17 REAL KMT.4TB. REAL KftTATR. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE, KEAI, ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Hair H onsen. For Sale Houses. For Sale Houses. For 8ale Houses. For Sale Houses. For 8ale Houses. I1 or hale llntiee. THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, MARCH lfi, 1920 1 LARGEST HOME SELLER3 ON THE PACTFIO COAST. 700 PHOTOG R A PH S OF HOME3 Fylt SALE. 24 Automobiles at Tour SERVICE. Open Sundays and Evenings. T )U lire always welcome Co visit our etiowroums auu inspect our omJenuI aiWa or uer ?uu riUMtia lor sa.e. Many WoXUfcKFL'L BARGAINS. E-r jmoU iiaj accurate lutwrmatiun descrip Lv ut tne home t r.yrduui. mNK L. McGULRE personally appraise every hums before tiiering it tut your cunaiaerauou. lour .ry internal le aai'guaiaiU. We put you m luiiiieuia-.e luucu wuu tne iiUJo.i you are iooai ig lor. 41500 MODERN IRVINGTON BL'NUA LtKJ vv ; very attractive linea; lur Urtce. Iircpiace; Sleeping puiuu; mil lot; Lica si., Linn iitu. k. loui. 1 bias. N. ut buMy. Lot .kioue coot -KH; reaoouaoiu itrnu $4250 HOLLADAY ADDITION. Just across ihe briugo on urcgon ut. L . ufoCAL Jtv.iiJAi.. -riii. ho uit , i Lirna.oe . m c. .ace ; iucy liig porcn; paxca a'., p4iU. a.-l cuiiditioo. lAs 1 'iEK.ua. $7&0 ROSE CITT PARK BUNOA Lo ; decidedly unicrent. niua mve L'Oitcieie pillareU Irontpm; iirepluc; many ouut-lu conveu- 5uiu. $45o0 i-rm. modern WEST SIDE cot l.gc; on St.. north ul Lin ;o.ji. fiiuy lj bias, buuiu of Mor rison ; uxlov lot . Karate; paved St., itens puiU. iAo 1 liKAio. g-XiOO WEST SIDE HOME; 6 bis rms.; wiiite enamel plumbing ; large Utile ; full brick, buuetucut ; oOO down; 2j per niunUi; 1st and Curry. ifcivAtb. tt0 SPLENDID MT. TABOR HOME lui'uw lot; on K. aiajract id mid mi. pra':icul iy new n.ouet ti Lung;iIow ; iuraucu; wmte enamel ptuinuiug; Uguis; gujagc; irutt; uti ries. VACANT. liumcuidie yo&aesaion. 1 J.iLMS. $2CKK) ADJOINING LACIiELHL'KST PA KK. ou could look over every Iioucm in towu, ana yet you couiUii'i itnd a better bungalow bargain than this 5-rm. niouerii nuiiic; front porch, lull wii lii o houae; lurge uiry rooms, w lute t iia.nel piumbing; electricity ; gas; Iiou.mj J ite new; :,3 bla. south of Laurulhurt ; fit, lieua puid III fuiL E. 3-i ill. $2100 HASSALO ST. BA RGAIN Near itJstj- 4-rm. modern bungalow; wiiue enamel plumbing; eicciric ity; gas. KAS1' TERMS. We have over 0 genuine horn s In the E L'KN ol DE-HAW THOHN E D ISTlUCT. ALB.'CRTA HOMES. $2300 Modern bungalow ; 5 rooms; like ne ; full lot ; garage ; on 23d. Adjoining Alameua. 6EE THlii. STjt.t SPLENDID AI-BKRTA HOME. ti rma. beside music room; fire plHrf; solid iwiiieltd d:ning-rooin ; mawiv buiret; mul'l I)ut h kitihtn: full lot. K l6tb. TUiS IS GJOD value. $2100 5-room modern buntralow home. oraua ave. xirar hiiaver; paved CL, all paid. A BAKGA1N. "We have over CO bargains in ALBEKTA. $U50 YOUR OWN TERMS, fl-rm. cozy fOitiig"; wh'to enamel balh; toi let; liot'and cold water; Minnt Hitta and Fremont, close to u.-VY. It. .N. sliop-. A BARGAIN. UN t "SU At PENINSULA BARGAIN. $1UOO l.o down, new 4 -room artistic pla.ster'.-d bungalow ; n lute en amel bath ; putent to. let ; 1 blk. to t. loiina car on oUUiord at. VACANT. SEE THIS. KENTON HOME BARGAIN. JjlQw Attractive Lung.iiow cottage ; S rmet, sliepir.g p-jrch ; nice living n.oiu, li. w. tloors; v.hite enanu-J plumbing; lights; full garden bt; c!ii;keii 'luuc. Ti?rry. near In terstate. EASIEST TERMS. We have :;0 KLNTON BARGAINS $2100 ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL tiA Kii.ii.. .-i oom. coinioi Liiuie cottage, on Aialiory. tiuch EAriV TEK.Mo. T( you are In the market for a home look ever our dispiay of photographs of ovfr 700 hoiiivs lor jiiie. Homes iioneu ivom every district in ibe city. We can aave you mony. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Established 1 V' aiB of Sen n 0." bm5ton tiuiluniff. Main 1S. open KvciiiUea and Suudayft Bh'AUTI FU L EAST MO R ELAN D. Sven large f-om?. hardwood floor?; throughout, furnace, iii-pluee, sleep mg porcn, ail modern conveniences, Engllsn stucco l pe, heaulifiil archiifcture. 'Ibis it- to be .void at once for (;.MH. t'ould not be duplicated lor les than $U.uoti. Ie Youritf at Co., bio Spalding bidg. iiain j i . HoDEKN 7-rtn. house with furnace, en i good Dutch kitchen, Siveping porcu. c inent b.ieineni; lawn, rot'tJi and f.uit trt-s. one block to car. Prn e ;;7uu, $iitm uuwo. Air. Cone, Tabor 1J4. WALK1NG DISTANCE. 7-room full --sLory home, I oca tail con enienr to east end of Broad vt.iy o railroad bridge; belongs to a non-resi titnt. who wishes to sil at once. $4.00 is eicept ion ally low priced. Will make terms very easv, if desired. .lOilNSoN-DOUSoN CO.. 6.12. 04. - N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. ROOM BUNGALOW. I-t 7vll5, on hard-Mirtae road, four blo.ks from UL Scott car, ;t blocks from inham line, in the heart of Lnt. House faces east, fine garden spot. Small payment done, balance snontblv. fjioo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. ;m;. oak Street. S."n WILL buy my modern H-rom home in fine r'Mdnrc section with lot .Vil00, planted to a iaige variety of fruit ann DTrtes. House i now vacant. Owner is anxious to kav cit y and for, that raon will sacrifice the property. You jimst se it to appreciate the bargain. For particulars call on BEN R1ESLAND, 4t4 Plstt Bidg.. 1-7 Park st. Main 8S0. CLOSE IN CLOSE IN. A good o-rooin house, double construct ed; gas and electricity; nice bedrooms, full-size oast-men t, aiationary. tub.-;; lot ftoxI'K; sewer in; only 2 blocks to Wood stock car; price $-'.o0. J."oo down, bal ance to suit. Rl ELY & GL'STAFSON. 90." Teon Bldg. Alar. 14."i6. IRVINGTON. Let us show you the best buy In this choice district. 7 rooms and S. P., fine b.isement. furnace, fireplace, built-ins. extra toilet, nice large rooms, good gar age, natural shade trees. Price $5ouU. Can make attractive terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 X. W. Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. $G.0P 00 LADD ADDITION This Is a big bargain and requires quick S'tion. F'ull .".oxlJO with pjived Hey ; good garage ; high, sightly loca tion, tifr ear. This is a fine home for large family of woi kers. Walking dis tance. MR. F K LA H U N T Y, Tabor 343. Eve.. East $.,Ko BUYS a room bungalow, furnished. 2 blocks from H.iwthorne carline; close to futh street; street iniprovrm',nfs all in ; fireplace, hardwood floors, but it -Ins. tres and shrubbery, nice lawn and a fine Dcighborho 1 .HHNSOX-D'DSOX CO.. 632. 3S. tW4. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main .177. V Tm W MI ST SELt $.-,ti0 rash, 3o per month, bujs .-room bungalow on East Couch st. : plastered c uint basement, modr rn conveniences, price for quirk Mle. $J.0. Sie Mr. Farnsworth. Inter state Investment Co., Main 1743. 410 Henry bid g. IN LAURSLHUnST. New, large 6-room bungalow, absolute ly modern, fine locations, garage. $2000 will handle. Call Tabor 2124 or Tabor 66!4 TURNER A WINPHIP. Owners. (31503 ROOMS, MODERN $3150. Beautiful lot. SOttI'Mi. tare cast, nice garage, good lawn, will deliver possession any time; on Williams ave., near Bryant st . $500 rssh. HMITH -WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. . 6TH STREET. VICINITY BURNS IDE $200. 5-room cottage.'lot 25x100, 70 E. 6th 0C North. J- J. Oeder Co.. 4 Grand a vs. N. near East Ankeuy st. HEIGHTS HOME 10.000. Ideally located, ipently tfrrared, arrbilefiure severely American, wih (rraceful facade, we submit for your approval tlitn modern nine-room home containing 4 bed rooms, servant quarters. 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, cor ner lot jnOxlr feet, ono block from csrlino. View of mountains nnsurpnssable. Corner of 2 2d and Franklin sta Inspection by ap- pouitment. COE A. McKKNNA A CO., 82 Fourth St., Main 402. OVER 30 FRUIT TREES and a corner lot 110xlfl feet, with all the room an average family would neod for the season's Kr dninjr. a 7-room house suitable for two famll'es, basement, big porch around two siues of houtft. only two short blocks from car. Owner will accept house up to $l.r..M in part trade. Price $5000; $11:00 cash. Mr. Mahonev, O'E A. McKKNNA & CO., 82 Fourth st Main Evenings and Sunday, Columbia 63S. ROSE BUNGALOW. 6 rms . large Ilvinjr-room, sleep ing porch. '.I bedrooms, pipe less furnace. chIckcn-lious. ;rge' gar den, apple, cherry, pear and peach trees, lot Will0. bowers and bor ders of bushes of roces. Here is a splendid bargain in Portsmouth. Price ol70; tlvOO down. Mr. Mnhoney, . COE A. McKENNA & CO., 8 Fourth St., Main 40J2. Evenings and bund ay, Columbia 63S. SEE THIS IRVINGTON BUT Nearly new ; worth much more than price asked ; 7-room bungalow. Has center entrance, large living room and dining room, one extra large bed room with fireplace, all hardwood floors down stairs, two bed rooms up stairs, good furnace, garage, 30x100 lot. street assessments all paid; located illst st. between Klickitat st. and Fremont. See It and then make appointment to talk It ovtsr. No phone information. L. R. BAILEY CO., 024 N. W. Bank Bldg. HEIGHTS HOMfc. This delightful view home Is artistic in every line. Is finished in old Ivory with mahoBuny trim, has many French doors and special designed leaded ylass windows, main rooms Including den are largn, 3 nice bedrooms with sleeping porch, hot water heat, elaborate tiled batn, garage, without a scratch: built for home by ownpr who wiii sacrifice several thousand dollars at sale price or im.;.o.i. Tabor 4U7. LAURFLHURST TEW HOME. Owner moving to Seattle wishes to make quick sale of fine looking 2-story 8-room house with garage, located on view lot near car; 32 foot living room, 3 seis French dnnrs. sun room, breakfast nook, large enclosed sleeping porch. 3 large square bedrooms, 1! fireplaces, fin est oak floors throughout, attic, full finished basement: unusually heavy con struction. Price $noM). Tabor 407. ALAMEDA PARK VIEW HOUSES. I have 2 unusualy attractive view properties, nestled on altes commanding unobstructed view of entire city, which are for tale at much lees than actual value; both hve fine concrete garages, are finished in old Ivory, best oak fioors. lots of French doors, very large living rooms, ail rooms have view; lots are or?i7ed and beautifully landscaped and Planted. P. H. Torrey, Taoor 4i7. , LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Owner moving back to farm will sell his artistic (I-room bungalow wkh ga rage, located on E. Flanders st. near car and park; lIx34-foot living room, French doors to dining room, breakfast room, old Ivory finish and heavy oak floors throughout, beau tit tolly papered, attic, nice yard. Price $7500. Tabor 407. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. Lurge modirn roomy I'-story home on subtly lot overlooking the lower har bor. Property m first-class condition. Is located -n Franklin st.. bet. 3Jd and 33d sts. Place has just been vacated and is ready for immediate occuo;mcv. Price very low; easy terms to responsible purcnaaer. r or particulars call upon BEN RIESLANO. 4Q4 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. LAURELHURST HOME. $ti;i0it. Classy IS -story 8-room house with garage. located on E. Flanders st., near car and park. Everything modern and in excellent condition. Breakfast room. 3 bedrooms, lots of winuows, fine yard and neighborhood. Must sell this week. Tabor 407. LAURKLHURST Beaniiful 7-room home with ga rage. 1 b ork from car; excep tionally large reception hall, living and dining rooms wit h be.-iui iftit solid oak f :oorj. Kitchen and bath room in white enamel. 2 large bedrooms, breakfast room, full cement hiisrnent with laundry trays: furnace and fireplace. Owner, 1230 E. Flsndrs st. Tnbor 3134. $2.")O0 WITH $.V0 down and easy terms on the balance buys a modern 5-room house near Kst 9i h st.. several blocks north of Alberta st. This Is an exceptional bargain. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 PUtt Bidr., 127 Park St. A TITLE IN SCR A NCR POLICY Is a guar atiiee by a responsible company that you will not suffer io.-. on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real eVtate get a Title Insurance Polio No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. An abstract of title Is not a guarantee of your title; It is merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Policy Is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a Title Insurance Poiicv. No abstract required. TiCe and Trust Company " ROSE t'lTY PARK DISTRICT- Vin modern 8-rooni home with all built-in concniences and sleeping porch. r-t $."-.",(i0: must have $1000 c;ish. bsiance can be arranged. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. All Tl-:iLN. up-to-rint ."(-room bungalow, pood residence. wtion : lots of built-in con vp n ienees ; house in fin eed it ion ; flow rs and shrubbery; for I2".0; want $11100 rash, balance can be arranged S-f. ATY'HISON. O-i Henry bidg. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY is a guar antee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title in buied. Better he pate than sorry. Title and Trust Company. FOR SALE Several new bungalows ncar ing completion. Rose City Park district: price belcw what it would cost to build now. Phone Tabor 3349. N 32, Orego nian. $1,100 BUYS a dandy little 4-room house on full Size lOl m Kuoo rsiu'-nct? section Of the citv on terms that will suit you. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park at. S27O0 5-room Dungaiow, ount-ins, Dutch Kitchen, oh 1 11. victim. Usui", gas, a.ttic, full bafment. wash trays, near car. In q u Ire 4i)4 70th st. S. E Mt. Scott car. PORTLAND BANKS request title insur ance instead of abstracts. Why? Ask your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Company. TITLE INSURANCE is the modern way of handling tines 10 rem mme. wuicKer. cofts less and no abstract required. Title and Trust Company. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying apiwua ify uiiiK . iiue insur ance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. i;,nn Neat 4-R. nungaiow. i.innton; wide front pOriMI. ""HI'ln "BI, Ulff mt, electricitv, water, fireplace, basement; $:;u0 cash. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. WFST SIDE HOME. S-room hous. close in. wtl h doubt garag- ner leaving cltv. Price $5000 mth terms: no agents. Bflwy. 5258. MT. TABOK o neauntm iota, rtne fruit. good llOUS.. ir.; iioitih; OnlV $:"itiO, terms. Zimmerman A White. S18 ChambeV of Commerce. WHEN you bci i'Mo insurance folicy you ao noi u-rU ... -i 01 title. One premium pars for all time. Title TITLE INSURANCE? is quicker, safer and cheaper w - ,.uu. ASa your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Com pany. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insured. Get a Title Insurance Poller. Title and Trust Company. EVERT purchaser of real est au should 7 have Bis title Insured B""er be safe thin sorry. Title and Trust Company BANKS request title insurance because- it 1. best. Ask your banker, be knows. "it ! e and Trust company. COZY m -story bungalow, large grounds, fruit and berries, garage. $4000. terms. Tabor 2o26. SELLWOOD I SELLWOOD! 5 roomsT modern. $2500. $500 cash, $20 monthly. So mortgage, boh wood 2706. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 7487. Photos on disnlnv of 400 modern houses, located in the best residence sections of the city. You srr welcome to our display rooms to Inspect these p not of. together with description aata on each one. You will find some re markable bargains; 8 courteous real es tate salesmen with autos to show you property, day or evening. MONT A V I LLA SNAP. $1330 $2H cash takes this 5-room cot tage on 72d st.. 4 blocks to I Montavliia car: fine attic, base- - ment. J bedrooms. 50xiJ4-rt. tot. Here is something worth the money. ANOTHER IN MONTAVILLA. $1800 $.100 cash and the balance like rent takes this dandy 5-room bungalow, on 7."th st.. 3 blocks from the car; 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. I oatn and toilet: basement, run sized lot. bearing Irult trees. A real little home. PENINSULA DISTRICT. $5000 $500 down: 5-room bungalow. 1 block from car. on a 5OxlO0-ft. lot: 2 .bedrooms, dining room. oath, toilet, white enamel plump ing; all -newly retinted inside and repainted outside: attractive elec tric fixtures; full basement. You wil have to act quickly if you want UiLs one. RICHMOND HOME. 9mO $..no down, balance easy: coxy a-room bunsalow, on a oOjcIOO lot: full set of piumbing. full cement basement; sewer in and paid for; 1 block to car; 4 blocks from Franklin high. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $3300 $500 down; 5 rooms and break- ' fast nook: cement basement: floored attic; garage with con crete .runway; ix biocm. to car. Splendid buy. ANOTHER ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $28S5 $r00 down; typical bungalow lines: cement basement, attic. 5 rooms; gene-rat condition good; bard-surfaced street; 1 block off union ave. gee tbis before you ouy. ROSE CIT-r BUNGALOW. $2950 $700. Buy this little place and raise chickens; 4 rooms, bath and toilet, attic, basement, chicken nouse, v good fruit trees, abund ance of shrubbery, full-sized lot; near car. iasy terms. WOOJDLAWN HOME. $2400 $800. 5-room bungalow, 2 bed rooms lurge attic, full ceemnt basement, good white piumDlng, launury trays, abundance of fruit, : berries and shrubbery: chicken bouse; 50x100 lot. Easy terms. DREAM HOME. $3bS3 $7."i0. This 5-room bungalow in Kichmond district is truly dream home; thoroughly mod ern, with the best of white plumb ing. Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook, full cement basement, fruit trees. This is a might cozy and comfortable home. Investigate La is. .uany otner good homes. If you can not come in and inspect the numerous photos on display. caU Main 7487 and salesman will be giad to call at your residence and drive you out to inspect any of the above and others in the same vicinity. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 7487. OPEN EVENINGS. FOR YOU A bargain If you have $2300 ail cash ton account of death in fam ily) I can sell 4-roora house, hall, bath and toilet, 3 lots, fenced and cross fenced, all kinds of roses, dajilias, tulips. macs, uii Kiiius 01 vinaii iioveis, straw berries, small fruit. 14 fri.it trees, peas. radishes and onions, grape vines each side of walk. The best soli in the Woodstock district ; chicken house and barn 30 ft. long; let me show you this property and you will appreciate the vaiue. r rea spear. iaoor ooai. ootn ave and 67th st. S. E. ROSE CITY 5-roorn modern bunga low: hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, and all other up-to-date conveniences; 3 blocks to Rose City car; beautiful neighborhood. Price only $.Vtou, $13o0 cash. Mrs. Rice, East 7W78. MILWAI KIE DOLLHOUSE BUNGALOW. 4 Rooms, bath, screen porch, gas. Bull Run water, electric lights, biilltins. white. pnamoi built-in kitchen, lot loox 1 2. fruit, chicken house. A bargain at $ltt00; bo0 caiih. KLEER PARRY. First State Bank Rldg, Milwaukie. Or., Automobile Service : Phone 1!. GOOD 5-room bungalow in restricted district; good car service; close in on east side; price only $;i.0; $lof0 cash. Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 3USU. HOLLADAY ADDITION. PRICE ONLY $4250. Fine 6-room modern house with 2 sleeping porches. Uood garage. If you : see this you win nuy u. casn. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., SO 5 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. $2130 A REAL SNAP $2830. In a n-room and sleeping porch bun iriilow. in Alberta district, full base ment. Baundry trays, exceptionally fine electric fixtures, on hard surface street; it lihnut 42kxti7fc. See J. A. MeCsrty at 270' Stark st. Main 1700; evenings Tabor WILLIAMS AVE. BUNGALOW. :r00 for a 5-room house, with fur- nm. earn ire. bearing fruit trees: lot 50x122. with Irt-ft. alley. House has just been tinted and pnintpd inside and ou'.; now vacant; move right in; $30U ah hrt 1 monthly. F L. BLANCH A RD. 51i-20 Rwy. Ex. 1 '.-STORY fi-rwm house in Hawthorne riisirlct: house is nal and very attrac tive, large cement basement; rooms are 1:rire and light; WXMhi iot; a.t street improvements in and paid. Price only $:;."(o0; $1300 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSGN-DODSON CO., 632 633. C34. G?A N. W. Bdnk Bldg, Main 37g7 ATTENTION! HOME BUYERS well-built home: basement. electric lights, garage, on hard surface street, one block to car. Price only $3000. $300 cash. And several good buvs near Mt. Tabor. Marshall 1022 See Nelson with T. O. Bird. 52tf Cham ber of Commerce. i-hv s-rnnm btincalow. fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, good basement. 50x100 lot, 2 blocks from car. Price $3000. $10uo cash. . JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 633. 634, 635 N. W. .Bank Bldg. Main 3787. THAT VACANT L.OT. Why not turn a burden Info Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY SERVICE SATISFACTION. U R- Bailey Co.. Inc., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. $2000, STX ROOMS. GARAGE. Fruit, 50x100. paved. Glenn ave., do to Hawthorne: terms. Mutua! Realtv Co , 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE 2-story building, finest resi dent district In Holltday. Will show by appointment at any hour. Phone Mar shall 184. COZY, modern bungalow. . rooms; this fs a bargain; leaving ior California; $2500. $;no cash, rest easy payments. 330 63d st S. E. HAVE 2 modern houses, 7 and 6 rooms. good clean conamon. gooa locations; reasoname price, irm, no agents. Wd'n 454 or 1432 Albfna ave. SELLWOOD. 5 ROOMS, 4 LOTS. $2500. .Vf.'n'ii n"lM?" Slt 1.."! water through place, elect, lights. Good buy. See too ay. gei 1 wooa a 1 uti, FOR SALE Small house, cement base ment, electric lights ana gas, garage. bearing fruit trees and berries. 186 . w'es. Humooiqt st. 5 BEDROOMS. LAURELHURST. FULL f'KMENT BASEMENT. OAK FLOORS MODERN. $5350, TERMS. BAST 4476. must be sold this week $3200. 420 Cham! of Com. ; FOR SALE fi-room house. 100x100 lot, $3000, H down, 7. AK T4. Oregonian. tino 5 rooms, half block from Haw thorne. 267 E- 4 lit. Tabor 5617. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. PARK ROSE BARGAINS $050 DOWN. $2S50. cottage, 4 rooms and bath, ground 100x200, some fruit trees and berries, one bJoek to carline, gas and electricity in house. $150 DOWN. $875, 100x150, ground all cleared, cor ner tract, 2 blocks to Sandy bWd cn graveled road, monthly payments oaty $20 a month, including interest at 6 per cent. $630 DOWN. $2000. bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, on Craig road, half block to carline. ground 50x100 (adjoining lot in rear may be had 1 700x150 FEET. $1050, ground all cleared, only half block to carline, on Richardson road; terms cash. $100 DOWN. $15 PER MONTH. $1100, acre tract, corner, ground all cleared, one block north of Sandy blvd., gas and water connections. SNAP: $20 DOWN $20 MO. $00. large tract, 130x230 ft., ground level, some fir trees, located on Fremont st. This is a mighty good buy, as there is very good investment future for acre age In this vicinity. Onlr four of these . tracts are left at these terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. laln 208. PARKROFE BRANCH OFFICE ON SANDY BLVD.. AT END OF PARK- ROSE CAR LINE. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW. $2450 Nice 5-room bungalow, lot 50x 100. paved street, in Bidweil ave., near car, $1000 cash. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $2500 Nice 5-room bungalow, full ce ment basement, Dutch kitchen trays, bearing fruit trees, gas range, etc. $7o0 cash. E. COUCH ST. COTTAGE. $2700 5-room cottage, electricity, bath, basement, paved street, fractional lot; E. .Couch, near 26th; some terms. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. CORNER LOT GARAGE. Fine 2-story home, well arranged in side, with reception hall, large living room dining room, sun porch, kitchen and butler's pantry downstairs, and 3 good -sized sunny bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs; full cement basement with furnace, wash trays, toi let, etc.; desirable location. Price only $S000; will sell furniture at grat sacri fice if desired ; reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6ttt7. SUBURBAN HOME. Just outside city limits, 3 blocks to Base Line road, ti-room double constructed bouse, nice living and dining room. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, good basement; about an acre of ground; 3 chick en houses, good barn and garag. All lor $350). $10Uu down, balance to suit. Rleiy & Gustafson. IHJ5 Yeon bldg. Marshall 14oti. A BUNGALOW SNAP. On 52d st., north of Hawthorne ave., 6 rooms and sleeping porch, modern bath, toilet, lights and gas. fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, good base ment, furnace; heat, laundry traya paved streets, city sewers, handy to car, school and stores and a real snap for $3750. $1UOO cash, balance easy ar ranged. ' See E. U. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2S58. BUY FROM OWNER, $5500. Modern 8-room house. Hawthorne district: hardwood floors, built-in sideboard, full cement basement, furnace, concrete garage connects with house, large upstairs rooms, fruit trees, roses, paved street, 14 blocks from car line. 34ti E34Lh st. Tabor 1146. SEE LAURFLHURST TODAY 5 BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS Drive out to office at E. 3ith and Glisan sta and get keys to inspect. ALSO Some " and 0-room houses at snap prices. One dandy for $5750 with four fin bedrooms; good garage. One 7-room house with garage for $.t;:;0i; close to car Come out or phone lor auto. Tabor 3433. Eve.. East 20S6. MR. DELA H V NTT. HAWTHORNE SNAP CLOSE IN. Irge hall, living room, den, dining room, bedroom, first floor; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, second floor; fur nace Ilrepiaee, pieniy irun. ft ice oni $5000. See Mr. .Epton. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. Tx.rcTt.AVn HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Choice 7 rooms, living room is "4x30 with fireplace and French doors opening on attractive porch ; 4 beflrooms, one with fireplace and sleeping porch ; two lots in fine perennial garoen. beautiful shrubs; close to school; exclusive neigh borhood; wonderful unobstructed view. $1HM)0 for quick sale. BROOKE, 341 Montgomery Drive. Corner Elm St. Marshall 4827. REAL BUY IRVINGTON. Large living room, dining room, den, kitchen. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Price only $0250. Terms. Sec Mr. Epton, J. YoBRINS. 301 Railway .Exchange. Main 793L WEST SIDE BARGAIN. FINE VIEW OF CITY. Fine modern 8-room house in best part of Willamette Heights. Finished in Port crford cedar throughout. Une of the finest views in the city. Price only $,ooo. Easv terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. SL'NNYSIDE-H AWTHORNB BUY. Two lots corner, good 6-room house, h ard su rf ace, on ly $3000, Terms. bee Air. Epton, J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. 7-ROOM modern bungalow; large sleep ing porcn, Duut-in euects. tun ceniem basement, garage; lot 3oxl0O ft.; all large airv rooms. This is a nice home at a price of $4500. Buy of owner. Call evenings for appointments. Sellwood 1053 or before b:30 A. M. East Moreiand Addition. BIG BARGAIN In Woodlawn. Nice 5- room house ana oatn ; iuii uasemeni ; nice lawn; fruit trees; cement walks. Price for quick sale only, $lhu0. $800 will handle. PYRAMID LAND CO.,. 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. Mani 3232. FOR HALE Completely furnished 4-room house, closo in; nne oa iurniture. ivory enamel bedroom set. large-size Duplex AUazar rang; will sell furniture and place together or separately ; furniture . nace 1 -.! HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. siT-room hungalow. completely fur nished; Richmond car. $4200, $2000 will handle. Owner. 431) E. 41at st. Xabor 8343. WILL build you a modern 4-room bunga low for $2250. See one already built. For appointment write BF 64 7, Oregonian. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. In looking for a home it will be to vour advantage to call Mowell. Tabor 6881. HOUSE, renting for K5. will take Irving- ton lot as pan yajuieai; no agents. E 23. Oregonian. WANT lot Jn Irvlngton aa jart payment on hous in good district; owners only. H 50. Oregonian. FINE 5-room bungalow in Westmoreland; rea onabie. j? o". regonjan. IRVINGTON EAST R, T. 8TREBT. bl4. Irv. AGT. 6-ROOM cottage, lots 100xl3T. near Union ave. Fruit trees. East 7081. FOR SALE An 8-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IRVINGTON Modern 5-room house. In quire owner, i tu ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $5300 We venture the assertion that there is no greater buy than this. All house and built for a borne. Hardwood floors down stairs. The , entire woodwork on first floor and stairway Is in sol1d oak. Reception hall, large living and dining room, sewing room, den and Dutch kitchen. fireplace down stairs; wide veranda on east and south side: full cement basement. Upstairs are 4 good bedrooms, and last, but by no means least, is the best steam heating system, that could not be installed today for $1500. The value of this place -can be. ap preciated only by seeing tt. PIEDMONT HOME. $5000 $1000 cash take this large, well built Piedmont home: -a 100x100 corner lot. abundance of' choice fruit and garden space. Three fireplaces, laree reception ball. living room and dJnhig room. 4 large bedrooms, billiard hall, ga rage, paved street, fine steam heating plant. For one who la looklna for a homelike and well built house with abundance of ground space, this offers a splen did opportunity. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5250 This is a thoroughly modern typlcai bungalow of 5 rooms, on E. 46t h st.. paved st reet, sew er. full cement basement. fur- nace. hardwood fioors. fireplace, aula Everything In fact which a modern house contains, and near the car. Buy this before one of our salesmen takes it. TWO ROSE CITY PARK FLATS. $GC0O $1000 cash and the balance like rent by ye these modern, attrac tive flats. Make your home in one and rent the other for enough to pay your monthly Instalments. Full cement basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces, 2 sleeping porches, garage, white enamel finish; fine view of city and mountains. This offers a real opportunity .for some far-sighted man. HAWTHORN E AVE. $4250 Typical 5-room bungalow ; hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. 2 bed rooms, cement basement, paved street and paid for: splendid lo cation. This is sacrifice price. We have the photos of the above and other homes. A few minutes spent In our office will be time well spent if you are looking for a home. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 7487. IRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of 8 rooms, modern in all Its appointments and near ly new; hardwood floors, tiled fireplaces In living room and front bedroom; tiled bath, with shower; also bath for maid's room ; conservatory ; extra large sleep ing porch which can be heated If de sired; double electric lighting and heat ing systems; located In the very best dis trict of Irvlngton on 1(10x100 corner, sur rounded by beautiful homes This house has cost the owner be tween $18,000 and $20,000. but an at tractive price will be made in selling, or would accept desirable vacant or im proved Portland property for the equity. SAM EL L R. NORTON, 610 Henry Bldg. $0000 IRVIVotok tonnn California bungalow, two fine bed rooms, large living room and dining room, all finfrhed in old ivorv and the best of imported tapestry with mahog any t.-imf.iing. nice billiard room in basement with extra toilet, large attic all finished; lot 50x100, good garage. Iota of shrubbery; this place Is well worth $11,000, but owner will take $u000 for quick sale by appointment only. Call Main 8u51. SEE HOLMES FOR HOMES. On ltfth at. we have a good 7-room house, three bedrooms, sleeping orch, hardwood floors up and down; two fire places; this is a good buy as an invest ment; price Is only $0500, part cash. Call Main 8051. See HOLMES for HOMES. $7000 LAURELHURST BEST BUNGALOW . Close to car and park; 7 rooms, den, sleeping porch, cement steps and ce ment porch floors, break fast room, cab inet kitchen, all manner of built-ins. closets, etc. ; fine fireplace, a wonderful basement with furnace. This house Is very distinctive with nothing left out. Cost a lot of real money and Is a sacri fice at the price. Seeing is believing. See it today. CLEVELAND -HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main 6752. BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR HOME. Sightly located bungalow; has large living room, 16x22, excep tionally attractive dining room, exquisite old English fireplace, spacious ballroom, bedroom, fin ished in solid birch and mahogany; kitchen wails and floors of solid birch: sleeping porch; place is in perfect condition. Can be seen by appointment only. No agents. Will sell at a very reasonable price. Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 3089. SIX-ROOM house, fireplace, furnace, nice light rooms, on E. lHth street, conve nient to Alberta or Irvlngton car; re stricted district; lot 52xl0o; $3500, $1000 cash, balance $40 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 9 632, 633. 034. 635 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. HAWTHORNE? DISTRICT Strictly modern 5 rooms, large attic, large living room with French doors be tween dining room, fireplsce, hardwood fioors. Dutch k-itchen, screens, shades, fixtures, furnace, all street imp., paid $4750. Terms. 404 Gerlinger bidg. Marshall 858. WILL MAKE YOU A QUICK SALE If you have 5-room bungalow with garage about $3500; also 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace and furnace, around $40jO. Phone me and I will look it over and let you know at once. Spencer, Main V052. HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS 1 have a number of extra fine buys In bungalows and houses ranging in price from $2000 to $25,000, located in all parts of the city. Csll or phone J. A. McCarty. 2704 Stark su Main 1700. Evenings Tabor 5057. $3700 FOR a fine 6-room house, with den, Dutch kitchen, furnace, garage; lot 30x100; blk. from car on E. 18th st. N. This Is an exceptionally good buy; $1000 cash. F. L. BLANCHARD. MH-20 Rwy. Ex. EXCEPTIONALLY well built T-room bun galow; 5 rooms and bath on 1st floor, 2 rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor; concrete basement and floor; 2 lots, cor ner; price $3050; $1000 cash. See It at 907 Sumner St.. or phone owner. Wood lawn 411ft. NEAR PIEDMONT. f.tftOO for a fine 7-room house, with lot 50x142. streets improved, on Jessup St., near Union ave.; $1000 cash, bal lerina This is a snap. F. L. BLANCHARD. 51!-20 Rwy. Ex. IRVINGTON home, choice location ; ga rage, large lot, fruit and flowers; extra large living room, 3 fireplaces, den and sun room, spacious led rooms, sleeping porch, tlie bath end modern conveni ences. 753 Hancock st. East 3441 or Main 497S. Owne. jp.-,0 R. C. PARK: almost new, partly Ilirnisnra . ''!, ..r-.uivii. , mrse corr.er lot; part cash, bal. 6 per ent: move right In; some distance out. bu fine chance for honest man with $oo to get nice Httle home; good neighborhood, near school- Owner. Tabor 2678. FURNISHED ROFTRCITY BUNGALOW 4 roo'ms, very large living room, mod em plunvbing. overstuffed furniture, piano included. Lot 48x140. Call 304 Vi Oak st. WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING: 5-room modern bungalow at 4904 64th St., $2750- . Lot on Mth ave.. 350. Lot on E. 28th st.. $400. O. O. REYNOLDS, at 64th st. Address. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW HOM"E. Fine view lot, natural trees, choice lo cation, center hall, oak floors, fireplace, all ivorv finish, garage, extras go with house; BEST FOR THE MONEY. $7500, easy terms. NEUHAUSEN, Main 8078. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. . Owner moving away, wishes to make quick sale of classy, strictly modern 6 . room bungalow in excellent condition, on East 60th st. N. Price $5750. Tabor 407. 407. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. $5250 ROSE CITY PARK CUth St. $1000 down, balance $50 a month. Including interest. bungalow & rooms and sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors in living and din ing rooms, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, newly tinted, finish nat ural fir. $3275 M. V. and E. A. Car Line. 2 blocks to car line, a real 3 room bungalow, fireplace, bull t-in effects, beam ceiling, very large bathroom, nice lawn, lot ou grade with street, only 4 blocks to Mt. Tabor school, this is ir.deed a snap 'for someone, terms $ltoo cash, bal ance $25 a mo., which includes in terest at 6. $5050 ROSE CITY PARK. BRAND NEW. will be finished In a few days, 5 rooms and attic? a beautiful design, you will appre ciate this place, located at 50th and Siskiyou sts., terms $1500 down, balance monthly at 4fA. price includes all street and sewer assessments paid in full, also fur nace, fixtures and shades. $4500 ROSE CITY PARK. Here Is a real bargain, a good 2-story house, tf rooms and sleep ing porch, hardwood floors In liv ing, dining and entrance hall, full basement and furnace, only H block to car line, east front, half . cash will handle it; about 5 years ago the house alone cost over $1400, so you know it is a well built place. $500 DOWN. $2750. Bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, place now vacant, may be occu pied at once, a cozy little home, Dutch kitchen, patent fiber drain board, lot 50x1 U0, 2 blocks to M. Johns car line, easy monthly terms. $3350 ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms, bungalow, hardwood floors In 3 rooms, fireplace, built in effects. This is indeed a snap. Owner leaving city and the place is priced for an Immediate sale, terms $550 cash, balance monthly. SELLWOOD CAR. $1000 CASH. $4000, 7 rooms, bungalow type, and Bleeping porch, h block to car line, 2 bedrooms down and the balance upstairs; this place is double constructed, cement base ment, furnace, lot 5u100 ft., as sessments all paid; this place was personally Inspected and it Is a real bargain; balance on terms ar runged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. 4th and Stark. Mam -utt. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW, jr. SOU. See this today. Located 49th and Braaee, just one short block from isau dy. You would never expect to buy such a home as this for so little money. Go see tor yourself. You will lind ev ery tiling one would expect to find in a real modern bungalow. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcase, bufiet, Dutch kitchen, break last nook, cement base ment, furnace, etc. Large attic, as sessments paid. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3092, Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. $3650. ' SPLENDID BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Close to Hawthorne district; not fur ther out than 35th St., 6 fine large rooms, 8 nice bedrooms ; full basement ; good furnace ; close to car. ce this quick. ALSO ONE FOR $3950. Dandy 5-room bungalow on 3fUh st., In Sunny side; corner lot ; Improvements all paid; everything modern except hard wood fioors. Key at ollice E. 3HLh and Ulisau sts. Phone tur auto. Tabor U433, eve. East 2ti6. Mr. Deiabunty. MODERN 5-room bungalow, one blocK to Hawthorne car, hardwood floois. fireplace, Dutch kitchen ; on comer lot, 50x100; with gar.ige. This is a good buy at $3500; $1000 cash. Mrs. Lucius. Phono Tabor 30Si. HAWTHORNE HOME. rooms, arranged in two flats, hard wood floors, firepiace, furnace, full base ment, corner lot; one flat rented, bring ing in income $50 per month: this home is near 5oth and Hawthorne. If you want a home or investment will pay you to see this: $0000, one-half cash. MORRIN & ROOTS, Tabor 2250. SOMEBODY'S BARGAIN. $3450, EASY TERMS! 7 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, cement basement, 50x100 lot, fruit in abundance, about 17 minutes from down town, paved street, sewer in, everything paid; excel lent neighobrhood. near Walnut Park; convenient W.-A.. St. J.. W.-L.. A. cars Ml Rodney (near Going). NEW ROSE CITY $3500. Four nice roms, fireplace. Just being finished; a real buy for $3500. Terms See Mr. Epton. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. $2600 4-ROOM modern bungalow, fire place, full cement basement, double con structed ; oak floors, shrubbery, street graded, cement walks In and paid for; water, light, gas, beautiful lawn; $500 down payment. JOHNSUN-DODtiON CO.. 632, 633. 634, 635 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. $.10041 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW.. A 6-room strictly modern bun if a low, new and nifty: floored attic, cement oasemcnt, wash trays, all built-ins, fur nace and fireplace, finished in Ivory and white enamel, 5Oxlo0 jot. garage, etc., ust 100 feet Sandy blvd; terms RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark st. 14 -STORY 7-room house on a good 50xl(0 foot lot. sewer, light, gaa and sidewalk, lawn, trees and shrubbery. Piumbing and basement. Price $2.'lo0, $1000 oash. JOHNSON-DODSON Co.. 632, 633. 654. 63ft N. W, Bank Bldg. ' Main 3787. $4000 5-room bungalow, completely and nicely furnished, on East 1Mb st., near Burnslde. within walking distance of business center, yet in a good residence district; very cheap at this price. Turner A Co., 230 Chamber orf Commerce. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. This is a good buy, nice view place, garden and fruit trees. Price $2730, $600 down, oalance to suit. Aak Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST fc CO.. R20 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Four rooms and bath, modern cottage; concrete basement, lot 100x100; bearing fruit and berries; $2500. terms. I5Ds E. 11th st. N. Phone Woodjawn 4225. 2 LOTS, S0xl25, alley in back, side-walks jn and paved, small house and full base ment, close In. near school and carline, and small payment down. $15 per mo; price $1250. Call Tabor 24ft. BRA N D new four-room bungalow, 1 u-t finished, only half block from car line; will sell for small amount down and the balance like renL (Owner). No agents. G 60, Oregon ian. vt secen-room house and lot on Stan ton street near Williams ave. Muit be sold at once to close an estate. Pnone office. East S52. or residence. Marshal 4314. AGAINST FIRE INSURT3 IN NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. EXILE BURK1TT. 208 SELLING BLDQ. MAIN 1800. CLOSE IN, VIEW SITE HOME. Seven room, two-story frame, equipped. Cash $2500, bal. 79s. 455 13th at Jackson. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, corner lot 50 XlOO, Dei ween alki rhh .-u a t-nues, oi, East Clinton: price $4000. Tabor 1509. VACANT Owner offers beautiful bunga Jow, near pavement, bargain. $2850. Even Ings. Tabor 7066. 6-ROOM absolutely modern house, fine shape, on East Couch St., price $3700. Tabor ltm. 6-ROOM bungalow, on paved street, neai car line and close in; easy terms. Owner, 709 E. Tth St. N. BROOKLYN Good 6-rm. house, corner lot. garage; $2650. Phone Sellwood 24&S. $1000 6-room cottage. Kern Park. Main 3072. McFarland. 602 Yeon b.dg. e00 4-R. cottage near Dekum ave.. East Tth st. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. NOTHING BETTER IN LAURKL HURST THAN THIS BUNGALOW. On Floral avenue, convenient to car. east front; a spacious living room with large f ire id see, in rr of which Is a cony sun parlor: break rant room, dining room with buffet, unusually ample china closet, fine Dutch kitchen ; upstairs a re three fine bedrooms, full eonvenlencea Yes. there is a garage. Owner's busi ness Interests take him elsewhere and it Is a find at $7500; must have $3ooo cash. MacINNESS & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade. Main 3468. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS. 2 SLEEPING PORCHKS. $5150. Fotks. here Is absolutely one of the best buys In Rose City Park. located Just off Alameda drive at 5il Knt 51st street Sorih. Hero is absolutely one f the twst one of the most suostati tially built homes in that beautiful dis trict. Hardwood floors, fireplace, but fet. Dutch klti hen, full cement base menu etc. You have to ee this 10 really appreciate the downright value. Very reasonable term. A. ti. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near Third. Main !1092 Branch ofilcc, 50th and bandy. laurklhurst semi-bung a- low, floral ave. 7 rooms, three bedrooms. PRH'K $75110, TERMS. $3uo CASH. IF YOU ARE LOCKING FOR A HOME AHVE THE AVERAGE IN BEAUTY, MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, SEE 1 HIS. MaclNNLS fit PRATT. MAIN 3Sti3. IRVINGTON PRETTIEST CORNER HOME S10.0O0. WORTH $23,000. For family of miat;s; imposing ap pearance, surrounded by natural trees, beautiful shrubs; the first floor has targe living room, dining room, library, be iuu ful breakfast room, kitchen; second, six bedrooms, tile bath, 2 extra lautorien and toilets; third floor, two rooms n nd bath; hot wnter heat throughout: n?ie double garage. McDowell. Kat 419. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. 8-room house. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, billiard room in attic, bedrooms finished In old ivory ; oak f loon ; fire place; two toilets; entire house In fine stale of repair; 5ohh iot ; $s5"i. F. VANDUN. 515 f'hamher ymmerce. Main 1955. or Evenings Main 3 66O. NEAR 2STH AND SANDY. $3000, I MM 1 CASH. Six rooms, standard plumbing, full cement basement, line lighting futures, lot .VixllS, hearing fruit trees. Si. Imp. paid. Vacant. immediate possession $5uo co.wh, ha lance mo tit h. CLE V E LAN D- II END E R SON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main (17 5 (dhim ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW, one of the iiiohI bountiful corners In Alameda Park, with bungalow, 7 rooms, alt on one floor; urrmc. fireplace, oak floors, nil built-ins; beautiful Uwn, rone and shrubbery. MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE; terms. RUM M ELL RUM M ELL, 274 Stark st. WOODLAWN I '1ST R 1 C T. GOOD LOCATION. Good buy for working nin, proper t nerds some repairs; move in and do the repairing om e if ; 5o loo corner lot. 7-mom houive, bit h, ga, electric it v and basement. Prlo as H stand. $lMi, on terms. Inquire Mr. Leet, 4IS-502 Dekutn Vf. A - It 00 M M O I K R N HOME WOOOLAWN KM OK CAR LINE This linn a small entrance ball, living room, dining room, full cahinet kitchen, two nice bedrooms with b ith bei een, full cement bas. ment. corner l.t. :ixloo. nice lawn, cement sidewalks in and paid. This is a flrst-clus buv for little money. SMITH -WAGON Kit CO.. Stock Kv h. SIX -ROOM HUNGALOW lUUx 100. Here you have it, 11 II on one floor, choice plumbing, electricity, gas. good basement, flrep.ace, built-in btiifet, on corner, near school, all for $2 50, $.'uo caih. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 'JIT X. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 1114 NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Neat 7-rooiu bungalow. hardwood f !oor, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom down, 3 upstairs; block to car. Price (5750, $750 cash. .14 1HXSON-D0PS0X CO , 632, 6.13, 633 N. W. Bank lildg. Main 37S7. NOB HILL RESTRICTED SECTION. Fine residence Ito. 50x1 00. Overton m . near ::tith. at a buigaiu, price t.'iooo K Vaudpyn, 515 chamber Commerce. Main 1U05. Main 3000, evenings. $23o FOR QUICK SALE 5 -room st in co buiiga low with bath, buffet, bookcases, fireplace. b.ieni.nt, Dutch kitchen; 011 57x100 lot with gar age. JOB NSON- DODSON CO , 632, 633, 6il4. 635 N. W. Bauk Hldg , Main :(7S7. LENTS DISTRICT. 7-room house, corner lot 50x loo. fur nace. 4 bedrooms, attic: best of plumb ing, full basement. $2500. 7ou7 55th ave. S. K. fr. a mlu ii, 515 Chamber Com merce. Al a i n 1 153. KENT' N COTTAGE. A moms and bath, choice plumbing, electric lights, fine corner, hard -mi if a. streets, convenient to car. nl e dlMrb 1, for $2050; reasonable terms. A. H. BIRRELL Co.. 217 N. W. Hank Hldg. Mar.-liall 4114. Closing Est at. I mined lute Pobsi'ssioh. $35oo takes bungaiow on A in-worth ave., near in h ; 5 rooms, rec. bail, bal h and screened back porch, f urnai e. fiie piace, cement l.aaenini, cc reeim. street paved, paid; $lO0t cash. $35 per mo., in cluding interest 0. Tabor 6441. IRVINGTON BCNGALOW. HUT WATER II KAT $l0.0O0. This real home was built 6 years ago; 7 perfect rooms, bath room would cost $11 00 to duplicate; hand-rubbed wood work, plato-glasa throughout ; con rete po n-h; ftne groun ds; g nrag". East 410. 25TH AND YAMHILL HUM IC. 6 rooms and sleeping pordi, full ce ment basement, furnace, on lot fioxioo, st Imp. paid. 3 fine bedrooms; price ' $4'im $7oo each, balance rent terms. CLE V ELA N D-H KN I.E It SON CO., 212 Railway Exchapge Bldg. Main 6752 RISE CITY PA UK. Beautiful modern 7-room home with garage, on sightly comer nn Sandy blvd . hardwood Doom, throughout, tl'e bath room; interior fmlli old ivory. For fin I her Informal ion call owner. Auto ntatte 313-52. .VROOM IGNGALOW. $2850. Full cement basement, laundry travs, floored attic, another room can be fin Inxhed; 40xl0u lot. st. Improvements paid. eav teims. $500 cah. CLE V ELAN D- HEN 1F It SON CO., 212 Railway Kxchang BUIg. Main 675? RESIDENCE DISTRH'T EAST SUGC Thoroughly modern. T rooms, de. h wv flors. fireplaci. furnace, screens for every door and window, fruit room, paved street, fruit and khruhbery. fti.MMi, some terms; no agents. Phone -Kat 6'o7. FOR SALE 5-room residence in Sellwood, $2000. 8-room modern bouse, corner prop erty. Irvlngton. $7500 Campbell-Plicluu Land A Cattle Co., 303 Cmioh hldg. . KXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. BEAUTIKUL PIEDMONT HOME. LARGE ROOMS. TWO SWELL FIREPLACES. B oT WATER H EAT. BhixHHI AND ONLY $sih0: GOOU TERMS. F. DUBOIS, l?o3 SPALDING RLDG. 6-ROOM BCNGAUlW. A snap. $3o0. $5ou down. Sleeping porch, garage, chicken pens, full base xnenL A.-k Mr. Keiioicg A. J. DeFuREST A CO., S20 Henrv .Bblg. Main W CALIFORNIA bungalow. 5 rooms, larze attic, built-ins. fireplace, furnace, double " constructed; full siaed basement with trays; close In. 731 K Mam. near 20th and Haw thorne. $4500, terms. East ";u, owner. IRVINGTON $7500 buys beautiful home, j n rooms. rei-i-jMum porch, larg rooms, all modern conven tenees. perfect condition; exceptionally well built; so garage. I. E. Bellinger. Tabor 6441 KST 30TH STREET $3150 Corner lot, fioxlld with 6-room one story house In fine district ; an ex ceptionally good buy. HENRY W. GODPARD, 243 St. irk St. SPECIAL Coxy bungalow, sleeping pnn h, paving paid. Immediate sale. $2500; cash $540. balance $2 month!. Includes 6 per cent interest ; rented $2-"S. Owner, evenings, Tsbor 705rV TRADE US YOUR EQUITY. 8 ACRES. 2 MILES MULTNOMAH STA. Cash value $14oO; free and clear. Sub mit what you hiive; prefer house equity SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Ex-h. NEW 6-room bungalow and three, lots. Al berta district; cement basement, trays, fireplace, arage, $4500, terms; no agents Brt 7708. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, .tile bath, French doors, full Int. gsrage corner, $5750. East 419, MeDon-M FIRST-GLASS 5-PASS. FORD WILL TAKE HOUSE EQUITY". SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Block Each. DO TOU want a heme reair row to move into? If so. ra'l at Stark, or phone Main 3052 We will come and gt you and lk at som good lus. We have them. ix rooms. fu:i basement, good plumbing, laun dry trays, splendid lot. sotna rood fruit trees, vloae to car. 50x109 lot. Another gooil one ; T rooms, large lot, 7oxl40: 20 fruit trt-ep This la a good on, almost rood era, cheap al 4MKt. One more empty and reartr te mn e Into; fine six - room ia e corner lot and note to car; uat one la $.;25v, $70 cah. Calf for Yigars. KEAPKY KENNEDY. 270 Stark St. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BUYS TU Mi M.oW. H roonm. imthora Add ; ai tic. basement, furnaee 1 $4.''. II I'NG A LOW. a rooms. It I . bed- rooms below and alne. I.VJ50. HI Mi alow, rt rooms. R. C. P : "T fine, g.u i(e, attic. Pttsement, f urna e. sleeping porch. $ill tw. BUNGALOW. 6 r.ioim. HollKlay Add , can't Its In-ut; $7.'ii'0 rash TWo nTKY t rooms, Holladay Add, Citi-e In. ooou. ... , Splendid U-rnom home, Irv ton. ftno Spundid 7-rooni home, Ladd s Add, pre - a r p rice $i . 50. Splendid 7-room borne. Irvlngton, M hi'Lr.NDID 7-room home lrvingii., $S'.oo. . Thee are all fine, beet location, hard wood UOUlM. Lint 271. HER DM AN. LAURELHURST BARGAIN Strb-ilv niod'Mii 5-rooin bungalow, fnM baeineiii, paed street, etc Price $47m. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Modern 3-room bungalow, gaiage, mil tjieimin, plpeies futtme, firt-piace, gaa rWuge. etc. Price $3mmi. term a. NEAR TABHt KISTIlK T. Btrlctlv modern fl-rooin bungalow, fur nace, full bsKotiirnt. lirepiece, double constructed throughout- Pi ice wniy IJuiA. UniNEAR WIM-AMETTE BLVD. B-room cottage, J Mocks from r, MM lot, J'i l"Ot I4uu cash. bum Mr. CvrUin. ISTERSTATK IX VIJSTM rTfT ", 4lo Henry Bldg Main 174.1. R iSE CITY PA R K CA R. MODERN HUM; ALOW, ItHlilOO. I4.-.O0. TERMS I am forcd to this propertT at mice and will give very reasonable term to good pariv. This a- 1-uilt for in own homo and the material and work-piaiir-lnp will speak loi t henm-! vm. You will appreciate the Irult and berries The bolide Is modern in every wax. hardwood floor, fireplace, bookcase, buffet. Dot- h k lichen, lull cement basement, ab tiftvR, etc. Located 4 lot. a Mocks north ff Sandy. Soil r.a-l ttltd pi North ANKXOKI'TIi i.N A L hargsin nn account ef ok tier leaving ell y . 7 -loom house, A t ptiimhlng R'ld fuinac. loo 100 lot, 14 bi'Mring fruit Iters, r a plter r tes. IITIK beiilti. flowers hruMiei v, h. I fii un and houte. ;-.40fl, would like $.V0 rash. an ninkrt ai 1 Hnitf metit f,r eorr term If den 1 led.. A M-ry homey p,ce. lul houid investigate at oln e as II will o 1.1 quck: . Can gixe possession by March 21 .lojiN'sox popsnv co., 632. 6::;. tu. h: n w. Ifenk TVdr Main 377. ROSK CITY. Hfx ronmn and lcpiiig porch, moden except hardwood floors, etnent ha nn ril, furnac-, paraae. S blo k I10111 Rose City car. 1 4 ."o, eai) terms. ALIiL'LTA. Skldmore street, luf -mom bungalnw, fireplnce. ha, ment, furnace, trvt pavttj ami sewer in, ail paid, tmail lot, but hour a!on w or ' h ttir than prte a-'-ked; I:jiimi, eav term, 1 "Ith l A. JACOHS CO., KM Kill It St. Main fttO II A WTHORNK 5-RO( M lil'N'i ALi W. $1.0 Sp4emlld 5 -room buiiKHlow, with targ HUH', liiceU at ranitctl. fireplace, bullet. I mtch kitchen, rein cut ha-rmeiit, w ati ttas, etc. locati d H"A LnM Harr it on St , near 40th st. Let us M10W )uu. A. G. TKEPK CO., 204 Stri-k St , n-r Tliitd Main 0V3 Hi am b of 1 lc, 50 1 h and handy, open Sunday. $Itk SNAP $ I lit 10. Sew 5-room cot tare : bath, gat ax Oilli plr te!y rurnished with lie W, r l-n?i f'liul.ure; 2 larue lots, 2 It. In. fnosi Mt. Scon car lntn. tti fare ciiv Htniis. halt ok. fiotn pnxed st. I'attbulai o.Miel. I-H 1 t . near AUler. -It 01 ' M LA KG E IIOfSK. 7 at S d, furt. acr. wnoli trmy. hnlh. tollri. fu'l ban merit, h-arlng fruit II een. 1 h Irk en bouse for 7oo hens. harn. Pixl;,o lot. S blocks of csr. 2 blocks of "2d st ; price f -i:tMi. $7oo rauli and $2o per rior,;h inisn thi flu. plncr. Srr Drew, with Coy I HKOS, 213 OAK ST. A I 5 room lIclltH Hlld pat k . hard -1! UNLSII i:i HOUSE lii ho-a with lHlh, elef trie rsn. In sellwood. close l fiiria'e ail In; aaraae. fmil rxerylhing goes lor $2.. no. it nd J lo ri w . i ft.iiHi aill lianl,e .1 1 M K ::is chnniiM nowAnn. of 1 "tun tuere MUST UK SO. i AT ONCK Residence .it Itios tl"ii;li street, Wll lumetie Height. p:irlllly dcFtrnM hv fire; owned hv an relate. l,o..k It over and submit me an offer. Mrs. I L. ormby. Portland Hotel $ JfiMl Nice 6 room hoi;.e. In Brooklyn ! tnct, giiraice, rloe In, corner lot, good term" K ou aro looking for a reaMn Sllv pr iced boiu", xnu t atl I beat this one. Spencer. 263 Oak sU AV ATTIt 'T E 5-room huiik'slow ort a I at si, near Hoi km , in the -ry beu. of condition . ni'-e bath. PrO e only $5000. $850 will hmdlc. Ji-HN K. HOWAIID. 31t '"hamber f ConunriTS FOR HALE t'V ownei, small, modern bun galow, perfect londlilon, valuable corner lot ; fruit : two blochs I" car. paved street; highly desirable property. Mt. Ta bor. Will cacriti' e for cash. JH1 5 EhhI M orrlnun M in 4-'7' j-ROi iM cotlase. ne.tl a a pin, lot 50l.' , street pave't all 1 m provemen I In und paid; 2-'i nnnutes ti bulnen rent-. pi.ee $100, $7oi cash. biiUnee $lo imt irmnth See Mr. Ltwla. com Jllto, i:o:i 0,1k street. I R V I NGT N IUIIOM V. Substant la! 6-room renidcnr. end ra nge, f l Me torn t ton ; 401 201 h. near Thompon. $r,iMo terms Dona.d Mac leod ot 2 cpaldlng bldg. BAN KS prefer title immrsm e instead of m to"r:ict Title snd Trup rompsny. Hu bur be a Honiee. M 1ST dtso of my Msptewood atntton niibnra n home. ond 4 - room it lag Willi water, gna and ebcirie Mglit. acre of ground: chirk en -hou : lora'ed on auinnwbUe road. Want $(ooo down, hiilanee :io per month, Inciutling hitr eL Immediate re',"lon. See my ttp reentwttve nt 24 Henry bldg. Fl S K "coi ' NTH Y ifoMK. 6 -Itoo.M Hoi 'ME, .V A' UKS, 4 choice hearing Irult trees, bt pMf eiiltt ai ed. r hick en pen : prue f 4shi. $5'.tK down, balance 6 per cent, i years' time. Afk Mi. keiloug. A. .1. D-FORLM A CO,' S?n !.-nrr Bidg Main 5WW 1LKAI. rountry home in rlty. on rer line, east f Reed college; 2 acre, beautiful' wood'-d; all klnils Pull, g-ronm medera house, f Ireplsrea, bard wootl f lonra, not Wa1T heat, $5.fMMI. IH acrep, rlofn In on Base Line rod and car hue, mostlv cultivated, $r'm, rny tertns. Rofl ptecew, Sellwood 7'H BKAUTIFUI1 1-RACRK Knoll with besutlful tre in verr d plrable district. Overlooks Willamette on wet side near new Par if ic bis hw a : half hfiur from pos'offlte; Ideal hulldirg site for small country home; owner lead ing for orient. Cell Marshall 56 1 H 2 W ACR Kf -ONLY $250. $30 down and $5 per month: located In the beautiful TusinMn valley. (. tble to eleirle line; partlv fepe-d . fine f.ir chh kens or loganberries. ft0 Cti ,-ord bldg. 2d and Stark. 5-ROOM bunga'ow, weal aide suburban. 6 rommU'atiop f.ire. rlosw to station; $JOS d w n and $2o per month. Stone w s Iks a. nd curb In front of t b houe Hutewulk all Die w v to a a (ton. He ATCHISON, 5o4 Menry hldg. NEARLY 4 a re a nd hunjra - a' I'm t g nd bungs It nee. 1 b'nek Columbia river high a v. taa. elertririty and My water, 5 heat -Ing' fruit fees, birrlf-g, Cbrken ho'iees. fine view. Price $2N0fl, terma. Call 5v4 O nk at reet IT.-tti-lnSK K tbis 10-acre home near Cl--ainsp. good house and barn: all In ru tt vatton; near paved highway; ran Bow be bought for $4 730: terms. CoRH BROS.. 2rt Oak gt. BEAUTIFUL suburban home on Ornn 'tty carline, modern A-room hJe, pr vats water system, fruit trees and flow, era of a l kinds Camphi.phien labd A Cattle Co., 3Q3 Couch bldg. CHOICE asUHUHBAN HOMR and screnre, welt lornted. near rr line, from $iso0 up. Inquire 3d house aorih of Rla'ey station, on Oregon City car Una, sign "Alder Brook." CHOICE ten errea. Just outalde ety llmta. flue bouae, barn and chh ken house, fruit, brrlea and grapes. WHI sell with equip ment If ricpirrd. Trbor J026. Z ACREW. 6 blocks from Oregon fUf ear. near school. 2 hmipea, and T rma ; modern plumbing, own water system. Mar. 629. ,