' - J .;??- e.c V-r ---.'V - TTIE MORNIXG OEEGOXIAN, TUESDAY, MARCIT 10, 1020 .-i '' V ; v'- 1 ... - a .:-- -.V .-3 FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. FWe minutes' waik to liner & Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and o-room furnished apt. ; all utside with French doors and balcony. Permanent aud translenL STFI.WTN APTS. iii;h class. 1, 2 and Z rooms and sleeping porch. JL - " " i li-nt modern and vnry cl-an; aso lovely aincie room and bath lor bachelor or iady employed, Marshall as;;u. LIGHLAND COURT. 11 ano Giisan MA High-Ciass Apartments. 4 and o rooms, turniSheu and unfor B.shed aoartmenis. with sl-eping porches; large rooms, strictly modern ; reicrencas -luireu. Tel. Marshall 3742. . THK ELM WOOD. Newly furnished 2-nn. apt.: large, airy rooms, two disappearing beds, dressing room, tiled bath, etc., 3; also 2-roo.n ant., large living- rm -''X-0. kitchen ette, hath, etc.. ad una. 41o loth, Ma'n tit;,. - HIGHLAND cor RT, -..'d and Giisan Sts. Nicely furnisht-d front 4-room with siecpinT poreh to suhiei for - montha; is:.. Tel. Marshall 37-I2. BdNMK HKAB APT. 3-room apL. clean and nicely fur nished. Irvtnglnn district; adults. 11th and Hancock. Phone East 4U.- TWu nicely furnished 3-oom apartments, on1 f urnmhed new ent ir-'ly. W ith out sit! b Ironies: price from $J0 to $S0. ''all .Main 33. X NKW. b-.iUtifully furnished modern mnni-i nc t-c h-t-n ocruDli. suit a 11 e t rt-HDonsible couple: $iW. Phone Sellwood i :;;. ItAK'iK front room and kitchenette, aJ window, hot water always, nams, i;mn drv privileges, adults only, oi Flan ders ai. HtHtM apt. well furni-hed. clean: iris eN'-tnc lwiht. hat. telephone. 6J N. J'th st., near Waeh. YOK Rp;T Tin Multnomah apt., --room aula.. $3 and a mouth. 25-27 Market t. Automatic M4-68. LEK1-S A PTS.- 3 and 4-room apts., mod ern, fireproof, st;am neat, private uaio, el'-an, reanonabl. l' Market. r;.ABulV HOTEL, liih and Upshur Jlouptkceping apartments, 1. nd 3-r:n.; si. am heat ; reasonabi:. tvj In ION AVE. and Killings worth. $21.00. a'l complete, concrete bldg- CroOM apartment, nicely furnished; adults. 1 107 Williams avenue. KU( 'M apartm. nl, f urn i-hed. $40. N. 'S-'i st., Leonee apartments. IStI I nfurninbed Apurtment. $-ROOM unfurnished apartment for rent, immdlai pof jssl'-n given ; rent S1-r. Phnn Main 4:7i. lNFURNISH KI 3 or 4-room apartments, with fireplace and private bath. 743 Hoyt yt. l-K'X'M uniurnishe.i modern apartment , hat. linht. wau-r. garbage jurniahed; rent J.'.O month. K-y &.1 4"x's d at. JCK i-roorm modern unfurnished apt.. team heat. no children. Waverly uri. E. -tUh and Cunton sty. FOR RENT 5-room apartment, porches and mkvi ping porch. Ju, at 120'J Kcily Mret. T-ke Fulton car toFlowerst. Lki;knishkd 4-room apartment for rent. $13 month. 1M0 East Giisaa si corner 72d. 1 lau. iAT Lower 5-room; front and back Kmrrt mriih norchfS. 20 minutes' walk south citv haii; no protitet-ring to right tenant. BF 520. Oregoniar i;(-ni U.B..T rut hath. electricity vanl. walkine disUnce. $1S. Marshall -311. -R"rfM unfurnished upper flat 0frHM garden sput:c. Tabor fri3. with $11 SO. INCLUDING water, lHrgonomR, electricity, gas. plumbing. 50tt Powell FIVE large, modern rooms, upper fiat. gamee. lm E. -.t . Ainena, 4-ROOM flat, call from 6 to 0 evenings. N21 Thurman st- MoOKP.N 0-room upper flat. 2 blocks' from Broadway bridge. East 524. li:KN 4-rooin f'.at, disappearing beds, -lose in. $37. 0t. Phone h.. J!Mi VERY nice f-room upper flat, furniture tor sale. Mill Ft. Fu rn is h ed IlaU-. 2 OR 3-ROOM flat for quiet coupl : pri vate bath, stove heat, walking distance; block lo S. S. car. 671 Belmont. 3 -ROOM furnisiicd flat for rent. 215 E. 72d st. N. JIV car. FL IINISMKD flat, a ronms. cor. W i !j ia ml and herry. Adults. Phone East 2702. 2-ROOM FLAT FO R LIGHT HOUSE KEEPING. fHX". E. 22i. 4-ROOM lower I. W. Nelson. furniture for sale. Rus?ell st. Housekeeping Kooui. EVERYTHING furnished; single nnd dou ble H. K. rooms for rent, reasonable; c ean. W. S. walking distance. 2 bioeks off Wnfhinaton. big y-ird, nice liome. Fast 212 or Broadway Ni. 1&W4 Everett street. HOM E comfort. 1MJ Sherman, clean, fur nished housekeeping rooms. $3 week snd up; steam heat, gas rang.e. hot water, Ifclnc lights, laundry room. Alar. W'3 iJ O M K comfort. S6 Sherman, clean, fur nished hus."kcepipg rooms. $3 week and irp: steam heat, bus range, hot water, e ectric lights, laundry room. Mar. :t.s3. FI V E nice. unfurnished nou' keeping rrMiini on first floor, reasonable. 0oS Giisan t.. bcu 14-h and 13th. west side. NEWLY furnished room, light Housekeep ing: everything furnished, walking dis tance. 103 2d sL. cor. Taylor. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 333 Ciay St., corner Broadway. Phone Main ;.r2. JJO 12TH ST.. 2 housekeeping rooms, mod ern, hot water heat, clean as a pin, in White Temple district. TWO-ROOM apt., with large front porch, light. ns. phone free; adults; rent $30. 162 North 2 2d st., cor. lr ing. ONE 2-room furnished apt. nnd 1 single room furnished apt. East 3040. Address 1214 Russell st. HOTEL OHIO Clean transient, H. K. rooms, reasonable; hot and cold i water, steam heat. 2C6" Front, cor. Madison. S Fl" RNISH F.D rooms for housekeeping, ground floor; gas. electric lights and bwth, 641 E. Madison. Phone East 1 7. COMFORTABLY furnished 1 and 2-room housekeeping suites, facing the park. 3.v Park st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent, 2 or 3 rooms in Suite. 3 NO 6th at. Main PQ-jft. JTURNISHKD housekeeping rooms In Uni versity Park, corner Fiske and Harvard. Phone East 22S. COSY, clean room bath, phone, fuel near Jefferson st. and sleeping porch, and light. 261 14th. -ROOMS for MKht housekeeping. Newly furnished; clos in. 20 . lblh St., cor. of Ah. ' - SMALL. furnlshe.1 housekeeping room. Cheap reot. 267 Knott, near Williams ve. Cj.KAN mwifrn 3-room apt., prlc. $45 monlh: also lance housokeepinK rooms, "o N. 17th et.. Jti?t off Washington. 1 T.VO-RM. suite, J4 a wk; suite, 6 wk. East 867. 1 three-rm. NICELY furnished housekeeping: room. 312 Cay st. BAGGAGE and furniture moving. Phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 425 Stark. HOUSEKEEPING rms. and sleeping rms. for .-ent. 23 Ccrhett st. Main 1222. $12.00 TWO large rooms, partly furnished, electricity, gas. toilet, sink. 509 Powell st NICE. clen front H. K. apt-, facing the park. 4U4 Park st. VERY small front H. K. room, for one person. $2.70 per week. 466 Main st. STRICTLY rooms. ' clean furnished housekeeping 27 Taylor st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family, TWO furnlsl.ed housekeeping rooms, lights and water included. $13 per month. 00 Mississippi ave. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, single and en suite; electricity, tel.. gas; bedroom, Bdwy. 121V TWO furnished front housekeeping rooms. $4.50 week. 207 Knott, near Williams ave. JiEATLY furnished housekeeping apt. reasonable, west side, walking distance. Mar. 2S04. ONE furnished bedroom ; bath. tel.. elec right, etc d N. luth. Bdwy 1218. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking dis tance. west side. 310 Main st. Mar. 1185. CLEAN H. K. rooms. Call afternoon MO Davis st. No children. FOR RENT Furnished rooms: one part ly furnished H. K. room. 821 Oth st. DOUBLE housekeeping rooms. electric light, neat and clean. 440 Jefferson. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, phone, light, water. Tabor 272. YWO furnished housekeeping rooms, t E. Wash, sl $8 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 620 Broadway ariva, raont juain 46 jv. FOB KENT. Housekeeping Rooms km Private Family. 4VROOM housekeeping apt., private en trance front and back, furnace heat. electric light, phone; hot and cold water, gas range if desired; beautiful yard, walking distance, west side; rea sonable: no children. 441 3d su Phone Main 4025. V Oregon lan. ld SECOND floor, 3 nice furnished housekeeping rooms, newly papered, gas and wood stove, water and light free. See McFarland. 602 Teon building. lights, private bath, gas, walk ns? d tance: private f am 11 v. Everything fi I niKh.H " v,a r-Liu. v Hrn.?ri0 fur- niBbed- Eaat 916. 604 E. Burn aide. Fl'KNtsHED H. K. kitchenatte. 567 J children. rooms, I room and iat Yamhill at. No TWO clean housekeeping rooms; rent very reasonable. 74-0 North rup st. TWO furnished IL K. rooms; adulta only. 26 li'th st. MR. MAN WITH FAMILY. Iarge. modern 7 -room home, e&? terms, vacant; go see it. No. 1036 E. firant. Mibs Slocomb, Main 424. WHEN YOU MOVE Use N ORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC Ugbl servica. Broadway B80, A gT4T. AC A I SST KIRK INSURE I N NE WAR K F IKE INSURANCE COMPANY. EXILE BURKITT, 2fS SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800. FOR RENT. A large 7 -room modern house with lots of fruit and berries; Waverly Heights Addition; per month. Main i6b. 6-KOOH houm for rent, M. V. car line. "J0 per niDnth. St e Mr. Farnswortli, JnterstHt? Investment Co. Main 1743. 410 Henry' bla S- INSPECT 103W Grand N.; 3 rooms, vacant, KUl IK): flowers,, berries, garden ; rent $17.50, includes1 water. Evenings, Tabor MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d at. Phone Bdwy. 512L 6-ROOM house for rent. per month; full basement. K. &4th St. N. See owner. M.-V. depot car. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale: 8- room modern house in uaureinuru Broadway 3-16. Tabor 7690. LOCAL and long-distance moving and naui lng; first-class equipment. Green Trana Co., 202 H Alder st. Main 1261. S7r-L NEW 5-room house. Pomona addition. MU tfcott line; yard 70x100. AP 1S6, Ore gonlan. 1-KOOM house, Irvington, large grounds, s t ea m h e a ted, near car lln e. E. 313 6. 5-ROOM house and cottage; has gaa and hnth. Inquire 67 4th st. 6-ittM plastered hous for rent In Monta- villa. Call frt. Charles Hotel, room NEW 4-room house for rent, modern. AO ."!i3, .regonlan. SEE FRANK I McGUIRE TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE. 6-ROOM corner house, garage, garden, 1 ilock car. H4 K. Ash. iRN 4 and 5-room bungaJows, $20 and K'i6 Northwestern Bank bldg. FIGHT-room house at 60 North rup eC Furnished Houses ON ACCOUNT of settling an estate in Wellington must leave city. Have de cided to sell the furniture of our home. and house can be rented. Place is close in. modern, complett-ly furnished ; ga rage ; garden all plowed (2 lots). Rent $40. See this for yourself. it s a nar gwin. C"ll after Monday noon, Eaat3686. TJi REE extra large rooms, partly fur iiiahed. S20: fullv furnished. $20; ground for garden. $0 vear: garage. $0 month AodIv corner 81th and E. Stark. ML Tabor (M. T. SKth car to end. four blocks north, one east. 9-KOOM furnished house. No. ."74 Victoria street., for rent until June I and possibly ionger. Kent to. j-arrisn, watams ec "o., 1M Second street. 7-KOOM furnished house for rent; bath room, sleeping porch, furnace. Phone Tahor Ss7l. Call after 1O.30 to 6. 1005 East Salmon. FOR RENT S-room, all modern house In Laurelhurst. nicely furnished, garage references required. Broadway 325 oi Tabor 7600. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale, suitable for residence and housekeeping rooms, which more than nays for rent Walking distance: rent $35. East 8184 4-liooM modern furnished duplex house. 417' Russell, near Union, $27. East FO R R V. N T Fu rn i sit ed eoun try home In attractive mountain district. Address AV 4:11. OregonWn. 4-ROOM modern furnished duplex house, 417 Russell near Union. $32. East 5235. FU FINISH ED 5-room house with piano; rood location; $.o. w oodlawn Store. PRICK BLDG.. 3 stories In height; 50 ft. frontxge and mi it. in ueptn. on one or the bt retail streets in the city. 50 ft. from Morrison st. Finest kind of locu tion for retail business of any kind. We desire to lease the entire bldg. to re sponsible party for a term of years. If you ha ve an eye to business, look this up. For particulars see the attornev of the owner at 404 Platt bldg., 127 Park sr.. or call Main 0. 1EAL location, basement. Park and Mor rinon, lung lease, low rent. Multnomah billiard parlors. bTuRK, 1187 Ml'waukle st., $15 per month: gnoa location tor meat marxsL John Bain. 507 Spallding bldg. STORE room wanted for barber shop. Phone Msin p. m. 3D ST. store for rent, near Jefferson, sonsble: apply u2 3d st. Offic WANTED A chiropractor, hairdresser or chiropodist, to share large, well-rur-nish d reception room with doctor. the Morgan blue. Call Main 63. DESK ROOM or private of.fice wanted by broker; highest references. AP 162, Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. SMALL lodge hall, newiy equipped; suit able for small lodges, clubs, etc; make reservations early; central location. Call M7 Chamber of Commerce, or phone Main 3353. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER wanted in good business, dandy opportunity for right party; no expe rience necessary. Call 575 Washing ton. NO experience required to run these S skee-ball alleys making $200 per month. good location, cheap rent; $900. 630 Thurnyin st. RESTAURANT, good location on Wash, st., near 11th: must sacrifice. $2600, on terms. Inquire 413 Washington st. FOR SALE A pool hafl with four tables. L. Hilton. Gresham, Or. Phone 178. Call afternoons. TAILORING business in Eastern Oregon town, doing over $10,0no annually: must sell quick. Fred C. Green, Joseph, Or. WILL sell my new garage on Pacific highway, fully equipped. B. Q. Wells & Son. Hubbard. Or. $200 BUYS 6-room old house, cow barn and two chicken houses. Call al 741 Hood st. WILL build garage for responsible tenant on close-In west side loL AL 758, Ore gonlan. WILL sell restaurant and cafeteria fur niture to highest bidder. 35S0 E. Giisan. BCSINES8 OPPOBTUXTTIES, SEATTLE wholesale house deal lag In strictly ataple merchan dise, about to expand into im porting business, desires man- ager for its recently established Portland office. M ust be high type executive capable of assum ing entire charge local branch. Portland office highly success ful, doing business with the finest accounts in the northwest. Net profits now over $800 month and capable unlimited expan sion. Investment $3500 . re quired for one-haW Interest, money to be used -for developing .this brlnch. Will-exchange" high est bank and commercial afer - enema. Address AF US. Orego nian. ' ' . JlOviO BUYS cash grocery In apartment district. $4500 stock and fixtures to exchange for close-in property. $1300 buy meat market; termst $-100 buys meat market, west aide, terms. $2i50 or Invoice, bicycle shop. 4HI buys beauty parlor. $3000 buys country grocery, terms $1750 buys hardware aud grocery. 4 good 1 i v f n g rooms : 3 years' leaae. 49-cow dairy, good terms. $300 buys west side restaurant. $l0O or invoice, ntore, $r0, confectionery and light groB eery, 4 living rooms, west side. $150O buys half interest in. good ga rage, $1000 cash, balance time; must be mechanic. SEE BROWN & BIDDLB; 3114 Railway Exchange Blds WANTED A PARTNER FOR EXCLU SIVE. WELL - KNOWN EASTERN TRUCK AGENCY; MUST HAVS GOOD BONDING CONNECTION AND BEST REFERENCES; CAPABLE HAN DLING OFFICE DETAILS, SALESMEN. SUB-AGENCIES AND WAREHOUSING TRUCK. FOR CITY PORTLAND AND STATE OF OREGON; NO THIFLEKS OR AGENTS. AC olo. OREGON1AN. COUNTRY STORE WITH FILLING STATION. Will sell on easy terms or trade for city or suburban property, good-paying proposition, about 13 miles from Port land: stock about STSOO. real estate $6000, all goes for $7000. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. TRUCK AGENCY, canon to XTIMiII Keauired. A chance to put yourself on "Easry street" within 5 years. State agency of one of the finest trucks on the market- No phone Information given. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. $05 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable man to open branch on ice ami manage salesmen: $500 to 2H0 neces sary; exclusive ngnt ; paiemeu i moner making possibilitea uniimuea. will pay expenses to Baltimore if you nuallfv Address Mr. Cleinmer; Sales Mgr., 416 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Aid. nixFKPTinNERT. cigars and luncheon first-class. Sd-sL location, rent $60 per month, with lease; it s a corner, worn enough for 2 men; will sell fixtures at your own price ana invoice me siwk whole thing will run about $3000. A. J. De FOREST CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. GENERAL mdse. store and building for m!a in live town, practically no oppo sition. located on S. P. Co., also on the P. A. & P. R. R-, now building. ir vnoH farmlnr. Inririne and sawmill ter ritory. Stock and fixtures and building for $20,000. Sales $7500 per month. No trade accepted. AV 503, oregonian TiRI'G STORE AND GROCERY. Both doing big business, located on transfer corner, well established, profits are from $700 to $00 per month; will take $10,000 to $12,000 cash to handle. A. J DeFOKEST & CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Main 2600. GRILL, HOTEL AND DELICATESSEN. Best paying business in the north west. Inquire BRAND'S, Boise, Idaho. . COOS BAY OPERATORS. NtTE. Well educated, responsible ex-service man of 45, civil engineer of varied ex perience, will consider proposition to invest services wit h reliable concern operating in Coos Boy country: highest references. Address AV 423. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Whole or half interest In an exceptionally well equipped cleaning and dyeing plant. 3 delivery cars; employ 10 people at present; rent $55: 2-year lease. See Brown & Biddle. 324 Rail way Exchange bldg., 3d and Stark sts. WANTED Man with $2000 to $0000 to in vest in business and devote his services; one who can write fair hand, and good at figures. Call 420 U. S. National Bank bld-g. GROCERY AND DRUG STORE. One of best transfer corners in city, doing $20O day business, very profitable lines, trade Increasing; a snap for some one. Call 511 Railway Exchange. $D50 BUYS CASH GROCERY, NICE, CLEAN STOCK, KENT in; UOOJi LIV ING ROOMS; MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE, 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. GARAGE. Large concrete building, has over 50 cars steady storage, shop with all up-to- j date repair macmnery; clears nig money. Price $6000. Call 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE OR TRADE Small restaurant in fireproof building; fully and neatly equipped, good trade, splendid opportu nity for man and wife. Owner. Bdwy. 27!0. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROi?LEY. secretary. CAFETERIA and home bakery, doing good business; 2 living rooms In con nection, some furniture; plenty of space for enlargement; good equipment; 100 loaf oven; rent $35; price $1700. E. 5402. FOR SALE 5, 10, 15c and up stock, and pictures In good live valley town, large payroll; quitting on account of health; no triflers need apply. Call on E. Ray Dullum. Silverton, Or. Masonic bldg. GARAGE for sale, excellent east side lo cation, fully equipped, storage capacity fil.ed lOOxlOO fet, well lighted, reason able rent; excellent business opportunity. Phone Alain9208. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. $2000. doing $1KOO per month; cheap rent, dandy corner location. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2t00. OPPORTUNITY for men to buy 1-3 equal interest in going manufacturing corpora tion, large aales and increasing business each month, capital needed for expan sion. BC 309. Oregonian. A SA FE and profitable investment for business man to invest In factory mak ing high-grade merchandise; output contracted for; money can be secured. AM 741. Oregonlan. APARTMENTS. 14 modern apartments, paying $200 per month: $9000; this includes building, ground and furniture; terms. East 1347. LUNCH wagon, fully equipped. $200 hnn dHes. For rent. 5 acres of land, off Wall st. 1922 Berkeley st. FOR SALE: Restaurant in working men's district, doing good business; p$ce $700, terms. 402 Giisan st. 1W0ENTELOPES $4. St. Main 5134. Ryder Liberty Press. 229 Main st. LADY'S barber shop for sale. Phono Main 2320, 8 P. M. BUSINESS OPPOKTt N 1TIES. : $3000 NET INCOME FOR 6 ALB. SHOE ft FURNISHING GOODS STORE In coast county seat; good schools and high school; 3 sawmills: trade extend ing all over county; cleared S30U0 last year. Will sell at original cost inven tory; about $10,000 will handle; present owners want to concentrate capital in main store. Address THE BOOTERT, SALEM. OR. FIRST-CLARS BOARDING AND ROOM ING HOUSE DOING $!u0 WORTH OF BUSINESS PER MONTH; WEST SIDE; ONLY $000 CASH. BEST BUY IN CITY. CLOSE-TN CORNER GROCERY; IN VOICE PRICE; WEST SIDE. GROCERY AND DRUG STORE, CLOCHE IN". EAST SIDE, DOING GOOD BUSINESS, SEE US BEFORE BUY ING OR SELLING. CO-OPERATIVE KEALTY CO., 376 YAMHILL ST.. CITY. - MAIN 043 OK MARSHALL UOtil. Si'-ROOM AUARTMKNT. WE are offering this $42,000 apartment for tho low sacrifice price of $27,000. There are three stories of concrete, stores oeiow ana aparunenLs aoove, lull ceinenc basement, steam heat and everything in good repair. This Is on a corner on the east side; steady income at $3ao per month. A good investment for someone. The owner is retiring from business and we are offering this for a ahort Urns ouiy. .NEW YORK LAND CO.. 3V Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676. PWILL sell at remarkable sacrifice, com plete towing business in Vancouver, B. C, consisting mainly of four excellent tugs, five scows, general equipment and ex panding business of 15 years' standing. Tugs alone worth $140,000. Business complete worth approximately $200,000. Will sell for $125,000. $110,000 must be cash. Profits in six months alone last year $24,i00. Owners wish to retire on account of age. J. A. Campbell, barrister. 53ft Pender at. West, Vancouver, B. C. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO INTO THE STAGE BUSINESS. Others are making good money. Runs on the highways and interurban runs will be good thia summer. We will sell you good Btage cars with small payment down and assist you in getting started. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont st. Phone E. 6057. $210' Grocery, confectionery, across from scnooi, iHH in attendance; fine clean stock, good fixtures; living rooms; re ceipts $00. $00 Light grocery. candy. soft drinks; good location; 4 living rooms; rent l.t.i. with lease. Look these over if you want a busi ness. See Mr. Harper. SAFE INVESTMENT CO.. 423 Hen ry Bid g FOR SALE Profitable meat market: one of two shops in live town of H0O0, equip ment new and modern. Includes con crete slaughter house and feed ground with city water, established and grow ing business; owner has good reason for selling. uooa terms. Campbell- neian Land & Cattle Co.. 303 Couch bldg. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER LINE. Doing good business. Has good, modem light delivery car. This can be bought for small pavment down. AUTOMOTIVE SALE COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont street. Phone E. 6057. . PARTNER WANTED FOR GARAGE. Good location, storage for 35 cars and plenty repair work; also sell gas, oils, tires, etc.; handy man with $S00 can buy equal half interest with a me chanic. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT. Located on Broadway; doing a nice business from $00 to $70 per day: lease, low rent: if you are in the market for a restaurant, see this one. Main 5.385 4ft stock Exchange bldg. CIGAR STORE. My loss, your gain. Must leave city and must sll my store ; have good lease and dandv trade. $1000 takes It quick. ParticuJars, 511 Railway Ex change. GROCERY bargain, $1000 takes fine gro cery, large, clean stock, good fixtures, cash business1, corner location, on paved street and earline; large living room, . big snap. See Biddle, 324 Railway Ex change. GARAGE. 91 00 brick, storing 72 cars, 2-year lease, rent $lvt0; gas, oil, pump, tools, service car. fine location, doing good business., terms. Main 53S0. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. SMALL WOOD-WORKING PLANT FOR S A LE. I NCLU DING PL A N ER. JOINT ER. BAND SAW. COMBINATION SAW AND DRUM SANDER, TWO MOTORS. BELTING. LUMBER. ETC. APPLY 5737 FOSTER ROAD. ELMER CONN. WANTED Active men with $000 capital, as manufacturer's representatives for the cities of Salem. Asjoria and The Dalles; must have cars. BC 346, Orego nian. HAVE opening for steady man in auto tire and vulcanizing store ; pay $200 month and duties easily learned. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. A FIRST-CLASS proposition to get into the automobile business as sales man ager of the city and county. $2000 re quired. A K 9S4. Qregonian. AUTO truck hauling: can clear $20 day; will sell my truck at actual value; charge you nothing for established route. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Service station. fully equipped, tanks, pumps, building and lot. stock of accessories. 82 and Sandy boule vard. Tabor 14.15; A CONCRETE garage for sale, good stor age snd plenty repair work; also have authorized jrora service; net prom $500 month. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. CAFETERIA taking in $50 a day; man and wife can do it all; cheap rent; good location; $1500 cash; from owns' AO 221, Oregonian. PRINTER-EDITOR Oregon county seat weekly, official paper, lots of legal work $300 caah takes managing interest; must sell at once. Address AV 432. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted by experienced mill and woods man to put In 10 to 15 M. sawmill, about $1000 cash required. AV 44. Oregortian. FOR SALE Liberty fish market, well . known Pacific Oyster Co.. wholesale and retail ; best business on coast; on trial two montha 5th and Yamhill sts. FOR SALE La Fave's Beauty Shop, the only one in miles around; doing a fine business. Write 519 Douglas su, Ray mond. Wash. AUTO truck agency wants active man to sell trucks; large profits; $1600 required, secured. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER wanted for country garage with Chevrolet and Dodge agencies; $2000 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. NICE 2-chair barber shop In suburbs, good business location. Price $275. See Lewis. CORB BROS.. 263 Oak stret. MUST setl my cleaning and pressing es tablishment, now doing a fine business. Price $85. AL 840, Oregonian. HAVE a 6-room house, furnished, for sals or trade; also a photo studio, will con sider partner. Main 1803. Business Opportunities Wantexi. I WANT rooming or apartment house resi dence), about 16 rooms. Must be clean and modern. Prefer Park, south of Yamhill. Pay down $1G0Q. Ko agents. BC 305, Oregonian. POLLY AND uiscBKnoj n iw distakcb. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED Rooming-house or hotel in mining or lumber town, or take charge and run .boarding-house in camp. Ad dress A 430, Utc-gonian. Stocks and Bonds. JOHNSON'S Auto Signal Co.'stcck for tale. Thia stock is now selling at the fac- tory in Vancouver, Wash., for $5 per share. Will sacrifice my holdings for any reasonable cash offer. AO 340, -Oregon Jan. Hotels and Rooming arouses. GET ONE OF THESE. 10 rooms. Nob Hill district: furnace, electric lights and excellout furnishings; lovely homelike place. Price $1300; terms. roorna. White temple; rent $45; fur Xhace, electric lights; very nicely fur nished and nice house. Price $1UOO. 8 rooms. White temple; good furniture and well arranged for renting; clears $05. Price- $l0O: $400 cash. MUST SELL. 10 rooms, furnace heat, electric lights. White temple; excellent furniture and almost new rugs of best quality. Sirlt ness forces sale and price has beeu cut to $1050. An absolute snap. MAIN 36oS. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. 810 Chamber of Commerca Bldg. 10 ROOMS, H. K., rent $35; furnace, elec tricity; income $110 besides nice apu, price $1200, terms. 13 rooms, mostly H. K., rent $35, clean, in good ah ape", price $1100, terms. 20 rooms, H. K., clears about $200, very beat location, priced rlgb t, terms. 8 rooms, more homelike than rooming, electricity, furnace; price $1IUU. MRS. THOMPSON, 62121 Henry bldg. GENUINE BARGAIN. S5 rooms, $1000 handlwe, whole price only $1200; this is a good-paying board ing house, situated in tho very heart or the north end. industrial district; pres ent owner has run it for the past seven years and has always made money; but owing to ill hcatth will sacrifice for quick a!c; prloe only $12H0 for 3. rooms completely furnished, with living quarters for the family, well equipped kitchen and dining room. A. J. De FOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. Main 26IM). HOTEL ON THE DESCHUTES KIN ER. All elegantly furnished, twt and cold water, eiectric lights and steam heat in every room; also 6 tents, nicely fur nished, with brass bed, etc. Electric lighted large lobby, ladles parlor with fine piano. Hotel is always lull. Clear ing around $300 per month; will douoie this summer. $3iH)0. Good terms. MR. M1LLERSHIP. Alder Hotel. Main 527a. FURNISHINGS of a beautiful corner home, walking distance, on east side, fitted for H. K, and clearing over $100 per month: hot and cold water in every room; hot water heat, some private hatha. large garden and garage, some fine furniture, just the place for a fine heme with good Income; 2 blocks from C. S. church, 3 blocks from dental college; never on market before. Barney Johnson Ac Co., 170 10th st. BARGAINS IN ROOMING HOUSES. Have a very good listing in west side rooming houses from 10 to 40 rooms that have been carefully inspected by me and well worth the money. Come see my llsL Here's one of many: Brick building.-22-rooms hotel, 5 blocks from postoffice, only $4200, very well furnished. Income $050, rent $125 monthly. Mr. . Nelson, with T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. 2S APARTMENTS. Nice corner, brick bldg., good west side location, cheap rent w ith long lease: this is a good house for a woman alone, for it's easy to run and pays over $50O net profit per month; $1000 cash required. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2G00. WEST SIDE MODERN APARTMENTS. 2S apartments, best location, reason able rent, lease; clears $000; $12,000, .terms. 30 apartments, good long.lea.se, very reasonable rent, clears big money, com pletely and well furnished, priced right. MRS. THOMPSON, 620-21 Henry bldg. $0000 HANDLES 6S-ROOM HOTEL. West side, good location, corner prick bldg., steam heat and running water in all rooms, rent less than $5 per room. Clears $500 a month above nil expenses. A. ,T. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. IF YOU WISI. TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apart ment House of any kind, anywhere, as F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULT RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 803-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 25 ROOMS. TRANSIENT. 6lh st- location, rent only $100 per month; good for $200 net profit, price $2500. A. J. DeFOREST CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 26f0. FOR SALE or rent. 10-room boarding house. 1 acre of garden land, at railroad shops in Nehalem valley; doing good business, everything complete. 1 cow and 60 chickens': if interested come at once. Neverstil. Oregon, via Kerry. Mrs. N. A. Hum fleet; price $2000. terms. 8 ROOMS. RENT $3Sl West side, electric lights, nice, clean place, good home and nets $65 per month: a bargain. Mrs. Green. A. J. DeFOREST CO., 320 Henry Bldg. WEST SIDB APARTMENTS $3 W0. A-l furniture of 21 rooms, part house keeping, m center of business dLstrict; hot and cold water in rooms. N. W. heat; nt Income of $30o per month. Henry W. Goddard. 243 Stark st, $1000 BUYS 10-ROOM HOTEL AND RES TAURANT. TERMS. $7O0 BUYS 15 ROOM HOTEL, WEST SIDE. TERMS. PEE BROWN ft BIDDLE. 324 RAIL WAY EXCHANGE BLDG. 15 ROOM'S, RENT. $70. Clean place, housekeeping apts.. nets $119; owner has 5 -rooms. Mrs. Green. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 350 Henry Bldg. 16-ROOM rooming house, centrally located, clean and well furnished, brick bldg., rent $65; $8f0 rash, balance on easy terms. Call 2294 First St., or phone Marshall 702. NINE rooms, all H. K.. rent $20; $400 handles this. Snap 21 $150; tirms. rooms. Rent $50; clears Weuver, 215 Stock Exch. ROOMING house. 12 rooms, nice, modern corner, light, airy, outside rooms, clean, garage for 3 cars; rent $46; well fur nished, fine location, snap, $900. Gar land. 201 3d st. ' To Buv or Sell a Hotel. ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUSE, See A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Main 2(190. We Buy Chattel Mortgages. 2S-ROOM hotel, Northwestern heat. $280-0 will handle. Clears 3O0. Harney Jonn oi & Co.. 170 10th st. 13 HOUS EKE EPI NG rooms, rent $3.1 ; clears $SK $wh will handle; close in. Barney Johnson & Co., 170 10th st. MUST SELL 11 rooms, all housekeeping. best part city, woo mil; win sacrmco to get away; no agents. Main 9S1. ROOMING HOUSE for sale by owner, 12 rooms, close in. ior runner information call Bdwy. 2241. NINE H. K. rooms, close In, $475 will handle; modern, barhey Johnson & Co 170 10th st. FOR SALE 12 rooms, complete. Inquire 827 Broaaway. pnone Marshall 22.18. HER PALS by ci.irv uTEKRicn'. jmxiixaojJOssaasja Hotels and Rooming, House. FOR SALE Hotel with 40 room and con ffinnftrv store In connection, doing nrosnerous business. Call or write 816 Is; st.. Raymond. W ash. S-VEAK lease of steam-heated, 50-room furnished apartment . noue near snip yards about to open; clears $300 month, ti. sJ, uregoniau. MRS. M. E, LENT. Hotel and apartment house broker. 723-4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. w vtk n Furnish Ad. medium or larcc sized rooming bouse by last of Muy. BC 337, Oregonlan. FOR best bargains in apartment houses ses members of the Realty Board. Yatss Realty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on r:ii-jt of the Port land Railway. Light A u.ttrai- cn Mnrrh 1 !t X nurses, key, barretl. flashlight. 2 gloves, music roll. huml erin 3 books. 5 packages, brace, 2 lunch boxes, 2 pairs overalls. 23 um brellas. March 14: Beads, 2 pins, bunch keys,-kodak, pair gloves. 3 packages, -roll belting, broom, 4 suitcases, 2 lunch boxes. 2 coats, IS umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets. ' THE PARTY who took .the red silk um brella from Columbia theater Sunday afternoon is known. please return to theater at once and save trouble. LOST Ring. 8 small diamonds, -circle; near Alberta or Oth St.. March 12. Val ued as keepsake. Most liberal reward H returned. 4 hone B10-36. 1 t ...ll t.lslr fnln Iilimp. tWo $0 bii and small change. Montavilla or Rose City car, last Saturday. Call Tabor oi . He ward. , i.nT Sunday eveninx. string amber hnuiis rift from brother klUed In France. 1 .1 hera 1 rew a id. Re t u m to Imperial Arms, suite 3Q5. Main 5sti5. sth a tkiv-Grv eelding. wu 1100, one shoe in front, one behind. .Notify H. E. Anderson. Scappoose. Or.. Star route. LOST Fountain pen. Saturday evening, valued as a present from my mother. Reward. Phone Sell. 1137. . LOS1 ,OST pair of goid-rlmined eyeglass-s on Fargo st. Sunday evening. Leave at 4to Wash. st. Reward. LOST Diamond earring In vicinity of 8th and E. Morrison. Reward at 1111 Last Morrison or Tabor 2711. PENINSULA PARK, lady's gold watch. Waltham. black wrist caw; .reward. Woodlawn 1752. - REWARD for chicken thief who "tola 100 white baby Leghorns from rw2o 4oto ave., S. E. Phone Sellwood lon. LiiST Tabby cat, long fur except on chest, from near 16th and Montgomery. Phone Marshall 4112. Reward. LOST -Monday morning, platinum frame folding eyeglasses. Return to Alcxiftidra ( 'ourt and receive reward. LOST Saturdav. a eresrent pin of sap phires and pearls. Reward. Phone Main 1476, . LOST Between 47th. Sandy and Laurel hurst park. gir!'s white fur neckpiece; reward. Phone Tabor 4078. .. Lost Sliver vanity case; reward. Return Rox 330. Hotel Nortonia. ONU auto headlight. Call Keller" Art sure, $400 Washington at. Lost A Boston brindle bulldog. 6330. Reward. LOST- Pair tortoise shell R ward. Phone 226-43. nose glaaaea. LOST Young Scotch collie; reward. Call Main io002. SPKriA L NOT1 CE9. Proposals Invite-d. BIDS WANTED. Rids for the installation of heatlnr the Woman's building for the University nf Oregon, will be received by the Build ing Committee of the Hoard of Regents of the university 01 urBon on 1 nursuay, Aoril 1. 11120. until 2 o'clock P. M.. at the office of L. II. Johnson, Secretary of the Board of Regents. Administration building. University of Oregon, Eu gene. Or. Plans and specifications may be 1 cured by applying at the office of Law rente & llolford. Architects, 1021 Chamber of Commerce building. Port lund. or at the office of the Secretary of the Board 01 Regents. Administration building. University of Oregon. Eu gene. Or. The Executive Committee of the Board of Regents reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Successful bidders will be required to furnish a hond for the faithful perform ance of the contract. L. H. JOHNSON. Secretary of the Board of Regents. University of Oregon. .M isreliaoeoua. NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MKHTINd OK POULSEN WIRELESS CORPORATION TO CONSIDER PRuP OSITION TO DISSOLVE. Pursuant to a resolution duly offered and adopted by the board of directors of the Pnulsen Wireless Corporation at a special meeting of said board, duly and regularly held at the office of said cor poration. 812 Hobart building, 02 Mar ket streett San Francisco, California, Wednesday, the 28th day of January. 11211, and entered In the minute book of said corporation as part of lbs pro ceedings of said meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the stockholders of said cor poration is hereby called and will be held at the office of the corporation. In the Pythian building, in the city of Prescoit, state of A rizona, on the 30th day of March. 1!20, at the hour of 10 A. M.. for the purpose of submitting to said stock holders and considering and acting upon the proposition of the surrender of the charter, franchise and corporate name of said Poulsen Wireless Corporation, the dissolution of said corporation and the winding up of its business and disposal of its assets. POULSEN WIRELESS CORPORATION, By AUGUSTUS TAYLOR. Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE NO. 17913. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of Frances N. Ciark, de oeAsed, by the judge of the probate de partment of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Mult nomah, and has duly qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at 510-517 Railway Exchange building, Portland, Or., within six months from the date of the first publication hereof. MATT CLARK. Administrator of the Estate of Frances N. Clark, deceased. First publication, February 24, 1920. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE NO. 17912. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of Russell S. Clark, de ceased, by the Judge of the probate de partment of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Multnomah, j and has duly qualified. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the sc. ma, properly verified, to the undersigned at MtVSl 7 Railway Exchange building, Portland, Or., within six months from tho data of the first publication hereof. MATT CLARK. Administrator of the Estate of Rueaell 6-Ciark, deceased. fc Wirst publication, February 24, 120. FTNANCTATj. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman aV Co 210 Chamber of Commerce, t 1 FINANCIAL. BE TOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your real estate loan on the co-operative plan. ' Loans lor any amount to run from s 10 years, repayable In small month I Installments. Part or all of loan ma he paid off at any time. Every tx rower participates In full profits of th association. Only purely co-operativ savings and loan association in Portland. UNION SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION. 9 4th sL LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTO. WE KIRNISH THE MONEY. OUR PLAN WILL PLKASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BI-DG. UD FLOOR.) MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, TITLE? AND TRUST BLDG. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on cattl sheep, boss, etc F. ,E. BOWMAN 4t CO., 210 Chamber of Com. Msfti 8024, WE handle leases, all kinds of business. ouy ana sen contract and mortgages consult us ii you want to buy or se anything; we can help you. 202 Mc Kay birtg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real entate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. Sill Lumbermen bldg. Money to lmn ea Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. Per cent to 7 ner rnt. flve-ve, period. You may pay $10o or any inul imie tnereor account principal, semi Dually snd reduce interest. INfiTAhhyi-lNT NtANS Will loan 60 per cent tame house an lot st H to 7 per cent. You pav one half of 1 pr cent account prlnciial montniy. For example. $.'0h loan, vo pay SlU month v and internat. You hav privler of paying $H'0 or any tnultipl mereot monthly. Interest reduced cordinrly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS IjOANS. FIto to ten-year period; fV4 and 6 per cvox. r-ame repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main &30S. Suite 407 Yeon Building CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On Improved property, or for Improve ment purposea The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for grt months, or $21 24 per month for 60 montha or $JA.17per month for i6 months pays a loan oi siooo and Interest. Loans of other amounts in asms pro portions. Repayment privilege!. EQUITABLE 8AVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 342 Stark at.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE LOWEST RATES. CltT or farm. LlheraJ rru.vmrnl rlvt lege a COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 1 Third street. Main 806T. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED" PORTLAND REAL ESTATE, RESIDENCE. AP A RTM ENT. BUSINESS MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY. T1TL.K & TRUST HLDG. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; do delays, DLVEREAUN MORTGAGE COMPANY. oi otn st., rortiand. itrw MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. attractive repaying priviicgra A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411 MONEY TO LEND $50,000 or less to lend on improved y(Uici ii iiy or country. R. F. BRYAN. 509 Chamber of Commerce. CITY AND FARM LOANS No Com m lesion. No Dlay $1000. $1000. $2000, $3000 and I I We loan our own money on real fsta't F. H. DESHON, 615 CHAM. OF Co.VT MONEY TO UiAN.j On real estate security at going ra of interest. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO 413 Chamber of Commerce. - LIBERAL LOAN'S. ' We loan our own mony on real es tate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. K. E Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber Com. Main 30 $60,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit onclfy su our nan ana tarma Building loans a specially. WILLIAM G RECK 21 5-216 FAILING HLDG THIRD ANDWASHINt!TON MORTGAGE LOANS " FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, fi 14 rrn CENT. PER CENT. 7 PER CENT UNION ABSTRACT CO M 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG1 3EE US TODAY. We loan money on real cBiKie, wuu . v, uuic, snort lime monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. 725 Cairo bldg.. 5th and Aider CKLLAKS-MURTON CO MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property; favorable repsying pri viler ps ; no commission or delay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., -LTD 60 platt Bldg. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN, on Improved city property and also m proved farm property. Current ratea WM. MacM ASTERS. 831 V. 8 National Bank Bldg. $400. $000. $eoo. $soo. $1000. $12.10. $1500, I2O00 snd up, lowest rates, quick action.' Pay off 1100 or more at any Interest data. Gordon Mortgage Co.. S1 ham ber of Commerce Bldg, Main 1370 MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES WESTERN BOND AV MORTGAGE CO BO Fourth Ft.. Portland. Or. MONEY to loan on city and farm prop erty; we buy mortgages and contracts, notes end accounts Levy A Zimmerman Co.. 202 McKay Bldg. MONEY to losn in s-uma of $1000 or more on Improved property at 7 per cent. Ernest Cole. 410 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $04)0. $1000 AND upward on Improred rest estate; favorable terms: no delay; no 'brokerage. John Rain. M7 Spalding bldg. $30. $400. $.".00. $7r.n. $1000 AND upTTow rates; quick act: on. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham nf Com. Main ft445. $2000 TO LOAN on Improved pfy prop erty, 7 per cent, prUate party. Tabor 4014. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO. t22 Cham, of Commerce, 4th snd Stark. MORTGAGE LOANf, s and T per eenL Loots Salomon ft Co. 4n ffelllng bldg. MONEY on farm and Improved cltr nron erty. K. K. Baxter, 1203 Spalding bid. MORTGAGE LOANS. lowest ratea A. H. Harding. 812 Rallwny Exchange. Money to Losm Chattels and Halartes. HATHAWAY Loans on pinnos and furnT turs; legal rates 20 Wsshlnrton bldg MN4'IAI.. JHoney to Uwn f liaiwn and iHHarte. PORTLAND REMEDIALLOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT, EST PT.1SHED HV POftTHVD Til SIN :SS MEN TO PUOTE T I.OR LOW Kits. IiAS MADE ON PMMMNDfl. WATCH KH. .1 KW KI.IM. VI A H I' -TRoias, LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR MTU RE. 304 STARK ST.. NEAR 1TI1. CARRIE MYERS II Kit KM A N :. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NKED MONEY AT I.K'IAL R ATKS sU.'K SKRVICKT YOU CAN i NT IT TODAY. L . NS M A DE o automobiles. furniture. pianos, victrolas. rkal estate, bonds, etc. If your pN.vmi-nt lire too large on yi?r automobile or furmtuie otitract-, we will pny the in up mid d v..n oil more money tf needed. We innke a specialty of these loan, and leave l ho se urlty in our posKes.4ion and you can repay us ia small monthlv ..tvnienis. ALSO WE MAKE SALARl LOANS to salaried p-'ople, on Iheir own ioia. Rates rcaftomihlc. Prlvatn offura All business strictly -onf ideittial. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENCED.) 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Mr-.ha!' 32M. M. W. Cor. Third and W.iMunfcton. 8 A LA R Y. LOANS. C U A Tf fa. L WK loan money on ahort notice to suiwriwd or working men on thetr own nous. Wkly, smi mnntly or monthly . mem. Kack Ira liquet Ion sit t fly confidential. NO Mi RTtGKS. No M ItHKR, ABSOLUTELY NO NKCUKITY. We also loan on ho,irhotu furniture pianos, etc., without rrnioval. CALL AM INVESTIGATE. Cul.UMltl.l DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED. 218 FAILING ULDG MoNNV to loan on diamonds, Jeaelry, legal rules ; all articles tie Id a y r ; ) ,.b lished IK. Dan Marx Co , 23 Wah. I-OHiis W anted. I WISH TO Borrow dmri frotti Inmlrf $H.ViMM) on high-cl.! lotii')Kn prop er!, worth conMd" r; Iti ' noire I h u double t h s m on n 1 a.-ki'd. Substantial lirt k bldg Do not tart- to in ok f 5 per cr nt 1 n t c 1 .. Fur p. 1 1 tc 11 la r . .. M on HEN RIESLAND. 4o putt bldg., 1 J? Park ft. WANTED- I-an of $:hmmi ami $10.01. r- spcet 1 ve 1 y on c lio.ee r a I ent at tnTt -hk security at 6 p-r cent. pmi.oMv 1 oTiser a I i e. v aorfh more than 3 cm- amount nf loan. Ofltcn Main .i'WU. Re , Tal'or 4:10 LOAN wauled 2 In ins $Hhl ' $L"MI. Mg;n- sVtirity A 0 Frank L MeUulrw 414 Atmuion bids. 1 $1himi. Firnt m yenrs. 7 per cent. S lo loan our money f it ; sr MoitT' ;"a ol ; fi Tirs ALE ON. I rti pro im f.t rms nnd c 1 1 property. $D to $111. not. F II. UrsilnN, 610 CHAM. OP COM. $ iiHM AND u 1 on lush-trade n.m ' h and Us in ltot.ri-d fi'h"ui,1 sn nifrt'tie pro poL inn . r.i 11 saliMy as to . ui ,t) It I .o 1 in ,. gun m n WANT HVoowi on v. at fide brn k Mpsrt-mt-iit. showing u'od tlivm; will pay 7'r. V;.ltie $.IK iN'li W NTFD- $I0U(I . four yi AP ions and lot, good or more; gie rata , ( r-gon 1 it 11. eciirll : tf Intel. W AN TED- To borrow $J.ihi (or lx months at H pr cent; ampl appioxd Ptcunt), i !M0. Or.gonlan. HEK t 'ft K" It N 1 N . Mi'LTGAGR CO., inn, 4 1 h nod Stark. 222 Cn itn. of oinii Shm( WANTED properly. A 1. ' 1 1 ifiiti is n . PKK ti ll I I I t I I I IMAM- NDS HOLt.HT. I hae tloo.iMiO r-dv cah to in vet in (liarn.niO'. hi" Mr Hull doiph and n l lull market value in mill. 'onfuli utiai. UhOHhKH RANDOLPH, Diamond ttrukvr, 40j Spalding lit ilu , 4th Floor. If ou iiave Pjiorhe;i. ih- n ouii itettcr nef ; tiur Diiiiai Nura', Uetote )ou ft' t Horse. Free iliuhttutrd Tuesday and 1'rlday. bhig. Contributed by J. C. Miilth Lung. Instruction. 31U Hush A 4 30 lus .St anion and MA DA it E ELAINE. SCALP hi 'r.C I A LI S T, aill Kite iii'i- Jediuc ami lindnn'iil, Showing the peopl hOV .i lnl I Umr hair lor bald In hI -, lulling hntr nnd uaodrult. 1. will iit citfl ni anything to como snd see what 1 an do lor mi Siinda.v. Alarcti 11, V lo . and 7 to In, Columhia hall, 2d and 0.1k. V id l there alt thji.t;h the week. "7LD FALSE TEETH HoL'GHT. W e p;iy up iu $J0 per hi. Don t mat ter If broken; old - 1 nter are loowt v; uable. Clown. Lrnl;i oik boughi. Ltting or iiiiiil. 111" Aineih..ti LroKi-t.ige. 4 Ci Spalding biU., 4th floor. F4 nnd Unn. Tm Steam Imths nnd iiihfmk', m w eUipTitriit. spotli fh y clean; loin floor Rioadway i.log. .larhhall 3lfG. i ruiu i nur.te iu attendance. Dr. Laura 1)UW ULIIg. I Hi PEAN Till P S.-lect pwrtv, ex I" in ed lltl chtus onl, ion Trawl h. pllunai IcatnreM under i guiM aim conuuetor. 1 it n 1 parucuiairs, aoiiri NM i-.xn Club, box ivv't, eauc, V 1 LA Dl fc"s' Bixl K "tU meii's panama, straw, ell and be.iv.r hats clenel, bloi:ke.. dyed wild ri se w ed , biu kt.iui, iei and wue flames. Lar'iaiice 11. 4 tiers, S't'l Morrison t NERVOUS and ClllluNIC dlseHa.s a spe cially; NEW SlLTIiODS. Dr. J. W, liatdorf, Nulurupath, 3iM Dekum bldg., 1 to 4 P. M. lirnig this ad lur limn ex a 111. TAKAKA ANTISEPTIC PoVfc l7K"ri is a cieaiiNiug. if it m, Kerniiid.tl nnd tlivig oratiiig douche. A grem aid in lui ur rhea anu fuuwiln dlsordni s .'( and $1 per box. PorilMiid Hotel 1'harmacy. ' T1REI J A DEl WORN t-UT. Try a scieniiiic iiiastK or an clectrls cabinet balli at Dr. IrunMtU a. Son-1 1 Hiuadway Litl. Nurse iu atitidabc. Phorieiain 00. 1 CUAHANTErito cure i-orna, buntona, tng nn'l". warts and moles lii-iutei ; nw Invention, no p.tni, m am i-h., Lottem iri ea in town CoiiNulia l ton fr-e. Hera J jt'taia; arches it led. 0O3 Dekutn bldg Uli. HACitV (rowtfl rorn. nnil Innrn.inC iimii. (H'tliruriiiR, niiini' uniiff. th.tinp.Mi., f.ire 1M1. 1 wiilp lii"f., ,, ill-n CMiiitih no.'. K.il.'iK'l bldtf. M.tlsli. .i7l. SI'MMMK MHS1K I'AUI.ilU. n'lKN. nnr llOHV MASfM;K. iU. OVI1.IA I.AUhliN. JUOlvUAN lU.IMi. MAIS 1UUI) ' TUB Kl.U bllul'. " " Expert ,-.inol'lllt hi . Mvlnft. iiiitninr pri.-w. now In .n.., i. n3 bwi-l'mid b.ux.. .n)i .n.l a.htiiit!oll. iTJilV liT- 11A.NNKIILT. I..Jih iv .nj loul mkm, fnifnt .toc liuumn limr uo.lk hiiirJr.-lii. mam, uiinir. r. . uj ..lp irHlniriit. iil'J Alilfr. Al.,111 BLKHf'l.l.'Jl'.S li.ir. niol-a. ' Knit, (T. muvil h l' ' Il" lii'lliud, 11, ,,1 frr. Jmi. Kinl.jr. itl Uu.li Um bid.. NUin B.1HH. 11 uKTii both f"t fl.d up at Iir. K.non iT Ih. l-lllltiil'l'I'lST n.l Alti'H M l.hr who l lr " I"". t i; x.m. Ire. Gioti. blilg.J ijih 9h.Uwy. -nji. Tir MAK'IAUKT IIAVMK ivrlTThi'r prirlic. .li'.in b.lh.. violet ry vllirntio. m.i.i.ice. -1 "' Ko-lmn-l b.il , Mm Kin Uk7KI.NA til iltKNSKN, .Mm l n.m bi.l, DruKi-; mmMK fur imiiu. a. kii.i., rtaruiiml lmn. 1'inslipiitlttn 'pin evening. UHAHI'ATN liurii. Ir.l. lumbago, .In linur. . m - v' t'iin.,ii.-ui.. ritual lln PHI' of fir, .iih-i; Third .1. ULICH r.n b. prmnntlr cur.d without p.r.llon Call .r writ. Dr. Lma. 2 tlorrlwn .L 8t IKS'l'lKli' ni.'a. nd m.nn.ilc 1rt.,t mt-nti. 1 id ' J"rm. ri Lynch, 3,k4 lifkuin bl'lic GOITRE. .nlarK.d Kl.nria; run out,.,( A K. Hirarnan, roui. a. iiiiiaiioru. Or. OKLSN'T Tom, llc or Harr, paf roat F.. Vlnrivl. coiirriionm ikurn lM. RL'PTUKB CAN Hit UUKU wllboul . .paratlon r. booai.t r o aoi not. I.AOT BARflKKS fh Ilalrout r ,tc. iimiiAr, o.c ...i r.ni.n MIKH MIl.l.KK. lonkirif for wit.. t.Ua Millfr. rouiuiutil, ate w ttn ik.i 4th .t. MAiiNKTIi' trratmenti. for lumbago, .ta. Main M.iiin. jsucnanan mug MASSAOB MANlOfltlNCJ 415 HJilianan Hid, lii Hit. PRIMBPA nAI.M. formerlf railed Hn'rn .1 Kllta. H4I K. S3 a. well. I'l'l.l. mnrninga. MRU. LARKINS, prlv.l. manlrurlni nrrt. ifate, r.t n and Mtirri.nn. bpl 3. WANTKll To m:. partv or. AM 7 71 loving iirnltur. I 'ririiMw n. li-nrt. 11. KS CAN UK OI'RKU without oi.-ra. lion Vr- boul:lt. V O. boi Hug GhKTKrlB riANIKl.H. auperflnoti hair ,1 I. l i I-' r' t 1 t - . . . !r";: i to . f. . - manlcuriiit. iac. alp. d.l r liuUarr bld , i "v " Ik. B . - v. , ... - . : j r . - '