1 ' 10 TITE MORNIXG OREGOXIAX,. FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920 FOR SALE ACTOMOBITJSS. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE TRl'CES AID TRACTORS, vt MmnMmrr.i.iJCXT.GTK tit f . 5 i ? - .. -a . " '. .- : .' ' . i . . I m. . . I ..." ' .' ."-' -1 A USED CAR, , IF NOT ABUSED. IS BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW CAR. 1918 OLDSMOBILE coupe, $150. 101 OLD9MOBILE sedan, 11850. - IS! 8 OLDS, S-eyL. cord tires. $1450. 1919 OLDSMOBILE. -cyL, $1400. 1917 OLDS light 6-crL, rood, $1050. HUP1IOBILB big foor. $900. 1918 MAXWELL, nearly new, $750. 1917 OAKLAND light six, $800. OVERLAND TOURING, $450. OVERLAND model 80, $550. The above are used, not abused, cars, rood enough Xor tiie most particular of buyers. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. OLDSMOBILE CO. OP OREGON, Broadway and Couch. WILLAMETTE GAS E.NGINE 'WORKS. Has taken over ths used car depart ment which was formerly operated by trie Bulier Motor Car Co. at 367 E. Burnside at.- E. P. Shoemaker, who waa employed by the Butier Motor Car Co.. will remain in business with the Willamette (Jus Engine works, ua)er ths management of J. A. Weber. We do oxyaceiylene we!dtng"and brazing, cylinder re-grinding, new piston and rings made, magneto, starter and carburetor adjusting and general machina worn- EAST 605. 1319 FORD roadster, with eitra deliTery box. 4 new tires. 1919 Ford touring, spot light, battery, bumper and other extras: looks like new. VJIH Paige touring: this car is in good nap and $;iwi less man maraet price. l!H0 Hoick roadster. lt'17 Hulrk roadster. ifcjn Dnriga roadster. 1U1!) Baby Grand roadster liHS Studebakcr touring, $025. 1917 Mnxwell, $o. PORTLAND USED CAR CO.. gin and Tavlor. Marshall 600. USED CAIt BARGAINS AT 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. 20 Furris. 2."l) lo i-i'lO. 1 Autos, $1W to $250. 4 Kilns. $200 lo $40O. 4 Maxwells. HI IS, .,.,0 to $0O. 1 Hodge. $70". I l-'ranklin. $7.0 I l.itiertv Six. 1!I!). $1250. 1 Font Truck, wltli body, $400. 1 Bulrk Truik. $60". 1 Stewart Trui-k. fIOO. l.ON'IJ HH.VA. FOU, SALE AUT0.VORILE. T-PASSEN-CRrt COl.E IN VERT GOOD CONDI TION. P. C STKTTLKR, J0O OREGON ST. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. T"!J BTJT OR SFTT.L AN ATTTO. WE KIKN1SH TUB MONEY. CI It f'LAN WILL t'LKASK YOU. URBUOX BONK & iiOHTlJAGE CO., 208 SELLLNG iJLDG. (2D 'LOOIL PER-IING Green Stuts with sperist nat ural liU-kory whrelw, clasay new top and side curtains, motomcter and spotlight. This job In California sells for $2MI0. Our prire $m."i0. If you admire the Stutz end can't quite reach a new one, you re safe here, as we rebuild all used 6tutz cars and sell them with the new car guarantee. Autorert Motor Sales Co., Stutz distributors. Tenth at Salmon. MOON TOURrNG CAR. Almost new. run but a few hundred miles. A beauty. Will sacrifice. Se this one. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 420-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6057. FOR BUG BUYERS Good, car In first cass running order, motor Just over hauled, good tires, sll ready to put bug body on. $150. liurry, as this won't laat N. PTTT ST., NEAR FLANDERS. OLDSMOBILE. ' $1500: this Is my own car, lust like Brew, all equipped with extras, first class condition. See this car and you will drive it away. Mr. Harper, 42a Henry btdff. HAYNKS SEDAN. Utis, 7-passenper, like new, with Weatinghouse shock absorbers, cord tires; a fine cnr. A. C. STEVENS. 1th and Washington Sik. Bdwy. 1614. 'ORD. 11116. touring, .;75. Rerently over hauled; starter, phock absorbers, speed ometer and other extras: am leaving city; A. M. to . P. M . ask for Rojr- fon. Speedwell garage. Evenings, Bdwy. 4o7!V WILL SELL 1917 7-passenger Studebaker in fir3t-class condition for $600 cash if taken this week or w ill take r ord as p.rt payment. Call after 5 In evening at 863 E. 25th St. or at 211 4th at. during nsv. HATNUS LIGHT SIX. 1918 series. 5-paisenger, five almost caw cord tires, motnmetcr and bumper. A. C. STEVENS. IRth and Washington Pts. Bdwy. 1614. 6-CYLINDER REO. Victoria top, Hoff wire wheels, one xtra with tire; spotlight, watermeter: ear newly overhauled- and painted, me chanically perfect; good tires ail around; a waeriflice for quick ?ale. East 4216. 1919 MAXWELL TOURING CAR. In splendid condition, new battery; cash or terms. Phone Vassise. East 5S1 or Tabor 3211. HUDSON TOURING CAR Runs as good as when it left tile farmry; has all cord tires, bumper. 1920 license, new uphol stering and Al In every way; a bargain. Oall Hackett, Marshall 360O. evenings. OK SALE by private owner. 1919 Chev rolet roadster, in excellent shape, driven 5600 miles; spotlight, extra tire, motor meter, bumper, oversize wheels, etc. Call at 1 P-eck Bldg. I'OR SALE By owner. 1919 Chevrolet roadster In excellent condition; driven 5w0 miies; extra tire, spotlight, moto meter, bumper, oversize wheel, etc. 601 Reck b!dg. HAY.VES LIGHT SIX. 7-passenger, in perfect condition. A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington Sts. Bdwy. 1614. PRACTICALLY new Paige 6 at a greatly reduced price, sacrifice for cash; leaving city; see -this one before buying else where. Marshall 2945. FORD delivery In A-l condition. All good tires. Special body. A real bargain at $425 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 19iS PAIGE 3-pasa.. new high-grade paint Joh: engine overhauled: cord tires: looks and runs like new: $450 rash, bat 10 mos. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. in the best of condition; good tires: a real bargain. $875. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. MAXWELL roadster In the best of condi tion. Good tires and good paint. Will sacrifice at $1)75 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. BABY GRAND Chevrol i touring car. In fine condition; will trade for Ford tour ing car. Call Main 7457. luis CHEVROLET touring, good mechani cal condition: can be seen at 930 East Tenth N. Woodlawn 2.187. 1918 CHEVROLET; A-1 : looks and runs like new: new tires; guaranteed; a snap. $.175. Tahor 1563. $750 Bl'ICK Six, five passenger, just over hauled. Down sick and need money. Inquire 1264 Division St. Tabor 1231. BY OWNER, 1917 Bulck ; this cannot be equaled for $950; A-l shape. Tabor 153.'. CHEVROLET touring. 1917. good paint, good tires. $.-.'; terms. 30 Grand ave. Norrh, near Burnside. S-PASS. DOIxSE for sale: will take Ford as part payment. 102 E. 18lh st. Phone fca-t 239. FOR SALE Chevrolet 4-90.. $t30, 5804 62d ave., end WS carllne. Call after 6 p. M. or Sunday forenoon. PRIVATE owner going ea.-t must Facrifice 1918 Mitchell 5-pass. touring. 554 Couch st. Broadway 2618. FORD roadster. A-l condHlon: god tires; Just painted; $400 cash. 500 . Hoy u a O. BLIASDALE LARGE STQCK OF USED CARS. Make your selection early; All standard makes. MAKE TOUR OWN TERMS. CALL AND LOOK THEM OVER. GET OUR PROPOSITION. CHEVROLET TOURING. In fine m cbajnical condition, b rood tires. . .$4 MAXWELL TOURING, rood tires, runs fine, rood paint ....$300 MAX'S ELL 1918. looks Ilka ew, 8 rood tires $060 BTJTCK LIGHT BIX. reflnlshed. 8 rood tires ;..$1100 STUTZ 1918, lS-valve, fiv-o cord tires, wire wheels, bumper and spotlight. owner must sell at once. HUDSON SUPER PIX. In perfect eon diuon, live good tires J4o DODGE BUIOK STUTZ OLDS ' CHANDLER WILLYS-KNIGHT MITCHELL SIX STUDEBAKER 40 other standard cars, prices from $300 to J0tX. C G. BLEASDALE. 630 Alder. Broadway 1832. USED CHEVROLET3 DO TOTJ KNOW thr mice on new cars has advanced an will again? BUT our used cars are sol to you Ht cost, and all our cars are I the PROPER CONDITION. We give you GOOD SERVICE and VALUE for your monev. besides maklna vou a feUH- STANTTAL SAVING. We do not buy to resell at profit. Our stock la the largest lu the city, tor WE ARB THE CHEVROLET AGENTS 1919 OHEVROLETS $875 $750 1918 CHEVROLET'S $575 $630 1917 OHEVROLETS $430 $500 TOURING CARS. ROADSTERS AND DELIVERIES. FIELDS MOTOR OAR CO. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and A Id or sta. Broadway 241 PRICES CUT ON ENTIRE USED CAR STOCK. Wo are preparing to move to our new building at Broadway and Everett and must reduce our used car stock before doing so. Wo have more than 40 cars to choose from, various makes. Mitchells, Clicvrolets. Overlands. Jordans, Ca.-rt and marty others; most of them over hauled, many of them repainted; all of them snaps at the price we are making. SPECIAL FOR TODAY. OVERLAND FOUR, model S."B. t brand new tires, three others in good sbapo. cut to $.0. No trades except on llgbt cars and at ngni prices. MITCHELL. LEWIS STA V ER CO., East Morrison and East First. New Cars, Broadway at Oak. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. 1919 PATTERSON. See this one. 1917 DODGE, 8-passenger, extra tire and spotlight. OVERLAND, AVpassenger. CADILLAC ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. FRANKLIN ROADSTER? first-class condition. cord tires, OVERLAND MODTL 90 ROADSTER. 1919 VELIE SEDAN. 90 par cent new, wire wheels. 191S BUICK ROADSTER. USED CAR PALACE. 1 UNION AVE. N. EAST T717. MUST SELL. Look Them Over and Make Offer. 1918 Hupp, new paint. 1917 Dodge, new paint and top. 1919 Case, tip-top shape. 1917 Chalmers, a bargain- 1919 Patterson, fine shape, cord, tlrea 1918 Liberty, as good as new. 1918 Overland chummy, class A. 1914 Overland, cheap for cash. 188 TENTH STREET. OPP. LIBRARY. WE HAA"E a number of rood buys in used cars; come in and look them over; the prices ara right, atid ao are the terms. HAMILTON MOTOR CO SO North Broadway. Bdwy. S606. 191$ DODGE TOURING. There is not much use u talk about this make car. as the name will explain itself, but this car is equipped with practically new tires and looks and runs like new; $T!0, easy terms, A-l ALTO WORKS A PAINTING COM G25 Alder at. DODGE TOURING ear. In A-l shape throughout, a real bargain, $750. 1918 COLE EIGHT, good shape, good tirea. STATES AUTO A TRUCK SALES, 430 Burnside St. TRADE IN YOUR OLD CAR. We will allow you what It la worth. Ten months' time on balance. . Drive home a car. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belmont st. Phone East 6057. IS BUICK ROADSTER. This is the latest model and is perfect car for lady. Has lots extras and run and looks like new. Plate glass In rear top. Low -price and $450 down, balance monthly, lets you ride away. 4" RED FRONT L'SED CAR COMPANY, 505 Alder st Phone 513-67. BABY GRAND ROADSTER. This is a beauty. Four new tire! Lata 1918 model. Don't miss this. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 6037. FORD TOURINGS. ROADSTERS. DELIVERIES. All at low prices and lonr terms that will please you; $150 down on any of them and you tell us how you can pay the bal. RED FRONT USED CAR CO, 500 Alder st. 1918 GRANT SIX. LOOKS LIKE A NEW CAR. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 563. JUST brlnr an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belmont st Phone East 0037. OVERLAND TOURING, GOOD SHAPE. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS I HAVE for sale Chevrolet tour, car, mo tor in wonderful condition, new top. all good: can arrange some terms. Call Marshall 216T WANTED A rood used motorcyclo as part payment on a rood used car. Bdwy. 3006. CARS OP THS BETTER KIND. 1919 NASH. 1918 OAKLAND TOURING. 1918 DODGE TOURING. 1917 BUICK FOUR TOURING. 1818 STUDEBAKER TOURING. 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING. ' FORDS FORDS FORDS. We also have many other cars to choose from. Our prices are light and will give terms to suit the buyer. RED CAP MOTOR SALES CO., 408 Stark St.. bet. 10th and 11th. Broadway 3961. AUTOS THAT ARE READY TO RUN. FORD ROADSTER, perfect $ 530 CHEVROLET, tirea 5-pasa.; Just 500 DODGE, 5-pass.; overhauled 800 1918 MAXWELL, 5-pass. 650 1918 MODEL 90 OVERLAND.';... 50 &LDS CHUMMY ROADSTER 1K0 FORD BUG. Just rebuilt ..i 400 SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUYS. Lonr Terms, Small Payment. NO BROKERAGE. CONLEY-S USED CAR CENTER. &11 Burnside at 15th su Phone Broadway 1424. GREAT BARGAIN. Chevrolet 1-ton truck, fine top and side curtains: equipped with pneumatic cord tires all around. Haa only been run little over 3000 miles. Will sonsider light touring car or roadater in trade; terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. CHEVROLET ROADSTER. 1916 model. In good shape. Highest oner takes tnis. a little oanoy. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont SU Phone East 6057. "5 OVERLAND TOURING 1550. This Is the licht four and has mads record for itself. This one Is like new refinished. novelty Joh and runs fine. Low price and take $225 down, balance RED FRONT USED CAR COM-PANY, 505 Alder st Phone 5I3-C.7. OVERLAND TOURING. A good bargain.. Self-starter, , . nr. it v. - i.i .. t.ic- lights. AUTO MOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont St. I'houe East 6057. ANOTHER GOOD BUT. STUDEBAKEit LIGHT DELIVERY. GOOD SHAPE. GOOD TIRES. 10O 1K5WN -$1750. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING. This little car is In exceptionally good shape, looks and runs likn a new car: 1920 license paid, for $53; terms to suit you. , A-l ALTO WORKS & PAINTING CO, 525 Alder st 1916 BABY GRAND TOURING. A good buy for tho money. Look this over. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belmont st. Phone East 6057. 1018 OLDSMOBILE 6 tooring. In fine eon dltion, for small payment down anfl monthly payments on balance; win guar antee this lowest price 6 In town. 631 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 2796. LATE MODEL ROADSTER $850. This is light, dependable four, light on gas and tires; runs and looks like Buick four. We will take $250 down, balance monthly. RED FRONT USED CAR COMPANY. 50.1 Alder st Phone 51B-67. ONE of those popular Country Club 4- passenger roadsters: wire wneeis. goon tires; looks ana is tine; terms, a. migiii; good buy. 53-1 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 2796. HOP aboard a trolley oar. Find how sort our payments aro. MYERS AUTO CO.. 18 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. LATE model Ford bus:. Packard style. Here's a bug that will stand alongHlde any of thetrr and a real buy at $oo0. Terms to suit. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING C, 525 Alder st. 188 GRAND AVE. On th east side of the river. Come over and pick ut a flivver. on OVERLAND TOURING K.75. This ono is first-class and runs and looks fine. We will show you. Some real car above. I.ow price and take $1 down. bal. monthly. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., 505 Alder St. Phone 513-67. CHANDLER CHUMMY. FINE CONDI TION. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRANT) AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. JUST bring an honoet faoo. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont st. Phono East 6057. 1918 7-PAiS. BUICK, FIVE CORD TIRES; $1700 BUY. OUR PRrCBJ $1350. MYERS AUTO CO.. 18 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. FORD BUG Best In town"and one that will make all the girls fall for you; top, windshield and curtains; terms. 531 ALDER 8T. BROADWAY 2786. BUICK C-25. ONE OF LIGHT FOURS; IN FINE- SHAPE; GOOD T1RBS. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. CASH OR TERMS. Just bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont st. Phone East 6057. LOOK 1917 Chevrolet, almost new tires and in the pink of condition. As far as the mechanical condition iroes lust like now in every way: $485. Ask for Mc USED CAR Dc.PT., 9th "-and Couch. 1918 CHEVROLET: GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION: 5 GOOD TIKES. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. JUST bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont st. Phone East 6057. 8 FORD ToVrING. STORAGE BAT TERY AND GENERATOR. NEW TOP. 'MYERS AUTU CO., 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6363. DODGE' TOURING CARS. Two of them and both aood bun: $260 down will handle either. 631 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 2786.. 1911 FIERCE-ARROW, MODEL 36. MYERS AUTO CO.. 18S GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. 1916 DODGE touring car, new tires, must sell this weeK. Main 305, ask for Lawler. 18 FORD, good shape, readv to m -o-n license: snap: terms. Tom, Bdwy. 4408 N. W. cor. 14th and Couch. CADILLAC touring. A-l mechanical con- ditlon. Will sell at $475 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. DOLCE" usuring, had best care, new top; good buy; st spot cash, owner. Broad- way 421. 215 Lumbermena bldg. LATE model Ford, bug; new top. good tires in At snspe, xorpeao oooy; a won darful bug. Call Main 2585. No dealers. OR SALE 1917 Maxwell. 5-pass.; extra wheel ana tire; zo. ti. u. Lyons, 603 919 MAXWELL roadster, like new. bargain, atarsnau mm. v. BARGAINS. THE SAME AS IF IT WAS WINTER 1916 Hudson Super-Six that ha been overhauled and repainted; also guar anteed bv ui the umt as a factory ruarantee $1150 1917 Hudson Super-Six. overhauled and repainted; 'also ruaranteed by ua the same as a factory vuaranlu on a new automobile $1400 101 Hudson Super-Six. all rne 0Ter' overhauled and repainted like new our ruarantee on it the same aa a fac tory'a guar an tee on a new car. . .$1750 Hudson Limousine, all In first-class con dition and our guarantee the same as a ractory guarantee on a new car. Chalmers Hot Tnot. ona of the late light six, ail in fine condition $1100 Liberty Chummy, all in Itrst-clas con dltion.. 1917 Chalmers Light Six. a great buy for only $600 1916 Hudson Light Six. flrst-clasi dition; cord tires, new top....... con .$890 1919 Maxwell. Ilka new $800 1918 Maxwell, first-class condition. .$650 1917 MaxwelL overhauled and repaln ed $47 C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington SL, Portland. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. D. a WARREN MOTOR CO.. 88-60 23d oL N. Main 780. SOME OF THE GOOD BUYS WB.NOW HAVE. 5-PASSENGER REO. solendid ton paint, tires and mechanical condition. 8 - CW.INDER OLDSMOBILE, new paint and splendid condition; a bargain at $suu. 6-CYLTNDER OVERLAND. 1918. pass., new paint and in swell shape; an other good buy, suu. 6-CYL1NDER SAXON, new paint and line shape, $600. CADILLAC J914, good condition and a good automobile. $ti5. 6-CYLINDER MITCHELL, a swell T passenger, new paint, in splendid shape, $11UU. 7U'P MOBILE, 6-passenger, like new, stou. 6-CYLTNDER, 1919, 5-passenger Velle, gweu condition, siou. 1917 BUICK, $S00. Besides these we have a fine line slightly used Velio cars in roadsters. touring and sedan types at reasonable prices. Be suro to investigate one of inese cars. , Wo eairy the finest line of used cars in tne city, it will pay you to look mem over. EVERY CAR WE SELL IS GUARANTEED. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. 1919 AUBURN BEAUTY SIX. 1919 OAKLAND TOERLVG. 1918 DODGE TOURING. 1917 BUICK FOUR TOURING. 1918 STUDEBAKER TOURING. .1917 CHEVROLET TOURING. FORDS FORDS FOR DS. Wo also have many other cars to choose from. Our prices are right and wili give terms to suit tne ouyer. RED CAR MOTOR SALES CO., 408 Stark St., bet. 10th and 11th. Broadway 3961. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1917 CHEVROLET $400 1917 CHEVROLET $450 1917 MAXWELL $475 1914 STUDEBAKER BUG $150 We have to vacate March 30 and are going out of tho used car business. These are real bargains. SEE THEM AT EAST 8TH AND HAWTHORNE AVE. USED FORDS. EXCLUSIVELY AH makes to select from. The largest stock of used Fords In the Northwest. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, 69-71-T8-75 Grand- Ave.. Corner Stark (Morgan-Atchley Bldg.) OPEN EVENINGS. 1918 PAIGE TOURING, $075. 1018 Studebaker touring 1920 Dodge roadster. 1910 Buick roadster. 1917 Velle touring. 1817 Dodge touring. 1917 Maxwell touring. 1818 Ford roadster, with extra box body, new tires. 1919 Ford touring, spot light, shock ab sorbers, battery and other extras; car looks like new. 1912 Cadillac delivery, panel body. 1817 Buick delivery, panel body. PORTLAND GARAGE, Used Car Department. Fifth and Taylor. -Marshi Marshall 600. OAKLANDS OAKLANDS. We have soma dandles. 1817 touting. $725; 1918 touring. $&50; 1918 touring. $985. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., '430-34 Belmont St. Phone Eaat 6057. WINTON SIX. . 7-passenger, has been reftnished, looks like new, also has new seat covers and victoria side curtains; we can save you money, if Interested in a high-grade car. A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington Sts. Bdwy. 1614. FORD DODGE HUP. . WB HAVE THEM. LOOK X'S UP. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. LIGHT 6 BUICK touring, run less than 10,000 miles; new paint; Job looks like brand new car; O. K. mechanically; good tires. Price $1100. with terms, 1-3 down. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. 1919 COLE 8, new paint, cord tires, some extraa. cash, terms or trade, -tsawy. 3tk)6. ONCE in a while a real bargain shows up. Here s one. Cadillac eight; six tires, motometer and lots of extras; out-of-town owner needing money says sell for $1750. 215 Tenth st. JUST BRING AN HONEST FACE. AU1VMU11VB LU., 430-434 BELMONT ST. EAST 6057. VELIE. 1919, 5-passenger, in excellent condi tion; tires all good, spare tire on rear. A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington Sts. Bdwy. 1614. 1919 LIBERTY SIX, speedster, cord tires. wire wneeis. ru w . aooo. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Just overhauled. new paint, guaranteea ana vw-aay serv ice given, runs and looks like new. $1660. Terms. 89-91 N. 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. 1918 LIBERTY SIX in Al condition; liberal terms, coi. oo.. SAVE DEALER'S PROFIT on used car. Chevrolet louring in a-x conaiuon. lor $400: terms. V 821. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Ford sedan. Al condition. ftsu casn. can o--" -m u o. r. do tween 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. LATE model Ford touring car for sale cheap at waicerieia music vo., si wash. sL Aak lor air. FUher after 1 P. JL HONEST VALUES NO BROKERAGE. On account of lack of space while moving into our new shop we will give the best of terms on small down pay ments. We have several high-grade used cars now on hand, such as PACKARD, new 8-pass. Twin 6, like $2100 1918 CADILLAC 8 3200 v PEERLESS 8, T-pass, 1919 model, almost new 2600 CADILLAC 8. 7-pass., good buy for 1750 COLE 8. 4-pass.. six wire wheels, new top, new paint. NASH 6, 5-pass., honest value 1350 SCRIPPS-BOOTH. 1919 6 roadster. . 1250 BUICK 6. 7-pass., model D-53 S50 STUDEBAKER little 6. 1919 model. 3 STUDEBAKERS. 4-cvL. nrlced from $4uo up to 630 CADILLAC '4-cl. 5-nass.. a good one C5$ OVERLAND 6, 7-paasenger 800 OVERLAND, model 75. Ilka new... 000 CHALMERS 6, 8-pass., new paint.. 630 BRISCOE roadster, 1919 modal 750 Your car aa part payment on any of our mgn-graue used, cava. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Tenth and Burnside Streets. ASK FOR JONES. " A REAL BUY. One 1918 Birlck 6, 7-passenger. in- Al running conaiuon; a real ouy; goou paint, good top. 2 good cord tires rear, front and spare are in very good shape. Terms. A SNAP. One Ford truck, chain drive, In best of health, needs no doctor to nx it up to bring In the bacon; It Is fully equipped In every respect; new body and cab, the very best that can be niaae. Terms. SOME SPECIAL. 1917 Hupmoblle, 5-passenger, In fine condition, good top and tires ana is & hear cat -for speed; If you are interested in a lluprnoibile, don't fail to get a ride in this car. Torms. t A BARGAIN. 1919 Maxwell, first-class shape all around, good tires, only driven 5000 miles. Tho bout buy of the season, terms. WILLAMETTE GAS ENGINE WORKS, 3t7 E. BURNSI-DK STREET, EAST 60a. Yes. Fords have gone up. but we have not raised our price on ours. Six days' trial. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15lh and Washington. STAGE CARS. Wo have some dandles that can be used on the highway and interurban runs. Can be bought on easy payments. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont su Phone East 6057. MODEL N HUrMOBII.E, NEW TIRES, SPOTLIGHT, HliMI'BK, wlMiiilllKI.U CLEANER, MOTORMETER, NEW EX TRA-MILK TIKK. - .MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6363. ELGIN SPORT MODEL. This Is a beauty. Four-passenger speedster. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont su Phone East 6057. IF YOU want good used Chevrolet, come to us; our prices are rlgnt ana we aro Interested in seeing you got a gooa ono. K1ELOS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and. Alder sts. Bdwy.. 240. FORD TOURING CAR 1395. This Is In good shape. A bargain. Reasonable terms. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont st. Phone East 6057. MODEL 90 OVERLAND ROADSTER, TN i't o -rv-vt uuAm.- T-'IVl.'.- ni Mil? TIRES. MYERS AUTO CO., 88 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. 1919 CHEVROLET roadster, run less than 4(MM miles, equipped with 4 cord tires, also spare tire and bumper; car Is nearly new: $630 caih. Car will be at Auto Rest Garauge today and tomorrow only. '19 FORD ROADSTER. MYERS AUTO CO., , 18$ GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. DODGE TOURING CAR. Cord tires, spotlight, good paint and top: A-l mechanically; will give some terms. Call Hackett. Marshall 3600. ORD tourlng,1915 model. In good me chanical condition; a real Dargain. id,u terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. RTTTDE BAKER 4. 1917 model, used prl vately; win sacririco at ti-a ana give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. DELIVERY car. good tlrei and top. This is a bargain ana win aemonstrats zor quick sale. $150 cash. 78 W. Park su, corner of Oak. Big Slock USED CARo. Prices right. CO. No misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR 1919 CHANDLER chujnmp roadster for sale by owner; wll consider a late Ford on part payment. Call 334 Lar abee st. CADILLAC, electric light and starter, now tires; car in excellent condition in every way; '$500 for quick sale; terms. Cook & Gill Co.. 11th and Burnside FRANKLIN $075. Six-cylinder, fine mechanical condi tion; ban be seen at 6427 E. 82d St. 6.. until P. M. Saturday. 'OR SALE or trade, one 1913 Reo, In first-class condition, tor 52jo. Apply Hemphill Trade school, 707 Hawthorne, or phone East 8008. ' CHALMERS 7-pass.. In excellent condition. original paint, siio tor quick sale; terms. Cook ft Gill. 11th and Burnside. FORD roadster, 1919 model, with extras; $-450 cash. Apply inaepenaent foundry Co., Kid and York sts.. city. 1917 FORD, lots of extras; terms. Ask lor lom. xu y. ..-tuo. , . hk. 4111 and Couch. f CHEVROLET. 1917, A-l condition; good tires; win wtrim-e, .i..u, witn terms. 39 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. ATE Oakland touring, mechanically per- reci; i.iin-c . "uv( .."u. 89-91 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS OR SALE at a discount, a credit on the OldsmoDiio rtwuicrM, i0r turtner nar ticulars AE 870. Oregonlan. AUBURN BEAUTY SIX. demonstrator, Tias been run mui.. vuuumon; terms If desired. AO 448. Oregonlan. FIVE passenger Chevrolet, must sell at once: - bargain for cash. Mr. Wilson Broadway 1572. or Woodlawn 3168. OVERLAND touring. 1916. In perfect con dition. Will sell at $575 and -give terms. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1917 CHALMERS, first-class shape, pes paint Job, car like new, $800. 89-01 N. BTH ST.. NEAR FLANDER8. 1819 BUICK six touring car, best condl- lion, run 2500 miles: leaving Portland; all cash; bargain. AH 74. Oregonlan. DODGE. 1920 license, ready to ro; easy terms; $676. Tom, Bdwy. 4406. N. W cor. 14th and Couch. 1918 FORD in A-l condition. Call Main 2924. BRAND new Ford coupe; terms. Tabor 5S6I. DODGE tourlnr. used privately two yeans: will sacrifice. East 3718. NEW Chevrolet; going east and must sell Kt once. BF 640. Oregonlan. 1916 FORD touring car. new tires. $.126. terms. Main street garage. 2d and Main. 1919 CHEVROLET, good condition. 8S50. phono 810-16. WB SELL TOU SATISFACTION. BIX DATS FREE TRIAL. Coma and nick nut vour car. Drive It six days and if you are not a satisfied customer wo will exchange it for any other car you wun. Dodge Tourlnr six days' trial. . Bulck Six six days' J5il. . Oakland Six six days' trial. Overland Model 90 six days' trl. Studebaker Six six days' trial. Chevrolet six days' trial. NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO BUT. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127. Lownsdaie. 13th and Washington USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS. LATE MODEL BUICK light six touring, runs use a new car. Terms 11 desired. East 2706, REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1919 LEXINGTONS. . Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms If Desired. . BRUNN MOTOR CAR- CO-28-30 North Broadway. Dodge touring, good condition. See tt at 15th and Washington. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. OVERLAND NINETY. Motor Just overhauled. Four nei tiredi Tho price will surprise you. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont SU Phone East 605T. A BUICK Six Is good enough for most any one. See this one at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, ' 15th and Washington. FOR SALE. New 1921) Maxwell louring car, run 1000 ml., can save you money, on terms, owner leaving city. PHONE BROADWAY 782. OK CALL AT 10a N. 21ST. $385 OVERLAND ROADSTER. Self-starter, electric lights. Tn good shape and a bargain. Not an old car. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont at. Phone East 6057. MITCHELL SIX The b.st bargain in i-ortiana. six tires, pot light, motor muter, mechanical tire pump. $90 worm of gas, runs fine and looks fine, all for $Nlit for quick sale. J. U. G. Morrison, iniltl Columbia blvd., E. St. Johns. NEW FORD PRICES MAKE ONE DIZZY. PON T DELAY; GET Ttl'MY. PICK OUT A USED LIZZY. MYERS ALTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6363. HUDSON super-six 7-passenger touting car in gooa cnnaition wnn goon paint ana fine cord tires, and will guarantee this car mechanically. Will sell and give terms. Phone Marshall J613. CASE touring car; full electric equipment, unscn mngneto, lor onlv si..n down. 331 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 2796. MAXWELL 5-passenger touring car.. This car U In good mechanical condition and has been repainted. Looks like a new car. Will sell at a bargain and give terms. Phone Marshall lll-Vl. apt. 42 I.AITE MODEL CHALMERS TOURING, new paint and top, runs perfectly. $230 down will handle. . Bdwy. 8606. NEW 1920 ft. G. Roadster Demonstra tor just broken in. spotlight, motor meter, windshield cleaner, weather strip, running board mats, extra cord tire, never on; splendid buy. K. 6524. 1918 MAXWELL In good mechanical con dition and Just repainted. Will sell thia car at a big bargain and give, terms Phone East 1962. 1919 FORD bug, torpedo body, top new tires, perfect condition; classiest bug in 89-91 N. 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS FORD SUDAN Best buy In Portland In -19 Ford sedan electric starter, spot light, bumper elc ' must sell Wednesday. Tabur 1157 ' PAIGE ROADSTER, like new at a are. I saving; easy terms. Bdwy. 3606 OVERLAND, model 80. S-paa a aodd depdable car and a safe buy; looks asy terma Mitchell Argo, Bdwy, 3281, MAXWELL, 1916, best of condition- new body; good tires; good paint- a re.i bargain at $475. with terms. 30 Gram! ave. North, near Burnside. "rauu l-j.o runi coupe, starter, wire wheels,' "pecisi brakes, pimrun perl f i r-M -,-J a . ., 7 ? ' Xlr - T'I.ei, ' -, 1916 Hupmoblle touring, fine condition. .-,' fc.i.aj.. fov, terms to responsible party. Phone Frank Smith. FRANKLIN, scries 7, cord tires, new paint. - - a v, m,. . mono olu-10. Automobiles Wanted. WE WANT eara Customers on our lists -j. ! 01 oars ana can make that mean mutiny to yOU. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. 831 Alder Street Broadway 2T96. WILL exchange high-grade, dividend-paying stock In old established companyvfor suivinupiie. eee owner, 802 Title & Trust Bldg. Main 4724 WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand ave. and East Stark st. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lnwniilul Mr S. W. Corner. 15th and Washington. WANTED l.lcht car .will n. ...u m....t. luuuainai securiuea Smith, 300 .. .....a .m, rancouver, Wasb. CASH FOR OLD STORAGE BATTERIES ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AND WASCO. WE ARE In ths maiket tor used cars Drive them In and- walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 623 Alder st WANTED To trade 1-ton truck, now tires. lirsi-ciass conaiuon. lor a Ford car Phone Bdwy. 453. 101 N. 11th st. FIVE-TON used aut- truca for logging Write O. Peyton Klamath Falls. Or. Motorcycles. SNAP Harley-Davldson, electrically equippeu, siue car, kudu conaiuon, gl'3d. Phone Broadway 2970, between 10 and 2 P. M. 1816 HARLEY-DA VIDSON, electric, tan dem, speenomeier; just overnauied. re painted. like new; $225. Bdwy. 331. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. ZU4--U0 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOR SALE 1 radiator, transmission, hood. frame. fnona . &044 evenings or Sunday IF YOU want to save wear on your anto or truck, see jonn ciemenson. 1 7th and Marshall. Phone Bdwy. 28. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouble snoot er, complete: cheap. Wm. Cook, rout A. box 93, Portland. Automobiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE, BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629, BROADWAY 2628. . AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage, 86 10th sL' Broadway 84(1. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 2.12. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 123S, ALTHOF A BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS, ARMY OARAGE, RD AND TAVLOR. MAIN 16S7. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, hopping, highway. JBroadnay iOlt. TRUCKS. Used trucks taken In en trsds for th Oldsmobile Economy Truck. READY TOR THE ROAD. ieiS REPUBLIC 8-ton. $830. 1918 REPUBLIC. K special. $1250; near ly new. WHITE DELIVERY, panel body, $4C8. 1917 DODGE DELIVERY, good, ITiO. 1817 REO SPEED WAGON, $650. FORD TRUCKS AND DELIVERIES AT YOUR OWN PRICK. LIBERAL TERMS. USED CAR DEPARTMENT, OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON, Broadway and Couch. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE. REBUILT PACKARD TRUCKS SOLD ON EASY TIME PAYMENTS. Packard. 3-ton, body and hoist. Packard, 4-ton. body and new hoist. Renurlllc.' 2-ton. nw tires. This Is 1918 model, bast buy (or tht money In town. White, ".-ton, express body, rood rubber. Also a Ford 1-ton. And several others on small down pay ments, balance easy terms. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burnside Streela ASK FOR JONES. FREE TRIAL ON MONEY-MA KING TRUCKS. Come In and choose your trucks. The are all overhauled. - Put It to work fo ten days. If you are not satisfied brln It back ani exchange it for any true in IHu house. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. i-ton Hepuhllc complete with body. top ana windshield; guaranteed. STtiU. li-ton Federal, overhauled. 18. 0. 1 ton Republic, covered cxpresa body 1 - 1-lon worm-drive Ford, eipresa body ana cab, suia. MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM LOW PRICES EASYTERMS. GRANNING TRKKCE, 612 Alder St., cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. TRUCK BARGAINS. ONE 1-TON PANIIARD TRUCK. . .$1200 ONE 114-TON FEDERAL TRUCK $1000 NEW 1-TON INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. NEW Hi-TON INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. BOTH OF THESE NEW TRUCKS ARE 10 PER CENT' BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. SEE THEM AT EAST 8TII AND HAWTHORNE AVE. 1-TOX STERLING, good condition, elec trie lights. 5 good tires, extia rim, new curtains; $900. terms. '17 Maxwell. 6 $53u, terms. passenger, bargain '19 Dort, 8 passenger, Ilk new; $806, lerms. GARY COAST AGENCY, INC.. 71 Broadway. Broadway 210! WANTED .Hj-ton body for double truck. with damp shirt road Job, open about April 1st lasting until winter truck for sale, price and terms reason- at'lu. Call Purdy. Tabur 1344, evetnngk I to v 0 CI0IK. 2U-TOX truck, first-class condition. 1919 mode4, will sell $2."0 equity In same for $70l: equipped Willi Fret. line and IH-'n license, equipped wltn body, rnnnfl r. 4126, room 16, 2b3Vj Grand ave. Mrs. Brewer a MASTER 2-ton truck, used oniy 1 month In perfect shape. Will sell at a big re duction and take a good touring car as part payment. Bert C, Shipley, Hills- boro, or. Phone su. liNK-'l'ON FORD TRUCK. rhsln drlv sacrificing or may consider light touring car In trade. Call at 20J Vs irsi Main 73 1. o.tov c. Jt G. truck. Pone-Hsrtford mo tor. all new tires, In excellent condition every way. A snap for $S00. Cook Gill. 11th and Burnside A SNAP. 84-ton O. M. C, perfect condition. nsed only six montna nenwooq nv. 5-TON PACKARD truck, dump body and hoist, only run 4000 miles, 46u0, terms. AP 180, Oregonlan. For SALE X-ton G. M. C. truck, nearly new. wain oo.i-. i-TO.V Republic truck, bought last year. Can be seen at 13 Union av. GARAGES, WANTED To buy a acennd-hand portable garage. Call Tabor 2i02. Al'TO REPAIRING. FORD OWNERS. Twelva years' experience on Fords per mils us to offer you a repair servlcs that cannot be beaten; price very rraifonauic. Try ua Temporary headquarters. 3 GRAND AVE. NORTH. WANTED MIMCKLLAXEOra. UP TO $2. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. W:e pay any price for men's clothea OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 21 SL. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 8344. $S 50 UP TO $25 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICK FOR ME.VS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 2454 BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY EIJIB. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. ' We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timsrs are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mall, the American Brokerage, 405 Spalding tildg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wash. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 4ip for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price tor your goods. 167 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. FRESH EGGS WANTED. We pay a premium for white hens' eggs: if you can ship a case twice a week write MUTUAL CREAMERY CO.. Portland. Or. JUNK WANTED JUNK. Full value paid for all kinds of raga We buy old clothes, tools and furniture. Highest price paid. Call Main 734. WANTED Will pay cash for second-hand safe; give use insiae, aaareas ana pnvuv. AO 364. Oregonlan. A LARGE ICE CHEST, suitable for dell- catcssen, anoul sov ids. ios in gooa snaps. AE 11. Oregonlan. WANTED Paaluro for 50 head of good Cotswold sheep; will lei out. on snarea Address R. F. P. 8. Box 130. Halem. Or. WANTED to rent or lease, a 85 or 40 H. P. traction engins. inquire ua norm Olympic st.. 8t- Johns.1- H. A. Tlerney. SHOTGUN.. RIFLES. TOOLS. BICYCLES BOUGHT, HOLD AND (,AI.1IAJUI.II. Tabor 7R; Main s413. 128 First. WE will buy yourjold typewriters and pay you eauh. Oregon Typewriter Co., ft4 6th. HIGHEST KPOT CASH prices psld for dla. monds. Dsn Man A Co.. 2i3 Wash, st. WANTED A transit. Tabor 8S34 after 1 p. M. WANTED To buy, good used baoy sulker. Call Tabor 0752. OLD-GROWTH fir wood wanted on rook road; stats price. BC HJ. oregonian. DIAMONDS BOTJCTTl, I TTAVT! I6A.06S) TO EYVKdT IN DIAMONDS, I pay fall vwlne la cash for asy diamonds. Nothing too sman or ton big. call and see Mr. Randolph and get full markst value. Aie old gold, silver, Piatlnum, Jeweliji. precious stones bought for cash, LIBERTY BONDS CARIIEXX GEORGES RANDOLPH. Diamond Itruker. M Spalding Uliig., 4th Hoot. $1.' 50 TO $:.'' TOR SECOND-HAND HL'ITS AND i(V HKCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TTl.OR. He psa mots liiau anyoue lu lbs oily for suns, overcoats and phora. . Ths Madison Cleaners and Tailor. Call Marshall 122H, or Madison at. naar 3d st. Will tall anywhsr la tne city, day or evening. KURS. Kl UK. Fl'im. Cleaning and alterations anv descrip tion. Use I Kram-s fur dressing for Summer and asve $liio. Ft, nsnna'ils prlcte. I.A FRANCE l i lt MHI. CO.. 13 W. l ark., bet. Hon-ima and Vamhl'L Main l'.2. Kumlliira Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS . WANTED. W want your used furnltura, rugs, carpels, stoves, and all household goods, ami will Pay the highest cash prica OCR THREE LARCH STORES enable ua to dispose of thsso goods st once, and therefore wa caa pay tha TOP MARKET PRICES. . Wt alas buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tenia bl cycles, typewriters, sdding ma chines, and store snd offws fur niture, ft hsn you have anything to buy, sell or trads, CALL MAIN 9071. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 221-223-215 Front EL MARSHALL 898L GKVURTZ FURNITURE CO, WE BUY TOI'R HOUSEHOLD FUR NITI'IIK FOR SpllT AMI. Al l, CALL ATTENDED To SAME DAY; HlGHKM" PRICES PA III. WE A It hi Til II OI.I. EST, MUST RELIABLE lloLsli Ol' Ulli KIND IN I'ORI'I.AND. li FIRST ST, TllONE MARSHALL 8981. CALL MAIN B'W IMMEDIATELY. WK PAY THE linillllsr CASH rnii KH EVER PAID 11 V ANYONE IV TIIE CITY FOR fUUSIIUHK, CAR PETS. ETC. Ycil'lt CALL WILL Tin ING THO BUYER WITH THE 11iNKY. KLINE Kl R.vnritK I'll., 192 FlUsT ST. NKAK TAYLOR. l 4N ;;oi. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PniCB FOR I 'HE I FlltNITinL. CALL EAST H7 AS si. cult MR. Oil $1 ANDY. 1 WANT Yt'l'H KUHNrrritl",. I AI'.PET". snrM, I-, iv,. mi Miii- hit a:vi WILL PAY MURE TlltN OTIII.lt I.imAI. DEALERS. A I'linNK CM. I. WILL BRING 111 YER ATiiNi'K Villn WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 477.1. BE HI'lIK AND LET I S SEE your furiiltiuo and lousi-liold goods be fore nu sell. We an-, In the niaiki-l for sme and will PJ y lill.-li.-st pri, PORTLAND FUli.NII l UK E.V HAN'iiK, iih Klri.t St. Main li.'s. I WANT ur-ed furniture; rali will he pan) fur siovi-s snd rans-a and all kinds of hsosi-hold gmids. l ail us for one arllne or a house full, and a ronineieni, f-,,tlrt, pus hil)r all all. Marnlmll '.'Ulli. Crown. CALL MAIN M7 We pay the InsheM prices for used furnilule. ere us ln-r.ire ) mi sell. CALL UNITED KI'RMTl'KU bi'OIlK M A I N 7S WE NEK1K HECD.ND-IIAVK H'ltMII HH Ol.any iiei'ripi ion . im e in r.-a'IV I'Mnll. I'linno to'luy. Main tn:'7 or Dm Klin bi. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all pi,, ml n nmisenoiii gooa. I m-irio i o.ii I-or. -ariling Co., Illh and Hull. ItilMy 7n t. Ji .USEHill.ll l-'CRN I II ll E WA.VIUli Wll.l. I'A V t AMI MMN .11'12 WANTED-Used fuinllura. V ill ! best prices. Main rii. HELP WANTKIe MALE. WANTED. FUR VII 1. I P COLUMBIA RIVER. 2 luNlilKlth, I SETTER. 2 I.A III 'REUS. CONSTRUCTS "N M I LEW RIGHT, APPLY 1117 II. UN III.DG. BOY WANTrrt Brlcht, eni-raetli' h. over 14. willing to work; opP'Tlunlty to learn R. R. M- -counting; $io p-r month. Apply so$ Wclii rargu building. . YOUNG man, not und'-r 2-1 cam of iii tn quality si ailiufior lor im-nirr nran. i of large lire me nil fact urtli R cniii-rrn; must have pome the etperlenca and ho. aide lo handls ths public; give reference and salary il.-elred. AC fiul, Orcgonis tu VVANTEli Clean young fellow over 1$. In- divtrioii and energetic, lo work In coat room and make himself otherwise y.o ful: good salary and two nu-ais o-r ilaf II you are roiiipctviiL Ulilvsraity Cluo. 275 Sixth St. YOUNG MAN, 1$ nr !. riperisncsd. t work In market and deliver: ens lltnr In Hawthorne dmlrlct preferred. A L SS2. Ort'gonlan. ENERGETIC young mnn without depris dents; Kuuu clnilice to learn autninoin la LUMlneea. Apply .VaiweJi Motor Sales Corp., 3d and Oregon. FOR SALE Cheap, manulaelurlng plant tcettient wailitutis), doing st-risivs dull ness: everything complete. Investlsst. Ro your own boi-s. O ti, Oregon MA X who 1 anibliloun mid will apply him I ; -.V-Hf to a naw buinra n hfro, Uir U i - ' f ic oDDortutmy ir iiiunaiiii tuvunc-r i - jofit. AO .V.J. r(rniimn. 2 ' WANTKP Kirirt-rlani i b$rlT to to Km- f ' ' nitL Idaho- I .to nr wick. At; r wi k , Anond nmri t , . will mjrriy inK . Appiy . iffiiv. EtvTtg-r HarlT ffiiprlr '" WANTED Janitor. pIiirIa. nih.ll-M man prefnrri. Apply dU juimo iiuiui Viitirnti ver, Wiion. AIAN with or without dragHSW to cut cord wood, call teii. is neiore lu a. m. or R.lwy. liCi? after 7 P. M. WANT. ''- Ktr1'iVn bttk?f on brrnd ani ciik. f t" rr $t. boara ana rin. MAN COOK wanted, onf who nan put out dinnora aau anon oraera. au ihv, urt g.mlan. NM xprlrn-irt cutoff pAw operator and boy offNrm over J year?. Appir ' iron Hox Mfg- Co., 1144 Murailnm ronl. ANTKI S or 4 tffima of hnmm to do loirfflnjr. alther by dav or contract; cloaa In. Huttn & Oak, M. Cmnh. EEKEIt for platen printing preiw. Co lumbia Paper uoa to, saai .Jia ana Hnllsilay. . AN who bellsves In himself and knnww he Is not getting ss mncn lor nis srvicra ss they are worth. AW 4. Oregonlan. LEARN the vulcanising buslnasa Call aw writs j 11 r.. liroaaway. ANTED Hovs over IS with bicyolea, Postal Telegraph '', 12) Third st. WANTED A stenographer, also a typUk Apply room 412 Welln-Kargo bldg. BARKER wanted for Saturday, good guar antee. 2JI4 It. MARRIED man to work aa farm, Hroadws y bldg 1 US HA 1'KRI MNCKI anlomobile washer want ed. Apply am lath st. WANTED Experienced auto mochenio and floor miii. $42 Alder st. BARBER wanted for Halurday. god Burn side st. NIGHT janitor. Park st. Apply $1 l'lalt bldg. UT i BET of fallera and bucklers. 714 Com a bldg Htesdy work. BA RUHR wanted. Oregonian shop. 112 , futth. BAT1RKR wantad for HniuriUv; non-union. Wares guaranteed. Co MorriMin e. WANTED Ws. her f.r night shift. Wsber l garage. V00 tielmoau t I. " V w ' .. M 0 . r; r p a - . f