Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 12, 1920, Page 17, Image 17

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City and State Combination
Urged Locally.
Future Development . of Marine
Shipping Thought Best Assured by
Having but One Commission.
Consolidation of the Port of Port
land commission and the commission
of public docks to form a single ad
ministrative body responsible for all
the maritime activities of the port
the recommendation of the committee
of 15, according to a communication
from J. B. Kerr, chairman of this
committee, read at a meeting yester
day of the port commission.
The committee of 15, appointed by
the city council to make recommenda
tions for the future welfare of the
eity, particularly in regard to indu
trial and commercial development, has
decided that the consolidation of the
two port administrative bodies is for
the . best interests of Portland, ac
cording to Mr. Kerr's letter, and will
take the matter up with the 1921 ses
Jon of the state legislature or place
it in the form of an initiative petl
tion upon the ballot in the 1920 elea
News Writer Are Excluded.
The communication to the port
commission was for the purpose o
determining the views of that body on
the proposed change and to ask for
suggestions. Consideration of . the
matter by the port commission was
made following the adjournment of
yesterday's regular meeting, at an ex
ecutive Bession from which represen
tatives of the press were excluded.
a The plan proposed by the committee
of 15 is for the Port of Portland to
take over all the property of the city
controlled by the dock commission,
including all municipal terminals and
their equipment. The port, under this
plan, would assume the bonded In
debtedness of the city incurred
through the activities of the commis
sion of .public docks, and would be
privileged to issue its own bonds for
the amount of this debt.
The recommendations of the com
mittee of 15 also include the purchase
by the port of Swan island in the
lower harbor, its partial or complete
removal and the development of the
lowlands in Mock's bottom and the
Guild's lake district.
( llr ud State to Combine.
Plans for the development of the
harbor in connection with the Swan
island project have been under con
sideration by the port and dock com
missions for several months, and an
extensive survey of the island and ad
jacent territory has been made by
George W. Bosch ke, a consulting en
gineer employed for this work' jointly
by the two commissions.. Recommen
dations of Mr. Boschke have been
discussed by representatives of the
port and dock commissions at several
star-chamber sessions within the past
two weeks, and a decision on the fu
ture operations about Swan island is
expected to be announced soon.
While the commission of public
docks is a branch of the municipal
government, the Port of Portland de
rives its powers from the state legis
lature. A consolidation of the, two
bodies, .therefore, will require either
an act of the legislature or a vote by
the state at large.
Paoifie Coast Shipping Xotes.
ASTORIA. Or., March 11. (Special.)
The flour-laden steamer Be&rport from
Portland returned at 2 o'clock this after
noon from her trial run at sea. She
. aailed at 6his afternoon for Armenia
via New York.
The steam schooner Tiverton shifted
last night from Portland to Westport,
where she la to load lumber.
The steam schooner Multnomah arrived
at 12:40 this afternoon and proceeded to
Portland to load lumber.
Bringing freight and passengers for As
toria and Portland the steamer City of
Topeka arrived at 7:10 this morning from
Ban Francisco, via Eureka and Coos Bay.
After discharging cement here the
steam schooner Horace X. Baxter sailed
during the eight for Wlllapa harbor to
Joad lumber.
The scMooner K. V. Krose, lumber
laden, from Knappton for Sydney, 1 still
short one man to complete her crew.
Three men arrived from Portland at noon
today and two ot them were signed on
but the other after having his fare and
meals paid for by the vessel, thanked the
captain for bringing him to Astoria and
added that he had no intention of going
n the craft.
Laden with general cargo from Port
land, the gasoline schooner Mirene sailed
at 10 this morning for Waldport. I
The steamer Rose City will be due at
noon tomorrow from San Francisco en
route to Portland.
' SAX PEDRO. Cal.. March 11. (Special.)
Arrived Steamers Celilo. from Portland,
6 A. M.; Halco, from Astoria, in the night;
Annette P.olph, from San Francisco. In the
night; San Diego, from Puget sound, 2:30
P. M. ,- Point Bonlta, from Baltimore, 10
A. M. ; Tahoe. from Grays Harbor, 11 A. M.
Sailed Steamers Daisy Freeman, for San
Francisco. 3 P. M.: Governor, for Seattle,
10 A. M.; O. C. Llndauer, for San Fran
cisco, in the night; Raymond, for San
Francisco. In the night; Coional E. L.
Drake, for Portland. 3 P. M.; Annette
Rolph, for South America. 5 P. M. ; Iil
worth. for Puget sound, P. M.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 11 Arrived
Steamers Hartwood. from Aberdeen: Grace
Dollar, from Shanghai: Sinaloa. from Hon
olulu; Phoenix, from Greenwood; Frank H.
Buck, from Everett. Departed Steamers
Persia Maru and Daisy, for Astoria; Caq
sumset, for Liverpool.
SAN PEDRO, Cal., March 11. (Special.)
l,ocal shipping interests have received
news of the sailing from New Orleans of
the steamer Hawaii Maru and the Panama
Maru for here. They are vessels of the
Osaka Shoshen' Kalsha, which now will
snake this port one of Its ports of call.
The two steamers are due this month. The
Hawaii Maru Is due March 15 and the
Panama Maru March 20.
Directors of the San ledro Chamber of
Commerce went on recortf this mornmg ma
favoring a large bridge for all kinds or
traltlc over tne west oasln channel en
trance In preference to two bridges, one
for railway traffic and for vehicles.
I A committee was appointed to confer with
mission, the Union Oil company, the Los
Angeles Shipbuilding se Drydock company
and the General Petroleum company to
see Ir this arrangement could be made.
It was proposed that the etty purchase the
present railroad bridge and move it on
barges to another channel where a bridge
la needed and aid in the construction of
a new bridge to take the place of the one
removed. It was declared that barges
placed beneath the present bridge at low
tide would lift the bridge off its piers at
high tide and that the moving was not
an unpossiDie engineering feat.
GRAYS HARBOR, Wash., March 11
(Special.) The steamer Hoqulam arrived
from San Francisco today and began load
ing at the Donovan mill, south Aberdeen.
The steamer Carlos arrived today from
San Pedro and began loading at the A. J.
West mill, Aberdeen.
The steamer Svea arrived today and be
gan loading at the Western mill, Aber
deen. COOS BAT, Or, March 11 (Special.)
The gasoline schooner Tiger put to sea
at 2 this afternoon with general freight
for Gold Beach and Wedderburn.
After two .days or rougn water at the
bar, the steam schooner Yellowstone was
able to sail tonight at 5:30 for San Fran
cisco with her lumoer cargo from- the
Norttt Bend mill and gasoline drums from
the oil company docks.
The steamer C. A. Smith, loaded for sea
with lumber from the Smith mills, wem
down the bav but failed to sail for Bay
Point. She later returned up the bay and
anchored near Empire.
SEATTLE, Wash.. March 1 L (Special.)
Completion of Seattle's new public termi
nal. known as Smith Cove pier B, and the
purchase- of needed equipment must be
postponed because of lack of funds, accord
ing to reports submitted at the meeting of
the port commission today. This conaition
exists, said C. J. France, executive secre
tary. although J837,i78.6 in net profits
earned by the public terminals in 1918
and 1919 was put back into the properties.
The barge J. I. meters, scneuuiea to
lead the Northwestern Fisheries company
fleet of big cannery vessels to northern
waters, began loading this morning at the
Bell-street terminal here lor tne corpora
tion's packing plant at Dundas, southeast
ern Alaska. She will depart March So In
tow ot the company's large steam tug,
A. B. Carpenter.
Four of the comoanys cannery tenders
sailed for southeastern Alaska at the end
of February. They are the gas boats
Snencer. Siren. Tongas and Santa Ana.
By April 25 the last of the large ship and
the smarter vessels will be on the way to
their respective stations In southeastern
Alaska, southwestern Alaska and Bering
sea. The Northwestern Fisheries company
and the Anacortee Fisheries company, both
subsidiaries of the Booth Fisheries com
pany, will send 150Q men to their north
ern canneries this season.
from Captain Curtis of the steamer
"Esperansa," which stranded off Pro
greso, Yucatan, indicated that the 151
persons aboard were in no immediate
danger and that relief from rescue
ships was expected within a few
hours. The Esperanza. carrying 45
passengers and a mixed cargo of lead
and hemp, was bound for New York
from Vera Cruz, via Progreso.
Movements- of Vessels.
PORTLAND, March 11 Arrived at
A. M. Barge No. 88, from San Francisco;
arrived at 7 P. M., steamer City of Topeka,
from San Francisco via Eureka; arrived
at 11:30 P. M., steamer Multnomah, from
San Francisco.
Sailed afternoon Steamer Wawalona.
for Yokohama and Kobe.
ASTORIA, March 11 Sailed at 8 last
night Steamer W. S. Porter, for
Monterey; aailed at 10 last nlsrht. steamer
Coaxet, for Hongkong and way; sailed at
mldnlifht. steamer Horap tc nuter. for
Port Commission Also Hears- Re-1 Puget sound.
Arrived 7:10 ana left np 10:30 A. M.
Reconditioning of Columbia
Is Authorized.
port on Dredging Programme
Made by Manager Polhemus.
Advertisement for bids for the con-
Steamer City of Topeka. from San Fran
cisco via Eureka: arrived at 12:40 and
left up at 1:40 P. M., steamer Multnomah,
from San Francisco; arrived at 1:20 P. M.,
steamer Bearport, from trial trip.
BAN FRANCISCO. March 11. Sailed at
10 last night Steamer Santa Monica, for
Columbia river; sailed at 2 P. M., steamer
struction of a new steel hull for the I Cansumset, for Puget sound and Portland,
Port of Portland dredge Columbia San Pedro and Liverpool.
. , . . . . , ; r Ainvcu i a inn mem oteamer uver
was auiaorizea bj i-ii SWi from Portland; arrived morning, . formed the Monarch Shipbuildl
sion at a regular meeting yterday. steamer Klamath, from San Diego, for M5e anuria & (
"Bayer Tablets) of Aspirin" to be
genuine must be marked with the
safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an
unbroken Bayer package which con
tains proper directions to safely re
lieve Headache, Toothache. Earache.
Neuralgia, coias ana pain, uanay tin
boxes . of 12 tablets cost but a few
cents at drug stores larger packages
also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester
ot Sallo licacld. Adv.
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., March 11.
(Special.) The Japanese steamer Banal-
tan, coming from Dairen witn general car
ro and a shipment of vegetable oil, re-
Dorts by wireless she will arrive for quar
antine Inspection tomorrow morning.
George W. Albln, vice-president oi tne
Ames Shipbuilding si Drydock company.
will leave Sunday ,ror rortiano, wnere no
will receive a certificate for meritorious-
services performed during the war for the
manner in whicn nis company uuiu ves
sels for the government. The presenta
tion will be made at tne i-oruana com
mercial club. The awards of merit for
other shipbuilding concerns on Puget sound
were sent to Seattle but by mistake the
Ames company s award was sent to Port
land. . t .
The steamer City or spokane, witn
full cargo of general freight,- sailed to
day for Manila and other oriental ports.
After a delay or several aays in secur
ing a crew, the schooner Meteor sailed
this evening for the west coast. The
rhonneri Mary E. Foster and Rosamond
have not been so rortunate up to tne pres
ent, only a few men have been secured.
bence they will be oeiayea some aays.
The United States shipping board steam-
er West Ivis, making the run from Kobe
in 21 days, arrived this orning witn
general cargo and a big shipment of hemp
or discharge at Seattle.
TACOMA. Wash.. March 11. (Special.)
The Mukllteo Is due Friday night from
San Francisco with general freight for
the Baker dock. The President got away
for San Francisco and other California
ports at noon. Captain Cousins, of the
President, reported one of the most pleas-
ana, winters along the coast-In a number
ot years. So far during the winter the
President has had only one stormy passage.
The Florence Olson, loading here for
California, may get away tonight or to
morrow with a cargo of lumber. The
race steamer Santa Rita, due here today.
la not expected now before Saturday to
load. The vessel is having repairs made
to her machinery downsound and this has
taken longer than originally expected.
The Edniore, with oil for the Philip
pines Vegetable Oil company, is due here
tomorrow morning. After discharging, the
steamer will load flour and copper for
the orient. The Eastern Mariner, which
has been undergoing repairs downsound.
is also due. The vessel will be lined here
Deiore commencing to load.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 11. (Special.)
Captain K. Wanatabe, Purser Ihioki and
Chief Steward A. M. Saunders of the
T. K. K. steamship Persia Maru. who all
became HI shortly after the veseel arrived
from the orient and were transferred to a
local hospital, had recovered today suffi
ciently to go to sea when the craft sailed
tor the orient and Honolulu. All of the
fflcers said that they had a touch of the
flu," but felt well enough to make the
The Persia took out a full list of nas-
sengers and a capacity general cargo of
steel, wire, tinplate and malt. Recently
all of the ships were well provided with
consignments of malt, which Is being used
in the orient to brew beer. In the strong
boxes of the ship were bars of gold and
liver approximating 13,000,000, which will
go to Hongkong, and in one package
eighing only four pounds there was mat
ter valued at 1312.000. The contents con-
sted of diamonds, which are now becom
ing all the rage.Jn the land of the mikado,
here the newly rich are Investing heavily.
The monster army transport Mount Ver
non was placed in drydock at Hunters
Point today, following a successful trial
trip. The ship will depart for Vladivostok
next Tuesday.
Captain Nevln of the tug Storm King
was complimented by Port Superintendent
Clem Randall and by shipping men today
when he brought the crippled steamer
Sinaloa Into port in tow. The salvaging
of the steamer from her helpless position,
140 miles off port, was not a thing of Joy,
according to the log of the Storm Klnir.
When the Lurllne of the Matson line
steamed away from the Sinaloa Tuesday
the sea was fairly smooth. Shortly after
ward a gale from the northwest swooped
down and made things uncomfortable.
With a sea anchor out the steamer man
aged to hold on, but when the tug arrived
It was a man-sized job to get a line aboard
the cripple. The big new tug then bucked
the gale back to port arriving late this
afternoon. Repairs will be made here.
Henry Avila, who- has resigned as local
chief of the sea-training bureau of the
United States shipping board, will leave
the position in two weeks and return to
his former work as a passenger expert for
the Unii Paciric railway.
The steamer Grace Dollar of the Robert
Dollar company's oriental-San Francisco
New York service, arrived from the far
east today with general merchandise and
will be bunkered before resuming the voy
age to the Atlantic.
Four of the super-dreadnoughts of the
Pacific fleet will be drydocked at Hunt
ers Point for a regular Inspection between
March 2t and April 4. It was announced
today. The vessels are the Texas, Idaho,
New Mexico and Mississippi.
Specifications for the new hull, which Portland.
have been in the course of prepara-
Riffging Designs? Call . for 58
Square Yards in Spanker
Sail Area 'Alone.
The name Ecola. meaning whale in
the Chinook jargon, has been tents,
tivelv selected as the name of tlx
five-masted schooner to be launched
tomorrow or early next week by the
Monarch Shipbuilding company at the
North Portland yard of the G. M.
Standifer Construction corporation
The vessel to be launched is one of
the Ferris type wooden hulls left o
the ways by the cancellation of ship
Dine board construction contracts fol
lowing the signing of the armistice.
She was acquired from the emergency
fleet corporation by George F. Kodg-
ers, president of the Rodgers bhip
building company of Astoria, when hi
took title to all unfinished hulls in the
country for which contracts had been
canceled, and sold by him to captain
W. Z. Haskins and J. J. Reynolds, who
Balfour. Guthrie & Co.
later purchased an Interest in the ves-
nnrvn . I eAl mrtA hAiamA ho mflimpinf oner
.. - : v tfnm. I w , a i m, oiarcn li. rassea v a. i " o
tion for some time, have been com- Msteam.r Daiav PlJ.n.m from Coium- ators.
pleted, it was reported to the com- Dla rlver ioT gan Pedro I Tne privilege of naming the vessel
mission oy Jainta n. i ujj....uo, i was conferred by Haskins & Hey
f ral manappr of the Dort. xilus will oe l e,v Ttr-E r. . , . I ,,nnn -txr t n,,na nr Raltnnf
' 1 lit I 1 ; -. I AIMCQ II. ATOeU laav I UUIUO UfWU . . UU, ua wfc I
opened at a Bpeuim luocuus """ nignt steamer Halco, from Columbia Guthrie & Co., who handled tne ne
Completion of the new null ior me river. gotiations with the Monarch Ship
Columbia will give the Fort or Fort- . building company for his firm. The
land four suction dredges. The work Arnveaeteamer wear name Ecol- Mr Burns said yester-
of maintaining the channel in tne r.uu. . . . determined UDon
Willamette, performing the dredging SEATTLE, Wash.. March 11. -Arrived definitely, but is the one that now
requirea for tne construction oi new steamers west Ivis, from Manila; Norwood, appeals to him as most appropriate.
public shipping facilities, and a great from Callao via San Francisco; Admiral An unusually large expanse of can
amount of dredging work requestea nooman, irom ucesn uaiis, a. J.; jhukii- vag hag been pannea for tne new
by private interests, constitute . - - windjammer by Haskins & Reynolds.
programme which cannot be handled Steamers Clty of gpokane, for Manila; who have, designed her rigging. The
with the three dredges, Portland, for .uthw..tern Alaska: Fuiton. I spanker sail alone, they say. will have
Willamette and Tualatin, now in I for British Columbia ports; City of Seattle, I an area of nearly 383 square yard a
Fourth Dredge Is KeedeA.
With a fourth dredge available,
however, it is believed that all de
mands for dredging by the port can
be met.
Reporting upon the dredging pro
gramme yesterday. Manager pome
mus told the port commission that a I ,'.i
cut of 550,000 cubic yards at terminal
for southeastern Alaska. -
SHANGHAI, March 2. Arrived Steam
er Abercos, from Portland,- Or.
LffVERPOOL, March 8. Arrived
Steamer Hendora, from Portland, Or.
RAYMOND, March 11. Arrived t
M. Steamer Horace X. Baxter, from Aa-
U. S. Naval Radio Reports.
(All positions reported at 8 P. M. nnless
otherwise indicated.)
ADMIRAL DEWEY, Ban Francisco for
Seattle. 248 miles from Seattle.
YOSEM1TG, San Francisco for Seattle,
60 miles south of Clape Flattery.
PHYLLIS, San Diego for Everett, 20
miles from Everett.
RICHMOND, towing barge 85, Eonolulu
Cisco via Seattle.
TSTx a xbU ha inmn AtMl In TWO weeKS. I JALUJ1A, wasa- m&rea li Arrived I c uh ittun ... : i - c- u
and he proposed to send the dredee " - - - March 10. 8 P. M.
channel through Nigger creek bar to
connect the port of St. Helens with
the deep water in the main ship chan
nel of the Columbia river. In the
meantime, it was suggested a fill de
sired by the dock commission at ter
minal No. 4 can be made from tailings
from the dredging of slip No. 3 at
the terminal, which it is desired to
excavate as soon as possible. Mr.
Polhemus was authorized by the com
mission to work out the details of the
LYMAN STEWART. Port San Luis for
Vancouver, 812 miles from Vancouver.
MUNRA, Astoria for New York, 400
miles south of Columbia river.
WILLAMETTE for San Francisco, 230
miles north of San Francisco.
Francisco, 215 miles north of San Fran
CAPTAIN A F. LUC A 3. Willbridce frr
SriiCUivAllUA nixm UVLK JUS-loan rearo, 038 miles fro sran Pedro.
mui'l'-isi-r, Seattle .or Richmond, 242
SIOX OP A. J. FltKSC. 1 miles north of Richmond.
ruKTKK, Llnnton bound south, 355 miles
programme with G. B. Hegardt, chief Dlstrict Shipping Manager Sent to 18 sTatf,i,,,1
Seattle to' Make Investiga
tion for Board Head.
engineer for the dock commission.
Engineer Opinion Given,
In connection with the proposed
appointment of a traffic manager for
the Port of Portland, Gus C. Moser,
attorney for the port, rendered an
opinion yesterday to the effect that
the commission has the right if it so Seattle official circles of the United
JOHANNA SMITH. San Fraiiclscn for
coos nay, 355 miles north ef San Fran
oan i-earo, 744 miles from Ocean Falls.
FRED BAXTER. Everett for San Port
SAN FRANCISCO. March 11. (Spe- " "
WTPDITl f- a Tj-t-m -r-r .. . -
cial.)-Much speculation in local aniLrKrmB,18C
IDA, towing West Hepburn, 869 miles
desires to enter into a contract to hinr,irr hrrf -nd the emer- west of , V? " ,T"Ln',.,ao2
""i"" i..w. gency fleet corporation follows tne -a -ke;a, Honolulu Tor Los Angeles,
years. A question has been raised , fv-i.. t woh. I 715 miles from Los Anielea.
...... . , i , emu juuis ior uieunt, 140
uxiies irom uieum.
binding for more than one year. X" , for a month and make a per- s. Ytroma Ior &an M 82 milf
as to the power of the commission to ,, n r a t fr.v nf thi -irir
- , l,0 1 ,1 . . & v- .r f
C,, m """ California district manager, to go to
ine plan proposeu oy w. uaurgiaru, ii,iinn P,o nn frmr ADTMlBil. arcmrv o- -
city engineer, for the improvement of distinct matt ers which have not been Seattle. 44 miles north of San Francisco,
the territory between Front street and mad public; Frey la now on his way ADMIRAL NlCHOLSOrr. monterey for
w-e, - trt t i Vnnif ir nnrthwPRf. KrPV re- . ",,,co "wllu Aiouierey.
?treeS' PrLI"'?.6?:' turned two days ago from a person- 186,1 Pedr
commission for an expression of opin
ion by A. L Barbur, city commission
er of public affairs. The matter was
referred to the port's standing com
mittee on river and harbor improve
al conference with Payne at the na- Asuncion, San Pedro for Richmond.
tional capital. Frey, it is understood, 210 miles south of Richmond.
was anxious to resign and enter pri-1 HARTWOOD, San Francisco for Sas
vate business. Payne persuaded him ' . i'' r. i ln ot ban Francisco
to stay tor at least a year, at which A ilrlZ Franclsc'
t me it is anticipated tne anairs oi u. a Tnix-spnuT m. n,"
.V. . Ho ill Ha I ,., i "").lilt.U
SHIPPING CO.XFEREXCE ENDS nn it was at Washington that Frev enterprise. nnai
II In fni Qen C-
received his instructions to go to p -v miles irom S&n Francisco; 8
J- Frey strict Manager, States Lelf knows wny he has been sent up via Holuiu4 m nZ0, 17":
north. 1 8 P. M., March 10.
Frev still retains his district man- I SENATOR. Corintn tr.- w
A conference of sthlnnln? hoard nf. I oe-Arahln harp anil nrpnmflblv for ft I 035 miles south of San FranMwn
ficials, which has been in session in month, at least, will have his author- r libby Maine, Saiina Cruse for
this city for the past two days, was ity increased over the jurisdiction of g p . mT March 11 L rrom SaIln Cru;
concluded yesterday without the an- te Pacific northwest. EASTERN MOON, Seattle for New Vork
..w....v...w..w Vm. ...... p. u . wbwu,- Wll .-"luui J i .' - . . . . " ii.-.n .UUI UUI Dan lmiMlln- K M
mended or new Dolicies determined United States Attorney Bert Schlessn March 10. ' ''
upon for future operations of the inger and Special Agent Tidwell and .WEST. CAYOTE, San Pedro for Balboa
emergency fleet corporation on this Special Agent W. C. Foster, through March j" Balboa; 8 P. M.
coast. the federal grand jury at Seattle had sCOFIblty . FnM t.j
A. J. Frey, district manager of the indictments returned against the two 2900 miles from San Francisco- v m
construction division of the fleet cor- corporations' district manager there, March 10.
poration for the southern Pacific dis- John F. Blain, and his successor, W. S ACHEM, San Francisco for Balboa, off
trict. who has been beading the con-I A. Magee. Schlessinger soon Is to ,V?Infnw e iwarcn io.
fnr hore. stntpd lasr nirhf that nrnsprnta them. It is owinr to the Y,:: San Francisco for New York
nothinz definite had been decided indictment of the two former offi- March 10. " ra-aciECO ? p- M
and that the work was only started, cials that Payne wants Frey to do
Mr. Frey is chairman of a committee certain work for him there. One of
appointed by the shipping board to I these pieces of work, it Is said, is the
make a survey of the fleet corpora- proposed purchase oi tne oKinner as
tion's affairs onthis coast and rec- Eddy shipyards at Seattle by the gov
ommend- changes back to the board, eminent through Payne and their im-
The next series of conferences will mediate sale by fayne to a private
be in Seattle with officials of the company.
orth Pacific district.
There have been few year when
the "average citizen" has been so inter
ested or so affected by the political situa
tion. The best reports in this as in other
Presidential years will be written from
the field by
who needs
any circle of
no introduction to
American readers.
His articles appear regularly in
Milton today, where they are making
ire surveys of those cities. They will
also visit other Umatilla towns be
fore returning to the capital, accord
ing to A. C. Barber, state fire mar
Marine Kotes.
The Admiral line steamer City ef To
peka. delayed 24 hours by rough seas on
the Coos Bay bar, arrived at terminal No.
2 last night with freight and passengers
from San Francisco via Eureka and Coos
The steamer Bearport. carrying flouT
for the relief of Armenia, completed her
12-hour sea trial and departed for New
York yesterday, according to information
received here by the Columbia-Pacific
Shipping company, her operators.
The oriental liner Wawalona, of the Ad
miral line, left down river last night for
Yokohama and Kobe with a full cargo.
The steamer Out shifted yesterday
from the Portland Flouring mills to the
Kerr-Jlfford dock to continue loading a
cargo of flour.
Colombia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, March 11. Condition of
the bar at e P. M. ea rough; wind south,
14 miles.
Tides at Astoria Friday.
High." I Low.
5:31 A. M....T.2 feet!12:5T A. M 1.4 feet
7:tr8 P. 11 i. fteti
Cargo Ready for First Ship Put on
Brooklyn and Other Warships to ,h chln Rnn
Permanent Assignment Would Be
Step Sown, Asserts Caldwell,
New York Democrat.
WASHINGTON. March 1L Without
record vote the house today refused
" xiouo.u.u oof". A ful, ,,.50 of 4,500,000 feet of
vai.t.wo Cal.. March L Rear- lumber for Shanghai and Taku Bar,
Admiral Riley, commanding destroyer China, has already been booked for
squadrons 2 ond 4 of the Pacific the steamer Angeies, tne first vessel
fleet, who arrived at Mare Island to be allocated to the new north
nnvv-vard vesterdav on the tender China line of the Columbia-Pacific
Melville, today transferred his flag Shipping company, it was announced to amend the army reorganization bill
to the cruiser Brooklyn. yesterday. The cargo will be supplied tQ mak. (.-.! pershine the
He will sail on the Brooklyn for by three local lumber exporters. I , t .
San Diego March 15, leaving there The An geles. a steel shipping board u approved tn6 section permitting the
ior nonoiuiu aaitu ""' wis vessel Ul oovu uco.uvc5l.i. ,,,. nf .- mat tha onion.
hroOKiyn ana Lilt? iirroLi i' a ucn, i t&i - I pecieu 111 UQ uuiutiicicu ai uub Augctca I tion.
oeiL upsnure, ureor, muuii ana inr- : marcn au ana io come nere airectiy i n.,.-..i,.iu. c. r.nv,iiir
nelL " for loading. In the announcement K.n. off.rin rhn m.ndmBnt Hn.
from the operations division of the I , . h-ih,,., i. td!..
Steamer Runs to Port. - fleet corporation of the allocation of rin,. in n, mnUromot of h
NEW YORK, March 11. Rescue of I . i -1H arn"' w111 be lost" Representative
the steamship Tyee, disabled, and """o A". A It:: ,, ""- Caldwell, democrat. New York, said
r.r nm.i.inn. 1M mllea .t nf I w " General Pershing's assignment as
Amhrnne channel, was reported today ' "f chief of staff "would be a step down.
in a wireless message from the steam- r-l ICI OCI7IIDC IC TUDCAT Objections by both republicans and
shin Lake Markbam to the naval com- I rUCL OUltUnC IO I fin CM I I democrats that the general staff
Liver Causes
It's foolish to suffer from constipation,
sick headache biliousness, Hi7ri ".
indigestion, d kin- itv
dred ailments uC-t.
Little Liver I
Pills will end
all misery in 'A
a few hours, f
Purely vego-
table. Act
gently on liver ani
i v l. ri
Small PU1 Small Dose Small Prlet
great nerve and blood tonic for
Anemia. RhenmatJsm, Nervwusnesa,
Sleeplessness and Female Weak-ess.
uiise auial tear sluitmit
Applicants for Insurance Often
TRAVEi-rnw oriDB.
f! A medicine
Judging from reports from drug
gists who are constantly ln direct
touch with the public, there la one
preparation that has been very suc
cessful in overcoming these condi
tions. The mild and healing Influence
of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its
remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of
the prominent Life Insurance Compa
nies, in an interview of the subject.
made the astonishing statement that
one reason why so many applicants
for insurance are rejected is becaui
kidney trouble is so common to the
American people, and the large ma
jority of those whose applications are
declined do not even suspect that they
have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root la on sale at all drug stores In
bottles of two sixes, medium and
However, If you wish first to test
this great preparation, send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngharaton. N.
Y., for a sample bottle. When writing
be sure and mention The Portland
Oregonlan. Adv.
Fuwnrrr and Frelsht ftervlrr.
Carmanla ... Apr. . Juno Is, Jnlr t'l
ItMV VORK In Hf -Rliol IIU and
Manrxtanla, Mar. TO. Apr. IT. Mar 11
lot pent Lor May 1, 29, Juoa t'l
M W VOKK to I I VOlll Til
Royal (mai Apr. 14, Mar I. June 1
8atonis April I, Mar If. Jaaw M
NKW VOHK l l,Hl.Ol ,
rolumbla Apr. 17. Mar It, Jaly S
PstnTBla May 1, Jims , Jnlf II
CaMandra Apr, S, May 1A. Jims II
Nf.W VORK to riVMOITIt. tllUl.
Kalaerln Ansusi llffia
Mar . Joe It. J.ilr IT
For Information snrl Tlrksis. apply u
Ixcal Asnts or Company's Otfloa,
ni Id Arew sllle. I'hons Elliot III!,
stive and reconstruct! ye properties. Use-
.... . . . i .. j..Kii;,a,-J rultflnria
caosed by overwork or prolonged mennu
strain or nervous irritability, sleepless
ness, brain fag. or general depression of
the nervous system, r reparea unoer
formulaflled with and approved ty tne
Chief Chemist. Treasury Oept . Wash-
inKton. D. U.
nm.kj-VK riRno co.
JramKKarera, Kansas CJty. Ha.
BIumauer-Frsnk Drug Co.
Portland, Oreson
Bole DiMtributor For
Oregon, Washington and Idaho ,
I Ask Your Druggist
munication service here.
Stranded Ship in No Danger.
NEW YORK, March 11. Wireless
messages received here late today
Port Calendar.
would be permitted to rule the war
Daniels Says Xavy Will Comman- department and . the army under the
I I ,UI jjaillAClLIVU LI 1 1 A OOUHCU 111 n U II l
deer Supply if Necessary. I tion of an amendment which would
' I ti-ovcn t nunimntinn nf oilmlnl.tnllv.
WiWlinuiun, 11. iuo .(, hv thA otnrf
navy is prepared to commandeer the Representative Johnson, republican,
fuel oil necessary for its f ighting gti, Dakota, tried to have the bill
amended so as to provide for radical
changes ln the administration of mil-
To Arrive at Portland.
Vessel From. thie.
Str. Uaisy ..........San Francisco Mar. 32
Str. Rose City Sao Francisco Mar. 13
ships if its requirements are not cov
ered "at reasonable prices," in the
Dias 10 oe open iuoaj xor ins lustice. A motion to include
announced today.
Less than a million barrels were
the Chamberlain-Johnson courtmar-
tial measure was voted down, 74 to 66.
r. KOSe Uliy ....... ou r raiiuisi-u r. 14 . , . .
Sir. Santa Monica ...Ban Francisco Mar. 14 coverea oi ine io,uuu,w auKou in re
Str. Klamath San Francisco Mar. 15 cent reauests for bida
Two City Fire-Surveys Begun.
SALEM, Or., March 11. (Special.)
Str. Joban Poulsen ..San Francisco Mar. 15
Harm i r. niilrn .flan Franclacn Mar lit
Htr. Llalsv fTeeman . &an rrancisco Alar. 17 I ireiana naa tearnea is eat oatmeai t investigators 01 ine state lire mar
Str. Celilo San Francisco Mar. IB I tn lurrsr nuantitiea than evr hsfnra InhaTa office arrived nt Preewaternnd
1-. I". . , fis.,1 . Uaa Ort I c t -
Str. Willamette an STancisco Mar. L'l I
Str. Tomlura Mam . orient Mar. 23
Sir. Anselea San Pedro Mar. 23 i
Sch. Snow A Burgess.. Manila Mar. 25
Str. Montague , unent Apr. 1
To Depart From Portland.
Str. Wahkeena San Pedro- Mar. Hi
Str. Daisy uattnews.. san rearo Mar. 12
Str. Tiverton San Pedro Mar. 12 1
Str. Wapama San Francisco Mar. 131
Barg-eWi San Francisco Mar. 13
Teasels In Port.
Vessel Berth
Bkt. C. F. Crocker.. Drydock.
Barre 83 W lllbridee.
Str. City of Topeka .. Terminal No. 2.
Str. CoL P. S. Michle.Fac. Mar. Iron Was.
Btr. uaisy uatnewa. . unappion.
Sch. K. V. Kruse.... Knappton.
Str. Multnomah Coucb-st. dock.
M S. Oronite ...WestDort
Str. Osso Portland Flour. Mills. I
sir. uvenon ....... westport.
Str. Trinidad Tongue Point.
Str. W. F. Herrin... Linn ton.
Str. Waban Terminal No. 4.
Str. Wahkeena... ....St Helens.
Str. Wapama St. Helena.
Str. Washtenaw ....Llnnton.
Str. Wawalona ......Terminal Ko, 4,
Greatly Benefited
"I have derived such wonderful ben
efit from the use of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy that I cheerfully recommend it to
anyone in need of such a medicine'
writes Mrs. P. . Matteson, Roseville,
Absorption Process
Makes Faces Young
Success at last has com. to scientists
who for years have sought some method
of removing the outer veil of facial akin
ln cases of unsightly complexions, which
would be both painless and harmless.
Th new process la so simple, so Inexpen
sive, th. wonder is no on. had discovered
It long ago. It has been amply demon
strated that common mercollsed wax (sold
by druggists ln ouno package) entirely
removes, by gentle absorption, the with
ered, lifeless surface skin, showing the
youthful, roselike skin beneath. The wax
Is applied at night. Ilk. cold cream, and
washed off In th. morning. Th. absorp
tion also cleanses cloRged pores, Increas
ing th. skin's breathing capacity and pre
serving tone, color and natural beauty of
the new skin. Adv.
A Powerful Microscope
Will Show the Cause of Your
Hair and Scalp Troubles
The roots of the hair must be examined
the exatft cause of each particular trouble
must be determined before the case
can be intelligently treated.
Prof. John H. Austin
41 Tears a Bacteriologist, Hair and Scalp Specialist
Says that the use of dandruff cures, hair tonics, mange
cures, etc, without the proper advice, is like taking medicine
without knowing what you are trying to cure.
Free Microscopic Examination of the Hair and Scalp.
Find out what is causing that falling hair and dandruff.
(Women need not take down their hair)
Private Offices at the Owl Drug Co.
Broadway and Washington
alls from Portlnnd t oo I". M. Mar
l'i. fwr Marwbflrld. I.ureka and Nts
Vranrtaro, ronntrllng mlfb sleauirrs l
Lua Aogelr. and San Dirge.
H. K. M'OK AVK" to Mtka aad war
porta Marrh 11.
K. ti. "AllMIHtl, FVAXS" 8ewar4
aad war pnrta March If.
h. H. "t l l V OI KKTTi r U Ux.
way and way piirU Marh 2S.
Tirkrl ollice 101 Third at.,
rretght office. Mnnlrlnal ilwk No. t. '
1'hone Alain N.IKI.
Change tn Sailing
S. S. Rose City
Depart 12 Noon
From Ainaworth Dock
Fare includes Berth and Meal
Cit J Ticket Office. 3d and Washing ton
Phone Main 3530
Freight Office, Ainaworth Dock
Phone Broadway 268
Daily (except Friday) round trips,
Portland to Astoria.
Leare Portland. Taylor-Street Dock.
7:10 A. M.
Lear Astoria, CoIIrndcr Dock, at
2 P. M.
Excellent meals a la carte aervice.
(Including; War Tax) .
For further particulars , :
Phone Main 60G3 I
Alltn'ii Foot-TCat, th antiRfnttr inrtrr
bn phukrn Into th phnn ami mnnklrl lt
th root-hah. The g'latfftlmrc Camp Man
iirvl ailvUi'H mn In trainlnn to uu) I- not
K&fMt in thilr itiofi racrt nioruinv It pre
vent bllrira and aor atmtn 411111 rHvi
pain ful. wollrn, uniartlnx Irt and Uikr
t lie atinc out of onrna and buninna. At
ways um Allan's Koot-h.a to brak lit
n' hf- -Aitv.