, i ' " . - . . . M -'- I ... ! - V , : . : , 1 1 - " ' pi-B..-irga rnlTrTXlTIB3. I 1 r wjti'w n . r-t a l, er p k i r r a . a. a-"- j i run rue. a- I - i -,--- i r rh nc.' . . i AW" kortoNIA HOIKU Portland ! downtown ?Im!neK3leinJ buness me n and wome "i" you ai. m. comfort, of a tome Reasonable ratea " - n im l.r-e TiWl7i7rdlnat ricty suitl'ic-nt to "eel) ", oulfct. exriusne "'' ""-'rsous. adults only, to Irvmston r-. ind room. Phone sreornmodated. board "na iNV-eaatTfU. front rm -1,. flreplace and r"n"'".s5 home cook-tfSnr- two' 'tf -""W ,.I.St O-.'. VAN T K D A few anTboT-: bu.-i.ies3 peop'.c wno .are awa the day; e-tHt side, clnse in. ,'red. A Or'f"": or two younit P "P; ml"0- ITcVrred. JVKN. room ,.t0horea'SipJ;'e,'for rounding iut,,ilnh0r lent "nan with one - - ,.,- . ocic rt-.IMi. jq.'-.. -, Iifah for man ana "!dr A p.T caFn feei at h , .'m e." f.sl' il:an street. w home-mado bread. 143 i. fcVKllV convenience for ."" ill cues in of . IT TTTh hoard, walkins dls- FTSsTTTTm and board. 7.3 John- ...,. vw-Ta rri r : j JO month. t-" r"-" - r"" r,1nhor?; hom'"ke no other roomers. - . DoFSS" room, plr three. -9 ,Vl Uvlntf room, dln.nj: rn ; P"n(1 In,ry. hll.-l.en Rrou... '"r-,Jr ,oder- h v outran, c; tvo . -...;.., . .V(.SI ,".rtptcrtarcS;?r.,-ired. Mar Fn.iii 2-:!'- THB CHOMWELIj. Fifth and Columbia Streeu atr-- IZJ.?L1'Z and baicon, Permanent and transient. llish-t.asH apartment I . .u.. ' ., ..... " . nii UD. rro:r.s ,,t ho son to bo ai.i .cc! ta- unfurnished, anu cony. . " " 117 N. I'-lh Kt. . tTTTT BI.MWOOll. room. han..5.mm. uh ,dulIR room, towel, ; ' l' ,' , K.;0 .... I'-Till. TFio.M ap:.rlm-nt, with iron. t"". auep.-Vo'tnKor on premise,, or H. K. t'ro.-s. Oregon L'lty. . 'fnr'nislixd S-ronm apart- m:,.ci-ln. t. adult,., ilain 11th sir.'.-t. v.. It RENT 1 .".-room and 2 --r.0"'n 'ur" F,,,'h?u apts! for rent April 1. Phone Mil ivy. 2'.:'. I. RUVUTIFUL :;-rooin furnished aparln.'nt B S.e. c.oio in. west side. Phone Main 6 A V M A R' 0 Apts., cor. E. tli i ap.irtllieil put . 'ouch. pri ate ,1 I !.:. 'Uiiilsned b.it h .. nl,..,:. Price $!.". K:. r 1VO- II )OM iiir.n-m.-o " rha,l. and heat for two months: fefcr- f urn i-tic IHi :l. A FTS., cotnn. fur. r-.Xt K. Ank.ny st. Modern, :;-iooin apt., clean, lignt, j:;T. East lsl,s w h nil ; ad Lilt-- BKI.KNA APT.. 2-room apt... i c;,j,lini: li;lit. steam h-at. lu. I'th st- Mcar iamniii: !-: outsi'le ;;.room furnished apartmciit, ;:aii.lcst.-i ap tn.cnts. t ph. in.- i:.tsi :"v l) nd avt Mi'KI Y furnished modern u-moiii a'',a,r,1: n. ii t adults; rctcrences. ntnff. ' . .1 TMi'E rnon.s. rlran. new furniture: ' rent reasonable: adults onlj. Phone East KKWI Y furnished anarino nt. lnun. coinrr Grand ave. and E. Ankei.y. ui F"lt n is j;(.;T Two-room ap:ir;ment. fur led. 110T Williiints ave. V.'oodlann 4.VH W. riran housckeeplilK rooms, new far- niture. smtal.'e. jut iwu lie, .-....3. l.'.th. 1 WO-li t.OM furnished. hoiisekeepini; ; hem; aduils. Call aaernoou. Sl-V h.-.tl. K.lssell St. tl l'K'DGK API'.-., mshed apt , SJJ hdwv 47::.. :74 21st.. aduils; 2-rooin fur references. A 1.N APTS. 1 inodern .".-room apt., n l t.mside rootns. "walking diMaii-'e, very rerisonal.:.': adults only. East l'-io':. 1 II E ll KFEY A l'TS. " ronnis und bath, furnace heat: rent ? I". ''" Stanton. JOURNEY hldg.. furnihfd . and unfur nishcd 2-rooni apts. 2i7'.; 2d st- fTurll.I.E COirilT. 4-room apartment, all outside rooms. Call Broadway 2i71. UNION AVE. and Killingsw orth. "11 eomDlete. roncrete b dg 121.50. BGGt;B and furniture moving. Phone "Broadway 4'H. Alert Transfer. :isft Stark. 3-ROOM furnished apartment at 28Lli and Sandy, 1. 731 Pacific st. ONE two-room and one three-room nicely "furnished ant. 44 11th st. .Marshall .".. g-ROOM furnished apt. (Vh and Harrison. Harrison court. IiuL'OUS COURT. 2-room furnished apt. also :t-room unfurnished. 42.. N . Park st TWO-ROo.M furnished apartmeuu olu liroadway. South. . WELL furnished 3-room apt. Hriwy. 117W. 2t!0 N. Oth. ONE 2-room suite; telephone and bath. N. 2ith. -Alitrstia:! o-to. CNE or two-room apart, everything fur nished, rent reasonable. 510 Flanders. 2-1:. OM front apartment with bath and phone, el", gdwy. 4i"H. 3-ltoO.l furnished apt., fi. APIs.. 45 Trinity. .Mar. i.St. 4-i;if apt.. Haddon hall, 414 11th st. I nfiirnlshed Apartments. GVKDNEH 13th and E. Ash: 5 large rooms, all outside, fireplace, hot water heat, adults onlv, shown by appointment only: vacant April 10; $60. East 271. fi-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment; steam heat, at $33: no children. Waver ly Court, East 2tiih and Clinton sts. jThoOM niod-rn flat with sleeping porch. 40o N. 25th St.. adults only: $30. Call 745 Roosevelt St., or phone Mar. 3719. MODERN 2-room apt., bath, phone, lights, garage. $32.50. loth and Clay. Mar. 36111. FOR RENT 2-room apartment, $26. Tabor 1S02. Flato. HOLLADAY ADD. Modern 5-room upper flat on Occident St., close in: 3 blocks from steel bridge, $35. Call at 345 Multnomah nvc. E. 2d North. East 2948 JARTLY furnished upper 3-rm. flat, close to Broadway bridge. East 5914. MODERN FLAT for rent, furniture for sale cheap; going away 227 Mill. Furnished Flats. PARTLY" furnished 5-room flat. 13 min "ntes walk to business district: rent $25; references. 645 Broadvcay drive. 4. 3 AND 2-ROOM furnished flats. S21 Tourman. from 6 to 9. evenings. S-KOOM furnished flat; adults. 661 Wfiltams ave. i"OUK furnished rooms, beat residence dis trict, lor rent, oniy .y. family. Uaa, electric light and bath. Apply 1st at F1NKLY furnished .-room modern flat. 2 Urge porches and lawn; la.r.y c.e.u. Fine view, short walking distance. il ri. t;iisan, near oo NICEI.V furnished livine room, bedropm. Kiicnen anu oaiji, muueiu, - Taylor. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. 441 tith St.; waiKing aistance. v-. ju"". or after tl P. M. weekdays. AND 4-room neatly furnished sieepinK porches, fireplaces; adulta. oiO t:. Alain ana xjin. 4-ROOM furnUhed flat for housekeeping no cnnaren. wi- luiuu 4-R. MODERN FUKN-. FIAT, J10. PHOXE 31'.-0l. FLAT for rent, furniture tr sale. Mar shall lous. A 2-KOOiI furnished flat at BOa East 22d street. llounekeei.il. g Boom. LARGE, light, clean, completely-furnished room; ft. n.. pruuege n uro.. able for lady employed. J-room H. K. suite, partly furnished, Jil'.oO. ii ltn si. NEWLY renovated and painted, desirable clean furnished housekeeping apta. see these today. 600 Front St., cor. Sher man. Main S1NOLE and double, strictiy clean house keeping rooms. Plenty steam heat, elec tricity laundry. 1S6 Sherman st. Mar. si. THKEH light housekeeping rooms, newly papered, well furnished; bath; 5 mm uW walk to P. O. Apply 348 College St. Kl'KNlSliED and unfurnished, water and e.ectricity. Reasonable. ltW Jirst. cor- ner Morriiion. THE BUCKEYE. 1 and 2-foon, apts.. nice, crean rooms; rent reasonable. 3o4ii East M orrtson. Automatic - TWO furnished houjekeepine r0f2s'vSS Phone evenings, aiain .U17. al5 Vista avnue. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town district lor 2m. Auto Service. Phono Main :'.). FRONT housekeeping rooms for rent. 151 Lownsflaie si. BAGOAUB and furniture moving; phone liroadway mi. ai"- i.-..-.. II. K. ROOMS. Burns apis., aa-n thorne ave. NKAT 1. 2 and 3-room housekeeping suite :;S4 I'arK si reel. WE HAVE some extra wen light housekeeping rooms at -t- I4tn si. FUlTxiSHED housekeeping rooms for rent. HOUSEKEEPING roo. Call room 605. ( ; oo d n n u gr. Diag . - - THE BUSHMARK. cor. 17th and Wash. aL t:i''an, mocorn. one-room S1NV1LK basement U. K. room. $15 month. :;i'.. .lefT'rso:i. NKEI.Y furni'hed housekeeping rooms. :tl l Columbia St.. corner q'q. TENT, very comfortable. 12.00 per week. :s -Main si. ONE front room with kitxhenI6g--N.21st. lloiiNekeeplng Koonw In Trivate Family. 2 LIGHT, airy furnished H K. ms"d kitchenette, newly tinted! bath light and phone; near -S. P. car shops, adul.s only. benwooQ -i.. LADY alone most of the time will rent front rooms with kitchenette in her mod ern home to congenial party. Wdln. 11 ST what vou have been looking for. cVan and nVely furnished housekeeping room.- In desirable residence district. loj.l E. Main, cor. :i4tn nawu.un.e TWO comfortable rooms for housekeeping, in strictly modern, close-in residence, ca. lights, heat and linen furnished, i see to appreciate. Main eOoo. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch; modern conveniences no children. 1108 Milwaukie St. Phone Sellwood 6. FURNISHED hou!'kee.ping rooms; elec tric lights, telephone, bath, gas; chil dren laKcn. i-uwaowaj- ....... FURNISH ED room with board, sleeping porch, lor 2 men. 407 Clay St. Main :;i. TWO front rooms, first floor, furnished for housekeeping, linhts. l eat. water: single housekeeping room. .Vl' Everett St. TWO neat housekeeping rooms: also 1 room, furnished for housekeeping. 1 l'.ih. corner Salmon. . 7akT;R airv, steam-heated housekeeping room, sas'and laundry, 20 per month. 41.-. Columbia. Another. 14 per month. H .USEK KEPI SCt rooms in modern home, very reasonah!". 1221 East Main St. 3 SM I.L light housekeeping rooms, close :..' .'ila ....r We:.! Park CLEAN silicic H. K. room: heat, light and cas T.irnisnen. no i.-iu ROOM in private home: ute of kitchen. PLEASANT room for men that wish qui. t liollie. 4.'1 IP... s.. ouiii. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. uiu.il"-. NK'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms. ISO I rltMllU.r u- , Houses. ... T: . nnnai.inn ui. a localitr r-r. . j 'i moil, rn n-roo.u icflio--...., .. V fruit and Ilowers. close 10 .a.-s, and churehes: lease or sell on reasona ble terms. See H. Quin, 514 Swetiand bl.ig.. . .. rnnma niflMtered. half block from ..muni laou. va. wo tils'.; vacant April i. -o. an 2.10. Cole. M.irv vnf tnvir llse NORTH WES 1EK.N J1.U.I I iviv. iifcu serv!eu. Proadway 580. A 6,47. AGAINST FIRE INSURE IN NEWARK F1P.E INSURANCE I'UJirAJi. EXILE BURK1TT. "OS SELLING 8LDG. MAIN 1800. iii.-w-r iT.l-'. C-ronn. cottace. close in walking distance. 314 20th. Reasonable rent. FOR RENT on Portsmouth ave... modern r.-room house with garage. Cail Colum bia. 4m; after 10 A. M. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dls-lance hauling a specialty. O. & W. truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121 LOCAL and long-distance moving and haul ing' tTrsl-class equipment. ,reen i ran. Co., 202! j Alder St. Main 1261. 572-61. MODERN bungalow; furnace, fireplace, lar;e yard: references. li&S Vancouver ave. tlO. Woodlawn 106. TriOOM house. First st. Inquire 384 First st. Main S412. FOR RENT a rooms. !."."; 135 East 35th, near Belmont. WEST side. c!osi-in cottage, $22.50, by owner, SiHi Northwestern Bank bldg. 6-ROOM house. 5S9 Kearney, near loth, MO. Tabor lftfil. MODERN 8-room house. 655 Northrop. FurnUhed House. 8-KOOM furnished house. 409 First; $40; owner wishes to reserve one room. sjX-ROOM unfurnished or partly fur nished house. Call 300 Graham avenue. FIRST floor, private home, garden, yard. Adults only. 11S3 Cora ave. i POLLY AND HER PALS i t ; , : I . ' AiTD THIS BIRD WILL DO JUST AS HIS BOOK SATS BT CLIFF STKHBJiTT. East 4707. J .-.... r . t " ' " " 7 ROOMS, PARTLY FURNISHED. $43 East 10th and Davis; easy walk ing distance: will give lease. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. . 4-ROOlI modern house, furnished. 928 Clinton St., between 21th and 30th sta. Richmond carline. Sellwood 2015, today after A. M. LADY with nice 5-room home, good neigh borhood, will share same with congenial couple. $2j and 'A for fuel. Tabor 4488. WILL, rent to 1 or 2 adulta my furnished home in exchange for board; references. O 175. Oregonlan. MODERN? 8-room house, furniture for sale. Walking distance, rooms rented more than pay tne rent, taai j.-. PARTLY furnished 3-room upper flat, adults 315 TUiamook. Store. IN a close-In suburban locality that has 8 grocery stores, bakery, butcher, drug Store, dry goods store, theater and a public hall, we have one vacant store, suitable for hardware, ladies' tailor, millinery, etc.; rent reasonable. East 26th and Clinton sts., or can eay. STORE 1187 Milwaukee St., 15 per month; good location for meat market. JObn Main, OU. apaimoe ""-p. TWO stores, 25 and 27 Grand ave. Apply to F. A. Ballln. East 8660. Offices. PRIVATE office, equipped with roll-top desk, chairs, etc; use of reception room and ohone free. See BROUN DLE. 321 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BI.DG. MAR. OFFICE space with storage room, pnone, stenographer, on second floor; ideal for manufacturer's agent. 88 Front Mam 4831. FOR SALE . PEAL ESTATE OFFICE, WELL ES T ARMSHED MR. HAAS. MAIN 6127. LIGHT office, phone and reception room. Main 8217 Miscellaneous. SMALL lodge hall, newly equipped; sult aWe for small lodges, clubs, etc.: maa reservations early; central 517 Chamber of Commerce, or phone Main 335S. BUSINESS OPrOBTTSTTTES. $700 ' RESTAURANT, well located In Mar ket, long lease, rent $50. receipts $35 ner day; $150 cash; easy terms. $1000 restaurant, good location, rent $35. receipts $40. well equipped; good 6$T700 restaurant, fine location, re ceipts $120; rent $40; good terms. See Morris. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. , A MONEY MAKER. On a prominent transfer corner, a grocery and drug store, running $300 per dav. to interested party will show booksTno delivery; will n1" '?! eluding soda fount, for $4500. stock at invoice; owner must leave state on ac count of sickness. This one l bear Inspection. Call for appt. Marshall - - 1 n,. ri AOa r-mieh BldlT. .1. o. nui.i cv., " - - IF YOU WANT TO SELL JOUR BUSI NESS OR WANT TO BUY ONE. LET I 3 HEAR FROM YOU. AS OUR ,SJSTEM OF DEALING- BRINGS QUICK RB- SOKTHWEST BUSINESS EXCHANGB. 428 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDQ. GRILL, HOTEL AND DELICATESSEN. Best paying business in the north west. Inquire BRAND'S. Boise, Idaho. PARTNER WANTED FOR GARAGE. Concrete bldg.. lease, C". cars steady storage, plenty repair work; also sell gas. oils, tires, etc Net profits $-..0 month to each ,rtner. Room 401 De- kum htdg . . . n . . ... i..-rv CAO AdlT-VCY. ! Partner wanted to enlarge the busw ness- must be reliable and active; pay salary $200 month and share profits; in vestment of $3000 required. Call 511 Railway Escnange. FOR SALE at invoice, confectionery and pocket billiard hall, cigars and tobac co soda fountain and a complete candy kitchen, in a country town; must sell on acount of health. Address AV 533, Or- egonian. Does vulcanising: jells oils, tires, etc. Repair shop in connection; located on busy corner; clears $200 month; only $1400 required. Call 511 Railway Ex change . . FlTlTlTor half interest In well-equipped dye works and cleaning plant; 3 delivery cars 10 people employed; doing fine business. Price $64011; half $32..0. See BROWN tz. BIBBLE. 324 Railway Ex change, 3d. ana fiiara BUSINESS opportunity, general merchan dise store In good town near Eugene, on railroad; has good trade, building and invoice about $4500. Address WM. G. KLUSSMAN. Irving. Oregon AUTO machine shop In a thriving town, big territory to draw from; has more work than two mechanics can handle, must sell on account of other business. Answer AV 474, Oregonlan. GARAGE. I am going away, must sell i interest In a good Pas-ing place; will stand In-vesUg-ailon- $150.. cash for ; Ick sale. 401 Stock Ex. bldg. Main riTlTTION BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realy Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 902 FOP PALE 51-room apartment house, 3 tstores on ground floor, all rented; H'iSnOO- part cash, balance terms; cen trally located in Nob Hill district- Ad dress V urenoiimn. $1100 RESTAURANT. Washington St., rent $25, receipts $50, well equipped. See HarPeiNTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. CA FETERIA Seating rapacity 50 pee. pie: daily receipts, $125 to $1 0: good location; $20OO. cash. Morris, with Interstate Land Co., Main a!29. -4 Slark st B l J e 1 nr...invi..... Established 4 years: a fine place doing shout $75 a day. See it and you will buy: price $2000. Call 511 Railway Ex change. CASH buyer for 2-ehalr barber shop, in good location: city. EDWIN JACOBSON. Main 5642. OFFICE BUSINESS. Old established office chance for an active reliable man as partner; refer ences exchanged. Call 611 Railway Ex change. ' WOOD AND COAL Partner wanted for a growing busi ness. Must be willing to work. Can make good profits. $650 cash required, fully secured. Room 401 Dekum bldg. RRRTAURANT J150 DAILY RECEIPTS. Busy street, west side; rent $75. Best restaurant . in fortland tor tne money. Price $2225. Cobb Bros., 263 Oak st. GENERAL STORE, good location and business; will sell or rent rixtures. other business requires me to sell this by April 20. V 200, Qregonian. FULLY equipped machine shop and auto repairing, first-class location; good rea son for selling. H .55. Oregonlan. HAVE some good cars. Want reliable man to join me. Incorporate small auto sa 1 e s company. Inquire East 366. , ADDING MACHINE, $15. 618 CORBETT BUILDING. TOE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, iuv Bi.vs meat market. , $2100 buys west side meat market, good place. $300 buys restaurant, west side. $700 buys lunch counter and restau rant. 12 stools, doing $40 a day. $2500 buys 20-table restaurant In Van couver. Wash., doing $75 a day. $650 buys grocery stare in apt. ais- $1100 buys good grocery store; 1 good living room. $1000 buys photograph gallery com plete: rent $18; good lease. At invoice, confectionery and Ice cream stand: good corner on west side, doing $50 a day; 2-year lease. . . $1200 buys grocery, notion and hard ware store; good living room; 2-yr. ieas- $1500 bays confectionery, ice cream and soft drink stand; 8 good living rooms; rent $30. . . . At invoice, good bakery and light gro cery. At invoice, good cigar "tore. $1600 buys grocery and confectionery, i good living rooms: rent $'-" n1 At invoice, good bicycle snop. or win exchange for a farm. Good 29-cow dairy: good terms. Grocery and feed store', fine lotlpn. average sales per day $12o; will Ino-ce. around $2500. including good Dodge de livery car and trailer. Owner leaving City r.- noonrv A. -nTTTnLE. 324 RAILWAY EX. BLDG OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS General mdse. store 50 miles Portland, good little town with large payroll. mill ana other utilities to roll; storo is doing a business close to $100,000 a year; no competition. "earff' town 17 miles: mill Pef "fSSJ? VL by workers; invoice about 1-0.000- 1 gin. rent $29.25, Including store. ""''J garage and living-rooms: hot and com water; here is a chance to get a legiu mate business paying l10.',",, For particulars call Ires. 300 Hawtnorne ave.. mornings: no trades: no agents. LIVE LITTLE CITY A SWELL POOL HALL. BRICK BUILDING. Do you want a swell pool hall. Jf b'"' wall case, show cases, brick building, next door to only show house. good lease and clearing $12 per day. this place is in a live town, all for $-o0U. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. FOR SALE. Fmlt. vegetable and buttor store, cen tral busy location: stock complete, lease good, doing better than $100 a day average: health requires change, of fered low at $2S00. Will divide if want ed. See Mr. Ross. . nn INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. HAVE $3000 cash to pay on small farm near Portland. EDWIN JACOBSON, 718 Spalding Bldg. Main ob4J. NOTICE Paying cafeteria, rent 140, tak ing in $45 to $60 per day; I am going east for 5 months, want responftble party to run this place, buy groceries mi hand $100 for use of fixtures; this $100 gives you option to buy after 5 months if sat isfied at $800. Owner at 42 N. 1st st. w.VTRn PARTNER to Join me in manufacturing bus.. $700 will handle. This your ci.a.ui.. n into a good paying bus. 409 S WETLAND BIDG. ESTABLISHED grocery, best in the dis trict, doing good business: stock ana fixtures about $5000; will lease buildinK to suit tenant. If you want a good proposition with the owner, who Is retiring- 20 years in the business. AR 488. oregonlan. GOOD clean stock of merchandise in GOOD bldg., GOOD location, doing GOOD busi ness ana ou win .w -if vou pet' it If vou want somelhing GOOD, for GOODNESS sake hurry. In voice about $51100. Edwin Jacobson. 716 Snaiding Plug. GARAGE FOR SALE Must sacrifice for quick sale as ownei ia . lease' concrete. 2-story. aOx.0. good stor age fine workshop and machinery; some accessories: also Overland car. 90, JOlfl, like new. Office East 853; home Tabor 3520. . GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP 75x100 concrete building with 3-year lease west side, close in; repairing, washing, polishing and storage. Garage completely equipped. Phone Broadway 2:9. FOR SALE A confectionery store that made $4500 in 3919; business for Janu arv and February shows an increase of 112 per cent over same months last year Write now if you want it. VV 1 7S, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for country garage; sell Dodge and Chevrolet cars: oils, gas, tires and auto repairing; good prolits; $2500 will buy equal half interest with a good mechanic Call room 401 Dekum b!d- RADIATOR, fender, auto body building, etc A growing business (working o men now). Owner busy in shop wants a reliable partner to tend office wait on Customers, etc. Pay, $250 to $300 month for each partner. Room 401 Dekum bldg. t-150 Cash grocery on busy corner: low rent: no delivery; clean stock: price In cludes stock, fixtures and furniture for 2 living rooms; sales over JloOO per month. R 187, Oregonian. INTELLIGENT potato culture promises big returns this year: will put labor for season against $1000 for seed and plant ing and divide profits aO-.V): land al ready secured, t-noin- r..,ct I H WE a good country store doing $20,000 business per year; I will sell reasonable I cleared 110.000 last three years; good reason for selling; will be in city this week, -v -v, uicHvin.il. MONEY-MAKER Restaurant out of town, doing $65 and up a day; $25 rent: 2-yr. lease- ruriositv seekers don t answer: price $700. AV 535.Oregonian. KARTN'ER WANTED FOR STORE. Sells cigars, soft drinks, confectionery, card room. etc. Clears $500 to $600 mo. Room 41.1 ueKum unifi. FOR SM.E Confectionery, cigars and li-ht lunches: best location across from depot: will not consider less than $-1000 cashJregt terms. Phone Bdwy. 13.... WANTED Partv with J2500. I will show Cnt the biggest money-making propo JSVon of your life. Phone Tabor 4136. or AH 156, Oregonian . . -t.. CCr. CAT .1.7 Storage alone brings in Vi.n month, have good repair business $2.00 rc- "uired Room 401 Dekum bldg. WILL trade my $500 eflulty 3-r2"in 'noise and lot for Rood piano or flrst pavmerft on rooming house. Phone Broadway 293.. , HANDY man with $400 can buy equal half Interest in auto repair business Sell used cars, etc Profits extra good. Km. 401 Dekum bldg. PICTURE theater for sale, with lease of building- prompt investigation required. H. Marks. Roseburg. i-rrfM) TO $10,000 will buy a high-class rmsiness: will stand rigid investigation. Room 3-4 Jvai.w? j.-....-.. ON- account other business owner will sac riflce going line accessories and gasoline station. RESTAURANT on Washington st near 11th st - $1SOO cash, balance $800 on easy terms Inquire 413 Washington. oxtatt. tailor shop complete for one man; S besMocation"; for sale. The Beaver. 13th and Yamhlll. . . rOR SALE Dental equipment and prac tice In gMd eastern Oregon town. B 188, Oregonian. rrn 4tcFER business for sale reasonable. Mrs! Stella Jefferles. McMinnville. Or. 1000 BNVEI-OPES. $4 50. Main 5134. Ryger LlDeriy t-iccq, 3-CH A IR barber shop cheap. 293 Giisan. FOB SALE ALTO DISTRIBUTOR'S Fireproof building 120x169 feet, cor ner location, on pavement; storage i' 75 cars; up-to-date equipment, tompieii in every detail: in center of Yakima val ley; business tor sale, building tor sale or lease; all new. ,rvv JOliN JAY MILLER COMPANY, 20 East A Street. l'akima. wash SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL 40 ROOMS. cimpUtily furnished, largo dining room, ranges, fixtures 'TlKfT stead? all rooms. 4 baths and tolteU 80 wady roomers and boarders, taking In 3000 per mo'., could be increased, rooms al ways full, located in 3-story "team heat ed brick biag., walking distance, on cor, only $4500. For more data call at J B ROCK CO., 404 Couch Bldg. Auto machine shop in busy town shop full of cars all the time; working two mechanics; must have more help, will sell half Interest to working part- ner. Answer AV .o. uitn"-i Business Opportunities Wanted. ROOMING-HOUSE or hotel In im'J sort, mining or lumber town, or camp, or take charge and run same. Address AV 524. uregoniau WANTED Furniture of 8 to lf-ruo house with house for rent, : nn, " good, clean, electric lighted good loca fion: owners only. Marshall 10 HAVE a few hundred dollars io f paying business. What have you? E 63. Uregoniarr WANT to lease or buy sa'ol'ne, tion or will buy good vulcanizing snuv E Ureson.au. Hotels nnd Booming Houses- S750 BUYS 14 housekeeping r-stau- $ 1 050 buys 10-room hotel and restau come $750 a.mo.: good lease S2? p"." BLDG. 1 . itAI' W moreTUbursr Tef profit a.most $T00 a nnth PrlceKllL6.00 rv, VVTnPrT' rro.. 107 Yeon bid?. (i l-KJ. 1. .mv"" s-yTcheckerT Chanced Po Vttnynlf,y sides. I have , som ver blJg reasonable, too. i(u' llain 8-M5. t rooms, roo, net rgloodioa,n,s.agPooarmconie;' only $900. MrS" GrS: DEFOREST CO.. ' K ROOMS, well furnisnea, Harper LAND CO., IMB' ,; rl7.St Can showJlO-room apart "rE l" A B LlIT I NV EiT li EN T CO., rr-i rt i ," nin? ants.: clean in most rooms. 4 batnroo. ' '3,-,00 $2000 about $200 month. Price .i..uu. will hanme ket.leR. geo. -rM2IlJ:'--ilK'' Yeon g' - 12 Booaia, v- ,. . . r, n - A 0wThaT5- rand income of $!00 per mo.,11, CO.. J. x ' c - :120 Henry Bid- ,-,"..,vi tf'HT rrocfrv and" confectionery, "1,xTERs"rLAWNDCO.. 248 Stark St. kooMS RENT $125. barsain. lTOsT CO.. 320 Henry 1 ROOMS, all 11 ! : . . , rl.nrq si rent $50. ease in "'" down; ll.- f" oration, best of furniture SI III iu........ 215 Stock Lj clears' $RO. s75. snap chant-e. Main 10- . . i;..ini, rooms In lease: receipts S-0.' ' 5 INTERSTA l i'. i.n.'" 248 Stark St. Hotel. 320 Henry Bids. w . -699' Ve BUV I. lino.' ....... . 7- K Ir rent I."...: llOUSe ail full, turniture uj i". 'u. troo ., niinutes' wain in "''"'''',' .,. cash, balance easy payments. See Gray- less . 423 nenr ".- . . 5TAST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. A small apart, house. 14 rooms and making monePy WW'T1 RELIABLE IMhsTMBM ' 305 Oak St . "inno 10 ROOM'S-!." K., rent $35; well 'furnished, netting $100; good easy terms. Sop Morris. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. $7511 rooms, h. k., walking dl'tance rent $40: Income $125; a bargain if taken soon: $:'.5h will handle balance easy pay ments Sec Mrs. Stelnmetz, 423 Henry bldg. FOP. QUICK SALE, list your hotels, apartments and rooming houses with us SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO T MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. $S0O CASH will handle It-room II. Iv with clear income of $100 and Rood lease, east side; bill.. $450. terms. Main S24u. Nord. 200 Henry bldg. $1150 15 h. k. rooms, all full, good furni ture, west side location; Income $150 month; some terms. See Grayless, 423 Henry bldg . HOTEL. If you have $18,000 and want to double I have what you nre looking for. C. W. Yaunke. Phone Bdwy. 3S22. HOTEL BARGAIN. 40 rooms, good lease. Call on owner. Bdwy. 15SI. No agents. FOR SALEl Must be sold before April 1, furniture of beautiful ten-room house, $ 1 600. Owner, N 149, Oregonlan. MRS. M. E. LENT, Hotel and apartment house broker. 723-4 Northwestern nanK jsiag. FOR best bargains In apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Real ty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg. IF YOUR rooming-house Is for sale call Main 3638. If it is well located we can sell it for you. C. E. Bowden Co. SMALL house, good Income for person to run and work elsewhere. 529 Johnson. 11 ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping; $1 00 cash and terms, v 140. uregontan. 19g0 BUSINESS OPPOBTCNTrlEg. Hotels and Booming Honc- 3!noDNnfJ.bcA. ,lm.? H K poOMS CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE?-w I good 'furniture; net Income ''fo EXTRA WELL-FURNISHED ROOMSBmTWhV Temple dlst; rent $50; furniture only 1 iar oiu. Jjy'LCom. Main 6.27.. 6 ROOMS, good furniture, rent $27.50;. In come of 3 rooms, $uo. desirable location; rent 4. -rr nnA ir.rji tion. sro'od ,norund clean. . 626 Cham. oMf RESIDENTIAL 1 ' ,,, ,(1 100 elegantly furnished rooms, hot and cofd running water and steam , heat in a 1. private baths, automatic elevator bea r.doS.norn?,:i & awmethandle this -s-ntkELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10"7 Yeon bldg. .rr, VOft TX'TKTT ir x .. - - -" TO BUY OR SELL .,., Hotel, Rooming or Apart .SflESS. ft apVMnd. TCSi&nd6w r"1"" ooffi.7 Board of Trade Bid?. X SNAP. 5-room flat, rent $30. furniture A ...' : oiui downtown. anQ oiBxRY JOHNSON & CO, . mi aiftfk. 1"0 Tentn si LOST AND FOI ND. LOST Sunday evening at Anken and Broadway or between there and Liberty theater, a medium size moleskin cape. A liberal re ward will be paid If returned to Henry B. Murtagh, Liberty theater, or telepbone fciaat OJ.o. LOST-Between telephone b,,o.h. Cnlon sta.. ana iop oi" V, lirch 29 $2. ring. 2 baggage checks, leceipts. rinB is only valuable to me. Will V-" wno foundybag please keep money and return uregoruau y... THE following articlehave been found on paoSe?'cr March 0: 2 P-rse. ring, 4 ?ncS iwn,a, obtain proporiy ai jm- - LOST-VVlll gentleman who br,i ug hi sts. . i. .,n.v.reilu .from Meier & LAD t . . " " , . .e Saturday please return o OrVnl.n .nd .voM" trouble. Ha" ebonv handle with ivory ring, naliie "Cresnt." inside; valued as keepsake from dean sisiei. LOST-Snmll blaJk coin purse conla'ning onSepo,!risP0licar,ro,n st fn frSnt of old postolfhe or r there. Finder please phono Bdwy. 10i. rZJ. '..Cc.ranaS ima'ii JmouSt' money ' Return to Oregonlan and receive reward LOST Check book with cashiers check: finder please leave same with clilet clerk at U. S. Nat. bank and receive suitable reward! i rXsTMTn's gray coat, size JO. J'onday morning, between foot of 21st st. and Hawthorne bridge. Reward. Phone -ol 74... LOST Green beads Saturday afternoon near 19th and Glifan sts. Kcwnrd. Phone Broadway .14 1 . . NEAR Bdwv. bridge, bl.uk grip: initials F. E. K. Phone Main 6953 and receive reward. WILL partv who picked up pump cur wheel in Friedman's meat market Tues. A. M. please return? LOST Contract oil Sellwood property w ith equitv transfer attached. Phone Hn.uh by. Main l."l or East 2171. Hcwani. LOST Small black purse containing over $.".0 in bills and silver. Reward, tall Wdln. 244 1 alter 0 t: LOST Black satin sash with large bow, Saturday evening, ivewqio. ONE Shriner's its'. charm. Call Broadway L.i.sT Russian wolf hound; license ..No. 20".. Reward. Phone Woodlawn 405": IOST 2ft bill in shopping district. March "'::. Reward. Wdln. 21S9. LOST Silver pencil. "Lillle" on it. Finder call East 6075. ost Airedale. 1 year old, license 1555. " Reward. Marshall 2075. LOST Green silk umbrella. f'rplieuni. Sunday night' Reward. Main 792... SPKCIAL NOTICES. ON and after March 30, 1920. 1 will not be responsible for unpaid debts ol Au tomotive Electric 'o. P. H. GI:EhN. Proposals Invited. BIDS WANTED. 10O pieces 2x14 in. 16 ft. No. 1 com fir, SI SI E. . 4011 pieces 2x14 In. 22 ft. 10 500 ft. No. 1 com. Or hoards. so' pieces 2x12 In. 26 ft. No. 1 com. fir. S1S1B. SO pieces 2x12 In. 16 ft. No. 1 com. Br. S1S1E. .... . ... , ... 40 pieces 2X12 -u II. r.o. coo. S1SI I' 80 pieces xlO In. 12 ft. No. 1 com. fir, S 'so "pieces 2x10 in. 12 ft. No. 1 com. fir. SI2Ss:'pIeces 2x10 In. 22 ft No. 1 com fir. S1?000 ft. 6-ln. No. 1 com. fir. DSM l-ii pieces 2xi in. 16 ft. No. 1 com. fir SIS1E. . . ... . flr 200 pieces -XI in. 1- 11. " S1SI 1 30 pieces 2x4 in. 20 ft. No. 1 com. fir. S 1 S 1 E. Dieces 2x10 In. 16 ft. No. 1 com. nr, 81 This must he all No. 1 common Or and to be dry and suitable for building pur poses at once when received. UJ 4t.... Oregonian. "...V.titt. T eoVTHirTflltS Bids will be received until April 7 on stone work, plastering, painting etc. on pew Catholic church at St He ens. or Plans mav be obtained st 150 . leveland ave Portland. Phone Wdln. 123 9. stone furnished. Right reserved to reject any or all bids Miscellaneous. LOGGING contract offered: 20,000.000 feet fir lower Columbia district; S per thou sand net for all logs loaded on cars; I contractor to furnish all equipment for logging and loading, also bond for com pletion of contract. Phone mornings. E. G. Hopson. Main 8729. , NOTICE I wiU not be responsible for bills contracted by Mrs. E. M or t.ladjs Shubert after this date. E. M. Sliuoert. FINANCIAL. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on reai estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbcrmena hldg. WE BUY" first and second mortgngea and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman 4 Co.. 210 Chamber ot v,ommerco. FINANCIAL. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your real estate loan on the co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from to 10 years, rcpayablo in small monthly Installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates In full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association In Portland. UNION SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION. bt 4th Bt. WB BUY WAR BONDS VICTORY. LIBERTY BONDS. New York quotations, March 24. 1920. 1st 2d 3d 4th 6th 3'is 4i,i 4W 4Vs Market $1(7.00 $89.82 $92 64 IMMH) $97.56 Interest .91 1.46 .05 1.83 124 Total ..$97.91 $111.28 $92 60 $91.78 $98.80 Mail orders receive prompt attention. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, Licensed by .he City of Portland. 405 Spalding Bldg., Fourth Fiuor. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON LAND MORTOAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, hogs. etc. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Main 8026. WANT mortgages, contracts, industrial 'e curities. See H. Quin. 514 Swetiand hldg JUoney to lian on Keal Ksmte. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6 per cent to 7 per rent, five-year period. You may pay 100 or any mul tiple thereof account principal, semi annuallv and reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 64 to 7 per cent. You pay one half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you pay M0 monthly and interest. Y'ou have privilege of paying'$100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interert reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five to ten-year period; 5'i and 6 per cent. Same repavment -i-lvllege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308. Suite 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for Improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying ft loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month '- 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 06 mouths pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment prlvileces. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment privi leges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third Street. Main S067. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce bldg. MORTGAGE 1lANS. On real estalu security, any amount from $.',00 up on improved city or lann property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 205 Corbett Bldg. .Main 6915. A gsif. - MQ-rj.GAG1J LOANS. Any amount, low rate., promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1KREI.L CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4111. .FARM LOANS. Insurance compauy money to loan at lowest current rates on (Villamettn val les farms: no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland, or. 'i AND 7'i. $40,000 cIleuLs' money to loan on Im proved real estate security at 6', and .'.; repaw.ieul privileges; prefer loank from $u.i;io to $5noo. J. H. KHLLEY, Attorney. 1524 Yeon bldg MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate security at going rate of interest. OTTO & IIARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. CITY AND FARM LOANS No Coinmitslon. No Delay. $1000. $1500, $2000. $.1000 and UP. We loan our money on real estate. F. H. DES1K1N. 615 CHAM. OK COM. J400. $500, $1.00, $M0, $1000, $121.0, $l.".0O. $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action: pay o.i $100 or mere at any Interest dale. Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 514 PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 84 4TH ST.. HENKY BLDG. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real es tate. 1st and 2d murtgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman Co., 210 Chamber Com. Main 3026. $60.01.0 TO LOAN in .urns to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 21 .-.-'- It FAILING BLDG. TH 1 K D A ND VA S HINU TO N, SEE US TODAY. We to.n money on real estate. 6 and 7, long time, short time: monthly payments or as you can; lumi 10 suit. 725 Gascn bldg., 5lh and Alder. CELLA KS-MUKTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property; favorable repaying ni-ivilcges: no commission or neiay. THE OREGON .MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 506 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. . urreiu rales. WM Mac MASTERS, 331 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on city and farm prop erty: we buy mortgages and contracts, notes and accounts. Levy & Zimmerman f o. 202 .-uo.vay n.u MORTGAGE LOANS OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. $500 $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable term.: no delay; no brokerage. John nam, tun .paunug nina TTrT TT -nn TKA t.AAO 1 V C I l inw $3i"i. J4... ", "". v. ' rates: quirk action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 644a. SI--E OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, nf Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE. LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon Co.. 4H8 Selling bldg MONEY on farm and Improved city prop. erty. K. K. Baxter. 1203 Spalding hldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. A. li Harolng. ai.: nauway r.:"n. Money lo l.oun Chattel, und Salaries. SALARY. . , r'OA?'.,rlvrTCHATTELS' on short notice to salaried or working n ..e oi tueir uvru iiulcs ..t...,. ...... monthly or monthly payments. hacn transaction strictly conHdentla . tnj:TG VGES. NO 1NDORSER. 'SOI.UTELY NO SECURITY. W also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 21S FAILING BLDG. MONEY fo loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal .t. tn. h.iH a vMr: etab- Ushed 18SS. Dan Marx Co..SS Wash riNANf'll,. Money to loan hl lei, and Blrle PORTLAND lti.Mi.DlAl, trUAN Abo.V. MONEY AT S TER CENT. KSTA RLISHED BY PORTLAND rtl'! NESS MEN TO PitorECT BOHKOW sills). LOANS If 4 PR ON DIAVONnH, WATCHES. JEWKt.llY. PMMJN. VI.:. THUI.AS. LllitUlK BONDS AND MTUHE. 4 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HKHRMANN. Mgr. . PORTLAND RKMECJA!j LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONET AT LEGAL KATES. QUI. K SERVICB YOU CAN GET IT TODAY, LOANS .MADE ON A.UTOMOMILES. Fl KNITLHR, rtAXM. VlCTllOl.AS. HEAL fcttTATU. BUNDS. ETC. if your pnytneuiH are loo large on font automobile or furniture itr.ets, mm wl'l Pay them up and advance you itior nioney If needed. We make a specuitr of thes. loan., and lev. th. security in your posst'NPion and ou can repay us la mall monthly payments. ASO WE MAKli SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their own out. Kate, reasonable, l'rlv..e offices, Mx bu.lne.s .trli'tly conf nlenlis.. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED 30U-.10T Dekum bldg. .Marshall 82S. S. W. Cor. Third and W antiunion, ; HATHAWAY Loan, on pianos and furnl. ture; legal ratea 208 Washington bldif. Loan. Wanleil. WANTED LOANS. Wanted on good house and lot, lean of $20..0: 7 per cent Interost. Call at 5-f Corbett bldg. See Mr. Phelpa. FORMER service man engnged In an e- tabhsh-d puyuig business, is 111 need of $250 caplt.il. A tonus of $2.. will b paid on this loan and the total repohl in five monthly lli.u.llmeutA HV 020, Oregonlan. TO BORROW. $900 from private party on fi-room modern bungalow ui Montavtlla, 7 pel tent, 3 ye-.rs. No coniutKi.on. HI H K-0 K FY C4 M PA N V. 219 Kallwiy Kxchn.ige Bldg. WANT TO HOIl ROW. $2200 on ou of Hawthorne's prettlent homes. 7 per cent. 3 yrs. No commip si in. Phono Hthr-Cnrey Co., Main 74S7 iui- apiH.ini.uent to see. WANTED To borrow $.;o.o.iO on litrKS wheat tarm In eMstcrn a.hlnglon; slue of lai'iu $I1.INH.. STEW ART BI'lC. 315 Nortliwesiern t:itik bide. FIRST MORTGAGES iTlH s.tl.K UN Improved farms and city properly, $luQ0 lo $111,000 l"HDi;sH6!5 ( II AM. OF. COM. WANT to borrow $200.1 at per rent III l.'lest. first Uli.t'tg.ige. good brick busi ness block, from private parties, See J. P. McKeiina, Heliiii.nl al M.ih. TMI. olll.'l. WAN TED l''.niii private plrly. $1000 on Hi'., i City home; will ui 7 per cent for It yea., pli.uie Tauor 2..J0 or cU 304 Oak sl. Hroa.lw.y 2O0. WANT $lod on new bulwalow i or lhr.'4 yeats at 7 per cent. Mum llioo. M t uain. o? Com. WANTIlll $:'K.O en modern Sium Hide liorne, 7 per cent li.tere,..t. no . oi.im.keio.i. .M.iiu 7141. .'.27 ."then b.dg. $25oi' on .s-room modern te- iden. ,.l!in, k, ;i..ui nciir Alil.eny. HENKY V .iiil'liAllU. 211 Sli.rk S. W ANTED- IsiHI from private PMrlv, Lot mon ire. 7 per cent, Kom. i'iiv luiuHa !ow. isn't Si-lvivoit it ; no eiimiiii.-iiui. WANT $roo loan en 2 ft IV HiICK, clot.. In. V 14 i. Or-Kou ia... SeTToKKGON INV. MuitTG VGE 222 Chain, of Conimel'i c. 4 1 It and Kurk. KMIMI, ACi'OMI'LISHED Af LAST. Palliles. l'eiiliit.y Mbnululely per foil. ted Ly tll Helve-blot king methud. wllliout rter-elfei-ts; let urn prov. It to )nu. Wa ll.MKe -my examination, of teeth when necessary along Willi ulh tr opci, we .pei laliAe 111 lllat-ulast lititlti.liy "t reaoiuible fee., IUI. A. W. KEKNK. lUt. M. H 1 KlillN. Majestic Theater Hldg .'.l'j W..M DANDltl l-'F AND PALLING HAiU W THE SCALP S CALL loll THE EM.K.E II.MIt l ERATIi 2 no 11.11 JAIi. Get It al )our dru;l;'t or THE I . K D I . I ; o S00 Union Ave. .V, 4J0 ht .lame. Place. Portland, or. I bleafcw, 111, Dl UIONHS HllUUIIT. 1 havo $10.'. ooo riailv va-h io In vest in dlrtiiiuiuls. Si. 41r. Kan dopll and kci lo.i uiaikct talus in c.bii. cwiiuacniial GLOKGES RANDOLPH. DiHiiiunit liioket. 405 Spauiingl UgJ4lliFloor. b'l I LT i.N Mi'.. Jam' s billion l.l.aiine l IJ.-.- iau . i l.'M. loiinerl of Vancouver. V aih dleil al Molili' al, CaliMda, on Ih.i list ul .laiiu.u, ll'.u it l .ameslly Ivou. sK d thai ln-r n liitlu n ami In. ml. kindly continual, ato wilt. Mr. o. A. Itiv est box 80, h'alloti N, Aloiillcal, t'anada. ' "oLi7 FA LM," 1 Kl-. l II H'-il 'dlT. IVc pa) up to $25 I" r .el. Hun t mat. ter If broken; old-tlim-r. are most v.. uablc. l toi.na, br.Ug.iwolk llg'd. Urn. or mall. Tl" Aii.eina.i lliokeilge, 4...1 Spuldlng bldg., 4lt. lloor, 3d and Wash. TdTs eTIa " iiATHS lor rheuiiint.s.n. .Uln dis. unes. lellef lor apt. en .In Ills Ir.iubl... ladles department: clean, l.o.nellse, i.po Monday and Friday; lomale attendanu 2IIS 3d St. Mnlll 8..27. BAT IIS Steam ballis and ma.i.KC, new equipment, spoil. -ly clean: lull. I r Bioadw.y bldg. Mui.hall 3187. Trained nurso In alluiidansc. Dt. Lauta It. Do w inn. . i7aT1ES' and i;enileiiieir puniima. Mr., Iclt and beaver hats cleaned, blocked, dv.il and leucwed. buckram, net ani w ire tiames. Lal- raltvu llaturs, 3.2 ri llotrlsonhU.ieL 1 GUARAN I'ViE to cure corn., bunion., tug. nails, wari ........ - .-. intention. '" I'"1". "" "rrncs- '-o-t ......... to 14. VII. I oUSUilaltoil ll'-e. Here la years; ar. i-s fltte.L 5n3D. killll bldg. . li.-l l.:."l'l'.H' OK M A 1 1 N ETI I ' : SHAMPOO. MANH CLING. 410 U! -CHAN AN BLDG.. MAIN 6360. Ol'liN KVhNIAoil. n-..bS h'lllt HIIOl Expert reiiiodellng at a navlng. Summer prices now in eli.'ct. fiiiffl Swetiand hid., Mli aud Washington. AS FLECTKIC CABINET HATH. bClKNTUIC MA Sri AGE by Halned r.ure Try it once, aud coino a.nn. Dr. Uoiiside. Ous-UJli ouu way bHU. Al.in iTTllVET & ilA.NNEUUT. Icuu.iig w7 and loui.e makers. Unci slock human hair Loods. hairdrcMtig, maul, urlng, lace and tea,., treatment. ;il: Aider. Main MO. TTTTlO'S both leet fixed up at Dr. Eaton a, the CHU'oPoI'lST ami AKCII hl'l.sr. wtio doesn't burl ou; a r. here; exam. Ire" Glob" hldg.. lim Wh. Hwy. 2J.J4, 77k J V BATDOKF, U. P., 304 Dekum hide'1 nervous and chronic dlse.se., nw metliod 1 to 4 P. M. Main 1100. Urui ' tins ad forires "" lie oU are oln to l alllorina wny no( 1 go Vy auto? r leave. Apr 14. fare $. .. Make rcsexvatioiii early, l'hone Bdwy. 4700 T.ll KLNA SORLNSEN, 508 Panama l.l.lg. DruKless; massag..' lor .lulna. h, kid ,,.,, riieumatlsm. cmMlpatl"". open ev.t,i. JTasT to communicate with lady who 11 dm to be conllned In re.ar.l lo sdupl "b'iy. All 66. Oregonlan. K.-l ENTIF10 massage and magnetic treat b nienii. 1 to 6 P. M. Mrs. Cr.ta Lynch. 3o4 I iekunibl'l. 7NiTrvB parlor: s. ientihc iu.pv vASsm K DK. OV1H1A LAIlbEN. 427 MORGAN BLDG. Main 191.9. rl L 1"AST 854 to have beauty work done, in your home or mine. Hair de lnaP2!":Ly2 . . hT7i7p1IUII .team I.atlt violet ray; Itn prove your system. Mr.. Rollins. 42 CI, 1 aln S3 .'. Dr7MARVaKET HATN1B lves ehlro- Ur.eVre .team hath, violet ray vlhrstbm niamage. 215 Swetiand bldg. Main li... . iiKADUATE nurse treal. lumb.go, eio. Hours 2 to 1 or by appointment. Phone i . Main 1049. Office aos-C Third St. i'tl l-'S can be permanently cured without r. operation.. Call or writ. Dr. Dean, 134 4, Morrison .t. L Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed br io needle, method; irlal free, .lo.le t i... ley. 614 Hush A IJ"''blg'MainJ':""1.' GFRT11UDE DANIE1J4. ...perfluo... hair. manicuring, face, .ralp 823 Flledner bldg. DOFSN T Tom. Idek or Harry pay .... t fia Vlereck, collection.. Dekum bldg. UI PTUKK CAN 11 K C' I 'II ED without a ' operallon. Free booKleL P. O. bo. 11:. FURS remodeled, latest styles; suminM pr'ces. e. .'.g" .""e LADY BAR HERS 6h.. 0e. haircut ..c, face niasse 35c. I.'.-t Kvereii and iLVEbA BALM, formerly called Bnlni et pigs. M4 K. W. Sell. 2213 morning pTTTeS CAN BE Cl lllll) without opera. tion. Free booklet. P. bo. I mil. ELECTRIC bodv ma.s.g", 10 A. M to i', il. lit) Morgan blO. Umla 70.1. v 9. ft LOWES I2at for rc-t aA 48 aUrket U V . ' ' ."V--, -.-e-l-v.-.' -'