-..'. ,- I .-... . ... - J 20 THE 3I0RXLG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, 31 ARCH 4, 1920 1 vj "at WANTKD-MISCELLANEOTB. Furniture Wanted. MA-RSHALL 698L GEVURTZ FURNITURE) CO.. WK BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD FCR N1TURB FOR SPOT CASH. ALL. CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAT; HIGHEST PRICKS PAID. WB ARB THB OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF UliH KIND IN PU HI LAND. 183 FIRiiT 6T- PHONE MARSHALL 603L CALL MAIN SOD IMMEDIATELY. W E PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANIONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR XaILOR. MAIN 30U. WILL PAT THE HIGHEST PRICB FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK, FOR MR. OKilANDV. W ANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Two competent salesmen by first-class furniture house; preference given to those with experience in ex rhantre department: permanent position to tho.e who can qualify. AG 740, Ore gonian. "W" 4NTBIJ All around farmhand, with knowledge of oiling engines and im Ra tion; able to htand.e six-horse plow team. Work year round in central Ore iron: $75 per month and board. Ah. 4, Oreffonian. - LtMBERMBN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY .4t Ankeny St.. cor. d. Just starting lone job. fc8 construction millwrights, J..30. Large mill; come today. U'M HBRMEN S EM PLUYMENT AGENCY TWO neat appearing youns men. .:-.. to do advertising work f Sales Co. Call 2 to 3 P no iplephone. calls. II r International M.. Thursday; E. Yambert, Washington hotel. WANTED Live, wide-awake salesman in our retail store; one experienced in seeds, garden and poultry supplies preferred; must be voung and active. Call Rout- led pc Seed r Moral o.. - r.vt' iih (..itior fpprtpr bolter man ana "tvnr for niirht shift to start Thursday Wii-ht at. A o'clock. Annly Kayok Lum ber Mfg. Co.. East I'd and Market sts., near Standard Wood Co. WANTED AT ONCE First-Hass experi enced open-shop lathe, boring mill ana milling machine machinists for work In citv. Apply -u Oregon uiu,., . Oak sts. TOUNG MAN with dry goods and window ffimmlnr experience: s plenum oppui ttinitv for the right man. J. C. Penney Company. Couch bldg MAN to operate donkey engine on t;na ..i-nnr- muxt have exDoneiiC' drag with dragline. Will contract job if preferred Box AC 477. Oregonian. ti- a vtkti Spvpra I wood sniitters. split- t- tl ner cord. work at Gresham," long job. Call Haight after 6 p. m.. Tabor :.:;t7. "UUUiHT industrious hoy of IS years who rt io t-m FrtoH trade: $:i per day tA ..art Mt. Hood factory. 2Xi Couch street. iViVTRn Office hov: opportunity for ad vancement in wholesale house; state age. experience, references ana pnone numoer, AH f, Oregonian. " uoon turner: must be experienced and have tools; piecework; steady employ ment. Apply at once, Orgon Chair Co., 11!0 Macadam st. Main 34'.r. UHBBT metal mechanics; prefer mechan ics who have had experience in blow pipe work: state experience. Address H. J. Burns. P. O. box IS 12. Spokane, ash. GOOD cook for country club: single man preferred, or man with wife to. act as maid and watt table; give references; good pav. N 40. Oregonian. TV ANTED AT ONCE Fin-t-clats experi enced open-shop mnlders for work in citv. Apply o20 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. ; WANTED Janitor lor apt. house; must be able to operate strain heating plant; will furnish ant. See Mr. Ballis. WAKE Fl ELI , FRIES & CO.. e5 Fo urth st. WANTED AT ONCE Fin-'l -class experi enced mnlders for work in city. Apply VJO Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. ToUN'G MAN about 'S2. offi-e work and fill orders: $75 to start; good future BF Oregonian. . "VI NTED Men to cut oak cord wood near Fugene: good batching facilities. Apply .1. S. Beall. Woodlawn 3171. DRAFTSMAN with knowledge of building terms and construction. .State expe rience and salary. H '2S, Oregonian. jENwa!ited for sawmill and yard work; no charge for wood, water or rent; school handy. Jamea Cole, Devitt. Or. WANTED Experienced sanderman to run 4-inch new Columbia standard. Fenner Mfg. Co.. foot of MCKenna ave. TAILORS, ATTEN T I O N ! Strike still on in I'ortiand. LOCAL NO. 74. WANTED Station men for rock quarry, all-summer work, close to city carline. Call Main 54S7 after 6 P. M. WANTED Bovs over IB years for long and short shift. Apply Oregon alleys, JSl5 Broadway. BOY or elderly ,farm. Call al Richmond car. man who can milk for once 5H'i E. 21st st. NIGHT CLERK for out-of-town -hotel; state age. experience and phone num ber. V fM), Oregonian . LoY to work in drug store, exempt from school: no night work-.. 677 Williams ave. TjRITfiCilST. recistered. long experience, good references: steady job; good salary. Call P. O. Pharmacy. Bdwy. and Glisan. WANTED High school graduate for work in bank. Apply in own hand writing. Y 35. Oregonian. FARM HAND No teaming. milking chores; easy job. Apply corner 89th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor carline. LEARN PRACTICAL SHOW-CARD WRITING . Night classes. McDermott school. WANT first-class oetau sticker man and &ah men. McMmnville Planing Mill McMinnville, Or. EXPERIENCED tailor, must be first-clasa collar and sleeve baster. Apply Browns ville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison. WANTED Men Sam Connell bid city. for yard work. Appiy Lumber Co.. 20S Beck A MAN for general office help; state age. experience and salary expected. X 450, Oregonian. BARBER wanted; good wages in first class town and barber shop. Inquire at Jacob Miller Barber Supply Co.. 232 3d. ICB CREA M and candymaker for retail store. Rainbow Confectionery, Nam pa, Idaho. WANTED Exp. janitor, unmarried, for small apt. building by F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD milker to milk 18-20 cows and do some barn or milk house work; good pay. BJ 3H6, Oregonian. WA NTED At once, go od baker's helper, experienced. Atlas Bakery, McMinn ville. Or. . GOOD live errand boy wanted, must have bicvcle; will start at 12 per week. 'Call at Universal Fitm Exchange. 405 Davis. WANTED Man to tend furnace night and morning In exrhange for 2 -room fur nished apt. Bdwy. 450!. JANITOR Experienced n large apartment house; color. Main 8757. an and wife for no objection to WANTED 2 experienced car tallymen; $6 15 for eight hours. Crosse tt Western Lumber Co.. Wauna, Or. WANTED A man who is willing to work and wants to make money: slate your capabilities. 703 Spalding bldg. SALESMEN Automobile citv and country. 839 bldV accessories for Cham, of Com. BARBER shop. wanted. Morgan bldg. barber COUNTER MAN. Leighton's Lunch. Washington sL MAKK-UP and pressman. $36. Enterprise. Oregon City. Or. Morning WANTED A busbelman and presser. 423 Jefferson. AUTO TOP trimmer wanted at once. Ros eiter Bro.. Union ave. and Pine st. WANTED Ist-clas automobile mechanic E as t ern Oregon Auto Co.. Vale. Or. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper. Mult nomah botel. See Mr. Campbell. LEARNThe vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. W CVTED 4 construction millwrights $7.50. Call 13 North 2d st. MAS and wife for janitor work in apart mnt house. 394 Fift hst GOOD all around single man wanted, who can drive truck. H25 Washington st. WANTED Union 21 103 man with Ford auto. A MAN and work team. 1565 Front at. Kasper Kuho, Main 1790. HELP WANTED MALaE. SHIPBUILDERS WANTED. MACHINIST FOR SHOP AND MARINE. JOINERS SHI FW RIGHTS. WOODCALKERS AND PATTERNMAKERS. BLACKSMITHS HEAVY AND LIOHT FIRES. TOO (-SMITHS. ANGLESM1THS ANGLE AND FRAME SETTERS. RIVETERS AND HOLDERS ON. BOILERMAKERS. PIPEFITTERS STEADY EMPLOYMENT TN ONE OF THIS BEST EQUIPPED SHIPYARDS IX THE UNITED STATES. Yard was closed by strike October 1. j ;fni. wnith still exists, but since opening more than 4000 men have re- tu-ncd to work on the American plan, UurK in Oak ami r fnrn il For further Information apply 620 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. no tott Kvnw That 09 per cent of the prospects ha investigate the Adcox- Auto scnooi an roll? WHTt Because we make them a proposition Uiey simply can t turn down. SI PATAUHi FREE. The full details of this unusual offer re round In a large, impressive doo. that costs us almost SI. but we will gladly send it to any ambitions fellow FREE. Call or write lor your copy: ask for Book No. IB. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. Tn rTr tj prpk TO YOU. For full Dttrticulars and free catalog call or write ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. SOf) IVKVPfDivvr.rr. mn wanted to qualify as automobile, true and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene ers and tire vuicanizers; only "to' nmhil,. . ,...- ...Iwml -x-et OI Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ins soldiers auto mechanics; don t en roll In any other school until you nave inspected this one; railroad fare renin a ed if alter personal inspection you nna nnv lnixronroventuilnn regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg ely system of schools in the world; tour large schools. Write nearest brancn Ih.t.1 t vmni-'Dx: a i TO 1 1 1 K I AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets, Spokane, Wash.; tO iiercjer o, Seattle. Wash. 18.287 YOUNG MtN have, in the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "i for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All meif in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room u". Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men UNQUESTIONABLY THE SUPERIOR SCHOOL: WE PAY STUDENTS WHILE LEARNING. We teach our students by practical experience as well as the theory. In what? .Automobiles, gas tractors, sta tionary and marine engines, ignition svstems. srenerators. starting motors. itt-hrinf? vs-fm and tora.se batteries. Our students take down aTid build up automobiles and tractors. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. To prove that this school excels we give four weeks' free trial in the best automo bile school in the northwest. Satisfied students boost our school. Hemphill's teachings brings you succs YOUR opportunity is here now; capable men and women can always De wen placed; much desirable territory is now available In Oregon for life insurance salesman who can deliver policies in sat isfactory volume. Inquiries about local ities will have careful consideration. If you believe you can write life insurance in your territory, let us offer you our co-operative plan. Address alt inquiries to the general agent Capital Life In surance Co., 1200 Wilcox budg., Port land. Or. 'iOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN. All de partments, big demand everywhere ior high-class men; past experience unneces sary; we train you for big-paying, digni fied petitions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houees open ing; shortage of department beads and executives acute; write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training school, desk 1416 Mather bldg.. Washington, 1. C. WANTED TODAY. WANTED Several power station opera tors; in answering give quali fications and past experience in detail ; references, whether married or single and salary expected. Address Supt. of Power, Pacific power & Light Company, Pasco, Washington. WANTED 2 OR .3 FIRST-CLASS MA CHI N I STS, ST E AD Y .1 0 US, GO 1 NG WAGES. APPLY PENINSULA IRON WORKS. AUTOMOBILE and tractor scnool; new buildine: modern euulDment; best In' struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 41ti Y. M. C. A. bldg. Phone Main 8700, branch 2. ADVERTISING solicitor wanted for Port- - land issue of national publication. Pre fer man with special edition or news paper experience. In answering glv telephone number. Apply AV 374. Ore gonian. WANTED Competent gardener, must have knowledge of greenhouse operation and domes-tic animals; live on place. steady, year round position; good wages right party. Inquire or write Marsh. 705 Northwestern Bank bidg. W, ANTED Order clerk with experience in wholesale drug business, by well estab lished firm; good salary; permanent po sition and every chance for advancement. Answer, giving qualifications, AN 207, Oregonian. WANTED Two men familiar with rough carpenter work to set up two siios, build feeding sheds and fences, either by day or contract; work near Eugene. Or; about two months' work: good baching facili ties. J. S. Beall, Woodlawn 3171. WANTED By old-established firm, sheet metal workers for automobile body and repair work; must be capable men; steady job. Write Novelty Carriage works, Spokane, Wash. HAWTHORNE aUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE.. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. LABORERS for paper mill work; inside and outside jobs: no experience required; steady work; chance of advancement. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldg., bee A n K e ny and Burnside on 6th st. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds rail way mail clerks, mail carriers; expe rience unnecessary; commence (100 month.. Particulars AV 233. Oregonian. WANTED First-class harnessmaker with factory experience. Steady position, good salary. Address Boise Saddlery & Find i n gs-company, Boise, Idaho. SALESMAN by wholesale fruit and pro duce bouse, city work; when answering statedexperience, salary expected. AG 705, Oregonian. SIX or eight good, all-round loggers with families; no charge for wood, water or rent; school handy. James Cole, Devitt, Oregon. EXPERIENCED off-presser on coat and vest, can find steady employment at Brownsville Woolen Mills.. 3d and Mor rison. WANTED at once, man who understand! electric systems on automobiles. Do not apply unless you are a first-class man. Hemphill's Trade Schools, Inc., 7 Haw thorne ave. Plast 20th. WANTED Polite young man experienced in grocery' line; must be a good sales man: must have best of references; good wages to right man. 249 Yamhill. WANTED Stenographer with some ex perience for railroad office, 987.50 month with fine opportunity for ad vancement. AL 745. Oregonian. WANTED Aggressive, active man to take working interest in manufacturing busi ness: small capital required. AL 772, Oregonian. WANTED Two men to cut brush on diked tideiand at $50 per acre; cabin with stove on land. Address Albin Hcn d r ic kson.R. 1. box 41. Westp ort. O r WANTED Experienced R- R. station agent; salary and express commissions. Address AE 894, Oregonidn. WANTED Stenographer, railroad experi ence, $110 per mo.; good chance to learn railroading. H 47, Oregonian' Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN wanted Can vou sell 1000 gallons of floor oil in Portland at 20 per cent commission? Tf so I can five you a Job. Plummer. 2tf0 3d st. SALESMAN, middle aged or young man; good opportunity for advancement; must qualify for a bond. Address P. O. box TWO SALESMEN who can sell stock: also sales manager'capahle of handling sell ing campaign. Call 727 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FOR $5 you ran go Into business for vonr self. 83! Chamber of Commerce bids-, 4th and Star a. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Sal ram en. SALESMAN WANTED. REQUIRE AT ONCE FOR EAST ERN OREGON AND SOUTHERN IDAHO. LIVE, AMBITIOUS SALES MAN OF NOT LESS THAN -3 YEARS' SUCCESSFUL ROAD SELLING EX PERIENCE. WE MANUFACTURE "W II I Z" BRAND AUTOMOBILE CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES. SELLING DIRECT TO AUTOMOBILE. HARD WARE AND GENERAL STORE TRADE. DELIVERIES PROMPT FROM OUR PORTLAND FACTORY BRANCH. THIS IS A REAL OPPOR TUNITY FOR A MAN WHO CAN HANDLE A BIG LINE. WE REQUEST lOLK APPLICATION BY MAIL GIV ING GENERAL OUTLINE. YOUR PAST EXPERIENCE, AGE. ETC. INTER VIEWS WILL BE PROMPTLY AP POINTED. THE R. M. HOLLINGS HEAD CO.. l'JTH AND UPSHUR STS. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have excellent opportunity for an experienced real estate salesman who can handle suburban homes and farms close to Portland. Per manent position, with all the helps a modern office can give. McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO., REALTORS. 322-326 HENRY BUILDING. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have excellent opening for a high class city property salesman, a man who can handle homes to sell at $75'" and up; permanent posi tion, with all the aids a modern office can jtive. McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO.. REALTORS. 322-326 HENRY BUILDING. ATTENTION. SALESMEN If you are good house-to-house canvasser I'll teach you how to sell phonographs: some of I our salesmen, are making 55 weekly: we need two more live men ; come and 311 tell you more about It. Man ager. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Wash ington St. L. FOUR honest, intelligent, wide-awake, am bitious men, who can recognize and wil grasp an opportunity xo connect tnem- selves with a clean, fascinating business; large earnings, rapid promotion to right men. Mr. Fox, after 10 A. M., 1100 Spalding bldg. LIVE-WIRE, result-getting truck sales men for Portland and Multnomah coun- j ty. We have a splendid proposition and a thoroughbred truck ; a wonderful op portunity for the right man to make big money. AR 415, Oregonian. SALESMAN. Tire salesman by established 1 tire I house: prefer one having Fort land a quaintance; big money can be made by good hustler, an 24. oregonian. WANTED A salesman with executive ability, in an institution, who, when able to quality, will De given a permanent position with suitable remuneration. 703 Spalding bldg. HIGH-CLASS salesman to take over first- class proposition as manager; small cao- Ital required. Call for H. H. Chapman. room tiifv, juunnoraan notei, Deu u a. m. an d 1 2. t ENERGETIC young man under 30 for . salesman; must have references and be j willing to work hard for $23 per week to start; expenses paid. AG 748, Ore gonian. SALESMAN to make farm-to-rarm can vass selling high-grade silo. Answer fully by mail, giving your telephone! numper; personam interview later. 275 Oak st. WANT E D--G ood . live agents for Oregon and Wash. This is no junk. Call at 332 Washington st.. near 17th. NONE good barber, 234 First, corner Main. 20 guarantee. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent to represent us in the northwest on a commission basis; prefer party also handling other lines that will not conflict; we have a very strong line of men's shirts.papts. hosiery, etc. Re ply to THE ELKUS COMPANY. San Francisco. Cat. INSURANCE. AGENTS wanted In each town in Oregon and Washington for large old-line company writing general fire, grain and automobile Insurance. AO 272. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS SELL AUTO INDI CATORS. AUTO NECESSITY. 337 BURNSIDE ST. AGENTS at once, selling 50c per month hospital tickets 501 Corbett bldg. MEN and women agents, see us. 155 Broad way. Algrat Co., distributors. HELP W ANTED FEMALE. WANTED Woman to take care of 5 year old girl, from 8 to 6, while parents are working; cart have use of lot for garden. Call East 6869. WANTED 3 good hand ironers; also girls to work on mangles, experience not necessary. Crystal Laundry, East 21st aL and Sandy hlvd. Rose City car. WANTED Dictaphone operator, with lumber experience for out-of-town posi tion. Salary $125. fare paid. Apply The j Dicta phone. 4'JU spaming oiag. WANTED Bright young lady for office work, nart stenograph y. part clerical ; state experience and qualifications, also salary desired. Ali oregonian. M I DDLE-AGED woman employed during day can have room rent free for -light services morning and evening. 4b2it Washington st. WANTED Maid for country club, one with experience waiting table; pleasant -work, good pay; give references. N 33, Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman to care for home and boy 2l years old. wages $2.50 per day. Apply 1070 E. 14th N.; Alberta district. WANTED Chocolate dipper for out of i town and all around candy girl: salary no object if can qualify. The Lily, Cor- vallis. Or. WANTED Lady flunkey, $75. room board, close in. 235 Burnside. and GIRL wanted for office work and wait on store: good at figures. Kiverview Dairy, 1003 Belmont. WANTED High school girl I children for room and board, wages. Main 6099. o care for reasonable WOMEN for office work as cashier and stenographer. J. C. Penney Co., Couch bldg. - WANTED Housekeeper for widower. 4 in family. A. F. Hatcher. 1533 Oatman st. WANTED Girl for billing and stenog raphic work. Russell & Gibert Candy I Co.. East 24th and Holladay. GIRL or woman wanted to assist with housework; good home. Apply 511 East i Sth st. north. GIRL to work from 5:30 to 8:30 P. M. in reception room, American Conservatory or music, fliers fliusic oing. WANTED Girls for bindery work, experi ence not necessary. Davis & Holman. Ill 2d st. WANTED Woman for laundry work. Ap ply New system w et wash. 507 East Flanders. COUNTER GIRL wanted. 126 5th st. Liberty Lunch, WANTED Maids. Multnomaa Hotel. Ap ply Ash-street entrance. WANTED Chambermaid at Old People's Home, Kaat d.o and banay. WANTED Dining room girl. Phone Wood la 2915. 1751 Derby. WANTED A CARVER. POLLY ANN CAFETERIA. 137 10TH ST. WANTED Trimmer. Apply 1562 B. Sellwood car to .Lexington ave. WANTED First-class cook for ranch near Harrisburg, Or. AB 36. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced 427 Alder st. maid. Apply I EXPERIENCED bus girl, 6 days Cat'n Fiddle, 145 Broadway. MILLINERY makers and trimmers wanted. Apply iowengart at jo. WANTED Experienced usher. New Grand theater. 105 6th st. WANTED Apprentices, $10 a week to start. Paris Hat mis, to., mi Alder. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES. J. C. Penney Co., Couch bldg. MARKERS at once for Salem; good sai- n-y. Call at Muitnoman uotei laundry. WANTED Experienced - lady barber at once. 105 w. etn St., Vancouver, wash. WANTED A girl for news stand. Hoyt Hotel. 6 nours a aay. WANTED Lady cook for small crew; $75 per month. ijutts & oaa. 41 ooucn at. HIGH SCHOOL girl to answer phone after sc h ool till 5::u. Mam 4ji. MIDDLE-AGED lady to go to country for l month, si to 91. nu a day. ' hha-h. WANTED Girl to help in studio 1 N. 5th Bireei. - WANTED Girls to wrap butter. Apply 72 p;ast itn st. jiortn. WANTED Lady to answer telephone calla Paggage and express. I'Jo ri. 6th. WANTED Undergraduate nurse for hos pital position, m aH, oregoniau, HELP WANTED FEMALE, DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? A salary that Is paid while yon learn the business that increases frequently as you, gain experience.? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYE3 EARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN TUB .- FACTS? Our emaloyment .supervisor will irladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply Telephone Cemoany. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets. 'The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. CANDT SALESWOMAN. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Etnhni.ri ronrtv ntor has oDening for experienced woman capable of taking Charge of 15 to 20 girls, lnsurmg proper displays and satisfactory service to cus tomers. Write stating age. experience, lamss of all former employers. Replies confidential. S 53U. Oregonian. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN All departments; big demand everywhere for high-class women; past experience unnecessary; we train you for big-paying, dignified positions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses opening; shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once for particulars, Lewis Hotel Train ing school, desk 1416, Mather bldg., Washington, D. C. AT ONCE A high-class saleslady who is capable and is not atraia oi nara worn, to act as our agent for thie district in which she resides; the remuneration will be commensurate with ability to produce. If you feel that you are the person to fill this position and would find life in surance a congenial occupation, write oi wire us at once for reservation of ter ritory in Oregon. Address ali inquiries to general agent. Capital Life Insurance company, 1205 Wilcox bldg. EXPERIENCED elevator operator; middle- aged woman Hut- jam tre&s. A pply fc.m ployment bureau before 10;3U, Lip man Wolfe &, Co. ( THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of three experienced hairdressers and manicurists. Apply em ployment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank company. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of experienced op erators for beauty parlors. Apply su perintendents oft ice a:l to io:jua. jvi. WANTED Young lady experienced In in surance office; must unaerstana iiguring cancellations, card records ana account ing; state experience and salary required. H.l :;!.. Oregonian. ! WANTED Competent ' bookkeeper with wholesale lumber experience; out or town position with progressive firm; state ex perience and wages. Address AV 377, Oregonian. PLEASANT, profitable outside work to a few ambitious women, full or part time. t27 Corbett bldg. . STENOGRAPHER Knowledge of insur ance and accounting desirable; state ex perience and salary expected. Address M 31, Oregonian. WANTED Woman to care f-T house;good home for man and wif-s; everything fur nished; no wages. Call 215 West Park between 9:30 and 1. MILLINERY MAKERS. Good wages, light airy workroom. Hinz & Landt, Inc., 883 Market sL, San Francisco. WANTED Applications of women, 21 to 85, to work in woodworking factory at SU Johns. Steady work and good wages. O 7, Oregonian. WANTED Names girls, women, 18 up, wishing government office positions; $1140 first year. Answer immediately, AV 232, Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army ttescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Phoe Main 3450. DM car. ELDERLY woman as housekeeper, one who wants gopa nome more man Dig wages. (82 East 8th st. South. Phone Sellwood 2255. ATTENTION, LADIES. A large assortment of exclusive styles In buckram, net and wire hat frames. La France Hatters. 372 H Morrison st. WANTED Young lady with bookkeeping and ofnee experience; state age, experi ence and salary expected. AL 746, Oregon i an. - MILLINERY makers wanted for out-of- town positions; attractive salaries, long season. Apply Lowengart & Co., 11 N. Broadway. TAILORS, ATTENTION! Strike still on in PorU&nd. LOCAL NO. 74. WILL teach intelligent, steady girl or woman for housework and tend store; good wages to start. AO 10, Oregonian. PRIVATE secretary. 125-200; dictaphone operator. w: stenograpner. beginner, $ U3 . 301 N. W. Bank bid g. COMPETENT girl wanted 1207 B. Fland- r t . near 41st st H,it r landers. Tabor 393s. WIDOWER, no children, desires house keeper; state wages expected. AN 211. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED operators on men's shirts; also helpers and examiners. iShlrek & Son Co., 311 Pine, between 5th and 6tn. WANTED Young "lady who can do the Hawaiian hula dance, for traveling Ha waiian company. Phone Tabor 7750. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in Distress. 1)00 East Gliaan. "MV" car. East 316. CLEVER millinery makers wanted; good w. a it ph. Elide Trimmed Hat Co.. '2a Beck bldg. Broadway 4303. WANTED An experienced Ironer on ladies' clothes, sieaoy position. Union Laundry Co., 2d at Columbia. STENOGRAPHER for steady position; practical experience not necessary. P. O. . box t6.V i WANTED Young lady, experienced, to keep books In garage. Call at 717 Haw thorne or phone Eaat 1300. WAITRESS wanted in a confectionery store. 341 Wash, st. EXPERIENCED candy Morrison. girl wanted. 69 WANT a woman to do second work, ply 11! East 7th st. Ap- WANTED Girls to slmonize automobiles at the Slmonizing station, 175 21st. st. MJSS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewr't lng School. $6 ma 209 14th. Main 3893. WANTED Elderly lad? for light how, work. Wdln. 6o37 after 6 P. M. GIRL for candy department. Swetiand's, 269 Morrison. WANTED Girl for dining room work. Swetiand's. 269 Morrison. HAIRDRESSER and manicurist, expert leDced. Main 5301. GIRL wanted. Third st. Penny Arcade. 6 North WAITRESS wanted. J4U, room aad board. Mala iAO. . HELP W ANTE D FEMALE, THREE LADIES TO DEMONSTRATE AN ESSENTIAL FOOD PRODUCT TO HOUSEWIVES OF OREGON AND WASHINGTON. SALARY AND EX PENSES PAID. APPLY AT SOU STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., 3D AND YAM HILL. THURSDAY ONLY. WANTED. YOUNG WOMEN WITH TYPEWRITING EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR WESTERN UNION . TELEGRAPH CO., FIFTH FLOOR WORCESTER BLDG. THIRD AND OAK STS. PERMANENT POSITION open to compe tent typist to do billing on I C Smith must understand filing; want wide awake young woman who takes an in teres t in doing her work neatly and accurately; StO per month, with chano for advancement to right person: giv full particulars, reference and phone n urn per, tsf t3o, oregonian. POSITION GUARANTEED. My new classes in scientific treatmen of the scalp aad skin are just starting. The demand for specialists in this line by far exceeds the supply. I guarantee positions to my graduates. Mme. Pat tenaude, 411 Beck bldg. Hours 8:30 to 12 A. M. COUPLE employed have girl, age 6. want gooa motherly woman for housework nice room, laundry sent out; Rose City district, small bungalow. AC OoO. Ore- goninn. MILLINERY trimmers, makers and sales ladies wanted for city and out-of-town poistions at once; good salaries: some permanent positions. Apply Lowengart &: io.. n N. Broadway. WANTED Thoroughly experienced woman sooa lountain dispenser; also expert enced light lunch waitress. Apply 8 to 10 A. M., M Broadway. WANTED 2 stenographers to learn the hardware business; salary $65 per mo. Honcyman Hardware Co., Park and oilsan sts. THOROUGHLY experienced saleslady only with long experience, need apply. to 11. Hoffman Millinery Co., 307 Morrison st. WOMAN for cook in country; Norwegian preferred; for 2 adults. Call Main 6343 till 1 F. M. CHOCOLATE dipper wanted at the Busy .Bee lontectlonery, 2b3 Morrison. Wan ted Domes tics. THREE LADIES TO DEMONSTRATE AN ESSENTIA L FOOD PRODUCT TO HOUSEWIVES OK OREGON AND WASHINGTON. SALARY AND EX PENSES PAID. APPLY AT SMt STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., 3D AND YAM HILU WANTED A girl for light house work ; a good home and good wages. Apply 294 Co II ego st., cor, of Fifth, ' . AN EXPERIENCED MAID. MRS. THOM AS D. HONE YM AN, l'J3 KING STREET. PHONE MAIN 2470. ACTIVE, exoorieneed vounir woman. ren eral hou.sework, cooking: no laundry; family living in country, 20 miles from Portland; steady place; must haye sef erences; $75 per month.. AR 3is5, Ore gonian. " WANTED Housekeeper for a family of stwo: work iignt; very gooa nome ior right party; woman must be 45 years old or more, with rather good health. Address Mrs. L. E. Mack, Leaburg. Or. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; must be good cook, call mornings 5S1 Jackson St., Portland Heights. Main 2!57 , ELDERLY woman as housekeeper, one who w:tnts good homo more than big wages. 62 East Sth st. South. Phones Sell wood MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist with housework, 3 in family; good home. 4S Clackamas st.. cor. 22d. Take Broad- WANTED Competent second girl, good wages. Mrs. Henry E. Jones. 420 "Carter Lane. Phone Main 2723; WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing where second girl la kept. Phone Sellwood 351. WANTED Woman for plain housework, 12714 12th at., between Washington and Alder. Broadway 5099. WANTED A girl for general housework in small family. Phone Mrs. Oswald West, Marshall 3380. W OM A N for general housework, smalt family, modern home; good wages. Tabor 5493. WANTED Girl for plain cooking; If lack ing experience am willing to instruct B roadway 519. WANTED Middle-aged, refined woman for general housework In refined home. Main Ilia. i EXPERIENCED nurse to . care for two Vhildren : highest wages. Phone Main 1 R2t. M rs. James Rosenfcld. WW TED Experienced maid, general housework: good wages: gas furnace, washing. Call 825 Kearney. COMPETENT girl for general housework, fn,iiw nf t wo: irood wages: references. Telephone Main 6105, Main and St. Clair. AN experienced girl for general housework in iamiiy ol unto o'" cic phone Main ujjo. GIRL for general housework and assist with children; good home, good wages. 630 E. 16th at.. Irvlngton. laat bm. WANTED A competent girl for general TlOUSeWOrK in mimiy " . . w ence. East 1013. 67 Knott st. WANTED Competent girl to assist with Phone Main children: mgnevt wM. 4780. Mrs Lloyd trank. WANTED Competent gorl to assist with cooking ana seucmi uuwcnui. Main 1!02L WANTED Girl to assist with light house work; gOOU UUUIO wwu 608 Fifth at. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. MUltnOlIIKU at- " GIRL for general housework; no furnace; telephone iasi. mv. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small family. Phone Main 3!25. GOOD wages to competent cook. Marshall 634. i nuniinn, GIRL for general housework; adults. Apt. e i , i o i imvia. i' u""- GIRL for general housework. Phone Tabor 1749, between iv ana j- . WANTED A girl for light housework; mod erate pay. louche, corner urn. WANTED A second maid. Apply 613 Kearney. Broadway 3S13. ' GIRL to assist with East 4803. housework. Phone WANTED A girl to act as nurse maid. Apply 401 E. 16th N. Telephone E. 29.12. WANTED Nurse girl, willing to assist with housework. Call Marshall 3468. GIRL for general housework. 1 Burnside st. Call Tabor 5651. WANTED Girl for light housework. Ad dress 1204 E. Ash St., Portland, Or. A GIRL for general housework. W ood i aw n 5413. Call 8ti:f Mason. GIRL for housework in small .family; washing. 551 E. 14th st. N. WANTED General housemaid; stairs work. East 20S0. HELP WANTED M A LaQ BFEMA LE WANTED Man and wife, no children, to work in private home. city, family of 3. pleasant and steady job; man to work in house and around grounds; wife must be good cook; to cook and take rare down stairs; small house: extra help consists of nursemaid; couple must be cleanly, agreeable and willing or do not bother to answer this ad, E 20, Ore gonian. . . EDUCATION A I. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeKs; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed; pay waw learning; lumoa reduced tins term. 233 Madison. TOUCH typewriting taught at home; ac curacy and rapidity; 20 lessons in fin ger gymnastics, $6; first lesson sent free; rapid typewriting schooL 30 4th sL, room 400. ' EST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school; individ ual instruction. 3223 Grand ave. E. 427. ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free, Frank K. Welles, ex-assist state supt., mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main te7o. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pava you while learning, gives you set of tools free.. position secured. 38 N. 2d at. LE K RN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your s a 1 a ry. 191 Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg., 3d and M.r. W. E. .Richardson, Sec. Mtiii 97 FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mil -JS;.. Teaching posiuons. free regisiratlop. MRS JlANNUM'S shorthand school, day, evening. 230 Tilramook st. East 3S60. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main Broadway bldg. EDUCATIONAL, MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 wka.. give you a set of tools and some pay wniie learlng; positions secured; scholarships and transfer cards Issued; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Send for cauuogue. 234 Burnside su POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LIXK;SBUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, speciat courses; expert teachers; day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 0083. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG married man. SI years of age. de sires position with firm where salary will b commensurate with ability to produce results and where opportunity for future advancement is unlimited; nine years' experience In the lumber business, covering practical work In pro duction, sales and executive depart ments. AV 373. Oregonian. M TRUCK WORK WANTED. Ex-soldier needs work for 3H-ton dump body truck; no reasonable offer turned down ; call me soon as I need work: 7 years in trucking. AL 51. Ore- gonian. ' PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly an effi ciently at reasonable prices; woramaa- ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954. 161 Russell St. A1 TRIiPK mechanic With Dest reter ences. wishes position ariving or i-arm for fleet of trucks; 3 years with Mack service dept. of Seattle. BC 32o, ore gonian. ROBERTS BROS., Plumbers. Repair Work Our Specialty. City and Country Work. .109 Williams Avenue. East 3843. RESPONSIBLE young man wants post keeping, bookkeemng and shipping and receiving: good references. AK 59. Ore gonian. - MAN and wife as cook and waitress camp boarding house or hotel,- in aci, mn, place where top wages are paid for -class, experienced people. Bdwy. 38-1, room 24, Bristol hotel. YOUNG MAN. 19, wants steady situation with firm where chance ior urv.. la ment is offfered; not afraid of hard work; strong and capable. Address V. G. J., 235 Fifth st., cit SITUATION WANTED ny man ana n. cooks, for camp, can nanuie mm reasonable salary; can give good ences. H. E. A.. 153 N. lttth St. Phone Bdwy. 1958. ENGINEER Experienced oil-burner man. veteran of lata war ana nminrH, nosltian in citV. or will take full charge of small plant outside. gonian AR 384. Ore- MR. LOGGING OPERATOR: Id like to get in toucn witn uumw n.. the services of a first-class camp fore man; good references ' furnished. BJ 397, Oregonian. CARPENTER, will figure new or eld work; I will save you mour). cheerfully given, plans furnished; house . . t , r a tri-m Main raining. ctfncrcis u . -o - 6T MAN of 26. experienced, clean non. wttiu steady or on nroun general farmlnK preferred; clean Quar . .vn.,.t.H Plense. state waces.. AB 100. Oregonian. DISCHARGED sailor wants pnmion .general office work; best references fur- r . v,qh ..in an out Of town. AV 3i9. .... .ii.i.v n.nn" nav. nuu - Oregonianj EXPERIENCED electrician will taK i -.n mnnth v tzori tract. AN Oregonian. ri.i m vnerience. wants posi r.r 'i-.1-,. " .fnnP' will t on: can iumu . lake position out of city. BC Ore- gonian. T7T'ri.'n -n r... inn i ior or garden in n- nme lent worn, ' ' ' verv reliable. AN -OS, Oregonian, FRANK PATTBRSOX I." . wnrk a specially; "iu J""J. house. Phone between 7 and r. m East 7431. Best references. . POSITION as bookkeeper assistant lumber en,. oi of town, permanent. AV 7S. Oregonian -- , A A Rich- An nalarv. V I HI ic y v. - ard. 5J Harrison at. ineer wants situation, steady, 1 1 - " . r.ni.h hocf best of ref any size P'ani. can erences. AC 351. Oregonian. vl'vt hv e rier V man. bcik-ibi r- . m 7M5. Ore- nouFewui v iv- gonian. CUTTER, ladle,' . """. con i an. : ith -refined inrnw, 457, Oregonian. COMPETENT married nun wanla wor nn ranch, with house. K.rdcn. etc.. tu nrk AM 7S-2. Oregonian. tjvTVm tTntkd, J: papkrino. out sVde painting. reasonable BROADWAY 22:,i. rZT.,nin.' nl.o all klnflfi nl KV.wnd"tandip. wort done. 2iM Alder at. Hain IBM. EXPTfir"eman and janitor wljlies night or wnrk ' DeSL reiCICUl-ca. ... morning "lai Haeren. Mam gihi. STni-oipsriin ianitor, notei, apis., fat-'ory. house and lawn work, reason klli ware. Call Kaat 78.2. room 211. .yr-irn TannnenA Wants WOTK, r. or auio repiir shop. AJ 802. Ore- gonian: WANTED Work from 6 to 1 r. Ji. "y mn workinff days: have some sal. e- perience. AN 23-, oregonian PYPRRIEVCED surveyor wants position BX.P.S, ,.i. lob preferred. C B. Rcd- nv .,.- . P., Pendleton. Or. field, Ltnaiiiw PORTLAND REF. BF SS3D. OREUO- NI AN. qTKVOGRAPHER Youns man. experi enced in office work desires position. Phone Sell. 251. vnirNG MAX wants good clean work after chool and Saturdays. Call Reeves. East 8282. CHAUFFEUR, knows city, best references, would consider light delivery. BF 571. Oregonian. CARPENTER Fast A-l mechanic, knows eDecially; reasonaoje. Bdwy. 716. WANTED Contract logging or putting nut Piling " Par,y willing to finance teams. BP 7S. Oregonian. TTVTTNG painting and papering; best material, satisfactory service. Tabor 7828. xi t v and wife want position as janitors Mm apartment, hotel or office. AO 20. Oregonian. . .t .nrt w re want work, first-class .. I Jl.kniiahar out of town. waitress BC S 4 C . Ore gonian. WANTED Hauling of any kind suitable for 3-ton truck with flat body. Thone Tabor wit- two voung men. flhat and second cooks, to go out any place, camp or hotel; ex- p-riencedt references, aim .a. ureonian. .Rem UTELY first-class auto mechanic want si " . . wanted flr ton trucKg. HOUSE painting, iinun. pnrei reason aKjy , piv.i nf To hA- snrr able. i auor CITY garden iois i p'ow nni narrow. BroadwayOUi. roaawnyouio. rrPATlON Night Janitor or fireman for &1.Va or boiler. Tabor 0007. tIuxTkS for hire, to business firms, by the day or month. Broadway 133. WANTED Pruning or fixing lawns building lawns. Phone Tabor 9415. EXPERT pruner. ready for businesa, Frank 'r . M artin. 10 E. 18th . FOR ALlTKlNDri OF LANDSCAPE WORK PHONE TABOR 4061 WANTED HauUng for 3-ton truck, in or Wt,ntcHy. Tabor 867B. GARDENER, care for about ten lawns. Phone .lu-itf. vAPER HANGING, painting and tinting trnnd work, right prices. Marshall 24f3 LET M E painting estimate on your Tabor 6827 tinting and YOUNG MAN wants janitor work; ex- periencea. vw"'-"" ELDERLY couple wants work, orchard, farm, anything, etc. AM 6T2. Oregonian. WANTED 5arden to spade or bills to pddleper day. S63 Bowdln st, BAKER on bread, rolls, cakes, pies, wants work. Madras Hotel, room 53. A? JAPANESE boy wants garden work. R 19, Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. ABSTRACTERS. Do you need an experienced end com petent man who can take full charge of office? AG 745. -Oregonian. COLLECTOR with ID years' experience In Portland wants stead v position with firm; have machine. BP 977, Oregonian EXPERIENCED accountant, a et of books to keep spare time; will start your ay tem. AB 33, Oregonian, SITUATIONS WANTED MATE. 6oUtlm mua hailrm- YOUXO ex-srvice man. typewriter erator, with office experience, wish position. Phone Sellwood bltt. or address AM C4, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man. young, married, wl . experience In auto electrical work wan steady work In good town. Wlllamctt' valle preferred. AG 749. Oregonian EX-SERVICE man. 27 years of age. ried, desires nigHt work; night watc man or hotel cierk preferable; best references. AB 37. Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER with lW-ton truck wish steady contract hauling In city. AK tiO, oregonian. FORMER motor transport man wants Job running tractor or driving truck; t make own repairs. A N 240. Ores on i DRUG CLERK, 4i years' experience, wishes permanent position; local refer' ences. BJ 399, Oregonian. -k a H 2. few hours evenings. A SITUATION WANT HO FEMALE. CLEANING Windows. floora, general house and office cletnfnc, by day, hou or contract; estimates furnished on re- q uest. Call Mrs. Benton. Main 2H9J. WANTED Position by experienced la cook, any size camp preferred. AV 37 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl wishes housei small family, good wagea AL 771, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman cook wants charge camp or mill Marshall 2S. Address R. F.. i-nd helper cookhnusi ti'T, Qth si WANTED A place to take care oi ch dren evenings while mother la aa references. oodiawn Irtil. COMPETENT woman wants cay wor Mondays and Frdays; references. Tabor RESPONSI RLE lady with two childre: wishes employment in Oregon City. 74 L Oregonian. ' LADY wants house cleaning, other wor hour, day; work guaranteed. Wdln. 63i EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and steno; rapher: best of city refernces. Main -M YOUNG woman for cooking on ranch eastern Oregon. AJ 799. Oregonian, A COLORED by the hour. WOMAN want day Phone East 70i. WANTED Plain sewing and mending. Main 7J". COMPETENT laundress, fin Ironer, wan work. East M92. LACK CURTAINS carefully and beiitfuil done in open air, sun dried, r.ast COLORED WOMAN WANTS DAY WuHk, T AHOK MM A. EXPERT 'IRONER WANTS DAY WORK CALL EAST 7732. WOMAN wants dav work. Call East 30S.V ironing pre ferr d. Co Lou ED woman wants day's work. Phone Kast iiiO.I. Bookkeepers, Stenograph rm. Off Ire. SECRETARY dowirra position haS had cellent education and business twining. including correspondence, bookkeepm and stenography; lu minimum salary. AC 4 i.i, Oregonian. BY STENOGRAPHER Ten years expe rfrnee; familiar with law work: well educated. Call stenographer. Marshall MM 3. EXPERIENCED stenographer wlsne po sit Ion. h ch t chool uranuate. ond Ten man, knowledge of bookkeeping. AO IM.'l, OregorianJ EX P KH f KNCKr ronmtnmeter operil and clerk desires position; reference Sellwood 17l. YOl'NO LADY with stenncranhla general office experience rif-ires nonMlo in phjsicinn s office. AN 1.00, Oregonian RELIABLE girl wIkIic.i to do assistant of fire work or clerking; ex p. Address P. E., .".10 Main st. YOl'Nt ;iKL wishes position r- helnnln stenographer. Phone Main "110, room If rem matt NEW 0th Century dreinnking mch sehool from 7;.H to IO;iHi; cutting, fit tinir by chart or patterns; ca il at i Dekum blk., 3d M. Phune Mln - DRESSMAKING esrert wot kir.ansMu rates reasonable. Cabinet Cleaners nd Dyers, 424 Morrison, near 11th, Mala 1825. FOR your sorlnr drefmmaklng and altera ttona. call Dressmaking Dept.. Kinporium Dye wo-ks. 549 Morrlann st. Hflwy, 4J.n THOSE deslririg f f rt-cJanH work plee call Main Mii'.t. Work ahKOiuteiy guar an teed. 1'2 years experience. HKJH-CLASS dressmaking: street drepsef, summer voiles, etc.; making nf niim into neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly, hast i.7. DRESSM AK ER, experienced makeover, tailoring. 3 per day. Hellwood 3:tHJ. HEMSTITCHING. 6c and Rc a yard. M, Dalton. room 20t Proud way-Yamhlll bid, SEW (NO neatly Tabor 24.M. done, your home. Call DRESSMAKING wanted at 4410 ,ld et H. K. Phnne Tnhnr :..'7. PRACTICAL nure wants invalid to r.ir for nervnus Tiiental pa tie tit., epecinl kind and a grccalite ; wages reasonable Call nurse. Tabor VJ SITING nurse wishes ran, no ginus; can furnish best reference. conta Tabor EXPER1E4'EI no wishes confinement case. Sellwood 4 1 k. Housekeepers BY MIDDLE-AfJKD woman, position ss housekeeper for widower with 1 or : children or elderly couple. Marshall 3U7 Phone between 7 and U A. M. or after 6 P. M. RKI.FARLE woman want housework, .privilege of getting off 5:30 dally and Sundavs: no washing; couple who work or amail family; $"o a month; can give 5 hours daily. East 1442. WIDOW with small son wishes to keep houo for widower with cntuirrn; prei- enbly of school age; best of references. AO 71, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. KOR RKNT tt-room house. 41N E. I.'itll N Irvlngton: splendid piaee. on ear nn-, sleeping porch, other attracti tea lures; $75. MR. MA HONEY. COE A. Mi-KENNA CO.. K 4th St. Main CS71. KV RESPONSIBLE EASINESS MAN. SOR A.I D(IM HII .sk lilt n I ,1 A iK ' WITH G RAG E. IN IltVINGTwN K a i.ixiKliA i-AV HE PARTLY Hit visvth.lt WITH OPTION' T' RI'Y IK KC1TAHLE. RENT TO APPLY ON PLKCHASE. H 7. OREGON IAN. WB have hundreds of clients aesirinv io rent. Tin enu icncy oi- i n mi-uun System" of property managemeut will sav e you money. FRANK L. McGUIBB. Ablngton Bldg. Main 10M. t;. REWARD. For Information leading to my rent ing a 4 or 3-room un furnished bunga low, not over $-". Ak for window trimmer. Brownsville Woolen Mills store. WANTED A six-room furnished noun by three adults for summer; best of care guaranteed; state rent. AB 101, Ore gonian. WANTED to rent by April 1, or 8-room house, small family: will leak for a year or more. A. T. Caswell, care of A mcs-Harrifc-Nevllle Co.. Bd wy. 1246 FuTtNISMED house or lower fist from to 8 rooms, desirable- local ion. or will buv furniture If price is right; no agents. Main 2070. 2HI 13th st room 12. WANTED To rent or 7 rooms. Mrt i iiy modern ana op m ' , . i r,.rnihri1 relUh.e nrj ui ts. M or in isIJ. MiJ-S I. r n K ,JJ. .iornan wiug. COUPLE want small, up to date, nicely furnished bungalow in good dinner, best care and references. ilD 9u0, ore- ' gonian. . . , M r0R 7-RUOM house which is. not on the market; permanent tenant; either In Hty or suburban. E. W. Sippel, Mar. 342. 41 Ry- Exch. 4 OR 0-ROOM furnished house and room for cow, chickens and garden; reason able ent. JJl' Jr.ynin: FIVE or 8-room house to leas ny first of A.prll; best of reference, bellwood 1fi!8. , . . WANTED 3 or 6-room bungalow or house by desirable tenant; will lease st satis factory rental. Call Marshall 7o3. LA RGB houe, east or west side, for nice clean undertaking business; corner pre ferred. AG 747. OregonUn. EM PLOYED girl wishes to awiint with housework In exchange for room or board. AR 44. Oregonian. WANTED Small fuml;. rn house: with garage preferred. Mr. Ma. on, Raleign bldg. Call mominga on b07 WANTED Six houso March seven -room modern Phone East 44.12. VNTED To rent house with some land. Tabor 176. or BC 243. Oregonian. WANTED or S-room modern house by April 1. Call Eaat 17iT. WANT la re furnished hous( East 3t7M. Apartment. WA NTED 3 or 4 -room fiiruished modern apartment, west side; voung couple. l.V months-uld child. Mr. KrankanUeig, room till Multnomah hotel. WANTrr TO RKNT. Apart itienla. BROTHER and sinter, employed, wsnt ta rent a 3 or 4 -room apt ; muM b fur ritphed and modern ; ran furnish hrt of references; alat price and give full particulars U first lctlsr. AP bQ, Ora gonian. bAi'HKt.Oll, tlran housekeeper, w sm sins 1 1, nifty, modern ipnttmrnl with phone whirh can b dolled up for ir nmnrnt home; prlte cnlrNnte defera ble. By March 10 r 17. BJ 4K1. Ore gonian. WA NTED To rent unfurnished buik apartment building with lust. 20 to KB rooms. In good location. Write Mrs. Moseiey. 101 i Washington St., aneu er. Wash. Koiimft, WANTED by gntienian, a room or nm 1 apartment wiih nireping pori'h; reaiwa- b. c,o in. AL 773. Urronln, WANTED 2 furnished room harw t children ran b cur-d for uuifa dajr, Mrs. Heath. Mam 3337. Room Mlth lloard. A GENTLEMAN with a rem a pleasant room breakfast and dinner, nlan. rr would lik to nd Rutiif ; witnta BC , Ort.go- llnslari Da WANTED To rent moving pictur iit ator ; must be good buainena; full ptr ticul:irs in letter. J. D. Peterson Jaa perce, Idaho. Housekeeping Room. WANTED H. K. room and kit-henett by March 7. between 6th and loth sti south ofsSHlmnn; must b clean and sonable; by two adults. BC Ore gon ian. A Hl'ITE of 3 houwokeeplng rooms. in bedrooms, on Ksst Hide ; rent rcssnn sble. Address 440 Taylor st. 2 OR 3 furnished houspkerping rooms. with in walking dltanr 1 horn p sua srhool. by 2 adults. AP 30. Orrganimn. M iarellaneou. A GENTLEMAN will pay reasonably for opttortunity to pratle about two eve nings a wek on ( PIANO In a quiet horn on t ant, wllhln a fw block a of 11th and Montgomery at. H.l 400. Oregonian. FOB KENT. KurnUhed Room. NF-TII ERLAN IS II TI M. ! 13TH. t'UH, WAMIINGTOV. TO TliK HTHANt.EK WITHIN OITR fiATKH. aa well an to our home prop la: This hotel extends a cordial weicoin. Free phones, private haths, steam hal moderate prlcas, weekly tales. pnTN('i:!s"lioTi,:i KEWT.T RENOVATED Til KOUCHOPT. Jiouins aiitKle, (oniniijiilt y and prnal baths R'-Hsonahir nin, day, w-rrk or month. 31U E..st Hurn-lde si. Eaat 1U. J u?t aero-s Die Ilurn.-idit britlge. THE IUI.LCRKST H 'TEL. WASHINGTON AT U'( RKI'IA FT. Tn nitniitrs from the hart of town; resld-niiI, modet n and d I iKht ful for environment; room with or without private ha i h ; rate very rrssonbie. AN St N I A H OTK L. 124 U;h st.) at Waituugton. Rates, " p-r week up, 1 day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spot ies rooms; ( lofe to ainiseni( nt end shopping enter. TWO I.AKCE ROOMS leontir pleteiy furnishrrl . inina r'" id hrd- room or t o li n rnuinx . g ir.s prn n ri , refrenes ii'fjuirMl. I'hi-ne Mrs. Wrbo, M.itn tii2 evenmtt. or Main 3Hi'- da. lit TEL ARTHUR. 170 11th it. Take Depot car l IDh and MorriMn. wtk half block tuth, ("Iran, modem, rtpeiiihli-; translrui $t Mi; with private bub. J. $0 tR 7, outside rootn. rotnmuniiy bath. ti'icpljuuf , iteatti in mi an. i riiiuuntf water. I'RI.M'EHSJ JioTEU 34 Ka-t HuriiMdr. Ka-t tTt. hotel hakii. 112 N. ih, 2 blot ks liotn t'nlon pot; rooms fl and up; p?r week; Hiid cold water; strain h-at. o. hot 4.:i Pi;it werk, stam heat and running, IhorouRhlv rennvat-'1. THE PL I Ni KS8 II QT K 1 3iO East HuriihMle. East 171. BAKER flOTEl ?H3W 'lb st. Room 7ifl and up; hot aud cold water, auatn heat and free bath. LEEDS APT., single roonm, modern, firs. proof b,lg.; hot and cold running water, 2IO Mnrkr-t st. VOI'NG lady to share a beMiitlfui 2 bed!, In refined boarding hol' l. 2 .", it ;:o to h. Hi )T EL CK LE V Morri."or st. t Truih. kiy :.o up, I nd bs I ha Rales tl a day up. VW Nt-am heat. l-'rre phone OK RENT 2 hn on first floor. 2. :ii7.".. ping l i'hune s i;;th t. 75r. $1 DAY. S2.00 week up; outsid rooas Hotel . adillac. .id near Jeiit-rsoa. A RR ISt N hotel, Front ( up. b tul HarrtiHin; s nl tf d-irr d. r. I'AUL hotel. Fourth and AWUr. fl per day up. IRNLSH ED ro f iOO per week and ;i7 Vfcn.lili,. L'nfurnlshriJ Rooms. LA in; E unfurnished 3d fl-mr roin ; pimty of llcht, lr and sunshine, ss, riei tm llv, hitt and c.ild wit; clrnnt grounds, nice district; reasonable. Hdy. 4QIi BLDG.. bth and ttarU. Apply Dr. 8. lo. Columbia bidg., w. I'lrn na vsn. 7U FIRST, photograptier has two large un"(urntbd rooms. Near Morrison. Furnished Rooms In I'rlvat Family. LARGE sleeping room nd u of pai lor in flat with or 2 ladir: 7103. Cail , flat l and klthen for hreaaiasi, mother and dauahter, Lr t references exchanged. E. R.'.S'j E. Ankeny. alter R 30, LIOHT. well-furnished corner room: elrr. trie light, phons, lurnaca neat. ni m bath : reference required : gentlrman preferred. 'MKl East 3.id L ball biota 1 1 '" 1 law t borne av . - KWLY renovated outani rooms larga front room with alcove, rurnisnea it sitting room and. sleeping room; an con veniences, walking oiBiancc. w 11a sL LADD'S addition, large corner fiont room. well furnished, in private nome; ncauu- ful location, near 3 varllnr; waikitu distance. East 4. O RENT one largo fumlMird room, rur- re heat, umi or iatn anu pnn, larKe w Indnws; clean and well kept, phone Fast h72ft. 7 E. 12th st. N. NOB H ILL DIHTRRT. Attractively furnistied room, rrntral heat, men oniy; reference requuea. Main 4711. LEEPING rooms lonijrl of th ottsr class, private nome: an con enn o-e. U4 N. ljth, wesl sine. rtroau way RIGHT furnished front room for sntl- msn; running; water; rloe Multnomaa uh: evening. M:iriiaii ,v;:k. ELY furnished front room suitable for one or two genurnien, wiinin waiains di-t anc Phone Main RP3. -HN and reasonable, walking distanra horn comfort; is and a.varetu Everett. , . COMFORT A HLT furnihsd room for gea- tleman; r.. isi e. tiwtiaua ave. Automatic t KN 1S1I ED room for laoy mplo e , lutuskurpins privnegra. iauor.tiu. jij .i.ui. R1CTI-V modem rooms. est side, w k nr distance ; p:Ant v hot water; 110 nionth up 3441 College, ner Itroadway. r AN quirt room, convenient. rason ibie;3 block HroaUway bridge. ej AMI St. . UMKUll'l'AHI.K loom, sullabe for 2 eru ii fioin 1 varilne, living tlrtnrn. one inn ton. !sl - NTLEMAN Nicely furnish) ao brat. I'hwli 73 Jofc biison. Main sTied i.iu,iK front room, eieanti lurnii private iriinrmT, cienoia required. ( tl Fast 2..2P. CHolCE furnished room. 21 14th t., near Jef'raon; mini"! uihpt. IIKin "' NE nl furnished sleeping room, uwj . off Hw thorn. ild i KINK LI HT H. ROOM8. Hi MON TU. si;,i3 3d HT. H large. nely furnished front room , I. also smaller room. uroanway VlN(TONltcaiitiful room, brcaktaaL. I blk. car, $30. East 41V. NE outside Bleeping room. Call RJwy. 41 il. OM for gentlemen, f"t sldr. prival -Terences. M arshw i JKI .t. fHintiy ; i N IC sleepln g roo rn . fh4 Ca rm r 1 1 1 a Ant a Room With Hoar. NURTONIA HOTEL. Portland', downtow htgb.ciat. family hotel: room, .a aulta ar lnl. with or without boar4, lot famine, and bualnaaa ni.n and .um.a. V,m civ. vou all taa om(rta .1 . km. F-"nhl. raiaa HOOM and board for bualn.mi (Irla: ll modern convenience.: walkmc ili.taaca. 14 :o per wffk. Kw.t 47.1J. 12 K. iia il TUB MAKTHA WAdHINUTliN V. $ti lOtn at. for buvlna.a alr;a aad tndenla; eea-onahia ralea. M.r. l.'3l V " 402 MOIiKIH. at. rr. l:ilh t hoi. a ,' , room inn noara; muutm cwavaiuaava.. ! ' I'. ' I . I t N ..- 1-" " , . vy- A . . ,'.. . . . 4