. . .. - - V 17 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MARCIT 9, 1920 -. .- V FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. THIS AD STATES FACTS. I har large assortment of uncalled-for tailored suits at price that will surprise you. All eises. pattern and etylea and remember they are a aolu'eiy new. not second-hand. I call fit you to a ault that will please Both your taste and your pocketboolL. H. L blum. 184 Ten tit s. near Morrison. $$$$$$$$$ DIAMONDS BOUGHT. I have 1100,000 ready cash to In vent in diamond, tiee Mr. Ran dolph and get full market value in cadft. GEORGES RANDOLPH. Iviamond Hroker. 35 Sliding Bldg., 4in Floor. NOTICE TO THE rUBLIC. Rather than return our talesman sam ples to the factory n have placed aame at the disposal of the nubile at whole sale price consisting or raincoats, motor coats, leather coals. In our salesroom at UNITED RUBBER CO.. 728 MUUUAN B1.DO. i'OR SALE 1 large. 1 small National cash register with penny keys: soda fountain complete; floor canes, wall cases; Toledo computing scales, draft .Arms refrigerator floor cases and other refrigerators; restaurant gas griddle. 242 Salmon. Main 342. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, brtdgework bought. Brine; or mall, the. American Brokerage, 405 fpmaing Dins;., tn floor, 3d and Wash iuKlOii sfeels. OFFICE FUltXITCRB AND EQUIPMENT irom a. vv. fcteel and bpruce Production ior sale at 31 N. 5TH ST.. Between P.umside and Couch. O. M. BABCOCK. D. C. WAX. fiAN'UES and water heaters moved from one address to another free; connections made a specialty: plumbing;, stove re pairing; furnace work; reasonable prices; quica service to any part ol the city. Tabor -307. 1V.TR A CHEAPEST WOOD IN TOWN. Heavy fir siabs and block wood mixed. Stove length. $6 per cord. Dry inside xir, siv.-.u per cord. Delivered same day you order any place in city. Phone day or night Marshall 4230. SEWING machines, new ana second-hand, soid for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts lor all rr...kes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main '(43L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor st. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed, MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East If 04. 161 Russell at. FOB SALE ACTOMOBIT.ES. MUST SELL. 4 modern autos look them over and make offei 1!1S Hup. new paint. 1:117 Dowse, new paint and top. 1!HS Liberty, new paint and cord tires. lulll Oa.se, tip-top shape. l:17 Chalmers; a bargain. 1:m: Patterson, fine shape, cord tires. 101 Ford. 1SS TENTH STREET, OPP. LIBRARY. FORDS. FORDS ARE T'P. Our Ford prices are the same. See them at the used car sale. 14TH AND BURNSIDE. 191! CHEVROLET roadster, run about 400 miles; good tires, motor in perfeel condition; terms. We will back this car. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 7.40. FINE 1919 Chevrolet touring, all com plete; overhauled, ready to go and give good service; termw. FIELDS JIiXOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 140. 39IS CHEVROLET touring, fine condition; good tires; will sell lor $000, terms. FIELDS MOTOR- CAR CO.. 14TH AND ALDEK. BROAD WAT 2-10. GRANT SIX. . Here's a snap, only $623 at the used car sale. 14TH AND BURNSIDE, OAKLAND tourlnir. Just overhauled. It-s at the used car sale. 14TH AND BURNSIDE. 1017 4-90 CHEVROLET tourins. This is a bargain at S4i. and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14TH AND ALDEK. BROADWAY 240. DODOR TOURING CAR, spot light, and, Other extra; terms FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 11th and Alder. Broadway 240. LATE model Ford touring car. electric starling and lighting sstem, ?peedome ter, spotlight, clock, etc.; Al condition. New Fords have just raised ."i0. Used cars will follow. Buy now. owner, Bdwy. l.'l or Main 17 MAXWELL TOURING. This one ha- full leather top and glass In rear, nearly new tires and 1 extra; runs and looks first-class; low price of 5-1:1.1 with S-oil lown, ral. easv. &0. Alder. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. JLATE SIODEL CHEVROLET delivery, t25, and t'-rtns. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., llth aud Alder. Broadway 240. 19IS FORD with electric- startrr. This is a private car; $l."t cash, balance easv. BROADWAY lis. l'JTH AND COUCH. IF YOU are lookine for a bargain here it In. Chandler 7-pasnenger. just over hauled and painted, r new tires, terms. 717 Hawthorne or Kast 1U)Q. Ask for ft I on die. JJOHKI 90 Overland, lika new, $725, easy trrnip. BKOADWAT 118. 19TH AND COUCH. FOR BL'ir BUYERS iiood car in flrst- ass running order, motor Just over hauled, good tires, all ready to put bug body on, $100. Hurry, as tais won't lam lor.fr. SJ-W X. 9TK ST.. NEAR FLA X'P E R 8. lOIiD delivery, special body, with side curtains : lots or extras. A real bar gain ; $425. Terms. 0 Graud ave, north, near Burnside. 6-PARSKNGER llffht Hudson four, Bo5ch magneto, good running order; $100 takes It. North Bank Garage, corner llth and Flankers. liKAN U-NKW 4-ltO Chevrolet roadster: has not run 10WO miles; origins! tires; every thing sbout tiiis car absolutely perfect. Cat) Alain 7457. alS OLDSMOB1LK ft. G-pass.: cord tires, in excellent condition every way; for naie by owner. This is a splendid buv, easy terms. Call Mr. Brit, Bdwy. 3oltf. 1917 MAXWRLlTtouring;-willsell at rock -bottom price; car is in perfect running order; owner needs money badly. Tabor &Ko3. ia8a Division. CH EVROLET ID1S. Good mechanical con dition. Good tires. Will sell t-'a and cive terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. CADILLAC elcht, luxuriously equipped private car, for sale by owner; no rea sonsbl offer refused. Call Main 6464 or Main :tSl). J917 FORD tourins car. brand new tires, shock absorbers. A real bargain. Law- lor & Tillman. 232 Main st. 3Dl DODGE tnurlnsr. new tires, perfect shape, a snnd as new; shock ausorb- ers. Tabor 717. J9U0 MAXWKI.I, demonstrator, run 2000 m!!ee; iruarantee of 90 days (roea wltll il; sparo tire; terms. Tabor b31U. aXiDGE. 1917: enrd tires, good paint; best nuy in cltv: ftioO, terms. Broadway ho tel. room -m'. 1916 DODOE tovrlns; car. brand new tires . and top. Al condition, H.'o, easy terms. Iwlor A Tiliman, 22 Alain st. 1919 'IIAXWF.LL roadHter, 5 nearly new tires. Bargain. Lawior & Tillman, 231 Jain Jt. BTKARNS Filent Knight motor, Al condi tlon. Main r.j04. - 2918 MAXWELL Al condition. $i"."i0, terms, if 'desired. Bdwy. 4'f!.". HI North 6lh. BUICK light 6. 1918; new paint, first-oiass condition. Phone Bdwy. 2. lam FORD delivery, just like new. Call . Marshall 2167. TOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. CARS OP THB BETTER KIND. 1919 PATTERSON. Sea this one, 1917 DODGE, 5-paaaengor, extra, tire and spotlight. OVERLAND. 5-passenger. CADILLAC ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. FRANKLIN ROADSTER, cord tires, first-class condition. OVERLAND MODEL 90 ROADSTER.' 1919 VEI.IE SEDAN. 90 per cent new, wire wheels. 1818 BUICK ROADSTER. USED CAR PALACE, 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST 7717. SEE THESE BARGAINS. 1919 OAKLAND TOURING. ' 1918 OAKLAND TOURING. 1817 OAKLAND TOURING. 1917 DODGE TOURING. 1917 DODGE TOURING. 1017 CHEVROLET TOURING. 1917 FORD TOURING. These CARS ARE ALL IN A-l SHAPE THRGUGOUT; SMALL PAY MENT DOWN. BALANCE VERY EASY. RED CAP MOTOR SALES. 409 STARK ST. BDWY. 3UoX TOURING CARS. OLDSMOPILE 6-7-passengerr 1918 model, in fine shape and will make a nice family car. Looks like new. MAXWELL TOURING, IMS. In good running order. You all know what a Maxwell can do. Come in and make an offer. BUICK fi-5-passenger. 1918 model. cannot be told from new one. Don't miss seeing this. DIAMOND T TRUCK Tenth and Flanders. SALES AGENCY OF OREGON. WE SELL TOUR CAR DIRECT FROM TOUR HOME CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SALliS CO., 3.11 BF"K BLTX1., -BROADWAY 4o0. FORD CARS FORD PARTS FORD REPAIRING WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO 60 NORTH BROADWAY AT DAVIS. BDWY. 32L ' AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER SINCE 11103. BARGAINS IN 1918 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. JUST OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED. 4 GOOD COrtD TIRES. im-DAY GUARANTEE. SAME AS FACTORY GUARANTEE, ALL READY TO GO; 7oo DOWN WILL HANDLE. CALL MARSHALL 5342, GEORGE. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTO. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OCR PLAN' WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 21)6 SELLING BLDG. C!D FLOOR.) USED CAR D4KOA1X. SO Fords l-nt) to buy 23 2 Franklins 750 to JSoo 1 Dudso 100 4 Maxwells i-ili to liOO 1 Chevrolet roadster 1175 1 Buiek roadster -75 10 cars without starter $150 -to 300 IjONG & SILiVA, 40 Hawthorne. LA TiC 11)13 model 00 Over4and Country Cltil in very best of condition; .iust overhauled: new batteries, new gears, new liy wheel, 5 nearly new tirea and inner tubes, cushion covers, plate glass and lots of other extras; this car is about as good as new and will sacrince for 7uo; no brokers. Address owner, V o'.i. Oregonian. 3010 OAKLAND This car is like new and will pay you to look il over. TIED CAP MOTOR SALES. 400 btark It., Bet. 10th and llth. IMS OAKLAND tourintr. This car Is in wonderful shapo and has many extras. HED CAP MOTOR SALES. 409 Stark su. Bet. loth and llth. BUG BODIES. 1100. Completa with hood. ste. Immediat delivery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. Third and Gltsan. LIGHT 6 BUICK louring, run less than lo.uOO miles; new paint; Job looks like brand new car; O. K. mechanically; good tires. Price 1I0H. with terms, 1-3 down. Mr. Argo. Broadway lull CHEVROLET roadster, just like new, run less than 1000 miles and has never been off pavements; here is a chance to get new roadster at a used .ear price Will give terms. Call Main 7457. CADILLAC CHASSIS. 1011 model engine. In A-l shape; Tim ken axles and bearings; would make rianrtv bug or good truck; cheap. Call Marshall i719. I CAN save you $500 on a new Oldsmo- bile -8 touring car. J nis car nas neen driven tiOO miles and has 1020 license. Will take small car In trade and give terms. R. O. Bremmer, Pendleton, Or. 2 LIGHT deliveries, with sheet metal bodies; 1 Aiaxweu. i. rnuaeDaKer, late model ears; a snap; otner cars. L.nlon Depot garage, cor. Broadway and Hoyt Pts. , 101S PAIGE 5-pass., beautiful new high- grade paint joo; engine overnaulea; cord tirea; looks and runs like new; $450 c:mh. bal. 10 iuos. Mr. Argo. B'uadway 32b 1. NEW I.IBERTT SIX, run less than 1000 ml. soio less man new price. i erms 1-3 down, balance In 10 mo. Guarantee and 3 mo. free service. Cook Gill Co., llth and Burnside. Open Sunday. NEW Chevrolet roadster, brand new and at the old price, uespite me jast two substantial increases on now cars, suoo worth of extras; caah or terms. Mar shall 217. MAXWELL touring car, first-class shape. 6 tires, a Dargain u taaen at once. .-iio. Terms. 717 Hawthorne or East 1300. Ask for Blondie. A HUPMOBILE. just overhauled. 5 good tirns, su. terms, tar looks like new. 717 Hawthorne or Kast 1300. Ask for Blondie. 101S OAKLAND in splendid condition; owner must sen quirmy. Lome ano make me an offer. Ask for Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 321. GRANT SIX. 1B18. In tne-best of con dition. Good tires ana good paint; SioO, with terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. OVERLAND, model 00, 5-pa.i. ; a good dependable car ana a sate ouy, looks and runs liko new. $775. easy terms. Mitch ell Argo, Bdwy 32S1. CADILLAC touring, in the best of nie- cnanlcai conaiuon. ah gooa tires. A real bargain at $475. Terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. ' WILL exchange Ford sedan body for "17 or later louring oooy ana 2u cash: will stand expense of change. Main 2856. 30(1 14lh st. SICK, NEED MONEY Hudson, in per- lecl conuiiiou. jui utcruuuieu ana re flnished; $850. Phone Scllwood 851. OLDS MOBILE EIGHT, used privately. Must sell. A bargain at $1800. Terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. FORD touring. 1818, Just like new. A real bargain; $500. Terms. 30 Grand ave. north. nearBurnslde. GOOD Overland auto for sale cheap. Ev" nl n gs. Tabor 8122. FOR SALFl 1019 Chevrolet roadster, sacri flre. Call Marshall 1770. FRANKLIN for sale, by owner; new cord tires; 1020 license. East 7004. ' BABY GRAND Chevrolet, snap. $500. 41C Morrison, weekdays till If, Il FOB BALE A I'TOMOBILBa. O B OBYES E S SPRINO SALE OF DSHD CARS. THE ONE BIO EVENT OP THK TEAR ON GASOLINE 'ROW. WE MADH A LOT OF FRIENTS LAST TEAR AT THIS ANNUAL EVENT. BUT WILL MAKE MORE THIS TEAR. WE ARB GIVINO COMPLETE EQUIPMENT WITH EACH CAR SELLING AT OR ABOVE $700. TTTTS EQUIPMENT CONSISTS . OF THE FOLLOWING: 1 non-skid tire. 1 tube. 1 rim. 1 bumper. 1 spot-light. 1 motor meter. 1 fire extinguisher. 1 set wind deflectors. 1 set of new tools as follows: 1 Jack.- 1 pump. 1 hammer. 1 pair pliers. 1 monkey wrench, 1 rim wrench. 1 screw driver and tire tools. R E M B M B E R, EVERT MAN. WOMAN OR CHILD WHO PAYS US $700 OR MORE FOR ANY KIND OF A GASOLINE BUGGY DURING THIS SALE GETS A FULL SET OF THE ARTICLES LISTED ABOVE. EVERY CAR ON THE MAR KET IS RAISING IN PRICE VERY RAPIDLY. I COULD NAME A DOZEN OR MORE MAKES HERE WHICH HAVE RAISED TN THE PAST TEN DAYS. ALL OF WHICH IS PROOF THAT YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR CAR OF US RIGHT NOW WHILE OUR PRICE? ARB STILL, AT ROCK BOTTOM. WHEN OUR PRESENT STOCK OF USED CARS IS EXHAUSTED IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR US TO QUOTE SUCH RIDIC ULOUSLY LOW PRICES ANY MORE. DON'T WAIT UNTIL TT TS TOO LATE TO GET ONE OP THESE FINE CARS, BUT COME DOWN TODAY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. IF TOU TTAVEN'T ALL THE MONEY YOU CAN MAKE A SMALL DEPOSIT AND WE'LL HOLD THE CAR FOR YOU. OUR TERMS ARE VERY REAS ONABLE. VB ALSO ACCEPT YOUR LIBERTY BONDS AS PART OR FULL PAYMENT ON ANY CAR. WE'RE READY TO GO. ARE TOU? LOOK 'EM OVER. 1018 COLE 8 Touring. HUH COl.E 8 Touring, llllfi HAYNES Touring. 1017 HAYNES Touring. 1018 HAYNES Touring. 1010 PATliKSON Chummy. 1018 VELIB 6 Touring. 101H L1UERTY 6 Touring. 1015 OLDS.VIOBILE 8 Touring. 1017 OLDS.VIOBILE 8 Touring. Series FRANKLIN Touring. 1017 MITCHELL 6 Touring. 1016 MITCHELL 6 Touring. 1010 OAKLAND 6 Touring. Ift17 OAKLAND, 6 Touring. 101S OAKLAND 8 Touring. 1018 SAXON 6 Chummy. 1017 SAXON 6 Touring. 1018 SAXON Touring. 1014 OVERLAND Touring. 1015 OVERLAND Touring. 1010 OVERLAND Touring. 1017 OVERLAND Touring. 1018 OVERLAND Touring. 1010 OVERLAND Touring. 1!3 STUDKBAKER Touring. 11115 STUDKBAKER Touring. 1016 STUDKBAKER Touring. 1017 STUDKBAKER Touring. 101S STUDKBAKER Touring. 1IMS LEXINGTON Touring. HtIO LEXINGTON Touring. 11)10 W1NTON , 4-passenger. 1018 MAXWELL Touring. 1017 MAXWELL Touring. 101K MAXWELL Touring. HH8 MAXWELL 3-pass. roadster. ONB-ton MAXWELL Truck. Two-ton CADILLAC Truck. Three-ton DENBY Truck. Five-ton FRUEHAUF Trailer. " CHALMERS Touring. REO Touring. REGAL 8 Touring. READING-STANDARD Motor- rvele. PULLMAN Tonring. LAMBERT Touring. LOCOMOBILE. R. C. H. Bug. FORD Touring. FORD Dellverv. EXCELSIOR Motorcycle. WISCONSIN Bug. LOTS OF OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO., 12 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. REMOVAL SALE OF HIGH-GRADE USED AUTOMOBILES. We move May 1 tn our newhnme, now being erected, cor. Broadway at Everett street. Our stock of 40 high-grade used cars are oirered to the public away below ac tual value to enable us to clean bouse. Bear In mind these cars are not Junk, but high-grade used cars that we have overhauled and refinished. Here are a few we offer for your ap proval. . 101 T Hubmoblle, 5-pass. 1020 Case 7-pass., 6-cyl.. like new. 10111 Jordan 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1018 Haynes 5-oas., 6 cyl. 1!I1 Mitchell 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1018 Mitchell 4 -pass., chummy 6-cyL 1018 Mitchell 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1018 Mitchell B-pass.. 6-cyl. 1017 Mitchell 7-pass., 0-cyl. 1017 Mitchell 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1017 Mitchell B-pass., 6-cyl. 1017 Mitchell 2-paae.. 6-cyl. 1017 Ford 5-pass. 1017 Velle 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1016 Overland 0-pass.. 4-cyl. 11116 Chevrolet 5-paas., 4-cyl. 1016 Ford Bug. lfits Mitchell, 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1013 Packard 5-pa-s.. 6-cyl. 1012 Michigan 6-pass., 4-cyL USED CAR DEPARTMENT.' MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO E. First and Morrison Sis. West Side Salesroom. Broadway at Oaic &t. Phones East 7572. 512-16. Bdwy. 515. Automatic 533-43. $1150 BUYS 1918 D 49 Buick; 5 cord tires, spotlight and bumper; good top with plate glass In rear. Phone East 8354 or 260 East2d st. N. Owner. $400 BUYS small Chalmers coupe, 4 good tires. 1020 license and In the best of condition. Phone East S354 or 260 East 2d st. . N. Owner. MAWELI. 1010. touring, good alnt, good tires. Must seii. A bargain at $87S and give terms. 3u Grand ave.. north, near Burnside. MAXWELL touring. 1917. A-l condition. Good tirea Will sell $550 and give terms. 20 Grand ave. north, near Burn side. 1010 AUBURN In fine condition: wire wheels, spotlight, extra tire and wheel; private owner. J 42. Oregonian. FOB SAI.B AUTOMOBIXKB. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPACT RECONSTRUCTION PLANT offers the following cars for your con ' sideratlon. We countenance no misrep resentations, but solicit, your implicit confidence: Easy Terms on AH. Open Sunday. DODGE BROTHERS CARS. 1017 Sedan, wire wheels, only $ia0 1015 Touring. A-l. good tires 050 1017 Touring, new top. fine shape. 025 Iftlrt Touring, good tires 750 1016 Roadster, new top, good tires 775 1015 Touring, new top 675 1918 MAXWELL roadster. A-l shape 650 1017 MAXWELL touring, good tires and finish B50 IBltJ OVERLAND, fine shape, only 725 1018 OVERLAND -'dst'r. new paint 475 1017 Snap for mechanic. GRANT 6, fix it up. only 350 FORDS AND CHBVROLETS. Prices placed on these cars were low before the prices on new cars were vanced. We have not raised our prices. 1910 CHEVROLET touring, in A-l shape 725 1918 CHEVROLET touring, priced only 550 1018 FORD touring, good tires. . . . 425 1017 FORD touring, good shape... 400 1916 FORD touring, good shape... 350 1016 FORD roadster, good shape. . 325 1916 6-40 HUDSON, 7-pass.. one of the best Hudsons ever built 900 1017 K1SSELKAR touring, newly painted, cord tires, 2 extras 1000 1019 VELIE sport model, a beauty 1750 1016 PACKARD Twin 6. oord tires. a remarkable car at only 2200 1914 LOZIER limousine in wonder v.ane Take notice For Hire men. price only 1200 CADILLACS. New cars could scarcely render better service or bring more pnae to ins pur chaser. 101S, repainted, cord tires, seat cov- U'BBtlnffhniiRA enulDment: a beautiful car $3750 1918 CADILLAC, 7-pass.. 2 to select frnm jis above without West- Inghouee equipment. .. .$3500 and 3600 iniij foHillae tonrine. heautiful Der- manent top; priced only 2500 1915 Cadillac. 8-cyl. roadster 1300 Over 100 cars to select from. No misrepresentations. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Wrashington at 21st St. Main 6244. REAL BARGAINS. AT THE C. C. H. S. COMPANT. MOON AND DIXIE FLTER DISTRIBUTORS. Now located In our new salesroom, 108 iMnrth Tlroadwav. near Gllsan. Servic and wholesale departments still remain at 65 North 23d street. HOUSE WARMING USED CAR SALE. Ford, thoroughly overhauled .... Chevrolet, thoroughly overhauled. Maxwell, 5-pass., a bear Overland 85, 5-pass., good tires.. Velie six, new paint Oakland 8-cyl.. 5 cord tires. Brisco, ft-pass., a peach Velie light tlx, like new , .$400 . . 450 , . 600 . 750 , . 800 , . 80 ,.- ooo .1350 C. H. Broadway 1773. S. Co, Marshall 1428. REAL BARGAINS. DODGE TOURING car in perfect mechanical condition; good tires, one extra, new top and paint Job; $750. HUDSON SIX TOURING in A-l condition mechanically and from tires to top; $650. 1015 PACKARD, good ones. one of , those LIBERAL TERMS. STATES AUTO SALES, 430 Burnside. West Side. BARGAINS IN NEARLY NEW CARS. LARGE LOWEST ASSORTMENT PRICES ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES COMPANT. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. 10th and Couch Sis., Broadway 118. HUDSON SUPER SIX LIMOUSINE. PER FECT CONDI i 1UIN ; tlsr juh kjv ixr, PA1KT1VU OBTAINABLE. HAS BEEN OVERHAULED BY HUDSON PEOPLE xn THEY WILL GIVE A GUA RAN TEE ON IT SAME AS FACTORY GUARANTEE. NEW ONE COSTS $480(1 tvii.i. SB1.I. THIS ONE FOR $2400. TERMS IF DESIRED. AM LEAVING FOR NEW YORK CITY. P 39, OREGO NIAN. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1919 LEXINGTONS. Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms if Desired. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO., 26-30 North Broadway. OUB- past reputation guarantees every transaction we mane. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES CO., HIGH-CLASS USED CAR DEALERS, 19TH AND COUCH. LATE MODEL HUPMOBILE. This Is something choice at a price that wlil surprise you. lou don t see many of these cars advertised for sale. Three brand new tires, en.tne in per fect shape, a wonderful car. Seo this at once. Must sell. 306 East 48th st. Phone Auto. 219-47. FORD OWNERS. Ford overhauled , $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 8 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc , which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. LATE MODEL FRANKLIN, Excellent condition, $1750; might con sider small car as part payment. 105 Park st- Main 5105. 1917 DODGE touring, absolutely in A-I condition throughout: extra tire, spot light and many others; liberal terms, $350 down will handle. RED CAP MOTOR BATHES, 400 Stark St. Bdwy. 3U61. OVERLAND TOURING AND CHUMMY ROADSTiSR. These are flrst-clasa and will stand the closest Inspection. Coma and try them. Low prices and long term. Both are first-class. 505 Alder it. RED-FRONT USED CAR CO. 18 HATNES. Perfect condition. 5 good tires; see this car at once; will be sold at sacri fice this week. . 80 N. Bdwy. Bdwy. 3247. Terms. MODEL 85 Overland, like new, all cord tires; S2UU casn, Daiance easy. BROADWAY 118. 10TH AND COUCH. FORD TOURING, 1018, cannot be told from new car. just overnaulea. new tires, new top; guaranteed and service given; $500. terms. 80-01 N. OTH ST., NEAR FLANDERS. ' STUDEBAKER 6-passenger, good running order, gooa urea. untr win sacrtnee $75 If sold at once. Corner llta and 1'landers. FOR SALE ACTOMOBII.FS. ABSOLUTELY. DEPENDABLE USED CARS. Onr slogan "Dependable Used Cars.' Is not in.t n e.teh-doljnr nhrase. but I real fact, a purpose, a policy, backed by nllr eujLrantee. Rverv ear we sell 18 de pendable not camouflaged up to look Pretty on the outside but dependabl through and through. A car that can ho ftonenflAit tinnn to rive rieDftndabl service. Isn't that the kind of a used car you want? 1010 PAIGE LIGHT SIX, touring car. a real buy in a car that is mignty sine 6 tires. - 1018 OLDSMOBILE SIX TOURING car, good mechanical condition, good tires, bumper, ispotllght, $1100. An un usual buy. 1916 REO FOUR tires. $350. This is 1 touring car, buy. good 1019 OLDSMOBILE SIX touring car: real car at a real price: tires are all good. DODGE TOURING car. cord tires. " tra tire and in dandy condition: new battery for $650; a real buy. 1018 FORD touring car in good con ditlon. $450. 1018 CHEVROLET touring, good tires and mechanically. FORD DELIVERY, a good delivery at a low price. 1010 CHANDLER chummy. like I 1919 CHANDLER dispatch sport mod el. THESE ARE SOME OF THE BEST PERFORMING CARS ON THE JIAlt KET. BUICK 4 ROADSTER for $475: good tires and will perform. 1016 Studebaker 6 touring car for $475. How s that? We have more to show you. We give terms. Come In. Also one aeroplane. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 531 Alder SL Bdwy. 2796. HONEST BARGAINS. 101.9 7-PASS. CHANDLER over hauled and repainted, 5 cord tires and lots of other extras; a bargain at $1450. mnriKr. 3 HAYNES. S-nass.. ftv nearly new cord tires, motometer and bumper, only run 6000 miles, at $1700. 1019 OLDS 8. run only 7000 miles on pavement, with 2 extra tirea and other extras: car can't be told from new $1450. MODEL 22-A Wlnton. In perfect con dition. with wire wheels and cord tires ami lots of other extras; anybody want ine a high-grade car. thia is a real buy at $2200. 1918 7-PASS. HAYNES car. feet condition; a buy at $1850. CASH OR TERMS. In per- A. C. STEVENS. Havnes and Wlnton Dist., 16th and Wash Sts.. Broadway 1614. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1917 CHEVROLET M00 1017 CHEVROLET M50 1017 MAXWELL 75 1916 OVERLAND 375 1914 STUDEBAKER BUG ! 1915 STUDEBAKER 7-PASS $250 1915 HUDSON ROADSTER 200 We have to vacate March 20 and are sroiner out of the used car Dusinees. These are real bargains. 404 DAVIS. 4-CYL. Stude.. splendid condition; Just overhauled: good ruDoer. 00 N. BROADWAY. PACKARD 2-ioti. fine condition; long wheel base: new lumoer rous, cnains new solid tires and chains: $1850, terms. Broadway 3732. 307 Oregon bldg., or East 6047. Merrick. 1018 HUPMOBILE 5-pass.. only run 7000 miles; excellent twnumuii. xuu can i duplicate this value In a Hup. Come see. Price $1200. terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. OVERLAND BIG 4, late model, equipped ivith new Tires, uiivcn only tew iituusnna miles, guaranteed and service given, $800 terms. 80-01 N. OTH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, Just overhauled. new paint, guaranieeu, anu ini-ony serv ice given, runs and looks ilk. new, $16o0, terms. 80-01 N. OTH ST., NEAR FLANDERS. OVERLAND, model 90, 6-pass.; a good depenuaDie car aiic, waie ouy; iooks ana runs line new; m. in uib. Miica ell Argo, Bdwy. 8281. OVERLAND touring in the nest of con dition. Aiusi sen. oargiun; 0OU. Terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burn side - uhtors. fears, bearings, wheeia axlM. We wreck an maaes oe cars ana sell their parts at half price. David Hodea Co.. 105-7 North llth street. Big Stock USED CARa. Prices right. No misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6. used very little and worth Slow more man i asti ior n. inis ear is in tine condition; $400 down, bal. terms. Mr. Al go. proaaway CHEVROLET touring. miT. uood me chanical conaiuon. wua ures. w in sell at $550 and give terma 30. Grand aVe., norm, ileal um iiomi:. 1018 NASH Splendid condition and an ex ceptional ouy ani sum aiiieen ; ,.ioo aown and bal. in 10 mos. Mr. Argo, Broadway 320 1. - STUDEBAKER FOUR in A-l condition. Good paint, good tires. Will sacrifice at fi. $750 and give terma 30 Grand ave. north. near Burnside. 1018 CHEVROLET In the best of condi tion, uooa waiiit, buuu ures. a real bnrgaln; $075. Terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnslde! ESSEX 1019 touring. Looks like new. Used privaveiy. vm .en at .juu ana give terma 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. LATE 18 OLDS 8, by private party, driven only 600O miles; in line conaiuon; price $1400; will take late light car in trade. Woodlawn 2236. 1918 MAXWELL, in the best of condition; good tires, gooa paint. win sacrifice at $075. Terma 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. HUDSON SUPER SIX in A-1 condition. Good tirea Gooa paint. mil sen at $1750 and give terma 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. A LATE model Overland roadster in nice condition in every way; win maae gooa salesman's car; price $475, easy terma Ask for Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. MAXWELL TOURING, IBID, Just oyer- hauled, runs nice nw car. win aacrnice and give terms. 80-01 N. OTH ST., NEAR FLANDERS. 1018 COLE 8. In fine condition, good tires; looks like new; will take $1500. term. Call Mr. James. Broadway 3231. NAP if taken at once; lata model Ford, 'just overhauled; $375. 716 Alberta st. Woodlawn 0323J 1016 OVERLAND, moaei a, just over hauled, live urea, two curus, .ooo, nr Oregonian. FORD touring car, 5 new tires, runs like new, IOC Ot extras.- in nnwiuuru, or East 1300. Ask for Blondl. 1018 DODGE touring in excellent oondftlon. easy terma t-. a,t i ni .ouwy. 110ft. . BY OWNER 11 tnaimers, uu; gooa condition, wnii - . xurn slde st, Bdwy.4J06. BEST buy In Fartiana. Mitason T-pase; $600 will nautili, jcii.i". v-e. 014 rium for appointment. No dealera FORD touring, inn. gooa mechanical con dition. A oarnttiii ...uv. icrui. wu Grand ave. nortn. near Burnside. FOR SALE Dodge, late model, fine shape. 7 Norui sixtn. i .. 1918 OVERLAND, model 90, $650; look! anu run. " " . .- . . OUR-CYLINDER Keo, rirst-ciass condi tion. L. lx moQrm, ii omro or 'iraae. 1910 Chevrolet, by owner, first class con- FOR gALE ATTTOMOBILEB. C G. BLEASDALE. LARGE STOCK OF USED CARS. Make your selection early: all stand ard makes, carefully Inspected before offering them pr sale. TERMS Make Tour own terms: your contract 1 not disposed of to a banker or broker, saving you from ft to 10 per cent. Call and look them over and get our porpoeltlon. FORD TOURING. 1918. rood tirea. shock absorbers, Yale lock, speed ometer, $475. MAXWELL 1018 ROADSTER, for quick . aale, $000. MAXWELL 1018. looks like new, five good tirea bumpers, $700. CHEVROLET TOURING, good mechan- leal condition, $175. CHEVROLET TOURING, new, $720. 1019, good as STUDEBAKER TOURING. 1917, a bar- gain for quick sale. BUICK. 4-cyl., roadster, five good tires, $525. OAKLAND LIGHT , mechanically per fect, five good tires, $1100. BUICK LIGHT 6 ROADSTER, good tires, repainted, looks and runs like new, $1075. BUICK LIGHT 6, touring, 5 good tires, repainted; plate glass top, $1100. BUICK. 6-CTL., 7-PASS., $1300. looks like new, MITCMELL $875. 6-CTL., for quick sale, I STUTZ. 1013. 16-valve. 6-paas., 5 cord tires; owner gone east; must sell. 40 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. ALL STANDARD MAKES. BUICK. 7-PASS. CHANDLER, 1018. OAKLAND. WILLTS-KNIGHT. REPUBLIC TRUCK. C. G. 530 Alder st. BLEASDALE. Broadway 1802. HONEST BARGAINS. 101S, 7-PASS. CHANDLER. over hauled and repiinted, 5 cord tires and lota of other extras; a bargain at $1400. MODEL 38 HAYNES, D-pass.. five nearly new cord tires, motometer and bumper, only run 6000 miles, at $1700. 1010 OLDS 8. run only 7000 miles on pavement, with 2 extra tires and other extras: car can't bo told - from new $1400. MODEL 22-A Wlnton. in perfect con ditlon. with wire wheels and cord lire; and lots of other extras: anybody want lng a high-grade car, this is a real buy at $22uO. 1018 7-PASS. HATNES car. in per feet condition; a buy at fisou. CASH OR TERMS. A. C. STEVENS. Haynes and Wlnton Distributor, 16th and Washington sts., Broadway 1814. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. CASH. CASH. CASH. FOR FORDS, DODGES. CHE VROLETS. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand ave. East 6563. KISSEL SEDAN, with all-weather top, new tires, bumoer. 175 seat covers; excellent running condition. Will tak Dodge or Ford in trade. $1400. Eas 65 05. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Chevrolet baby grand touring car: mo tor in perfect condition; body finish und upholstering like now. Four goud tires und extra. Call M. 7407. !l OVRB1.AND TOURING. We have the real goods here and will show you car Is r.rst-ciaas eery wa and the price is low. $720. wltu 3ri' down, balance easy. Take car iu trade. 000 Alder st. RtD FRONT USED CAR CO. YELLOW. YELLOW. Ford bug. A little paloosa. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand ave. East 6063. 101S FORD TOURING. Generator, battery, exftra lire, for sale by MYERS AUTO CO., Grand ave. East 6003 1918 FORD bug, the classiest bug in town verv easv terms. BROADWAY 118.- 10TH AND COUCH. 11(10 NASH six. fine condition, Iooks and runs like new, o gooa lues, i.-u exir,iB frrut Kueriflre Iff Ukp.n at once, owne leaving, reason ior et'iuiiK. .ww to handle. I'hone Marshall 3018 HUPMOBILE. BIG 4. Original finish, brand new Ures, guar anteed perrect. , MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS Grand ave. East 60(2). flVKBLASD ROADSTER. Fin, dandy, Flske tires, completely overhauled. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand. East 6083, 1I7 CLASSY Buick roadster, newly paint ed; good tires, new panansom nu, m"- oughiy overnaulea; iu. rnuno matlc 51701. FORD SEDAN. A beauty; In A1 condition. MYERS AUTO CO.. 183 Grand ave. East 6..61 1918 Chevrolet. 4-00. $.'50; also small sto. k or nilto accessories, men, luuri, rit., ii C R. credit file, cash register, etc 410 K. Ash street: 1010 CHEVROLET ROADSTER, Driven 20"'0 miles. See this at MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS Grand ave. Ea,t osi WE HAVE 2 touring cars ior saie at a bargain; one nuicn, one viu Bunuel Co.. 110 13th st. Phone Bdwy, 48. : . 1017 HUDSON Super Six. tnorougniy over hauled; runs ana loons jut 120 license, new top; 90-day guarantee $1300. Phone Broadday 121; OVERLAND DELIVERY. A dandv express car. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand ave. East 6..C3. ,.o uiTrnEtl. 6. fi-Dass.nger touring trnni ennQltlOn: new tirea. T" n an . lng town. Call Broadway 2002. 500 Pit took blk.. ask for Combs. A LIGHT DELIVERY. Tuesday's special, $105. MYERS AUJ'O CO.. 189 Grand ave. . East 6o63. n.-rcw Ford motors, starter type, run in cold; traae in juut ."wi tnv st away from cranking. Hoi lister Ford Shop, 880 Everett. otvnv tnurinc in the best of condition. UOOa tires, SUWtl Nii. n uj .v $700, with terma 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnsldeu FORD DELIVERY. ' For quick sule, $203. - MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand ave. East 6563. LIGHT DELIVERY. In good shape. Not a new ear, but a rood value for $250. All four new tires. 188 GRAND AVENUE. 919 CHEVROLET touring at the used car sale. 14TH AND BURNSIDE. HUPMOBILE touring. A-l condition; new top. side curtains, new paint, good tires, $475; cash or terms. Owner, Sell. 1231. 1020 OAKLAND touring, light "6," run 2500 miles. Owner. Can save you money on a real car. Marshall 1432. 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING, $585. MYERS AUTO CO . 188 Grand ave. East 6563. 1918 DODGE TOURING. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand ave Kaat 60GA- 1118 MAXWELL, five-passenger; iooks like new: good tires; no dealera Woodlawn 40:tfl 1018 CHEVROLET touring in fine condi tion, five good tires; terma Woodlawn 2387. - 1016 MAXWELI looks good, cheap for cash, Mr. Clark, Broadway 1572; even In gsTaborJHJ)0;, STUDEBAKER 6 Al condition, cord tirea, will sacrifice. $07,V 24 N. 17th st. OAKLAND Sedan, used very little. Price $1200. 885 Overton st. 1917 FORD touring. $363 cash. 1100fag gert St. FOR SAT.E AI'TOMOnil.ES. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. T. C. WARREN 58-60 23d St. N. MOTOR M CO.. tin 70. SOME OF THE GOOD BUYS WE NOW HAVE. .-PASSENGER paint, tires and REO. -splendid tnp; mechanical condition. -CYLINDER OLDSMOBILE. new paint and splendid condition; a bargain at $sno. I cn.ixDKR overlAnd. 11. -pass., new paint and In swell shape; an other good buy, $vM). -CYLINDER SAXON, new palht and fine shape, $800. CADILLAC. 1014, . good automobile. good condition and $875. -CYLINDER MITCHELL, a .well 7 pnenger, new paint. In splendid shape, $1100. HUPMOBILE, $1200. S-pasaenger, like new. -CYLINDER. 1019. 5-pass Velio, swell condition, $1200. Besides these we have a fine line of slightly used Veils cars In roadsters, touring and sedan types at reasonable prices. Be sure to investigate one of these car. We carry the finest line of used c.rs in the city. It will pay you to look them over. EVERY CAR WE SELL IS GUARANTEED FREE TRIAL. ON USED CARS. Come In and pick out a car and drive It SIX DAYS and If you are not thor oughly pleased, w-e will exchange it for any other car you choose. Our fair, liberal ness is selling the many friends. plan of doing busl cars and making us Now la the while we hate time to select your a big assortment. BUICK SIX: 6 day free trial. CHANDLER rrial. TOURING. 6 days' MAXWri.L trial. TOURING; 6 days' free OVERLAND MODEL 90; trial. days' free OAKLAND trial. TOURING; 6 days' free STUDEBAKER SIX; dayj' free thial. CHEVROLET TOURING trial. 6 days' free THE USED CAR 10th and Wa EXCHANGE, shlngton. 16 FORD DELIVERY AND ROADSTER. This ear is in line condition and wll please you. It has new lop. new paint oversize tires ami look, like new; l price of S315. with ll-'O down, lialamo easy terms, that will suit you. 05 A aer at reel. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. CASH FOR CARS. We will pay cast, lor good llgh models, louring or roadsters. If you want money bring your cars to 6.i Alder street. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. DANDY STUDKBAKER truck, all good tires, motor In line condition; will con sider trade on light car. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Broadway 110. FORD SEDAN. Electric starter, spotlight and other evtras, new tires; $ii.i. 00 N. Broadway. Broadway 3247. '17 FORD i'ol KING. Has shock a lumbers and u.ier extras. and Is rcnnlshcd, looks and runs m .new; low price of $425, with 15ll ilowtl balance eav t-rm.. 55 Alder St. RED FRONT USED OA It CO. Automobiles A anted. BRING In your late model car and set the cash. RED CAP MOTOR PALES CO.. 409 Stark st., het. loi h and llth. Broadway ilixil. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make that car me.-m money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. S31 Alder st. Bdwy. 2706. WAN'I'Klt To tratlo for good second-hand aiitointohiic lot on .;4th. imumook a Oo by :io feet, with all lmpro omei p.lld; ni-fgl::nl Cost Of lot II2IM), will trade tor $7no first payment. Cail Tabor OOlll. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. S- W. Corner. 10th and Washington. WANTED All makes of ears; condition no ebjert; will pay reasonable price. North Hank Garage, corner llth and Flanders. IF you want to dispose of your Ford car, 31116 to IQIlt model, at a low ligure for cash, write me; not a dealer. AH 14, Oregonian. v W1LL pay cash for light 5-pa.senger auto; . tires and engine must be in good condi tion; Dodge preieraoie; glvo ileseriplion and no dealer. AH 76. Oregonian. WE ARE io the market for used cars. Drive them in and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder st. WANTED Auto in exchange for rotlage at Bayoceau. f. u. narria 1877 Van Houten st. Phone Columbia S7. WANTED Fords and Chevrolets, reason able prices pain; condition fio object. 101 N. llth St.. corner Flanders. (SUBSTANTIAL Chevrolet, Ford, mei nani- oaliy good: give Alberta lot. ciear. Even ings. Tabor 7O00. WANTED- 1020 Ford, 8 for cash, .'1. late mnl Dodge Must be bargain. or Olds Main 33 WILL trade lota 1 and 2, block 6, Ridge- mont, for b-pass. Finch. Bdwy. 344. FIVE-TON used aul- truck math for logging Kails. Or. Write G. yeyton Aiai WANTED Used Fords; will pay cash: no dealers. 12a 16th st. WANTED As part payment, light fi-pasa. car on i-pass. tiuoson. can 3iz pine st WANT to rent light Ford tru, k Sundays, possibly other dk?s. Main 2180. Motorcycle. FOR SALE Henderson motorcycle In A-I condition; can do seen at Lahor Auto. Spring Co., l.itn ana coucn. Fori XioTORCVCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US gtM-MMl !D ST. MAIN Auto Tires aud Arrwseorire. DON'T throw your old tires away; let us repair mem; it pay., -rne uneh Vul canizing Co., 380 Stark St., between 9th and lOih sta FOR SALE 500 shares .lohnson Auto Sig nal, per snare; ait or part. ,. II., 704 Washington St.. ancouver. Wash. DUST HOOD for Dodge car and tlr cover. X2X3'... woo -.ovejoy at. i-none Mar. 6304. FEDERAL cord. 1 Savage. 34x4 1,. ftee the washer at garage at 6th and Madi- S'?n. FOR SALhi AMBU electric trouble snont er, complete; cheap. Wm. Cook, route A. box 03. Portlanil Automobile for Mire. ATTH"0Flfc B EN NKTT, CARS FO RH I R S WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY OARAiiai ' SD ANO TAILOR. MAIN .&. rem ai.r ArTOMotiH.ru. Automobile for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT PRlvrRS. OVERLAND. fft.'DSO.W I.OWNIDALE 1ARA1.K BDWT. 2408. 10TU AND WA0H. NEW CARS FOR I'.tNT WITHOUT DRIVER O N. HVIITIt. THIRD AND :l.lAN BTS A 2.. BROADWAY 5820 ACTOH WITHOUT DRIVERS New car., rea.onah'e rates. 4'lty Ga rag". 86 IQlh .t. Broadway $0. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS run H III J L. I. SULLIVAN" FASHION G A K A1 It. Mir. 332. 10T1I AND YAMHILL A 1218. J-PASS. Dodge for aire, tounng, hopping, highway. Broadwar rOBSA,K TRtTKW MI TfMCTonW. DIAMOND T TRUCK KA.1.ES AOKNTT OK iltKlli IN. Tenth and Flanders. rsrcD trucks for -.ale. 2 TON ATTEnnt'RT. good ready to drive right out and work, motor and transmission hauled. 'tires, go tn over- 2-TON MASTER, only ued an diva. In fine condition and at a bargain. B TON WHITS. good working order 1th duinn r-ody. In and al a tacrine 2 2-TON REOS. all overhauled, readv and able to do lots of work, very lw price. I-TON DENRT. platform bodv. niolor transmission and rear ail. in firt class shape, snd a', a great batgaln. 2 USED DIAMOND T Tni'CKIS. '.-t..n with dump body. overhauled In our shop. Can five lime to responsible pat tics. 2 USED DIAMOND T TRI CKS. S ton. In good nrrt-r. tak-n In trade on new 3-tons. wiil sell on liberal t-im. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONS. TACKARD REBUILT TRUCKS Packard 3-ton body and Packard 4-ton body and hoist, hoist. Republic 2-ton. This trtj. short time, has all tie guaranteed. k only run ' ruhiier and Whit, light delivery. Several others to sclrcl from. We arrange the best of term" PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANT. 421 Ilurn.lde st. , Ask for Jones. TRUCK BARCA1NS 1 1-TON FANHAUD TRUl k . . .$ 1 200 1 114-TON FEDERAL TRUCK ... $ IOihi NEW 1-TON INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. NEW Hi-TON 1 NTU.lt NAT ION A I. TRUCii. TIOTIf OF THESE NEW Tltl'CKM AI1H 10'. UELUW THI-J II KG I I.Alt PRICE. SEE THEM AT 404 HAMS. REBUILT REPIHI-IO TRUCKS. to sold to r incnts. S'f-ton Uard Republic truck, -sponsible parties till time pay ROBERTS MoToR CAR CO. l'ark at Everett Sla. USED TRUCKS OF QUALITY. LOW I'ltlCliS. EAST TEltMd. 2-tnn YVMte. overhauled. $V.O down I'y-lon It. public, guiilanl' ed. I-1..U down. lU-ton Federal, ovel llatl It-d. $.tiai down 1-ion Ford worm driva. body, J25 down. GRANNING TRKECE. 643 Aid. r su, oor. Win. lcy. 1723. ROAD WOH K flav. doutile afi 1 ft road work. aingle shift Job for 3S-ton Muiolar.1 truck Willi dump bily. for pun Iihmt of truck. Call I'urdy, Tabor 1044. kvenlnks 7. to 10 o'clock. LUMBERMEN AND lAXMiMIM. I want to contract lumber. Ilav. three 4 wood 2-tl.",, ,.r write Al. hauling los k :i, 1 1 ONE Hates steel mule Itacior, 15 20. al most new . with X bottom 14-luth Villi no ploa. prl.-e H.'-Ml. I Si-illsc I'laika double illrc harrow. $'.: 1 Kts.r rtonl.fa 3 -inch grain orl'l. $12."' .. C. R. VA hliiirr. administrator. AU'wny, Or. NEW TRACTORS for never been toted ; a-pl to $i.HM with p ows. lees ni"H' ' ; h a w nis hiiir. .1 1 Vi I ra. tor llltOKI.lt It 21. Oregonian. 2-TON Republic truik, thorouclilv nvn hauled and In A-l slip. new Mrs prticd riklit. ee l ielda, 00 ,V liroad wnv. Hdwy 321. KoR SAI.K cheap, a .1'--ton G. M. C. Iril'-k, or will take light ear or motor cycle on It with balance very e.M u-iiiim. 178 Sherman st. " A KSAP. Slf-ton a. M. .. perfect condition. u-rd only six months. t"llwood 211. 1-TON Maswell trisja, good as new; with box, cal and extia lop. Addreas I'arr.il Kelly. Sherwood. Or. AITO HK.riuin. OLD RADIATOIlj MADE 1.1 K K SUV. ALL Woll K Ul AKAM'SEIl. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR CHOP, 63S ALDER. tiARK.IK. LEI' me build your garege; fast and one v ho know a how. w ouu law n - m " 244 K. 52d South. Is- GARAGE for rent. bor I'.mi2 WNTr:l wISCI.l i.ANr.ltl 8. ol.li FALSE TKK1II BOUGHT. Wfl pay up to $20 per set. Don't mat ter If broken; old-timers ar moat val uable. Crowna, brldgework bought. Bring or mall, the American Brokerage. 4U SpaWH, g bldg., 4tn floor, 3d and Wash ington atreet WE ARE in the market for lnoo coins of WHITE FIH. Will lake the Wood in lota of one car or mote; would prefer dry. seasoned wood for Immediate tie. livery. S'.ale price per cotd f. o. b. cars slilpplng pomL United- Mlg. Co. Last K7II. $8.00 UP TO $.6. GOI.DSTh.lN, THE TAll.OR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICK FOR MKNH SLITS AND OV ERCOATS. felloES. FTC BROADWAY :ih:;2. 245H KI'llNrilUk, BETWEEN 2D AND KD CALL IU BEFORE ANY BOD Y ELSB CIRCLE EXCHANGE W pay hlgh.M price for ladlea slightly worn suns, party gowns, etc.; s.;l for !ea than others, niake alterations. 41$ Fleluner bldg., loi li and Washington. i'huu. Broadway 220. OUR SPECIALTY ,s buying men's cast -off clothing; hi. heat cash poo., paia. will call day nr nlght- PKOI'I.E'K SECOND-HAND STOHP!. Marshall $225 2O0 Madlaon. I WANT USED CLOTHING W pay from $10 up for men's o-ed suits and ov.rrosts. Call us and eu will get tn. rigni casn price tor your gonoa 187 1st st., near Morrison. Main i4S DONKEY KNGINK with .led Hill 4 Willamette preferred: other good makes considered. Address with luil particulars AH 3.1, Oregonian. " SI'OT'caSH PAID FOR TOOIJ. SHOTGUNS. klFI.KK. RICT. CLEM. NEWMAN. 12' 1ST. MAIN 41115. TO BUY a fireproof safe; give prle. and s'.s. led wh.re II can be ...n. AH 72. Oregonian. PRIVATE Party wishes to puichss. plane, must b reasonable for rash: state uiake and prlc. $1 M3. Ores.. n i a n. YOUR diamond .old on commission by lleldlng. the Jew.l.r. 3i Abler .L Main I6:'2. V A N T E I 60(10 loganberry tips. I ) a'r old. Ottot'l.en, 175 12th st. $l.dn mi. VV will bur our !4 l p rlivra an4 par you cnh. Off ton Trpwrltr Co., t4 ftta H-TTlIKST 81'OT CAHII priovi Mid for di"-' monda I 'an Man a io a"J Wah at pK'iNlHAM portable lr H.144. Mr. tmw. Mm i It C'OUKK'JT tirunlriR. tty titta. Kuw U Una. fctnMlng. fruit, ! r t'v r . ... ; v- - : -