I ' ''. ' ' - i . 7 V' v " ' ?' .v - so TnE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920 1 . HZXP W AVTXD M A T.K. GLAZIEBS AND CUTTERS WANTED FOR SEATTLE. STEADY WORK. EIGHT-HOUR DAT. GOOD PAY. . CUTTERS, 17.50 PER DAT. GLAZIERS. 7 PER DAT. TRANSPORTATION PAID. APPLT McDANIEL. 94 SPRING ST. SEATTLE. WASH, L FEW GOOD DOUBLE-SHIFT ROAD JOBS LEFT. Industrious men with enough money to mike first payment on new 4-ton truck with dump body Bhould take ad vantage of these Jobs with very reliable contractor. You can make $1000 to 1500 per month: 8 to lo months' work Call Sell wood 2315 or write. AN 218. Oregonian. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 20 Ankeny St.. Cor. Second. Come today; 4 to 5 months' work, a millwrights, construction work on new 150 M mill: Is. 8 hours. You can iret room and board. This ia the job you have ben waiting for. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGCY. t ANTED Men who are tired of working for a salary nd who. when they have thoroughly mastered a new proposition, can go out as salesmen and make good Big field and opportunity for advance ment: men without ambition not wanted. A X 3o2. Oregonian. UAVE several vacancies for boys 18 to 20 years of age for starting pos'ulons with large wholesale concern. Applicants must be high school graduates ana live at home. Boys or good moral charac ter and neat in personal appearance will find it to their advantage to apply. Fine opportunity lor advancement. AN 3, Oregonian. iXTED Competent book ke per and of- nce man wttn mo me knoniedce ot ly writing; prefer & man with automobile experience; d'ate (salary expected and gv re f eren ces. A. W1LHELM 4 SONS. 2d and Washington sty.. Corvailis. Or. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bttious and willing to work hard for rral success. If you believe you can sell 11 r Insurance If (riven assistance hy supervisor, call or write W. J. Hibbard, -z w iicox mug. MILLWRIGHTS WANTED. Millwrights on construction of large eawmill; need 10 first-class m-n; long job. good wages and living conditions. Address Standard Lumber Co., Souora, C.U. WANTED 2 first-class patterp makers Apply Peninsula Iron W'urks. .WANTED Toung man about i:o or 30 years of age. for position in bank: one who has had considerable experience and good credentials and of ability. Addr-n giving age, references, experience and galary expected. AM b09. oregonian. W ANTED Man ajid wife for private place in Yakima, Wash.; wages SITm for both; woman to anslst with housework, man to look after grounds, able to do garden ing; good wages paid, with room and board. Apply with rt-rtnees ,to AH !!.. Orego n i an. EXPERIENCED hardwood band sawyer, also one edgrman and two Inspectors; knowledge of hardwoods necessary; ntady employment.; good wages. Write Sitkuin Hardwood Mill, Sitkum, Coos Co., or. MOTION PICT L' RE COMPANY. Fully equipped studio in Columbia Reach has opening for people wanting tryout; retjuires spare time only while learning. Columbia Film Corporation, In.-. .BRIDAL' VEIL LIMBERING CO. HAVE STARTED THEIR LoU.IG CAMP ON LARCH MOt NTAIN. EMPLOYES OF 'UM PAN V W H O W A N T 1 N FORMA TION ABOUT JOBS CALL AT 1117 YEON ULDG. WANTED Kirst-clasa, all-around cabinet maker and finisher, one with expe rience in repairing and refinishing; ref erences required. Appiy Gevurtz Furni ture Co.. 10 1st St. WANTED Hotel steward, must thorough ly understand the business, none other need apply. Man of long experience and middle ace preferred. Apply at R. E. H.tndurant, Railway Kxch a nge 'bid S- WANTEI Engineer, draftsman and In strument man; state experience, refer ences and salary expected, sample ot drafting. C. Comer, county Kng., ftnlutua. Wash. WANTED Head gardener. Scotch pre ferred, accustomed to care of a well kept private place: will be well paid. Appiv by letter with references to AH 110. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced vulcanuers who can handle dry curl retreading and sec tion work; long steady jobs; at Mintxer'a Tire Shop. 116 ltth ave. South, Nampa, Idaho; references required. K-XPER1ENCED man to care for orchard; must furnish team and cultivating tools; good proposition for a Jive man. D. L. MeLeod. 2Q4 Porter st. COMPETENT manager for phonograph department, can make over si'oo per month; good established business in vity. B.T 4i3, Oregonian. "VifAXTED Expert template maker for bridge and building structural steel work. Apply'.to Overmire Steel Con t ruction Co. FIRST-CLASS automobile, starting, light ing and ignition mechanic. No other need apply. Sunset Electric Co.. Vth and, GMsan sis. WANTED Names of men, 18-45, wishing to become Portland mail carriers; $UK- sj30 montn. Answer lmmeaiateiy, AV 421, Oregonian. WANTED A few more men to take parts in motion pictures. jai itn Second st. for information between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. SHOW CARD COL'RSE BY MAIL. Personal Instruction, individual criti cism McDermott's School. Day and night classes at 45 4th street. JANITOR wanted, single man: one who can kaisomine and paint: must be an ex perienced janitor; good wages. Call MalnSwS. WANTED Toung man for packing room with some experience preferred ; oppor tunity for advancement; state age and salary expected. AN 210, Oregonian. WANTED Steady, industrious man for cunning work: mnst understand cannery machinery. State experience fully. hL KSy, Oregonian. A BOY, over 38 years old. who wishes to learn a .good trade around setting ma chine; must be industrious. United Mfg. Co.. 971 Sandy blvd. - WANTED -Bnshel man for the country; prefer nfkrried man that can make pants and vesis: all year around job: $40 per week. Appiy D.- B. Mrltr.de Woolen Co. HE4.USTEKED PHARMACIST; good posi tion in eastern Oregon; best town. Ad dress AV 43S, Oregonian. WANTED Baker, first-class bread man: good wajres. Write Nampa Bakery. Nampa. Idaho. WANTED Office boy; must be over 10 years ox age. Apply Lang A Co., 1st and Ankeny. WANTED At once, experienced counter man, nights. Call lmpernll Cafe, Al bany. Or SALESMEN Experienced or inexperi enced. 8.19 Chamber of Commerce bldg Fourth and stark. WANTED Marker and sorter and wash man at once. Troy laundry. Nampa. Idaho. WANT first-class detail sticker man and sash men. McMlnnville Planing Mill, M ANTED Trade newsnpaper man wn. advertising experience; one who can make ropy preferred. BP 907. Oregonian CARPFNXKR. electrician and painter. In exchange for first-class dentistry. Phone Tnbor 7 IMP. "V ANTED All round furniture and lln oleum man. Hackett-Gott Furniture Co The Dalles. Or. WANTED Experienced unmarried janitor for small apt--house. F.-K. Bowman & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. WANTED Men for houi-e-to-house can- vai; city una irmvei. jii arter 2. room "11, Rosamond hotel. 3d and Pine. AN EXPERIENCED BOY. over 18. to sew mattress: steady position. United Mfg "o., 971 Sandy blvd. x WANTED "Printer, lock-up man. steady A Ptg. job for good man. Kllham Sta, 'o.. Fifth and Oak sts. TfOUNO men wanted, factory work no experience necessary. Western Waxed Paper Co., North Portland. WANTED Experienced poultry salesman in city. Call at Sanitary Poultry Market, 02S'fr Washington, from 9 to 11 A. M. WANTED Grocery deliveryman. Fo7d Corner Hasealo st. and Grand avenue. BARBER wanted. Star Barber Shop, 625 First, near Ca rut hers. 1 HELP WANTED MALt PROSPECTIVE AUTO STUDENTS. YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY. If you Intend to take up Autos, Trac tors, Aviation or any branch of Gas En gineering, don't overlook this offer come here (pay not a cent in advance) r when we have proven to your entire sat isfaction that WE HAVE MORE AUTOS AND ENGINES. A BETTER SYSTEM OF TEACHING. AND GRADUATE A LARGER PERL-.. t'AGB OF STUDENTS WHO MAKE GOOD than any other school in the west, then and only then pay your tuition fee. If we were not tne leading school, could we afford to take chances like thist U CATALOGUE FREE. A large 8 S-page book with full detail of this unusual offer and complete in formation will be mailed free to any addrit. Ask for book No. 5. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. THE COURSE IS FREE TO YOU. Tou do not have to advance one cent. The state pays us. SCHOOL CAN BE INSPECTED Daily at 11 A. M. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOT UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. LEARN A TRADE. NOTICE. To all students enrolling on or before April 1. 1D-0, will be given a life mem bership In all of our schools which are located in the following cuies: , PORTLAND, Or. T acorn a, Waab. Oakland, Calif. Salt Lake City, Utah. Denver, Colo. Victoria, B. C Vancouver, B. C Calgary, Alta. Edmonton, Alta, -Lethbridge, Alta. Keglna. Sask. . Saskatoon, Sask. , Winnipeg, Mar.. This La the largest chain of schools In the world. Hemphill a certificate are recognized everywhere. Don't miss this opportunity. Write or call today for free cataiog. Hemphill's Trade Schools, America a leading automobile and gas tractor schools, 77 Hawthorne ave., cor. East liUth. Take Mt. Scott car at Second and Alder to E. .iUtb, eu 500 INEXPERIENCED men wonted ' to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanuers; only auto mobile and tractor sctiool west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers as auto mechanics: don't en roll In any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped anu larg est system of 8cliools in the world; four ' large' schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TUACIuK SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets, Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier St., Seattle. Wash. 18.287 YOUNG MEN have, in the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland i. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. Tbis is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "" Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys, our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared tor iu All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of .the employment secre taries, room 307. tree vocational guidance and employ ment service lor ex-service men. YOUNG MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 30. desiring to learn the telephone con struction business, may make applica tion at tlie oltice of SUPERINTENDENT OF CONSTRUC TION. THE PACIF1KC TELE PHONE AN1 TELEGRAPH COMPANY, 40 EAST SEVENTH ST. Notwithstanding some former em ployes are on strike, good wages will be paid while you are learning, with in-freast-s as you gain experience. EMPLOYMENT MANAGER. Man familiar with employment game capable of managing employment office that will hirw logging camp and saw mill workers; give full details in first letter as to experience, etc.; references must also accompany your reply. a substantial arrangement will be made with party selected. Address AN Ills, Oregonian. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. iiy oi rortlano u. S. Oovernment. Can furnish, help, male or femuie, free of charge to either party. Men's Div., Flat Iron bldg., 311 Pine street, phone Bdwy. 4;7; Women's Div., 202 Beck bliig., Broadway and oak. Phone Bdwy. AS unmarried, all-round handy man for cu rewiuence ana grounds; miut be rapabie of milking and caring fvr cow furnished room without, board crovlded give lull particulars covering references, experience, age, wages wanted, etc. AJL aot, uregouian. (JE sash ana door machine man; mid die aged man with family referred must be experienced, a fast worker and aoie to turn out best quality or work biate experience as -machine man, not as a helper; 8 hours aud open shop. AH oi , oregonian. WANTED 2 pruncrs, one man who under- stanas gasoline sprayers, for spraying, two meu to handle ppray rods. See &wam sunoay, iu to Hon hotel. write full information and wages wanted 10 dox iui, Mosier. or. TWO men, between '21 and 4o, with gram mar school education, for position as ca: checkers in eastern Oregon; fc-hour smtts; transportation paid ; salary $110 Call early today if you want to work, 44 1 Morgan building. AUTOMOBILE and tractor scnool; ne building: modern equipment: beat ii Jtructlon ; practical work, laboratories ana snop repair, .for information ad dress or inquire at room 414 V M. C A, bidg. Phone Main 8700, branch X CLERK, good morals, some experience, confectionery, fountain, cigars, fruits. groceries, etc., begin work at 3 P. M-, 7 days week, fair wages- Reply, give pnone number. Af i-jj, oregonian. MACHINISTS wanted,- must be first-class all around mechanics, open shop, excel lent working conditions. Apply in per son or write the Skagit Steel & Iron Works, Sedro Woolley, Wash. JANITOR WANTED. Experienced single man for apt. -house work; must be able to do calciminmg and painting; good wages and room. Call Main 383. BOYS, age 19, to learn machine knitting; bovj living nsar tactory preterred. Sei Mr. Wisner, care Jantzen Knitting Mills, !l Sandy blvd. HAWTHORNE AI'TO SCHOOL. 4tV2 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANT man on ranch, G0 and board; also man to make tnce posts and cut cord wood; accommodations for man and wife; state age, full particulars and ref erences. Address AV 443, Oregonian. WANTED A first-class man to handie large laundry route in city; must be i hustler, able to meet the public; mar ried man preferred; good reference re quired. AE 2. Oregonian. WANTED MAN WITH TEAM TO CUT WOOD BY CONTRACT FOR LOCOMO TIVE USE IN LOGGING CAMP NEAR PORTLAND. CALL 1117 YEON BLDG. FOR INFORMATION. WANTED Two first-das specialty sales men to travel Oregon, good pay. D. C. Wax Co., 31 North Fifth, see Mr., Wright, between 9 and 10 A. M. WANTED Office boy, 10 lo 38 years; good clinnca to learn business and to ad vance. Must be a sticker. Northwest Bridge & Iron works, foot of Sheridan st. EXPERIENCED shoe, furnishing afcd drv goods man for eastern Oregon town. H. '. Bover, Imperial hotel. 7 to 8 P. M. Friday. MOVING picture actors wanted, men end women, all types for motion picture work. Apply at. 101$ Chamber of Com merce bldg. Help Wanted Saleamen. I HAVE a fine position for you. If you are a clean-cut, honest, ambitious, energetic man; large earnings, fascinating work; promotion sure to right man. Apply H. B. Fox. 1101 Spalding bldg., after 10 AM. SALESMAN wanted. We have an open ing for an experienced truck salesman for city work; only experienced men need apply. See Mr. Nash at 343 Oak street. OPPORTUNITY of a Ufetiine in a strong financial institution where your services are appreciated and where your advance ment depends upon your qualification AC 563, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced laundry soap salesman: none other need apply. C. W. Rowan. Benson hotel, Friday from 2 till 4 P. M. SALESMAN to represent factory; won derful InventiDn. Ford necessity; perma nent position. Write Reardon Mfg. Co.. Pcorra. III. WANTED Reliable hustler to take county agency for Indiana motor truck; some good territory In Oregon and southern Washington open. AO 308. Oregonian. FQUR energetic young men for salesmen ith good firm. BF 637. Oregonian. MORH salesman at onceA United Sales Co., 633 Washington. FIRST-CLASS specialty Salesman can furnish bond. Tabor 2203. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted (talesmen. TRUCK SALESMAN. WANTED. If you are a high-grade truck sales man with territory experience we have a good position for you. We are one of the largest and best known motor truck establishments ia the northwest. AO 370. Oregonian. SALESMEN New washing machine; de mand as great as supply; also vacuum . cleaners; opportunity for live men to make big money. Call after 10 A. M. Electric Maid Shop, 133 10th st. LIVE WIRE furniture salesman wanted, steady position and good wages for right party, young, energetic man preferred; nonapbut experienced need apply. Levin Hdtf. & Furn, Co., 221 Front at.; Port land. Or. 4 OWING to increased factory facilities we can employ one more good salesman In our loose-leaf encyclopedia department; subscription book experience desirable, but not necessary. J. C. Winston Co., 613 Dekum bldg. TWO salesmen, wlel acquainted In Port land, who have had experience in sell ing first mortgage farm bonds; to those who can qualify the position holds forth unusual opportunities for large earnings. Address AB 139. Oregonian. WANTED A top-notch auto accessory salesman; please state age, experience and) salary expected in first letter. Ad dress Ilwaco Motors Company, Inc., Ilwaco. Wash. CITY SALESMAN. Salesman who is capable of earning $200 a week. AK 71, Oregonian. ANTED AGENTS. WANTED-Canvaseers to handle our ex tensive line of superior nursery stock in many of the best fruit sections of this state; capable men are making large earnings; demand never greater; sell .ing experience helpful, but not essen tial; complete supplies furnished; refer ences required; now Is the time; ad dress OREGON NURSERY. CO., Orenco, Or. THE GRANT STORAGE BATTERY CO., of Minneapalis, wants salesman calling on automobi' accessory trade to handle their line of batteries in Oregon; high grade line at prices 10 to 0 per cent less thnn others of equal quality; repre sentative will be in city in few days. Addrets AV 426, Oregonian. AGENTS Send 12 cents for guaranteed automobile polish formula and maite your own goods; season now unusual ororits. Phoenix Chemical Co., Beck bldg.. Portland. Or. ' AGENTS wanted, Oregon or Washington, county or state proposition, auto access sory that moves like firs. 632 Washing ton St. AGENTS at once, hospital tickets. selling 50c per month 501 Corbett bldg. MEN and women sales agents. Broadway. Call HO HELP WANTED FEMALE. Al STENOGRAPHERS, temporary, $5 day. 2 stenographer-bookkeepers, city, $12.".. Bookkeeper for city Institution, $55, board. roo;ri and laundry. 10 stenographers, city. t0-123. Pteno.. familiar with abstracting. $100. Typist, familiar with abstracting. $75. Lumber steno.. Bend. Or., $100-$125. General office girl, city, 160-75. Lumber steno.-bkprs., city, $125 up. Lumber steno. -bkprs., out of town, $125. Register here. We have good positions. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, Main 5760. 447 Morgan Building. LADY second cook for river boat, $S0, room and board. Call SKINNER A WHITE, 35 '. 2d st. Broadway 3203. RESPONSIBLE young lady lo learn mul tographing; must be able to operate typewriter: small salary while learning; good opportunity for the right person. Answer In own handwriting, giving age. office experience if any and phone num ber. M 37. Oregonian. WOMEN FOR BASKET FACTORY, in A.-.-imfr. tn make baskets and straw berry boxes. Those having had previous experience will ie aiven preierence. Ap ply in person to Multnomah Lumber A Box Co., foot of Bancroft ft., city. w ARRJKO woman to do chamber work an4 f Inanintf In small DOiiruillK HUlcii uihnc hiwhunH will board and room here; exoerience not necessary; must be willing to work. Grand Avenue Hotel, 334 Grand ave. EXPERIENCED and inexperienced girls for work in iruit dox lauioiy, bwuj amniivment trond wattes ana oppor tunities for advancement. Apply room 202 Beck bldg. COOK, small crew, $C0; cook on ranch, S.0; lady for sewing, good wages: house keeper, out, $3f; girl for billing; wait ress in city, $1.; girls for general house work. Room 301 Raleigh bldg. COMPETENT and experienced cloak and suit salesman, also fitter, good saiary and permanent position. C. E. Hailaday Co., 3H3 Washington st. TWO Hvewire real estate solicitors of good reference, house to house listing of homes for sale; good pay and bonus. Bihr-Carey Co., 21 Railway Exchange. WANTED Motherly old lady to stay through the day with little girl who is recovering from a long illness. 425 E. Ash st. EXPERIENCED FILE CLERK; GIVE PREVIOUS KXPERTKNCE;ALSO STATE SALRY EXPECTED. ANSWER CARE AV 319. )REOONIAX. WANTED Girl attending Franklin high to give services for room and board; no heavy work or washing; near Franklin high. Tabor 8."41J WANTED Toung girl employed during day to work mornings and evenings for room and board. Have bright, sunny front room. Call 529 MontgomeryHtr W NTKD Experienced stenographer and tvnist for temporary work in railroad a'eneral office; salary $10 per month; state experience. AL SS, Oregonian. WANTED A girll for orrice worn irom 5:30 to 8:30. 4io Miers oiuB- AiKci.van Conservatory of Music. YOUNG GIRL living near 63d and Oiisan st. to come in ana w . uvuia daily. Tabor 9279. HOUSEKEEPER wanted sooJ't?s Ji0 right party, tanor r egonian. WANTED First-class stenographer. Ap ply Northwest Briage x imu '"' of Sheridan 3t ' ' WANTED Competent law stenographer. salary Ill's; give rc'eirn..rB -phone number. G 85. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHERS, register with us; we have manv opninB. ui.-n h wrlter Dintr. Co.. 4th and Oak sts. SCHOOLGIRL for light housework In re turn Tor room anu uumu. iduui 3869. ; ACTIVE girls wanted for steaay tactory work ; goo a wages, aiuci icau v v.u., 14th and Front. BRIGHT young girl to learn the millinery trade, good pay wnue ieniiiig. aij SR5 Alder WE want steady stenographer; salary $90 per month; give references iiri icner. AM 821, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced lady for millinery department; inmiiima " oc..fs. V to., aaiem. wr. STENOGRAPHER, with sales ability; state experience ana snmry. Oregonian WANTED A waitress. 1751 Derby st. Phone woodiawn -uia. BAG sewers expenencea.- Apply factory. 34 N. 1st st. MILLINERT makers and trimmers wanted. Apply uowengari. WANTED Experienced coat and gown hands. I ne r anmua. o.' Aiucr. WANTED An experienced waitress for smalt Juncn room. - u n. -ou ox. WANTED An experienced waitress. Mai- lory hotei. i.i u GIRL to work In confectionery store. Call Jill uroaaway, . GIRL to arsist with housework in a good home. 70b uarsnmi. WANTED Experienced maid. Marylaud- Virginia hotel. 4tn. W ANTED Women to work in cafeteria. 124 Broadway. PANTS finisher wanted. -Joe Stoler, Washington bidg. main EXPERIENCED girl as soda dispenser. Ernst's confectionery. 841 Washington st. LADY to keep house and care for baby and girl. Tabor 8370. WANTED Lunch waitress in the Elks club: good wages. .329 Stark st. WANTED Girl for tray work In hospital Call 742 Overton st. EXPERIENCED maid wanted. Hotel. Nortonia SOLICITORS WANTED; SALARY GUAR A STEED. 401 RALEIGH BLDG. GIRT., wanted for confectionery. Spanlols Sweets. 205 Fourth. WANTED Girls t sort and tie maga zines and newspapers. Call Bdway 2003. WANTED Lady typist, $80, college work Pioneer Emp. Co.. 14 N. 2d st. STARCH washer wanted. Laundry, 245 Everett. Opera House WANTED A chambermaid. SU mono num. HELP WANTED FEMALK. . DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY T A salary that 1st paid while yon learn the business) that Increase frequently a you gain expsrlenc.? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES KARNT And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions T WHY NOT OBTAIN THH FACTS T Our employment supervisor will !dly tell you the facts n will also explain th many other ad vantages of telephone . operating for young- women. Apply a Telephone Company. Room 601 8th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak streets. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company. MANICURISTS WANTED. The Meier Frank company requires the services of five manicurists for the beauty parlors. Permanent employment under the best working conditions. Ap ply to employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Co. THS MILLER SCHOOL ATJDING, CALCULATING AND BOOK KEEPING MACHINES. Enter now for summer vacation work. Courses are short from four to six weeks only. WE HAVE SECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Manager. 3f all bank and mercantl! offices require a knowledge of modern oixice appliances. 903-4 Yeon Building. WANTRn niri. ' - atflniin f machine part time work; experienced preferred, but wil teach. See Mr. Henderson, mailing room, Oregonian, WE now need 20 students to fill vacancies made in our school; we have placed a ot our finished fincrntnrs In eood DaYin positions; course costs you $40 and takes about 8 weeks: izirls must not be over li years. Call aia Alorsan bldg. See Miss Frank. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER FOR STEADY, PERMANENT POSITION; PREFER ONE WHO CAN OPERATK DICTAPHONE OR AT LEAST ONE WILLING TO LEARN. APPLY ROOM 711 ELECTRIC BLDG. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with ladles who are ambitious and willing to work hard for real success, if- you believe you can sell life insurance if eiven help by su pervisor, call or write V. E. Hibbard, 1205 Wilcox bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Well educated young lady with safes experience. Must be a cleve conversationalist. This position is with one of the leading clubs of the city, and wnue tne position is temporary, tne sai ary will be attractive. Give phone num. ber in reply. AL b7o, Oregonian! RAPID typist, good penman, accurate figures, capable of handling correspon dence and administrative work as wen as office routine: write age. experience. education and address and phone num ber. C A'Z, Oregonian. I HAVE more positions open than I have pupils ready. Why not tage up work which will make you independent? Six weeks' coure enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hour from tf:ao to 12:30. Room 411. Beck bldg. MOTION PICTURE COMPANY. Fully equipped studio in Columbia Beach has opening for people wanting tryout ; requires spare time only while learning. Columbia Film Corporation, Inc. LAUNDRESS For full time In private family, $tJ0 a .nonth with room and board; woman of experience in public laundry work whe can use elertf ic washer, irons and mangle ; references r-quind. Mrs. A. E. Hockey. Main 102. COMPETENT maid for general housework; good cook; one adult; country home; can have irom Saturday anernoon to .Monday noon in town; best wages. Room 91 Corbett bidg. SECRETARY, $110; stenographer, $100; dictaphone operator and stenographer, $ to $100; stcnograher and book keeper, out of town, $125. 301 N. W. bank bldg. WANTED Applications of women. 21 to 35 to work in woodworking factory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wages. G 7,. Oregonian. WANTED Saleslady for canvassing out of town ; experienced preferred but nt necessary; salary. Call In person, do not phone. Mt. Hood Soap Co.. 270 Gliran st. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 8450. DM car. NEAT German speaking girl to wait on trade In store and do housework; good wages, room and board ; prefer one without a home. AN 31S, Oregonian. WANTED A few more women to take parts in motion pictures. Call 1C9 Second st for information, between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. WANTED Names of women or girls wish ing to become U. S. govt, clerks; $100 .$125 month. Answer immediately. AV 421, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer; chance to learn good business and gen eral office work. Apply In person. 31U Lumbermens bldg. WANTED A woman not over 45 year for general nouseworg. modern b-rqom bun galow, must be good plain cook; family of 2, $40 per month. Tabor 7910. GIRLS wanted. Apply factory. 34 N. 1st st. EXPERIENCED girl for beauty parlors; must be steady and reliable: references. Mme. Curtis, 101 N. 23d, near Johnson. Main 407.. THE Florence Crittenden Horns is ready to help any girl in distress. U00 East Gliaan. "MV1 car. East 31 6. TWO women for morning and evening; janitor work. Appl Oregon bldg., 5tb and Oak. WANTED Experienced waitress with rec ommendations. Apply Mrs. H. C. Ca bell. 250 King st. WANTED A girl for dining room work. Swetland's, 209 Morrison. Wanted -Domes ties. GIRL wanted to assist In light housework. Apply Oak Tan shop, 202 Washington st., near .ia EXPERIENCED maid for general house work ; 4 in family ; no washing. Phone woodiawn xoon. WANTED Experienced girl to do- upstairs work and care for two children. Apply loa i. zoin st. mar. i. MAID for'Rose City Park home; no wash , ing; no heavy sweeping; many electric labor saving devices. Tabor 2019. STUDENT to assist housework, small fam ily, pleasant home; $13 month. East 2726. . . GIRL wanted for general housework; good home, good wages, no wasning. Main 6802. 773 Irving st. WOMAN for plain cooking In private fam ily. Broadway 519. GIRL to assist with housework- and care of children. East 6937. WANTED Girl to assist housework. 735 Kearney st. general GIRL- wanted for general housework, wood 120. GIRL for second work: wages $00. Mrs. Henry L- Corbett. Main 2027. G1RI wanted for general Call mornings. Main 601. housework. 1701 Derby I GIRL for housework, family of 3; good 1 salary. 7 So Marshall, bet. 2Gd and 24th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. tVanted Domes tics. WANT a permanent housekeeper who can take full charge ot my modern home; every convenience; good wages. Apply without delay. i'SB EAST 6TH ST. NORTH. COMPETENT girl for genera! housework; fmall family; wages $75 per mo.; ref rencea required. Call before 5 P. M. today. Room 214 Portland hotel. GIRL or lady wanted to help with house work in modern home In the country; steady employment at good wages. In quire this afternoon from 1 to 4 at 634 Haisey at. MAN AND WIFE Man to do work around private home, woman to do the cooking. Family two adults. Steady place. Wages $110Ter month. AN 315. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, family of 4; 2 school boys; have man to do heavy cleaning. Good wages. Apply morn ings. Tabor 3827. 725 E. 36th North. WANTED A competent girl who is a good cook; no furnace or washing; small family of adults. Call Main 6524, morn ings. GOOD WAGES to willing girl to assist general housework and care of child; cooking knowledge unnecessary. Phone Marshall 3468. WANTED An experienced gin for gen eral housework; must be good cook. Cal, mornings 581 Jackson St., Portland Heights. Main 2B57 GIRL for cooking and downstair work; Wednesdays and every other sunaay on, no washing, good wages. Main 5I5v. 1100 Westover road. RELIABLE girl to assist general house work and .cooking; wages accordingly. Summer months at Gearuart beach, 581 Marshall St., cor. 18th. WANTED Girl to do cooking and general housework; no washing, no smau enn dren, good wages; July and August at beach. 709 Flanders St. Main 70S. WANTED An exp. children's nurse to care tor cnuuren; no launary, cent wages. Phone Main 1828. Mrs. J. W. Rosen felt. T ! i V for e-eneral housework: good home: by couple employed; no cnnnejien. au evenings or Sunday. Ill E. 6'Jlii st. Take Mt. Tabor car. GIRL or woman to assist in housework and care of 2-year-oia oaoy; smau lain- ily; good wages, pleasant surrounaiugs. Call Mrs. Smith. East laou. $65 An experienced cook; no laundry. furnace, to go to uearuan utei suuiiuei. Phone Broadway ana. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages, no wasning. smau lamny. call seiiwooa flu. ulRTj or woman wanted for general house work. Apply loot xnurman su alter 10 A. M. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework, permanent position, gooa pay 755 Morgan oidg. Main - GIRL or woman wanted to- assist with general housework; good home. Apply 011 East bth st. M. East 5bP0. WANTED Competent housework, 43S E. 420. maid for general 14th North. East WANTED An experienced second girl. Mrs. 11, Gliaan, lttt N. 19th. Broadway 2902. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking n mi downstairs work : no laundry ; s per month. Main 4363. 10ti3 Thurman. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, TABOR 6i99. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE AN experienced marker and sorter to go to Tillamook. See Mr. Sammons of Na tional Laundry Co. Fare paid. EDUCATIONAL. - MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. give you a set of tools and some pay while learning; positions secured; schol arships and transfer cards issued ; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Send for catalogue. 234 Burnside St. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telearauhy. stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and tace massage specialty: tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay wnile learning; tuuioo reduced this term. 233 Madison. WOODFIN school of music. 209 13th st. Special terms lo students- taking ootn voice and piano. Children's classes specialty. Main 7095. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert leacners, uajr and nignu r,nrou now, rtuwy. uoo. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. (Enroll free. Frank k. Welles, ex-assist, state sunt., rosr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set oi toou free, position secured. 33 N. 2d mU learn TELEGRAPHl Railway Tele graph Institute, 44 Kaiiwaj a,cnauge bldg. Free oooklet "EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Buckel's private school; Individ ual instruction. 1225 oranu ve. c. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Alisky Bldg., Third and Morrison, A Position for Each Graduate. THE International Corresponaence Schools can raise your salary. aroaaway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. AUsky bldg., 3d I and Mt.r. W. E. Hictiaruson, &ec. Jid.uun FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4835. Teaching poi'.ions. tree registration. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main ef4. Croat way oig. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. LET us figure your painting, paperhang- ing or decorating. estimates cneer fully given. Phone Tabor tf&43. rxp KRIENCED olumber wants nosltlon: will go out or town it necessary, write AG b21, Oregonian. BUTLER wishes position, with A-l refer ences. G. ).. boo Overton st. aiarsnan 3027. . r - i2. GARDNER, landscape gardener, lawns leveled, seeded ana ronea. rnone .ast 02 JO. WANTED Elderly steady night or day watenman; references; over two years in last place. East iios. -iL ueuiiont st. WANTED Position as watchman, night or day, best or reierencea. can can ior appolntment.AL bol, Oregonian. CARPENTER and Joiner work, anything from oanK iixLures io aepuc tanas, re modeling, etc. Broadway 2487. STENOGRAPHER, young man, experienced in office wora, uesires pomuon. r&one Sellwood 251. EXPERT mechanic will repair your car at your own garage reasonaoie. Call Tabor 5954. WANTED Painting, paper hanging and tinting, work reasonable. Call Bdwy. 1220. apt, one. R V ELDERLY man as janitor, or house work, tight chores; can take care o( lnvanu. ia.il pu" j . o. JAPANESE cook wants position in private House. J'lione vio-vo. WANTED Kalsomtning and painting, very reasonaoie. n.ast -no. BY mechanic; all work guaranteed; $1 per hour. aeu. Jivi. TRUCK DRIVER wants job; experienced. ail Jia.Hl lam- . PLOWING TABOR. 1811 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GS ENGINEER wants tractor job. 334 Fifth or phone Marshall 2230, apt. 109. ROOMS tinted, $3.50; painting in and out s i d e; quick at t e nt ion. M ai n7 721. CITY garden lota to plow and harrow Broadway 007. Broadway 3016. TRUCKS for hire, to business firms, by the day or month. Broadway 133. YOUNG married man wanU work on farm AV 417. Oregonian. PRUNING. Call evenings. East 6032. HAULING wanted for 3 -ton truck, or out of city. Tabor S679. POSITION wanted evenings two or three hours. AP 100. Oregonian. PHONE Woodiawn 1561 for plowing and excavation. WANTED Hauling contract for 2-ton truck, in or out town. Ta&or 6679. PaVeRHANGING, painting and tinting, good work, right prices. Marshall 2493. WANTED To do drafting work evenings. BJ 48. Oregonian. WANTED Steady, by reliable man. elderly watchman job Call Tabor Si3. BIOS given on any kind of cement work. Call after P. M. Tabor 9031. PAINTING, tinting, res. prices, good work. Tabor 3US1. HIGH school boy wants work after school and Saturdays. Tabor ,04. CHINESE! wants night Janitor work. 142, oregonian. MAN wants work, night watchman; war ned; reiereDces. a v, uregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN and wife, want situation on ranch or dairy where room and board are fur nished: wife to cook and keep house. man to milk and chore; we have one little c-lrl ! Years' old and must be in reasonable distance of school; give full reoulrementa In answer to ad. AM 814, Oregonian. - pt.ruRia Plumbing Jobs, done quickly and effi ciently at reasonaoie prices; wuram-u ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1054. 161 Russell St. POSITION as engineer in hotel or large tiunm,nt' hav. exDerience with all kinds of fuel; expert with oil burner; willing and industrious. I need work. What have you to offer? Married. 138, Oregonian. - AP MARRIED man wants work; first-class . .... n. niArir. wntlii consider position In country town near Portland If it's a good proposition. AM., bli, Oregonian. Twn husfev vmint ex-service men who understand concrete work thoroughly would like to be partners with elderly gentleman who la in contracting game. AN 31, Oregonian. PAINTING. PAPER HANGING AND TINT ING. EXPERIENCED WORKMAN; MODERATE PRICES; FREE ESTI MATES. PHONE MAIN 3383. WANTED Employment, elderly man, formerly traveling salesman; know hardware, farm implements and stoves. AO 371, Oregonian. AN A-l logger wants to get in touch w-ith a going mill company u .i who can give the best of results, any rtse of operation. AL 878. Oregonianf HAVE had 10 years' experience oi construction work, city, nigu railroad work. What have you to otlerf BF 662, Oregonian. SALESMAN desires connection with relia ble manufacturer: salary uu V"""'"". sion or straight commission; city and country: have car. AE 6, Oregonian. LUMBERMEN, ATTENTION! I want lath mill contract, plenty of stock and good m,.i,m.rv- Tin other considered. G. it. White, box 73, Cascade Locks. Or. CARPENTER contracts for alterations, store titling, buildings, large or small Jobs; save you money. Manning. eii- wood 2421. WANTED Position as timekeeper and commissary man in logging camp or con struction company; reliable; reference, will go anywhere. AC 56,, Oregonian. PLANING MILL FOREMAN, with wide experience, is open for permanent posi tion. Address M. u. f raiey ave., Everett, Wash. YOUNG man with knowledge of operating multigraph. mimeograpn. an chines. Including comptometer, give sei ary. J 08. oregonian. YOUNG man willing to work wishes room for -is! Kr, srri in irnoa nuiuv services ater school and Saturday A P 14, Oresontan. ,.,,x.fr. a r-T nront.il fnr A-ton truCK, gra,-!, wood, lumber or anything. Ktenstrom Bros., Summit Hotel. 469 Washington st, Broadway 40. w. da urv uith rime-saws wants contract , . i nu.v rick or cordwood, H. C. Norrla, Wabash hotel. Front and Madison st. .,...n.Trrx -t -ntt AfldreSS. fl'MC M A nmiJW Iaio.11 v. - amnlnu. mont and education wouiu v" ment In furniture store as salesman. AL 890, Oregonian POSITION as apartment house maais.- or eupt. apts., years oi eP""-c' of references: no time to waste; results count. AG S16, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, has some experience, wants position in garage or auw rc-.. -a helper; does not desire regular wages AG 814. Oregonian. . SALESMAN would like connection wun wholesale nouse ior presem. ?"V, opportunity to go orf road. AR 019, Oregonian CORRESPONDENT desires secretaryship with executive or mn.ii 204, Oregonian WORK by experienced cross-cut saw-filer; can handle two aiut-s, bhumuvu anteed. AV 843, Oregonian. PACKER, stock clerk or snipping ciern wants steady position, cMrtu-u, erences. AB 137. Oregonian. I DO first-class cement work, contract or day worn; guarantee . Oregonian. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia raper BOX Co.. East 2itn ana xi"n'inj. " Bookkeepers, Htenographf r. Office. YOUNG married man. lumber stenographer. comptometer operator, asot. u u . wishes position in city. AN 320, Ore gonlau. SALESMAN, experienced, young married man, wants connection jiu nuu . male proposition; ealary or commission. AE 3, Oregonian. BY EXPERIENCED accountant, installed, Dooks enetneu AN 3U4, Oregonian. . BOOKKEEPER, lumber experience. open ior potation, pc v. (Soldi en and Sallow. EX-SERVICE man, 21 years of age, mar ried and lull of ambition, desires posi tion with wholesale nouse or some re liable concern where there Is chance for advancement. ave. B. K. B., 1120 Maryland POSITION as fireman or assistant mill wright, in or out oi in, mmM w anvwhere for right psition ; married; veteran of the Rainbow (42d) division. AG 815. Oregonian. t AN ex-service man. married ana steaay. wishes position as uiuii and can do All kinds of welding; if you want a gooa man mcioo j AL W7. Oregowlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FKM ALB. REFINED lady with 0-montns-oia uaoy wishes to act as coinjmniuii keeper for elderly lady or coupie, or ior young couple, both employed; some compenastion. Phone Tabor 0'JOO before 12 today. CATERESS serves lunches ana ainner reasonable; rererences. nasi. v. bor 6281. it l'iviij nf nr trriTn carefully done in open air mu uu. East SolH. HONEST and responsible woman wisoes position collecting; an or pi v h.Sf. oregonian. WISH to manage apt. house; am- 8tt years and dependable: have had experience meeting public AR 524, Oregosian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings wnue mumn References. Woodiawn 1011. inwHiwn ladv. ffirnierlv a chemist, de sires whole., or pari time uivjuicub AB 140, Oregonian COLLEGE student wishes night or morn- inir worK: oe&t reicreuvw. ii. iimwcM. Main 6701. , SWEDISH girl wants to assist in light family. - 3012 01st house work in smau S. E. LADY wants house cleaning, other work, hour, aay; wora guinn:cu. "u.... GOOD laundress wishes 7 to 0 hours' work. Wdln. 040. ' FACY laundry wanted by experienced laun dress. East 4?i CLEANJNG or ironing today; good work. Wdln. 4S. WOMAN wants day work about 3 days week. Call East wi ai v a. at. - COLORED WOMAN wants wor by day. Phone .'t-a. , EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. Phone 21B-01, or C. oncrumu at. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Call Wdln. 0428. t WANTED Day work or a few hours work daily, rnone aeuwooa qqj. GIRL wants position .checking wraps. Ta bor i52u. . WANTED Position by comptometer op erator, experienced. Phone East 451. Bookkeeper jHtenugnyiltera. trfiee. YOUNG lady desires poalalon In good of fice. Several years experience In gen eral office work, typing, filing, checking. etc No dictation. AK 78. Orcgonlau. s VKARSf experienced stenographer de sires temporary or permanent work; also anowieuae oooivaecwms. .... goniarn COMPETENT typist deslrea work to do at home; accuracy ana neatness guar ' anteed; work called for and delivered. East 8133. . CALL. MAIN ,1769 for competent stenog raphers, bookkeepers, typists. Prompt service. Business Men's Clearing House, 447 Morgan bldg. STENOGRAPHER desires position In doc tor's or insurance office; give reference. Woodiawn 2001. BY EXPERIENCED accountant, systems Installed, books checked and balanced. AN 304, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes position ItV of fice as typist or general office work. Phone Tabor 810.7. YOUNG lady. exp. in swltchbo.rd and general office work, can giro best ' of references. Call Tabor 44311. YOUNG lady, beginner, wishes bookkeep ing or general office work; salary no object. AB 15. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher, best of city references. Main 2S17. EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper, 1123 per - Duantb. AK, TO, Oresonian. ' siTrAnoN wanted female. Bookkeepers, fUenographers, Office. YOUNG colored girl wishes position typist; knowledge of shorthand. Wdln. 3480. Dressmakers. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking; street dresses. summer voiles, etc; making oi suits into neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly, iaai iwi, FOR vour sDrina dressmaking and altera tions call Dressmaking Dept., Emporium Dye norka, 54H Morrison st. Bdwy. 42..D. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, street and evening dresses, coats, etc. Mrs. Patter son. Wdln. 226. HltH-CLASS dressmaker: street dresses. summer voiles, etc.; making of suits into I Ileal urewra. jaua. nctij, cc-. i v . DRESSMAKING, reasonable. 311 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 3408. DRESSMAKING at her home, $-'.5rh alter ations. 4iJ S. 17th St. Sellwood 226.V EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go by day remodeling. Marshall 319. PLAIN sewing, handwork, neatly done; nurse uniforms. Tabor 4102. HEMSTITCHING, Co and vc a yard. M. palton. room 201 Broadway-Yamhlll bid. Nursee. CAPABLE trained nurse wants care of an Invalid, country or city. AL ssj. ore gonian. EXPERIENCED nurse, care sick, conva lescent. Invalid or elderly person. Main I PRACTICAL nurse will care for sick and do workt references. Marshall .1Q2. GRADUATE nurse wants surgical maternity cases. Sell 2128. PRACTICAL nurse wishes nursing. Main I 6431. Room 21!. FOR a dependable nurse call Marshall 344. GOOD practical nurse. Phone Main 488. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED woman wants position as housekeeper In aparement nuu.e or Houiu help work with janitor. AK 76, Orego nian. REFINED YOUNG WIDOW. 2 t'.UU.S, 3 AND T. WANTS H. K. POSITION IN GOOD HOME. ADDRESS AB 16. ORE GONIAN. CAPABLE woman wants management apartment house; hotel experience; also switchboard. P. O. Box Sos. city. HOUSEKEEPING position by widow with boy 8, girls 10 and 12; good noma more than wages. F 5w, Oregonian. LADY, past middle age, wishes housekeep ing; neat, reliable. AO ..J, t.tr"gnnuin. WANTED TO BENT. Hooves WANT to rent a 5 or 8-room unfurnished bouse on east side near school; a place where garden can be made preferred; will take lease If desired; can furnlMi best of references : rent not to exceed 120. Call Tabor 25S2. WANTED About April 1st. well furnished 5 or 6-room house In desirable neigh borhood; willing to pay good price for right place and will take lease If neces sary. Tabor 54?. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent of; leae unfurnished a four or five-room I fiat, house or bungalow; not necoafary to be near car line and consider subur ban district: can furnish best reference. Call Broadway 3257. . WE have hundreds of Clients desiring to rent. The efficiency of 'The McGulre System" of property management will save you money. . FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abingtoa Bldg Main 10. WANTED 1st of April, by young coupie small furnished suite witn uain or furnlrhed house; must have garage and 4vnt reasonable: Rose City, Luurelnurst or Piedmont preferred; references Wood taw n 3331. Tel. WANTED- To rent, for 6 months or longer. 5 or G-room furnlsnea nouse, wun wtrimiit uDinc norrh. In desirat neighborhood, willing to pay goud price for right place. Phone Tabor 412S. WANTED I to 0-room. modern, furnished cottage. April 7, by rename young couple, references, not over $40; your property will receive best of care. UK tu.'i, Oregonian. WILL give good east sldrt resjdence lot as payment ior lease on i wiuum nw--ern bungalow with garage. O 71, Ore gonian. n.'i-TvTk(n nr befor Anr. 1. small fiiVnih.il hoiiH hv reHOonsible family of two; no children: rent about $40; ref erences. AL SSU. urrgonlan. WANTED By oung couple, flrst-rlaMS furnished bunnalow In I'vington or Rose City. Will leaM? for U months or longer, no children. AL 877. Oregtuilan. WANTED To rent a 5 or tt-rofun modern house or bungalow near Glenroe s.-hool district. Phone Tabor 4MJ; after 12 call Main 1 V'. RESFONSlBLE business man. family of 3. wants . or 0-room bungalow, lease one year; sast side preferred. Call East 0075 mornings or evenings. wn.i. rent or lease unfurnished modern bungalow. Rose City or Laureihurst pre ferred: no children. it. J. itagan. .-Norton la hotel. u." a n:tki Tn rent about An right-room unfurnished house, near 2."Wi and John- Hun. by April 1. Jiarsnaii umii. 6-ROOM modern house April 1 ; will lease and Call Tabor 200 wanted before give good care. wavtkI) Kurnishrd 4 or 0-room hous not more than 20 minutes by car. 1'liune Tabor 1 -'" g WANTED April 1, V or 7-room moders house, will lease for 1 or 2 years. East S222. . WANTED To rent 6 house with furnace 4rt7. or 7-room modern and garage. Ea WANTEle To rent 5 or 0-room furtilehed house in vicinity of Williams or Missis sippi aves. Phone Main i7::7. BY APRIL 1 I flat; 3 adults. -room hnuae or tower Itt 3.V, Orrgontatl. Apartment. nnartmcnt with klti-Iu- i.. i..r iiniikrilnc within 10 liilniitfn' from Broadway and W.lohliiicton t- voune murrinci roupl-', ni i-liiliiren. AdUreM (or A. .Meier, R. F. I). No. 1, box !".'!. Portland. Or. W'A.N'TKU Two or threff-room unfurnl,lid apartment, waiKin uiai.m... - w. Oregon la JV WASTKD I-nirnlnhed apartment. eaHt aile. for couple with niall child. Call llroad wav ltlll. Mr. Keed. K.Mnia. TWO younjt buslnen, men desire convenient quarter, with double ,leepltiir arrange ment and Ureakfant; rf. furnmhed. Mar stinll 4;170 evenings. FL'HXISHKD room In residential hotel or apartment bv refined employed girl; rea onable. AR 5-:). Orenonlan. Kooins With Hoard. bUSINEf'S man. bachelor, wouln like lodff. In?r with mornlnp and evening mt-ala; outKklrta of city preferred; good compen Htlon for, homey ,urrounttingi. AK 0, t iregonni if. ' FAMILY of good standing who would give a girl, ace l.f. room anu uuiiru in ex change for light aervlcea after ,chool. I 70. (ireKonloiu WANTED By working man good room line; with hoard, near st. jonnn car atate terms. AK P79. Oregonian. (tin ;anmSuudd R- tFhTUM w ;oa ahrdl cm BY young lady employed. well-neatea- room wltn ooarn in-t-ainonc inning, preferably Cuthedral parish: state price pd locality. AK HB4. Oreiioniiin. WANTKX Ry young woman, good place to room and board in vicinity oi I am dale. ur. AL Hn4, Oregoninn. WANT room and two meala. vicinity Ltd and Washington sts., by business woman. AP 137, Oregonian. FOR BKNT. Furnished Kooins. HOTEL AKTHl.R. 170 11th st. Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk half block sauth. Clean, modern, respectable; tranalent, si. 50; with private bath, 11. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; digni fied and rellned; $1.25 per day, double ll.iu; ti per week and up. EMPKJiSS hotel, corner Oth and Stark. next to Columbia theater; II to $2 day, $4. 50 to $7 week. Free phone in each room. I.RKD9 APTS.. alngle rooms, modern, fire. proof bldg.; hot and cold running water. 2ltf Marat su NEW M AN AG c.JarJ. i tJlnan and re spectable, 75c and up, 3.50 per week and up. 3S7 lamnill st. HOTPJL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth Rates SI a day up. Weekly $4 50 up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths 75c. $1 DAY. I2.S0 week up; outside rooiua Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. HARRISON hotel. Front and Harrison. outside rooms, i2.ou up; board If desired ST. PAUL hotel. Fourth and Aider. fl per day up BUSHMARK hotel, 55'i Wash, at., a clean, modern, rupee udi, place, close la. FOB KFNT. FurnUtied Kevin. . CAMPBELL HOTEL. 2 :i AND HO i T M .4. CAMPBELL II ILL HuTSL, HI WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-knuwa residential be tels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a uay up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. I BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 6521, Washington street at 2oth. NEWLY RENOVATED TH HiiUilHOUT. Koums. single or with private bath( reasonable rates, day. wees; or month. Main 31. NETHERLANDS HuTWU 12 UiTH. COR. WASHINGTON. TO THE STRANGER WITHIN OV GATES, as well mm to our home peoples This hotel extends a cordial welcome. Free phones, prltate baths, steam bee moderate prices, weekly ratea PRINCESS HOTEL. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Rooms single, community and private baths. Reasonable rates, day, week er month. Si East Hurm!de st. East 17L Just across the Burnslde bridge ANSONIA HOTEL 1! 14tb st., at Washington. Rates, $5 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotless rooms; close to amusement and shopping cents r. SAVON HOTEU 131 11th at., between Wash, and Alder sts. Modern, well-lurnlshtd rooms. Trse sicnt, $1 up; private beta. $J up; week. ly. $5 up. HOTEL BARIC 112 N. oth, 2 blocks from Unless de pot; rooms $1 and up; $3 per weeA; aol and cold water; steam beaL W ELL-FURNISHED room for genllemaa. Call 312 Fileillier bldg, loth end Mass- t n luroUhed hMiM. RooM. ."in and fcuirk. Apply Ir. 8 Loetx, I'oluml'ia li .l ir . w I'li-k nfl vv..iv mi i i S1 r urni-lird Kmii iu I'ntHle I smib. FURNISH ED room, furnace heat, bath, phone, best location, went side, walkii'tf dmtance; rent reHsonanle; references Phone Main 4.'.74. sfter & P. M. ONE or two front rooms In modern hem, kitchen priv Urges, Hawthorne or Funny side cur to 2tn sU CN-i fc fcalmon. Phone Espi 7 loo. NICELY fumNhed rom resnnnable; fi nished, phone, bath nd f ui nitre heal. Call morultiKS or eveuings. iotf Nona 21st st. CLOSE In. vacant today, alcove room, fur nished for b.'droom and sitting room; Din bedroom; heat, lights, bath, 2tU Narttlla. NICELV furnished room, reasonable, in first-Has ftti-am heaird mpis.; valuing dixtunrc. Call 501 Caimullta apu r Main 4720. LIGHT, airy southeast upstairs corner room, furnnre heat, private lavatory. ini Kat 17th. corner Washington, l'bone Kt tfs4!. NICE f.irni.h-d room in a modern house, hot and cold water, 4 block from Ar lington club. Phone Mam H2WT. Bill'JHT, sunny front room, sultab.e for two, um of kitchen and dining room. Call ;2i Montgomery t. t BRIGHT, pics Mint rooms. furnae hrat. modern convenient -s; ey walking ot taiue. M7 Yamhill st, LARGK, airy, nh-ely furnished room ad Joining hath; phone and h-t: suitable for 1 .or 2. 7 77 I rvln g. jii a r "1 . ONK SLEEPING room of an apt. Iirstei wyn. to a young man. Phone Main hl'l. M r . hnyd -t. , NICK I. Y furnished well - llichted front room, close iu. for one or two pcriious. Mar. 2.'43. 4'.Hl Taylor. DKSI K A Itl.K room, first floor, privilege very light h. k. Kvenlngs. 4JIMsrlteL 2 Fl'KN 1SH Kl sleeping rooms, walking distance. ui N. 20ih..Malfi -4.1,W. N ICifi clean sleeping room for men, Terr olore In, r.isonahb lUiny. 244! WEST SIDE, Ilk 3M Hrondway, ping ronrn t Miti-shaU I-;; A ROOM 872'J. 7 sultn.de K. 12(11 for gentleman. East st N. LA U(i E. room Park st. In modern home. W. Rooms Ulth Board. NO KToNI A HOTKL. Portlands downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or sltiKle, with or without hn,ird, for families and business men and aomeiu We givti u uli the cumiorts of a home. Reasonable rates " Til Em"a II T H A W AS H I V ITON. 3i loth st. for business- sirls and students ; reasonable rates. Mar. 1 2.M. RCoM and board for business gtrN; all modern con rtilences ; walking dlstanre; $4.50 p.T week. KaC 4732. 1J K. 7th st. Koonn li Board la Private .mil. ROOM near Haig and board in good home for 2 men, S. P. car shops. Seilwood 2303. M) st. THREE furnlihed ronrn. bonis comforts. rt-iiHonnble ruled. Eitat 44., NICE lilt room, hsiue making, near two car- h. Marshnll 33n4. Mi'KI.Y furnished room wiUi board. Main ROOM nnd board f. MurfhaH 124?. tlM i r itcntlctnan only. Kunilnlied Apartment. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Colombia Mrrets. I'lve minutea' walk to M. ter Krank't stre ; good surround I ties, si rlctly mod -itii, 2 and 3 rtoin i urn is bed apt. : U outside with Krenth doors and balcony. Permanent and traiihU nC STEI.WVN APIS. 11K.I1 CLANS. 1. 2 and 3 rooms and sleeping porch, elegantly furnished In blur nd wiho. inoa.rii and very cl. an; uiso lovely lignt atttKle room Mud bai h tor ba helur vr l.iy enipl . 1. Miirahall 2v;o. HIGHLAND I'UI KT, 2d and Odaaii Sts. Hlgh-t 't.ift Apartments. 4 and 5 looms, tuiniiliru and urfur nlabi'd ourtui'nie. with l.epmt Pr n : large rooiiif. strlrtly modern , iwlvrtiitcea r-juiret. Til. .Marshall llli;ill.ANL) c'Ot'UT. 'i-ii and tjiLun bt". Nlrely lunutiid ln.nl 4-rooni with !cePiU. por.-U t nult.i'l for 2 oioutaa. t.'i. Tel. Mui.hall KINOHItUltr, 1H I XT A AVK. J nin-ly furnished a-rtwin otit.uldo I.mUmii. tin n-wly to $o, M.lultfi f.nly. t'Hil apti. with Iornir.hr.1 , TIIK KLilWOl'O. Nicely furiil.liid it-room apt., lar,. room,, miliar, a adu:ta. aincUy lir,i- cla. 41o lutli. Main tttH'U. TVVO nli-ely furnlahed ll-room apartmettt.. one furntahed ni-w entirely. With nut aide Ualconi.-i: prlca from to t0 t all Main 3.SX3. NIi'KI.Y furnished, modern, aieam-haated L.i-cment apart., furtiishliigs for sale. $7."i; rent -'- 00. Chul'inau apartment, f'liapnian. Full KENT-J or 4-room ment. newly fnrnlaiied. trl.t. -ol. VI H. modern .purl M. John, Uia- S-KHOM furnlelicd apt., all ont.id room,. Immediate pof?ession. iiak r,n ia.. m5 1HUNU ST. larhall ami. NICK furnished .l-raom apartment, all otit airle roonia. Til, Cecelia. (..Iibjiu aud Xld Kim. . LtlOOS APTH.- B and 4-room apta., mod steam heat, prlvata bath. ern. fireproof clean. reasonable. 10 Market. ICLKAN. well-furnii-hed a-ruom apartmert. larae housekeeping ruoms. jv 17tl near V. anh:ngion. Fl'KNIriHKD S-room apt., dandv for lo working glris or inarriuu coupie. Cook aye. , NTrhTl.Y furnished 3 rooms n1 hth, adults only; reference: M. KIbrldge pis., -y.t N. gist t.. Udwy. 473U. rK KENT Completely furnished sli ruom apartment. Nob Hill; I1'0' porch and front porch.M arshall f.BlS. LNION AVK. and Kllllngsworto. (21. S. all complete, concrete bldg. 2 AND 3-room apts. nicely furnlahed. 448 1 II h st. war. .10. DeJNlSoS upt.. 102 V, Helmoiit. 1 S-room apt., furnunieu FOR RENT Furnished 4-roora apt Trinity place. 4-KOOM well-furnished apt. Irv ing St.. apt. 101. l'none Marshall 2HI4 PARTLY Hulas. furnished apartment; electric Phone East 42;l. TWO sunny ' children. xpls., also sleeping rooms; no 20 17lh St., near Taylor. BAt'iiAHH and furniture moving; phone Broadway 401. Alert Transler. 4 -'5 blark. TOL'HNKY bldg., furnished and unfur nlshed 2 room apts. ;'i'i4 2d st. TWO furnlslied housekeeping apts.; new furniture. 20 East lAth sL. cor. Ask. I nfurnished A part menu. g-KooM modem unfurnished apartment; steam heat: no rhl'dren. Waverly Court, E, 2tith and Cllnlon strels,. HhU. A-RtifiM unfurnished flat, all eonTenlenees, a month, including water. an; 'i sixth t. I'l llNlTUHK for sale. 71!l"i flat for rent. Mala Cl.KA.N, modern 2ni McMillan. ,t room ear Mr.' flat, i III W HV easona hrldite Lt)v Kit flat, kirge rooms, eiecirl.- Iii;htft, t-i Per mulith. luuulrs s- laylox. A-- r.-. V ? V.. e ' wa. " '- .Si .-...