Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1920, Image 1

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    Amy'' '
VOL. LIX NO. 18,520
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Postoffice a Second-Clans Matter.
Amazing Tale of Brutality
Related in Court.
District Attorney Answers
A ' '
L Troop Move Awaits Only
Consent of Entente.
Control by Workmen Termi-
nates Theoretically.
Leaders of Uprislns-.Conf idcnt io
Trouble Will Be Met in En
forcing Peace Terms.
BERLIN", . April 2. (Ey the Asso
ciated Press.) The German govern
ment has announced in a communica
tion to the press that it has resolved
to dispatch troops to the Ruhr region
as soon as the entente consents.
The decision was reached after a
three-hour cabinet meeting today.
The statement declared that this
action was inevitable in view of the
unchecked lawlessness in the region
. about Essen, Dortmund, Duisberg and
Mulhelm, which It is asserted, has as
sumed such proportions that the local
authorities and the labor leaders ad
mit that they no longer are able to
protect the civilian population.
footing lu Reported.
The chancellor said he had received
urgent reports from Essen, where ter
rorist bands Were looting food trains
for supplies. . The looting brigades,
he said, had- been disavowed by all
parties, even the communists and the
independent socialists, in the Ruhr
If the entente agreed to the entry
of troops, he continued, they would
act purely in a police capacity.
The red army's ierma were reported
to amount to a demand for the com
plete recognition of the soviet prin
ciple. LONDON, April ' . A dispatch to
the Daily Mail from Dusseldorf, dated
Friday, said: '. . . ' .
Reds Reported Beaten Bark.
""The government troops,, disregard
ing the Munster arrangement of yes
terday, are advancing rapidly. They
have beaten back the red troops from
Wesel southward and captured Ham
bourn. They are expected here to
morrow. "The red troops are handing in their
arms all over the Ruhr district, ac
cording to agreement.
'The Essen red council has tele
phoned Berlin concerning the advance
of the troops. The government re
plied that the troops were out of
"Two coal mines were reported de
stroyed." ESSEN. April 2. (By the Asso
ciated Press, 6:30 P. M., by tele
phone to Dusseldorf.) The city was
quite free from disorder today. The
populace enjoyed the holiday by
promenading on the boulevards.
Everybody seemed relieved at the
advent of peace.
The red guards gradually are hand
ing in their arms. Otto Bowensipen,
military commander of the reds, told
the correspondent today that the
reichswehr troops which had besieged
Wesel had gone southward to Din
elaken. In the occupied zone.
DUSSELDORF, April 2. (By the As
sociated Press.) Control by the
workmen ceased theoretically at noon
today throughout the Ruhr district
under tho peace terms ratified last
night at Essen. Today- being- Good
Friday, religious ceremonies were
strictly observed. The turning over
of their duties to the police in the
various cities is expected to be a
gradual process.
Ueaeral Strike. Called Off.
The general strike was called off
this morning and resumption of work
will take place tomorrow. Street cars
were operating in most plaocs today.
The workmen's leaders today were
satisfied that there would be no
a, srci umicuity m executing me
icnua yj i .bicciiiviii, iriu.Liy all
arms in Dusseldorf being already de
posited in the barracks and other
buildings. Some of the red guards
were marching in a happy frame of
mind to their quarters to get orders
for their service pay. This money taken from a joint fund con
tributed by the workmen, the local
authorities and the government.
The central committee apparently
believed the reports which had been
current that reichswehr troops were
advancing into the district, as it was
announced that workmen were again
standing ready to damage the mines
and the Krupp and other plants, as
they had threatened to do.
Moderates Are Confident.
The moderates were confident that
cooler counsel will prevail, expressing
the belief that the stories were based
on some misunderstanding which the
alarmists were construing as an in
vasion. Soldiers of the workmen's army
must make a delivery of their arms to
local authorities before April 10 un
der the agreement. They will not be
considered rebels if fighting ceases
inrougnout me district by noon to
morrow. The commander of the communist
troops before Wesel gave' a pledge
to the conference for the strict ob-
tConciuded on Page 3, Column l.
Testlmony Shows That Much
Aliased Man Ran Through $4 0,
00 0 In Year In Oregon Town. j
ONTARIO, Or., April 2. (Special.)
After listening to the testimony in
troduced by the state in an all-day
hearing. Judge King today held Les
ter I. Heyman, alias L. Hirsch, alias
L. Harris, to 'the grand Jury on the
charge, of having obtained $15,000
from the. First National bank of this
city under false pretenses. Bail of
5500 was furnished by the defend
ant's attorney.
- The grand jury meets at Vale on
April 2.
In the testimony of . President
Cockrum of the First National bank,
be said .when Hirsch, as he was
known here, first negotiated the
transaction, he signed two notes and,
had his wife sign them, but that the
money was not furnished on the notes
but on a draft upon P. M. Goerllng
of Wausau, Wis.
W. F. Homan. cashier of the On
tario National bank, testified that in
all Hirsch had cleared through that
bank between 225,000 and 240,000 in
eight months.
In his many transactions, which in
cluded the construction of one hand
some bungalow and furnishing it,
partially completing another and pur
chasing a third, construction work
on a business block and manufactur
ing building, together with gifts and
living costs, Heyman's expenses ap
proximated 40,000 in Ontario last
year. His equity in all his local
property he turned over to the barfka
prior to his departure. The Ontario
National bank took a trust deed to the
real estate and the First National
bank a bill of sale to the personal
Alice True Gentle Says Husband
Remained Away Eight Years.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 2. (Spe
cial.) A discordant note has been
sounded in the matrimonial score of
Alice T. Gentle, grand opera star and
concert soloist. Today at Santa
Cruz, where she has been making her
home, she filed suit for divorce from
Dr. Robert Bruce . Gentle, New York
dentist. She charges that he deserted
her eight years ago. They were mar
ried in Seattle in 1900 and have one
son, Bruce Gentle, 14 years of a$e.
Mrs. Gentle, while best known as
the prima donna soprano of the Met
ropolitan Opera company, also has
figured in light opera and as a con
cert soloist. Her most recent appear
ance here was with the Gallo Opera
company. She was first starred at the
Manhattan opera house in New York,
but later abandoned grand opera for
a ' time and appeared with Marie
Cahill in the lighter musical produc
tions. She 4 has appeared frequently
in concerts in ban Francisco.
Senator Would Expend $1,000,000
to Honor Soldier Dead.
WASHINGTON, April 2. A joint
resolution proposing an appropriation
of 1.000,000 for the erection of me
morial tablets at various county seats
in memory of American soldiers killed
in the world war was introduced to
day by Senator Harding, republican,
The tablets would bear the names
of the soldiers from each .county who
lost their lives. The resolution was
referred to the military committee.
Easter Message Mentions Food
Drafts for Poor People.
VIENNA. April 1. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) President Seitz of Aus
tria, through the Associated' Press to
day sent an Easter message to the
American people as follows:
"Thanks to the generous food
drafts on American relief warehouses.
We are able to make Easter a verit
able feast of joy for .many poor fami
lies. I wish to thank the generous
donors and 'wish them the same joy
which' is filling the hearts of those
benefited by their generous gifts."
Reduction In St. Louis to Go Into
Effect April 10.
The Missouri public service commis
sion today ordered the reduction of
cash street car fares in St. Louis from
eight to seven cents for adults and
from four to three cents for children.
Tho order becomes effective April
10. .
Exports or $3,881,000 Made to
U. S.; $18,598,000 In Food Taken.
BERLIN, April 2. Germany, during
February, exported to the United
States commodities to the value of
Her imports from the United States,
comprising mostly foodstuffs with a
small amount of raw materials, to
talled 18,598,000.
Parliament Is Assembled at Lisbon
to Ratify Treaty.
LISBON, March SI. Parliament was
assembled today.
The peace treaty, is to be ratified.
Conference at National
Capital Collapses.
Immediate .Rise in Wages Is
Attempt to End AValkouts on At
lantic and Gnlf Seacoast
Meets Xo Success.
WASHINGTON, April 2. A con
ference of coastwise shipping inter
ests and longshoremen, which con
vened at the department of labor to
day to attempt a settlement of the
strikes at Atlantic and Gulf ports,
dissolved later without having
reached an agreement. Assistant Sec
retary Post of the "labor department
said he saw no hope of bringing the
two sides together.
Mr. Post said employes were un
willing to recede from their demand
fo.r an immeditae increase in wages
and employers refused to grant the
increase at present "because they are
already losing money and cannot add
to their deficit.,"
Representatives of a dozen coast
wise shipping companies and of, or
ganizations representing the 20,000
men who. are out on strike attended
the conference.' Neither eide had any
announcement to make at its con
elusion, beyond a reiteration of their
intention to stand firm.
Reports that employes of railways
serving the docks affected by the
strike have threatened to refuse to
handle freight consigned to these
points reached the labor department
The tie-up at important ports has
excited the interest of government
officials, it was explained at the labor
department, principally because of
the effect upon food supplies in New
Xork and New England. Much -of the
early produce of southern truck
farms is moved by steamer at this
season, as well as important quan
tities of cotton nd naval stores, it
was said. -
Railway's Ferryboats Reported
. Running Full Schedule.
NEW . YORK, April 2. Railroad
owned ferryboats, upon which New
York City depends for the transpor
tation of its food supplies, today were
operating "practically normal," de
spite the marine workers' strike, J. J.
Man tell, railroad- managers' repre
sentative, announced tonight. The
tugboat situation "looks very good,"
and normal conditions are expected
to prevail by Monday, he added.
- Officials of the Marine Workers'
Affiliation claimed that 6000 em
ployes on lighters, tugs and ferries
had struck, and that the vessels now
running were being operated by
strike breakers. Unless the strikers'
Concludedon Page J2.Column 4.)
I - . ' i
Showing Made Held Sound Evi
dence of Success in Financing,
Post-War Programme.
WASHINGTON, April . A reduc
tion of J705.600.00O In tin national
debt more than double the amount
by which the debt was lowered dur
ing any previous month was accom
plished in March, the treasury report
ed tonight. The national debt now
stands at 24.698,000,000.
Officials said this record could hot
be used as a basis for forecasting
further monthly reductions. They re
garded It, however, as - "sound evi
dence" of the success of the treasury
programme for financing the post-war
period, when government expenditures
still continue to run high.
March payments on the public debt
were confined almost wholly to retir-
ment of certificates of indebtedness
issued in anticipation of income and
profits taxes.
As the public debt now stands it is
made up of 15,616.800,000, compris
ing the four issues of liberty bonds;
4,422,700,000 of victory short-term
notes; 2,667.220.000 in treasury cer
tificates; 870.000,000 in war savings
certificates and approximately 1,000,
000.000 in bonds issued prior to the
world war.
The greatest single item among
these old bonds is the issue of consols
of 1930, which aggregates 600,000,000.
Reductions by months since August,
when the retirements began, were:
October 15,533.000, November 194.-
478,000, December 278,974,000. Janu
ary 168,689,000, February 264,057,-
Heavy payments on the debt In De
cember and February both were trace
able to the retirement of certificates
of indebtedness, but the amount of
obligations retired each month; al
though fluctuating, has been on the
Future monthly reductions will
hinge largely. on new appropriations
and tax legislation, officials said.
Committee to Investigate Grain
Corporation Is Out of Capital.
Washington, April 2. The northwest
ern trip of the sub-committee of the
senate manufactures . committee ap
pointed to investigate charges made
against Max H. Houser and the United
States . grain corporation Is delayed
by the absence of all of the members
except Senator Gronna. As soon as
Senators Reed of Missouri. Fernald of
Maine and Walsh of Massachusetts
return to the city a meeting will be
called to arrange for the investiga
tion. Senator Gronna, chairman, said
Senator LaFollette, who is chair
man of the full manufactures com
mittee, will not accompany the sub
committee on the northwestern trip
LaFollette, who returned to the sen
ate a short time ago after a long ill
ness, has suffered a relapse and is
again confined to his room.
Sale of Big Sugar Plantation to
Orientals Rouses Rizal.
MANILA, April 2. One thousand
residents 6f Rizal province, 20 miles
from Manila, marched to Governor
General Harrison's office here Tues
day and presented a protest against
the sale of 10.000 acres of sugar plan
tation lands to Japanese capitalists.
The sale price was reported to be
Party Leader Frequently In Diffi
culties Because of Attacks on
His Official Life.
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay. April 2.
(By the Associated Press.) Washing
ton Beltran, editor of the newspaper
El Pais, was shot and killed in a duel
today by Jose Batlle y Ordones,
former president of Uruguay.
The duel took place with theusual
formalities, and with seconds -and
surgeons in attendance. The weapons
used were pistols. Beltran was shot
in the breast and died soon after
ward. The morning newspapers today
printed announcements of the Impend
ing duet They said that former Pres
ident Batlle had sent his seconds to
Beltran, challenging the journalist
because of statements published in El
Pais, which Batlle considered offen
sive. Beltran was a nationalist, mem
berof the chamber of deputies and a
leader of that party, which is opposed
to the "Batllestas."
Batlle twice had been president of
Uruguay. His last terra was from 1906
to 1910.
.Yesterday was not the first time
that Jose Batlle y Ordones met an
adversary on the field under the code
of honor. On January 13 last Batlle
was twice wounded in the arm dur
ing a duel with swosds fought with
senator tieonel Aguirre. He was
rendered incapable of continuing the
fight a. few seconds after it started
and the duel was suspended.
It was said at the time that Batlle
had cent his seconds to Aguirre be
cause of an article printed in El Pais,
of which Aguirre was co-proprietor,
charging that the former president
was seeking to acquire predominance
in the chamber of deputies to further
his personal ends.
In 1906, while president of Uruguay,
Batlle agreed to fight a duel with Dr.
Luis Alberto de Herera, a member of
the chamber of deputies and former
secretary of the legation at Washing
ton, after Batlle's term of president
had ended. Nothing, as far as is
known, ever came of this agreement.
Recruiting Parly Leaves Aftct
Successful Campaign.
EUGENE, Or., April 2. (Special.)
Seventy-one recruits for the army
were obtained in an Intensive cam
paign . in the Eugene recruiting
district between January 19 and
March 31.
The party of officers and men who
have ben stationed in Eugene during
that time left last night for their re
spective posts, expressing satisfaction
at results obtained here.
Captain F. G. Bishop of the 85th in
fantry said that more recruits were
obtained in the Eugene district dur
ing the campaign than n any other
district in the Portland jurisdiction.
French Town Made Famous by"U.
S. Marines Gets Legion of Honor.
PARIS, April 2. Chateau Thierry
is to receive the Legion of Honor, it
was announced today. French and
American celebrations are being pre
pared for the day on which the presi
dent bestows the decoration on the
It was at Chateau Thierry that the
American . marines in June. 1918,
halted the Germans in their march
on Paris.
Girl Tells of Torture by Hot
Irons and Water.
District Attorney Declares Teeth
Were Broken Off and Knives
Were Thrown Into Flesh.
NEW YORK. April 2. (Special.)
After the arraignment of John Gal
lander, 56. a clay modeler, known on
the stage as Gallando, in the New
Jersey avenue (Brooklyn) police court
today on charges of felonious assault.
District Attorney Lewis revealed one
of the most amazing stories of bru
tality to a child ever heard in a court
room here. Gallander was arrested
last night at his home, 154 Grant
avenue. In Brooklyn, following a
story his daughter, Minnie, tolJ de
tectives and children's society inves
tigators. He was held in 2500 bail
for examination.
When Gallander heard the charges
against him he gasped: "My God."
He entered a general denial .and. It
was understood, said he had no
knowledge or the alleged brutal
treatment of his daughter until his
arraignment. The district attorney
said the girl was picked up near the
city line on May 12. 1918. At that
time she said her name was Florence
Smith. 17, a native of England. After
treatment at the Mary Immaculate
hospital in Jamaica she was given
into the care of the Big Sisters or
ganization. Child SmuKKled la Trmk. '
She told the Big Sisters she had
been smuggled into this country from
England in a trunk by a woman and
locked in a house in Grant avenue,
Brooklyn. She said that while a
prisoner In-the house she had been
branded with red-hot stove lifters
and pokers and boiling water had
been poured over her body. More
than 100 scars were found on her
On February 28 the girl, about to
be confirmed in the Catholic faith.
confessed her name was Minnie Gal
lander . and her father was Jack
Gallander, an actor. She said the
woman who smuggled her into this
country was Maggie Wenham. That
was tle name of her stepmother,
now. dead.
District Attorney Lewis was noti
fied and Helen Montague, medical ex
aminer of the children's court of
Jamaica, was sent to examine the
Tale of Cruelties Recited.
In the presence of Miss Montague
and agents for the children's society,
the girl recited another tale of cruel
ties. Mr. Lewis said the girl told of
being placed against a wall while
knives were thrown at her and sharp
ice picks, darning needles and screw
drivers were stuck Into her body.
(Concluded on Pace 4, Column 2.)
Local Manager Frank McGettiganJ
in California for Conference
With Eastern Representatives.
Portland next year is to have a new
popular price vaudeville house under
supervision of what is known as the
"Junior Orpheum circuit." according
to announcement just made by Martin
Beck, president of the Orpheum, who
is now in San Francisco arranging
for the erection of a. building there.
Acts on the main circuit will double
back over the junior one, playing the
same cities twice. This will neces
sitate another building in Portland,
as additional playhouses' have been
erected in each city where the plan is
being carried out
This year's programme includes in
stallation of the Junior Orpheum in
Kansas City, Minneapolis, Los An
geles and San Francisco in addition
to present houses. They are already
in operation in New York, Chicago
and Milwaukee. Mr. Beck- says that
next year Seattle. Portland. Van
couver and Winnipeg are scheduled
for buildings'. The theaters contem
plated will be modeled on the -plan of
the State-Lake theater of Chicago,
one of the finest in the country. In
naming those that make up the junior
circuit the company is calling them
after the intersecting streets on which
they are located.
The project means that contracts
will be made for an entire year. The
acts will first play the regular
Orpheum circuit and then double back
on the Junior one. There will be
no reserved seats in the latter the
aters. More than three hours of
vaudeville and pictures is assured.
Frank McGettigan, local manager
of the Orpheum, is in California now
for a conference with representatives
from the east.
Representatives Plan Trip to Ha
.'waii and Orient.
WASHINGTON. April .2. More than
a hundred members of the house of
representatives plan to leave San
Francisco July 6 aboard the transport
Mount Vernon for a two months', trip
to the orient. The Itinerary will in
clude Hawaii, the Philippine Islands,
China and Japan.
The growing Importance of exten
sive questions Involving the Pacific,
those contemplating the trip asserted
today, necessitates first-hand Infor
mation. The matters to be studied
include the request of Hawaii for
statehood, the movement In the Phil
ippines for independence, and Chinese
and Japanese immigration.
Democratic house members an
nounced today that they planned a
trip from New York to San Fran
cisco by way of the Panama canal.
They asserted that they would study
conditions in the canal zone and ar
rive in San Francisco in time for the
democratic convention.
Enlistment of 10,000 Indians Is
Authorized in Bill.
WASHINGTON, April 2. Chairman
Wadsworth was authorized today by
the senate military committee to in
troduce an amendment to the army
reorganization .bill providing for the ,
enlistment of not n exceed 10,000
American Indians as a separate unit
of the army.
Upon discharge they would have all
the rights of American citizens in ad
dition to their tribal rights.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
43 degrees; minimum, 38 degrees,
TODAY'S Fair; westerly winds.
Germany prepare to .Invade Ruhr district
as soon as entente consents. Page 1.
Situation In Dublin Is normal. Page I.
Ex-President of Uruguay kills Journalist
In duel. Page 1.
Soviet couriers sent to America to incite
armed Insurrection. Pace 5.
Russians negotiate for foreign trade. Pag
American Is killed in Mexican camp.
Page 3.
Treasury reports cut of $703,600,000 in na
tional debt In March. Page 1.
House ways and means committee ap
proves proposal for cash bonus for vet
erans. Page 4.
Acting Secretary Post blamed for delays
in deportation of many aliens. Page 2.
Railroad -wage controversy is again put
up to President Wilson. Page 15.
Farmers declare No. 1 grade wheat speci
fications are too . difficult to be filled.
Page 4.
Wife of I .os Angeles city official, accused
of being "other woman." shot. Page 4
Frank A. VanderNp declares America has
entered on a period of false prosperity.
Page 7.
Xew Jersey shows leaning for Wood.
Page 2.
Father is accused of amazing brutality to'
girl. Pag 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Spokane educator elected treteent of n
land Empire Teachers' association.
Page 7.
"Angel" of Ontario is bound over to grand
Jury under $3500 bonds. Page 1.
Rain puts crimp in high school plana
Page 12.
Beavers defeat Merced team. Page 12.
Boxers train hard for coming fights,
Page 12. ,
Commercial mad Marine.
Demand for potatoes checked by high
prices. Pago iil.
Low-grade wools better held in Boston
market. Page 21.
Grahamona bought by Portland Navigation
company: two other steamers under
option. Page 20.
Arbitration falls in Atlantic and Gull
. ports shipping strike. Page 1.
Portland and Vicinity.
Garage mysteriously strfpped of 33 ma
chines, valued at oti.OUO. Page 14.
Ideals of I. W. W. scored by District At
torney Evans at Laundy trial. Page 1.
Lower milk prices put into effect. Page 10.
Salvation Army preparing to raise 1112,00
by drive ia ilai. - Fas Hi.
''Pacifists of the World" Held
Menace to Society.
Filibustering Tactics Mark Con
clusion of Trial; Instructions De
livered at Night Session.
Idealistic, noble aims painted for
the I. W. W., "the pacifists of the.
world." by Attorney George F. Van
derveer In his argument to the jury
In the case of Joe Laundy. icu"1
organizer, were answered last r. ..t
by District Attorney Lvns l.i a sc
ing characterization of tht I. W". W,
Vanderveer had prod jued on the wit
ness stand.
"What can men of their it-rp inJ.
caliber see in the programme of this
organization but the desire to get,
without earning, what some ther
fellow has?" demanded Evan. "Hav
they the intellect to make the fine
distinction drawn by counsel between
non-destructive sabotage and sabo
tage of the worst type? Are they
men of the sort you would trust to
carry out an ideal, either they or
their friends wlio have crowded this
courtroom to learn how their objects
can be interpreted by a glib attor
ney?" Case Goes to Jury.
Laundy's case went to the Jury .
shortly after 9 o'clock last night, a -night
session of court being ordered
by Circuit Judge H. H. Belt becausd
of the necessity of his returning to
his own district to hear a case in
McMinnville Monday.
In his instructions to the jury.
Judge Belt interpreted the Oregon
criminal syndicalism statute to mean
that before a conviction could be sus
tained against a defendant charged
with becoming a member of an unlaw
ful society the prosecution must have
shown that at the time he joined he
"knew, had grounds to believe, or
had reasonable opportunity to learn
of the nature and character of the
Prosecution la Confident.
Though this instruction, if followed
by local judges in later cases, may
interfere seriously with the chances
of successful prosecution because of
difficulty of proof, the state be
lieves that it does not weaken its
side of the Laundy case because of
the admission of the defendant that
he was an organizer, a delegate, and
that he Joined because of belief in
its teachings.
Further, taking some of the teeth
out of that instruction. Judge Belt
held that it -vis not necessary for
the state to prove that knowledge, if
it could be shown later that the de
fendant, after joining, voluntarily as
sembled with the organization with
the Intent to aid and abet its pur
poses. Similar Cm Recalled.
Judge Belt Dased hi It
this Important legal construction on
the opinion of the supreme court u
Oregon in a four-to-three decision in
a case in which it was held li-.t a
negro porter who carried a suitcase .
belonging to another containing l;i
uor could not be convicted u:id';i t;.e
prohibition law unless it e proved,
that he knew the contents o." th? bg.
Under the jurist's instruct' Oii.. it
is necessary, before a verdict of guilty
can be returned, for the jury to be
lieve that Joe Laundy became a ini:u
ber of the I. W. W., knowing its r se
tices, or that he assembled wlia the
organization with the intent to aid in'
carrying out its designs, and that the
I. W. W. is a society which advocates
crime gr violence in the accomplish
ment of industrial or political
Filibustering; Resorted To.
"I ask that you sit in judgment on
this man. as would , the lowly Naia
rene." were the closing Words of
Vanderveer to the jury, tiia argu
ment opened at 4:30 Thursiay after
noon. It closed at 4:10 yesterday aft
ernoon. Much of .yesterday was con
sumed by filibustering tattles which
forced the dist'le uttorney to ad
dress a weary, sleepy J'l-y t forced
night session.
As Vanderveer turned toward :. .
seat, after his cnndua.n.; woni,
tears which had cprur.- to h's ey"J
in the fervor of his ipj- fere wijed
away with a large rcb.ef.
History of oppression ii. Induct: iil
centers, of strikes and violence was
recounted by Vanderveer yesterday.-.
He delved into sociology to Justify
the tactics of the I- W. W. He linked
the I. W. W. with the socialist pro
gramme. He dilated for more than
an hour on the evils of war and. the
folly of violence, referring to the
I. W. W. as "the pacifists of the
I. W. TV. Held Martyis.
The I. W. W. were pointed out as
martyrs daring to defy capitalistic
"masters" As to methods of sab
otage claimed espoused by the I.
V. V he said: "Why. trade unionists
!. - xCouuudtd en Fae s, Ciuat i
n -