16 THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX, . TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1920 "..v : SMITH TO H FOR CONGRESS AFTER ALL Labor Paper Editor Decides to Change Mind. '.y FORMER PLATFORM STANDS Jew Deal Wantod, More Favorable lo Constructive Action in Po litical and Social Life. Eugene E. Smith, one of the propri etors and editor of "Labor Opinion," a local publication which aims to con tain a symposium of labor opinion throughout the country, and a mem ber of the state lecislature from this county, has definitely entered the con gressional race, according to his state ment last nicht. Mr. Smith a short time airo announced his Intention of runninpr for the republican nomina tion for congress from the third dis trict against C. -". McArthur, incum bent, and others, but about ten days afterward decided to withdraw. Now he has changed his mind strain. Un usual Interest is attracted by his re entrance, in view of recent rumors that Otto Ilartwijr. president of the state federation, will be groomed as labor's candidate. The following statement recardins his candidacy was made last night by ilr. Smith: 'Because it appears that no effec tive campaign is to be made for the election of a congressman from this district who will inject into the po litical and social thought of the na tion the views that I hold on busi ness, industrial and allied issues and questions, and because, further, of the disappointment expressed by scores of republican voters of all walks, who want a new deal In congress more favorable to constructive action, over my withdrawing as a candidate for congress in the republican pri maries, I have determined to recon sider my withdrawal. ''My former statement made on first announcing my candidacy stands. Jly campaign will be clean and as vigorous to the voters as I can make It, and I expect to win. When 1 do, I expect also to put the third congres nional district of Oregon on the po litical map of the United States. The war-made millionaires, peace-time profiteers and thoe who believe, or profess to believe, that we as a peo ple cannot do simple justice to our re turned soldiers, sailors and marines without going into national bank ruptcy will receive the attention and handling they deserve." Obituary. - M. D. Jameson, aged 35. died at the family home, 1217 Kast Seventeenth street. Sunday night, from pneumonia following influenza. Mr. Jameson, who was engaged in the timber and manufacturing business, had lived in Portland for 20 years. lie was an executive in several timber and log ging companies of this city. The deceased is survived by his widow and six children. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the Kenworthy chapel in Sellwood and burial will be in the Hose City Park cemetery. VAXCOCVKIt, Wash.. March 15. (Special.) The funeral of Edward L. lieorge, 66 years old. formerly a resi dent of Portland and father-in-law of Frank M. Troeh, the national champion shot, will be held at 2 o'clock at the Portland crematorium, Rev. Boudinot Seeley. officiating. Mr. George died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank M. Troeh, at 2414 C street Saturday. Mr. lieorge was a native of Rock ford, 111., and is survived by the widow, Mrs. Eunice lieorge; a son, Herbert lieorge of Portland, and a daughter, Mrs. Troeh. He had lived here for the past two years. Funeral services for Mrs. Louise Zimmerman, widow of the late Louis Zimmerman, will be held this morn ing at 9 o'clock at the St. Lawrence Catholic church. Third and Sherman ctreets. Mrs. Zimmerman died Sun--day morning at the family residence, 1070 Kelly street. She was 69 years of age. Louis Zimmerman was once a member of the Portland city coun cil. HOQCTAM. Wash.. March 15. (Spe cial.) Two days after the death of his ased mother, Peter Nelson, pio neer, was called by death here Fri day night. He was 50 years of age and had lived in this city for 25 years. The stricken home also has a son who is not expected to live. In fluenza entered the home three weeks ago. Mrs. Carrie Nelson, one of the oldest women of the harbor cities, died at the age of HO. As her son. Peter, was dying, her body was held for a double funeral. The Nelsons are deeply respected folk and have long been identified with the local lumber industry. Mrs. Ilattie Pendleton, widow, of the late Captain Napoleon B. Pendle ton, died at her residence, 641 Fast Twelfth street, March 5, after an ill ness of several weeks. Mrs. Pendleton was born in Isleboro, Me., in 1839, and came to Portland in 1879. She was an enthusiastic rose grower and "Was particularly noted for the per sonal care which she took of her gar den. She i9 survived by two sisters Mrs. Sara Pendleton and Mrs. M. B. Borworth and a niece, Mrs. Mark Wolf. News has reached Portland of the death of Mrs. Catherine Cachet, the 'widow of Dr. M. A. Cachet of San Francisco. Mrs. Cachet's demise oc curred on March 12 and was due to "apoplexy. She was a native of Dub- . lin. Ireland, and was 69 years old. She was the mother of Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen of Portland, and the sister of Mrs. D. G. Davis and Mrs. John Mc- '-Henry of San Francisco, and of James Reynolds of Boston. Mass. Mrs. . Therkelsen is in San Francisco and was with her mother when she died. '. William Chauncey Cable, who died here February 29 at his home, 1077 -Division street, was a son of C. H. ' Cable, a pioneer merchant of Browns ville, Or. For a number of years he . vras in the drug business at Thirty- - seventh and Division streets, and was an active member of the local Elks. He is survived by his wife. Nellie Cable, and three brothers. Dr. E. E., ' George A. and L. E. Cable, of Port Viand. MOUNT AXGKL. Or.. March 15. , (Special.) The community was sad . dened during the past week by the ' news of the death of two youna- wom- - en. both mothers of families. Mrs. Victoria Atchlmayr. age 31. died Wed nesday and was buried Saturday at 8 A. M. She is survived by her hus- '. band. John A. Alchlmayr and six ' amall children all of whom are Just -'recovering from the influenza which affliction caused the death of the wife and mother. Mrs. Catherine 1 FEEL LIKE A' Fourteen Years of Suffering Ended by Tanlac Wants Others to Know. "I am at last free from a case of rheumatism that had troubled me for the past 14 years and I am just so happy that I feel like a young girl again," was the remarkable state ment made recently by Mrs. Edward Seybold, 649 Gladys avenue, Los An geles, while telling of her wonderful recovery since taking Tanlac. "It was about 14 yea's ago that I had a bad attack of rheumatism which kept me in bed for several weeks and I have been suffering with it ever since. During the past four years I was worse off than ever and every day I was in almost constant suffering. The pains were so bad in my left side and hips that I had to lie on my back or right side at night. My arms hurt so bad I could hardly move them and at times I was in such agony I could not keep from screaming out My fingers were stiff and I had to rub and slap them together to get the circulation to go ing so I could use them. My feet were so swollen that for weeks at a time I could wear no shoes and at night when I went to bed It seemed that my whole body was racked in pain and often I just broke down and cried for hours. During the day I would give out and go to bed but would have to get .up again. My nerves were shattered and I lost so much sleep, weight and strength that 1 was almost helpless. "My husband had bee:, taking Tan lac for a general rundown condition and it had helped him so much that I began taking it, mainly to get back a little strength, for I did not think it would touch my rheumatism after everything else had failed. Well, when I had finished my second bottle of Tanlac I received the happiest sur prise of my whole life the pains really began to let up and I was sleep ing better and feeling better in every way. I took five bottles in -all and today I hardly know myself. Why! the rheumatism has left me entirely, I haven't an ache or pain of any kind and my nerves are so steady I am sleeping soundly all night long. My circulatiot. is just fine and I have gained 15 pounds in weight and my housework Is a real pleasure now. I am in better health than I have been for 14 years and I am just so happy I will never get through prais ing Tanlac as long as I live:" Tanlac is sold in Portland by the Owl Drue Co. Adv. Hauth died very suddenly early Fri day morning and was buried from the church here at 3 P. M. Sunday. She was 3S years of age and is sur vived by her husband, Anton Hauth and four children. SALEM. Or., March 15. (Special.) Mrs. Sirena White, who was stricken with illness on the day following the celebration of her golden wedding an niversary two weeks ago, died here today. She was 69 years of age. Be sides her husband, five children sur vive. 1737 Realtors Ask Iirenscs. SALEM, Or., Mrch 15. (Special.) A total of 1737 applications for real estate licenses for the year 1920 has been received at the offices of the state insurance department. Last year licenses numbered 1530. Taking out of real estate licenses by dealers is maiie necessary under a law passed at the 1919 session of the state legis lature. More than half of the real estate dears thus far making appli cation for licenses are residents of Portland. Smallpox Epidemic Feared. BAKER, Or., March 15. (Special.) Fear of a smallpox epidemic has gripped Baker people since the an nouncement by Dr. J. W. Buff, city health officer, that five new cases of the dreaded disease were discovered within the last few days TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. I AM leaving ohy and must fell my Velie llili' li at a sacrifice: lias been my private car and is in perfect mechanical condi tion: has only run 70U0 miles in its life and on pavement only: looks fine: has 6 nearly new tires, double tire carrier, equipped with vacuum pas feed, starting and lighting outfit: the creat red seal Continental motor, has spotliKht. wind shield cleaner, niotormeter and every thing to drive away with. Terms if de sired. Call owner. Wuodlawn 2H3.S for demonstration. AMISE.MEJ.T9. LYRIC Ml'SICAL STOCK Mat. Daily at 2, Niirhts at 7 and 9. Kir Double Kill Tula week. The llilariou Musical Comedy, FAMILY AFFAIRS, and (II A R J. IK CHAPLIN In Him Latest Film Scream, A DAY OF 1M.KASIKK. LEARN TO DANCE RI.VGLF.R'S DANCING ACADEMY MOM'ROSK RINGLFR, Director .MnnaKer. PORTLAND'S LF.ADl.NG AND MOST PROGRI'.SSI VE SCHOOL. Walts. Step. Fox Trot or Schottlsche Guaranteed for 95 or Money lief un.lp.1 TWO SCHOOLS BROADWAY HALL Rroadnsy at Main. Prof. H. G. Walton of Caatle School and corps of instructors. Private lessons daily, 1 to 9 P. M. Class Monday evening. S to 11. Phone 51.1-30 COTILLION SCHOOL J4th at Wank. Prof, and Mrs. I. Pat trrnou Downey, Inntrnct om. Private lessons daily, 11 to 8. Classes Tues.. Thurs., Frl. Phone Bdwy. 33S0. SPEC'IAT. ATTKNTION t.lYKX TO 111 S1XK.SS MKN AND WOMKV. Our orp of Instructor Are .Memtxrs of the itaDcinj? .tiairn .mNocianon. yOK AN EKMN OK I'l.K.ASl RR Attend one of our wonderful halls best In the west. Dancing Informais every week nijrht. Public invited. New Broad way Hall, featuring Fleming's ten-niece Orchestra De 1-uxe. Hear tbem play "Dar- fimipl a.. Willi FRXODnone solo. I'rizA waltz every Thursday evening. Cotillion Hal), ball-bearing spring floor, with But- frueld famous singing cornet. st and Co tillion Orchestra. Prize waltz every Tues day evening. Admission, Including tax, either hall t except Saturday) Men, 6Sc; ladies. 30c. Ladies' checking free. DANCING Gl'ARAXTEKD in eight lessons ladies $2.50. gentlemen $5 at De Honey's Beautiful Academy. Twenty third and Washington. lw Inaarx for Brslnnrra start Monday and Fri day evenings. Advanced classes Tuesday evening. 8 to ll :3V. Plenty of de sirable partners and practice. No embarrassment. Pri vate lessons at all hours. Learn front nrnfeasinnal dancers in a. real school. Phone Main 7656. 1 1 AMUSEMENTS. ' TNI OIST IN VAUOIVILLI 3 XiRhtn Sunday, ISo to $1.25; Monday, Tuesday. 15c to $1. 4 Mats. Sun.. Hon.. Tufs.. Wed.. 15c to $1. SARAH I MISS ' PA1IIIKN I BILI.IK SHAW CO. J & CO. Byrnes Gehan : Avry O'Neil PHIL BARER Libby 6s Nelson KinoErams (Exclusive) Topics of the Day BOSTOCK'S BIDING SCHOOL This Show Clones with the Matinee Wednesday, March 17 Tonlcht All Week. Mats Wed., Sat. ALCA ZAR In the Hilarious Musical Comedy. "Girls Will Be Girls" With Mabel Wllber 40 I'layers. Next 'The Quaker tiirl." BAKER STOCK COMPANY Tonlcht, All Week. Mat. Wed., Sat. Most (jurffeoua Scenic Production in. Stock THE TRAIL OF THE.LOJTESOUE PINE The Wonder Play of Them AIL xt Week "REMNANT." BKGINS TOMORROW EVE, Tickets Now Selling. HEIUGBI.r at Taylor MAIN 1 TOMORROW THUR.. FRL, ST. SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. GALLO ENGLISH COMIC) OPERA CO. SENSATIONAL JAPANESE PRIMA DONNA HANA SHiMOZUMI POPILAR OPERATIC COMEDIAN JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS EXC ELLENT I CAST I SPLENDID 1 CHOKIS OPERATIC ORCHESTRA DIRECTION MAX I1ENUIX Pit EVE'S, "THE MIKADO" THUR,, "CHIMES OF NORMANDY SAT, MAT., H. M. S. PINAFORE" SAT. EVE., "THE GONDOLIERS" Et K'S Floor. J2.50. 3 rows $2; Balcony, 5 rows $2, 4 at $1.50. 13 at ?1; Gallery, 7 rows reserved at 75 c. SPECIAL PRICE SAT. MAT. Floor. J2; Balcony, o at 11.50. 13 at Jl; Gallery, 7 reserved at 75c. IGHKATKST HIT LAST SKA-I SO.VS Slt'CKSSKS I I'ORT- , AMI. CITY MAIL REC'D NOW ORDERS TJIJTT TiBrodwr t Tsj-lor IIUlljlVJ Phone Main I. XKXT WEEK THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY' NIGHTS, MARCH 25, 26, 27 SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. MESSRS. SCHUBERT PRESENT A FASCINATING PLAY WITH MUSIC NEW YORK PACT BOSTON OHO I MOST BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTION EVER STAGED HOW TO SECVHE TICKETS HY MAIL. Address letters, make checks and postoffice money orders payable to W. T. Panirle. Mgr. H e i 1 i p Theater. ADD lO'o WAR TAX TO PRICE TICKET. Include self addressed stamped envelope. EYE'S Floor. $2; Balcony, first five rows $2, four at fl.50, thir. teen at $1: Gallery, first seven rows reserved 75c, admission 50c. SPECIAL PRICE SAT. MAT. Floor, $1.50; .Balcony, five rows $1.50, seventeen at l; Gallery, seven rows reserved 75c, admis sion 50c. '-! REMEMBER CITY MAIL -ORDERS NOW m m E GRAND j MASQUERADE : ON ROLLERS AT i OAKS RINK Wednesday Night I March 17th Prizes Awarded For Costumes ! Learn to Skate Now MAYTME AMl'SE.MEXTS. P A NT AGE S MAT. DAILY S:S8 Ted Shawn Preent THE DKMSIIAWN DANCERS, in "Jl I.NAR OK THE SKA." Yaadeville'a Mont (iorreor Production Bafeed on an Epinndr From 'The Arabian Niirhts." SIX OTHER HIO ACTS. Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and . TODAY. TONICIHT FHOTOI'LAV. VAl DEVILLE Caesar Kivnli, "THE MAX WITH THE THOUSAND KOI.ES." Georare L. Graven A Co.. "THE WOMAN" WITH THE THOUSAND SECRETS." "THE OPEN DOOR." John P. Wade and Anna Lehr. HELVEY AND BK1I.L. 'Two Peppery Peppers": FISHER AXI) KVARTS. Cari cature and Impersonations; EL.MORB AND GRAY. "Two Girls That "Are Different": WHITE BROTHERS, "The Tip-Top Boys." ADMISSION, war tax included, 17c mat inees. 2.V evenings. Jrine eArts School MOTION PICTCRE ( Acting and Mike-Is. In the past week this school has furnished talent for a local pic ture company. Now Is the time to qualify for positions that will be open from now on with companies now here and those coming to Portland. Barney Forey, D'lreetor. Lester B. Phillips, Mgr. For Appointment, Phone Broadway 1677. 312 Berk Bide Broadway at Oak. CIRCLE FOURTH AT. WASHINGTON Bryant Washburn in "It Pays to Advertise Also 15 ri Kits Comedy, "IWnre the Circus," and a Scenic Keel. Open from 0 o'clock in the morning until 4 o clock or tne loiiowing morning. GLOBE WASHINGTON AT 11TH ST Dorothy Dalton in "The Market of Souls" COMKIJV &KWS Al'CTION SALES TODAY. At the Csker Auction House. Tamhlll and West Park streets- Sal at 10 A. la. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON COM JIANDERY NO. 13, K. T. A special conclave will be held Tuesday evening. Mar. IB. at 7:30 P. M.. Washing ton Masonic hall. Kast Eighth and Burn- side sts. Order or the Temi.le will be con ferred. All sojourning Sir Knights art cordially Invited. G. P. EISJ1AN, Recorder. A. AND A. S. RITE. AIN55 WORTH CHAPTER OF KOSB CROIX. SO. 1 ReBU lar meetinff in Auditorium Scottish Rile Cathedral, this eveninff at 8 o clock, followed bv work In 7th decree. Bro. Emel Wicklund. 3d degree presiding. By order WISE MASTER. GUL REAZEE GROTTO will cive a hard times dance in C'liristenson's hall, 1 1th and Yamhill. Friday even inc. March 19. at 1 o'clock. Masons and their friends cordially invited. SUNN YSIDK LODGE. NO. 1;;, A. F AND A. M. Spe cial communiration thin tTnes dav), 7:.';o P. M. Temple It'.Uh and Hawthorne. Work in F. C. dpffree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. . JAMES S. GAY JR., Sec. PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication today T u fsd a y . March 1 1. 7. F. C. riepree. Visiting brothers wel come. Arleta Mta., Ml. Scott. W. S. TOWNSEND, Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Tues day) at ."i:0 P. M. Work in 1 he M. M. drpree. Visiting brethren 'welcome. C. E. MILLER, Sec.. IMPERIAL LODGE NO. ir9. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) iifternoon and eveninp. Manji 1 1, at 5 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. A. 4. JACKSON, Sec. SELLWOOD LODGR. NO. 131, A. P. AND A. M. Spe cial meeting this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work V. C. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BIJTLKR. Secretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 07, O. E. S. Stated communi cation this (Tuesday) evening, March Hi. S o'clock. W. O. W". hall. 334 Rusell street. De grees. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. BERTH A WILSON. Sc. IVANHOE LODGE, NO. 1. KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS, meets Tuesday, 8 P. M. Pythian bldg.. West Park and Yamhill streets. Knight rank. All Pytliians welcome. A. V. R"HNDORFF. C. C. OREIJON - ELECTRIC COUNCIL ROYAL ARCA NUM will meet this (Tues day evening at S o'clock at Masonic Temple. All mem bers invited. O. O. HALL. Secretary. 653 East Tenth st. IVANHOE HOMESTEAD NO. R03S, BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEO MEN, will hold jts regular business meet ing March 17 in Women of Woodcraft hall, Tenrh and Taylor, at which time the full initiatory work will be put on. A big Furprisa will be given. All members are requested to be present. REPORTER. DANCERS, ATTENTION. The Swastika club Invites ou to a St. Patrick's dance Wednesday, March 17, in K. of P. hall. 40! Alder et. Fine floor, good music. Ladies, 33c; Kent?. 50c, in cluding war tax and checking. Bring your friends and have a good time. BIO benefit ball will be Riven by all the councils of the Security Benefit association at the W. O. W. hall. 118 11th st., March IS, the proceeds to go to a sister who'has been badly burned. Everybody welcome Union music. EMBLEM Jewelry. rittons, charms, pin new designs. Jaeeer Bros.. 131-8 6th au FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblam class pins and medala 810 Washington mt. DIKI. HATXET In this city, March IS, 1020, Walter H. Hainey, aite 48 years, be loved husband of I.ula Hainey. of 6;I5 B. 7tli st. N. Kenain? at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Kotice of funeral later. Bt'RCH On train en route from Knappa, Or., March 8. Arthur M. Burrh. age years, remains will be forwarded to San Francisco. Cal., by Dunning & McKntee, where services and interment will be held. VH"TESIDE Tn this city, March 14, 11120. J. M. Whiteside, ace 42 years. Re mains at Holman's funeral .parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later. STjAVENS In this city, March 15, 1020. William F. Slavens Remains at Hol man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later. WOtF!TErN At the residence. 17.t Vista ave., March 15, 1020, William Wolfstein, age 72 years. Notice of funeral later. FOfERAI. CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO UVEKI. Marshall 114. St FUNERAL NOTICES. SHKPARD At the resident of tier Fis ter. Mrs, A. E. KHnk, 9!'- E. J 7th mt. March 13, Mildred L. Shepnrd. ape 28 .years .T months 7 dayj. wife of V". I. Shepard of this city, daughter of Alfred Davles of Beaverton, Or.; ei?ter of Mrs. A. E. Klink of this city; Mrs. M". S. Phillips of Aurora, Or. ; Mrn. Robert Hockens, Mlsa Merlo Davies and George Davies of Beaverton. Or. ; William and Mary Davies of Banks. Or. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, March 1V at 10 A. M., from the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., at 414 E. A Ider st. Friends invited. Interment Crescent Grove cemetery. SMITH In this city March 12. Don B Smith, aged 83 years, husband of Mrs. Gertrude Smith of this city, father of J. C. Smith of Superior, Iowa; Arthur Smith of Almyria, Ark.; Fred Smith of superior, la.; Airs. Mabel Wiley ol su perior, la. ; Mrs. Nellie Peters of Ash land. Or. Funeral services will be held from the Mann home, 33d and Sandy blvd., at 2:30 P. M. Tuesday. March HI. Friends invited. Interment Rose Citv cemetery. In charce of F. S. Dunning. SANTELLI In this city, at his late resl dence. 421 E. 4Sth at., March 14th. r rank Santelli, aged 62 years, husband of Agnes Santellf. father of Peter and John tantelll. Mrs. Mary LIscia, Mrs. Jessie Collins, Mrs. AneMine Hannon and Mrs. Annette Mills of this city. Fu neral rerviees will be held this (Tues day) morning at 0 o'clock at St. Stephen s church, 12.t4 E. Taylor at Friends invited. Interment at Multno man Park cemetery. J. P. Finley & Son, a i rectors. SMITH In this citv March 12. Don B. Smith, aged 83 years, husband of Mrn Gertrude Smith of this city, lather of .1. C Smith of Superior, Iowa: Arthur Smith of Almyria, Ark.; Fred Smith of Superior, la.; Mrs Mabel Wiley of Su perior, la.; Mrs. Nelli Peters of Ash land, ur. funeral services will be held from the Mann home, ."3d and Sandy blvd., at 2:30 P. M. todav (Tue.da) March 1 6. Frlonds Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. In charge of F. S. uunnmg. McGILI, In this citv. March 13 Corn B. McGill. aged 43 years, beloved wife of Vernon J., mother of Mabel C. Ruby A. anu vernon J. McG 11 : s ster of Mrs. Ida Smith of Tillamook. Or.; Oro Dixon of Benton Harbor, Mich., and Robert Dixon of Denver. Colo. Funeral serv ices will be held nt the Dunning & Mc Kntee chapel, Broadway and Ankeny street. Tuesday. March 1. at 1 :3n P. M. J-'riends invited to attend. Interment Rose City cemetery. JAMESON At 1217 East 17th St., March a, .vines unijRias- Jameson, aced .1 years. 8 months and 12 days. . Funeral services will be held today (Tuesdav , March Hi, at, 2 o'clock P. M. from the residence funeral parlors of HValter C. Kenworthy, 1532 and 1534 East 13th ft.. Sellwood. Friends Invited. Inter ment Rose City cehietery. BOLLA In this city, March 13. Rev. Eu gene Bolla, aged 54 years. Requiem mass will be offered at the cathedral, 15th and Davis sis.. Tuesday, March 16, t 9 A. M. Friends invited to attend. Remains are at McEntee & P'Uers par lors. Kith and Everett sts. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. FENTON In this city, March l. B. Fen ton, aged 50 years, husband of Line tie W. Fenton, brother of R. W. Fenton. Frank Fenton and Mrs. Maggie Wing of Goldendale, Wash. The remains will be forwa rded Wednesday, March 17, by J. P. Finley & Son, to Goldendale, Wash., where services will be held and inter ment made. FI'NK March II, at 1289 Rodney ave., Frank W. Funk, age 52 years. The be loved husband of Mrs. Sophia Funk and lather or Mrs. W. C. Montgomery. Fu neral services will be held from A. R. Zeiler Co. parlors today (Tuesday), March 16, at 7:30 A. M. FriendB invited. Interment Rose City eemctery. MORRISON In this city. March 15. 1920, Geneva L. Morrison, age Mtt years, be loved wife of Robert F. Morrison. Friends Invited to attend the funeral ser.-ices. 2:30 P. M. tomorrow (Wednes day),. Marvh 17, 1!2, at Holman's fu neral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Interment Milwaukee cemetery. HOWARD In this city, March 15. Helen K. Howard, aged ti. years, mother of (ieorge H. Howard and Charles J. How ard of this city. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) at 1 o'clock P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Detroit, Mich. Please omit flowers. HOLBROOK In this city. March 14. Willie L. HolDrook. aged 36 years, hus band of Marguerite Hnl brook, formerlv of Seaside. Or. Funeral services wlil be held today (Tuesday) at 2 o'clock P. M. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. ZIMMERMAN At the residence. 1070 iveily St., March 14, 1920. Louise Ztm mer nan. aged 69 years, wife of the late Louis Zfmmermun. Friends invited to attcna the funeral services at 9 A. M. today (Tuesday). March 16, 1920, at the ou juawrence cnurch. Third and Sher man sts. POWEL In this city, March 15. Henry B. Powel. age 5 years, at his late resi dence. 3:;s E- :ith st. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday. March Hi, at 3 P. M. from the Portland cremato rium. Friends Invited. Remains care of Krlcson fndertaking Co. STJMP March 12. Esel Mamie Stump. ae J4 years, burvlved by her husband, father, three brothers and five siHtPrs. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. March 16, at 2 P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Multno mah Park cemetery. WKIjTV Funeral seiwices of the late Jacob R. Welty will be held today (Tues dayi at 2 o'clock P. M., at the farnilv residence, 750 Hancock street. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview ceme tery. J. P. Finley & Son. directors. NEWBERY In this city. March 13. Millie Newbery, aged 6 years, late of Ocosta, Wash. The remains will be forwarded today (Tuesday), by J. p. Finley & Son. to Pomona. Cal., where services will be held and interment made. SERVI3 In this city. March 14. 1920, Max ti. tetvis, age 1'4 years. Remains for warded by Edward Holman & Son, Third and Salmon sts., to Snohomish, Wash., where services will be held and interment made. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORSES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 289. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. SMITH'S FLOWER SHOP Portland's progressive florist. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 1 nth, opp. Meier & Frank's. Main LUBLINER TWO Stores. We strive to please. 82S Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 7;3. 348 Morrison, bet Bdwy. & ParK. Mar. u". iELaRKK BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main 7700. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL S HOP. Funeral prays $1.50 up. Bdwy. liS70. 4G." Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington at., bet. 4th and 5th. Main SI 02. A lltll. Fl'NERAI. DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Lesa. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets, west side. Lady Assistant. Main 2fll. A 7S5. RIVERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM At Knd of Fulton Carl i nr. Sinple tombs, family sertinns and rooms, beautifully arranged in marble, only san itary tombs in Portland; endowed for per petual rarA. Auto service free. Phone Bdwy. 351 ; office 63ft Pit took Blk Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadwav and Pine st. Phone Broadway 430, A 4538. Lady Attendant. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett at. Telephon. Broadway 1133. Automatic 521.33. F. S. DUNNING. INC., 414 E. Alder. Phone Eaat 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral phapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross, Multnomah at E. 7th. East 54. Irvington district. P. L. LERCH b?.." c,Tayii ERICSON j Twelfth and Morrlnon ata. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO.. 5S02-04 DIM St.. Lents. Tabor SL'67. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 592 Williams Ave. East 108S. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK PiktB&k PKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 221. Lady assistant. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. At'COl-XTINO. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting gystctna established, maintained. Income tax service; refer ences. 7-'8-:0 Pittock blk. Bdwy. 1. ALTERATION'S. RKKlTTlNt.; and making of ladles' .far nienln, reasonable; work guaranteed. I. Keubln. Joo Busn Sc Lane bldg. A.KAYERS AM) ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 14 Second (iold. silver and platinum bought. Bl'YKKS' BUREAU ANDERSON the Buyer saves you money on anything you want to buy. No. tiO First st. Main 14()fi. CARPET WKAVINK. RUG The kind that wear tne best are llUUOmade from your worn-out carpets hy the Northwest Kug Co. (former ad dress l.'iG Union avs. ). Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1SS fc.. Sth M. Phone East :!."vSil. B Un. FLUFF RUGS FROiOLD-CARPETS Rag Rugs, alt sizes Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 0x12 rugs steajn or dry cleaned. 11.50. FLUFF RUtl CO., 54-!i fnlon ave. N. . East B 147.S. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING, SIZING AND REFITTING. FLUFF AND RAO RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZ'8. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO.. 772 E. 17th st. Automatic 51S-54. CELL! I.OII BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1?M. CHIROPRM'TOR. 30n.nnn KNOW McMahon. 0'r Chiroprac tor, inrongs pronounce treatment easiest, best, permanent. 31 "treats" 15. Te!. CII1ROPOIHST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 ("er linger hldg.. S. W. cor. -d and Alder. Phone Main 1:101. CHiKOi-onisT. ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist: corns and callouses removed without pain; relief for all foot troubles. oOit Buchanan bldg.. Wash, st., bet. 4th and 6th. Main ,VI7. DR. GARTNER, font specialist; corns. bun- Ions, foot arches made to otoer. ii Swetland blr., .-,th and Wash. Main 10SI. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1310-11-13 Royal building. Marshal! .SL'L'. Multlgrapning. mimeographing and mall advertising. COI.I ECTIONS. NETH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17!r.. No collections, no charges. l-.stao. r.""'. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICKWORK, tllo and concrete. phone Jack Wempe. Woodiawn g-'.i. DANCING. MRS. BAYH. 3118 Dckum bldg. Private lessons day and eve. Main 14. BALLROOM nd stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rnsmussen. MO Filers bMg. BERKELEY dancing academv. 129 4th St. Lessons day eve. Main 3S1R. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL. 41.1 East 7th. Enst 1 S47 and 21D-C2. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND neaPnairc. Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELFCTRIC WORKS Main S71. Phone S27-27. 24S' First St. II.M.TI.ELECTRICCO. 31 N. 1st, Portland. Or. Re winding and eiectrical repairing n sne.-laltv. See us about new or used motors. Hdwy. 1045. A ItHti FURNITURE REPAIRING. WANTED Furniture to ciass work; references. estimates. refinish; first Main 1263 for FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land If you want big crops; read about "C. M. Wonder" in our 11)20 catalogue. Routledge Seed & Fiora! Co.. 14." 2d s'... Portland, Or. GENERAL INSURANCE. JOE N. WALLER. General Insurance. Main SflCo. 424 N. W. Bank bldg. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co. lS" W. Park. WHOLESALERS ANE ENGINEERS AND Ml LL SI PPI.IES. T 1 1 E M. L. K LI NB CO !;8 4 - 8 -S7 -S Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bid. HATS AND :.PS. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 53-51 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. RASM rjSSEN & CO., Second and Tavlor. CONCRETE Bl'RIAI. VAULTS. THE NATIONAL VAULT CO, Reinforced concrete burial vaults: air tight, waterproof, everlaytJnff. Factory, l,;n Fof-tpr road. Phone Tabor 6547. MONCMEMS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS S6 4th at.. Opp. City Hall. NeuBroa. hfb BLAESING GRANiTE CO. i ITT THiRD AT MADISON STREET Rates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Daily and Jsunday Fe r line One time Te consecutive time. ............ it Three consecutive timed 3te Seven consecutive times The follow ins; claNNifiratlonft excepted, the rate of which in 7c per line per day: Situations H anted Male. Situations Wanted Female. No ad taken for less than two lines. Count six words to the line. Advert iwemeols (except "person alt' and "Situation? jited" will b taken over the telephone If the adver tiser Is a subHcriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for I' he lily Orejeonian until 3:30 F. M.; for The Sunday Ores; on so until 6 F. M. (Saturday. -I OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 j courthouse. Phone Main 378 from I 8 A. M. to 5 I'. M. ! The society has full charce of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia boule vard. Phone any time, Woodiawn 764. Doers for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where neces sary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc., picked up free of charge. NEW TODAV, STORAGE SPACE Investigate Our Plant and Rates. Why Assitme Expensive Leases Under Present High Costa? CLAY S. MORSE. INC. Drayase nnd Storaee f 2th and Gllaan. Phone Bdwy. 8470 LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and socond mortgages, cootracta, livestock, notes, ata F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 110 Cham, ul Com. Bids. llala 3034, MI ! TKACH KKM. VIOLIN, piano instruction, classic, popu lar; all string taught. Kol Kenbcck, 40! Yamhill. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano. 1 hr. day. . mo. Bdy. i.'ut. NI R-KERY STOCK. ITALIAN PRUNES. LOGANBERRY TIPS. Other varieties trees and plants. Let us supply vou. Order now. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY. 10.10 Chemeketa st., Salem. Or. WE CARRY" a full assortment of etioica fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shruhs. roses, etc OREGON NURSERY CO.. OilENfO. OR. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubenstein, the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories. Krvptoks, also the cheaper grades. I'M Morrison. OITOMKTKISTS ANI OPTICIANS. CLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on tha basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. Jin) Morrison. M. 224. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern instruments. Classes fitted from I'J.'iO up. E 1IURW1T2. optometrist. 21' First at. ORIENTAL KlU) REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUCS CLEANED AND HE I'A IflKD. KARAGOZIAN FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH ATIYEH HltOS. 1.M N 23D. PHONE MAIN WW. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 7 4 years. All communications strictlj confidential; prompt, efficient, conscientious service: handbook free on request. Ml'NN At CO.. patent attornevs. San Francisio office. Iloltart bldg., ' Market St.. Chicago office, room aid Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 1ii3 rt-Vi F at.; New iork office, Wooi worth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 11- years experience II. S. and foreign patents. HOI Itekum bldg. GOLDRERliTu::n Worcester b.dg. M, 2."2. rilYSIClANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Ilroadwar bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kldnev. Madder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections. Mood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PI I MIIIM,. LET me save you money on your plumb ing, very reasonable, it. r.. ileim, u Pine st. I'l.l MBINC. M'PPI.IES. PLUMH1NO SUPPLIES AT W IIOLKSA I.E prices. Starke-Davis Co., IKS 4th. M. 707. I'KINTINO KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Oantenbeln, Manager: Printing and linotyping. Inn'-, Front St.. comer State. Main or A 141S. DQlNTINf F- w- HA 1.TKS & COMPAN Y I rnilll JflU 1st and Oak sts. Main 7l'..'i, .111 -OS 'AINTING. T. H. HEROESS, painting and paperhang Ing ::t.1 Kast 7th st. Phone East 67."irt. PAINTINI1. paperhanglng. .lohn C Con llsk. 133 l'lih st. N. Broadway 2H4.V poTltk y si pplies. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue frea. Routledue Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d St.. Portland. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 1HI72. STOE REPAIRING. FURNITURE AND STOVE REPAIRING WATER COILS MADE AND CON NECTKD. BROADWAY 2f.7. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK RURE ATT, B01 hokum bldg U. S. foreign trademark:-. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH ThP Rprvlre With a Ftrputatton. MOVIXrf.f1ArK,(;.STnKAr,K-HAOOAr,K ;tth anrl Kcnrnrv Hran-(i H UJwy. PHONE BDWY, 3309 Orti:nON TRANSFER CO., 474 Ollunn ar., eorner 11th. Phone Rroarl way 1 US1 or 1 1 ;;. We own and operate t wo lurite ehijs "A" warplioupes on terminal track. Lowest Insur.'i nr rate In t he city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 34S Pine. PACK INC. MOVING. STORAOE. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. ins PARK ST. MAIN 510.1. A 10.11. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. VtOOI. AND CASCAK A BARK. KAHN BROS.. 1. Front St. Pl.l M HI Ni SI PPI.I ES A ND PIPE. THE Mi L. KLINE CO M-N-HT-fn Front. COMMISsioN MEIH'II NTS. F.VERIH.Nt; & FA R R ELL. 14(1 Front St. HOPE AMI KINDER THINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrun. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morriaoa :' TOItAV. TOD1MADF, GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut MANY DESIGNS Erected in Portland or shipped anywhere. Material and Workrranphlp Uuarant. Virst-C'la.i 8end for Circular RKDIM ADIS 111 J I. DIM) CO. 113 . 11th St. I'hone Ea.t 6114. I'OKTLA.VO, UK. K CAM. Ffin VOl 11 OM1 CAKl'KTH, 9 Rub; and Woolen t'lothlno;. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Raar Hilars V oven All Slaea. Mali Order. Send for lloiiklrl. Carpeta Cleaned. l,ald and Itenttrd. NORTH VI KST II I f; CO, IMN K Klh St. I'bonr Kiul 3..so. FACTORY, WAREHOUSE, PACKING PLANT, ETC. Two-Story Frame Huildlns; 130 by KS Feet FOR SALE Will move it to a site near river bank between Astoria and Oregon City. Low price. Phone Woodiawn 1S89. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest Interest rateai Installment re paymenta If desired. Huildlns; loa.ua made. No delay In eloaina;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 orhnM(rri n-nk Building. 'Marshall 4114. Phone your want ad to. The Orego nian. Main 7070, A 6095. f NKW TnlV. HOUSCS Ct-'MrM' Portable Garage Colonies Klght to twenty caruues on I lot brinir you a noixi teiurn on jour Investment. Built to Rent Start n p.ir:ur rolmiv n that vat-ant lot noar uir ln'm Th v will pa y fur t he mint' I vex t u m yt-ur's time. We Manufacture and Guarantee All Our Materials An Inquiry will brinir n rep resentative to call at your con venience. Millmade Construction Co. lc Office M)3 Tide A Trust HiilMlng. . lei. Main 1721. Factory Font W illiams Avenu P.O. UnxZH. H,I1l:U3 I FOUR-FAMILY FLAT LOCATED NEAR G. S. HOSPITAL Mn.lrrn. Imj t ?tl i n sr in jioorl i-oi.ilhion. ;ll r iitei, koo1 in onie. OWNER WILL SELL AT FAIR FRICE f all nt Itnnm T.IM llrrienls. HliiaT or Phone Main 7070, Loral .17. Send lTs Your Old Carpels (W( Call a nil Deliver) Oh! IIiikm nntl tifilen i liilhlnr. Up .lkr lteerihle, Hunil.Uair) FLUFF RUGS Itfinm-Hlae Fluff lluwa. Wntrn, H7..MI. lias Ulna Woven Ml lra. rinlbra I'leianlnH M(tl ll.irlnu Hcptll. .Hall Ordrra rnd for Hook lei. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning Oxl'i Itllita. leiimeil leaaoil, I..VI. Vl:i'IKII I'l.l I'F Hit. III., S4 I nlon Ae. . I'lninr UaM H.". In. J un Mortgage Loans (Kdward E. Guudcy Co. I . . Illtnk MlllldlMK 5V2 REAL KHTATH. ior Sail Mat and Almrtment rroiierly. " ito.io WEST SIDE AI'TS. $12. .MH) Inioriie. Will fnii.er 120 lllltl Income proie-t'y. bulauce t rn.a and ia:li. 12 1 It N. W. IlANIv PLUG. IRVINGTON. Hi: M Til 'I'l. AI T Four beaut ll ill limn.1 in one. , n ll wl'l rent for loo jm-i- nionth, I, tart of dis trict. MiDoaell. I2.'IHI. E.ist 41") APAUTMEVTS. 14 moil-rri HliunriMMiiw piilnrf fjno per month; I'.'imii, 'In. in,-, ml, h iMjiuliriii, Srounil and furniture Irriiin. E.I..1 l:iir. I-or bale lil.. $-' I'HWN. -' Mt'NTII P.irkicn,.. mm ,,ini.i,i. ,ll Inn. IK. oh Siuiily Mil. Ilii. It . t i''V bf.t jr.i i-.l-ri noil, .nun- f'ii fir li-.'i-.. II lil.Hki t-i .ir. nliltw.i I... r.ik. prinit'iie uiii.r. iiil t.ut I'ui .I a litllti Ii.iuu- for a frw l,uii,li'-l doil:u. nit ilnHii (xiitii.i'p. "nr r'iil will ;ty f.ii Vi.ur h"inr; Ww t-ouiitv no .tn.-l ;ii-.iii''tt'. tnMV. This mi inlnii.il "If" will nuii'k. I. I. II A H I M A s Cd.Ml'A N V. I'halnlier ol "III, blutf. M.iin .IIM. PAHKIinsic Mil A Vi II fl I I' K UN f.WIH Ill.V li . A I I Hi: KND OK Villi rAI:UIU':-i: (.'All. ADJOIMM1 HIXIS'ilTO.N AM) llill.l.AHA V. tun) : M M W h.ve IT Nil. anl Hi.'l.iil; . in r.et. I'ri. ( l"". ! mi he Mr ' it riic 1 ; h'I l"lniti lrv aitn Willi li (I n in l . t Ik i In .!! Hi , Iit ll,. nni:lil Kiv- ni-.iiiil Mi. I:; tnirti?rti;r irli j. i: nini .vs. nni PnlWiiy 1-.- Ii.iiiii' . Mil Trui JIKAI'TIKI'l.l.l i...il..il I., I. ii. in- I ' n l -.ii Im I'tit'k iii'l .l-'f fi ' hiii h,oi. t, It-I Hlll.lili'1 Ml ill .""Xlll", ! ll" $..lill .iil i'.i.li mTmI SIi nlTy. M Itl I n ill I" i.li ,ii i; i,ii mil lit ii.iil a . .11 III NSi i -1 ll 'liM IN I'll. B.1! W.I.I 11.14. I'" N H.nik Illilt Mi, n :.7iT .'iOxIihi l.iiT. Ki'titnn iliiiiii, :tiiii. .; i M.h, fil iii"riihi'. mi liiiil'linK r- - wi. - I loll H. .KUlNSiiN pilliSiiV i'k. bsj. l:i;l, u.tl. ni i N w Hiiiik tmli . M mi .17-T VI V. i:n.i-.i ,-il . i,i nor I..I. "Iimli IriM'.. wiiikliic ill lirlilnc. Klii'iiii'ii' -ii nil mr llni. mi Hi' until' -i ihl'H 1 Hi I "ii1. I ll In I . lawn !.. li. 't ,'l KINK vnw li.l, M.iih- I'lit... M.'l Ii dci'P. miiv r.'"n .li 111 NH iN 1" ll 'Si IN ''! . R.12. 63.1. 63 . :i"' .V. y. Il"il I'I'U. M mi :i; KINK Mil lull hit. tii'itr I'iM'ltiMiln I'hiK and riir. MMi f.'.il . i.-li. flo mn t ri l .li ill N.-i ' N I ' 1 -si IN I'll, 0.12. 6.1.1, U34. il'i'i N W. Hunk lllila , M.iln :i7 KAi 'in i'l' i; s vi i:i mi i-; WIM Mi ll l"iir .".i.iIimi li wMh nil Im. provi ilii nl In at "i" ." Ii. - Inn. huluin ii In null rll .ii.-r.yi 'l.'i. VK MAVK rrllHlll an-lillr'-l lin llt build I" Knit '"MiT. 'an furnlli auliil lnjl litiilia. Zimi'i man Sl Wlillr. M4 ''liHTnlnT of t'cmiiiiTi AI.AJIKI'A Park lot. -'': flr,:l ,.,i. .IllllNSuN liiiSnN' in. 632. fi.13. U. 'i ''' N u - Hank Ml'lt . Mm In '" MI ST mt. IH Hitciiri.i. n, y ;'..i!"l loll atnl --roinii rn'MKc ! N't. 1 1 S Ma il- In it-; lru 1 1 1 ;iv c rniiiitiikrtton. Kvrnlncw nnd HunilMyw. Ul'Att'lKU Ij1m k on Itctniont nil p-f nnd p 11; rlh ; (arlH'r fol lilviK), Jilf " ' ""' "',,,'1!,iUL: J()TS Have two front loin miimhir fop lMautt(ul p'.im?ii,r hoifip nt ' port, il or irw'to. rnil Kfllwood i::;(4 At.AAlKUA I'AUK lot. on Immklry nv; hi rM p v , p I'l . Tm lor t M I . Also 6 Acrca In HhIiii. Wll. '';. For NilllimiH. Hi tt'SK. irmi'. i hwan for rHuli or tmrtrlti; llvfl nmr h ork, phv i-Hr1 h r . It-roont holme; Inrnf rhfrry tri'n. t In cr ; nvr K I'. hun on M li iitikir ml, ht-H oui 1 tl.".."i. Hv nu n-r. KI.'HMSMKI) 4 ROOMR UOrtO i Jood hniiM, not ti in n t , ncir MP, rml r-awon for 'IliiiK. Tnnn. T O Hird, ri Oh.mbrr of Coiumrrce. Wr. KI'VH home If yon r.in Pf finfw) rnnh; rrniln fr month; mti ro q ul k :UH 'orh'-t! hni'ding HAVK thrr 5-rnom hiin!nB t bur fr. SJfta!.-) mrh; liurrv if vou want nut of them. Colli) BiiOti. ;'G3 Oak bt. ZINP