canh. register and 5 showcases. 243 lflth st. N. DRY or green lab and block wood, mixed. IB-inch ; also 4-rt. country slab; delivered promptly. Call Tabor W)42. BLOCK WOOD and heavy slab. 16-lnch Ictigt.r-R. Quick, delivery and fine wood. 6 to $8 cord. Bdwy. 2100. GAS RANGE and kitchen heater, like new; L reasonable. East fc H2. DESK ADDING MACHINE. 15. 518 COR BETT BLDG. t MARSHALL 557. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS FORDS FORDS. ROADSTERS. TOU RI NGS. SEDANS, COUPES. DELIVERIES. BUGS. MEYERS AUTO CO.. 1S8 Grand Ave. BUICK TRUCK, with a handy body, good tires. Your own price, with terms. TERMINAL GARAGE. Corner 5th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 15, 1915 FORD ROADSTER. XE7W BLOCK, LICENSE. 335. 150 UNION AVE. LATE 1917 FORD in good condition, aome extras, good tires, 1 extra, rack, spot light; a good buy for $465. Call raorn ings between 8 and 1. Main 'J24. 191 S BUICK. 7-pa.s.. excellent condition ; 2 new rear tires: $1350. terms, for quick tale. BO 291, Oregonian. HUPMOB1LES. 191 Tourings. 1917. MEYERS AUTO CO.. 1 S-S Grand Ave. 118 PAIGE 6 5 pass.: cord tirea and -extras: owner must sell Quickly; $450 down will hand le . M r. Argo, Bd wy. 8.2b 1. ll16 HUP TOURING. 1917 HUPP. SEE THESE CARS. IPS Grand Ave. Open Evenings. LATE model Ford bug. This Is a dandv: S&50. See It at 440 Burnside st. 20U dnwn. balance 10 months. CLASSY Cadillac bug, thoroughly over hauled, new tires and body. Phone Broadway 3000. J. E. Moore. 340 N. 23d, 191S OAKLAND 5-pass. ; fine condition; owner must sell: make me an offer. Air Argo. Bdwy. 3291. 1019 PAIGE six, 1915 Coie chummy four Cadillac small truck; will sacrifice for cash. 213 Tenth. 5-PASS. touring for sale, good condition, good rubber, $325. Call 5922 45th ave. S. E. FOR SALE at a discount, a credit on the Oldbmobile Co. Address for further pr tieulars A E 970. Oregonian. 1917 CHEVROLET, running order $425 U. S. Garage. M7 Williams. OVERLAND, OA. j,lst overhauled. $0-5. U Uarase, b!7 Wilaaua,