"- . - v. . ' ,; '-,'".. -'ir' .-.- - ? ' ' w .- --.". -- ' - V - . .- -: j 20 TIIE MORNING OREGONTAX, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1020 , 1 .t .' A I I X J I J -1 HELP WANTED MALE. PROSPECTIVE AUTO STUDENTS, TOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY. If you Intend to take up Autos, Trac tors. Aviation or any branch of Gas En gineering. donl overlook this offer rua bate i py not cent in advance) lien we have proven to your entire sat isfaction that WE HA VK WORK AUTOS AND ENGINES, A BETTER SYSTEM OK TEACHING. AND GKAl'UATB A LARGER PERc . AGE OF STUDENTS WHO MAKE GOOD than any other achool in the west, then and only then pay your tuition fee. If we were not the leading school, could we afford to lake chances like this? SI CATALOGUE FREB. -A targ-e 8H-page book with full details of this unusual offer and complete In formation wii: be mailed free to any addrjes. Ask for book No. 4. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. THE COUKSS IS REK TO YOU. You do not have to advance on cent. The stale pays us. SCHOOL. CAN BE INSPECTED Dally at 11 A. M. ADCUX AUTO HCHOOI. t'XION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Big de mand for hiKh-alaried executives: pavt experience ua;cely ; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op purtuiiitie.-. rite at once for particu lars. Lewis Hot:! Training- School, duik HIS, Washington. U. OLD-LINE life insurance company oeairen lo communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard lor real success. it you believe you can eU Li t Insurance if given help by eu- upervisor, can or wriio v. t. hid ua ro. luo w ucox Diag. 1HE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. City ot PortlanU j. fa. Government. Can fursuiU help, male or female, free ox cnarge to either party. Men s Div. Fiat Iron bldg., 311 Pine street, phone Bdwy. 437o; Women's Div., 202 Beck bldg., Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy. EXPERIENCED dress goods salesman. Apply em p toy men t bureau, sixtu floor. aleicr k rauk Go. ABLE-BODIED couple on farm, wife to cook fur about 6 men. husband to do chores and garden work; munt hae own furniture and equipment; no chit drcn ; must have references; lot a I wage $IOu per month and board. K Vi, Ore Ionian. W A Mhl Thorouchly experienced poul try man ami practical pardener for coun try nme; straight salary or salary anu shares: iiium have best of references to ability and character; bachelor quar ters lurnibbeu. Appiy AV lb, Orcgo niiin. NOTICE. AUTO STUDENTS. I offer for sale at a discount a schol arship in the host auto school in the west. Write Gustav Johnson, Lawrence ave., Grrsham. Or., or s-e Mr. Adcox personally at Union ave. and Wasco st. EXPERIENCED hardwood band sawyer, also one edgerman and two inspectors; knowledge of hardwoods necessary; steady employment; good wages. Write bitkum Hardwood Mill. Sitkum. Coos Co., or. WANTED Houseman who Is able to wash dishes and chore about the ktlcben; one ho understands sweeping, washing windows, etc. ; good board, good room and good salary. Call Broadway 5430 mornings. AUTOMOBILE and tractor scnooi; new building; modern equipment; best In struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 414 Y. M. C A. bid t. Phone Main 8700, branch LUMBER haul. 4 miles over good road, down hill; steady work; sure pay; 5 miles from Portland ; purchase oi new . i!7-ton truck necessary. See Cly de, Bdwy. Ziy'J. WANTED Salesman to seil soft-drink trade, rnut have auto and travel over the state of Oregon. Address WI-NO BEVE'KAGE Co., P. O. box 1066, Los Angeles, Cal. OFFICE man wanted. One with some gen eral business experience preferred; state af, experience, references, salary ex pected, etc. A 170, Oregonian. FILIPINO boy, experienced In apartment house work, for chamber work in large apartment house. lt SC Ciair st. cor. Wash. Marshall 2S30. WANTED Man and wife to run cook house and keep boarders at logging camp; man can work in camp. R. VEAL & SON. ALBANY. OR. MOVING PICTURE ACTORS wanted, men and women, all types, for motion picture work. Biackstone i' layers, lu2tf Chamber of Commerce bldg. ANTED First-class battery man; a good thing for the right man. Write Wetser Eiectric Supply Co., Weiser, Idaho, staling experience and wages de- sird. " HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAa TRACTuR SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Take M t. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to E. 2uth, or phone East MOtis. WANTED First-class tai;or to buy naif interest in paying shop; plenty of new work ; will eventually sell a!!. Inquire of Frank the Tailor. Mount Angei. Or. WANTED Named f men. 18-43, wishing to become Portland mail carriers; $100 $133 month. Aiiawer immediately, AV 421. Oregonian. SHOW CARD COURSE BY MAIL. Personal instruction, individual criti cism McDermolt s School. Day and n:ght classes at 43 4th street. AT ONCE. Experienced dark-room help. We buy, seil, rent and exchange kodaks. Sandy's, 329 Washington st. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOO HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. COMMERCIAL ART class every Wednes day night, limited number, make appli cation now. McDermott'a School. 43 Fourth St.. opposite Multnomah hotel. WANTED Used car salesmen who can buv as well as sell, to manure iiNrf m r u ut in ess. uooa proposition to right man. BF 64U, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND printer wanted about April 13. one who understands some about .linotype preterrea. ieraia. Tiilamook. Or. . PRINTER-OPERATOR who has had coun try experience, steady position, salarv .'(. Want a man to take forinan.hip. Willapa Harbor Pilot. South Bend. Wash. WANTED Two good canvassing salesmen for office safs on commission. Call per sonally. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 2d st.. Portland. JAP OR CHINA boy for ceneral house work, family 4 adults. House. 786 John son st. Tel. Main 4409. WANTED An apprentice with 2 or 3 yrs experience in comj-osing room. Apply Marsh Printing Co., 1224 Front st. HOYS past IS to learn knitting: good op portunity. Ask for Mr. Wisner. Jantzen Knitting Mills. WANTED Five bricklayers; thre months' work, Eugene. Or. Sherman A. Hunter, contractors. Eugene. SALESMEN of ability and energy, $15 per day. Chmaber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. EXPERIENCED solicitor for Pheasant Dye Works; must handle Ford car. 124 Sandy blvd. CARPENTERS, steady work, good wages; apply before coming. W. L. FEAMSTER, Twin Falls. Idaho. WANTED A good Worker. 2 c drug experience. Box 1622, Mont. : . yea re Missoula, WANTED Mat cutter, young married man preferred; must be able to drive Ford. M?tin 7S37. WANT first-class detsil sticker man and saf h m-n. McMlnnvillo Planing Mill, McMinnville. Or. W ANTED Retail shoe salespeople, steady work at highest wagf. See Mr. Tie bur g, room 420 Port. and hotel. WANTED At once. 3 men to learn vul canizing and retreading. Call at 432 Hawthorne ave. WANTED First-class coaimaker and pantsmaKcr. Reed Bros., tailors, 203 WIIcpt bldg. WANTED One or two trams to haul luirnl ber under contract. Miller-liealy Lura Nt Co.. Sea p poos t Or. Route i. WANTED At once, experienced counter man, nights. Call Imperial Cafe. Albany. WANTED Vulcanizer; also tire changer and tube repair man. H 107. Oregonian. WANTED An apprentice boy. Call 713 Thurman at. BLTSHELMAN wanted. 92 Broadway. xneasant tailors. WANTED For smoke fish pfanJ, first class kippering man. Phone Seli. A.M. BARBER wanted. Apply Arlington club, 200 Park street. ToUNG man for stock clerk. Mitchell, Lewis A Staver Co.. 340 E. Morrison. BARBER, best of wages, steady job. H. D. Tail roan. Enterprise. Or. FIRST-CLASS auto painter, top ftugg & Jormm. Astoria, Or. wage WANTED Additional experienced patchrs. AV 473. Oregonian. door LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or wrlt 138 E. Broad way. GET in business for yourself; (earn vul camming. Call or write 614 Union ave. N. HELP WANTED MAIJL SM ALL M ILL SOUTH. HOTEL BOARD AND ROOM SJ.20. 1 EDGERMAX, $3.30. 1 TRIM MERMAN, S3. 1 setter, $3. FARE ADVANCED ON THIS WORK, LOGGING CAMPS. I CAMP FOREMAN. SMALL CAMP, U'iO. BOARD. 1 HEAD RIGGER. K. 1 SECOND RIGGER, S6.30. 1 BULL COOK. $VJS. 1 HOOK TENDER, $11. CALL 37 NORTH SECOND ST. 0u INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld--ers and tire vulcaniisers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis-siss.-ppl approved and employed by V. S. government war department for train ing soldiers as auto mechanics; don't en rolj in any other school until you have inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regaraing the school; biSKest. best. eauiDDed and larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. I'ePC 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND i rt ac I uk SCHOOLS. Third and &im streets, Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier at, Seattle, Wash. 18.187 VniTVfl M ttN have. In the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland l. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y for men because we appeal to the beat type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the suddIv. You never had such an opportunity to sei a oeuer position if you are preparea lor Jt. All men In clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited te tuusuii one oi the employment secre- taues, room iiti. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service tor ex-service men. PETITION CANVASSERS. Wanted, at once, petition can vrtss:rs to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to obtain signatures as wide spread opposition to ordinance on part of majority of voters and especially small property and homeowners. Appiy Room 42. Oregon Bids.. Fifth and Oak Sis. MR. EX-SERVICEMAN Are you hunting a job, or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to ' talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest In you? The Y. M. C. A. Advisory and Em ployment Dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which -u are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. AT LAST! An opportunity to learn mov ing -picture operating; the instruction consists of one general course cov ering alt of the principles pertaining to moving-picture operating; we will now accept a few more who will apply them selves, but you must act quick, as we will not continue this Instruction after this firt course. Open evenings. 433 chamber of Commerce. MACHINIST to operate milling machine anu uo general machine work; must be quick and accurate; also able to figure out all kinds of spur and level gears; sieaoy wont ana good wattes it satis factory; do not answer unless you are a first-class machinist and able to do accurate work. F 813, Oregonian. TWO SINGLE YOUNG MEN TO TRAVEL WITH MANAGER AND SOLICIT vv OK K, EASY TO HANDLE; EX PKNSES ADVANCED; EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY; MUST BE READY TO l.rJAV K TOWN TODAY. CALL ORE GON HOTEL AFTER 10 A. M.. ASK rUK JIK, .MILLS. w ale nouse- young man for cigar dept.. to do billing and take orders. Must operate typewriter and be rapid at ligur-s. Good opportunity. Answer stating age, experience, references, edu cation and salary expected. BJ 311. Or egonian. FREE AUTOMOBILE AND GAS ENGINE COURSE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. Full Particulars In laree HS-naef rata logue, mailed free to any address. School open for inspection daily at 11 A. M. Adcox Auto School, Union ave. and rt a sco st. WILL give logging contract to parties with 4 good teams and trucks. Not au tomobile trucks. Have about 2.00O 000 feet of timber, haul from to m miles. For particulars address Nordby 4c Scott, Liberty Bond, Wah. WANTED Bright Filipino bov to do light janitor work and answer phones and doorbell. Call between 7:30 and 8:JiU evenings at Portland Press club. Elks' bidg., Broadway and Stark. Ask for Mr. Mewart. WANTED At once, first-class open-shop boring mill, milling machine, shaper and turret lath machinists; also ail antund lathe machinists for work in city Apply 320 Oregon bidg., 5th and Oak sts' YOUNG roan with motorcycle for all day work or part of day if going to school, in real csrate office; chance to learn business and advance. AR 453, Orego nian. '1RUCK salesman; we have a good position for a live wire truck salesman; we rep resent one of the oldest and best lines in me nonnwesi. in replying give phon V AiN I bU Vulcamzers to wltnpss a im. onstratfon on. the beBt equipment known Uhe Western). Mauro School, 433 Stark s i reci. WANTED 2 or 3-uiece orchestra fnr tia every other Saturday evening, start thl coming Saturday: good place to play. ' n i w-uor aiier o :ou f. ai . WANTED An A-l candv maker fnw rru store; only a first-class man will do: too. notch wages, union hours, steady work. n.y i-umeciiunery. Jiissouia, Alont. COUNTRY PRINTER WANTED Steady work; $36 a week; some knowledge and uii bcu on unoiype; iirst-c:ass ad in a (i. uuserver, uanas, or. n a.n i tuu loung man as assistant to manager oi stove aept. wholesale house. une wiwi experience in this line pre ferred. V 17, Oregonian. WANTED At once, lst-class grocery clerk must give references. Box 71. Kenne wick, m asn. i painter. iirst-ciass; no house painters. See M. J. Sidwa, East i uiru na cus oroaaway. WANTED Men to contract to hew railway ties; long job. Charles Deffel, 318 Rail way cjxenange o:og. WILL give 2 furnished heated rooms for janitor service; day work extra for wire. Marshall 2612. OPPORTUNITY for boy over 16 years of age to icarn oooKDinaers trade. James. Kcrs A Abbott Co., 9th and Flanders sL WANT carpenter to raise and repair a houw. 777 Spokane avenue. Call after 6 p. M. WA NTED rGood man to work on ranch top wages to right man. H. W. Hark son. CorvnlMs. Or. R. F. D. No. 3. W A NTED Band saw and shaper man Ealy Mfg. Co., 133 E. Water. Phone ANTED Concrete bridge foreman; must nave experience in sin King Xoun dations. Phone 224-30. IF YOU are a salesman and want arood money, call room 621 Morgan bldg., 8 BOY 16 years old who can make himself useiuj. .cion Clothing Co.. Morrison at WANTED Boy for general work in cloth- niB svurc. encrry s, avi w asn. St. WANTED Cylinder press feeders. Irwin- nooson .o., na i.Mn. PRINTER wanted, all-around man. Cal up Globe-Times. Condon. Or. THREE advertising solicitors. 501-2 Mc Kay bldg. WANTED First-class baker or helper. AO ."l , oregonian. WANTED A No. 1 truck body builder. Wms. Ave. Body Works, 730 Wms. ave. CLARINET players for large amateur or chestra. Marshall 3780. BOY with wheel to run errands. James, Kerns & Abbott Co.. ftth and Flanders WANTED Young man work noon nous, dairy lunch. 308 Osk st. WANTEOx-Bell boy for hotel. The Camp, bell. 23d and Hoyt sts. LARGE boy to make himself useful wholesale store. Apply 134 Front st. SET of Wallers and buck ers wanted; piece ork. 714 Couch bldg. WAN-TUP An experienced egg candler. KuhywA-.Co.. Front st. WANTED Elevator operator. Apply Ho tel Katon. WANTED A tailor. 100 3d st. WANTED First-class teamster for city work. Apply 310 Oregon bids;. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Musicians for 3d Oregon infL vauu. nave run set or instruments a disposal of TTipmbprw t v t'l npr rtt- hearsal. Meeting Wed. night at armory, T0 stenographers, bookkeepers, invoice elork, lumber experience, out of town, $13; assit. bookkeeper, lumber, out of ion, au.i; office boy, city, good firm, w. nil morgan Didg. MULTJGRAPH operator, city. $75; gener al office girl, city. SflO: stenographer, city. 1100: 2 stenographers, invoice clerk, with lumber experience, for out of 7 town, iia j. 44 7 Morgan bldg. WANT experienced counter waitress for o days relief work a week, S3 a day wpou b mncn, itM e:n st. STOUT man for shoes, good opportunity i or advancement. Shoe dept., aimon i store. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman. shoe dept.. Simon's store. Apply PASTRY baker's helper wanted. Oregonian. B YOUNG man stenographer, must be ex pen en ceo anq capable. Phone East 4'. ELEVATOR boy wanted. Call beVveen 2 anu f. M.. Hotel Alder. WANTED Boy, helper for milk wagon. woaern Jairy, Davis. WANTED Janitor, street. Call at 713 ThurmaD WANTED All-around cook. 1751 Derby st. rhone Woodlawn 201 j. BELLBOY wanted. Hotel Hoyt. Help Wanted bales men. . A LARGE eastern corporation desires the services of an honest, ambitious. Intent gent salesman to represent them In the foruana orancn orrice; this is a n re time opportunity and even if employed It will pay you to Investigate this; fasci nating, well paying, rapid promotion to ' right party. Call after 10 A. M 1109 Spalding bldg.. Mr. Fox. SALESMEN with cars for city and state; must ' be high class and energetic, not afraid to meet big men; splendid oppor tunity lor njrht men. RAY SMITH CO.. 70 6th St. SALESMAN SAUSAGE CASINGS. Fine paying side line for a food prod uct salesman, traveling western terri tory, for wU-known firm. 614 Mills bldg., San Francisco, Cal. FINANCIAL AND SALESMAN If you are in the habit of making S1000or$2000 per month It will pay you to investigate. This is no oil or raining stock, but a good proposition. G 185. Oregonian. HAVE you had experience selling to trad? Ve can use such a man. 40v and '' commission: references. Apply after i P. M.. 726-7 Corbett bldg. THREE salesmen for financial Institu tion. Your compensation will depend on your ability to produce. M f3. Ore Ionian. TWO first-class automobile salesmen. 128 N. Broadway. Ask for Beagle. 2 AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN. James. S 10th st. HIGH-CLASS experienced salesmen with cars. Ray A Smith Co.. No. 70 6th sL WANTED AGENTS. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants1 capable man to open branch office and manage salesmen: ,00 to s Joou neces sary; exclusive right ; patented article money making oossibllites unlimited will pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Address Mr. Clemmer. Sales Mzr.. 416 N. Howard St.. Baltimore. Md WANTED Live agents to represent us In every county, to handle fast selling au tomoblle specialties; write immediately. Diamond Manufacturing Co., Colman Bldg., Seattle. Wash. AGENTS at once, seiiing 60c per month hospital tickets. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PETITION CANVASSERS. Wanted, at once, petition can vassers to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to obtain signatures as wide spread opposition of voters and especially amill property and homeowners. Apply Room 426, Oregon Bldg., Fifth and Oak Sta. WANTED Housekeeper on large farm, electric conveniences and modern plumb inr: must be clean and rood plain cook no other woman on ranch during day; prefer woman under 50 without chll dren: good wages; call at Imperial Ho tel Tuesday between 4 and 6 or be tween 7 and 8, ask for Mrs. Madison Cooper. STENOGRAPHER for general office work in wholesale hou?e. one with some ex perience preferred, although applica tions from beginners will be considered. Stu per mo. to stare, can iast oiuo. WANTED An experienced stenographer and bookkeeper possessing executive ability and familiar with the lumber business; give age. experience and alary expected. v op. oregonian. MILLINERY saleslady, must have some workroom experience, popular price merchandise, city position ; first-class trimmer, Yakima. Apply Lowengart & Co., II N- Broadway. MIDDLE-AGED person to take care of children, must have experience and ref erences'. Wasje $50 a month, room and board. Write or call Mrs. Little, 1&53 Berkeley street. WANTED An experienced very cleao chambermaid for an apartnacnt nouse, good wages. 166 St. Clair st., cor. Wash. Marshall 2830; references required; can sleep home nights. YOUNG concern desires a capable stenog rapher: good salary and opportunity for advancement; knowledge of bookkeeping desirable but not necessary. X 84, Ore gonian. HIGH-SCHOOL girl to care for baby for room, board and small wages. Apply 312 Cherry st. between the hours of 7:30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. WA NT at once, first-class operator for beauty parlor: must be all-round girl ; state wage wanted. Ideal Beauty Par lor. Great Falls. Mont. A WELL-EDUCATED girl wanted as filing clerk in an office; small salary to start; no experience required. A 174, Orego nian. WIDOW will give room and boaru to woman, business college or school girl for occasional care of child; near White Temple. R Oregonian. COOK for country Inn. must be able to pre pare real home cooked chicken dinners, Apply between 31 and 12 o'clock. 307 Shetland bldg. WANTED Ladies to travel; saiary and all expenses paid; no experience neces sary; give age, address or phone. AL 360, oregonian. BY wholesale house, young lady for gen eral ornce worn. Answer stating age. experience, references, education and salary expected. AK li, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. $100; stenographer. $70 to S10O; dictaphone operator, 9100. 3ul N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Lady to work in umbrella store, one with experience preferred; must be neat sewer. Apply 1S5 4th st. GIRL to care for store, one who under stands sewing, call at victory Tailors and Cleaners, 403 Washington st. WANTED Girl to do general housework and cooking, no washing: no small chil dren. 709 Flanders. Main 708. WILL give schoolgirl room and board in exchange for light services, .n 03, ore gonian. WANTED Stenographer and general of- f.ce assistant by credit man In large wno'esaie concern. tau Main o4. WANTED Experienced pantry woman for light lunch aept. can bv .Broadway 9 A. M. YOUNG girl to operate switchboard in mer cantile orrice; one who can do typing preferred. BJ 474, Oregonian. GIRL to aMist with general housework. man ramny; goou wages, main o.'ti. 714 Lovejoy. THE Florence Crittenden Home ta ready to nop any gin in a 1 stress. vm ssaa: OUaan. "MV'T car. East 31S. WANTED First-class woman cook In country, not far irom Portland. AL S97, Oregonian- WANTED An experienced stenographer with fast-growing concern; state salary expected. BF 604. Oregonian. GIRL to wash dishes and wait on table. 114 N. 3d bi. WANTED A masseuse for 2 hours' work daily in small nospuai. wain .'47. EXPERIENCED alteration hand wanted. Apply 304 w asnington street. WANTEJD Experienced bfller by whole sale house, can jaain MISS MATTINGLT'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing cnooi. q 11 1 j. -vtr j-i m. mam GIRL to assist with care of houseworkfn aapanmcn. mam iwo. GIRL wanted to assist with housework. Call lOOO 1 nurqia.ii. iter jlv a, Jd. WANTED Competent second maid. 1067 East nurn&iae. auor no. WANTED A good cook. Phone Main 5214, or call isv w HELP WANTED FEMALJK. DO TOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SAL ART t . -A salary that la paid whlla learn the business that Increase "Tequentiy as yon gain experience. T DO TOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And wUat excellent opportunities they have for promotion to ozaco Uvo positions? WHT NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS T Our employment supervisor will gladly ten you the facta an wui also explain the many other a vantages of teiepnone opwratisi for young somas, fc Apply " Telephone Cemoany. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Street The Pacific Telephone m Telegraph Company. TO USG WOM E N ' Earn $38 first month. Earn J 8 60 first year. Continued increases to 11320 a year. Opportunities for promotion to higher-paid positions. still 352 Oak St. (Open until o:0 P. M.) EXPERIENCED OPERATORS. GOOD PRICES. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OFF. Experienced operators on over coats, pants, play suits, overalls, etc., can make good wages and have steady employment. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch st, cor. Second. THE MILLER SCHOOL OF ADDING, CALCULATING AND BOOK- KREPIVfi MACHINES. Enter now for summer vacation work. Courses are short from four to six weeks onlv. WE HAVE SECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Manager of all bank and mercantile orilces require a knowieage ox niuuo a office appliances. &G3-4 Yeon Building. BY LOCAL retail store, a saleswoman thoroughly exDerienced in silverware excellent opportunity. Correspond with postoffice box 747. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with ladles who are ambitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell Hie insurance if given heup by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hi b bard, 1203 Wilcox bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Experienced coat alteration hand for ladies' suit and cloak alteration department. Apply employment bureau, 6th floor, Meier & Frank Co. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big demand tor high -salaried executives, past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities. Write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418, Washington. D. C. WANTED Experienced drapery sales women. Apply Employment bureau, etc floor, Meier & Frank Co. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. We now need 20 students to fill va cancies made in our comptometer school. We have placed all our finished oper ators in good paying positions. Course costs you $40 and takes about 8 weeks. Girls must be under 25 years. Call 313 Morgan bldg. See Miss Frank. - I HAVE more positions open than I have pupils reaay. v ny not tane up worK which will make you independent? Six weeks' course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours from tt:30 to 12:30. Room 411 Beck bldg. WIDE-AWAKE women between aj;s of 25 anu 4u years woo vaiue.tneir ?erv;ccs at 920 or more a week, splendid position. tiive teiepnone. tsj 4u, oretfon;an. WANTED Bright young girl for filing and to assist witn general omce work. Ap ply at tiO Front street, between & and 11 A. M. MOVING PICTURE ACTRESSES wanted, ladies and gentlemen, all types, for motion piciure work. Blackstone Players, qoiw cu-t inner of Commerce. WANTED Two good canvassing sales la dies for office sates on commission. Cat personally. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 I'd st., forciana. 2 GIRLS, one as cook and one to assist with care or children; best wages; no laundry; sisters 01 iriends preferred. Call Main 4031. WANTED A stenographer at a salary of (00 per montn ; gooa opportunities with fast-growing concern., W6, orego nian. WANTED Au experienced bookkeeper who is also familiar with typing; good opportunities: give salary expected, BF 601, oregonian. WANTED Applications of women, 21 to 35 to worn in wooaworxing ractory ml SL Johns. Steady work and good wages. G 7, Oregonian. ANY GIRL In need of a friend apply ta The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sis. Pnone Alala 8450. DM car. WANTED Names of women or girls wish ing to become u. . govt, clerks; liOO S125 month. Answer immediately, aV 421, Oregonian. COMMERCIAL ART class every Wednes day night, umiiea numoer. mane appn cation now. McDermott's School, 45 Fourth st., opposite Multnomah Hotel. WANTED A Norwegian lady to cook in restaurant, must know how to make goo d waffles. lio3 Derby s t. WANTED A dining room girl. 1751 Der by street. Phone Wdln. 2913. RELIABLE nurse maid to assist In care of - ennaren. mmn -P.O. WANTED Girl for general housework. Britisher preferred. Main 7293. GIRL or woman to assist with general housework; good wages. 5S1 Marshall. WANTED Two lady baroers. 6 N. 3d sL Phone Broadway '1868. ELEVATOR operator. Apply room 316 Piatt bldg., 127 Parti st. GIRL wanted to work In hospital; board, home and wages. Appiy irs oenum bldg. EXPERIENCED helper for tailor, shop. Pheasant tauors, uroiaway. WANTED Waitress. 201 N. 20th. Broad- wsy 3433. WANTED A chambermaid. 1751 Derby street. Phone wain. 2010. WANTED Two apprentice girls. Union station restaurant. HOUSEKEEPER in small town for elderly lady and 2 gentlemen, a v 013, oregonian. EXPERIENCED elevator grirL wanted. Benson Hotel. HELP for quick sewing on dolls; steady employment if adaptable. 304 Felix bldg. EXPERIENCED women as cashier and work on cigar stand. Bdwy. 3687. DISHWASHER for small private hospital. Apply 6!9 Lovejoy st. TRAT girl, diet kitchen, hospital. 1266. Bdwy. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Bright woman, adult, but not ekferly, for salesmanship position; per manent; extra good pay; quick advance ment If capable; don't apply unless un employed and must earn own living: don't phone; call at only tl::i0 to 0:45 sharp, this morning. 220 Henry bldg. WANTED Housekeeper. 647 First st. Wanted Domestics. ASSISTANT for general housework, new bungalow, three In family; all modern electrical conveniences. Phone E. 3547. WOMAN AS COOK, SMALL FAM ILY, NO CHILDREN, NO WASHING. EAST 4333. ' WANTED Middle-aged woman between 35 and 40 to assist In housework; also to assist with baby; no washing; a good home and reasonable salary to, right party. Apply Oak Tan shoe store, 262 Washington, near Third. WANTED AN ASSISTANT FOR GEN ERAL HOUSEWORK. NEW IRVING TON BUNGALOW; ELECTRIC SWEEP ER, WASHING MACHINE AND MAN GLE; 3 IN FAM1U ; GOOD HOME. PHONE EAST 3047. A COOK and second girl for permanent position in private lamiiy in city; wages 75 and $50; must have city references. Apply after Sunday, 303 Concord bidg., 2u and Stark. WANTED Experienced girl for general nousewortc; j in family; small nouse $75. Main 7023. 1124 Franklin st. MIDDLE-AGED woman for caretaker of an elderly person, and to assist witc housework. See Mrs, M. J. Jones, Joncd M&rKei, tn and Aider. J GIRLS, one as cook and one to assist with care of children; best wages; no laundry; sisters ot iriends preferred. Call .uain 4U3C EXPERIENCED girl or woman for gen erai nouse work; two in family; electrical conveniences for caving labor; good home ana gooa wages, call beiiwood GIRL for cooking and downstairs work, Wednesdays anu evoiy other Sunday oti; no washing; good wages. Mrs. Arnold uiltz. .Main 5io0. WANTED Competent lady for general housework a real mother's helper; good wagts; steady position to rigut party. Tabor 71)11. UK E. Price st. G1KL or' woman to assist with general housework and care ol 3-ycar-ola baby; good waces, pleasant surroundings. Call r.ast 13btf. MAID lor Roe City Park dwelling, no aching, no heavy sweeping; good wages: congenial home; siuali family. Taoor 2011. WANTED .Middle-aged woman for light nouse worn, room, poara ana io po month, call after o P. M., East 5371. Mick berg, 212 Larrabee street. GIRL for general housework anu assist v. ith children; good home, good wages. 030 East itftn, Irvington. East 61&9. COMPETENT girl for general housework, 3 in lamlly, wages, $60. Phone Maiu 4207 or 46d Montgomery drive, EXPERIENCED girl to assist withhous"e wuk in small family. 706 Marshall . street.- Main Sl7o. WANTED Young girl tor plain cooking, two in family; wages $60. 67 North lih st. Bdwy. 2134. RELIABLE girl or woman for store and house work ; room, board, good wage, 1278 Belmont st. GIRL to assist with general housework, small family ; good wages. Main 8271. 714 Lovejoy. WANTED Cook for a family, no other work required. Apply to Mrs. Burrell, 828 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 37. A GIRL w anted for general housework; good home, good wages; no cooking and no washing. Main 1714. 144 N. 23d st. GIRL to assist with general housework; small family; good wages. Main 827L 714 Lovejoy. WANTED Nurse girl; some housework; good wagea. Mrs. topencer Biddle, Main 1472. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; adults only; no washing. Main 26. ' WANTED Woman for general housework from 8 to 12 A. M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Call Sell wood 2455. GIRL or woman for general housework; no laundry; too a mo. Apply 102 Hazel fern place. WANTED Girl for general housework. small family ; no washing; good wages. Call Sellwood 313. GIRL or woman for general housework: no laundry; SoO a mo. Apply office Lev itt's store. COMPETENT girl for general housework in small ramtiy to aauits; gooa wages. 445 E. 13th st. N. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking; no laundry woik. Appiy mornings 741 Irving at.; Main 7057. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with chil dren and do upstairs work; wages o0. Woodlawn 4622. WANTED Experienced maid for 2d work and to assist wiui me carj ot - childieu. V p. gea $40. Phone 51366 Au to m a t ic. WANTED -Woman who knows how to take care of baby 1 month old ; good pay. Call 410 Harrison at., apt. 36. WANTED Experienced girl for care of children and upstairs work. Main -610. GIRL to assist with general housework. no cooKing. rast ion, WANTED Girl for general housework, wages 75. Main 1243. NURSE girl wanted to care for 3 children. Good wages. Phone Main 1243. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework; wages East 5704. GIRL to assist with housework and two children. Willamette Heights. Main 4870. aI a VTKD 'nmnetent malil fnr o-anur: .housework. 43t E. 14th st. N. East 4260. 1 CAPABLE maid lor eneral housework. 4 in family; 110 laundry. Woodlawn 1505. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. CIRCULATION CANVASSERS. Wanted, at once, circulation canvassers to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to ootaln signatures as wide spread opposition to ordinance on prt of majority of voters and especially small property and homeowners. Appiy Koom 42o, Oregon Bldg., tilth and Oak bis. MAN and wife, man for janitor, woman tor chambermaid and waitress ; t'ji). Hereford hotel, 735 Hoyt. Main 3305. EDUCATIONAL, MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE, will teach you the trade in a weeks, give you a set 01 tools and some pay while learning; positions secured; schol arships and transier caras issued; 32 schools in U. ei. and Canada, bend for catalogue. 234 Burnside St. . POSITIONS ASSURED XVEUY GRADUATE U H,iiNKu;-WALKER Buslnesa College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking. bouKkeeping. secretarial. A? ree catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will leach you the trade m weeaa; scalp ana tace massage apecialty ; tools 11 ee; positions guaraoueeu; . pay wnue learning, lUHioa reuueed this term. 233 j a dm on. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, eecretax lai, special courses; expert teachers, uajr aui igm. Luroii now. juwy. 5uoe. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pae while learning, gives you set ot toea free, position sec urea. 00 N.2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPH! Railway Tele graph institute, - xvauwa ihcaa.ne plug. Free oookiet. VAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss BuckeTs private achooi; in di vid ua 1 iu truciiuo. Xmrntt uiauu ave. j.' n. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free, rank irk. Welles, ex.-a&suu ataia supt., mgr., N. W. Bank blag. Aiain b2tL DECKER BUSINESS COLLEQS, Alisky Bidg., Third, and Morrisoo. A Position for Each Graduate. TEACHER of piano will give lessons at vour home or at ner siuaio, i.v n,. Madi son. Very best reterences. East 0034. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school, $5 per month. 230 Tillamook st. Last oM0. THE International Correspondence Schoois can raise your salary, mi aroaqwaj. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, All&kjr bldg., M and Murf v. r. mcnaroson, tocc. iMa-io w FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Ma. 435. Teaching positions, iree registrauoo. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free reflstrauon. stain o. aroac.wsy oies. SITUATIONS WANTED MA LK. MAN and wife for apartmept or hotei work. BJ 310. Oregonian. WANT to learn good, trade, boy 17 years, living home. Phone Bdwy. 1842. WANTED Day work. Phone Tabor 5003. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EMPLOY AN EX-SERVICE MAN. PHONE. WRITE OR CALL AT LIBERTY TEMPLE. MAIN 313. It Is your fight they fought Thev nalrt In hi nod and aeonv. They enlisted to give all. If need be. r you. for country ana tor democracy. A nd they won for you. for country and for freedom. How are you going to treat them? How long are you going to let them - look for employment? How long will you let their dependent ram i lies suffer 7 This unemployment, ex-service men a problem must not be allowed to siretcn Itself out Interminably. The results, so far, have been fairly satisfactory, but not completely so and naturally cannot be until every ex service man is permanently taken care of with employment that will make a decent living for himself and family. The state and city Is doing all It can by furnishing the necessary funds to maintain this bureau; the various civic or ganizations have done and are doing all they can; many Individuals who have no selfish Interest are helping; hundreds of employers who have payrolls ar helping. But what are you and you and you. Mr. Employer, "you who have not yet done anything what do you think about It, what are you going to do and when do you propose to do It? Every employer In the community has a share of these unemployed men to absorb. I f you have not yet assumed your share. If you have not yet fully realised that the responsibility Is now up to the Individual employers who have not yet taken any action in the matter, phone, write or call at Liberty temple take a survey of the situation get in touch with what has been done and what re mains to be done have a talk with the committee in charge of the work write in confidence concerning your particular problem and after you have learned the facts, after you have round that each man's record is underwritten by the American Legion you won't be long In taking favorable ac'c. If all such employers would do this TODAY, the whole problem would be solved TOMORROW. It must be done sometime why not now ? The classifications represented among those now registered include: Acetylene burners - Auto repair A uto drivers 4 Blacksmith 1 Butcher 1 Bookbinder I Ilnok kef nrr 1 Carpenters 3 I'n nr chonfr 1 Clerical 4 Clerks 3 I'pmnl wnrkftr 1 Cooks 8 Itlshunviirr .V. ............. 1 Engineers 3 Engineer, Civil Electricians 3 Firemen 4 Kitchen helper Logging 1 General labor Mechanic J MachtniMs Moving picture operator Office clerks Plumbers 3 Painter J Salesmen . Sanderman Sawmill Shipyard - Stenographer Timekeeper J Typist : J Tractor drivers J Watchman ENERGETIC young man, age 27. couegs graduate, considerable executive experi ence, now in responsible position with the United Slates department of agri culture, Washington, D. C. desires Inter view with reliable and enterprising real estate, or other commercial organization while in the northwest shortly alter May 1 for the purpose oi obtaining employ ment; state exact nature of opening in reply. AV 536, Oregonian. WANTED Position by first-class me chanic experienced In all makes of cars, oxy. acetylene welding and machine work; 3 years in last place In city; cap able of taking charge of shop. Addres H. Shield, 16. Stout St., city. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone Kant 1M. 161 Russell st CIRCLE EXCHANGE. We pav highest prices tor ladles slightly worn suits, party gowns, etc; sen for less than others and make al terations. 413 Fleldner bldg.. loth and Wa&mngton; phone Broadway 220. OLD FALSE TEETH BoUGnT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mall, the American Brokerage, 4o5 frpalding bldg.. 4th floor, 3d and Wash. AN all-around man wants work on road construction, drilling or blacksmith help er in guuu camp; give fun particulars to F. O. W. Christensen, Gen. Del., or Har rison hotel, Portland. ' 1 WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goo us. 17 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. WAR TROPHIES. Will buy a few more trophies to com plete niv collection. List what you have immediately. Leaving tow n. Oregonian. BC 331, OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men s cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid, will call, day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 200 Madiaun. SITUATION WANTED Lumber account ant and office manager, lo years' ex perience; any line; good references; bond. Address P. O. box 125. Eugene, Or. WANTED By beginner, position as sten ographer or typist; will work for rea sonable salary. Call 220 Fifth St., or phone Main 2157, A. C. Logan. REPAIR shoe shop, flrtt-class work done lrom now on ; wornmansnip guaranieeu to be best; work done your own way. 554 Mississippi avenue. WANTED Small counter showcase from 24 to 3d inches long. 8 to 10 inches high; cheap. What have you? Lowrie company, 507 Belmont. Phone East tftfH. PAINTING and tinting. nice work and good material. Reasonable. Phone Au tomatic 310-50. WANTED Kalsominlng. painting; interior work a specialty; very reasonable. East 1 18. CARPENTER contracts for alterations, store fitting, buildings; large or small; save you money. Manny, feeilwood 2421. E GARDNER, landscape, gardener, lawns leveled, seeded and rolled. Phone East 6290. Call after 6 P. M. CARPENTER work of all kinds, new and repair; estimates furnished, screens mads to order. Phone Woodlawn olutf. EXPERIENCED janitor, hotel, apt. or fat torv; beat of reference: reasonable wage. Marshall 2.io:. room 3s. ELDERLY man wants janitor, houseman. kitchen helper. lawn or garden; veiy reliable. W 4, oregonian. EXPERIENCED aid dependable truck driver open for any kind of proposition. Call Main 6t2. AVERY tractor engineer, 4 years' experi ence threshing and plowing eta AV 409, Oregonian. WANTED Basements dug or plowing done in Rose City. Alameda or Irvington diatricL Tabor 3739. EXPERIENCED salesman wants connec tion with mfr. or Jobber as city sales man. Main 1135. WANTED Hauling contract for new Master 2-ton truck; in or out of city. VV 60, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic end all around blacksmith wants Job at once; t expert In both lines. Q 97, Oregonian. WANTED 2500 Loganberry slips. Phone or write to J. H. Harper, 335 3d si Main 7094. WANTED Will pay cash for second-hand safe; give size Inside, address and phone. AO ao4. Oregonian. A GOOD janitor wishes to make a change the first of the month. AL bOS, Orego nian. JAPA N ESE couples want any kind of work. Call at 494 Washington St.. cor ner 16th. JAPANESE wants position, janitor porter. BD bJ7, Oregonian. PLOWING WDLN. 6214. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WANTED Hauling contract for 2-ton truck. In or out town. Tabor 6079. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In office work, desires position. Sellwood 251. ROOMS tinted, 93; painting, papering, rea sonable. Bdwy. 2236. KXPERT remodeling by 'reliable builders, estimates tree. Phone Woodlawn 5348. PAINTING, tinting, res. prices, good work. Tabor 305 1. ELDERLY MAN wants position as jaci- HAVE 3Vi-ton truck; want work of anv PAINTING, tinting, papering: good work reasonable. Sell. 1399. WANTED Sit. as night watchman; expe rienced; city refs. Main 5120. Morgan, ELDERLY couple, trustworthy, would car for home. Tabor 6995. Werden. GARDEN and lawn work all kinds, ft p. M.. East 2246. After CARPENTER new and repair work, all kinds. East 6396. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. HAULING contract wanted for 3-ton truck. gravel, rocks, wood or anything. tten strom Bros.. 4MU Washington St., cars Mimmu hoici. Bdwy. 4" ill. J A PA NESE boy wants position in hotel or re-itaurant wartime dtsheii. Call after 12:30 P. M., Marshall 4641 WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 4 3th. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla monns. Dan Marx A Co., 23 Wash. st. JUNK, rags, paper, old clothing. tools, Mil. furniture, metals rood prices. H. MILLWRIGHT or general repair work in mill or factory. Tabor 8033 WANTED Wood contract ha tiling tih truck. J. E. Miller. Phone East 4S47. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. GOOD stenographer, long expriene in clerical work, desires pasition with a good concern; fine penman and neat ap pt urante. AR 4MI, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant, small seti boojis kept, statements rendered. Alt 410. Oregonian, BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT wsnta few small sets books to handle; reasonable prices. Main MI9. Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SERVICE man of ability wishes farm or; laminar witn irrigation or cart of stock; married. If H4. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTKD FFMALK. WANTED By refined and caps me wom an,' years old. with 2 girls, 8 and 12 years, position to manage apartment house; very best references furnished. X 95. Oregonian. WELL educated young woman desires an omce position; exertenced in (tenerol office work; good In penmanship and figures; best references. A 172, Orego nian. . REFINED young woman wishes to as sist morning and evening In small home, exchange for room and board ; some compensation. References. BJ 3U2. Ore Konlan. ALL KINDS of curtains and draperies nana launaered; hotels and apartments preferred. Tabor 111. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother Is away ; references. Wood la wn 16 1 L LACE. SCRIM AND MARGUERITES cur tains done up like new. Will call. LA DY v. ants house cleaning, other work, hour, day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn O.IU.Y EXPERIENCED lady wants work by day or nour. Will take laundry borne. Tuboi EXPERIKNi KD CATEKESS PEP A RE. AND SERVES LUNCHEONS AND DIN K AST 2534 OR T V Holt 2SI LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains hand laundered, called for. delivered. Last ii:. Hol'SE clr-anlng for Tufdav and Wednei day; flrNi-rla.sn work, 50c per hour. East o.t3. room l . i-unr r.it.M woman wants day worn, cleaning, etc.; tine tronrr. E. MH2. LADY with 4-year-old child wlnhea work Dy day or hour. Marxhall 4306. '"A. wants nay work washing. Iron ing. Call from 8 to 11 A. M., Main 1140. HOUSEWORK by hour. 40 cents, references. Tabor Nisu. RELIABLE woman wants day work Phone East 567 evenings, room 2f. WILL do any kind of day work. Broadway i o i o. SWITCHBOARD operator nri tvplM wants Permanent ponuton. Call Main 1530. Wt M A X wants day work. E. 67 Bookkeeper. Stenograpner. office. YOI NO LADY. EXPERIENCED In GEN ERAL OFFICE AND CAMHl KR WORK. WANTS PO!TK N : Of n m REFER ENCES. E 2(:, OREGONIAN. CALL Main 5760 for stenographers, book keepers, typists, etc. ; prompt novice Business Man's Clearing- House, 447 Mor gan bldg. YOUNG lady, experienced book ki- per and c asnier, eight years experience, now employed, but drslrs to inske clmnge best reference. AL 07, Ore Ron Ian. A-l STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, able to assume charge of on We. desires po e It Ion. T 1 73. oregonian. PRIVATE secretary; have had five ears experience. Main 217. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper nnd tnng. rapher; hest of references. Main 217. Dressmaker. NEW 20th century dressmaking school and helpers shop; cutting, fitlng. by pat terns or chart : night n nd duv -lanes. Pekum bldg., 3d and Wash. Main 622. HIGH -CLASS dressmaking; street dresses, summer voiles, etc; makin of suits lots neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly. East 7307. FOR your spring dressmaking and Alters tions call Dressmaking DepL, Emporium Dye works, 340 Morrison at. Bdwy. 4259 HATS made at your home with new or old materials. Millinery classes being formed. Phone East V36. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and ladies' tai. Ion tig by expert designer. Wood la w n 5 2 J.I. HIGH-CLASS dressmaker; street are.e, summer voiles, etc.; making of suits into neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly, East 73i7. ARTISTIC and sty I. ah work on coats, suits and dresses by an expert. Mod erate prices. Phone East 70.;3. DRESSMAKING at her home. $2.50; a'ter ations. 406 E. 17th st Sellwood 2263 HEMSTITCHING. Hr and M- a yard. M. Dalton. room 201 nroadway-Vamhill bldg. PLAIN sewing and hand work; forms. Tabor 4102 nurse uiu- THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, 424 Mor rlion at., nea 11th. COATS, suits snd dresses. Tsbor 0402. N URSB w lshcs engagement, chronic or convalescent preferred. Will leave city. Marshall Hn4. COM PETE NT. practical references. Tsbor 3371. nurse; doctor FOR DEPENDABLE, trained and practi cat nurse call Mar. 3-49. H ouse kee pe rs. LADY with two children wishes position as housekeeper for one or two gentle men: no obiectlnn to going on goo ranch. M 02. Oregonian. LADY with two children. 3 and 7 yean old. as housekeeper in private- home, widower. Call Main 2931 Sunday or Main 212 Monday. REFINED young widow with dsuitnier 10 wants tn take charge of meuium sizeu home for widower; C. . preierred. la bor .(..' 1. HOUSEKEEPER for men or family by middle-aged w idow. 1 '-05. idow er labor COMPETENT woman with girl 6. wants housekeeping in city or country for 2 or more men. j. n. m.. Vancouver. vasn DomeMIm. THE VERIBEST WINDOW WASHERS TABOR 463$. Housecleantna. floor waxing, and all kinds of work done Inside and outside the home. WANTED TO RENT. Ho usee. WANT to rent 5 or 6-room hours (mod ern. furnished or unfurnished, on o r car line, close in on eaat sine; Dest references; 3 adults. Phone Eaat ?J7tf or Wood la 2 1 11. WA NTED To rent seven -room modern furnished house In good locality dote to school ; can lurninh references; perms nent tenant. BF 648, Oregonian. W A NTED To rent 7 or R-rooin modern house good locality, rinse to schoo!: can tuapisn best ol l eiereuccs. N J JU, l iregopla n. BEFORE April 10. small furnished house or flat, must bo modern, can Klva best of references and care of property. Two adults. Mars nan 30111. BY 3 adults, an unfurnished house of 6 or 7 rooms witn garsce. by May 1: preferably in Irvington or Alameda. Call WANTED By tidults. nicely furnished modern house, 1 or rooms, west side preferred. Give all particulars. J 2u3, Oregonian. WANTED To rent, by reliable adults. ; or 6-room house,- east side. Phone 'Ta- bor 71 os. WANT 6. 7 or S room modern house; will pav good rent and take good care. Mar shall 1796. WANTED 5 or 6-room unfurnished house. Catl Mrs. Moore, Marshall 785; evenings. Fast 54o3. RESPONSIBLE people, without children, desire to rent modernly furnished home. Call Marshall 1775. WANT to rent A or 6-room house on east side, best of care guaranteed. Phons Woodlawn 6163. WANT smalt house, acre. In country; state price, etc. O 9. Oregonian. Rooms. LADY employed would like pleasant room, east aide, preferably Rose City or Lau relhursL State price. A 173, Orego man. Rooms With Board. . OLD man wants room snd board with meals with aired lady on the first floor. AL 805, Oregonian. HANTWI TO RFAT. Rooms WHH Hoard. VOL" NO COUPLE employed drslrfi com fortable room doe in, where tsdy will rare for two children aged 3 aod 4. W 1 4S. Oregonian. Iliittlnew Dare, WANTED Private offhc furnMhed lih telrphine and stenographic srtU. A o use of reception rouu. Hiai location and. terms. Telephone Broadway 449. Miecellaneeue. A MEDIUM siKcd mil op drk. pi Ice must p rigni lor cash. call Mr. neicnci, Bdwy. 240. FOB KKNT. t'l.KAN sleeping rooms; f urna e heat. Norm liih st.. cor. of ttashlugtou. t urn Is bed IUhiois. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 2iU AND 1 1 0 T l. CAliPBELI. It I LI. HOTEL, 741 W AS HI NO TON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without oath, $2.30 a day up, rates by day or month. Mrsls sered to tranlenia. PRINCES.s IIOTKL UNDER NEW M AGKMKN'T. NEWLY RENOVATKO THROUGHOUT. Hcomi single, community and private baths, reasonable rates, day. ek of month. 340 East Burnaule si. East 171. J ust across tne lttirnnPle bridge HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th au Take Drpol car to lite and Morrison, tttik half bloi k south. Clfan, modern. repeciah!a; uansieat, 11.30; with private bath, $2. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison at. at East Sixth. The principal sast side hotel; digni fied and refined; SI .23 per day, douu.a 1 1.73; 16 pif week end u p HOTEL LE ROY. Centrally located. WS Fifth, between ptatk and Oak. under new management, fj day, week up; steam heat, bat and cold wat:r in fc) loom. ANSON1A HOTEL 124 14tb St., at Wathingtoa. Rstes, A per week up, $1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, potle roema. clono to amusement and shopping csnier SA V O NHO i EU 131 11th st.. between Wash, and A 4r sts. Modern, weii-lurnisbed rooms. Iran stent. $1 up; priale bath. $2 up; weak- 1), 3 up. ST. PAUL IIOTKU 4th and Aider CIraa. modern, central; tiaiuient, 1 up; par matu ut. 3 up. LEEDS APTS., single rooms, moo, fire proof bldg. ; hoi and cold running water. 210 Mark-t at. JDEAL summer hnm. doM in. hrauiitm iarife room, a ictn e. porch, la w n, roirs jjjloie; J.iif. K rriHLHroadw my ;to Sbs VV MA N A I E M E X T C I a n and r e - spccUbie, 75c snd up. $3 50 PT week ( and up. 37 Yamhill st. i Hoi KI. t m;K LEY Morrison n. l( TiDth. I Hatea tl day up. Weekly 4 30 yp.N ' Hiram bent, r ree phone and bat ha . GARLAND hniel. 5 Trinity pie; t npr'ttir, titan and modem, reasonsD.e Miiin I .13. CLEAN betia for working (iris, reasonable. 121 ' th st. 75c. $1 DAY. 2.50 w-a up: outside room a Hotel Csdillac.3d nrsr Jeftersoo. HARRISON hotel. Front and Harrin; outsida rooms, 120 tip; poara it qemrra. BUSH M A R K hotel. Ati.V, W ash, st , a clean, mod'-rn, refpet-t bie pu . cio in SOME ry good aleeping rms. at 20s lata it , tieHi- Taylor. ('! II . doill'le Mlocpi :() Hili si., near .lei If i s roititi. t it I'nfurniAhed Rmim, Room. 5th and btaik. Apply Dr. H Losb. Columbia b.dg.. v I'ark ana wain. UNFURNISHED three rooms, lacud'ng gas range. 44 Hall St. Fiirnlnhed Rooms in Pmai4 I amtly . NEWLY furnish"d front room with alcoxe. furnace h.-t. hot and cold wikr. hath, fine placn, nice for two; brenkfaat It d-stred: 1 bltM-k car lino. Ml. Tabar dis trict. Tabor 50 TWo single rooms, nil ly furnished, p' I- vate family, Une of plane a tin t'l-pntne other home prlvtlcen, 3 blocks ftom Host City car, cluae in. 11H Last 21sl St. N. IF VoU ARE looking for a nKe furnili'-d room, fasotiabie. i lose to far, m I Tatior 5i..d; lanies preferred. rcfi-rvnis ekrluintf '!. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two; $20 per mont h. but h, phone a nd furnace beat. 210 2.1d st. N., near Lot- Joy. FURNISHED room: wi'l e-ranjre for light housekeeping. 34 amouwr ate. 2 J mi. bKAt'TIFUL clean sieepina room, re ami able, miiNt be seen lo be apprecta ted 45o Park. LARGE modern room, walking dintam , bath on the same floor; prefer on thai has auto. 343 Ullh st. CLEAN, roinfortab'e room, modern home. w est slue. North llUli; 110. lruds 2 2 74 SJi'k'LY furnished eroom. ama- o" toupw . w j i kin- distance. 267 J 1 lb st., near Jrff'-rson. .AKGK, well-furninhrd room tn C. fam ily: lovely location lor Mimmrr; kit- hn prfvMrgc morniiiKit. Mam into 'OR RENT to one or two bu-,lneii women a large, well-iuniiphril room in private home, close In, Marshall 45 N It'ELY furnished comfortable sleeping room In modem home, i ioe in, west Idr. 4.'.4 Mill strict. Main n;:. STRICTLY mode-n room. W. . rr waiving dista.ife; plenty hot water: ifl rnortt h up. 341 College, mar Proadway. FU R N I Mil ED room. h ted apt. : con en ienres; gentleman, no smoker, Ud w . 13S4. ROoM and part board In private home. Nob Hill ftut rirt ; o'auo. home con en (eini. Marsha II 24!'4. LARGE liolit ro'iin. Hultahle fo two beus, all comforts. JI fry. two. wtlh Montgoili- NEWLY furnished room, modern cf en I ences; walking distance. 3 N. Joth R00M for refined gentleman, also garagi, references. Hdwy. 1126. LA ft IE, sunny front sleeping room, run ning water, home comforts. y.nn '(:'. FT'RNISMKn room, Irvington district Phone East 3071. NICE furnished room 'or 'ady in q u, home. fall Marshall 01 1 UANDSoME room for man near Multno mah club, walking distance. Main 2i4t. COM KtJitTA RLE front mUin, walking df tari'-e. Nob Mill dirtrl' t Muln IM-. NICKLY furnished room for gentlenian 3 blocks from Arlington cluh. Main 37f7. DESIRABLE modern rooms, use of plane. 32T Sixth street. Rooms Witn Hoar. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's down lows high-riaia family hotel; rooms en suits or single, with or without bosrd. fer families and business men and women. W e give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. SINGLE room, two months, while 01 pant la awav; replrten llal notci; ne: class In city. Telephone Bdwy, 2i. A-MrrxB P . Oreonlan, HKREKoRD HoTEL Xlodern. atifinv room, ungie or Mine ; rx'-fiirni nnera , reasonable. 7:13 lloj t. Main a.V3 THE MART ilA w" A KM I NGTO N SK0 10th st. for bualnea gins and students: reasonable rates. MarJ IJ3t. ROOM and board for bUKinrae girl; all modern convenlencea: walking diatanre; $4.50 per week. Faet 4732. 12 K. 7th t 452 MO ft It I SON. cor. Lit h. choue rooms and board, modern conveniences, w a ik ing dltane, Hoom With Board ta rrlvte fasaHy. E.XCLISIVW home offers rm. and b rd home-made bread. 11.1 r. lvin. it a 4314. RooM or room and board In prhate fam ily, all modern convnienren; (-.out in; home privilege Hdwy. I 3. EVERY convenience for one or two ynuj ladle In pretty nome; no oilier poarurs. Automatic 2I5-1I. LOOM and board for man and wife with child or man mi two riiMurrn. iteai mothers rare. 3Jt 7'th st. H. R. ROOM and board for 2 young men. lloma prD-iiegea 42 Mill au l'hont Mar. r'oR BOA R D and room by da y or w ek . near Pacific t r Foundry hop Call 14-'.o Multnomah or phone Tabor 1HI3 FOR man accustomed to niee things, r room in quiet, modern hat, 31. Fata. Mar. 17 0. FIRST-CLASS room and board. 738 Johl on. between -'fl a no a-iti. CH"1'K room, 2 meal, modern home, ner MUirnoman nun; irnnrnn-n. .vnti WANTED tor company, a lady boarder, 10 month. Ella l inney, R. 2, Gervais, Or. CH' 1CE ro-im. 2 meals, modern pear MUilMonidii ciun; gentlemen. 22 V GOOD room and board, homelike, ne ihtf roomsrs. w am. ev. 'LI k I 5 4 ... .,. 1