0 16 THE MORMXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MARC1T 19, 1920 mum rmwaymi LUUIIb IIIIIL.IIIII lllllll GETS HIGHER RANK! A. D. Charlton Promoted to General Passenger Agent. WIDE JURISDICTION GIVEN Northern Pacific Official Identi fied Many Years With Portland, to Have Ileadquurtcrs Here. Announcement has just been made from St. Paul of the promotion of A. D. Charlton to the position of general passenger agent of the North ern Pacific railroad, with headquar ters at Portland and having jurisdic tion over passenger business of the lines west of Paradise. Mont. Per sonnel of the greater part of the new alignment under the direction of J. G. Woodworth. vice-president in charge of traffic, has been previously pub lished. J. B. Baird is freight traffic manager; A. M. Cleland, passenger traffic manager; Henry Blakeley, general freight agent; A. Tingling, general freight agent with headquar lrs at Seattle, and F. H. Fogarty, as sistant general freight agent with headquarters at Portland. C. R. L.on ergan, assistant general freight and passenger agent at Spokane, is named assistant to the vice-president, in iharge of traffic with headquarters at St. Paul. Freight Rooms Brine Added. General offices of the traffic de partment will be located in the Spald ing building, where the passenger department has been since the es tablishment of the consolidated ticket office.' Rooms will be added to pro vide space for the freight department. A. D. Charlton is the dean of the passenger traffic officials of the com pany and of Portland. He has been with the Northern Pacific since the establishment of the office here 36 years ago, and has had an active part in the civic life of the cvnmunity from the time Portland was a town of 30.000 population, with the fir trees standing where important sections of the city have since been built. He has conducted a goodly number of presi dents over the western lines of the system and remained diligently at his post through many administrations, in cluding two receiverships and the pe riod of federal control. When the gov ernment took over the railroads and the north Pacific coast passenger traffic committee was formed he was made chairman. Under the direction of the committee the five consolidated ticket offices at Portland. Seattle. Tacoma, Brfmerton and Spokane were estab lished and have been handled in a manner that has commanded the fa- vorablo comment of traffic officials I and has seemed to be satisfactory to the public. Control I'oTfri I.Mr are Territory. In his official capacity with the company the territory under Mr. Charlton's control has included Cali fornia and Alaska, in addition to the Pacific northwest states touched by at- : e ai n - J ,-., . . ,....,.,. r fl N Snlitlt merchant, was served pomtment as Bcneral passenger agcnrfwitn W1)rrants vesterdav after is a recognition of Portland as the! , ; . ... a ci i. i 4 ii. . 'sai i hi iii tnivi i i .iit; ay mfiit quite as much as it Is a tribute to the ability of the official whose efficient service has been so lonjr continuously devoted to the interests of the rail road TKAI'FIC LKAGIK SEEKS NEW FREIGHT TARIFF PI.AXS. Regional Charges, InterchaiiRe Between Rail and Water I.inc Among Recommendation. ST. IAUIS. March IS. Regional railroad freight rates, joint water and rail rates and interchange of traffic on ween raw ana water nnes were ae- manded today at the sprine conven-I - .. . , . , l league, in session here. A resolution was adopted calling on the interstate commerce commission to consider the railroads of the coun try as in three divisions, the southern, eastern and western, in making freight rate adjustments. The resolution recommended that in estimating the rate of income on rail road property all Investments not used in the actual operation of the roads be excluded. It will be presented to the commis sion Monday, when the railroad offi cials are heard on rate changes. Continuation of the present con solidation of express companies or any consolidation that tends to lessen competition, was opposed in a report made. The executive committee, in its re port, favored joint water and rail rates and asked the government tolscinS repairs at the Wilson shipyard i compel the railways to interchange i at traffic with water lines the same as among themselves. The report, how ever, declared for free competition of boat operators without interference of federal or state bodies in the regu lation of their rates. TRAINS CHANGED BACK Great Northern Service al I'nion Station I- Resumed. Tuesday and Wednesday trains of the Great Northern railway arrived I and departed from the North Bank ( station. Yesterday service was re-i Htimcd from the union station and ; of will be continued from that terminal. 1 Th change was made Tuesday in ac-I cordance with an order for resump- I tion of operation as it existed he'ore i the begin-ning oT federal control, but J of was returned to the union station for the convenience of the public. The ! transfer of passengers and baggage j between the two stations was an an- noyance and where connecting trains tailed to catch automobile thieves were slightly belated comina in on an(i work on cases of stolen automo other lines compelled a layover that , biles beginning April 1. according to could be averted where the change ; announcement made yesterday by could be made from one train to the chief of Police Jenkins. At present other on the same platform. . W. the department has four men working Meldrum. assistant general passenger j on -uch cases. ag-eni or me ureal .ortnern. was after the change of service. The union station timecard changed. was not I ,it,ii..., ... , , , v TRADE INVASION N S GHT I nnuu lis nwtuil ill giUIII I , Mcroliants of Salt I.ak Cily May Kntr Portland Territory. t Salt Lake City will make the first bid for extension of trade into the competitive territory of Portland, ac cording to reports from Nampa and Boise. It is said the business men of the Utah metropolis and Ogden are ( going to join in running a special ex- i I curaion train that will make stops at all the principal trade centers in Idaho and may come as farsas some of the eastern Oregon towns. This excur sion is to take place in April, accord ing to the Information brought to i Portland by Idaho men this week. Plan iha t.ln ff th Portland' Chamber of Commerce into Idaho are before the excursion committee. Def inite decision as to when it will be made is expected soon. Some busi ness men had hoped to, have it early in April in order to prevent an in-' definite delay. The merchants of the trade centers to be visited are anxious to meet Portland business men in ; their own borne towns, several of : them having called at the chamber within the past few days, while others have sent letters urging that the trip take place during the first half of April. DR. LOVEJOY GOES EAST Address Before Medical Society Canceled by Call to Wasliineton. Dr. Esther C. Lovejoy, who was on the programme of the City and County Medical society for an address Wednesday night, failed to put in an appearance and, instead, announce ment was made that she had been summoned to Washington, IX C, in connection with her work with the American Red ('rose. 'Or. Lovejoy left for Washington ill response to an urgent call in con nection with the work In which she has been engaged for the past two years, said Dr. A. .1. Browning. "She will confer with others in regard to her future activities in this connec tion." Dr. iTovejoy had been in Portland, her home city, for about 10 days, dur ing which time she made announce ment that she will be a democratic candidate for congress from the lid Oregon district, comprising Multno- ?nah county. CHARGES INVOLVE SHED i. X. Sinilh. .Mcrrlianl. Served Willi To Warrant. shed without a permit and with us inir combustible material in his build ins riuitrar- to the city ordinance. He was released on his own recogni zance and will be (riven a hearing in the municipal court todny. Smith is said to have rebuilt a shed 25 feet by 60 feet at lllTi North Third street without obtaining: a permit for such construction work. He is also said to have covered the roof of the shed with other than non-combustible material. Charge. against Smith were pre ferred by (J. I,. Thornton of the city building department. REPUBLICANS TO GATHER Clarke County, aliinlon. I'on venlion l He Held April I". VANOlUVKlt. Wash.. March IS. ( Special.)-,-For the first time in four ' years the republicans of Clarke countv win cather in convention here , .L. . , . . , . in me county court ntiuwt; hi iu M., April 17. At this convention 2 delegates will be elected to attend the republican state convention to be held in Kellingham April 27 to nominate presidential electors. Of the 200 delegates to attend the county convention here April 17, Van couver will have 6S. Those going to the state convention must pay their own expenses on the trip. WORK ON DIKE RESUMED KeNo Dislritls Reelaimins Land Along River Hanks. KKI.SO. Wash.. March IS. (Spe-j cial.) The large dredge of diking) district No. 1. which has been under- ! Astoria, was orousm up me o luinbia yesterday and is building a i short piece of dike for district No. 10. ; west of Kelso. In a few days it will j he taken to district No. ri. near Wood- t land, where it will resume diking j operations. It will continue on that job till the project is completed. Cheatham & Sons recently moved a second land digger to the district No. 5 project, and upon the completion of district j's own dredge four ma chines will be in operation on that diking project. Community Service Clas lo .Meel. The newly organized class physical training and military drill' i the Community Service Girls' club will meet tonight at o'clock in tne armory. There is still room for a few more girls. The class is free. I I.ioiitcnimt r. 1. Hail is the director the class. Tlirei' More Votive Hi-titiltnl. Three more policemen will be do- Lr. Ki-nest Martin Hopkins, presi- I dent of Dartmouth college, will speak . on "Ktiucation and Democracy" al the , weekly luncheon of the Oregon Civic! league at the Hotel Benson at noon , . ... u.., ;.. . swuiu.;. ......to ; be made by calling Main 421. " TOO IjTK TO CLASSIFY. NIGHT MAN wanted l Garage, corner 10th. answered. I East Burnside No phone- calls j .1 FORD bus:. B. & M. body, motor in good rendition: 4 good tires. tea Mr, TwLr smae- Taylor. Mar. I Portland garage, 5th and 60U. i f : I -Si? : vf 7 i ! isS : t ldT'" I ft-iiifirffo&r-i-lfimffiifttitf w-'-hrftiiirrinvrrf A. I). Charlton. , .a AMUSEMENTS. H "THE MIKADO' TONIGHT,) Tickets Now Selling. I LTIJTT Tf Broadway at Taylor LlEjLLtlj phone: main i GALLO ENGLISH (COMIC) OPERA CO. SENSATIONAL JAPANESE PRIMA DONNA . HANA SHIMOZUMI. POPULAR OPERATIC COMEDIAN JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS I EXCELLENT! I CAST I SPLKDID I t'HOIllS I OPERATIC ORCHESTRA DIRECTION MAX BENDIX TONIGHT, 8:15 t;lLUEKT AND SILLIVA.VS "THE MIKADO" SPECIAL PHICK MAT. TOMORROW, a-.lS, "H. M. S. Pinafore' SAT. EYE., "THE GONDOLIERS" EVE'S Floor, 2.!i0. 3 rows J2; Balcony, 5 rows $2. 4 at $1.50, 13 at $1; Gallery, 7 rows reserved at 75c. SPECIAL PRICK SAT. MAT. Floor, 12; Balcony, 5 at $1.50, 13 at $1; Gallery, 7 reserved at 75u. Tonight Ail Week. Mats Wed.. Sat. ALC A ZAR In the Hilarious Musical Comedy. "Girls Will Be Girls" With Mabel VVilber & 40 Flayers.' Next "The Quaker tiirL" 1 BAKER STOCK COMPANY Tonight. All Hrrk. Mats. Wed.. Sat. Moftt (torgeous teeni4T I'mduction iq THK TK.AII. OK THE LONESOME TINK The Wonder Kla- ut Them AIL Next Week "REMNANT." pANTAGEij MAT OAII.Y 3:30 Ted Shawn lreenti THE DEM.NHAWN IANC'ERS, in "Jl I.N AK Oh' THK SKA." Vaudevillr't Mttnt 4nrireout rroduction Batted on an Kpimxlc rrnm "The Arabian iht. SIX OTHKR BIG ACTS. Three Performances T'Hily. Nisht Curtain at 7 and St. THE BESTf IN VAUOEVILLI 3 NhthlH. Hun.. !". lo $1.25; Moo., lues.. 15c to CI. 4 Mats., Sun., Mon Tur., Wed.. I5r to 7 .K FOUR MARX BROTHERS BabU. l-y nu it II tm land, lien K. Beno.v, O'DONNELL & BLAIR I.Uf-aN X: Inez. Mn honey & Aitliiirn, Kinosrani Kclnive, ToplcN uf Itt.v. ALEXANDER KIDS 'thin Nhnw t'firN Mi fit the Matinee MedneNday. Mar. 24. LYRIC Ml SICAI. HTOCK Mai. Daily at 2. Mchls at 1 and 8. It'iK Uouhle Bill Thlt. Week. The HilnrioiiH MiimicmI Comedy. 1A1III.V AFFAIRS, and 1 Chorus , HARI.1KCHAPI.IN I (,irt' In Hi I.alewt Film Srream, I CnntCNt A lAV OF 1'LKASl KK. I TmiKht. GLOBE WASHINGTON AT 11TH ST. ELSIE FERGUSON "COUNTERFEIT" B1SNSON .ILIUM DANCE III It I, AUK HALL TONIGHT. ACCTION PALES TODAY At Wilson's Auction House. 10 A. Furniture. ll!!-71 .Second St. Kuten for Classified advertisements In Ths Oregonian. Daily and Sunday- I'er tine One lime Two contieriitive time -2c Three tunwertitive tiniew X Sepn cnoMWiitlve times 63 The rullowinr clarifications eicepted. the rule of which In "c mt line per day: Situation Wanted Mtile. Situations Wanted Female. So ad taken for lew than two lines, twunt ix word to the line. Advertifcemeota (exeept "PeroD utn'' aiiti .itUHl'Kii Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the adver iifter i- a HtiUtecrtber tit either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but tutf mcntH wri ht rendcrcl the follouinff day. Advert ihemnl are ta .en to. I Uf 'aii lrcoiua until ;:30 P. M.; for Ttie Sunda rejfonian i itttl U I M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A M. to 5 P. M Thu society has full chartre of the city poling at its home. 3o Columbia boule- ; varil I'hone any time. Woodlawn 764. ! Dois for sale. Horse ambulance for ! sick or disabled horses. Small animals j painlessly electrocuted where neces- sarv. and stray animals cared for.. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc., I picked up free of charEe DIED. BI'P.XTRAOKR In Spokane.- Wash.. March 111 Harold T. LuriilraKer, aired .",:! years. Husband of Mrs. Helen Hurutraser, of Unlit E. 11th st. Announcement of fune ral later by the Erirson Undertaking HjTf - jtES - In this city, March IS. Noah D. "uhes. nee C.4 years. Funeral notice later. Remains ere at the residential parlors oi Miller & Tracey. JA RD1S At Salen,. Or.. March IS. myo. Henrietta F. Jardis, aged o4 years. Re- maln, at the Holsian funeral parlors. v0tioe of funeral later. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS S6 4th at., Opp. City Hall. Ncn Bros. IO BLAESING GRANITE CO. . fLr THIHDAT MADISON TfggTj CEETINQ NOTICES. ' MULTNOMAH CAMP No. .7. W. O. W.. 112 E 6th at., Friday night. March 3. at 8 o'clock. Nomina tion of delegates to Head Camp Session, also to Dis trict Convention. Visiting members welcome. J. O. WILSON. Clerk. PORTLAND AERIE NO. 4, FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES Meets every Friday evening in Eagles' hall. Third and Madison iu. H. E. MILLER, Secretary. - DANCE GIVEN BY GCL REAZEE GROTTO Every prophet is requested to be present at our "lfard times" party this l Friday) even ing. March 19. at Chrlsten sen's hall. 11th and !; hill. All Masons and tiiMr friends cordially invtled. Prizes tor best costumes. SUNNYSIDE CHAPTER. V. V.. R. A. M. Called convocation tonight at 7:30. Work on M. E. N. degree. Visitors wel come. By order of E. H. P. W. J. BRKCKBL, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 53. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening, 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Visiting brethren welcome. H. J. HOUGHTON. Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Friday) evening, 7 o'clock. East 8th and Burnside. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. G. H. RICHMOND. Sec. SELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 131, A. F. A'll A. M. Special meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. XO. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication ibis (Friday) evening, .-vvaicn jw, at .1 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visitiing brethren welcome. G. W. COOK, Sec. ROSE C1TV CHAPTER. NO. &ii ri v. communi cation this (Friday) evening. 8 o'clock. Pythian Temple. West Park and Yamhill. Social. Vis itors welcome. By order of V. M. M. E. HOWATSON. Sec. Regular meeting this i Frl- davl evenine at 7 :"U o clock at Oddfellows' Temple. Alder st. work In the tnira degree. Isitors welcome. VLUUT. j Pi COXON. Rec. Sec. WHKRE TO DANCE. Cotillion hall, or Broadway hall. Port lund'a distinctive dancinjr pavilions. Al- wavs the best crowds ami the best dances. Public invited every week night. WEB FOOT CAMP NO. 65. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday nirtat at W. O. W. temple. 1-8 11th street. All memberii welcome. Kum w Kamp Friday eight. a L. oAKoua. jiera, EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 0th et. FRIKDLAXDER'S class pins and medals. or lodge emblems. 310 ashfngton st FLNKRA1. NOTICES. SINNOTT In this city, March 1G. Koeer B. Sinnott. hkq 4 1 year?, husband of irtrude I. Sinnott of Portland, and brother of . .1. tfinnott of The Dallas Or. Th; funeral cortege will leave Kin- Ify'n. Montgomery at Fifth, nt 10 o'clock Sa 1 1 J r d a y A. M . , a n d pre tree d to St. M try's cathedral. Kith and Davis stf. where solemn rpauicm mass will he cele brafd at 10::u. Krienda invited. The n'in a i ns will n forwa rded Monriay, March '22, to The Dalles. Or., w h e re interment will be made in the family plot. t , RAMS K Y In this ciiv. March IS. Karl Hoi brook Ramsev. agVd ! yrars 1 month and S days. He i o v"d son of D r. and Mrs. A. liamey. brother of 'harlps A. and Howard Vern Kam.soy and Mrs. L. J. spanioi. alt of this city. Deceased was a returned soldier, having nerved oerseap for two years. The funeral st vires will be held from the conserva tory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder st.. tomorrow iSmur dny, March -'o. at 10 A. M. Friend in vited. Interment in Mt. Scott Park rcnu'tcry. RKKI)--At the residence. .".02 K. 21st St., M m il 17. UJ0. Kmma A. Reed, widow uf the lat" Frd Reed, sister of Mrs. Steven 'of fin; Mrs. C. K. Howlett d Kob-Tt Chambers of Portland. Or.: Mrs. Charles Allen of Dallas, Or., and Lean der Chambers of Aurora. Or. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at '1 P. M today (Friday,, March l!r'0. at the Portland crematorium. Remains at Mnlman'fl funeral rarlors. Third and Salmon t3. BARD In this city March 1 fi, Richard Karl Bard, aged ;7 years, husband of Kmily K. Bnrd of 3W Russell st. The remains will be forwarded .Saturday, March J0, by .1. P. Finley & Son. to Oakland, Or., where services will be held and Interment made. The deceased was a member of St. Helens Lodge No. o'J, A. F. and A. M. CROtt'LBY In thW city, March 17. 1020, Ami;-. M. Crow tey, age 81 years, widow of the late Dennis V. Crowley. Funeral from Holni.tn's funeral parlors at M A. M Saturday. March 20. thence to St. Mary's cathedral. l."th and Davis sts.. where requiem made will be offered at 9:30 A. M. Friends invited, inter ment Mount Calvary cemetery. BROADHURST At the residence. 184 West Russet t St., March 17, 1120, Lu- cind.i Broadhurst. age 82 years, beloved mother of Carrie v. west and Mejvin Hroa.fl hurst. Friends Invited to attend tin" funeral services at 2 P. M. today (Friday), March 1!. 1!20. at Hnlman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Interment Riverview cemetery. McKKK In this city, March 18. 1!20. Samuel McKee, ege R4 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Hnlman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts.. at P. M., Sunday. March 21. 1020. under the auspices of ln.lustry lodge. No. 8. A. O. IT. W. In terment Kiverview cemetery, Monday, 10 A. M. GALIiOWAY March IB. at The Dalles. Judge William Galloway, aged 75 yearn. Fainer of Charles N. Calloway, Ziipha V. Calloway and Francis V. Calloway. Funeral services and interment at Mr Minnville t Macy's parlors) today (Fri day). March Jy. at 1:30 P. M. Friends invited. MARVIN In this city March 17, Clarence Del ,04 Marvin, agea ti years, late oi me Pisgah Home. Funeral servh:es will be held Saturday, March 20. at 2:30 P. M. at the Portland Crematorium, 1 4th and Kybee sts. Frlenua invtteu. J. t'. t in ley dt Son. directors. HOIBROOK In this city; March IS, Hal tie Holbronk. agd 3S years, beloved mother of Kli2abeth Holhrook. daughter of Mrs. Noris Ormsby. Funeral services will be held March 20 at I:::o A. M. al the chapel of Miller & Tracey. In terment at Riverview cemet. rj . WH1TKSIDE In this city, March 14, i:20. James M. Whiteside, age 42 years. Re mains will be forwarded by Kdward Holrnan & Son, Third and Salmon i-t., to Decatur. ia., where services will be held and interment made. THOMAS Fun-ral service. oi the late Elizabeth H. Thomas will be held today i Friday at 2:3 o clock' 1 M. at Fin ley V. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. I ncineration at the Portland Crematorium. SI M MOXS The runeral serviced of the laic Marmda K. Si mm una will be held Friday, March 1!. at 2 :IW P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Independence. Or. ROS The funeral services of the late (ier nrd na Ros will Le held Friday. March lb. at J P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. I INLHAL t'AKs. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY Marshall 114. FLORIST!-. SMITH'S FLOWER SHOP. I'oi tiutic s progressive fioiisi. Wv 11,1 cialize in funeral tlesiffns. 141 oth upp. Meit-r Ht Frank's. Main MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 26!). Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged LUBLINER TWO Stores. We strive to please. ,28 Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 753. 348 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. & Para. Mar. 257. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison St. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP. Funeral prays tl.00 up. Bdwy. 2870. 465 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington U bet. 4th and 5 th. Main A. 1181. ML Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems established, maintained, income tax service; refer ences. 728-21) Fittock bik. Bdwy. 1. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladies' gar ments, reasonable; work guaranteed. I. Keubln. 40a Busn & Lane bldg. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 feecond Gold. silver and platinum bought. BUYERS' BUREAU. ANDERSON the Buyer saves you money on anything you want to buy. No. oO First at. jiain 1 4UU. CARPET WEAVING. RUGS Th klnd that wear lbe best are UUUO made from your worn-out carpets . by the Northwest Rug Co. tlormer ad dresK IS.t n.i.. ,- i u .. .. urvMn ' all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mull orders solicited. IsS E. S'hst. Phone East S580, B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Seed lor Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. J1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. S4-58 Union ave. N. East 6518. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. SIZING AND REFITTING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO.. E. 17th bi. Automatic -13--. CELLULOID BI'TTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 4:14. A 12.V4, CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easiest, best, permanent. 31 "treats" $lo. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Cer linger hi dir., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 31 1 Wwetiand blg., r,th and Wash. Main 1081. k CHIROPODIST. ETHEL McCOT. chiropodist: corns and callouses removed without pain; relief for all root troubles. tffm Ruchanan bids., Wash, st., bet. 4th and 6th. Main 5076 f'lRClI.AR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bulldine;. Marshall 5822. Multlgraphing, mimeographing and mail advertisings COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester b!dg. Main I'M. No collections, no charges. Estab. liloo. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICKWORK, phone Jack Wempe. till and conrrete. Woodlawn 030. DANCING. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bldir. lessons day and eve. Main 134." BAl'.I.ROOM nd stage dancing. Mias Dorothy Itasmusson, flio Kilers bide. BERK BI.ET dancing arademy. 129 4th St. Lessons day eve. Main 3818. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN' HOSPITAL. 4ITi F.ast 7th. . East 1S47 and 219-B2. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS BLWTRTC WORKS Phone S27 27. 24"H- First at. Main R71 . - T H.ELECTFwICCO. 31 N. 1st, Portland, Or. Re wlndiiK and electrical repairing a snecialtv. See lis about new or uied motors. Bdwy. 1047i, A 1046 EIRMTIRE KKI'AIRING. WANTED Furniture to refinish: first Main 12t3 for class work; references, estimates. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land If you want big crops; read about wonder In our 11120 catalogue. RoutledKe Seed & F.ural Co.. 1 2d st.. Portland. Or. GENERAL INsf KANCE. JOB N. WALLER. General Insurance. :. 424 N. W. Bank bldg. Main Sic. HARDWOOD FLOORING, GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 1M n. rim. MI'SIC TEACHERS. L. t'arroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano. 1 hr. day. x.i mo. Bdy. 2oto. WHOLESALERS ANDMAN UFACTURERS KNGINEERS AND MILL SIPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-8B-87-89 Front GRAIN MERCL.NTS. PACIFIC GRAIN":0Board-o"r Trade bid. HATS AND CAPS. THANH A USER II AT CO.. K3-S.1 Front St PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. CONCRETE ItCKIAL VACLT8. THE NATIONAL VAULT- CO. Reinforced concrete burial vaults; air tight, waterproof ( everlasting. Factory, 9ll Foster road. Phone Tabor 5547. FIN ERA I. MKKCTOKS. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON Funeral Dfrcctora Third and Mlmon Sta. Main .'07 Lady Aaalstant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for l.esm Independent Funeral Directors Wash in if ton eir vt. between 20 tb and L'lt ;'ets. west aide Lady Assistant. Main J0!t a 7SS RIYERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM; At K.nl ut Fulton artine. 1 StiiRle tombs', iainlly uectionM and room a heautlCiilly arranR-d in uiurblf, only tsan- 1 itary lomiis in Portland: endowed for per-I )irtual ffti'. Auto M-r ire free. j Phone Kdwy. M"! ; uf firg tf3tf Pit lock Rlk. Dunning & McEntee i FUNERAL DIRECTORS Broadway and I Pine st Phone Broadway 430. A 4&a ; Lady Attendant. . , J.P. FINLEY & SON! PUN IS HAL III RKCTORS, ilin 9. MontKomery at Fifth ' McEntee & eilers Kuneral parlora with nil the privacy of 1 a home, ltkh and Everett st. Telephone I Broadway -133. Automatic 321-33. F. S DUN'NIXG. INC. i 414 E. Alder. Phone East !S2 t Perfect service, personal direction, free ue of floral chapel and auto equipment DOWNING & McNEMAk Successors to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at E. itn. n-asi 0. irvinyton dJatrlct. r I T I'T'f " K 1,f" am' '-'ay Bts T IS33. , Twelfth and Morr.yon tiOJv . Brtiai nm -'."34 , A D. KENWOHTH V ft "0.. .tSIC-OI !-d at.. I.enu- I'abor ."VJIiT. I A. a. ZELLAR CO. illiams Ave. East 1083. C 1088. BREEZE & SN00Kiafffi: SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 8d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady aaaistant. SEW TODAY. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our owy. money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc v F. E. BOWMAN & CO. : 10 VhaUB. -t Cam. Bldjt. llaim 3Ua. 1 1 Mt'SIC TEACHERS, ITALIAN PRUNES. LOGANBERRY-TIPS. Other varieties trees and plants. Let us supply you. Order now. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY. 1030 Chemeketa t., Salem, Or. WE CARRY a full assortment of cholc fruit tree, berry plants, oijmmentai trees, shrubs, roses, etc OREGON NURSERY CO.. ORENCO. OR. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubenstein. the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories. Kryptoks, also the cheaper grades. 220 Morrison. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on tn basis of capable service. Thou- bflnHa nf unaflod rustomefl. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist, 209 Morrisou. M. 1-4. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern Inrtrumenta Glares fitted from fl.oO up. A. E. HUHW1TZ, optomeirlsl. Ji First at. OKIKXTAL HIGH KKI'AIKKD. ORIENTAL RUGS CLEA.Stu .U ir.i-AHtEl. KAKAUUZ1AN & FERGUSON. TEN V EARS WITH AT1VEH BROS. 151 N. 23L. PHONE MAIN S-U- I'ATEXT ATTOKNEYS. PATENTS Our practice ha extended over a period oi '.4 years. All communication sirictl confidential; prompt, efficient, conacientioua Bervlce: handbook frea on request. ilUNN ; CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco otfice, Hubart bid.. Market at.. Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg. ; Washington office, room 108 tilia F at.; New ark office. Wooi worth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 1'2 yeara' experience U. S and foreign patent?. U01 Dekum bld. GOLDBERG, B20 Worcester bide. M. ao-3. IMIVSIt'lANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bide;. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, iiver, kidnev, bladder, rectal, prostatic, leinale disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. l'l.l MBIM. LKT me save you money on your plumb ing, very reasunuoie. ii. c. -Fine Ht PI.IMBING SIITI.IES. . . ....... L-. 4 TP prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 1SS 4th. M. 7'.'7. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. .1. E. Gantenbeln. Manager; Printing and linotyping, loo'.. Front at., corner State. Main or A 1418. DDIUTIUf! K W. BALTES & COMPANY riililllilU 1st and Oak sts. Main 70S, 511-65 'AINTING. FAINTING and tinting. All work guaran teed. Call Johnson after tl P. M. -Main 3021. T H BERGESS. painting and paperhang Ing 3.13 East 7lh at. Phone East 7."i. PAINTING, paperhanging. John c Con Ilsk. 133 lfith st. N Broadway 2i4.1. toiTtkv "si ppi.ies. . EVERY'THING needed and used by prae tical poultry keepers; catalogue free Routledgc Seed l-'loral ' . 1 .' 2d t . Portland. SECOND-HAND SORES. LEVIN HARDWARE FI RN1TLRE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In tha hardware and furniture line Phone Main 0072. STOVE REPAIRING. FVRNITI RE AND STuVE REPAIRING: WVI'KR COILS MADE AND CON XKi'TKO. BROADWAY 2..7B. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 0t Dekum bldg I. S. foreign liadeniarKS. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Tti1 Scrviro With a Imputation. Min'lNii-PACK'-.STORAK-BAtjOAOE tath and KVarnfv. Branch Mr Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 ORBflOX TRANSKKR CO.. 474 fiHKrt t , corner t3th Thon Broitdway 1'jSl or 1 We own find np-ra t two larcn clfs "A" wapphftusM on terminal tracka. Lowest tnsurHr.ee rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OI.SBN TRA NS FKR CO.. 24 8 Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE! SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO.. lOT. PARK ST. MAIN ,11 Oft, A 10.1 WINDOW CLEANING. ACM E WINDOW AND GENERAL CLEAN 1NG. FLOOR WAXING; EXPERT WORK. BROADWAY ..Sift. HIDES.'WOOI, AND CASCARA HARK. KA1IN BROS.. 105 Front St. PU'MRINti SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERMNG FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND KINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison 2700 Private Portable Garages have been erected by rar owners who have taken advantafre uf our system of tultiiiB Karaares by means of power-driven saws. Quantity Production of a standard quality irarairp en ables ns 10 deliver "them at mini mum prices. I Manufacture and f,naraatee All Our Material. An Inuuiry III Itrlnic Itrpre MeutlltiTr to I'nll ntk)nur I'inTnienfr. Millmade Construction Company a Nu.lesj Of.'ler N4'2 Tide u: lriiKt Hullillna: - I'hone Main 4724. Factory Kcmu u llliiiins Avenue I. O. Box in. vtun. U K ( Al.l, I OH HUH OI.II l.im-ETS, Ruga and V uolen Clotaina. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Kan Rubs oa All Maes. Mall Orders. Send for Booklet.' C'arpeta Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. XORTIIWKST Rill CO., IHK Elaat Nth St. Phone Kaat 3.VS0. 572 NEW TOM A i. 1 HOUSES tWSf HffafTaVf TJ ITA I A A It A Edward E. Goudej Co. NEW TODAY. ! FOR ! j RENT I I Warehouse S Space 40,000 to 60,000 Square Feet Available for Immediate Occupancy Good location on East Side. Trackage, fire proof building, sprin kler system, low insur ance rate, good light, electric elevator serv ice. No office space. J On Lease Only From Owners v JOHN DEERE 2 PLOW CO. East 2d at Morrison QEBTTMAPr. GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut MANY DESIGNS Erected in Portland or shipped anywhere. Material and Workmanship Guarantee" Flrst-Clasa fiend for Clrralar UKi)IMADE BUILDING CO. Sift E. 11th St. Phone Kaat ftll. PORTLAND. OH, Send Us Ypur Old Carpets ( We Call and Deliver) Old KuaTN nnil A oolpn ClolblnR. We Miafcp Heveralhle, Mnnd-U vvraj FLUFF RUGS Houm-5lar F'lnff fluara, H'ovra, Has; Huira Woven 411 Slaea. ''latthen f IraninaT and !rlnar lleput, Mall Ordera Send far DooLlet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Huk. SI earned ( leanetl, f I..VI. WKRTKHX KM KP RI li CO.. V4 I niun Ae. ,M..Ihnne Kntl .'lit. . FOR SALE U, S. GOVERNMENT PORTABLE BUNGALOWS We have 10 nnw very Httrautlve huniraloNv portable houses, bisl it for I'. K. offirera' honiea durinif the war. Ilouwa ar complete; mailt; of three ply materljil; have 8 windows, !t floors and 2 partitions; rxcallenl fluorlriK and rooflnc; put these n your atTe aKe or vacant lots, send them to the beach for your summer homo. Any two men can put I hem up In three days. Would cost about $1000 to build. e are seinny; mem at only f.'.Ou. See these to appreciate them. ee Mrs. (ieo. Love, wiih Turner & Co., 230 Chamber of commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest latereat rateai Inatallmrnt re. paymenia 11 oeaireo. maae. no aemj ibj iiu.i. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 2I7-21S Narlhwratera Hank Building. Marakall 4114. F.E.BOWMAN?GO. 210 rhambri' t f otnnri- HMic. HOME BUlLl'uRS Complete 'imns and ipecu nations fur nished without chanf. We will finance any character of huildinu out of -town w.Ork solicited. STORAGE SPACE Investlrale Onr IMant aad Rates. Why Assirme Kxpenstve Lease' ''ndat Present High Costs' I LAI !. MIIKsr. IM Dray ave and Sloracr 121b and l.liean. Pause Udwy. 4u KCAL KMTATR. A KBW SPECIALS Krom the Offici of M. K. Thompson. 4S MiKslwppi Av. $10,000 A .".-u:re tnurt on Peninsula ave., rioM' li St. tJnlnifi car and Peu IttHiiin rtrhool, cleared. u tn ht:irififc fruit, hard-iiurf aeed m. ' and tt-iTioh water main; fine Boll mid Ideal for plat tin ; rlnjw to ludutrittl (Mstrtot; iroud term; adjoirvnii; property held nt $:tOtr SJn.yyo A 10-rwom modern home In t ivenooK wtui quarter hiock or hlor-k with building for (MHI; (fo-d t.-rma. S 7.."i0) looxloo ft. railroad frotiinnf. on tfldiiiK in 'ow.r Alliinn; aplendid loc-ii t ion for wurelnuse. Th is price In J.iOtt ip!ow price of ad-i jointnir quarter uintilarly located. ' rloe in. ut Kaat lt at.. Jot I ."iirjt km); ef y t-rma. ' $ i.O'ti) fl rooms, full lot, Borthwlek St.. ' neiir tfeee.i. $.".iM) i-aHh, $ L'.l'uO 7 rooms, full lot, rmtcadnm at., MiH.-4lsaippi ave., ne.ir Preaeott, $An va.h; 'J.'i month. $ 1, .. room-, lot ;c;;xKMi, Montana ave., o -aah. 9 l,50i A room, full basement, electric iiffhta, :::iioo lut. -:.i) -ash. f 1,400 r-room cot tit re. lot -"-x loo. Min- n'jitH ave., $4M) -;ih. BAKOAINS IN LOTS. S l.OOW - lot:. lOOxlOO. JJoithwiok at,, near Shaver. $ 1,000 Corner Shaver and Montana, hard surface,, all Improvements paid. 7500 lota on Montana near Shaver, $7."0 ea :n; easy terms, t soo Comer tn Ovurlook, f:iSO cah. f 200 Two 25-foot lota. University Park, $1(K each. $ 501 lot, lir.xlOO. $50. J3XCHAVGK. 20 acres near NV w be rtr, 1 : a v. rea clenred, 5-room houtie, .40 fruit trees; mortnaB S'-0tM: will exchange equity for small place in Portland. We have many oUxer bargains. Monty to lotto. REAL ESTATK. or tly Ht mat Apartmral 1'ruu.rtr. THIS Tf A RKAL PVAP. II ,hould no quUkly. It la tro flr room apartmrnu, nrh Hprim,nt ha, lumaxe, flr.pUc, modern hth, toilet. Hrhta and (aa, frood baatmenta, laundry Iraya and wood 1 1 rt. and all klnda of modern ronvi-nlon. ea built In. Th. loca tion la td.al. cloae In. walking- diatan.-.; property In flrat-cUaa roidillon, laiv.d atrr.tx. S aara--a. propeny la frr and rlar of Ini-'u.nbranca. irk for alL 0.",O; I20IIO caah. Trm aaally arranr.il Tou can rnt on of tha apartm.nla and tha sarac. for f.'iO per inonlh and hav a lovely apartmrst for your own w. Hr thia t one. It la a real auan. v Hiii hex, 607 Journal bids, l'nona Maia For Salr fWah IrnM-ly. BEST or leas MljliMI n.ar poatoftlco. Korkawar. r. Marshall 5710. Kor rTlr lu. CASH BIf LArREI.HCRST SNAP. 100x100 overlooking park and rlry; sold 9 yea ra ago before there wae a house In tha district for IilooO. For a quick get-away will take j40D. all Im provement paid. Sea ma quick at offica Kaat ath and Gllaun at., or phone Tanor Z3X Hvtning Kaat Sotrti. Ut. Deiahunty. IRNOTON SAfRliriClt MAKE OKKI.K. Out-of-town owner Inatrui-ta ua ta sell lOoxloa on K. I'Tih al.. facing aaal. loo fret north of Tlllamookr taka a look and tnako ua your offer; tlila must bo sold this week; see us at onca, HITTER I.OWH CO.. "01-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Illdg. EASTMOREI.AND, 11.100 IVT FOR 7ofl. lxt la. b.ock 1, Eastmoreland ; a fin building lot, llena all paid; tt.i.rn owner must sell, hence the price; oa East ath. between Itybe. and Knaop UHl'SHI HK.NNKTT. Ht 8 Board of Trade biilg. Main T4M I,AVRE1.inrR9T I.OT. Beautifully located on Uurnald near Park, lot and aaeewements coat I2IWU h without Interest or taxes; ail clear, you can have It for SI7oo rath. MacINNKMM I'ltATT. Main 3SOS. 413 Board of Trade Bldg FINB building lot on Hancock st , near K. Ii3d at., for 3oO; aome ln umhrance in ba aaaumed: will give warranty deed and good abstract; close to Kernwoo.l echnol: good neighborhood. AP bu, ore gonian. Muhmi i.ot, Keninn district. I. ton, 1 .1(1 cash. In monthly, no building leetrlc tlons. JOHNSON-PODSON CO. '!'.' N. W. Hank Hlilg. Main II' '7 $.1000 One-lmlf cash, "fl lota, 4 aerea. In cluding atreeta: nll lift ft. deep; gaso Hue pumphouse and engine 1 t horse, power, 'r of thla In orchard. Fred Spear, Tlho,- f.K7. TO LEASE. , IOOtIOO. list side; long lease; In vlnnltv of fire department houses, amt able for garage. Would sell. All 141, ' ircgonlan. LOT-Helmont and I.Mh su. w"l ssrrlfira this close-In property fpr $1000. on tlma. By owner. 104 Fourth at. Main 7434. J. Link &o1o0 l.tiT, IvmnMila I'urk and car, ;ou, $.io cash, tin inotiililx J HS" IN-1 " H S N i n :I2 N U Hank Hl.lg. ' Main ;7 ltsi lOO-l-'T. lot. northwest corner of Eiiat 4ih and Itr.tim m a . suli-HMlks in ami streets graded; owner leaving city. Tabor 47. A Fl.NK weal side lot. near ear, !W0, very easy lertna If desired JOIINNON-Di IHHON ' . IB1.' N. W. Hunk Hide Main S7ST FAIRPORT lots. M0 lo $;.no; malea spe.ialiv .f Kenioo dui l t. Haih rleh. M." I'haniher nC i nnim.n'. AI.aTiEOA PARK ll, l-on;' slrea t paid! .1" HINSi N Ii Hisi IN I'll . r; N W. Hank lllda Main .7t; II'Jihi To LtiAN on house and lot. rent. fsll 111 Hoard of Trade Main I4.V.V i l"r I'i'U. WILL sarrlflre ,MIIIM rortirr. '2 hlorks frntn rar and I.", niltiuir frmn lovtn. Ininrr frttn nwner. Tnlir ik;1. Ki iH STT.E- 2 lol. ;sl"tl. E. snili st , Rni-e t'rtv Park. L. t'aiinon, P. II. ho 111 T. AM XI s. irraiinistt. LOTS Have tan front lots otiahia for beautiful S'lnitner home st N"iort, aed or trade fall Sellared 1.1.14 tiKKAT sarrifl, e In two line reMdenre lots. Hriiadwity VI Ili'im J (rtiol lots t heap. Also 6 arrea In Salem. Bell. H'.lH . For Kale llouaea. II VV'J Iti UNK llt'M 1v :.MIf- H rivunt, ftrrpim-r, rerrpil'tn hm. but H -til bilflel. Ur- kite hen. pa.Hf pantrv, (rtiHfI in b k p,Jt h. THlt'la (Ml two llrfl, two iti u roimm dw nutatrn : I ml har-e-m. nt : one ledrou upatMirK af"1 plMlec.d altl"'. 111 1 Mei .oi . i, ttinrk to liMWlhmnti ave Yhl a f'l bn III II U-f X It KV ' i . JIM IUIIvmv Khrhanc hUU Phone Main 7W ONLY 10i. SNA IV THK l)NLY RKAI. lit V IN 1'i'IM I.AM' CN tllVK IMMKI'IATK PnSSKSSH 'le new IV- rom roi t at a i 4 nd l t h rotnplelely furnl-hed w it i (tod lea furniture, rp tr. eti- . Mt'Jl l.th n ror. tih ave.. 2 hlrrkn from Mi. S- "tl rar, he tt nervli-e in iM. He tmrr, .-orner lot 40I70. framR-e. Waiter, git-i or will rent partie i urn!!) i n a K 1 KST ' 1 . A SS H K K K KNf KS. SKK ttWNKK. S NKWMIn, 12H Kirai. n"r Aider 1 300 ItOVY.V Four-room eollace. with elr.irlr IfahtN, up K dii- bathroom. k' -f.t:ed b- droom. lot UMix KHI. w Mil fruit and hrrrl. r hick en h"'i". 2 blo.ka lo rar; prbe i.niv 2oii, I.KNI caab. balaii' ' monthly DtPtiti Mm. Lut hif, labor 30!. MONTAVIU.X SNAP ;. f?(Mi rsMl and blan e hkf i.. tmkvt llif .'.i. .miii fiii i h w 1 ii room, dining ru"tn. - i-'l-rnnili", Hltii, Inlet and b..r nion i . laiK- I"'. Thin la wi.rih i i -inning . uniH-i'snKV ' O . 2li Kailway KkfliaTiao b;dn Phone Main 747. AI.AVKMA PAUK Ht NU A I . W - V-flO m -tth at., corner lot. room ii h hath on one floor. Iare at'ii . alt hMid Wood floors, Krem-h dra, plale-g laaa w tndow -a. sun parlor, saraa ; P'ir h.t-. r mav aelsrt shade Mnd rlr.trtr fix I urea 11 EN ft Y VY. titiPDAllt). 24.1 Stark al. $2n.0 f 2MI CASH f.uya that nice t r.H.m pla-tered rottare In Kenton on hnb e corner near r both atreel!- hard surf Rot.d h-e-meitt. Uut. h kitchen, choice plumbing, elfotric llRhta. terma to suit on the 1MMI. A. II. HIRRKLL CO.. 217 N W. Hank Hid. Mar-hall 4114 CITY VIEW PARK :.NOO (t-rnom house, with full bsaemrnt . nlftv home In aichtly imation; fine neighborhood; streets paved and paid for. easy terma. HENKY VV. GOWJARD. 243 Btark st. IOOkKM), WITH fruit and rnlcken run: room house. aar and electricity; corner loi with fldewnlks, sewer in and paid lor Pi'b'C f.'ltMM), lerniH If desired. ,H (HNHUN-POIKSON CO . ii::2 N. VY. Hank tilde Main KM7. )i.K)0l" MOUEKN BL'NiALOW. Kull basement, laundry trays, nleepfna; por -h flrt plnt-c. caraKe and all bullt-lns. larit. lot. prl-.c S:,:iou. Terms, Ask Mr. A .1 I e I'M REST CO.. :;JO Henry HldK. Main I'll! Mi " 5-llOOM HINHAItW. A snap. $:iooo. f.MtO down, alreplna porch, full bswMn. ni. rurnsre and chicken p.ns Ask Mr. Kellot. A. J. UeK I EST CO,. t a20 Henry Hidnr. Main L'O'hj $in:.o- UOOMS tirvdi. One block car nnd hn nl surface. rOxKMI corner, fruft, $;i50 csH. bal. 1.', d inr cent intere.u a month. HMITHWAOONBH CO.. StocV T.xrh. LA Dim AlDlTION. Strlntly modern 7 -room remdrnre; mUHt bf" Sold to settle eatStr. price $1250; Worth more. Phone East 0047. 22o0 41-UOOM house, food plumblnr. baaement, fruit trees, hearing; place lor chlckena on back of lot; wood, luwn. G. M. Lauithlln, Gresham. BK4.NO NKW ft-room hunfsiow in Wood- sto-k, near car lino. sJUki, tsroia, sU- wood 2U4- t a . k. ' ' i i I -