18 THE 3IOKMXG OKECOMAX, SATURDAY, 3IARCII 27, 1020 ..'V. . 1 j GARAGES. UAKAGG built by American Red Croff at Vancouver barracks is for Bale; offers 't!i ba received at office of commanding orrtcer. Vancouver Darracas. or division. A. R. C. OPEN" DAT AND NIGHT. General auto repairing- and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. 3th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 136. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. I HAVE 100.000 TO INVEST IN DIAMONDS. I pay full Talue In cash for any diamonds. Nothing- too small or loo big. Call and see Mr. Randolph and set full market value. Also old told, saver, platinum. Jewelry, precious stones bought for cash. LIBERTT BONDS CASHED. - GEORGES RANDOLPH. Diamond Broker. 405 Spalding Bldg.. 4th Floor. f 12.30 TO t23 FOR SECUNK-HA.VD SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than auyorie la the city for ftuiis. overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall VSM. or 3:1 Madison st, neai 3d st. Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. FURS. FUHS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Usa La France fur dressing for summer and save $lui. Reasonable prices. LA FHAACE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Fark bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main tiu9. UP TO 125. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's ciotbea OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, lit 2d sc. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main Ko44. JS.30 UP TO -3 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICE KuK MEN'S rXITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3!2. 243 '4 BL.HNSIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 2U. CALL ME BEFORE AN V HOD V ELSE. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to f par set. Don't mat ter if broken: old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, brideework bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 4o3 spuldmg bidg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wash. FRESH EGGS WANTED. We pay a premium tor white hens eggs; ir you can Khip a ca?e twice a wk write MLIUAL CREAMERY CO.. Portland. Or. 1 WANT USED CLOTHING. W'e pay from $10 up for men's used suits and oercoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. 167 1st St.. near Morrison. Main i.'lJi. V.iTi;i A good sec(nd-hand sale for an oltice: one with burgiar-proof inner compartment, Syracuse type preferred; will pay cah. Answer AO 2'JJ, Ore,;o nian. OL'K SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid, will csll. flay or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marsha l3-23. 209 Madiin. WANTED Concrete and cement work of all kinds, large or Milan contracts, re sponsible party. Tabor 8796. WANTED Steamer trunK and good suit case or bag: must be in good condition. Call at 232 E. Hist Mt. North. WANTED Will pay cash for second-hand safe; give size Inside, auares and phune. AO 3ti4. Oregonian. WE will buy your old typewriters and p.iy ou cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 14 5th. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dial monds. "Dan Marx A Co.. 23 Wash. St. WANTED 62 feet of ie,.nnd-hand fence. Tel. Sell wood 2S1K. WANTED Any kind of Shetland vehicle. N 14S. Oregonian. tECOND-HAND safe wanted, no dealers Main 3303. positively 2S0O LOGANBERRY I to J. H. Harper. 3S1 Phone or write t. Mam 70!"4. WANTED Two OresoniaiK milch goats. ONE large size writinx desk. 5 o'clock. Sellwood l.';:2. WANTED Oriole with hood. I'hone Tabor Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want vour used furniture, rugs, carpets, stove, and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bl cyeles, typewriters, adding ma chines, and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade, CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221-223-223 Front St. WE NEED USED FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES, RANGES. OFFICE FURNITURE. ETC. WE WILL BUY ONE PlaliE OR A HOUSE FULL CALL MARSHALL ,-7. OUR BUYER WILL CALL PROMPTLY'. WILL PAY HIGH EST PRICES. A. S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 203-207 FIRST ST.. BET. TAYLOR AND SALMON. MARSHALL. S9S1. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH, ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OL'K KIND IX POKTLAND. 1S5 FIRST ST., PHONE MARSHALL 59S1. CALL MAIN .t IMMEDIATELY. WE PA Y Til K H IGH EST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURXITUKE, CAR FKTS. ETC. YOU It CALL WILL BRING THE Bl'itlt WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN SOW. WILL PAT THE HIOHEST TRICE FOR USED FURNITURE, CALL EAST 6417. ASK. FOR MR, ORMA.NDY. 1 WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS, STOVES. ETC.. TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BKINO UUefc.lt AX U.N CIS W HO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. .'tS First St. Main 7728. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a bouse full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. M arwha.il t;i3. Crown. " CALL MAIN 8S78.. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S78. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 40''7 or 160 First at. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all point on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., Pth and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 33.12. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 6064. Will pay best WANTED Good used flat top desk, must be a bargain. Tabor 8776. WILL pay cash for furniture. Main 6517. HELP W AN TEJ MAXX. ( FEEDER wanted for platen printing press. Columbia Paper Box Co., East 25th and Holladay: CABINETMAKERS for work in planing mill. 240 Salmon. BOY to work In drug store. Brink's Phar mcy, 13th and Washington. WANTED Experienced bank clerk; state age and references. BC 287. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED presser or bushelman wanted. 201 3d. The Liberty Tailors. liXPERIBNCED cook, man or woman for out of town. Bdwy. 4439. WANTED Pants room 1. presser. 88 Vi 3d sl. GET in business for yourself; learn vul canizing. Call or write 514 Union ave. N. HELP WANTED MAI.K. If yon Intend to take up Autos. Trac tors. Aviation or any branch of Gas Ko gineering. don"t overlook this offer come here (pay not a cent in advance): when we have proven to your entire sat isfaction that WE HAVE MORB AUTOS AND ENGINES. A BETTER 3TSTEM OF TEACHING. AND GRADUATE A LARGER PERL. . i AGE OF STUDENTa WHO MAKE GOOD than any other achool In the west, then and only then Pay your tuition fee. If we were not the leading school, could wa afford ta take chances like this? $1 CATALOGUE FREE. A lam aa.nar ImwiU with full details oi tnis unusual oner and compieiu in formation will be mailed free to any addraca. Ask for book No. 6. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. THE llllliRSE IS i HKE TO YOU. You do not have to advance: one cent. The state pay us. SCHOOL CAN BE INSPECTED Daily at 11 A. M. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. SOU INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanizers: only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi annroved and emoioved by U. S. government war department foi' train ing soldiers as auto mechanics: don't en roll in any other school until you have inspected tnis one; railroad tare retuna ed if after personal insDection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped ana larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Kim streets. Spokane, Wash.; tuu Mcrcler su. Seattle. Wash. 18,287 YOUNG MEN have. In the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y'. M. c. A. advisory and employment depL This is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y" for men because we appeal to the beat type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. )ou never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared lur it. All men In clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocatiunat guidance -and employ ment service for ex-service men. WANTED By live electrical contractor, d.-aicr In hustling southern Oregon town, one experienced shop foreman, one heavyweisht outside salesman capable of handling canoad lois. one specialty salesman thoroughly familiar with the v.aMhiti(r machine and appliance game and one experienced store salesman who i. also eonipeu-nt to do estimating on wiring, etc. Married men preferred, who will take personal interest in busi ness. Salary and bonus. Write, giving ail particulars, experience, address and phone number, to room 212 Henry bldg No personal tails. PARTNER WANTED NO MONEY RE QUIRED In a first-class lour-chair dow ntow n., centrally located barber shop. Inquire immediately 4th and Oak sts., Henry Building Barber Shop. THE .MEIER FRANK COMPANY re quires tile services of an experienced cabinet maker. Permanent position. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor. Meier & 1-ranlt company. SPOKANE Is a desirable city to live in and working conditions are most favor able. We have positions in and out of the city for all Kinds of hotel and res taurant help. Write or call on Hotel and Kestaurant Keepers' Labor Bureau, II. r. viillis. .Manager, 310 Zeig ar block, Spokane, Wash. WANTED Experienced :ire depL man for position of chief of fire dept.: must be capable or operating and tailing cure of a WHITE MOTOR PUMP AND CHEMICAL fire apparatus: give reler ences. qualifications and salary expect ed in first letter. Address City Clerk. Luhl. Idaho. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance it given help by su supervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard, 12i3 Wilcox bidg. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. City of Portland U. S. C-overnment. Can fur&;sa help, male or female, free of charge to either party. Men's Div., Flat Iron bidg.. 311 Pine street, phone Bdwy. 4;7tf ; Women's Div.. ioa Beck bidg., Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4:;f:. EXPERIENCED hardwood band sawyer. also one edgermnn and two inspectors knowledge of hardwoods necessary; steady employment; good wages. Write bitkum Bardwuud Mill, Sitkum, Coos Co. or. WANTED Houseman who is able to wash iliahfs ana chore about the kitchen: one who understands sweeping. washing windows, etc. ; good board, good room and good salary. Call Broadway 5450 mornings. KESTAURANT helo is very scarce at Cas per, yo.. cooks receive ..." to 4i per wi -h ; waiters. $l ; waitresses, II i.U dishwashers. $17.50 to $-1, includint meals; b hours a day. A J t08, Ore gonian. AUTOMOBILE and tractor scoool; new building; modern equipment : best in siructiou; practical work, laboratories ana shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 410 Y, M. C A. bidg. Phone Main 8700, branch 2. WANTED Two tracers or junior drafts men tor marine mechanical drafting; submit samples or worK witn application to the G. M. STANDI FEB CONSTRUC TION CORPORATION, VANCOUVER, WASH. YOUNG man for wholesale grocery house for rechecking sales invoices, splendid opportunity to work into the sales de partment, answer giving age, experience, references, education and salary ex pected. H 6D. Oregonian. WANTED Boy 16 to 17 years, to assist material man on construction job; must bo reliable and accurate; must be accu rate at figures: references required. Wells Bros. Construction Co., 27th and aughn. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open- shop boring mill, milling machine, snaper ana turret lathe machinists; also all around machinists for work in city. Apply 5-0 Oregon bidg., 5th and Oak sis. WANTED A first-class architectural di augntesman lor Koie. Idaho, or Port land, Or. Apply Tourteliotte & Hum mel. 47 McKay bidg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Experienced advertising man lor department store, good opportunity for right party, state references and sal ary expected. AC 4!0. Oregonian. WANTED Head gardener, Scotch pre ferred, accustomed to care of a well kept private place; will be well paid. Apply by letter with references. AM 7U4. Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOO HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES WANTED Experienced stenographer for railroad office; $95 to start, with good opportunity for advancement ; no stu dents wanted. C 192. Oregonian. WANTED An old man to ao chores and garden for room and board; permanent home both summer and winter. Call 7511 54th -ave. S. E. COMMERCIAL ART class every Wednes day night. limited number, make appli cation now. McDermott's School. 43 Fourth St.. opposite Multnomah hotel. WIDE-AWAKE young man. office assist ant. Apply Dwight Edwards Company, 34 North Front st. WANTED Flrst-clasw dentist: new office; largo practice. The Carlisie-Pennell L.ur. ' o.. unaiBSKa. asn. WANTED Non-union xylophone, saxo phone or banjo. Phone Main 60T9, after 5 P. M. WANTED An all around orchard man; .must understand spraying. Tabor 213 98 E. 62d st. N. WANTED Stenographer, young man that will work himself into a good job. Ap ply 602 Couch bidg. PARTY to operate lath mill by contract' good mill: mut be experienced man. E 213. Oregonian. Phone Bdwy. 164 STENOGRAPHER, $7 to $100; secretary. $130: typist, iioo. 301 N. W. Bank bidg. ONE experienced wash man. Apply Ore gon City Laundry. Oregon City, Or. 50 WOOD CUTTERS, Sunnyelde Fuel Co .16th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1644. WANTED Flat work washer. Laundry. East 3lst and Alder. Crescent OFFICE boy. bet. 16 and 18 years of age. A p piyvvad n ama ac Kerr B ros. WANTED Man in warehouse; wages $90 Hexter Co.. 13th and Hoyt. WANTED At once, experienced counter man, nigms. can imperial cafe. Albany. BARBER, best of wages, steady Job. H. D. Tauman, enterprise, ur. FIRST-CLASS auto painter, top Bugg 4 Jorman, Astoria, Or. WANTED Additional experienced door pate hers. AV 4. a, Oregonian, HELP WANTED HALK. MR. EX-SERVICEMAN Are you hunting a job. or seeking career? Have you discovered where you fit In? Would you like to talk over your problem, confidential v. with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest in you? The T. M. C. A. Advisory and Em ployment Dope, can assist you In choos ing, and can help you find the place for which u are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. . WANTED Married man as agent; must have electrical experience so can handle all kinds of line and sub-station trouble: also able to take care of collections and meter reading; send references with ap plication. EASTERN OREGON LIGHT POWER CO.. Baker, Or. PARTNER WANTED NO MONET RE QUIRED In a first-class four-chair downtown, centrally located barber shop. Inquire Immediately 4th and Oak sts., Henry Building Barber Shop. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRIC METER TESTER. DO NOT APPLY UN LESS COMPETENT TO TEST POLY PHASE METERS. EASTERN OREGON LIGHT POWER CO.. BAKER, OB. EXPERIENCED dress goods salesman. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier A Frank Co. WANTED Young men (18 to S3 years of age) to work nights in Oregonian press room. 74 hours per night, Jt per wee. Appiy F. E. Young, Oregonian press room, after 9 o'clock P. M. YOUNG man to operate elevator in office b cr: must be neat, steaay. not airaiu of hard work and long, hours. Answer In own handwriting, giving age. experi ence, if any, references and if living ai home. X 147, Oregonian WANTED Man and wire, or single, to take contract cooking for lum. camp of 15 at 40c per -meal. Cook shack fur nished, you provide utensils, food. etc. Man can work at mill. Write A. C. Steepro. Blodgett, Or. SAWMILL operating millwright. ex perienced man for large electrically op erated plant. Write to CKOSSET WEST ERN LUMBER COMPANY. WAUNA, OREGON, 75 miles west of Portland on S. P. & S. Ry. WANTED First-class battery man: a good thing for the right man. Write Welser Electric Supply Co., Weiser, Idaho, stating experience and wages de sired. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Scott o Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder to E 20th, or phone East 8068J COMPETENT., experienced and handy houseman for large apartment house: also a chambermaid, can sleep home nights. Marshall 2830; references. WANTED Union barber; must be abso lutely first-class; steady job, wages J33 $50. F. E. Ixughrey, Julian Hotel Bar ber Shop, Corvallls, Or. WANTED First-class tailor to buy half interest in paying shop; plenty or new work; will eventually sell a!!. Inquire of Frank the Tailor. Mount Angel, Or. WANTED Names of men, 18-45. wishing to become Portland mail carriers; $100- 1135 month. Answer immediately. AV 421. Oregonian. SHOW CARD COURSE BY MAIL. Personal instruction. Individual criti cism McDermott a School. Day and night classes at 4.5 4th street. WANTED Students to lam ail latest knnvn methods in vulcanizing and re treading taught by a late graduate of Akron. O. 43 Stark St. FOUR millwrights. S X'.io Burnside street. a day; fare paid. FIVE HUNDRED AUTO MECHANICS wanted at lliOa Fourth st., Monday, March 29. at 7:30 P. M. Open to all entertainment. WANTED First-class barber. steady; guarantee $:J2 and GO per cent over $44. Wire or phone C. R. Christie. O. K.. Baths. Astoria. Or. WANTED Used car salesmen who can buy as well a-s sell, to manage used car rjuslness. Good proposition to right man. BF 649, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND printer wanted about April 15. one who understands some about linotype preferred. Herald. Tillamook. Or. . WAXTED-tA live wire to work in whole sale house as assistant stock jnan. An swer, giving references and experience had in shoe business. D109. Oregonian. A COMPETENT florist to take charge of reiail business; write immediately, giving wages wanted and experience to Jones Flower Shop, Walla Walla. Wash. YOUNG man who has home in city to work on doughnut machine, 8 hours work. 12 to 8 A. M. $25 per to start. B.I 403, Oregonian. WANTED Two first-class cylinder feed ers; highest wages, permanent worK Schwab Printing Co., Second and Stark streets. PRINTER Ad setter wanted at once on afternoon paper; union shop: 7'-hour day; wire your terms collect to Evening Budget, Astoria, ur. SITUATION WANTED Lumber account ant and office manager. 10 years ex perience; any line; good references; bond. Address P. O. box 125. Eugene, Or. ALL-AROUND office man or gin for auio salesroom; chance for improvement; give experience and wages wanted. L. A. Porter, Iewiston, Idaho. PRESSER, first-class, A-l man for Hoff man press; steady job: state wages. Nancekivell Cleaning Works, Wenatchee, Wash. WANTED First-class coatmaker and pantsmaker. Reed Bros., tailors, 203 Wilcox bidg. BARBER wanted, man or lady, in good shop; wages. 70 per cent. Phone me at my expense. G. J. Ribelin. Prineville. Or. BARBER, guaranteed $30, S1 hours' work; job good for $.5 to $40 a week; steady. 572 Commercial St.. Astoria. Or. CARPENTER wanted, one who would like to do some worK in exenange ior room nnd board. P 3. Oregonian. TO CONTRACT tie cutting on 160 acres. close in. level ground; hewn or sawed. G 108. Oregonian. YOUNG man stenographer for good firm in city; must have some experience; $100 or better. 447 Morgan bidg. WANTED A good worker. 2 or 3 years drug experience. Mont. uox Missoula, FIRST-CLASS jewelers wanted on general work; steady employment, a. ciauss & Sons. Main 8796. WANTED Man and truck for hauling pilings; good pay. frank Klrsch. tot- Paul, or. SALESMEN, experienced or inexperienced, 830 Chamber ui commerce oiag., 4tn and Stark. WANT first-class detail sticker man and sash men. McMinnv.ue leaning Mill, McMinnvliie, or. WANTED At once, 3 men to learn vul canizing and retreading. call at 43: Hawthorne ave. OFFICE boy for large advertising firm must be a high school graduate; $60 to start. 447 .Morgan oiog. WANTED Man and wife for janitor work. For further information call East 4062. Lambrook apta, after 10 A. M. WANT carpenters and plumbers for out- of-town worn; a nrs.. lop scale. i?'or lull information apply 510 Oregon bidg. WANTED Active young men, both expe rienced and inexperienced,, for window washing: good pay. 510 Oregon bidg. FIVE mill and yard laborers. $3 a day, hotel room and board, fare advanced. Northwest Labor Bureau. 222 Couch. FIRST-CLASS furniture finisher; good wages, steady work; must be good on colors. Apply 367 N. 16th St. WANTED Young man stenographer, not over 24. Apply the Cudahy Packing Co., 341 East Oak st. WANTED Strong boy about 1 years old. Call 206 McKay bidg., 3d and Stark st. ENERGETIC boy for drafting room. Hesse Martin Iron Works. WANTED An apprentice boy. Call 716 Thurman st. LEARNthe vulcanizing business. ""Cailor Write 158 E. Broadway. WANTED Boy for messenger work bank. T 150. Oregonian. COATMAKERS wanted. Apply Nicoll the Tailor. 108 3d st. v THOSE desiring to learn moving picture operating. B 94. Oregonian. WANTED Vulcanizer; also tire changer and tube repair man. H 107, Oregonian. WANTK D A steady f i rst-class Corbett Building Barber Shop. barber. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED DOORMEN. MUST BE AT LEAST SIX FEET TALL. MIDDLE-AGED MARRIED MEN PREFERRED. MUST BE NEAT IN APPEARANCE. APPLY CO LUMBIA THEATER AFTER 11 A. M. CIRCULATION CANVASSERS. Wanted at once, circulation canvassers to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to obtain signatures as wide spread opposition to ordinance on part of majority of voters and especially small property and homeowners. Apply Room 426, Oregon Bidg.. Fifth and Oak Sts. SOUTH. 1 RATCHET SETTER. $5.00. 1 EDGERMAN, $5.23. 1 TALLYMAN, $100. BOARD. SMALL MILL. APPLY 37 N. 2D ST. IF you are looking for a good proposition on a set of tea and coffee routes, we have it; none but men having had ex perience along this line need apply. An swer this today. Ideal Toa Co., 711 Union ave. N. TWO good men to take the places of two ambitious men who have been advanced to better positions in our Institution af.er less tnan a month's experience. AH 165, Oregonian. TAILOR, first-class man to do busheling; steady Job; state wages; nothing but a first-class, reliable man need apply. Nancekivell Cleaning Works, Wenatchee, w asn. STEADY position for vulcanixer, experi enced in retread and sectional work. In terstate Vulcanizing works. Vancouver, "Wash. WANTED Ford mechanics for out of tovn; must have references. See Mr. AI1 hands. Palace Garage, this A. M. WANTED A circular eawyer; must be able to keep up saws. Western Lumber & Timber Mill. 62J Morgan bl d.M . 5. ADVERTISING solicitors, bankers' and R. C. Clyde, 210 Stock other papers. Exchange. JAPANESE boy wanted for chamber work. University club, 6th and Jeffer son. WANTED Five bricklayers: thre months' worK. h.ugene. Or. Slierman v Hunter, contractors, Eugene. JANITOR for ftrst-ctass apartment house; on burner. The .Penrose. REGISTERED drupgist for ten days, start ing April 5. 14l Foster road. Help Wanted Sale men. THE Kemper-Thomaa company of Cincin nati wisnes to get in immediate commu nication with the highest-grade specialty salesman whose notice is attracted to this Jidvertisement. Products consist of high art In exclu sive calendar designs, blotters, monthly service, engraved greetings, fans. etc.. in connection with the snappiest and most extensive line of signs, advertising spe cialties in leat.ier. cioth and fiber. The line is most popular with the trade, but requires the moat Intelligent handling. Order takers are out of the question. Our district sales manager Is In Port land for a few days only. For interview address W W. Merriam, District Sales Manager. 1119 Wasco bL, Portland. Or. A LARGE eastern corporation desires the services of an honest, ambitious. Intelli gent salesman to represent them in the Portland branch office; this is a life time opportunity and even It employed it will pay you to investigate this; fasci nating, well paying, rapid promotion to right party. Cali after 10 A. M.. 1109 Spalding bidg., Mr. Fox. SALESMAN We want at once a good ad vertising spec-laity talesman for this vi cinity; a splendid opportunity for the risht party; state experiem-e and all pur ticulars in first letter; full time required and exclusive territory given. The El wood Myers Company, Springfield O. EXPERIENCED phonograph salesmen to handio Victor, Edison and Columbia ma chines; good salary or commission ar rangement; none but first-class men with good references need apply. Territory: City of Tacoma and surrounding towns. Address or call on Shaw Supply Co.. Inc., Tacoma. GOOD specialty salesman, singie preferred, to cover Oregon, good salary, position permanent: representing large eastern manufacturer whose product is standard and nationally advertised. Call evenings this weok, Benson Hotel, A. M. Merri field. 4 LIVE-WIRE closers for old-line insnr ance office in city: prospects furnished by office; do not apply unless you are a live wire and a good closer. Call in person, 1205 Wilcox bidg. CITY SALESMEN who want to better their condition in a financial injtitutio:. where they will be given instructions that will insure their further prosperity. BF 60S. Oregonian. FINANCIAL AND SALESMAN If von are in the habit of making S1000or$2000 per month It will pay you to investigate. This is no oil or mining stock, but a good proposition. O 1S5, Oregonian. WANTED A man to sell supplies to mill and steam plants in the city and close outlying districts; one with experience preferred; state experience. H 145, Ore gonian PRINTING SALESMAN with loose-leaf system, city experience, make hand written application, stating experience and references. Address V 192. Oregonian.- SALESMEN AND LADIES. For live wires biggest selling specialt) In United States; real money. Commercial Specialty Co.. 206 Railway Exchange Bidg. WANTED Salesman making east and west-side Willamette-valley points week ly to sell fruits and vegetables. Apply Page & Son. 120 Frontst. WANTED 6 reliable salesmen. 30 years of aire or over preferred: it is an easy sell er and a necessity to every business house. Call Main 6449. WANTED Live specialty salesman to take on new side line paying high commis sion. Call Main 644'.. for appointment. TWO first-class automobile salesmen. N. Broadway. Ask for Beagle. 128 HIGH-CLASS experienced salesmen with cars. Ray & Smith Co., No. 70 6th sL WA"TED AGENTS. EXCELLENT territory still open in Ore gon and Washington for live agents to handle United Motors trucks. Liberal commission, exclusive territory, one to Ave vears. For particulars address Thomas Randies. 26 North 15th street. Portland, or. WANTED Live agents to represent us In everv county, to handle fast selling au tomobile specialties; write immediately. Diamond Manufacturing Co., Colmaa Bidg.. Seattle. Wash. AGENTS at once, hospital tickets. selling 60c per month 601 Corbett bidg. HEXP WANTED FEMALE. ONE lady flunkey. Burnside. $tj and board. A COLLEGE STUDENT wanted for the summer vacation; good salary. Phone Broadwav 3846 for appointment, or call at 637 Pittock block. GIRLS FOR HAND APDHBSSi.W: NO EX HER XV Ki W J 1 XV CJ : KSVXl E PREPARED TO GO TO WORK. 316 SPALDING BLDG. TWO waitresses, out of city, 160; man and wife at mm, cook, out 01 (.own, 00. Room 301 Raleigh bidg.. 327 Wash. WANTED At once, experienced chocolate dipper; none other neea apply. 940 Union avenue North. WANTED Young or middle-aged ladty must be unincumbered, with camp ex perience. J. 106, Oregonian. TYPISTS. Girls for typing: come prepared to go to work. 316 Spalding bldg. WANTED A maid for upstairs work, ref erence required; irs. x w. corbett. 189 5th st. Main 555. WOMEN as cook, small family, no children. no wasiiiiiK. auBivuiu. WANTED A kitchen helper immediately. COUNTER girl wanted. Liberty Lunch, 126 Fifth st. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Hotel Franklin, 13th and wasnington. WANTED A dining room gin. Derby street, can n am. -uio. HELP WANTED FEHALB. so too want to barn a good sal art A salary that 1 pal whlla Toa learn the business that Increases frequently as you gain axparlsnosvT DO TOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES BARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positional WHT NOT OBTAIN THB TACTS T Our employment supervisor will iadly tell you the facta an will also expialn the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young womss. Apply a? Telephone Company. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company. THE MILLER SCHOOb OF ADDING. CALCULATING AND BOOK KEEPING MACHINES. Enter now for mummer vacation work. Courses are short from four to six s7 L a nnlv WE HAVE SECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Manager, of all bank and mercantile offices require a knowledge of moaern office appliances. 903-4 Yeon Building. MULTICRAPH OPERATOR wanted by large Portland concern; desire experi enced girl who understands the machine; give age, previous experience, address and phone number. Address C 74, Ore gonian. OLD-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who are ambitious and willing to work hard lor real success. It you believe you can sell life insurance if given heup by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard, 1205 Wilcox bidg., Portland, Or. WANTED Experienced coat alteration hand for ladies' suit and cloak alteration department. Apply employment bureau, 6th floor, Meier fc Frank Co. I HAVE more positions open than I have pupils ready. Why not tage up worn which will make you independent? Six weeks' course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Claps hour, from U:3u to 12:30. Room 411, Beck bidg. EXPERIENCED saleslady for hosiery de partment; also one lor notion depart ment: good salaries paid to those who can qualify. Apply Mr. Kemp. Simon's store. BY wholesale grocery house, young lady to handle returned merchandise credits; splendid opportunity; answer, stating age, experience, rcierences, eaucaiion, and salary wanted. 4SS Oregonian. FOUR experienced laundry girls. Good Samaritan Hospital laundry. Marshall 3040. STENOGRAPHER for general office work; work Is light and would consider one who has not had much experience if willing to take hold; state ae. experi- ' eree. salary wanted. L 149, Oregonian. TO ALL who think they have ability in motion picture acting It would be to your interest to call at 1027 Chamber of Commerce bidg. WANTED Applications of women, 21 to 35 to work in woodworking factory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wage. G 7, Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Pnona Main 3450. DM car. WANTED Names of women or girls wisn iDg to become U. S. govt, clerks; HKI 1 1 25 mon l h. Ans ft er immediately, A V 421, Oregonian HOUSEKEEPER on small fruit ranch; would not object to woman with 1 or 2 small children; a good home and some w a ges. AO 570, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced women operators for power machines. Apply between 9 and 10 A. M. The Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. 85 W 6th st, PRIVATE secretary, $125; stenographer, $75 to $100; dictaphone operaLor, ilOu; bookkeeper and stenographer, out of town, $125. 301 N. W. Bank bidg. COMMERCIAL ART class every Wednes day night, limited numbei make appli cation now. McDermott's School. 45 Fourth St., opposite Multnomah Hotel. WANTED Experienced stenographer for railroad office: $05 to start, with good opportunity for advancement; no stu dents wanted. G 187, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house, pleas ant surroundings, Saturday afternoons off; $73 per month to start. Broadway 1341. YOUNG lady, must be neat and experi enced in retail bakery. $15 snd laundry. 9:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. BJ 464. Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter to go to Tillamook, good place to work, good w ages. See Mr. Saminons at the National Laundry Co.. 292 E. 8th st. WANTED Combination chambermaid and waitress; references required. Apply St. Helen s Hall. 13th and Hall sts. EXPERIENCED maid, general housework, no washing, good wages, pleasant room. W oodlawn 15o5. THOROUGHLY experienced woman for tight lunch counter. Call a'J Broadway alter a. 31. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl In distress. U5i E.m G 1 taau. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED High school girl to work for room, board and wages; girl In senior year preferred. Call East 1O&2. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WITH RECOMMENDATIONS. APPLY MRS. H. C. CABELL. 255 KING ST. COUPLE employed have girl 11 years old. Want motherly lady for general house work. Good home. C 111. Oregonian. WANTED Four girls for reception com mittee. Apollo Temple, 2d and Morri son, 8:30 evenings. WANTED Stenographer and general of fice assistant by credit man in large wholesale concern. Call Main 6344. COOK wanted; best of wages to right partv; 2 meals a day; white or colored. 3h." 3d. Phone Main 7004. WANTED Experienced girl for counter work in delicatessen; also kitchen help er. 623 Washington st. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for country home Itt miles xrom r-onianu. -n v iorri- son t. WANTED Good seamstress. Laundry, East 31st and Alder. Crescent WANTED Experienced seamstress in dressmaking anop. au ituorq Diog. CHAMBERMAID and all around kitchen helper. rnone jnaranan iii. o9U lutn. WANTED Housekeeper. Apply Ray Hotel, :s N. 4tn s-t. HOUSEKEEPER: man E. 43d st.. Richmond 3 cjiildren 260 Richmond car. Tabor 5361, WANTED Two apprentice girls. Union Station restaurant. WANTED Experienced biller by large wholesale company, van aiaun o)4. WANTED A housekeeper. 647H First sL Phone322-i4J WANTED Cleaning girls. Multnomah Hotel. Appiy An au entrance FIRST-CLASS chamberrr.ajd ; we lurnisb Luara. Aiwununt vuur uo ciia, su WANTED Nurse for 3 children; good wages. marsnau st. WANTED Experienced Morrison st. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Hotel Fnmp, nt aurnsiae st. STENOGRAPHER wanted; not heavy WOT IV. An. gi, vicauuiaa. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CIRCULATION CANVASSERS. -Wanted, at once, circulation canvassers to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to obtain signatures as wide spread opposition of voters and especially small property and homeowners. Apply Room 426, Oregon Bld.. Fifth and Oak Ma. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. We now need 20 students to fill -cancies made in our comptometer school. We have placed all our finished oper ators In good paying position Course cdsts you $40 and takes about 8 "e"" Girls must be under 25 years. Call 13 Morgan bidg. See Miss Frsnk. . WANTED A chambermiid. street. Call Wdln. 2015. 1731 Derby GIRL for table work In candy store. Washington st. Waotrd Iom ee tic. WANTED Young irl to asa.nt with lignt hAiiuaainFk BAAri hsimae fr ltI I1CU. IIVii est girl, for a couple and 1 -year-old baby. Call Tabor 4U or 430 B. 3bth U North. Take Hose City car. VM IH 1 1. IT. I.IKI. wnman In assist WltD house work. Three in family. err pleasant summer home 70 miles from Portland, near Astoria, Write for par ticulars. C. C. Cochran, Kerry. Or. WANTED fiiri livln at home, on or near Portland Heights, to do light house work ami conk dinner: so nome nings. jRirshall 4S27. U'iVTr.n riifi ai m 1H.1 i.a red lady foi housework; light work; 3 in family; out a-if town ' satiate Wfl IffM eXDCClfO. al 1 ' H. Numsen. Centralis. Wash., Rt. L rnupETRVT t-ifi tfrtr rnnklni' and down stairs work: no laundry. Mrs. Arthur Sherwood. 645 Ravensview Drive. Port land Heights. Main 403L. w a vTirn Ttftned. com DC tent girl a.Amii n a a rt an h mi Me keener and care for small children in small home. Wages $40. Phone Wdln. 2825. GIRL or woman who likes children, to help with housework; will pay reasonaoie salary. Phone East 7977. GOOD wages to willing girl to assist with general houseworn; Knowieage i ing unnecessary. Phone Marshall 34HH. GIRL woman wanted to assist w j' h wor Apply on , 8th st. . WANTED Girl or woman for general housework : family of 4; good wages. Main 2343. 812 Lovejoy st. wanted Girl to astdst with housework. Four adults; good home. Swedish girl preferred. Tabor 2008. WANTED Young woman to do light housework for family of two. Call 410 Harrison st.. Apartment 3L GIRL or woman to assist with or take charge of cooking on ranch. Mrs. Proud foot, Wasco, Oregom W A XT ED Experienced second girl; ref erences. Mrs. R. B. Wilcox- Main 1387. Portland Heights. GIRL wanted to assist in light housework no washing. Apply uaa inn nnov oioro, 262 Washington su. near Third. COMPETENT girl wanted to take care 2 children and 3-room apt. auring nay. Phone Mar. 525 from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. C.IRT. fnr ireneral housework, good pay litrht work, small nouse. -au ai ovg E. 28th st. North or Phone Eaft 4975 WANTED A good? kitchen helper; a good home and gooa wages ior one wno ap preciates It. 191 inn st. Main yi-i. WANTED Experienced cook and seeond maid; references. Mrs. josepn rt. bowicb, 1O60 Westover road. Main o016. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking; no tuunary worn. App.y mornings .41 Irving at.; Main tO.n. EXPERIENCED girl to asflst with chil dren and do upstairs work; wages Woodlawn 4622. f;iHL or woman for general nousework. family of 4; goou wages, aiain oi-s Lovejoy. WANTED Competent maid for genera; housework. 4-i inn si. t-.ast 4-m. GIRL to assist with general housework nd chuaren. i-none aaft CAPABLE maid for ' eneral housework. 4 in family, no launary. woouiawn iouo. WOMAN for plain cooking in private fam ily. Broadway oia. WANTED Experienced maid for general housework; wages $50. Phone East 6794. FIRST-CLASS cook In family of two; weal side. Telephone Main 7361. GIRL for cooking and general housework; wages $75. Woodlawn - GIRL or woman to assist with general housework; good wages. 481 Marshall. WANTED Girl for general housework; wages $75. 856 Marshall BL WANTED Girl to assist with care of two children. East 649. 326 Multnomah st. GIRL to assist with housework; g.md home, good accommodation. Tabor WtiOi'. WANTED Experienced girl upstairs work and care for children. Main 610. GIRL wanted to assist with house Call 1006 Thurman. after 10 A. M. ork. HELP WANTED MALE OR I 'KM ALE. CIRCU L AT ION C A N V A SSERS. Wanted, at once, circulation canassers to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to obtain signatures as wide spread opposition to ordinance on part of majority of voters and especially small property and homeowners. Apply Room 426, Oregon Bidg.. Fifth and Oak Sta. JANITOR wanted at Jaeger Apts., 70t Washington. Call afternoons or even ings. Aialn 801.. WANTED Caretaker for elderly gentle man, man or woman, reference required. Mar. 3409. GOOD pay, part day work, for some one with automobile. 609 Weidler st. FURNISHED basement apt. for few hours' work. Call 464 11th st., apt. D. MEN and women Ray Generators. to demonstrate 155 Broadway. EDUCATIONAL. MOHLER'S BaRBEK COLLEGE, will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools snd some pay nhlle learning; positions secured; schol arships aud transfer cards issued; '62 schools in U. S. and Canada, oend for catalogue. 234 Burnsldj IL POSITIONS ASSURED EV'tnV GRADUATE UF BEHN EE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, bsnklna, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teaca you the trade 111 8 weeks; scalp and face massage apeclalty; tools tree; positions g ua rau teea ; pay while learning ; luitloa reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep. log, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day snd mubL Enroll now. Bdwy. 6uo3. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays yo while learning, gives you aut uf touts free, position secured- 3 N. 2d at. LEARN TELEGRAPH i Kadway Te.e graph Institute. 434 Railway A.chauge bidg. Free booklet. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school; Individ cai lixi itructma. 1-- oranu ave. a.. 4.i. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asalat. state supt.. mgr.. N. W. Bank blag. Main 6276. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alisky Bidg., Third and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. THE International Correeponaence School can raise your salary. 101 Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bidg.. 3d and MiT. w. mcnaruaon, one. B ISK Teachers' Agenov Journal bidg. Ma. 4835. Teaching positions, ire a registration. YATES-FISHER Teachers" Agency Free re sit ration. Maiu 6254. Broac.way Pisa. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Box making or nailing by day or piece work. Address box 325, city. WANTED By ex-service man job In warehouse. Phone East 1270, H. Brauer. WANTED Hauling contract for 2-ton truck. In or out town. Tabor 6679. PLOWING done and manure for sale. ell wood 1334. PARTY wishes contract to fall and buck timber so much per 1000. yj3V 1st st. MAN and wife went hotel pr apartment. janitor work for B 153, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work; preferred. 1173 Albl na. non-union EXPERT remodeling by reliable builders, estimates free. Phone Woodlawn 534)j. PAINTING, tinting, rea. prices, good work. Tabor 3051. MAN wants work; ried; references. night watchman. Mar AN 200. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants position janitor porter. BP 667. Oregonian. UTl'ATIONtl WANTK.D MALK. NOW IS TUB TIME TO HAVE YOUR PAINTING AND KALSOMIN1NG done; rates reasonable; work gusrsnteefl. Call 22 Fifth St.. or phone Main 21ji. A. C. Logan. MARRIEDman. 26 years old. wants posi tion as auto-truck salesman or touring car salesman: 7 years' experience driver, two years' experience selling and demonstrut In cars. Would Ilk city or out-of-town position. Addresa C. E. B. 413 East Burnslda St . Part- land. Or. pi.nuni va Plum bin Joba done aulckly and effi ciently at reaaooable prlcca. workman hip guaranteed. HHKKO METAL. WORKS. Phone Eaat 154. 11 KumI1 t ONE of the Alcazar players who Intend! io make Portland his home afiirn position here; Is experienced certified mechanic and also electrician, w nai cn you do for me 7 Merrill 1-a Veil, tair- niont apts. MalnU-8l. WANTED Position, out of cltv, as man- a cr at afnr or deoartment. by man with 18 years' experience in general merchandlning. Phone Bdwy. 1251. room 405. or write J 194, Oregomaiv EXPERIENCED hotel cat- manager, with good references, wants to manaa hotel or cafe or would lease or rent commer cial hotel: wile is very active la hotel business also. Call or address C. Johnson, 434 Morrison, Portland. Or. TRAVELING salesman matting Oregon , and northern California desires making a change. Kindly slate in first letter i what vour broOoMitlon IB. Jl 11L Ore- gonian. MAN and wife want position in logging camp as first and second, cook. na Urst-clars diploma. Write or call D. H. Bailey 272 Montgomery sL Phoue Mam 3o2S. Wantku PrtHition bv all-around printer. can run cvltnder and Gordons; would like trv-out with firm de-lring first- class man. AP 1P3, oregonian. SITUATION wanted for evening work by oUxirir-lan an., ma a" h 1 fa i at ' ahl tO repair all kinds of electric motors, etc., from 6 o'clock on. Tel. E. 2285. 669 Hateey St. YOUNG man with pep. ambition, sales exnerlenre anil a. Ford: w tiling to them all. Address A 140. oregonian. Phone Tabor 3252 mornings. WlVTh'n Pn.l 1 1 r r aa tlmekeeDcr. log ging camp or sawmill: fully experienced and reierences. Address AV -o, wre- gonian. WANTED By man and wife with baby place on a farm: wile cook and man work on farm: state wages and work. AC 660, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED TRAFFIC and purchasing-department man deatree position with i'oruaua urm; reieroucea. H 70, Oregonian. WANTED Wood, sawdust or lumber haul for 2i-ton truck ready to go to wor Tel. Seilwood 166L A. 'laylor, 031 16tn st. REPAIR shoe shop, first-class work done from now on ; workmanship guaranteed to be best; work done your own way. 554 Mississippi avenue. EXPERIENCED hotel man; carpet repalr- ine. cleaninc. Da nt nc. Ai repairman. city or country; steady worker. Address Houseman, 3M4 E. Washington st. 1 WANT a chance to lern ahoe repairing i with someona who understands that line; j will work long tune without pay; reter- ence furnished. Avi K47, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man would like a clerical position or as stenographer; long experi ence; good penman, h i'). pregonmn. E GARDNER, landscape gardener, lawns leveled, seeded and rolled. Phone i-.ast 62'JO. Call alter 6 P. M. FIRST-CLASS chief conk, hotel, camp or steamboat. Tabor 4LV. Ii24 E. Mark, Ms Tower. YoUNG man olne east detdrea point u of trust; hunts I ruierencia. .uu, Oregonian. JAPANESE bov wants a position fo board, room and go to t.-noui. AU -Ui, Oregonian. W ANTE D- -Work In garage; some expert- ence. C Room 2. ill evenings. Marshall 4372. WANTED Hauiinc with 2'-. -ton truck. in or out of town. w. K. r uiier, i.- n .. 34th st. Tabor 8S60. FOR SHORT JOBS, such as odd Job. plumbing, carpente ring, house cleaning and yard work, call Woodlawn ftah. CALCM1N1.VG and palntipg: floors re- iliiiNtied ; good work; pricea raasouauie. Tabu. 6N27. LET us figure your painting, paperhang- ing or decorating. u-Munatea cuecr- luuy Slvenj PhoneTaijor UmJ. MOVING PICTURE operator, thoroughly comp-Jtenl. want a place, preieraoiy out of town. AV 4i2, Oregonian. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE engineer wants mtion as chief engineer in aawmill. AK oregonia HAVE own truck. Want to get Job haul ing by day or contract, inone Colum bia 764. WANTED Position as night walchina experienced, best oi reierences. au wu, Oregonian. YoUNO man. steady, reliable, wants driv ing Job. truck, delivery, private. Tabor A-l SALESMAN wishes position; B years in hales game; 4 yeara ovvraoas. U 111. regonian. MARRIED man wants cement laboring; handy with tools. 3it3, apt. 3m4. work Marshall WANTED ln hotel. Herman. -Work aa dishwasher or porter Call phone 31013 and aak for luUNG MAN. 23, wants aelling or clerical position, first-clasa references. N H.i, Oregonian. CARPENTER ork of all kinds, new and repair; estimate- furnltshed, screens made , to rder. 'hone Woodlawn U. AVERY tractor engineer, 4 yeara' experi ence threshing ana piowmg eiav ai 4M, Oregonian. fia'.M EXT work, sidewalks, basements. 1 rage tunways dune on contract. Taoor IHI.ll. AN all-round cook would like pop it ion tn hotel or boarding house. AO 97. Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN. 6 years eipenence dr.ving and repairing, would like position driving private 1 ar; references. Sell wood 213. TRUCKS for hire, to busineis firms, by the I day or momn. moauway 100. CARPENTER, new and repair work, kinds. Eat &306. CARPENTER wsnts orders for screens, (lower boJ.es. etc. Broad a ay 32uJ. C1TV garder. lots to plow snd barrow. Broaoway 60i, rpilwiy JU1. WANTED Position a a watchman; expe r 1 e n c t d ; best of rcf e rem: ca. L aat 5t 6 , PLOW I NO W DLN. 6214. SATISFACTION GUA RANTEED. W ANTED A-l hauling contract for new 2-ton Master truck. F 156. Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Btenog rap here. Office, EXPERIENCED lumber office man, bill ing clerk. timekeeper. payroll man, stenographer, etc. Temporarily em ployed, desires permanent position. Cas furnish excellent references. AK 987, Oregonian. E-SERVICE MAN. 24. married. 6 years' general office bookkeeping snd typing experience, desires position with Port land firm. G 110. Oregonian. YOUNG M AN wishes position in office from 12 A. M. on. Can take dictation and operate typewriter; good penman. HF 615. Oregonian. YoUNG man wis hen position as clerk in camp: experienced timekeeper snd eommlssory clerty AB 127, Oreijonlan. FOR A-l accountant, call Main 6110. Small not books kept reasonable. Soldiers and Sailor. EX-SOLDIER, 38 years of age, good, steady, all around man, ouid Ilka to get started In omething there Is a luture In; would consider taking rhitrge of small ranch where houee would be fur nished; an do rough carpenter work; good painter, " store clerk, watchman, store room man, swst. hotel steward, .IB nimr: ran drive horn truck and take care of same. Address H 147. Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE operator, thoroughly competent, wants place, preferably out of town. AV 473, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG married woman wihes to work from 0 to 4 V. M., Sun. off; east side preferred. E 212, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman want- work wsh Ing. Ironing, 0 or 8 hours, 40c. hour, car fare. Main 1140. W)M AN wants cleaning by hour, office or homes. Broadway 1432. TWO experienced logging camp waitresses. Phone Woodlawn 5333. FAMILYand men's laundry neatly done"; will mend. Main 9132. YOUNG woman deairea any kind of work immediately. AG H48, Oregonian. YoUNG lady desires any kind of factory work. AG 7. Oregonian. GOOD laundress wlhe 0 to 8 houra Sat urday. Woodlawn 4. RELIABLE woman wishes Work by hour or day: no washing. Marshall 323. WOMAN wants Jay work. E. 667. Room 22. MTl'ATIONa WANTriD ffMAI.lt. WAXTKD Working or rhonl girl lo mint young modicr f(h hou-owork morn ing" and evening for hoard and room; mall compfneiuon, Tatmr 7710. WAN'TKh riftr by mv with hufhan.l and bahy an hnuM'ktr or good plain rook or rare of Invallfl. mat igfi and work. A' ort-gontan. JbXrKRIK.NrUD. rpnnt.ble laU wien position an raahlar in a, restaurant. Call Marnhill 3M7, EXPERIENCED catcrea plan, cooks and rrvea iunrnenn- and diunera. a.ai n l'A34. Tahor .'M. EX PER 1 KN 'KD lady, S.. wUhea poaltlon In rioctor'a orr !, aom know ledge of stenography. Woodlait 19. iH. ALL K I N I M f curtains and iraperlea hand laundered: bmeis and apartmenta preferred. Ta lor 111. WANTED A p1ca to ink rare of cin -dren evening hlie nn-iher la awa ; rerereners Wood I awn I t I l FlItST-CHHM laundrv woman and rlnv ante mark fr lion day and .Saturday. Call after 6. Tabor ;.nii. EXPERIENCED woman wants position nouRf Keeper n apartment bouse. A II 124. oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman manager l I manage apts. for out -of-in n parliei, deprdahle. L 152. lregoninn. LAi'E, SCRIM AND MARGU-HITR rur- tains done up like new. Will rail. Kat a M s. WOMAN vtlth 3 children, and 4 wlaha tn work by day or hour. 777 Johnnon at. Marhail 430 MOTHERS want te beard end othe bahv unner four years fur reasonable sum. C 112. Oregonian. LA DT w an (a house cleaning, ot her work. hour, day; work guaranteed. Woodlawn .tti.V EXPERIENCED ming lady wir-h-a w or Maia in physician a or dentUt a otfuo. 177. POSITION as anst- ant In doctors or den tist n offii hv rkperlem-ed young woman: h"-t referent . Eat ft'iM. M I llLE AGKI -dw want rr -f rooms for houuMpiriC room and wagea. B.I 412. Oregonian. Bookkeeper, POnngrapnera, Off lew. BOOK K EE PER, 13 year,' ripTi-nr wiffhea set of book a to keaD( requiring only part lime. Broadway 2i3J tve rtinga after 7. Ml 1 l LK-AGED woman wlahea toaition. cooking for men on a ranch her th"- are no women or children. Phnn Mam 7770, or write, 42ft 11th at., Portland. . SEVERAL competent stenographers It ted for poaittnns; verv competent woman. MAIN 57611. Puinra Men a Clearing House. 447 Morgan bidg EX PE RI ENt 'EU book aeenr and stenog rapher; best of city references. Mat CM 7. YOUNG colored girl wthea tpitig; know; enge or short hand; aa.ary no object. Wopd swn ;hm). VOI NO girl deaitea off:, a position ; hat had sntue experience Miing, typing snd nialllng. Phone Main rV.V.4. COM PETEXT sfenogrspher mnli eura worn for even I n B". L 1w. OfgMwn. Prevail, a heea, v U IGH-CLASS dreasmaklng; street 4rea summer voiles, etc.; making of suits late peatdreaara, Mrs. Kelly, Last 7307. FOR your epring dreanroaklng and altera liona can uiesxmaking Uepu, t.mpornint !e works, 54MorrisorBt.Biwy. 4J.M. HATS made with new or oid materials al our home : clannes beting formed la millinery. Phone East a.iH. PL A 1 N new in g done at reasonable rate. 4!iuS Wafh. st.c apta. 4 and A. Pbuae Bdwy. 2.i4. HATS made at our home w II h new or old materia is. i t inner v ciaaaes being formed. Phone Em at 131. lilGH-CLASS drexumakrr; afreet dreae, summer voiica, etc.; making of auita Into n-at drese. Mi a. K-l 1 y , La st 3o7. FOR aii kinds of drapery wotk and hm- atitviiing call Tabor tisjO. DH ESSM AKINO reasonable .Til i mira, Bidg., Trnth and Aldi-r. Main 340 DN"T fall to call Broadway 4U. apt. J. i lknreaaa f 1Q n p. DRESSMAKING St her home. $J 50; d 2; I loin. 4fH E. 17th tt. Se.lwo EXP Kit I ENCED dr-mna ker. mak-, me tailoring. $3 per day. h-u. .m2. THE Cabinet Ointm and Dycra, 424 Mor rison at., near i un. PL A 1 X sewing, hand a ork rie..y dous. nure un:foitii. laimr 4102 GRADUATE nut le wiahen a aurgirs preferred K 1 Ot, po'ition in ((. I poaitlnn; aijr In sma ,1 low a fregnnian. lor'a offii or gtcal portion near Port land. GRADUATE our wixhea pnalfMn a d. . tnr'a aaaiMtunt in onlm or aurgiy. Apt. No. 12. Main 2o.V GRADUATE litime ata pout t ion a in our ho anu'd cure fur invalid , i irg'tnian Housekeeper. H U SE KEEPING po-MH n an ti i 11 )fn, young woman with girl tuntry. Addres L. I'. VA illMtiiette, ( r. RELIABLE, etderlr woman want po ti' housekeeper 'nr iiilnr; Po il.r. 1 t on to 1 or 2 children. X ft.1, oraon ai IB't'SEK EEPIXG anted, M r. 1 i for s I;i' ittma 1 4th Pt. - r-'llal'ie lady. Imetlc. 'OENhlaAL h ue ork or g wanted 11 v n fr AM 7n, bv etperter -d girl ; h"t ence; agra nut under 4 tregontan. wantkd to nr.w. Ilouaea. WE have hundreds of ctlenie n racing ia rent. The efficiency or "l ha Mrijuire Kyatem" of property mansgemtni wiii ate 0U money. FRANK. La. HCUtlKC. Ab'ngton Bidg Main lnA $10 REWARD to inon who will ad"- me perore April l or nmuprn muiir nlnhed .Vrnom bunsaiow tnr rent In gonrl neighborhood : Hoiim lo he mil ah e and reward contingent un my acceptance. PF HdO. Oregonian. MoDKRN furnished nonaa. a to t ronm; reapon-lble buaineaa pen pie wno wniik best of care; can give reference; will ing to lease if ne-e-nrv. Hope City or Irvlngton preferred. Tabor M7 CALL T'"r nfift If you have a modern 6-room houn to rent, beat of references and will Wane if dea.red; muit ha a pla- before April 1. WANTED To rent ft or g room mrvlT a hnue. esat side between nawinorne ami illifsn sia. Phone labor .iu irom 0 10 S P. M. FURNISHED FLAT. Ilol SK lt Ap.Mti- MKXT Mi l u Mi a ii "j".' n H M M; $25 MONTH. L tit. OREOU- M AN. . WANTED On or belore Mav lt bv ra- aponrible bulne-s msn. ama 11, b.--i furnlahed nungaiow wun garaga, 111 )fae. Tabor 2420. W A NTED To rent aeven-room modern rurntxhed nouf in g"n imy rmr it -hool ; ran lumirh rrierenrea; prima- nnt tenant. UK m. oreKonian. 5 t)R 6-RJOM modern furm-ned houa or bungalow, n auuns. no rnuurm, Haw thorne distent preferred, reference a. Phone Mam A764. W ANTED To rent hy Hth of April 1 or 4- room houM witn grounn mr i-mm and Thickens, will pay rent 3 mnniha In ad vanee. Phone Hdwy. Hi7. Apt. 3. AN I El HV rp.ntlhle bulnaa in 11, nicely furnished nung with raraa prefrrre- r. houe nr (Is', Hd. 4251. WANTKIe hnur in Imwii 221 To rent fiirnixlt'd 4 or N. E. Portland. Phone Ask for hpi. 7 arirr 5 -ROOM modern house wan tad be fere April 1; will lease and give good cars. Call Tabor 2061 W a MTKI) To reut m"l"tn mt.n-ot - pin 0- room h reierences. Ceil Tabor M or Main 441. ANTED Modern ainall liou" H. In good Deshoii, district Hh garage, Main WANTED by April 14 or 5 -room h"Ue. furnished nr unfurninhed. trsponaibie t party: no children. Kwat .'.in I ltR 2 or 3 nioniha. furni1 ,n.iii diainct pn-fern d h'Miae. 1r -I. referent ee gladly exchanged M M Ta boT JJ A4 WANTKD 3 or 4-room modern hotie wt'h "gsiden. Woodlawn 410. gfter 6:80 P. M Wl I L Py inoni h rent in alvan e l.tr 5 or -room mod -rn hoiiw. Tabor M. Kooma, WANTHU flood home for "-year-old hnv, where there are no other rhlhlren; cloaa ' to Hhattu-k s h.ol If possible. ( a I Marshall . L: - TEACHER would private family, EaM K4M. like furnlalisd rnnm, r 1 lit kitchen prlliegea. Kooma W un Itoaru. BY M 1 1 DI.E-AGKI MAN. room and hoard in private family "here there are no nther boarder". tr-go.isn. WANTED Place to room snd In.ard in private lamny """' i. - mi pi, ! per w l V. ( tregonlan VOl'Nt marr'ed couple nt room atn board In private lamlly ; mutt be nic b o me Eal 77H. YOUNG man a"t room snd board a U elderlv coUPle where there are no other boarders. AM 24. Oregonian. S-'r t . i I: i ' i. 1, f mm V" V'--