THE MORXIXG OBEGOXIAX. TUESDAY. MAKCrT f), 1020 ? - CRIPPLES GET SCHOOLING - r Gifts to Women Jiffy-Jell Users Need Them and are Welcome. See Below IW "CURE" BY FAITH COMPENSATION' APPLICANTS EXAMINED BY STATE. Dr. A. E. Rockey Says Proper! , Diagnosis Is Vital. 10 DANGERS ARE SEEN ' 4 r. ' ! . . .' ..' : - i i -. t V ,' -:) 3 r ' l- r.'-k. A - fill MPL " . III 4, - - sea FEW ADMITTEDLY HELPED I'hysiclan Thinks Facts of Life Cannot Be Ignored and Cures , Effected by Mere Belief. TORTLAXD. March 8. (To the Edl I tor.) The Miracle Man has come and tone. There has been much laying on of hands: "(Jo thy way. Thy faith has made thee whole," has beer. again pronounced and realized as of old. The lame walk, the deaf hear, and the blind see. The kindliness and the mystery have been of pleas ing interest. Of the general helpful ness of faith and hope there can be no doubt, but they are not without limitations, as enthusiasts would iave us believe. Let us here pay tribute to the good Intentions of Mr. Hickson and dis tinguish sharply between his minis trations -and faith cures that are . purely commercial enterprises. Among the 2500 who received the laying on of hands there have been some griev ous disappointments. What is the answer? It is this. There is a gen eral lack of good understanding as to what cousiitutes real infirmity. In one group pain, discomfort and im paired function are often important Indications of physical disorder. They are not infallible and their signifi cance is liable to gross misinterpre tation. The reverse is true. Diagnoni Held Vital. ' In another group deadly maladies are in the beginning often painless and (ause but little discomfort. The former may be of trifling Importance and due to faulty living or some transitory- self-limited disorder. It is as fallacious to exaggerate the' one by giving up to it or complain constantly about it. resorting at the same time to all sorts of foolish treatment or useless operations, as it is to disre gard the slight but significant indi cations of the latter. Herein lies the great importance of Correct diagnosis and of good advice as to the real condition and remedy. The exercise of sound common sense is all that disordered function re quires. Physicians have an axiom that "A case well diagnosed is already half cured." which expresses only half the truth. It saves the neces sity for any supposed cure in that large proportion of complaints with unimportant symptoms that have no real bar'c pathology. It saves also the necessity for attempt at "cure" In those conditions having permanent lesions. What is necessary is to un derstand them, ameliorate them, en dure them and adapt the activities of life to their presence. A man with an amputated limb will scarcely try to grow a new one. He will adapt an artificial substitute. There are many other conditions as definite, but less apparent, in which ceaseless and useless attempt at cure take up time and attention that had better be given to the business of living. Opportunities Are Many. In the first of these two great classes is the green pasture for the faith healer, and others who lay on hands to adjust the spines of the spineless, or to abstract the pocket book of those who have in addition to it only error in belief. Here the popular and ambitious surgeon op erates "successfully for chronic ap pendicitis." or "suspends" fallen stom achs or the pelvic organs of healthy but apprehensive young women. Here the patent medicine industry thrives and swells the bank clearings of the country by millions. Here the healer heals, and the various paths and praetors ply their trade. Here the undiscriminating physician pre scribes useless drugs to patients doomed to another disappointment in their search for that which proper education would show them that they already have within themselves. But sickness is not all error in be . lief, as some teach. Many sad and avoidable calamities come from such dogma. There are absolute physical facts which leave nothing in their re quirements for safety in faith with out works. The timely dose of diph theria antitoxin should not be with held pn the assumption that nothing is wrong. The malignant' cancer should not be allowed to reach an in operable stage. The gastric ulcer should not be allowed to become can cerous or the duodenal ulcer to per forate. The prophylatic dose of te tanus antitoxin is a wise precaution. The early treatment of septic infec tion should not be neglected. Some ed Demonstrated. These and many others require both for individual and public good the prompt administration of standard methods of procedure, developed and proved by serious studious and wise members of the medical' profession. Once more let me repeat that they are not matters of belief. They are demonstrated physical facts. Take as a single example that wide spread malady, hookworm disease. In warm climates when abrasions and cracks on the bare feet and legs are exposed to infected soil the eggs o the hookworm find entrance and hatch to the larval stase. These pen etrate the tissues, enter the blooa stream and are carried to the lungs and readily bore through the thin walled air cells. They have now reached the adult stage with a well developed hook. They are coughed up and swallowed and pass to the duodenum, or upper part of the In- i testinal tract, fastening their hook in the walls, suck the blood of their victim and continue indefinitely to discharge countless eggs to infect the soil further. Another chapter of this interesting life cycle Is that millions of people live anemic unfit lives to an early death as a result of hook worm disease. Will faith, or the laying on of hands cure these victims? Most as suredly not one. Thanks to real scientific research, the problem was solved. Thymol and other germicides, when properly administered, will kill the parasite. The Rockefeller com mission has practically stamped out the disease in our own island of Porto Rico, where 90 per cent of the native Population were afflicted. Our south ern states. Egypt. India and southern China are in the hookworm zone and the victims are millions. Cancer, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, mlaria nk 17!llt and VfhllOW f P V P r BPA rwil thine which need not faith, but ' knowledge. Some are curable, some may be ameliorated and some hap pily preventable. Witness the tri umph of science in prevention of malaria and yellow fever by mosquKo , control and of typhoid ana smallpox by prophylactic vaccination. Food, Not Drags, Held Core. In the motley crowd of those not well are the underfed. Their care worn wrinkled faces, their nerves and their pains are often misunderstood and mistreated by medicines and use- STftiritlMVi Ti mat jai' wnrrai llini ir-r m n n n . Tom Moore, in m snappy scene from his Infest release, "Toby's Bow," whick is tnis lvrrk i attraction at tne jiivoii tnrater. Light that Failed" was dramatized by Forbes Robertson, a similar change from the original story was made. TODAY'S FII.M FEATURES. Majestic Mary Mifes Minter, "Judy of Rogues' Harbor." Columbia Bert Lj tell, "The Right of Way." Peoples Charles Ray, "Alarm Clock Andy." Rivoli Tom Moore, "Toby's Bow." Liberty Wallace Reid, "Dou blf Speed." Slar Mitchell Lewis, "Cali bre 38." Sunset William S. Hart, "Wolves of the Rail." Circle Dolores Cassinelli, "The Right to Lie." FRESH, v-le; a vein o is "Toby-! RL'SH, 'clean and wholesome with of romance and humor s Bow." the Tom Moore picture drama which is the prinefpal feature of this week's programme at the Rivoli theater. Mr. Moore, with his genial Irish smile and his likable spontaneity, is delightful as a young author cloyed with success. The writer is rescued from his lethargy by a young south Screen Gossip. "Alarm Clock Andy." the Charles Ray picture being shown on the Peo ples' screen, probably wia be the last production starring this actor In a small town, bashful hero role. Mr. Ray has been signed up by Kane, or ganizer of Realart. who since his de parture from that new company, has been founding the Kane production company. His first star under the new management is Ray. Mr. Kane has announced that henceforth Mr. Ray will star in a series of dramas which have been famous on the le gitimate stage. His first production will be George Cohan's "Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway." Director' Clarejice Badger prom ises the best of all the Will Rogers pictures in "Jes' Call Me Jim," which is In its final stages of production at the Goldwyn studios, it is a,dramati zation of the novel, "Seven Oaks," by Dr. J. G. Holland, one of the most brilliant writers of narrative in the nineteenth century. "Seven Oaks" was in its cay one or the best seners. snobbish as his pretty mistress. nto Blake s soul come two ambi tions one, to help the daughter, who is striving to save ner family fortune by writing stories which are hope lessly poor, and the other, to receive bow from Toby such as is given to southerners of his respect and liking. Toby is played by Nick Cogley, v. ho. according to press reports, which tell Nine of 14 Workmen Entitled to Benefit of Law Assignea for ? - Vocational Study. SALEM, Or., March .8. (Special.) Fourteen Industrial cripples, entitled to benefits under the workmen's com pensation act, appeared before " the members of the state industrial ac cident commission in Portland Friday and Saturday, where they were ex amined with reference to being placed in educational institutions for voca tional training. Nine of the applicants for assist ance under the law have been assigned to various state and Industrial schools, while action on the other five appli cations has been deferred by the com mission pending further investigation. It is the intention of the commission along some one particular line in Schilling Tea, free from the order Chat thrv may be fitted to .' . . round out their own future. On Wednesday and Friday of this week 16 more applications for voca tional training will appear before the commission in Salem for examinations. The vocational training of these in dustrial cripples is made possible under the direction of the accident commission by a law passed at the recent special session of the state legislature. Will Kirk, who was Instrumental In having the new law adopted, declares that not all cripples entitled to bene- e.7.:7?:.. xl. o r? fits under the workmen's compensa- Zchllll)tg & Co San FranctSCJ Hon act will be assigned to schools, however, for the reason that many of them are already capable of hold ing lucrative positions in the various ( industries or lire siaie. 10 assist Lite latter class of applicants the commis sion will co-operate with them in securing employment. After your first cup ol Schilling Tea, you will wonder how you ever could have been satisfied with common tea. The delicious flavor of puckery taste of tannin, will give you a new idea of tea invigorative, restful, re freshing; There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. HUNT HIDE FOB FOSTER TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL MATE MISSIXG 4 DAYS. IX- Penitentiary Sends Out Data on Portland Slayer Who Once Be fore Wandered Away. heart of a stately, aristocratic heme i only for the strength of his novels, I '"tS v d, J'tr.lpUons f hi, h number., among its members but for the delightful humor that per- I t "Toby." a "colahed" servant, fully as meated them. The title he chose for c?Pe,d 11 om the tate tuberculosi "Seven Oaks" means little to ;his gen eration and therefore was changed for the film version. Anne .Cornwall, who was seen with Lionel Barrymore in "The Copper head," will be featured in future pro ductions. Here it is again! Fritzie Brunette of the unearthing of a programme of (has been widely chronicled as J. War the first "Uncle Tom's Cabin" produc-i ren Kerrigan's leading lady for the tion, is the original Uncle Tom. Re- ! second, third, fourth and fifth suc- sardlers of his past record, he is a ; cessive pictures. Now it is to be re joy throughout the picture in scenes i corded that the sixth is to be set showing the deferential and opinion- down to her credit, with all the praise ated old servant. Doris Pawn plays j for her talent and personality that Eugenia, the aspiring young writer . the fact implies. ' The sixth is "The helped by Blake. House of Whispers," upon which Ker- The concert numbers being played riean has begun work. It is a mys- at the Rivoli this week by the house I tery play of the underworld adapted orcnestra under. tne direction of from the novel by William Johnston. Mischa Guterman, Russian leader, are I the overture from "William Tell" , The Paramount company has decld- ( Rossini) and "Cantilena" i Golter man), a 'cello solo by Christian Poole Two endings the real one and the proverbial "and they lived happily ever afterward" one of "The Right of Way," the photodrama of Sir Gil bert Parker's famous novel in which Bert Lytell is starring, will be shown -J . . 1. r T.- Vntinnal LU I Ull IV- nit a . iwim. ' Board of Review on all of its pictures hereafter. J ... I "Humoresque." the Fanny Hurst j novel originally published in one of ' the leading magazines, is completed ,' after three months' work at New SALEf. Or,. March 8. (Special.) Penitentiary officials today sent out hundreds of circulars containing pho A. B. ight es- s hos pital. Foster was committed to the state penitentiary last September for the murder of Lawrence Goddell, a Port land hotel clerk, but three months later was transferred to the hospital for medical treatment. He was under sentence to serve an indeterminate term of from one year to 13 months. and would have teen subject to re lease early in June. Since being sent to the tuberculosis hospital Foster has displayed a morose disposition, and two weeks ago escaped and went to Portland, where he passed a day visiting- with his sister. He returned "ere voluntarily, however, and ex plained his absence by saying that he was despondent and desired to see his relatives. Following his escape last Thursday night, penitentiary officals communi catedwith his sister in Portland, but late this afternoon he had failed to put in an appearance there. Because of Foster's prolonged absence the of ficials fear he may have committed suicide, or wandered away during a period of mental aberration. ro Jiffy-Jell made with Sun-Maid Raisins or None Such Mince Meat. Made with Style C Mold Pint Size. M Half a Pineapple Crushed to Flavor One Jiffy-Jell Dessert WN eC J at the Columbia theater today. In the i York and other eastern points. Frank original version, it will be' remem- ' Boizage was the director, and the hered. Steele, the hrilliant cvnical ! long time sDent upon the Play is evl- lawyer who loses his identity to save ' dence of a purpose to make it an ex- V the wife for whom he does not care. ' ceptional picture. Realism is said to dies. A new ending cut along typical ; mark it in a high degree. It is a motion picture lines has been devised j story dealing largely with pictur and will be shown following the orig- i esque human masses in New York's inal conclusion. When Kipling's "The I east side. GAR CONFERENCE CALLED DISTRIBUTION TO BE CUSSED TIICRSDAV. DIS- less operations. They are all a direct . of the foolish only to expose their result of lack of balance between I innocent dependents to the maladmin proper food and rest and the useless j istration of the ignorant. When they expenditure of energy in worry and see localized sarcomas rubbed into a badly directed physical energy. j hopeless general dissemination of Here the powerful suggestion of malignant disease, when they see faith may push aside ingrown preju- , tuberculous spines rubbed into a de- dice and correct 'advice as to living generation that means softening and be accepted, followed, and the patient restored to normal. The Emanuel , movement in Boston provided a safe guard against mistakes by extending its spiritual help only to those where oxamination by qualified diagnosti cians proved it to be proper. The regular practice of medicine is based on the accumulation of experience of all time, and avails itself properly of hope and faith. It is not a "school" as those who have named it "allo pathic" think. There is no siich thing. That is the misnomer of those who do not understand. "Miracle" In Belittled. The way to recovery is beset on both sides by pitfalls and dangers. On the one side are the charlatans of all sorts'that prey on the victims of imaginary ills, who need teach ers in the art of correct living, and not physicians. These are wolves in sheep's clothing, in wait to profiteer on those with inconsequential dis orders, or self-limited disease, of promise cure to the incurable. We read in a recent daily paper a boastful story of accomplishment by one who styles himself an ordained minister, but who is practicing a silly cult which should have been marked "paid advertisement," though it was not. It- was of a little girl with a temperature of 104 in the morning, and. then being "adjusted'' was well enough by afternoon to cut out paper dolls. The credulous who believe the miracle may not know what many mothers and all physicians do, that children often have sudden rise of temperature and are normal in a few hours without "adjustments" or treatment of any kind. Many will read, beMeve and take for granted and be gathered into the fold ft 1 1 If "Vou-vb Any Doults as to whether coffee is a friend to your nerves, drink two or three cupfuls at bedtime and think about it during the ' wakeful night. YouH also think of POSTUM J permanent deformity, when they see a ' well-adjusted brace removed and the lame commanded to walk by faith, with the resulting permanent destruc tion of a tuberculous joint, the mis chief will be done and another sad chapter added to their experience. but they may perhaps be more care ful in offering or accepting the ad vice of those who do not know. There are some very real things that require careful examination and diagnosis, skillful treatment and wise advice. Fortunate, indeed, are they who find what they really require in time to save themselves from incur able disease and premature death or life-long disability. "For every malady under the sun there Is a remedy, or there is none. If there be one. try to find it. If there be none, never mind it." Human judgment is fallible and the best In tentions are sometimes wrong. Let us be both diligent and reasonable in our endeavor to base our action on knowledge rather than an assump tion. In this way only can we attain a maximum of good health and happi ness. A. E. ROCKJSY. Influenza Decline Continues. Further decline in new Influenza cases was shown by the records in i the city health bureau, when but 14 ' new cases were reported for the 4S-! hour period ending at 5 o'clock yes- i terday. During the same period two ' earns were recoraea irom the dis ease. Railroad Officials Invited to Meet With Commission and Work Oat Some Better System. . SALEM. Or., March 8. (Special.) Establishment of a more statisfactory and equitable system of distributing cars among the snippers or Oregon will be discussed at a conference to be held in Portland Thursday under the direction of the public service commission. The commission today sent letters to all of the railroads operating in Oregon and it is ex pected that they will have representa tives at the meeting. "As you are aware," says the com mission's letter, "the subject of car distribution is one that is frequently taken up with this body by the various interests and our present thought is that some method may be worked out whereby we can be regu larly furnished such Information as will permit us to be of assistance to all parties, including the shippers. "We are desirous of ascertaining, if possible, to what extent the Ameri can Railway association will control the distribution of cars .throughout the country and are assuming that j the interstate commerce commission has not. as yet, announced its plan in NAME IN EV&RY PAIR Keen eyes fail to detect the differ' ence between finest "suede" and DOETTE MACS IN U6.A. the washable, duplex-fabric glove . . . cut, stitched and shaped like the cosrJiest leather GLOVES FOR MEN. WOMEN & CHILDREN Here is one example of the wealth of fruit in Jiffy-Jell desserts. We crush pineapples in Hawaii fruit too ripe to ship. The juice of half a fruit is con densed and sealed in a vial to flavor one pint dessert. Yet the whole dessert costs but a few cents, ready at your call. So with eight rich fruits which come in Jiffy Jell. All are made from crushed fruit, all are abundant. All come in liquid form, condensed and sealed in glass a bottle in each package. Real-fruit flavors in bottles Mark this Jiffy-Jell distinction. Note how it differs from old-style quick gelatine desserts. Jiffy-Jell alone has these bottled fruit-juice essences. Jiffy-Jell desserts are fruit-made dainties, rich in fruit. The fruit taste is'not mere flavor and not artificial People need fruit daily. Now, when fruit h costly, thft is an ideal way to serve it Complete desserts Jiffy-Jell comes ready-sweetened. It is acid ulated with evaporated fruit acid. A rare grade gelatine is in it, and the fruit-juice es sence in a vial. You simply add hot watr as directed on package, and let cool. Then a package of Jiffy Jell serves six people in mold form, or twelve if you whip the jell. Yet this fruit-made dainty, rich in fruit, costs a trifle. It costs less than serving apples. 'Twill delight you Try Jiffy-Jell in various fruit flavor, fruit flavor for a tart green salad jelL for a mint jell to serve with meats. Learn what these dainties mean to you. Compare them with old-style desserts of this type. We offer you choice of several 50-cent molds if you will do this, and at once. Cut out our offer soT you won't forget. Try lime Try mint regard to the administration of this clause in the transportation, act." Fred A. Buchtel, chairman of the commission, said today that the pres ent distribution of cars was quite un satisfactory and with the return of the railroads to private control he deemed it important to hold a confer ence and agree upon some definite line of action. This action, he says, should be fair both with regard to the interests of the corporation and the shippers. MUNICIAN NOT YET FOUND Hood River's Quest for Band Mas ter So Far Fruitless. HOOD RIVER, Or March 8. (Spe cial.) Although police authorities throughout the country have been no tified, no word has been received as to the whereabouts of R. Clay Craw ford, high school athletic instructor and claimant of the title of British and American "ace," who Is wanted here on a charge of misappropriating funds obtained from students for the purchase of band instruments. Craw ford, who clairred to hav been at one time a member of Susa's band, had organized a boys' band. Advices from Fargo, N. D., said that Crawford may have passed through that city last Tuesday en route with his wife for Cfookston, Minn., where the latter's parents reside. It is be lieved that he may have gone to Can ada. MASON HAVING SOME FUN Representative Wants to Know If Constitution Is Ruined. BOISE, Idaho, March . (Special.) State officials here are considerably amused over a resolution introduced before the present congress by Rep resentatives Mason with reference to the split between President Wilson and Robert Lansing, former secretary of state, a copy of which has been re ceived by them. The resolution says. In part: "Whereas, the Americr..-. people, still Ten Flavors in Glass ViaJs Bottle In Each Package Mint Lime Cherry Raspberry Loganberry Strawberry Pineapple Omut Lemoa CoHes Individual dessert molds Style t The tame in pint size Style-C In assorted styles of alumi num, six to the set The six will serve a full package of Jiffy-Jell. Send S trade-marks for the six assorted. I IK Jiffy-Cup for measuring An aluminum half-pint rup. Fill twice with water to dissolve one package Jiffy-Jell. Use as an exact cup measure in all reci pes. Send 2 trade-marks for it Teaspoon Size Wm.Roers C'Son AA Silver Dessert Spoons, teaspoon size, in a favorite pattern of Wm. Rogers silver plate, guaranteed 20 years. For the first spoon send 2 trade-marks, plus 10c for postage and packing. Then we will offer you the balance of the set. f Free to users Cut out the (g) trade-marks in the circle on the front of Jiffy-Jell packages. Send S for any pint mold or the Set of Six Individual Molds. Send 2 for the Jiffy-Cup, or 2 and 10c for the Spoon. The pint molds are as follows all aluminum. Style B Pint Mold, heart shaped. Style C Pint Mold, fluted as above. Style D Pint Salad Mold. Style E Pint Mold with pinnacles. rint Molda ....Style B ....Style C ....Style D ....Style E ...3et of Six ....Jiffy-Cup .."..Silver Spoon Send S circles for any pint mold or the aet of mix. Send 3 for Jlffy Cup. Bend 2 and lo for epoon. Always Needful Polo Coats CHERRY CHAT In Oregon one needs a polo coat all spring and summer, for here the mornings and evenings are always cool. Cherry's assortment of styles offers pleasing choice and the -values are exceptional. You can secure a fashionable polo coat at Cherry's on convenient monthly terms and likewise any thing else you may desire in outer apparel. x We invite your inspection of the many interesting new spring styles just received. Cherry's, Inc., 391 Washington St. Adv. A Few Minutes a Day for a Good Complexion Try thla simple formula "A Ihtle CREMB ELCATA . nibbed geotly into tbe akin; : then it you need color, a very . little rosge epread carefully over the cbeeke before tbe " cream ie quite dry: aed after . that tbe film of Elcare faoa powder over all. lit Jars at 30 & 60e . Your dealer has ELCAYA and baa sold it for years. 'Ask him. The Beauty of The Lily can be yours. Its wonderfully pure, soft, nearly white ap pearance, free from all blemishes, will be com parable to the perfect beauty of your skin and complexion If you will ui X.... Jiffy Dessert Co., MAIL Waukesha, Wia. ' THIS I enclose... (J) trade-marks for which send the gifts I check at side. Enclose 10c for postage and packing on the spoon alone. sn In fear and trembling as to whether the constitution was broken beyond repair or whether the correspondence between the now president and' the ex-secretary of state is what is known in the French language as "camou flage" and in the Knglish lanfcuape as "hunk": therefore, be it renolved that the committee on foreign affairs be directed to investigate at once and report forthwith: First, whether the constitution has been broken and de stroyed; second, whether the same has been broken beyond repair; third, to recommend whether we should adopt a new constitution or repair the old one; and fourth, as to how the Ameri can people could bept live on their by laws while the new constitution is be ing adopted or the old one repalrsd." Forty-two separate unions are connected- with the shipbuilding; and en gineering: Industries In t'.reat Hrltatn. A Shampoo Worth Trying It is not necessary to shampoo your hair so . frequently if It is entirely and properly cleansed each time by the use of a really good shampoo. The easiest to use and quickest drying shampoo that we can recommend to our readers is one that brings out all the natural beauty of the hair and may be enjoyed at very little expense by dissolving a teaspoonful of can throx, which can be obtained from any druggist's, in a cupof hot .water. This makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply It to all- the hair instead of just to the top of the head. This, when rubbed into the scalp and on to every strand of hair, chemically dissolves all impurities. It is very soothing and cooling in its action, as well as beneficial to- both scalp and hair. After rinsing out the lather so created, you will find the scalp is fresh, clean and free from dandruff, while the hair dries quickly and evenly, developing a bright luster and a soft fluffiness that makes it seem very heavy. Adv. Do You Know Her? ' She's Your Grocer's Sweetheart :: ' ' ' . 4 -V ' .' 'V V ' . . J . 4 . , r- t: V T - .