f. . . a, a-. J - .IS) - - . J , - .'d-i-. V --. . ' .... I i 15 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1920 - ) '.' "! "'..'! s , i '. .! . ' - .-,i ' . - . -' .t ' r- -.J . r 5 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTING. JLL1LS H BLACK, public accountant. u 'Counting systems .stablisnea maintainHl. Inrnm tax aervlce; refer ences. 71IS-28 PIttock blk. Bdwy 1. ALTERATIONS nienta. " reasonable: work guaranteed. 1. K'uhm, 4S Bush A I.ane bldg. ASSAVKRS AND AXALVSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. BEAUTY CUTIRE. CALL E g.")4 for beautT work in you homo or mine; combings and old hair made new; hair dyeing 01 all Klnas. . BI VEKS' BUREAU. ANDERSON the Buyer saves you money on anything you want to buy. No. 60 r 'rst st. Main 1400. CARPET WEAVING. DMflOThe kind that wear the best are IwJOmadft from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad- aress Union ave.) Kag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and rpsizing. Mail orders solicited. 188 E. 8th st. Phone East 3580. B 12HO. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Kag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Rooklet. . 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, X1.50 . FLUFF RL CO.. 54-o Union ave. N East 6516. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. SIZING AND REFITTING. FLUFF AND RAG RtTGS WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITE OR CALL I-ORTi.Asn nircs CO. '2 E. 17th St. Automatic 213-24. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIS.HrtrisflV COMPANY. 37 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 800.000 KNOW Mi Mahon. 100 Chiroprac- tor. inrongs pronounce treatment easiest, best, permanent. 31 "treats" $15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Esteile and Floreilo D Veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors S02 Ger linger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist: corns and callouses removed without pain; relief for II- foot troubles. 609 Buchanan bldg.. Wash. St., bet. 4th and 6th. Main 5076. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; coma, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal building. 'Marshall 5822. Mtlltlgraphing. mimeographing and mail advertising. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. F'jrnaye smokes through registers; needs repairing or cleaning. Call us. ' Tabor 3M. COLLECTIONS. KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg.. Main 17!6 No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. DANCING. MRS. BATH. 30S' Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and eve. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage danolng. Miss norothy Rasmussen, 610 Filers bldg. DOG AND -CAT HOSPITAL. KOSE C1TT VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL. 415 East 7lh. East 1S47 and 219-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND, and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. 24P4 First St. Main 871. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st, Portland. Or. Re-a-inding and electrical repairing i specialty. See us about new or ised motors. Bdwv. 1045. A 1046. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land If vou want big crops; read about "G. M. Wonder" in our 1M catalog. Routledge Seed A Floral Co.. 145 2d st.. Portland. Or. GENERAL INSURANCE. JOE N. WALLER, General Insurance. Main S92.'.. 424 N. W. Bank Bldg. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park. MISIC TEACHERS. TEACHER of piano will take few more earnest pupil--: herfnners $1.50 for 45 minutes. Tabor 1W. la Carroll Day, piano, voial lessons, prac- ticeplanol hrday. $3 mo. Bdy. 2355. WHOLESALERS AND T:N. INFERS AND MILL filPFI.IES. I. KLINE CO.. 84-8H-87-S8 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. - PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bid HATS AND CAPS. THAN HA USER HAT CO.. 63-65 Front St. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER ft CO., Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & CO. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut MANY DESIGNS Erected in Portland or shipped anywhere. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed Flrst-Class - Send (or Circular BED1MADE HIJI.DINU CO. SIS E. 11th St. Phone at sua PORTLAND, OU. Send Us Your Old Carpets ' (W Call and Deliver) Old Rasa and WmIii Clathlas. Ma Alaska UCTcraibist aaasul-Wavca FLUFF RUGS BaaafSIae Plaft Rags, Wavasa, $17.50 Rig Ram Wons All Slaea. Clsrthea cieaalasr aad Dyefnsjr deptab Mall Order Send far IloukleC Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xl Dsn, eaiue4 Cieioeil, SlSa. WXSTKKN KLI KR RLti CO, M LaUua Aa Si. fhaae iaat sill IS! imBag I2S; IRVINGTON W have two new modern six-room bimgalowa at . 16th and Klickitat ts.. complete and ready to occupy. Have hardwood floors, built-in con veniences. Gasco furnace, etc - PRICK S950O EACH. Terma Sl.-HMt Down. Slim Per Month. OWNKRS, RICK CONSTRICTION CO, Tel. Aate. 3iOS3 IMF. 15th Jl. 4 1 AQmongage Loans dW lEIwrd E. Goudey Co. V, S. Bask Buildlajg Nl'RSERV STOCK. ITALIAN PRUNES. LOGANBERRY TIPS. Other varietiea trees and plants. Let us supply you. Order now. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY. 1030 Chemeketa St., Salem, Or. WE CARRY a full aaoortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc OREGON NURSERY CO., Orenco, Or. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. fit. ASSES AT A SAVING, I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles V. looa- man. optometrist. 209 Morrison. M. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST- ed witn modern lnsirumui j. .t..u.. tmin t-'aO up. A. E. HURW1TS. npminetnst. Z2& First St. OPTICIANS. NO PBflFlTKCRrsn ON SPECTACLES, Dr. George Rubenstein, ton - tlcian, still fits the best eyesl""" kV very moderate prices. " also the cheaper grades. 2J6 Morrison. ORIENTAL RUGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUGS CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZI AN & FERGLtjOJ S. TEN YEARS WITH ATJ1EH BROS, 151 N. 23 D. PHONE MAIN 5208. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extenaea over a period of 74 years, ah uu,"",""r,,VV -strictly confidential; prompt, efficient, conscientious service: handbook free on request. JdUNN & CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg., 6SJ Market St.. Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 103. 625 F St.; New York office. Wool- wortn biag. R C. WRIGHT 22 years' exenence u. o. and foreign patents, out ieau-. . GOLDBERG, 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broaaway ,us- Rheumatism, stomacn. powei, iunS. ....... kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female oisorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. n, .... ri CTmul lKS AT WHOLESA PLUMBING. frxim iVH UK CONVINCED. Let us save you money on your plumb mi W. E. HINE. Plumber. 312 Pine st. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. S. oantenDein, Manager, printing ana iinwiyj..... v Vmnt t corner State. Main or A141B. niiiTinn V W. KALTEa oi CUJirAfl nlPS I IllLl 1st and Oak sts. Main 165, 511-65 PAINTING. codtv.i nwivTvr; time lr you wan your painting, tinting or call Matt Barbour. Tabor 33. Estimates given. rhanaing. deco hnfora' the rush season starts. 1320 East Gllsan. or phone Tabor 266. T. H. BERGESS. painting and paperhang nr. a33 East itn si. i-noue painting, naoerhanglng. John t. von lisle. 133 Ifltn St. Bnwu.M POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERY'THING needed and used by prac tical pou try Keepers; emails i.e.. ledge Seed ft Floral Co.. 145 2d St.. Port land SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. We buy and sell everything In the fcarriwure and furniture line. Phone Main 9072. STOE REPAIRING. WATER COILS. ANY STYLE. MADE AND CONNECTED: STOVE REPAIRING, ALL MAKES RELINED AND GRATES n-pvrTt'PK REPAIRING. UPHOL STERING IN CONNECTION. PHONE BROADWAY 2576. TRADEMARKS. ORKiIOX TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service with a Reputation. MO VING-rACK'G-STOR AGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch ost Bawy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 ORKC.ON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan st. corner 13th. Phone Broadway o 1169. We own and operate two large claws A warehouses on terminal traces. Lroweat Insurance rates In the xity. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN' TRANSFER CO., 248 Pine, PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 10.1 PARK ST. MAIN 6195. A 1051 GR1NNELL transfer and storage. 328 Irving st. Phone Bdwy. 394. MANTJFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 19J Front St. Pl.l MIHNG SITPLIES AND PIPE. THE M L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. PRODICE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FARRELL. 140 Front St, ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup, SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Your car is to be delivered in side of a month! How about a place to keep.it that is con venient and attractive? A MILLMADE PORTABLE GARAGE Cimi Re Delivered Immediately. An order now will hold as to present prices delivered when car arrives. An Inquiry Will Bring: a Rrp reftentiitlve to Call at Your ComvenJence. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION ; 'CO. Sale Offlre 802 Title A Truat Ralldlne;. Tel. Main 4724. Factory Foot Williams Avenue f. u. jbojc 244. w am. Z4i3. Irvingt Twenty-first street near Klickitat, seven-room bungalow, complete in every detail. Built in 1919 before present high priced. Could not be duplicated within a thousand dollars of present price. Terms. Call for appointment. X. R. Bailey Company Marshall 4. NEW TODAY. WE CALL FOR IOIB OLD , CAB PETS. Bsjksi and Wolesj Clothing- FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Bag Hogs WoTCn AU Slaea. Uall Order. Send for Booklet, Carpets Cleaned. Laid aal Refitted. KOBTUWEST HUG CO. 1SS Eat Stfc St. Phone Kaat 3580. REAL ESTATK. COTTAGES for sale and rent: farm lands. timber lands. Lester Martin. Newport, ur. Far Sale Flat and Apartment Property. APARTMENT property all furnished, pays aoout 2U per cent; 32 rooms. 7 baths; owner will accept collateral as payment; leaving city. .Pacific Agency, 514 Swet' land bldg. WEST SIDE. 4 modern flats, near Multno mah club; irronth-Iy income $lo0, for sale cheap. C. DeYoung & Co., 810 Spalding oiag. WEST SIDE flats, close in: ISO00 will handle. Owner. 349 6th St., city. For Bate Lota. 100x150. 1000. PARKROSE. on Richardson Voad. N. Una beginning 130 feet S. of Sandy, ex tending 150 ft. on Richardson facing east; terms cash; you will have to hurry if you want this well-located, low-priced home site. S50 DOWN. 20 MONTH. ACRE TRACT. PARKROSE. Just outside city limits on Sandy blvd.. all the conveniences of living In the city without paying street assessments and high taxes, pressure water, gas, electricity, sidewalks, de livery service from city stores every day. only extra car fare; good service; build a little house, wonderful garden soil, cut down expenses; you can do it here. $1650. ACRE TRACT. PRESCOTT 8T. PARKROSE. all cleared. hut fe choice shade trees; 2 blocks south of t-andy blvd and car line, pressure water, gas, electricity, sidewalks; terms $500 down. $20 month. 50x118. 1425. ON SAXDT BOULEVARD. $50 down, $12.50 month; Parkrose, Just outside city limits, pressure water, gas, eiectrllcity, one block to car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. T Chamber of Com. Bids., 4th and Stark. Main 2llS. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE ON SANDY BLDV., AT END OF PARK ROSE CAR LINE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OF FICE 45TH AND SANDY BLVD. ROSE CITY PARK. $50 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. In order to clean up a few re maining unsold ROSE CITY PARK iote we are offering them on the very low price, $625. on the terms of $50 down and $10 per month: now is- the time to buy lota for they surely will not remain at this price very long. Call at our main or branch office and let us show you the location of this lot. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. T Chamber of Com. Bldg. 4th and Stark. Main 20t. ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE. 45TH AND SANDY BLVD. CORNER LOT on Marguerite ave.. Hawthorne car; paved streets, ce ment sidewalks In and paid for. Price only $450. You will have to hurry to get this bargain. Mrs. Lucius. 365 E. 37th st. Phone Tabor 308!). BARGAIN SALE. Buy a lot now and save money. 1 Mix 100 lot W'eiUler near 42d $50 1 37x100 lot Weidler near 42d 4110 1 60x100 lot Haltey near 4d 600 1 50x100 lot 42d near Sandy 700 2 60x1110 lots 41st near Sandy 800 Terms to suit; no agents. OWNER, EAST 411 1. $10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. This splendid lot, having frontage on three streets, one of which is paved. Cement sidewalks on other streets. Street work alone cost over $800,. all of which is paid. You can have this- lot for $H60 on the above terms. We have no hesi tancy in recommending this to you. Fred W. German Co.'. 732 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON. 100x100. SNAP. Fine quarter block on northeast corner East 7th and Thompson; over $1200 city liens paid: no restrictions; price $4000; about $1000 cash, balance 5 years. 69. We want an offer. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Walnut Park of fers exceptional opportunity to own a NEW HOME. TO COST NO MORE. Many are building now. Why not you? Don't fail to Investigate this week. Walnut Park land. Call on owner. W. M. Ktllingsworth, .office 1147 Union ave. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. M. Phone appointment. Wdln. 8304 or Wdln. 051. ONE OF THE finest lots in Laureihurst; elegant location, never offered at less than $2500; can quote a low price on quick sale. B. M. Price A Co.. 200 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Choice location. 47th and Alameda drive; beautiful quarter bloclc; everything paid; $2000. Tabor 4514. FOR -SALE $750 cash, lot in Laureihurst, iroe buu clear, near n. v car. wall Mrs. Ward. East 3sl. . BIG SNAP! Very, sightly 100x100. N. W. cor. E. 15th st. 'and Skldmore. Owner, Woodiawn 2066. FOR SALE Two lots, good location; near Union: terma 481 Holland St.: owner. FOR SALE Good lot, 50x100. 24th and Killlngsworth. Marshall 4727. LOT 50x125. cheap; your own terms.; Jsar- snali ui-i. aul is. LOT, 50x100. Woodmere, trees on it, resi dence district; 1330. East 1666. ROSE CITY PARK., $650. 4Sth. near Stan ton, street paved, paid Tabor 6441. For Sale Honses. 100 CASH, balance terms, buys a 4-room cotage one mock rrom car, ooxioo lot, fruit and berries, chicken house, base- ! ment gas. elec. lights, etc.. an excen- tioniilly good buy at $1600. $200 cash buys a 0-room cottage on E. 12th and Lincoln sts. ; cement side walks, elec. lights, bath, etc: only $1800 FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $1)00 cash, balance terms, buys this 4- room rurnisned nungaiow, ooxioo-ft. lot, cement garage, lots of fruit trees, base men, gas, city water, etc., all far $2200. See Mr. Llchtenthaler. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT Cf. Main 1743. 410 Henry bldg. BEAUTIFUL Rose City bungalow; modern; 8 rooms; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen: 4 bedrooms; laundry trays; located en E. 49th; paved streets. Owner anxious to sell and will sacrifice for quick sale. Laura Rice. 6S3 Hawthorne., ave. Phone E. 7978. OWNER- offers choice 5-room bunaglow, near pavement, $2850: vacant Eveninira Tabor 7055. , IBV1NOTON bungalow, $5500: six rooms. Ivory; fireplace, furnace, full lot. East 41s. REAL ESTATE. ror Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. A most attroctive residence of 2 rooms, modern in all Its appointments and near ly new; hardwood floors, tiled fireplaces in living room and front bedroom; tiled bath, with shower; also bath for maid's room; conservatory; extra large sleep ing porch which can bo heated if de sired; complete burglar alarm system and double electric lighting and heating systems; located in the very best district of Irvington on 100x100 corner, sur rounded by beautiful homes. This house has cost the owner be tween 1SUM)0 and JO.OIH). but an at tractive price will be made in selling, or would accept desirable vacant or im proved Portland property for the equity. SAMUEL R. NORTON. 610 Henry Bldg. A REAL FINE IRVINGTON HOME. 5H years old. Individual semi-colonial type. rec. hall merges into large living room, beam ceiling dining room. Dutch kitchen in wite and extra fire place in large study or combined sun parlor, besides extra appointments; 4 nice bedrooms, large sleeping porch and extra open porch on second floor, besides bath and usual closets, etc.; bevel mir ror doors, floored attic and full fine basement; lot is Juet a "bit" above grade with a full cement runway to double garage; built for a banker five years ago; oak floors up and down and in closets; cost over $10,000. and will sell for IftCOO on terms. Mr. Schaefer, Bdwy. 5167, or Main 666. $850 4-ROOM home on 50x100 lot. near car line, at Lents; shingled outside and plastered inside; good plumbing; an ex cellent buy, with $300 down and $15 per mor.tn. $2500 Six-room home, splendidly lo cated on highly improved lot on Albina avenue, south or Kinsngswortn ; an im provements in and paid: sightly location; one-third cash: balance easy. $2200 Five-room home on Roselawn ave. and two additional rooms In base ment; this is a good one. See us lor other sizes and priced homes. B. S. COOK. 601 Stork Exchange. LAURELHURST HOME. Owner moving to Seattle, will sell an attractive, honestly-built. 2-story. 8 room house with garage, located in high est part of tract near car; 32-Coot living room, French doors to dining room, to hall and to sin room: nice light kitchen. 3 large square bedrooms, tile bath and large inclosed sleeping porch on 2d floor: billiard or play room In attic: full ce ment basement, triple trays, boat fur nace, 2 good fireplaces, oak floors throughout. Price $UO()0: Vi cash. R. H. TORRET. Tabor 407. . LAURELHURST BUNGALOWS. 2-story, S-room bungalow with garage, located on oversized corner, near park: 36-foot living room. den. breakfast room. 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors and old ivory finish throughout, only 3 years old and without a scratch. Another 1 story, 6-room bungalow, with similar description on inside lot. Both real bargains, and 1-3 better than represent ed. R. H. TORREY. Tabor 407. LARGE, modern 8-room house on choice, sightly lot in Willamette Heights, over looking; the lower river and the Cas cade mountains; lot Improved ' with shrubs and flowers; faces on improved street; comfortable modern Interior; house ready for occupancy March 15. Price $6000. Easy terms to responsible ' purchaser. For particulars call at 404 Piatt building.. 127 Park st. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Well-appointed, 2-story. S-room resi dence, located at head of 16th st.. near car. commanding unobstructed view of city and mountains! will be sacrificed this week at $9500. Large rooms, large plale-glas view windows. hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, sleeping porch. Built for home by owner nd a rare bargain. R. H. TORKEV. Tabor 407. BEST BUY IN LAURELHURST. $6300. Who's looking for a good buy In a classy l'A-story, 7-rootn house with ga rage, located on E. Flanders St.. near car and park? Everything modern and up to date, breakfast room. 3 oversized bedrooms, nicely planted yard. Recent ly painted and In excellent condition. R. H. TORREY. Tabor 407. MODERN 6-room house adjoining Colum bia park; owner will pay for the hard surface pavement. A wonderful little yard, 50x100. with big variety of large bearing fruit trees; also garage. .This is a beautiful home and I am going to sell It for $3500, on terms. For par ticulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. IRVINGTON HOME. Well-appointed, 2-story. 8-room resi dence, located on oversized corner on E. 10th St. N.; large square rooms with lots of wall space: fine oak floors, old Ivorv finish, beautifully papered walls. 4 bed rooms on 2d floor, maid's and billiard rooms on 3d floor. Priced below market value. R. H. TORREY. Tabor 407. An abstract of title Is not a, guarantee of vour title; it is merely a nistory or your title. A Tltlo Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when vou buy property get a- Title Insurance Policy. No abstract- required. Title and Trust Company. FINE HOME BARGAIN, GROVE LAND PARK. Six rooms, modern, with fireplace. corner lot with Improvements in and paid for; only !M4mi, some terms. F. H. DEHHON At CO.. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a gui antee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a title insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. FINE PIEDMONT HOME, A SNAP. Seven rooms, modern, fine large grounds and shade and fruit trees; this is a beautiful home and tho owner must sell It and will make a big sacrifice. F. H. DESHON & CO., 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY is a guar antee or tne utie to your nome. wnen you buy your home have the title in sured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust Company. $1800 BUYS a 4-room cottage near Mult- noman siauuji. bw, cici-h iwivj, nun nun water. Good lot with fruit and flowers. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. HOME FOR A FAMILY. - 1036 E. Grant. 7 spacious room: terms to suit. Miss Siocomb. Main 4246. J4300 New 5-room modern bungalow, nearly completed; large attic and basement 1228 Lincoln St., near 42d IRVINGTON. New modern 6-room bungalow, 625 E. 22d st. North. Open from 12 to 1 and 4 to ffc CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details oy using -rule insur ance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company TITLE INSURANCE Is the modern way of handling titles io real estate. WUicKer, 'costs less and no'abstract required. Title and Trust Company. PORTLAND BANKS request title Insur ance lnsteau oi aumracis. wnyr Ask your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Company. WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy you do noi nmu an ausiract oi title One premium pays for all time. Title and Trust Company. TITLE INSURANCE Is quicker, safer and cheaper man aouoti mcuiuu. ask your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Com- panyj WHEN you purohase your home have the title ineureu. uci a line insurance Policy. Title and Trust Company. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have nis tiue ineureu. cetter be safe than sorry. Title and Trust Company. BANKS request title insurance because it IS best. abk uui vanner, ne knows. Title and Trust company. 80S LOVE JOY street. $16,000: 1 rooms with a oams iuu oigcpmis porcn. Apply to yy m. u. oic"-g'. 1 uttgwi oiag. FOR SALE Modern 3-room house, hujlt- in kitchen and bath, 50x100 lot, $1700, terms. iui c mm it SAVES commission, buy from owner, fine 8-room nungaiow, good location, 15250 C 87, Oregonlam 5-ROOM bungalow, on paved street, near car tine anu tiwo iu, easy terms. Owner 7D9 E. 7th st- N. ' ' ROSE CITY bungalow home, oak floors garage; sleeping Prch; very modern; WILL build you a modern 4-room bunga low for $22;0 and Kire Phone lor appoii'i-mciiv. a uresoniaa. MT. TABOR. 5 LOTS. GOOD HOUSE.-HOT WATER HEAT. FINK FRUIT, GARAGE ONLY $8500. EAST B438. IRVINGTON mission home, $7000, terms cent,er of Irvington. Bast 419. ' IRVINGTON HOMES EAST 894. T. STREET. Irv. AGT. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, furfilshed or unfurnished; 2 lots. Tabor 7450. BANKS prefer title Insurance Instead of abstracts.- Title and Trust company. IRVINGTON HOMES, McDON'NBLL, genu 600 East 14th. East 418. . REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Houses. LATTRE LHURST LAURELHCRST. We have It; one of the classiest bun--. galows in the city, located 11U . Royal court;' near car and beautiful Laurel hurst Park: It has every imaginable conveniences; wonderful bacle porch ' with bulit-lns and ail glassed - in; . beautiful lawn, roses and shrubbery; no use describing this beauty; one must sea it to appreciate it. Phona Tabor 3706 Sunday. RUMMBLL & RUMMELL, 274 Stork Street. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow that is really worth your time to Bee: 4 lovely ' rooms on 1st floor, 2 large bed rooms 2d floor: every conceivable built-in; built by day labor; you appreciate the construction on In spection. East front, I block to Mr, on E. 52d St. $6350. Mr. Laman, Main 4522. Coe A. Sic- . Kenna fc.Co.. 82 4th at. $12.500 IF YOU want a complete 10-room home with splendid basement, hot-water heatlne Diant. Ilreplace. etc., in per fect repair (house alone would cost SoO.OOO to duplicate), fine yard and fruit trees, let us show you quarter block. East 6th and Pacific streets; easy walking distance; suitable for apartment house anytime: will shade a little for all cash. Quick. Hart, 10 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1565. $22,000. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 5 ACRES, HIGHLY IMPROVED. 10-room cut stone house. 5-room cot tage for help, on Oregon City car line not far trom rortiana; tine 'ijvuag stream, good road to the door; owner going to California ana is oiiering mis property at about 60 of real value. for lur ther information address -AL 783, Ore gonian. BEST BUNGALOW IN CITY. 7 ROOMS. 80x100. One of the best built 7-room bunga lows in the city of Portland. 80x100 with lnts nf hearlnz fruit and berries. Nice lawn and garage. This was built for a home and is strictly first-class in every way. If you see this you will buy L RELIABLE INVESTMENT .CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. IRVINGTON. GREAT SACRIFICE QUICK DEAL. - REDUCED PRICE NOW $5350. There's no deception about this; 3 de lightful bedrooms and sleeping porch; cozy den with fireplace; hardwood floors, ot a (.liperfn-l. substantial home. Shown by appointment only. Don't de-lav.- See A. K. Hill, 215 Lumbermens bldg. Broadway 421. $J00 CASH, balance, $2350. very easy; nice looking house, arranged 2 families in rnnm. 2 h-Lths. electric lights, gas. in good district near Fulton Park, right, .on "Riverview" cor. (2d at Morrison), 17 minutes out (not S. Portland) on west sloe; no loss of time for draw bridges. 12ii5 Corbett st, paved. Tabor 854 tore noons. ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 2-story 6-room house, hot water furnace, fractional corner lot; take D. M. car to :i2d st. N., one block west on Vaughn to 1113. 10 ACRES, ail under cultivation, near Sherwood. Oregon, best of soil, terms; also 6 acres adjoining town of Sherwood, good soil, part cultivated; price of latter $1500, terms; also 20 acres irrigated land near Hermlsted. Oregon, partly seeded to alfalfa: also 80 acres of irrigated land in T'-out Lake vallev. partly cultivated. M. Billings. 500 Mclvny bldg. Main 138)0. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5 room bungalow, built-in bookcases, fireplace, full concrete basement, cozy and convenient, on a choice corner lot. all improvements in. for $3000. Good terms. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 N. w. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. TURKS BUNGALOWS. One at $2050. another at $2300 and still another at $25oO; each containing 5 rooms; have lull basements and will be newly tinted iuside. They are located close In In the vlplnity of the S. P. car shops and are all close together. T Ml, Oregonian. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartment ga rages residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years We offer SECURITY SERVICE SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co. Ino.. 9L"4 N'. W. Bank bldg. ' COMMERCIAL STREET COTTAGE. On a beautiful 50xlOO lot. all improve ments In, wo have a nice 4 rooms and bath with choice fixtures, electricity and gas, good basement, convenient to car, nice neighborhood. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 21" N. W. Bank Bldg. Mars-hall 4114. I3.-,V0 On Ainsworth avenue, near 9th. 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, attic-; lot 60x100; street paved, paid- Immedi ate possession; $1100 cash, balance $35 per month. Including Interest. 6 per cent. Ta bo r 644 1. 6-ROOM modern house, double garage, full lot st- Improvements all In and paid, choice close-in ea?t side location. 1 k blocks from car: for bargain see this one- $3250, and terms for quick sale. TALLMADGB REALTY CO. . 619 H-jnry Bldg. " JuiAR-t! OF" IRVINGTON. PRICE ONLY $6300. Fine strictly modern 6-room house, rlcht In the heart of Irvington and ex ceptionally well built. If you mean call us up: 4 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. $2700. Close In on East Yamhill street, 6-room cottage, 50x100 lot; all kinds of fruit; lot alone worth about $1500. Can you beat It? Phone Tabor 3433. Eve. East 2086. Mr. Delahunty. $7s; 0 A fine, strictly modern bungalow Ai-mA.ia Pirk: hfli Harawooo liuors. bullt-ins, breakfast nook, finished in ivory and mahogany. French doors; strictly up to date, well built; . an, ideal M. Hillings. OOP McKay bldg. Main JS30. ,ionn Tlltv f K M T R A L EAST SIDE. Pleasant 7-room furnished cottage, fur nace, gas, electricity, bath, wash trays, etc.. full. lot. garago, fruit trees, every thing for $5250; terms. East 78JO. East Alder st.. owner. OS!) A BARGAIN FOR CASH. Modern 10-room house; rent $..0; Ideal place: one wishing a nice home with net profit of $50 a month; nice neigh borhood, walking distance; must be seen to be appreciated; leaving ciiy. For par ticulars write AM 36. Oregonlsn. $000. $400 CASM I large ram trv olSStereu. uaemct. . - wed. gas li?ht. electric wires on street: three porches; 40x100 lot. fenced. August Specht, 6318 85th st. S. E. or red Spear, Tabor 58 S 7. Hoou 5 rooms and den, modern bungalow T..". .t. near Union avenue; furnace, bullt-lns. good basement, streets improved and paid for: lot 50x12..; near rr and school; $1000 down, balance 7cj. M Bimngs" 509 M c Kayjttld ganlJlpO i"moo $400 cash, balance $25 per month, buys new. well-built, attractive 4-room bungalow, nice large piece f ground, west sltle: 15 minutes' car ride. M. t. Lee, 413 Corbett bldg. , WLLUILThouse of i or? '?X 100. modern. i block off Alberta st concrete garage: leaving city, must sell. $3100. $1000 down. 'Phone East 546. Mrs. Peters. S-R MODERN bungalow, 1 blk. Richmond car fireplace. Dutch kltehen, new lino leum full cement basement, large attic, assessments paid, $4000. $2750 cash. 1203 lvon st- , , 7-ROOM. 2-story house, modern, fine base ment, lot 50x100. east front, corner lot, shrubbery, block north of Alberta st. 1001 East 20th st. North. Buy from owner and save commission. $4400. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 5-room house. Dutch kitchen, furnace. 60x100 lot. fruit trees, berries; owner leaving city. Price $4000. Terms If sold at once. Tabor 2340. MY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Paved street, block to car. vacant. $3.v0 Terms. In city few days. Call room'l219 N. W. Bank bldg. AGAINST FIRE INSURE IN NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. EXILE BURK1TT. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. ioO DOWN and $10 per month buys 3-room bungalow, weet aide; city water and gas, beautiful maple trees on the lot. M. E. . Lee. 413 corneu oiaar. tna DOWN, $25 month, modern 4-room bungalow; attic, garden, chicken houae. 1KS0 East Main St., 3 blocks south Mount Tabor car: $22.00. move In. Tabor 4214. FOR SALE Small house, cement base ment, electric light and gas, bearing fruit trees, garage. 1S8 West Humboldt street. ' ' ' 7-ROOM house, corner lot. 100x100; fire place, furnace: price $26T0; $500. bal. $"5 per month. iVlain 3-117. Property 55th ave. S- K. FOR SALE. -4 -acre, 3 minutes Council Marshall 5210. Price $2100. House, Crest car. SPECIAL 6-room bungalow, fruit, garage, immediate possession, $2775. Owner, exenlnga. Tabor 7055. FOR SAL1& Furnianea nouae, cioae in, by owner, ir none aai mvu HE A I. ESTATE. Y or Sale House. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 700 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. 14 Automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Sundays and Evenings. You are always welcome to visit our showrooms and inspect our wonderful display of over 700 HOMES for sale. Many WONDERFUL BARGAINS; every photo has accurate Information descrlp . tlve of the home it represents. FRANK L. McGUIRE personally appraises every home before . offering it for your consideration. Your Interest is safeguarded. We put you in Immediate touch with the HOME you are looking for. ROSE CITY HOMES. $4730 Delightfully artistic Rose City home: 5 rms., massive concrete j plllard front porch: fireplace. ( beveled glass bookenres, attract- j ive dining room, leaded art glass J buffet, h. w. floors.-whlte Dutch kitchen, linen closets, floored at tic, f. c. basement, white ennm. plumbing. E. 50th. YOU SHOULD SEE THIS. WE HAVE OVER 50 SPLENDID ROSE . CITY HOMES. $3250 On Ivv. ndjointnz Irvington; rm. modern bungalow, paved st. puld, house like new, nice home; terms. -SPLENDID WEST SIDE. $6200 Right In-town: on 14th st.. near Clay Is this 8-room substantial home: two fireplaces. modern nlumblne'. f. c. basement, furnace. present tenant has Income of u er sjim per monin. a o.mat. caaj terma SUNNY SIDE-HAWTHORNE HOMES. 1 1750 6-rm. modern home, on Marguer ite; many bullt-ins, fireplace, fur nace, f. c. basement, paved st. paid. REAL HOME. 1 $4000 Clever, attractive 6-rm. home; solid paneled dlr.ing room, mas sive buffet. Dutch kitchen. 3 cheery bedrooms, furnace, fire place: Glenn ave. Let us show you this. $3000Pleasant 6-rm. modern bungalow; labor-saving bullt-ins. white enameled plumbing, electricity, gas. good cement basement; 52d near Hawthorne. . UNUSUAL VALUE. $3450 Decidedly attractive 3-rm. bunga low tvpe home: porch full width of house. bullt-lns. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing: Market, near 37th. 2 blka. from car; terms. $2250 Modem 5-rm. HAWTHORNE bun galow, like new: bullt-lns. fire place, electric, gas. white enam. plumbing: E. 47th; EASY Tfc.ii.MS. 80 REAL HAWTHORNE BARGAINS. -. 850 WONDERFUL ALBERTA BUY. This Olever bungalow home. 5 bullt-ins. white enamel pl'imb- Ine. lights, so cosy. THIHCUUl.u nnt v. hi, fit tmliiv for ft.l.'lHl; h 2Hth. close to car. EASIEST TERMS. -.SOOALBERTA BARG MN; 3 cosy rooms; E. 17lh; while porcelain ninmhinir. electricity. gas. mortgage. VERY EASY TERMS. $2100 E. 11th. ',S block to car: hoil lib-a n.ui- 5-rm. comfortable A I BKRTA home: white enamel nlumbine. electricity, as, full lot. SKE THIS TODAY. OVER 60 KRAI. BARGAINS IN "ALBERTA. SPLENDID riEDMONT HOME. 1.1050 a snaclous rooms, besides music room. furnace. bullt-lns. f. c. Kurr,0nt. 4 SlinnV slCCDlng TOOTUS, convenient to Jefferson high and park. On Simpson. KENTON HOMl$ BARGAIN. $1600 Attractive bungalow cottage: rooms and sleeping porch, n livinc mom with lulwd. floors. whito enamel plumbing, lights, . r,.il or,ln Int. chicken house; Terrv near Interstate EASIEST TERMS. s-t3,jo 5-rm. attractive home: modern K.,lli-lns SPLENDID HOT WA TEH HEATING SYSTEM; lights. all white enamel piumoing. un niit,-h kitchen, full lot. plenty n fruit and berries. YOU CAN'T BUY THIS EVERY DA Y. E. 80th MV car. FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Leading Homo Sellers on the Pacific Coast. Abington Bldg. Main KlliS. Office Open Evenings; IRVINGTON. a mnr attractive residence of 8 rooms, modern in all its appointments and near ly new: narwood floors, tiled fireplai-es ,U Kuinff mnm and front bedroom: tiled bath, with shower; also bath for maid's room; conservatory; extra large sleep I.,- nnr,.h u-hieh can be heated if de aired: located 111 the very best district of Irvington on IilOxloo corner, sur rounded by beautiful homes. This house has cost the owner be tween $)8,0il0 and $20,000. but an at tractive price will be made In selling, or would accept desirable' vacant or im proved Portland property for the equity. SAMUEL R. NORTON, 610 Hpury Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW 'i ACRE. $4200 $1200 CASH. R rooms, modern, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, large attic. 8 more bedrooms , can be fin ished, acre garden soil, bearing fruit trees, chicken houses and runs, located north of Keed college. 3 blocks to car. This bungalow on one lot is easily worth the price askfd. CLBV ELAND-HEN PERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. Hldg. Main 6752. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW $500 CASH. On E. Davis St., 3 blocks from the Montavilla car. we have a 7-room bun galow, 5 rooms on first floor. 2 above, full cement basement, good garage, ce ment driveway, lot 73x103. bearing fruit: price $3200; $300 cash, bal. easy. Photo at office. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. , ROSE -CITY. $0500. Corner bungalow on Alameda drive, new 6 rooms, sleeping porch, break- fact nook, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, all bullt-lna finished In old ivory, walls papered with beautiful tapestry paper: electric fixtures, win dow shades, garage, all street Imp, paid. See owner, 404 Clerlinger bldg. Marshall 858. Geo. A. Ross. . IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. 60X100 CORNER $7500. Fine 8-room modern houae, nice ra raffe, lawn and ah rubbery, and 50x100 corner lot. Located in the beat part of the Irvington dlatrict. ar.d a HJAL tiAC B1FICB7 at the price. ft caah. BKLIABLB INVESTMENT CO.. 1W5 Oak at. Broadway 4133. IRVINGTON. , Eight rooms, corner lot. with double garage; hardwood Moora upataira and So w na talra ; AfctrfOI .UT ELY B R A N V NEW; NEVER OCCUPJKU. Thla eplen dld home for eel for $11, 250. TERMS. W. H. ROSS. 1100 X. W. Dank Bldg. HOLLTHAT ADDITION. FRK'E ONLT I42MI. 6-room modern houae and 2 stepping porchea. also good garage. Houae alone would coat more than thla. Lot VOxl20 You will hve to hurry to got thla. RBLIARLK INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Ht. ' Rroadway 4183. FLRNISHED HOt'SE. A room downataira: room for 3 addl fional roomi upataira; 50x100 lot. four blocks from Irvlngloo car; price iloo, halt cash. w H Rogs 1100 N. W. Bank Blflff. FOR 6 ALE by owner, 7-room bungalow, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry' travi. 50x100 corner lot. paved street, l block good school, 1 block car. Price i:t760, $1500 will handle thia, balance $2i month, S per cent, i-bone vvdin 22i8. $ft000 I R V I NGTOX $ ftOOO. Modern 6-room houae. new H. W. fioora. all In whit enamel. 8 bedrooma. furnace, fireplace, nice entrance hall, fine Dutch kitchen, lot 50x100 and a double garage; only $0000; terms. Main 8051. . ONE aeccn-room house and lot on Stan ton street near Williams ave. Must be sold at once to close an estate. Fnone office. East 652, or residence, Marshall 4314. 5-ROOM plastered houae. bath and pentry. Improvements in aid paid; $1700, $;tno down. $15 a month and Intereat. 735 Minneaota ave.. or Woodiawn aS40. MODERN, coay bungalow. ipRVing for Cal ifornia. $2500. $100 to $1000 down. This Is a bargain. S730 tttd at S E. , ALBERTA, NEAR TJNION. 5-room houa partly furnished, $2400. $373 uA&h. 1008 7th at S. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. BIHR-CARET CO. 210 P.y. Exch. Bldg. Thone Main 74S7. Photos on display of 40(1 modern homes. If you Intend to buy. come to our show room by all means and aee the larce as sortment of good homes In everv district: homes which have been appraised and Inspected and priced rlaht. Several ex ceptional burxalns: 8 experienced real es tate salesmen with autos to show you properly, any time, day or evening. EXCEPTIONAL WOODLAWN HOME BARGAIN $2400 On E. I2th st. N. In Woodiawn Is a 5-room home n a .uk!"0 lot. Full cement basement , w it h laundry travs, gas and electricity: large unfinished attle: many bearing fruit trees; chicken house. Easy terms. NB.XR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. $30 Just what vou have been waiting for! A well-constructed 7-room. 2-story home. In a restricted dis trict near high school and l enin sula Park. Hath and toilet down stalrs: 3 light, alrv bedrooms up. This home equipped with furnace heat throughout. On the market fnr tho first time, circumstances require Immediate selling. $1100 1 to handle. BEAUTIFUL Ttl'NO ALOW IN WEST MORLAND. $44 25 Built inily 3 years, finished j elaborately. Moder-t anil com plete to the last detail. We mlRhtl mention a few of the details: Paved street, fewer, guracre. hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, beautiful corner, ".oxloo Jot. .Wnr municipal gulf links and atlnflon field. Terms. Phone-for appoint ment. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY HOME. $4300 if you appreciate gind construc tion, you w-ill like this 5-rm. bunga low. Unusual nanel work In din ing room: fireplace, all built-in features: cherry, plum, peai-h and apple trees. Very reasonable down payment. If vou can make substantial monthly payment. We list helotr IV Hawthorns homes never advertised before, and on the mar ket for the first time. To one who knows vb1up, and conut ruction thev will acres with us that they will sell Imme diately. Don't wait till the host ones go. Take first choice voursclf. Phone Main 74N7 for appointment. $2550 5-room Hawthorne bungalow. Here is a womlerfullv attructive home, recently painted. A large, light, spleixild Dutch kitchen: 2 pretty bedrooms, both tinted In light. preltv shades. Strlctlv first-class. Even a naved street In and paid for This home will sell on sight. $S00 down. $4S75 5-ronm bungalow, elegantly fln- lahasl nn,t,,, lai-lrltiir lt.-st hnl air furnsce: fireplace; polished I oak floors, convenient bullt-lns: sleeping porrh In addition to two light, airy bedrooms; foil cement - basement: litrge floored attic: In terior in oak and white enamel. Paved street. Convenient terms. $1;iO Honest, folks, we haven t seen the equal to this for K months. 5 room bimaalow with best while name) plumbing, f Iroii'nce. full cement basement, paved street jiHii sewer paid In full: fine R.i rase goes lth thf place. Ki coptlnual opportunity. Only $.'.i"t down. See this quick It won't last long. $3200 5-room home on 34th street. Not the late bungalow tvpe. but a very well-built, cosv home, tlas. electrlcltv: modern thumbing; sewer paid: garage. lit) down. $4200 On 4!)th street n Hawthorne Is a 5-room bunsalow II has every thing nosslb;e to make a home cosy and complete, and the b-st of material used throughout, in usual buill-t-,1 features: hardwood floors: furniieo, fireplace; could not build the home alone for $.V"n. All street and newer as sehsments paid. Terms. WOODLAWN HOME BARGAIN. $2225 4-room substantia! home in flrt clitss repitir. on a 5otlii0 lot. In terior finished In while ennmel. and verv neat. Modern nlunih lng. Abundance of Irult and berries. Near car. A snap. $loil down. V .MM NT IMMRPIATE POSSESSION. $4Jo0 On paved 1th street In Alberta Is a well-constructed -rootn. 2 storv home, xnrant -ttsi resuv to move Into, lull basement with laundry tt-svs. Best hot air Itir tiace, 3 large beili-ooms upstairs, flooo duwn, $:to. per month. ANOTHKR GOOD A I. BKRTA HOVE $3mio on a paved street, close In. we have a 4-room bungalow with a lenre aitlc: polished hanlwnod floors; built-in buffet; Iiiu,h kltehen. wall bed. full cement I H!.onienl with laundry travs Hn-o Is an irnusunllv attractive home, and Jmmacultile Inrhlo. Gas stove, gas henier and new lino leum Included In price. $11100 to handle. Hundreds of other home In all sec tions of the ritv. We can solve your houso-huuting problem. EIHR-CARF.Y CO. 218 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Phone Main 74S7. Open Evenings. AN KXATINii BLVKK will apnrciate tha hmiuty, fun irmni tnnt and mat rial In tliia il I i k h t f u I Laurelhurat homn. t'hol lot. Mnt front, l blork to ar, with a i,rirajr tn the rp, ItunitfLlnw llna. built 4 yfitia iiro of alretvd niaton.il and xcrnt finiah ; c.-ntrn I rtn ram a; Hvinir rnorn 24xl. with connf rvnt-ury 8x12 In rar; hiiiMlenniP oak fioora. pint? tiaa Win dows, hand wrought fiKturca; Uria flrr phire; nn nttrartive dining room, pun pd, artistic anUlonrd. turn d noma f lr turo a. A modern kitchen with rvcrv convenience; fncloar-d luk porrh: beau tiful brakfnat ruotn. it aunnv bfdrooma. cood-alze with Very large rloaeta. bulit-lu oniwera; good ailed bathroom. Th baaement Is lul roncrete, celJitia 0 ffet. fruit cloaeta. laundry traya, furnaoa that heata th hnuaa. A home that la com fortable, artiatic and low-prlred at 75oO caah :t00". MacI.VNES fc PRATT 41 Ttnard of Trado Hldg. Main IRVTVOTOV, FT,OCK TiEAl'TIKrij 12-ROOM HOI'SK. One of Irvington'a flneat h.imea and double garage; u block of ground, fine lnwn and alirtihbery; thla la a rich man'e home and wall appointed In everv way: haa two fine hathrnoma, hot wafer hMthig plant, billiard room, etc Price :t,YOO0. Thla la a real bargain and at thla price la about H000 below the original coat RKLIABLE INVESTMENT CO,. 305 Oak at. liroadway 413. STRTPTLT modern 7-room houae. ha.rdwood fioora, fireplace, fur nace, everything built in; aleoping porch, larpe rorner lot ; near the Hawthorne car. Will give aome one an exceptional bargain on thla place for quick aale. No agenta. Aire. Lurfiia, 305 E. 37th at. Phone Tabor 30Mf. 13S0 FOR A CORNER lot on Mar guerite ave., with 4-room cottage; haa sleeping porch, 'J bedrooma. wired for electricity: lota of fruit and berriea; near the Broadway car. Mra. Peter. 503 't Vnlon ae. N. Phone Eaat 544. $2700 0-r. bungalow, iot aoxloti; almoat new; you will tire yoitraelf to death looking and then you will not get any thing like thla for the money. Wry liberal term. See .1. P. Vc Kenna. Bel mont ana .iwin. aaoor o-m;j. KOtSB CITY biinrfnlow on Handy blvd ; 6 rooms oownatAtra, a in attic, all built- in convenience, narnwooti iioura, den, fireplace, good furnace. By owner. Ta bor ;i2;t5. -ROOM modern bungalow. l7ort, full ce ment baeement. double conatructed, bath, toilet, large lot; terma Garland, 201 Third at. $lro R. C. Park; almoat new, partly fur niahed; bath, gaa, elw.-iriclty, large cor ner lot; part rash. bal. 0 per cent, move right In; aome diet ante out. but fin chance for honest man with Vm n K., nice little home. Lood neighborhood, near achnol. Owner, Tabor 207H. $ll0 PER ACRE, 20 or 40 acrea fino berry land on good gravel road, a little ewat of Ureahain with several hundred corda firat-grnwth timber, all ilea vflna and ep.endid aoil, handy to car line, will aell on eaar terms. Knil'KR & KI.KINOTOV. Oreaham, or. S-ROOM bungalow cottage on pavement in Kenton; modern ; 1 block from 7-min. car aervlce, 4 blocks from school. A good buy at $2550; good terms. flee Marvin. Cohh Bro.. 2n3 Qalt at. 6-ROOM HOI'SB. woodahed ahd chicken houae, 50x200 lot, 4 hlocka from school and church, 1 hlock off pavement. Let ua show you thia place, $1350; terma. See Marvin, COBB BROS.. 2WI OAK HT. MT. TABOR home, 7 room. 100x100. Trull tree., double garage, $7000. aat ell. HEAL l.T.Tr.. tee frsile Jlnseea. 4 FINK HOME IKVINti'll'N. $42ts 7-roo.n nlee house, furnace, fit-e-plnee, buffet, full r meet base ment, lot 01m V.. l-'th npvr Till.imx.k.' in Irvington; $iismi t'HStl. LAUUKMlt'RUT $l!0O0 Ntre modern biioaatnir sivle 7 mom honee. strn-l y mortem, of, t, floors. fiutiM.ee. fireplace, sais-. Aovlial ,,t, lieiui all pnl , in Iiureltiural : nv terms. MT. TAIU'lt. $ioih) ftwell s-room house, furnace. 4 f ll-epla.-es, unobstructed view, on loOftliH) corner, paved streets ail-l all lii-na paid. 1 blo k l ear on K. r.:d and Morris on: 'Jo0u cash EAST 1'nKTLAMl HKIGHTH $(.,. )ll latne 9-rm. strictly modern hroae. film."-. 2 fireplaces, nak IT.i. garnre with a (inl.lied room, loo im corner, paved elffel. ehriih berv, rosea, etc.; a fine plaoe for a doctor; $2500 rash; on K. "-'d and Clinton. OKI'KSI I1KNNFTT. 31 ltd, of Trade hl.lg Main 74 2 rORTLAND HEUWIT. room a. and It I a ! homf t -tti living and diiiinv room, iiiiKonitny finiHliri. ; ten nnd klt'heti. ilnt ttlHM window. rry Mt tm-Miv' fircplm-: f)nt fm:r lutc, 'airy bi-lrnii an) l:i.atd-iit a, ik l$.rna( 2 MmM to a-houl. ldMHy imrt. in oy next of inmlitmn. $10..0 la t)i pri.- fop qtilrk pal. C. M. ITIMt. Mi in 4 .-.-.'J Coa A. Mc Kvi.lia, fc Co.. Ma! 4tb at. I.1. BT .MI WIT If AM, KINPK OK FRUIT. Kl.oWKHN. Nil II I H BKHY. C'ilK'KKN UN AN It (iAKDKN: A LMAM FARM IV THb' rlTY, 7 W.nrKN T Woor-STOCK CAR; IIT.'.O; POMK - TKHMS; 4-KOuM H II A O k; WATKR AND OAS. CALL HltL L- wouu ..us. HKAUT1I--'VI- 6-rrw-ro mndrn nun ftittow, A rtma tin nniatr. 2 up tira: hanlwixtd floor., f irMla . full i-amr-nt Immrui; pavri at ; lot AOaldU; ItM-atol in f-MrhM.M, riifttrft t un En l iMh mt , 'J thrk to carl. nr. o V Con-. 1 70 tt.t 3 Ml. al. Phona Tabor JM'i. AMlfCRTA. B-roorn bun an low on Et 1th M., Hoar AI.IAKUTA ; aa h- nt, fir.pluc, rarntra. Ail ff thla fnr j;;.mj f : nt iiai th d-i. C'tii Mr. lorr t n . Mmn 4.i. Coa A. Mckcnua k Co- 2 4 Hi au f..i IkiWN, 1.0 MONTHLY. Lara H-rnoni hru in vrv ponr r-oii-dltion; gut until and gaa for Cthmif. ihirki-n houif, mar 'iO lata aMnrt".! tpar.iitf frtnl trrr-.; gtMinrtrrtra, loaan birrn-n, p.rntv oi flower. lara- pl'-a of runl, 7tt-ri; ttiii'in VV. an. I 11. F ar. Twial prlra f I !'.. )Ur ta a ctiam-a for Mr loimly Man. I'holo al ofJRe. Krrd VV. Ovrman iw.. ! Cham bT of ComMnTii 8HAKK T H E Y A P LO R 1 lelT'io r. A I'. v Clout. In, on K. Morrison trr ; full u.to lt Milh lo(a of fruit, lot aloua m ot 111 K''M, all lnpru amenta In. Al.ru Pan1y (l-ronm bunmlvw n HOth In ix nnn aitla ado 1 1 ton , oirnir lot il-i 1 'la loo, tfriiuKf. I'lion It hi it 1 .. Kvanlnai V.4n JU"i Mr. hunt y. inviNfiTov consFn. A R M OI S-I'FIU K IT.VtO Kin R-ruoin hou in oil t rn in vrn' w tv, wU tiullt an l In aoo1 rnnilitn. fill'' Ihwti, htubbrv anl anrnic. prn only $;.ihi, ' ciiali. Hurry if yon not it lirOI.IAm.H N KHTM KN'T TO. 8.i laik l. hruail my 4 1 .131 MOVIC HHIHT IN-KI'ltNISHKH A M KKV Mi'K; M H'Klt.N, UN 0KtU T I.MT, WITH r-'TIt I'.E T 1AVK1 AM' I'A 1 1 Too i.HS N Will. IIAMil-K THIrt A CmjIi tl'V, AM OUNK't SAVH UK MlT bIJI.Ia AT ONCK. AS THKY ARK LKAVlNCi TOWN. M A K MIAt.L 7.MI Flt AI'I'OINTMKNT, UNION' fAKK lK POSIT St THL f CO.. JM OAK Kl KKA1TIKI L " room ttoua. Ulllaniftn HiKl)i. ; btmguluw aiy l , fully tiX'Uvtii, in e faooo A Ibln.t home i 5-room mod" rn, rxcrpt furnace; giiiJ-n anil fruit. Hix-rooin ho'iirt. liiodurii ruiept hn'; nice lawn nnd Rfri1eti, excellent ronJ ti.tn. f.nr Iti.H k A r,ii PAClr'IO AiENCV.f14 Hwellaml bblg. CI.OKK-IN iV-HNKK, !1.0. TFHMrt 6 room a. Mik I oti, corner lot. e , large fruit trees, grsipea and ahruhnery. m provemontd all In; ey walking d tame ; will be Vn ant A prll lai Phune ownT, Hellwood t'jtil or Jidwy. 2. 1;m0 5 -V I lot COtlOO; H. R. ; aireia in and j id. filial! taoli ! iiiani ; aineiul ,d !o' t ion. Thin la no tnfh, if you ni a Sued home. Ill eat ig -it e Oil" tin at this week. 8a .1. P. Mi K una. Mdincnt and :ii'th. Tabor 4!.i. HACKIF1CE ME QtirK' Modern K-room houste. 4 bedrooma. ftreplai e, furn..e. M corner, hnnt a'irfneed afreet. 7:t4 Clinton at., cor. K 2"-'d Kor qui' k ui tlon we u'tf-r tl.ia for I.imiO; 7O0 cah. balance tcrmi, Dove t.anlncr. 4h lU.ard of Trade AOANT fi-RO " M"l 1 1 N 3 A I At W . H.ird-aui -faced ativet. In f'nr condi tion, will aell cheap. V0 dftain. balance month A-k Mr Knllogg. a. J. iw!-iu:Ksr Co., ;i:u H.niy bblg. IRVINUTON CAR Brnnd new H-rooni ptori-rn bunga low, re v for occutmiM-y March l r. , hard aurfi.ee and axwr ptild; on Ulih mt.. I blk. to cur. Pri'-e $'.50i part caah. Phote owner. Eaat 4tv. HH HA I. K BY oWNEH 7 r o m h o u a", lot 5:1x15. Improvement jn and pat. I , bedroom and balh downataira; bardwood f lMira, fireplace, bullt-lna, iMiti h k 1 1 eh . en, very attractive nile; price l.taoti, terma. Phone Tabor 75A. " $iimrASH AID $20 P E It MONTH N at little '.-room houae on 2d at , near Koater road, for $ I .o0; no mort -rage to aaaume; enly l."0 feet to tar. uu ret.tera better burrv. J. J. Mcl'A HT H T. Abington Tirdg iiHA I'TI Kl L bungalow, 7 rnorn a. al Me I ,y modem. 1 bio. k from Hawthorne a , large concrete garee, with hot end cotd water and light, excellent location and terma. Tabor mA FOR ttAI-E -room conage. ita t.il, 2 puicKa inim t rutin mvm. rarilne. fruit trcea; aultable for greenhouae. c m I Ka-t 7". ilolKUN "-room houaa (n firal-ciaae on- ditlon; nariiwoou noiiri, inmate, ron erf te garage; JHaral terma, no agr nts. 34 K. .Win at. Phona Tabor 1 1 4ft fouVH. ntihg ; M, W. fioora. cement banemenl. lot 50 100; thla Is a UK la beauty verv I'heral terma; no ag"n . ha J. P. McKenna, Ha.mnnt and Win. Tbor SPL h; N I 1 1 5-rnom modem !unrlow, fiiia fruit. nar car. $Vt:ni. eay t.rmi An other, 0 room a, lnitrt0, fine fruit, Mt k It cur. garage, f.'tton, intmi K. M'H MH. a":t M'ALIHN; tit.pf: K SAl.W My owner, lWa City 1'ark bunralow, eaat frwnt. corner, mmns hardwood fioora. furnace, firepiaea, berriea. tieea; i:.0, i rma. 52W hi. 4xin at. North OWNER Waving city ti ael g-romn houaa and garage, Irvington Park; prireN f;ioiH: $M0 caeh, baianca terma. Phot-a U ootilaw n 2 oo J. 1--5 C Slat a i. N., near Jarrett. $liMo 6-r. eoUive Iti Hunnyiri; a c-t home; i thMiK tne lot ta wortli the, money. $-'' caah. baL like ret t J. P. M kenna, Helmont and ait'th aia '4,bor lUU.l. .l(Mifv O r ; iot totiiM); TambHU near :titn; $:100 caah. bal. like rrot. Ti,,a - la now vacant; muat eel) thla week. h J, P. M Henna, Uriuioni and JtUth. T,hor ftt':t. $oo.mi -Kaaily morti Ittuoo a Mount Tabor home, all itiprn.emeota Jn end 1ild. Neea IJ'hhi; trim l wnv. . Ml Kenna, iia.monl and Jtftli. a4'..i 1 tbur g4r.O 5 -ROOM Br.NUALOW. Hid m ell at a. . fUxltMi. pavrd h ar at hool and t ar, e.et: trio Ugli ta. a a a, bat h : 1 1 uoo , aah, HROM PKNNM.TT. 81. Hoard of Trade Hldg. Va'n 7g BCN'tALOW--ft rooma. ottlc, renient baee. m'nt. furnace ; walking (ItatauiHs um Knat 21Mli, betwa,i Statk and iM, Ap ply W2 East 2'th, ror. '" Kaat t'.t 8-HOOM bungalow, flnlahed atlto, lui. h k'tchen, built-in, full cement baarnen. 52xMKi, Hawthorn dtst cheap. $wl B l.i ii oln at. QOINU to build or repair? Get my Mae ,.a eaiartta.-- 1. Altyn. 241 t Ofi"e huura 8 l'i 5 P. M. Phone Ma. a d.'U. hea. phone. Tabor H4. W ANTEI Pulblar ! onatnif t gma .1 houae for ale In partnwrabtp wan n w n r. M n 4 lio. IRVINGTON splendid larra room houaa, fireplnrce, furn ioe. nice ftx'li'ea, garage; llHHMt; good terma. h3 Hpaldlng boJa UA RoAIN NVat 1-rootn modrn rottaa-a, cloae in, W'eat rfidt; fractlunal lot; .uo. Call Mala 7bi, i r"; r T. 6 a 5 n , . - j