Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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APRITi 3, 1920
TAX SHORTAGE 54,000,000
But Three Days Remain In Which
First" Half or Annual Dues
May Be Paid Sheriff.
Multnomah county faces the most
serious condition in its history so far
as taxes are concerned unless prop
erty owners mail or take a veritable
avalanche of checke and currency to
the tax department of Sheriff Hurl
burt's office by Monday night.
With but three days remaining in
which the first half of the annual
taxes may be paid, a delinquency of
$4,000,000 was faced yesterday, which
is by far a greater delinquency than
ver before at this period of tax pay
ing time.
Of the $12,000,000 due in taxes this
year, one-half must be paid by Mon
day if It is not to become delinquent,
and figures given out yesterday at
the sheriff's office showed that but
2,160,000 had been collected up to
yesterday noon.
A long line of property owners was
at the cashier's window all day yes
terday and each mail brought hun
dreds . of checks, but despite the
money being received officials of the
department say that the delinquen
cies for the first half will be far
greater than ever before unless the
unexpected happens and an extraor
dinary amount of money is received
during the next three days.
Woman Says Husband Had Her Ar
rested for Kidnaping.
Not only did her husband refuse to
let her in the house after she had
returned from a visit with relatives,
but he likewise had her arrested on a
kidnaping charge because she took
her two children with her, alleges
Lulu Stuart as a basis for a divorce
from Joseph H. Stuart. Her complaint,
filed yesterday in circuit court,
charges extreme cruelty. She asks for
the custody of the children. They
were married at Madraev Or., In 1906.
Extreme cruelty is the complaint of
Myrtle Kimble against Bruce Kimble,
whom she married at Vancouver a
year ago. She wants the custody of a
minor child and $40 monthly for its
Kdith Felix alleges desertion in a
suit against William Felix, whom she
married in 1916, and Helen Hambuckle
charges desertion in a divorce com
plaint against Frank W. Hambuckle.
They were married three years ago.
Report Made on Per Capita Man
. ufuclurlng Output.
SATjKM, Or., April 2. Speclal.)
Salem is first among the cities of its
size in the United States with relation
to per capita production of manu
facturing, according to a report pre
pared by Richard I Rowe, statis
tician, who has just completed a
survey of the city's industries for the
commercial club.
The census showed that "there are
93 manufacturing establishments in
the city, with a total of 2100 persons
employed. The annual payroll was
$2,005,677 and the capital Invested
totaled $7,200,000. The value of the
annual output was estimated at $14.
600.000. The report was based almost
entirely "upon the plants in opera
tion here during the year 1919. al
though a few manufacturing concerns
more recently established were in
cluded. " . '
Opinion on Right to Take Sand
From River Is Given.
SAI-RM, Or., April 2. (Special.)
The city of Corvallls has no control
over the sand and gravel In the Wil
lamette river, even though the leg
islature extended the corporate limits
cf the municipality to the ralddile of the
stream, according to a legal opinion
by Attorney-General Brown today.
The attorney-general held in his
bpinion that the act of the legisla
ture of 1920 making it incumbent
upon persons and firms taking sand
or gravel from navigable streams of
the state first to arrange for th'e
lease and payment for the product
applied to rivers within as well as
outside of the boundaries of incor
porated towns and cities.
Interference With Patrons Charged
by Owner of Store.
Presiding Judge McCourt yesterday
signed a temporary injunction re
straining the Central Labor council
and union organizations from picket
ing in front of the Royal Shoe com
pany store. The injunction suit was
brought by J. A. Levy, owner of the
etore, who alleged the union pickets
were interfering with patrons.
The temporary order was similar to
others issued during recent weeks by
Judge McCourt. It permitted the plac
ing of one picket in front of each
door, providing the pickets would
make no demonstration of any kind
and would refrain from addressing
prospective customers.
IE m,--m w mm.
The Secret
Delight of a
Youthful Skin
Try 'this simple formula-
rubbed guntly into tb skins
then ii yon oeed color, a very
little ."Oufu spread carefully
orm the check before tha
erem it Quite dry; cud titer
that the film of HI cay a fac
powdci over all."
mm -tan at 30 & 60a .
You dcaL- baa ELCAYA and
has jo)i it ioi years. Ask him.
We Give S.& H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash on Third Floor Don't Overlook This Splendid Saving
Portland Agency for Gossard, Nemo and Bien Jolie Corsets Home Journal Patterns Dutchess Trousers Carter's Knit Underwear Betty Wales Dresses Brenlin Window Shades
Hair Bow Ribbons
49c to $2.50 Yd.
Main Floor Immense showing of new
Hair Bow Ribbons in ' plain taffetas,
moires, brocades, plaids, 6tripes ani
floral effects. Light and dark shades.
The Standard Store of the Nmrfhwest
s, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods ,
New Leather Belts
Main" Floor Particularly adapted for
the new Sport coats. Narrow and wide
widths in patent, suede and kid. White,
black, brown, gray, tan and novelty col
or combinations. Priced 350 to $1.50
Last-Minute Easter Needs Can Best Be Supplied at this Store
Matchless Assortments Courteous Salespeople Reasonable Prices1 Best of Store Service The Ideal Place to Shop
$10.50 Oxfords
FROM 9:15 A. M. TO 1 P. M. ONLY
Great Half-Price Sale of Wom
en's high-grade Vici Kid Oxfords of
the famous "Duttenhofer" make.
Five-eyelet pattern, one number has
Cuban heel, and plain pointed toe,
other has military heel, round toe,
short vamp, welt soles. ' Sizes 2
to 8. Widths AA to D. Qr Of?
$10.50 Oxfords, the pair
Silk Hosiery
$2.15 Pair
Main Floor Women's full fashioned
Silk Hose with lisle reinforced heel
and toe and garter tops. One of
our' very best makes. Black, white
and many colors. Spe- dJO 1 F
daily priced at the pair DJ-t
Bloomers 79c
Mam Floor Women's Knit Bloom
ers "irregulars" slightly imper
fect. Flesh and white. Full FJQf
range of sizes. Special pair '
Easter Waists and Blouses
Georgette Crepe Tricolette Lingerie
Today the Garment Store will have ready for your inspection the most attractive
display of beautiful Easter Waists and Blouses ever shown in Portland. You will
want to see this exhibit, for every new and desirable style of the season is represented.
Georgette Waists
At $5.00 to $45.00
Second Floor New Georgette Waists in a great
range of exquisite styles. Beaded, embroidered
and : braided effects, . also many with plaited
fronts or trimmed with' beautiful filet laces.
Fancy models and tailored styles. Shown in
white, flesh and all the newest colorings.
Prices range from $5.00 up to $45.00 each.
Georgette Blouses
$12.50 to $65.00
Second Floor Beautiful new Blouses of fine
quality Georgette Crepe trimmed with all-over
beading, with heavy beaded girdles to match.
Others with silk open-work or 6ilk and yarn em
broidered. Round necks with short sleeves. Fin
ished with sashes or heavy cord girdle with tas
sel. Prices range from $12.50 up to $65.00
New Net Waists
At $6.95 to $25.00
Second Floor Net will be much in evidence
this season. Net Waists are, therefore, very
fashionable. Great many beautiful models now
ready. Embroidered, tucked, ruffled, plaited
and lace trimmed. Priced $6.95 up to $25.00
Tricolette Blouses
At $12.95 to $75.00
Second Floor Plain or fancy Tricolette in
black, white and a large assortment of the lead
ing spring shades. Beautiful Dresden patterns
and the popular embroidered effects. New short
sleeve models with ties or sashes also the
gathered peplum styles. Round neck, cut low
in front. Prices range $12.95 up to $75. OO
Lingerie Waists "
At $5.50 to $15.00
Second Floor Dainty Easter Waists in fine
sheer materials. Hand-made models in the
smartest of the new styles. Trimmed with
hemstitching, drawn work; tucks, laces and but
tons. Long or short sleeves with , roll or tai
lored collars. Large selection of styles to se
lect from at prices ranging $5.50 up to $15
Georgette Waists
Special at $4.28
On sale today at the Bargain Circle on Main
Floor. High-class Waists in many beautiful
models. Ruffled, braided, beaded and tuck
trimmed. -Also a few Waists of &A nn
Crepe de Chine. Saturday special 0r0
Portland Agency for Betty Wales Dresses
Easter Veilings
and Veils
The secret of her natty, trig ap
pearance simmers down to just one
word "Veil." . AJ1 the newest nov
elties are on display at this 6tore. A
glance will make you want to have a
smart, becoming veil for your new
Easter hat. We show the famous
"Van Raalte" veils and other well
known lines. Dept. on Main Floor.
We show an excellent assortment
of Confirmation Veilingsand Wreaths
at reasonable prices also the latest
ideas in Bridal Veilings and
Wreaths Veiling Dept, First Floor.
Regular 50c
At 39c
Main Floor Women's all -linen
Handkerchiefs in the latest sport
colors. Large assortment of attrac
tive designs. Regular 50c OQ
values. Priced special, each 051
Children's Kerchiefs
Easter Novelty Handkerchiefs for
the children. Mother Goose, Nursery
Rhymes and Bunny designs. Priced
at 15c and 20c each. Main Floor.
Easter Millinery
$22.50 to $35 dOA
Hats Special b4J
Second Floor This sale includes beautiful mod
els from Rawak, Bendel, Joseph, Cupid, Curtis
and other famous New York artists, as well as a
number of charming creations from our own
workrooms. Tailored Hats, Sport Hats, Dress
Hats in the season's smartest styles. Flower,
ribbon, ostrich and novelty trimmings. Hats of
splendid $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 and
$35.00 value. Priced special at
175 Trimmed Hats
At $10 and $15
Second Floor For the woinan who has planned"
to pay $10 or $15 for her Easter Hat we offer
two special lots at these prices that contain a
wonderful assortment of beautiful models in the
latest fabrics and straws. Many lovely flower
trimmed effects. 2 lots. Priced $10 and $15
Special Showing of Girls' Hats
Ranging $3.75 to $15.00
Men's $5.00 Shirts at $3.45
Main Floor
sian Cord Shirts offered for Sat
urday's selling at a big cut in price.
This is one of the very best ma
terials for service and appearance.
Shown in such good colors as pink,
corn, blue, . green and CJQ A CT
lavender. $5 shirts for DO.0
Silk Shirts
$10 to $17.50
Men's- Silk Shirts in a large se
lection of beautiful fabrics and pat
terns, priced $10.00 to $17.50
New Spring lines of Arrow, Sa
voy, Metric and Bates-Street Shirts
in distinctive new patterns and
colors. Prices range $3 to $8.50
1000 Men's Easter Ties $1.43
- . -
1 Regular Values in This Lot Up to $4
Main Floor Here, men, is a great opportu
nity to supply your Easter Tie needs at. a
substantial saving. Beautiful, high-class'
neckwear, from the best makers.' Large as
sortment of patterns. -Values up ?" A O
to $4.00 specially priced. at only D-LxO
MEN'S EASTER HOSE pure silk and silk
mixtures; large assortment of plain colors,
also " fancy stripes "and novelty patterns.
Priced $1.00, $1.25, $1.5, $1.75 pair.
MEN'S EASTER GLOVES in the correct
styles and .shades at reasonable prices.
Men's and Young Men's Suits
Main Floor Some of the keenest clothes
Judges in town tell us that our" present show
ing of Spring Clothes surpasses" anything
they've seen before. The feature that "brings
forth the greatest comment is the smartness
of the styles and the excellence of the fabrics.
Step in today and let us prove to you that
good clothes can be purchased in Portland at
reasonable prices. An especially good show
ing of Easter ' Suits for Young Men.
Men's Easter Hats
-Special Showing
Main Floor The Hat ; Store is ready to supply
hundreds of Portland men with new hats for Easter
Sunday. The smartest, snappiest styles out this
season here for your choosing. Bronze, dark seal,
olive and leaf green, ivory, pearl, navy and
black. Prices range from - $6.0O up to $10.00 "
Boys' 2-Pant Suits -At
Main Floor Nothing like them in town at the price. f
Good, sturdy Suits, made up in novelty mixtures
materials that will give best, of service. Styled with
loose belts. Two pairs of full-lined flJIO OCT
pants with each 'suit,.. Priced special
Boys' Blue Serge Suits
Priced $13.50 to $20.00
Main Floor Splendid All-Wool Serge Suits
in the latest styles. Best of tailoring. Lined
pants at prices ranging $13J50 to $20.00
1 Odd Lines Boys' Pants
Special $2.69 Pair
Main Floor This is a special lot taken from
our regular stock. Made up in fancy mix
tures .in browns and grays. Special $2.69
Easter Neckwear
The Season's Newest Novelties
The correct Collar, Vest or Set will add distinction to your Easter
outfit! Our showing of new neckwear is now complete, offering a
wide range of novelties brought out for the present Easter season.
New Round Tab Collars and
Other Popular Styles
New Round Tab Collars in imi
tation filet lace, Venise lace em
broidered organdie and Georg
ette Crepe. Priced 650 to $3.50
New Filet Collar and Cuff
Sets, priced $6.95 to $14.50
New Modesty Vests with collar
and cuffs attached. Made of
dainty sheer organdie in apricot
and lavender shades also in
white moderately priced, $5.95
New Organdie Collar and Cuff
Sets in white and colors. Some
are tucked and finished with
pretty lace edges, others are
hemstitched and have narrow
ruffles of organdie material.
Prices range $1.25 to $3.95
New Modesty Vests of tucked
net with inset of Val lace. Collar to
match with lace edges at $3.75
Guimpes at $3.50 to $6.50
i m a K m m i -
Girls' Easter
Second Floor Girls' Eas
ter Dresses in many
beautiful models. Plain
and plaid silks; also
Georgette crepes. Priced
from $27.50 to $49.50
Girls' Spring Suits at
from $29.00 to $69.00
Sale of Girls'
Tub Frocks
Second Floor Plain and
fancy plaid gingham
Frocks; values QO QQ
to $3.50 for 3.0
Girls' Wash Dresses ;
values up to JQ QQ
$4.50 special DOVO
Creme Oil Soap
3 Cakes OCT
One Cake Free
- Creme Oil Soap is made of
olive oil and other pure in
gredients. Cleanses the pores
and softens the skin. Dont
overlook this opportunity to
buy high-grade toilet soap.
Special 3 cakes 25c -1 cake
free. Drug Dept., Main Fir..
Toilet Needs
Listerine 23, .45, 85
Lux Soap Flakes, 2 at 25
Mentholatum, 230, 450
Merck's Milk Sugar 750
Mercolized Wax at 890
Saline Laxative 400, 750
Pluto Water 450, 3 $1.25
Water Glass, for preserv
ing eggs, pint size 350
quart size 500 V gal
lons 750 gallons at $1
Whisk Brooms of "excellent
quality. Special price 490
Sempre Giovine, cake 490
Espey's Creams 230, 450
Elcaya Vanish'g Cim 590
Pinkham's Comp'd $1.10
Colorite Hat Dye in all
colors, priced at only 250
Get your Green Stamps.
Drug Department
Main Floor
Basement Millinery
Easter Hats $5.00
'pHIS IS, we believe, the finest collection of
trimmed Hats in Portland at the price. Not
only are the values extraordinary, but the styles are
such as one would expect to find in hats costing
fully double. There are smart, close-fitting hats
sailor effects side and back rolls medium and
large hats. Beautiful models, trimmed with 'flowers,
ribbons, ornaments, etc These hats are CJP flfl
in the Basement Special Sale, priced only DtJvlvf
Special Showing of Children's Easter Hats
Priced at $2, $2.50, $3.75
Experienced telephone clerks
at your service 8 A. M. to 5:45
P. M. Marshall 4800; A 6231.
English Walnuts and QQ
Soft-shell Almonds, lb. t
5 lbs. White Figs, spl $1.05
5 lbs. Black Figs, spl $1.05
Soap Special
14 cakes Crystal White Soap
on special at only $1.05
2 pkgs. Soap Flakes FREE.
Sea Foam Washington Pow
der, 2 large pkgs., spl 9O0
2 pkgs. Soap Flakes free.
Easter Sales in the Basement Store
Pumps, Oxfords
At $6.75
Women's Coats $22.50
Basement Put off buying your Spring Coat until you see
these very newest models, many of them having just come
in by express. Belted and loose effects. Short eport mod
els, also and full lengths. Shown in va- GJOO fTA
rious good materials. Priced special at only DditJJ
Silk Dresses at $25
Basement Charming Easter Frocks from two of New
York's best-known makers. Taffeta, Mes saline and Georg
ette Crepe materials in the most desirable flfl
shades. Only one or two of a kind. Priced DttJJJ
Girls Easter Coats
Basement Bring the children to our . Basement Store ,if
you would buy their Spring Coats at a saving. Hundreds
to select from. Cheviots, Serges, Silk Poplins, Moire and
other materials. Prices range from $6.98 to $17.75
Ask for Your S.&H. Trading Stamps
Basement Great Easter Sale of Women's Low
Shoes. New spring styles in Oxford Ties,
Colonial Ties and Southern Ties also the new
plain Pumps and Tongue Pumps. Of? fTjr
Military and Louis heels. Special MJlO
Men's Dress Shoes
At $6.75
MEN'S DRESS SHOES -- Sample lines
from reliable makers. Black and
leathers. Laced tfhd buttoned styles. Qf rrrr
Special the pair OvJ. i O
Sizes 5 to 12.