Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 26, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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City Editor. Main WTO. A 05
Sunday Editor Main 7070, A ftOJ5
Advertising Department. . Main 7070. A 6095
Superintendent of Bldg. . .Main 7070, A 095
HBTLIO (Broadway at Taylor) "My-
Ume." Tonight.
BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Bal5?'
Stock company In "Remnant." Tonight-
ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) ';
aar Musical Flayera In "Tha Quaker
Girl." Tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edy. "The Mustard Kinga." Three show
daily at 2. 7 and 9.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to .
to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays, continuous 1:15 to 11 P-
PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows dally, 2:30. nJ
On Sale at
Business Office. Orcgonlan.
Two Fires Do Little Damagk. The
fire department was called to ex
tinguish two downtown fires yester
day morning, but at neither of the
fires was any appreciable damage re
ported. A fire started In the base
ment of the leather goods establish
ment of J. P. Cronin, 129 First street,
as the result of an overheated smoke
pipe in the basement. A quantity of
rubbifh was burned, but the building
, was not damaged. A quantity or trasn
caught fire In the furnace room at
. ' the Fithian Barker Shoe company, 28
North Fifth street. The fire, how
1 ever, was confined to the fireproof
'.. furnace room and there was no dam-
HinHWAT Film Company.
Producers of one and two-reei
omeHie are hootinir pictures nearly
every day. Many types of men and
wnmpn characters are required. We
maintain a school in connection with
our studio for the benefit of those
'.! who believe they have some ability
i and are able to finance themselves
:. ' for a short course of Instruction. It
. j Is a very fascinating and profitable
work, a new class starts next week.
I; i "We absolutely put our students in
) pictures. If Interested drop In and
J talk It over, get an admission card
' and visit our classes and studio. Call
at 109 Second at Washington., 1 to 4
I P. M. Adv.
: Conversation With Prisoner Costlt.
Joe Bush, a fireman, who was ar
! rested Wednesday night on a charge
of disorderly conduct after he is said
. V to have been caught talking with a
15-year-old girl prisoner who was
, held In the women's protective buTeau.
was fined $25 yesterday morning by
Municipal Judge Rossman. Bush was
.,1 arrested in a room in the Worcester
building adjoining the police station.
There have been a number of com
" plaints recently that men had gone
to rooms in the Worcester building to
hold conversation with girls in the
" protective bureau.
.:' Realty Board MEirrs Today. The
regular monthly business session of
the Portland realty board will' be
held this noon following the weekly
luncheon at the Tyrolean room of the
'. Benson hotel. I'nder a recent plan
, ' adontel one luncheon a month is de
voted to business. The "Roving
Marines." who are in Portland will
give a number of musical selections.
J and W. B. Sfively. chairman of the
legal committee, will cive one of his
reports upon legal matters pertain-
. lng to real estate transactions.
Hibernians to Honor i,ate Officer
! Members of the Ancient Order of
. 1 Hibernians will meet In a body at 8
'I o'clock this evening at the undertak
'! lng chapel of McKntej & Eilers to
j pay the last respects to late John S.
O'Meara, n ho died suddenly In this
I city March 2-4. M- O'Meara was
, active in building up the Hibernian.
organization during the ."0 years of
rtis residence in Oregon, and had held
the positions of financial and record
ing secretary of the order as well as
that of past county president.
Land League Meets Tonight. The
egular lesson in the course of poli
tical economy given by the united
'land and labor league will be held
In the study hour room of the cen
tral library tonight at $ o'clock. The
subject will be "The necessary de
partment of State to linable and
Make Possible Co-operation of Indivi
duals." Tli" lecture will be by F. E.
Coulter, followed by a form with
questions and answers. The public is
invited. There is no admission.
'. i Tree Lecture Tomorrow. "The
i Cone Bearing Trees of Oregon" will
be the subject of a lecture by John
A. Lee before the Oregon Audubon
'J Society tomorrow night at 8 o'clock
. 5n library hall. While Mr. Lee is tn
i terested in everything' that pertains
to the great out-of-doors he is espe
f cially a student of the flowers and
4. trees of Oregon. Teachers and nature from
.! etudents should be particularly In-
J terested. The public is invited.
; Rabbi Wise Address Tonight. In
1 recollection of the work of the founder
of American Reform Judaism. Rabbi
Jonah B. Wise will speak at Temple
Jicth Israel tonight, or. "The Israelite
and the American." The service is at
t o'clock. Seats are not reserved. The
organist will play parts of Platon
Urunoffs suite "Palestine." Sabbath
morning service at 10:30 o'clock, the
subject being "Priests' Robes."
Bird Lei tire Tonioht. "The Birds
of France'' will be the subject of a
lecture by W. A. Eliot at the St.
.' , Johns branch library tonight at 7:30
M, o'clock, to which the public Is in
- j Tlted. Mr. Eliot found the bird life
I of France very Interesting and al
most entirely different from that of
America. About SO colored plates of
tirds and scenery will be shown.
Hotel Proprietor to Oet Hearing.
kC. P. Johns, proprietor of the
Wabash hotel. 204 Madison street will
lc given a hearing In the municipal
court next Monday on a charge of
violating the city housing code by
renting rooms without adequate ven
tilation. Mr. Johns was served with
a warrant early yesterday morning
ly Patrolman Sperry.
Mass Meeting Tonight. A mass
meeting to form a Hoover Republican
club of Oregon and to circulate peti
tions to place Hoover's name on the
republican ballot will be held to
night at 8 o'c;ock at central library.
Republican men and women invited.
Services for Today Anwocnced.
Cervices will be held at the Congre
gation Ahaval Sholom. Park ai.d Clay
streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomor
row morning services will be at 9
o clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson will
be In charge.
If Tour artificial teeth are not be
coming, are not firmly seated, or do
Dot work satisfactorily you need new
ones. Free consultation. Dr. E. C.
Rossman, 307 Journal bldg Adv.
Rihii Assembly Meets Tnvinwr
1 The regular weekly meeting of the
Bahai assembly will be held In room
E16 Bush & Lane building at 8 o'clock
For Sale. Dental practice; small
town, rich wheat county, E. Or., terms.
Address "Retiring," 50S Ry. Ex., Port
land. Adv.
Plaster Board, beaver board, Cor
nell board for walls and callings.
Tlmmi Cress & Co.. 184 Second at.
-."'! Adv.
Dr. Rawunsow. optometrist, optician,
moved to 549 hi Williams ave., over
Bates bank. Adv.
Wa. Haight. strictly first - class
cordwood. Broadway 2447. Tabor 8867.
Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co-
' AX mln agents. 321 Hawinorno ava. Kaat
1188. Afl T
Milk Cure at the Moore Sanitarium.
Typewriting Contest Held. Eigh
teen students of the Y. M. C A. busi
ness school took part in a typewriting
contest yesterday, the work being
divided in three classes. A, B and C
In class A, Miss Edwina Richen took
first place, writing 57 words a minute.
Donald Cheeld and Claude Robinson
fled for the second place. Junzo Sato,
a Japanese student, was third. In
class B, Edwin Serr won first place,
writing 34 words a minute: Merrill
Hill second and Clarence Starbuck and
Homer Mathew tied for third. In
class C Karl Koberstein, who has
been in school only three weeks, took
first place, writing 34 words a
minute. W. A. Hill of Independence
took second and Henry Rlkewlne
Trail Location Decided. Over the
protests of Echo business men, the
old Oregon trail will be located on
the east side of the railroad tracks
Instead of going into the town and
traversing the main street. This de
cision has been made by the state
highway commission, following the
refusal of the government represen
tatives to co-operate on that section
of the highway if the road crossed
the tracks into the town. The loca
tion decided on will eliminate two
railroad crossings. This decision is
costly to Echo, , for an expensive
bridge was built which the people
supposed would be needed for the
Welfare Bodies to Meet. Welfare
problems will be considered at the
1.1th annual convention of the Pacific
Coast Rescue and Protective society
to be held Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Pilgrim Congregational
church In Seattle. Ten delegates from
Portland and others from California
and Idaho will be present. The Ore
gon Prisoner's Aid society will also
meet in conjunction with that of
Washington during the convention.
Among the speakers from this state
will be W. G. MacLaren, F. E. A.
Smith, Miss Anna Murphy and Mrs. R.
E. Bondurant.
Chinese Assailant Fined. Ray
Barker, who was arrested Wednesday
night on a charge of disorderly con
duct in a restaurant at 95 Broadway
after he is said to have had a fight
in which he struck Lu. Chung. 85
North Fourth street, with a plate,
was fined $10 in the municipal court
yesterday. Barker was arrested by
Officers Drapeau. Reno and O'Halio-
ran. Chung suffered cuts about the
face as the result of the fight.
Rev. J. C. Austin Returns. "We
received a most enthusiastic recep
tion in Grants Pass, Medford and
Ashland and we feel confident that
the Baptist and new world movement
fund of $1,000,000 here In Oregon will
be raised in quick time," said Rev.
J. C. Austin, who returned to Port
land headquarters yesterday after a
trip in the southern part of the state,
arranging for conferences of the
various church communities.
Wood. Club to Form. A Leonard
Wood club will be organized tonight
in the Sunday school room of the
Pilgrim Congregational church.
Shaver and Missouri avenue, at 8
o'clock. L. D. Mahone will preside
and give an account of his personal
acquaintance with the presidential'
aspirant. Mr. Mahone was in the
Philippines when General Wood waa
in command of the American forces.
Rogers Fails to Appear. James
Rogers, charged with disorderly con
duct, failed to appear In municipal
court yesterday. Judge Rossman
ordered his bail of $100 forfeited and
a bench warrant for his rearrest
issued. Rogers was accused of having
attempted to compel William Bing
ham, a 15-year-old boy, to commit
a disorderly act.
Dr. O. C. Wright's Mother Dies.
Dr. O. C. Wright, state promotion
director for Oregon of the Baptist and
new world movement, was called to
Orleans. Ind.. yesterday by news of
the death of his mother. Rev. J. C.
Austin, his assistant, ha; become
acting director as Dr. Wright will be
absent from Portland at least two
or three weeks.
Lost. Liberal reward for return or
information leading to whereabouts of
my Scotch collie that disappeared
from Lake road. Milwaukle. March 21.
Large yellow dog. breast, paws, part
of collar and tip of tail white and one
white eye. Answers to name of
I-addie. Mrs. Thomas Roberts. Mil-
waukie 76. Adv.
Jewish Services Announced. Serv
ices will be held at the Congregation
Xovah Zedek Talmud Torah. Sixth
and Hall streets, tonight at 6 o'clock
and tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Rev. Abraham I. Rosencrantz offi
ciating. All men and women welcome.
A Free Moving Picture Show of
the thrilling automobile drive is now
being shown every evening this week
at the salesroom of C. L. Boss Auto
mobile Co., 615 Washington-st. You
will never forget this picture. Show
30 to 10 P. M. Adv.
Local Executive . Committee Anx
ions to Obtain Information as to
People Having Rooms for Rent.
More than 30 cars already have been
chartered by Ta Arab temple of At
lanta. Ga., to bring to Portland the
delegation which is planning to at
tend the 1920 Imperial council session
here In June, according to word
reaching the executive committee
headquarters In the Gasco building
yesterday. This is the largest dele
gation so far as special train charters
are concerned that has yet reported
to the Portland headquarters. Chi
cago comes second with 28 cars al
ready chartered. -
Bagdad of Butte is coming In 12
cars; Abu Bekr of Sioux City, la., in
10 cars, with EI Riad of Sioux Falls,
S. D. Tripoli of Milwaukee reports
that H cars will carry their delega
tion: Kem at Grand Forks, N. D., will
need 10 and it was given out yester
day that Jerusalem of New Orleans
will arrive in Portland June 21 in 5
The executive committee is most
anxious that all Portland residents
should realize what it means to en
tertain the vast crowd of 75,000 or
more visitors and anyone who has a
room or rooms which can be used
during Shrine week for the entertain
ment of one or more visitors is urged
to call the committee at Main 3800 or
Main 3801 or call in person at 802
Gasco building and notify how many
can be accommodated. Many of the
expected visitors have requested
rooms In private homes, rather than
hotels, if it is possible to procure
See our Morrison windows.
Hats and
$1 to $4
Velvets, corduroys, serges, shepherd
checks in attractive styles and colors.
Natty white and cream all-wool serge
suits. Sizes 2 to 10 years.
$6 to $15
Sturdy all-wool cheviots, serges, tweeds,
full-lined knickers. Many have extra
pair of pants. Built for real boys' hard
wear. Sizes 6 to 18 years.
$10 to $30
Headquarters for Boys Wear
Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given
In monthly Installments and really
own your home. See us about your
renewal. Special proposition. Port
land Trust Co., Sixth and Morrison.
We desire to express our most ap
preciative and heartfelt thanks and
gratitude to all those friends and
neighbors who have been so kind and
thoughtful, both financially and other
wise, in our recent misfortune and
loss of our home; also to the ladies
of Harmony district, No. 49. of Clacka
mas county, for their efforts in our
behalf and the presentation of the
bedding. Mrs. Simon Luchs and chil
dren and brother, Alexander Keheli.
Plaintiff in Suit Contends All Taxes
Illegal if In Excess of Six Per
Cent Limitation.
SALEM, Or., March 25. (Special.)
Proceedings were filed In the cir
cuit court here today by Edward A.
Jory, representing the Marion county
Taxpayers' league, to enjoin W. I.
Needham, sheriff, and other county
officials, from collecting taxes alleged
to exceed the 6 per cent limitation by
approximately 848,000.
The taxes involved include $25,470
levied by the -Marion county court for
common school purposes. 812.S0O with
which to provide a tuition fund,
$10,000 for making repairs to the
Silverton armory, and approximately
$1000 for effecting transfers of school
funds in the several districts.
Mr. Jory contends that all taxes
levied in excess of the 6 per cent I
limitation are illegal and that the
court was without authority to make
the assessment.
Local lawyers allege that the suit
is not only, intended to nullify the
levy of $48,000 made by the court, but
is an attack on the validity of cer
tain legislative acts upon which the
increased assessments were based.
These acts, it is said, are all amend
ments and sub-amendments to chapter
2o5, of the general laws of Oregon
for the year 1915.
Mr. Jpry was among the members
of the local Taxpayers' league who
last Saturday went on record disap
proving all miilage taxes to be re
ferred to the voters of Oregon at the
special election on May 21.
cial.) Organization of a Takima
branch of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars is expected to be taken at a
meeting next Monday evening.
D. W. Griffiths- sublime achieve
ment "Hearts of the World" will be
shown at the Circle theater next
Sunday and Monday. Adv.
John G. Lewis Convalescent:
ABIOItDEKN. Wash.. March 25.
(Special.) John G. Lewis, former
state treasurer and four years ago
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for governor, has been seriously
ill in Los Angeles, according to word
received by relatives. He is now recovering.
Hoover of Oregon
for President
Mass Meeting TONIGHT, 8 o'Clock,
Central Library
To Form Hoover Republican Club of
Republican Men and Women Voters
Invited to Attend
Paid Adv. by Chester G. Murphy, 1205 Teon Bldg.
Woman's Smartest
Easter Hat
At' The Wonder Millinery
Here are the best values of the season
Within their price range
Beauty, style, value, smartness and goodness they have
them all. Just come in and see.
Display so large you can select your misses', children' hats without difficulty.
The Prices Range
From $2.95 to $10.00
the Hearts
Dear Ones
War Veterans to Organize.
YAKIMA. 'Wash.. March 25. fSpe-
About 4 feet 8 inches. In height;
30 years of ape. but looks somewhat
younger; dressed In blue clothes:
missed from Gresham last Sunday
afternoon. Should you be able to
intercept her, wire me at my expense.
Main 2191, or 218 Henry HldK.
of Your
With a Fitting
Easter Gift
Whether It is to be
or some other suitable Kift.
shop at your jeweler's
You are sure to receive
'courteous treatment, splen
did selections of quality
merchandise and at reason
able prices. We invite your
1 STAPLES The Jeweler-Optician
266 MORRISON ST, Between 3d and 4th
To the many friends of our father.
K. B. Scruggs, we wish to acknowl
edge their many kindnesses during
his illness and to extend our sincere
thanks for many floral tributes and
sympathy during our late bereavement.
Partner, active or silent, in
an exceptional commercial
proposition. Stores to be
located in Portland, Seattle,
Tacoma and Spokane.
All other coast cities con
tracted. Los Angeles now
open for business.
Shows enormous profits, the
stronger you are financially
the more this will appeal to
you. Do not bother unless
you mean business, as first
live man will take this.
Call Mr. Brown, Room 1112
Benson Hotel
Spring Suits for Easter
Are Ready for You at
the Brownsville
$30 $35
4:0 and up
Made of Pure Oregon Wool,
Tailored in the Latest Styles.
Most Attractive Shades and
Patterns. The consumer buy
ing at Mill-to-Man Prices direct
from the manufacturer Saves
$10 to $20 on his Pure Wool Suit
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store
Irons a table cloth or shirt in 3 minutts! Completes
an average ironing in one hour!
You buy the Simples on easy terms. It
money lor you every week. So while you pay,
you save. Send for further details or ask to
have a Simplex scat to your bom oa approval.
Mill-to-Man Clothiers
Third and Morrison Streets
Drop in Let Us Show You
Let A Daylo
Find It
When you must delve in, the depths
of a dark hall closet, or rummage
around the dim store room, a Daylo
will find whatever you are after.
Price $1.00 Up
Always a Fresh Stock of Batteries
Not how cheap
but how good
Our New
are the best that
money can Iv.iy.
Ask to be shown our mammoth
supply in our bahcmrnL
You don't have to buy.
AH are welcome!
TorlUnd & Coke Co.
Alder, arar Kink.
A LOGANHr-KRY i77. romcTiow
Russell a gilbert Co.
Marshall SI4 Grrllnicrr Bids.
Alder St Cor. Second,
Will Repair Voir Clock aad Do It
Estab. 20 Years In Portland
C. Gee Wo
Root and Herb Remedies
162 Vt First St, Portland. Or.
1 ,
r-Adr. ,