.- -A 18 THE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, 3IARCIT 0, 1920 -'4 . . . i ' -v I J -i WANTED MISCEIXANT.OrS. $$? DIAMONDS BOUGHT. I HAVE $100,000 TO INVEST IN DIAMONDS. T pay full ralue In cash for any diamond. Nothing too small or too bib. Call and see Mr. Randolph and Bet full market value. Alo old cold, silver, platinum. Jewelry, precious stones bought. LIBERTY BONDS CA8HED. GEORGB BAKDOLPH. Diamond Broker. 405 Spalding Bldg., 4th Floor. WE BCT DIAMONDS At Full Cash -Market Price: No Delay. All Transactions Strictly Confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Diamond Brokers. 405 Spalding" bldg.. 3d and Wash sts. Licensed by The City of Portland. ? 12.50 TO 2i FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVKhCOATS. CALL, MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone la the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cieamsrs ard Tailors. Call Marshall l'SSJ, or 253 UadiboQ St., near 8d st. Will call anywnere in the city, day or evening. FURS. FURS. rURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing tor summer and save $100. Reasonable prices, LA t HA.NCK FUR MFG. CO.. 1G3 W. Pais... bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main b52U. UP TO I25 FOR MEN'S SUITS A.ND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OKEUUN CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 M St., N. W. Cor. Wash. Main IU44. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs. carpets, stoves, and all household goods, and will ay the highest ca&h prices. OUR THREE LARGE STORES enable us to dispose of these goods at once, and therefore wa can pay the TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines, and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade, CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221-23-25 Front St. MARSHALL S98L GEVURTZ FURNITURB CO., WK BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH, ALL CALLS Ail tiMJH.il TU SAiiii UAI: HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE Alii, THE OLD KST, MOST RELIABLE HoLSE Og Ouit h-L2U IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST, PHONE MARSHALL 508L CALL MAIN 30l IMMEDIATELY'. WE PAY THE HIGHliST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR f E T S E TC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUi'EK WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 19J FIRST ST.. NEAR TaYLOR. MAIN 30tf. WILL PAT THE HIGHEST PRICB FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK i'UH AIR. QHMAX&X. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 2U8 First St. Alain 77JS. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and ail kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a house fuil, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2ti!3. Crown. CALL MAIN 887S. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. fee us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S78. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 164 First st. .REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all point on household goods. Pa ciflc Coast For warding Co., 0th and Hoyt, Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAT CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay beat prices. Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALK. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open-shop all-around machinists for work in city. Apply 5-0 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak eta. I HAVE a real position for man with small capital. See H. H. Chapman, room 34u, Imperial hotel, from U A. M. to 5 P. M. B otter look int t his. WANTED Packer with experience in packing hardware, steady position. Ap ply at employment department. Mar-shall-Wells Co., 13th and Lovejoy st. WANTED Man thoroughly expenenceu in operating dry cleaning room. Hroadway Dye Works. Grand are, and E. Schuyler. WANTED Dish washer. Apply Multno mah Athletic club dining room, 5SI Sal mon st. JANITuR'S helper who ran paint and kal snniine: single man. Imperial Arms apt.. 14th an d Clay. WANTED Auto washer and polisher to take wash rack on percentage. (J lobe 'iarage. ." N. HUth st. A FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper for mercan tile office : state salary and give reler ences. AE 87-, Oregonian. WANTED Good ruler that can either forward or finish, stead v job. Casper Book Mfg. Co., Walla Walla, Wash EXPERIENCED Janitor and wife for apartment house. 11 Ui su Main WANTED Two young men to grade and pack potatoes. Call 172 Union ave cor ner East Oregon. Phone East -.":. WANTED Oldish man to wash windows and be uscfuj around cafe. Apply Ankeny st. Mr. Smithe. WANTED Two young men, l!-23, for ad vertiing work in city and on road. Call 8 to J A. M.. Clifford Hotel. WANTED First-Haw janitor. Apply supt. C. L. Boss Automobile Co., 615-017 Wash. st. SYSTEM, receiving clerk, wholesale shoe store experience and references. Call U t" 10 A. M.. 07 5th st. HOY. oxer 1 yfan old, to work in candy factory. Chocolate Truffle Co.. 3f5 Bel mont. CAN use first-las solicitor or acernv man. southwest Wash., reference. News Tribune. T. K. Fenlon, Tacomn, Wash. WANTED Man and wife for ran h: close in; no children; $120 per month, board and room: free fare. Call 270 Burnside. WANTED Elderly man as watchman for wholesale house, state nalary expected , and phone number. O 24. Oregonian. BOYS wanted. Apply factory, 34 X. 1st vt. WANTED Married man to work on farm: house furnished and some privileges. In quire 802 Broadway bldg. EXPERIENCED washman wanted. $32.50 per week. U. S. Laundry. Pasco. Wash. LEARN a good trade Tire repairing, re treading. See Drake. SSO Stark. WOOD choppers. $3-$3.23 per cord. Cabin close to Portland. 6AWYER for 8x30 Wlckes sash gang Junes Lumber Co.. 12S0 Macadam st. WANTED SHOE SALESMAN. SHOE CO., 347 WASH. ST. REGAL WANTED Sticker man. King Sash, Door Lumber Co., Spokane, Wash. WANTED First-class auto repairman. 423 Multnomah. BOOKKEEPER. $125. Call today. 301 X W. Bank bldg. " WANTED Experienced egg candlers. Ap ply Savtnar Co.. 1M Front st. WANTED A Xirst-claas chef. S 6th U HKI.P WANTED MALE. I'P.OSPKCTI VR AUTO STUDENTS, TOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY. If you intend to take ud Autos. Trac tors, Aviation or any branch of Gas En gineering, don't overlook this offer come here (pay not a cent in advance): when we have nrnven to vour entire fat lsfartlon that WE HAVE MORE AUTOS AND ENGINES. A BETTER SYSTEM OF TEACHING, AND GRADUATE A LARGER PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS WHO MAKE GOOD than any other school in the west, then and only then pay your tuition fee. If we were not the leading sehool, could we afford to take chances like this? II CATALOGUE FREE. A large 8S-page book with full details of this unusual offer and complete in formation will be mailed free to any address. Ask for book No. 5. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. THE COURSE IS FREE TO YOU. You do not have to advance one cent. The state pays us. SCHOOL CAN BE INSPECTED Daily at U A. M. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. 600 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automoDiie, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld- i anu tire vulcanizers; oniy auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll 4n any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed if after personal Inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and targ ets system of schools In the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS, Third and Elm street. Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier u, Seattle. Wash. 1R.2S7 YOUNG MEN have. In tbe past 10 years, been assisted In finding positions through the Portland Y. M, C. A. advisory and employment dept. This Is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. AH men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 3o7. Free vocational guidance and employ rnent service for ex-service men. UNQUESTIONABLY THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL: WE PAY STUDENTS ' WHILE LEARNING. We teach our students dv practical experience as well as tbe theory. In what? Automobiles, tru tractors, sta tionary and marine engines, ignition systems. generators, starting motors. lighting systems and storaee batteries Our students take dowu and build up automobiles and tractors. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ate. To prove that this school excels we give four w eeks free trial In the best automo bile school In the northwest. Satisfied students boost our school. Hemphill's teachings brings you succs, TVi O experienced floor manacrers: must iurnisn oest references; permanent posi tions wuu excellent opportunities lor advancement. Apply employment bu reau before 10:30 A. M. LIPMAN, WOLFE &. CO. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGCY., 4U AiiKeny ht.. Cor. second. JUST STARTING LONG JOB. 6 MILLWRIGHTS, $7.30. YOU CAN GET ROOM AND BOARD. COME THIS MORNING. LUMBERMEN' S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. MAN lor office work, must have good ex perience, capable and active with de tails, in replying Mate age, nationality ana experience lor past five years, aver age yearly earnings for each year. Ap plications of man now employed treated confidentially. Give full particulars and auaress. e 24, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hardware salesmen. Ap ply employment bureau, Oth tloor, Meier & t ran k Co. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Big de mand tor high-salaried executives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by man ana put you in touch with, big op poriunities. Write at once for particu lars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk nis, Washington, u. c. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. if you believe you can sell life insurance if given assistance by supervisor call or write W. E. Hibbard, 1205 W ilcox bldg. BOYS fnr special delivery department and work in stock rooms. Apply employment Dureu, oth floor, Meier Ac rrank Co. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school ; new building; modern equipment; best in struction ; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 410 Y. M. C. A. bidg. Phone Main S700. branch 2. HAWTHORNE aUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOC HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. LABORERS for paper mill work; inside and outside jods; no experience required; steady work; chance of advancement. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldg.. beu Ankeny and Burnside on 6th st. WANTED Experienced bank man: must ne an-arouna man wno can get business to assist In building up a hank. Give experience and reterences tirst letter. T 45. Oregonian. WANTED At once, one sash and door man able to lay out, one sash and door stock cutter, also a general planing mill foreman. Write to the Coast Lumber Co., Boise, Idaho. SALESMAN who calls on furniture stores and electric shops, to carry a sideline of silk lamp shades. Write Sanders Company, 22U Indiana ave., Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED All-around job printer by March 1; steady job with future for right man ; $24 weekly to start. Write or telephone Medford Exchange, Med ford, Oregon. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants nuntireaa rail way mail Cierks, mall carriers; expe rience unnecessary ; commence $100 muntn. Particulars AV 23;;. uregonian. WANTED A boy between 16 and 17 to niilk few cows and make a small milk route; room, board and good wages. Tabor na. MEN desirous of taking up the legitimate stage as a proiession with a company producing road shows. 1020 Chamber of Commerce. SHEET metal mechanics; prefer mechan ics who have naa experience in blow pipe work: state experience. Address H. J. Burns, P. O. box 1842, Spokane. Wash. WANTED Experienced veneer latheman; good wages. Sundown Lumber Co., Puyallup. Wash. WANTED Driver for Ford auto, to de liver groceries: one wno has had expe rience. L. Mayer & Co., Hltf Fifth st. DRUGGIST. registered. experienced in prescription work, $K0 per mo. E 40. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced male help,- mark er and sorter to take charge of marking room. Apply Troy Laundry. Astoria, Or. FIRST-CLASS coatniaker. piecework; free shop; cheapest coat $19. K. S. Ervin & Co.. 205 Selling bldg. BARBER Must be first-class, for a town near Portland; $'-W a week guarantee and percentage. Call 7H Spalding bldg. WANTED Marker and sorter and wash man at once. Troy laundry. Nam pa, Idaho WANT first-class detail sticker man and sash men. McMinnville Planing Mlii McMlnnville, Or. LEARN PRACTICAL SHOW-CARD WRITING . Night classes. McDermott school, 43 4th. HANDY young man for cleaning and mak ing himself useful around bakery. 533 E. Stark st. IF YOU want to make big money cail and see us. 839 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. FIRST-CLASS marker and sorter at once. Cemralia Laundry, Centralia, Wash. WANT carpenter, plumber, electrician; give dentistry. lU Tabor 7940. ERRAND boy. Davis Sc. Holman, 111 Sec ond. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 East Broadway. WANTED Ist-class automobile mechanic. Eastern Oregon Auto Co.. Vale. Or. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker, good wages. AE 874, Oregonian BARBER" wanted at once. $25. and 60 over $35. W. J. Todd, Gresham. Or. WANTED HarnessmaKers. Apply liia 1st st. P. J- Cronan Co. WANTED Errand boy in book bindery. Call A. J. Lenon Co.. 84 N. 11th st. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors. &, "c. Clyde. 210 Stock Exchange. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN WHO IS INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING. An excellent opportunity Is af forded to a young man not over -5 who is ambitious, and who is In terested in the advertising profes sion. The position, which is In the ad vertising department of a large newspaper is not one for a loafer, but requires some one full of pep and on his toes every minute. Per sonality and character are es sential. A fair salary to start and ad vancement made when your ability is shown. Ex-service man pre ferred. In answering state age, education and any business experi ence. ' ADDRESS V 948. OREGONIAN. GOOD town in Willamette valley requires services of capable man to take secre taryship of commercial club and handle outside lines. . Young man with some knowledge of law and bookkeeping pre ferred. No one but live wire need ap ply. Job will pay $1800 a year or more, depending upon ability. Adress J. L. Stuart, Dayton, Or. EXTRA GOOD ROAD JOBS. These jobs are all double shift: you can make J10O0 to $1500 per month hauling sand and gravel if you have enough money to make first payment on truck with dump body. Call SeLlwood 215. E 4.1, Oregonian. LARGE life insurance company wants capable young man about 23 years old In business office, should have high school education or previous office experience moderate salary to start with, plendid opportunity for advancement, best ref erences required. See Mr. Hicks, 613 Board of Trade bldg., Mam 2803. ALERT young man about 21 years of age ior snipping aept. ot large wholesale or ganizatton : only those interested in f career should apply, as only such talent capable or luture development requirea. Write stating age, experience and salary ex pec tea. oregonian. WE WANT either union man or man in accord with union latbor with .00 to lease yearly publishing and advertising rights tor railroad publication: territory middle western states. A J 805, Ore gonian. WANTED A man who is good and quick on figures who can Invest $ 5fM.it) in a good, profitable business and devote his tim on a good salary, excellent oppor tunity. Address Oregonian. Y 45, Ore gonian. WANTED Minstrel men with specialties; prefer those who double brass : black face song and dance team, trap drum mer with full set traps, musical act. ani mal act and blackface comedian. Wire, write or call 201-2 Rivoli theater bldg. TRUCK, job. wood and generai hauling ; work the year around: money-maker; must buy truck to handle this job; 40 miles from Portland. Answer today. AK IS, Oregonian. WANTED A man w ith a good 2 4 or 3-i-ton truck, one that has not been ueed over 6 months, steady work and good pay. Address, stating references and make of truck. Y 24, Oregonian. MAN of intelligence who has nerve, inia tive and personality, and above all a sticker, a plugger. who will stay with a proposition until be puts it over. J 32. Oregonian. . . WANTED Young man IS to 20 to do of fice boy work and assist in general work around office; good chance for promo tion for ambitious and industrious young man. Northwest Bridge & Iron Co., foot of Sheridan st. Main 1193. WANTED Experienced manufacturing jewelers for special order work; trans portation refunded; highest wages. American Art Leather & Jewelry Co., 1427 So. San Pedro St.. Los Angeles. Cal. BRIGHT boy, 15 years or over, for gen eral office boy, large business concern, good opportunity for advancement, mod erate salarv to start. See Mr. Hicks, 613 Board of Trade. Main 2893. WANTED By large corporation, a boy as messenger and general office work; chance for advancement. Apply em ployment department Y. M. C. A. WANTED Advance man for high-class show; prefer one who can take part in terest in show. Wire, write or call 201-2 Rivoli theater bldg. Ilflp Wan trd Salesmen. WANTED Live salesman, calling on au tomobile supply dealers representing the World's Largest Auto Supply House." Prefer having them acquainted with the local territory. Kindly state experience, who you are now connected with and how soon you will be ready to go to work. Kindly mention also in your first letter what territory you are now cov ering. We will allow a drawing account and commission. All answers to this ad will be strictly confidential. Address communications to box 157, St. Paul, Minn. FOUR honest, intelligent, wide-awake, am bitious men. who can recognize and will grasp an opportunity to connect them selves with a clean, fascinating business; laree earnings, rapid promotion to right men. Mr. Fox, after 10 A. M., 1101) Rprtlding bldg. RELIABLE party to take over first-class proposition as manager: small capital required. See H. H. Chapman, room 340. Imperial hotel, from 9 A. M. to b P. M. Better look this up. A SALESMAN to sell to jobbers and wholesale trade shrlner s decorations such as pennants, flags, men, children and toy fezzes. Write Sanders Com pany. 229 Indiana ave., Indianapolis, Indiana. SALESMAN wanted Can you sell 1000 gallons or noor on in foruaua at u per cent commission? If so 1 can give you a job. Plummer, 260 3d st. WANTED Former life insurance sales man who wants a lite job selling a live proposition. J 45, Oregonian. SALESMAN Organizers capable of earn ing $100 per week. Call tpday, b2l Morgan bldg. SALESMAN wanted; fast-selling specialty; cash daily; oig aemana. -u ny, ex change. ' COUPON salesman; fine chance for hustler. Peterson studio, i rutocK oik. DISTRIBUTOR for California. 839 Cham ber of commerce oiug., tn ana &tarK. WANTED AGENTS. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable man to open branch otiice ana manage salesmen; $500 to $2000 neces sary ; exclusive right; patented article; money making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. .Address Mr. Clemmer, Sales Mgr., 416 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. INSURANCE AGENTS wanted In each town in Oregon and Washington tor large old-line company writing general fire, grain and automobile insurance. AO 272, Oregonian. AGENTS Send me one stamp; If not sat isfied I will send you two. c a. i.roi ford, 316 Princeton sc., Binghamton, Tenn. ' MAKE your wall paper sweet and ciean again ; simple rormuia; price -o cents. Address Delbert Helm, box 66. Provo, Utah. AGENTS at once, celling M)c per month hoHPital tickets, toi coroott mag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER for mill office, small town in Oregon; must be experienced in lumber, invoice and order work : state ace, experience and salary wanted. As this is good position do not apply unless capable. AH 11, Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist with housework and cooking on ranch in eastern Oregon; good home and wages to right party. Main 2561. GIRLS wanted. Apply factory, 34 N. 1st street. WANTED Eldcriy lady to do light housework: wages and good home. Phone T. f.ltio. C. S. preferred. WANTED 2 stenographers. $75 per mo.; hours 9 to 6, day Saturdays twice a month. 3'J3 Oak at. GOOK for camp 15 men. $90: waitress in camp. $50: cook, small crew. $50. 301 Raleigh bldg. WANTED Young lady dishwasher; 8 hrs. work. Acme Dairy Lunch, 241 N. 10th, city. WANTED A STENOGRAPHER: HOURS 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SERVICE FILM & SUPPLY CO.. 31V3 OAK ST. $75 MONTH. EXPERIENCED counter waitress wanted: five days a week. Woods Lunch, 6 and Stark. WANTED A stenographer, $ft5 a month, state experience in application. Y 23, Oregonian. WANTED Woman for chambermaid. Campbell Hotel. . . FIRST-CLASS coat finisher; must be good; good wages. AL 734, Oregonian. WANTED Dining room girl. 278B. Call Wdln. WANTED Kitchen girl. Baltimore res taurant. 303 Hawthorne ave. BOOKKEEPER Out of town. 100-$i;5; stenographer. $100. 301 K. W. Bank bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? A salary that Is paid while yon learn the business that increases frequently as you gain experience, 7 DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE - OPERATING EMPLOYES EARNT And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THB FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply a Telephone CrmDany. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak. Streets. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company. a VTTrr rziyim nn tanHnir machine part time work; experienced preferred, but will teach. See Mr. Henderson, mailing room, Oregonian. t rw:i!iva paaip WAITRESS. WIND RIVER LUMBER CO. IS OPENING ITS LOGGING CAMP AND WAITRESSES AND OTHER CAM P HELP WHO WORKED FOR THIS COMPANY LAST YEAR ARE INVITED TO CALL AT PORTLAND OFFICE. 1117 YEON BLDG., FOR INFORMATION REGARDING OPENINGS. WE HAVE just placed 16 comptometer operators In positions in tms cuy , c now need 10 more students to fill their vacancies in our School, as we have placed more operators since running this first ad. Course costs you $40 and takes about 8 weeks. Girls must not be over 25 years. Call 313 Morgan bldg. See Miss Frank. POSITION GUARANTEED. My new classes in scientific treatment of the scalp and skin are just starting. The demand for specialists in this line by far exceeds the supply. 1 guarantee positions to my graduates. Mme. Pat tenaude, 411 Beck bldg. Hours 8:30 to 12 A. M. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big demand for high-salaried executives, past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities. Write at once for partic ulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418, Washington, D. C. OLD-LINE life insurance com.Kiny desires to C3mmunicate with ladies w no are ambitious and wilting to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard, 3 205 Wilcox bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Refined young woman as work ing housekeeper and mother s neiper, capable of assisting In social matters; to be treated as member of family; must have character, health and pleasing per sonality, one who appreciates a splendid home life; no triflers. v 2s, uregonian. EXPERIENCED operators on power sew ing machine on coats, pants and piay suits; also will teach a few bright girls. Experienced hand-sewer on factory ma.de coats; also a woman for janitor work. Mount Hood Factory, 233 Couch, corner 2d. EXPERIENCED girls for soda fountain and dairv lunch. Apply employment bureau, 6th floor, Meier & Frank Co. WANTED A reliable surgical nurse for a small hospital out of town, also a good sensible woman to work among chil dren. For particulars and salary apply to St. Agnes' Convent of Mercy, Park Place, Or. WANTED Girl to do light housework and care for children while parents are away; no objections to 1 child ; good home for right party. Call after 0:30 P. M.. 121 E. 13th st. X. WANTED A lady to take charge of din ing room In first-class restaurant: must be thoroughly experienced and able to furnish first-class references; steady po sition at good wages. AE 873, Oregonian MILLINERY trimmers, makers and sales ladies wanted for city and out-of-town poistions at once; good salaries: some permanent positions. Apply Lowengart & Co., 11 N. Broadway. HAW-LEY PULP & PAPER CO. Wishes experienced stenographer; must be rapid, accurate and furnish ref erences ; best of wages. Phone Oregon Citv 600 collect. LADIES desirous of taking up the legiti mate stage as a profession with a com pany producing? road shows. 1020 Cham ber of Com me rce. WORKING housekeeper for family, 3 adults, modern house, all conveniences, no washing; treated as one of family. Tabor 2239. WANTED Applications of women, 21 to 20, to work In woodworking factory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wages. G 7. Oregonian. RELIABLE, refined, middle-aged woman to assist with light housework; a good home for right person; references. Phone Tabiw 7369. WANTED Names glris. women, 18 up, wishing government office position; $1140 iiist year. Answer immediately, A V 232, Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts. . Phone Main 3400. DM car. ATTENTION. LADIES. A large assortment of exclusive styles in buckram, net and wire hat frames. La France Hatters. 372 Morrison st. WILL teach intelligent, steady girl or woman for housework and tend store; good wages to start. AO 210, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced cook, refer ences required. Mrs. George Low, 731 Everett street. Phone Main 7908. EXPERIENCED shirt and colar operator. Apply in person. Portland Hotel, laundry dept. . THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 905 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 316. AN elderly lady to care for 8 children during the day, good home and small wages. East 8346. WANTED Good sight reading piano play er. Apply morning. F. W. Woolworth Co.. music department. WANTED A woman to help with work of S-room house and new baby. Apply ' nsn K. 17th X. WANTED Woman to work in store room. Must he able to give reference as to character. Main 7584. WANTED Experienced second girl: refer ences required. Phone Main 13S7, Port land heights. WOMAN for general housework and plain cooking for family of 3 adults. 815 Kearney st. KISS MATTIN'jLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, $ti mo. 260 14th. Main 3603. WANTED Competent cook, tjood wages. Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith. teL East 2019. WANTED Experienced millinery maker at Madame Bourret, 347 Morrison st. WANTED Woman, good pastry cook, for camp work. J 40. Oregonian. FIRST -CLASlS marker and sorter at once. Centralia Laundry. Centralia. Wash. TRADE school girl or woman to assist In sewing Saturday. G 21. Oregonian. MILLINERY makers and trimmers wanted. Apply Lowenaart & Co. WANTED A waitress, near Washington 44 23d st. N., DISHWASHER, 10:30 A. M. 229 N. 23d. Apply after 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses. 6 days week. Cat n'Flddle. 145 Broadway. WANTED Experienced egg candler. Ap ply 72B E. 7th st. X. WANTED Chambermaid. 5 hours per day; $10 per week. Call 2?S'j Third St. MTRTI-E HOFFMAN. Call Main 75S4. HELP WANTED FEMAEK. WANTED Fine, attractive young ladies with good personality to handle an old proposition in a new way; this is sales . work and Income of from $30 to $50 would depend on amount of effort. Ap ply S:30 to 9:30 A. M.. room 4 01 Raleigh bldg. EXPERIENCED stenographer required by large wholesale organization: congenial office environment, hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; Saturdays 1 o'clock: must be capable of doing general office work In rapid and accurate manner. Write stat ing experience, phone number and salary expected. O 27. Oregonian TYPISTS Experienced operators on either Underwood or Elliott-Fisher machines; recent business college graduates on any standard keyboard accepted. This is a splendid opportunitw for the beginner to receive a thorough training. AM 727, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 3 In family, modern house, good home for the right woman. Call at 406 Ivy L, between 9 and 12 A. M. WAITRESS, serve 2 meals a day, with room and board and good wages. 383 3d st. GIRL or woman to attend store and chil dren. 1278 Belmont st. Wanted Domestic. AN EXPERIENCED MAID. MRS. THOM AS D. HONEYMAN, 193 KING STREET. PHONE MAIN 2470. TRA IX RD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK. GOOD PAY AND REGULAR IN CREASE WITH LENGTH OF SERVICE; PLEASANT HOME, EASY POSITION. MRS PERCY A. SMITH. 1351 EAST 1STH ST. SOUTH. SELLWOOD 2506. ACTIVE, experienced young woman, gen eral housework, cooking; no launary, family living in country. 20 miles from Portland; steady place; must have ref erences; $73 per month. AB 33, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER for attorney work; some law office experience desirable, but not necessary; position permanent and will develop into one worth while. Apply 426 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Frank H. Hilton. WANTED Housekeeper for man, and two boys 01 school age. m country aooui miles from Vancouver, Wash. No ob jection to young girl. Fair wages. State age and all particulars in first letter. Ed. Caseday, Heissan. Wash WANTED Experienced middle aged woman for general nouseworx; smaii family; good wages. Apply 745 Clacka mas st., corner 22d. Take Broadway car. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and car of ;-year-oid cnua; experience no necessary; no cooking. 185 16 th St., near Yamhill. WANTED An experienced giri for gen eral housework; must be good cook, cau mornings 581 Jackson bl, Portland Heights. Main 2957 WANTED Housekeeper. No objection to one child. Full particulars and wages expected in first letter. Address box 102. Aurora, Or. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and dow-nstairs work, small lamiiy, gooa wages. Mrs. C. E. Miller. 984 Thurman st. Phone 52-115. . WANTED Woman for housework, plain cooking, downstairs work only: no washing; $50. 1207 E. Flanders tt. Tabor 3938. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing: wages -u. leiepnone Marshall 41 J. 1131 Franklin St., W 11- tamette Heights. PLAIN cooking, housekeeping, small fam ily; good wages. can asi -iouj or come to 75 Halsey st. GIRL or woman to assist with housework and children. luwo lttn st -orm. Woodlawn 2927. G1R L for general housework and assist with children; good nome; gooa wages. 630 E. 16th st., lrvington. East 6189. WANTED Competent girl for housework; no cooking: small family, good wages. Main 32. 769 Northrup. WANT woman for light housework: col ored woman preferred. Good home and wages. Call at 608 Fifth" st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care of child; wages .j0. Marshall 3 10S. WANTED A girl for general housework In small tamtiy. rnone jurs. uswaia West. Marshall 3380. WANTED Competent maid for general housework, good home for right party. 438 E. 14th st North. East 4280. WANTED Good competent woman gen eral housework, family of 2 and baby. Phone Sellwood 2633. GIRL to assist with general housework; time off to suit: $35. Cat! 461 Hassalo st., lrvington car. YOUNG girl living near 63d and Giisan to come in and do two hours' work daily. Tabor 9279. WANT young woman to do about three hours' work daily. Main 4579 after 6 P. M. GIRL for general housework; gas furnace. electric washing machine. Phone East 1179. WANT girl for general housework; good wages; Sundays free. Apply mornings. Main 5 56S. 828 Kearney st . WANTED' Woman for general housework, no objection to one child; 3 adults. Write Mrs. J. R. Norton, Hood River, Or. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: "pleasant home. C. S. preferred Tabor 653. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., 220 Beck bidg. Broadway 4:19. COMPETENT girl wanted 1207 E. Fland ers st.. near 41st st East Flanders. Tabor 3938. W ANTED rQuick and active girl for filling seed packets; small, neat and all busi ness. Call Routledge Seed Co., 140 2d. WANTED Woman for janitor work, short hours. Call between 7 and 8 mornings, asK for John. Hippodrome theater. WANTED Girl to work in candy factory. Chocolate Truffle Co., 90 Belmont. WANTED A girl to assist in care of children. East 649. 326 Multnomah st! WANTED Experienced wages $50. Main 9173. second maid; WANTED A second maid; good waeea Bdwy. 3813. 613 Kearney st. GIRL to assist In housewora, family three FhonejWoodawn2008. GIRL for general housework. Appiy 101 Laddington Court. WOMAN to do plain cooking; second maid employed. Broadway 519. WANTED Good hand ironer. Hand laundry, 271 11th st. Diamond GIRL for light housework, no washing good home. 34 Jackson st. Main 7090. GI RL for general housework. 1240 East Burnside. Tabor 1044. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOTION PICTURES. Wanted Men and women who can fi nance themselves through a course of vittuung. Alter you nave finished your course we cast you In a production and give you an interest In the picture. This is the only real opportunity that has ever been offered In this line of work Now is the time to qualify yourself for the movies. Our studio is fully equipped and we are making pictures at the pres ent time. Call at 109 Second street, 3d floor, between 11 and 2 P. M. EDUCATION At-' MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 wka.. gie you a set of tools and some pay wni'e learlng: positions secured; scholarships and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in V;.S;. Canada. Send for catalogue. JJ4 Burnside si. POSITIONS ASSI'RED SJVEKY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Teleirranhv .l.nn.rnnhu Knnt.i bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue.' OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and race massage specialty: tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep lng, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers; day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. , EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL." Miss Bucket's private school; fndivid ual instruction. )22fr Grand ave. E. 427. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Alisky Bldg.. Third and Morrison. - A Position for Each Graduate. ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asslst. stats supt.. mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Juain 87o. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPH Railway Teie- raph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange ldg. Free booklet. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary, lul B roadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Alisky bldg., 8d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. See. Mam 97 2 FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4835. Teaching positions, free registration. MRS. HANNUM'S shcrtband school, day, evening. 230 Tillamook st- East 3860. TATF.S-KISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6-74. Bioac.wsjr bidg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. "Employ an Ex-Servlce Man." Phone Captain Convllle. AT LIBERTY TEMPLE. Main 313. The game Is now at its height Its most exciting stage; and it's a trulv wonderful game this patriotic effort of unemployed veterans and employers to get together this effort of a patriotic community to provide for its own. We still have several hundred ex soldiers and sailors who are not vet permanently placed where they can earn a decent living for themselves and fam ilies men who are willing to start in at a reasonable salary where there is opportunity to work permanently Into a better position men who did their duty when duty called men who MUST be placed by the employers o( Portland and vicinity. How Is it going to be done? Between 4000 and 50O0 assignments have been made by this office since the bureau opened a record that reflects credit upon Portland a result made possible because the majority of Portland em ployers are "playing the game." The remaining few hundred can be taken care of in a day if you. and you. and you, who haven't "come across" with your share of effort to help absorb the unemployed ex-service men. will GET BUSY NOW go carefully over your payroll, your list of employes weed out here and there where the rrlcumstJLncejt Itistifv it read iust It in every way possiola and phone, write or call upon Captain Convllle concerning the confidential details of your problem. Captain Convllle has a broad vision he knows the men he fully appreciates ex actly what the employer Is up against he knows that some of the men are erratic, that the settled, ambitious fel lows suffer more or less because of the restless few who love to change from here to there he knows the employer who has and Is stretching himself to the limit in the Individual and public interest with res--- to tms problem he knows the employer who has been too busy to give it attenton. the employer who has been careless but whofe inten tions are good; the employer who thinks he has done all he can but who has not. and the employer who has been & slacker In the campaign. Many employers have taken the trouble to write full details of their employ ment problem to Captain Convllle putting it up to him to analyse and pre scribe for the particular cae and In variably he "finds the way" mutually helpful and satisfactory. That's exactlv what all concerned should do. The men should lav their cards on the table open minded, sincere and eagerly ready to act on the captain's recommenda tions. And most of them do. The em ployer in Portland or elsewhere is likewise invited to lay his case before Captrfin Convil to put it squarely up to him to steer the way. Let's start this policy today now and Portland's ex-service men's em ployment problem will be settled before the week end. . The list of classifications represented by registered unemployed is appended; look it over before vou emplov anvone. and nhone captain conviue. main .- General labor 168 Clerks, drug Clerks, grocery Clerks, shoe Clerks. Stockroom . . . Clerks, general office Draftsmen Teamsters Bookkeepers Blacksmiths Truck drivers Accountants Carpenters Auto mechanics Painters Garage helpers Craneman Machinists Boiler maker Electricians Electrician helpers . . Baker Cooks Kitchen helpers Salesmen Furniture finishers .. Vulcanizer Fanners - Butcher - Shoemaker Firemen Civil engineers Plumber Waiter, skilled 1 8 2 IS 10 1 4 11 3 1 2 1 1 ft 7 I LUMBER office and ex-service man i not a bookkeeper) desires per manent position with reliable concern: rail or cargo; can leave town; excellent references; fast on typewriter. AG "07, Ore gonian. ' BUILDER. Experienced builder of modern, moderate-priced homes desires to form con nection with responsible real estate or building company; has handled seerai good-sized building and selling propo sitions and always made good; will go any place; salary or commission. R 4-. Oregonian. MARRIED man. 36 years, wishes position with some good engine company. Have had experience in repair, installation and operation of gas. Diesel and semi Diesel engines, plants up to 1000 H. P. and mechanics best qualified ror bench, floor and erecting. Have marine license and can furnish references. Box 460 Chehalis. Wash. EX-SERVICE man, 15 months in armj headquarters office, with several pro motions, desires position carrying op portunity for advancement; experienced in correspondence and office detail, also stenographer and typist and executive ability; character of position first con sideration. M 39, Oregonian. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done uulckly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1904. 161 Russell St. EX-MERCHANT, married. 2T. yt.irs' gen eral merchandise experience desires po sition with wholesale or retail concern in or out of city. Whit have you to offer? Address C. A. B.. 29S E. 40th, city. WANT steady hauling- or work of any kind with two-ton truck. Call week days between 11:30 and 1 P. M. Sundays 9 A. M to 6 P. M. W. R. Fuller, 12a -S4tn st. Tabor 8H80. SHIPPING clerk, 6 years experience, fa miliar with rates and routines In north west; fast, accurate worker; can get re sults with crew of men. L 45, Ore gonian. WANTED Situation by yo;ing man st chauffeur for private va.'t: cirefu! driver; can do repairing. Phone Main 851. - POSITION as bookkeeper or assistant wanted by younir married man, lumber experience, out ot town, permanent. AV 378. Oregonian. FRANK PATTERSON, lawn and garden work a specialty; odd Jobs about the house. Phone between 7 and 8 P. M. Best references. East 7451. WANTED Rose and tree pruning, also lawn work and landscaping; slao want lawns to keep up durintr summer, kd Darr, 24J4 Alder st. Main 2. WANTED Work for the summer for 3U ton truck with trailer. Write R. E. Bird sail. Station A. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 51 7-J. WANTED Situation as night watchman: no firing or janitor work; rlty refer ences A-I. Room 2l. i'hone Main S120, Hotel Dayton. MIDDLE-AGED man with 15 years me chanical experience wtsnes position with wholesale implement bouse. Address A. J. Cato, 711 Front sL WANTED Bills to peddle or gardens to spade or loD pacKing in store or whole sale house. Address Charles Blenine, 863 Bowdoln st. EXPERIENCED Japanese wants work, garage or ai repair shop. AJ 802. Ore gonian. WANTED Contract logging or putting out piling for party willing to finance teams. BD 976, Oregonian. MAN and wife want position as janitors in apartment, hotel or office. AO 209. Oregonian IGNITION and battery man wants posi tion; Invest $300 if required. C 21. Ore gonian. JAPANESE school boy. age 16. wants po sition In a private bouse. K. Matsumota, 265H Everett st. KALSOMINING, painting and stippling of floors; make fir floors look llkw oak; very reasonable. East 2146. WANTED Light Janitor or housework, by old Sw-edih man: rould take care of Invalid. Phone Bdwy. 85. WANTED Position as blacksmith snd donkey repairing In logging camps. Box 133. Buxton. Oi KALSOMINING. painting, soft wood floors hardwood ztnisn; worK guaranteed. Ta bor 6S27. CARPENTER A-l, fast worker, looking for short joos; glazing reasonable. Broadway 716. HOUSE painting, tinting reasonable prices. Tabor jooi. EXPERT pruning, licensed sprayers. Bart- let t & gjnea. inimi. ruooq i-lU-L'tt. HAVE 4-ton truck; want contract haul ing WOOQ. va-ii iov, w wunurn, KJr. JAPANESE wishes cooklna; and laundry. city or t ou,l:!JjIJL PRUNING fruit trees and roses. Call even ings, fcaai ui)''-. CITT garden lots to plow and harrow. Broaa wa y wi. -' nvt n-y win, TRUCKS for hire, to business firms, by lb nay oc wuu ius w. ww SITUATIONS WANTED M A f -E. FIREMAN, engineer's helper, y srif perin-e. steady, reliable, runs pumps, dynamos and small engines, wants Job. AK S75. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man. 21 years of ace, de. slrea position In wholesale houiie or other butoineMS. with chance for ndvanrrmenU Address B, E. B., 1120 Maryland ave. SITUATION wanted by Joh printer. U years' experience comrnerclsl printing, wish permanent position where good work beats a pull. AR .".05. Oregon tan. COOK, married man. wlshe- position In camp where can have wife as helper, have two children, age 3 to ft years. W 21. Oregonian. . STRONG young man with partly dimb.ed left arm wants elevator Job, or any thing where can earn a living. Marshall 2608. ALL-AROUND cook wants position, hotel or restaurant in or out of town: can fur nlnh bst of reference, phone Broadway 2::t0, room 24. HAULING contract wanted fr 5-ton Pack ard truck, s;ind, gravel, lumber or any thing. Stenstrom Pros, 4Mi Washing ton. Bdwy. 40711. Summit hotel. SHOW-CARD WRITER Dept. store ex perience, wants work in or out of cltv, part day or regular. O 39, Oregonian. EX PER Te NC ED Japanese wishes position in family as butlt-r or any job in city: good references. A R 393, oregonian. wlNTsteartyr-hAuling or work of any kind, with -four-ton truck. Call werk dus after 0 P. M. Automatic phone 3J-m. ROOMS. $.'. tinted: papering and outside house painting reasonable, t'hone uroaa- way 22.. A MAN and work team wants work. 15W Front st. Hamper Kuhn, Main 1790. PAPRRHA NGINO. painting and tlntlnr good work: right prices. Marshall 241J. t-OSlTloN assistant bookkeeper or clerical. Room 2L, Main enuu. BOY, 13. wants .(oh, suire or offic work steady. Main 4INV will WANTED Hauling contract, a-too truck. In or out town. Tabor outi. COl'PIE wlih no children wants work un larm. P 36. oregonian. LET me lay out your garden and piant It. i-aii Woodlawn 1S11, GENERAL LANDSCAPE GARDENER. EAST 246. BOY wants work In gnrage to learn the trade. AM 2. OrcRoniiin. HANDY mtTfor "odd Jot-T Bdwy. 2 Bookkeeper. Stenographer. Of fire. BL S1N ESS college student wia'iea clerical or secretarial position afternoons and Siiturnnys; good r'iernfts. M. C. M. 7'4 Washington St., ancouver. VVali BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, ex tensive experience, g-md penman; out-of-town position considered. N 37, Orc- gonian. BOOK KEEPER and accountant with 10 years varied experience, wishes position, V 46, Oregonian. EX PERT accountant open for a ud it. s tem and report work; reasonable. Alt 391, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper will regularly keep small set; any time. AR 3l2, Ore gonian. RELIABLE accountant, small et of books reasonable price. Flume MHrxha II 2'. 1 ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman wants work full or part time. R 2."i, Oregonian. go'diers and Sallor. CHIEF electrician (radio! discharged, married, familiar A. C. and D. C. cur rents motors, generators and house wir ing. Woodlawn 4".'iri. YOUNG man wishes office work or cierk Ing; best of references. E 42, Orego nian. TWO students. 22 and 20 desire night work or evenings Saturdays and Sun day s. C 22, oi-egninan. I AM an ex-service man. a truck driver and cement finisher; will do other work. Tabor 9031. CORNETIST Theater and dance experi ence. Wi:i East &nh st. So. OVERSEAS veteran, middle axed, fu.mly. wants place as watchman. ,M 1. mm. BITt'ATION WANTED-? KM Al E. STOUT, heart v woman, much experience, does housecleaning mid washing by d , 40c hour; not nn than 12; K""1' work and best references. Marshall H'.iH. BY STENOGRAPHER Ten years' experi ence, familiar with law work: reliable and accumte. Stenographer, Broadway :U9S. , WANTED A place 10 tkKe cars of chil dren evenings while mother la away; re f re nt cs. Wood la w n 1611. BY let ined young lady, position as sec retarv or companion to party traveling to England. AL 769, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED ladv wants position In Portland commercial or portrait studio. rvtrew. I 47. oreRonlan. CLEANINU l""Jry ork n'stly dnnr. 4.V per hour. Myrtln Nnliiti. :ti7 X. L'4th St., nrar Thurman. TWO experienced telephone nperatm-p want work, private swiiohboaid. lL 1 1 H, Oreyonian. K. I'BKI KNl'KH maul ihf permanent hnunework, a huurs day, KO hum. inula. Kast 1'IIK. NIGHT-S-H)(lI mri to iiik (or room, board and smali wages. T 41. Orefionian. MIM-INKKY trimmer wanted; muwt be rood; also want Rood maker. Uohl.inith Siftera. Oregon t'lty. Or. l.Al'M'RKff. ladies' and gents slik hin and underwear specialty; nil kinds of mall washings. Bdwy. 1116 TliliKK sinters wish work in logitinff camp where all can be together, i'hons Tabor 4.I..0. " 1X PK KI KNCKD younir w oman conk want" Doslt on: all arntiim or ne. iM.. ami e:Rht-hr. tlav. 'hone Main 1:175. t m W'HOLE1 day, waehlng and Ironing pre. ferred. or 'would wash .windows. Wood lawn 3I41. EXPK. ladv wants laundry and housework by the day. K. .V74. WANTKD Housecleanlng bv dav. waehing or f;oor waxing. Main 517 GOOD cook, ranch, camp or city. T 6IJ Oregonian. LADV wanta house cleaning, other work. hour, day; work guaranteed. WUIn. 0.103 EXPERTMRONER WANTS PAY W0RIC t'AM. EAST 773-'. A LI KINDS of mending neatly done. I'hone Sellwood 3351. LACK, scrim and marquisette curtains hand laundered. Called for Kst RELIATtl-E woman wants day work. Phone East 7 evening . WANTED Few hours' work rial . v. help. Ing or canngforchi:drcn. Tabor 74fi. Bookkeepers, Wtenograi.ners. Office. A TOt'NG girl, high school grs-tuat, wls-he position afternoon and evenings. Clerical work preferred. Can furnish reterences. S 4 S'J, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY with lot of ability and ex perience w-ants a position as typist or general office work. Main 7952. JJ 45, Oregonian. yVTOiTL"educated girl, with to year ten agraphic experience snd best reference, wants permanent well-paying position. Tabor 32 1 7. REM -WAUL OPERATOR WISHES PO SITION WITH RELIABLE FIRM. I', Y E A US' E X PERI E NC E. I'HONE 53 1-5. EXPERIENCED stenographer doMrcs per manent position; lumlx-r preferred. Ta bor 725. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper am stenogra phor. Best of city reference. Main 2HI7. COLORED girl wishes position beginning stenographer; good penman. Wdln. 34slV EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist Wishes position. Marshall 572. EXPERIENCED hilling clerk snd general 'office girl -wishes position. Marshall 572. BKiN NI VCr atfiioHraphor wlnhca position; V1 wffk. ii Orrgonlnn. PUA1S Renin don t hom; chillri-n'a rlothes a apecialty ; IM im.1I and dHUfr w ork ; ra tea re&Monahle. i'hone Mar shall r.-4. NEW "Oth Century rirnn.akmjr nitiht school irom t ..iw cuinns, $ n- tiRfC by rhart er pattrn: call al So. Dekum blk 3d at. I'hone Main HIOH-CLASS dmwmikrr. experienced In rultfl, prowna and cloaks; tnkt work home or out, by th Pay. Mar. 34.V EXPERIENCED drewmakr will maka Kownti and aulta very rfa-mnuhl next tor days; rfrMirca. Eaat lf'- HEMSTITCHING, 6c ana" c a yard M. Da 1 1 on, room 201 Broad way -Yam hill bid. DRESSMAK ER, experienced makeover. taiiorlng, 13 per day. Sellwood SeTC'. PRACTICAL nurse wishes nursing. Bdwy. OiiO. room (Hrt. DRKRSMA KINO reasonable. 31 1 Central bldg., Jih ana A icier, main oua. DRESSMAKING yuickly snd neatly done. E. Main st.apt.5. pITaTn sewing, handwork, neatly lions; nurse uniforms. Tabor 41 fl?. EXHEHlE.S't'KD drossuiaksr ishs sca'.uf 'by day. East (Util. MTI ATIOV WTi:i FKM SI F. 1 1 n tu m U e m. HIGM-CLASS dropmnaking; street (lrrii, summer oilrs, etc.; making of swiis inie rent drc Mrs. Keii, East 7 .hi 7. PA It A LYTIC l.lv p illrnl. tnkf n st i(luiit nutrri pritMlo remttcure. Ts hnr 2HM, Nl HSli with hospital (mining ulra mors work, i s 1 1 roitni 30. Hot- Gordon MATERNITY nM nt my pntsle home, good care; rates re turns ble. 412', -d pTtTcTh'A i."t 1 tsE p h . mV KTr 7 2 1 T . lluekeeMni lUU'SEWOKK wanted i-lrn. renal.., small family, w 11 11 prtvlli of gluing off rvetungs 5:;:o p. M, imi Pundit permanent if miltrd; rr f'-renccs; niniil h East 1412. COMPETENT young lt with child you IB wn hounrketer or itimtHfnu'tU of rooming ntijf. i."t Kurt 7'ifh N. Hot bEKKKI'KK Have two small chil dren. Curt more tor horne tlan wages. Art drew I HI East 17th M N. WANTED Hv oung woman, position a h 011 c keeper for gentleman or cou p em p loved. G 411. oregt.ii an. H USE KEEPER for widower, M child ; ri ! home. ry p. a re. elope J 21. Ort-gonian. IH H UEKEEPUR. ore -if Id, tion, Call ciwoml lit. WAXVH DTOK ETL II oue. WK hava hunrlreda of client neainng la rent. The effli .encjr of '"The Mexjults System of propriy nianagemtnl am save you money, FRANK. L. McGUlRK. An'ng'on li Mg M a 'w WANTED My refined loiip.e with t chlid rrn, 4 or 0-ro.nn furnished hoop or f .at, w 1 1 h gam go irrf-rrea ; mui be cit dn and r-m reason a Ui a. I'hotit F.asl 2440 after 10 A. M. WANTED Ti rent .. or rt r.mma, hu cr bun it. 1 low. furm-hd. mui t Uu " miKli rn; CBt ude pte'ertrd . tv re-r""-siolo party. Phone Main ti4 or Iai" 4t: 0 OH 7-i:HM. unf in nt)i .1 hou-e. half hour imin ln and mmm-i can to rced $10. Phone during d, shall Mar- WANTED To rent on or hrfrrm Mrth 24. f or ti-rtn lioue with k'1''" and chnkn run; 1 apousiitb- i-rty; ai-ia o u r I'fice. W 2 n , o 1 r go n m n. . CvAVTKD To rent on or h-for Mr. h '. five or atx-room house with garden M' and ihl km run; r--ponihie pny; aiaie nur price. w 2i. otrgonmn. WATiil)- To rent - incut ; tnut he m a ' 1 furn i.-hr.l a nan 1. 1 n and high cas . itli ir loit r l) r - T tci enc ; ftnw moil liah.e nitrite 2t Koniarv WANT 4 or .Vroorn bungalow, fuiniii"l or unfurnished, r fponml.' parly. phone week dsa Itroadwav m RES It inTThLE pariy wanta .Vtoom n.i-, nr. I . nuid leaao. Ilrlfnnro. ood- ia n . .' 1 WANTED T rent, private Baran". near 21st and 0erton sta Apt .", r. rriMh- W A N T E I 5 to 7- room how of .1; references exchanged. e hv faoclv Tahor 2.. i. MODERN furnished apartment r small house, adults. AM HI, oreg.nlan UNEIKMSHED 2 not over fht. I. 2- room cot tag a for , t m cgmi la n. I'NKl'KMSHKK ll r (hrf-rniin cm lane for nol ocr IU I. iti.oirtim!; WANT Inriff furniwhrd Innlwr. Apartment. YOI'NU hutn.'.. mmi snli tu r-nl .iiim.I f ui-ri Ihhvt spurtmrnl, mir-or lu rotn. hath. II l't.uri'K"Hl.". W A M'LU Ono-room sl'.rttn nl : tnmt.ru brli-k. t I'll'. A 1 11 1 1 . I .'I . " Hm.lnr rimfs. i S'l'i 1 Kit .M osnli -l fr Imrlur .hup. I'hiin. almn "J.;.". " IV M Kni.tns With llo. VANTl,l Mom. f"r thrro . li un- ilrrn, prcfiTuuiy nr.r . im... V.Mt'l . i .M it ml t .nl mnrl 1-y mm n.w mll : t'lttholi l.tliil.y ! In piixbl" 1:1 f.m-.l. K 4. KH RENT. 1 unu.ltrft KiMtm. CAMI'Iim.l. H'TK!.. !;;! A.ND IKlVT ST. CA.Ml'llKI.I. UN. I. ll'Ti;i, J41 VA.-lll Vil'O.Ni Ml Two i the bt-i-kll iwu rcMdcntlal ho tel "it radllo coaet. .... American plan, with or wllhout hat". $L'.r a day up. late by day or moiilii. Meats . tvcU to transient. NFTIIB'lI.ANriS H"TKi 128 I.1TII, nut. w AMIII.NO I'1 IN TO -11IK STKANOH.ll VMIHI.N " M OA TEH. as will as lu ogr home pe.ipl. This hotel extend, a cordial wclcoma. l-'rce phone, private hath, eleain beat, modcialo price, weekly i at-,. ' "a , SON! A ' in TK1. 124 14th si , at Waihing'on. Rates. .i per week up, l Hay. Fire proof; large, attractive, apotle, room; t loo lo aiiitieern-.nt and shopping en' er. 1IOTKL AllTHl lt. 170 11th at. Taka Depot cr to lith and Morrieon. waik hl( bloi k s-uil. ("lean, modern, rc.pc. table; transient, st .Ml. with private bath, li. HOTKI. HA It It. 112 N. (If h. g blo ks Irotn Tnlon de pot; room 1 and up; 15 p-r week; hot and i old water; leam hiat. LlKD A I'Trf , single room, nn(irn. fire proof b.dg ; hot and cold running water. L'lil Market t. HOTEL tK'kl.KV-Morneon i. at T'n;rt. Rales $1 a day up. Weekly M Ml up. Hi, am heat. 1 ree phone and balb. EMPRESS hotel, torn.r bl li and Mlaik, next to Columbia theater, $1 lo - d. $1 .id lo .7 we.-k . Oc. $1 DAY. IJ.50 week up; outside rwsli Hotel Cadl.iaC. Hd near Jeiletsun. HARRIM'N hotel. Front and Harrison; outside room, $2 .'hi iiubosrillf dered. FURNISHED room. 7.C nlfclil and up. s;l .Ml per week and up:i7 Vamliill. Thk HA .El. FAMILY Hotel, erv. thing modem, boms cioklliit .iVi Third. STPAUirholeOrourlta and Alder, .ales si per day up. NICE light sleeping room, .'a'4 Caimelita Aill I3tl Slid JefTjvson. i.,.i nl-vT Two li,irh-c:as room en ec- and f.oor. -'.'. l::ih l j v I nfi.rnUhr.l Konms. f f . LDG . 5th"sndtilrk. At-piy Dr 8 Los f .' ' Columblaldg . W l'arkandsh. 1 , LARGE airy 11 . K looms home. 1:.:t Washburn n. Furnialird Koonis In I'rliate $amil. ITTeASA NT sleeping room, wakli.s die tanee; lurnaie heat, hot and .-..id a"i a pl.,.e one n f.-el al lo.me In: ma' have uae of kiiclten for breakfast. Hdj 4:'tv . LIGHT corner room, turns" heat. ee trie light, telephone, near balb; gent.e nien preferred; ', block HeaUiorns ave. m:i E. 3Jd 1 . FURNISHED rooms. biekfst If doired; walking distance; referen.es required; 4 k. Aider. Kt r.a:i.y ONK or two clean rooms in a home, boarding hoiih nearby. Kt 711. K.aet Mwlttio.. nvl.m J buns NICE Iurnth-d front room for gentle man; running water; tlote Multnomah Huh. Mar. ;I2!5. LAROK front room suitable wa.klng ditao-o. i4 ar l'tione Kat -Tl'd 3 l ,r JUT what ou nrit. ni-ly furnl'ho.1 front room at 44 ( lay at., flva mUi Hi fa' 'HlU t" poyloff lc. NK'KLY fu'nlohH, romfrab!a alcrping room In mo'tern honn ifc In, cai nJn 4:14 Mill at. Mm 401.1. Ni.U K ILL DIMOlh'T Aurattv!v f iirninhc-l rom tticnon!)-; rpfcrencn". r ni.r,l M ri in 4111. MoNT: .M KK V. or. I'm a : amall. in ulccping room; grntirmaii pra- rloitn fr rrd. Mt'KI.V fnrnlNhed frnnt room; -ifin lirnt. hth and tflrphone; lady prrh rr. J. Mar shall .- tXrR man acniiomel to vl.e (hinca. rnrn In nulet. modern fiat. I'ark. Mar shall 1TS0. THRKR well-funlihed roon, on ground floor, rent car lin-. tr sht and water; no c h 1 1 d re n. 21 K. h a t . S' u t li . V EST MIE Mr rlcsn aj-pnr rnntn for gentlemen only. 1.1 .V per pek. 'Sl roailwmy Marshall LaIV. alone, will alia re her beittrut home with yon nr. conanl1 couple; houeke-plng prlvllegea. Talor HIV1. ON K clesn, mm fortahia mom. il h bat h, for gentlemn, per. month; closa In. Vnmhlll. iip'talra. . 2Hfl 14T1I, near Jeffraun. choica room, walking dlatMnce. Main A LAItfil. front bedroom, alcove. firep;c, moilern convenleticew. Marsha : I fU I . IRV'INtiTilN Heautiful room, breakfaal, I M k. car, 130. K.iat 4 1 1. KltoNT flngi room, walking diatame. 4t Cc'umbia. C'l.EAN room, clne In. Wet Hide, fur lao working people. 4't lav or. A I.AK'iK. atr.ci ly molt-rn w m Ik lug d ,a ta'ue; sfn Hcnuill only. IH'l till I nt RuoM and attle room for sentlaniau. nut sittsu tiUiu; raluroacca. f ' - y f 1'. 1