THE IICIlNliNG OKEGGXIAX, SATLUDAY, MAllG'Il 13, 11 UNTRUE WAR E SHATTERS 11C Court Told of Blight on Soldier's Fond Hopes. SILVER FIGURES IN CASE Controversy Precipitated When Wedding Presents Are Sought by ex-SerTice Man. The story of a shattered war ro mance, of an untrue war bride, of a returned soldier from France who finds his wife in love with another man, was told in municipal court yesterday by Frank Hemmerl, me chanic who appeared to answer to a charge of drunk and disorderly con duct. Hemmerl attempted suicide In the city Jail by pricking an artery in his wrist, following bis arrest at the apartment of his divorced wife, now Airs. L. Allen, at the Hanover apart ments, Washington and King streets, Thursday night. Motorcycle Officers Simkins and Forken made the arrest. Percolator Figures la Case. The former soldier is said to have had a controversy with the present husband of his former wife, in which a coffee percolator, one of the wed ding presents at Heramerl's marriage, was used as a missle. The perco lator, badly battered, was taken to the court as evidence. When he returned to find the wife he had married on the eve of his de parture for France in love with an other man he advised her to get a divorce and marry the man of her choice, Hemmerl told Judge Rossman. The controversy which resulted in his arrest last night followed after he had visited the Allen apartment on request of his former wife and her new husband, the man said. He admitted that some liquor had been drunk by the three. Judge Rossman continued the case for sentence after he had heard the former soldier's story. "I was a first sergeant in my com pany, stationed at Vancouver bar racks, at the time of my marriage," Hemmerl told the judge. He then re lated the tragedy of parting from his young wife on his departure for France, of how he had made out his $10,000 insurance to her and had his allotment sent to her regularly, in all about 600. Fond Hopes Blighted. After his arrival in France he was made a second lieutenant and placed with the Fourth engineers. He then told of his anticipation of being once more with his young wife when he arrived home last Summer, of how he arrived at his home to find an other man's belongings there and her living with this other man. Mrs. Hemmerl is said to have se cured a divorce from her former hus band on his advice on September 12 and later to have married Allen. The controversy Thursday night is said to have started over some silver and other articles which had been given Hemmerl by members of his company at the time of his wedding. Neither Mrs. Allen nor her husband appeared In court to press charges against Hemmery. CONVENTION PLANS MADE COMMITTEE EXPECTS ' 1000 SALESMEX IX JUNE. Value in Publicity Through Words of Travelers Will Be Great, Is Belief. Plans for raising additional funds for entertainment of the delegates at the national convention of the Trav elers Protective Association of Amer ica, which meets in Portland June 14 to 19, are being made by the execu tive committee in charge of conven tion arrangements, consisting of Stanhope S. Pier, Clyde Kvans, A. H. Devers, M. R. Johnson and P. J. Sul ' livan. The convention promises to be one of the most important events of the kind which the city has ever had, in view of the fact that the members of the association are traveling sales men coming from many parts of the country. The association has a mem bership of 90,000, and an attendance of over 1000 Is expected at the annual session in this city. With' the fami lies of delegates and others who will be in the city because of the conven tion fully 2000 visitors are expected. , Thus far $7000 has been raised for convention purposes and a total of S:!0.000 is needed to take care of the visiting delegates in true Portland style, according to members of the committee. Several committees are out soliciting funds and it Is hoped to raise tho amount needed within a short time. Particular need for the city to take I care of th travelers in a hospitable way is emphasized by the committee. The traveling men are known to be great boosters and if they are favor ably Impressed with Portland it is believed that great advantage will accrue to the city in the way of favorable publicity. m DENIED I ABSEXCE TO AVOID VACCINA TIOX IS CAUSE. Board Decides to Establish Pre cedent In Case of Voluntary Absence From Duty. ' A In order to establish a precedent in cases where instructors attempt to collect pay for. voluntary absence in order to avoid vaccination, the school board Thursday night denied two such requests. These were made by Clifford A. Lucas of Benson Polytech nic school and Delia Rogers of Clin ton Kelly, who asked for salaries for nine days' and two weeks' periods re spectively. The board granted permission for two more teachers to represent the city at the Inlafld Empire association meelng at Spokane March 31. A. A. Campbell will go from the Principals' association and Miss Larrabee from the School Teachers' association. Efforts of one or two publishers to block final selection of textbooks failed and the board adopted the com plete list voted upon by the teachers. These are adopted for a four-year period. Tne Detroit plan of promoting prin cipals on a merit and qualification basis was authorized and Superin- We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Ask for Them! Filled Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash at the S. & II. Office on the Third Floor City and Out-of-Town Mail Orders Filled by Experienced Shoppers and Forwarded Same Day as Received Customers Are Invited to Make Use of This Service Stamps Upon Request Easter Fashion Exhibit THE GARMENT STORE, ever to the fore with the new things in Wearing Apparel, invites your inspection of an unusually attractive showing of Easter Wearables. The exhibit embraces the sea son's smartest modes in Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses,. Skirts and Waists. Whether you are ready to buy or not, visit the Garment Store today and see this notable collection it will give you a com prehensive idea of what fashionable women will wear this Spring. New shipments are coming in rapidly and are being marked and put on display as soon as they arrive. Reasonable prices prevail. Women's Easter Suits Crepe Waists Priced Special Bargain Circle Second Floor 300 beautiful Waists of Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and Tub Silks on sale Saturday. Great diversity of styles with round, square or V-necks, with or with out sleeves. Embroidered, bead ed, fancy plaids, stripes, etc. Flesh, white, brown, blue, taupe, black, navy. Special- (PfT A A ly priced Saturday at Betty Wales Dresses Second Floor Smart cut and clever style touches give charm to the new Betty Wales Dresses. Our Spring stock has now ar rived, offering a wide range of styles for all occasions. Made up in serges and silks. Ask to see them, priced $25 to $62.50 4 Popular -r-WOOL JERSEY Suits in styl ish box-plaited model with tux edo front. Finished at waist with narrow belt. Patch pock ets. Very smart for sport and street wear. Mod- (?QQ Cfl erately priced at DOO.DU WOOL SERGE Suits in the fashionable semi-box effect with shawl collar and narrow belt. These are smartly trimmed with rows of buttons. Beautifully tailored. Priced at only, the suit iwOel O Priced Models TRICOTINE SUITS with full skirted coat finished at waist line with narrow belt. Roll col lar and tailored pockets. Trimmed with rows of buttons. Navy and black. j?C'7 KQ Priced at only DO I .OU TRICOTINE SUITS with slightly fitted back, tailored col lar, narrow belt. Piped with narrow braid and trimmed with fine tucks and buttons. Very smart and dressy. 3? flft Shown in navy blue. tDUtJ.UU JOIN THE COMMUNITY " SERVICE AND HELP MAKE PORTLAND THE "CITY OF FRIENDS" CALL MAIN 654 The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods LIGHT LUNCHEON SERVED IN THE BASEMENT 11 TO 2 DAILY -.PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Young Men's $50 Suits $38.95 Handkerchief Specials Main Floor Women's fine im ported Handkerchiefs lines from our regular stock purchased many months ago under much more favorable market conditions than prevail today offered at surprisingly low prices. Supply your Easter needs now and save! Handkerchiefs at 59c Pure linen, dainty one-corner designs. You save 15c on PQ every one of these, special OJC Spring Novelty Handkerchiefs with just a touch of color. Bel fast prints, hand-blocked and neatly hemstitched. Pink, blue, lavender and tan. Spe- CA cial Saturday at three for "vL Real Irish Hand-embroidered Kerchiefs with beautiful designs in gray and colored yarns. Hem stitched. Priced special 6 for $1.00 and one free with each doz en purchase; or priced Of special in this sale, eachvU Women's New Neckwear Main Floor New Lace Tub Col lars of imitation filet and Venise laces. Also of embroidered or-' gandie and net. 650 to $3.05 New French Organdie Vestees with collars and cuffs to match. White and colors. Priced $5.95 New Embroidered Georgette Collars at prices $1.25 to $3.95 Women's Easter Coats 4 Popular Priced Models NEW SPRING COATS of ex cellent quality Wool Mixtures in the latest colorings. Plaited back models with narrow leath er belt. Trimmed with buttons Medium length. CJOfi HK Priced at only I O NEW SPRING COATS in medium weight Bolivia Cloth. Attractive model with slightly fitted back, large collar and narrow leather belt. Navy and black. Moderate- flMQ KQ ly priced at each DitUOU Stout Women's Apparel NEW SPRING COATS of fine quality Wool Velour. At tractive style with inverted plait at back, large collar and belt. Trimmed with rows of stitching. Leading (Q U KA colors. Priced at 0O I 0J NEW SPRING COATS of Camelshair Cloth. Styled with slightly fitted back, large col lar, patch pockets and buckled belt. Lined throughout with silk. An excep- I?K AA tional value, at DOU.UU Women who wear the larger sizes are well provided for at this store. We specialize in Stylish Stout Apparel and show at all times a splendid range of models in Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts. Every garment especially designed for large women.- New Veils and Veilings -rV T'l-io Concnn'c MowacI ATnvoltioo Main Floor The exceptional in Veils and Veilings the kind that are distinctive and whose loveliness of delicate design and whose smart ness of style immediately bespeak the discriminating taste of the wearer here in matchless variety. May we show them to you? New Veils -New Drape Veils with scrolls Fancy Silk Hose at $1.69 Pair Silk Hose at $2.95 Pair Men's Store, Main Floor A rousing Week-End Sale of Young Men's Fancy Suits. Latest 1920 styles. Single and double breasted, with or without bells. These ' are strictly high-grade suits, taken from our own regular stocks. Makes that give assurance of service and satisfaction.' New browns, grays, tans, greens, etc Young men who demand the latest fashions will find these to flJOQ OPT thpir lilcinir. Ramilar SilO Suits for wQOttJO Mens Overcoats $30, $35 Grades $21.95 $40, $50 Grades $31.95 Main Floor We have selected two great lots of Men's Winter Overcoats from regular stock and offer them at a sharp reduction from former prices. The styles are those men are wearing at the present moment and the fabrics are of dependable quality. A good range of sizes. Men's $30.00 to $35.00 Overcoats at $21.95 Men's $40, $45 and $50 Overcoats at $31.95 Boys' Hosiery 43c Pair Main Floor If your boy needs new stockings don't overlook this opportunity. Cleanup of odd lines which we wish to close out at once. Op Good durable qualities. Priced special OC Odd Lines Boys' Suits $6.95 Junior Suits Special $8.65 Main Floor You will miss a real bargain if you fail to get one of these good suits. Belted and waistline styles with full lined pants. Made up in light and dark mixtures. Odd lines formerly selling at much higher J? QfT prices. Broken sizes 8 to 18 years. Sale price Saturday, the suit OUtJ JUNIOR NORFOLKS of Blue Serge Straight pants 4 to 10 $8.65 i Boys' Knickers At 98c Main Floor We have only a lim ited number of pairs to sell at above price. Fancy mixtures. Full lined. Sizes for boys 9 to 16. Spe- QQ dally priced for Saturday at "Ot Shirts and Blouses Special 95c Main Floor Light and dark percale Shirts and blouses. Broken QETf sizes. Specially priced at '"t j of Spring Sale Hosiery Main Floor Women's Full Fashioned Cot ton Hose. "Irregulars" of well-known make. Also Seamless Lisle and Fiber Hose. Practically all sizes in this lot. QQs Priced special for Saturday at only J7l Women's Seamless Lisle Hose of fine, sheer quality and extra finish. 300 KQ pairs on sale Saturday at the pair J7l Main Floor Women's Fancy Silk Hose in Richelieu Ribbed Seamless style with lisle top and sole. Also Seamless Silk Hose with fancy clocking. Irregulars, slightly im perfect. Black,, white, J- ?Q brown. Special at pair 0AeUc Main Floor Women's All-Silk Hose of extra heavy quality or sheer gauze weight. Some are slightly defective, but all are re markable values. Reg. PO Qf? $3.95 to $5 grades, D&VO Seamless Silk Hose, lisle top $1.98 $3.00 Shirts $2.39 Main Floor Crisp new Spring Shirts underpriced for Satur day in the Men's Store. Madras and Percale materials. Large assortment o f handsome new striped patterns. Several well- known makes. Rcgu- QO QQ lar $3.00 Shirts ior'OJ Men's $2 Ties At $1.39 Main Floor Hundreds of Men's Ties offered at a special low price. Wide-end t y 1 es with slip-easy bands. A great op portunity to supply Easter neckwear needs. Keg-Q- QQ ular $2.00 Ties Sale Ol.O Union Suits 89c Main Floor Men's Union Suits in the comfortable athletic style. Sleeveless, knee length. Made up in nainsook materials. Near ly all sizes in this lot. Priced special at on Night Gowns $1.39 Main Floor Men's Night Gowns of good quality muslin. Then arc cut generously full and are well made in every J1 QQ way. $2 Gowns for S9c Easter Hats Special at $10 Millinery Department 2d Floor and chenille dots in many differ ent meshes and colorings. Prices range from $1.25 up to $3.95 New Collar Band Veils with grosgrain ribbon, plaited taffeta, ostrich feather and uncut fringe borders. Priced $1.25 to $3.50 Sale of Men's Shoes V4 OFF J II J Main Floor Choose any pair of Men's Shoes Saturday at M off the regular selling price. This special offer will no doubt be taken advan tage of by a great number of men, so COME EARLY IN THE DAY! Few of the Styles in tne Sale $15.00 Strong & Garfield Shoes of excellent black vid kid. Several different 1 Of? locto tn eoWf frnm Priced vprv Knecial at low rjrice Men's $9.00 Shoes of black gunmetal calf. Made on Eng lish last with Neolin flC rjf? soles. Priced at pair I J $10 Black Calf or (PfT Pft Kid Lace Shoes, pair D I $12 Dark Tan Calf Q AA or English last, pair Di7UU Sale of Women's Pumps Main Floor Women's Black Satin Pumps. Narrow toe with full Louis heel and hand-turned soles. These are per- flJQ A FT fectly plain, $12 vals. OO.IItl Main Floor Women's Pumps of white washable kid. Plain pointed toe last, . covered full Louis heels; slightly (If7 QK soiled. Regular $14 D I iJO New Veilings New Veilings by the yard in a great assortment of the new meshes. Plain or with chenille dots, scrolls and fancy borders. Priced from 65 to $2.00 yard. New Bridal Wreaths in the lat est styles. At $1.25 to $3.93 Bridal Veilings $1.5(K$6.75 Groceries Fourth Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service 8 A. M. to 5:45 P. M. Call Marshall 4800 or A 6231. Cane Sugar 6 lbs. 95c BY THE SACK $15.00 We re serve the right to limit quantity to each customer. Best Cane Sug ar, per sack $15.00 six QCp pounds for the low price of JC Coffee Sale "Cans'-$160 Fourth Floor Dependable Coffee put up in 3-lb. cans. On !- A sale Saturday at special DJ.Jv M. J. B. Coffee $) c 5-lb. Canat.iW.OO Toilet Needs and Drugs We reserve the right to limit quantity of any article in the fol lowing list sold to a customer: Ivory Soap Special 4 Cakes. None sold or delivered at above price except with other purchases made in the Drug Department. Limit -four cakes to a cus- OK tomer." Four cakes for only J Woodbury's Facial Soaps at 23 Listerine at 230, 45 and 850 Lux Soap Flakes, 2 packages 250 Mentholatum at 230 and 450 Merck's Milk Sugar, pound 750 Mercolized Wax, per pound 890 Saline Laxative at 400 and 750 Creme Oil Soap, 12 cakes $1.00 Pluto Water 450, 3 for $1.25 Water Glass, for preserving eggs, pint size 350 quart size 500 , gallons 750 Gallons at $1 Whisk Brooms of excellent qual ity. Specially priced at only 490 Sempre Giovine, the cake at 490 Espey's Creams at 230 and 450 Elcaya Vanishing Cream at 590 Pinkham's Compound at $1.10 Holmes' Frostilla, priced at 250 Nujol, for Constipation, at $1.00 Colorite Hat Dye, all colors, 250 Get your S. & H. Green Stamps. Saturday the Millinery Store will hold a Pre-Easter Sale of 150 beautiful new hats at $10. These were bought to sell at $12 to $18, but for this one day we J offer them at substantial reduction. Tur bans, Sailors, Toques, Roll Brims and all other styles that are fashionable. Trimmed with flowers, twigs, ribbons, cellophane, etc. Choice of 150 t1 A hats. For this Saturday Special BasementMillinery Trimmed (IC QQ Hats at.. iPJ.O New trimmed hats with crepe facings. New Turbans trimmed with flowers, ap plique, pom pons and ribbons. Black, navy and other colors. Priced JC QQ special for This Saturday salePJJ Girls' Hats Great showing of Girls' Spring Hats ready in the Basement Store. $2 and up. Sink Strainers At 45c Third Floor j Aluminum Sink Strainers highly polished, with perforated front and bottom. Wire top rim with hanging hook for attaching to sink. Light, sanitary and will not rust. iP Special for Saturday at tlU Sale of Paints Third Floor House Paints for Inside or outside use. !Q QfT Choice 14 colors. Gal. DO.AO " House Paints for in- flQ Kfl side or outside white tDO.UU Floor and Linoleum P-j AA Varnish, special quart DXVfif GARDEN TOOLS 3D FLOOR Girls' New Spring Apparel Suits $29.00 to $69 Coats $17.50 to $49 Second Floor The Tailored Suit is decidedly 6mart and many a youthful Miss would be delighted to have one for Easter. Here are the new season's cleverest styles fresh from the makers, Wool Jersey, Serge, Novelty Mixtures. Ask to see these new models. Prices for this sale range from $29.00 up to $69.00. GIRLS SILK DRESSES in beautiful new plaid patterns and in plain colors. Priced at $27.50 to $45. GIRLS SPRING COATS in many charming styles. Plain materials and mixtures. Priced $17 to- $49. Wash Dresses At $4.98 Second Floor Girls fine wash dresses in plaids, stripes and plain colors. Attractive r.ew spring models. Sizes for girls, 6 to 14 years of age. C?4 AO Values to $7.25 at J0 Girls' Wash Dresses $5.98 Second Floor Choice of 3 pretty styles, but tfC QQ only a few of each. Plaids, stripes. Val. to $12PJ'0 Sale of Royal Easy Chairs $56 Royal Easy (JJJO AA Chairs 6alc price 34.UU $59 Royal Easy OJJ OC Chairs sale price VI.O $60 Royal Easy C flA Chairs sale price JtO.UU -$68.75 Royal tfC1 CC Easy Chairs Sale $72.25 Royal I CA CC Easy Chairs Sale DJf.UJ Oak Rockers $17.25 Oak Rock- CI Q Oft ers on sale at .... 3O.Od $22 Solid Oak Rockers, on sale a $19 Solid Oak P1 1 9f Rockers, on sale at 3i.V $20.50 Solid Oak Q1 ( Or Rockers on sale at 31D.-O $24 Solid Oak P1 Q OA Rockers on sale at i S17.60 Girls' New Spring Coats Ages 2 to 14 Basement Sale Prices $5.98 to $17.75 tendent Grout received power to transfer principals who have served five years in one building. The di rectors favored installation of a household mechanics course for boys and asked that figures showing the cost be prepared. This would teach youngsters how to handle common tools and do plumbing and repair work. ELKS Ar EUGENE ELECT Fred E. Smith, Attorney, Named Exalted Ruler of Lodge. BTTTfiirNT! fir.. March 12. (SDecialll Fred E. Smith, a local attorney. Is the new exalted ruler of Eugene lodge of Elks. Mr. Smith has been a mem ber of the lodge for a number of years. He Is republican candidate for the nomination to the office of dis trict attorney for Lane county. The other officers chosen are: Ben jamin F. Russell, esteemed leading knight; J. R. McKay, Esteemed loyal knight; Neal L. Frye, esteemed lectur ing knight; Linn W. Nesmith, secre tary; J, J. Elwood,- tiler; Harry H. Hobbs, treasurer; W. J. Williams, trustee. T. O. Russell is alternate to the grand lodge. palgn. As soon as the mixing is com pleted the grain will be distributed among farmers and when the weather becomes, favorable the extermination of rodents will begin. The farm bu reau plans to cover the entire county in a spring drive to get rid of the pests. Klamath Fights Squirrels. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. March 12. (Special.) Six tons of poisoned grain is being mixed by thqfcounty farm bu reau for its squirrel eradication cam- Hood' River to Hear Glee Club. HOOD RIVER. Or., March 12. (Spe cial.) The University of Oregon Glee club, according to a letter Just re ceived from Carl Conder Ahe, local U. of O. student, is' booked to sing at Hood River April 3. The announce ment, because of the large local alumni body of the state university is received with gratification. Charles Huggins, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. TTtivvln. nf this rltv. is a baritone of the Glee club this year. . Convention to Be Held. CENTRALIA. Wash., March 12. (Special-) The Protestant Sunday schools of Centralia and Chehalis will hold a convention in Centralia March 19. The delegates will be guests at a banquet to be served in the evening by the Ladies' Aid society of the local church. Aged Man Returns to Work. HOQUIAM, Wash., March 12. (Spe cial.) After living in retirement for 14 years on a private Income of S40, Jabez Long, aged 74, Is returning to work because the high cost of living makes it Impossible for him to live on his means. He will engage In truck gardening. Before the war, he says, he lived comfortably upon a dollar a day, but now finds It hard to get along, even with hia simple wants, upon less than SS0 a month. Vocational School Planned. LA GRANDE, Or., March 12. (Spe cial.) Newton Van Dalsen, state di rector of vocational training, was in the city yesterday making arrange ments with the local school authori ties for -the establishment of a vo cational training school for all of those persons under 18 years of age, who have never finished their eighth grade education and are now working. InTalidj Nt CmIusi A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Woid Imitations and Snlititntes I0T MISS TIIK i i daturuayalc I I OX Ot R Ml Mf'tl. Kl.OOH" f 5 THH T I'll I' I. O K I ii WI T C MrRIM.KY MIMt. At 5c the Copy "DARDANELLA" SALLY i cUrrnianWoCfe fix y