THE aiORXIXG OKEGOXIAX, FRIDAT, MARCII 12, 1920 13 . X -1 i-.-A 'v ; . I .4 i i - yj ri t i, 4 ". 1 " i VI - V CADETS OUTPLAY COMMERCE " QUINT Bookkeepers Rough It With Military Five. LEAD TEAMS MEET TODAY Franklin to Play First of. Three Strong: Contenders for City League Championship. Interscholastle iSracoe Standing. W. L. Pel I W.UPrt. PVanMin. . . 6 0 .lontMCoTnmbla.. . 4 4 ..100 I,inco!n tt 1 .Sr.? Hill 2 5 .288 Brnnon.... 4 1 .soo-Commerce. . 1 T Washinston 4 1 .swijames John 0 8 .IM)0 Jefferson. . 3 2 .SOOl The Hill Military Academy basket ball team won its second game of the season yesterday afternoon when the Cadets topped the High School of Commerce five on the T. M. C A. floor by a score of 29 to 13. The con test was featured by rough play on the part of both teams. The Cadet five outplayed their opponents in all de partments of the game and their fast combination playing was what en abled them to pile up the points. Yesterday's time was the last or the season for the Commerce quintet and thev failed to make as good showing as they did during the middle of the season. Hill kept to the fore throughou the game. The first half ended 16 to 11 and in the second 20 minutes of play the cadets tos.sers held the book keepers to one basket while they marked up a total of 13 points. Coach Murphy of the Commerce team has a young player in Ted Gu rian who should develop into a star. Gurlan. who is small and fast, work the floor well and is a good shot He wan responsible for eight of th bookkeepers' points yesterday while Mix Grider cot the other five on field basket and three converted fouls. Grider. who is usually the star o the Commerce lineup, failed to play u to his usual form yesterday. Cadet Forward Score. TTarnlri Rohlnsnn. the Cadets' small forward. Droved to be a great scor Ing machine in himself and accounted for nearly half, the points made by the Cadets. Six baskets from the floor and one converted free throw was his auota. Goodrich with six baskets to his credit also showed up well for the Cadets.. The Hill tossers have one more game to play and then they will have completed their schedule, ineir imai game is with the Jefferson high school quintet and will be playea oil some time next week. The lineup: Hill (29) .F . . .F. . .C. .G . . ,G . . .3.. .S Smith the Sherman Indians and which the Los Angeles club won, 11 to 0. Mc Donald is the new man obtained from St. Paul and who will hold down the difficult corner tills semester. Southpaw Nick Dumovich Is show ing the beat of the young flingers, al though Manager -Wade Killefer be lieves that he, too, may need a bit of added experience. It is Killefer's in tention to southpaw the rest of the clubs to death this semester. If Du movich comes through he'll carry him in addition to left-handers "Curly" Brown, Paul Fittery and Claude Thomas. Brown has come to terms and Is on his way from his home in the wilds of Kansas. He led last season's coast flingers. With Bill Fertica, Ote Cran- dalL "Toots" Schultz and Pete Ald ridge, right handers, Killefe is Bit ting pretty for flingers. GRID RULES PROPOSED FORMER MEETFXG OP COMMIT- TEE SCHEDULED. (13) Commerce (S) Urider (8) liurian Paulback Altimus Fehsee Keppinger scorers. Caplan Scotty Cohen and Bull Robinson (13) Goodrich (10). Dafrg (4) Iay (2) McMinu .... iieycten ...... Referee, H. and Cole; timer?, "Snooker" Dubinsky. Washington and Franklin will meet this afternoon on the 1. M. c A. floor in one of the crucial games of the season. Both teams are fighting hard to land the championship which should be decided within the next week. Washington is the first of the three strongest teams in the circuit that the Quakers will have to meet before the season is ended and the wearers of the Maroon F will put forth every effort to get over the speedy Washingtonians this after noon. On the other hand the Colonials, who also have a chance at the title, are determined to advance another step up the ladder by downing the Quaker crew. The game will' start at 1 o'clock with Leon Fabre officiating bj4 referee. The B'nal B'rlth Juniors defeated the James John high school second team on the B'nal B'rlth floor yester day afternoon by a score of 18 to 7, All of the .lunior team broke into the scoring column while Katcliffe was high point man with 6 points. Grif fith and Vinson did all the scoring for the losers. The lineup: B'nal B'rlth Jra. (IS) (7) Jas. John 2ds McKeen C2 K (4) Griffith Campbell '(2) F Standifer East 2 C ..(3) Vinson Duncan (4) G Kinit Katcliffe (6)..... .G. ........... Stebens Kelly 2) 8 Gaylord S JEFF TO PLAT JTCGHT GAME Scholastic Precedent Shattered in Arranging Benson Tech Play-Off. Coach Qutgley of the Jefferson high school basketball- team announced yesterday that he had arranged with Coach Billy Bryan of the Benson Tech Ave for the playing oft of the post poned game between the two teams tonight on the Washington high floor. The contest will get under way at 7:30 and is the first time In the his tory of the scholastic cage game that contests have been played at night. Tuesday afternoon the blue and gold quintet will tangle with the Washington five on the Y. M. C A. floor, while their final game of the season will be against the Hill Mili tary academy five next Thursday on the same floor. The jinx that has been following the Democrats since the start of the season is still on the Job and the latest setback that they have received Is the loss of Hendrickson, who has been holding down the center position. The husky pivot man is out on ac count of sickness and will probably not get In a uniform again this sea-eon. TROOPS PliAT BALL IS MAN TLA Members of Former Siberian Force Organize Battalion League. jft looked like a hard winter for the A. E. F. in Siberia. But since the war department decided to withdraw American troops from the cold coun try, joy has come into the lives of 3000 members of the Siberian force, wbo are now In Manila, playing base ball on several diamonds prepared and equipped by the Knights of Co lumbus. Supervisor William F. Fox of the KMgJits of Columbus reports to Overseas Director William P. Lark In of New York that 13 games a day are held under K. of C auspices in Manila. An lnter-battallon league is being formed. AX GELS BEAT LXDIAJf S, J 1-0 Killefer Ha Good Collection of Southpaws on Tap. ELSTNORE, Cal., March H. (Spe sJaL) Trainer "Scotty" Finlay spent most of today working on "Tex" Mc Donald's pet Charley horse which he Jtoorred yesterday ia the game with : Many Radical Changes to Be Sug gested but Few Expected to Be Passed. NEW YORK. March 11. The first formal meeting of the football rules committee in several years will be held tomorrow night. It is generally expected the conference will be at tended by the entire 14 members, rep resenting colleges nd universities from all sections. While a number of radical changes in the playing rules probably will be suggested, it is believed but few will receive more than perfunctory consideration. Among suggestions advanced which may be offered for consideration are: Attempted goal kick following touchdown to be made from regular scrimmage formation In the manner of a field goal; a reduction of four and a half feet In tne space between goal posts, which at present are placed 18 feet and six inches apart that periods of the game be measured by a certain number of plays Instead of 15-minute quarters; that a punted ball which strikes on tne field of play and then rolls across the goal lin shall be put in, play where it first struck instead of in the 20-yard line. One more radical rule change, ad vanced unofficially, includes a pro posal to credit a team with a certai number of points according to the to tal yardage gain while in uninter rupted possession of the ball, an ex tra period of play where a game ends in a tie and varying rules for touch downs made in conditions involving team play as oppoved to touchdowns scored from fumbled balls and inter' cepted attack. MERCHANDISE SHOOT SUNDAY LOCAL LADS ON BUY CARD TRIO OF PORTLAND BOXERS TO FIGHT IN SOUTH. Fourth Event in Series Will Be on 50 Targets. The fourth of a series of 12 mer chandise shoots being staged thi year by the Portland Gun club will be held over the' Everding park traps Sunday. The event will be on 50 tar gets and will be shot under the added- bird handicap system. Five prizes will be up to the win ning shooters, and as previous shoots of this kind have proved very popu lar with the members, a record turn out is expected. Another reason which predicts number will be at the traps Sunday Is the registered tournament scheduled to be held March 20 and 21 at the Portland Gun club, at which 400 reg istered tar hawks will be thrown. Herbert B. Newland. president of the Portland Gun club, announced yesterday that Charley Spencer, the world's greatest professional trap- shooter, will be here for the regis tered shoot March 20 and 21. Spencer averaged better than 96 per cent last year. SEATTLE WINS HOCKEY LEAD Victoria Defeated, 5 to 1, in Last Game of Regular Season. SEATTLE. Wash., March 11. Se attle's hockey team clinched first place in the Pacific Coast Hockey as sociation series In the last game of the regular season here last night, de feating the Victoria septet five goals to one. The score was tied, 1-L at the end of the first period, but Seattle scored again in the second and three times in the third. Seattle and Vancouver meet here Friday night in the first of a two game series to decide the coast cham pionship, It was announced last night. The second game will be played at Vancouver Monday, and on Tuesday the winner of the series will leave for Ottawa to play the Ottawa team for the world's championship. Trap Shot Experts Not Chosen. NEW YORK, March 11. Jay Clark Jr. of Worcester, Mass., In a message tonight to headquarters of the Ameri can Trapshooters' association repre sentatives denied that he had been empowered to pick the team of ama teur shooters to represent the United States in the Olympic, games in Ant werp next July. He also denied that the gunners will pay their own ex penses, declaring an effort will be made to obtain funds to send the as sociation's best men to Antwerp, Canadian Challenge Rejected. SYDNEY, N. a W.. March 11. The Australian Lawn Tennis association has rejected Canada's challenge for the' Davis cup, the world's premier tennis trophy, on the ground of its having arrived after the expiration of the time limit for challenges. It is suggested, however, that Canada ap ply to the other challending nations for a re-draw. Alex Trambltas Meets "Kid" Her- Man in Main Event With Gor . man and Mascot Also Fighting. Portland will be "well represented on tonight's boxing card In San Fran cisco with Alex Trambltas meeting Tilly "Kid" Herman in the main event and Joe Gorman and Billy Mas cott boxing in the preliminaries. Trambltas and Herman have fought twice In San Francisco. Their first match was a draw and In the second Herman was awarded a close decision. The Mexican welterweight knocked out the highly touted Fred Murphy, former amateur champion of the Pa cific coast, last Friday night at Dreamland rink, so Alex will be in for a tough match If Herman travels at that rate tonight. ' Joe Gorman meets Dave Shade, while Mascott tangles with Danny Edwards. Gorman and Mascott do not seem to 'object to boxing down near the bottom of the card in San FrancHico or Oakland, and It is a cinch that they are not getting any diamond-studded medals, but . when their services are wanted here they want main events and a lease on the postoffice. - There are plenty of good boxers in this neck of the woods and plenty in San Francisco who are willing to come here and box reason ably, so the matchmakers are not growing - gray-haired over any demands. Bobby Ward, the -St. Paul light weight, who fought around Portland several times last winter, is back home and busy. He will meet a mid dle western boxer named Jack Whit taker In the semi-windup of the Ritchie Mitchell-Willie Jackson bout in Milwaukie next Monday night COAST BOWLING RECORD SET Entries for Telegraph Tournament to Close by March 12 SAN DIEGO. Cal., March 11. Off! cial reports received here by Waldo Tupper, secretary of the Pacific Coast Bowling association, show that the Chevrolet Motor Car bowling team of Oakland has just established a new coast record by toppling 1144 in one game against the Auditorium team bowling- on the Maryland alleys at Oakland. . Chevrolet bowlers also hung up a new coast mark for three (ame total, rolling 3169. Secretary Tupper reports that en tries for the international telegraph bowling tournament scheduled for March 21 are arriving daily and that all previous entry records are ex pected to be smashed. Seattle will enter ten teams, as will San Francisco and Los Angeles. Entries must be in the mail by March 12. STATE PENNANT IS CLAIMED Victory of Mohawks In 120-Pound Class Causes Quint Assertion. The Mohawk club basketball team Is claiming the state championship in the 120-pound class by virtue of a victory over the B'nai B'rith juniors on the latter's floor Wednesday night. The score was 42 to 19. Scallon, the Mohawks' center, wns the individual star for the victors. He contributed 25 points on 12 field baskets and one free throw. Westerman and Matin also put up good game for the winners, while McKeen and East featured for the losers. The lineup Mohawks (42) Westerman (9).. Osburne (4) Scallon (25) Matin (2) Hurfsmlth (2)... Butler (1) B'nal B'rith Jrs. F. .F .. ,.C. .a.. -G.. .8. Referee, Louis Schilt. .(3) McKeen .(4) Campbell (8) East ...(1) Ratcliff (2) . Kelley Gaylord Wilde and Mason to. Box. SOUTH BEND, Ind., March 11. Frankie Mason of Fort Wayne, Ind., left here today for Toledo, O., where he will box Jimmy Wilde of England tomorrow night in a contest which, it Is said, will determine the world's flyweight championship. Mason said he had perfected a new punch to use on Wilde. Fish Demonstration Postponed. YAKIMA. Wash, March 11. (Spe cial.) Failure of the electrical appa ratus to reach here In time caused the demonstration of a device for control ing the movements of fish In Irriga tion anals to be postponed to next week. Fish and game officials from Washington, Oregon and Idaho are to attend. Whitman After National Title. WALLA WALLA, Wash, March 11. Coach Vincent Borleske of the Whitman college basketball team, winner of the northwest basketball championship, has challenged the winner of the Chicago-Pennsylvania series to a series of games either her or in the east. 28,000 Trout gg Received. YAKIMA, Wash, March 11. (Spe cial.) Twenty-eight thousand Mack inaw trout eggs have been received here by the county fish .and game commission. They will be hatched and , the fry will be planted in Bumping I lake. J CHAMPION'S BRIDE EXHIBITED Paris Crowds Clamor to See Car pentler's Wife at Church. PARIS, March 11. An announce ment that the religious marriage cer emony for Georges Carpentler, the heavyweight pugilist, and Mademois elle Georgette Laurentla Elsasse would be celebrated at a Paris church Tuesday proved to be an error. Crowds appeared before the church. blocking the street, and finally the police requested Carpentler and his bride, whose civil marriage took place in the city hall Monday, to appear and disperse the throng. This they did. Later Carpentier said the date for the church wedding had not been set. SALEM MAY PLAY CORVALLIS Capital City Prepares Excellent Home for Newly Organized Team. SALEM, Or, March 11. (Special.) Plans are In making here whereby the Salem Senators, the newly-organized local baseball team, may go to Cor vallis Saturday to play their first game of the season with the Aggies. Work on the grounds and grand stand is progressing rapidly, accord ing to Manager Bishop, and practi cally every member of the team has been signed. Of the S2500 needed to improve the grounds, erect the grand stand and purchase uniforms, all but S900 has been subscribed. MAJOR PLAYER FOR SEATTLE "Phillie" First String Catcher to Bolster SI wash Team. PHILADELPHIA, March 11. Jack Adams, who last season was first string catcher for the Philadelphia National league team, has been pur chased by Seattle. Adams came to Philadelphia In 1915 from the New York Giants. He was involved in the deal which brought Demaree, Stock and Adams here in exchange for Lobert, Now that the Phillies have Wheat and Tragresser, Manager Cravattt de cided to part with Adams. Jimmy Duffy Beats Johnny Noye. SAN FRANCISCO, March 11 (Spe cial.) Jimmy Dufy left-handed John ny Noye to a fare-you-well at Oak land last night and won all the way. The other bouts resulted as follows: Teddy O'Hara and Jimmy Dundee, draw; Jack Davis and Eddie Denny, draw; Frankie Malone beat Joe Ketch- ell; Al Walker fouled Frankie Garcia In the first and lost; Pat Boyle beat Kid Massey in. the first; Johnny Car ter and Scotty Fallon, draw; Jimmy Adams beat Harry Scott in second. The house was a big one and Bob Shand was the referee. ... and at three historic banquets cA fact: Within a single week last fall, great civic dinners were tendered at the Waldorf-Astoria to General Pershing, to Herbert Hoover and to Cardinal Mercier. And at all three of these famous banquets, the only cigarette served by the hosts was Fatima. FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette Ji' PP 'Just Enough Turkish" Facts like these make FatimVs place among cigarettes unique. A few years ago, the "proper thing on each state occasions would have been an expensive, fancy. boxed, straight . Turkish cigarette. Today, things are different. Men base their choice on taste rather than price. That Fatima should be so clearly the choice of men who can afford anything they like, shows that most smok ers really prefer not too much Turkish tobacco in their cigar ettes nor too little but "just enough Turkish " 1LHEIIB LIE Ifl DANGER BIRD BREEDING RESERVE MAT BE DESTROYED. , officers' training- corps artillery unit Ten ponies have been provided for the sport here by the war department. Several teams are to be organized and matches will be arranged with other California teams at San Diego, Coro nado, Del Monte and Santa Barbara. "Illinl" to Make Coast Trip. BERKELEY". Cal. March- 11. The University of Illinois has accepted an invitation for a dual track and field meet with the University of Califor nia squad here April S, it was an. nounced by California athletic man agement yesterday. . ' ' California Picks Captain. BERKELEY, Cal., March 11. John Symes, forward, was elected captain of the 1921 University of California basketball squad yesterday. Drainage Project Held Injurious to Sportsmen as Well as to In. te rested Property Owners. SALEM, Or, March 11. (Special.) That it is of vital. Interest to the property owners about Malheur lake to organize, employ the best legal talent available, and make a fight before the state land board to keep the Malheur wild fowl breeding resort Intact, was the opinion expressed in a letter written by E. W. Nelson, chief of the United States bureau of biological survey, to Fred Otley of Lawen, Harney county, and referred to Percy A. Cupper, state engineer, here today. "As you are aware," reads Mr. Nel son's letter, "the biological survey has charge of the federal bird reserva tion and is deeply interested in main taining Malheur as one of the great wild fowl breeding resorts of the United States. There is no question that if the water of the Silvles and Blitzen rivers is diverted for the ben efit of the lands now being exploited by two companies that the marsh lands around Malheur lake will be come worthless alkali flats.. "I estimate that the value of the lands which will be destroyed around the lake by the diversion of water necessary to keep it at the ordinary level would be more than a million dollars. Tlje Interests of land owners around the lake and the government in maintaining this bird reserve are Identical, and I shall be glad to be of any assistance that I can in help ing maintain a water supply in order to perpetuate the lake. "W. L. Finlay has beea conducting a campaign to have the state cede its reservation to the United States. If this were done and the land accepted by the government, the latter could then take part in defending its inter ests. At present the active defense appars to lie in the hands of the land owners." The Malheur bird reserve was the subject of a bitter fight in the 1919. AGGIE -SEXATOR legislature, the sportsmen of the state I UUULtHIUlUK LI 1 IV. ii buvuiu nc-i. tact for bird breeding purposes, while several corporations urged draining of the lake in order that the lands might be devoted to agricultural in terests. " GAME OFF FARREX BEATS "HARLEM ED" Joe Coffey Outpoints Young Papke , in Boat at 'Sacramento. SACRAMENTO, CaL, March 11. Frankie Farren, San Francisco light weight, earned a decision over "Har lem Eddie" Kelly of New York in four fast rounds last night . Joe Coffey, San . Francisco, . outpointed Toung Papke, Sacramento, in the semi-wind-up.- They are lightweights. . Sammy Pelsinger, San Francisco lightweight, defeated Claire Bromeo, Sacramento. In four fast rounds. TROEH SMASHES 50 STRAIGHT High Scores Hade in Local Prac tice Shoot Yesterday. J. B. Troeh scattered BO clay pigeons without a miss in Wednesday's prac tice shoot at the Portland Gun club. A. A. Hoover, C. B. Preston and E. H. Keller each broke 45 out of 50 tar gets. The scores follow: P Q Jor ......-Ol J. B. Troeh SO J. R. Mc-Curdy ...-30IA. A. Hoover 4.1 George lions 81F. Peterson 41 C. B. Preston 45J. Morris 44 Ed Keller ........ -4SIF. Van Atta 42 Stanford Goes in for Polb. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal March 11. Thirty-five students have sierned for the polo squad, organized jurisdiction ever the Malueur bird ft em. members of the Stanford reserve Heavy Rains and Lack of Practice Cause Postponement. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, March 11. (Spe cial.) The baseball game scheduled with the Salem Senators on tbe Aggie campus Saturday has been called off. Condition of the field, and the fact that the rains for the last two weeks have prevented practice are the rea sons for the cancellation. The Aggies wil leave Saturday night for California', where they. will play Stanford and U. of C. two games each, as well as games with Santa Clara college, and possibly with one or more of the Pacific coast league teams training in California. Four teen men, besides coach Richardson, ijlll make the trip. Ex-Coast Champ Loses. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. March 11. Romeo Hagen of Seattle, former Pacific coast middleweight champion, lost a referee's decision to Ed Shep pard of Salt Lake in a fast six-round bout here last night. Sheppard) led in four of the six rounds. . National Chairman Wanted. - NEW YORK, March 11. President B. B. Johnson of the American league arrived here yesterday for conferences with President Heydler of the Na tional league regarding a chairman for the national commission. Wagner Sow In Aberdeen. Jack Wagner, aggressive Portland welterweight, left last night for Aber deen, Wash., where he will meet Lloyd Madden of Seattle in the main event of toaiifchl fistic card ia the Grays Harbor metropolis. Jack said that he werp this summer, according to Har- was prepared for a hard six-round battle and If he wins or makes a good showing will begin a campaign against a number of men at his weight posing as "champions" in the northwest. Jfatlye Son Boxer SAN DIEGO. Cat, March 11. Danny Kramer of Los Angeles decisively outboxed Georgle Thompson of San Diego in a four-roundi bout here last night and was awarded the decision. Tbe boxers are featherweights. Eight Cyclists to Compete. NEW YORK. March 11. Eight leading amateur cyclists will compose tbe American team which will com pete attheOlyjnplcgamesatAnt- old J. Dlbtilee of the cycling commit tee connected with the Amerlcaa Olympic committee. The final try outs will be held In the eaat after sectional elimination contests have been held. Pek-Mrlans Talk to Flier. NEW YORK, March 11. Conven tion by wireless telephone between passengers in a navy "blimp" hlah overhead and others In a motor truck stationed at Broadway and Forty second street yesterday was heard by persons standing around the truck st a distance of 10 to 15 feet. The nov elty was possible, it was explained, through a recently devised receiving apparatus. Rend The Ores-onlsn rlsslfli1 STYLE and quality in this always right hat are unmistakable. There's a model huilf for you. LANPHER HATS i t - r . . . .