v '; ' i - ... 1 trvi-ij iMiiH.UTlVlTllSJ I RrSTVFNR fll'HUKTI If . ... v.. I riK nr..-i . I i i : Hoosckegplng Room. EVERYTHING furnished; single and dou bie H. K. room, for rent. "nb'; el.i. W. B. walking ditance 2 oft Washington, big yard. Eiat or Broadway bo. 6U4 Everett treet. THREE housekeeping rooms, 2 beds, elec tric llEhta. bath and Pt"n. also Jng room, reasonabla. 6tl J-lanoera A NEAT steam singla H. K. roonx. laun dry and everything furnUhed. i montn. o luiuwu HwmiMpiiu; Booma tn Private 'roily. a-ROOM housekeeping apt private mn tranc tront and back, furnace neat, iectrto light, phone,-, hot and cold water, gaa range if desired; beautliul yard, walking distance, west side, rea ionable: n children. 441 3d sU Pnono Main 4W.it. V y. ureiui. 1KVINOTOX Taro young ladies, emp.oyed would like another young lady to "hare t-room fiat, complete'.y furnished, on ear line; fireplace, . V KvS Prica $15 each lor tue a. Pnone i.at 4as In A. u. or after e P. M. . KEATLY furnished housekeeping room . with kitchenette; employed people pre f erred; west aide, wulking distance, ill) !.OVJoy. mar. ci. ONE light housekeeping room bath heat and electricity; til P"0"1-" distance. Ha Tillamook, near William. ave.; woraing gin iititi,. " 60S! PETTVGKOVE. furnliihed room With !arr. leDlnit uorcb : housekeeping prlv- i liirht. uas. piione. Call evenings. Broadway 894 eferences. TWO connecting H. K. rooms newly fur nished; desirable. 334 Jackson. Ren! roajonablc. Come ana see tniu. I'UKNIeiHED H. K. rooms, eingle and en auite; electricity, telephone, gas; bedr room. Broadway 11'13. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, porches, yard, garden; adults only. Phone Seliwooq -'JQ TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, lights and waler Included. 13 per month. oi Mississippi ave. ' S LARGE connecting rooms, modern, walk- fna- distance. 3s3 E. 1st St. OL:R-ROOM furnished apt., reasonable. -all after 6:50 P. M.. 100 1''n St. J EAT. clean h. k. room for one or two people empioyeq. jimi-"- i(ON T range, electricity; couple, t-0. iuk 4tn. ftuUHPfc. HOUSES TOK RENT. We have a suburban home '"""'d tic and Division, for rent by the month. The property Is for sale. It might be anld uuickiy. and tenant would line to it property with that understanding. A U.'TEEPK CO.. 2')I Start St. WSse-NORTHWESTikN ELECTRIC light acrvica. a- it ir.MVST FIRE INSURE IN" NEWARK. AyiKE Insurance company. EXILH BURK1TT. ne sTr.T.T.I.N'Li BLIX1. MAIN 1800. I-.OOM cottage. "-4 E. Stark st. Rent )tj7.r,0. Parrish, Watkina & Co.. 10(1 .d street SJV-ROOM modern house. 33 Fargo st f:!ij i Applv In nftemoon or by appoint ni.'iit. East 74'MI. Nearly new furniture and modem house lor rent. TWO four-room cottages. Chester and ifood ata, near the entrance of the Northwest Meel '-Q. JJODKRN bungalow: furnace. laree yard. u0 Vancouver ave., $40. Woodlawn 196. . ; 1K V4-ACRE. 5-room house, garage, out- tuTl dings; Mt. Scott car to 77tb , ' 70th ave. S. K. Monhoven. labor 109. (.ROOM cottape. walking distance. Union ave 4 blocks south ot Hawtnome ave.; rlO.' East 8710. u iving Piano, furniture and long-d is- " tance hauling k specialty. O. ft W. truck Service Co. 40 d St. Phone Bdwy. f.Ul. sHIboM house for rent. :i0 per month; fl baa"ment. 1)8 E. S4lh at. N. see owner. M.-V. depot car. LOCAL and long-di.-tanre moving and haul- L, ana lons-uifirtu. - - flrst-clR.-o equipment. Green J ran. "n-2U. Alder si. Main 101. 5.-bl. Ins Co, XEVV o-room noiiac. ruin.... tcott line; yard 70x100. AP 180. Ore gontan. . . ii-KOOM hou.-e. Irvlngton, large grounds, steam heated, near car line. E. aiaa. B-ROOM hotse and cottage; has pas and hath. Iniuire CtiT.b 4th St. , A.N old cottage. 1-th and Salmon. Main : .i,ii,intl i t SEE FRANK U McGtHRE TO INSURE AGAI.Nf I Nlirj. 8-ROOM cottaite. 1! Schuyler gt., 'near Ki r. t : watKins aiaiaii':c. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 964 sintcnnein ae. .,u uco.ir... El.iHT-room house at 6:i Northrup st. Furnished Ilom.es. lis ELEGANTLY furnii-hod small house ' inn, ding uarago. telephone. . lights water, beautiful lawn; adults only n- n nil lire 1.0 Al orris. i $0 - v.g k DAVIS ST.. 6-room modern house and garage, completely furnished Pt 1HHM1. 1 m .in.'- S-KOOU partly furniflied flat. Inquire OI i. v. ' adults. -FOUR rooms nicely furnished. 7030 i f.lst ave. S. E. ML Scott car. e inano station. : ' 11 VEROO.M furnished cottage, also .1-r.-.ui apartmenu 014'i E. 2isl st. . R. WILL coupl who called at Win 51st avt yesieruay 4tttS 7 P. M.T ftaS AFRIL 1. urniahed six-room house. , . timii tlaifht' adults moacrn, nintmruv .v,.D . only. tl rX M.U.. car to mh. i:all evenniK. 4-RHOM modern furnished duplex house. 417 Russell, .-near Union, $-i. East ..r.i.ive mountain district. . Address AV 431. oregonnn S-ROOM furnished shack. $12. including . T.,hf.p T41LV 6 ROOMS, modern, furnished. 1Sti-Slan-ton st. C.ill after 2 P. M. No children. Storea. .. .n II tr 'tis ner month: good location for meat market. .lohn liain. out ajiamiiit, ume FOR RENT Well-located office, furni ture for sale. Mr. Haas. Main 6127. Miscellaneous. feVM'L lodce hall, newly equipped; sit 'able for small lodges, clubs, etc.; make reservauuns .v...... Main 33.".3. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. .urw'L'UV niPllllN: Here it is, one of the be&t buys in the city, largo living room, rent only , . . i i..in .,nA l,ninw well worth $ii')0; if sold at onco $1030 for all: to seo is to ou-. PETERS.' 15 NORTH 6TH ST mr cleaning and pressing shop with sew ing machine, ate, all for $73; rent oniv to. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. ui..L'TiiTvi Tv-niimrAT. Owing to unexpeetcd circumstances. I A mnow unaoie to prt'iuuw, iivi,,., iar on the market today: lias never been i . .. T f.a.n O ,lliti nf Inrii- TlUlliU IVIINU ID Jttl nu.b. - to sea with formula. Write me for an "r777J7w i. i v. rTrTt' d a Tnt?c: xnTE Well educated. respon.Mible ex-service nan oi ciii riiBmcci v. . perience, will consider proposition to Invest service, with reliable concern operating in Coos Boy country; nignrai referenceJC Address AV 4-'3. Oregonlan. i'OR SALE Wholo or half Interest In an exceptionally well equipped cleaning ami dyeing plant, 3 deliver- cars; employ 10 people at present; rent $35: 2-year way EirhaiiKe bids . 3d and F-'lurk sts. STATE distributor wants suburban dealer to sell popular-priced four-cylinder cat in Multnomah county. Good show-room, cheap rent, available on highway leading out of Portland. AG SIS. Oregonian. " : CAUTION. BUYERS. faetere closing deal of so-called Inter est In established real estate business get novice or Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLKT. secretary. AUTO TRUCK HAULING. Will sell my truck at actual value, harge you nothing for my established route: can clear $20 day. Room 401 Dekum bldg. OPPORTUNITY for men to buy 1-8 equal interest in going manufacturing corpora tion, large sales and Increasing business eacn month, capital needed for expan sion. BC 309. Oregonian. j WE have the truck and gravel contract to g8 with it- Work to start imme diately See Nash. Pacifec Motor Sale Co.. 338 Gliisan at., near aroiaway. "eON-FECTTONERT. LIGHT GROCERT. At a transfer point, doing nearly $60 Jay business: low rent, liyin room. Viis $2300. Call 511 Railway Exchange, $3000 NET INCOME FOR SALE. SHOB FURNISHING GOODS STORE In coat county seat; good school, and high school; sawmills; trade extend ing All over county; cleared 3000 last year. Will sell at original cost inven tory; about 110.000 will handle: present owners want to concentrate capital in njaii sin-store. Address THE BOOTERT. SALEM. OR. " OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. General mdse. store 50 miles Portland; good little town with large payroll; saw mill and other utilities to increase pay roil; stor 1. doing a business clo.e to $100,000 a year; no competition; nearest townl7 mils; mllk.protecis accounts run by workers; invoice about J'O.DOO; rent $9.23. including .tore. outbuBdlngs, ga rage and living rooms; hot and cold water; owner selling on account of health. For particulars call Ires. silO Hawthorn ave. mornings; no trades. No agenta WEST SIDE. ON WASHINGTON ST. CONFECTIONER V. COR. BRICK BULLDING. Will sell my up-to-date cigar and con fectionery, doing a fine business, fresn stock, good hxtures; rent iiol all tor $1500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 OAK SI. POOL HALL ON CORNER. BRICK BUILDING. KENT U3. LEASE. If you want a nice pool hail witn tables, wall case, cigar cases, cash regis ter, soda fountain, fresh stock, etc.. we can alio you this Is a .nap for 4UW. . RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 OAK ST. ONE-HALF INTEREST. CAFETERIA. If you want a snap in a Interest in a cafeteria thot Is fedlng over 100 people per day. let us show you this place tor JliO. ' RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 203 OAK ST. GARAGES FOR SALE. 90x100. brick, fine location, lease; storing 72 cars. We have a .mall repair .hop; doing a fine business. ... , . Interest in a fine brick bldg.; doing a fine business and storage. . Main 5385. 401 Stock Ex. bldg. r Alt i ifc - ' -Auto garage; storage for SO car. and plenty repair work; also sell go., oils, tires, etc.; beat of locations; have more work than I can handle alone; will sell equal half interest to a steady man me chanically Inclined; can each clear -!oO "month; only JS0O cash required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. ......... , , t. T"-. MEAT MARKET. A flna meat market in Alberta dlst.. jioing a good business; 'heap rent and good-looking place, ail for $1000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 OAK ST. WEST SIDE CAFTEP-IA. BRICK BLDG. This place is close to 6th and Wasn llneton and doing a swell business; rent $90- If you want a fine place, see u. quick; all for $000. some terms. '" RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 OAK ST. C.0O GAffAGE. A BRICK GARAGE. CI.OSB.TN, RENT $.-. DOING A GOOD Bl SINEbS-; W LI; SELL ALL FOR $000. AS I AM GOING AWAY. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS Will exchange my stock of jewelry, silverware. hand - painted clilnaware, crockery, value $4000, 2-year lease, rent $40, west for city property or close in acreage. See 824 Railway Exchange bldg. RELIABLE business man to take over '4 interest In a growing iiiauui"u. .... business for $1300: you take full charge of office here and become sales man ager. A big opportunity. GEO A. HAMPTON. 23 Trlnitv Place. Main 1135. EXCLUSIVE sales distributor wanted for patented automomie iiccea.-.ii.j . i.iwu nanda selling in California and the east; should make $10,000 net annual profits; Investment of $1300 to $..000 required, fully secured by merchandise. A. c. Mo ral lister. 332 Polk St.. San Francisco, Cal ctoiji.- Avn r,iirn":i.:uv. Both doing big business located on transfer corner, well established : profits are from 700 to JSOil per month. VV ill take $10,000 to $l-'.0J(i cash to handle. A. J. DEFOREST & CO.. lt,.nn b'dtr. Main 2890. ESTABLISHED business, Incorporated in I'll).. Has never pun. i .... - .- cent on the Investment and some year, as high as 45 per cent; good working organization: selling onotccount of other business Interests: will take $3000 cash to liamiie. ...... GOOD WILL and practice, rich wheat . .. n.ahv .Ilnntfle neil. eastern it-Bo... . . I've made enough in 12 years to retire. Excellent chance, easy terms. Address "Retiring." 500 Railway Exch.. Portland. A WEST SIDE GARAGE. The storage and repair work will clear you $000 month; can also make big mon ey selling used cars; $2700 cash required. .... r.i,m .M HHrf. t UABftVlU o I 1. v. , . Partner wanted for 1011x100 concrete garase: 05 cars steady storage and plen tv of repaJr work. Room 401 Dekum . - . . T.IOUDTfWI' bldg. COFFEE house for sale. It Is a live one, and has maae mine; you cm... uu ...o same. Come in and try it out; no agent. .V ft I 't Opi.C(in Inn FOR SALE Liberty fish market, wellr known raciuc u.sici ..., retail; best business on coast; on trial two montns. otn auu mmi.in FOR SALE La Fave's Beauty Shop, the oniv one III lllia n.wu..-. - business. Write 619 Dougla. .L. Ray mond. Wash. HAVE a 6-room house, furnished, for .ale or trade: also a pno-.u muuiu. .wm Ider partner. Main 1E0S. GROCERY, living rooms, with bath; will Invoice; t-uu win . B929. PARTNER wanted In auto repair .bop; r- WnrA am Dart navmenl. 25 Kith -St. MAN to run paying cafeteria for 5 months with option to ouy 11 pbiimicu, iuy o auired. AN 314. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for country garage: aell Chevrolet ana woiige .-i, f-uuv ic nulred. 401 Dekum bldg. IF YOU WANT TO GET INTO BUSINESS SEE NORD, joe nc.rti pi-cu. LADY'S barber shop for sale. Phone Main 2320. s P. m. 1000 ENVEJ-OPES. 4.3. aiain oia-t, Rvrter I.lherty l-ress. ..lain bi. WILL sell restaurant and taieterla iur- niture to nignest nimtr. r mi.u. NE T cafeteria for sale, cheap; terms. Call Bdwy. 1352. good Good GkaCoo$1S im 'RuiAifrDly' Csftrltht. 192X by THE MORNING OREGONIAy, THURSDAY, MARCIT 18, 1920 V - - - . I I i-. t- . 1 1. nnnnovrvpriifH - I w I I . - i w . PACIFIC AGENCY, INC, 614-518 Swatland Bldg.. Marshall S9S9. BUSINESS CHANCES. APARTMENT HOUSES. 145.00028 apartments, consist ing of ten 8-room apt... six 2 room apt.., all vary largo and nicely furnished: fine east side location, close In; brick building. 50x100 corner lot; this placs shows a good revenue for money in vested; reasonable term to re sponsible party. APARTMENT. $35,000 9 apartments, seven 5 room and two 2-room apts. : lot 50x100, 3-story building, 3 stores en ground floor; east side location and strictly modern; will take .mall tract of land close in pr residence In city at $5000; might consider some terms. $18,000 23 a-partments, fine west side location; 16 4-room and 9 S room with sleeping porches: rent -$350 with a 6-year lease; elevator, several garages; large playground for children; this shows a net in come of $800 per month. APARTMENT. $12 000 28 apartments, west side location, clo.e In brick corner; 29 two-room and two 8-room apart ments: rent $330. 3-year lease: all outside apts.. and .hows a month ly receipt of over $1000; $9dOO will handle this. GARAGE. $3000 Garage and livery stable, stores 25 car. at $3. This Includes 15 horses. 7 sets double harness 3 wagons. 1 surrey. 5 seU of single harness; also feeding 18 horses for $38 per month each. This place is showing a net. prof It or $000 per month and if you don t believe It come and we will show you t GARAGE. $4500 Building 83xS4. "ir' floor' This is a new building, eouiooed with an electric drill 5S notir air pump gas pump and tank, emery anl,bU,. kmds. canlzer. accessories of all kinds. This Place also has the agency For Brisco car for the count Rent $25 per month. This P"ce mcUde nSilding and ground or will sell business for $30t at tnis rental? Located in best town In Willamette valley. GARAGE. Good west side parage, price -clndes building and aU Re ceipts run about -0 Vu'aowD Good cement build ijg. W down will handle. Price J21.000. GARAGE. u. interest In good west side ga ra?e. on one of the main highway. Tn town" rent 1227 lease ! " 2 years; seceipts run about $A)0O Je? month. Price $4609. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., ' 614-519 Swetland Bldg. Narshall 39S0. rent sT rTvers' at" Salmonberry. Address . sTTburbanTbarbr" Pier, iMomci. See Lewis, with COBB BROS.. s GOOD up-to-date grocer, f """p, country town 12 m lc a iro n J.S00 PopulatX.1'1 or Phone 100 BOt yj. . Call y?"1?,Sr,,rMarshari 6609. Apt. D. murguaj want practical logger to 6lHon a. 20 million !"'''-',,-,, Carlton. w.ihhnru. rooi" r-r tAke'itr good Place, west side Nord. -UP nemj ""' -" A w.ll EQUITY If.ffit"'84' '"I equipped 1918 oooge pnone: want stand and one-party un WAl5TET3Man-woman jjltb f' ircirT7?IpradAd$rf wSii Side lnnation. r va.i- : tnr Pale. JiOW"i uviiiB " in rVar rent SO. Address or call rooms in rear rent- 8J2 aiiiwautt.g ' ,i Ti i o H i T NT j.i" mod lease, r-no BVil'wav Exchange. district, ooinK ' terms. "lo" ircnrnAKT " good location on Wash KftSTAnLKrUh; "must sacrifice $2000. o. on terms. inquire no o : --rrSZl onr t ROOMING .nous ""per monti Lrice, .ilLJ'rrmB BROS.. 203 OAK ST. iTj'r.-VH wanted in cash business: will work: small investment ins ,rti n,kiint bldg. montn. -aii FOB SALE-A pool n"wiVh'f "lis Call L Hilton. Gresham. Or. Phone 178. Call m in GROGERY STORE. Invoice about $2000; good location, good fixtures. See Lewis, or.! nnlr sf. afternoons. WILL sell Interest -or all of a gnoi lire and accessories business. AM 6o9. Ore gonlan. WILL sell my new garage on ' facifio hlghwav. fully equipped. B. G. Wells & Son, Hubbard, Or. . t TRUCK contract, 3 years work, must pur chase 2-ton truck, good money, guaran teed job. AMJjill Oregonlan. Wewipaper Feerere Servfee. be Greei Britaisi rhro USAS TO-" .r' fSoSH'- COIIA olCW TtK YORE c.nj UVQCFBi D. Nvz Sft. fl .-1 ' 7 co... ,c1i ; I financial. I 41550 BUYS c&xj) grocery in apartment district. $4500 stock and fixtures to exchange ' for close-In property. $1300 buys meat market; terms. $2100 buys meat market, west side, terms. $2050 . or Invoice, bicycle shop. $400 buys beauty parlor. $3500 buys country grocery, terms. $1750 buys hardware and grocery, e good living rooms; 8 years' lease. 49-eow dairy, good terms. 30 buys west side restaoaent. $1000 or invoice, store. ' $S50, confectionery ana light gro cery. 4 living room., west side.. $1500 buys half interest in good ga rage, $1000 casl, balance time; must db mechanic T 824 Railway Exchange Bldg. WANTED A PARTNER FOR EXCLU SIVE WELL - KNOWN EASTERN TRUCK AGENCY; MUST HAVE GOOD BANKING CONNECTION AND BLSrT OF REFERENCES: CAPABLE HAN DLING OFFICE DETAILS, SALESMEN. SUB-AGENCIES AND WAREHOUSING TRUCKS FOR CITY PORTLAND AND STATE OF OREGON; NO TRIFLERS OK AliUi-N lTS. DU, UOEiUkf GENERAL mdse. store- and building for sale, in live town, practically no oppo sition, located on S. P. Co., also on the P A. & P. R. R-, now building. In good farming, logging and sawmill ter ritory. Stock and fixtures and buiiding for $20,000. Sales $7500 per month. No trade accepted. AV 503, Oregonlan. GRILL, HOTEL AND DELICATESSEN. Best paying business in the nortfc . west. Inquire BRAND'S, Boise, Idaho. $1050 BUYS CASH GROCERY, MCb, CLEAN STOCK, RENT $15; POOD LIV ING ROOMS; MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. SEE BROWN it BIDDLE. 824 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. BARBER SHOP wanted. Will pay cash for small shop In country town. A Hunt. 30Q',4 4th St.. Portland. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANT a good grocery: clean stock. AL tai, oregonian. WANTED Rooming-house or hotel lu mining or lumber town, or take charge and run boarding-house ia camp. Ad dress AV 430, Oregonian. CASH-AND-CARRY grocery; . wilt pay cash for a neat and attractive place. 1 am a buyer and not an agent; owner, oniv. AM 620. Oregonian. WANTED Hotel about 100 rooms, cen trally located, west side, furniture, lease and price must be right. AN 309, Oregonian. WANTED Good paying business on west side; have $S0O to $1000 to Invest; would consider garage on terms; $1000 -cash. Call room 409. Mam iujm. WANT a small grocery about $500. If i . ti - r-a 1 and yuu nave one can .mo.ui i,-, w. see Mr. Lewis. 2tl3 Oak St. , WANTED to get into a small sawmill or shingle business, either as a partner or would buy. AN 818, Oregonian. ROOMING HOUSE, 14 to 24 rooms; give price ajid location; no agents. Mrs, l?letcner. tJZft union o. I HAVE a customer for a good restaurant. wuui nave you i i nuiw ww, -see Mr. Leivis. 263 Oak t. WANTED Good business proposition; Have $o000-$10,00o; will buy iu or buy out AL S54. Oregonian! Hotels and Rooming Houses. NOTICE. INVESTORS. 36 H. K. Rooms. Only $2100. This place is centrally located on west side in brick bldg.; rent $100. with lease. $1500 wlU handle. 27 H. K. ROOMS IN WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. Net income $190. and $134jO cash. 10 ROOMS. EXTRA WEiLL FUR NISMED. in White Temple district. This place was recently sold for 1550; on ac count of sickness wUl sacrifice for $105Q and $700 will handle. ONLY $07. T extra well furnished rooms, close In, In Nob Hill dist. A gift at this price, snd $273 will handle. SIMMS. 626 Cham. Com. Bldg. M. 61 2T. GENUINE BARGAIN. 85 rooms; $1000 handles, whole price only $1200. This Is a good-paying board ing house, situated in the very heart o the north end industrial district. Pres ent owner has run it for the past seven : v.orx and has alwavs made money, but owing to ill health will sacrifice for quick sale. Price only $1200 for 3s rooms, completely furnished, with living quarters for the family: well equipped kitchen and dining room. A. J. DEFOREST & CO., 320 Henri' bldg. ' Main 2690. 10 ROOMS In White Temple district: rent $50. very nicely furnished exceptional ly good rugs; nets $60 over expenses. Price only $1050. 7 rooms, furnace, electricity; very nicely furnished, neat and clean; good Income ana nome. t-rice oniy ouo. good terms. MAIN 3H3S. C. E. BO WEN CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTKL-APARTMENT. 83 rooms, corner brick, located right downtown; part H. K-, balance sleep ing: clears $2S0-over expenses. Fair furniture. Not a high-class place, but a money-maker. On account of sickness will sell ror xi'iiun. n.uu casn. C. E. BOVVEN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTEL, clears $175 month, brick bldg.,.3 St.. west side, lease. 8 H. K. rooms, swell furniture, ! baths; price $750. ' oi rnnms. clear. S175: snap: rent $o0 have other bargains in 12-15-room houses. Phone Main 1023. WEAVER, 215 Stock Exchange. (0-KU1J.V1 HUltii, cahuai... Price $S500. $5000 down, balance easy ti. nrcwit uiHn location, cor. hfirlf ' tricllv modern': rent less than $5 per room: clears $500 a month profit It's a real snap. A. J. DEFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry b!dg. Main 2690. 1WHJ HI.". v..""- 15 rooms good furniture, low rent, fur UUP rAawr nace neat., income ove. uti. located: one of the best buys In city. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 171 WEST PARK. n t . r II T T If itV V TOW N." 12 rooms, N. W. heat, furniture very good; building safe; four toilets, 3 baths, elee. and gas: some H. K. ; part tran sient: unusuallly big Income: $loo. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 171 W. PARK. SVALL APT. HOUSE. S1350 handles 20 rooms, all In C-roorp until.: corner." close in: rent $o5. with 2-year lease. Act quickly. . A J. DEFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Main 2690. west aiuc, . . . d, long lease. Buy a good one; $2a00 cash hand es. see wrs. urwii. A. J. DEFOREST & CO., atl nenry oiog. Clean place, housekeeping apts.; nets Kiitj! owner iittn ..o. u.cm. A. J. DEFOREST & CO., ; MAKE ME AN OFFER TODAY. m. ll H. K Main 6127. 21 rooms, mostly H. K. ; total inepm. frr. on Park St.. close in. Alain bl-7. t550 11 H. K. ROOMS; rent $40. This i. a snap: leaving city; must sell at once. Mr. Gray less, iromj mw. TIV. -a TJ TT well iirnlbe,l close In, west side: good net Income. See Mr. Morna. -.-a. POLLY AND THE OAT CAPTURES K IT ! . , t-r i . . ,iTitirii ibo ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Hotels and Booming pou.es. , APT. HOUSE. " 9 rooms, west side, home like Blase; rent $45; price $1150. 42 rooms, west side, 1 suites 2 and 8 apt; rent $S5; $3200. HOTEL, 70 rooms, transit, good location; rent $350; price $8000. 11 rooms, west sids; rent $30; brick bldg; $1400. 409 SWETLAND BLDG.. Main 6001. . .10-ROOM APART. HOUSE. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN. 10 large rooms with kitchenette: can make 14 rooms in this place; fine furni ture; house all nice and clean; a real bargain for $1200, some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BARGAINS IN ROOMING HOUSES. Have a very good listing in west lde rooming houses from 10 to 40 rooms that have been carefully inspected by m. and well worth the money. Come see my list. Here's one of many: Brick building, 22-rooms hotel, 6 blocks from postofflce, only $4200, very well furnished, income $650, rent $123 monthly. Mr. Nelson, with T. O. BIRD, 626 Cham, ot Com. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apart ment Iouse of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. ' WATCH OUR ADS; WIS GET RESULTS RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BARGAIN HUNTER, ATTENTION. 6 rooms, furnished, netting $30; Vie trola, 75 recordB. 1 Sludebaker car. 5 cords of wood, all goes for only $750, $400 cash. See Nelson, with T. O. BIRD, 526 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1022. HERE Is a money-maker and you can have Immediate possession, as owner na-t bought a farm; 27 rooms, good furni ture In fine location, near business dis trict; nets $180 a month; price $3750; terms. C. V. Smock, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141 or Marshall 2003.' WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 33 rooms, H. K., reasonable rent; clears $280 besides own apartment; steam heat, elec, $3400; terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE or rent, 10-room boarding house. 1 acre of garden land, at railroau shops In -Nehalem valley; doing good business, everything complete, 1 cow and 60 chickens; if interested come at ones. Neverstll, Oregon, via Kerry. Mrs. fc. A. Humfleet; price $2500. terms. 10-ROOM, partly H. K., beautifully fur nished with oak furniture, expensive rugs, gpod bedding, everything new; good income; must sell at once for only $1100 See Nelson. Marshall 1022. With T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Commerce. DO you want to serf- your rooming or apartment nouse or notei qun-iv . me. Hotels and rooming houses a spe cialty. All kinds of business opportuni ties handled with quick results. GEO. A. HAMPTON, 25 Trlnitv Place. Main 1135. 80-room hot1, brick building, close in west side; 29 baths, large lobby, long lease; will accept trade up to $S0o0. city property or farm. Net income $1000. For further Information call 1631 West FarK. wens a: .nutTHo" T.;T.--m DI..CI .TUTlTUVVTS 3400. TVIiOl OlUH flini.i.i....." '- A-l furniture of 21 rooms, part house keeping, in center of business district: hot and cold water in rooms. N. W. heat; net income of $300 per month. Henry w. ijonnarii. -. omm i. .irLim uinL. xjrvr.inrt'C APARTMENTS. W I'.o A ryiuizj ... . 30 apartments, 5 years' lease, right rent, clears about $750; elevator, loca tion tllx bent, $18,000; some terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 12 ROOMS, H. K., well furnished, nets $100 besides 2 rooms occupied by owner. Price $1100. See Nelson. Marshall 1022. With T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ROOMS 10. Close to Washington street, furnace heat; newly papered and painted; clean as a pin; dandy home, $845: terms. PETERS. 15 NORTH 5TH ST. . II xncvjn.K,.fcw. ..... 68 rooms, 20 apartments (furnished) balance offices, modern "ldg., lease, N. ... i . tcnnil n.ill hanla ... n,, .tr-Trft.-t t f I'M Tt MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. $1000 BUYS 10-ROOM HOTEL AND RES T URANT, TERMS. $700 BUYS 15 ROOM HOTEL. WEPT SIDE.' TERMS. SEE BROWN ft BIDDLE, 324 RAIL WAY 11 A.MJl'. ijl.lu. 16-ROOM rooming house, centrally located, clean and well furnished, brick bldg.. rent $65; $890 cash, balance on easy terms. Call 22914 First St., or phone Marshall if-. CUiAnmu ii. ...... i4 rooms, rent $05: dandy west side location, well furnished, carpets good, worth while, price right MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HEN RY -BLDG. WE have several good buy., one llj-oom, one JS-room, one 10-room. one 17 rooms, one 24-room. one 27 room: all house keeping. Call 163ii West Park. Wella & Anderson. To Buv or Seii a Hotel. ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUSE, See A. J. DcFOREST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Main 2690, We Buy Chattel Mortgages. 14 ROOMS. RENT $35. Housekeeping apts.: lease, good income, i A. J DEFOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg 10 ROOMS, very close In: 8 rooms com pletely furnished for housekeeping: all nice clean and In good condition: al ways full: $700. Bdwy. 2644. 10 ROOMS, all H. K.; good furniture, best of location; alwys full; must sell; leav ing city: private owner; rent $o5; price SI 150. Main 2856 18 ROOMS, mostly apts., rent $35, In come SOU Desmea uwu !". c'".j price $1600; $1000 down. m MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 26 ROOMS 2e. 1 block from Wash. St., steam heat, well furnished, always full, S2I00; terms PETERS, 15 NORTH 5TH ST. S-YEAR lease of steam-heated, 50-room furnished apartment house . near ship yards about to open; clear. $300 month. G. 29. Oregonian "7 ROOMS, apartment house, on west side, best location; net profit $135 a month; price $2300. terms. Inquire 141 Lowns- niile St.. comer Amur bi. udc u XT r t;S."T Hotel and apartment house broker. 723-4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ti-niTtn Ttimixhed medium or large sixed rooming home by last of May. BC .i.n. urcsuiuoii. FOR best bargains in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg. WANTED A good apartment or well paying rooming house; give lowest price; no agents. AL 833. Oregonlan. WANTED Good paying hotel; must ba clean: state price, etc.; no agents. BJ 497, Oregonian. g ROOMS, all housekeeping; White Temple district; $900. termn. Call 163'4 West Pnrk. Wells ft Anderson. . HER PALS THE FLEEING FLEAS Hf CLIFF H u r-Tr' y- - r . 1 Hotel and Rooming Housee 30 rooms, transient. North Sixth, low rent; clearing about $250 per month, Just right for lone woman: $1000 take. It, on Terms. Hedges. 171 We.t Park. lost and ronro. $25 REWARD. ' The party who removed tan leatner bag from the car that was Parked near Benson hotel last Saturday night will kindly return the papers found in the bag to 78 E. 8th st. N. These Papers valuable fl owner only No will be asked and a $25 reward will be paid. ARTICLES found on cars of P. R. P. Co.; March HV 3 purees, 1 fountain pen. 1 key, packages. 3 hooks, I music case. 1 spring. 1 pillow. 7 lunch boxes. 1 tree, l proom. o uiunrgun jjjsT White Persian male cat, one blue eye and one yellow; finder or person knowing where he Is, please notify Mrs. James Balnbridge, 538 E. lStn St. N. Phone East 4952. Reward. LOST Beaded brown silk waist some where between 6th and 7th or on otn between Ankeny and Pine. Reward II returned to tx r.. j-me. LOST Lady's alligator hide Pfcketbook between Meier & Frank's and Simons store. -Second and Alder. Please phone ., ...i I!' llna.H tlfiOn mrS. U1IIUIU. ,HHHilnu LOST Lady's Hampden gold watch, nl tlals V. E. M. engraved on front. Return to 431 E. Taylor. Apt. 42. receive reward, or East 6S12. Mrs. A. L. Morris. LOST Small black coin purso. two $5 bill and inall change. Montaviila or Rose City car, last Saturday. Call Tabor G1-X. Reward ANGORA kitten, female, six months old: " gray mixed, dark stripe down back and large white spot under chin; good re ward. S2SV4 Alblna ave. Wdln. o2u2. LOST A Southern Paclfio pass and $1ia !- liberal reward. J. W. Knight, flagman, prand ave. crossing. onutneni -i-ii. LOST Between Broadway and Park on Morrison, headed handbag containing currencv. silver and bank book. Call Kdwy. H7. ttewara. DROPPED, between 2d and Alder sts. and ... ... . . .. m I H rnllP-lAlll LlDeny tneater, green c..o.... J clover pin: keepsake. Telephone bell wood 512. Reward. LOST Lady's purse, between Meier rranu. ana nooeris "i. ternoon. Finder please write or call at 4.it 4-'o ave. p. g. n,v.. - - LOST, strcyed or stolen, cattle dog; an swers to the name of Dewey; city li cense 776. county license 'i2. Rewara. -J J IN. IStn St- oruiiuwttj v,. LOST Sunday between 47th, Sandy and Laurelhurst park, girl's white fur neck- . . Tn Im A1ITH piece : 0 rewaru. riim.c J PENINSULA PARK, lady s gold watch. Waltham. black wrist case; reward. Woodlawn 1752. , LOST Package containing men's rlJ" sers, at limernia Dana, c muw. Halght ave. ,OsT Lady's Reward. LOST Lady's purse at Circle tneater, --t; bill, $5 bill and change, uewaro. Tabor 191. LOST Amethyst and pearl barpin. Re turn J. T. Crawford, Portland hotel; re ward. LOST Young Scotch collie dog. Mar. 494l for reward. phont SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. . Sealed bids will be received by sThnnl district No. 92, Oregon City, at the of- f ttni. n whilehonse. 619 Rail way Exchange bunding, Portland. Ore gon, at 12 o'clock M.. on the 31st day of March, 1920. for separate bids on the genera worn, piumoing, neaims 7 ,al,,, l,,i 11. tine Proposal must be an exact copy of proposal form In specifications, duly fl led out and will not be considered unless accompanied by bidder's bond or certi fied cneck for an amount etjual to at least five (S per cent oi mo ii ..... htH A satisfactory bond will be required of . i. ..t,.i hi,t,l,r to tniarantce the faithful performance of all provisions of the contract, which bond shall be of a sum equal to nxiy itoi wr ... .mat ommint nf CMtntraCt. Plans, specifications and full Informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the above mentioned office upon the deposit ,,,:''' iet-.tr,- mnA full nartlcu lars are also on .file at the office of K E Brodle, clerk of school dl.trlct No. 62, Oregon City, Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject any and all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemeo nest tor me mhi-h BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. DIS TRK'T NO. 62. JOSEPH E. HKDGES, Chairman, Attest: B. E. BROD1E, Clerk. BIDS WANTED. Bids for the Installation of heating In the Woman', building for the University will be received by the Build ing Committee of the Board of Regents or tne univeinny w. .. ...... Ann I 1. 1920. until 2 o'clock 1 P. M.. at the office of L. H. Johnson, Secretary of the Board ot ttegents. Anministraiion building. University of Oregon. En gene. Or. Mian and -sneciflcatlons may be se ,,rrf hv aoDlvina at the office of Lawrence ft Holford. Architects, i02 Chamber or commerce Dunuing, x-ori-laiid or at the office of the Secretary of the Board of Regents, Administration building. University of Oregon, Eu gene, Or. The Rxeeutive Committee of the Board of Regents reserves the rightto reject any or all bids. Successful bidders win be required tn furnish a boRd for the faithful perform ance of the contract. L. H. JOHNSON. Secretary of the Board of Resents, University of Oregon. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TTTLB AND TRUST BLDG, LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTO. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR PLAN WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO, 208 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR.) LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on cattN sheep, hogs, etc. F. E. BOWMAN ft CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Main 3026. WE handle lease-, all kinds of business, buy and sell contracts and mortgages; consult us If you want to buy or sell anything; we can help you. 202 Mc Kay bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore Kt,n. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumberniens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman ft Co., . 210 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SM.F. $4000 contract on tine resi dence property: 7, first Hen: security $11.000: no discount. Wdln. 47S3. I BUY seller's real estate contraots. 808 Abington bldg. Mar. 4188. STERRETT. BE TOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your real estate loan on the co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from 8 to 10 years, repayable in .mall monthlv Installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates In full profits of tne association. Only purely co-ooeratlve savings and loan association In Portland. UNION SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, , 89 4th St. Money to Lea a on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6i per cent to T per rent, five-year period. You mav pay MOO or any tnu -tlple thereof account principal, semi annually and reduce Interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house ana lot at 6i to 7 per cent Tou pay one half of 1 per centi account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest. You have privilege of paving $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ae cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five to ten-year period; and per cent. Same repavment " 'vtlege. MORTGAGE LOAN COM PANT. Main 8308. Suite 407 Yeon Bldg. I CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve--, inent purposes. ! The best and easiest method of paying ft loan is our monthly payment plan. Sdj.zo per montn -- uu montns. or $21.24 per month for 60 month, or $15.17 per month for 06 mouth, pay. a loan of 1000 and Interest. Loans of other amount, in same pro portions. Repayment prlvlleees. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASS(N.. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment privi leges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third Street. Main 806T. Room 2. Chamber ot Commerce bldg. MONEY TO LOAN'on" IMPROVED PORTLAND REAL ESTATE. RESIDENCE, A PA RTMENT. BUSINESS MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY, TITLE 4i -TRUST BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PORTLAND REAL ESTATE. RESIDENCE. APARTMENT. BUSINESS. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY. TITLE ft TRUST BLDG. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to lean at lowest current rate, on Willamette val ley, farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or WE ARE in a position to make large or small loans in Oregon. Washington and Idaho on improved income farm prop erty. If you need money lo finance your proposition, write or call In person. 1205 Wilcox bldg.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repnying privilege.. A. H. BIltRELL CO . 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg Marshall 4114. A 4118. $4000- -$4500. Three years 7 per cent on two new Laurelhurst homes valued at Jh'hio and $9000 each LAURELHURST CO. MR. KOEHI.ER. Main 1700. 2;il', Stark St. i Urt c X I ij L. r. IJ. I.'.O.OOO or lee. to lend on Improved property; city or countrv. R. F. BRYAN. 509 Chamber of Commerce. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Commission. No Delav. $1000, $1500. $2000, $3000 and UP. We loan our money on real e.tate. F. H. PES HON. 613 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate security at going rate or iniereet, OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real en- ' tate. 1st and 2d mortgage., contracts. I livestock, notes, etc. F, E. Bowman & Co.,210 Chamber Com. Main 8026 ; $60,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit on city, i suburban and farms. Building loans a ; spocie-iiy. WILLIAM G BECK. 215-216 FAILING HLDG.. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND I'iTV PROPERTY. H'i PER CENT. 6 PBR CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 84 4TH ST., HENRY BLDG. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate. 6 and 7, long time, short time; monthly payments or as you can; sum.' to .ult. 725 Gaaco I.Ida . 5th and Alder. CEI.LA RS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no comm it-alon or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 606 Piatt BldgJ Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. Current rate.. WM. MacMASTEHS. 331 U. S. National Hunk Bldg. $400. $500. $000. $M)0. $1000, $1250. $15011, $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action Payoff $10 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co..' 631 cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1870. MORTGAGE LOANS. OCR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND ft MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland, Or. MONEY to loan on city and farm prop erty; we buy mortgage, and contracts, note, and accounts. Levy ft Zimmerman Co., 202 McKay Bldg. 500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay: no brokerage. John Bain, 307 Spalding oldg. $300, $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND ITP: low rales; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. JUST collected $10,000 private money; want to loan It Immediately; one eum or divided to suit. 523 Henry bldg. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO., 223 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon ft Co., 408 Selling bldg. MONEY on farm ansl Improved city prop erty. K. K. Baiter. 1203 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, loweat rates. A II. Hsrdlng. 812 Railway Exchange. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to ealarled or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthlv or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTO MIPS. NO 1NDOR8ER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan nn household, furniture, nlanos. etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates: all articles held a year: estab lished lsi. uan wari v .... HATHAWAY Ixians nn pianos and furnl ture: legal ratesL 208Washlngton bldg Money (e I-o.n Thettrle " halarire. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASBN MONEY AT I PER CENT. KSTARLIUHKn WT PORTT.ANn FI'M NkS MEN TO PROTECT BORROWERS. liOAN". MAnH ON DIAMOND. WATCHES. JKWELRV, riAMW. VIC TROLAS, i-IBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITLRai S4 8TARK ST.. NEAR IfTH CAKRTE MYERS HERRMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REVJCniAI, LOAN ASSN. IX) TOTT NEED -MONET AT LEGAL RATH. QI'I' K SERVICE YOU CAN GKT IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOH1LF8. Fl'HNlTUHK. PIANOS. V1CTROI.AS. REAL .ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payment are loo l.rge on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance ou more money If needed. We make a specialty of these loans, and leave the ."rurlly In yo'ir possesrton and you can repay us In .mall monthly payment.. ASO WE MAKE SALARY IaIAN'S to salaried people, on their own note. Rate, reasonable. Private offices. All businn,. strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (LICENSED.) 806-30T Dekum bldg. Marshall 8280. 8. W. Cor. Third and sulunijlon i.oan Wanted. 110(10 WANTKII. On 50x100 corner, with sidewalk In ud paiJ: nice grounds, with row of holly trees around place: 5-rooin plea tered house, with plumbing; cement basement; 5 fruit trees: 4 blocks from ar, near Annabel, Powell Valley and Bid. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. WANT MONEY O.N AUTOMOBILES. We can use any amount of money on automobile dealer , paper: good seuul ItV. Your money Is good st ell ttnir.: big In come. Give me your eddre. aod 1 will call. AU 12. Oregonlun. WANT $10,000 on Improved property with $190 a month Income; loooo on improve.! property with $90 a month Income. $1500 on good house and 4 lots. R. R. Bryan. 609 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED J'-'SOO at per cent for I or II venrs on Woodstock property: n com mls.lon paid. Fred Spear. Tabor Bt7, li.'.th ave and 67th st. S. K, H ANTED $13.0011 on brick block worth . Ill, Oik), will pay 6 per ornt for long loan. N. W. McrrlllPld. 810 Wa-hlnglon St.. Vancouver, WaMi. WANTED from private party, $::OO0 on high-class Roe City Park home. C.ll Broadway 2t or 304 Oak St., Mr. kiigJ LOANS WANTED $60(10 for yesre, 8 ner cent, giving as security too acres of land Just g K. of city limits. i03 Title k Trust bldg. FIRST MORTGAGK8 Kill S1I B UN' Improved fans, and city properly, $1000 J? H'"i"'l'"sHON, 61.1 ril AM. OF COM LOAN' of . '.0.000 wanted on aul.sianiial lumber enterprise: profits are such that nn ui'i I rate of Intelsat can be paid All 79H. oregi.O'.n. $75.11011 AT 6 per cent en real estate rep resenting large value anil producing lurge Income. HC 3.I5. Oregonlan. $10,000 AT tt'n per cent; security offered, two wist side prupetllea !th '" vnliiallon of I M IHlil. A I' H. Preg.mia n CAN place $'.':.00 for yon at per rent for 8 to A years: no rmnmlsslne eharged. Kred Spear. Tahor DK7. 7 i'KIK CENT for vour money on the et security on e.irth. See me at once. 528 ll-nry blilil 7EK OREGON INV A MOHTtl ;K " . 2J2 Chain, of l 'uinnier'e. 4ih and StarK WANTUD-$T0O2 or 3 years at 7 Pr J-;J. No coinnilealons. Ff E pear. Tabor MT. 1,00 FOR 3 yr. at on 8 acres. Osaego Lake; room DM Plttoek blo.k. I'HOillVAU $$$$ Ul VMON'DS Hoinirr. I h.ive $ tno.h'tO rc.dv cpb to In teat in .ilauin.xls. bra Mr. It.n ,..,inh ai a aei mil niaract talus in , iiii. t'oiiliiiciLtLel. . GKOll'iES IIANliOI.I'H. Diamond Biokcr. 1o5 Sliaiuing bldg., 4lh Hour. MADAME EIINE, S.'AI.P I HI ''A'-'. "bowing the people bow le ire. their balr "r bald heada. tailing hair end dandruff. It will not co.1 you aiiUhmg " come and see what I can do ,..u Sunday, March ,14. 3 1. .nd I to 1K Columbia hall. S.ioiid anil Oak. WW there all tjin.ulith. .. OLD FALMi TKin li ItOl'GHT. We pay up to $JS per eet. Don t mai ler If broken; old-tlire are moat val uable. Crowns, br.dgework Uiii.lil Uiing mall. The American Brokerage 4o SnahlTni bldg.. 411. flour, Hd and Waeh. BATHS-Steam bath, and niaasaK., b ft." Marsha,;.'. SI. Tr.in.4 "ur" In .u.lidaiue. Dr. Laura Iwnlila. M irjl'BlAN TRIP Select "1''' 'J"''!; ,Zt and c..ndu"inr:- KliVi-claa. only, 'or particulars adrir.s klxtenelou Travel lub. boa b5, Seattle, Wai-li. , LADIES and gentlemen's panama, '' f.lt anU oeaver nve - -- -, Uyed and renewed; buckrain, "el and wire frames. LaFrance Haltera. 3.2 Va M orriaon aii TAKARA iNTISKHTIO FoWDER I. cleaiiaing, lieanus, s- - - : ; - orallng douche. A great aid In l""'; ili. and female dleorders. Rue and $1 I, ll, Portland llotul Pharmacy. -rrr: ' . ;. u-iiiim in:T Trv a scienilflu masssge or an eleelrio rablii.t bath at l-r. Ironside's, 3"S-I Uroadway bid a. Nurse In, allendane.. Phone wain ..u rilL'AlUNTEli te cure corns, bunions, lug. liiVuntloa. no pain, no sorenee.. Lowe.l .rices li , town. Consulmiloli Ir-e. Here I J prices in ..a i,kum hlda. ears; areola . - w A N T E D- Jac k Swafford, a cook by pro- "Aflf6 . .1 u-ltk John E. I.OM. SSLnd ho.-T. W... Edmonton. Albert. -rx, iniimrtailt buslne. mSMwiun i;;j."; c''rr:cieN,vt M"h.r V. "ery low; would like lo hear 7771 kacRY tresis corns and Ingrowing Dll. ..... . ..ni..ri.. Iminnnmi. r.a...Vd;c.T,;;:ge-.t7;.n evening.. nob llaieigU jldg. Marshall 8.1.6. Expert remodeling at a "avlng. summer prices now In efie.-t. (106 Swetland bldg., 8th Slid Washington. FFHVET i HANNEUUT. leading lg and loupe makers, fiueel slock human half in" la, halrdresslng, municurlng, la.e and ...ir.-attnenl. 3 Alrt-r. Main 54. BTiHKKKI.liOJ S r,?.r"fre." Josl'i ; Kliiley. 814 Mush Lane bldg Miln 3s- . tT7'I 'TS both feet filed up st Dr. Melon's, ' the C'HIKOPODIST and ARCH MM-ST.. who noe.n l hurt you; H yr, here; : rjem. free, tilobe pingii" - UK J. bldg. W. HATIMiRF. i. P., 304 Dekum narvous and chronic diseswes, oew n etbod.. 1 to 4 P. M; M.ln 1160. urmg Ili a art Tor rrc e. ......... .... DR. U l A Rt i A rv t. I Mfti.'in prsctlc slearo bsths. violet ray vlbrMion iTlCLNA HOKI.NSKN, (Alt Paname bldg Druglese; niaaes." "'r a. -. rheumatism, conellp.tlon. Open evenlngt GRADUATE nurse ireat. lumbago, eie. lit 1 io e or vi ..i'i.. or vi i-w .... ... Office ani.: Third SL Main 1049. "PI1.I-.8 c.n be PVm.n'"M' cured Ithjol rprrki in tin. - - - - bIiNHOMF. PARI.uR: S' IFNTII-IC PuDY MAKHA-IK. DR. OVIDIK I.AKSKN. 4J? . MOKOAN BLI.DH MAIN Item Bi'lBNTli-'IO massase ajul magnetic treat- mani., I . w t . - - - . 804 Dekum bldg. FRISK Violet Rev demonstretlon In your prow lis niraii. ieww.. Phone Main TM0. DOESN'T Tm, Dl.k or Harrv pay vou TT rnoifla II 1 VliM'Wl Vll Id Ar'A' i Tl ' . "titf I DIrli sa llloiil an opers X ion, r " p MAGNETIC treatments for lumbsgo, eto. V. ', . no, ,1. iiihni,a hAm. main nn'"i. -1 " " - - l. A r !. I.......V. ....... 418 Huchansn Rldg. Main !6 PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Helm of FlasT M4 E ISd. Sell, t.'lg mmtilim MRS I.ARK1NS, Prtvate Manicuring, .orns Hotel. 8th end Morrison, epl. 8 .. . .... . li ivict nivil PILES CAV BE ri'RFD elthout opera lion Free booklet. P. O. bo. litis. ilFRTRUDB DANIELS, superfluous lialr. manicuring, f.ee. scalp 8rt I-H.dner bldg. MANICURING. shampooing. feea gad ' sualp Ireatment. .33 Morgan blag. - t ' S .' ' i re- .-v. :'iA.- . 1 : , ' 1" 1 '-,.V.-r-.,.v aSBSV