- . v. ' SO THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MARCn 18, 1920 HELP WANTED MALE. GLAZIERS AND CUTTERS WANTED FOR SEATTLE. STEADY WORK. EIGHT-HOUR DAT. GOOD PAT. CUTTERS. J7.S0 PER DAT. GLAZIERS, 7 PER DAT. TRANSPORTATION PAID. APPLT Mc DANIEL, 94 SPRING ST. SEATTLE. WASH. "MOVIES. A qualified director from ft promi nent tuiio can leach you more and qualify you quicker than any other per son known. This is the kind of a di rector we nave fortunately obtained teach you the art of Motion Picture actine and makeup. This real opportunity is here and wait ing: lor yu, an opportunity where you t an get result If you act quick and take this valuable training at a smaller cost Uian any other tuiiool. in a short time we will be producing conieuies at ine rate or one a weeK where by necessarily will require hundreds of people. Look Into tbh now! Come and ask! Kind out for yourself! It will jay you ! We a re oi i en n g you sume uung that Is really worth while. A real, live, paying; proposition, open and cian. Act now: 1013 Chamber Com. WANTED. FOR MILL UP COLUMBIA KIVKK, 2 ImX.'.EKS. 1 SKT'fKR. 2 LABORKK3. CON.TFI U C T I U N A1ILLWRIGH T, APPLY 1117 YLON BLDG. HAVfj aeveral vacancies for boys lb to 'JO years of atse for starting positions with larife wholesale concern. Applicants must be h.Kh school graduates and live at home. Boyd of good moral charac ter and neat in personal appearance will - Jind it to their advantage to apply. Fine opportunity for advancement. AN 3-18, JreKonian. WANTED Competent bookkeeper and of-li'-e man with some knowledge of type writing; prefer a man with automobile experience; M.ato ta.ary expected and give references. A. WILIIELM & PONS. 2d and Washington sta.. Corvaliiy. Or. GRANITE CUTTERS WANTED. Six cutters wanted on bases and mon umental work; beds on the bases put on with curfacer; will pay up to $1 per hour for first-class men; open shop. The -llor-ria Wuarry, Medical Lake. Wash. YOUNG man about 21 years of age. to woA in wholesale tire house, assistant to adju.vtor and helping in stock room; jleae give references and .--alary de- - .sired; this da an excellent chance fur advancement. BJ Oregonian. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires lo communicate with men w no are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you t.'il life insurance if given assistance by supervisor, cail or write V. E. Hi L bard irJUS Wilcox bldg. .WANTED Young map about 25 or 30 years of age, ior position In bank; one who has had considerable experience and cood credentials and of ability. Addres: giving ago, references, experience and salary expected, AM b', Oregonian. U'ANTKfJ Man and wife for private Pla in Yakirna. Wash.; wages $150 fur both wf.niiin to assist with housework;, mun Innk fli'tpr crtiunus. nbie to do card en ins; good wages paid, with room and board. Apply with references to All 3 15. Oregonian. &LDKRLY reliable man for chores and work oTi the farm, or someone to sell potatoes on the market. Don't reply unless you are steady and honest. State particulars and wages expected in first letter. Hchmid, Route 1. Beaverton. EXPERIENCED hardwood band sawyer, also on edgerman and two inspectors knowledge of hardwoods necessary steady employment : good wages. Write ltkuin Hardwood Mill, Sitkum, Coos Co. or. LL'TO MOBILE PAINTERS We want two first-class auto painters; we pay the highest watii-s in the city and provid steady work. Apply to the paint shop foreman, 4(h floor. Northwest Auto Co. Alder at lsih. MOTION P1 'TURK COMPANY. Fully equipped studio in Columbia Fach has opening for people wanting trvout; requires spare time only while learning. Columbia Film Corporation, Ine. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING CO. HAVE STARTED THEIR LO-GCING CAMP ON LARCH MOUNTAIN. KM PL O V E S O F COM PAN Y WHO -WANT INFORMA TION ABOUT JOBS CALL AT 111 YEON BLDG. WANTED First-class, all-around cabinet maker and finisher, one with expe rience In repairing and rtfinihing; ref erences required. Apply Oevurtz t urnl ture Co.. 1X 1st st. WANTED Hotel steward, must thorough ly understand the business, none other need applv. Man of long experience and middle age "preferred. Apply at R. E. Bond u rant. Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED- En einet r. draftsman and in titmmeiit man; state experience, refer ences and salary expected, sample of drafting. F. C. Comer, county Eng., K a I :i to a, ash. "VV A XT ED Man who would appreciate 1 room in basement with cooking privi leges in exchange for light work, would not interfere with other work. Tabor S7S2. EXPERIENCED cash and door stock rut ir wanted : also laborer. Apply Kanta M:g. Co., l0th and Nicoiai sis. WANTED Hoad gardener. Scotch pre ferred, accustomed to care of a weli knr nrivat- ola re: will be well paid pp!v by letter with references to AH Tlo, Oregonian. " ANTED Experienced vuicanizers who can handle dry curl retreading and sec- lion work; long steady jobs; at Mintzer's Tire hop, lit I4th ave. .South, Nam pa. Idaho; references requireo. WANTED Commissary man for out-of- town sawmill and logging operations; give references and salary expected. AG M7, Oregonian. 11XFKRI KNCED man to care for orchard; must furnish tpam and cultivating tools; good proposition for a live man. D. L. MrLeod. (M Porter st. COM PETENT manager for phonograph department, can make over '00 per month; good estaE.isnea ousmess in city. BJ 4U.'l. Oregonian. IAN and wife who will care for Mtiall apartment lor free rent of one of the apartments; gas, light and heat fur nished. 7- Titlf and Trust bldg. WANTED Expert template maker for bridge and building structural steel work. Apply to O verm ire Steel Con st ruction i"o. IMR.ST-CLASS automobile, starting, light ing and ignition mechanic. No other need apply. Sunset Electric Co., 9th and ;;isan sts. WANTED Bushel man for the country; prefer married man that can make pants and vests: all year around job; 40 per week. Appiv P. B. MrHrlde Woolen Co. WANTED Fountain man, married, for country town of 5000; state wages; 7 days a week, in billiard room. BF 643, Oregonian. 1 WO car checkers for out of town; $110 and transportation. Apply early today, 447 Morgan bldg REGISTERED PHARMACIST; good posi tion in eastern Oregon; best town. Ad dress AV 43S, Oregonian. "WANTED Teamster, acquainted with citv; portable house furnished. Tabor llOrt. East tioth and Hancock WANTED Baker, first-class bread man: good wages. Write Nampa Bakery, Nam pa. Idaho. WANTED Night clerk for lodging house; $14 a week and room. . AKL 77, Orego ntan. X.iCENiED electrician wanted to do small jobs In pare time. Call after 11 A. M., '13 Gerllnger bldg. ADDITIONAL experienced door patchers wanted. Henry McCleary Timber Co., McCleary, Wash. JiELIABLE young man to take charge of fresh meat department in a country stor. AH 76. Oregonian. WANTED Office boy: must be over 16 years of age. Apply Lang Co., 1st and AnkenyL JW1T0R wanted for office building. Ap 7y 512 Railway Exchange bldg. ADVERTISING solicitors, weekly, monthly papers. Clyde Agency. 210 Stock Exch. WANTED Experienced solicitor for dye ing ard cleaning. Tabor 1075.- WANTED Dredge engineer for Alaska. Call 704 Mississippi, after 5 P. M. LEARN the Tuleantzing business. Call or write 1T.8 E. Broadway. W A N T E D Bovs over IS with bicycles. Postal Telegraph Co.. 16 Third rtt. ELDERLY man for nmall ranch; goud home, 514 ',3 - 21st st. HELP WANTED MALE. A FEW GOOD DOUBLE-SHIFT ROAD JOBS .LEFT. Industrious men with enough money to maKfl nrst payment on new 4-ton truck with dump body should take ad , vantage of these jobs with very reliable contractor. You can make $1000 to ?l.0u per month: 8 to 10 months' work. Call Seilwood 2313 or write. AN 219. Oregonian. WAN and wife for Interarban home, man to act as gardener, wife to do laundry work; house, lit' lit and fuel free. Call before 5 P. AI. today. Room 500 Port land Hotel. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Ankeny St.. Cor. Second. Come today; 4 to S months' work. 8 millwrights, construction work oil new 130 -M mill; $S. 8 hours. You can get room and board. This is the job you have ben waiting ior. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGCT. WANTED Bright boy over 16 yearsof age as ornce boy; salary to start 912 per weeK. excellent opportunity. See Dousr- lass Powell, business office, Oregonian. 9 A Ju. lO v If. JlL. v A.MbU Men who are tired of working for a salary and who, when they have inorougniy mastered a new proposition, can go out as salesmen and make good Big field and opportunity for advance ment; men without ambition not wanted. AN 32, Oregonian. MILLWRIGHTS WANTED. Millwright on construction of large Bawmill; need 10 first-class men; long job. good wages and living conditions. Address Standard Lumber Co.. tiouora. Gal. WANTED 2 first-class pattern Apply Peninsula Iron Works. Help Wanted balc-Kmen. TRUCK SALES MAN. WANTED. If you are a high-grade truck sales man with territory experience we have a good position for you. We are one of the largest and best known motor truck establishments in the northwest. AO ;i70, Oregonuan. SALESMEN New washing machine; de mand as great as supply; also vacuum cleaners; opportunity for live men to make big money. Call after 10 A. M. Electric Maid Shop, 133 10th at. LIVE WIRE furniture salesman wanted. steady position and good wages for right party; young, energetic man preferred: none but experienced need apply. Levin Hdw. & Fur a. Co.. 221 Front St.. Port land, Or. OWING to increased factory facilities we can employ one more good salesman in our loose-leaf encyclopedia department; subscription book experience desirable. but not -necessary. J. C. Winston Co., M3 Dekum bldg. I HAVE a fine position for you, if you are a clean-cut, honest, ambitious, energetic man; large earnings, fascinating work promotion sure to rieht man. Apply H. B. Vox, lloa Spalding, bldg., after 10 A M. LA KiiK manufacturing concern requires single man ior nouse-tot-nouse canvass must also sell merchants well-known line; salary, commission and R. R. fare. out of town. A H ts. Oregonian. A MAN with car to sell city property, one vao is active ana capaDie. EDWIN JACOBSON, Main 6;4'- WANTED Reliable hustler to take county agency for Indiana motor truck; some good territory in Oregon and southern Washington open. AO :is. Oregonian. IF YOU are a live real estate man and rave reference, see me. Nord, 200 Henry bldg. TWO llvewire speciaUy salesmen. Apply lit person, after 11 A. M., 213 Gerlinger bldg. FOUR energetic young men for salesmen with good firm. Br u.ti. Oregonian. 1 MORE salesman at once. United Sales Co., R3 Washington. FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman can furnish bond. Tabor 2'Jo3. WAN TED AGENTS. AGENTS Send 12 cents for guaranteed automobile polish formula and make your own goods; season now unusual profits. Phoenix Chemical Co.. Beck bldg.. Portland. Or. AGENTS wanted. Oregon or Washington, county or state .proposition, auto acces sory that moves like fire. 532 Washing ton st. AGENTS at once, selling 50c per month hospital tickets. 501 Corbett bldg. M EN and women sales agents. Broadway. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KINO STORE requires "the services of an experienced woman, as helper in alterations of men suits: must understand basting, sewing, etc. Apply superintendent's office, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED Young lady for filing and gen eral omce worK. .iunt have Knowieage of switchboard. Answer, statinir axe, experience. references. education and salary expected. T1D "SR. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED and inexperienced girls lor work In fruit box tactory, steany employment, ipood wages and oppor tunities for advancement. Apply room ! MfCK blrtg. EARN extra weekly, spare time, steady home work; send stamped envelope and 50c for material, samples, etc., at once to Vassar Co-operative Adv. Service, 335 ;iay st.. Portland, Or. ANThl) Lxpertenred bookkeeper; must be capable of doing stenographic work; also permanent position; write and state g, experience and salary required. AG M'0. Oregoinan. WANTED Middle-aged lady to help can vas in country towns and travel in car expenses paid ; give phone number and address In first letter. BK tWO, Orego nian. W A N TED E XPERIENTED MA ID for care of " school children and light up Htaim work In position where 2 other maids1 kept. Bdwy. SI 72. 88 N. 21st st. WANTED A woman not over 45 years for general housework, modern i-room bun galow, must be good plain cook: family or . 540 per month. Tabor 7D16. GIRLS wanted. Apply factory, 34 N. 1st st. EXPERIENCED girl for beauty parlors; must be steady and reliable; references. Mine. Curtis, 11)1 N. 23d. near Johnson Main 407. WANTED Young woman for head wait ress; must have experience in high-class family hotel. Broadway 1180; call 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. WANTED Stenographer; steady position : salary jbo montn to start. Apply 40o oregonian oiog., net ween J and 3. STENOGRAPHER, with sales ability; state experience and salary. AP 14 L, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced coat finisher; $30 a week if satisfactory. Room 438 Wash ington bldg. WANTED Experienced lady for millinery department; trimming ana selling, uaie JK o., haiem, or. LADY wanted for dining room work: room and board and good vmges. Phone Main Tiinj a nail OCX gj WE want steady stenographer; salary $00 per month : give references first letter. AM 821. Oregonian. ACTIVE girls wanted for steady factory work ; good wages. American Can Co., 14th and Front. WANTED Experienced waitress imme diately. Phone Udwy, ool or call 4004 Wash. st. BRIGHT young girl to learn the millinery trade, good pay while learning. Apply 385 Alder WANTED Woman to keep house for wid ower: rour tn ramuy; lignt wora. A. t. Hatcher. 15.TI Oatman st.. St. Johns car. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleslady wanted. Apply at the White House, 342 Alder st. WANTED A waitress. Phone Woodlawn 2itl5. 1751 Derby st WANTED Lady to do hand ironing, mond Hand Laundry, 271 11th st. WANT experienced waiire, short shift. Wood's Lunch. 6th and Stark. WANTED Experienced titter. Apply East ern Outfitting Co. STARCH washer wanted. Laundry. 245 Everett. Opera House WANTED A chambermaid. Hood Hotel, 'rtth and Everett sts. YOtNG widower wants a housekeeper. Address AH 77. Oregonian. GIRL to work in confectionery More. Call 253 Broadway. EXPERIENCED GIRL for heauty shop. AL 851. Oregonian. W ANTE D Women Tale Laundry Co.. for hand washing 500 E. Morrison. BAG sewers experienced. 34 X. 1st L Apply factory. lELP WANTED FEMAUE. DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? , A salary ttiat la paid while you learn the business that Increases frequently as you gain experience,! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES BARN? Anfl what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to ex ecu tlve positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THB FACTS T Our employment supervisor will Uladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply a Telephone Company. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak Street The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company MANICURISTS WANTED. The Meier & Frank company requires tne services of five manicurists for the beauty parlors. Permanent employment under the best working conditions. Ap ply to employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Co. THE MILLER SCHOOl OF ADDING, CALCULATING AND BOOK KEEPING MACHINES. Enter now for summer vacation work. Courses are short from four to six weeks only. WE HAVE SECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Managers of all bank and mercantile offices require a knowledge of modern office appliances. 03-4 Yeon Building. WANTED Girls on stapling machine; part time work; experienced preferred, but will teach. See Mr. Henderson, mailing room, Oregonian, OLD-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who are ambitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life Insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard, 1205 Wilcox bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Well educated young- lady I with sales experience. Must be a clever conversationalist. This position is with one of the leading clubs of the city, and while the position is temporary, the sal ary will be attractive. Give phone num ber in reply. AL so, Oregonian RAPID typist, good penman, accurate at n cures. caDao e or nanuiing correspon dence and administrative work as well as office routine; rite age, experience. education and address and phone num ber. C 32, Oregonian. I HAVE more positions open than I have pupils ready. Why not tage up work which will make you independent? Six weeks' courpe enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours from U:3U to 1-:3U. Room 411, Beck bldg. MOTION PICTURE COMPANY. s Fuily equipped studio in Columbia Beach has opening for people wanting try out; requires spare time only while learning. Columbia Film Corporation, Inc. LAUNDRESS For full time in private family, $0O a jlonth with room and board ; woman of experience in public laundry work wh can use electric washer, irons and mangle ; references required. Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Main 162. EXPERIENCED FILE CLERK, BE TWEEN AGES OF 25 AND 30; GIVE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE, ALSO STATE SALARY EXPECTED. ANSWER CARE AN 310, OREGONIAN. COMPETENT maid for general housework; good cook; one adult; country home; can have from Saturday afternoon ti Monday noon in town ; best wages. Room 01 7 Corbett bldg. SECRETARY, $110; stenographer, $100; dictaphone operator and stenographer, $0 to $100; stenograher and book keeper, out of town, $125. 301 N. W. bank bldg. WANTED Applications of women, 21 to 35 to work in woodworking factory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wages. G 7. Oregonian. WANTED Saleslady for canvassing out of town; experienced preferred but not necessary; salary. Call In person, do not phone. Mt. iluod Soap Co.. 270 Gllsan st. ANY GIRL. In need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May- fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main i 3450. DM car. NEAT Gorman' speaking girl to wait on trnde in siore and do housework; good wages, room and board; prefer one without a home. AN .118, Oregonian. INEXPERIENCED girl to learn hand sew lug and machine sewing; start at $12 per wees.; experienceu gins also needed. Jantzen Knitting Mills. 691 Sandy bivd WANTED Young girl employed during day to work mornings and evenings for room and board. Have bright, sunny front room. Laii o-J Montgomery st. MOVING PICTURE ACTRESSES wanted, ladles and gentlemen, all types. for motion picture work. Blackstone Players, 1029 Chamber of Commerce bldgj WANTED A few more women to take parts In motion pictures. Call 109 Second st for information, between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. WANTED Names of women or girls wish ing to become u. s. govt, clerks; $loo $125 month. Answer immediately, AV 421, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer chance to learn gooa ousiness and gen eral office work. Apply in person. 319 Lumbermens oiog. WANTED A woman cook for a salmon cannery in soutneastern Alaska; good wag es. AV 429. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced marker and sorter; steaay position, union laundry Co.. 2d and Columbia. THE Florence Crittenden Homo Is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East GUan "MV car. East 316. WANTED A competent cook for a tea house. Aaaress -rs. u xeai. ij Park T errace. CorvaHls. Or. TWO women for morning and evening janitor worn, .ppiy isregon Didg., 5th and Oak. WANTED Experienced waitress with rec- ommenaations. Appiy airs. ti. c. Ca bell. 255 King st. WOMAN cook wanted for out-of-town res taurant; must oe expenencea. Phone Hood River 2161. YOUNG LADY assistant in dental office. preferably expenencea. ur. m. H. Oyamada. Third and Couch sts. WANTED Chambermaid at Portland ho tel, one wno wiu room at notei. call at room 250. SCHOOLGIRL for light housework in re turn ior room ana ooara. can Tabor 3869. HOUSEKEEPER- -MRS. A. E. KING, 602 CLACKAWa. GIRL or woman. plain housework. Tabor 5361.' and 3 ennoren. GIRL for second work. Mrs. Henry L. Corbett. wain ji. - MILLINERY makers and trimmers wanted. Appiy iiOwciinn v-". PRIVATE home for children. 714 Everett st. Mar, -'o- WANTED Experienced coat and gown hands. i ne ranious. aoo Aiaer. WANTED Operator and helper on cus- WANTED Experienced lady pastry cook. Call mo jj"'""- WANTED An experienced waitress. Mai- lory no'. " WANTED An experienced waitress fori small luncuruuiu. .. -ou ol I HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of experienced beauty parlor operators; also expert marcet wavers. Apply Superintendent's Office 0:15 to 10:3u A. M. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for infants' department. Apply employment bureau LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. COMPETENT girl for general housework, iu.. lamny, wage $75 per month; ref erences required. Call before 5 P. M. to- ivuui uuo, roruana Hotel. Vr: , ? EKS A well established J r. ?. , tu"ipany can use three luur underwood operators. Recent busi ness college graduates on any standard iyboard accepted. Preferably those 'thm high school training". Address HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big - . 7- "'b"-.aiirit;a executives, past experience unnecessary ;re train you by an? put ,5u in '(""n with big op portumties. Write at once for partic- rti.ir UK ?,ole! iraining School, ..m. .mamninon. l. c L1um ?DK toJJlyer boat t of city -ww... 0.1, u uuiiiu; tree tare. SKIA'NER & WHITE. 35 N. d St. Call mrt iJed - ,'ituden"' ' AH vacancies S school; we have placed all of our Hnibhed operators in Rood paying posl course costs you 4ft andP?akef about 8 weeks; girls must not be over 25 Frank 3" Mor11" bllJK- See Miss B???IfvSCEic. STENOGRAPHER FOR hi BAD.. PERMANENT POSITION WHO cix OPERATE wmTS0?.011 at least one ?.,II,Ii;?L,F.A.?N- APPLY ROOM ""uvimi. I 1 1 lJ i . AunUsi Domestic. WANT a permanent housekeeper who can take full charge, of my modern home; every convenience; S0.?UWSKCS- A"lly without delay. EAST BTH ST. NORTH. AiT.yEh experleVced woman, gen eral housework, cooking; no iaundry Portii-i. '"'J1 countr'. "0 miles from ---"-'";- piace; must have ref nn per muntl1- A" Ore- Oil Kb or lady wanted to help with hous . j iiioaeni nome in the country; .rip.Cr .,me" at euod wages. In quire this afternoon from I to 4 at 034 ifi competent woman or girl for -w-...e uuuseworK at Aledford. Or. ,Jlv : !?- U en'y. Mailory ho- to around private home, woman to do the .-.ua. raniuy. two adults. Steady ,. ages tlto per month. AN EXPERIENCED cook with som lirtu nousework; a Jn family; keep second i.rP:.retSrenLes: wases tJ0. 741 Jiver ett st. Marshall 1 1. U1KI. l s,e"eraI housework, family of 4; 1 school boys; have man to do heavy cleaning Good wages. Apply mora- ia-ur K. 3iih North. WArs iuO Young girl emoioved during aay to work mornings and evenings for room and board ; have bright, sunny front room. Call 520 Monteomrv v aa i t-u-A competent girl who is a good cook; no furnace or washing; small family of adults. Call Main 5524, morn ings. GOOD WAGES to willing girl to assist general housework and care of child; cooking knowledge unnecessary. Phone Marshall 3408. WANTED Girl for gen&ral housework; no washing; must like children; good wages if competent; teach if willing. Phone Last 245. GIRL for general housework, plain cook ing, no Sunday or Thursday dinners; no washing; good wages. :: Fairfax Ter race (Westover). Marshall 32oti WAJSTED An experience gin for gen eral housework; must be good cook. Cali mornings 5S1 Jackson il. Portland . Hf-ghta. Main 205 A YOUNG girl to assist with light house work and care for two school children; ?-waaninS. 770 Kearney or Marshall -1 i6. GIRL for cooking and ffownstairs work; Wednesdays ami every other Sunday oft; no Washing, good wages. Main 5150. lluO v est over road. WANTED An exp. children's nurse care ior j children; no laundry, best wages. Phone Main 3828. Mrs. J. W. LADY for general housework; good home by couple employed: no chiliren Coll evenings or Sunday, 311 E, 69th su Take ait. iaoor car. COMPETENT girl for general housework in family of three adults; god room, good wages. 445 E. 15th st. N. WANTED A good cook, family of four: two in help; good home, good wages. 70: W. Main st., cor. King. Main 7258. $65 An experienced cook ; no laundry, no i in HAV.C, iw ucoMi.ut ucr summer. Phi.ne Broadway 3i 43. WANTED An experienced second cirL Mrs. R. Gllsan. 163 N. 3th. Broadway 2!02. WANTED Girl for general housework: good wages, no washing, small family. Call Seilwood 313. GIRL or woman wanted for general house work. Apply 1000 1 nurman st. after 10 A. M. WANTED Mlddle-agod woman for house work, 2 in family, 4 -room cottage, 269 E. 29th st. Phone Tabor 3484. COMPETENT girl, cooking and down stairs work; no laundry. 1235 Alameda Drive. Call Tabor 3960. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework, permanent position, good pay. 75ft Morgan bidg. Main 643. WANTED Competent housework. 438 E. 4280. maid for general 14th North. East WANTED Experienced girl for' cooking and downstairs work, $.". n,"l W'estover road, phone automatic 537-25. WANTED Experienced gfrl for cooking and downstairs work : no laundry; $75 per month. Main 4363. 1063 Thurman. WANTED Second girl, experienced; ref erences. R. B. Wilcox, Portland Heights. Main 13S7. GIRL for general housework and help - with care of 3-year-old child. Sundays oft. Ifs5 36th. near Yamhill. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; 4 in family; no washing. Phone Woodlawn 3 5 o5. WANTED Experienced girl to do upstairs work and care for two children. Apply 1S5 N. 2fith st. Mar. 2697. MAID for Rose City Park home; no wash ing; no heavy sweeping; many electric labor saving devices. Tabor 2019. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen , eral housework. 480 E. 18th North. East 6971. WANTED A schoolgirl to wash dishes and help with cooking for room, board and $10 month. Tabor 7354. GIRL wanted for general housework; good home, good wages, no washing. Main eao2. ia jrving st. WOMAN or girl for housework; 3 in fam lly; good wages. Tabor 8870. WOMAN for plain cooking In prlvate fam tly. - Broadway 510. HOUSEWORK, 4 In family,, country; no washing. Tigardvllle 553. ' GIRL to assist with housework and care of children. East 6037. COMPETENT COOK, best wages; phone mornings. Main 4780. WANTED Woman cook on ranch; good wa ges. Call Main 2561. WANTED An experienced cook and sec ond girl. 1063 Thurman. Main 4363. WANTED Girl to asaist housework. 735 Kearney at. in genera GIRL wanted for genera: housework. Sell wood 1-0. ' . GIRL or w.oman to help with housework; plenty of time oft. East 3225. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. TABOR 6009. HELP WASTED MALE OR FEMALE AN experienced marker and sorter to go to Tillamook. See Mr. Sammons of Na tional Laundry Co. Fare paid. EDUCATIONAL. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg.. Sd and M.ir. W. E. Illchardson. Sec. Main 977 FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mo. 4835. Teaching positions, free registration. TATES - FISHER Teachers- Agency Fre. registration, nmia tt-'i. Jtfroacrway dmc. EDUCATIONAL, MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE, will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning; positions secured; schol arships and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada Send for catalogue. 234 Burnside at. POSITIONS ASSURED BVEhV GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and lace massage specialty : tools free ; positions guaranteed; pay wnile learning; tuition reduced this term. 33 Madison. WOODFIN school of music, 209 13th st. Special terms to students taking both , . voice and piano. Children's classes a specialty. Main 7095. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 50ftJ. ROCKY MOUNT"Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-assist, state supt.. mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tooU free, position secured. H6 N. 2d aL LEARN TELEGRAPHx Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private schooi; individ ual instruction. l-i2 Granu ave. E. 421. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Alisky Bldg., Third and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 101 Broadway. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Positions for grocery clerk, bookkeeper and steno., lumber experi ence, assistant shipping department; 2 office men. 2 collectors, 1 night clerk (hotel), good garage man, timekeeper and asst. bookkp., 2 truck drivers, sales men, marker and sorter (laundry), gents' furnishing salesman, hardware sales man, stenographer, invoice clerk; free registration; no fee for employer. Pio neer Employment Company, 14 N. 2d st. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MEKKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954. 161 Russell sL TWO husky young ex-service men who understand concrete work thorougiuy would like to be partners with elderly gentleman who is in contracting game. AN 317, Oregonian. WORK WANTED Lawn work, gardening, housecleaning or any other legitimate. Call from 7 A. M. and from 4 tiil 7 P. M. James Franklin, 372 E. Oak. East 259. PAINTING, PAPERHAXGLNO AND TINT ING, EXPERIENCED WORKMAN; MODERATE PRICES; FREE ESTI MATES. PHONE MAIN 3383. TALLYMAN, pine, wants Job where can learn fir lumber; wages no object. &3.S Morrison st. W. Phone after 6 P. M., Tallyman, Broadway 2675. RELIABLE EXPERIENCED GARDENER. Landscape, shrubbery set, etc.; satis faction guaranteed. East 4316. WANTED Position by married man as I (j reman on farm or rancn or to run tractor; can run any make of tractor. What have you? AP 155, Oregonian. AN A-l logger wants to get in touch with a going mill company that needs one who can give the best of results, any size of operation. AL 878, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN who has had experience In uutnmobile driving and repairing wisnes work at anything that will advance him In tat Hue. East 4974. HAVE had 10 years' experience handling Construction work, city, highway ana railroad work. What have you to offer? BP 602, Oregonian. REGISTERED PRUOOTST WANTS RELIEF WORK. EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. BD 8S8, OREGONIAN. SALESMAN desires connection with relia ble manufacturer; salary and commis sion or straight commission; city and country; have car. AE 9S6. Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT DESIRES WORK A FTEKNOONS AN u SATUR DAYS. PHONE FRED. MAIN 4803, OR ADDRESS 971 RALEIGH ST. LUMBERMEN. ATTENTION I I want lath mill contract, plenty or stoca ana gooa machinery; no other considered. G. R. White, box 73, Cascade Locks, Or. YOUNG MAN, neat appearance, wishes to connect with some rename concern; has sales experience in auto line, in town or road. B.I 405, Oregonian. CARPENTER contracts for alterations. store tlttlng, buildings, large or smau jobs: save you money. Manning. Sell wood 2421. PLANING MILL FOREMAN, with wide experience, is open lor permanent posi tion. Address M. G. Fraley, 3219 Rucker ave.. Everett, Wash. GARDENER wishes work, city or country. 60c per hour or to, ooara ana room month; references first-class. Broadway 895 from 7-8 P. M. Ernest F. Miller. YOUNG man willing to work wishes room and board In good home In return for services after school and Saturdays AP 142, Oregonian. I DO first-class cement work, contract or day work; guarantee all work. AM 660. Oregonian. ELDERLY couple, trustworthy, to care for home. Tabor 6995. 308 E. 53d st. N Werden. GOOD, all-round printer wants' situation; union: reliable. Telegraph 'room 52S, New Kennedy Hotel, Portland. LET us figure your painting, paperhang ing or tlecorating. Estimates cheer fully f-lTe.n. Phone Tabor W543. BUTLER wishes position, with A-l refer ences. G. J., 66 Overton sL Marshall HOl'SE painting, experienced first-class, clean work only. A. M. Benson, East wa NT ED Position as watchman, night or dav, best of references. Can call for appointment. AL S51, Oregonian. CA RPENTER and joiner work, anything from banK nxtures io nepnc tanKS, re modeling, etc. Broadway 2487. UARDKNING and lawn work done by ex ' perieucud gardener. K. 2246 evenings, after ft o'clock. STENOGRAPH KR. voung man, experienced in office wow, desires position. Phone Seilwood 231. EXPERT mechanic will repair your car at your own garage reasonaDie, call Tabor 5!)S4. WANTED Painting, paper hanging and tinting, work reasonable. Call Bdwy. 1226, apt. one. WANTED Kalsomining and painting, very reasonable. East 2146. BY mechanic; all work guaranteed; $1 per hour. Sell. 3164. TRUCK DRIVER wants job; experienced. Call Main 4873. PLOWING TABOR 1SI1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GAS ENGINEER wants tractor job. 334 Fifth or phone Marshall 223U, apt. 1 OH. ROOMS tinted, $3.50; painting in and out- ClTV garden lots to piow and harrow. Broadway qui, oom. TRUCKS for hire, to business firms, by the day or month. Broadway 133. CEMENT work done on contract. Tabor 031. ; ALL-AROUND truck driver, city or coun trv work. A. E. Cook, Main 5148. YOUNG married man want, work on arm. AV 41i. urcguniaii. " PRUNING.' ' Call evenings. East 6032. HAULING wanted for 3H-lon truck, lo or OUt Ot cny. mum qui.. JAPANESE boy wants a position for board and room ana bo t bwi. -oi xayior st. POSITION wanted evenings two or three hours. AP loo, vregonian. A-l CARPENTER Builds and remodels r hea p by contract. -aii vtiin. 328. PHONE Woodlawn 1561 for plowing and excavation. WANTED Hauling contract for 2-ton truck. In or out town. Tabor 6679. PAPEBHANGING, painting and tinting, good work, right prices. Marshall 249. WANTED- To do drafting work evenings. BJ ua, Oregonian. Bookkeepers, stenographers. Office. YOUNG married man, 5 years' lumber ex perience, bookkeeper, stenog.. Invoicing, desires to make change April 1; excel-.-lent references. AM 780, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant with ten years' varied experience wishes position. Capable of taking full charge. AJ 878, Oregonian YOUNG married man, lumber stenographer, comptometer operator, asst. bookkeeper, wishes position in city. AN o2U. Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, lumber experience, is open for position. BF 639, Oregonian. Soldiers and Sailors. AN ex-service man, married and steady, wishes position as auto mechanic, dnlver and can do all kinds of welding; If you want a good man here's your chance. AL 807, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MARRIED 'woman wants work, 8 hours during day, go home nights; experienced tn .n Kinaa ol worn. " lawn 1003. CATERESS serves lunches and dinner reasonable; references. East 2534 or Ta bor 62SL ALL KINDS of lace or scrim curtains carefully done In open air and sundiied. Last u is. HONEST and responsible woman wishes position collecting; all or part time. bbi). Oregonian nrvnn vms wnntn dav work, washing only, on west side only. Thursday and Saturday. -wain ii-o. WOMAN wants hotsewora or chamber work; plain cook; state conditions. BU s, oregonian. LADY wants all day work washing and lAnnln?. 45c and carfare. Call after 5 P. M-, Woodlawn 0907. vir.RY P.ntrlcr.oed woman want all round dav work: exuert laundress. Call after 6 evenings. East 339. A LADY wishes a position as housekeeper In eentleman Home in City. ax- iw, Oregonian. . MOTHER and daughter wish positions as helpers and table waiters in logging camp. AK 72. Oregonian. LADY wants housv cleaning, other work. hour, day; work guaranteed. Wdln. b3 LACE scrim, marquette curtains, hand laundered; called for. East 61 6. FACY laundry wanted by experienced laun dress. East 4915. COLORED WOMAN wan U work by the day. Phone 221-57. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. Phone 218-01, or.MJ n. onern.au ai. RELIABLE woman wants day work, Wdln. 5428. Call WANTED Day w ork or a few hours' work daily. Phone Seilwood 3023. COMPETENT cook wishes position; gfcd wages. AN 307, Oregonian. GIRL wants position checking wraps. Ta bor ,o2j. WOMAN wants day work, cleaning by hr. Broad way I4.li:. COLORED girl wants work Thursdays. E. OWiM. WOMAN wants cleaning, other work, less than 4 hours. Phone Tabor .i WANTED Position by comptometer era tor. experienced. Phone East 4. LADY with auto will drive by the hour or day. Call E. G0WL UuoKKeepert SienograpPef. Oflieo YOUNG lady desires position in good of fii-. Kvmi Years' experience in gen eral office work, typing, filing, checking. etc. No dictation. Ah. to, uregumau. a (.vntripncfd t enoifraPher de sires temporary or permaueu t work; aiso knowledge Bookkeeping. as . c gonlan. COMPETENT tynist desires work to do at home; accuracy and neatness guar anteed: work called for and delivered. East 8133. 'Air. vnv r.Trtft inr competent Htenog rap h era, bookkeepers, typists. Prompt service. Business len s Clearing houat, 447 Morgan bldg. . EXPERIENCED operator desires position on private exchange; can do typewriting and general office work. Main 0ui Miss N. Johnson. BY EXPERIENCED accountant, systems installed, books cnecaeu anu oaiau:cu. AN 304, Oregonian. YOUNG ladv, beginner, wishes Dookkeep ing or ge'neral office work; salary n object. AB 15. OregonJun. iav pit. hi KNCED bookkeeper and stenog ranher. best of city references. Main 2817. YOUNO colored girl wishes position typist; knowledge of shorthand. Wdln. 34H0. Dressmaker. THE New 20th Century Dressmaking School, or shop, invites you to attend their evening classes. 7:30 to 10 P. M. Bring your dress goods and pattern, we will help you cut, fit and plan your dresses. Afternoon class will open the 35th of March. Eight lessons j. Oct your ticket early. 3o5 Dekuin bldg. Main 622. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking; street dresses, summer voiles, etc.; making of suits into neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly. East 7307. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring, al terations, 1-plece dresses and suits, coats. ' Ida M. Ott. 390 Clay. Marshall 3610. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions call Dressmaking Dept.. Emporium Dve works. 5411 Morrison at. Bdwy. 4259. Ill GH -C LASS dressmaker ; street d resaes, summer oiles, etc.; making of suits into neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly. East 7307. VERY competent, stylish dressmaker wishes more engagements by day. Mar shall 3876. DRESSMAKING, "reasonable. 311 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 3408. PLAIN SEWING REASONABLE. East 4661. DRESSMAKING at her home, $2.50; alter ations. 496 K. 17th st. Seilwood 2265. DRESSMAKER, special, makeover, tailor ing; 6:30 P. M.; 3 day. Sell. 3382. PLAIN sewing, handwork, neatly done ; nurse uniforms. Tabor 4102. HEMSTITCHING, 6c and 8c a yard. M. Dal ton, room 201 Broadway-Yamhlll bid. Nurses. GRADUATE nurse wants maternity cases. Sell 2128. surgical or GtXJD practical nurse. Phone Main 4SS HoufekeeiMn. EXPERIENCED woman wants position as housekeeper In aparement house or would help work wjth janitor. . AK 76. Oregu nlan. REFINED, young widow. 2 girls 5 and 7, wants h. k. position in good home. Ad dress AB 16, oregonian. LADY, past middle age, wishes housetxeep Ing; neat, reliable. AO 552, Oregonian, WANTED TO RENT. WISH to rent from 1 to s acres within 8 or 10 mileof courthouse: want houe not les than 5 rooms; muat have water system vvith bath and toilet lnsidi.; will take best of care of plarn and may buy later on. Phone Woodlawn iUWft or ad dress C. T. Stewart. I02 Garfield ave. House. WANT to rent a 5 or 6-room unfurnished house on east side near school; a pluca where Karden can be made preferred will take lease If desired; can furnish best of references; rent not to exceed I2U. Call Tabor '-'0S2. WANTED About April 1st. well furnished 5 or 6-room house in desirable nejfch borhood; willing to pay good price for right place and frill take lease it neces sary. Tabor 547. WE have hundreds of Clients desiring to rent. The efficiency of "Tie McGui System" of property management will save you money. FHAKK I- McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1088. WANTED To rent 2 houses of 5 or ( rmmi In .am. district or Suburb: fur nished or partly furnished: desire place with fruit and garden spot, one witn ga rne if possible. Phone Main o.li be tween 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. WANTED 1st of April, by young couple small furnished suite witn Dam or smau furnished house; must have- garage and rent reasonable; Rose City. Laurelhurst or Piedmont preferred; references. Tel, Woodlawn 3331 WANTED to 6-room. modern, furnished cottage, April 7, by reliable young couple, references, not over $40; your Drooerty will receive best of care. BF 645, Oregonian. WANTED. rA .an )ili?h-clagH furnished house in good location, J or 8 rooms: will lease for year anu lurmou vci . onvt.. 31. Oregonian. WANTED Bv young couple, first-class furnished bungalow in Irvlngton or Rose Chy Will lease for 6 months or longer; no children. AL 87". Oregonian. WILL rent or lease -unfurnished modern bungalow.. Rose City or Laurelhurst pre ferred: no children. R. J. Bagan. Nor tonia hotel. WILL pay cash for partial furnishing of house or apartment wel! located on west ride: will consider any aise. X 26. Ore gonian. 5ROOM bungalow, modern, not too far out. permanent, responsible renter. Call Mr. Bland. Broadway 12,000, local 141. 6-ROOM modern house wanted before April 1; will lease and give good care. Call Tabor 2069 WANTED Furnished 4 or 5-room house, not more than 25 minutes by car. Phone Tabor 1200. WANTED April 1, 6 or 7-room modem honse. will lease for 1 or 2 years. East 3222. . WANTED To rent or 7-room modem houp4 w Itli furnace and garage. East .COT WANTED Small house or flat for rent Call Seilwood 982. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. RESPONSIBLE busititus man, family of 3. wants 5 or 6-room bungalow, lease one year; east side preferred. Call Kat 6575 mornings or evenings. Apartments. ARE v.iu vnlnr awav fnr A month 7 Re liable adults want to rent rurnifhed apartment. Cat or bungalow, Irvlngton district, on or before April 1; reier- ences. AM 661, Oregonian. WANTED Two or three-room unfurnished apartment, walking distance. lit' 041 Oregonian. WANTED Furnished aoartmeut. east mde, , for couple with small child. Call Broad way 1611. Mr. Reed. Koom. TWO young business men desire convenient quarters wit a counte steeping arransc ment and breakfast; ref. furnished. Mar shall 4379 evenings. WOPLD- like to share apartment with congenial woman or will rent a room with kitchen privileges. AO 306, Ore gnnian Kooms With Board. YOUNG ladv studying music on the plr nrmn wishes a room tn private family with breakfast and dinner where the privileges of phone and piano can be had; also the privilege 01 entertaining. Crii furnish the be-t Of references state fully ail particulars. BD 891, ore gonian. WANTED By working man good room with board, near St. Johns car line; late terms. AE 79. Oregonian. 6in ;aoinOSuuddR-tKh7UMW;2os shrdlcm BY vounv ladv employed. weti-heated rnnm with bonrd 111 Catholic family preferably Cathedral parish; state price and locality. AE I'M, Oreg onian. WANTED Clean, simple home In private -family or private sanitarium for con valocent woman of 60. Main 6052. Housekeeping Room. MIDDLE-AG ED couple, employed, clean, completely furnished housekeeping rooms: iurnlture must be good ; prefer ably on Hawthorn or S'iiinslde car, Do not anxn-r unless hahltnole for re- siNH-tHble people; will pay $30 for two rooms. AM M9. Oregonian. FOB BKNT.i Furnished Uooiu. CAMPBELL HOTEL. '3D AND HO T M. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tola nn 1'u.cif ic coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2. "il a day up, rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. I N D E R NEW MAN AG K M E N T. -. U. U'ualiinirtnii Ktrnft at 20th. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Booms, single or with private bath; reasonable rales, day. week or month, Main 31. NETHERLANDS HoTEL. Vrt i:iTH COR. WASHINGTON. TO THE STRANGER WITHIN OUR GATES, as weli as to our nome pt-opic, This hotel extends a cordial eicome, Free phones, private hatha, steam heat, moderate prices, weekly rates. PMlVi'KSS HOT EI j. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Rooms Fintle. community and prUatc baths. Reasonable rate, day, week or month. 840 East Uurtmide hi. Kasl 171. Jut across the Burn.Mde bridge ANSONIA HOT EI. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Rates, $5 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotless rooms cIoho to amusement and shopping tentr VON HOTEL. 131 11th st., between Wash, and Alder sti Modern, well-furnished rooms. Iran sleiit, $1 up; private bath, $- up; week ly. $5 up. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 ltth su Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk half block snuih Clean, modern, respectable; transient, $1.50, with private bath. $3. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st. at East Sixth. Tlie principal east ld hotel; digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day. duub.e $1 75; $6 per week and up. HOTEL BAR R. 112 N. 6th, 2 blocks from Union da- pot; rooms L ana up; p-r wee and' cold water; steam heaL EM PRESS hotel, corner 6th and Stark. next to Coiunmia tii'-aier; i m -$4.50 to $7 week. Free phone iu each room. . LEEDS APTS., singie rooms, modern, fire proof bldg.; not ana coia running waier. 210 Market St. NEW MANAGEMENT I lean ana re spectable, 7-c ami up, f.uu per wee and up. 3S7 Yamhill st. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth Ralea 1 a ay up. ermjr i.uu up. Hteam heat. Free phone ami bat ha 75c, $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; outside rooms Hotel Caailiac, mi near jnienun. HARRISON hotel. Front and Harrison. outside rooms, ij.au up; poara u oesireu. ST. PAUL hotel. Fourth and Aldar. $1 per aay up. BUSH MARK hotel. 56. iH Wash, st., a place, clo.ne In. clean, modern, respecia on WELL-KURNISHED room for gentleman. Call 312 Fhedner bldg., loth ana v asm Cnfurnisheti hoomi. ROOM. 5th and Stark. Apply Dr. S. l-oeb. Columbia bldgv. rara aim FurnUhed Room- ln Private FamiTy. Nli'Kl.Y furnished rooms reasonable: fur nished, phone, bath and furnace heal. Call mornings or evenings. 106 North 21st st. LIGHT, airy southeast upstairs rorner room, furnace heal, private lavatory. Id Euft 17lh, corner V HHlitnuton. I'hont Ka.t I1S4H. CI.OSK-JN. r-'unnsllc car 1 block. 1 or 2 sleepinc rooms, well furnished. In very modern home; male adults. 851 K. Yam hill st. SLEKPINfG room, steam heat, use of phon. and hatB. walking distance, west shle. young gentleman preferred. Hdwv. :t4'-' MODKKN furnished slceplnu room, ,nutt family; sirli-tiv cleun, close lu. reason able. Kast 7:u:i. LARGE rooms, niceiy furnished, mmlern. walking distance, reasonable, gentleman only. Kast 7172. FOR KKNT Two sleeping roomn, liKlits, bath and phone; walking distance; price per week. BUS oth st. n;ii'i,: r.irniMheil room in a modern house, hot and cold waler, 4 blocks from Ar lington rlub. I'hone Main 2!17- TWO nice, large, warm down town, with bath lege.. 3lt 1 1th St. rooms, do... to and phone privi- BRIGHT, sunny Tront room, Millatile for two, use ol kitchen and dining room Call ,12'J Montgomery st. XU'KI.Y fiirniched well - lighted front room, rinse tn. fnr olio or two persons. Mar. 254:t. 4tio Taylor. DKS1KA Hl.K room, first floor, privilege very light h. k. Evenings. 4:11 Market. A NICE large furnished room; preferred: 115 a month. Call en t leman Main 414. :t.:l i:ith ST. Larre. atrlcily modern room, walking distance; bath on sain. Iloor. 2 FURNISHED sleeping 'rooms, walking dliern nee. ."i X. 2mh. Main 4:irtl. LARGE, light, clean, well-furnisued room. very reasonable. 450 l'ark. A ROOM suit a. tie for gentleman. East 8720. 7 E. 12tn st N. ' NICE furnished room In comfortable home. references. Alar, n-a. CLEAN sleeping room for one employed. 515 Morrison st. Rooms With Hoard. NOUTONI A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class lamiiy noiei; room, en sun. or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We glvo you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. 2-ROOM APT, 2 sleeping rooms, on. base ment room; will give nreasiasi ana dinner to roomers only; would like two nice working girls lo room and board. Main 4S7II. COUPLE vacancies in high-class private hotel, all mooern conveniences, snower. hot water, good home cooked meals. For appointment call Kant busy. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3S0 10th st. for business girls and students: reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: waiaing distance; $4.50 per week. East 47:12. 12 R 7th st. 452 MORRISON bT cor. mui urge room, suitable for i gentlemen. 2 AND 3-room apts., nicely furnished. 448 11th st. Alar. ou. Koom. Witn Board la r rivals Family. KOOM and board for 2 gentlemen willing to share one room, in ramuy; pleasant home. 71 16th St., near Stark. ROOM and board, 2 gentlemen, widow's home: home privileges; nose in. at. -v. car. Call 899 E. Couch. East 6:167. ROOM and . board for young lady. Die. home. Broadway -iin. room jo THREE furnished rooms, home comforts, reasonable rates. fc.ast S44.i. ROOM and board for gentleman only. Marshall 124. 6Hl Gllsan. NICK mom. home cooking, near tw lines. Marshall 8.104 NICELY furnished room with board. Main 1624. h'OH KENT. Koom Ulth Hoard la ITtvaf family NICELY furnished room and board In p vata family, suitable for )un f-nupl or to gentleman. 114 Htt thorn iv Esst 7162. ROOM and board in good home for 2 men, near S V. car ahwpa. be 11 wood 2394. Hal at. GOOD horn cooking and clean room. )0 per. Week; table board. $ pT ek. 116 K. 16th st.. mar Kr.mont. Lwrt 2J4.1. Kuril Uhed Apartment. THB CROMWELL Fifth and Cn.umbia Streets. Flv minutes' waik to Meier Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3 -room furnished apt. ; ail outside with French doors and baJcoar. Permanaul and transient. -BTELWTN APTS. HIGH CLASS. 1, and 3 rooma and slee-pln pore, elegantly lumlshcd lit blue and wdiow nioilera and veiy clean; a. so lovely lien single room and bstli tor bachelor or lady employed. Marsh a 1 1 2vtu. HIGHLAND COURT. 22d and Gllsan Ma. High-Class Apartments. 4 and fi rooms, furnished and unfur nished apartments, with fireplug porch; large rouiiis. stiKtly modem; rrat.s reuuiri'd. Tel. Marshall 3742. H Rill LAN D COURT, 2-d and UlUan fcSi. Nicely f urniithrd l rout 4-room lib. Bleepiii.f pun h to sublet for IS.Y Tel. Marshall 3742. t moo i ha. THE ELM WOOD. Nicely furnished 3-rooin apt., amiga rooms, suitable 3 adulta. atrutly first class; S-5. 415 lOth. Main 0"" TWO nlcelv furnished 3-room apartments, ore furnlahed new entirely. With out sule hal-onie; price from $05 lo $0. ChII Main 3V1. Mi'ELY furnished, modern. steam-ltaled basement ap.trt.; rum inning fr swie. $7.".; r-nt $J J. 50. Ciiapniau apartment. 3 '. "ha p m am . LEE 1S Al'TS. 3 and 4 -room arts., mod ern, fireproof, st-am heat, private bath, rl-an, reasonable. 21" Alar ket. FoR RENT 2-room att ; clean and com niete y furnii-hfd. 0MJ Lombard el.. University 1 'a r k . CLEAN, we.l-lurnlshed 3-room apl a.t-o larre hou-keeping room. r l merit, 50 N. 17th st., n W i iTifcinn. NICELY furnished 3 room" ami ih, adult oii.; reference; $55. Kihriu: plr-, 2T N. 2Ut at.. Hdw y. 4 730. .'1 n ItENT Two 'Ton it furnished, apt : adults only. Sa ramenlo apt. :! Union ave. N. FOR RENT otnpletelv room apartment. S"t furntslieil l llii:. sleeping pon li an-1 Iro'it p Muriitill ..ill 1'EAHOliY IU TEL, lwih and I pnl.ur 1. and .i-riu.; 1M). i:ii. Hnusikreplng , Fienm hi at . i pRI imrtltA fnna tile. LN ION A V E. and Kllllncsworlh, $-l.0. ail complete, cnrretft bid;. 3ltooMapt . $6 a " k. and oue i room n 1 ' ' k '-J'' 1 -"' ' ' ' JHiooM apt. with 'oe Irt. rang. $.'' 50 a month. 557 'n Wi. Hants ae. TWO sunny rhtidren. apt".. P'na ro ITih it., BMiiAi'E and fu.nltur moving; phnn Itrnadway 4l. Alert Transfer. -.-VMark. TWO unfurnished room and hit he net to. r.'.Mi t y. 3-ti m i.vl lul lllflied Uh rl niriil, a II 11 l (!. Ent 4JV6. Tig poreh. I lioni ON K i HP . ly 1 u ro tl- lie. , M apt. East 12th and Stark. U'-t Hol'hEKl'-Lt'l N'1 room. III. N-i Aptc, Min '-"j $d.V-- Knur room rll itirniUi'''! i pari men M.itti 21 tlVi Irving si. .mm ""i. i o ii-kxkv lllflh.-d '-' f urn I' 'i' I ;itt-i ; 2d t I nfurttUlird Apartnietti. Ct . Y l-rooni, p.trt lv f urmwhefi, Imenirnt lu modern I Ut, f i en lis lit. upt plnne, U tr. : hr at; l and iru ot luinm e. u;s. Foil RENT - 3- room a pt , I t Mar. 2625 hefor M. inline f A. W . u ale. u 1 1 atter 6 1'. FOR RENT 5-ronm purlrnent. pf at umt rtir to Flower and sleeping porrii, (trect. Take KilUon 4-UooM dowmtitlr Hal WKlt ImiIi. I Imrd- wood lloom. linoleum, gas water ne.tier, Btaltotim v tuhs; 4 ';.. k (rout t ; to respotiHlhlrt people on, ; with or with out lirtiiige. Can be e. ii from J2 to P. M. today. H4- Eal 16th N. Al brrta car. . FLAT Lower .Vroom; front ana bark oiche. 2n nunute' walk l. Ho proltleernig to right 525. Orefton lan. yard, w nn i south city ha tenant. 1F LA ROE. modern trh t. plf .maut tlu i on low r Ho li'im. t'loe ?SH K. Tal hUllli lde dK- l. phone 21Y-"7. r fuel: bth. r.ee.. 344 Montguinrry, 3 KOO.MS and a room f trie IlKhtM nnd gas. l'hnne Main k'73. LOWER flat, ele.lru lights, walking di 423 Helmont l. tarn-e. 23 montn. ,T tor Hooker s rrtit. t. Ph. M2 4th in Tabor Key at 215 Fl'RNITLRE fur al. flat for rent. Ala 132. 1 untitled Hat. 6-KOOM furnished list lor l.ul anu lurni- turu (or sh.c. nwtu-r leawtm " II. e for cash. .".(' N lilh si., near Wash ington St.. weal Bl'le llrosilwaV 4"i. l(i.-,w KUei-'riiMnii ki. inati- lai-s ino.l- ern I. at. nt r. 1 ; pl.lH lilt h ar Yam iiili; r.-lereiu .Ma .nail 4i'l 6 K OM unninnt-lt $-'5 a Inunth. I Hal. all eoni enh n 'e., rinding water. iH't's Sixth st. SMALL Hal lor 2. pn poreh; walking dla isr. K. f.n;l. .1. I.Hlll, I. e. Iilo. H to H b. l-'l HMSIIKIl Karb.tKe. ii . Iimloti. r.ir. ",-1 nom tin t . water. 2IU1. HI J. s1' La -Ili'UM 72.1 st. furnished N. MV n f.at Ior renL Fl UMSIIKIi flat. 5 r nnd 1'h.rry. A'lulta, IOIIIS. rhoiii William! a-l 27..-' 1 1 M ll K Ki:i' i-1, at r IN' I. .VH'.lj in. in' 22li. IIOl -K- i.liiKill lower flsl. furniture lor rim. Hie, 1). . Nelson. Sii'i lluwrll si. 2- M f uTliuiTt d "flat. 'I6 i:. Washing- Ion st. IliiVtS! enfftforl. 1HS hherniSn i. fur k and waier, II In he il lioii.ekeepiiiir room.. Z mi; steam heal, lis isi-se, h Ciectrle lights, laundry Mar. .Il'st Nli'K. large, loinp elely furnished housekeeping ap-trtMictlt. per Take my up. luese ar. nun- lturiis." I'.1'-' Ha w I In rne m THRKK furnlshid Imii-ekeeping rooms aed private hatti, gas aim .iii '"c"""" ST2 K. Ilavls st .near .'sill St.; call ve nules after 7 o'cio. k. TWO extra larne, keeping rooms. tt( Waslilrrton. i ice I v 24 N. fuinliihed hou.. lilli St., corner NEWLY furnished re, mi. light nousekeep. Ing; vervthlng furnished, walking dis tance, pi.: i, 2d s.. eor Ta'i.r. TWO furnished front housekeeping room", . 5u week. 2H7 Knoll, near Williams n vo ONE 2-room furnished npt. ""d 1 singi. room furnished apt. East 31145. Address 121 S Russell st. ' T Wo-lti x iM II. K. spat lliienls. 4 to 14 5 per week; Clly Hall apsrtmenta. n; ilih he I w ee n Main a tiJ Ms'lison TRUNKS and hassage delivered In down town district tor 25c. Auto Service. Phone Main gl'H, HtTrTlL OIIIls -I'lean iran.ient H. K. rooms reasonable; hot and cold water, team heat 2'l"4l'ront. for. Ms.li.nn. FlSll KENT One furnished housekeeping room, quiet plac c, east front, close in. 22! 1 2th st. rlRNISHKII housekeeping rooms for rent. 2 or a rooms in - 9. -en. SM ALL furnished housrkeepiug rooa not. X3J Kaslt. aar Wlillair Cheap sve. -ItnOM suites, suitable for ofric.a also, tl.t nio. l3 1st., cor. Morrison. M'RNISIIKD housekeeping room for rent. 207 H I'lne. Ft'KNlHHKD liousekeeplng rooms. Fourth sl. ONE 2-ROOM suite. 4 nwk.; I S-roon mile, sn a k. r.ns ooi. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, for w orking people. :i 5" and 14. 227 !. clsy. BAdi.MJB and Broadway 401. furniture moving. Phone Alert Transfer, 4:5 Stark. NICK, clean front H. park. 4114 Park st. K. apt., facing th 12x14 TENT, completely water, phone, riose In. furnished; a. rt'-'s Mi In st. STRICTLY clean furnished housekeeping rooms. 527 Tuylor st, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor. 2t2 11th St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; snd phone. 3H W. Park. halh. light 3 OK 4 l.ARGM housekeeping rooms, and clean. ilf.'.l Havier sl. 1 KOOM and kllch.nclU. (nt N. Slat t. Fill It-IH M furniflie.l rt.it lor bouaekeep lug si tl'.I I K cr.lt t c7.i:N' niodein .'.-room flat. 2l'J Wi-M.llnn. mar Hroadway lirlilge. lloii.ekeeping Kennn. - r-1 rV. r . 'a