TJIE 3I0RMXG OKECOXIAX, MONDAY, MAKCn 22, 1920 1.1 1 '. i , i . M - V -1 -'I i SEW TODAY. It's a Garage The new Idea In Kara ere construction. From our many designs yoir make your selection and we erect it ready to "drive riKht in." NO trouble, no worry, no delay. We are specialists In cla.ssy, high -grade pa rages. By our scientific in cthods and quantity production we save you money. Phone us and our sales man will call, or Fee life size models at our iactory. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. Phone East 5114 Factory 313 E. 11th z t t I REAL ESTATE. Kor hale ItMM'h Property. I'OR f-'AI.E riuk huniing lake Ifve! i)parh property j.inin i r. u. t oni pripiTii? ' rs, Fitu.m'U on ' .at.sop PKtmp. 0 Iniirs from .M.i:!ie. Writr A. Allen, ruuie I'QX IIU .. f-aiem. nr. l'or al- Klat and Aartment rnMrl.v. i-'I'R SAI.K Apjirtniont hnuyo. best lo- Hii-n 'n iit. good invejtmenl also. V ho. nr.'Koni;iii. For Sale ljoi. r P. KROj-E TRACTS J.V-P. RKHnSK RL'S I N KHS LOT. $25 DOW N $10 MoXTH. On .andy boulevard and carline. cor ner Int. if yon ari l use it now, buy It lor an investment. OX SANDY BLVD. IX t I0MX4.V1 FEEf Here is one ol the most beautiful building sites in this vicinity. corner tr.i-t, on cdrlinr. pa ved street and ce ment si':va'K! it A assessments paid, priic sl':ko. $7..o ta.'-h, balance monthly (ground all cleared;. PARK ROSE. $S75. One-half acre ira t. $150 dorm, bal ance mouth, . g round ail cleared, on gr.tveled road. 2 blocks to Sandy boule vard. J. L. II A ItT.MAX CO M PA XT, 7 Chamber of Comiii'Tce Rldg. Fourth and Stark rftreets. Mam 20fi. ta u krose branch office ox bA.NDV HI .V !.. AT K X D OF FARKRUSE CARLLNK fHOK'E LAURELHURST T.OT. Remit if nlly locuti'd on Fturnside ruur i'loral aie.. u crlookinff the :trk. but tont Jl''hu. a.sFments .:.M!i.n. makiiiK $i,71!t.r,t. All i leiir now and von tan have it lor S1TU0 rash. S'f it. Mai:lXKS A- PRATT. Main 413 Board ot Trade Bldg. 1-OTS In Burraco tract on St. Jolins rar linp. on lekiiin avrimo. Villard avenue, Jrr-olcy si r'1 1 and 15 urrai; st met. from $H upwards. Trrms. 10 pr cent down, balani- $1" month1.- at 7 pr cent: this is your hunro to a fine building lot at low prii f ;r.d on very eay tonns. PARRI.-H. WATKIXS & Q.t JH'; -'d st. Plione Main I'M 4. AX UNUSUAL BARGAIN. To pottle an "Mate. T.O lots at "fith a7id Fi.'-kivon. on lip fc lile MUST be mm 1MMKDMTKI.Y. Look it over to day. Call Scilwood I.OTS. J'J.-'oO. ATberta district, on 3oth st.. near Kil- ltnsbTor'h. rislit on car line, nice local ity a nat tnap. Owner, C. R. Fossler, rtote: Arthur. 1 71) 11th ."t. Main 4JJ6. Joon Or.e-hnlf ea:m. lo's, 4 acres. !n rludn ptreftM: -. 11 ft. deep; gaso line rumphoiise and enpln .1 4 horse power, ' of this in orchard. Fred Spear, TtIo.- .7. LoT 4'sl0f on Rtth M. and fi.ld ave.. 1 bio- k to car; $"-"" cash or will sell oo nsv terms. Inquire Hose City Van Co. Vhotif Tahr 14-'4. Bl'Il-PKRS AND IXVKSTORS. 23 beautiful, choice lots, eas-t side. clo?e in. restricted district; biz sacrifice, reasonable terms.. A ltt'. OrcKonian. yoTi SAI.K -I'urnt'r lot. apt. diwtrirt. wt side, w a Ik in k distance: also bupines lot on t-'ost'T mad; also Realty asftorlation bond. rail owner, Broadway X.OTS Have two front lots mil table for beautiful summer home at Newport, sell or trade. Call Seilwood 1334. JRVINCTOX barKHin. Rfbcl Ofl.fet . south of Klickitat on 17th. east front, price $1300, st. improvements pa t d . K 02, Oroponlan. Al.AMKHA PARK Int. $S7 ,tve.. street paved, paid. . on Punklev Tabor 441. For Sale Hounes. li-ROOM PI.ASTKRED HOL'SE KOR si.VT-K: PASKMKXT AND FR I ' IT T R K KS : ON 7TH ST. : ? M r,0. $4 CASH. $T-.".H PER MONTH. CAI.f. AND S K K O W X E R K V K X I X tlS B K TWEE X 4 XI t"!1-1 $oth t. S. 15. lOK SALE Completely furnlshed 4-room house, close in; tin1 oak furniture, lvorv enamel bedroom ?et. large-size Duplex Alcazar ranice; wiil sell furunure and piace together or se pa lately : furniture jjoO. place $22U0. Tabor S01. ROSE CITV PARK. $47"0. Good garafce. T larpe rooms and attic, cl" tr car; nothing better in Rove 'lty for this price. Mr. Delahuuty, Alain 17O0; eeninKS Kast 2."rt. Hl,TOX PARK Small house, H lots, city water, liaiits. fruit trees, shade tree. !! nr Btlifol; noine furniture. Snap at '."jOO No corn. Clias. Ronweil, owner. .Vi Kenton bid?.. Bdwy. C7M. KINK little home near Wood mere school for ftle by owner; house on two lots; Jl.-.OO. and if desired will put in as many lots a? wanted; will be at Imperial for A or T days. Inquire for Horning at lobbv. -R OM houw on Ross at., Iower Albina, for rule by own -r; Is renting for $l'0 per month Will ell for $1300 on terms. Kor t he n-3tt 4 or 3 days inquire for Homing Ht Imperial hotel. BY OWXKK $3ino. 6 rooms, modern, pa rage; $1000. 0 rooms, basement, lot 40x 100 and alley, near car and achool; aiso 2 lars loia; need money. Broadway VII-LAMETTE HTS. Good 7-room house, all modern: oak floor, fireplace, new turnaee. beautiful view; .10x100 lot; im provements all paid. Snap. $4000. East c.vL secen-room house and lot on Stan ton street near Williams av Must ba sold at once to close an estate. Paone off" Ice. East Sol', or residence. Marshai 4314. " " '. $2300. " " TSxlOO lot. "-room house, pa rare, good pavement, fruit, grapes and berries, all improvements paid. Wood I awn 1634, 827 K. Hth J MMIIIMHItKMWMIMlim "Drive 1 Ricmt 0 2 in i4i- I ! i w m i i FOR SAMC Modern home, large grounds, nuts, cherries, apples and berries, hard surf-ice street, gai and electricity Call Ht 27 Kast tilst st., near Awh. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, on paved street, near car line and ciose in; easy terms. Owner. 79i L 7th st. N. rttNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. In looking for a home It will be to vour nrlvantuse t can a:owt;i. labor S81. FOR SALE Bargain. 6-room modern house, garage. 50x100 lot at 708 Wood ward ave., het. 20th and 21st st. REAL ESTATE. For hale Houea. 700 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR MALE. SEE FRAXK L. McGUIRE To Buv Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLERS OX THE PACIFIC COAST. 14 Automobiles at Your Service. Open Evenings and Sundays. You are always cordially welcome to visit our showrooms and inspect our wonderful display of over 700 HOMES FOR SALE. MAX Y IWCSb'AL. BA R GA INS. Every photo has accurate in formation descriptive of the HOME it represents. FRAXK L. McGUIRB personally appraises every home before offering it for your consideration. We safeguard your every interest. We put you in immediate touch with the home you arc looking for. $32."iO ATTRACTIVE EAST MORRISON STREET HOME; 7 modern rooms, t hardwood floors. built-Ins, fur- nace; 1 bedroom down, 3 up; best white enamel plumbing; HOUSE LIKE NEW; terms. $2950 A D.TOIXIXG LA URELHURPT PARK, one of Portland's beauty spots, is this 0-room modern home: 4 rooms on first floar, larire rooms unri sleeping Dorrh on second ; present owner has been ren rinc lower floor fur nished for $45 per month. THIS IS A REAL BUY. JL-'ROn RKAI. IT 4 WTHORXE BUNG A LOW BARGAIN; $."00 down, bal ance ea&y monthly payments contains five larice. airy rooms, many built-lns, white enamel nlumbinc. electricity, gas. white iom h kii. lien: n:ived sireet. paid ACT QUICKLY. r 011 THIS WON'T LAST. E. 4Uth. We have OVER SO HAWTHORNE HOMES. $3950 SPLENDID PTEDMOXT HOME; b spacious rooms, besides music room; many built-in conveniences, 4 sunny bedrooms, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement ; on Simnson. convenient to Jefferson high and park. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. WE HAVE 15 SPLENDID PIEDMONT HOMES. . ALBERTA HOMES. $3I00 Y Ol." LL K I X D FEW RUNG A LOWS AS HOMEY aa this SPE CIAL ALBERTA BARGAIN; 6 spacious rooms; best material and w orkmansh ip, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, breakfast a I cove, massie beveled glass buf fet, splendid Dutch kitchen; best plumbing and lighting features; on 211th. BEAUTIFUL 1 RVJNG TOX PARK. You are $1000 bet ter off the minute VuU BUY THIS REAL HOME. $2750 SPLENDID ALBERTA HOME ; t rooms, besides yiusic room, solid paneled dining room, massdvc, model Dutch kitchen ; FULL LOT. E. ISth. THIS IS GOOD VALUE. We have 60 UNUSUAL ALBERT AS. $4750 ONE ACRE. BUNGALOW; just north of Heed college; attractive ft -room home; low rambling lines; 200x250 lot;' CAN ARRANGE TERMS. Long ave. $37, SIGHTLY WEST SIDE HOME; 6 lars, sunny rooms; wnuw eumi.i plumbing; gas. electricity, fire place; Montgomery, m ar ltth. CLOSE TO CAR. TERMS. $3375 BEAUTIFUL RICHMOND on Ivon near 30th is this most at tractive 7-room modern Bunga low; living room bus fireplace; rolid paneled dining room, built in buffet; white enamel plumb ing; THIS IS AX UNUSUAL BARGAIN AND MUST BE SOLD IN TEN DAYS. S-.fiOO EAST OF LAURELHURST: on E til st; sight Iv locution, is this 5-room bungalow: white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas. NEW pi PELESS FURNACE; close to car and school. $-50 THIS BARGAIN DEFIES COM PETITION; 5-room substantial, attractive modern bungalow; PRXCT1CALLY NEW; pretty liv ing room; built-ins; cement base ment with furnace and laundry trays; white enamel piumbmg ; street Hens paid; East T2d. fear Burnside; close to car. ibKJis. t i o(i W EST OF LAURELHURST is this ery artistic typical bungalow- 4 rooms. HOUSE IS PRAC T 1 C A L L Y N E W ; newly painted and tinted; 5-set Pf. .h, enamel plumbing; Dl PLK A 1 E OF 4-RM. APT.; paved street paid; but a few blocks to BKAl TIFIL LAURELHURST PARK. E. Couch. SEE THIS TODAY. 12090 FURNISHED UNIVERSITY PARK BUNGALOW; very artis tic lines, lull front ponh: white enamel plumbing, gas, electricity; HoUSE LIKE NEW; corner lot; $300 will handle; will sell un furnished for $1890. Yale. j-nn SPLENDID HOT WATER HEAT- 1X.J SYSTEM in this MONTA- V 1 LLA HUM E ; 5 rooms, clever built -ins: lights, all plumbing. fine Dutch kitchen;. FULL LOT; plentv of fruit and herries; E. snthM. V. car. YOU'LL LIKE THIS. We have HOMES. over 60 MOXTAV1LLA $1600- OUST THINK! Clever artistic 4-room plastered bungalow; large front porch, full width of house; a t tractive living room ; pret ty dining room ; built-in buf tot Dutch kitchen, larse airy bed room; 5 set piece of white enamel plumbing; 2 largo lots being loox loo with abundance of fruit, ber ries etc.: chicken house, good parage; practically new; THIS I AX IDEAL HOME AND WELL WORTH THE PRICE. If you are In the market for a home. It will profit ou to look over our more than 700 HOM ES FOR SALE. Homes chosen from every district in the city. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buv Your Home. Established 1880. Abington Bldg. Main IOCS. Open EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. BUNGALOW PENINSULA DISTRICT. Living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, dandv bathroom, linoleum on floor, dandy kitchen and pantry, kitchen range, new linoleum on floor. $15 worth of wood, screened-in back porch, dandy front porch, concrete foundation and very good basement, fruit and shrubbery of the best, chicken house and the best, chicken houf-e' and fenced-in chicken vard; only $2400; reasonable cash payment, balance $20 monthly and interest. See A. (. Galmaith. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7206 024 Henry bldg. WILLA M ETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Large modern S-room house on Frank lin st., 1 block from street car; has beautiful view of the lower harbor and the mountains in the distance. Is now vacant and ready to be occupied at a moment's notice. This is the best buy on the heighis. Be sure to investigate it If you are interested in a permanent home. Price $0000. For particulars see BEX RIESLAXD, 404 Piatt btdg., 127 Park st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN". Choice 7 rooms, living room 18x30 with fireptaco and French doors opening on attractive porch; four bedroom?, one with fireplace and sleeping porch; two Jots In fine perennial garden, beautiful shrubs: cose to school; exclusive neigh borhood: wonderful unobstructed view. $9'o0 for quick sale. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery Drive. Corner Elm st. Marshall 4S27. PUNNYSTDEJ DISTRICT. $5500 S large rooms, very convenient ly arranged and strictly modern through out. Full cement basement, furnace, also large garage with cement floor. Near Laurelhurst Park, and on one of the best car lines. You can not dupli cate this home for the price asked. Terms. Inquire of owner, 504 Broad way bldg. ' A REAL BARGAIN. Come and let us show you a real snap of an eight-room modern house on Kast 18th and Couch streets, on terms. We have until the first of the month to sell at the present price. If Inter ested phone us. HARVEY WELLS & CO.. 602 Gasco Bldg. Main 454. A REAL BARGAIN. Come and let us show you a real snap of an eight-room modern house on East 18th and Couch streets, on terms. We have until the first of the month to sell at the present price. If Interested phone us. HARVEY WELLS & CO.. 602 Gasco Bldg. Main 4564. $2750 BUYS $4500 home If you can pay $1000 cash; renting for $43 month; must go quick. 301 Corbett building. $1ihi0 OR $00 DOWN, balance like rent; a 5 or 6-room house, 330 E. 44th. Haw thorne district. Tabor 356. FINE 5-room bungalow in Westmoreland; reasonable. F 30, Orcgoniao, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Ry, Exch. Bldg. Main 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. 000 PHOTOGRAPHS ON DISPLAY OF APPRAISED HOMES. Every district represented, a number of remarkable bargains and Investments. Eight real estate salesmen with autos to show you property. Here are several homes for sale for the first time, never advertised nor shown before. ALAMEDA DRIVE BUNGALOW. $6000 You are bound to appreciate this substantially built, artistic home on the Alameda driva in Rose City, near 53d st. Fine, large, spacious rooms with a breakfast enamel finish, beam ceiling in aining room; elaborate ugnt na tures, tapestry Wall paper, oak floors, white-brick fireplace, gas radiator heating system; full ce ment basement, garage, solid concrete runway; built only a few months; $100 down. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $3000 5-room bungalow, located on 74th near Sandy, SOxlOO lot; 2 bed rooms, good plumbing: full ce ment basement! 500 down. ANOTHER ROSE CITY HOME. $27013 Jvocated on a 50x100 cor. lot !n Gregory Heights. Rose City; five room modern bungalow; big value for the monev; $7o0 down. BARGAIN FOR CASH. $1200 Just think of it, a 4-room, at tractive, cozv litle home on a 5oxloo lot, just 2 blocks from Sandy boulevard; square, shingled bungalow-type, no bath or toilet; splendid lawn, trees and flowers; terms, cash. SUNNYSIDE ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. $4200 On E. Yamhill, near SSth, this five-room modern bungalow is lo cated; all street liens paid in full. This home is equipped with ' good hot-air furnace and a fire place; ideal arrangement. This is a rare bargain and you will I appreciate it; near car and srtioois. Onlv $i:.o down. YOUR OPPORTUNITY IN HAWTHORNE. 9-o0 See this sure today, seeing is ouying, bisgest bargain in months; 5-room modern bunga low, full basement, sewer and sidewalks paid up; a snap at $2Goo; $500 takes it. TWO-STORY ALB1NA HOME. $3000 tt-room house, near Union-ave. car and Fremont St., paved st. ; white enamel plumbing; !0o0 down. ON MISSISSIPPI CAR. $2,00 5-room bungalow on Webster st., ideal floor plan, best plumbing: a dandy buy tor the money, omy $25o down payment. VACANT, MOVE IN TODAY. $ 2600 N o r t h lit. Tabor, on 80 1 h it. ; 2-story, tt-room home, neat as a pin; retimed and varnished throughout ; right among the Pines, large bedroom down, liv ing room 12x22, white enamel Plumbing; garage; fine car serv ice: $Hioo down. south Portland home. $.ju0O Large, massive, exceptionally cn-uuiu o-room home, o bed rooms, good plumbing, full ce ment basement, paved streets; bearing fruit trees; $1000 down. BROOKLYN HOME. $-io 6 rooms, alt on one floor. 3 bed rooms; hard-surface SLreet. full basement, bath, toilet, 50x130 lot; . .v-J0('ated 011 E- ,th down. MANY GOOD HOMES FOR SALE. 40 ALRERTA HOMES 10 30 ROSE CITY HOMES 30 40 HAWTHORNE HOMES 10 Put your house-hunting problem up to us. I am sure we can be of assistance. our services are free to the home buyer. ...a x BIH R-CAREY CO.. -1 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS 4 FINE HOMES. J..AO. - JKVIXGTOX. $400 i-room nice house, furnace, fire place, buffet, full cement base nunt: lot 50xl0d; E. 12th, near Tillamook. In Irvington; $1000 cash. LAURELHURST. $(0i)0 Xice modern bungalow stylo 7- room house, strictly modern; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, garage; 5xH0 lot; lit-s all paid; in Laurelhurst; easv terms. MT. TABOR. $9000 Swell !l-room house, furnace, fouf fireplaces, unobstructed view; on looxloo corner; paved streets and all liens paid; 1 block to car; on E. 53d and Morrison; $2000 cash EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $9500 Fine nine-room sLrictly modern house; furnace. 2 fireplaces, oak floors, garage with two finished rooms; loox 1 00 corner; paved : reet ; shrubbery, roses, etc. ; a fine place for a doctor; $2500 cash: on K. 32d and Clinton. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 3;S Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. SELLWOOD CAR. CONVENIENT TO IIKKD COLLEGE. $ tooo $1000 cash, balance arranged, takes thin 7-room bungalow and sleeping porch. This is a neat and well-built place, block to car; downstairs is a regular 5-rtom plan and 2 bedrooms upstairs. If you don't need this largo a hou.c you could rent the extra rooms to the students and reduce your monthly pavmenls. Ask for I. Clearwater, J. U HARTMAX COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow that Is complete In every detail, large, light rooms wood work light oak. like new; under the hill and two blocks to car: price $0300; 1 want to show you this beautiful place. C. M. Derr. Main 4522. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4TH ST. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. JUST LIKE NEW. One of the finest bungalows In Rose City Park: has absolutely every modern convenience ; lovely surroundings, tine garage; tins is sure a uandy home and a tine buy; 2 blocks to car; price only $0in0. about '. cash. R EL I A UL. E IX KMT.ll r O.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. pofl SALE- Attract ive 7-room bungalo lot 5(txlon. dose to station; lino; price $3300. Five-room modern cottage, large lot, close in; price $2200. Mrs. M. A. John son. Mil wau kie. Phone 01-M or 05-W. Office open Sun, S N A P. S N A P. S X A P. $1875. $1875. $1875. Formerly held for $3500. Lot 60x100, wii h 8-room house: nouse neena patnt ing and some repairs; handy to S. P. car shops. And listen, a few hundred dollars down will handle it. Phone Owner, East 400O. 4 BLOCKS JEFFERSON HIGH. 6 rooms, all built-in?, hardwood floors. Dutch- kitchen, full cement basement. wash trays, $2i.0, terms. 207 Going st., between Commercial and Haight. Phone Woodlawn 3200 after o P. M. $2000. E. Oth st., vicinity Burnside. 5-room cottase. lot 25x100. 70 E. 6th st. North. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand ave. N. Near E. Ankeny st. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand-new 0-room typical California bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, hardwood floors and built -Ins; $1 000 rash will handle It. Phone owner East 40 (Ml. BELLWOOD DISTRICT S35"0. Modern 0-room bungalow in City View Park addition ; rooms are all on one floor arid in ivory enamel; fulPiot. ga rage and cement driveway, full basement. See owner. 595 Claybourne ave. 7 ROOMS, $4200. Will sacrifice my 7-room house with 100x100 grounds for $4200. All im provements are In and paid for. Can arrange terni3. Owner, 934 Rodney avs. FOR SALE BY OWNER AT A BARGAIN 5-room cottage in good condition, large lot. close to school and Sunnyside car, street paved, $2900, $500 down. $30 A month. Tabor 7648. A. J. Delano. SEE OWNER SNAP! Modem, six rooms, bungalow style; just off Killingsworth. near car. for $3500. leaving city, must sell. Phone Kast 2299. AGAINST FIRE INSURB IX NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. EXILE BURKITT. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN IBM. FOR SALE By owner, strietly modern 6-room house, Hawthorne district, with garage; reasonable. Telephone Main 12U1 or Tabor 4119. ROSE CITY PARK Cozy, modern 4-room bungalow, finished in white; bath, toilet, elec, lights, gns, full basement, shades; only $1950, terms: move in. Tabor 6559. 6-ROOM. completely furnished bungalow, Btrictlv modern except furnace, all ready to move in; $4200; $2000 will handle. 439 E. 41st. Tabor S34X ROSE CITY 0-room modern bungs low, fireplace, hardwood floors, panel dining room, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. Call owner. Tabor 6825. 3-ROOM house and 'furniture, lot 50x100, cheap, or will take good light car in trade. Owner, 109 Olympia at. Call In forenoon. HAWTHORNE district, a modern 5-room bungalow, corner lot, improvements all in and paid, $1060 cash, balance like rent. 354 E. 37th st. Owner. FOR SALE 5-room modern bungalow, lot 50x100. See owner, 204 Globe bldg., 11th and Washington. REAL ESTATE, For Sale Houses. HERE YOU ARE LOOK THEM OVER. $0000 7-room house; 4 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, batfi. fireplace, fur nace, buffet; East Broadway, near 24th; easy terms. $5500 ti-room house; 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, bath, furnace, fire place, full basement; East Broad way, near 22d; terms. $4750 6 -room house ; 3 bed rooms, bath, fireplace, furnace; fine condition; Kast Lincoln street, near 34th; terms, $700fJ 35 East 18th st.. cor. Couch.: 8 lovely rooms; place must be seen to be appreciated. $600fJ 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, bath, hot water heat; very cosy; East 28th and Flanders. $4000 5 rooms: 2 bedrooms, bath, buf fet, chutes, trays, fireplace; very nifty; 55th, near Glisan. $600fJ East 51st st. ; 6 rooms; bath, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porches, buf fet, trays, chutes, furnace, hard wood flours; double garage; sure nice. $7300 East Flanders; 9 rooms; 4 bed rooms, bath, sleeping porches, buffet, trays, hardwood floors, fireplace; garage. $5000 7 rooms; bath. 3 bedrooms, buffet, hardwood floors, full basement, fireplace, furnace; garage; a bar gain; Sunnyside. $?00fJ h rooms; house corner 9th and Couch. $1500 East 28th-st. house, some bargain. 7 rooms; near Ankeny st. $6000 7-room house ; 3 bedrooms, bath, hardwdod, furnace, trays, fire place: garage; very pretty; Mult- , noruah st., near 20th. $S500 8-rootn house ; 3 bed rooms, bath, J sleeping porch, hardwood noors, trays, hot-water heat, fireplace, full basement; garage; an excel lent buy; Laurelhurst at Glisan. $S000 S-room house; all conveniences; East 40th and Tillamook sts. HARVEY WELLS & CO., Ask for Mr. Schultz. Gasco Bldg. Main 45fl4. NEW, modern bungalow, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, white enmel finish, all built-in effects bun galow is double constructed, has con crete basement, lot 50x100. Close in, near car. Price $3850. New, modern home of B rn'oms, sleep ing porch. 1 bedroom downstairs, hard wood floors, built-in effects, fireplace. Full concrete basement, more than a lot. Price $3050, 6 per cent interest, easy terms. Beautiful, new modern bungalow, 5 rooms and den, fireplace, hardwood floors, fine finish, all built-in effects. large bedrooms, full concrete basement, improved street near car. Price $ 1500, easy terms. O. W. BRYAN. 508-0 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 1903, evenings, Marshall 05. A WONDERFUL BUY. Located on corner lot in Holladay Ad dition, just one block from Broadway car: 7 fine, large rooms and sleeping porch, also plastered attic; fine large porches on both front and back ; full basement, partitioned for fuel; fruit closet and work shop; Siberian oak floors in reception hall, living and dining room and den; fine fireplace and furnace, dou ble garage, alt Improvements in and paitL Price $7000 cash. This is bound to le a quick sale, so If interested act at once. See J. A. McCarty at East 39th and Glisan sLs. Tabor 3433. Evenings, Tabor 5057. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $1750. Modern. 5 rooms, large living room. hardwood floors, French doors, fireplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, attic, screened back porch ; window screens, fixtures, shades, furnace, cement basement ; fin ished in old ivory and golden oak; bau tif ul paper in living room and 'dining room; also bedrooms. All improvements In and paid; vacant. Terms. 1002 E. Grant. Marshall 85S. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern S-rnom house In. one of the choicest locations m irvington , lot 00 2-3x100. 1 block to Irvington car ana 2 to oroaaway. owner is leaving city. li. B. HOLMES CO.. 272 Sark st. Main S051. FINE IRVINGTON CORNER. PRICE ONLY $7500. Fine, well-built 8-room modern house in best part or irvington; ooxioo corner, good garage, nice lawn and shrubl-ery ; property iu good repair outside and in.1 This is sure a nice home and a lovely location. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. VALUE $25,000. This Is one of the show places of Lau relhurst, large grounds. 100x150; -room house, hot water heat, double garage, all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. Own ers, an old couple, who are going td California; will sell for $10,500 lor quick get away. By appointment only. Mr. Deiahunty, Main 1700; evenings, Eat 2OS0. VIEW ROSE CITY PARE BUNGALOW! Swellcst view in Portland, ('harming 7-room 2 small i and sleeping porch bungalow. Hardwood floors 3 rooms, furnace, fireplace, lot Oo. J 00 f about garage. The most delightful home in tnis wonderfully popular section. $ looo cash, balance to suit you. 1335 Wis taria cor 48Itl. ONLY $7000. IRVINGTON CORNER, fi-room house in fine condition, dou ble garage, close to school and car; just like finding $15oo. Owner eat, authorized a cut to $7000 for quick sale. Main 1700, residence, east 20i0. Mr. Delahuuty. WEST SIDE, fi-room modern house, fine neighbor hood, 1 block to car, beautiful vi;vv, large, airy rooms, 2 fireplaces, 75xino Jot; Willamette Heights. Price for quirk sale, $0750, $1250 cash will handle; ex cellent terms. No agents. Main 1128. $3950 FOR bungalow with 2 lots, u blk. off Alberta car line and paved st. ; 5 rooms and bath on first floor, 2 rooms with sleeping porch on 2d floor; cement basement, $1000 cash, bal. ea;;y. See house at 907 Sumner st.. or phone owner, Woodlawn 4119. $67f,0 MODIfiRN 9-room Iious, corner lot 60x100 feet, all improvements in and paid; bearing fruit trees, berries and roses; good garage; on E. 39th. 2 blocks of car. This property would bring $10, 000; it is O. K. See J. P. McKENNA, Kelmont at 39th. Tabor 0493. ti-KOOM LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. A JOY FOREVER. Located near the park and club grounds, extra large Jot. 50x147, ready to move in; fine garage. By appointment only. Mr. Deiahunty, Main 1700; even ings. East 2080 $4500 CASH WOODLAWN HIST. Beautiful 5-room strictly modern home witli garage, full concrete basement, fur nace, laundry trays, fir. place, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet in dining-room, paved st., close to 4 car lines. Quick sale. By owner. Call Woodlawn 2240. BY owner, 5-room modern buiiamfow, paved street, extra fine leaded glass bui It-ins, fireplace, cement basement, wash trays, hardwood floors, ail assess ments paid. Two blocks south of Haw thorne. 328 E. 49th. $4000; half cash, balance to suit. HERE IS A SXAP. 3-room furnished house with garage. House alone is worth $1200. For quick turn, $9(0). Terms. R1ELY & GUSTAFSON. 905 Yeon Bide. VACANT. VACANT. SELLWOOD. 5 rooms, modern. 4 lots, running Ptream, dandy for ducks and chickens, cheap; 5oO cash will handle. Sen wood 2706. $500(1. MODERN 8-room home on Mt. Ta- Dor, extra larst- un, 11 you w ant a bargain in a splendid location, here tt Is 8ee J. P. McKEXNA, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. IF WE can sell thjjs month, will take $2085, almost new o-ropin modern bun-1 galow. lot SOotlOO, terms very liberal, splendid location. See J. P. McKENNA, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 0493. A STRICT Li modern s-room bungalow. large lot, all improvements in and paid. $4850; very liberal terms. See J. P. Mc KENNA. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. SELLWOOD. 6 ROOMS. ONLY $2300. Paved st., modem, good location; $.150 cash, balance $20 monthly. Sellwood 27061 SAY. LOOK 4 ROOMS, FURN., $1200. Sellwood, near car, owner offers for ouick eale. Come see. SELLWOOD 2706. 750 75x100, one-room house, large, mod ern s-siory cmc . uuuw, iiuiu j.u lay ing hens; 34th near Alberta. Owner, 215 11th st. Main 8678. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Modern 6-rm. house, hot water, turnace. f none Main 2707. BY OWNER A good 4-family flat build ing; good location close in; sell cheap. AO 357. Oregonlan. ALAMEDA park, nice house with garage, half block, from Broadway car. Phone Wdln. 5181 N. IRVINGTON HOMES EAST 694. R. T. STREET. Trv. AGT. CASH $150 Three-room shack. 834- East 72d North. . BY OWNER New 3-room modern bun galow on nearly acre. Call M aln 7041. FOR SALE 5-room monern house. 1144) B. Madison eu Call after 5 P. M. REAL ESTATE. F'or Sale Houses. HERE YOU ARE; LOOK THEM OVER, $fiO0o 7-room house, four bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, fireplace, furnace, buffet; East Broadway, near 24th; ea&y terms. $5500 6 -room house, three bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, furnace, fireplace, full basement; East Broadway, near -2d. Terms. $4750 6-room house. 3 bedrooms, bath, fireplace, furnace, fine condition; East Lincoln street, near 34th. Terms. $7000 35 East ISth St., corner Couch, 8 lovely rooms; place must be seen to be appreciated. foooo rooms, 3 bedrooms, bath, hot water heat, very cosy; East 2Sth and Flanders. $40O0 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, bath, buf fet, chutes, trays, fireplace very nifty; 05th. near Glitan. $0000 East 51st st.. fl rooms, bath, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porches, buffet, travs, chutes, furnace, hardwood floors, double garage; sure nice. $7300 East Flanders, 9 rooms, 4 bed rooms, bath, sleeping porches, buffet, trays, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage. $5004) 7 rooms, bath, 3 bedrooms, buf fet, hardwood floors, full basement, fire place, furnace, garage. A bargain; Sun nyside. $70008 rooms, house corner 9th and couch. --o0 East 28th st. house, some bar gain: 7 rooms, near Ankeny st. ViOOO 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, bath, hardwood, furnace, travs. fireplace, ga rage; very pretty; Multnomah street, near 20th. $S".oo 8-room house, 3 bedrooms, bath, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, travs, hot water heat, fireplace, full basement, garage. An excellent buy; Laurelhurst at Glisan. $soo tf-romo house, all conveniences; East 40th and Tillamook sts. HARVEY WELLS & COMPANY, Gasco Building. Main 4364. Ask tor Mr. Sehultz. $5950 ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW, modem through out, beautiful enamel finish. French gray tile fireplace, 5 rooms, breakfast nook and nttic, furnace, fixtures and shades, corner lot. paved street and sewer im provements paid. This place will be nnialie-l in a few days. $1500 cash will 'iV- J1, cCft Mrs- Bono at branch X:X' , V" a'la d. J. L. HART MAX COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com nierce. IRVINGTON DISTRICT, SSS FREMONT STREET. $1500 FURNITURE INCLUDED $4500. Modern 5-room stucco bungalow; must be sold at once; owner out of the city, instructs ma to sell this cosy bungalow, ready to move into; if you want a good buy in a good district, "see this today. C. M. Derr. Main 4522. COE A. McKENXA & CO., 82 4TH ST. BEAUTIFUL home. Alameda .Drive, seven rooms and sleeping porch, completely modern; only block from car. close to church and school; this is without doubt the choicest location in Rone CLty Park and occupies a full half block on Alameda Drive: nestling among the firs and surrounded with roses and fruit trees, this home makes an ideal location for a family. Price $0800. $3000 cash, balance $4 per month. Call Main 04Hj or Tabor 0977. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. LOT 78x115. A nice 5-room bungalow, lot 78x115 feet, on 92d st.. 4 blocks from Mt. Scott car. 3 blocks from Gresham car; hard surface road. Jf you want a real buy Bee this place. Price $25(0; terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3o5 Oak Street. IRVINGTON. 7-room bungalow that has all of the usual tmiit-1 ins, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. ea-t front. East 17th st. Come in and let me tell you about this. C. M. Derr. Main 4522. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4TH ST. 53,MHi FINE 9-ROOM house, built 1913, sleeping porch, big rooms, every con venience, lot 87x 185 i, xn cost, worth $0oo0, at Forest Grove, Or., best central location. $800 cash will handle if sold soon ; close to university; can rent rooms; see it to understand the excep tional pood buy. D. W . Marsh, owner, 406 McKay bldg. Phone Main 934. 4-ROOM HOUSE. 100x100 PRICE $1200. Good 4-room house and 100x100 ground: fine garden; about .1 blocks from the business center of Lents; a dandy buv at the price, tall us up; ' cash, REL1A RLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. BUNG A LOW, an unusual type, character in every outline, rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors in every room, full cement basement, nice yard, shrubs and fruit; Rose City Park, good neighborhood ; price .."ioo, $20.0 cash. Phone Tabor 4721 (owner). 638 EaM 45th st. North. THAT VACANT L.OT, Why not turn a burden into Income? We design end build apartments, ga ra ges, residences, any t h Ing ; f urnina pi a ns and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Infc, 924 N. U. Ban Diag. FOR SA I B 5-room. old house, not mod iTn. with good rang'1, hot and cold wa ter. sink and bath. 2 chicken houses and vard. cow barn, 20 fruit trees, grapes, garden spot. 1 acre of land on lease for 1 or longer, alt for $200. inquire cm noon si. 1 none Aiain o-tiw. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 6-room modern house; furnace and fireplace, built-in features, full cement basement: lot 50xlu0; fruit and roses. Extra pood buy, $40011; terms. See Brown & Biidle. 324 Railway .Exchange, 3d pnn .sturK. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, HOT WATER 11 EAT $10.00(1. This real home was built 5 years ago; 7 perfect rooms, bath room would cost SHOO to duplicate; hand -rubbed wood w ork. plate-glass throughout; concrete porch : fine grounds ; g rage. East 419. $1975 6-ROOM home; fireplace and bath, new v papered and pointed; good neigh borhood; Firland district. ML Scott car. The house cost more a few years &ao than we aro asking for the ptace. The lot and agent's commission is a presem; liberal terms. r" o. oregoman. Bi i ha rgain, large 8-room house and lot tiOxlOO. close 111, one niocK ana nair irom car line; electric lights, gas, paved streets, cement slue wains ana garage, fruit and berry trees: terms; no agents need apply. o E. -tnn dl a. .Bennett, owner. Call 5545. $300 CASH $300 CASH. 5-room cottage one block to Mt, Scott car, lot 50x100, and at a sacrifice. Price $1900. RIBLT & GUSTAFSON, 9o5 Yeon Bldg. WEST SIDE, 2 houses. 50x100; $5Uou; terms. 270 Sheridan et. IK VI NGTON Modern 5-room house, In- qulre owner. r. l-in rortn. Suburban Homes. EXCELLENT SUBURBAN BUN GALOW, TERMS $5500 TERMS. One acre highly improved ground ready for garden, plenty of well kept berries and shrubbery, good lawn around house, shade trees; this house is In apple-pie order; it will surprise you; 5 rooms and bath, full cement basement, on 82 d st.. paved highway, 7 blocks from 10-minute car service. Ask for Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chain, of Com. bldg. Main 208. FIN K SUBURBAN HOME. PRICE ONLY $4250. One acre of fine land nad 7-iroom bun galow ; ha hardwood floors, fine fire place and built-ins; lots of bearing fruit, running water on place; on fine hard surface road ; 4 blocks to 0-cent car fare. If you are shopping don't bother us. This is the best buy around Port land. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ONE TO FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. Close-in choiee acreage on new Alder Crest road ,south of Milwaukie; conven ient car service; $300 per acre up, easy terms. Can handle tsome trade. John son. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark ft. - Main 5423. 100 ACRES, 56 cultivated, 11-roona house, large orchard; good well, also three room house, fine farm. Price $8500. 6 room house, 1 acre, chicken houses, barn, well with windmill, hath, etc. Pricj $2500. C. J. Miller, Clackamas, Or. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house norlh of Rlstcy station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." FOR SALE $4000 buys beautiful sub urban home on North Bank highway; 3 acres, large house and barn; all kinds fruit. AP 113, Oregonlan. 100 ACRES near The Dalles for sale or trade' for house; prefer house In Rose City or what have you? Call evenings, Marshall 1304. 5-ROOM house, chicken houses, 100x150 ft. ground, fruit trees, oemes. rosea, lawn, $3000, half dafilL Tabor 684.3. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. CXASST WORTH-WHILE SUBURBAN Tv have Just listed three beautiful suburban homes: all strictly modern bungalows. 6 and 7 rooms, full cement haiomoni lot of fruit, fine shrubbery, garages, fine roads, close to Oregon City car line: one to 14 acres land in mgn rnt of cultivation. ' We are thoroughly acquainted with prices and conditions in tnis section ana we onlv list ironertv which we con sider an exceptionally good buy. Above places seen by appointment only. KLEEB PARRY, First State Bank Bldg.. Mllwaukie. Or. Phone 19- Autoinoblle Service. NEARLY SIX ACRES. PRICK ONT.Y S2KOO Ttnnriv liltle fnrin of nearlv ft acres all In cultivation. Good orchard of fruit and berries; good o-room house ana other outbuildings; 2 fine cows, some chickens; J tons of hay, 15 sacks of po tatoes, etc; $1850 cash, balance mon BftKRELTABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK fc-T. - BROADWAY 4133, HOUSE, fruit and aereage. North St. Johns near Terminal. 11 55, oregonian. F'or Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 7CEAR OREGON CITY. 3 acres; 4-room bungalow and building: 25 full bearing fruit trees. THIS PLACE IS CHEAP AT $3800; TERMS. TIGARD STATION". 5 acres with 5-room house, barn, chicken house; 2 cows. 55 chickens; all equipment. THIS IS A FINE PLACE, IN THE HIGHEST STATE OF CULTIVA TION. Price $5000; TKKMs. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. 5 4-5 acres near TIGARD. beautiful 3-room bungalow newly built'; fine soil; PLENTY OF FRUIT AND BERRIES; only 25 minutes to city and paved high way. Price $5250, terms. CEDAR WOOD STATION. 10 acres, shingled cabin. 1 room 10x24 ; 2 ' acres in cultivation ; spring on place; price $ 1250 for WL'iCK SALE; $500 cash, 8 MILES ON CANYON ROAD. 13 acres, all in cultivation; fine 6-room plastered house: large barn and silo; price $0000, TERMS. A REAL BARGAIN. CLACKAMAS STATION. 20 acres good deep rich soil, a!l in cultivation; 0-room house, plastered : price $toon. terms. THIS PLACE CAN'T BE BEAT FOR THIS PRICE. STANLEY STATION. One aero,. 4-room ceiled house, chicken house, shed, fruit, berries. Price $1450, HALF CASH. OREGON CITY LINE. 1 H acres and a dandy 3-room house, finished in beaverboard ; electricity gus; barn, chicken house, fruit, berries and grapes. Price $3200, TERMS. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR ACREAGE Abington Rldg. Main 1008. Opening Evenings and Sundays. TMO GOOD BUYS AT METZGER. New 5-room house and acre, creek, outbuildings, small fruit, one block of station; $1800, terms. Nice 3-room Beaverton, on terms. J. A. house, county 2 1-3 road; flcrrs. $2200, PUTNAM. 4000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for tale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre aca up. Liberty bona accepted at par. Write lor map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Taeorr.a. Wash. $ 1 D00 O WNE R $ I OOo. 4-room house, 2 acres of the richest soil, 2 modern chicken houses. IU blks. from highway and 3 from station ; on S. F. Red Electric JSo agents. L. P. Hayes. Aloha. Or. 200 ACRES nagehrush land, all level. 20 acres cleared, smail house and outhulld lngs, 3 miles from town, good . c! imate, suitable for stock raising; $22.50 p acre; in northern California. Might con siuer trade. A k. to, Oregonlan. 22 ACRES. 7 improved; 6-room house and other improvements, plenty of fruit, one half mile of good town, in Clarke county Wash.; for particulars inquire of owner, C. T. Asher. 4U! K. ll'Ui, Portland. Or. 23 AC'tEi good land, 100O cords timber. 7.l per acre. 1 erms. 1, literal reuu tion for cash. Call OS J Syracuse at. Pnonc toiuinoin I'll. NOW'S your chance: $5 down, from 5 to 1 mi acres, pari improved. Owner, ti. Meysinger. v iihnonp ii. BARG A IN 2 acres. Kast 44th and KiJ- lingswortn nc.; ey icmi.s; no agents, ouncr. mhc r,. 1111 si. .Norm. S'a ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain, tiitf j-paiaii.a dju. 4 A'RKS, $900; level; no rocks; $ 2iifl Frank McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. Homesteads, Relinquishment. DOCTOR'S location relinquish mem. 15 acre ranch for sanitarium or Miminer re sort, fine location for a doctor, sur rounded by three trout streams, beauti ful scenery from highest point ; lot.-; of guod prairie land, half 4 limber. Main 4107. 450 Yamhill st. HOMKSTiD relinquishment for sale with $1000 improvements, for $500 if taken soon. 1505 .N. w. bank bldg. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE loft acres. 90 acres In 1 -year- old prune irecs. jouom worm of build lugs, monern nouse, electricity ; Hil for $29,000. with outfit; ..noo down, balan half crop payment. Phone 4B, or F. R. Elliott, oaiias, or., owner. AUCTION PRICE. $2500 (lean house, large barn. 10 ACRES. mile eiec. and paved hifrh way; good soil, bearing orchard, most I v prunes : iiov ca&n. aici arland. 02 Unn DIOR. 107 ACRES, only 27 miles from Portland; 55 acres under cultiva t ion ; good build ings, plenty tarm machinery and stock everything ready to bgln farming. Am selling at a bargain. A L K79, Oregonlan. 11 ACRES or less of fine fruit and enriien tract near ai 11 w aiiKie rr sale at bar gain: Iruits. orcnara, aweiiing ana barn, D. B. Labbe. box 129. Lako road. Mil waukie. Or. Tel. Mil. 71 -VV. BUYER, look up this improved, equipped and stocked farm, it nines from Port- laud. For directions call 3-R-7, Hills- boro, Oregon. FREE FARM lists. San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Rossfer. Stockton. Cal. For Sale -Farma. ALL IX CULTIVATION. 29 ACRES PRICE $4250. 29 acres, only 35 miles from Portland. All in cultivation: i mile to Oregon electric; good buildings, practically new. -Good team ol norf-es arid all tarm equip nient and tools? gas engine and grinder. All goes at toe price. sjaihi casj. REIJABIJ2J INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133 FOR SALE 20 aTes fine land, all fenced; good bam, small house, good well water. 2 brooder bouses. 400 strawberries. 40O rhubarb. 400 raspberries and cherries 5 acres oats, all up. Will take auto as first payment, balance $10 per month, at 7 per cent interest. On highway. 7 miles from Ceniraiia. Wash, Phone Ta bor 5S40. or call 1359 E. Harrison sL Sunday or Monday only. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Kast great block or t anaaian caciric itanway com pany's reserve lands; remarkably chcj on long and easy terms. 1 .anriscekcra' excursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary. Alberta, on Saturday. March 27. Reduced railway rates. For further par ticulars see Canadian Pacific railway company, 208 Railway Exchange bldg., 1 P. Thornton, district representative. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation, near Van couver, good DtacK sou, o acres in bear ing prunes: 7-room house, barn and other outbuildings; good well; l miles off paved highway on good gravel road; 1 mile to R- R. ; R. F. D. and phone con venience, $4250, terms or discount for cash. Address 635 East 30th st. South. Portland, Or. ' 1 HAVE had placed in my hands for sale by non-resident owner a so 1 -acre farm, about 3' miles from, Wihsonvllle, front ing on Willamette river. No buildings worth mentioning, about 00 acres cleared. Have been Instructed to sell this prop erty. Can be bought for considerably less than $100 per acre. Will do busi ness with buyers only; no agents. Joe J. Thornton, Wilsonville, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to SJM0 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for saie, ail s ixea. McFarland. 602 Yeon b I d g. LITTLE FARMS near Willamma: leve., cleared, fenced, creek ; some improved; easy terms. Jesse H. Sharp. 3H 3d st. 00 ACRES, buildings, team, 8 head stock, tools; :i500. E. Thornton, Rt. 1, Uo lalla. LOGOED-OFF lands, $10 acra up; running water, good soil, H tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharp. d st. . REAL ESTATE. For &ale Farms. COLUMBIA BOTTOM MARKET GARDEN. 40 acres of the richest kind of Columbia river bottom land, all under high state of cultivation ; land ts very high bottom and l subject to overflow only on rare occasions. There is a good 5-room hotise on the tract, also 2 largo barns, 1 smaller house and a shack: a splendid, never failing well with windmill and 15oo-l. tank with water piped to all buildings; in fact, the place is fully eUtpped for market garden ing. This land la just oiiloida the city limits of Vancouver and in the very heart of a rapidly growing in dustrial district, in close proximity to several large industrial plains now in operation. On this account it ta a fine investment at the prh e offered regardless of Us present value for gardening purposes. We are authorised to offer this 40 acres for a limited time for $14. 000; one-third cash will handle it. SUBURBAN ORCHARD. 10 acres of A-l prune and wal nut land Inside the city limits cf Vancouver, fronting on a p ved highway, 5 minutes drive from heart of city, convenient to City schools. 4 acres of bearing prune on-hard in pink of condi turn, a half acre or more of mixed fam ily orchard. A well built, modern ized 7-room house with roncrrte basement and garage, Urre poul try house and good outbuilding; tract all under high state of culti vation and well fenced; city wa ter, eleca-ic lights and other sub urban conveniences. This is one of the best suburban home tracts to be Imd and we are commis sioned to sell it at the exception ally low price uf $7500. $3000 cash will handle. AN IDEAL LITTI.K FARM. 33 acres of the best land fn Clarke county, every foot of it well cleared and in crop, hind all fenced and lays perfectly lor nHt urn I drama ge. nice thrifty young orchard of rhoirc fruit in bearing. A well built, modern 6-rooin wnli full concrete basement and ha Hi. A fine barn with concrete founda tion and modern equipment. Ga rage, (iood, never failing well with for.w pumn. This farm Is locaU-d on the Pacific highway onlv 3 miles from the in tarsia te bridt; at Vancouver and has a nice stream of a ter running through it. It is an ideal country homo w ithin easy distance of Portland and Vancouver. On account of poor heal I h owner is una hie t- fiirm it himself. Price $I30oi, about 1-3 cash, b.tlnnce to suit at 6 per cent. Wtll consider resi dence or income benrlng city prop erty iu exchange for part. KLWELL Si WATTS. 106 W. 5th St. Tel. 236. Vancouver. Wash. UMPQt'A VALLEY. 2-4 ACRES. Adjoins the progressive town of Yon ratla. on tho main line of the Southern Pacific with high and grude schools, bank, cream depots, stores and railway depot. Pacific highway forms ea line and count y road west boundary ; went from the pacific highway ia a beautiful field of 15 acres, level, of a black loam soil. This field Is now in wheat and clover: adjoining that, on a sllc ht Hop'. Is an orchard of 7 acres, 4 ' acres In 12-year-old prune trees; net income, 1919, from these, $M0; drier only feet away; also 2'-i acres in 15-jear-otd Spilzeuberg apple tree.i. Tncre is 1101 a uaeie foot on this property. A well-const rue ted S-rnom house, of nice appea r.mce and giving a fine view of the town and valley; good barn, sev eral chicken runs, city water; only 4 blocks to high school. The 15 acres next the pacific high way would make a wonderful berry or garden field. A delightful home with big possibilities. Only $oooo; terms, two-lhirds cash. WE SPECIALIZE TN UMPQUA VALUE V FARMS. MaclNNES A PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Bldg , Portland. Or. CENTRAL takima valley Irrigated lands; Under Sunnyside go ei ninem avenge from $25 to $Ji p.r acre mure than the other cinaia in tne vaihy in 1919; irrigation water roit lb rirmer I-out one-iourtli what others paid; yet our prices are lowest in the vulH-v ; apples averaged $457 i"r acre on H'.4-.; hops sverj,"d $.rj5; in 1919 pota toes averaged on 3250 a- ren; prunes averaged ft. 13 p-r ncie; alfalfa. 41 :i70 ucres, $3,955. 955 Rem-niber, these figures are for tho SUNNYSIDE GOV ERNMENT canal and government fig ur . SAMPLE rURGAIV. 30 acre, irovernmetit water richta; finest soils: all in cultivation: close 10 town, school, railroad station ; 3 -room plastered house, ch ci rle lights, phone, good well, plenty 0111 bulldin ;s; fine ul falfH. corn, fruit iand ; price $ou0; ye;i vn lo pa v. Remember, Tiki ma vnlley crops re e.iiiv. ou should go now and m;kn selection. H n:o for 192i bioklal and CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO., hi. RAY HMVFR. Mgr.. Main 40...1. 512 Selling Bldg . port. and, or. FIXE STOCK AND DAIRY K AXCIL 1".o acres, abundance of outride range, ;;5 acres in eti In at ion a tot 9 1 11 pasiurc; targe new bain. nxfl2; good 0-room bonne: fmo eh i ken house and milk hou.-e, cream bouse and other outbuilding!-;; 4 a-res in assorted fiuii, 2 fine spring, 2 cood we,s; 25 cow and heifers. 3 brood snw. 4 horses and harness, I waon. 1 biifcsy and harnesf. and all farm Imple ments: i hots. Phi b n. 13 gee-, 11 duck, fine ciegm par Hinr; hotiMi i furniriicd. Price f'r quick sale, $s..00, $..iHI cash and tt mis balance. Si-e FRANK U JgV'.UIRrc. Abington oldg. Ma.n lutit. Qpcn even tug j and toundaj s. MR. FARM BUYER. Tf you want a real farm at the right price, it wlil pay ou to me before buying. I can ave you mony. 1 havo some 5ou line far.nt; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it roMs )ou uotluug. bee tr write lo me. A. G. BUNDER. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board uf Trade Bldf. FOR SALE Mv farm, 5 miles from Tilla- mooK on KUlll erect. , oo -ren. a Mil 11 houses, 2 hmall barns, about loo large apple, tree, 4 cows, 1 hre, hai ne.-K and spring wagon, 30 chickem., creek on one side of place and mi lug near tho bouse, price J iooo. Stt-ve MatUovich, box 441, Tillamook. Or. WANT KP RFAL FTATK. HOMES W ANTED. Wa have a list of prosperous pur ekasera waiting who want homes rang ing from $5000 to ftiooo in good dis trict, Fhnhe. write or call. CUE A. McKENNA tfc CO., S2 Fourth Mreet. Mam 4522. WANT PORTLAND INCOME OR FRM. I own $50 (itu won n 01 i-ort.anu va cant lots and suburban and country acreage. I want a good improved farm or income property ar.d am willing to pay a good cash diuer.n'e or assume n order to RM my holdiuKS togetner. Ail 143. Oregonlan. WANTED A 5 or fl-room bungalow, all. on one floor; no onjeei ion i an on house if in good rcpnir and well located. Btato iirice and ter ma. AE 90S, Orego nian. LOTS WANTKD. We have several people that will build their own home, if they can be suited in location and price of the lot. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. LC-TS WANTED If Tou Want to Sell Your Lot SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bid 3. Mnjoiw ' WANT attractive bungalow; any good location; rash and quick deal for real bargain ; no commission. Phone dlreet, Broadway 421. Ask for Hill. Or call at 215 Lumbermcns bldf, SEVEN or eight -room house; ivory wood work, centra! entrance na 1, large living room, WeM Side or Irvington. Not over $.sooo. Bdwy. 249(1. HAVE rustomers for homes with first payment from $,ou to all rah. Zim merman ft White, 818 Chamber of Com merce, Main M."2. WANT good tame grass pasture, fenced sheep t ght. Tabor si24. ueu K. olat N. K. H. Myers. WANTJCB Modern house in restricted dia- trtct. F. li Ushpn. vain lied. WANTED Modern house in food district. j. Hot" mri. .iiBinsj TO BUY or rent, 3 te 5 ares with good house, near cnj umiia. rnonn r-. WANTED 6-r. house and large lot; $50 down, baL nat renu xauer tiw. JfrANTF.lW R r. A L MT.UE. LARGEST HuMK SELLLH ON THE PAC1MC COAST. N E E FRANK L. McGUIRE T S-1! our Home. (W i: NEED IT TODAY 8l Hotn.n Hold Lint Year. 9 IIomhs Sold In thie I"v. 253 Ho. MEM MM; J A V 1. 1920 The MciHlRE StSTLM UlllXttf RESULTS. Your home fn oM If Unfed with its. DEAL WITH AX l 1 KSTAHLIMILD Fl RM FRANK 1.. McGUIRR personally inspect, a pprn !-. and pho tograph your prtpri). all photographs b'ing dtplne.l in our lar uliow room, which are continually croA led tth buy ers. 14 experienced m Irnmeri with mi tos to Work on the nlr of YUU HOllifi. FRANK L. M ;K E. Arlington Bldg. Main lM. Opn Etentnpn and riinnavn. fsrnu Wanted. DO T'tU W ANT TO HELL A FARM THAT I'AS? Write lodav fu'l particulars ewet Prire, best terms nod how "U KN'"W It AiS. G. Y. Fe.aer. .'8 Chamber ef Commerre WANTED A good l'?iprord 0. acre la r m In Whhtmette .ily. H ( t jst-iuau. M anted to Kent r arnu. MR. FARMKH I hare to c'ienia wartinr te refit farma They will purcbsM atiy or i l the equipment, crops, etc., a erf fmt rah for sain". One wanta a dsiry. tte other a koptiI farm. If ou wnt ac tion, write me. K. O. BFVDEIL RITTKR. LOWE CO. 201-JJ-5-7 Bond of Trade U.dg. WHIT to rent from 1 to fi a-re within e or IO p! ra of court liou-e ; ant boiia pot 1es limn 5 rooms; inrn-t hav w 1 ef system with bn.h ai.d toilet Inni'le; IH talc best of care of pUe a'-d m;y puv later on. Phone Woodlawn :Ufl'i or ad drs C. T. Stewart. 992 tiarflrid . TIMHF.R I -A SPA, ANTEl 1Ogffing contractor to take job b M. 40 a. res fin tu r. cut about tvOIMI.OOO feel. noit IV in mid TI o th. some old fir, no hruh. Uml I vi, (I nilbs rant of Salem. goid 2 tii'l to paving, inske of'i-r, nln "lit to hear from no,. d Minn with sawmill to r 11 up Mini1 into' dimension, to-a, etc. W. A. Schirm r. P'!" i-me. Minn. Ui'ili) locution for small nnwiniil, 2-mil- lloii or more feet ie id growth tunhet. all lee longing land. UlHnn i mile, of Portland and one mile from t.tllnd station on pad huthw.ty. Smsil pa. -me ut do a n ou ti tni.,. 1 . 1. 1 v ou ut on ba lance. Add ren J I ml NI 10tiil Hnnk, Scappooae, ( (r. 4,000.000 t'--t fir; norlh half piling. muih half nearly half piling; in .1 m a n 1 a county. Wash.; could log tm Lilt Whi4e .Salmon R. or louuty fad lo Co lumbia R. and railroad one mile. $.t"0o. p.iit c.i.-h. terms. W. L. buiKh, loule 1 box 00. Crnlralia. A a.--h. WANTED Practical logger ith doiiki v equipment, to Join rti in logging con tra' l close to Portland; pood t uit'cr and good g rou ml. I Iihm ti u k q ijlpni nt and will do the hauling. AR Ore- gonian. WANTKD Timber, from oH.imhmmni to 7.'.. 000,000 fee. CJiim ) fa)e It priced tight. K. A. I .IX I ilt EN. Savon TJind Co, 9:;:. V W Hunk Bid. loo CEDAR tvephone pofl-. 1'0 red-ir fence p.nts and can deliwr within 50 davs; 12io good piling, E A. I.indarrn, Savon Land Co. 0.:5 X W. Rank bldg. WANT lopgt-r lo contract and loir six inl' I inn of k "Oil t ! mi to r ; u ood locg 1 n c con n -tr : truck haul 2 milca. AR 515. ore- goiiian w a r w ork to buv ..rso fo in sawniii; nm mm! nd do. k 1 lid in I tnn : wei-in nut !' than 1 7"U lt Hnlon Mill Co. 2"1 Concord b'd TOR RFNT FAR MM. .'5 Ai;EN. Hood River, house, ham, hear ins orchard. I't-ars, apple, chwrlc, lnv, gaidn. pasture, good plm , t cm o. rent: nmie furniture. Frank MiFarlaud, 0M2 Yeon bldg. T FX CM AGK KKA I, KMTATF. 10 ACHES, i In, ml 111 riiltiMlinn; 4 n .n in houie, b;irn and ou Inn Id uk m ; lrm fine, on nutendum road; finest of garden or !' I ry ImImI ; pro r $tt.,ll acre , en:.y terms, or might tut. hoiiuc for purl. owner, OU r. 50th Norm. Tel. Tabor s:t: BEACH COTTAGE. fl room with tire pi part 'jr fur- niched; $1200, uxih.uiiio for ilur lute or land. w. ir. poss nop v w. H.Hikn .ie W A XTE D - - A in oniolil . "tnTd room houe, $ loou, for m u 1 o tit oh 1 f l rt p v nicli't , biCntice nmr'RiRr. M T" r cut; I ' t) f , I 1 j 0 km '1 A ' ! rt 1 rnr- Inn-. Tfthor 1 ,n. 2n I M, K v h .g 10 Id u M pod"r .1 reived M ; w ant Slfll Mile, v ' 't 1 lioui-o In St. .Iiihn nn 0 room mod. rn hmt-e in of lH h : lit oinnil1o?i, owner, 5i.i Iciitou bldg. ChM". Rm-wcM, ldA t. ImH TRADE ImprowH ;n acres i v I :i 1 ro f -tr nor t h 1 ,(M r tral kl.ihoitvi Iniot 1.1 p r ;i;oii in f 1 rM J'lter. P inn. 1 1 ' it rn rt te -ti or mo t h eti . e pr I- f tid A V 4 .;i. ( trrgo- V NCi -U V tit U AMI Hare nioii. rn Imii kh . roj lota tn Jin- .OH. r fur ra e 01 , Ml cv h 11 t him k:i Iii w H lid !o 1 11 V' ! lM "i .1 1 ti o f,.f f uTT h !! 21 1 Rt M l ft 4itiM ;iih1 lot . ni-hed in bin Inep.i dio net have till ? h 1 11 !ngi on. l: ' i;e,.p, r g ; pi t i lin-nn, A Mon.i , for"; A p p 1 a w tii'l . H a 11, PftRTI, A M H Kli IDT Will 2 . -l. i. n .,t- - HHr-r li Phone Atur- - utn" and pay diff-'ten hllH II. 4U A'i;i, tout lug e'es r Is nd. m u $ Toe car , g e nr t u, e It d. 1 ri g nn 1 4 n. It dlf- T U H A Ni ; 1 ; Slltli Miri-t, loi puttlH II 1 lot-, V-'l MoaH autii 1 on P I n-t I ire. WANT lot in Irvirstnn mm purl p- mnl on hou"? In ood district; owntu on. y. 1 5o, Orrpon ia n HiU'H:, renting ton lot a pMi 2, (iffinlin. for t25. lll l.k" Irving t Pa meitt; nw iciiLi, jfi TO KXCfl K UM Fl lANKol . W 01 l S A U . John ! Ti I'l I or rt row ww r. lnrea, ehiclea, .eto k. O. T KTARLUH. 1 7l h and Ream good young hoixt'N tu! nur-H, - st a . ro matched; tetnnH wifc.ii from 1 .'mi to 1oti, ev-ry horao oid with a guaraiitea, ti. D. WllltltlTIH. i'AIR of fine hhne inntea, fl Ntid 7 nrl oid ; w eight 5000 ihs : gent le a ml t r ue workers, h Mr-ton and 3 iiifh Wngon and wood rn k. (i..ih u fc. K. Ml. Scott car lo Ariel station. W E ARE chanult K our banting equip nient fiotn hois's to aulo Dm ki on hard Id iKn tu b- so .1 at ave gin. Kant Mdo S'nt Wood mmpauy, 2S7 E. Morrison. Phone Last L'.Vfl. WANTED Young block v team, around ;;noo His. must b g'-ntle. sound snl U'ed to hard work. ile prh. dearria. 1 1 on and if ha harness and tgon. AV CI, OPE-'ltmn. WE HAVE nine of our young horses lefi (mm 5 to H years old weighing; from 4on to 1700 lb If. Ilsrn. Haw thorne tables, cor. tiih and Hawthorne 2t'0-P ! XD team, fl and 7 yenrs o'd. with good harnessa tan JJ(5 th. msre, 5 jrrrn old, will mil cheap. At las Wood Wni, .'127 Front f . FAIR chunkv-built mares, weighing- about 27u0 lbs., fat and true to work, rhat for rush. Marion Fuul Co., fool Taylor st. (dock). jiM)-.,UI V I Nt i outfit. good fi-year-o'd mare, Hon ths.; rubber ! Irrd bupcv and barneaa; snt e for woman to handle or drive. 327 Front. TEAM big-bond bay horni, fl yrmrm old. weighing 3i00 lbs., well matched and true workers. Im.dir for Ward team. Marion Fuel Co., foot Taylor at. doek. MR. FARMER Hut good mares and hors-. wagon and harnoa cbap for cash. 20 V,. 7ih st., near Hawthorn. FOR SALE Two heavy lumber wasone, S 1 In . very reasonnbl. Call at 11. J. I 'as ter line blackmftti shop. Handy, Or. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Csmpbell-Pheian Land s Cattle Co o$ C-ucn bids; KD stock removed nuteklv. Cash paid lor dean cows and crippled horsea, Phuae M ll aukielJfojj-esu.ts. SPAN well matrhed 4-year-old, weighlna; about 2"00 lbs , In good aha pe ; pn. $225. Woodyard. foot Talor st. (dorkL F(R SA LE--Freh cows and sprlngra. Tabor K24. K. Hist N. E. II Meta. W AN T E D B F F F AND VKAU TA HOIt T747. DEAD horses, animals bauied awar free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20 DEAD HORSES taken quickly. dad rows. Tabor 4203. Cash for FOUR good work teams for sale at Rose City speedway, fllst t. Barn No. 1. THIRTEEN high-grade dairy rows, ereia to soil ell together. Mam 13ia i A f cf f r . vr 4 -er;