TIIE MORJiTXG OEEGONIAX, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920 GOAT SHEARING . VALLEY HAS BEGUN 0 Course of Mohair Market This Year Uncertain. IMPORTATIONS ARE FACTOR 000 barrels of flour, averaging $10.82 per barrel for flour delivered Baltimore basis, and $10 per barrel Pacific roast basis Bank Clearings. Bank cIearlng.of the northwestern cities yesterday were Us follows: 'ClearlnRs. Balances. Portland . $5,881,217 1.24,794 Seattle 6.S44.71S 1,478.687 Tacoma 86.1,059 123.411 Spokane 2,11i,960 851,337 STOCK LIST 69.60 Turkish Hair Is Already Arriving in This Country and Can Be Bought at Moderate Price. A few small flocks of goats have been shorn in the valley, but shearing will not be general for at least two weeks yet. It Is early for Indications as to the course of this season's prices and the few signs appearing are not entirely favorable. Growers for some time have feared the effect of the dumping of Turkish mohair on the American market, and It Is no satisfaction to them to learn that such hair Is now arriving In this country and is being laid down at New York and Bos ton at 453."0 cents a pound. The position of the foreign exchange market favors these imports. Turkey accumulated a vast quantity of mohair during the war and much of It has already been shipped to England. The British government has re moved all restrictions on the shipment of mohair from that country t all destina tions. The latest advices from the cape are of firm markets, with prices higher than In this country. Local conditions of this sort frequently develop In Oregon as well, and it is no uniirual thing for country merchants to open the season by paying prices several cents above the market. When conditions are right, this sort of speculation pays, but it remains to be seen whether mohair will act this season as it did during the war period. With the Turkish menace and the abundance of cheap coarse wools It looks as if the market would have some difficulty In mak ing progress upward. 88.501 OK. 00 89.00 49.50 ... . 60.00 basis. $2.20 60.00 per PORTLAND MARK EJT QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Oats Bid. No. 3 white feed $59.00 $59.50 Corn. No. 3 yellow .' 59.00 Eastern oats and corn, bulk CitLlM 86-lb. clipped 38-lb. clipped Corn No. 3 yellow WHEAT Government bushel. FLOUR Family patents, $13.15; bakers' hard wheat. $11.75; whole wheat, $12.03; graham, $11.80; valley. $11.40; straights, $11 per barreL MILLFEED Prices f. c b. mill, city cartage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots oz mixed cars, $41.50 per ton; rolled barley. $71; roiled oats, $63.50; ground barley, $71; sera tcb feed. $80. CORN Whole, $68: cracked, $68 per ton. HAY Buying prices, I. o. b. Portland; Alfalfa. $30.50: cheat. $17 18; clover. ' $25; oats and vetch, $28; valley timothy. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 63c per pound; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, 6jo per pound; cartoas, t6c; ball boxes, VgQ more: less than half boxes, lc more; but terfat. No. 1 64 65c per pound at sta tions; Portland delivery, ordinary grades, 67c; A grade, 69c EG US Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, case count, 39c; 'candled, 43a: selects. 45046c. CHEESE Tillamook, 1. o. b. Tillamook; Tripleas, 32c; Young Americas. 33c; long horns, 33c Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets. Sic; loung Amer icas, 3214c. POULTRY Hens, 3135c; springs, 329 3rc: broilers, 40c; ducks. 45c; geese, 20 25c; turkeys, live, 40c; dressed, choice, 50c VEAL Fancy. per pound. PORK Fancy, 20c per pound. ADVAXCES OF 2 TO 6 POINTS IX ACTIVE ISSUES. CORN BIDS ARE AGAIN ADVANCED Sixty Dollars Offered for Bulk Shinment n IoraI Board. The coarse grain market was quiet but firm. Corn bids were advanced another 50 cents at the Merchants' exchange, while oats were unchanged to 25 cents higher. Barley was steady at San Francisco, with sales of Slay at $3.63. At Chicago Hay barley cwed 2i cents higher (at $1.45(4. Terminal receipts, in cars, were re poried by the Merchants' exchange as follows: Portland Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Thursday 33 Year ago t SiHHin to date..t494 Year ago 6131 Tacoma Wednesday .... 50 Year ago 20 Season to date..n43 Year aso 4745 Seattle Wednesday .... Year ago.'. 22 Season to date. .44ft Year ago... . . . 4S17 12 20 1t-.! 3057 410 1434 012 1909 604 2669 10 ... 1 4 72 2143 '151 BfS 31 .. 137 1042 "i 'i 13 2S0 RS6 591 107 65 llftg 510 2258 LARGE FLOUR STOCKS AT HONGKONG Heavy Imports Due to High Mrs Silver. The Hongkong flour situation Is de scribed in a recent consular report: There has been a material increase In the stock on hand, reports showing about 650.000 bags of flour compared with about 300,000 bags a month ago. Arrivals from Australia and north China have been large and the offtake has not been as brisK as anticipated. The immense increase in the buying power of silver led to considerable Imports from the United States as well as from Australia, in both cases to the dis advantage of north China flour. At the close of the month American patsnt was selling at $3.40 and cutoff tt $3.40 per bag. Australia No. 1 was quoted at $2 80 and No. 2 at $2.62. while i-harm-bai flour was "quoted at $2.82 per bag. With the somewhat easior situation in the rice mar ket the demand for flour has fallen off considerably. OREGON APPLES STEADY IN EAST Loral Market Holds Tts Own With Mod erate Supplies. Apples were steady and unchanged lo . eally with a moderate supply on hand and a fair demand. Shipments Wednes day were 11 cars from this state. Roller sales made on Tuesday were: Yakima One car WInesapa XF. shipped February 24, $3.15; F. $2.00; C, $2.50; one car Wine saps XF, stripped February 11, $2.75; one car Winesaps XF, shipped February 25, $3, Wenatchee One car shipped February , Winesaps XF, $3; F, $2.75; C $2.25; 2 cars Winesaps XF, shipped February 20 and 24. $3. Other districts Two cars XF Winesaps shipped February 19, $2.85. At the New York auction 2100 boxes of Oregon Newtowns, extra fancy, were sold at $2.103.35, fancy at $2.352.75. aver age $2.70; 740 boxes of Winesaps brought $2.65rS.10. average $2.93 : 945 boxes, more er less frosted, sold at $1.62' 2.55. As average of $2.03. IXQCIRT FOR HOPS IS MODERATE Prices on Three-Year Terms Average 40 to 45 Tents. There Is a moderate demand In the hop market for three-year contracts and some Inquiry for contracts covering four and five years. The terms and arrange ments vary widely, but the three-year bids average 40 to 45 cents. Spots are quoted nominally at 76 cents. It is a question whether a bid at this price could be obtained and it Is also doubtful wheth er such an offer. If. made, would.be ac cepted. Exports from the United States for the month of December, 197!), were 2,523,063 pounds, of 4vhioh 1,864,247 pounds were, to England. For September to December last, both Inclusive. 12,822.316 pounds were ex ported, of which 10.419,071 pounds were to England. " Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $4.007.75: lemons, $6.75r7.50 per boxi grapefruit, $3.500 7.50 per box; bananas, 10 a 11c per pound; ap ples. $1.2083 per box; cranberries, $4.00 per box, $12 per barrel. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 67c per pound; lettuce. $33.r0 per crate: beets. $3.50 sack; cucumbers, $2&3 per doz. ; carrots, $1.75 per sack; celery, $11 pel crate; horseradish. 15c per pound; garlic, 40c per pound; turnips, $4 per sack; cauii flower, $1.753.25 per crate; tomatoes, $4 per box; parsnips. $3.50 per sack; arti chokes. $1.75r- per dozen; peppers. 35&40c per pound; spinach, $2.2 per box; rhu barb. $3.50 per. box: peas, lS'(i20c per pound, sprouts, 17c per pound; asparagus. 303.ic per pound. i'OTATOKS Oregon. $4.50?5 per sack: Yaklmas, $5.506; sweets, 7 10c pound. ONIONS Oregon, fify'Sc per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane, granulated, 15.90c per pound; extra C, 15.90c; Golden C, 15.40c; Yellow D, 16.30c; cube. In bar. rels, 16.75c NUTS Walnuts. 8239c; Brazil nuts, SOc; filberts, 35c; almonds, S5(38c; pea nuts, 15(fl5Hc; chestnuts, 25c: pecana 32c; hickory nuts, 15 W 16c, cocoanuts, $. oer dozen. SALT Halt ground, 100s, $17.75 per ton; 60s, $19.50 per ton; dairy, $26.5028 per ton; best refined. 60s, $36.50. RICE Blue Rose, 16c per pound. BEANS White, 8 lie. pink, 84c: lima, 17c per pound; bayous. 10c Mexican reds, 8c per pound. COFlfKE Roasted. In drums, 39 0 51c Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 34037c: skinned, 279 35c; picnic, 27y2Sc; cottuge roll, SOc LARD Tierce basis, 2sc; compound, 26 Der bound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 2832c; plates, 23c BACON Fancy. 41050c; standard, S3 39c ' Hides and Felts. HIDES Salt hides. 45 and down, lb., 30c; green hides, 45 and down, lb., 26c; salt bides, 45 and up, lb.. 24c; green hides, 45 and up, lb., 20c; salt and green calf to 15 lbs., lb., 70c; salt and green kip, 15 to 30 lbs. 40c; flint dry hides, lb.. 35c; flint dry calf to 7 lbs., lb., 70c; salt norm hides, large, each. $8; salt horse hides, medium, each, $7; salt horse hides, small, each. $6; colt and glue horse bides at value. PELTS Dry fine long wool pelts, lb., 40c; dry coarse long . wool pelts, lb., 5c; dry fine short wool pelts, lb., 85c; dry co&rst short wool pelts, lb., 25c; dry sheep shearings at value; salt fine long wool pelts, Februarys, each, $3.504; salt coarss long wool pelts, Februarys, each, $33.60; bait sheep, shearlings at value; dry goats. long hair, per lb., 25c; dry goats, short hsir, per lb., 20c; salt goats, large, 1-W 3.50: salt goats, medium, eacn, salt goats, small, each $161.50; shearlings and kids at value. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, parrels, $2.08: raw, cases, $2.21; boiled, barrels, $2.08 boiled, drums, $2.11; boiled, cases, $2.23. TURPENTINE Tanks, $2.13; cases, 2.28. CoAL OIL Iron barrels, 1314 16c; tank wagons. 13ftc; cases, Z40P31C GASOLINE Iron barrela 25c: tank wagons, 25c; cases, SoHc Hops. Wool, Etc HOPS 1919 crop, 76c per pound; 3-year contracts, 404uc average. , MOHAIR Long staple, 4045c; short staple, 25 930c. TALLOW No. 1, 10c; No. . 2, So psr pound. CASCARA BARK Per lb.. 1114c WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine. 4O0Stc medium. 4550c; coarse, 3537o; valley. medium, ou&2c; coarse, 3557c tower Rates for Call Money and Strength of Foreign Exchange Responsible for Gains. NEW YORK. March 4. The vastlv bet ter tons and increased activity manifested by the stock market today were popularly attributed to a lowering of the rate for can money and the further strength of for eign exchange. Demand loans opened at 9 per cent for mo iirst time in almost two weeks, hold ing at that rate throughout the session. Demand bills on London made an over- night advance of 11 cents to $3.5S or 39 cents above the lowest record of a month ago. There were many interesting rumors cur rent in connection with the, vigorous rise of the British remittances, these including a prediction of early heavy exports of goiu irom London to this country. Brokers reported an accession of public interest in the stock market, especially irom western centers. ' beveral of the high priced Industrials and specialties rallied with such ease as to cause Hasty covering of short con tracts. Among leathers, text! leu art A mptal, iuou ana paper snares, overnight advances extenaea irom 2 to 6 point, while numer ous affiliated Issues, including tobaccos uu cuemicais, made gains ox 2 to points. Sales. 875.000 shares Bonds were firm to strong in the for eign division, but liberty Issues eased and Domestic rails and Industrials were Irregu lar. Total sales, par valu-?. aggregated $12,875,000.-. Old United States bonds were uucnangea on caiL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last High. Low. taie. 80 79 80 V4 43 ti 42Vs 4314 t'i .1.(1 2, COO win 8.400 4,000 2,200 200 1,1100 2,000 400 700 300 Sales. Am Beet Sug. goo Am Can . 6,800 Am Car & Fdy 3.400 Am H & L pfd ljioo Am Loco 11,'SOO Am Sm & Rfg 2,200 Am Sugar Rfg 1.S0O Am Sum Tob. Am Tei & Tel. Am Z L & Sm Anaconda Cod Atchison A Ci & W I S S Baldwin Loco. 68..100 Bait & Ohio.. 4.IHI0 Beth Steel B. 15,::u0 B & s 'opper 2,400 (.'alif Petrol . . 2,600 lanaaian rat Cent Leather.. Ches & Ohio.. Chi M & St P. Chi & N W . . Chi R I Pan 26 400 Chino Copper. 900 Col Fu & Iron 300 Corn Products 12rTiOO Crucible Steel. 5,800 Cuba Cane Sug 1,500 U S Fd Prods 2,000 Erie 000 Gen Electric. . , 700 Gen Motors . .. 14,300 Gt No pfd 1.400 Gt No Ore ctfs .l.::00 Insplr Copper. 1.5O0 Int M M pfd.. 14.000 Inter Nickel.. 2,900 Inter Paper . . 4.400 K C Southern. 1,000 Kennecott Cop 1,200 Louis & Nash. 100 Mexican Petrol 14.800 Miami Copper 100 Midvale Steel. ' 3.900 Missouri Pac. 2,700 Nevada Coo .. 300 N Y Central, v 1.300 N Y N H & H 10,300 Norf & West.. 100 Northern Pac. 700 Pan-Am Pet.. 2S.200 Pennsylvania.. 8,500 Pitts & W Va. 200 Pittsburg Coal 1,200 Ray Con Cop. 2,(100 Reading 1,400 Rep At & Steel 23,400 Sin & Rfg. 43,000 Southern Pac. 5.500 Southern Ry.. S.tiOO, Studebaker Co 20,600 Texas Co .... 1 J. 0110 Tobacco Prods 6.000 Union Pacific. 1,900 Untd Retl Strs 10,200 U S Ind Alco. 5.500 U S Steel .... 83.700 do pfd 800 Utah Copper. . 00 Western Union 200 Westing Elect 1.700 Willys-Overind 4,200 National Lead: ::no Ohio Cits Gas. 1.400 Royal Dutch.. 22,500 9414 l?f 8714 9814 1914 57 82 88 111 tU4 87 14 -M 37 .l-':4 8014 f6 ?.8 814 .18 ' SO 83 10S -3 62 ' 1 4 i 18214 24714 77 14 37 -i 53!4 36 !? 2S?4 10314 17714 414 20 1474 7114 833, . 0414 7874 sSi 42 28 r. 18 7514 90 41 '4 06 "4 2tl4 86 183 64 120 89 V 8 97 111 73U S 514 2114 7714 44 79 42 131 19 9214 59 123 83 87 1814 5!4 82 S7T4 108 35 - 85 ' 35 110 78 65 37 'A 88 - 32 3814 SI 14 196 41 59 14 100 244 ,77 37 51. 33 20 74 17 28 103 171 20 94 6214 126 86 08 . 19 67 82 t 88 ni'.r ;'.s 87 26 37 120K 80 55 38 86 '4 37 33 S3 8:1 108 4,'i 6: 14 Ki2 24., 771 37 S6 21 76 1 i 28 103 176 tier, $2.252.35; 4-tier. $1.902.15; Ore. gon Spitzenburg, $2.503.25; Oregon New town pippins, $2.503; Arkansas Black. $3.25; California, $2g2.23; rhubarb, bay stock, 10312c per pound. $2.256 2.50 box. Receipts Flour, 64 quarters; wheat, 800 centals; barley, 3722 centals; oats, 100 centals; beans, 2123 sacks; corn. 23S5 centals; potatoes, 6971 sacks; onions,- 91 sacks; hay. 15 tons; eggs, 100,506 dozen oranges; 2000 boxes. - Sharp Advance in Coffee Futures. NEW YORK, March 4. The market for coffee futures showed renewed firmness today, owing to reiterated reports of an improved spot demand, while there were also rumors that inquiries from Germany were being received In the Rio market. Owing to the interrupted cable service the rumors were neither denied or confirmed and there were no official quotations from the Brazilian markets, but It was reported that some of the local houses had received bullish advices ' from Brazil by way of London. The market opened at an ad vance of 15 to 19 points, with active months selling 87 to 42 points net higher during the early afternoon. This carried May up to 16.20c, or more than a cent above the law level of last Saturday, and attracted enough realizing to cause re actions for a few minutes, although sell ing otherwise was held in raeck by the bullish spot talk and advance In sterling exchange. May closed at 15.02c, with tn general list showing a net advance of 14 to 24 points. - Closing bids: March, 14.60c; May, 15.02c; July. 15.25c: SeDtember. 15.07c; October, 16.06c; December, 15.04c opot conee, steady. Rio 7s, 1514c; San ios s, nivi9Zc. BULGE IN CORN HIE IS TOP fiKADE SELLS AT FIFTEEN". CEXT ADVAXCE. Cattle and Sheep Are Steady and Unchanged Only Seven Loads Received. . The market was quiet at the North Portland yards, with only seven loads re ceived. Hogs continued firm in price and about 15 cents higher, with top grade selling at $18.25. Former prices ruled in toe cattle and sheep divisions, where the tone of the market was steady. Receipts were 80 cattle and 235 hogs. The day's sales were as follows: Wt Price.l wt. Price. Icow.... 960 $ 6.00 2 hogs.... 110 $14.00 4 cows. .. 067 8.50(30 lambs.. . 91 17.00 6.7oi25 steers... 1371 4.25 1 hog 630 7.00 1 hog 830 5.001 7 hogs.... 472 7.50135 hogs.... 181 7.501 1 hog.... 6.5584 hogs... u.uuii:: nogs. the states, districts and counties and the United! States reclamation service and was designated to overcome the objections of the treasury depart ment to the original measure pre pared by the executive committee ot the western states reclamation asso ciation at its conference held recent ly in Washington. State .Engineer Cupper Is a mem ber of this committee. DAILY CITY STATISTICS BLIZZARD AXD GEKMAX" RE LIEF STREXGTHEX PRICES. Receipts From XoWOn Expected to Decline Oats Rise Checked ' by Profit Taking. 45 27 14 71 32 94 78 85 42 27 . 54 17 74 87 30 94 23 83 1S9 61 11S 67 711 05 110 69 85 50 24 77 43 8 101 BONDS. U S Lib 8s... 95.541 Anglo-Fr 5s... do 1st 4s ....9O.10IA T & T cv 6s do 2d 4s 89.80 Atch gen 4s Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Mar. 4. Butter flrss. un changed; eggs steady, unchanged; cheese sieaaier, uncnangea. . . CHICAGO,. Mar. 4. Bntter higher. Creamery, 44 64c. Eggs unsettled. Receipts 14.900 cases. rirsts, 449144 c; ordinary firsts, 41 soc; at mars., cases inciuaea, 4JW44C Live poultry lower. Springs, 34c; fowls, 00c Cereal Exports Are Lighter. Exports of cereals and flour from the United States In January-of this and last year compare as follows: Barley, bushels.. Corn, bushels... Oats, bushels.... Rye, bushels. . . . , Wheat, bushels..... Flour, barrels Jan. .1020. Jan.. 191 .1.264.319 9.13 U4 .2,211.145 1.177.299 .1,756.984 10.144.545 . 91.143 .1.201.973 .8.4S0.O72 9,042,992 842.518 2.702.218 .Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 4. Copper easier. spot ana iirst quarter. lsc; second quar ter. IW, Iron unchanged. Antimony. ll.S7c. Lead quiet. Spot and March. 9 ST 9.37c Zinc quiet. East St. Louis spot, 8.50 3 0.0 JC Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK,' March 4. Evaporated ap ples, irregular; western, lone 15c; state. IBVI -tC. Prunes, easy; Calif ornlas, 930c; Ore gons, 11 21c " Peaches, quiet - New York Sugar Market. new lUKJv, siarcn 4. Raw sugar. iirm; centrliugai, ll.o4c; line granulat ed, 14616c. - - , Dululh Linseed Market, DULUTH, March 4. Linseed, $5.00. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 4. Cotton Spot, quiet. Middling, 40.ere. Exports for the past seven months of this and last season were: , . . , This Season Last Season xriTT, uusneis z.ll4.&xs Corn, bushels 8.080,604 Oats, bushels 26.188,353 Rye, bushels 9.620,743 Wheat, bushels 82.fifi7.278 Flour, barrels 10,748.840 4.609.334 12,541.763 75.642,414 4.503.595 114.628.401 10,340,83$ Eg Buying Prices Reduced. With lower bids made by eastern egg buyers the market here weakened again Offers of 38- cents were sent to the coun try for today's shipment. On the street, eggs were offered at 39 cents case count with few takers. 1 Butter was steady at the recent- de cline In print prices. Cubes were quoted at 6$ cents and they were scarce. . Poultry and dressed meats were steady and unchanged. Flonr Booght by Grain Corporation. The United States grain corporation an. Bounced yesterday from New York that it has purchased at various points through out th United states this week about S40 - 84 Boys and) Girls Make $230 7.64 ABERDEEN, Wash., March 4. (Special.) The boys and girls of Grays Harbor county made a good record as club members last year, ac cording to figures - furnished by County Agent. O. T. McWhorter. One hundred and six of the 342 enrolled sent in their reports to the Stats college. Eighty-four of the 106 report ing were found to have made a profit on their products. None but those showing a profit receive achievement pins. These 84 made a profit on their work for the year of $2307.64. Dr. Wheeler Receives Call. UNIVERSITY' OP OREGON, Eugene, March 4. (Special.) Dr. R. H. Wheeler, professor of psychology in the university, has accepted a posi tion as professor of psychology at the summer session of Leland Stan ford Junior university. He will leave Eugene immediately after the close of the spring term here, u do 1st 4s. ..91.28 do 2d 4 Us-.-89.901 do 3d 4s...92.X4 do 4th 4Vs. . .90.101 Victory 3s ...97.36! do 4s 91 U S 2s reg...lflfl do coupon ..100 U S 4s reg 106 do coupon ..106 Pan 3s reg 88 do coupon . .88 D & R G con 4s NYC deb 6s. N P 4s N P 3s Pac T & T 5s.. 38;Pa con 4s.... S P cv 5s , So Ry 6s U P 4s , U S Steel 5s. ... 46 28 14 71 32 94 78 42 56 18 75 89 . 41 96 24 182 64 JL'O 69 97 1101 711 86 24 77 441 101 , OS 96 . 76 62 70 54V 85 91 101 84 87 CHICAGO. Mar. 4. Corn enhanced ran idly In value today owing to a widespread onzzara and talk of far-reaching credi relief for Germany. The market closed nervous, 2 to 3 cents net higher, with May (1.43 to tl.43 and Julv 11..1SV to 91.06. oats gained c to lc. The out' come in provisions varied from c de cline to a rise of S7 cents. Even before the possible effects of the nnzzard began to attract the general at tention of the corn trade prices had an pwara slant as a result of assumed Uke hood that receipts from now would he decreased. Additional impetus to the ud- ard swing of values came later through gossip about furnishing help to Germany on seourity to take agreed precedence of existing liens on her resources. On the ouige mat ronowed all deliveries except May touched Hhe highest figures yet this Dcanuii. Oats tended upward with corn, but were checked by heavy profit-taking. Provisions rallied In response to chances w. improvement m export business. Leading futures ranged as follows: , CORN. open. IMgh. Low. HV v1-4-'1 11-40 1.34 1.37. 1.34 1.31 1.3S 1.30 OATS. .82 .83 .82 -77 .78 MESS PORK. 3r,.50 35.60 ' 85.35 30.40 35.65 35.30 LARD. 21.30 21.72 21 30 22.27 21.S5 SHORT RIBS. May.... 18.60 1S7K im July-- 39:17 19.0S i ash prices were: $l."rT"n7' 3 mixed N- 3 yellow, 89a!:- 2 Wh'te" 01 92; No' 3 white' JOe No.' 2, 1.70S1.71. Barley 11.4201. 54. 1 s Timothy seed $12ffl4. Clover seed $4059 Pork Nominal. Lard $20.92. Ribs $1810. May.... July.... Sept.... May.... July.... May July.... May.... July.... Close. SI.43- 1.36 1.32 .83 .1 i 35.47 30.00 21.72 22.27 18.75 19.17 Minneapolis tirain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 4. Barley 1L2" Pl.43. Flax, 15.05 &5.15. ' Grain at San Francisco. ' SAN FRANCISCO. Mareh A r-i Wheat, J2.20; oats, red feed, J3.20rai3 25; barley, feed. $3.403.45: com rur.- nia yellow. 13.20tffi3.25: white 13.76g3.80; red milo. 3.203.25. naj Wheat or wheat and oats. 1.1.111 as per ton; tame oats. 137040: wildoat i-'s g-32; barley. 128I&132: alfalfa Mi7- stock hay. J29&32; barley straw. 00 SOc per bale. 1 cow 950 lcow.... 920 1 COW... .1080 1 cow... .1350 4 cows... 957 -1 bull.. 4 mid, 3 hogs. 1 hog.. 2 hogs. 48 hogs. 1 hog. . 1 hog. . 9 hogs. Marriage Licenses. JOHANNESE-BERGFJORD Bjorn Jo han Johannesen, 37. 487 East Ankeny street, and Abaa C. Bergfjord, 37, 65 East Sixth street North. ANKBLLS-TOW1TZKY Isadore Garfield Ankelus, 23. 630 First street, and Emma TowltzKy, tsju second street. SPADA-CATKRINA Frank Spada. SO, Hillsdale, Or., and Josephine Caterina, 29, 52.6 East Stephens street. Vancouver Maniacs Licenses. i.uui jvj 1 ufi-j p:.n v n; 11 raui l. rucn, 1, 10.50 i Cornelius. Or., and Esther B. Bennett, 18, .1380 .1055 . 353 . 400 . 320 . 182 . 390 . 480 . 2a0 15 hogs.. . 1 bog.. .. 7 hogs... 5 hogs. . . 7 hogs.. . 1.00( 1 hog 120 1 cow 90 14.75 13.00i 16.00 15.00 14.001 620 183 208 203 330 24 196 335 14.00 14.00 ia.00 16.2 13.00 16.25 15. 16.00 14.00 14.75 18.00 14.25 14.50 6.00 Livestock prices at the Portland stock- yarns were as zoiiows: Cattle Prlc. Best grain, pulp-fed steers. .$10.50 li 11.00 Choice steers lO.OOfa 10.50 Good to choice steers 9.50 a 10.00 Meaium to good steers 8.50i 9 Fair to good steers 7.50G 8.50 Common to fair steers 6.50 "7.50 unoice cows and heifers 8.50 850 Fair to medium cows, heifers... 5.509 6.50 Canners 8.00 5.50 Bulls 5.00" 7.50 Prime light calves 15.00CS17.00 Medium to light calves 10.00'gi 15.50 Heavy calves 7.0(olO.OO Stockers and feeders ......... 7.00 t 8.00 nogs Prime mixed 13.5016.2 Medium and mixed 15.00 s 15.50 Rough heavy ll.O0ifrl5.0O figs lJ.OOjJ14.U0 sneeD Eastern lambs - 17.00018.00 Light valley Iambs ..- 16.00g'17.00 Heavy valley lambs 14.50tj I0.0O Feeder lambs 12.O0W15.00 Wethers -14.00W14.50 Yearlings 15. 00 15.50 Ewes 10.00 12.00 Bid; "asked. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Mar. 4. Closing quotations: Allouez -33 Ariz, Com 11 Calu & Ariz 61 Calu & Hecla. .345 Centennial Cop Range . East Butte . . Franklin .... Isle Royalle . Lake Copper. Mohawk 14 41 13 4 30 3 62 North Butte 15 Old Dom il Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE. March 4. nit d.n.. Feed, mill, 148 per ton: scratch f..H feeo wheat, J87; all grain chop. J75; o;.ts ?i2; sprouting oats, 174; rolled oats, 172 whole corn, 72; cracked corn, J74; rolled '-j. io, viippeu oariey, 58. Hly Eastern Washington .timothy, i,A-u, f-ntf,t per ion; double com. piessja, ; airaua. 530: straw. ii7iiia. Puget Sound. $33. . Oscsola Quincy Suitarior Sup & Boston. Shannon Utah Con Winona ....... Wolverine .... 46 58 6 4ti 1 8 1 18 Honey, Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, March 4. Mercantile pa per, 6 6 6 per cent. Sterling, 60-day bills, $3.46 ; commer cial 60-day bills on banks, $3.46 ; com mercial 60-day bills, $3.48; demand. $3.50; cables, $3.51. Francs, demand 14.02, .cables 14.00; Belgian francs, demand 13. 02, cables 13.50; guilders, demand 36. cables 37; lires, demand 18.22, cables 18.70; marks, demand 1.02, cables 1.03. Government bonds, irregular: railroad bonds firm. Time loans, strong; all dates, 8 per cent. Call money, steady; high, 9 per cent: low. 9 per cent; ruling rate, 9 per cent: closing bid, 8 per cent, offered at 9 per cent; last- loan, w per cent. Bank acceptances, 6 per cent. Bar silver, $1.31. Mexican dollars, $1.00. v .a ' LONDON, March 4. Bar ellver, 84d per ounce. Money ana discount unchanged. Swift C Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by overbeck Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 119K. Liony, McNeill Utjoy.... 23, oivni iiiieriiaiionai ................. 41 National Leather 14 Southern Crude OH Advances. HOUSTON. Tex.. March 4. The Gulf Pipe Line company announced . today it would pay $2.50 a barrel for coastal crude. an advance of 25 cents. The advance af fects all fields in south Texas and south ern Louisiana. The Texas company and Humble Pipe Line company .bave met the advance. Sbriners to Form Club. ABERDEEN. Wash.. March 4 ( Sne- ciaL) Shriners of Grays Harbor will meet Friday evening at Masonic temple for the purpose of forming a Grays Harbor Shriners' club. The club is regarded by Shriners as an organization of importance, affording opportunity for closer affiliation of the Knights of the Fez in business and social life and a ready means of getting together between ceremonials of various temples of the Mystic Shrine. " - DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. March 4 Maximum temperature, cn degrees; minimum ttm perature, 41 degrees. River reading, 8 a. ai., a.o reet: change in last 24 hours, u.k-iooi rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.) .33-Inch; total rainfall since Sep tember 1, 1919, 22.39 Inches: normal rain- lall since September 1, 32.39 inches;, defi ciency of rainfall since September 1, 1919, to lncnes. bunrlse. 6:44 A M ' cmnBet 6:01 P. M. ; total sunshine, 3 hours 30 min utes; possible sunshine. 11 hours 17 min utes. Moonrise, 6:22 P.-M.; moonset. 6:15 A. M. Barometer (reduced sea level). B f. m.. iv so incnes. Relative humid tv: u A. per cent; Iloou, ov per cent 5 P. M., 71 per cent. ! THE WEATHER. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, March 4. Hogs Rmecipts. 30,000; market weak to 15c lower; top, S15.30; bulk of sales, $14.40i 15.15. Heavy, $1414.75; medium, $14.60'o) 15.15: light. 114.854?' 15.30: light light. $14.25 Itf 15. 10; heavy packing sows, smooth, $1313.50; packing sows, rough, $12.4012.90; pigs, $13. 20 W14.50. cattle Receipts. 11,000; market steady. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $14.2o(t)16; medium and good, $11.5014.20; common, $9.50 ril.50; light weight, good and choice, $12,259 15.25; common and medium, $9& 12.25; butcher cattle, $7013.25; cows, $6.75& 12.25; canners and cutters, $4.50(6.75; veal calves, $15&16.50; feeder steers, $8.25 011.65; stocker steers, $7 W 10.60. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; market weak. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $17.25G20; culls and common, $14017; ewes, medium, good and choice, $11014.25; culls and common, $6010.75. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, March ' 4. Hogs Receipts. 1.000: market steady to 25c higher; top. $14.45; bulk of 'sales, $13.70014.20. Heavy weight, $13.70014; medium weight, $14 0 14.45; light weight, $13.90 14. 25; light ight, $13.25014; heavy packing sows. mooth. $13.2o(i3.70; packing sows, rouh, $12.75013.25; pigs, $11013. Cattle Receipts, 3u00; killing classes mostly 25c higher; feeders strong. Beef steers, medium 'and heavy weight, choice and ' prime, $13.75014.75; medium and good, $11.25013.75; common, $9.50Gf11.25; ght weight, good and cnolce, 1114; common and medium, $9012; butcher cat tle, heifers, $7012; cows, $6.0011.50 canners and cutters, $4.25 0 6.50; veal calves, light and handy weight, $140 5.4o; leeder steers, sixff ix.oo; siocs-er teers, $7 01L Sheep Receipts, 5000; market generally steady. Lambs, 84 pounds down. $170 9.35; culls and common, sij.00016.00; yearling wethers, $14.50 17; ewes, me- ium and choice, Jlo.oO'fl u.io; culls and common, $u.iw,'!MO..io. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY.' March 4. Sheep Re ceipts 1500. active and strong. Lambs, 6.50019. -5: cuns ana common, ti.w 6.25; yearling wethers, $150 17.50; ewes. $11013.75; culls and common, $5,25 0 10.75; breeding ewes, $9.50015; feeder lambs, $14.75018.75. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, March 4. Hogs, receipts 149, steady. Prime, $15.70016.35; medium to choice, $14.75l.r75: rough heavies, $13.75 014.35; pigs, $12013. Cattle Receipts 28. weak. Best steers. $10.50011: medium to choice, $8.30010 common to good, $709; cows and heifers. $4.50010; common to good, xo.-'Cdpu; bulls, $708; culls, $7015. . Forest Grove. Or. HOLT-PAGAN Arthur Holt. legal, Kent Or- and Jean Pagan, legal. New York. LOEFFLER-RICE Ed Loeffler, 38. Portland, and Mrs. Melviua Rice, 45, Port land. LEPFELL-HALY Rueben Leffell. legal, Portland, and Estella Haly. legal. Portland. LEYBOLD-FISHEK John Leybold. 30, Tacoma. Wash., and V el ma Fisher, -o, Oukilule Wash. HOTCHK1SS-SIMMONS D. H. Hotch- kiss, 44. Portlaud, and Frankie Simmons, 34, Portland. .tiCKSON-HATNKS Clvde Jackson. Se attle. Wash., and Ira Haynes, legal. Gas ton. Or. ntTK'K-SHORT Fells Duke, legal. Pen dleton. Or., and Blanch Short, legal. Hills- boro, Or. Ridgefield Gets Xew Buildings. RIDGEFIELD, Wash., March 4. (Special.) Material is being as sembled for two more business build InKs in Ridgefield. One will be the new home of the Ridgefield State Bank and the other will house Gree ley's Ford garage. Both buildings will be constructed of brick, and will be modern. Xew Sawmill Starts Work. CENTRAL! A. Wash., March 4. (Special.) Operations were started this week at the new sawmill con structed at Mendota by the M. E. Johnson Lumber company. The new plant has a capacity of 60,000 feet every eight hours. Price of Milk Reduced. CHEHALJS, Wash., March 4 (Spe cial.) A cut of 30 cents per cwt. In he price of milk for the first half of March is announced at the Chehalis condenser. The price now has dropped to $2.75 per hundred as against $3.0d for the latter half of February. Advancing Civilization Community, state and aational development must keep in the lead of advancing civilization. That city, state or nation becomes great when its people look beyond the pal of the present when they do their day'g" work with the determination that its rewards must accumulate to the benefit of each succeeding day. Issuing- bonds is the way municipalities and govcnimenU anticipate the future and provide funds for developments and needed improvements. They take time by the fore lock and bring into being with one stroke what it would take 10, 20 or 30 years to accomplish on a strictly cash basis. Back of these bonds are pledged all of the taxable re tources of the issuing government every house, indus trial plant and taxable thing. The bond issues create the improvements and developments advancing civiliza tion benefits from them and helps pay for them over a period of years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If yon most sell your I Iherty er Vlrtorr hoada, sell Is as. If rsa raa ssj saera Liberty sr Irtory bonds, bur from as. On March 4. l;o. the elonlng New York mrkt prices wer. as rlvos Mt Tney are the governing prices tor Liberty and Vif.nrr bcin.U all vr the world, and the highest. Ws a'v,rtia th-M prl. es d.i!;y In onl .r that too irer always know tn Now Tjrk market and tli exact vaiu of your Liberty and Mctorjr bonda: 1" 1st 2d 1st 2d Kd 4th Victor Hi 4s 4. 4,a 4 s 4 a ,. 4I Market... $113 S4 $110 20 $ SO 110 $U1.J $MI Ml $1.2 SO li 10 $t7 40 $1.7 0 Interest.. .78 . 1.22 . l.so 2 01 1 m .si j tm Total $S8.2 $91.09 $I)0.N2 $112.20 101.10 $04.31 $!I1.JS fun 2$ IM When buying we deduct 37e on a $r.O bond and $2 M on a $1000 bond. W s sell at the New lork market plus the accrued lnl-rit. ilursjlar aad Fireproof Safe Drpiw.lt Hole for Heat. Opea Vntil I P. M. baturdajs MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The rremler Municipal Bond lions. Capital One Mlllioa Italian, MOKRIS Kill. DIMi. .100-311 UTAHK bTBKKT. IIKTMKKN TII AND sTri. Telrphoae Broadway Sl.'.L. i:tMMiiied Over a Quart Oatarr. . Ki-Poiicc Chief Banqueted. ABERDEEN, Wash., March 4. (Special.) iriends of retiring Police Chief Geergre Dean entertained him at dinner last night W. J. Patter- eon presided. The guests. Including Mayor Roy Sargent, paid the ex chief hiRrh tribute. ROAD BILL INTRODUCED 51'XARY MEASURE CARRIES MILLIONS FOR WEST. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET & : L5w,ndl ! Il l f h ff f ill Wsathar. If If I I II ' 1 j r 11 . . w cloudy Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, March 4. Butter- Extra grade, 6O540; prime firsts, nominal. Eggs Fresh extras, 40c; firsts, 87'c: extra puuets, 3oc; undersized. 32c Cheese Old. steady; California flats, fancy, 33" c; firsts, liOc; young Americas. Sloe. Poultry Hens. . large, S741c: vounr roosters, 43 45c; old; 22 20c; fryers, 60 ej'oac; broilers, ouac; seese, per lb., 35 6 3Sc; ducks. 286-olc; Belgian bares, 18 20c; lackrabblts. $33.S0 per dozen: turkeys, dressed, 61?54c; pigeons. ' Der dozen, $2.5O3.50; squabs, 70 & 75c per lb. Vegetables Squash. - cream. 75c $1; Hubbard. 34c per lb.; summer squash. 2.50&3; tomatoes. Mexican. $101.50 per crate; fancy, repacked, $L752 per SO-lb. lug: potatoes, Rivers, $5 5.50 per cental; sweet, 65fco per lb.; Oregon Bur- banks, $5.25gr.50; Oregon Americam Won ders, $5.40 5.00; Idaho Gem' $5.50; onions, white, $5 per cental: Australian brown. $4.50 per box; cucumbers, hot house $34.50 per box; English, 3?3.25: garlic. 2225c per lb.; celery. $47 per. crate; rtlchokes, per dozen, 65cw$l; turnips. $1.7502; carrots. $1.25; cauliflower, per ozen, 60ioc; lettuce, southern, $1.50 85: Imperial valley. $282.25: neas. siffl 14c: sprouts, 67c per lb.: asparagus, nat ural growth, 124 15c; fancy. 17420c; spinach, per lb., 47c; do, crate, $22.25; green onions, sz per box. Fruit uranges, navels, H.liflfe; lemons. $3.50 5.75: grapefruit, $2.25&3.25; tan gerines. $.1W4: per half orange box: bananas, $46: pineapples, ;J.50)6.50 per doz. ; pears, cooking, $11.50 per lug; winter I-seliBj. -s!B: Oregon, S4; apples yewtown pippins, 3 ii -tier, $2.352. (. Baker . Boise . . Boston Calgary Chicago IJenver Des Moines.. Eureka .... Galvesotn . . Helena ..... t Juneau Kansas City. l.os Angeles. Marshfield . Medford .... MinneaDalis . New Orleans New York. . North Head. Phoenix Pocatello Portland . . . Roseburg ... Sacramento . St. Louis.... Salt Lake... San Diego... S. Francisco. Seattle 'Sitka Spokane .... Tacoma Tatoosh Isld. tValdez Walla Walla Y, ashington. Winnipeg .. Yakima ... NW B N NW 60. 3: 42 au 41 4: 40 46! 301 46 461 40! 26 32 40 40 33 32 MSI 44O.OH 46,0.02 3S!0.00'24! 4:'0.04l. -I 44 '1.00)30 40 0.00 L.I 1S!0.06!12NV, 5410.02 10 X 620. 40!20 NW 20'0.01 . . N 300.00 12,3 2410.34 24I.V 6810. 00. , SW 5610.62 . . SW 56:0.00 . , W 12I0.16;20!NW 64;0. 62)18 NW 44 0.00 341E 480.321S,S 7OjO.O0i..W 3810.02 ..(SW 54 0.3.1ilOSW Pt. cloudy Cloudy fcioudy NWlSnow 30-0.161. . SW Pt. cloudy Clear 'loudy Clear Pt. cloudy talear rClear IClear Cloudy Clear (Clear Clear ' Cloudy Rain . Clear Pt. cloudy Rain ;Pt. cloudy 600.0014NWKlear 4S0.68I24INW 4210.01 . . SK 64l0.O0lo!.NWi 62 .00!14W 48 0.30i20'S 3610.001. .INE 420.8O(..SW 45 0.16110'SW 46 1.04I10IW 2810.001. J.V 520.14!12W 52iO.00:12SE kJloudy 4!0.0010jNW 32 S8i0.0012iW Clear Snow Clear rClear kCloudy Clear fcloudy . Cloudy itain Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy t A. M. today, ing day. P. M. report of preced- FORBCASTS. Portland" and vicinitjr Probably rain; southwesterly winds. Oregon Probably rain In the northwest portion, rain or snow in the east portion, fair in the southwest portion; moderate southwesterly winds. - Washingtc Probably rain In the, west portion, rain or snow In the east portion; ss4arat ouUWBsieriy winds, Substitute Act Provides Payments Direct From Treasury In Aiding States. SALEM, Or., March 4. (Special.) A bill providing for an appropriation of $250,000,000 for the construction of roads has been introduced in the United States congress in lieu of the DroDOsed measure drafted by the (fill!) s V . 57 Per Cent Hydro-Electric B7 prr cent ot the electric out put ot Connumem Poiver Com pany come from ltn hydro electric plnntH. 74 communl tien nerved. The bonds or debenture of thin company offer mm attract ive Investment. General and Refunding: Vm 72S7o baia Debenture Serial 7 7.77'c banin Complete illustrated circular sent on request for OR-2iQ The National City v Company Correspondent Offices in over 60 Cities. Portland Yeon Buildins;. Telephone Main 0072. :::-::k:k-:-:k-c-::::4k-:k !:! !:!!. ?5. facts no. .50s .!?. ii is XX . B: wtm Stare Reclamation associa- ' VV tnrfnv t th offices or fercv A. jud- a per, state engineer. The substitute bill -was dTawn up by Senator Charles McNary, and provides that the total appropriation shall be expended in amounts of $15,000,000 a year. , The money appropriated by this bill, according: to Senator McNary, will come direct from the , united States treasury unless the funds of that department ehall have been ex hausted. In this event tne govern ment is authorized to issue Donas to make ud the deficit. Under the original bill drawn by the reclama tion association it was provided that the entire 25fl,000,000 should be raised by bonds. Provision also is made in me dui for means of co-operation between ' AUTO SERVICE W i t'h the comple tion of the Colum bia River highway from Hood River to Astoria, a distance of 180 miles, pas senger and freight service by aulo vehiJle every day in the year will be assured, A trip more d e i i g h t f ul cannot be imagined, because it will all be paved with X WARRENITE BITULITHIC WARREX BROS. COMPA V. .u. XX vv St '. XX H vv :-: E $30,000 Province of ALBERTA Guaranteeing Alberta 4V2. University of Due Jan., 1924 PRICE 90.60 and interest. To Yield BONDS AND INT. PAYABLE IN U. S. FUNDS Cgnada't Fourth Largest Province. Larger Than Any State, Texas Excepted OUR MARCH LIST OF 57 SECURITIES SENT ON REQUEST tumberrr.epsrrus1" o. M tjaasBt I A 1 . . Borvds -Trusts-Acceptances Capital m. Surplus f6oa.s) Sl0-.r.ciBeo l""r,Bl1- KorTi aro, urstqorw S.ttl Under Supervision Banking Dept. State of Oregon 6 ,j;..;.VVVV. Writs) for SUppiBi Tift aei Frite lis) SULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO. 1M Front St. Portland -tffni III Make Permanent Investments Now History repeats itself, tut it takes years to do it and you may never again have the opportunity of making investments at such high interest rates as now offered. , Therefore, it is sound business judgment to get your money out for as long a time as possible. To get 6Vi and 79e it is not neces sary to depart from the safe, established kind of securities. You do not need to speculate in new enterprises. You can buy from us: , Oregon Municipal Bonds paying. .5.23 . . First Mortgage Bonds paying.... 6 ViVo " Preferred Stocks paying 7 Canadian Provincial Bonds paying. .1 Blyth. Witter. & CO. ' UNITED SEMES GOVEBJtMHTT MUNICIPAL AMD C0RPGKAU0IT BONDS YEOJtf BUILDING, PORTLAND TELEPHONE MAIN 3304 San Francisco New York Seattle Los Angeles About 7 This yield can be obtained on the securities of the Consumers Power Company, operating in the most prosperous part of Southern, Michigan. . L flevereaux R(5mpany ST Sixth St. Municipal Bonds Ground Floor Wells-Farg-o Bids;. Broadway 1942 Investment ye own and operate the strategically located salmon, clam, beef and vegetable cannery, general store, hotel and transportation business of the old established Superior Trading Co. We intend to at once greatly enlarge the entire plant and build a coasting vessel large enough to handle the rapidly growing business. Our freight rate is believed to be highest in United States. We buy our fish for 60 less than other canneries. Store and hotel have no competition. Send for and read our circular and you will believe with us that the investment is absolutely safe and a conserva tive estimate of profits is hOt, yearly. Stock selling now at 10c. Fully paid and nnn-aasesKable. Washington Corporation. Capital $100,000. Queets Trading Co., Iloquiam, Wash.. Some people cannot afford to speculate, just as they cannot afford a-steam yacht. Speculation is a luxury. Is it one that you can afford? Sound bonds yield an attractive income return and when carefully chosen are entirely safe. 'The House Built Square" Qirstens & paries, Incorporated Government, Municipal and Corporation Bond . Third Floor U. S. Bank BMg, Phone: Broadway 4108