1 ' . - 1G THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, 3IARCII 23, 1920 -..-.I . '1,1 . - i ' .J. a. BEAT. KSTATK. For ArrrapB. ACREAGES XEAR OREOON" CTTT. R acres; 4 -room bungalow ana buildiag.": 2."i t bearing fruit trte. THIS T'UACE IS CHEAP AT $3S00; TERMS. TIGARD STATION. 5 acr$s w i ; h r- room h ou?e barn, chicken house; - cows. ."" chickens: all equipment. THIS IS A FINK PIWK. IX TUB HIGHEST STATK OF ri LTlVA Tl'JN. Price $0000; TEKMo. OW CAPITAL HIGHWAY. 5 4-5 acres near TTGAnD, beautiful 3-room bungalow newly built: fin soil: PLENTY tF FKiJiT AND BERRIES; only 25 m mutes to city nd paved higa ay. Price $0200, terms. CEDAKWOOD STATION". 10 acres, shinpied cabin, 1 room. 1-1x24; acrvs in cultivation; spring on place; price $10 for WLICK tALE; jJGuO cash, 8 MH.KS OX CANTON ROAD. J-'i ai'rs, all in cultivation; fin K-room plastered house; large barn and silo: price J'.OOO, TERMS. A KEAI BARGAIN. CLACKAMAS STATION. 20 acres good dep rich sotl, a!l in cultivation; rt-room hou?s plasttrert ; price Jtiooo, terms. THIS I'LACK ('ANT BE BEAT KoK THIS PRICE. STANLEY" STATION. One acre, 4-room -Mled hoiis. chicken house, shed, fruit, berries. Price 1 1150, HALF CASH. OREGON CITT LTNE. 3 S acres and a dandy ."-room pou.. finished in beaverboard; electricity. jas: barn. chicken houe, fruit. brrfps and grapes. I'riLC $3200. TEUAI. fc'EE FRANK T.. McGriRE TO BUY YOU It ACREAGE. Abington Rlrig. Main lm.S. Opening Evenings and bun days. NEAR BASELINE KOAO. 2 aTp of thi- fim'st kind of soM: no gravi-1 or rwk: acres undr cultiva tion; all cm bf cultivated; balance in pasture and wood, good 4-ronm painted ious wil h large prch : chii-k'-n house for 150 chickens and barn; ' fruit trees; 15 rows ol strawberries 20 feet long. Tb Is place is half mile from the car line. With the place goes 0 cords of wood. S2t'rt worth of new furniture. I'rn-e $15mt cash. fr we will get you a loan on this property for about half of th value. Personally inspected. Davis with John Ferguson. Orlinger bldg. WELL-II! PROVED ACRE. Located close to the car at T.M. ave. ; f.irt : :; fruit ami rut trees, some apples, p-ars. plums, prunes and aprKot trees, all bearing: 4-room bungalow, with full eenii-nt basement, furnace, best f plumhlng ; electric lights, gas. pa ra.5, barn. Price $:tf.no on very small payment down and monthly pajniems on bn ;ance. Person n 11 v inspected. .N t Ifon, wi;h JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. ONE ARE at Oswegft Heights. 3 blocks from Pacific high w ay. on rocked road, A miles from Oswego station; 17 hear ing fruit trees, some berries: good .-room m n e i . a. ivnint hMsmi-ni. eiectrt luchis. good nxtures; clii' ken house and runnavs; 15rto-gailon tank fT water -vs tern, but not connected. ell and force numn. I'rice J 1 T5t J loT5 cjsli. Ne son, with J OILS' FEIiGL SON, Gerlinger bidg. JO ACRES, located IS miles from Apple ion: all can be cultivated; over ft acres under cultivation, balance in light tim her and oature: 1 acres bearing or chard; some berries: 4-room, 2-story house, with attic, shed. barn. cnicKei hou:e cood anring. rural delivery, coun tv road, some outrange for stock: price $loo, $3o cash: in Kliekitat county, Washington. North Hank railroad. .JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. CHICKEN RANCH 2 acres of highly d veloped land. Practically new 5-room house. Bearing orchard in tine condi tion, lots of berries and smail fruit; also 4u IUU grown cniCKenrt, iijoir. ami no p;ements of every kind, brooders, in eubators and in fact all machinor: iee.iyH.rv to run the place. Must b ald on account of death of owner. For particulars call on BEN RIESI.AND. 404 P'att Bldg., 127 Park St. 2 ACRES near Tigard. all in cultivation, :t-rrtrm collate, burn and other buildings, on good road, mile off highway. Tins is all fenced, very good soli ana smaii fruit trees and berries. Price $2 J, !fii0 cash, balance terms. s-ee Air. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 174:i. 41 Henry Bldg. ACREAGE. S nrres 1 mile south of Council Croat all in cultivation, old house, barn and chicken house, boi u in good condition, Buil Run water; gas in house, cement walks to place. I Tiro $5mio, one-half cash, balance" terms. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 17(. 410 Henry Bidr. NEARLY one acre, or 50x200. located blocks from carline, on good street; two- thirds under cultivation; l. young fruit trees; raspberries a tid blackberries ; 4 room bungalow, with ca and fireplace; city water can be bad. Price $1275, $500 cash. Personally inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FE R G U S O N , Gerlinger bldg . LOGG EDOFFLAN DS. Tracts, 5 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soli, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $tj per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber o Commerce. TWO GOOD BUYS AT METZGER. New 5-room house and acre, creek, ut buildings, smail fruit, one block of station; fi&OO, terms. Nice 3-rocm P.eaverton, on terms. J. A. house, county 2 1-3 road; acre. $2200, PUTNAM. tt'OO ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre ana up. Liberty bond accepted at par. Writ for map showing iocation, terms, etc. WEYERHAELSER TIMBER COMPAXI. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma, Waab, TWO-ACRE home at Gresham. right on Powell Valley road; tt-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, berries, ail in cultivation; splendid nl; $jjuo. KR1DEK A ELK.1NGTON, Telephone 17X. Gresham, Or. $ 1 000 O W N E R $ 1 tHM. 4-room house. 2 acres of the richest soil, 2 modern chicken houses. I1- blks. from highway and 3 from station; on S. P. Red Electric No agents. 1. P. HayM, Aloha. Or. One CTe with 5-room house: fruit, berries and outbuildings; close to car. SPENCER, AlAiN M52. UKAI'TIKUL 2-acre tract, H mil north of Multnomah Station, 2 blks. north of Hoffman road. 3-room houe, city water, gas and electric; must be seen to be ap preciated. R. O. I.ivengood. 10 ACRES, short distance east of Monta villa. $275. In the rough, but easily cleared. Cheapest acreage in w hole icinity. Owner, 910 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Marshall J5s5. 2.; ACRES good land. 100O cords timber, $75 per acre. Terms. Liberal reduc tion Xor cash. Call 6S2 Syracuse t. Phone Columbia 041. TEN acres, highly improved. near city lim- irs and pavement; only ?47"o, terms. Don't delay. COBB BROS., 203 Oak st. NOW'S your chance; $5 down, from 5 to 100 acres, part improved. Owner. G. Messinger, wasnougai. BEAUTIFUL la acres, improved, near elec tric: sacrifice, $JovO. Owner evenings, Tabor 7055. ACRES Lents, $50 per tract: $25 cash. rranK jucrananu. w i eon oiag. Homesteads, Relinquishments. HOMESTU relinquishment for sale with $1000 improvements, for $500 if ' taken Foon. 1305 N. W. bank bldg. Fruit and Nut Iand. THTRTT-SIX ACRES, finest of loam soil. IS acres set to grafted Kngli.-h walnuts, with peach, prune, apple and pears as fillers; orchard is 8 years old and wil pay 2 per cent nn investment this year; new buildings, fine water system, good roads, close to school and church: this lind is located in the rich and fertile Chehalem vallry, only 30 mile out. Priced or quick sale. Hesgard, with CX)E A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St.. For Kale Farms. $6500 NICE home, extra soil. 10 acres, level. Tualatin valley. Main 3672, Frank McFarland. 6Q2 Yeon bldg. 60 ACRES, buildings, team. 8 head stock. tools; $J00. inornton. lit. 1, Mo lalla. ' LOGG K D-OKF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 3d at 10 ACRES. $5000: fine farm, with build tngs. orchard, stock, tonls. Main 367 FRANK McFARLAND. 602 YEON BLDG FREE FARM lists. San Joaquin valley laxma. Paul Roasler. Stockton. Cat, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. JOHNSON'S FARM BUYS. R0 acre., Clarke countv, tut in cultiva tion, near Rldgetteld, Wash. Stocked, implements, crop; walk In; $12,000, $4000 cash. 40 acres, 1ft in cult., spring, near lUdgeficld; price $30O0, $2000 cash. Five acres, Oregon City line, 4 In cult. 5-room house, good orchard, barn, ber ries; price $3500, $1200 cash. 20 acres, best of soil, 34 miles from city limits, some improvements; $300 per acre. 35 acres, Clarke county, four miles Vancouver; $4000, $2200 cash. 90-acre modern dairy farm ; step In ready for occupancy; price $10,000, $5000 cash. 140 acres, 1 miles from Hillsboro; 65 In cultivation, good dairy barn, on main road; $150 per acre. 110-acre modern dairy, one mile Hills boro, ready income; price $30,000. 112 acres, one of the foremost farms In Washington county; $15,000 crop and equipment; price $210 per acre. All the above farms Mr. Johnson is personally i ami liar w ith. T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Commerce. FINE STOCK AND DAIRY . RANCH. 130 acres, abundance of outside range, o5 acres in cultivation and J5 in pasture; large new barn, 6ux02: good 6-roo:n house; fine chicken house and milk house, cream house and other outbuild ings; 4 acres in assorted fruit; 2 fine springs, 2 good wells; 25 cows and heifers, 3 brood sows, 4 horses and harness, 1 wagon, 1 buggy and harness, and alt farm imple ments; 4 shoats, 100 hens, 13 geese, 11 ducks, fine cream separ ator; house is furnished. Price for ciui-k sale, $S5oo, $."atX) cash and terms on balance. ee FRANK L. M' GUI RE. Abington bldg. Main 1003. Open evenings and tiundaya. All seeded to crops. 0.1 acrps. located 2'4 miles from'th e.e trie depot and on good gra vele roan: it mi'es trom Portland; oO aT or mis li'iid in crop, i.i acres ot na; ture, good fences, 2 a'res orchard, good Duiuiings. consisting ot nam, granary rmeken house, hou.se and w ells; mile to school; this place is well stacked arm nas complete lino or equipment; mail rout from Oregon Chy and a!l rur.i i convenience. Mishler, with JOHN FEKULSON. Gerlinger bid?. 82-ACKK FARM. ONLY $7500. No. 70 Including crop, stock, equip' ment. 50 acres level, 3'j rolling, 30 acres in crop, tamiiy orrnaru, goua n-room hoiii-e, large, barn, other good buildings, large Pore he run team, harness, z wag' on?, 2 buggies, mower, rake sulky plow, tlisc, harrow, ' interest In binder, othei tools, 3 good cows, Duroc koow sow, some chickens, hay and grain; i mile to sch oid. store and church ; terms $3500 cash, balaii'-e time. No trade. Call on JOS. C. GIBSON. 'THE LAND MAN," Hotel Lebanon, Iebanon, Or. WEST OF BEAVERTON. 107 acres, located less than 10 miles from the center of Portland: half mile from Oregon Electric depot; main county roau inrougn tms place; all can oe cul ti a ted; good black soil, no rock gravel. This Is high, sightly land; 40 aiTitt clea red ; b-roum bouse, ba rn and other buildings; price $117,000. with crops anti every r ning; casn. KrooKs. will) JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it wiii pay you to see me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 500 tine far.ns; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me, A. G. BENDER. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Buard of Trade Bldg. SIXTY acres, all In cultivation and in crop, fenced with woven wire; on good gravel ro;:d: fine buildings; good water system: a very good soil; this place is only three miles from ..ewberg ana paved roads; there are also 2 registered lioistein cows, 2 heifers, 1 very good team, some chick ens and farm implements; all this at 91 L00. T-j cash. Hesgard. witn COE A. M. KKNNA & CO., 62 Fourth St. EAST OF NEWBERG. OR. Located 21 miles south of Portland: ' miles from electric line: 23 and a frac lion acres; 21 acres can be cultivated; 3 acres under cultivation; 12 acres ot good st inding timber. This Is hue soil, free from rock or gravel; 4ou cords o wood on place. Cheap House on tne place good creek. Price JIOoO; $450 cash. Per- sonallv inspected. Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 2 ACRES, located 5 miles from the city limits, S acres in pasture, 4 acres under cultivation, if acres can De cumvatea; lots of fruit and all kinds of berries; good 7-room house, barn 40x56; daii y house; price $5500. with 9 good milch cows. 3 calves, team and all necessary machinery and equipment. This place is a money-maker; personally inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. TWENTY ACRES, In Hillsboro district. family orchard, small grove bngnsn wal nuts; fair buildings, i team, 3 cows, 1 heifer. ti5 chickens and all farm toois neeessary for place; all this for $6000, $2500 cash. Hesgiird. with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 20 ACRES PRICE $4250. 29 acres, only 35 miles from Portland. All in cultivation ; - mile to Oregon electric: good buildings, practically new. Good tatn of horses and all farm equip ment and tools; gas engine and grinder. All goes at the price. $jftttA cash. HELlABIJi INVESTMENT CO., 0S OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 1 HAVE had placed in my hands for sale bv non-resident owner a jo i -acre rarm, about 31- miles from Wilsonville. front ing on Wilia.nette river. No buildings worth mentioning, about 00 acres cleared. Have been instructed to sell this prop erty. Can be bought for considerably less than $100 per acre. Wiii do busi ness with buyers only; no agents. Joe J. Thornton, Wilsonville, Or. FOR SALE 100 acres. 90 acres in 1-year- old prune trees. tuuu worth of build ings, modern house, electricity; all for $20. COO. with outfit; $5000 down, balance hnlf crop payment. Phone 4xti, or F. R, Elliott. Dallas. Or., owner. AUCTION PRICE. $2500 Clean house, large barn. 10 ACRES, mile elec. and paved high way; good soil, bearing orchard, mostlv prunes; $1150 cash. McFarlaud, 602 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE Sheep ranch, two miles from lone, or., on w mow reek, noO acres, of which 60 acres alfalfa land, at $100 per acre, balance grazing land at $8.50 per acre; $6000 cash, balance easy terms. This won't last. Ray Conner, lone. Or. FOR SALE 120 acres, 20 clear, some easy to clear; good pasture, house, barn, or chard, running water. 35 miles down, 1$ miles of station and Columbia; 6 tons hay; all for $3000. terms. Call 1320 Wil lamette blvd. Wood lawn 1008, Portland. LVj BEAUTIFUL acres, ripht at Grove land station. United railways; all in cul tivation and crop, well and young or chard; also 21 acres near, all cultivated, fair buildings and well, $4250 for all. M. B. Hoard, R. 1. Hillsboro, Or. 40 ACRES, fenced, level, 12 acres im proved. 1 acre prunes, 1 acre apples, large 4-room house, large barn, town 4 miles, $220O, terms. A. Uttir, Smith Point, Astoria, Or. 11 ACRES or less of fine fruit and garden tract near Milwaukie for sale at bar gain; fruits, orcnaro. aweiang and barn D. B. Labbe. box 420. Lake road. Mil waukie. Or. Tel. Mil. 71-W. SAUV1ES ISLAND DAIRY RANCH. 29 cows for sale and equipment; will lease 300 acres of land; good buildings; Swiss party preferred. See owner, with John Ferguson. Gerl i ngerbid g. INVEST $13,000 in a farm that will pay 10r on the investment and furnish a living besides. Come and see. Phone for directions. Call 3R7, Hillsboro, Or. SACRIFICE Improved foothiil So. worth $2500: immediate sale $1050. cash $500 14t East 60th North. Evenings Tabor 7055. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near romana, i 10 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for salt, all aires. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. LITTLE FARMS near Willamina; levet, cleared, rsncea. ereeg ; some improved; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 k 3d aw REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. .MODBRN DAIRT AND PRUNE FARM ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 13ft acres of the very best Fe ll da prune soil. 05 acres in high, state of cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, woven wire and steel gates; 8 acres of Italian prunes in full bearing, well fertilized, crop very year; 1000 7 and 8-foot prune trees now being set; large prune drier, fully equipped : 2 acres of family orchard. English walnuts. Royal Ann and Lambert cherries, good 8-room house, with fireplace, new dairy barn, fully equipped with all modern conveniences, new 85-ton silo, garage, dairy. Imple ment sheds, hog houses and lot, chicken house and park, spring wa ter piped to all buildings, 9 first class dairv cows, some registered; 7 fine Jersey heifers, 2 registered Jersey bulls, 4 good work horses, fine brood sow, registered Poland China boar. shoats, 3 pigs, new Fordson tractor, new auto truck, 2 mowers, binder, new ensilage cutter, blower and feeder, new po tato digger and planter, 3 wagons, 2 walking plows, sulky plow, two drag harrows, spring-tooth har row, 2 discs, 2 sets of harness, 4 cultivators, one riding cultivator, new 4 4 -H. P. drag saw, fanning mill, spray pump, tedder, grain drill, stump puller, 3 54-gal. gas tanks, 25 cords of wood at drier, grindstone and all small tools, 75 tuns of hay. 240 bushels oats, 100 sacks potatoes, 1000 lbs. of oil meal, 1 tons of millfeed. 100 lbs. of select seed corn, 1 ton of seed oats, 50 gals, of cylinder oil, 2 barrals of spray, also telephone share. This farm is equipped to the last detail and is only 8 miles from Vancouver and on a paved highway and will have to be seen to appreciate its value. Price $38, 000, $20,0(M cash. THOMPSON. SWAN A LER, 3d and Main Sts.t Vancouver, Wash. A BARGAIN. f0 acres of good land, 40 cultivated. Into oats, vetch and alfalfa; 4 acres ready for corn, 1 aero ready for late gardening, all bottom land, Irrigated ; 3 acres mixed orchard, all kinds of small berries, grape vineyard, balance woods for pasture; good open range, running stream through farm. This farm mile to school, 3 to town of Merlin, R, R., mall route, telephone in house, wa ter In house, new H-room hauae, new large barn, chicken house, dryers, smoke house, as rage, tool house, pig pens, calf pens, woodshed, stone root house, cattle sheds, other buildings. Stock: 10 first class dairy cows, 2 horses, 1 mare, 3 yearling heifers, 1 steer, 6 fall calves, good bull, 2 sows to farrow in April, 13 shoats, 40 chickens, 3 turkeys, 1 gob ler. 3 stands bees: cows bring $1 50 a month: there are 30 ricks of wood cut. Implements: 4 plows, 2 wagons. 1 two seated hack, buggy, 4 sets harness, single set. 2 wheelbarrows, corn planter, mower, hay rake, spring-tooth harrows, sptke tooth harrows, 2oo sacks, fruit sprayer, pruning tools, fanning mill, 2 hay racks, hay slings, forks, in barn: 1 saddle, 8 11. P. gas engine, gas pump, 80U0 feet piping, blacksmith outfit, cider mill. crosscut saws, shovels, axes, new cream separator, churns, butter mixer, ice cream ireezer, slips, chains, all small tools,-milk pails, cans, good milk house, everything here to make monev: terms, price $750(1, $4500 cash. W. Fuller, Mer lin. Southern Oregon. Orchard in good shape. FARM SNAPS. 10 acres, located just two mile Bak ers Bridge; fine soil, no rock or gravel, good road, small house, fine water; only $1750. 3 Ms acres, located on Milwaukee road 5 blocks to station, 3-room bungalow, good wel! and pump, all in cultivation, price $2500; might trade. One acre, all fenced; good 5-room house garage, chicken house; lots of fruit and berries; price quick sale $2400; easy terms. 80 acres, $7500. near Scio in Willam ette valley, 65 acres in high state of cul tivation, all fenced and cross- fenced, good new 5-room house, fair barn, $2o00 will handle, balance, like rent. $10,000 dairy ranch, near Boring, Or., fine income. $14. 0H0, down the Columbia, 140 acres-; Oo acres river bottom all stocked and equipped; $4000 will handle. 4-so acres Adams county. Wash., al! seeded ; some alfalfa; 80 acres bottom land; a snap at $48 per acre. 112 acres, $so00, 2 miles east Molalla, Or., all stocked, seeded and equipped; can sell this part cash, bal. long time. Many other farms too numerous to mention; also small acreage and cltv homes. See PEPER & RICHARDS for bargains in real estate. 5oS Buchanan bldg., 2S6I-i Washington , EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. 60 acres of fine farm land just off the Portland-Newberg highway close to electric station, school, cannery and thriving young town. 17 miles from the center of Portland. Bare land adjoin ing is selling for $250 to $300 per acre; 30 acres in cultivation, 25 in pasture and timber. With this goes the crops including a good stand of clover, oats the veuh as well as the plowing aireaay aone ior potatoes. There 1 a fine young team of horses. 2 cows, 6 pure bred calves; oO chickens and complete line of farm implements. Good house, with running water piped from the fine spring on the place. Also fine creek. Price $8000. Very reasonable terms, see Mr. Blyth. with JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. SO ACRES 5 MILES FROM BARLOW ON GRAVEL ROAD. Eight room modern house, carbon iis'hs, large oarn. silos, nog house chicken house, wood house, water piped to ail buildings, also lights: garage. cream separator and washing machine run Dy power, . acres under cui-tiva tion, rest pasture; 3 horses, 1 colt, 2 miik cows, 16 ewes. 1 buck, registered: 1. lambs, 4 brood sows, 1 boar, Chester wnite, registered; 14 shoats. 26 pigs, 100 cmchens, a lot; or seed gram and hay, an iarm macnincry and toois go; pos- cMin can ue naa at once. Price $18,000; vt i id.su, uamnee ovp goon terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 405 OAK ST. NEAR AMITY, OREGON. 113 acres, located on county road: 80 ares tan be cultivated; 10 acres under cuitiation: j'm acres of pasture, fenced hog tight, with woven wire and rails; 30 acres niny land; well and windmili: one spring on the place; good loam soil; 34 rruit trees ana some berries; cream route ana man route; j-room House, barn -x.; two cnicken houses. Price $4500, or $40 per acre; $2.00 cash, or will dis count 5 for all cash. Anderson, with j vn.N r ,kulbu.n, ueriinger bldg. ONLY 40 MtNUTES RUN ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY TO THIS SPLENDID COUNTRY HOME. Every f oot 1 of this 18 acres is the best of soil. J 4 acres in crop, good fam ily orchard, first-class for berries and prunes; equipped for chickens, good buildings, 5-room house, built-in con veniences: splendid water, good Jersey cow; 2 hogs, 50 chickens, some farm implements; U milo to town, electric line and high school: price $6500. See SAM HEWEY AT J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ACRES, all cleared, fenced, good 6-room house, ba rn. orchard, well, close to Cottrell. for $1SOO; hi cash. 40 acres to rent, 14 acres In cultiva tion, good house, fair barn, orchard ; $100 year; pay H down, balance In fall. T h ese p I aces are good deals. Le t me hear from you. Geo. Beers. Phone 67, Sandy, Or. FARM BARGAIN. 40 acre river bottom, all In cultiva tion, very rich soil for berries, alfalfa or grain, 1 mile from condensory and cannery; dge of town of about 6000 population. Price $Joo, one-half cash balance terms. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. 100 ACRES. If you are looking for a real farm buy this 100 acres In cultivation, fine bottom land, 2j miles from Portland, paved highway, city water; 5-room bun galow, large barn; mile from small town. For quick sale, $125 acre. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. CHICKEN farm. 21 acres, situated 3 miles from Donald, 5-room house, new barn, 17 colony houses. 15 acres under culti vation; easy terms. Wither S. Jouno, 228 Henry bldg. Phone Main 8337. - $50 DOWN ON 5 ACRES. Some cleared, near station on S. V. electric work nearby; price $500, $50 down. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT good tame grass pasture, fenced sheep tight. Tabor 8924. 6S9 E. 61st N. E. H. Myers. HAVE $2000 to pay On a modern house in good location; no other need apply. G 74. Oregonlan. WANT to buy 4 to 7-room house on good sized lot; must be neat and fairly up to date. O 102. Oregonlan, WANT to buy 4 to 7-room house on acre or so of ground; must be near car line and have fair road. A 139, Oregoniaq WANTED Modern house in restricted dis trict. F. H. Peahon. Main 1166. WANTED Modern house in good district J. RobMna, Main 7931. TO BUY or rent. 2 to 5 acrej with good house, near citj limits. Phone E. 5S4. WANTED 6-r. house and large lot; $250 down, baL like rent. Tabor 6183. 15000 CASH for bungalow In Hawthorne district: no agents. Answer Main 5456. 9 OR 10-R house, vicinity 7th And Market D 196, Oregoniao. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME-SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE . To Sell Your Home. (WE NEED IT TODAYS Homes Sold Last Year. 9 Homes fcold Jn One Day. 257 HOMES SOLD SINCE JAN. 1. 10H0. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM BRINGS RESULTS. Your home Is aolrt if listed with us. DEAL WITH AN OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM. FRANK L. McGUIRE personally inspects, appraises and pho tographs your property, ail photographs being displayed in our large showrooms, which are continually crowded with buy er. 14 experienced salesmen with u toa to work on the sale of YOUR HOME. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 100.9. Open Evenings and Sunday. HAVE YOU TRIED to sell your place and failed? Let us show you a quick and satisfactory method. We have the buyers and if your home is priced right can make quick sale. We want 5 or tf-room mod ern bungalows especially. Try us. We are hustlers. Call Main 802. We will show your propertv at once. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ATTENTION FARMERS. We have 2 men with from $10,000 to $50,000 cash who want a good improved farm, all stocked and equipped, on a good road, not too far from Portland. See Geo. E. Croxford. with FRANK L. McGUIRE, - Abington Building. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prosperous pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from $3000 to $0000 in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. COE A. McKENNA & CO 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. WANT $1000 loan. 3 years. "Ci, on fi-room modern bungalow, worth $2io0, at 4 fc. 23d st. North ; 1 Mt blocks south of Al berta car. No agents. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Loan lour Money. Abington Bldg. Main 1058, Open Evenings and Sundays. WANTED A 5 or 6-room bungalow, all on one floor; no onjection to an old house If In good repair and well located, State price .and terms. AE 908, Orego- nian. LOTS WANTED. We have seyerai people that will build their own home, if they can be suited In location and price of the lot. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. LOTS WANTED. If Tou Want to Sell Your Lot FRANK U McGUIRE. Abmgton Bld. Main 108. WANT attractive bungalow; any good location; cash and quick deal for real bargain; no commission. Phone direct, Broadway 421. Ask for Hill. Or cali at 215 Lumbermens bldg. HAVE customers for homes with first payment from $500 to all cash. Zim merman & White, 818 Chamber of Com merce, Main 8052. WANTED The best 5 or U -room bungalow ana lot $3000 cash will buy. Haw thorne or Sunuyside preferred. AV 466, Ore gonian. WANTED From owner, modern bunga low. It. C. or S. S. carllnc. Address with location and particulars. M 90, Orego nian. LOT OR LOTS WANTED By builder; must be on hard-surface, suitable for small bungalows; Hawthorne district. Tabor 2250. Farms WanteO. WE are turning cash buyers for farms away from our office every day, because we cannot supply their wants. Why not letus sell YOUR farms for you'A We are the oldest and one of the most re liable firms in Portland. See Sam Hew ey at J. L. Hartman Co., No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM THAT PAYS? Write today full particulars. lowest price, best terms and how you KNOW it PAYS. G. W. Feiker. 928 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A good improved SO-acre farm in Willamette valley. H SO. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS. LOCATION FOR IMMEDIATE OPERA TION 30-75 M. We have in our office the cruise an full information on 30,000,00 of yellow- fir and red fir located less tnan one mm from two railroads; good mill site, tim ber Al. splendid logging cnance; tn nrice is 160.000. terms. There is 45.000, 000 adjoining this tract that can be bought. This is tne iirsi time mis urn ber has ever been offered for sale. BEV KRLY & GOODWIN, 303 Railway Ex change building. GOOD location for small sawmill. 2-mIl lion or more feet second-growth timber, all level logging land, vwtmn u mile of Portland and one mile from railroad station on paved hignway. bmau pay ment down on timber, pay as you on balance. Address First National Bank. Scuppoose. Or. WANTED Practical logger with donkey eauinment. to join me in logging con tract close to Portland; good timber and good ground. I have truck equipmen and will do the hauling. AR 513. Ore gonian WANT logger to contract and log six mil lion of good timber; good logging coun try: truck, haul 2 miles. AK 515. Ore gonian. WANT to buy .rsa for yard and dock work in sawmill : must be sound and true: weight not less than 1700 lbs. Bur lington Mill Co.. 201 Concord bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. Small chicken ranch in city. acre and 5-rooni house, city water; chicken house 15x50 and 250 W hite Leghorn hen: 3 blocks from car: grapes, apples rent is $20 a year: will sell lease and improvements; hens pay $5 a day; price $1000. G. E. Croxford. with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Building. 5 ACRES. Hood River, house, barn, bear- ine orchard. Pears, apples, cherries, hay, garden, pasture, good place, $400 cash rent; some turniLure. rraua .aicrarianu, 602 Yeon bldg. ' SEASON'S rent $200; 80 near Oregon City 17 cultivated. Dutiaings. orcnara. r.ven ings. Tabor 7055. 141 East 60th North TO KXCHANGE REAL FSTATE. to TRADE Beautiful 9-room residence with two oat tis. in Aiameoa rar; nuru wood tloor downstairs, built-ins. cement basement, garage: .valued $7500; for suburban house and between three (5) and ten (10 acres of land; must be good proposition and close proximity to . . -... tin. unH tn ifv C. U7 Ore. gonian. 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR TRADE. Close in on east side. The house haa recently been repainted and is now rented for $45 per month. Rent could mow he advanced to $55. Owner w ill take acreage on Oregon City car line UP to $5O00 and put nouse in at smuu. NRll.AJJ PARKHILL. 210 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark St REACH COTTAGE. a mom with Areolae partly fur nished; $1200; exchange for clear lota or land. TV. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. OX ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, will pxchunee my stock of Jewelry, silverware. hand-painted chinaware. crockery, valued to 4500, 2-year lease, rent 40. west side. Call at 481 Wash ington st.. owner. WANTED Automobile. Will trade 9- room house. f4lou, ror automoone, rrrsi payment; balance mortgage o per cent; 17th st 1 & blocks south Alberta car line. Tabor 10;18. 20t McKay bldg. EXCEPTIONAL. opportunity; Ideal 10 acres; 6-4 commercial orcnaro; i ls mnes Creswell; immediate sale. $4000; accept residence: Owner, 141 fcast tsatn .North. Evenings. Tabor 70T.O. FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 acres wheat ranch, value H4Uil. o acres can De put in crop this year. For quick sale will sell tor 300fl; $300 cash, balance time. 311 West Zlst. Vancouver, wasn 22-ROOM frame building and lot: fur nished in housekeeping apartmencs; dus inoss district Albina; for exchange: what have you? Apply owner. Hall, 211 Washington , BItKJEST bargain near Vancouver; choice 1 1, well improved: laeai location: oniy $4000; accept resiaence. automnoue, cash. Owner. 141 East 69th North. Evenings. Tabor 7PS5. PORTLAND HETGHTS. Will trade 2 level, view lots, willing to assume and pay difference. Phone Mar shall 11. - 120-ACRE homestead relinquishment In Idaho to trade tor rortiana Dome. E. Ash. ' 40 ACRES clear land, value $00, fer small touring car; give or ihko casn un ferenre. R 60. Oregonian TO EXCHANGE 2 lots, 25x100 on East 80th street, for small auto. P 73, Ore gonlan. ' - ' TO EXCHANGE MISCELLAXEOrS. WOOD SAW, .lohn Deere Tractor., sell cheap or exchange. Hall, 211 Wash. FOB SAUL. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. ARB changing our hauling equipment to trucks and must sell our teams, with or without their harness and wagons: team brown mares 5 years old, weigh 3000: one team ge dines, weight 2&00, 5 and b" years old; one team geldings, ;tom, years old; all good workers. t res ton warenouse stauies, outn Powell Valley road. 15 HEAD first-class horses and mares. from 5 to 7 years old. 1300 to 10OO lbs, some well-matched teams; also few cheap horses: all stock guaranteed rep resented ; trial allowed. Sanitary Sta bles, 305 Union ave., cor. Stephens au 1 1. uiass. I HAVE left 10 head horses and mres. -weighing from 1200 to 1000 lbs., aged to 8 years old; will be sold at a bargain to close out the coming week. Can be seen and tried to suit buyer. At foot of i ayior si. (dock). 2 YOUNG teams. 1, 5 and 7 years old. wt. 2.uu ids.; l team oi 4-yr.-old iron grays, wt. 2400 lbs .: these horses are all sound and good workers, have good harness witn tnem. come ana mae an oner. 5624 80th st M. S. car. TEAM mares weighing 2900 lbs.. 4 and I years old. well broken and centle. Wood stock car to East 36th and Gladstone, two blocks north to 1087 Francis ave. Setiwood 1212. WANT to buy horse for yard and dock work in saw'mill; must be sound and true: weight not less than liOO ins. .Bur lington Mill Co., 201 Concord bldg. O. T. STABLES. 17th and Kearney sts.. good young horses and mares, some well matcnea; teams weign rroin uuu 10 umiu, every horse sold with a guarantee. G. L, Williams. WE ARE changing our hauling equip ment from horses to auto trucks; have on hand 10 wagons to be sold at a bar gain. East Side ciao wooa company, 287 E. Morrison. Phone East 2226. WE HAVE nine of our young horses left from 5 to 8 years old. weighing from .1400 to 1700 lbs. H. Ham, Haw thorne stables, cor. tith and Hawthorne ave. ACCOUNT leaving the 25th must sell one span geldings, weight 2250 lbs., sound in wind and limb, grain fed, ready for hard work, with harness complete, i-o. Feed store. E. Hth and Clay. jhoo-POUND team. 6 and 7 years eld, wit good harness; also 1 275-1 h. mare, 5 yeara old, win sen cneap. Alias uuu a u., 327 Front st. '. pair hunk v-hnilt mares, weighing about 2700 lbs., fat and true to work, cheap for cash. Marion Fuel Co., foot Taylor st. (dock). man nRivivd nut fit. good 6-year-ol .nuri i ion ths rubber-tired buggy and harness: gentle for woman to handle or drive. J2i front. TEAM big-boned bay horses. 6. years old, weighing 8000 lbs., well matched and nia wnrkerH Inoulre for Ward s team. Marion Fuel Co.. foot Taylor st. (dock). u farvrr Slv good mares and horses, u'afron and harness cheap for cash. 270 E. 7th St.. near Hawthorne. FOR SALE Two heavy lumber wagons, in..' very reasonable. Call at B. J. Casterllne biacKsmun snop, gmimj. wt. BIG tvpe Portland China pigs for sale. E. A. Hackctt. cor. 17th and Wash. St.. Oregon City. Or. m WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbell-Paeian Land & Cattle Co., d0-l Coucn Piag. DE4.D stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone MllWaUKie OJ -J SPAN well-matched 4-year-olds, weighing about --hiu ioo i e-, " $225. Woodyard, foot Taylor at. (dock). wnn SALE Fresh cows, and springers. Taoor si-, j ' w ANTED BEEF AND VEAU TABOR 7747. DEAD horses, animals hauied away free. Portland Heodering Co. Wood lawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. THIRTEEN hiith-grade dairy cows, prefer tO SCtl ail lUSl:. FOR SALE 2 horses. American Laun dry Co.. 140 K. oil st. N. SWISS Jersey Cow Freh 4 days. Rich and heavy milker1Plione Tabor Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. .....i.itrv CTniiinc rn rt.o.siNO OUT. $ 750 Stcinway tc Sons 9 475 Sterling mahogany -J 1750 lierry-Wood orchestrian oa 650 Automatic upright 475 Newby A Evans, cir. walnut.. 27 475 Hallet & Davis upright 1J 275 Bord & Co 250 Collara & Collard 750 Modern player pianos......... J 1000 New York Pianoforte Grand.. 2ti AS Dunham Co. uDriitbt lly b'ranlclvn Pi&UO CO.. upright.. K .... .,.r. .-.-.an- i ll tO S4A. Pianos, housed. 75c a month. Piano oougni i ii u nuiu w .... loa Tenth at., at stark st. PIANO BARGAINS. - C.nn In and da nlir USfcll DallO DaT' gains, each one guaranteed; terms iven. KINGSBURY. LI K hi NEW $3;0 VICTOR. ALMOST .MSW IKVING, OAK HOMER. PL AIN OAK BAILEY. MAHOGANY '. SINGER. MAHOGANY. PLAIN MANDAFELDTV WALNUT GILBERT & CO 383 205 2H.1 270 275 185 285 UNIVERSAL i- 1. A l c n.. n..... WALNUT. WITH 3 DOiS. ROLLS.. 435 SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-127 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder. WHEN you ouy a used piano from anyone (Including most stores) it will bs worth 1100 more if you speud $35 at my shop to have It properly regulated and ad Justed. Expert men with reference and recommendations gua i an tee sat Isf action. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill at. Pianos bought, rented, aold. v-nriT.inN ORGAN. 2 manual, foot bass pedals, suitable for church or moving Picture house, must be sold to make room. Make ofler. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. bet. Wash, and Alder sts. vtPTROI.AS SPECIAL TE RMS UN TIL EASTER. All Models. $25 to $312.j0. OAK. MAHOGANY. WALNUT. 1 arge shipment Just received. Kir BEKL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. f ?.h St : Bet! Wash, and Aider. "pHONOCRAPHS AND RECORDS. BOUGHT" SOLD. RENTED AND BOCCirn. D NEWMAN'S "RECORD EXCHANGE. Tabor 67US. aiain -Trb.rxiTANCES nave xorceu me i CIRCLMal A.cco p.theohone and 30 mtye selections, use about 2 weeks; cost lo2; sacrifice at $13. Phone Tabor 88ou. TiK-r FOR VICTROLA, Will exchange new Victrola and rec ords, value -. tor ueeu jei erling-Lucas Music Co.,-123 4th sL Main 8386. T-n A UK TOUR PIANO orcan on a now Victrola and records, fur propositi will please you. Selb.r ?.t. ?.,cas Music Co.. 12a 4tn st. Main 858 -n.lnnv c. .ii.... &iuiau saxo MAnii.-" ,,., with case 1160. Irtll V 15 per month. c...r. Johnson i.To Co., 14 othstree ?M?vTTiNE Martin meiooy c saxopnone, OENCl.f " f.110: 130 down 113 nr. brass, wii" ,T '.. . F. 'Johnson Piano Co..' 140 month. G. 6th street. xTNO WANTED. triirhest cash paid for used pianos and nlaver Pianos; get our prices. Sleberllng Lifcas Pi-no Co.. 123 4th st. Main 8386. .".Brig size Columbia phonograph, slight L i ...ed bargain price. G. F. Johnson p'iano Co.. 14" bin street. nuovnnniPH records: buy your records from us, our siucn. rvice excellent. G. . Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th street. HAWAIIAN steel guitars, ukuleles, ban struments. Address G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14 6th street. .475 LATEST model Davis & Sons piano. used one year, cheap for cash; leav ing city. 24 N. litn St., corner nun Ingion, apartment 2. FLAYER piano, fino condition; looks like new. Dargain in, . " -- Johnson Piano Co.. 140 Sixth street. VICTORLAS and Victor records, mall or ders given prompt, .ivcuuuu, w. . ouxii- son Co., H'J otn auvci. RABY GRAND piano, slightly used, ex- ceilent vaiuw, "'' . -' -Co.. 14fl 6th street. WANTED Upright piano: concider player, good bargain, cash.. Main 3864 oday. WILL BUI used concertina.- Woodlawn 4913. ; BEAUTIFUL dark oak' piano. 215 cash or terms. r.mi'wT.u.iipiui, -"i proaaway. CHENEY' phonographs, ahuilt like a violin. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th street. JOOD Kimball piano for sale or trade. Marshall 1331. 165 PIANO, old style, good tone. Seiber-ting-Lueas Music Co.. 125 4th st. KNAP $15 buys i675 genuine Hardman piano, plain t.. .- .. orccater oiflg. PIANO wanted; upright: good tone; pay .sh. fliarsnan ion. $125 BUYS $50 Harvard upright Plana, nice tone. n?mi.- "vn.wpr oiqg. P1A2.0 wanted; pay cash. Main 6536. FOB 8AI.E. Pianos, Organs and Mnsifl Instruments. THE DOWNSTAIRS STORB WIV antti imLMi i t (1 OKKfaR9. , S $750 St.'gers. man. and oak. each $4SJ A $750 Stelnwajr A Sons ebony f 2 $550 Kimball, large mahogany. . . 8J A $525 Smith Barnes, large curved 81 2 $475 Halle: Davia, mahof ;J t $475 Kchraerier Rroa.. new dH 2 S00 Mendennall player pianos... 40 A 475 Kingsbury duli mahof fj v $623 Mendcnhall colonial, new... 4 A $UO0 Storey & Clark, art model... 2 $550 Singer, large matogany A S475 Vim. A Knn. .mail unright.. A $425 Dunham Co., upright. 19$ S25 rm.h M fft Sin In 115 raonthlT. 9 S1A i T. . - Arena. I4A .nrl & t $115 Sterling Schorninger or- gans, $35 and A $183 ;lano case, oak Ciamer or- can. now .... o Terms I0 cash. $3 or $5 monthly. THE SCHWA N PIANO CO. DOWN STAIRS STORB. 101-103 Tenth st. at Washington and Stark 8t. MARTIN band instruments, cornets, trum pets, saxophones for sale by U. F. John' son Co.. 14a otn street. GOOD second-hand piano, $250, $25 cash, per month, o. r. Johnson i'lano Co. 1411 tith street. Furniture for Sale. USED GAS RANGES, WORTH CONSIDERING. Late model "Quick MeaiV gas ranjie, used about 2 months, white porcelain enamel splashers, trays and doors, side ovan and broiler at $62.75. $75 Vulcan range Jth left-hand elevated oven and broiler, new but siightly damaged in transit. $63.60. Another side-oven Vulcan range, used but in good condition and only $27.50. New Method range with right hand elevated oven and broiler for $27.50. t 4-hole Jewel range with low oven and broiler for $21.50. No charge for installing. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. lSS-1110 First st. nvi.:PORT. 145: American rocker. $ morris chair., sis; square uiriiir iwie, $450: cook stove, i.; oi-a, spring, iu couch 4 ft. wide. $12: phonograph. $2.i 3-ft. couch, $8.50. 1105 Hawthorne. Tabor .'1325. DON'T sacriflce your furnltur If going east or to California. a can aavs you money on your freight in our through cars. lrprooi storage, c i. uisa Transfer ti Storage Co.. 248 Piae at. KAVUK. dresser, bed spring, oil range. breaktast table, heater tanic, micncn trtanure. tubs, drcf-sing table, chairs, rockers, Slurgis sulky. 42 N. 1st st. FOR SALE, cheap. White sewing machine. large size Victrola, oox coucn, -r vviunn rugs, good as new. Upper east flat, 214 Fargo street. No dealers. . ' FIVE rooms furniture for sale. Bungalow to rent. 1180 Schiller bt. block wood stock car. ' for SALE Furniture for 3-room apt everything nccaca at a low price, can Mar. 2025. A. M. OAK dining room table for sale. 311. 1134 Helmont st. FOR SALE Kugs, linoleum anti rocking chair. Call A. Al., mi to. own st. OAK davenport. 1 gas stove, good as new. tii.Ki 4th, upstairs. FOR SALE Dining table and chairs, good 9 new. Apt. 4ilL', Douglas court. OR SALE Jhif fonirr, folding canvas cot. Main 5235. three rugs. Poultry. FRESH EciGS WANTED. We pay a premium for white hens' eccs: if you can ship a case twice a eeft write MUTUAL CREAMER V CO.. Poi Hand. Or. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs, n.ou ior j.; special prices incubator lots. 705 E. 78th sL M. Tabor 6050. SPLENDID laying Rhode Island Reds, trapnest stock, Hoganized. Call East 54115 today. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn and Rhode teiana Jtea settings i. can Wdln. 5904. or 1133 Montana ave. ' THOROUUBIIED Partridge Wyandotte eggs lor setting to tin -i.. no hiiubuu ave. IF YOU want to sell your colony. brooder Cdll Mainwiu. THOROUGHBRED Whita Leghorns and laying hens and pullets. East 404. SOLID oak table desk, drawers. $15. Phone El 3x6 ft., st 2012. Poultry. McGUIRKS DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Reds $30 per 100 O. A. C. Barred Rock $30 per 100 White leghorn. O. A. C. and Tancred stra-in $20 per 100 The best chicks from high-grade Ho ' ganized stock. Hatches twice each week. Choice cockerels for sale. $3 to $5. EGGS FOR HATCHING. J. R. McGUIRE. 787 Oregon st. Phone East 1805. BABY CHICKS. S000 a week; O. A. C. and Tom Barron: get the best while the getting is good. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. 82d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 8107 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Cblcks from S. C. White Leghorn nana the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range llogsnlzed stock only. March chicks. $14 per 100; April. May and June. $12.30 per 100. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Petaluma. CaL PETALUMA White Leghorns lead ths world in egg production. We sell BABY CHIX at $13.50 per 100 during May and June. Safa arrival of full count, strong, live chix guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th St.. Petaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS. Leghorns, Reds. Rocks. Mlnorcas: prices reasonable. C. N. Nccdham, Salem. Free booklet, "Cars of Chicks,'' with each " order. FOR SALE 30 While Leghorn and 12 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets. Excep tionally good layers. 730 E. 60lh. Ta bor 2352. MUST sell at once my two young mares, 5 and 6 years old; one has nice colt by side, no reasonable offer refused. Mrs. Laudert, 4t"8 58th st. S. "E. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs, si. 30 Ior 13.- special price in incubator lots, 'frabor 6550. FOR SALE One Rhode Island Red cock erel, 1 year old. 1'hone ii.x. Miiwaugie. 140 WHITE LEGHORN pullets snd hens. S. E. Call Tabor 6S05. 6348 B4th St. WHITE each. and Brown Leghorn hens. $1.23 206 E. 72d St. N. M. V. car. R. 1. R. and White Orpington eggs. $1.50 per setting. Tabor 122. Pul, KabDita. Birds. Pel wtoca. GOOD 2-year-old female canaries for mat ing for sale. Call East 6874, WANTED--AU kinds of pet stock, dogs, birds, parrots, guinea pigs, rabbits, white mice, rats. Pet Stock Exchange. North 10 Bernard street. Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE Milch goat. Flemish Giant rabbits, white laying hens. Phono Main 1405. CANARY BIRD SHOP Female given win every singer. Automatic 322-1.7. 113 E. 28th st. N. Alberta car. ALASKAN Spitz Eskimo puppies for sale. Call Tabor 81H4. - Machinery. SPECIAx.. On second-hand 16x9x12 Fairbanks Morse underwriters' fir pump. One second-hand 8-ln. Mershon borl sontal band tesaw. THB J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First ss, Portland. "Oregon. ALL OK the transmission machinery from the spruce division cut-up plant, consist ing oi gears, pulleys, shafting, boxes, etc THE J. K. MARTIN CO.. 61 First Street, Portland, Oregon. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers. lectrlc hoists, construc tion equipment. Standard Mach.- Co., 51 First sL . ONE 2 1 -ft. Austin steam paver wllh boom and bucaei, cneap. Aionr Alacninery Co. Main 1831. 301 Lewis bldg. 15-HORSEPO WER new Foos engine at a reduced price r-acinc acai ft supplf Co, 48 Front St. Broadway 1066. Launrbn and Boat. " 3-ROOM houseboat; bath, hot and cold -water, gas; nice place tor two; also fast motorboaL Will take $350 for house, $175 for boat. 48 Willamette Moorage, Seilwood car. FURNISHED houseboat, for sale. Phone 213-64. Typewriter. UKDERWOOD No. R and a Remington No. 10. Guaranteed machines, Bdwy. $403. FOR PALE. Typewriters REBUILT typewriter all kinds for sal, rent, exchange. Wo aro exclusive dis tributers of Corona portable, $.'0 com plete with carrying cs.; supplies lor all make. E. W. PEASB COMPANT, 110 Sixth St. Main 2283. DOAXK GUARANTEED TTFEWRITER SERVICE 'All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES UN RKUUEST. Buv, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 63!7. Suppties. 2 63'- oak St. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt, typewrit ers. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments. Send for price list. Ths Wtole sals Typewriter Co., 321 Washington at. WANTED Underwood typewriter for cash. r.mpno transfer Co., i:04 uroaoay. Bdwy. 155. - REMINGTON NO. 10. fin condition. Call Automatic 213-30. I. 73, Oregonlan. ALL makes rented and repaired. Orsgoa Typewriter Co., 94 5th. Main 3668. NEW. rebuilt. second-har4 rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Siark. Main 1401. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee, $20. Tbe Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st L. C. SMITH, late model, perfect Condi- tlon. cheap. Gilray. 208 j Morrison. Miscellaneous. BIO SACRIFICE. Electric coffee mill, one 4-ft. show case, one 5-foot clgiir case, cash register, calei, all kinds soda fountains, si cam tables, coffee urns. 113 Second in cigar store. BACK bar and front complele wllh draft arm, 1 small, 1 large National ra.-n reg ister, 1 computing scale, large restaurant or delicatessen ice box. couple floor cases, 1 gas griddle, marble slab chairs. sewing machine. 275 3d. cor. Jefferson PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done quickly clentiy at reasonable prices; workman' ahty guaranteed. UIIRKO METAL WORKS. Phono East 1034. 161 Russell St. HEWING machine., new ana second-bald. sold for less; no agents empioyeu ; e m- plete line ot parts lor ail maae.; ' chinea repaired and rented. Main 043. SEWING MACH1N1P EMPORIUM. 100 Third, near Taylor st, OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers sro most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 4ii! Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. d and Wash, Revolvers, Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns Cut prices on new and used No purchasing permits necessary. BEAUREGARD'S, 702 Main st. Vancouver. Wash. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gal., ?9; tested and guaranteed; stove ana furnar colls, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams St. East 8316. ALL our supplies direct from fishermen. Smelt, crabs, salmon, oysters. r rcsn fish in season. Razor clams. Western Fish Co., 126 1st St., between Washing ton and Alder. Marshall 5180. SAFES Flra and burglar proof safes, new and second-hand, at rignt prlcaa, oougoi. old and exchanged. NOKK1S SAFE A LOCK CO., 103 Second St Phone Main 2045. STOUT MEN. ATTENTION! A large shipment of men's suits for stout men to be sold at great bargains. These suit, are all wool, hand tailored, neat patterns, luo 2d St.. cor. Stark. 1 HAVE FOR SALE a first -class gas range and wood raue. 'juis is a goua ouy. Call East 2374. ALL KINDS of arped. cracked weather- beaten and old, leaky roots rrjuvenatca by our famous and Instantaneous rubber bonding system; all work guaranteed. Phone Main 0040. SPBi'IAL SALE ON IiOi'K SPRINGS COAL: 14 COAL M;i.l.l.N'i rcilt 111 -.1 A TON DELIVERED AT ONCE. PHONE EAST 21141. OIL STOCK') Hae a block of good oil stock that 1 will sell for less than half its value. Must be qulcK sale, 1 need cash. Box L 70. Oregonlan. FuR SALE Beautiful cream serge and satin dress, wllh satin braided. 38; never been worn. Large tnreo-slrann nienium brown switch, 26 ill. long. 1U3 E. 84th N. tOR SALE, REASONABLE Large set of river mink rurs, large lliree-slrana nrown hair switch, 38 inches long. VYoodlawn 6034. LATEST siylea full dress tuxedo suits. also silk hala for saie or rent at liai.ua clothing store, 51 Third, Multnomah ho tel bldg. SAFES New and second-hand; soma with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE SUPPLY CO.. Broadway looil 48 Front St. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD- WOOD AND COUMKI OLA U. Al.MJ COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 7UJ0. RUG 10-OxIN. AX.M1NSTER. In splendid condition, cost $130, sell for J'lo cash. Address 135 E. 87th St. N. Tel. Tabor 32.14. 15 GUITAR and case. 16. Call alter 6 P. M.. Lllmcr hotel. 4th and .letter son, room 220. Phone Marshall 5353. ROIO.-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top dc.k. 1 safe. Bushong 4k Co lli park st. FOR SALE Second-hand safe. 21x16x13 Inside; with outer and inner door; good as pew; bargain AO 303, Oregonlan. INGER elec. acw. mach.: phone for dem. M.ich. rented, exp. repair. .Morrison M. Singer Store. 32 Morrison. Marshall 721. OK SALE A complete vuii-anmtig out fit lor sale cheap; o&f Washington at. Phone Marshall 1331. HOWCASKS, grocery counters, steam table for restaurant and wall cases. Cail at 48 No. loth St.. oppositq the armory. NYONE interested in using or selling pressure Cookers, see bunday adv., sec tion 1. page 11. HAND-MADE fancy crocheleil yokes and made to order. 76 E. Terry, near Min nesota. WOOD for sale 4-ft. green slab, $5..,0; block and slab mixed, sin. lengths, 16: dry 4-ft. slab, $7.50. $ Oil. Tsoor 5S20. WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. 10 to 10-inch slab and block wood. $6; p rompt delivery. Phone East 6371. USED APPAREU secured from wealthy ladles, reasonable price. 1132 East Gll san. Montavllla car to 30th. Tabor 2H25. FOR SALE Practically new White drnn head sewing machine, l.j. call Main 665.1. DOUGH MIXER. 2-bb!.. Champion 6-H. motor: been used 5 mos. ; tit excellent condition. H ill. Oregonlan. G. K. MOTOR, dir. current. H-H. P., 110 volts; also rheostat. Call Automatic 213-30. R 64. oregonlan. MILITARY 2-wlieeted, folding gocart; good as new; very reasonable. Phone Lents 2421. DARK striped suit, size 3, $17 50: 2 gray suits, size 36, one $14.50, one $16. Jul', First St. LARGE Ssmson tractor, or will contract large acreage. Wm. Gibson. R. D. 3. Vancouver, Wash. 1'hone 33F13. ' DRESS forms, sewing machine, Edison phonograph, pictures, mirrors, dressing table, typewriter, reasonable. Mar. 5n5. WOOD FOR SALE, HEAVY 16-INCH SLAB AND BLOCKS, $6 TO 18 CORD. BDWY. 2100. JOHNSON'S BOOK STOKE. 24 Main St. New and second hand hooks bought, sold and exchanged. All subjects. HONEY, strained, light, mild, warranted unadulterated; quart, 80c; quantity less, delivered. East 1116. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange Ko daks. Sandy's. .'120 Washington street. BOXWOOD for sale, $4 50 per load. Phons Woodlawn 1530 before 10 A. M., after 5 P. M. FERTILIZER. Good, rotted manure delivered east or west side. Tabor 2704. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening d resses. slightly worn. Main 9367. ' GOOD MANURE. " " EAST 4307. WOOD-for ssle; flrsl-class, 4-foot fir wood. Broad w ay 3121. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sal. Pacific Tent ft Awning, 1 N. lat t. FOR heavy slab and block wood mixed. aHO 4-ft rlab, Tabor 8670. RES BUll T typowritera no sixth sc K- W. Peas to., FOR rent, vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. day $1 dot anywhere. Bdwy. 238; form W. 1259. VACUUM cleaners sold, repslred. rented, exchanged bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4007. FERTILIZER Cow or horse, delivered. Main 4483. FOR SALE casn register, safe, adding machine, ahowcass. 43 1st at., near Ash. WOOD, country slab, blockwood. railroad ties. City Market woodyard. Main 2076. DARK brown (vogue) sailor hat with tan strsw racing, new. Main 48a. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage. 1081 E. Wash. at. FOLDING SULKY. IRON' BA HY BED, NURSERY CHAIR. 1038 K. 7TH ST. N. BED mattress, spring and bureau. 801 Ivy tl. FOR SALE Extra fancy earliest of all seed potatoes at 10" Front St. ORIOLE baby basket, good condition, IV. Owner. Sell. 1114. FOB A!.E. Miscellaneous. $$$$$$$$ DIAMONDS BOUGHT. I have lioo.ooo ready cash to In vest In diamonds. Se Mr. Ran dolph and get full market aiu 1.' )0U want to sell. C'onlld,cnlial. GEORGES RANDOLPH, Diamond Broker. 405 Spalding Bldg.. Fourth Floor. FOR SA1.K National cash registers. 1 smsll, I large, with penny ke; Toleri computing scalts. roll-top desk wioi leather chairs, refrigerator, floor rase-, other Moor cases, ciunl"r meat case, sort fountain complete, bread case, meat slli er 242 Salmon. Main 1142 OFFICE FURNITURE AND EUIPMKNT from ft. vt Steal and sprue 1'roduolloa for sal at SI N. TH "T.. Between Burnsid and Touch. O. M BABCOCK. D. C WAT. WOOD delivered promptly, be.l fir.t growth sawed rordwood: long, steady tires; $7.30 per losd. Phone Main RELIABLE gas range for sale; less then half price. Main 7H'I. FOR BALE Al TOMOBII M. HONEST VALUES NO BROKERAGE.. On account of lack of spsra whlls moving Into our new shop we will gi. the best of terms on small down psv. nients. We have sevrrsl high-grade used cars now un hand, such as PACKARD. 8-pass, Twin . new .. Ilka $2106 1918 CADILLAC S -"0 FEBRT.ESS , T pass 1919 model, almost new 2600 CADILLAC , T-pass., good bur for 1"5 COt.R ft. 4peas, six air wheels, new top, new paint. NASH 6, 5-pass., honest ralu..... 1U SCfirrs-BOOTH. 191 roadster. 1I30 BL'ICK 6. 7-psss model D-88.. So : $56 ni S STt'DERAKKR.I, 4-rylH from $100 up to CADILLAC 4-cyl., ( pasa. on OVERLAND , 7 r'.. priced a good OVBRLAND. model 75. lik new.. CHALMERS 6, 6-pass., new paint.. BRISCOH roadster, 1919 model. M 70 Tour car a. psrf psrment on ny of our high-grade used cars. TORTLAND MOTOR CAIt COMPANT. Tenth and Biirnsldn Street, ASK FOR J0MS3,' 1920 DODGE roadster. 1919 BUICK roadster. 1917 VELIE touring. " 19IT DODGE touring. 1917 MAXWELL touring. 191S FriRD roadster, wllh rx'.ia bog body, new Urea 191! CADILLAC delivery, panel hoiy. 1917 BUICK delivery, panel body. 1S19 moon R-pass.. Spanish leather up holstering fino condition. 1919 FORD coupe. 1919 CHEVROLET Baby Grand roadster. FORD BUG, B. M. body. top. side cur. talus, motor in A-l conillllun. 1920 HATNE.". 7-pass., like new. flu less new price. PORTLAND GARAGE Bth and Taylor. Mar. . DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE. Ton can save money by buying a Jn"t new tar Irom us. Just tak ths tim lo look over our fin bua. LEADERS TOPAT. 191 MAXWELL, 95 r't'ect 1918 OVERLAND It s perfect 6 0 We will give you a written guar n to with every car. CON1.ET rSFTD CAR CENTER, 611 Rurnside st. at l.'.ln. Thon Hdw). 1C4. STCDEBAKETtS. TTere aro several, all In good ihap. 1919 light six: going cheap. Series 1, six l- Series 1. four $75 Series 18 rhaast 476 AUTOMOTIVE PALES CO.. 4.-.0-3I Belmont st Thon East 60.-.7. rED car mrtG.uvs. Chevrolet Touring $ 'hero!et Touring Maxwell Touring 4; t SUKielisker Rug U'O 5-f'ns. Murtehiker 7 Pass Slwl-baker "" Hudson Itosdsler 1i. Hudson Roadster .-" 7-1'asa. Luxicr 110U HEN'NMIIN MOTOR COMPANT. N. W. Cor. East Hth and Hawthorn. Near Grand. STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX. Practically new; cord fires: In mighty fin shape. Will sacrifice for quKg aale. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO. 4:10-34 Belmont st. Phone East 6057. VELIE TOURING. . This la a besutlful ear; paint, tire and cntu car In perfect shape, must b old. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO. 430-34 Belmont it. Pbon East o.-,7. STAGE CAP.S. We have some dandle that rsn used on the highway and InlT.ir.lsn runs, "c'sn be bought on cssy payments. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belmont St. Phone Last 637, CHEVROLET TOURINO CARS. We have s.versl 1st models In B,'1 shape. These sre mighiy fast selling cats and our assortment csnnol last liHig. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 4.10-34 Belmont St. Phon East 6n.7. $600 TKKS AN ALMOST NEW CHEVRO LET TOlltlV) CAR MYEI1S AUTO CO , 188 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. BUICK ROADSTER. 1917 UTILE 4; LOTS OF SPEED AND POW Ell. MYKrtS AUTO rn , 18S GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. LIGHT PKMVERT. ST1 I'UHAKEU 4. $.'50. M V K It S ALTO CO , 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6561 FORD coitf:. T.EXTI'Elt UPHOLSTERING. FINE MECHANICAL CONDITION. $' MYERS Al io CO , 18$ GRAND A Vhb OPEN tVEMNGt. ' i . - r i 'T : ...,W .". "'' t :