1G TIIE HORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1920 . - t V- "'. - 1 ' "J J : t ... 4 s V: KKAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoos. HOME BUYERS SHOULD SEE THIS. Williams ave.. tl-room bungalow with irarage. ai.il: .V0 down, i per month, X per cent. 517 Abington bldg. Main b. I'OSfiESSlON AT ONCE. t00. flliO cash, balance S yearn: house alone would cost $1300 to build: lot lOOxl'Mi. 0 blocks to car and school: " 7 nice clean rooms. 4 on first floor: 3 with bath on second; 2 chicken houses, cue could be used as garage; fruit, ber ri anil space for garden; on 4id ave.. nar .roth si. l.'ts."0. S00 cash, balance to suit; 5- room cottage with bath, basement, ce ment walks, fruit. berries, chicken houses, 50x00. on 6Uth St.. hard surface all paid. . Main S7. Office 517 Ablngton B'.dg. ATTENTION HOME BUYERS. Jtt.-.0 6-ROOM HOUSE 20T)0. A ti-room house, good basement, bath, e:c: linoleum in bathroom, new shades throughout house; everything in Al condition; 50x1 n0 lot, corner; $7r.O down, balance 1-0 per month, Includ' ing 6 per- cent Interest. 128.-.0 SUXXYSIDE HOME-l;30. A 5-room cottage, cement basement wash tr-s. bath, etc.; full attic, 00 loo lot. roses and shrubbery; will sell lurnlshed complete al oUU, or fJ&fO unturnisnea. RUMMELL A P.r.MJrELi, 274 Stark Street. inVINtlTOX. 60x100 faring east, ti room and parage, utn, near rnompson, 60x100 corner and comfortable littl home on 15th. near Hancock. 60x100 inside wpll-built sven-room re- iI(-nce. Tillamook. near ltith, 6ilOO. 10 Eawt 36th. near Knott, mod ern i -room residence. JS.iOttO. 100x100 Vomer, east 77th. 100 feet north 3Ht. Scott caxline, good fi-room hiuse, plentv of fruit, 43300. I'ONALD MACLEOD. Spalding Bids. REMEMBER, lnretiirate. remember. Wal nut Park lot, uOxloi feet," with alley, piving great convenience to home life; ireet paved and paid for; served by 5 car line: also Jefferson high school and Jiorary located in Walnut Park; extra in GucemeniB olfered for this week: a more homes in Walnut Park, many others ar uuiiuiiik. uy ii ul juu : x-e one or me lucky five, will sell a home sites with ui immediately building t hereon. Call on owner, W. JJ. KlUincsworth. office, 1 Ml Union ave. Office hours from 10 to 3- A. M. Phone appointment, V ood lawn 33'4 or Wood lawn jl. IRVING TON. -room colonial home. Ivory fln fh, tapestry walls, "J fireplaces, 4 rooms 1st floor. Including- sua porh, 4 hedrnia, and glased-lii . P. 2d floor. l,et show you thU Price $S0OO. Mr. Kodgera, Main CoJl A. McKEXXA & CO., 82 4th St (Pi owner An elegant 7-room cement .block house, close to school, full cement fcasement. wash trays and all built-in conveniences. This place has prood fur- nuure wmcn can te bought rcasonahle. , I bis hrroe is in Rose 'ity and could not he burlt for the price aaked. It w ill take cthout J.'HHiO ca.sh to handle this; 'long time on small balance. The owners are living in this houe and will be glad ti fhow it until sold. Come and look it over. 440 K. Mth t North, near Tilla mook : R. C. car. ti.NOO 4UJVS a beHUtiful, modern buncaJow in Walnut Park;has hot water heating plant, hardwood floors, buili-ins, Dutch kitchen, bath on both lioors. In fact everything. The house aione would cost more to build than we are asking lor the house and lot. The rooms are A RE.AL HOME. JtHfOO Oood-looking double oonptruc t larse and airy. A verv desirable home. M. Hillings. .'U0 McKay b'.dg. M;tin VMO. LA U R E l7H U R S T H O M 3 FOR SALE, r.-.-o. BY OWNER, 2-tory, all modern, S-room houM and garago. 4 rooms and receptjnn hall dowo etalre; 4 bedrooms and bathroom up stairs; close to Laurelhurst Park. Cao give possession Immediately. Broadway 3j:t5 or Tabor 7690. A RARE BARGAIN. In a 6-room bungalow in good neigh borhood, 5 rooms on first floor, fine large bedroom on second, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors in reception hall, living and din ing rooms. Owing to owner leaving city price has been cut to $:t750. Si'e or phone J. A. McCarty, E. :inth and G)i5an streets. Tabor S4;; evenings Tabor 00V7. 4.0 CASH, balance 1$3000 to suit you; loveiy 7-room residence, hardwood floors, furnace, cement basement. oUxloU lot, abundance fine fruit, street and sewer in and paid, close to St. J., W. A Wdln. and "A" cars; in fine condition and a splendidly constructed home; cation very fine, near Piedmont, i block ts. uoing st. imi noaoey ave. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $5000 for a fine 6-roorrj on corner of East 3Sth. with furnace, fireplace, ga rage, i-i. s. 6 ire e i an paid, lot HOxioo. This property is close in and a good buy. Seen only by appointment; some uims. rnone aiarsnan F. L. BLANCHARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. Furnace, fireplace and all other mod ern conveniences, hard-surfaced streets, close-in restricted district; must be seen to be appreciated: owner in south. Price $4100. C. DeYoung & Co., 810 Spalding mug. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. $5100 for an S-room, with furnace and garage, all furnished, including piano: fine level lot, 50iuO, on Montgomery drive; $1000 cash. This bargain only once in a lifetime. Seen by appoint ment. F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. yOR SALE By owner, 7-room house, modern except furnace, 3 bedrooms, large porches, lot 7oxlW; space for garden and chickens; plenty of fruit, nice yard with many choice roses; cement walk;- 2 blocks to car; 10 minutes' walk from Franklin high and grade school ; furnished $3550; unfurnished $-'.-00. Terms on part if desired. East 6237. IRVING TON. . On E. 24th street, choice district. 50x 100 6-room modern residence, with full basement, sleeping porch, furnace, fire place, house if in excellent condition and has garage. Price 5500, $150 cash re quired. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 X. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. WILLIAMS AVE. BUNGALOW. - 4324b for a 5-room with furnace, ga rmsf rml bearing fruit trees, lot 50x122 with 16-foot alley, all improvements and paid; now vacant, move right in; $500 aa. Marshall 82i. F. L BLANCHARD. 119-20 Railway Exchange. $4500. BIG SNAP. 7-room bungalow, large corner lot. In beautiful Beaumont; 4 bedrms., full base ment, furnace, etc. Don't think there ia something wrong on account of low price. Investigate. Call Main 1700. Eve. East 2oH. Mr. Delahunty. $4650 STRICTLY MODERN. " This fine 7-room and S. P. home, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built Ins, full concrete basement, laundry trays, on 50x100 lot, hard-surfaced su, sewer, fine car serve ie. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 X. W. Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. I HAVE A NUMBER of extra fine buys in oungaiows and nouses ranging in price from $2000 to $25,000. located in all parts oi ine city, can or phone J. A. McCarty at E. 39th and Glisan streets Tabor 343a ; evenings Tabor 5057. $5-r00 BY owner, 6-room, well-constructed, 2-story house, large living and din ing room, hard Wood floors, fireplace, full basemen t. Bull t 1919. Lo t 60x 1 00, east front. Overlook Addition. Terms. Main 215. ' ed S-room house; 4 bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, every built-in conven ience; In the very best of condition Inside and out; 43x100, garage, etc., hard surface st. and sewer in and paid Haw thorne district: terms. Tabor 8129 COME early if you want Jhis 7-room house. 100x100 lot, bearing fruit trees, lots of berries and shrubbery; Mt. Tabor dis trict; $1000, cash $500, balance $15 per month. 6 per cent. -615 Couch bldg. BEAUTIFUL lot 50x100. ready for gar den. 4-room house, 1 blk. off Union ave., paved sts.. $1700, a bargain. East 546. Mrs. Peters. $2000 5 roomed house, paved streets. 144 East 2Sth St.. bet. Hoyt and Irving. Phone East 4S81. CIX-ROOM plastered cottage; plumbing, cement walks, garden, fruit, roses; one block car; $1000. terms. Tabor 4489. 5-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x100, FULL BASEMENT. SOME FRUIT. 1226 DE TROIT AVE. $2500 CASH. $1M0 6-room bungaiOw for $-' down and $J5 pr month. M. Billings. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. $8500 9-r. majestic colonial, west side, all conr.. strictly modern. V 10. Oregonian Suburban Homes. LOT 75x200. modern bungalow, 4 rooms and bath; Bull Run water, city gas. ber ries and young fruit trees; fine garden, bo gravel; barn 16x28, 2 chicken houses with runs, good roads; SS50, half cash, balance easy. Inquire 113 Grand avenue. REAL ESTATE. Suburbaa Home. A BEAVERTON HOME AND FARM COMBINED. 15 acres, one-half of a mile from elec tric depot; targe, modern S-room house wun Data and toilet downstairs ana 101 let and lavatory unstalrs: the room downtrairs are livinar and dinintr rooms, take entire front of house. 11 rep I ace in living room, sitting room with, large closet or dressing room on north end of nous and a room at south end of nous opening on both back and front porcnes pantry and runnlna water: a large tcitcn en with cupboards, sink and stationary . tubs; upstairs are 4 bedrooms, all with closets and one with small fireplace; also attic: at rear of bousa is our notnouse, 4oxOO feet: there la also a small house on the place of 4 rooms and attic; water ia supplied trom wen. wun gasunuc en gine and septic tank; there ia a fam ily orchard of choice fruit and 3 acres of awale land, which Is tiled and drained. This is extra hue garden land. The land all lies well, is well lo mtAd hotnir rincA to both train mar and high schoois. We are asking l)iu0 for this place' and can arrange reasonaDie terms, juignt consider smau uuubiui In rnhunfc. Alc far L E. Marshall. FRANK L. McOUIRE, ABlNGTOiN BLDG. MAIN 1003. THREE BRAND-NEW SUBURBAN HOM ES- No. 1 is a large 'modern bungalow with S rooms on first floor, large unfin ished Kecond storv: evtrv convenience. located on half acre of choice ground with past fronta.ee No. 1! is a large U-room house, 6 rooms on first tloor and 4 rooms on tne sec ond floor, located on U acre of ground, wtth fruit. No. 3 is a 4 -room bungalow, all one floor, located on an acre of cnoice gar dening ground, with large bearing or chard. All 3 of these properties are situated on improved county road and are lo cated but a short distance trom Mult nomah station and the Capitol highway. They range in price from f40U0 to $tkU0. If you have a substantial cash payment to ofier, I should like to show these to you, as they wilt be sold at a bargain this week. The owner needs money and Is willing to sacrifice. For particulars call on attorney at 404 Piatt bldg., 1-7 Park st. COUNTRY ACEHAOE IfcOAIEri. Beautiful li-acre home in nice val ley town; ha modern tt-room bungalow with fireplace, sleeping porch, bath, basement, hot and cold water, electric 4ights and all built-in features; also has small greenhouse, garage. '2 chicken houses, nice lawn, flowers, fruit, etc. The entire 1 acres piped for irriga tion. This place complete' furnished with nice furniture for only $3."i00; terms. V acre, with S-room bungalow, hot and cold water, hath, electric lights, etc. Also garage, hot house, chicken house, fruit, berries, lawn, roses; in good val ley town on Pacific highway; real snap at $J700. H00 down. 0 acres, all first-class soli, new house, barn, chicken house, about 75 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc.; on Oregon Elec tric. This place is worth more, but can be had for $:!00o if taken soon. F. K. JESSE. 527 Corbett Bldg. iSMALL. SUBURBAN HOMES. Ii acres, favoral-iy located kck of Vancouver; 4-room house, two chicken houses: all cultivated and seeded; price JliOO. Si.iO down bilnii'B easy. 10 acres similarly located, alt black soil, no gravel : mile it. Jt. sta. ana J 3 mils to electric line; 7 acres culti vated, pasture. 4-room hffuse, good barn. - wells. M mile to olenwood high way; one horse, buggy, harnepe, harrow cultivator and some feed goea with the place. Price $J0M. half cash. 10 acres south of Baker's bridge: acres cultivated; good level land; spring and lots of wood. Price $17."0. Has small house and on main road; terms. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. 2 ACRES. 50 MINUTES OUT. Near station and paved road to city Nice bungalow with every city con veil ience available; as nlcn a home as you would find in the city, w ith 2 acres choice garden land, good chicken house and outbuildings; nearly all seeded to oats and vetch. Ideal place for chick ens. Price only $Jbio. $000 cash, bai ance terms. D. McCHESNEY, ,",04 Oak St. Bdwy. 266. ONE FULL ACRE. 7-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. One full acre and 7-room modem bungalow. 4 blocks to 6c carfare; lots of bearing fruit, berries, roses and shrub bery; also garage: right on fine hard surface road. Price only $4200, $:t000 cash. This is the cheapest buy around Portland. Hurry ii you want it. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 4 LOTS. 7-ROOJ HOUSE. 13500. Some buy; plastered, elec, lights, full baucment; built for home; 1 block school, sidewalk in and paid ; 4 blocks Haw thorne car; only 8 yars old: very good condition: best neighborhood; just the place to raise your children; S1000 cash, balance to suit: no mortgage. T. O. Bird. i26 Chamber of commerce. Mar shall 1022. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. ONLY $325 FEB ACRE. Five minutes walk to good car service, on rock road and near paved blvd., 4, 6, 8. 12 or 20-acre tracts ; easy terms. lon"t miss this if you want a chicken and berry patch. F. II. DESHON & CO., 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FINE acre home, V mile Oregon City; good 5-room house, hot and cold water, 1 $1 On range, linoleum on floor, barn, chicken house, orchard, berries, dozen chickens, near store and school; $2200, good terms. 803 Spalding bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of RJsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." 2& ACRES and 3-room government built house, neatly painted, In Ttgardviile dis trict for S14UU. AtaKe your own terms. Or will sell 5 acres and house for $2250. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. a a it f-a on coiumoia nign way, near Troutdale; house and improvements. good soil, small payments and reasonable price. See B. M. Price ft Co., 200 Henry oiog. BRYANT ACRES. 114x100 on county road; fine view: nice trees; water and light available. Price 5300; sjo oown, so per month. Owner, 500 Concord bidg., 2d and Stark. $100 DOWN and $20 per month buys fi room bungalow on west tsiue suburban line, 5c commutation fare. Better look into this tomorrow. .See ATCHISON, 204 .Henry Diag. $S50 ACRE, Lents, house, orchard, garden. Main o072. Mc Far land. J0J Yeon bldg. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES, 5 acres beaverdam, all urder cultivation; o acres sown to oats, house. barn, outbuildings, onion house 38x48 ft. Fine buy; X mile north of Banks, Or. i-i a ii casn, oaiance to sun purchaser. ai. xurner, owner, j antes, ur. 10 AND 20-ACRE garden tracts, very fine. ricn sou, iaeai ior eariy vegetables, strawberries, etc. ; under irrigation ; terms, $50 an acre cash, balance small annual payments. M. E. Lee, 413 Corbett Diag. FINE CLOSE-IN GARDEN TRACTS. On 8 years' time, close to arrarieH and high schools; gas, water and lights; good F. H. DESHON ft CO., 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $100 CASH. $12.50 MONTHLY. 20 acres of rich loam soil, all tillable, small creek, some timber, 5 miles from Hillsboro; price $8750 per acre. We have 5 tracts left. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham of Com. DANDY acres, all in garden, fruit and b ernes, o-room noune, garage, chicken house, 20 min. walk to car; $2500; small payment down, balance like rent. Pe- per & Ktcnard, poa .Buchanan bldg. SACRIFICE Beautiful 15. near Van couver; nearly all cultivated; plastered house, basement. $:500; cash, $750; worfti $4000. Owner. 141 East 69th North. Evenings, Tabor 7055. $12.50 PER acre, 160 acres god farm land, 60 acres clear, near Lyle, Wash., plenty spring water; worth $25. 5 days at this price. Terms cash. Main 3H72. FRANK Mc FAR LAND, 002 Yeon Bldg. 10 ACRES, short distance east of Monta villa. $2750. In the rough, but easily cleared; cheapest acreage in whole vicinity. Owner, 910 Ch. of Com. Tel. Marshall 15H5. 20 ACRES about ten miles north of Van couver, Wash. Small house and barn. Price $ 100 per acre. Terms. Homer Miller, R. R. 6, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 19F21. FOUR ACRES cleared, very best soil. 2 room shack, close to Gill is station on Bull Run line: $1.50, terms. 209 Oregon b 1 d g. Broadway 1 658. 2 ACRES near Concord etation, Oregon City carline; new 2-room cottage, good well; can be bought on easy terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. SPECIAL Choice 19. Improved, near elec tric; excellent soil; bargain, $3000. Owner, 141 East 9th North; evenings. Tabor 7055. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction, 2-room cot tage, 1 acre cleared, balance fir; $2100, terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 6 ACRES with good house and bam. just out of city limits, on good road: good for chickens or cows. Phone Tabor 264. 5 ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. 6 ACRES, all cleared, rich soil, fruit, small bouse; bargain, t-v r.ast iavi. BEAJL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. COURTNEY STATION. 1 acres at Courtney station on Ore gon City line. Beautifully situated 7 room home; electricity, running water, full set of plumbing; abundance of fruit and berries. Price 5G00, easy terms. BEAUTIFUG HOME AT SILVER SPRINGS. Beautiful home at Silver Springs sta tion, Oregon City line; new bungalow, with every modern convenience; one acre, all in cultivation; natural beauty unsurpassed; only 25 minutes from, city Price $&HH. , XOU SHOULD SEE THIS. CAPITAL HIGHWAY. NEAR TIGARD 7 acres, all in cultivation; good 4 room bouse, barn and chicken house, elec. It., city phone; 25 minutes from city. Price (5000, terms. . OREGON CITY LINE . 1 S acres at Rfsley station, 4-room house, finished with beaver board, elec. It. and gas; barn and chicken house, lots of berries. A dandy place cheaply priced at If 3200; cash payment of $1700 required. ALAHO STATION, S. P. ELECTRIC LINE. 5 acres, highly cultivated, 5-room house; part beaver dam; barn, chicken house, etc.; lol'VO. terms. Will sell house and 1 acre for $-100. OREGON CITY LINE. . : At Meldrum station, 1 1-3 aores, beau tiful S-room brick house, every conven ience, all kinds of fruit and berries. This is an ideal country hume and could not be duplicated for $10,000. Priced for quick sale at $bu00, half cash. 6 aores at Tigard station, good 5-room , house, barn, chicken house, 2 cows, 5a chickens. Incubator, separator, feed cutter, etc.; 30 fru-it trees and benues. This is a beautiful place and worth more than the $5000 asked, half cash; terms to suit. These are a few of the many splendid places we have for sale. We will be pleased to show them. Our 14 autos are at your SERVICE. FRANK L. McGUIRE. BUY YOUR HOME. Main 10U8. Abington bldg. OFvFIClfl OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. $6000 BUYS an up-to-date chicken ranch on nard-surraced Divd., less man - rauei from the city limits. Good 5-room house with basement; 400 full-blooded Leg horn chickens, a great many Imple ments and all machinery and equip ment necessary for an up-to-date poul try ranch, including incubators; a com plete system of houses for brooding and raising young stock. This Is one of the most complete little ranches of its kind In the country and will be sold only on account of the death of former owner. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg., 17 Park st. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Flva acres, located, half mile from electric station. 2 miles from the city limits; good soil ; 3 acres in bearing fruit of different kinds, which brings in a gs'od income; 2 acres In pasture, with few green standing trees for wood. All can be cultivated; 5-room cottage all on one floor. Chicken house. Price $3675, $1175 cash. Personally inspected. Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ONE ACRE CLOSE IN. Located on good macadamized road. -mile from the car. All in fruit of all kinds of berries and 5 fruit trees; good 5-room modern house, good plumb ing. Large sleeping porch, glassed and screened; city water; fine garage, chick en house. This place weil-iocated for roads, transportation and conveniences. Personally inspected. Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. TWO BLOCKS FROM STATION. 2 acres. located 1 hi blocks from the Base Line road; all under cultivation; 50 bearing fruit trees; gas and city water can be had: H-room uncompleted, at tractive bungalow ; good surroundings; price $2625, $750 cash: balance at 6 per cent interest, without monthly payments. Photo at office. Mishter, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ONE MILE FROM STATION. T acres, located south of Reedville, 4H acres under cultivation 1 acre of choice bearing fruit, 2 acres seeded to grain; 3-room house and other buildings. Close to school; price $2100, $000 cash. Balance at $10 per month at 6 per cent interest. Anderson, with John Ferguson, lie rimgcr Diag. STOP PAYING RENT. Garden tracts, ideal home site where you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc., which is the greater part of your living; you can put up a tent or garage on the rear of your lot Hnd stop paying nign rents; price only $3oO; s: down, $10 per month. M. E. Lee, 413 Corbett bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portiana, on railroad; good soil, no rocK, plenty ot water; worn nearby buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL fruit and poultry ranch near Eu gene; good buildings. 10 acres; com mercial orchard ; best chocolate free loam, excellent for loganberries; cannery in Cresweii on railroad 1 V miles; sacn fice for immediate sale, $3500. terms. Ownar. 141 East 0th North. Evenings, iauor tokK 6000 ACRES In southwestern Washington ior sale to settlers oniy; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash, LESS THAN $5PEllAC:RE 320 acres in Sec. 5. T. 7 N.. R. 2 E., good soil, 5 springs and a good creek. about 17 miles from Woodland. Wash. $200 cash. bai. 3 years; a splendid stock proposition, t red w. ucrman Co., 73li Cham, of Com.' 20 AND 40-ACRE tracts under irrigation. very fine alfalfa land : you can raise 4 crops per year; adjoining land Is yield ing from 7 to 9 tons per acre; terms, $50 an acre cash, balance to suit purchaser. M. E. Lee. 413 Corbett bldg. EIGHT-TENTHS of an acre ready for cul tivation. high and sightly, close to Ryan station on automobile road, for $1600. A beautiful building site. Make vour own terms. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry blag. Homesteads, RelinquishmeDts. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT Mr. Homestead Seeker, here is an opportun ity to get a home without any of the hardships experienced by the new set tler, 40 acres, 3 4 miles from city of 10.000; 2 acres cleared, 1 acre ready to clear; family orchard, will bear In 2 years; 3-room house, running water in kitchen; will give you the advantage of $2000 worth of work for $750 if taken at once. Call Mr. Chapin, Willard Hotel. For Sale Farms. WASHINGTON CO. DAIRY. 89 acres, 60 In cult., beaverdam, well drained; splendid for corn, hay, po tatoes; in fact, most anything you wish to grow ; 2 barns, fair house, outbuild ings; all in crops; mile Montavilla, 2H miles R. R. ; 10 cows, team, other young cattle and Implements. You cannot dupli cate this farm for at least 50 per cent of our price; $5000 cash will handle, good terms. See Mr. Johnson, with T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY AND STOCK. 250 acres, 80 in cultivation, which is fine creek land, some sown to grain; 4 or 5 thousand cords of wood; 8-room plastered house with bath, water piped to house and barn. This is close to town and railroad ; price $80 per acre. See Mr. Johnson with T. O. Bird, 526 Cham ber of Commerce. INCOME property; 10 A. fine soil, prune orcnara, aiiana; large -r. nouse, out buildings, cattle, poultry, tools, etc.; R. R. station, P. O.. store, school, high school, bank; reasonable. Detailed de scription. Address G. Koenig. Crawford, Wash. COME to 141 East 69th st. North, deal with owner, save commission, 90 acres, 50 in cultivation. 12 in hops, fair build ings, equipped with machinery and team; $4500, $1500 cosh, long time at 6 per cent. Phone Tabor 7055. DAIRY OF 49 COWS. 300 customers, complete, 1 ml. from city; price $14,000: $6000 cash, balance 6 per cent. See Brown ft Biddle, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. 270-ACRE farm, 3 4 miles south of Brownsville. Or., 70 acres in cultivation, buildings, orchard, ate. ; good pasture, good soil, $250 rent, B. M. Price, 200 Henry bldg. BARGAIN Improved foothill 80, worth $2500; Immediate sale. $l.0; cash $500. Evenings, Tabor 7055. 141 East 69tb North. SHAWNEE. Okla., center of a great farm ing country: write tor free agricultural booklet. Board of Commerce, Shawnee, Okla. 3500 GOOD 16 acres, house, barn. 2 hen bouses, well, orchard, near station. Frank McFariand, 603 Yeon Bldg. 160 ACRES, south of Dufur. Wasco county, between Friend and Klngsley. Price $1600. Call 501 Stock Exchange bldg. 160 ACRES, eastern Oregon, all level,, all fenced ; 4-room house, barn. Implement house; cheap for cash. F 21. Oregonian. WASHINGTON COUNTY BARGAIN Rl A. adjoining town, cabin, water, 100,000 ft. Umber. $1000, terms 808 Spalding bldg. REAL ESTATE For Sale Farms. DO YOU REAUZE WHAT CO LUMBIA RIVER DAIRIES AND WATER FRONTAGE ARE WORTH ? We are authorized to sell 180 acres practically all level and can be cultivated with 25 acres In al falfa and 00 acres more that can be put In. this Is all sandv loam soil, there is a large dairy barn which will hold 200 tons of hay and 100 head of cattle. 2 large .silos, hog houses, dairy, modern 7 room dwelling, also 5-room dwell ing. This placa has over 1 mile of deep water frontage, most all of the water frontage between Van couver and this property haa been sold for factory and mill sites, which are actually going to start operation. Personal property con sists of 72 head of cattle, 17 regis tered. 6 .head of horses, 2 hogs, SO chickens. 70 tons of hay. 3 wagons, mower, rake, binder, corn binder, disc, grain drill, 1 12 horsepower gas engine.- 1 6-horse gas engine, 1 2-horse gas engine, wood saw, feed grindsr, 3 sets of work harness, cream separator, complete line of blacksmith tools, 60 10-gallon milk cans, milk cool er, milk testar. gasoline launch, and all small tools, too numerous to mention. We can sell this farm with or without personal property. Price, including land and personal property. $40,000. We can arrange reasonable terms. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE., 3d and Main Sta., Vancouver, Wash. ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 40 acres, located 2 miles from good town and 12 miles north Vancouver, Wash.; all good land, no rock, gravel or hard pan; ao acres under nign state oi cultivation. 6 acres pasture, 4 acres green standing timber; good fences; deep well, with steel casting; 7-room house; large barn. 48x65; chicken house and other buildings; one acre bearing orchard telephone and all rural conveniences. Paved road in front of place and good graveled road on tho side. A weii-iocat-ed. nice, level piece of land. $2000 cash and most any terms on the balance at 6 per cent. This is convenient to grade ana nign scnoo-i. personally inspected. Photo at office. Marsters, with John Ferguson, (.iernnger Diag. HOME AND TWO ACRES IN DELIGHTFUL UMPQUA VALLEY. In suburbs of Yonchalla. a progressive town on tho Southern Pacific; grade and high school, bank, stores, cream depots, A nice-looking house of 5 rooms, painted and insured lor siooo; with city water in the midst of 2 acres of bearing orchard, apples, pears, prunes, cherries, plums and English walnuts, enclosed in woven wire. The . orchard pays better man 4u per year. Also poultry. Here Is the home for an elderly couple in a delightful climate. Price only $1800. cash $1200. It's a wonderful buy at that price. MacTNNES & PRATT. We Specialize on Umpqua Valler, 413 Board of Trade bldg, Portland. Or. MR. EASTERNER. COLUMBIA COUNTY STOCK FARM. 673 acres. lfc miles from highway, 150 acres bottom land, 60 acres in cultiva tion, more easily cleared; all fenced; three large barns, small house, other outbuildings: spng water piped to buildings; 20 head cattle, 4 hogs, 1 team, full equipment of implements and tools, all in running order; only 5 miles from Rainier, all free and clear of in cumbrance; adjacent to thousands of acres free range. Don't delav, this is good; only $15,000, $5000 cash, 3 per cent. Mr. Johnson, T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 160 acres, near R. R., 1 mile to pro posed R. R. station, V mile to school, 110 to 120 a. in cultivation, rest good timber and pasture, 30 a. under irriga tion, rest rolling, good fences, well im proved dairy barn 42x70 ft. with, silo; 7-room house and another house sep arate of 8 rooms, so this farm can be divided if desired; very suitable for rais ing prunes and hops. This ranch, must be sold soon to satisfy the heirs. Price $20,000 with terms. Miss Oljsa Tlmmer man. Banks, Or., administratrix, Tele phone 21, Gales Creek. Or. ' ' NEAR AMITY, OREGON. 113 acres, located on county road. 80 acres can be cultivated; 10 acres under cultivation; 103 acres of pasture, fenced hog tight, with woven wire and rails; 30 acres hilly land; well and windmill; one spring on tho place; good loam soil; 14 fruit trees and some berries; cream route and mall route; 3-room house; barn 22x 54. 2 chicken houses. Price $4500 or $40 per acre. $2500 cash, or will discount 5 per cent tor all cash. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FIVE MILES OF OREGON CITY. On good road, bO acres, all fenced; 40 acres in fall crop, eplendid soil, lies fine, running water piped to buildings, good largo house, splendid large barn, garage. other buildings, good orehard, berries. 3 horses. 3 cows, lots hogs. 175 chickens, wagons, mower, rake, disk, cultivators, plows, harrows, 2 sets of harness, bind er, cream separator, lots of tools, house furnltuie, hay and grain; $14,000, good lerme. mm spaiaing Didg. CLOSE TO SHERWOOD. 20 acres, located south of Sherwoo and east of Newberg; on good gravele road; in miles from Portland, 12 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated 6 acres seeded to clover; 4 acres of gree standing timber. Woven wire fen cine good 5-room house; family orchard and berries. A very attractive place, well located. Price $4000 terms. Personally inspected. Marsters, with J ohn Fergu sou, (jteniuger dkj. BEAUTIFUL GRESHAM FARM. 44 acres located on paved road near Gresham. 7-room plastered house and 6- room ceiled house; city water, electric light, piumoing. etc.: laree barn. 2 ce ment cellars, chicken house; 100 bearing iruit trees; an grouna in cultivation rich soil, good for berries : no gravel lies nign.. good drainage; close to schoo- and stores; will sell part, if desired: re a sonable terms. See Frank L. McGuire, AOmgton 5idg. Main lutiSJ. IRRIGATED IDAHO RANCH. 160 acres, 80 acres under cultivation, well watered. 3 miles to railroad station total price $6500, $1500 cash balance to suit; house is attractively built of logs surely you will be interested in this. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prosperous pur chasers waiting who want houses rang' ing from ;iuuo to voouo in gooa dis trict, rnone, wrue or can. COE A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth Street. . Main 4522. HOUSE selling Is my specialty. I have nxiny buyers waiting. lour house might suit. AVhat have you ? All listings given proper attention. Watch Our Ada We Get Results. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWJ-L ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE many buyers for west side homes. especially oeiween snerman ana waai aon streets; handling west side property is my specialty; your house is for sale; call and see me. John Singer, 420 Cham ber of Commerce Didg. Main W47s. LOTS WANTED. If You Want to Sell Your Lot SEE FRANK L McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. THIS IS THE TRUTH. We have a buyer for a 6-room modem house in Walnut Park. If you have a bouse, for sain can at an itaiiway Ex change. Main 1450. BUYING purely for speculation Want housa ana ioc or improvea acreage: sac rlfice price only: spot cash. P 40. Ore- gonian. WE HAVE buyers for income property. Telephone, write or see K. F. Brvan. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main iyt3. WILL PAY $6000 to $7000 cash for bunga low in irvington or .ureinurst; mean business. Must be good buy. AG 755, Oregorrian. WE CAN SELL you land or improved farms in the rich irrigated section of Idaho. nave some exchanges. B M. .Price A Co., 200 Henry bldg. WILL PAY $500 down and $75 per month for a bungalow in Rose City or Beau mont. AG 754, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a 5-room bungalow; will give 3 lots and balance cash. AN 173, Oregonian. WANTED Good lot. second mortgage privilege, for nice bungalow. BD 974, Ore go nian. 5-ROOM bungalow. Will give corner lot 300x100 as part payment. 209 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1658. WANT close In one to five acres with im provements; muFt be bargain; aome . terms. V 21, Oregonian. WANTED At once, 5-room bungalow, r.ot over $3000; pay cash; Sunnyside or Haw thorne district. Main 9052. WANTED a good cottage or bungalow in a good neighborhood. Address full par ticulars to BF 526, Oregonian. WANT lot near Rose. City car at sacrifice price. Tabor 3825. SMALL bungalow or house, close good car line: from owner. Tabor 3284. WANT west side home; east front pre ferred. Call 934 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Modern house in restricted dis trict. F. H. Deshon. Main 1166. . WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Sell Your Home. .We NEED IT TODAY). 869 Homes Sold Last Year. 210 Homes Sold Since Jan. 1, 1020. 8 Homes Sold in One Day. The McGUIRE SYSTEM brings remilts. Tour HOME Is SOLD if listed with us. DEAL WITH AN O UD-ESTABL1SHED FIRM. FRANK L. McGUTRE. Personally inspects appraises and photo graphs your property; all photographs are displayed in our large showrooms, which are continually crowded with buyers; 14 experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of your HOME. SEE FRANK L McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. . Main 1063. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. WE SELL HOMES. We sold 60 homes in February $19S, 000 worth of property 2 and 3 homes sold every day. We can sell your home. Buyers waiting. Photon of 400 home on display in our showrooms. 8 expe rienced salesmen backed by thousands of dollars spent In advertising get quick results. Mr. Carey will personally in spect and advise as to selUng price. won t aeiay. Phone Main 74S. BIHR-CAREY CO. WANTED. HOT7RK OR BTTNGALOW. 1 want a new or nearly new, modern house or bungalow, with furnace: prefer Laurelhurst or Rose City Park aistxici; tne oest place that $3o00 casa wiu ou. Address ab 70, Oregooian. DO YOU WANT TO SELL ACREAGE OR SUBURBAN HOME T If so, would be pleased to hear from you, as we have more customers irtn we can supply. If you want quick action see me at once. FLOYD L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT HOUSES ON LARGE LOT. We have several people wanting four or five-room houses on two or more lots. at the .edge of the city; any direction. Also have buyers for cheap houses on one lot, with small payment down. Joan Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. ACREAGE WANTED. Partially Improved places, close to electric transoortation. with bulls ings. We also have several buyers for places on good, auto road, not close to electric depots, we are practically soia out on such places and must have new listings at once, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. WANT 4 or 5-room house In good residential district; lot- In Irving ton Park an part payment, balance cash. Address S 619, Oregonian. SPOT CAS-H and quick deal for real bar gain, Hawthorne, sunnysine, nose city or Irvington, $2500 to $4500, no conimis- sion. See Mr. H H 1 , 2 1 Lu m berm ens bldg., or pbono Bdwy. 421 ; no agents. f arms Wanted. I HAVE A CLIENT wanting a farm of SO to 120 acres; must have fine buildings and. A-l soil, positively on good road. My client will pay $20,000 to $30,000 cash. If your farm is A-l and within 30 miles of Portland. 1 can sell it. Write at once. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 WANT IMPROVED FARM. Cash or part payment, must be best soil and worth the price, would consider stock farm or dairy, call or write George I Johnson. 526 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 40 or more good, cheap, level land. raw or some improved, stock and tools. write good description, price and terms. O. M. Grimm, Gaston, or. LARGE stock farm in Washington Co.: must be a bargain; give particulars. Ad- drese T la. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. MR. FARMER. I have two clients wanting to rent farms. They will purchase any of all the equipment, crops, etc., and pay cash for same, une wants a dairy, tne other a general farm. If you want ac tion, write me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT James A. Mott's dairy farm, modern in every detail; Beaverton hard- naved highway or a. v. electric to Arrow station takes you to the door; seven m lies f rom county courtuouse. i - Oregonian. FOR RENT 40-acre iarm near Sherwood; M in cultivation; 15 acres in fall crop; good buildings, stream. See or write owner. W. F. Polchow, hotel, Sherwood, Or. . E0 ACRES. 5 miles Oregon City; 17 culti vated: orchard, stream, timber; season's rent f2L'5 cash. Sell for xoo and ac cept residence part payment. Even- ings. Tabor 7055. 141 E. 61lh St. N. 40 ACRES One mire from Gre.sham: house, barn and 10 acres in apples 10 years old; o acres reaay ror plow, bal ance rougn; l'vu- year. xanor 40-ACRE farm 20 miles from Portland; good roads, good buildings; cheap rent. Call raDor t-ai laner o:au i--, m. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 3 million or better second crowth fir: consider pay as cut to relia ble parties or will put timber against mill on a 50-50 basis; references tx-; changed; good road all year. AL 839, i Oreg-mian FOR SALE 640 acres of good virgin tim ber: also sawmill and 10x12 donkey. If interested write 'A. E. Dunbar. Riddle. Oregon. I WANT to sell a good horse logging show ! in Coos Co.; close to stream, gooa tim ber: logs good demand. Dr. Chas. F. Foisom, Selling bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 320 ACRE farm in exchange for a home in the city; will give some one a good deal. Submit what you have, either for sale or exchange. F. H. DESHON & CO., 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE 160 acres, clear of incumbrance, at The Dalles, Oregon; to trade lor house; prefer house in Rose City district, or what have you? Call Bdwy. 5o96, ask for Buchtel. FOR SALE. To exchanse nice acreage for house monev; must have 5 rooms; bungalow preferred. See Pepper & Richard, oOS Buchanan bldg. apartment bouse brineintr in a nice in come, close in on tne easi siae; price $27,500, mtg. $10.0QO; would consider clear land for equity. F. E. Miller, 416 ChanVber of Commerce bldg. 5 ACRES, only 1 mile from the industrial district in Tacoma; paia jjuu casn; will trade In as part payment for con TWO houses and three vacant lots in Med frtrri a ina u acres oi lar.u. unim proved, all clear, would consider land in Canada. Value $4000. F. E. Miller, C h amber of Com mere e bl d g. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres land SOUtn OI Ctenu, v: . yw uauc lur equuy In good house and lot -or 1019 automo bile. Call HQwy. onr. j. o. r raier. Wou'd like -to trade good Laurelhurst lot on ft or 6-room Dungaiow, wun garage. Rose City preferred, close to car. R 46, Oregonian. WILL exohange good investment for light Car. Write n. A. finiui, w asuiug (.ou St., Vancouver, Wash. TRADE nice level corner lot for Alaska Petroleum ac uoaa siock. Aaaresi i" zj, Oregonian. 80-ACRE farm, Clarke Co., sale or trade Portiana property, or grocery, au oit, Oregonian. 160 ACRES pine timber. Grant Co., Or., for xaKima wuon., prupeny. tferi Fenner, 703 Queen ave., Yakima, Wash. TO EXCHANGE. improvea Winnipeg realtv ror rornana property or environs. ; AN 244. Oregonian i IF YOU WANT to Duy, sell or exchange pro peny, se re r utnara ous Bucharan bids;. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. LADY'S bicycle and kodak for Underwood or L. c. smitn typewriter, y tucntei ave. FOR SALE. HorbCH. Vehicles, Livestock. WANTED Team, weight 2200, 7 or 8 yrs. old; must be gen tie. airs. j. noriDon. Clackamas. Or. WANTED BEEF AND VEAL. TABOR 7747. HIGHEST cash price paid fGr beef, veal and fat hogs, irnone Auiwausue o FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. FOUNDATION STOCK AUCTION SALE. 35 HEAD. Two miles east of Woodland. Wn.. " on Hayes-Etna road. Wednesday. March 10 at 11 A. M. BULLS. , . GOLDEN RIVERS CHAMPION. 5 yrs. old; sire. Hood Farm S. Tormentor l"tb; 4am, Majesty's Golden. River (imported). r ST. MA WES UANTECA BOSA1KE. 8 months old; sire. Rosalre's Pride of Coos; dam. Princess Actrecis, COWS. LA CREOLE'S AUTUMN. 8 yt old; sire. Golden Cicero; dam. Gray Fox s Miss Autumn. , AUGUSTA OF P. T. F.. 3 yrs. old: sire. Hood Farm S. Tormentor 10th; dam. Agatha of P. T. F. GOLDEN AUGUSTA OF P. T. F 1 yr. old; sire. Golden Jewel's Torment; dam, Augusta of P. T. F. LA CREOLE'S BEAUTY. 24 months old: sire. Golden River's Champion; dam. La Creole's Autumn. SNOWFLAKE'S LADY LASS. 1 month old; sire. Cicero's Golden Farm Ladd; dam. Snow Flake of P. T. F. 21 HEAD OF GOOD GRADED JER SEYS. 16 fresh. 5 springers: 7 head of yearling Jersey heifers. COWS WILL BE T V B EKCULLV TESTED, and will be loaded on boat or train free of charge. 10 HEAD OF S HO ATS. 1 J. I. Case disc, small platform scales, capacity 240 bs. ; Adriance Buckeye mower. No. 17 De Laval separator with, power attachment, manure spreader. BENNETT BROS.. Owners. COLONEL W. S. WOOD & SONS. Auctioneers.. Vancouver. Wash. JUST ARRIVED. Carload of mares and horses, weight 1300 to 1SC0 lbs.. 4 to 7 years old, all heavy boned and blocky built chunks; some well matched teams. If you want satisfaction at the right price call and look this stock over; all stock guaran teed; trial allowed. Sanitary stables, 365 Union ave., cor. of Stevens su L, Glass. JUST received 10 fresh cows, fresh troro 1 to 3 weeks, some large dairy cows, some good young Jersey. 4 to 5Vi gal lons per day; will sell, take beef cattle in exchange. 11 2S Macadam su. South Portland car to end of line. 1 -block south and 1 block east. BUYS 2400-Ib. team chunky mares, one in foal. Also otier suu-id. team black Percheron mares. 5-7 years old. and 1500-lb. dark gray mare, aged 4 years. Stock gentle, broke to ranch work. Woodyard. foo t Taylor st (dock). NOTICE. 10 head of good young work horses, varying from 1200 to 1M)0 lbs., some well matched teams, all horses sold with guarantee. O. T. Stables, 17lh and Kearney. G. D. Williamson. I 12 HEAD of young sound work horses. weight from 1400 to l.ro pounas: tnese horses are In good condition and are right out of hard work. Woodyard, E. 8oth and Burnside sts. ; M. V. car. 1 75. TEAM. 1 700 IDs.. Iia mess an o wi farm w a sron: sooa worxers; aiso j.m- horse. 5-year-old, cheap. Atlas Wood yard, 37 Front. I pIR bay mares, weight 2400 pounds with good harness anu larm wagon guaranteed good workers and not Ume 5 1 sr. ! si. ji. car. fine .sound work mares, wagon and ha ness. 270 E. oth St., bet. nawinorne anu Madison. WANTED TO RENT Horse about 1200 lbs. or over, with privilege oi buying. Marshall 2o7 or Tabor 820. CARLOAD EASTERN OREGON horses and mart's arrive Monday. Mar. 8. FOOT TAYLOR ST. (DUCK). 14 HEAD of horses, 4 to 8 years old, UOf) to loOO pounas; some wen matcnea teams. Inquire 564 Northrup st. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goata Campbell-Pheian i-ana & came -o.. v, Couch mag I FOR SALE OR TRADE A Swiss mil goat. 846 Mississippi ave. Woodlaw 1240. FINE young large fresh Holstein cows. heavy milkers, also i genua lamuy cows. $.(; ana ai ash. ft Hf.TKTEIN and 2 Durham, one Hoist.: re catered duii. Knute a, uresnam, ur. Phone Gresham li!S. J. T. Cowan. rtin -trifle removed auicklv. Cash l for dead cows ana crippiea aoraea. ruout Milwaukie 9 J ior resuus. DEAD horses, animals hauied away free. Portiana rtenaering m. uoum-u v. Pianos, Organ and Musical Instruments. THE DOWNSTAIRS STORK. V v v AVI1. iTWfc-r pi A vn OFFERS. 2 $750 Stegers. man. and oak. each $435 A $750 Steinway ft Sons ebony 345 2 S.ftO KimhulL larre mahogany... 365 A $525 Smith & Barnes, large curved 81 CJ7 tin IU' Jt, liavis mthue 2' 3 $475 Schroeder Bros., new 3-6 2 $800 Mendenhall player pianoa... 49.i A $475 Kingsbury dull mabog 3 $0L'5 Mendenhall colonial, new... 4H9 A $000 Storey & Clark, art model... 2 $550 Singer, large mahogany 315 A $475 Vose A Sons small upright.. 135 A 425 Dunham Co.. uDrleht 195 $25 cash. $6. $8, $10 to $15 monthly, 10 I." r i S, i"n A-nr-tavm nrf&nL $48 and " 65 2 $115 Sterling ft Schornlnger or- cans. S35 ana " A C 1 1( ni.nn oas Aik Cramer or- ran. now Terms S10 cash. $3 or $5 monthly. THE SCHWA N PIANO CO. DOWN STAIRS STORE, 101-103 Tenth st. at Wasnington and Stark Sts. WILL sacrifice my new mahogany Apollo reproducing piano; eiectrica uy opcraien or played by hand; together with 73 new UD-to-date Q. R. S. player rolls ana bench, ail guaranteed less than one year old. Here's a genuine bargain for your home at half price. Phone ots Muitno mah Hotel or Broadway 123 JUST in from the farm, one pair mares. wt'itrltt 2400 to 200. sound and true. 5 and 6 years old; 1 pair geldings 5 and 6 years old, true and gentle. This team can't be beat. Weight 2200. Several sets of harness. Must sell on account or sicknet and a fire. Cheap wagons. Ask for Thomas. 546 ront st. WHEN you boy a used piano from anyone (Including most stores) it win De worm $100 more if you spend $35 at my shop to have it properly regulated and ad- Justed. Expert men with reference and recommeuaaiions jtuaranifo smisiacuun. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. Pianos bought, rented, sold. MAGNIFICENT $1250 Steck-Aeolian ma hogany player piano, in pen or t conai tion and tune. Btool and 75 choice rec ords, sacrifice at $050 complete. AV 401, Oregonian. VICTROLA FOR PIANO. Will trade new Vlctrola and records. value $200, for used piano. Our propo si tion will please you. Main 8540. Setberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th su SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, MUSIC ROLLS. NEWMAN. 128 1ST. MAIN 4405. $20 EDISON home pnonograph; loo first- ClasS recoras. recoruer uuu plainer, r rea Spear. Tabor 5887.; 65th ave. and titta t. S. E. " THE Cheney Phonograph tone chamber built like a violin. Its voice is rich and satisfying. G. F. Johnson Piano Co 140 uth. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our proposition will please you. Selber-ling-Luuaa Music Co.. 125 4 in at, Mam 85S0. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and WILL trade you a new Victrola or Cheney Phonograpn jor vour um piano, o. r Johnson Pi lano Co., 149 6th martin Melody 'C" saxophone, brass. $90; sliver, aioo. v. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th. GOOD used piano, $280, only $50 cash and $ i o per muuui. v. - juuuiuu n- ano Co. GENUINE Martin band instruments, cor nets, tromDones. h AUfMiuNca. v. r . Johnson Piano Co-. 149 6th. ACCORDIONS, Ukuleles. Steel Guitars, Banjos, etc. - r """ 149 6th. BEAUTIFUL mahogany player piano, cost $950, will sen ior aow, great oucmice. a I a r. o io. VICTOR RECORDS Victrolas. Buy your reconis " wv. 149 th. $&O0 PEERLESS elec piano, fine shape, wttn arums, miv. wun be sold. 254 Market St., piano shop. ORGAN BARGAINS. $20 and up. Mason A Hamlin, Estey and others. JTerms given. Bciberllng. $65 PliANO BARGAIN Old style, good tone and condition. Seiberling-Lucas Muslc Co.. 12S 4tn st. WEBER player piano for rent, music in clude d.HoId8:GlIbejt FOR SALE Packard piano, excellent con dition. Cali Tabor 7714. WANTED Piano, today, cash If bargain. Can be old. Main 3Mi4, befora JS:,,0 P. M. HA RDM AN grand piano for sale cheap Tabor 702 7 PIANO WANTED Pay cash for bargain. Dealers don't answer. Marshall 1.M7. GIBSON Guitars and Mandolins. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th. FOR RENT Large cabinet grafanota with new records. Empire Transfer. Bdw. 105. PIANO WANTED Cash. Main 8586. plANb for -ale. Call Wdln.'S175. FOR PALE. Pianos, Organs and Mimical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $ 750 Steinway Sons $2J 475 Sterling mahogany 25 1750 Berry-Wood orchestrlan 6M 6.-1 0 Automatic upright 1 475 New by & Evans, clr. walnut., 2 475 Hallet Davis upright 275 Bord ft Co " 250 Collard ft Coliard 750 Modern player pianos 1000 New York Pianoforte Grand.. 25 425 Dunham Co. upright 10 475 Franklyn Piano Co., upright.. 2 6 parlor organs, $20 to $48. Pianos housed, 75o a month. Pianos bought and sold for cash. 103 Tent h St.. st Stark st. NEW PIANO Win sell or trade for any thing. BF 621, Oregonlan. Furniture for Sale, REMNANT SALE Of Inlaid linoleum In sizes suitable for small kitchens or bathrooms at $1.09 per square yard. WISH FURNITURE CO., I8tf-lly First SU DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going I east or to California. We can save you money on your freight la our through cars. Fireproof storage. C. M. OJaa Transfer & storage Co.. 243 Pine st. SMALL teakwood table, oak seat, leather couch, small nutlet, comnination wooa and coal range. $04 Duuckley a e, Wdln. 1;419. RELIABLE gas range, $35; Ruud heater, $15; 2 beds, $3 each; 3 rugs, 10x12. $10 cash. Call 107 2:M aL N. Phone Mala 7043. I.l'.ATHKR d&venDorL 45: sas ranae. Slo four dininr room chairs, new bed and springs. $14; small dresser, $12. Tabor 3325. . OAK buffet, nedestal dining table an chairs; lounge; two rockers; kitchen treasure. East SI J 7. No agents. Tues day oniy. WHITE enamel bed. like new; springs, mattresses, nearly new; kitchen chairs. Mascot heater for cash, cheap. Coium bia 11S0. NEW furniture of 4-room flat for sale cheap, flat for Tent; call after 10 A M.i upper east flat. -4 r argo sc. FOR SALE Furniture for 5-room house. Call between 10 and 4, 202 Grand a North. HANDSOME dark oak dining st, hall chairs, mahogany parlor, sundries. Sell. 2060. NICE furniture of 7-rm. house for sale. 200 Hr.rnson at. SEE J. P. McKenna, Belmont and 39th. Tabor 6f3. L '. SMITH typewriter, cheap; rally new. E. 7 si:'.. practl- OAK librsry table. 902 Wilcox bldg. Poultry. 2000 W. L. BABY CIMrKS READY FOR DELIVERY. Hatched from M. Domes Tdl Hour Farm. P. J. Phelps' Oak Del I Farm, Mrs. Partners of Mt. Scott: $'-0 per 10. Let us book your orders for future de livery. Bring us your ercst we can hatch thr-m cheaper than you csti. Yes. we carry a full Una of feed at special price. NORTHWEST POULTRY" COMPANY, 82d St. and 74th Ave. S. E.. Phone Tabor 3io7. Portland, Or. Lents Station. MrGUIRE'S PAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Reds $30 per 100 O. A. C. Itarred Rock $30 per 100 White Leghorn. O. A. C. and Tancred strain $L'0 per 100 The bst chicks from hi ah -grade Tloganized stock. Hatches twke each week. Choice cockerels for sale. S3 to $5. EGGS FOR HATCHING. J. K. McGUIRE. 787 Oregon st. Phone East 1o.". BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from H. C, White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from frre-rance Hoganlred tock only. March chicks, $14 per 100; April, May and June. $1250 per 100. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Petnlums, CsL BABY CHICKS. Ieghorns. Reds, Rocks. Minorca a, prices reasonable. C. N. Necdham. Salem. Free booklet, "Care of Chicks,' with each order. 100 O. A. C. Barred Rock and 200, It. I. Red chicks, ready today, $-0 per 100; 2-weeks-oid Rot ka and Reds, 4.'c earn. J. H, MctJuire, 77 Oregon, near E. iMth. ENGLISH S. C. Whits Leghorn exgs for hatching, 9 per nunareu. io per ioou. Jos. Saunders, Portland, Or., K. F. D. No. 2. BARRED ROCKS. R. I. It. hatching egg, $!.:; for i.t; w nite Leghorn, 1 1 fur 10; White and Brown Leghorn hens for Kale 2lrt E. 7-l st. N. M. V. PORT K RLE POULTRY IIOLgUg SHIPPED ANYWHERE. RED1MADE BL1LD1NU CO. 313 E. UTH ST. K. 5114. WHITE I .egliorn hens and pullets, $ 1.7B each. These are excellent layers. .1, K. Mctiulre, 77 Oregon St., near K. 4th. WANTKD 2 or 3 setting hcn, white birds preferred, lanor uj;. HENd and pullets for sale, inontly all lay ing CIIOICB R. i. Red eggs, $1.00 er setting. Tabor 1 2 J. I (il'AUANTKK to pick the laycts. Wdln. .V.Mt2. f. vt li!on. til ration ave. Uogw, Kahb 1 Birda, i'ri sioca. CANARY BIRD SHOP Ferns given wita every singer. Automatic . liiii K. 28th st. N. Alberta car. ENGLISH bull terrier dog, nous broken and well trained. Main rOHi. Apt. 110. Launches and Boats. FOR SALK One of th nireat modrn houseboats on tne river; large ron . bath and store room. 30 Willamette moorage. TROLLING boat, 2hxft's ft.. 12 h. p. H. D engine, cheap; win consider furd in ex change. Phone East 0V FOR SALE Scow. 24x80. Bdwy. 104. Machinery. FOR SALK MACHINF:RT. TWO KLKCTRIC OA NT RT CRANKS, BOOM SO FT. LONG. SWINtl FULL C1R CLK. BOOM FT. ABOVK C.ROCND, WILL LIFT21 TONS AT KN D OK ROOM. K NT IRE CRANK TRAVKL3 ON RAILS 16-FT. (IA T U K. C L K A R A N C K THROUGH BASK OF CRANK HK TWKKN RAILS FOR FREIGHT CARS. BIG BARGAIN FOR STORAGK YARD OR FRKIGHT HANDLING PROPOSI TION FOR DOC KM. SUPPLE-BALL IN SHIPBUILDING CORP. TELEPHONE EAST 721. MACHINERY FOR SALE. ONE 3H-FOOT SPAN ELECTRIC RRIIHIR CRANK: BIG BARGAIN FOR VMOP OK SrOKAtffJ TAHU. ONE STKA M -I.'Kl V K?i AIR CON- PRESSOR, ABOUT 1000 CU. FT. CA PACITY. AT A BIG BARGAIN. SUPPLE-BALLIN SHIPBUILDING CORP. TELEPHONE EAST 72L SPECIAL. One second-hand 10x0x12 Fairbanks Morse underwriters' flr pump. One second-hand 8-in. Mershon h ori son Lai band ieiaw. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First st., Portland, Oregon. CONCRETE mixer, a biirguin. , yd. ca pacity, oaten mixer wun ojten enn power loaultirX Kip on irui-n.i, prneinai ly new Is otfored at a bargain price for prompt 8a'C HALLIDIH COMPANY, Spokane, W'H!h. ALL OK the transmission machinery from the spruce divlcion cut-up plant, con sisting of gears, pulleys, shafting, boxes, etc THE 3. K. MARTTN CO.. 6- First Street. Portland, Oregon. COMPLETE set of blacksmith tools In one of the bent country locations in ntHte of Oregon. 7 miles east of Oregon City; rent on building. $12.50 per month. F. W. Thompson,, 1107 W. 0th St., Vancouver, Wash. NEARLY new Champion 1.1-ln. sml-qulck change lathe with extras. A. S. Trew. (o4 welit-Fargo bldg., or 202 Fcnton bid g. HOISTING engine for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construc tion equipment. Standard Msch. Co.. j First st. 15-HORSEPOWKR new Foos engine st a reduced price. Pacific Seals b'upply Co.. 4! Front st Broadway lOOtf. Typewriter. REMINGTON No. 11 Almost new, a sac rifice Call Automatic 2IU-30. I OR HAI.R. Tpf writers. RERU1LT typewriters all kinds for m'. rent, exchange. v rs eidum dis tributors of Corona poriab.e. s 0 com pete with crring case; auppass tor ail makes. w. peark rov PA NT no SUth Si Main DOAMw GUARANTEED TYPE WRJTKR HKKVICK. All makes overhauled ttpert mfhinU4 REPAIR K.HUMA1K.4 ON ItKgtibSl. Buy, Sli. Knt and Awi'-haus. Main tM7. Supph . xtu I'sk st. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewrit ers. ALL MAKh-rt, void on monthly pay ments. t-nd for price liM. The Wioi la Typewriter Co., HiM Wanhifigton t-v L'M'KKWOOI'H. Hp mingtons f or Mid rnt; repairing. Ueueral Co., 40. Nwt Intid bldg. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oragaa Typewriter Co., 4 5th. 3a in NEW, rebuilt, second-band rentals at cut r tet. P. D. Co.. I'.il bt ark. U ain 1407. VISIBLE machines, year's guardntt. $.u. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. U"4 Uak L FOB, RENT New Underwood typewTTler. Empire Transfer Co. Broadway in MlM-ellaneoua. KAZOH CLAMS, MARCH 1. All our aupplie direct from fnhermaa, SMELT. SALMON. CR PH. OThlM.8. Get the best at rcaaonab.e pi u s. Western Fish Co., 126 timi at., beia V ashiugton snd Alder. Marsha. I51nj. FO R SALE Number ftoor cases, varloita sizes; 2 National penny cah registers. 1 small one. $:;7.."0; soda fountain com plete, refrigerator, floor casts. Toledo computing scales, lumber of otlir fu tures; in quukly. i:4J Salmon. M. MA. LEAK Y roof, eh 7 Very aggravating, is deed. W hy not a permanent and com fortable roofr repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work gur antetd. Main XiU. UOT-WA1K11 tanks. 30-sel., $7; 40-ga.. $9; tested and guaranteed ; at ova and furnaca colls, gas haiers installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. Kast Suta elding Shop, fo Adams at. East s-'l. Revolvers, Pistols, Rifle. 8 hot guns 'ut prices on new and uaed No purchasing permit a necessary, BEAUREGARD'S, 702 Main st. anrouver. Wank. IAFKS Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right pricaa, bout HI old and exchanged. NOKH1S SAFE LOCK" CO., 105 Stconu St. Phone Mitn 204JI S1LYKK your brass Ml vcr-ptsthig f 'ul ; cicarui. poiisnes and puts on a cni or pure ller each time It In uiwd ou si verplaie. bra an, copper and (ieeman eti vrr; applied wit h r c; 4-oun a be.ue ,m. l. o Itnx :i."i, I'ortisnd. or. BK.U 'I IKI L brown rug, UxlJ. $10; a hits enameled bed with bett springs, OaklMnd car. 1917. light model, bet condition, miiiit sell. $mm. Phone Kasl M0. Mr. Peters." Call nvrninR. FoK SALE 1700 fret of SS-lnrh 2 roluma steam ratlin tion. t'Ulit up o site una truifd, at ii."c per foot. Phone WiLo, FOR KALE One hole , malleabl top wood and comI rnng r'aonahln. Phone K. 7:7 Huinlay between s and 12 A. M. Monday ft to TP. M. V Ot D for sale; 4-ft. green slab, $J M; block and slab mixei, ptnv length, It; dry 4-ft. siab. $;..0 sod $S.i0. Nor I hnip. ONE kit-Iiea hatrr, new ; aha wood and coal run ire, unrd ; on gas rsnge, fine 'I'acoma heater a and fine metalo chimnrM. Main L' 20.t' halmon s. DIA.Mi.tNPS. two perfert 't -kar.it, sood color, well matched, our nud. worth $Jon, a ill satTifka for $100. X U Ore- ti on mn. PLACE YOCK OKDKR NOW FOR CoKI- WtMiD AND COUNTRY M. A 11. A OtAL. M'KCI A L PR1CEK N BLAH IN CARLOAD Ut'lH. PHONE K. 7.u. KAHI'HKIt H V Sup-rla t H e, red, ool. 7.e; ,nlclen Wueen. vtliiw, ; u.ilt k her i v. itiatit llinmlaxan, Uuk. $L'iO. T. Tullcf unn. Troutdale, or. CEMENT FLOW F.U POTS. OARPEN FURNITURE. Fuy direct from factory and ars dis play. o'Hl K 11th at. LATKnT styles, full dress tuirdo suitn. alr.o silk huta for ;) nr rent at Hutel. cioihinn store, ttl Tmrd, MuitomaU he te; I. Ml WANTFD Prixnie vuMomcra wih appre ciate strii'ily fiei-n i an. .10 to 4 d"Lcn; delivered oiks or twice weekly. iC J-4, i trcRonirtti, Folt SALK U Mau ran l puppflcn, 'n lulling bakers outltt. cin.- uili. brn k , stock pot a. china, ei r. ChII WimiIiiwd fti:.4jbetajren; and 0 P. M. SA FKS New and second-burnt; soma with bur k I cliram, at iraaotia Mr pri. PACIFIC WALK bl I'i'l.V CO. rtroadway 1 - 4 Front m. NKW Improved Singer sewing machine, price, $.i0; mahnganv settee or divai . up holMered In muit-erry eimir. ao a as new; price $1.1. Phone Kal It..?. ' DICTA T I N1M ACH I N ICS New and second-hand, bought, sold, es rhanged. rented and r paired. Mo-li Heniy I'Plg. Main .i.'0. III VA1 K pact ilice. 4 7 11. LAW LIBRARY For Inioi mati'in phone KhR TILIZLR. Good rotted manure delivered east sr went aide. Tabor 274. OWN KH leaving i lly, gams for sate, nlo auto tools and bookeane. W diu 2o;.:. MAN a $... Rambler birvi! w ill rcii lor 4 ach. l':iei hnilfr, tlO Jd Hi. In An aluipe; hinllh a VN U 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. de-K. I !Lit-tnp defk, 1 aafe. But. hong & .., Pi Park H. FoR SALK Genuine black fox fur avarf. $l.'p; pretty thing. Call at room JO. Ho fl (iodron. OAS RANGK briquette. I N .rth. I'ho and ll ch htiil's bed, al o up. 170 K. 2ith ft. t 731 !. LiCKNHLD KLKCTRICIAN WILL VIRK y ot ' It 3-RooM Hoi'S K FoR $. ; $ ROOMS. 2.V JlMJDJJijM. ETjTcTrIc 1HM iR BULLS I VST A t .LL D COMPLIVTK FOR $V BEST Jri VI h. RIAL. WOOD. 3711. WOOD dcil ered prompt I), bent firt -growth ea ed cord ood. long, se.ii v ttrct-; $7.."o per load. Phone .Main 3;u:,. F KR TlXAV. K It! Cow and horse msnurn orders pn m fit ly delivered, any part of city. Mnln 4";., YVK SA LK ne 240-e(tf Inrubator: his never been set but one; will 1 1 ihrip. Floyd T. William, t'laekainaa. Or. fTlCW, uncalled-for gents' stylish d ubi acr ice raincoiits Mm! o ereouts; snap. Albert i L Wuodlswn Lil t. PORTABLE garuge. almont r plank driveway, reasonable, 0701 Call L-l SAFES for sale, chenp; one large oie fftniill and one with burgiac-proor .nei. S 41. tregoniHn. USED API' A UKL secured from v ealthy ladies, reasonable pricea, 1 1 ;t2 K. .n aan. Montavilla car to 20th. Tabor 22". FORSA LEine oiiHrterei onk. one ma hogany roM-top dKk and chi.ir. Kmplrs Transfer. 2M Hmadwav. B'lwv. ..r.. VloLINS. bows and canes for mm le ; vnHin repairing. S. R. Keller. 412 Gerlinger Mdg. HKVCLK TIKES Vt LCAN l.KD. 212 CHAPMAN ST.. AT J hll' l ERSoN. OPE N K VE N I SOS. GTjT your painting, papering and kalan mining snd signu befr the busv sea son. IH1!0 K. tilman. or plume Tnbor 2HH. Gk1 MANURE. K A ST 4;to7. Al.CA.AK gAS range for aale; alao Ruud water heater. Main -'0L EYES tented free; spectacles g m n t "ed. Iir. Heldlngj, 245 Alder at. Main 1HPJ. sliTrtTNIllXND tent and reia for sale. Pacific Tent Aantng. 1 N. I "t at. FR Tent. HnMim cleaner, 24-hr. day $1; del. inyWH'l-y: rm W. P.:. RKMUI LT tyew t iters. B. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth st. ELK TRIC door or call he Ma tnM n lird cumplete for $A earh. Woilln Ft'R SALE Fine portwhle nholorig. iirap. a.i.H N. 2".tl. I none nn v. CaTsM retlter. showcaaep. seMlrs, electric noffee mill. desk. ILt st STKA M lnnle. gas plat. -a. Moots, coffee Ui n. 1 LI stove, dishes. 1 ROYAL rnge. wood or roe I. fl-hole, good baker, $-. lO-n no av-. n r. FI KCTRI' cooking hot plate In good con 'dition. $.- Mar. 2O0 LATE model Roal xacumn eleaner. COATS, furi. etiitn. gowns and rvnin rireftfe. SMgnity worn. aiain TWO ROOM-M7.W ORIENTAL RUGS, IN DIA. PHONE MARSHALL H7H. NEARLY new. Singer sowing mnebtna. Hee janiTor '""!' . im KOK SALE l'erfect (i1an.ond. 2 caraLS $12-o cf n. A r "i wrriiinmn. L A DI KS' h aut If ul Mark aequiti e rntng " rewW. le .tn in nor rwnmif- Ft'R SA LE aah reginter, safe, atlOuig machine, anowraae. a im m , nrir At. VACUUM cleaner Sold, repair Mi. rente. I, . Mn. 4Wt. c.-hangecl. ootigni, Jiifv t K L KCT R 1 C W ALL SWITCHES IN- ALMoST new combination blue I'tiiM-rsal range lor sate reasons oia, avast t I i, , r A I; .4 V'.-'