TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TITTJIiSDAY, APRIL 1, 1920 17 1. REAI, ESTATE. J-or Kule IRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of 8 rooms, Modern in at! its appointments and near ly new; hardwood floors, tiled fireplaces In living room and front bedroom; tiled bath, with shower: also bath for maid's room; conservatory; extra large sleep-ins- porch which can be heated if de sired; double electric lighting and heat ing systems; located in the very best dis trict of lrvlngton on 100x100 corner, sur rounded by beautiful homes. This house has cost the owner be tween $18,000 and $20,000, but an at tractive price will be made in selling, or would accept desirable vacant or im proved Portland property for the equity. iMUiL R. NORTON. 610 Henry Bids. $8000 IRVINGTON $1500 CASH. Near Klickitat on 21st.. one block from ear, beautiful seven-room bungalow, new. five rooms on first floor and two up. entrance hall, French doors to large living rooms, with fireplace, French doors to dining room, Dutch kitchen; largo bedroom, with fireplace: another bedroom down. All rooms oak floors, walls tapestry paper and woodwork in Ivory; lot 50x100. garage, two nice fir trees and ideal location. ROGERS. COE A. MtttKXA CO.. 82 Kcuirth St.. Board of Trade Bids. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN Just one block south of car line. ThU attractive, extra well-censtructed 9 -room semi-bungalow, with 2 bedrooms on firfct floor, also 8 up stairs, large reception hall with music room adjacent, nice liv ing room with fireplace; beautiful, large dining room, extra large buffet; good size kitchen; full basement, fine fur nace, laundry trays, also gas plate; beveled plate-glass windows, jarge front porch; lot 45x92. Shown by appointment only. Price only HO00. Will make terms to responsible people.- See J. A. Mc carty. 270 V Stark at.. Main 1700. Eve nings Tabor 6Q57. LAURKLHORST BUNGALOW. ONLY TWO LEFT. No more at the present price. Se eure one of these; both new and up to the minute in every detail; garage. The beet of everything and guaranteed; con struction the bent. A moderate cavil payment and a few dollars with your rent money andj be your own landlord. Wove right in now is your opportunity. Xrive out to K. S!Uh and Oilman sts. office today, get keys and inspect or phone for auto. Tabor 8433. Eve. East 2086. Mr. Delahunty. $500 DOWN. Modem 8-room house - on Margarita Ave., on 50x100 corner: everything in and paid; close to Hawthorne ave. ; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement. This is offered for less than 2-3 of the value of tne place, i'or short time only. The property is renting for $50 per month and is a good invcKtinent if you have another home. Mat iters, with John Ferguson. $475u HAVR YOU $220O CASH T ROSB CITY BARGAIN 5-room bungalow, 2 nice bedrooms; living room, dining room and kitchen; large attic; full basement; good garage; paved street. About 4 blocks to car.. 1 think this is one of the best buys in Rose City. Phone me and 1 will tell you about It. Tabor 3433. Eve. East Jilstl. Air. Delahunty IRVINGTON CORNER. 520 E. 24th N.. cor. Brazee. Splendid T-room residence and garage; modern in every detail. $8750. Owner, E. OH or Main 4928. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3150 for a fine modern 8-soom bun galow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, concrete basement, h. s. streets. An elegant home. In first-class condition; 1 blks. from car; cash, bat. terms. This is an exceptionally good . buy. See it. F. I,. BI.ANCHARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. ON THR WEST SIDE. At 1B2K Virginia St., on 100x100, with Walks. sewer and improvements paid: on the car line; 5-room hnusc;.gas. lights, good plumbtntr. 17 fruit trees, lots of room lor garatre, large garden; price $l6uo. $5O0 cash. - Davis, with John Fer guson. Gerlingcr bldtf. 6UNNVSIDE. -ROOM FURNISH ED BUNGALOW, 32 D AND EAST ALDER. Do you want a cosy 4-room furnished bungalow close to town about 12 minutes on car, with finished attic, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, for $3460? Call at 948 East Alder St., or phone Tabor 8152. ' $8400. LAURELHURST HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT T ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH.. 75xl0O lot and double garage; very best part of the district. This is part r an estate and must be sold imme diately. By appointment only. Mr. Delahunty, Tabor 3433. Eve. East 2086. LAURELH URST BARGAIN. A strictly modern fi-ruom house with sleeping porch, in the very heart of Laurelhuret. Exceptionally large rooms, 3 light, airy bedrooms, full basement, furnace, beautiful fireplace, lots of bullt ins, lot 75x100, double garage. This place can be shown by appointment only, bee J. A. McCARTY, 270 ',4 Stark St. Main 1700. Evening. Tabor 5057. $2850 ALBERTA DISTRICT $2850. Cottage bungalow, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, on paved street, lot 42Hx67fc, full basement, extra fine fixtures and plumbing, lota of built-ins. This place was built for a home, but lost through foreclosure of mortgage; $1000 will han dle. See J. A. McCARTY, 270 hi Stark bl Main 1700. Eve., Tabor 5U57. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW! " $.1000 for a fine 4-room, with fire place, concrete basement; corner, KOx 100. In Glenn ave. N. Will take $7l)0 Cash, bal. monthly. A bargain. F. L. BLANCH A Kl, 61B-20 Railway Exchange. LAURELHURST HOME. BY OWNER. Strictly modern house, just been re flnisbrd inside and out; hardwood floors, plate glass, reception hall, large living room, tile fireplace, dining room, built ins, Dutch kitchen, full basement, trays 4 bedrooms, large bath and closets' storeroom, gars, je ; terms. Tabor, 30HC. THAT VACANT t-OT. " Whr not turn a burden Into Incomer we design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnlso plans and finance. Established tea years. We offer SECURITY SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co. lne 924 N. W. Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Cozy 5-room house, cement basement, furnace and sleeping porch; street Im provements In and paid; also 6 cords wood go with place; owner leaving city and will sacrifice: $29.10. $S00 down bal ance $26 month. 6. Owner, 995 E. Main, between 33d and 34th sts. PRICE ONLY $2000. Cor. 160x100. nicely fenced: K.rnn bouse, enameled plumbing, eiectrlc lights ana gas. variety 01 iruit, cnicKen house and runs: 1 block to car and pavement; $1500 will handle this. Call owner. Main 5551. WE ARE building several 3 unit bungalows at 74th and Foster road. Call and see this. Advice and plans free E. A C. Lovegren, Home Builders, 614 Dekuro bldg. Mala 870. Res., Main 1049. FIVE rooms, almost modern, full lot. " .. . .,, uuvi paiu , f SOU. $525 cash, balance $25 month, must go quick, that's why it is selling so cheap ftpe J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39ta REAL HOME FOR FAMILY. VACANT. Fine 7-room 2-story modern. 3 bed rooms, attic, ourret. concrete basement floor. Improved street, paid. E. Grant. fnone ior acy. .terms. juuin 4246. WILLIAMS AVE., NEAR BRTANT? $3150 6 Rooms, Modern $1350 50x100. Garage. Nice Lot. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. Kll.ni purcnaswr ui real estate should ' ; . ncr oe safe . ...nay -ompanv 1. H. 'A. It vour h.nl,., , , Ufl U FOR SALS By owner. 8-room modern nouse, r"! near ilawthome Tabor WW. FOR SAUTS lOOrtllS-ft. lot. 3mom house fruit trees, garage; $1500. terms. auia 70th st. S. E. frROOM house on 6th street, within 8 blocks of city hall. Main 6233. $3500 OWNER sacrifices Hawthorne bun galow. 840 E. S2d st. Marshall 2300. FOR SALE Five-room cottage, modern. 286 Going st. near Williams. MY EQUITY in small well-buift plastered house. Inquire at 51 N.. 6th st 4-KOOM cottage, 323 Schuyler stZ Bear 1st., 1 block to Broadway. REAI. ESTATE. For femle Uotuea. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4560. $1000 cash, balance like rent: very at tractive 5-room bungalow, large living room with fireplace; built-in bookcasea; dining room with built-in buffet; hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook, two bedrooms, bath room, cement basement with laundry trays, full lot. street improvements ia and paid. E. 42D STREET HOME. $3500. An unusually well built 7-room house, reception hall, living room w"lth beamed celling, paneled dining room with beamed ceiling, largo iMltch kitchen, one bed room on lower floor, 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor, full basement, one half block from car line. S-ROOM BUNGALOW. $25O0. Small cash payment, balance like rent, lot 100x10, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, bath room, white enamel plumbing, good basement. This is a splendid buy. See E. M. Padden. Sales Manager, METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO, Ground Floor. 2i Oak St. Main 3534. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. BEST VALUE ROSE CITY PARK. Below the hill on paved street, all as sessments paid. Lot 50x100, splendid 7 room house, large finished attic, sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, all bullt-ins, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, fruit closets, garage with cement runways. Certainly everything desirable In a real nice home, especially well located In one of Portland's best districts. Price $3200, $1450 cash, bal ance $25 per month, 6 per cent interest. Mr. Oliver makes a specialty ef bomes in Rose City Park and can shew you the best to be had In that desirable dis trict. Phone him and, your troubles will be over. Broadway 4.1S1. With HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. Sixth St. $1800 4-room bungalow, located at 004 Princeton St.. with K basement: this is a charming little place and well worth the money. $2000 S-room bungalow with garage, close to Willamette blvd. and the St. Johns district ; let 62 y llSVi feet. See it at 1001 Am herst St., then call me. " MAHONKT, COE A. McK-EN.VA 4b CO., 82 Fourth tit. Main 4o22. Evenings, Calumbla 638. Main 6S71. TRVINGTON. 8 rooms, two stories, colonial, m the best part of lrvlngton; large living room, dining room. dea. cabinet kitchen first floor; 4 bedrooms and double glassed in sleeping porch second floor; full concrete basement, furnace, garage You will find this a complete home. Price $0800. O. M. Derr, COE A. MeKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. EAST Bl'RNPIDE CORNER LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. Here "Is a nice large corner lot about 60x120 with paved streets all In and paid, abundance of nice fruit trees and a good 7-room house with fireplace! large cement basement. Take a look Ltbe J- w- corner of 30th and Burn side, then see us. Out of town owner must sell. C. A. WARRINF.R. RITTER. MWB & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, $3500. Five-room bungalow, complete with furnliure. on East 20th st North, near Alberta St.. with full cement basement hardwood floors all over: rooms are In fine condi tion: 50x100 lot; plenty of fruit: must sell this week. See us today WAKEFIKLD. FRIES & CO., 85 411) St. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern to the letter: large living room, tapestry wells, oak floors, fireplace. attractive buffet. Fox fur nace. This has many splendid features adding to the comfort and charm of the place: Let us show it to you; $5500. C. M. DERR, COB A, McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. B-room house, located 5 blecks from Peninsula Park: lot UOxSO, corner: full cement basernent. laundry trays, furnace, fireplace. Tfie rooms are exceptionally large; 4 fruit trees, bearing, lots of roses. 2 holly trees. Price $;:150. Phone owner, Woodlawn 2313. evening. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Good 7-room house on 150x100, with street Improvements all paid; 4 blocks from the Hawthorne car. 45th st. : good Fc ;iuiiiuihi, bun anu electric ugnts; tne ot alone Ls worth more thnn nlrf fnr the place. Price $4fO0. $700 esmh Ander son, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. M'Hio FOR a fine up-to-date .".-room, wioh large attic, :uii con. basement, furnace and In fine condition; fine lot with bear ing fruit trees and lots of shrubbery and roses; improved streets, all assessments paid; on Vancouver ave. Only 100Q cash, bal. terms. A snap. t L. BLANCH A RD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. $4150 For sale by owner; $1 450 cash ; leaving town; going to- sen my new C room strictly modern bungalow with hardwood floors, garage, cement base ment and laundry trays, paved streets and nil city liens in and paid ; clote to Franklin high ; fine view on Windsor Heights, 2 blocks from Division, 1 block from car line. 2818 4!th st. g. K. DEAL WITH OWNER. 611 East 37th N. ' . Large living room, dining room, built in buffet, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, cement basement, furnace. Price $114)00. Terms. Phone Tabor 1251. SNAP WORTH 'CONSIDERING! 7 rooms, with furnace, hardwood firs., "E. 68th st.. 2 blocks from car. Price (4500. Terms. Bee Mr. Epton. J. BOBBINS. 301 TJail-.vay Exchange. Alain 7051, Res. Tabor r31ft. ROSE CITY. 6-room modern bungalow, all on one floor, oak floors, fireplace, gas radiators, garage, one-half block to car: see this at once; $1500 will handle this, balance monthly payments. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. On 31th near Montgomery, with 0 rooms; everything in excellent condition; lot r.OxlOO; price $7500. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 8-ROOM modern home, extra large lot, swell district, on Mount Tabor, near st. cars; this home should be good enough for any body. 55000; liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 80th. Tabor 6403. r.m Bv owner. 6-room well-constructed 2-story house; large living and dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcase and buffet, full cement base ment; lot SUxlOO. east front. Overlook addition; terms. jain 19. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Classy, strictly modern. It-room bunga low located at No. 423 E. 50th Rt m 43 blks. S. of Sandy blvd.) in excellent condition. DO NOT DISTURB OCCU PANT. Price (5500. If Interested call Tabor 407. TlOKK CITY PARK CHARMING VT fT w 7 rooms, lot 6Oxl0, nothing in this most popular district has a more de lightful location; modern: strict. v .ment garage. The price is low, awfully ... oaBV Imrmm 1 fir. nru. corner ioi cct. $1050 R. C. PARK; almost new, partly furnished; bath, gas, electricity, large rnrner lot: Dart Cash, balance ft nar ..n. move right in ; some distance out, but fine chance for honest man with (600 to trat r ir- tittle home: priori nrlirh kv .i nM.r school. Owner. Tabor BY owner. 6-roors bungalow: attfe. base ment, fireplace, all built-ins. fitted car pets. Inlaid lioo'lim; east front; garage; near grade and" high school. Phone Woodlawn $2600 4-room furnished bungalow. E. 25th near S. P. R. K, shops; (5O0 cash. East 3225. . (42?0 6 ROOMS, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, nice finish, terms; Haw thorne district. W. H. Ross. LADD'S ADDITION To settle estate must sell our fine modern 7-room residence: price (6250. Phone East 6947. FOR SALE Modern bungalow, fine loca tlon. near Alameda. See own at ON'T.V SH3 E. Ist North, FOB BENT. For riale -Haiee. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. - 9-R. bungalow, built for 2 families; 2 il.V JF rooms a dining rooms. 2 Dutch kitchens. 2 fireplaces. 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, corner lot 50xloo, paved sts.; 3 rooms row rented for Ci2.50 per mo.; on Wasco and 2oth; pric a snap. $4500, about (100O c&ah. EAST IRVING ST. BUNGALOW. (29 O0 5-room bungalow. lot 70x100; large screened oieeping porch, cabinet kitchen, basement., bldg. that can be made into garage, lots of fruit; 2 blocks to car and hard -our face St.; (750 cash. More ground if needed, (9000 Swell 9-room house, furnace, four fireplaces, unobstructed view ; on lOOiluO corner; paved streets and ail liens paid: 1 block to car; on E. 53d and Morrison; (2U0O cash. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS, (9500 Kino nine-room strictly modern house; furnace, 2 fireplaces, oak floors; gurage with two finished rooms; lOOjtlOO corner; paved street: shrubbery. roses. etc. ; (25O0 cash. E. 3 2d and Clinton. GHUSSI & BENNETT, 313 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. (5350. LOOK HERE POLKS! We want to impress upon you the absolute necessity for prompt action. For here truly is a wonderful home for (550. Can you con ceive buying a strictly modern 6-room house with hardwood floors, ff replace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, on a full lot, 2 blocks from Sandv for so small amnunt of money? But something must -be donee at once tne owner is just Xorced to sell and sell quickly. Someone will get a big bargain here. Make up your mind to see It today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark St., near ad. Main 3002. . Branch Office, 50 th and fcandy. HOLDEN Jb KOHLMAN OFFER THREE REAL SNAPS. $.C00 In the beautiful Rose City Park district; 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, all the buitt-ins you could think of. extra good garage, ce ment runway. This classy bungalow ia attractive Inside and out. (4500 Another good buy in the R. C Park district ; 7 rooms and sleeping porch. lot 7 1 xlOO; house has .fust been refinished inside and out; fireplace, bullt ins, large attic, full cement basement ; double constructed throughout. A real bargain. $4000 Spacious 8-room bouse In Al condition, modern in every respect ; on 100x100 lot In touth Mt. Tabor. Good ehicken houe. fruit treea. fireplace. This is an exceptionally good buy; I1 blocks from tfawthorne car line. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 228 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 6500. A LITTLE "FARM IN THE CITT. Extra fine for lerge family, lot 190x T5 ft. with fine selection of bearing fruit and berries, fine garden., beautiful well kept iawn with selected flowers and shrubbery, one of the best double-constructed houses in Portland, 6 large rms on main floor -and some finished rooms upstairs; it has a fireplace, full cement basement, Dutch kitchen, modern bath, toilet, lights and gas ; handy to car. Franklin high and Creaton schools and Reed college ; fine neighborhood ; price only (4000, less than Jc of actual value, one-half cash, balance terms to suit your convenience. See this for a real snap. B. V. HUGHES, 507 Journal bidg. Main 2853. DON'T MISS THIS REAL LAURELHURST BUY Here Is an exceptionally well-built and nicely arranged house, semi-bungalow type, 6 rooms, sleeping porch and music den-; hardwood floors, fireplace, sliding doors, beautiful buffet and bookcases, Dutch kitchen; all bedrooms nice and targe, with extra lwrge closets; high, full cemeot basement , furnace, garage, all street improvements paid and ritjht in the heart of Laurelhurst. Only (6500, reasonable term. C A. WARRTNER. RITTER. I.OWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. (4100 (5O0 CASH. room modem. All large rooms, 2 bedrootns. bath and toilet on first floor. 1 bed room up. Built-in buffet, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. All street improvements In and paid, room for garage, located close to Haw thorne west of 30th st. (500 cash, bal ance rent terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. Bungalow $ai.0. The owner of this splendid bungalow must sell at once. Will give best of terms. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buf -fet. Duto-h kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. Lots of fruit and ber ries. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main :;002. Branch Office, 50th and Handy. CHEAPER THAN RENT. $1600 COTTAGE AND FRUIT (1600. 4 rooms and bath, good cement base ment, full 50x100 lot, abundance of fruit trees. 1 short block to car and paved streets. (420 cash will handle, balance (20 per month, interest included. C A. WAKRTNER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IS LAURELHURST AVE. For sala by owner, 8-room. beautiful bungalow with nice large living and dining room, large windows, all finished in white, handsome buffet. French doors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, book cases, fireplace, hardwood floors, hand some fixtures. 2 bedrooms on first floor, 3 bedrooms upstairs, furnace, full cement basement, targe cement perch, a garage, 14 blocks north of M.-V. car; (9008, (00OO cash. REAL VALUE HERE. Here is a r.0xl50 lot and large well built 8-room house with 2 baths, nicely arranged for 2 families. One ahgrt block from Williams avenue car line on Graham. Only 50O0: terms. C. A. WARRIN EH, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. (2750 SNAP (2756. (350 CASH, balance (25 and interest. Tnia ia a modern 4-room bungalow with bath, fu.ll basement, woodlift. Dutch kitchftn, 50x100 ft. lot. 2 blocks to car line, immediate possession. Call owner. Main 208. Ask lor Mr. Clearwater. MT. TABOR VIEW BUNGALOW. On east slope of Mt. Tabor. 1817 Royal avenue; modern 6-room bungalow with livinar room, dininc room and kitchen downstairs. 3 bedrooms upstairs: superb view . or mountains, trice $4uo. with (20OO cash. MacINXES & PRATT, Main 886S. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. (2750 EASY-TERM BUT $2750. 5 rooms and bath, full semi-cement basement, full corner lot. 2 short blocks to car; quick possession can be had good car service. Price $2750. O. A. WARRINER. ' RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Just 1 blocks to car. this well-constructed. 6-room. eemi-bunsralow with 8 light bedrooms upstairs; extra large closets, reception hall, nice living room, beam ceilings; dining room, built-in buf fet, fireplace, fuH cement basement, Dutch kitchen; must see inside before can be appreciated; owner leaving city. Owner, Tabor 1082. SNAP WITH FURNITURE. 6 rooms, walking distance, east side. hard -surface at., good condition; a real buy with the furniture for only (4000, Terms. See Mr. Epton. J. ROBBINGS. 301 Railway Ex chance. Main 7031, Res. Tabor 5310. NEW modern S-room bungalow on nearl 4 acre, 1 blk. to car. only (24KO an terms; buy now, and select your celoi irly Lnd lor. A FINE HOME. AOsomteiy modern; hardwood floors "', " 6m.5c; ho mortfrair.. .n. o so. ur.gQamn. MX. 1 Anuti rsiaer:ce. six rooms and sleeping porch; modern; large lot; fruit shrubbery, 15230, tarms. 804 13. 2d stl 6-ROOM modern house, 1 block from car near Peninsula park. 1395 Bnrtbwick l-ROOU house and furniture In. uwih. cheap, or will take rood lisht car fn trade. Owner. lo Olympia, moralnxa. REAL E8t4TK. For Kale iloueea. TWO JIOUSES AND FURNITURE FOR ONLY $2500. Nets better than 12 per cent on the In vestment. Rent for $30 per month. Buy them aad we will rent them for $40 per month. Houses not so' good renting still higher 'than the latter figure. Two houses, cioso in. 1 block from car, 5-room cottages, in good condition, have bath, lights, ate. Tlxe two houses, lot and furniture all go for only (2500; H cash, balance assume straight loan now on property. See Mr. Oliver. HARGKOVE REALTY CO., 122 NrSixth St. Broadway 4381. WEST SIDE. Beautiful eight-room house located close In, in a strictly residential dis trict; large living room with fireplace ; dining room, pass pantry and kitchen first floor ; second floor has extraordi nary large bedroom, with fireplace and tvfo other bed chambers and bath ad joining; large attic, maid's room; fur naces and finished concrete basement; lot 50x100. We firmly believe this to be a spiendid bargain at (7500. Mr. Derr. COE A. McKKNNA A CO.. 62 Fourth St., Main 4522. IRVINGTON HOMK. Large living room, dining room, sun room, library, kitchen and butler's pantry; 4 bedrooms. 9 clothes closets on second floor: sleeping porch, 3 bther porches: French doors, old ivory finish: finest fixtures and wall papers throughout; a most unusual and artistic house; 75x100 grounds. For appointment telephone MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 797$. READY TO OCCUPY. C50 E. 46th street North. R. C. Park, between Sunton and Siskiyou ; all im provements paid; 6 rooms, cement base ment, drain, laundry trays, electric fix tures, hard wood floor, built-iu kitchen, bul'et. med. calMnet. Jinen closet, lia diantflre; 50x100 lot. 1 Ox 1 8 garage, cement floor and drive: walnut .trees; furnace, wall paper throughout; for nale on rent terms by the owner, who will be at the house fr-m 10 until 6 Sunday. Phone East 1799. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME. One of the most beautiful and ad mired 0-room colonial tiames in city, lo cated on choice oversized corner look ing right into Laurelhurst park; center entrance hall with colonial arch; 16x30 living room with artistic fireplace; coy den with fireplace; delightful dining room looking out on street and into park, convenient kitchen, toilet and lavatory; 4 well-ventilated bedrooms, sleeping f torch and 2 tile baths on 2d floor; fin shed In old ivory, fine oak floors, sun porch, ceiled attic; garage; nice grounds; built for home; first time offered. Price $16,000. R. H. TORRE Y, Tabor 407. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR, 7-room modern bungalow, one block from Hawthorne car; Urge living room, den. living room, kitchen and breakfast room, two bedrooms and bath 1st floor and sleeping porch up; 50x100 lot; ga rage; one block to car; oak floors. This is a real huy at $.1300 and can be han dled on $750 :-ash, balance less than rent. Ask for Mr. Gray. COE A. McKKNNA A CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. NOB HILL SACRIFICE. MAKE US AN OFFER. Fine 10-room houie and modern to the minute. On a fine corner in the choicest part of the Nob Hill district. Has 4 nice fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, steam heat, all built-ins. and good garage. This is ideally arranged and very attractive In every way. Owner Is non-residnt and hns written us to accept any reasonable offer If vou want a REAL BARGAIN, CALL US UP- RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. Broadway 41.".3. NEW BUNGALOW $1375, and onlv $noO down for a new 4-room bouse situated at H7 Yale st.. clos to the industrial district of St. Johns. This Is a remarkable value; get to it: and whatever information you need, ask Mr. Mahon"V. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St Maln H7I. HVENING8, Columbia 638. HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME. Fine comer. 34th and Hawthorne: 8 rooms; furnace, fireplace, na rase; absolutely modern. MRS. HARRY PRICE .PALMER, East 71176. IRVINGTON. 7r,o. Model home: hall, llvlnir and dining rooms in old Devo. 4 bedrooms in white enamel. rutch kitchen, line bathroom; $2000 canh. balance $j0 per month. No agents. East 3iU7. ALAMEDA VIEW BUNllALOW. One of the cosiest 6-room bunjraldws in city, with garage, located on sft-ft. lot on brow of hill, enjoying unobstructed view of entire city from every room; fin ished in old ivory with oak floors throughout; tile bath; large plate-glass view windows; built-in refrigerator; at tic large enough for three rooms. A rare buy at !noo: Tabor 40T. LADD'S ADD. HOME. An attractive, unusually well-built, strictly modern, 2-story, 6-room bouse with sleeping porch and garage, located on Ladd ave.. Va block to Hawthorne car, within easy walking distance; built by day labor by present owner several years ago; never offered for sale before and a real sacrifice at $7250. Tabor 407. OWNER'S SACRIFICE; MORTGAGE tl'E. Must raise cash Immediately, beautiful 5-room biingalpw, near pavement, garden, vacant. l2S.ri0, worth $3250; another cosy home, sleeping porch, paved, rented $"2.r, only (2500. $540 cash, balance $20 month ly, includes Interest; also 6-room, paved, garage, rented $30, special $2775. Even ings. Tabor 7055. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME. First time advertised. Beautiful 100x100 corner, fine shrubbery; interior finished in Circassian walnut, first floor; Ivory, second floor; 4 fireplaces, 2 bath rooms, plate glass windows, oak floors, garage. $18,500. Terms. Neuhausen & Co.. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8078. IRVINGTON I Exclusive section, 6 years old; 75x100, 8 rooms, center entrance; double garage; $7."i0, $1000 cash, $50 per month. East 1U47. SEE THIS FINE 5-ROOM RUNG ALOW BEFORE YOU BUY. Beautiful $40110 5-room bungalow, one block to paved street and good car line: on account of sickness will sacrltlce for $.1000. $1000 casn. balance easy terms. See owner at 08 East 75th st. North. $4300. EXTRA BARGAIN. SUN N Y SIDE CORNER HOME. 7-room modern, all conveniences, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, garage, tine woodwork: improvements paid. 0B8 E. Salmon. Tabor 73. Owner. $2200 5-room cottage, near Belmont, 2 blocks of Sunnyside shool, $225 cash, balance by the month.' If you want a bargain look at this. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 3th. Tabor 6493. . E secen-room nouee and lot on Staa ton street near Williams .v. Must e sold at once to close an estate. Pnoae office. East SiJ. or residence. afarsaaU 4814. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW near 18th and umn ton. 8 years old. attractive, modern- Ivory finish, oak floors, fireplace, ga page. i-.cvjmun.-,.- m.iii ou i q. $5250 IRVINGTON snap, 50x100. fine fruit. 6-room house, finished white enam el; a fine Duy. Zimmerman White 818 Chamber of Commerce. Maln 8052. MODERN T-room house: white enamel Dutch kitchen and all conveniences; $250O, ttuu uowh, uaiaoce easy pay- menta. .ion wu pt. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Four rooms and bath, good furnace, on fine view lot, close in, near car, $3700. terms. BROOKE. Mar. 4H27. $2200 6-TlOOM modern house, i lots, fruit ana w"' ft" .... scnooi, 1 block to car. 6S09 9Kth at. 8. E. Mount Scott car to 'J.'.tli. Tabor 4853. FOR SALE Xl-room residence and flat building, lot 100x112. in Nob Hill dis trict, by owner; good home and invest ment, $87,500. Address V 194, Oregon Ian. HOME in lrvlngton, will pay cash or ex change 14 apartment house for same. Dr. Lewli. B 1S4. Oregonian. ' BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. In looking (or a home it will be te your advantage to call Stowell. Tabor 81. " FOR HAWTHORNE HOMES CALL HU&BKLL, TABOR 8802. BANKS prefer title insurance instead of abstracts. Title and Trust company. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BARGAINS. We are settling tiie estate of two dif ferent parties and have tbe following for sale: $25 6-room bouse and 40x1 00 lot. furnace and garage. $ltW0 4-room bungalow, not modern, but good, and 80x100 lot. 500 0-room house and lot, 200x250: all kinds of fruit and, berries; terms on any of these. - $6500 6-acres and 7-room modern house; goad well and all kinds of fruit. . We also have four 5-acre tracts rang ing in price from $14uO to $1600; easy terms and low, prices. Will take house equity for one of these. Also 40 acres, mile of town of Bor ing. $60 per acre. Land axuund is held at $100 to $150 per acre. 20 acres near town of Sandy: would make dandy stock ranch and priced at $30 per acre. Terms oo any of tese. Tabor 225U. Roots Morrin. 13U0 iiaw thorne ave.. Portland. Or, BANK MUST SELL. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. CLOSE IN. Fine 8-room home in Ladd tract district taken over by our bank must be aoid at once. Thia house Is of brLck veoeer and stucco ce ment construction, consisting of 8 rooms and ba&emeut: all modern conveniences and house Is strictly up to date; can be bought for $8500 ot terms. Buys like this are getting scarcer every day. Better look into this at the earliest pos sible moment.. See Bank's rep resentative, N. H. ATCHISON, 204 Henry Bldg. ALaMEDA SWISS CHALET. An extremely artistic 7-roona Swiss chalet, located on choice oversized corner lot in Alameda Park, commanding un obstructed view from every room of en. tire city: nothing like it here: immense living room, lots of French doors; while sitting at table in dining room one en joys a magnificent view of city and our gorgeous sunsets; 2 very large bedrooms and 1 smaller; old ivory finish and hard wood floors throughout; draperies cost ing small fortune go with bouse; large view and sleeping porches; double ga rage; beautiful planted grounds, with fountain. Owner, forced to leave, will sell for $12,500. Tabor 40T. ALAMSDA PARK. 8 rooms, two stories, colonial, sttuated on one of the most attractive corners In this very desirable district: large light rooms, ivory finish, French doors, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. Priro $So00; all improvements paid; shown by appointment only. C. M. Deer. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St., Main 4522. EAST BOTH STREET. 7 rooms on one ftoor and two finished in tha attic; large rooms, furnace: 75x100 lot, ift block to car line, paved street and paid for. The price Is $35u0, $500 cash. If you can use a large bouse let me show you. this. Mr. Gray, COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 . Fourth St.. Main 4522. HOSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow uilt for m home and complete in every detail: living room, dining room. den. kitchen, first floor; two beautiful bedrooms and bath, aecond floor; east front; 52d St., $&SO0. Mr. Rogers, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St., Main 4522. MODERN 5-room bungalow, good residence section; lots of built in conveniences; floral garden layed out by Clarke Bros, nursery; want $1000 cash, bal ance can be arranged. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. One of the rini-st bungalows in Fose City Park. Absolutely modern to the mill lie. In perfect condition. Can rell vou this at an attractive prie. either furnished or unfurnished. Good garage. Close to car, and lovely location. Call KKLIABLK INVESTMENT CO., 80h Oak St. Broadway 413S. IRVINGTON. 6-room house In Irvington's best location- fine corner lot. 50k 1 00; 3 blocks from Broadway; this Is just listed, and a good buy; ask for Mr. Gray. COE A. McKENNA at CO., 82 Fourth St. - Main 6X71. $150 CASH 5 ROOMS. $150 CASH 5 ROOMS. Neatest cottage In Sunnyside, now va cant; enamel plumbing, full cement basement, paved streets, 2 car lines. Bal. less than rent. Hurry! for this Is your chance $21150. G. C. COLDENBERG, Ablngton Bidg. "35 Years In Portland." RARE BARGAIN. Nifty, new bungalow, four rooms, breakfast nook and bullt-ins, bath, hall, large living room, two large bedrooms, full concrete basement, wash trays, fui; lof house double constructed. Only $2850 on easy terms. O. W. Bryan. 000 Cham, of Com. Main 1963. Res. Mar shall 805. WEST' SIDE BARGAIN. Modern five-room cottage, newly reno vated close in on the west side: for quick' sale. $S5O0 on easy terms, Imme diate possession. O. W. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. Main 1963. lies. Mar shall 665. . HOLLA DAY PARK ADDITION. PKICB ONLY $4250. Good 6-room modern house In good condition. Also good gsrage. Full lot. An exceptionally good buy at thia price. Has 2 sleeping porrhes. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3il.". Oak St. Broadway 413.1. - HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1350. Very neat little S-room vine-covered cottage with electric lights, gas. Dutch kitchen, concrete foundation, bath and toilet, splendid tot, close to car; $3O0 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co. 732 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST 7-room home, with ga rage; 3 bedrooms, finished in old ivory: kitchen and bedroom in white enamel: exceptionally large living and dining room; solid oak floors; fireplace and fur nace; full cement basement. Owner. 1230 hi. mangers. xaoor oao. Policy. No abstra and Trust Company. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a guar antee by a responsible company that you will net suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. HAWTHORNE home, 6-room bungalow, large attic and 1 room upstairs, cement basement. furnace laundry trays, street Improvements in and paid: musj be sold at once. Cash or terms. 306 E. 35th st Tabor 6454. - BUNGALOW, six large rooms; oak floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, two toilets, full attic cement basement, furnace, screens, window shades, high-grade electric fix tures, lull lot., street paved. See owner. 877 r. rianoers bl. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a guar antee of the title to your home. When yeu buy your home have the title In sured Better be sate than sorry. Title and Trust Company. v FOR SALE Several new bungalows Bear ing completion. Hose City Park district: nrice belcw what it would cost to bulla now; Phone labor 3549. N 32. Orego nian. PIEDMONT Finest stucco home la eity at sacrifice price. $8000; corner lot: ar tistlo sotting. Owner. East 8010. Also lrvlngton home. MODERN BUNGALOW ON PRESCOTT. Not advertised before. 6 rooms and breakfast room; street paved, alley aad ewer, at $3liOO. Wdln. 3025. TITLE INSURANCE? Is quicker, safer and cheaper than abstract method. Ask your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Com. pany. PORTLAND BANKS request 'title Insur ance Instead of abstracts. Why! .ask your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Company. TITLE INSURANCE Is the modern way of handling titles to real estmte. Quicker costs less and no abstract requlrud. Titla and Trust Company. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a Title Insur ance Policy. No abstract requirsd. Title and Trust Company. WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy you do not need an abstract of title. bne premium pays for all time. TiUe and Trust Company. ; ' WHEN you purchase your nome have the title Insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. Title and, Trust Company. An abstract of title Is not a guarantee of your title; It Is merely a hirtory of your title. A Title Insurance Policy Is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when vou buy property get a Title Insurance ct required. Title BEAL ESTATE. BIHR-CAREY CO. 219 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7487. 5Vl MODERN CITT HOMES FOR SALE The public is Invited to come to our show rooms on the second floor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of Third and Stark streets, and inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gal lery crammed full of neatly arranged &x7 photographs of homes. Eight salesmen with autos at your service. A pleasure to show our homes. No obligations on your part. $3000 That Irresistible bungalow. S:gbtly grounds. Missive atone Xireplace, looxluu lot. Peaches, apples, and A Royal Ann. . SluOO and call It yours. Woodstock. . ,$4425 A lovely borne In Wverly. Streets are paved. Floors are oak. Furnace and fireplace. Sounds common, but Oh! My! . Iridescent, glittering, beautiful. That describes it. Kteht autos waiting. Delighted to show. $4750 2-story bungalow type. Six large rooms. Complete to last detail. Furnace, fireplace, paved sts. Oak floors. Here's the home Oh, Boy! $2000 In real money to look. Worth it. $3150 University Park 7 room. 2 atorv. 100x116 lot. A grand view. Splendid home. $500 down. $2350 Here's a snap. Received today. . hOxloo, lrvlngton Park. 6 room, 2 story; Fruit, chickens, house, berries. Modern. $500 cash, balance like rent. $2200 Little gray home In the West. . $700 down. Modern 6-room bungalow. Nice lawn. y Everything home-like. Alberta district. Interior is grand. Balance like rent, tllad fo show. Let's go.' $2500 6 rooms, 2 story. 8 pretty bedrooms. Strictly up to date. A furnace to boot. Beautiful large bay windows, lrvlngton Park (Alberta). About $1000 needed here. $3250 A dandy fireplace. Oh! so coay! 6-room bungalow, one floor. Very attractive. - Iike new. Fulton district. Oak floors. Terms. $3350 Westmoreland, near golf links. Large lot. .Dandy bungalow home. Something different. Paved streete. Cheery fireplsre. Rare opportunity, lo more in Westmoreland. !18 Railway Exchange f!dg. Main 7487 OPEN EVENINGS. ROSE CITY PARK. Rooms. Sleeping Porch Garage $0100. This home will really appeal to you. The beauty of design and completeness of Interior arrangement, together with the fine material and workmanship, con tribute toward making it a quality home or unusual distinction. We cannot over describe its beauty. From hardwood rioors to furnace every detail is com plete. May we not have the privilege ol showing you? A- G- TEEPE CO., .04 Stark St.. near :t,i. Main 3092. Branch Office, 6oth and Sandy UNION SA PL DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. 284 Oak St. Irvington corner. 2-story house, hard wood floors throughout, 2 fireplaces ex ceptionally well built; owner leaving city. Price $7500: terms. " I-lve-room bungalow on large lot close iZr'iSS'' v"nt '"dny: widow; mast sell; $2.V0: worth more; terms. Six-room bungalow type house on cor ner; modern. $300; terms. . ifrlVV.'.Ut Kr""1 "ya: worth more. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST t'O. Marshall 7"6. 0ak t $3000 NEAR LAURELHURST $3000 BIO SACRIFICE. i Ti"'r'r.mr5 t'w bo'r" ,h, ort- lano. . (rood 6-room house in good con dition, all bedrooms large. light and alrv. run semi-cement basement, furnsre. hard ""."1. ",r,e't in and ,aid. Uoo cash will handle; balance long time if de sired at 6 per crsit. C. A. WARRTNER, .R,TTJ!:R' i-owe a co.. 201-3-6-7 JJeard of Trade Bldg. THIS IS VAI.r E i-$5S50. Rose City none better, 6 rooms, all on one floor, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement base ment, enamel plumbing, choicest bullt-ins. We know this Is a snap. Main 4803. G. C. COLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." VACANT AKU CLEAN. 6 rooms, one floor, bath, gas, elect , near car. Hawthorne district, $2300: cash $5lM: $20 per month. Mt. Scott, near car. 6 rooms, large yard, fruit, $2300: terms. 7rTcMi"'eU,UrSt' 7 beBut'ful modern rooms, Irvington. 7 rooms, fine buy, $5256 Homes in all parts of tha city from $20OO to $4-V0O0. w ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 818 Cham, of Com. Main 8052. $4250 ROSE CITT $4250. Immediate possession 6-room house on corner lot. 60xl0O; s nice bedrooms, fire place, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, food furnace, fun basement and only $4250, on 42d St., near Sandy. On Vancouver ave.. near Stanton, fac ing east, neat 5-room bungalow could ELhe buiu ,or 3-0: quick sale for $2500; terms. - CALL LAWRENCE. Main 805L BEAUTIFUL VIEW $4750 TABOR HEIGHTS $4750. Almost an acre of this nice view land neat 3-room cottage with bath, good basement, electricity, gas. etc.. abun dance of fruit trees, several large ehiek tn, k"". a.nd parage. This property will have to be seen to be appreciated C. A. WARRINER. o-.1TTT,ER- LOWE St CO., 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg HOME BUYERS, NOTICE. In restricted district, 16 minutes' walk to Reed college. 10 minutes' walk to Franklin high school and graded school church: also Catholic church and school On 47th St.. Lenox addition, lot 50x100 feet. Pantry, kitchen, paneled dining room, all built-in effects, living- room. 8 bedrooms upstairs, bath and finished attic,, furnace, fireplace; a good home In a home district; price only l.lttna Claude Cole. 218 Lumbermens kldgi Phone Bdwy. 421. . LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GARAGE. 8-room modern bungalow, z bedrooms, bath and toilet on first floor, 3 bed rooms and toilet up. Hardwood floors fireplace, furnace, buffet, bookcases ga rage, located close to car. Price $6300 terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. NEAR MISSISSIPPI LINE $3100 A REAL BUY $3100. Here is a well-built S-room house, full basement, good furnace, corner lot. 2 short blocks from Mississippi avenue and Kenton car; reasonable terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $8850. BEST IN DISTRICT. ARTISTIC ALBERTA BUNO. 7 complete rooms, fireplaca, built Ins: a real snap; paved streets, block car and school. Main 4803, Terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years In Portland." ALBERTA DISTRICT." S2500, four rooms, newly painted and neat as wax; fruit, garage and chicken house; terms. Premise, 616 Chamber of Commerce bldg. KB A IV F" STATE For Sale) Monseo. DBKUM JORDAN, GOOD UOE BUYS. $3300 Beautiful R-roown bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, large attic, full cement basement, 60x100 lot. $3000 B-room bungalow, fireplace, buf fet. Dutch kitchen, hath and toi let, basement, fne lot 60x100, fruit trees and roses: on hard aurface street, one block from car line. $2350 6-room modern mingaaow. bath and toilet, 60xl0O lot. fruit and berries, one block from car. $210O 6-room house, bath and toilet, . corner lot, one block from car line. $1500 4.room cottage, hot and cold" wa ter, toilet, basement, large "lot: all kinds of fruit. 120t 4-roosn cottage, hot and cold -water, toilet: walks and euros; 60x100 lot; 1 block to car. -Trees on all of these. DEKUM JORDAN. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce hldg. 4th and Stark ts. Main 2233. JPIEDMONT BEAUTY. $70O0 A WONDERFUL BUY r$7000. When ycai see this, you will say that you cannot boat it in the w-bole Pied mont district: 0 rooms, den and break fast room, strictly modern, built of se lect material and exceptionally -well .con structed, full lot. nice lawn and shrub bery, large gacage In .keeping with house, paved streets all in and paid. S ahort blocks to car. .Reasonable, terms. Let us show you this fnap. C. A. w'aRRIXER, RITTER, lAVYE CO.. 301-8-6-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME? GARAGE. lS3O0 TEitJaSV Strlctly modern T-room home. solid eastern oak, hardwood fioors. fireplace, buffet and bookcases, large laving and dining rooms, cabinet kitchen, break fast room. 8 fine bedrooms on second floor, full cement basement. furnaM srd laundry trays. Located close to park and car. A garage to houss any car. Price $6300. reasonable terms. CL-RVET.AND-HRNDERSOW .CO SIS Railway Eca. BlfLg. Main 6352. ROSE CITT PARK. KSW BUiSALOW GARAGE. $5500. Really, for a moderate priced buns low you will havo to go some to beat this splendid home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, expensively papered. tc. it'll po a real pleasure, to show youu A. G. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office. 60th and Sa&dy. $7000 BEAUTIFUL HOME $7000. REAL SACRIFICE. This is just what you have been look ing for a home of first-class workman ship and material, perfect location and a bargain; 6 rooiua. breakfast room and den. all modern to the minute, garage and all. You will have to see tins to appreciate it. Let us show you. -. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3--7 Board of Trade bldg. 6 ROOMS. $2350 207 G01NG-r-290. Close to Jefferson high and Thompson grammar sh-ooIs; all improvements In and paid; electric ity and gas; full cement baemit: small lot. Office open evenings. (93). J. F. HILL, f6 Williams nve. v East 268. TOUNO CITY FARM. With modern 5-room bungalow. tiu basement, furnace, Dutch kitchen, hull' ln buffet and bookcases, bath and toilet, good garage, sidewalks in and nearly ' Conner lot ' 125x1 14, with 27 bearing fruit trees, berries, chicken house and fence. Just a few blocks from Alameda Park. Buy this and heat the H. C. of L Price $4600; terms. See Mr. Si-hmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 174"! 410 Henry bldg. 375 $67$ CASH. Nobbiest 7-rooni bungalow type In Waverleigh: sleeping porch, fireplace, vacant. "Estate" snap. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablagtnn Hldg. "86 Years In Portland." IRVINGTON PARK. My $450 equity In 3-room bungalow; bath, full basement, fine set of plumb ing. 60x100 lot with Shade tree; level as a fleer; total price $1500, $20 per month and per coot interest Cal. evenings sfter and all day hunday, I8O0 E. 8tli N. FOR SALE by owner New 8-room bunga low, oak floors In living and dining rooms, all built-in conveniences, weed work Ivory enamel, fireplaoe. full he.se ruent garage; corner lot 4ftxlo0: hard surfaced atreet. 1212 Vixter. eor. K. 41st st.. near Richmond school. Call after Sunday . jLi-irti-k &.ROOM MOUSE close In. all newly repaired, double ga rage, chicken pens, fruit treee aad ber r,.. a anas, nrica $2650. terms. Ask J. DeFOREST CO . 320 Henry Bldg: Main 264n $1000 BUYS this 8-room house, fine condi tion, water, lights, gas. garage, fruit trees, hard-surface street, 2 blocks from Williams ave; terms If desired. East 4O50. LAURELHURST HOME $11,000. Thoroughly modern 8-room homo with hardwood floors; enamel finish; tapes try paper, fine built-in buffet: lot 56xl0: good garare: price $11. Oik). $5800 IRVINGTON, near 17th and Han cock: a very good 6-7-room house, hard wooo rioors i in uu, m,oi. ' j ....... nace, &GxlO; near Irvington school, eluo ana aoup' pw - - - R. T. STREET. Agent. East 94. LOT 160xJ$7'4. rooms: electricity, gas, full brick basement, stove Beat: chickeD . kind of fruit and berries; located it blks. east of Union ave.; price (40O0. good terms. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. rr-(-,-i , - , houses en one iot. one 2-3 ...rtmtnti with nrlvate baths and toilets, cement basement and laundry trays; second house with 4 rooms, bath, cement basement and laundry trays. 404 13th st. WHY rent and be torn ad out In the street when won can own your own home with a small payment down and balance like rentT Wo have some peachy buys. ' Square Deal Realty Co.. 614 Panama blog GOOD BARGAIN. Must sell at once, west side property at 666 Hoyt street. I.eok It over and make after. Airs. L. L. Ormsby, Hotel Portland. OWNER SACRIFICING FLATS. Almost new double flat, furnace, fire place, hardwood floor, sleeping porches, close In. east side, less than cost; see It. T. O. Bird. Marshall 1022. $25 DOWN, $16 MONTH, a laree shack. 14x22. ceiled and ra pered. lot 40x100. good woodshed; Al berta, district; price iuu. rrea w. tier man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR 9 ALE Small house, Sunnyside dis trict; 6 rooms, plumbing, near car and school, $1750; $475 cash, balance $15 per month at per cent interest, tu 339, Oregon la n. A GOOD clean 6-room house In Irvington on a fine corner; there Is a living room dining room, den, pantry, bath room. 8 bedrooms, cement basement and fur nace. 744 Clackamas. owner. $8100 s-roem home, lot 60x100, fruit and berries, sewer, streets, sidewalks and curb in and paid, $350 cash. bal. like " rent; one blk. or sunnyside ear. J. p. McKenna. ueimoai at sstn. Tabor 6403. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. Six rooms, modern. $3150: terms. Seven-room bungalow.-$425: term. DARING A MeREYNOLDS. 615 Couch Building. Main 0r4. SACRIFICE. CLOSE IN. 100x100. East 15th and Alder: 7-nu.tn lestdence and garage; also 5-room cot tage: price for few days, $ In. 500; ground aicne worm more. a.ast (shi. KENTON DISTRICT. 4-room house, -large shingled house. 75x100 lot. on paved street. $1W0. $150 cash, bal. $20 month. Interest 6 per cent. Interstate Ltnft Co. GROVELAND PARK BARGAIN. $3400 only for six rooms, sewing room and hath, corner lot, paved street, close te Franklin high: don't miss it. Pren Uaa, Sli Chamber of Commerce bids. KEAl ESTATE. ior Male House. CHOICE HOME, GOOD INCOME. 10O"-i. Bay direct from owner this 12-rooin H. Jsl. axartmerit house, divided Into one -and 2-room suite : kitchenettes; on beau tiful corner witu big lawn, choice, close in west side location. near business churches, schools and hospital. Building recently painted and redecorated inside and out; has furnace. Owner must sell at once. Low rent. A very low price with easy terms offered. A pleasing home; Income over $100 net. Completely furnished, lots of new things. Call owner, Broadway -866. CF SED $4350. Best L-uy In Hawthorne district, -room, complete In everv wav. You'll like it. Beautiful workman ship and exquisite finish. Msm 40$. G. C GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bid. 10e Tiri 6U. NICE BUNGALOW. An attractive 5-room bungalow on 41st il, built-in effects. wa.Is nicely tinted, bath, electric lights aad gaa. Price only .".0oo and $h.".0 will handle. r;ee Mr. Lundgren with John s. Howard r.8 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN. $400 cash, balance easy terms, huye a 6-room cottacre, full lot. good plumb ing. 1 blk. to Willamette blvd.; price $17O0. See Mr. Chrlstenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO . Main 1748. 410 Henry Bldg. Saburhean Home. SMALL SUBURBAN HOMES ON OREGON ELECTRIC. MULTNOMAH, fine little bungalow. -rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, gas. - .. electric liKhta and bath; $2500. $800 , . cash : a snap. GARDEN HOME, half acre with 7 roora celled house, barn: bearing fruit trees, close to station. $2100; good terms. METZGER acre with dandy 4-room bungalow and good outbuildings; house , is plastered, fine fireplace, etc; $2350, half cash. AT BARSTOW, acre with good ruatlo barn that can easily be converted Into a really good house. A snap at $150v, $5lH) cash. LISTEN We have all kinds of sub urban homes from 1 to 10 and 15 acres; don't try to find Just the kind of a place you want advertised; we can't advertise them all. Come in and tell us the kind of a place you have in mind; we'll be glad to show you. U. C. Mn.'ORMIC CO . 242 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN" 8220. BEST VALUE IN SUBUTiBAN BOSTB- 6-KOOM BUNGALOW; OVliR - ACRE GROUND. $50O. Located on erplendid macadam road. " ' .lust at the edge of the city, convenient - to 6c carline. 15 minutt- servire: one -acre ground. 3S bearing fruit trees: a , splendid 5-room bungalow, filastereid. -good as new: in perfect condition. Just 4 years o;a; A5ull Run water. Data, gas. -tc. ; offered for $2500: 16O0 cash, balance mtge. 3 per cent interest. Chick en house And large chicken run. Owner is Xavmg for California. An excellent buy". See -Mr, Oliver. jH A RiiROVE REALTY CO.. 122 K- Uth St. Broadway 4381. 3 ACrES CIJiARED. ADJOINING REED COLLEGE. This is fine garxidn soil nri a sure In- i vestment; when pivtau wi" insist of , 24 los. There is r 0-room house and I family orchard. Will fll at 1.IK cash ? down, balance payments, or will take s. ., - tjiodern 4 or 5-rooin bungalow in ood .-. distric-t A first payment. Price erf this ncreage $7000. Ask fur Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTVAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. BllsT. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 208. MODERN BUNGALOW WITH ACRE. WORTH J50O0 PRICE $3X50. Close to Btalion at Garden Homo wa have the nicest little bungalow you ever stepped into: four rooms .and sleeping" porch, acre of ground, all In cultivation; fireplace, gun-heating radiators, Dutch kitchen, garage, fine bath with shower: niftier than sny apartment you ever lived in; a positive sacrifice for only $360: about half cash. For the best and most sightly suburban homes around Portland. tv- the G. C. M.CORMIC CO.. 42 WASHINGTON .T. MAIN 822Q. $600 DOWN. balance $S0 per nioniii including interest buys 4 room plastered cottage and quarter acre at Maplewood sta tion on the Oregon Electric, 6c .commutation fare: water, gas. electric lights; immediate pos session S-e ATCHISON. 204 Henry Bldg. 5 ACRES, located close lo Aloha station , and near the paved road, on graveled rond; all under cultivation: new n-room . lath toil plastered bungalow, with ce- . ment basement and floor; 2 large chicken houses ion bearing fruit trees, logan and other berries. This is close to -llool , and Is a blh-cins place. Price 47-'0. . $I5hi cash. retf&onally inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. i SACRIFICE 2-ACRB HOMK. Two acres, with modern 5-room house, located near Flrlock station on the Ore gen electrlr; close to Portland golf linka and oar: house has full cement base ment, lsrg bath. gas. el ee-tric lights; owner will sacrifice for $OoO oj.h. worth easily $5500. A snap If you hurry. G. C. McCORMIC CO 4? WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 8220. 15 ACRES HIGHLY 1MPROVF.D. -14 acres in cultivation. 1 acre Umber. family orcnaro. . r - house. hot ana com . s".,-. . -- ana outDuiiaios. ButB"'-. ., ter piped to buildings: noar I-ourth-st. electric station and paved hiehway. Price su0Li:eddemann company. 913 Chamber of Commerce. J lisn. ij.nic.i , , . ... . . . 56 acres, three mllee from Bdwy. and Washington sts.. all In high state of cultivation; small buildings, spring water and windmill. $4500; $1000 down or will trade for hmt. DARING Ac MeREYNOLDS. 616 Couch Building. Main tHV.4. u AND hi ACRES at less than Price ot city lot. at Shahapta statSsn. on Oregon Electric, in sightly Portland Park addi tion (between Multnomah and Maple wood), in heart of west side popular suburban diatrlcf. Cc fare. 60 tickets $3.03; water. R-as. electricity: easy terms Owner. 319 Railway Exchfange. M,nin . I.' -AkS r i a ; r?., '.'- " y. ACRE AT MAPLEWOOD. On graveled road, with 6-room plas- . tered house, concrete foundation; gas la water; large chiiiken house and . yard; orchard and small fruits: house sTerTo would cost the $2400 asked; $5u0 HENKy''w.GODPAWD. 243 Stark St. NICE little S-room house with gas. eloc- . trie lights and other convenience on fio xlOO lot. neur Portland blvd., $1200. easy terms; would consider in trade f Icrlm close in. DREW. COBB BROS.. ' 263 OAK ST. " CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME ,t and acreage, well located, near ear line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d bouse north f Rlsiey station, on Oregon City oar Una. sign "Aiaer orooa. -..r.n ONE FINE ACRE 76TH ST. Abundance ef fruit and berries, fair house poultry house and runs. This ia surely a good buy; $500 cash aad easy terms on balance. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. , RIGHT AT GRESHAM. 2 acres fronting on the Powell Valley road, all In cultivation; family orchard: 6-room house, barn, etc. Price $220O. K. RIDER A ELK1NGTON. Gresham. Or. "' 4-ROO"M HOUSE. ALL FINISHED, and 11 acres on electric line and high way part In cult.. & minutes' walk to station, $2000, $5500 down. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 6 ACRES elose to Gillis Station, on Bull Run line, one-half cleared, balance fir and cedar; good soil, no gravel; $1000; terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 16fS. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale to close estate; 320 acres fine level land la Harney county. Oregon. W. H. Fowler, 601 Panama bldg.. Portland. Or. $1, ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain, 607 Spalding bldg. 2 ACRES, just off Base Line road, fine fir grove, close to carline; $1000; terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. SO ACRES, 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash., some imps.: on good road; price $1800. A. H. Prlngolf, 5-.WM 41st ave. S. E. BEAUTIFUL 19 acres. Improved, near elec tric, sacrifice $3000. Owner, evenings Tabor 7055. 14 ACRES fine berry land in cultivation, near Milwaukie. on carline and county road. Phone owner. Milwaukie SI Y. HALF acres, 71st st.; 2 blocks from Haw thorne car. Owner, East SStiO. I i 9S.0vJ 98.0v