Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 16, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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Each will receive a 125 Increase. Both f
had declared they would resign un
! less a rise was forthcoming. I
' ( -. ......... 1 ..... V. w.aarnaA a n A
the two remaining policemen threaten
to quit unless they get more pay. It
is probable that the association will
contribute to support the police de
partment also, until the city's finan
cial condition Improves.
Weddings by Ship Captain
Held Illegal.
Acquitted Pair Accused
Killing McElfresh.
Agriculture Commissioner
Asks Grand Jury Probe.
CfTfinonini Performed Off Yaquina
Bay .ow Questioned.
W mAd
Uiarges in Second Trial to Be
Pressed, Declares Prosecutor .
in DUcusing Plans.
MONTESANO, Wash.. March 15.
(Special.) Back to normality, with
her hundreds or transient guests scat
tered to their distant homes, is the
county spat of Grays Harbor county
where the trial of the Central Armi
stice day murder case came to a close
Saturday night.
And yet, not exactly normal for
the prison wherein the Beven con
Tided i. V. V. are held is still under
ieavy guard. Klniar Smith, Centralia
attorney, and Mike Sheehan, the two
radicals who were acquitted and who
wi re immediately re-arrested for the
murder of Arthur McKlfresh, one of
the four Centralia victims, are now
In the Lewis county Jail at Chehalis.
awaiting arraignment on the new
Prosecuting Attorney Herman Allen
WSi-s busied yesterday with cases in
court at Chehalis and the date of the
arraignment of the two radicals has
LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 15.
(Special.) The plight of Mrs.
Louise L. Anderson, wife of Mathiaa
C. Anderson, a San Pedro merchant.
who was wedded illegally five years
ago. may be duplicated many times in
Mrs. Anderson was married on the
high seas by Captain Bell, of the
launch Nellie, between Long Beach
and Catalma Island, in September,
11'14. Such marriages are declared to
be illcg-al. Divorces are therefore un
necessary, annulments being all that
are required.
This brings up similar marriage
ceremonies performed by Captain L.
Carner on the. launch OUie S., beyond
the three-mile limit off Newport, Or.,
ir. 1915. The marriages were entered
into in good faith by the parties con
cerned and performed as such by
Captain Carner, the most successful
bar navigator who ever operated out
of Taquina bay.
One couple who hailed from Eu
gene, Or., where the prospective
bridPKroom was a hotel man and the
bride a chambermaid, waited in
Waldport on Alsea bay for about six
weeks before they were able to get
across the bar to have tha ceremony
performed. The bridegroom had been
divorced a short time before.
Another case was that of Cressy
Warnock Hughes, a Toledo belle, who
had received a divorce from her hus
band. Allen Hughes, of Astoria, and
not yet been announced. State counsel j who wished to reorr a Toledo den
tist before six months had passed, to
accompany her husband to China.
After waiting unsuccessfully several
days, both proceeded to China and
were married at the American con
sulate in Shanghai. Other couples
finding weather conditions more cle
ment, were married by Captain Car
ner, the bridegroom on one occasion
almost falling overboard when he at
tempted to kiss his bride.
1 positive in the assertion that the
charge will be pressed, not alone
gainst these two, but against the
"wobblies" who are now under con
viction for the murder of Grimm.
IHHsatisfactlon Is General.
Conviction of these seven In the
Second degree has raised such a wide
spread dissatisfaction that it is al
most certain that public protest will
hasten and impel the trial of all ten
defendants on the McKlfresh charge.
Frank K. Van Gilder, Centralia
"Warren O. Grimm when Grimm re
ceived his death wound, together
with Carl Hempe and other Centralia
ex-service men, went to Chehallis
late today to confer with the county
commissioners of Lewis county rela
tive to the expense. of a new trial.
Prosecuting-Attorney Herman Al
len is insistent that the McKlfresh
charge be pressed, declaring the con
viction of second degree murder to
be utterly inadequate to meet the
enormity of the Armistice day crime,
the evidence or the law.
"I am ready to take up the work
crain," was the positive assertion of
Vr". H. Abel, special prosecutor, of
Fronecntor Ready for Trial.
"Try them for the murder of Mc
Elfresh?" repeated C. D. Cunningham,
special prosecutor, of Centralia. "You
may be certain they will be tried.
Centralia will Insist upon, it. And
back of Centralia stands the good
citizenry of Washington and of the
country at large. These men shall
not escape a just punishment."
The names of the three jurors who
are said to have held the jury six
hours for acquittal, later winning a
compromise and conviction in the sec
ond degree for seven, acquittal for
two, and an insane return for one,
are currently rumored in Grays Har
bor county.
Two of these jurors, it is said, are
pronounced radicals. The third is not
known to be radical, and the public
supposition is that he was in fear of
the vengeance of the 1. W. W. should
severe verdict be found. As for the
remainder of the jury. Grays Harbor
county and Lewis county assert that
they did not make a determined cf
fort to procure a proper verdict of
first degree murder and that this
weakness on their part is plainly
shown by the fact that they oonipro
miscd after only nine hours delibera
Great Lakes to Tidewater Project
to Be Discussed.
BOISE, Idaho, March 15. (Special.)
Public hearings by the interna
tional joint commission of the United
States and Canada on the Great
Lakes to Tidewater project will be
held in Boise May 5 and 6. Governor
Davis and the Boise chamber of com
merce received word today that their
requests for the hearings had been
Dredging operations, of which the
Wclland canal works is one link, are
projected to link the Great Lake6
with the Atlantic through the St.
Lawrence river, so that trans-Atlantic
freight may be put on shipboard at
Duluth, Chicago and other lake ports
on an equal footing with ports on the
Atlantic seaboard. All the north
western states are vitally interested
in the project because it will lessen
freight rates to the seaboard ma
terially. New England states hotly
oppose it.
Campaign to Begin Today to Sell
$25,000 in Morrow Association
HEPPNEit, Or.. March 15. (Spe
cial.) A whirlwind campaign starts
here tomorrow to float $25, out) worth
of siock in the new Morrow County
Fair association. The county lias
been distribted on the same lines as
were followed in the recent liberty
loan drive. The Heppner district has
offered to match all subscriptions
Xnade in the rest of the county.
Dates for the fair have been tenta
tively fixed for the week of Septem
ber 13-18 and the association will be
member of the North Pacific Racing
association. The fair association has
obtained a 22-acre tract near town,
where a one-half mile
Tf.-V will he hmlt
HI a math. I'alls Business Men Con
tribute Increase Demanded.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. March 15.
ISpccial.) Until the city's fire de
partment fund is again solvent, which
will not be until June 1, 1321, the
Business Men's association has agreed
to contribute $50 monthly to pay in
creases in salaries demanded by the
fire chief and assistant fire chief.
Pirls! A mass of long,
thick, gleamy tresses
Let "Danderlne" save your hair and
double its beauty. You can have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, acraggly
or fading. Bring back ita color, vigor
jid vitality.
Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful
Danderlne" at any drug or toilet
counter to freshen your scalp; check
dandruff and falling hair. Your balr
needs this stimulating tonlo; then its
life, color, brightness and abundance
will return Hurry! Adv.
Centers or Industry Said to Pay
More Tliau Distant Towns.
BOISE, Idaho, March 15. (Special.)
Although Boise and Emmett are the
centers of the lumber manufacturing
business in the southwestern part of
the state they pay more for their
lumber than other places.
This is the charge made by Miles
Cannon, commissioner of agriculture,
who has issued a statement attacking
the lumber interests on the ground
that they are making unreasonable
and unfair charges for their mill pro
ducts. He asserts that the price of
common dimension lumber in Boise
and Emmett is from iUO to $65 a thou
sand feet and although the freight
must be added the same lumber is
being laid down by the same manu
facturing companies at Weiser for $45
a thousand: Gooding. T64; Pocatello,
Blackfoot and Idaho Falls, $61 to $65.
Earnings of 12 Per Cent on In
vestment for Four Years Despite
- War Demands Is Alleged.
BOISE, Idaho, March 15. (Special.)
Miles G. Cannon, state commissioner
of agriculture, today Issued a state
ment declaring for a grand Jury in
vestigation of flour mill operators in
Idaho. He asserted they were prof
iteering. He said: "Before the government in
terfered with prices, flour sold in
1917 with an average profit of 25
cents a barrel of flour, but after the
fixing of the price of wheat and a
maximum profit of 25 cents a bar
rel, the millers have contrived to
make an actual profit in the state
ot Idaho in many cases reaching the
unprecedented amount of $2.64.
"Information collcted by the com
mission shows that for the four years,
ending June 30, 1916, a profit of 13
cents on each barrel of flour and 12
per cent on the capital Invested was
earned by the flour millers in spite
of the fact that the war demand in
1915 and 1916 would lead one to ex
pect them t oshow at abnormal high
"During the year 1917, these same
mills made an average of 52 cents on
every barrel of flour sold and nearly
28 per cent on their investment.
profits that are indefensible, con
sidering that an average of the profit
of 1 mill for six months of the year
shows as high as $2 a barrel.
Not satisfied with the abnormal
profits of 1917, these patriotic millers
have contrived to increase their prof
its for the years 1918 and 1919 to
such an extent that this department
is of the opinion that there is a great
work for a grand Jury in the state of
Fruit Kanch Xear Koguu River Is
Bought by Paul Sclicrer.
MEDFORD, Or.. March 15. (Spe
cial.) Lieutenant Paul Scherer, U. S.
N., of Pasadena, Cal., has purchased
the fruit ranch belonging to Mrs.
Emelia Fiero for $23,000, and with
his wife will take possession of the
property In a few days. The ranch,
situated near Central Point, consists
of 77 acres, 42 of which are In bear
ing apples and pears, the property
including a bungalow, packing house
and barn.
Lieutenant Scherer has resigned
from the navy and expects his dis
charge early In May. He visited all
the fruit districts in Oregon before
deciding to locate in the Hogue river
Telegraph Service Badly Crippled
In Western Canada.
WINNIPEG, Man, March 15. Tele
graph service in western Canada was
severely crippled tonight as the re
sult of a heavy wind, accompanied by
snow which struck Alberta and Sas
katchewan. ,
Tonight the storm had extended
Into Manitoba and was approaching
Winnipeg. Temperatures were falling.
Hood River Boy on Way Home.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. March 15. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Frederick,
received word today through the
British consul of, Portland, that their
son. Gunner Milb S. Frederick, has
sailed on the steamship Adriatic of
the white star line; for tha United
States, Mr. Frederick has seen nearly
three years service overseas, the first
half of the time transporting on the
Mediterranean sea and up the Piave
river, the remainder of the time in
the Royal field artillry, seeing serv
ice in France. England and Ireland.
Mr. Frederick was In the last big
drive in Italy. If reports prove true
he will not come alone but will be
accompanied by an English wife.
Marshflold's Hopes Dashed.
MARSHFIELD, Or., March 15.
(SpeciaL) Southern Pacific officials
who recently covered this district in
inspection tour, declared there Is
no probability oi any move towara
constructing a depot for Marshfleld
within six months. It was stated th
disposition among all railroad ad
ministrations for the present will be
to avoid extras so far as possible.
Marshfield's depot Is a small down
town affair, with but one room, and
there has been a general demand for
a structure suitable for tha jlg busi
ness the city turnisnes toe railroad
Child's Revelations Result in
Charges Against Men.
G. I. Parsons, aged 30, a cook, last
night was in the city jail racing a
serious criminal charge involving a
3-year-old girl, and Deputy District
Attorney Deich Issued a warrant for
Wilbur Field, a married man, on a
similar charge, as a result of revela
tions made to the women's protective
division of the police department by
little Edith Field.
The girl, whose mother is dead and
who lives at a downtown hotel with
her father, is alleged to have been
lured to a room in another hotel at
Fifth and Washington streets yester
day by Parsons. Attaches of the
hotel, sensing something was wrong,
telephoned for the police and Miss
Moorad responded and arrested Par
sons, who had the girl in his room
at this hotel.
Mr. Deich said the matter would be
thoroughly investigated and the
charges against both Parsons and the
girl's brother probably would be laid
before the county grand jury.
Directors and Principals Point Out
Cliaiigvs Xoeded.
HEPPNER, Or., March 15. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the school
directors and school principals of the
county held here Saturday at which
the teachers crises had right of way
it was unanimously decided to fix a
minimum salary of $1200 a year for
trained teachers.
"Resolutions were adopted Indors
ing the educational millage tax
measures. The standard test In grade
school work and recommending
amendments to the school laws so as
to make the county superintendent
the real head of the county school
system, with adequate directing
Bridge Party Projected.
THE DALLES. Or., March 15. (Spe
cial.) A mammoth benefit bridge
party to recruit funds with which to
assist with the patriotic work of the
organization will be staged by The
Dalles chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution in Hotel
Dalles Wednesday afternoon. The
party will be in the nature of a St.
Patrick's day celebration and the
profits therefrom will be used by the
Daughters to carry on their patriotic
work In this city and county. There
will be 24 tables.
Mount Angel Gains Population.
MOUNT ANGEL, Or., March 15.
(Special.) The population of the city
Shirts, Like Cars, Should Give
You Dependable Service
That car of yours you knaw how proud you are of the seryice'it gives, its steady dependa
bility under trying conditions. Its name means service to you.
Whether it is a car, or anything else you purchase,, as for instance your shirts, the idea is the
same you want the name which stands for service. "
' ' .'."'
Back of the service your car renders is the tried and tested work of master mechanicians. And
back of the satisfaction of your shirt is the workmanship of skilled designers and workmen.
1 (Kirts
The carcTuIIy cut collar-band which permits your collar to set comfortably, the perfectly
adjusted fullness everywhere, the-little gusset which reinforces and strengthens the skirt,
the graduated cuffs with their continuous facing all these points are a part of Beau
Brummel "shirt service." .
And along with this comfort and service you will secure carefully chosen materials of a
quality and good looks which will give you perfect satisfaction. That is why Beau Brum
mel Shirts give you dependable service.
You can find the shirt you want for any occasion, made from materials that will wash
well and wear steadily. When you ask for Beau Brummels you can rest assured you
will get real satisfaction and wearing quality, too.
Sold by good stores everywhere
M. E. Smith & Co., Omaha
Malt an of Good Shirts for Mora Than 30 Years
Portland Office
452 Sherlock Bldg.,
1 Neck Cut at Proper Slope
a Makes Collar Set Comfortably
2 Correctly Cut Yoke
Gives Tailored Effect
3 Small, Neat Gusset at Hips
Prevents Ripping
4 Shoulder Seam at Proper
Place No Binding
5 Five-Button Center Pleat
Always Dressy
6 Roomy Elbows
Graduated Cuffs
7 Continuous Facing
Prevent Tearing
v - w
of Mount Angel is 837, a gain of 292
since last official census, which is a
little Detter than S3 per cent gain
Not so bady for a steady non-booming
marketing point and home city.
m m
worit heal that rashrtty
Urn V
Don' t dream, and spend time wish
ing your complexion were better,
do something. The soothing, healing
what yon need to help in dispelling
that miserable rash, or those ugly
blotches. Used with Resinol Soap k
has the power to sink into the pores
and correct the trouble, bringing im
provement and relief in most cases in
a surprisingly short time. Your drug
gist sells the Resinol products.
i&rJDats off m Spru
cS-e the, best of,
u the year
And right at hand you have Victoria the
Garden City of Canada with all the unique
charm of the south of England or northern
France in Spring. Warm, mild air, roses and
brilliant foliage, wonderful motor roads by sea
and mountain, ideal golf,8almon and trout fish
ing, motor boating and canoeing, sea bathing,
typical English atmosphere and traditions and
the meeting place of East and West, one of
the best appointed and most delightful
hotels of the famous Canadian Pacific group.
For information and reservations address
E.E.PENN 55 Third Stmet PORTLAND
What Causes Falling Hair?
Sometimes it is dandruff, sometimes it is Alopecia PityrorJe,,
and then again it may be some other of the many hair and
scalp ailments.
Prof: John H. Austin
Years a Bacteriologist, Hair and
Scalp Specialist
Says that the only certain way of
determining hair and scalp troubles
is with a powerful microscope
and once the cause is known, it is
then a simple matter to slop the
Free Microscopic Examination of the Hair and Scalp.
Find out how to stop that falling hair before
baldness overtakes you.
(Women need not take down their hair)
Private Offices at the Owl Drug Co.
Broadway and Washington
The new and Wonderful Treatment
for Rheumatism is Guaranteed to
remove Kidney Poison from your
v Price, fl.OO Per Bottle.
Manufactured by RHEUMACHOL
Idaho Springs, 'Colo.
Sold by all druggists.
A Friend Recommended Them
A person often docs more good (has
he realizes when he trlls a nufferlrm
friend how to get well. J. S. Tohlll.
cleric Lottie hotel. Evannvllle. Ind.,
writes: "For weeks I euffered con
stantly with pains In the muncles of
my thlph. I was treated by the doc
tor for rheumatism but found no re
lief. Upon recommendation of a
friend. I tried Foley Kidney Pllle and
began to get relief nmont Immediate
ly." Good for backache, rheumatic
pains, stiff Joints. Sold everywhere.