THE MORNING. OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MARCOT "19, 1920 T3 rices LEATHER OF LIKELY TO DECLINE Beneficial Effect .Will Be Seen in Cost of Shoes. ORDERS BEING CANCELED reduction to Consumers Not Ex pected Immediately, but Is Pre dicted Within Few Months. Cheaper shoes are in sight. There may not be much change in prices In the coming spring and summer, but everything points to a material decline next fall that wHl affect the boot and shoe situation all the way from the leather seller to the retailer. The averagre consumer sees no reason why prices should not drop right away. If any means can be found to reduce the supposed large profits of wholesalers and retailers, buyers will not have to wait until fall to obtain their shoes at lower prices. Perhaps competition and the desire to reduce large stocks will bring about this result. Retailers are reported to be can eeling their orders, especially on men's shoes. The price f hides has heen droDDine at the big hide centers and shoe manufacturers will not pay war prices for leather when it can be obtained at less. The downward tendency of all commodity prices and the demand of the public for lower living costs are factors that will help in bringing down boot and 6hoe prices. ' Disturbance Canned la Trade. There is naturally confusion In the ehoe manufacturing and distributing trade. As the Boston Transcript points out, production schedules are disturbed: transportation has been embarrassed; no one knows what will be the prices of raw materials and of labor in a few weeks. The pros pects favor an increase in the num ber of people who will be looking fni- work somewnere. xne ment and the railroads will be dis pensing with people with whom they have been overstocked, and the pros pects of lower producing expenses and the need of lower retail prices seem to be materializing. Aireaay ro .iileri. are heard of who have agreed with the fair price commission to eell at a gross profit not to exceea ml! ni-r cent, which will reduce prices materially in all grades. Commission iMnes Schedule. rh nnMnn of shoe prices has been taken up in Baltimore by the fair price commission, wnicn naa is sued this schedule ot reuui imtco, Mens- an ladies' shoes costing from $6 to S6.8S must be sold at a price noi exceeding $10. , All bovs' shoes, 1-6, costing from $3.75 to $4, must be sold at a price not exceeding $S. All little gents' shoes, 10-15, and children's shoe's, sizes 83-11. costing from $3 to $3.60, must be sold at a price not exceeding $5. All large girls' shoes. 2-7, costing from $5 to $6, must be sold at a price not exceeding $8. All misses' shoes. 11-J. costing from $4 to $6. must be sold at a price not exceeding $6.50. AH children's shoes. 4-8, costing from $2.50 to" $2.8S, must be sold at a price not exceeding $4. Infants' shoes, 1-6, costing from $1.S0 to $2. must be sold at a price not exceeding $2.50. Cheaper leather now does not mean cheaper shoes immediately. The stocks held by retail and wholesale Shoe dealers were manufactured months ago when leather, was much higher. Leather is now coining on the market, however, at a price that should enable the manufacturer to put out shoes at a considerably lower fisrure. Therefore, the fall lines should be on sale at relatively low prices while the spring lines will con tinue to sell at the old figure. That is, of course, unless the consumer de cides to wear his present shoes well Into the coming season or the re tailer experiences a change of heart and decides to divide some of bis profits with his customers. slons throughout the year with the aid of the following committee: Will iam Barton, Charles E. Cleveland, W. W. Harder, B. W. Richards, A. C. Furlong, W. 3. Sheehy, George P. Ersman, P. E. Kreglow, A. E. Sim mons and A. G. Clark. : At the luncheon of the club yester day noon at the Benson hotel Dr. Florence Buck of Boston, who is In Portland in connection with a con ference of the Unitarian church, epoke on the "Welfare of the Children." Dr. Buck is secretary of the department of religious education of the Christian association of America and editor of the Beacon," the Unitarian Sunday school publication. She is making a tour of the Pacific coast and arrived in Portland Wednesday and will leave on Saturday. This evening she will give an address at the Unitarian church, corner Broadway and Yam hill streets, to which the public is invited. EKXEST R. WIGGIAS ATTEXDS XORTHWEST MEETING. Special Trains to Be Run From Canada' Daring International Sleet In Portland. Ernest R. Wiggins, president of the Kiwanis club of Portland, has just returned from a district convention of Kiwanis clubs of the Paoific north west, held in Seattle Wednesday. Representatives from Vancouver, Vic toria, Calgary, Edmonton, New West minster, B. C, and Seattle, Tacoma, Astoria and Portland were present. Plans for attendance at the June in ternational Kiwanis convention at Portland were discussed. Two spe cial trains will bring the British Co lumbia members here, while the Washington clubs will come, in auto mobiles. Hundreds of Kiwanis motor ists have volunteered to bring their machines in order that there may be plenty of autos to convey eastern delegates over the Columbia River highway. Astoria members are making prep arations for the entertainment of delegates on the Sunday following the convention. Special trains from Portland to Astoria and the beaches are proposed and arrangements under consideration for a mammoth salmon bake to be served by the Astoria packers on the municipal wharf. The speaker at the Kiwanis meet lng at the Benson hotel next Tuesday will be John Z. White, noted lecturer of Chicago, who will have as his sub Ject Civic Righteousness. MEMBERS MOSTLY ABSENT Lack of Quorum Prevents Board From Holding Meeting. Only one member, A. C. Newill, of the five constituting the board of education of school district No. 1 was on hand for the regular meeting yes terday afternoon. ' Hence there was no session. George M. Orton was suffering with acute trouble-rentitls; his landlord had "signed up" with some one else and it became suddenly necessary for the director to engage in a thrilling hunt for a house. Dr. E. A- Sommer was in the city. but was attending a funeral. O. M. Plummer is on a livestock errand In Spokane. George B. Thomas Is on his way east to purchase machinery and equipment for the Benson polytechnic soldier service. No date haa yet been fixed1 for the next meeting, but it probably will be sgme time next week. Gresbam Flies Thrift Flag. GKESHAM, Or., March 18. (Spe cial.) Gresham grade school is flying the county thrift flag this month. having averaged more per capita in the purchase of thrift stamps than any other rural school in the county. CLUB TO RESUME TRIPS PROGRESSIVE BUSIXESS MEX'S EXCURSIONS STARTS AGAIX. Visits to Ical Industries Will Take place Henceforth Every Three Weeks or Thereabouts. The Progressive Business Men's club, resuming the programme in vogue for the club before the war, will this week carry out an excur eion to two of Portland's borne manu facturing plants, and henceforth throughout the year will hold such a home-industry excursion every three weeks or thereabouts. The first of the new excursions will occur Saturday afternoon, when the Tru Blu Biscuit company plant and the Vogan Candy company estab lishment will be visited. The Progres sive Business .Men and their wives nnd friends - will leave the Benson hotel at 1:30 o'clock Saturday after noon. Members with automobiles have been requested to bring their cars in order to take care of the en tire party. A S. Robinson of the Robinson- Smith Automobile company, chairman of the industrial excursions commit tee, will arrange the various eicur ,Mi4i sx Powder AX That mjj u wai 'VS.?- IJ' I'fttH !. Wlaflr tan- t'Jaia m1 ' r evening att.9u MARINELLO Phantom Powder Wastife., roll, tm diiiUa tm m aaaeuipla. MARrVKTXO SHOP, t Corner Tenth and Alder. 80K-I10 Central Bldg. Your Word Is Good As Gold at Cherry s CHERRY CHAT We mean literally tnat your wora is as good a gold at Cherry's. Tour promise to ' pay will be ac- cepted here as; readily as cash, for! anv articles of ftD- parel you wish tbl buy. We believe in the' inherent hone sty of the average per son, and after many years of dealing on this basis, we have no reason to change our mind. Come in and make' your selections from our extensive1 stock of fashionable apparel for men,;! women and boys. Cherry's, Inc., 391 Washington. Adv. IP fx "Be Sure to Send Me 1 E&ikWSrZTT-l The wrappers are arood for vote In the National Promotion Company's S1XOOO Prise Context. Small wrappers, 110 vol large wrappers, ISO votes. 0 GUITTARD TheMire CHOlOiATE WANTED Ladies' and Men's Suits ' to make to order from your own ma terials, or cutting and fitting only. HUFFMAN & CO. TAILORS. Sa Floor Sfcdical Bids. . We Give S H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash atS. & II. Office, Third Floor Take Downtown Luncheon in Our -Beautiful Tea Room, Fourth Floor Service From 11 to 2:30 Daily Light Luncheon Served in the Basement Bathing Gaps At 19c Main Floor Women's and Misses' Bathing: Caps in as sorted styles and colors 1 Q priced for today at -a. 71' HOOVER AND ELECTRIC CLEANERS $5 DOWN AND 55 MONTH RUG DEPT. 3D FLOOR. The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Woftman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods PORTLAND AGENCY FOR ' HOME JOURNAL v PATTERNS TRY THEM FOR SPRING SEWING. Oatmeal Soap 85c Doz. Main Floor Jergen'f famous Oatmeal Soap the kind that sells in the regular way at 10c per cake. On sale QfTp special today, a dozen OtlU Double Trading Stamps Today With Cash - Purchases In All Dep'ts. And Extraordinary Bargain Offerings in Seasonable and Wanted Merchandise fcfr Spring Women's Dresses TWO EXTRAORDINARY OFFERINGS in Wo men's and Misses' Spring Dresses. Some represent a special purchase others are from our regular stock. ' r On sale' in the Garment Salons on the Second Floor. -$45 to $60 Values -$40 to $52.50 Values $3495 SecW Floor Beautiful new Spring Dresses Of Taffeta Silk, Tricolette, Satin and Georgette Crepe. Embroidered and beaded models with long or short sleeves. Some in full waist ef fects, others in straight-line style. All are very desirable. Splendid assortment of new Spring colors, both light and dark. Regular $40 (SO A QZ to $52.50 values at O01.7t) $38.95 Second Floor Any woman would be delighted to own one of these attractive frocks. This season's most desirable styles. Some in coat effects, others in straight-line models or trimmed with ruffles and plaitings. Skirts are tailored or in drape or tunic styles. Black, brown, taupe, rose, French blue, coral pink, white. $45.00 QOQ QC to $60.00 values at 000.7i) New Spring Sweaters $7.49, $9.45, $15.95, $21 - , Second Floor1 Sweaters will come into increased service as the season advances. They will be worn for sports and all occasions where a light garment i3 needed. Our showing embraces a wide diversity of styles in fancy weaves, block weaves, stripes, etc., also in the plain knit. Tuxedo models and coat effects with long roll collars and wide belts.' All the newest colors. $7.-19 to $21.00 Trimming Remnants Reduced to Main Floor Today is "Remnant Day" in the Lace Section. Hun dreds of short lengths and odd pieces of Laces, Novelty Trimmings, Chiffons, Nets, Allovers, VeniBe Edges, Wash Laces, etc., which have accumulated in the various departments will be closed out at 4 to Vi off the regular prices. This is a good opportunity to select Spring trimmings at a big saving. Shop early in the day! $1.25 Lace Flouncings 59c and 79c Yd. Main Floor Beautiful New Shadow Lace Flouncings several hun dred yards bought underprice will be closed out at sensationally low prices. These are the much-wanted 17 and 27-inch widths for dresses and fine lingerie. Shown in white and Paris. HQg Flouncings such as usually sell at $1.25 a yard. 59 and Boys' Waists At 95c Main Floor Odd lot of Boys' Shirts and Blouses made up in light and dark colored wash ma terials. Fancy striped patterns. Broken.rarige of sizes. On Qttrt special sale today; at only tOt ' Women's Silk Gloves $1.69 On Sale at Center Circle, First Floor A great Pre-Easter Sale of 2000 pairs Women's Silk Gloves. Extra quality Milanese and Tri cot fabrics in the new and pop ular two-tone pointings with embroidered and welted wrists to match. Others with eyelet embroidered backs in self and two-tone effects. For T- Q this sale, special pair 16-Button Length Silk Gloves $2.00 Center Circle, 1st Floor Long Silk Gloves to go with the new short sleeve dresses and waists now in vogue. These are of good quality Milanese silk, in white only. 16-but- QO (f ton length. Pajr at wii.uU Men's $5 Hats At $2.45 Slain Floor Broken lines of Men's Soft Hats at about half price to clean up the lot in one day. Standard . makes and several good styles in the assortment, but not all sizes in each style. Hats selling heretofore at $4.00 and CJO A $5.00 offered for today at Dxd Regular 35c Handkerchiefs 25c Main ' Floor Our Handkerchief Section is now located near ele vators where Veilings . formerly were. Extra special for today Women's L i a n Handkerchiefs with one - corner embroidery Swiss Madeira and many other dainty patterns and kinds. OPT Regular 35c qualities at1"' Remnant Sale Wash Goods, Outings White Goods, Etc -Good useful lengths in Whit and Colored Wash Fabrics, Out ing Flannels, Towelings, Table Damasks and other fabrics at SFEC1AL LOW TRICKS for to day's and Saturday's selling. See Bargain Table near Alder street entrance, SHOP EARLY. $4.00 Black Broadcloth Special $2.98 Yd. Main Floor At this special price today only. Strictly high-grade black Broadcloth all pure wool and 56 inches wide. Just the right weight for Suits, Coats and -Skirts. Our regular (PO QQ $4.00 quality. Specially priced for today at only, yard 3A(i0 $3 Serge at $2.4 Yard Main Floor This is the world-renowned "Priestly" Serge. All pure wool and 54 inches wide.'. Splendid fabric for fl0 AO Spring dresses and skirts. Regular $3.00 grade. Yard DrtO Wardrobe Trunk-$42 Third Floor At this special price Friday only. High-grade Ward robe Trunk similar to this sketch. Full size, 3-ply veneer fiber cov ered, cloth lined, lift top. Equipped with laundry bag, shoe pockets and hat box. A splendid bargain for anyone who has need for a Wardrobe CIO flfl Trunk. One-day sale Ob.UlF Women's $16 Boots At $8.50 s-J ; ' syzs, 4w Main Floor Women's Laced Boots of dark brown kid at practically half price for today's selling. These are 9 inches high and have pointed reced ing toe with stitched tip. Hand turned sole and covered full Louis heel. A beautiful drenjiy boot for street wear. Sizes 2H to 8. WiJUis AA to D. Regular $16.00 QO rn Boots, priced special a pair t30tll Buster Brown Shoes We are exclusive Portland agents for this famous make of Shoes for boys and girls. Spring styles are now in and ready for your inspection. Infants' Gingham Rompers Second Floor Mothers will find this a good Cime to ouy uie Anuuren itompent lor opnng and Summer. Ages 6 mo. to 3 years. Made up in neat style of good grade ginghams In pink and blue checks. SPECIAL AT $1.60 each. We Havp Enlarged Our Veiling Department s New Location on Center Aisle Near Morrison-St. Owing to increased volume of our Veiling business we have moved this de partment to larger space near Morrison- St entrance. All the very latest novel ties in Veils and Veilings are shown here at all times. For every costume there is just the right Veil to complete its smart ness by its rich, soft lines and charm of design! Let one of our salespeople help you select your particular choice from the wide line of distinctively lovely cre ations in our Veiling Department. , 65c Veilings 49c Main Floor Fresh new Spring Veilings, black and colors. Fancy meshes (Q and woven desitma. 65c errades Women's New Drape Veils, Special at $1.19 Drape Veils, Special $1.75 - Maui Floor Women s Qraped Veils in latest styles. ' These are of extra quality and are Main Floor Women's Draped Veils in the very smart chenille dot effects. All the new colors and two-tone effects. C"J 1 Q Vpilinfr Week Snecial Di-J- new Spring arrivals. fTf Veiling Week Special O SHETLAND VEfLS WITH WOVEN BORDERS Special 70 $7.50 to $8.50 Motor Headwear Priced Special at $5.95 Veiling Dept., 3Iain Floor Women who motor will appreciate this unusual opportunity to Select high-class headwear at such a great saving. Only one or two 01 a style, very latest creations, some with Shetland Veils attached. Shown in the new materials and colors Jierry red, tans, blues, linen and brown. Various combi nations. This headwear is also very smart for sport fljpr Qf? wear. Regularly priced $7.50 to $8.50 special today at DO0 65c to 75c Ribbons At 49c Main Floor Great Pre-Easter Sale of Hair Bow Ribbons hun dreds of yards in this special of fering. Beautiful all-silk Rib bons in black, brown, navy,' pink, white, old rose, copen, new blue and maize. Also an immense as sortment of novelty plaids and fancy combinations. Regular 65c to 75c values. Reduced iQ for today, special yard .vVt Sale of. Ribbon Remnants Main Floor Many odd pieces and short lengths of Fancy Rib bons, plain and fancy Hairbow Ribbons and Lingerie Ribbons marked at special low prices for today's selling. Plan to shop early in the day and get choice. New Millinery Ribbons in grosgrains, satins and novelty patterns. All the newewt col orings - here for your selection. Basement Millinery ss ew Hats tor faster , $5.98 and $6.98 Basement You will want to see these wonder fully pretty Hats the Basement Millinery has just received. Not only are they attractive, but the prices are much lower than Hats of this character can be had for at other stores. Two large ta bles art filled with beautiful models turbans, colonials, medium size hats some with crepe facings. Flower and ribbon trimmed Hats in great variety, as well as those trimmed with applique, ornaments, wings, sprays, beads, etc. Black and a representative showing of the new season's best colors and combinations at $5.08 and $0.98 Children's Hats You will save considerable by coming to the Basement Underprice Store for the Children's Hats. Great variety of styles $2.00 and up. Groceries Fourth Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service, 8 A. M. to 5:43 P. M. Marshall 4800; A 6231. Friday Specials 20c 25c 25c 45c 45c 29c 55c 50c Fancy Maine Corn at $2.2. a dozen; per can Standard Tomatoes at $1.45 a dozen; 2 cans Famous Brand Peas at $2.75 a dozen; per can Princess Royal Peas, $2.(15 a dozen; 2 csns Monopole Cut String Beans $2.05 doz., 2 cans Preferred Stock Cat sup, 35c size; a bottle Cornmcal put up in 9 pound sacks; special at Preferred Stock Toma toes; special, 3 cans for Sale of Glass Mixing Bowls Third Floor S a niglass Mixing Bowls as illustrated herewith. This is a spe cial factory purchase se cured at a low price on account of slight imper fections. Opaque glass. No telephone orders. LOT 2 One 7-inch, one 8 inch anyone 9-inch 1 Q Bowl set of 3 for Dlll7 LOT 1 One 8-inctf QQp and one 9-inch Bowl for'O'' Ask for your Trading Stamps. Safety Cookers $3.20 Third Floor Griswold Cast Iron Co'bker, Steamer and Kettle com bined. Pure cast iron through and through never wear out. Equipped with safety cover de vice which permits draining of liquids without removing cover. Cannot, tip or spill. fi0 Ofl On sale todav snecial v30idJ Special Sale of Dining Tables Furniture Dept., 4th Floor We find ourselves a little overstocked on several numbers of Dining Tables and Chairs, and in ordy to remedy this condition, we are going to cut the prices fOr, Friday and Saturday. Anyone needing furniture will do well to take advantage of this sale. 4 Great Specials For $43.00 Fumed Oak Table, only $45.00 Fumed Oak Table, only $49.00 Waxed Oak Table, only $44.00 Waxed Oak Table, only Friday S35.75 $37.50 $41.50 $34.75 and Saturday Dining Chairs of solid oak with genuine leather seats NOW ON SPECIAL SALE. $9.50 Fumed Oak Chairs with leather seat, (PQ Off on' sale now; only DO.dJ $8.00 Waxed Chairs $0.95 $6.50 Waxed Chairs $5.45 II ' ' I I II n Sale of Rag Rugs $1.29, $1.95 $2.45 Third Floor Rag Rugs in pink, blue-; and yellow. These are slightly soiled. Regular OQ $1.50 size. Special at DJ- $3.00 Soiled Rag Rugs $2.45 $2.60 Light Blue Rag QC Rugs size 30x60 inches Quartered Oak Buffets At Reduced Prices Fourth Floor Quartered-oak Buffets in dull wax finish with roomy cosets and linen drawers. These have good size tops with French plate mirrors. A wonderful offering, considering scarcity of furniture. Take Advantage of These Savings! , $34.00 Golden Oak 0 Golden Oak HK Buffets, Special at Ddtt I U $43.00 Golden Oak CJQ A Ot Buffets, special at DO'.J $45.00 Golden Oak fl?OC Afi Buffets, enecial at wUU.UU 489.00 Golden Oak fl7Q Art Buffets, epecial at ' O.UU $48.50 Fumed Oak ?Qft HZ Buffets special at $73.00 Fumed Oak QfTQ PA Buffets, special at OJO.UU -DOUBLE STAMPS WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. Mate 3& 1