: j THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, 31 ARCH 16, 1920 - V wanted an scHxmxEors. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want yoor used fumitore, rugs, carpets, stoves, and ail household goods, and will pay lb highest cash price. OUH THREE LARGE STORES nn!a us to dispose of these goods at once, and therefor we r- n pj the TOP MARKET PRICES. We also boy and sell hardware, too, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines, and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade 4-ALL MAIN 072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO, 221-223-225 Front SL CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CAMH PRICES EVER PAID flV ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BOl'EH WITH TH E MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST FT.. NEAR TAYLOR, a MAIN 308. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Mala MM4. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED hardwood band sawyer, also one edgerman and two inspectors ; knowledge of hardwoods necessary; steady employment; good wages. Write Kitkura Hardwood Mill, Sitkum, Coos Co., Or. USED CAR SALESMAN. Want experienced used car man with record for results. Start work at once liU tfuO, Oregonian. MA N experienced in bookkeeping and type writing, capable of making monthly Sia;-nient3, mit make himself generaiiy iiaeful nnmnrl store: sriva reterenees. ial ary exported and phone number. AM 777, Oregnni-m. I ( i Tl r i V iMi'TIIHK COMPANY. Fully equipped studio in Columbia Tteach has opening for people wanting tryont: requires spare time only while learning. Columbia riim corporation, Inc. EXPKRIEfTD cash and door stock cut ter wanted: also laborer. Apply Kants Mfg. Co-, 2oiu and Nico.ai sts. WANTED Experienced vulcanizcrs who can handle dry curl retreaning ani sec tion work; long steady jobs; at Mtiitzer s Tire Shop. 1 1 6 14th ave. outn. iampa. Idaho: references required. "WANTED Man accustomed to work milk and ice cream plant; short distance from Portland; give experience and "al ary expected: steady work the year round. AO .".15. Oregonian. PRINTER-EDITOR, Oregon county sat weeklv: off icUl paper, lots of l"gl work; $-00 ca?h takes managing interest; must sell at once. Address AV 4;-;i. Ore gonian. . TWO energetic, neat-appearing young men, over 11 years of ace. for special circula tion work: permanent position, good money. i'hI Tuesday. H to 11 A. M., 520 Hoard of Trade bidg. V ANTED Bright boy over lfl years of age as office hoy; salary to start $!- per week. E:-ellent opportunity. Pee Doug lass Powell, business office, Oregonian, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. W'A NT El Fountain man. married, for cou nt ry tow n of 50oci ; state wa gey ; 7 lays a week, in billiard room. UK 613, regonlan. WANTED Three discharged soldiers or sailors; perm a neni position; good pay. A p p I v only from R to 9 A. M. Room H3 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. WANT - A-I milkers on first-cla.es dairy; oe.-t pay. I on't answer unlesH you are "regular" milkers. Apply Sunday from Tl:!0 till 2:tO pern wood Dairy. WANTED Several !ie suhaRents for city and counties on an article with a ft-year guarantee. Call between 6 and 7 o'clock, 40' Second st., room 1.1. JANITOR for club bnfldin; applicant must have experience. Threo-room apart ment to live in. Apply A. Roscnstein, 1H3 First st. WANTED Steady, industrious man for ranninjr work, must understand cannery machinery. s-'tatc experience fully. E. Oregonian. XlARUiED eoupie. with own furniture: man to an iarm work, w apw :o per month, house and watr furnished; (five ape and experience. A 11 4.'i:. oregonian. B YS wanted. J5t st. Apply factory, U4 North B VS. ace I S. to learn machine knitting: bov livir !T near laeiory preferred. S.-e Mrs. I!. Wir.ser. care Karl yen Knitting Mills. 'fl Sandv hlvd. WANTED Union piano player, one with experience in playing both pictures and audeville. Liberty theater. Hoquiam, Wash N ELDERLY man wanted for light work in an of f lie : no experience required ; small salary, but short hours and a per manent position. AO 344. Oregonian. J A N I TOR wanted, sincle tnan : one who can kalsomine and paint: mut be anex perienced janitor; good wages. Call Main ;$.;. WANTED Young man for order dept.; must have some clerical experience and able to operate typewriter. BC K4, Ore son ian. 2 EXPERT barkers, 2 faliers and buck- ers, 2 lopping teamster-1: 8 hours, top pay; starting another mill. Triple A Lumber Co.. Wilbur. Or. "WANTED Finishers for furniture fac tory; glue nian, jointer man. night n atrhman who understands keeping up steam. 240 Saimon st. WANTED 1 pood xylophone player at once for stai?e work. Call after 6:0 P. M.. a?k for Mr. T. Rod rick. Tabor 11ACH1N1ST apprentice, good opportunity for hripht young man. Economy Ma chine Works. .V 1st st. TOI'NG man to assist in packing and ship ping dept. Roui.edge Seed & Flora! Co.. 14.' 2d -t. WANTKP Trade newsnpaper man advertising experience; one vhn can nuke copy preferred. F.P 907. Oregonian A NTED Office boys; must be o er 1 vears of age. Appiy Lang & Co.. 1st and Ankeny. WANTEO Man to do glazing and finish ing. Western Fixture &. Showcase Co.. 4S N. H'th it. BARBER wanted at the leading tdmp Baker: a good pay. Telephone 637 write to E. M. Mineff, Baker. Or. WANTED A-t auto mechanic; stale ex perience and name of last employer AM 7S1 . Oregonian. WANTED General merchandise clerk, salary $13.' per month ; reference re quired. AV 425, Oregonian. LEARN to file and hammer saws; will tea' h you at reasanable rate. 60l Pan ama bldg. W ANTE D At man. rights, hany. Or. pnee. experienced counter Call Impernal Cate. Al- ALL-AROT'SD. A-1 presser for Hoffman pres; steady position. Queen City Dye Works. 2vi Grar.d ave. WANTED Machinist for a saimon p r ry in no 1 1 1 h ea s t e r n Alaska. A V Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic wanted at East Burnside Garage, corner 10th. No phone ml is answered. WANTED Kirst-c'sss com et maker. Reed Bros., Wilcox Bldg. makers and Taiiors, 203 FARM HAND wanted. midri-aped man. single. Call at E. 77th N. Rose City ear line. HANDY man for country Inn; must under stand milking. A pply 11 to 12 A. M., 3t7 Swetland bldg. WANTED Man with 2S. .1 r-ton truck, not over S months old; steadv job. Call X2-"t I, umber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. ADVERTISING solicitors, weekly, monthly papers. Clyde Agency. 21 Stock Exch. WANTED Dredge engineer Call 704 M i ssissippl. after I for Alaska. P. M. DISHWASHER 12 r.th st. wanted. Liberty Lunch, WANTED Experienced salesman. 130 1st st. retail hardware WANTED A barber shop porter. Henry hid.. 4th and Oak sts. BARBER wanted. Call ber Supp!y. Ill ?M st. Petersen's Bar- -1 WANTED Boys over IS with bicycles. Postal Telegraph Co.. 121 Third st. WANTED An experienced .ianitor, Rowland hotel. 27',j 4th st. JANITOR and wife for small hotel. "2. Oregonian. WANTED Painters to contract labor, new work. ftni McKay Mdg. BARBER wanted; union. 304 Burnside st. HELP WANTED MALK. PROSPECTIVE AUTO STUDENTS, YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY. If you Intend to take up Autos, Trac tors. Aviation or any branch of Gas En gineering, don't overlook this over come here (pay not a cent In advance): when we have proven to your entire sat isfaction that WB HAVE MORE AUTOS AND ENGINES. A BETTER SYSTEM OF TEACHING. AND GRADUATE A LARGER PERcJ..,TAGB OF STUDENTS WMo MAKE GOOD than any other school in the west, then and only then pay your tuition fee. If we were not the leading school, could we afford to take changes like this? II CATALOGUE FREE. A large 88-page book with full details of this unusual offer and complete in formation will be mailed free to any address. Ask fur book No. 5. OK BOON" EX-SERVICE MEN. THE COURSE IS FREE TO YOU. You do not have to advance one cent. The state pays us. SCHOOL CAN BE INSPECTED Daily at 11 A. M. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. LEARN A TRADE. NOTICE. To all students enrolling on or before April 1 192n. will be given a life mem bership in all ojf our schools which are located in the following cities: PORTLAND. Or. Tacoina, Wash. Oakland. Calif. Salt Lake City, Utah. Ienver. Colo. Victoria, B. C. Vancouver. B. C Calgary. Alta. Edmonton, Alta. Lcthbridge, Alta. Regina, Suck. Suskatoon. Sask. Winnipeg. Man. This is the largest chain of schools in the world. Hemphill's certificates are recognized everywhere. Don t mixs this opportunity. Write or call today for free catalog. Hemphill s Trade Schools, America s leading automobile and gas tractor schools, 70 Hawthorne ave.. cor. East 20th. Take Mt. Scott car at Second aifd Alder to E. 2th st. WANTED MOLDERS AND MACHINISTS. GOOD WAGES. ATPLT 400 FRONT ST. 500 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truclr and tractor in ec nan ica ana drivers, acet ien weia ers and tiro vuicanizera: inly auto mobile and tractor m-hnnl west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. 8. government war department ior irain ing soldiers au:o mechanics: don't en roil in any other school until you have inspected this one; railroad rare rem ne ed f after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school: birrest. best oulnoa and lara ets system of schools iu toe world; four larse Mhonl v Writ a nf.irFi uranch Dept. 7. MoDEttN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third md Elm streeis. Spokane. Vv'ash.; oy alercier su seaitie. W iush. 1A.'2S7 TDI NG MEN have. In the past lo years, been assisted in finding positions tnrough the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "ygency," and no extra fcr or rnmmiuinnii are charted. Employers naturallv turn to the "Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. Y ou never ha H inh an nnnori U m: T id aet a better noaition lr you arc prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries. room 37. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. WE want a young man under 40 years to nanuie poultry and pet atocK ana sup plies; must be wide awake and entr e:ic and a talesman: sit.re' work now perhaps local outside later; excellent opening and permanent ior tne ngnt person: state experience If any, age. sal ary wanted and references. A.N o.i Ort'Koniati. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU City of Portland I. S. Government. Can furnish help, male or female, free or i-harpe to either party. Mens Dlv., Flat Iron bldg.. 31 1 Pine st.. phone Bdwy. 4376; Women's Div.. 202 Beck bidg., Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy 4:ii!t. ON E sash and door machine rjjan : mid die aged man with family preferred must be experienced, a fast worker and abie to turn out best iua.uy ot worn State experience as machine man. not as a helper; b Hours ana open ?nop. Ail 07, oregonian. YOUNG man thoroughly familiar with plumbing and heating supplies for office position by wnolesale house in bait l-aae i ity. Aiust ne capable ot maKing quo tations and keeping costs. Good salary. Address N. O. Nelson Mfg. Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. MAN and wife for place out of town; woman to assist in house, man he able to do landscape gardening and assist about place: good wages paid with board and room. Apply iu the first place to AH J In. Oregonian. HOTELS NEED TRAINED M EN Big de mand for high -salaried executives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op pot tunnies. Write at once for particu Jars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk n J is. wasmngioti, u. c. AL TOM o is 1 111 and tractor scnool ; new building: modern euuipment: bet structiou; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad- drebS or inquire at room 41n . M. C. A. b:dg. Phone idam Siw, branch 2. HAWTHORNE A fJTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOC HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSE 3. GOOD barber for country town. J:0 per week guarantee, or wi.i rent shop com P!ete ior $ I .i mont h. I mint re O Brien - Sif:d Barber Supply Co., 271 Washing ton st. LAbOhtlllS for paper null Tvork; inside and outside jobs; no experience required Heady work; chance of advancement. Appiy 21u Commonwealth bldg., be Ankeuy and Burnside on tUh st. WANTED Boy. not over IS years of ago, wiih mechanical ability, as an appren tice in service department of typewriter impa.ny; goon opportunity lur auvanue ment. A L til, Oregonian. bALHSMAN who calls on furniture stores and electric shops, to carry a sideline of silk lamp shades. Write Sanders Company, 22U Indiana ave., Indianapolis, In.!. WANTED Man who can sell $.u0O worth of stock issued by an established auto and truck distributor: good proposition to right party. AN 22T. Oregonian. WANTED Names o' men, 1 8-45, wishing to become Portland mail carriers; $100 $ 1 3," month. Answer immediately, A V 421. oregonian. WANTED A few more men to take parts in motion pictures, i ail 3 in second st. for information between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. MOVING PICTURE ACTORS wanted, men and women, all types, for motion picture work. Hlackfctone Play ers, KrjO Chamber of Commerce bldg. ""S HOW CAR DC O U RS E B Y MAI fi pertonal Instruction, individual criti cism MeDcrnmtt's School. Day and night classes at 4ft 4th street. SALESMEN Experienced or inexperi enced. Chumber of Commerce bidg., Kourth and stark. PIANIST wanted; young man to demon strate musi.: permanent position now open Reinlck Song Shop, 324 Wash. st. STRONG boy to learn the bakery trade. 524 M il wauki e st. JAPANESE boy wanted for chamber work. University club, Uth and Jefferson. WANTED Marker and sorter and wash man at once. Troy laundry, Nampa, Idaho. WANT first-class aetau sucker man and aash men. McMinnvllle Planing UU McMlnnville, Or. WILLING worker can make big money; call and be convinced. 830 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Fourth aad Stark. WANTED At once. 3 men to learn vul canising and retreading. Call at 432 H a wthor nc ave. WANT elderly couple on eastern Oregon ranch. Geo. L. Wurster, R. F. D. 1, Echo. Or. CA RPENTER. painter and electrician in exchange for dentistry. Call Tabor 7040. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 1"S E. Broadway. LEARN to repiir and retread tires. Drake at ."-S 4 Stark st. WANTED Experienced solicitor for dye ing and cleaning. Tabor 1075, HELP WANTED MALE. A FEW GOOD DOUBLE-SHIFT ROAD JOBS LEFT. Industrious men with enough money to make first payment on new 4-lon truck with dump body should take ad vantage of these Jobs with very reliable contractor. You can make $1000 to $1590 per month; 8 to months' work. Call Seilwood 2315 or write. WANT A GOOD . SALESMAN. To sell business chances; good chance for a live man to make big money; de partment is established: we pay all ex penses and furnish good ofice t acui ties; 50-50 commission basis; no salary attached. A. J. DEFOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. YOUNG man who has had some experi ence in compiling catalogues. One who has had experience in mail order cata logues preferred. Must be able to make up a layout sheet and know something about printing. State experience. BK 521. Oregonian. GRANITE CUTTERS WANTED. Six cutters wanted on bases and mon umental work; beds on the bases put on with surfacer; will pay up to $1 ir&r hour for first-class men; open shop, he Mor ris Quarry. Medical Lake. Woh. ELDERLY reliable man for chores and work on the farm, or someone to sell potatoes on the market. Don't reply unless you are steady and honest. State particulars and wages expected in first letter. Sc-hmid. Route 1, Beaverton. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance if given assistance by supervisor, call or write W. K. Hibbard, P2o5 Wilcox bldg. WA NTED Experienced egg candler. Ap ply Mutual c'reamery Co., 7- E. 7th St. N. Help Wanted ha I earn en. RECENTLY established wholesale house desire city and traveling salesmen to sell complete line electric light lamps duplicating Mazdas; all clauses trade; exclusive or as side line; samples weigh but few ounces; lowest price and best guaranty on coast; excellent earnings on commission basis. Secord & Stusser. 3-4 Ry. Ex. bldg. l SA LKSMAN to sell to jobbers and wholesale trade shriner's decorations such as pennants, flap?, men. children and toy fezzes. Write Sanders Com pany. 229 Indiana ave., Indianapolis, 1 ndiana. I HAVE a fine position for you. if you are a clean-cut, honest, ambitious, energetic tn.in: large earnings, fascinating work; promotion sure to right man. Apply H. H. Fox, 11 DM Spalding bidg.. after 10 A. M. SALESMAN SAUSAGE CASING. Fine paying side line for a food prod uct salesman, traveling western terri tory, for well-known firm. til 4 Mills bldg., San Francisco, Cal. SALESMEN New washing; demand as Kreat as supply; also vacuum cleaners; opportunity for live men to ma ke big money Call after 1 A. Electric Maid Shop, 1 ;'.! 10(h st. WE wnnt two city truck salesmen; expe rienced only. AP Li:. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS- W A. NTED AT ONCE. Live salesman, rtady to hirdle county agen.-y iof United motor truck and tractors. Apply United Motor Service Co.. 2tt h N. 1 o: h st.. between Burnside and Couch. Bdwy. 1I68. MAKE your wall paper sweet and ciean asain; simple formula; price 25 cents. Adiress Deibert Helm, box 6G, Provo, Utah. AGENTS at once, selling ftOc per month hospital tickets. MM Corbel t bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COMPETENT girl for grneral housework; 3 in family; waqts $75 per month: ref erences required. Phone Main 5004. OLD-LINE lire insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who are ambitious and willing to work hard for ral succese. If you believe you can sell lite insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write VV. K. Hibbard, 1205 Wilcox bldg.. Portland, Or. RA PI D typist, good penman, accurate at figures, capable of handling correspon dence and administrative work as well as office routine; write age, experience, education and address and phone num ber. C 32. Oregonian. WANTED Elderly woman to assist with housework and care of 2 small children in lamily of 3 adults; treated as one in family ; good country home and wages. W rite Mrs. Etna Nash, Tigard, Or., box m 2.1. Give phone number. M OTION PICTURE COM PAN V. Ful'y equipped st udio in Columbia Beach has opening' for people wanting trvout ; requires spare time only while learning. Columbia rilm Corporation, 1 nc. BAG sewers, experienced. Apply factory, 34 N. Jst st. WANTED Capable woman, steady posi tion, good pay and opportunity for ad vancement. Palace Laundry, East 10th and Everett. WOMAN or pirl to do light housework forenoons for convalescent; pleasant surroundings ; no children ; close in. Phone Tuesday East 432. ATTENTION. LADIES. A large assortment of exclusive styles in buckram, net aud wire hat frames. La Frai:ve Hatters. 372 Morrison st. WANTED A few more women to take parts in motion pictures. Call 100 irrecond at for information, between II A. M. and 2 P. M. WANTED Names of women or girls wish ing to become L . s. govt, clerks: $100 $125 month. Answer immediately, AV 421. Oregonian. YOUNG girl, employed now n town, wishes board and room in private ramily where she will be treated as one of the family. Marshall 4779. WANTED A woman cook for a salmon cannery in southeastern Alaska; good w a ge. A V 421. Ore gpnian. WANTED Experienced waitress for soda fountain ami lunch counter; must be neat. AR 431. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced marker and sorter: steady position. Union Laundry Co., 2d anti Columbia. WANTED Woman to iron ladies" clothes: steady position. Lmon Laundry, 2d and Columbia. THE Florence Crittenaen Home is reaay 10 help any girl in distress. u4 feast Giisan. "MV car. Last 316. W A N TED A competent cook for a tea house. Address Airs. U .Heal, Jl Park Terrace. Corvallis. or. EXPERIENCED a la carte waitresses; salary J.1..0U ana meais; room out. Ho tel Marion, saiem, r. PIANO teacher (professional), will ex change instruction ior aressmaKing. Marshall u7b0 after Sunday. coOD home for elderly lady as house keeper ior tamiiy 01 auuus; no Wash ing; y.Vo a montn. v-v il. wain. GIRL for eeneral housework. Call morn ings Mar. 1011. -fciizaDein L, Port land Heights. COOK Experienced cafeteria cook, hours 6 A. M. until 2 x . al inquire Liberty Cafeteria. OS Hth St. WANTED Experienced waitress with rec ommendations. Apply -Mrs. ti. c. (.a bell. 2-V King st. WANTED Power machine operator, la dies' neckwear and underwear. The lie Creery Mfg. Co.. fltth lloor Royal bldg. WOMAN cook wanted for out-of-town res taurant; must be expenencea. 1'none Hood River 210L LA DY wanted for housework ; 12 per week. ;2."i Chapman st. WANTED A lunch waitress In the Elks' club. 329 Stark st. Good wages. Gl RL or woman. plain housework, man Tabor 006L and 3 children. GIRL for second work. Mrs. Henry L. Corbett. Main 2o2. CHAMBERMAID St. Paul Hotel, 4th and Alder. WANT competent, reliable counter waitress for steady job, wooda Lunch. 101 6th. AANTED Experienced egg candler. Ap- nly Mutual Creamery -Co.. 2 E. 7th st. N. WANTED A oining-room gjrl. 1751 Derby St., pnonr n wuuiii -Wio. CLEKK for dclic. and grocery. Apply Tip-Top. J -t n ana aiorrison. . PRIVATE home forchildren. ,714 Everett st. juar. MILLINERY makers and trimmers wanted. ippiy jjvwcii.mi. v v. WANTED Dining room girl. Norton ia hotel, lttn ana iarK. WANTED Chambermaid. 1751 Derby st. Phone wain. "HQ. EXPERIENCED waitresses. 6 davs week Cal'n Kjddl 1 45 Kroadway, EXPERIENCED cwaltrei wanted at once. I Oregon repiaui an i. io- .rana a ve. MISS MATTIN'OLT'S Shorthand. Typewrit, ing School. 58 m3.26'.J 14th. Main G893. EXPERIENCFD -eounter girls wanted SL Nlchoias Cafeteria. 125 6th st. KITCHEN porter. Campbell hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO TOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? A salary that Is paid while yon learn the business that Increase frequently as you gain experience, Z DO TOtf KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES E-RNT And wl.at excellent opportunities they have for promotion to exeed tlve positions T WHY NOT OBTAIN TUB FACTS? Our employment supervisor w 111 gladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply Telephone Comoanr. Room 601 0th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company. THE MILLER SCHOOL OF ADDING. CALCULATING AND BOOK KEEPING MACHINES. . Enter now for minimer vacation work, Courses are short from four to six WE HAVE SECURED POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE. Managers of all bank and mercantile offices require a knowledge of modern office appliances. &0S-4 Yeon Building. WANTED Girls on stapling machine; part time work; experienced preferred, but will teach. See Mr. Henderson, mailing room, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girls on power machine; none but experienced need apply. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS. Third and Morrison. HOUSEKEEPER, out of city, fare paid. Girls for office work. Maid for hotel. s0. Cook, family ,1. $00. Girl, second work. -"0. Kitchen helper, $2..".u day. 301 RALEIGH BLDG. 327 Washington st. HOTELS NEED TRAiSiiu WuMEN Big demand for high-salaried executives, past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities. Write at once for iartic iilars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 141 S, W ashington. D. C. WANTED Good penman, with some steno graphic experience, to assist cashier in life insurance office; experience pre ferred though not neeess-arv ; answer in own hand wri ting stating age. qualifica tions and salary expected. J 4fs. Oi e g'jnian. ' I HAVE more posifions open than I have pupils ready. Why not tage up work which will make you independent? Six weeks' courpe enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours trom tf:30 to 12:30. Room 411, Beck bldg. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER FOR ST E A D Y, P E RM A N EN T F S ITION ; PREFER MAN WHO CAN OPERATE DICTAPHONE OR AT LEAST ONE WILLING TO LEARN. APPLY ROOM 71 1 ELECTRIC BLDG. WANTED First-class auto trimmer, cap able ot taking charge of shop where best work is done; also an ail -a round trimmer. Answer bj wire, stating how soon and what price. Rentier'. Auto Re- build. 1400 Bdwy., SeaUe,Wash. EXPERIENCED FILE CLERK. BE TWEEN AGES OF 25 AND .10; GIVE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. A LSD STATE SALARY EXPECT ED. ANSWER CARE AN 31!, OREGONIAN. EXPERIENCED -girl for beauty parlors; must be steady and reliable: no other need apply: give previous experience and salary evpeeted. AE iSi, Oregonian. WANTED Applications of women, 21 to 85, to work In woodworking factory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wages. G 7. Oregonian. COMPETENT middle-aged iady to do housework and help with children, treat ed as one of the family; no washing, good wage. Phone East $1 74. WANTED Saleslady for canvassing out of town; experienced preferred but not necessary: salary. Call in person, do not phone. Mt. Hood Soap Co.. 270 Giisan st. ANY GIRL In need of a friend apply lo The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. MOVING PICTURE ACTRESSES wanted, ladies and gentlemen, all types, for motion picture work. Blacks tone Players, 102l Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Elderly woman for housework; no washing ; ad ults; will be treated as one of lamily: Sundays olf; C. S. pre ferred; a week. BJ 4P0, Oregonian. WANTED A reliable person Ior care of school thildren and light upstairs work, in position where 2 other maid kept. Bdwy. 5172. 8S N. 21st st. WA IT R ESSES iu the city and country; Lewes Employment. union wages. tVunted Domestic. GIRL or womn to assist, with housework and care of children. Moderate salary, unusually good home. Give age, experi ence and references. F 20. Oregonian. GIRL or woman wanted for general house work, experienced he! p: good wages Appiy 441 E. lttth st. North. Phone Last 0MS4. WA NTED Reliable woman lor general housework; small house, modern con veniences : $00 to competent woman. Mrs. C. H. Watzels. Wauna, Or. COMPETENT girl for general housework in family of three adults; good room, good wages. 44." E. 15th st. N. WANTED An experienced second girl. Mrs. R. Giisan. Hio N. 19th. Broadway 202. WA NTED Girl for general housework; nood wages, no washing, small family. Call Seilwood 313. WANTED Girl or woman house woik, small family. 7111. for general Phone East WOMAN or girl to assnst with housework and care, of children. 1090 E. 17th st X. Woodlawn 2927. GOOD waces to competent general house work girl; no washing. Mar. 3054. 1240 Thurman st. WANTED High school gitd to assist with housework; wages. 4S0 K. ISth N. East i7 1 . GIRL or woman wanted for general house work. Apply lOOtt Thurman su after Ht A. M. EXPERIENCED girl or woman to do cook ing and general housework; wages $00. Main 251. GIRL or woman for housework; no chil dren : good salary ; modern home; no laundry. Seilwood 2212. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework, permanent position, good pa v 755 Morgan bldg. Main f43. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework: wages . fo Marshall st. WANTED Woman cook on ranch; good f II t i n O-ill WANTED An experienced cook and sec ond girl. 1QB3 rnurman. aiain 4353. JAPANESE girl for housework; small family, gooa wae?. iaor gm. WANTED Girl to assist in general hPUseworK. cjo rvearney s GIRL wanted to assi&t in general house- W rorK. io w ajo uife. c 1 t iortiirp St. WANTED Girl to assirt with cooking and general nouseworK.. wain 2021. . . - . VTLTI A maM with pvnar!nn. general housework. Phone Last 4774. GIRL fr general housework. 572 Kearnev, cor. ISth. Call mornings, Bdwy. 4023. WANTED Girl for general housework close :n. Call Main 3124. 64 N, 20th st.' COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3 in family; wages (CO. Main 4207. HELP WANTED FEMALE. W anted Domestics. WANTED A girl or woman for gen eral housework and plain cooking in a modern home; every con venience, good wages. Call imme diately, 1131 Franklin st, Willam ette Heights. WANTED Experienced woman for gen eral housework and cooking: small fam ily, adults ; willing to bo to Pendleton for li months, Gearhart iu summer, Port land rest of time : good ages; steady place for right party. 1K0 Duncklcy ave. wnin. IS.:. WANTED Woman for housework, who wilJ be permanent and wilting to go to the beach for part of the summer; good home and satisfactory wages. Call 502 E. LMith N., J blocks Broadway car. East 222 . ACTIVE, experienced young woman, gen era! housework, cooking; no taundry; family living in country, 20 miles from Portland; steaay place; must bave ref erences; (TO per uiontn. AH Ore g onian. WANTED Women to do housework in kitchens on Sherman county farms; work steady, pay good. if interested state experience. C. C. Calkins, county agri cultural agent, Jloro, Or. WANTED Competent woman or girl lor cooking and housework at Medford, Or, Apply to Mrs. F. C. Kenlv, Ala I lory ho tel. Portland, 8:30 to U:30 A. M., 5 to 6 P. Al. EXPERIENCED cook with some little housework; 3 in family ; keep second help; references; wages $tJ0. i 41 Ever ett st. Marshall ll'M. WANTED Young girl employed during day to work mornings and eveninKs for room and board ; have bright, sunny front room. Call 020 Montgomery st. WANTED Girl or woman tor coo King and general housework in a modern bungalow at Knappa; wages $50. Phone East 3207. WANTED A competent girl who is a good cook; no furnace or washing; small family of adults. Call Alain 5524, morn ings. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; must like children; good wages if competent; teach it willing. rnone East 24S5. COMPETENT cirl for eeneral housework and cooking; must be willing to go to Gearhart ior summer; give city rerer ences: w ages $75. AC 522, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced girr for gen eral housework; must be good cook. Cali mornings 581 Jackson at., Portland Heights. Main 2t:. WANTED Second eirl. experienced ; ref erences. R. B. Wilcox, Portland Heights. .-"am i:;?s. COMPETENT COOK, beet wages; mornings. Main 47S0. i'lEi p WANTED MALK OR FEMALE WANTED Experienced telegraph opera tor and typist to work as assistant on private wire, and do general clerical work. Address written application slat ing experience to E 2'J, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced cook who will take charge first Hour; good wages; no laundry; Wednesdays aud bundays out. Phone iain .ta. WANTED An experienced marker and sorter to go to Tillamook. Pee iUr. Sam mons of National laundry. Free fare. WANTED Man or woman for solicitor for cleaninR. pressing aud dyeing works. ims L. Giisan st., big commissions. WANTED Someone to wash dishes al noon. Call at 32-34 N. 0th. Good wages. EDUCATIONAL, BUSINESSM EN Commercial and social relations with Russia will soon be re stored. American business world will re quire then great number 01 men with knowledge of the Kussian languaKe, loi'.rn It now; private and common les sons. 351 Yamhill si., room 34. D. Korop. MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 wks.. give you a set of tools and some pay wntle lew rin : Dositions secured : sehoiash.'ps and transfer carda Issued; 32 schools la U. S. and Carina a. bend lor catalogue. 234 Burnside si. POSITIONS ASSURED EVEi-Y GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free cataiognu. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in weens; scaip ana ic maf sage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed; pay wnue learning; lujiiua WOODFIN school of music, 20! 13th st. Special terms 10 students taking both voice and piano. Children's classes a specialty. Main 7005. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenogiaphy. civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teach era, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. ..OSS. HeVsT5IDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; Individ ual instruction. J22 uranuave.E.jL. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Alisky Bidg., Third und Morrison. A Position ior r.acn iirauuatg. Bnck'Y MOUNT. Teachers Agency. Enrod frea. Frank K. Welles, ex-assist, state supt.. mgr.. N. W. Bunk bldg. -Main SjTo. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives jou ei i uv. free, position secured. 38 N. -d at. iiiuv -rn riiBAPKi Railway Tele graph Institute. 4:J4 Railway Exchange bldg. Free oooklet. . TH E International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 11 Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg., Sd and Mor. W. E. Richardson, Sec. Maui vt t F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4S35. Teaching position, free registration. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free recistratlon. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. PIANO lessons. 7122. reasonable. Phone Tabot SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, ADVERTISING AND MARKETING. Live. experienced business builder wants to connect with a medium-sized going concern that needs a real adver tising and marketing man on the Job either whole or part time; no aKn i.q-,hi n.u-.naiipr or trade paper au v-ouinr national magazines, house or- " , inuii. etc.: have analyzed markets, investigated new fields, made surveys that saved a lot of aertis i g waste and produced result, for some f tn hiL'-est concerns in U. s. . am .. n nrmiertv in Portland siiarv $55; 'am a producer, not a '-hot ir artist. Let s talk over your prob lem. AL 802, Oregonian. i.vvri.'H contracts for alterations. .tr "tittine. buildings, large or small jobs: save you money, wood 2421. Manning. Sell i tvivr. MILL FOREMAN, with wide experience is open for permanent posi 6 iridrpua M. G. Kraley, :iaa Kucker ave.. Everett, v aan.. A YOUNG MAN. familiar with all lines of agriculture irrmau. .. . . etc.. would like a position as raanasef on a ranch. mo a'A No 1 saleman wishes to line up with a. Bood'reepon.sible firm or factory; now unloved. AO 847. Oregonian. vi DERLY couple, trustworthy, to care for Imrrie. 1 aour wv. ww w -. Werden. LET us figure your painting, paperhang ing uecoi 1 1 1 . ........ fully given. Phone laoor v,n.i. c a RPENTER a"d joiner work, anything from bank fixtures to septic tanks, re modeling, etc. Broadway 2487. MIDDLE-AG ED man wishes employment ' evenings from 1 to 12. AC 680, Ore- gontun. K A I SO MINING, painting, maft wood floors hardwood finish; work guaranteed. Ta hor 6S27. GARDENING and lawn work done bv ex perienced gardener. E. 2246 evenings, after 5 o'clock. EXPERT remodeling by practical build- fMTY warden lots to plow and harrow. Broaawa y J. z ' TRUCKS for hire, to business firms, by the day or month. Broadway 133. CEM ENT work done on contract. Tabor 00:il. . LL-AROUND truck driver, city or coun try work. A. E. Cook. -Main 5148. YOUNG niuried man wants work on farm. AV 417, Oregonian. . PRUNING. Call evenings. East 6032. WANTED Hauling contract. - ton truck by owner. AB 58. Oregonian. BY MECHANIC, REPAIRING. 1 PER HOUR- SELL. 3164. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work, reasonable. Call Sell. 1309. HAULING wanted for 34-ion truck, or out of qity. Tabor f679. JAPANESE boy wants a position for board nd room and go to school. 267 Taylor st. POSITION wanted evenings two or three hours. AP 100. Oregonian. A-1 CARPENTER builds and remodels ch ea p by contract. Call Wdin. 126. PHONE Wood lawn 1561 for plowing and excavation. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. "EMPLOY AN EX-SERVICE MAN" AT LIBERTY TEMPLE. MAIN 313. Tou will note from the , appended list of classifications that there is a man a real man an ex-sailor soldier for every character and kind of work: men who sacrificed all when the nation called; men who are qualified by the school of experience: men who are mow out of employment and many of whom have families to support: men who are worthy and who are willing to start In on a reasonable basis anywhere that op portunity presents itself for future ad vancement when merited: men who are entitled to vour consideration and pref erence WHERE ALL THINGS ARE EQUAL. They don't want charity and thev don't want favoritism unless they can qualify EQUALLY with 'the other fellow.'' If you believe that these men are entitled to an opportunity to make a decent living; if you think It i the duty of the community to see to it that they DO get employment: if you feel that you are a loyal citizen of Portland and of the United States and are willing to accept your share of responsibility as such; if you are willing to readjust and revise your payroll in the effort to do everything possible to find room for one or more of these men. you are as-ked in the public Interest, in your own inter est and in the best interest of everyone to write the full details of your case or phone or call AT LIBERTY TEMPLE. Main 313. and your best interests will be carefully safeguarded In the effort to clear up this ex-soldier and sailor unemployment situ ation. The record of every man regis tered at Liberty Temple is underwritten by the American Legion. The list of classifications represented among those registered areSa follows: Cement finisher 1 Drug clerk Civil engineer Firemen Mechanical engineer Steam engineers Grocery clerks Trsctor drivers Printer Painter Lumber mill workers Lineman, foreman Bookkeepers Cooks Cooks helpers Auto meclfanics Auto mechanics' helpers Laborers Carpenters Carpenters helpers Truck drivers Cranemen Machinists Typist Timekeepers Power-house operator I-ogper Acetylene welder General merchandise clerks... Teamsters Salesmen General office clerks Shoemaker Farm hands Plumbers Brakemen ".150 MANUFACTURER'S HANDY. MAN. Want to connect with a live manufac turer not a profiteer who needs as sistance. Have had experience in hiring men ; hired for a Chicago concern em ploying over n0m; have sold Roods my self and been assistant sales mnnaper of a large national concern with 1J branches; 2 years advertising agenuy and been manager advertising depart ment and held responsible for results; have made efficiency tests in factories; not afraid to work or put on overalls when neretsary ; salary has been $it a week; will take $0 and bonus. AR 010, Orcffonian. PRINTER Machinist-operator. Al Job. ad and make-up man. able to repair, keep grjph and printing prewest. seeks per manent position ; 10 years' experience as foreman; married; on best of terms with work. State wages paid. Address M. N. O., South Hend, Wash., P. O. box .146. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently nt reasonable prices.; workman ship guaranteed. M E II KO METAL WORKS, Phone East J!34. 101 Russell St. HETAIL SHOE SALESMAN and foot specialist from the east de sires position, in or out of cily ; thnr oughly experienced and capable of fit ting feet correctly : S years" experience at?ed 21. H 4, Oregonian. PlUMBEU and fitter, good ail-round man wants charge of shop for hardware store in some good town: commission or sal ary basis: have references. Smith 704 Harvard st.. Portland. YOUNG man wants work as chauffeur or driving delivery wagon ; have had ex perience taking care of hiRh-grade car; will work for very reasonable pay. Call Tabor 503. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING AND TINT ING. E X P E R 1 E N CED WORKM A ; A! ODE R AT K P RICES ; PRE E EST 1 -MAT ICS. PHONE MAIN :i:p:j. TALLYMAN", pine, wants job where can learn fir lumber; wages no object. ..'!.. Morrison st. W. Phone after tf P. M., Tallyman, Broadway 207."i. WANTED By man, wife, daughter, work on farm, small dairy or chicken ranch by month or shares; slate ail conditions fully. Olympia. Wash., R. 2, box 114. R EL I A H L E E X P 1 : R IENCED GARDENER, landscape, shrubbery pet. etc.; satis' faction guaranteed. East 4 :; 1 1. WANTED Position by married man as foreman on farm or ranch or to run " tractor: can run any make of tractor. What have you 7 A P 155, Oregonian. high (school student desires wo;;k afternoons and Satur days. PHONE FRED. MAIN 403. OR ADDRESS 971 RALEIGH ST. WANTED -Gas engine and tractor repair ing, all work guaranteed ; count ry pre ferred. Ertckson & Martin, 35 East 20th street, Portland. STRONG young married man, parLy dis abled left arm, must have work; good at anything. What can you offer. AL 71, Oregonian. LUMBERMEN. ATTENTION! 1 want lath mill contract, plenty of stock and good machinery; no other considered. G. R, White, box 73, Cascade Locks, Or. GA RDENER wishes work, city or coun try, tjoc per hour or $25, board and room month; references Ist-class. Hdwy. SH5 from 7-8 P. M. Ernest F. Miller MARRIED man, electrical maintenance work; understands elevator and hand, with any kind of tools. BF 591, Ora Koni m. TRUCK DRIVER, WITH MACH. EXPE KIENCE. WISHES POSITION : WITH REST OP REFERENCE. RESIDENCE PHONE EAST JAPANESE boy wants a position as school boy ; understands -some cooking and speaks English very well. C. Pukuda, 635 Everett st. YOUNG man wishes work as watchmaker s apprentice: have had two years expe- repce at watcnmaKing ana jewelry work. East 1049. HOUSEMAN with the best of references priva t house preferred. BD 903, Ore gonian. WANTED Steady hauling with 2 U -ton truck; In or out of town. W. R. Fuller, 1";- .. o4in si. iaDor WANTED Painting, paper hanging and tinting, work reasonable. Call Bdwy. 122, apt. one. BOY, 17, Wants work on ranch; good teamster ana mutter. Al' Jdo, Ore go nian. WANTKD Position as chauffeur; will leave city, frerer private ramily. C. C, Hryant. Hillsboro. Or. Bookkeepers. Menogrwpbers. Office. YoUNG married man. & years' lumber es- perience, bookkeeper, stenog., invoicing, desires to make change April 1; excel lent references. AM 7S0, Oregonian. BY YOUNG married man. either as sales man or general office w ork : ambitious and willing worker ; experienced iu ciiy and road. Apply AP 191, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly experienced. competent to take full charge of any set of books. No ob jection to out of iow n. BC Tins, Oregonian. YOUNG married man, lumber stenographer, comptometer operator, asst. bookkeeper, wishes position In city. AN o20, Ote gonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant with ten years varied experience, wishes position. Capable of taking full charge. A.I 878, Oregonian. CASHIER First-class bookkeeper, stenog- ranher. wishes extra work, books bal anced and closed; mimeograph work rea- I KUITHUIC. IfxJ oco, vn'iuiiinu. POSITION of trust by high-class account ant, 7 years as cnier accountant and o" fice manager big department store. AG 770, Oregonian. ' BY EXPERIENCED accountant, systems Installed, books checked and balanced up. AG 7tVS. Oregonian, BY EXPERIENCED accountant, a small set of books to keep, spare time. AG 769. Oregonian. Soldiers and Aallon. EX -SERVICE man must have work at once, all around antomohtie man. first class mechanic or chauffeur, 27 years old, single. 7 years' experience, Al ref erence. AL "94, Oregonian. WANTED Situation by engineer; all re pair work, electric and steam ntter. Al reference. 12 years experience. Tabor 59 P7. EX-SERVICE man. experienced on electri cal end of automobile business, wants work in good loan. BC 22S. Oregoiuaa. SITCATION8 WANTED MALE. Soldiers and Sailors. EX -SOLDIER wishes city or Interurban hauling with two-ton truck (new). Call Wood lawn 112. SITUATIONS WANTED f tM.llJS, GENERA L house cleaning, 1 lot us w a xe.i. a indows w ashed, m leo w oodw ork and w alls w asht d ; est Imatcs on request Wood la n (HUM. YOUNG LADY wishes position as operator on private telephone exchange; J ers cxprricn e as telephone operator. Seil wood 1H15. EX PER IENCED cook w ishea position camp or other lame institution ; not afraid of work. Phone Broadway 27H Tabor 4-.20. A GOOD competent woman wishes pis to cook dinners and luncheons, also help out where help is short. Phone Mum 4ttol. CATERERS aerves lunches and dinner reasonable; references. East 2534 or Ta bor 2M. ALL KIN D8 of lace or scrim curtains carefully done In open air aud sun dried. Kast b-'ilS. WANTED A piare to take care of chil dren evenings w hile mother is away ; references. A'oodiawn 111. MAN nnd wife want woik tocether; woman (rood took, mun Is not particular, in or out of city. Wood lawn -O'.ii. HIGH school girl w is he boa rd. room anil small ttRi in exchange for fcrvue. Tabor l2it;. EXPERIENCED woman wishe position ss collector or office work, $10 a week. Tabor 7'MO. LADY wants bouse cleaning, other work, hour, day; work guaranteed. W dm. COMPETENT lnundres- wants day work, cleaning, etc. East M02. RE LI A RLE w nman unfits day Phone East 507. cventnus. LACE scrim, mart-nt te run a Ins. laundered; called for. East OIOH. WoMAN wunis day H roa ' 1 n y H :i 2 work by ihe Bookkeepers. mePgrmihem,orne. WOM AN business cnflca si udent w nnis work after 4 P. M.. temporary or per manent; ncruia'e rls: Di'Hlin 1". t ram-crip t 4t. plain copy t l.'nd ei w ood ) in 1 1 tMi, ( )r Ronlan. EXPERIENCED operator desire- poitmn on prnate exihane; etin do tperitm(t nnd ceneral oi f e work. Main i 70 1, Miss N. ,lohnon. HIGH SCHOOL girl, stenocrapher. with afternoons free, will work 5 or 1 aft'i noons a week. AM 71TI. oreitoninn. EX PERI ENCED mull ifira h ami nddte-s-ocraph op'Titor nnd tvpift wishes oi ti..n. A P l.tt. ore son Ian. l;Y EXPERIENCED bank man. po1tin where abihtv will bong advancement AO 3i, OreRontan. EXPERIENCED st nogi n piier desire pr innuent posilioii; references. Phuiie ::i:;-4d. COM PETE NT en off rap her. four eMr' ex perient e, desires permanent posit ion. Main ott 4 bet W een U nnd 11. YOUNG lad position. Cod penman, wishes clerical 'hone Main .".01 4. bet. 0 11. Ol'NG inlort'd itirl wishea position tpist; knowledge of shorthand. Wdin. ai''1 COMPETENT tpisi .le-lrea worn to do home. Phone l'.;ist Mi Irrimaker. THE New 20th C-ntury Dresinakinr School, or shop. In vites cm to ' ( nd t ht ir even ins clauses. 1 :3i to 10 p. M Hilug vour dress jco"dc and pattern, we will help ou cut. tit and pi:ui our dres.-eit A t tTnoon class will 'npeu I he L'.th of March. Eight lesson ... Gel vour ticket early. 3H5 Dekum bid. Main 022. mi:H -CLASS tlressmakinir; street dream-" summer voiles, etc.; making of suits into neat d rescii -s. M is. Ke 1 1 y . L.it 7-HT. FI KST-CLASS dr-.-sniaktn. t fl 1 Ion 11 . al terntions. l-pie.-e drc(i-.ei and suits, coats. 1 da M. o 1 1 ' M a r " hai 1 A RELIABLE dressmaker, street Mnd eve ning drssf. coals, etc. 741 Allihl;an nve. Phone Wdin 220 UoR your sprinw dreastuaking and altera tions call Dressmaktn Dept.. L in por i u in lye works, 5l. Morrison hi. hd y. 4 2 iy&p. dress:iKik"r. ds.. few more ap isjlnt .nent.-c, $:i,75 a day. Call evening, E. 5:174. YE R Y competent. Ft y hsh iln'ina kei wishes more enKagementa by da. Mar shall ;;s7. DREtSSM A KING, reasonable. 311 'en trul bldg.. 10t ii and Alder. Main UI0. DRESSM A K IN't at her home. $2 .50; nU. r ations. 4'.mj K. 17th st Sellwond 22i5. DRESS MA K ER, special, iinikeover, tailor ing; o::;o p. m. : :i d. sell. :i::s2. PLAIN sewilltt. llHlttluorn. Jii't.llj d"iie; ne titufnrms T;ilou- 4 1"2. HEMSTITCHING, Gc anil c a y'd M. Dalton. rjom 201 Broadway-Yamhill bid. SEWING LUNCH. PY TH!-: TA in R Nitre. A DEPENDA ilLE nurse care. for chil dren evenii.K nnd the siek thiougli the tlay. Mm. li. EX PE R I EN'.' ED nurse. Ulion- elderly in ni id or c on ale-M.n .070 or ate M a ill R A CT I C A L liurs Phone Ea nt 7-1 I IIniekeepers. LADY wi-hes posilion a hnUFekeeper for widower with children, c , oremiinan HOUSE KEEPIN'C,. near city school tane. Sell w ood 1 :4. dis Ionietir. BUTLER w ish. ernes. G. J., s position, with A-1 refer OMl Overt on st. Marvlia WANTEI Position as second cook in U room. Rd . 1111. GOOD laundress wishes wliule das. Woodlaw n .oH'-. WANTKD TO RENT. llouite, WANT to rent a 5 or 6-room unfurni-hed house on vni hide near sliooi: a pu where if.irden i an be made preferred -in uUe lease if desired: can futnlt-h it.-sl of ij-ft-reiu e : rent not lo t-ir-d $20. Call Tabor 252. 3 OR 4-RooM modern unfurn. .otta ,r hoiia-iow. with sm.e built - In f-n'uie or 4. 5 or 0-room hou.e rurnisfied. Mjst be convenient lo I'madwav and triiou nve w thoul trnnsrer: wi.i ai -i,or buvina. Last 7050 betwein A. M nnd 4 P. M WE nav hundreds of clnts oe.iring to rent. The efficiency of "Th McGuirs 8yiemH of properly management il save ou money. FRANK L. McGUlRK. Ahlngton Bldg. Main IhflS. WANTED To lesse large house with first option of buying, more than one bath room, steam heat preferred, furnished or unfurnished: prefer west side; must have gara ge, Th hor 81 1 -. WANTED 4 to 0-rooin. modern, furnish cottage, A pill i, by reliable young couple, references, not over $ 10; your proper! y win receive uri ui nit, er tit.". Orrgonian. WANTEIX To rent hleh-clsKs furnished house In good location. 7 or h rooms: lll leuse for vear ami lurnisii uesi ut cm rrn 31 Oregon is n. R ESI'ON'SI RLE business man. family of 3 w-unts- 5 or fl-room bunga.ow, leafe on- ear; eat side preferred. Call Eat 6.'iTa mornings or evenings, WANTED To rent a 1" or 12-room hoiiHe, va'-ant or partly t furnished: will buy furniture H suitable; weal side pieferreii. Marshall 477L WILL pay r.ish for partial furnishing of house or apartment wei: tocatea on west Hde: will consider any size. X 26, Ore gonian. W ANTED A prll 1. 5 or 6-room modern house or Gat witn garage; references; would lense; sdi'lts. Tabor 79fl. BUNGALOW to rent by responsible couple, about April can give nesi ot refer ences. AG 823. Oregonian. 5- ROOM bungalow , modern, not loo far out. permanent. reponiifiie renter, tan Mr. Bland, Broadway 12,ocm, ou Hi, WA NTEIV Smail modern furnished hom-e with garden ; references. Mr. Nelss, Broadway ."921 . 6-ROOM modern house wanted before April 1; will lease and give good cars. Call Tabor 29 WANTED April 1. ft or 7-room modern house, will lcaso for 1 or 2 years. Kast 8222. WANTED 5 or 6-room house to lease by first of April; best reference. Seilwood 169S. WANTED To rent unfurnished modern hotine, close In, 7 rooms or more. Tubur 4H5K. MODBUN. unfurnitdied 5 or 6-room houe. gooo diidrlet. Main 7211. Mr. Chapman. WANTED Jmall house or flat for rent. Call Hellwood 02. Apnrlmenta. WANTED Apt. or h. k. rooms in Sunny gide or Richmond districL Last 645V, WANTF.D TO KENT. Apartment. 3 OR 4 rooms, modern, fully furnlihed, mother and son, employed, reft-i em Mute parti' ulurs Hi' 2. Orrsnntsn. ri'KMMlKD room lor oiins nun tit pii vale family, u-e of piano for - ninpstti -ItiK iUiiTiiii.; reference. .1 23, i "r-s on I n . V A N TED rU epmg room on wtM po( with life ()f piano duitng afternoon. IlK ll . i rcftnnUn. FOB RFNT. I urnithedj lUum. CA M PR ELL HOTFL 23D AND 1 1 1 Y T ST. CAMPHKI.I. lOI.I. HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the be-i known residential ho tels on Pacific coasi. Amerhan plan, with or without ba'n. $2.5i a day up, tate hv day or moaib M'-ais served to tranMents. HUCMNGHAM IHTKL. UNDER N E M A N AG E M I NT. .'.2'3 Wa-htrijiion Mml a l 2'M h. NEW I. Y RE.M'V A TED THROUGHOUT. Rooms. siiiKle or with pilwie hail1, reasonable rale, day, wk or month. Main ::i. NETHERLANDS MoT hi 120 I.TiH, COR. WASHINGTON. To THE HIRAM. EI4 WITHIN Ot,M GATES, .i well a lo our home people Tn In hotel ex ten. la a ortlial -liom. Free phones, pmate bath. tcam brat, moderate pi ee., weekly iale. PRINCES HOTEL. NEWLY It Eo A TED THROUGHOUT. Rooms fitiuie, comniutiiiv and ntate b t h. R.n -..nalti'' im t v day, k or month. ;Glt Emm Hurn-de st Eat lil. .to-t a, Ton the llurfo-idc hi olge. AN.HONiA HOTEL. !?4 U h at., at Vi hii'gfnn. Rlen, $:t per werk up, ft day. Firs rroof ; large, at tr II ve. pot le rn.nii, close to tmuf in. nt and ahopping entr f V o N Lit 11th m . t-.-iw sts. Modern, weii-in Kent, $1 up, pinai !. up. o 1 EL. 11 ah. n-l 'Her iintud imi'iii lian bath. $m bp, WCk- HOTEL A RTMl.lt. 170 11th st. Take lo;.ot er l tl a nil Morn -on. w ik liHlf Mo k su' h. Clean, tnod'-rn, n cp t iranstaat tl .'ti. w nli private lath. $4 Hotel mmiil 112 N f:ii, bioi k from Union W pot; roo'im $1 ittM up. .' p-r n-k; Let and told waler. nHani hal THIiH: or fo rnipWjnl p. I I or after 5 in pi 1 1 a : e H-i . ir d. i -.1 l- fute ,pl. p,.f LEEDS AI'IS, altiKle looms, n-'-1in, ftr pi oof hit ; hot and cuid ruuutiig watvr. 2IO M.uk-t ft. NEW N AG EM L T - - c i. an and is prahle, 7."c and up. .l .'U per week and up. hmiIiiH Pt. UoTEL OCKLKV- Mirr'ini. at Tifc Rales $ day up. Wrek f 4 .0 Up Slearn heat. Iff phone ami b i lis L'ir. SI DaV, tl 50 w-ek tip; oiMie ra Hm el indl.Uc, Ad near J'Tisua. PA R K VIEW Hi fictin.y Imlet, r M 'nt otpt f , M.ri. ..." I H A M ft I SON hotel. Front mi1 lltfi"n; nuls:de rooms, 't up. bmiid if ce-ifd. HKAUT1KUL front nmm, re. -nnalu oe in. 120 N.'ttli lth. mn n hT PAUL hot -I. Kourth and ATder. H per day up 1.1 SU M A 11 K" hotel" .-.n.vZ U a h. ! . a iTio.1.-rn. respect a h!e v lo i n UK O TIKI'i, room Hdw y. 22lf. t Mh ale. ping piT. It. Laiurnishrti tMMtna. R M, 5t h and S:nr i 'luuibm i'-'i; . V . iP y In S Loeb. Pai k iiinl ae h l-urnUhrd Knomn In Prlate t-amily. i'LEASSNT front ro..m in tT 1 1 fainii will s-T e tirealcfiisl If d -ir.-. or fiv -kill hen privilege, rcaiomibi" :i:i2 K. a.Mh. nr. H.i w i too o" Tlr 5lKl LADY, alone. will share h-r be.cill fui home wil h r ou pie, voting tn I" . house keeping pi n lleKCS. 1 a hot hi -It. be. u' 10 or nfler SLEEPING R u i VS. transient, or mont h ; e. eptiona .1 v ni e , plione. frco h si; io'Stioii Msln 70. c LOSl'. IN, Suniiv Mile car I I' An. erk l-iaiui mi. b aut if ui oi k." 2 o .1 plei pine roottip, w-'ll tut ni modern home, male adult. n d. hi er .1 E. inn hill T LIGHT corner room, funis - e lc a I, I a I h i lfHli, p-ii-pliniif, 1 -. l-lo. k troiil Haw thorne ae :iu:l I a-t U;:d I ShS of ii ara e and loom In prunie bono for aingle gentleman-. 1!'U ;ioih Tah..i 550 I IIKI;H l. sunny front r- .mi iiomah -lut, inuHkMl lam: Mar .121'' SLEEPING room. l-;ilii lo-ai. and I'iith. wtt.klliK ilitun. xouiiic K' "t ient.in piefi-lted. M 1 1 u Hi- ot phone w e t - tt. Hil ' I"oR i:i;NT--T'uriuPlirl rootn in inoitnn home, in .tn pt.i.r'.d; st I1.".' East Klli ft I'holie Etitd liS.'T. LARGE r. w a i k I n K tin I y . I , finm. i asoiiithi I, mil-let i il ist a n t 7 I 72. LA DV ni v Im ve .U smt room pt Si e filling, for i-rv liC'il i l''n. I'ol p.ti - tli ulii'S all l."aslJ"H HE VTI1- I LLY fu nihlo d whit" m i m ro.iii. w itn b.it h ; brt-.il.r-i if b m eti ; walking dintii'i-e M.-i-litill -jC TWO nt-lacg'. waim room, i in-.- tn low n low", with t. t h a nd pJioio. pi iv i- b-ges. 1 1 1 h -t iS Tro-it room for iiuim In 'ni"1 nio.lein lint; :'L"j Park Kt Mni-.li.iM 1T- 2u'.l 14TH, n'ar .lef fct ti. t hn ro tii. wniking liw-jcm e. ais.n -.. nITeT.Y funnelled room-. 5 in.nutes wa. from posliiffiee 4H4 Tav St N l E a 1 1 rooin on Paik street, t .l Mar. sha.l o'i! morn In K and ev en jit :tT;"l3TH ST Large, nim v modern i ooiii, w :i Ik in g ol" l mn e; bat h on S "l . !: I PI N 'T ROOM. '2 n mouth. Cal at m l lth st. atter 2 P St. LA ROE. i ing dpi' iHiy-fnri iMo d iMtltttom, wh k rtce, 4J...M p. r we. k 4.9 Mi at KU RN ISM El rooms lir.-'.t Msr land to e In .ntt Wdin .' ;i.,4 M NTG Sleeping t IKIt. cor. P; in, suitable I i irittl front einl'lo eil A R' oM suitable for u K7 29. 7 K. 1-th "t N. Koonia Rhltard NO K 1 uM A HO I Ku, hort.nl a ni-a tilsh-clas fsmily hotel; rooms en sul'e or siniia. with or without board, foi fsmlhta and buslne men and wuma. We ive ou a:i the toiufwrta C a oma Prsi"r,stileraie "Tim ii M APT. 2 tecpma ronno, nn lse- " met' loom: bl ki bioikfn.t an.) dmnir to roomos m.h ; woU;d I k 1 pt. - work.ng ir.s to room and boar.l. V,in 479. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. HHh su for bu-ineaa .r. st u dents: a'ons1tiers tes Mar 1 2 i OOM and board for business girs: al modern conveniences: "'-in5 ?'"-??' 4 &o per week KsatjL? ilJ IJL I7'"" SIOHIUSON ST., cor. 1.1th Lsre room, suit-able for 2 gentlemen. W ILL hoard par-nt ani .r children. W4 E. Ankeny t Livilla car. f 1 er 2 iske Md- iiciARDand renin In w iv.n imn . P.ano. home privileges ij - KKtiits With Hoard 'rl " a m il y v-u'k'1 V romiNherl room add board In I" VMte f imlly. S'llLihl' j oiixg onple or Haw t hoi tin m e wn g'-ntienivn. Ka-t 7IJ t; toll home cooking and imn mom ;0 7 pci PC week; ittmc ic Hti E Pith at., ne:ir lielinoilt. La it 27 O R.miM and board for 2 R "'mn 'Ulng t(k ahsre one room. In lamln: pla-snl home. 71 16th st , neur k Id MiM and board. g.-ut cnf n, w iil'-w a r g.-f.; i lioe In. M Y. ,,u- h Lmt 5 -67 home: Home pim rar ''all " K. " PLEASANT roe"' o"" ' Vrfle e I iM-me. i i'ct - ... ,de Tabor 51 "I to mn board ; ' eajfonautt- von T H tmr 2 I . WANTED 4'hild. betw i-n 2 and M. 51o I ra best of motnerarare, ItooM nd board for oun g home Iiro1 w y 27 40, room THREE fmnMted r"oma. homo comforts. i!iiMtia me mi ..i -. - - ROOM and board, piano. 529 Htosday M h In PHii. FiirnKlied A part ment a. 4-ROOM fur. apt. ' join t. all be- tween 1 ann i r. si. a-RooM apt . $6 a week, and one 2 -room apt.. $4 a week. Kin oi. 3-R(M)M apt. with atrfve beat, gas rsngf, 22 5o a month. f.7 ' Wtllisms ave. "-ROOM furnished apartment, adult; ftAa 4'ltv car. 424 Ua-t .ii N. Tabor I'oaj. TWO sunny at' at.i airepitig room; no e h i I d ren . 2'f 17th tt .. tie;) r T;i lor BAGGAG K and furniture moving: phone Krosdwsv 40. Alert Transfer. 425 Ntsrk TWO unfurnished moms ::;mi ( "Is V snd kitcheneiis. Kl HMSHKIi apt. for rent. Hrtwv. 22d. 2Mtrif)M furnished apt.: adulis. Kt 4'.,7g. -tit-M-bli KL t-room spu it Tiiniiy p.ac. Si 1 1 -