Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 02, 1920, Image 1

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    VOT, "VO ISJilQ Entered at Portland (Oregon)
JXj. J-iX-V JlVJ. 1 0,.J 1 Postoffice Second-Class Matter.
$5,000,000 DEBIT HELD RE
$1,000,000,000 Rise Is
Flatly Rejected.
Negotiations Now Will Go to
Wilson's Board.
Railway Committee Head Declares
Burden, to Full Ultimately on
Public, Is Too Great.
WASHINGTON. April 1. Wage
negotiations between the conference
committees representing the railroads
and the unions were broken off to
night when the railroad representa
tives declined to continue considera
tion of demands which have been esti
mated to total $1, 000, 000,000, unless
the public received a voice in the pro
ceedings. Under the provisions of the trans
portation act, the wage controversy
now will be referred to the railroad
labor board, which is yet to be ap
pointed by Tresidcnt Wilson. The law
provides for three representatives of
the public
Whiter Announces Decision.
E. T. "Whiter, chairman of the rail
way executives conference committee,
announced the decision In a statement
which said the two eides were in dis
agreement as to the provisions of the
transportation act. The union repre
sentatives were said to hold that the
law contemplated an agreement be
tween the railroads and the employes
prior to any opportunity for partici
patlon by the representatives of the
The railroad committeemen held
that such an agreement might be
reached, but they did not believe that
"congress ever contemplated that i
controversy involving eo great an ad
dition to transportation costs and in
which the public is therefore so vitally
interested should be disposed of by
direct negotiation."
Cost Burden Held Too Great.
Mr. Whiter's statement said in part:
"The representatives of the rail
roads take the position that they
could not assume the responsibility
of adding such a burden to the costs
of transportation, which are necessa
rily borne by the public, without the
full knowledge and consent of the
public, through its representatives
and that they must therefore decline
the resqucsts and let the entire mat
ter bo disposed of as provided in the
transportation act.
"This me:eris that the controversy
must De submitted to the railroad
laoor board appointed by the presi
r I p n t in a M'nrili n .. .
Willi inn trmu
of the law, on which the public will
have ttirce representatives, the em-
j ...... uu us rauroaa man-
agemcnts three
Data on Subject Sought.
"We invited the committee repre
senting the employes to join with us
in the formation of a committee to
prepare data on the various aspects
of the subject which we feel must
ultimately be presented to the labor
board in any event, with a view to
expediting the disposition of this dif.
flcult problem. They declined to join
with us in the formation of such a
committee. They have announced
their intention of appealing to the
labor board."
In support of the position taken by
the management conferees that con
gress did not intend a large increaso
In transportation costs should be
made without consent of the public.
Mr. Whiter eaid section 307 of the
transportation act giving the labor
board power to suspend a wage
agreement is likely to require sub
stantial readjustment of freight
rates. He also pointed out that the
law enjoins the concurrence of one
member of the public group on the
labor board in any Important case to
make a decision effective.
At the office of B. M. Jewell, chair
man of the railway employes' con
ference, it was, said the unions had
no comment to make on the rupture
or the wage negotiations.
Estimate is Meld Conservative.
Notifying Mr. Jewell that the man
agement conferees must decline the
wage demands and submit the con
troversy to the tripartite board ere
ated by the transportation act, Mr.
w hitter wrote that a very conserva
tive estimate of the requested wage
increases which must be met by
increased rates was more than
Trust statement," he said, "is
based on the requested changes in
the rates of pay and no attempt has
been made to estimate the cost of
changes in rules which would further
materially increase the total. Con
federation of your request and the
basis upon which they are predicated
has convinced our conferees th;
there is no intermediate ground
which could be reached that in itsel
would not represent an aggregate
sum so great as to be beyond the pos
gibility of our reaching a settlement
' WASHINGTON, April 1. Guaranty
provisions of the new railroad law
will cost the government approxl
mutely $175,000,000 for the six month
iConcludsd oa rase 2, Column l.
First Indictment of Kind Accuses
Defendants With Conspiracy
to Defraud V. S.
WASHIXGTO.V, April 1. For the
first time in history, a criminal in
dictment was returned today against
persons alleged to have obtained ad
vance information of a supreme court
decision for the purpose of stock-
market speculation.
Ashton F. Embry, former secretary
to Justice McKenna. was named as
the man who disclosed the substance
of the highest court's forthcoming de
cision in the Southern Pacific case
last November. He waa said to have
received $600 for the information,
whereby the other defendants. E.
Millard Mayer Jr., a New York brok
er, Barnett E. Moses, lawyer of
Washington, and James Harwood
Graves, former assistant attorney in
the department of justice, were en
abled to sell ""short" BOO shares of
Southern Pacjfic, on which a profit of was made.
The indictment returned In the Dis
trict of Columbia supreme Court after
months of investigation by the de
partment of justice charged specially
conspiracy to defraud the United
States of its report of secrecy sur
rounding opinions of the United
States supreme court prior to public
announcement by the justices in for
mal session.
It recited that "from time Immemo
rial" the custom was to deliver all
opinions so that all citizens might and
did have equal opportunity to be in
formed concerning them "to the end
that the court should continue and be
regarded as an impartial and public
tribunal administering and declaring
public law In a public and general
manner without favor, ... as one
Ashton F. Embry then and there well
The indictments were returned un
der the penal code, which provides
tljat upon conviction each of the par
ties to the conspiracy shall be fined
not more than S10.000 or imprisoned
for not more than two years, or both.
Supreme court officials said the
indictments were the first ever re
turned in connection with charges of
a leak In the supreme court. Re
ports of leaks have been circulating
a number of times, but unofficial in
vestigation showed them to be with
out basis. The secretary to one of
the justices was reported to be giving
out advance information regarding
decisions about 15 years ago, but the
charges were never substantiated and
no action ever was taken.
Prehistoric Boy and Girl Hidden
in Recess of Volcano.
SANTA FE. N. M., April 1. The
skeletons of a boy and a girl were
brought to Santa Fe today and are
being exhibited preparatory to being
sent to Washington, D. C. Investi
gators declare these human re,lics
were overwhelmed in a prehistoric
volcanic eruption.
A statement was given out by
Amado Chaves, former mayor of
Santa Fe, that the skeletons were
found in a white stone house, in
good state of preservation, discovered
a hidden recess in the volcanic
badlands of western Valencia county,
near San Rafael, by a native sheep
owner last week. The existence of
this white house among the lava beds
has long been a tradition and expe
ditions from Washington have in vain
Bought It for years.
The house was partially submerged
by the hardened lava and was reached
with great difficulty.
President's Name Withdrawn From
Preferential Primary.
ATLANTA, Ga., April 1. The name
of President Wilson, which had been
entered by petition in the Georgia
presidential preferential primary, has
been withdrawn by action of a num
ber of signers of the petition.
The time limit for entries expired
today at noon and official announce
ment of the candidates who had been
certified revealed that President Wil
son was not among them.
Attorney-General ralmer, Thomas
E. Watson, former candidate for pres
ident on the populist ticke, and Sen
ator Hoke Smith were the only candi
dates whose n,ames will appear on
the ballot.
Harry Davidson, of Beaver, Torn' to
Bits in Corral.
TILLAMOOK, Or., April 1. (Special.)
An angry bull today killed Harry
Davidson, Beaver rancher, its owner,
and tore the body to bits. No one wit
nessed the killing, which occurred in
the corral of the Davidson farm, but
parts of the body were found by
Clinton King, who lives near. .
Mr. King was compelled to shoot
and kill the bull before he could
enter the corral to rescue the body.
$15,810 Is Taken by Three Men
In Motor Car.
KANSAS CITY, April 1. Three men
in a motor car today neld up two mes
sengers from the Drovers National
bank, robbed them of 145.840, repre
senting the payroll of Swift & Co., and
The men had not been captured to-nijut.
Washington Herald Givp
Straight Out View
''Perfectionists" and "Isola
tionists" Scored.
Editorial Appears Under Caption
Dealing With California
Primary Quarrel.
Washington, April 1. Some plain
speaking on the peace treaty is in
dulged in today by the Washington
Herald, of which Herbert Hoover, can
didate for the republican presiden
tial nomination, is one of the owners.
Whatever the Herald says on the
treaty is accepted in Washington as
the voice of Hoover, because he is
credited with shaping the paper's pol
icy on politics.
It is not difficult to ascertain by
this editorial that Mr. Hoover aligns
himself definitely with the reserva
tion group in the senate which sought
compromise ratification. Neither
the Wilson stand-patters nor the
Borah-Johnson irreconcilables will be
pleased by the Herald's discussion of
their position.
Those who are following the presi
dent in his demand for the ratifica
tion of the treaty without amend
ments or effective reservations are
dubbed "perfectionists" by Mr.
Hoover's paper and the group led by
Senators Borah and Hiram Johnson,
variously characterized heretofore as
"irreconcilables," "battalion of death,"
"the wreckers" and "the spoilers" are
rechristened "isolationists."
"Heservationlst" View Given.
In speaking for the Hoover group
which are designated as "reservation
ists," the Herald says: .
"The reservationists view the treaty
and the league, taken In the large,
as being as good instruments as can
be obtained in a world where agree
ment is purchased only by compro
mise, but think that for the safety of
American interests certain reserva
tions should be insisted upon. What
these reservations should be, natur
ally enough opens a wide field for
difference of opinion. Practical states
manship here again justifies concilia
tion and compromise. No treaty or
the league will stand unchanged
throughout the ages, both being in
strumentalities for immediate and
practical purposes." The "perfection
ists," the editorial says, are those
(.Concluded on Page 4. Column U. )
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-v "ease of Hundreds of Alleged
.v . - . ... I
xtcus J to uses .Department oi ;
Justice and Officials.
Washington, April 1. Aroused by the
recent action of Louis P. Post, acting
secretary of labor, in ordering the
release of a large number of alien
radicals held for deportation hearings,
representative Albert Johnson -of
Washington, chairman of the house
immigration committee, and two oth
er members of the committee Rep
resentatives Raker of California and
Vaile of Colorado descended on the
department of labor this afternoon
and seized all papers relating to the
deportation cases. Not only were pa
pers taken in the cases of the rad
icals released without hearing, but
also the papers in the cases of aliens
ordered deported but who escaped by
Acting Secretary Post's cancellation
of the deportation orders.
The radicals Involved in 'the cases
were several hundred in number,
taken on wholesale raids conducted
in all the large cities of the country
some time ago by the department of
justice. Their release by the depart
ment of labor has caused considerable
friction between the departing ts of
labor and justice, and it is under
stood that the attorney-general's of
fice has for several days been seeking
a way to block the department of
labor efforts to set the alleged "reds"
Whether the Johnson subcommit
tee of the house Immigration commit
tee acted upon a suggestion from the
department of justice could not be
learned tonight. As the papers in
the cases were too bulky to be re
moved forthwith, W. A. Blackwell of
Seattle and an immigration Inspector
from the same city, who were here
testifying before the immigration
committee in deportation cases, were
placed in charge of all the documents.
They were directed to make a digest
of the papers for the committee.
A raid on an executive department
of the government is a new thing in
Washington, but in this case it is not
surprising in view of the storm of
criticism that has been rising for
some time against the department of
labor and its lenient if not altogethet
friendly attitude toward all brands
of communists, bolshevists and an
A thorough Investigation of the
inner workings of the immigration
service is expected to follow with a
VliVw of folding out how It is " that
radicals from all parts of the country
concentrated at Ellis island at great
expense to the government for depor
tation have been set free after their
banishment was ordered.
Dr. William Martin, ex-Navy In
spector, Passes Away.
William Martin, 71, medical inspector
of the United States navy, retired
died here today.
Dr. Martin was noted for his work
in combating yellow fever in Florida
in 1874 and subsequent years.
Asked for Reimburse
ment- Spokesman Attacks
Hoover and Barnes.
WASHINGTON April 1. Grain
dealers from Texas, Oklahoma,
Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and Illi
nois appealed today to the house
agricultural committee for legislation
reimbursing them for losses claimed
to aggregate $5,000,000 in 1917, due
to the fact that tne price of wheat
was fixed at 60c lens than the current
market price.
Herbert Hoover, former food ad
ministrator, and Julius Barnes, presi
dent of the government grain cor
poration, were declared by the aeal
ers to be responsible for the losses.
"We used every diligence to find
out the attitude of the grain cor
poration and the food administration,
but got little information." declared
B. E. Clements, president of the
Texas Grain Dealers' association, and
spokesman for the dealers.
"We were told that there was no
authority for fixing the price, but
after it was fixed we were told we
ought to have known that they were
going to fix the price."
"Congress would never have en
acted the food control law if it knew
that price fixing was planned."
Mr. Clements said the grain deal
ers had vainly asked an Indorsement
of their proposal by Mr. Barnes, who
told them that they "ought to have
known" that a price was to have been
fixed by the government.
"But you did rely on Hoover's and
Barnes' statements?" asked Repre
sentative McLaughlin, republican!
"We took them to be men of their
word," replied Clements.
Lee G. Metcalf, representing the
Illinois Grain Dealers' association,
said if there was ever another corn
corporation when he was buying
grain he would "get a oulja board.
E. J. Smiley, representing Kansas
and Nebraska dealers, declared Mr.
Hoover's announcement In August,
1917. of a necessity to reduce the
price of bread grains was "Infamous.
No action was taken by the com
Walla Walla Sees Slump in Im
porta nt Food Products.
WALLA WALLA, Wash... April 1.
(Special.) April fool's day brought
Joy to Walla Walla, three important
food products slumping.
Bread dropped from 11 to 10 cents
a loaf; butter declined 5 cents
pound, and eggs fell to three dozen
for 1, the lowest price in two years
Missouri Court Denies Right to
Interfere With Business.
The supreme court of Missouri ruled
against the right of a labor union to
picket a place of business. The opin
ion was handed down here today.
Dairymen and Distribu
tors Will Comply.
'roducers' Margin Reduced
One and Half Cents.
Eucli bide Previously Pledged to
Abide by Decision Stop
page of Oversupply Urged.
Two cents a quart was knocked off
of the price of milk to the consumer
in Portland by a decision yesterday of
the milk-price commission, appointed
by Mayor Baker. The milk producers
will bear l'i cents of the reduction,
while the distributor will bear the
other half cent. The price to the
producers under the new scale will
be 13.20 a hundred pounds, instead of
the 13.90 they have been getting.
Both producers and distributors will
abide by the decision. The new price
to the householder will be 13 cents a
quart where mid-month payment Is
made. Otherwise it Is 14 cents.
The decision of the milk commis
sion appointed only last week by
Mayor Baker did not meet with the
absolute approval of either the offi
cials of the Oregon Dairymen's league.
representing the producers, or the dis
tributors, although both factions have
been pledged to place, the new price
into effect at onde.
Overaupply Stoppage treed.
Not only did the milk commission,
composed of Dr. E. H." Pence, chair
man, William Cornfoot and John Y,
Richardson, reduce the price of milk
Dut, in addition, made pointed rec
ommendations for the stoppage of
oversupply of milk in Portland by the
league., thus causing a surplus, and
high prices. The cor-nisir.n also rec
ommended savings tu be effected by
the distributors to cover the reduc
tion made In the price of milk.
The milk commission, after sur
veying the facts given it by both
the producers and distributors, de
termined that a reduction in the
price of milk from the producer waa
possible because of the abundant
grass supply during the next three
months and that a portion of the re
duction oould be easily assumed by
the distributors, who, the commission
feels, are in a position to effect suf
ficient economic in the distribution
and handling of -milk to offset the
Redaction la SonBly Wasted.
Some plan whereby the surplus milk
can be reduoed in Portland has been
recommended to officials o theDre
gon Dairymen's league, it being
pointed out that the present league
plan of obtaining new members is
enlarging the surplus and causing
a loss which must be assumed by all
members of the leagrue and which
the commission feels is one of. the
primary causes for the high price of
The distributors accent the deri -
sion of the commission," announced
M. Work, president of the Port-1
could easily find fault with some
points of the decision, but we recog
nize that the commission made as
thorough a study as was possible and,
having agreed to live up to the de
cision, we are now eady to do so,
even If by so doing we will be forced
to assume a loss for a time."
Sarflrlent Xtdy Doubted.
"We do not believe that the milk
commission made sufficient etudy of
facts to ascertain the real cost of
producing milk for Portland con
sumption," said Albert S. Hall, as
sistant manager of the Oregon Dairy
men's league, discussing the report
and recommendations of the commis
sion. "Of course the league will abide by
the decision, but we feel sure that
the new prices established will place
the dairying Industry serving Port
land in jeopardy. The cost of pro
ducing this milk is 80 cents more than
the selling price set by the commis
sion." Report Piled With Mayor.
The findings and report of the com
mission filed with Mayor Baker yes
terday is as follows:
The undersigned, appointed ' by your
honoT to consider the matter of a fair
price for milk to Portland consumers for t
the three months, April 1 to July 1, 1920.
concerning the same beg to submit the
following as our findings:
We recognize the extreme difficulty In
arriving at an ascertained and sclontiflc
ground upon which to base a statement of
a fair price to all parties Involved. Noth
ing but an exhaustive survey by a com
petent and fair-minded expert of th
whole range of practice at business man
agement by milk producers, and bis bal
anced conclusions, could warrant a state
ment as to the cost f production of milk
to the producer.
Conditions are so variable, as with many
other articles of production, and the data
are so far beyond the reach of your com
mission's means, or of any save of tbe
most expert nature, that we find ourselves
pressed to accept two considerations which
seem conclusively to base our finding.
First, that there can be a reduction made
in the present price charged for milk to
the consumer. -
Second, that this reduction will en
cnurK and enable the consumer to use
ICuaciuiicd ou l'i-s 11, Caluuiu .
Not Only Did Corps Win With
"Help of God," But Now It
Claims Masterpiece.
(Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
PARIS, April 1. (Special Cable.)
A wartime controversy between the
marines and the doughboys has been
revived over the question as to wheth
er the statue entlitled "Crusading for
the Right,' said to be the first sculp
tural classic of the war produced for
America and which is soon to be
erected in heroic proportions in a
public square in Washington, symbol
izes the doughboy or the marine.
Colonel James Moss, author of West
Point textbooks, who bought the
copyright of the statue, declares that
tHe marine corps Insignia on the hel
met got there by mistake, saying the
artist. Haphael Peyre. now in New
York, so informed him.
"Not only did a few marines, with
the help of God, win the war." Colonel
Moss says, "but now they are claim
ing the first sculptural masterpiece in
token of our part in the war, in which
the chief figure is a typical marine
rather than a doughboy."
Colonel Moss says that when the
artist applied to General Hart for a
soldier to pose as a model, 100 men
were lined up, among them several
marines. Peyre explains that when he
made his selection he had never heard
of the marines- and he supposed the
man chosen by him was like the
other Americans. It did not occur to
him to pu(, the marine insignia on the
helmet until the marine model sug
gested it, and he did so, supposing
the insignia merely a divisional mark.
Although he promptly removed the
insignia when he learned what it
meant, it appears that the statute to
be erected in Washington will bear
the marine insignia, as it is under
stood. WOOD LEAD 2773 VOTES
tnorfieial Returns From 5 4 South
Dakota Counties Public.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. April 1. Un
official returns from 64 of the 64 coun
ties In the state on the general pri
mary election of March 2Z. for repub
lican prasideiuial indorsement as
announced this afternoon by the sec
retary of state at Pierre, show Major
Genera! Leonard Wood, 26.202; Gover
nor Prank O. Lowden of Illinois, 2-.-543;
United States Senator Hiram W.
Johnson of California. 23,429. Gen
eral Wood received the majority In
dorsement for presidential preference
the state convention, held Decem
ber 2 last, while Governor Lowden
was the minority choice and Senator
Johnson filed as an independent can
didate. United States Senator Miles
Poindexter of Washington was also
an independent but polled a compara
tively small vote, figures on which
were not included in the secretary's
announcement today.
Indications are that the official
count would probably be made Satur
day or Monday.
No figures on the democratic vote
were announced.
Senate Passes Bill Giving $2-10
Annually to Workers.
WASHINGTON. April 1. The 240
annual bonus for federal employes
who have not participated in general
mage Increases was restored by the
J senate today in passing the Icgis-
1 lative. executive and judicial appro-
1 prlatlon
The senate also authorised an in-
' ment over hoUB! "Cures and refused
to sustain tne house in abolishing the
sub-treasury system.
The Weather.
T RfT BR DAY'S Maximum temperature, 4S
degrees; minimum, 3i degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly winds.
Gambling at Monte Carlo wilder than ever.
but patrons have air of depression.
Page 3.
Hoover lines up for reservations in edi
torial of own paper. Page 1.
Republican resolution to declare war ended
rouses democratic cnairman. rage a.
Wilson says terms of armistice rule U. S
troops In Oermany. Page 7.
Sub-committee of congress raids depart
ment of labor, seizing deportation pa
pers. Page 1.
Four Indicted for supreme court "leak.1
Page 1.
Grain men allege loss of $5,000,000. Page 1.
Railroad officials quit wage parley. Page 1. I
Suffrage resolution decisively defeated In
Delaware house. Page 1.
Stepfather alaln to save her honor, says St.
Louis girl charged with murder. Page 2.
Wood Is first choice In poll of New York.
Page 2.
8000 marine workers at New York strike.
Page 4.
vw York assembly, by overwhelming vote.
expels five socialist members. Page 11.
Pacific Korthwest.
Northwest college presidents discuss sal
ary problems. Page 18.
Beavers get fright when busher slams
homer tor four runs. Page 10.
Coast promoters beseige Walker with fight
offers. Page 16.
Commercial mad Mariae.
Grain corporation offers to cancel resales
of wheat. Page 23.
Chicago corn up on bullish wheat-crop
estimates. Page 25.
Small turnover in Wall-street stock mar
ket. Page 23.
Portland and Vicinity.
I. W. W. attorney siyt Juror tru?pected of
prejudice. Page 28.
Portland miik price reduced 2 cents a
quart. Page 1-
One man killed, one wounded in poolhall
shooting; slayer surrenders. Page 10.
Lodge for vlce-prewident to save Oregon
from disgrace. I'age a.
Residents of IrvinKton object to proposed
location of telephone exchange. Page 13.
Mo'int McKinlcy sinking, cay explorer.
fa.e -0.
Amendment Voted Down
by House, 26 to 6.
Suffragists Quit Chamber
Sadly, Some in Tears.
Injunction to Prccnt Proclama
tion Until Courts Pass on Val
idity of Amendment Sought.
DOVKU, Del., April 1. The ratifica
tion resolution to make Delaware the
S6th state necessary to write the
woman suffrage amendment into the
constitution of the United States went
down to defeat in the house of rep
resentatives today. The vote was 22
to 9. but before the result was an
nounced three members charged from
yes to no in order to move for recon
sideration, and one member who waa
not down as voting asked to be re
corded in the negative. This made
the official vote 26 nays to 6 ayes.
Kighteen affirmative votes were
necessary to adopt the resolution.
After the vote the house adjourned
until Monday.
In a parliamentary sense, according
to the rules of the legislature, the
suffrage question Is not dead for the
special session, but legislative leaders
generally conceded that the hope for
affirmative action in both houses is
a forlorn one.
sVope ?t Wholly Uoaf.
An identical ratification resolution
k still in the senate, where suffrag
ists claim a majority of one.
After the Aote was announced there
was great cheering among the men
and women opponents of equal suf
frage. Anti-suffrage members were
surrounded by enthusiastic women
who showered them with congratula
tions and red, roses, while suffragists.
wearing the yellow daffodil, sadly
walked from the chamber, some of
them in tears.
Mrs. Florence llillts. president of
the suffrage state organization, said:
"We have a majority in the senate.
We will try to shove the measure
through that body and then strive to
have the house act favorably on the
joint ratification resolution. We are
discouraged but we are by no means
WASHINGTON, April 1. Action of
the Maryland legislature in directing
the attorney-general to seek before
the supreme court an injunction re
straining the secretary of state of the
United States from proclaiming the
federal suffrage amendment, if it
should be ratified by 36 states, until
its validity is established, was said
tonight by the National Association
Opposed to Woman Suffrage to be a
novel step in American legal pro
cedure, which might affect the presi
dential election in November.
Court Derisioa Desired.
Miss Mary G. Kllbreth, president of
the association, raid Maryland's action
meant that for the first time tho validity-
of a proposed constitutional
amendment would be passed on by tho
courts before it was made a part of
the nation's fundamental law, instead
of afterward, in which it is strikingly
different from the prohibition amend
ment, which is in effect while being
contested bitterly in the supreme
"If the suffrage amendment were
proclaimed on mere 'official notices'
as the state department recently in
formed our association it might do,"
Miss Kilbreth said, "the entire presi
dential election might be thrown Into
the courts on account of the doubtful
legality of ratification in various ref
erendum states and in others where
legality is being contested.
Other Kighta Uuestioned.
"The resolution authorizes not only
an injunction to prevent proclama
tion, but also sues to take up the en
tire question of validity, from the
power of congress to submit such an
amendment to the right of a legis
lature to ratify it without the consent
of the people.
"While the action of Mississippi and
Delaware proves that there is no im
mediate danger of 36 states being
counted for the amendment, Mary
land now has erected a stone wall of
legal defense against federalized
woman suffrage."
NEW ORLEANS, April 1. Woman
suffrage leaders here predicted to
day that Louisiana would be the 36th
state to ratify the federal suffrage
The legislature meets May 10.
RALEIGH, N. C, April 1. Gov
ernor Bickett said today that the
North Carolina legislature would not
be called in special session until early
In July. The governor recently an
nounced he would ask the special ses
sion, which will be convened to act
on 'tax legislation, to ratify the fed
eral woman suffrage amendment.
Corn Stores In Danger.
LINCOLN, Neb.. April 1. If the rail
roads do not furnish cars immedi
ately much of last year's Nebraska
corn crop will be spoiled, according
to representations made today by ele
vator Interests and farmers to tliu
state raiiw ay cumuiissiou.