- - j. . ; 4 '-' . t-. I ' -r I I THE MORNING OREGOMAX, THURSDAY. MARCH 4, 1920 v .. v t t -: - , ''i - . SEAL KSTATK. lor Sale House. REFERENCES Kvrry huyff out of this office during the past 17 J. F. HILL. On the Atlantic roast the main subject of business Interest Is Block and bonds. Jn the middle west the chief form of wealth la In corn, wheat, came ana pi.. '.. Ka ta,.ir,. re.l estate Is the irp.le.it medium of Investment, and no good reason exsits, in mis lion, for the failure to acquire a part of Mother Earth. ALBERTA DISTRICT. -14400 -room Bungalow on' E. Vernon St.; described in column yesterday and Mondav: priced $100 less than Monday's quotation; Owner says drop l-Vl a day until Saturday: if no one wants It before you can make Jlou by waiting. No. 67 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. Ko. 40 17000 utto and 964 Klrby, near tfOing: 2 bungalows on lot Mix 100: 7 rooms in bouse on street frontage, with garage under porch; 5 rooms In resr building; must be sold together; strictly modern; live In ono arid rent the other. AI.BINA. Ko. 60 12000 .Morris, bet. Cwn'l and Kerby sts.: 1 u story, 5 rooms, hardwood floors In J and hall; convenient cottage; nothing fancy; laundry tub in kitchen; all street Improvements in and paid; full base basement; garage; half cash. J. F. HILL, na William ave. EasJ 208. rose crrr park. liKAI. VAU'K HKkK S.Vir.0. Bay. folks, if you can pay half rash, we do want you to see this heauttfiil hunralow. it's really a harealn. Fin ished in rich old ivory and white throughout. You will appreciate the rf-al honest workmanship and the rare and pains that were requirea 10 con struct and finish thia home. Of course it ban hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kiichen. cement basement, fur nace, etc. Yes, there Is garage. 1'aving and sewer paid. Remember, this re- Quire hair cash. A: G. TEfclf'G CO., M Stark St., near 3d, Alain ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK. C(MK If you enjoy a!! the comforts of a cozy, pretty bungalow, by all mrana get in touch with us at once. We have a ".-room bunga low with a dainty breakfast nook, cheery fireplace, bukt-in effects, ith laundry trays, gas, elec tricity, linoleum on kitchen and bath, garage and paved streets and aeer paid in full; no better alue In a home in the clTy ; rea sonable term?. BIHR-CAREY CO., . 219 Railway Exch. Bidg. .Main "487. Open Kvenings. FUNNYPIDE. CLOSE iS". This home la opposite Ladd'e ad dition, 1 block from Hawthorno car; 9 rooms; has large living room, dining room, kitchen, pass pantry and one bedroom on first floor. 4 bedroom and large sleeping porch on second floor, with floored attic above; full cement bsnrment. laundry trays, furnace and many other conveniences. "Lot Is 5 Ox 100: everything in and paid; if you are in the market for ft large house. let us show this ono; price $0500. on good term?. STEWART BLTK. 315 N. W. Bank BMg. NEW, NIFTY BCNGALOW. DOUBLE CO NHTRL'CTlO N $ 400. Owner moving away. This truly Is a perfect gem of a bungalow. You couldn't imagine a more beautiful bungalow for near this money. It lias one of those great big living rooms, wltb a big plat; glasM window and everything that goc to make a home rharmingr oheerful and a real home: hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Really, we can't over-describe this one Let us show you. A. O. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark Ht., near 3d. Main .t0!2. 6-ROOM modern house on Glenn ave. Ha fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases, sleep ing porch, 2 large bedrooms, ce ment basement and laundry trays. Corner lot 57x100 feet; near Broad way car. .Price $34.10; $U00 cash. Phone E. 64. Mrs. O. M. Peters, 3uSV Union ave. N. WOODSTOCK SACRIFICE. 13000 Aa attractive a 5-room bungalow i iff you have ever seen. Veranda with rustic stone pillars, fireplace , In rustic stone, garage, lot IOOx 1O0; 9 bearing fruit treea; abund ance of different kind of amall fruits; kkm to handle this ex ceptional home. See our display of photos before yoo buy. It will save you money, B1HR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main ?4S7. Open Evenings. MODERN 5-room California bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases; 2 bedrooms, cement basement, laundrv trays: lot 3(x 100. Price $3500; $12uo cash. This Is a good place, and worth the price. Phone Tabor 30BT. Mrs. Loci us, 345 East 37th. ROSE CITY PARK. 3-Room Bungalow, $4730. Here, folks, la your opportunity to get a real good bungalow at a moderate price; exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, com plete tmtch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; fuli lot; paving and sewer paid. See this. A. G. TEEPE CO., -244 Stark St., near Sd. Main 3092. MODERN 7-room house with fur nace, extra good Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, cement basement, laundry trays, nice lawn, roses and fruit trees: 1 block to car. Price $ 3700 : $40 dow n. M r. Courer, 343 East 37th sL Tabor 4324. NEAR BROOKLYN SCHOOL. $J700 EASY TERMS $2700. Hefe is a dandy, 60x100 corner lot and -room house, full basement. Just three blocks off Milwaukle avenue, hard-surface sts.. all, clear of incumbrance, . $300 ' cash, balance reasonable monthly pay ments like rent C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. -ROOM house on 80t near Ack ney: $2500. Has 2 large bedrooms, living room, dining room, electric lights, cement basement, bath. $300 down. Phono East 5339. Mr. A. J. Crawford, 852 Burnside st. LAUPELHURST -HOME " FOR SALE, $5750. BT OWXER ' . , 2-tory, all modern, 8-room house and garage, 4 rooms and receptfon hall down stairs; 4 bedrooms and bathroom up stairs; close to Laurelhurst Park. -Can give possession Immediately. Broadway 3295 or Tabor 7490. $300041000 CASH. Cosy 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, full plumbing, gas and electric tights; good basement; 2 blocks from car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., $32, 633, 634,' 033 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 87S7. LARGE 7-room house. 90x100 corner lot; full basement, garage, chicken run. shrubbery , and shade trees; this place win rent for $45 per month: price $4730, $l.ioo down. bal. to suit. See Mr. Drew. COBB BROS., Maia 9052. 4-ROOM houfce en R."S2diit7. near Alberta, lot 50x100, basement, water piped to sink In house, but no Lnth or toll-t; pleasant lot; price $1300. Easy tirms. For par ticulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park stivet. t-ROOM BCNGALOW 50x 100 SotT SL Johns district: full basement, Dutch kitchen, gas and lights: place could not be built for this money; price $2750, terms. See Marvin, COBB BiiOS., 2tit? Oak st. VACANT 6-ROOM BUNGALOW on a bard-surface street; will sell cheap, - t UTift. voo down, balance to suit. Ask Mr. Kellocc. A. J. DeFOJtEST CO.. 820. Henry Bldg. Main t'690. prE 6 -room house on east side corner -. lot: full emt. basement; f33."0. 4200O down. Kenton Investment Co., 718 Couch bldg. 1 CLOflE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a Title Insur ance Policy. No ab.tract required. Title and Trust Company, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON' , A most attractive residence of 8 rooms, modern in all its appointments and near ly new; hardwood floors, tiled 'fireplaces In living room and front bedroom; tiled bath, with shower; also bath for maid's room; conservatory; extra large sleep ing porch which can be heated If de sired; complete burglar alarm system and double electric lighting and heating svstems; located In the very best district of Irvlngton on 100x100 corner, sur rounded by beautiful homes. This house has cost the owner be tween I18.000 and 0,000. but an at tractive price will be made in selling, or would accept desirable vacant or im proved Portland property for the equity. SAMUEL R. NORTON, 810 Henry Bldg. NOTHING BETTER IN LAUREL- THAN THIS BUNGALOW. On Floral avenue, convenient to car. eant front. A spacious living room with large fireplace, in rear of which is a cosy parlor; broakfant room, dining room with buffpt: unusually ample china clos et, fine Dutch kttihen; upstairs are Uir fine bedrooms; full ce ment baffnent with all conven iences. Yes. there Is a Rarasc Owner's bufiincN interest take him elaewhere and it 1 a find at $70u0, mum have 13000 cash. ( MacINNKS PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Building. . Main 3868. 1RVINGTON. A HEAL BUT. Just think, only $tiS00 for this fine home, situated In the heart of Irvington, one block to Broadway car; fine sur roundings: reception hail, living room, dining room, den, Dutch kitchen and pantry downstairs; nice fireplace, hard wood floors, house and garag" double constructed. There are 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch across the end iarge enough for 3 beds. This place must be sold at once and Is a real bargain Shown by appointment only. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. ;01-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LACRELHURST HOME SNAPS. READ THIS SAVE Vul'R TIME. I have several attractive (not beauti full, moderate-oriced homes located in best sections of Laureihurst, where own era, on account of leaving city, wish to make quick sale; they are not trying to bold you up, but merely wish to get their money out. i ne nouses are sincuy nmu em. in excellent condition, running in size from tf to ft rooms and In price from $:.'. 00 to $9000. I know Laurelburst probably better than anyone In city and if you'll give me one hour's time I'll give you more action on real classy bargains than you can got eisewnere in eerai days' time. R. H. Torrey, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. ' IRVINGTON. A most desirable home of S rms. and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, plate- glass winnows, screens, ouiu-in ice inx, hut-water HEAT: garage with hot and cold water; corner lot with hard surface paving s II paid. Price for im- fediate sale simmmi. 'in is property is an exceptional bargain and Immediate pos session can be given. bam Norton, 610 Henry bids.. Main 2326. $07.10. 1014 Savler st., near 29th St.. we have a 7-room house located on a view lot 7.1x100; modern, complete with 'I fire places, 1 In living room and 1 In bea room; these two beautiful rooms ex tend the entire length of house. We consider this to be one of the best buys we have seen for a long time and very easy terms. Shown by appoint ment only. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 85 4th St. NEW IRVINGTON BARGAIN. " - 63tt E. 17th X., 7 large roomi, tiie bath, double garage, '2 fire places, oak floors throughout; ensmeled and papered. Substan tial saving over cost today; $11. 000. $1300 cash. $100 monthly. Open toriay. UAVTZ BUILDING CO.. - Marshall lSbO. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Built-in bookcases, il rep I ace, buffet, ""Dutch kitchen in w hile enamel, break fast nook, elegant fixtures. 2 nice bed rooms, stationary wash trays, cement . basement, furnace, hard-surface street and sewer in; lot uoxtou; Dest car ser vice in city. Price only $3800. $loo0 down, balance to suit. Riely & Guslaf son, 0Q.1 V eon bldg. Mar. 1434. KENTON. New bungalow of 5 rooms with hard wood floors In living and dining room built-in features, full concrete basement, lot .10x110. garage, close to car line; $3700, $1000 cash. Mr. Mahoney. COB A. McKKNNA &. CO., 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. Kvcnlnga. Columbia 037. THAT VACANT lXT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartmentu, ga rages, ' residences, anything; f jrnlsh plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Ino.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. " Choice 7-room, up-to-date residence: large living-room with fireplace and fine dining-room, both opening on veranda, with beautiful view of city and moun tains; sleeping porch; 2 lots in peren nial garden; very best residence district of Portland Heights. Marshall 4S27. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON IRVINGTON. 5-room -house in flrst-claps condition; lot 50x100; 1 blk. to Irvlngton car and 2 blks. to Broadway car: price $3750, $7.10 down, balance to suit. Think of this bargain. RIELY & GUSTAFSON. 901 Yeon Bldg. Mar. 1456. jp;,o R. C. Park; almost new. partly fur nished; bath, gas, electricity, large cor - ner iot; part cash, bal. 6 per cent; move right in ; some distance out. but tins chance for honest man with $600 to get ni; e little home. Good neighborhood, near ....I, nnr Tabor 27S 15 MINUTES OUT 15 MINUTES. 4-room house; electrlo light, sewer and street Improvements In; 1 blk. to Mis sissippi car. Price $1250. $350 down, bal ance to suit. RIELY Ac GUSTAFSON. 905 Yeon Bidg. Mar. 1456. " HAWTHORNE-RICHMOND. . 1036 B. GRANT; SPACIOUS SEVEN SUNNY ROOMS, EXTRA GOUD LOT; $1000 TO $1500 DOWN. MAIN 4246. 1KVINOTON BUNGALOW SOMETHING ...-.n Iflth n.flr RiskivAU : .11 ivnrv fin. tsh, oak floo.-s, 2 bedrooms, down. 2 and billiard room up; rarage; draperies, lino leum, billiard table Included; 70uu, terms. Neuhauaen. Main 8078. ros'b-CITY PAKK. Beautiful 5-room buniralow with all modern convenience,. No agent. Call Owner. Tabor SUSS. Price Ji700. Some $300 CASH 6 rooms, lot .10x100. Price 3000. Now vacant. Muat be sold 'this week, that's why. Streets and sewers in and paid, see j. r. racnenna, sel mont and SOth Tabor 643a 12750 5-room cottage, iot ouxrj4, city lm- . i 1 nu!J ,OA V. .... month. Now vacant. This Is one block of1 Sunnyslde car. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont and 81th. Tabor 6403. AGAINST FIRE INSURE IN NEWARK . ........ 1 .(-.r. nnuDit'v F1RJS i . I V. v v ' .,i 1 i . EXILE BURK.1TT, 209 SBI.LINO BLDQ. MAIN 1800. AIBKRTA 5-room modern bungalow; ce ment Daseiini itn rwnmn, .uu, enamel K.HmAm. tlrenlace. 40 bv 100 lot: -Jti.-,n cash. 28,0 terms. Owner. Wdin. 5iu. BEAUTIFUL- 6-roc.m bungalow, including corner lot lOOilOO, alno garage, all for ::8O0; 1800 cash will handle. Wdln. A 9-room modern boune. 50100 lot, fruit trees and berries, hair block from Haw thorne carline. south. 311 E. 48th st $ A rfl0. $-" rash. THREE good lota. located 22d and Prea cott, to exchange for lot or modern , bouse In Brooklyn. Sellwood48. WEST SIDE 7-room house, modern, lot 33 1-8 by 100; Everett, 22d sts. $3500, terma Owner. 511 E. Ash. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. ' In looking for a home it w(ll be to your advantage to call Stowell. Tabor 888L 10-ROOM furnished house; rent $58.50; will take $2."0. Owner out of city. Phone Main 4689. SROOM modern house, west side; 8-room modern house, Hawthorne ave. walking distsnrs. Wolfsteln. 406 McKay bldg. $34)00 TAKES 8 houses: always rented, rloxe in; some cash, balance long time. Madduck, Oil Merchants' Trust bldg. 18600 9-r. ma.lestlc colonial, west aide, all con v.. strictly modern. V 10. Oregoniao IBV1NOTON HOMES EAST b'J-L. R. T. 8TREKT. Irr. AQT. SEAL ESTATE. For gale Houses. J. A. WICK MAN & CO., WKDNKKDA V SPFJ'TALS. flSOO Buys a dandy 5-room bungalow. wun oa electric ngnts, gas; full basement; connected with sewer; 20 ft. to car; terms. $2000 Buys 4-room bungalow, corner, imp. paid ; 2 blks to Union ave. cars: Dutch kitchen, bath, gas, electric lights, full cement base ment, wash trays; terms. 12200 8-room home on Montana ave., close in. convenient to car: large fruit trees. A mighty good buy. Terms. $3330 7 rooms and bath on comer lot, paved St., furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. A d&aly, substantial home of good mate rial and workmanship. To see this is to buy: terms. We have any number of good buys and can suit you. It will pay you to see our photos and listings before buying. Autos at your service. J. A. WXCKMAN CO.. 204 Railwav Exchange bldg. Main 5S3. Main 304. THE LAST OF ITS CLASS. On 42d St., near Hawthorne car. Is a bung, home, 5 rooms on first floor, fire place, bookcases, buffet with beveled plate glass. D. kitchen, oak floors, wall seats, elegant lighting fix.: entrance froiru front hall to'fininhed attic with 'J large sleeping rooms and sleeping porch large enough for 2 beds; it also has closet; house Is double const.; -ttatloo-ft Int. new garage with concrete floor. You could not buy this house for $0000, but owner's business calls him out of city, hence the low price of $.1000; for equity $2,100 cash, will include water heater. ltnMeum. fire screens and allow $2o0 for painting. $3:.0, $700. bal. $20 per mo. These terms beat the H. C. of rent; S rooms and attic: bulit-ins all rooms except pty. Large hlk. to car on 33th st. This is a bargain. $;;i.10 ft rooms, on 4.1th St., near Haw thorne car; Oirxioo-fi. lot. It will take about $14i0 rash to handle. ROCK, TABOR 0fln. "WEST SIDE. FINE APARTMENT SITE. $4300. 5-room house and lot 40x100, 22d near Hoyt. . Big Snap. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 319 By. Exch. bldg. Main 673. "33 YRS. IN PORTLAND." $4950 $1000 CASH. Rose ity special; wonderful buy: own ers leaving; 100x100, f rooms, attic, ce ment bast. New house would cost the money. $3000 $800 CASH. 5 rooms. 2 "blks. R. C. car; flrepl., hdwd. firs. Swell place, very cheap. See It. $5500 $1500 CASH, fl rooms, attic: very fine, clean bung., close In ; hot-water heat, firepi., loox 100, fruit. G. C. GOLDENBERG Ablngton bldg. Main 4803. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, TERMS $3275 TERMS. Five nice rooms and large bath, con sist of living and dining room. Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, beam celling and bui it-inn; full basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot: $1100 cash, bartnee n a straight contract, $23 a month (interest included), at 6 per cent: one hlooik to Esvt Ankeny car, close to school. J. L. HAHTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com. bldg.. Main 208. ROSE CITY bungalow, strictly mod ern bungalow style house on 41it st. : haa hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, buffet, .china closet, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcaKes, sleeping porch, basement complete with laundry trays; nice garage, 50x100 lot. cement sidewalks and paved streets. The owner of this place has moved out of town and will fell at a bargain. Phone East 7978. Mrs. Laura Rice, 083 Haw thorne ave. NOTICE. PROPERTY OWNERS. If you have a house that you would like to sell we will appre ciate the listing. For prompt service call our sales manager, E. M. Pudden. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO., Ground Fir., 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3G44. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. MONTAVILLA DISTRICT. $20u0 On T8th st. is a good 5-room home, complete with built-in buf fet, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet; 10 bearing fruit trees, abundance of -berries and . grapes, shade trees, variety of roea; 9 id to a own. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exch. Bidg. Main 7487 Open Evenings. .BEST LOCATION IRVINGTON, NEW. 630 E. 17th N.. 75x100. fine maple trees, double garage, 9 rooms, 2 bsths, modern and at tractive. Price much less than present cost. Open today MAUT7 BUjLDING CO.. Marshall 1889. ,2300 7 RMS. AND FURNITURE $2300. SACRIFICE. 7-room home, 551 Halght St., near Brooklyn school and stores. 50x100 lot. Improvements all in and paid, full set of good furni ture. If you want a snap, move quick. $2,100, $1000 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth Su Main tiStfO. 5-ROOM bungalow, near Rose City car; has fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases, china closet, sleeping porch, 2 bedrooms, cement basement; lot 57x100, with garage. Price only $2500; $600 down. A. J. Crawford, 632 East Burnside su Phone 6339. LINCOLN' PARK. 6 rooms, fair house, on 75x100 lot. paved streets all In and paid, garage, 4 blocks from Irvlngton car, 10 assorted bearing fruit trees. This is w.here you can beat H. C. L. $2300, $1000 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO . 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. POSSESSION AT ONCE. $3000. $3000. $30110. House aione would cost 14000 to build; lot 80x100; 2 blocks to car, near school; arranged for flats, 5 rooms on each floor; live in one and rent the other; large rooms, light and airy; 2 baths and toi lets; some fruit and plenty room for garden. Owners wish quirk sale and quoted this price; terms $100 down, bal monthly. Photographs. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO.'. 213 Board of Trade bldg. Main 2010. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. A dandy 5-room bungalow In natural finish. 50x100 lot. garage, trees and shrubbery, on 4flth street, four blocks froni Hawthorne car. Only $:;450, $1500 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth fit. Main 6SC9. EASY walking distance: good 6-room house in first-class shape; corner lot; full basement, furnace: onjy 15 minutes walk to west side: 1 block to car. Real snap at $3500. See F. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. ROSE CITY PARK. Just think of being able to buy a home of 6 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, on paved street, for $4450, on terms; Tbis is a real bargain. You will appreciate the real value. You couldn't duplicate this today for less than $6500. Let us show you. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 8092. DANDY 6-room bungalow, 1 block to Sunnyside car; paved street, corner lot; garage, and is modern; 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, etc Owner has farm in eastern Oregon, and will sell at a bargain. Bee Mr. Cone, 170 East 36th st - Phone Tabor 1534. .' -ROOM shack. 75x100.. spring. 15 mln. Salem electric, easy terms. Main 4S64- . RGK lots with small house, from $1100 to SJ-tiOU. Fred tsear. Tabor iKSSZ. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITV BUNGALOW. $4250. 6 rooms, living-room, with fire place, paneled dining-room, 2 bed rooms, bath. white enameled plumbing, Dutch kitchen on first floor, 1 bedroom on second floor. Full basement, garage, full Jot, paved street, near Sandy blvd.. $1000 will nanJle. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. - - $3200. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, llv-Ing-rnu, dininyrm., library, sleep ing porch on first floor and com . plete bedroom on -second floor. Bath, white' enamelot plumbing, full ccnAnt basement wlth furnace. This is a splendid buy. -xioOO will handle. - OLOSE-TN HOME, $4250. On E. 24th st., 1 block from Ros Oity car. we have for pale a weil-huHt 10-rm. house. G rooms and reception nail on first -floor, C rooms and bath on second floor, white enameled plumbing, fine concrete fruit cellar, full lot, 50x100. fruit and flowers, street Improvements, paid. Ea&y terms. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4050. " Very attractive 5-room bunga low, large living-room, with f ire- fltce and built-in bookcases, dtn-ng-room with beautiful built-in buffeL Hsrdwond flvs full Dutch kitchen wlHi breakfast nook. 2 , bedrooms, hathroom, cement base ment, laundry trays; street im provements In and paid. Best buy in Rose city Park. SUNNYSIDE. HAWTHORNE, $3750. Will tnke automobile 33 first pay ment. bnJanoe like rent, 6 rooms, reception hall, living-room, dining room. 2 bedroo mi, la rge kitchen, fult-i'oored attic. Can make four rooms and bath In attic if you like. Full basement with furnace. 1 block from Mount Tabor car. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. $4250. On E. 32d st., near Hawthorne ave.. 5-room bungalow, with Inrge reception haU, :iving-room. din-hig-room, beautiful built-in buffet, white enameted kitchen, 2 bed rooms, full basement, hot water ' heKt, street improvements In and poid. Nothing in Hawthorne dis trict as good for the money. For particulars, see E M Prtdden. Snles Manager. M ET.G E R -P A R K E R-FE RG U SO N CO., Ground Kir., 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3044. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. LAURELHURST 3 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS Call anv time after 11 A. M.; first come, first served. You cannot dilly dally if you want one of these. Sold three In one day last week. No more at these prices, $7250, $7500 and $8000. ALSO Some new ones in district adjoining Laurelhurst. One for $3710. one for $4000, several at less. MR. DELAHLNT Tabor 3433: evening, Eagt 2080. ' HIGHLAND BUNGALOW. $3000 ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN .100O. Neat 8-room bungalow and floored attic, full baaemt-nt, 50x100 corner iot. good garage, street Improvements all paid. This bungalow is In first-class .shape, and quick possession can be had. Reasonable terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTBR, LOWE & CO.. 201-H-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL LAURKLHURKT HOME A BIG SACRIFICE Actually worth $20,000. will be sold at the best price obtainable In the next DO days. Beautiful grounds lOOxl'.O, fine city view, hot-water heat, double ga rage, ail klpdn of shrubbery. If you want a real fine home at about 60 per cent of real value, phone for appointment to inspect. No agents. Main 1700: even ing. Bast 2086. MR. DELAHUNTY. J4.-.00 HAWTHORNE T.ARflW GROUNDS J4000 Good 8-room house and full basement, furnace, ground . 130 ft. deep, nice fruir trees: this is right on Hawthorne ave, near 24lh St. the best location of the Hawthorne district. Clear of all in cumbrances; easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Mg. 3350 ALBERTA DISTRICT $33.-.0 Excellent modern Dungaiow, u iaro rooms, floored attic, -full cement base ment. 1 blk. of car. on Vernon ave.; ex tra tine Dutch kitchen in white, buffet, window seats. .".0x100 corner lot. This Is a fine place and a bargain; l-uu casn, balance easy terms. - C. K. ADAMS, Cliam. of Com. Bldg Marshall 2.1"."). Evening Wdln. 3433. WEST PIEDMONT, $3100 LARGE HOME. $3100 8 rooms with full basement and fur nace. full 50x100 lot: this is close to Piedmont, carbarns and convenient to school and stores, idou casn win nanoie; balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of, Trade Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE. $4000, A splendid, well-built 6-room house with large reception room, full basement, with cement floor, stationary tubs and furnace: 5 large assorted bearing fruit trees; located at 648 E. Taylor St., near 17th: $1000 cash, $40 monthly. Here is the place you nave Deen looking tor. Kred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. IRVINGTON HOMES. 8-room, square house, hardwood floors, full lot. garage: $7500: 2 bungalows, one $5rt."0. other $r.0OO; terms. Bast 4l. IRVINGTON ENGLISH HOME $8500. I,arre living room, fireplace, book caj.es. dining room, buffet. French doors. . Fullman Klicnen, uainn; garage, yrji old; $2000 casn. Mcuonnen. Bast siw. IRVINGTON HOME. Well appointed modern 2-story, 8-room house, located on 73x100 corner, near E. 10th and Tillamook sts. Large square rooms, with lots of wall space, hardwood fluors. old ivdrv finish, beautifully papered, 4 bedrooms on 2d flour, maid's room ana Ditnaru ruoiu ou uvur. ri ivcy for quick sale at $is,50u. vapor 407, LAURELHURST HOME. Wishing to move into country will give some one a real snap In a 1H- story, 7-room nouse, wun garage locatea on E. Flanders st., near Park and only 1 block to car. Everything strictly mod ern and In excellent condition. Prica $6300. Terms if wisnea. labor 407. , IRVINGTON. $10,000. . This Is the prettiest corner -home In this exclusive district; large living room, m.hnmnv: beautiful dining room. li. brary, breakfast room, 6 bedrooms. 2 baths. 3 extra lavatories; 100x100 E rounds: double garage. ast 419. McDonnell. ROSE CITY. 7-room bungalow, all modern, hard' wood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch and all built-ins, will sell at a bargain. This is a snap, frice ;4.u. 1120U down, Dai ance to suit. Ask Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2090. ROSE CITY. 6-room bungalow; a 'modern llt .tie home; if you are looking for ' a home, don't pats this one up; $:S00 terms. Royal. Phone 319-32. IRVINTiTON BUNGALOW. $6000. This pretty corner has east face: house four years old ; fireplace, bookcases, buffet: 2 bedrooms, tiled bath first floor: furnished room second. East 419. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a guar antee of the title to your tiome. hen you buy yonr home have the title in sured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust Company. 5-ROOM modern bungalow in Woodmere district with every modern convenience; lots of shrubbery; for $2750. This is a modern, up-to-date place and very at tractive. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. NICE HOME CLOSE TO CAR. 5-room cottage; lot 50x100: conveni ences; price $1800: small payment down, mortgage back at 77c. See Mr. Drew. COBB BROS., 263 Oak st. Phone Main 90.")2. v $8750 IRVINGTON CLASSY HOME: ALL IVORY AND MAHOGANY. 4 BED ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. FULL . I,OT; GARAGE; ON 20TH NEAR BRAZEE. EAST 419 TWO bungalows, walking distance, on cor ner lot; paved street, near Mississippi car, worth $5000; look quick and take the whole thing for $3850. $2050 cash. Phone East I47. TITLE INSURANCE is the modern way of handling titles to real estate. Quicker, costs less and no abstract required. Title and Trust Company PORTLAND BANKS request title insur ance instead of abstracts. . Why? Ask ' your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Company. FURNISHED or unfurnished 5-room cot tage, bath, lot 100x100. one block to , Mt. Scott car; reasonable cash or terms. ' Tabor 4359 or owner, 52 71st st. S. E. 7-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, large basement, chicken houso, etc.; ground 100x117: all kinds of berriea Tabor 103L FOR SALE in Kenton, 6-room home, 50x 100-ft. Lsl, 100-ft from Lombard. Call -Woodlawn 4038. 4-ROOM bungalow., screened and linoleum, garage and chicken house; newly tint ed Price $1050. Tabor 6512. MUST sell furnished 7-room modern, bun galow. Blose, 6i 5U at Fine, REAL ESTATE. For Bale Houses. HOTTSF.S. $3500 Buys a 6-room strictly modern bungalow, close in. Richmond dis trict, corner lot. Improvements In and paid. $SS00 Buys a 6-room modern bungalow, on Division t.. this is a good buy, $3200 Buvs a S-room modern bungalow, close in, Sunnyslde district; easy terms, 13750 Riiv-M . T-nwim modern hom close in, east side, walking dis tnnce $4200 Buys a 6-room, strictly modern colonial bungalow, Aioina niiri. 1310O R,,v. - modern bUIUCftlOW, with sleeping porch, Waverly Heights district, eir.nn - K--nnm mnriern bungalow completely furnished, east of Laurelhurst. nr.no Rnv . T-anom strictly modern. up-to-date bungalow. Hawthorns district. $4300 Buvs a strictly modern T-room bungalow with sleeping Por''r!; KaRtmoreland district. with $2100 Buys a 6-room modern, home, Al bcrta district, very easy term., slftno Rnv nr r.-room cottage. Mont villa district, easy terms: these are all crood buvs and on any reasonable terms. We have autos to take you. NEW YORK LAND CO.. Urt1r IT ...... n oc Main 7070. Evenings, Sellwood 1053. IRVINGTON HOME. On of Irvington'i high-class and most exclusive homes, complete in all appointments, living room 15x 22. with exceptional fireplaces, conservatory 10x10, tire floor, with French doors, leading onto lovely porch. Dining room with real ma hogany panels. A very charming reception hall and clever stairway, full Dutch kitchen with built-in refrigerator; pedestal sink, butlers pantry, 4 most delightful bed rooms, full cement basement, good - furnace, extra bath and toilet in basement, iarge lot. and heaps of finest shrubbery. A most charm ing home that is different. Owner living out of town and offers for only $12,000 on terms. Buy and move right in. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 68C9. . SEW IRVINGTON HOME. 660 KLICKITAT STREET. CORNER. 10 rooms, enameled and papered; double garago; 3 toilets, 2 fire places; all floors oak; carpenter work day labor; old scale. See this before buying; It will pay you. Open today. $13,500; $2000 cash balance $120 per month. E L. MAUTZ. 'East 5031 or Marshall 1S83. CITY RANCH. 10 LONG AVE., WHOLE CITY BLOCK. 200x2.-.0. BETWEEN EAS 20TH AND EAST 30TH STREET. FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH WOODSTOCK CAR. FINE SOIL, FRUIT. GOOD FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, BATH, GAS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. FULL BASEMENT. $4750, TERMS. PO IN DEXTER. 209 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. HURRY IF YOU WAMT THIS. 5-room, up-to-the-minute bungalow, on is. lotn st. N. ; has tlrenlace ana fur nace; all huilt-ins. Solid carpets, almost new, in living and dining rooms; gas water heater and gas range all go with the house: built for a home. If you are In the market this should be Inspected at once, trice s3tm; 112011 casn, bal. ance to suit. Ask for Mr. Yost with SKOTHEIM-BROWN COMPANY. 3.10-833 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5I99. NOT MANY LIKE THIS In Hawthorne dletrrct. near E. 37th We have a modern 5-rnom hnn.Mlow newly tinted and In fine Condition, with furnace, fireplace and all built-ins, on a nearly full lot; street paved and paid for. A real buy at $3800; about $1000 caxh will handle. Ask for Mr. Johnson with SKOTHEI.M-BROWN COMPANY. 330-333 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5199 A FARM IN TOWN. with cherries, prunes, apples, peaches, pears and a wealth of other fruit trees. a lot 100x106 feet, a garage, a 7-room house, suitable for two families; tire place and basement; 2 short blocks to good car service; located at 853 Oberlln st. Call Mr. .Mahonev, COB A. McKEN'NA A CO.. 82 Fourth street. Main 4522. Evenings, Columbia 057. $3100 FURNISHED HOUSE $3100 Mere is your cnance Mr. neuter, six room house on E. Morrison st., near Lh; rainy wen lurnisned, full-size lot lots of fruit trees: street improvements sll in and paid: lot alone worth about $20UU. 1 ou must be quick ir you want this: first come first servefl. Kev at office. East 30th and Glisan sts., or pnono 1 aoor 4.,; evening, cast 2U8U, SIR. DE LAM U.N IX. IRVINGTCrt SACRIFICE. PRICE ONLY $o000. If you are jush shopping, don't bother us, but If you really want to buy a good 7-room house in the best part of Irvlngton and way below present-day prices, call us up. Has every modern convenience. Terms tr desired. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. 1300 DOWN and balance $24 monthly. Including the interest, will pay for a fine llttie 6 room cottuge In a splendid district, a short distance from St. Johns. Lot 66x 110 feet. Price $2200. .Mr. Mahoney, COB A. McKENXA & CO., 82 Fourth street. Mnin 4522. Evenings, Columbia 057. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK WEST-MORE-LAND. ONE BLOCK TO CAR MODERN. 9 ROOMS: WHITE PLUMB I.;. STREETS PAVED. PRICE $4.'.U0, TERMS. EXCEPTIONAL BUY. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. MARSHALL 750. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., 2M4 U A.1V aiKf.nl, VACANT BUNGALOWS $500 SECURES POSSESSION. v Rose City. 6-room. large lot improve, ments paid; $3000; attractive tf-room, full lot. paved, garage, fruit, $2775; cboice 5-room, near pavement and car, large attic, unusual lot. fjoou. evenings, Tifbor 705.". 5500 BY OWNER: 6-room modern 2- story house, hardwood floors jn living room ana annua luum, umu-m iuuiv- case, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, etc. Overlook addition. Will sell on terms, r-none .viain 2J. GROVE LAND PARK. S3400 Nice six-room house with fire place, corner lot: Improvements in and paid; mis is a Bargain. F. H. DESHON & CO 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EAST GLISAN. Five-room cottage, both gas and elec tricity, neat and clean, and in perfect .condition, paved street, sewer. This is a real bargain, eisou, terms, juain a40b. 112;. Gasco bldg. IRVINGTON FINE HOME, Hancock, near garage, center ball, spacious living room. built for home; good value. Neuhausen, Main 8078. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, attic, cement base ment, furnace; walking distance. 68 East 20th. between Stark and Oak. Ap ply 62 aast zutn, cor. uk. east os. OWNER going east, must sell 5-room and den bungalow with built-in effects, ga rage, etc.. reduced to $2u00. iiooo cash Tabor 2934. MODERN 5 ROOMS, SELLWOOD, $1500. flood house, paved street, electric light, bath, etc.: owner leaving city. $700 cash, $15 monthly: no mortgage, clear title. T O. Bird. Marshall 1022. 5 AND 3-ROOM houses, close in. E. 28th; will sell separately or togetner. very cheap: some cash, good terms. See own er. Madduck. 511 Merchants' Trust bidg. $5000 TAKES the bunch 6 houses, one empty, move ngni 111. a wunuermi oar gain. - Madduck, Sll Merchants' Trust bldg. ' , HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern 6- room name, naruwoou nunrs, ount-ins, furnace. cement basement, sleeping porches, run lot, taoor iin.i. WHEN you get a Title Insurance PoUcy you do not nwa an Misimci 01 title. One premium pays for all time. Title and Trust Company, TITLE INSURANCE1 Is quicker, safer and cheaper tnan sDmci metnoa. ask your banker, he knows. Title and Trust Com pany. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insureu., ubi a in. insurance Policy. Title and Trust Company. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have nis line unurro nfucr ne sate than sorry. Title and Trust Company. $2500 SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. iractionai iui. 11. iiiuuj. osj ouer man St.. west side. MODERN 6-room bungalow; attic, lawn. irult ana uerriw; .-t..v umu, ooi IjIDer ty st. WL car to 18th. NICE 5-room bungalow, $300. balance. SIH..U, terms, aiubii. or iuuiu.rj cars. t219 K. W. Bank Bldg. GOOD 8-ROOM house, 2 blocks to Alberta car. uargain lor .uu casn. aiv i. w. Bank bldg! ' . FOR SALE. House, 4-cre, 5 minutes Council Crest car. Marshall 5210. Price $2100. BANKS prefer title Insurance instead of atiairacia, xiue tan Aruat coiABacgbi REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BOUE R IT II. ttlROtlS'S. 4-room bungalow, about two year old. 5-ro'nm cottage at St. Johns: lot 100X 100. fruit and nuts: siu", tow l-ft nor mnnth 6 ner cent. 4 rooms, plastered; basement, large shop and garage or store; goou cm-m."" Ainntavina uisinci-, iw, .xvv .- Tnntith A ner cent 5-room plastered cottage, cement base ment. 11 bearing fruit trees: lot 100x120, 4 blocks to car. Price eauuu, casn. A real snap. at ui-'OTI TtAROAIV. Seven-room Hi -st ory house, good re pair, modern plumoing. eieci. r... lot 50x102. some fruit, close to car. scnoo .. rw-ne.- le.vinar city am offers' to sell this fine home for I.KiOO $1200 cash, balance to sun. o ei ri.nsK.lv HOME. 6-room modern house; frjl cemen hm.nt furnace. fireplace. butlt-M l l. Hn,thl. construction: corne lot. paved street; price $4000. half cash, , ba ance mommy. niw ..." " T.-,cr CITV HOME. 8 large rooms, very conveniently r ranged and strictly modern throughout hardwood floors, furnace, tirer.la.-e. built- in buffet, wash trays, etc. , structed. This home is near the Sand: blvd. and 45th St.: can he seen bj ap pointment only. Price JS20U. reasons. teri7!!ii. v,,.n..iow. K large rooms an sleeping porch; hardwood floor., ni.e bullt-lns. full cement n"'""!'-. plJ"Lrt for furnace., fireplace, lot 80x1110 ft., coi ner: $ :soo. halt casn: aoo. . . R M GATE WOOD CO.. 165'i 4th st y ROSE CITY DISTRICT. A nice little bungalow, four rooms, cement basement, laundry trevs. flrst-clafS plumbing, good garage with cement floor, nice lawn, shrubbery, etc.; good kitch en range and draperies go with this plsre: better see this one. 2."0O. aome terms. Royal. Phone 318-32. THPRK fiOOD BITS. - East 13th street, modern five-room cottage, corner loi. rruii 1950, :!00 down and $20 month. 7 pel cent. Willis nis ave., 6-room bungalow. $.".150, $550 down, 2o per monin. i ftri 17.h .free wOiith. 5 TOOmS. 50 100' corner. $1100. $200 down. $15 month. 6 per cent. 517 Ablngton Bldg. F. COOKE. Main 88.. O. $2800 VACANT BUNGALOW. $2800 t.viil CASH 50O. Here is a neat 5-room bungalow now Tscant. all ready to take poseonaion . m'-' fireplace; built-in dookchsch. im i..,nha f..ll .otiil-cnment basement, fn lot, garage, all street improvements paid, and only one block from car. Now, why rent, when vou can step into something like this, and It Is a good one? Easy monthly payments: Kenton district. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg OGIT PAYING RENT. BUY THIS NICE LITTLE HOME. Located at 4702 U2d st. S. E.; 4 rooms, on 90 by 100 lot: bathroom, but hath not installed: toilet, sink, electric lights, gas. etc.; woodshed. 2 chicken houses and good rhlckcn run: a blocks to car rln to school: no and look at the out ld and If you like It we win show you the Inside. You can uuy it ior im. i" eluding shad full or woon. .viu.i na. $500 cash, balance 2U per monin. STEWART BUCK. 815 N. W. Bank Bldg. DOCTOR'S IDEAL HOME. NEAR GOOD SAMARITAN. ti.ib haaMtif.il west side home is goin .to be sold at a sscrtfice: you can be the lucky one; all it nceas is nuicn .--Hon; 6 rooms and double sleeping porch r..n cement hnsement. furnace, fireplace r,.n rewind int nice lawn and shrubbery, paved streets In and paid, only H block from car. rrice .-.; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg BY OWNER A BARGAIN. A nine-room home, lot 85x100. S E. corner 89th and Salmon: fruit, berries and shrubs, garage: price $4S5(: will sacrifice for casli. See thia today. Owner. 1170 E. Salmon. VERY SELECT BARGAINS. Trt mnirnlhcent bungalows. R. C. P, very modern, substantial: NEW; prices $6750. $7i..O; 7 and S rooms. One 6-room, R. C. P.: this is good, verv modern, artistic, dio as to .uuuui 1HOA SPLENDID two-story. 7 rooms, very modern, substantial, uuu i jtu.i. . VERY GOOD 6-room home, Irvington mAHorn All have hardwofid floors, bos location's. Call up East 273. Herdman wpct srtlPS! OF MT. TABOR. Tl..n. Innr A rnnmi And Bleeping POrctl living room, dining room and hall hays hardwood floors: lirepiaie. Duii.-t, onon r.,tr-r, kitchen, bath and 3 bed rooms down. 1 bedroom, sleeping porch up; full basement, irun ru'.i. ...u .... ........ ... In.nrivements nil In snd paid choice d'lst.. near Franklin high Price S 150U. Ilt' Casn. J. O- nu.c, Cham, of Commerce. $5800 SACRIFICE $5800 vrn .llticio KALE. Owner leaving city and went quick .... A rooms and sleeping porch. strictly modern in every respect: large warns-. W in IUII triiirni ...im., clear Incumbrance. See this at once. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH COTTAGE For ssle In Eastmoreiand. near Reed college and golf links, 7 rooms finished in attractive style. Hardwood floors and papered throughout. Must bs seen to he appreoiaiea. rncc ,m sr-u lur nisned If preferred. Owner 12VS ?. Soth S. Sell. uu. ANOTHER SWELL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms, breakfast room, cement .basement, full lot. all street Improve ments in and paid; close to car; extra finish in old Ivory, tapestry paper, etc. See this today; good terms. Call owner. Tabor 8292. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 13450. $450 cash, balance to suit you, 7 room residence, basement, Dutch kitchen laundry trays, street paved, sewer In, evervthlng psid: between W L. A. St. .1 and W A cars; 961 Rodney avenue, near Going street. ACRE of ground or less ground. 6-room modern ounsaiow anu sieeuuiK .wr.-n -hiiilt-tns. basement, near car and hard- surface t lots of fruit: st cltv limits; nice place, nearly new; $3600, $1000 cash. Tabor 144". uwner. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 1400(1. On 44th St.: fireplace and bookcases, hsrdwood floors, kitchen white enameled; attic. You couldn't duplicate it for $5000. HENRY W. GODDARD. 248 Slark St LADD ADDITION BIG BARGAIN! -room house, fine garage, lot 40x120 with paved alley: walking distance. Hurry if you want this. Main 1700; evening. East zuso $1(J50 MT. SCOTT car. near Woodmers SCnooi, a tow. it". uMriiiMni; ...iw cash, balance terms. Houre alone would 4rot over c-uuo w ouno. vviu go quick Owner. Tabor 777. $2700 fl-R. bung.j H. W. floors, cement basement, iot ....xi.n,; mis is a nine beauty: very noerat terms: no agents. See J. P- McKenna, Belmont and iltnh Tabor 6493. ONE secen-room house and lot on Stan ton street near wiuiamp ave. Must oe sold at once to close an estate. Phone office. East 852. or residence. Marshall 4314. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates, a. i. .vuyn. etiara st Office hour 8 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831 Res. phone, Tabor 194. 3750 ALBERTA. 5-room modern bunga low; fireplace, nice corner lot. 76x110: owner on .premises, uu iwin st, n. Terms. ' . -OR-feALK 5-room bungalow, open fire place and furnace, hardwood floors, good buy at $4500. Broadway 158. -750 BUYS $4500 home. If you can pay $1000 cash, renting for $45 month; must go quica. .m . REAL bungalow bargain. 731 East Main near COth and Hawthorne. East 7708. Own Jr. ALBERTA, near Union, on car line; $24(); .T-room nnuse. F. .'J inin, terms. 10S8 E. 7 th St. N. BARGAIN. 7-room house fqr sale; $8000; lot 60x 1 00. 17 K. Q"t" 6-ROOM bungalow, on paved street, near car line and close in; tssy terma Ownor, 7 E. 7th st, .N. BANKS request title Insurance because it IS DeSt. U... ... M.IIUWB. Title and Trust company. BW 4-room bungalow, completely fur niahed: 2 lots 100x100. Sell. 3447. FOR SALE Good home by owner at 27 East lst. near Jsn. ROOM bungalow, 1 block from car. A2100; $250 down, $20 month. E. 4345. IRVINGTON HOMES. MCDONNELL. Agent. OU" r.HSt inn. r.nai tin. 600 6-room house, conveniences, lot Sfg 100; $500 cash. PI10D 211 Woodlawn. REAL ESTATE. I f Kale House. THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL. Beamirul rose-colored brick house of 8 rooms; a living room with fireplace, dining room and Kitchen with all built in eflects In each; a whlte-aud-gold bed room, bathroom and front hail: brick porch. - There are 3 bedrooms on the second floor, bathroom and sewing room, lots of closet room, full cement base ment with furnsce end all basement accessories: a fireproof roof in grav. This is a house of msny windows, part piate glass: the ground Is KmikIiiO with lots of shrubbery, fruit and flowers: all street Improvements are in end paid. This beautiful home is located in New berg. 24 miles from Portland. Price $8..lM): will consider some Portland prnp erty in Hawthorne district. Some cash, balance morts.ige. 6 per cent. C. E. A DA Mel. 67 Cham, of Com. Marshay 2..I5; Eve.. Wdln. .14:13 RICHMOND DISTRICT. $1700 This is not a shack far from H An up-to-iets, modern ft-ronm cottage; -Interior In best of con dition; painted oute-lde last sum mer: 2 bedrooms, white ensmel plumbing, gas, electricity, shades, screens, paved street and ee-wer paid; close In; $100 down, bal ance like rent. BIHK-t'AHKT CO.. 319 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main T487. Open Evenings. NEW IRVINGTON TIOVE 60 KLICKITAT STREET. CORNER. 10 rooms, enameled and papered, dou ble garage, three toileis, to fireplaces, all floors osk. carpenter work dsy lao..r. old s.-sle. See this before buying: it will pay .you. Open today. $13. 5lMJ, $2:.0il cabh, balance $125 per month. B J. MAUTZ. East 581, or Marshall lt"9 PORTSMOUTH. Just listed a 7-room bouse, valued at $r,unu. which owner will sell for $.I20, $.".k) down, so he may leave Immediately for California. Lot U.xloti. with all kinds of fruit and we will prove this w heo ) on inspect It. Built-in kitchen and the most conveniently arranged place y.m huve ever had the pleasure of looking over. Mr. Malionev. COE A. Mc.vEN'NA CO., Main 4322. Evening. Columbia fr57. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 12450 On Church St.. Just off Union ave.. Is a wril-toulit, atctiv 5-room bungalow. If you appre ciate value, in home. e. tins by all means; only $i50 down. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 218 Railway Kxoli. Uldg. Main 7487. Open Evc-ningS. SUPERB LAUKEI.H UHST H1NGA1.KW. One of the most delightful 0-rooni bungalows with garage ever built 1" Laurelhurst. located on E. Flandcrs st., near piirk arfd car, can be had lor $75oo: living room 16x34; French doors, to din ing room, dainty all-glass breakfast room, 2 fins bedrooms and bath donn stairs, room for 3 more upstairs; rich old Ivorv finish and heavy oak Moors throughout: walls beautifully papered; bulit .everal years ago. owner moving baca to larm. Ji Interested don't delay. K. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. HOSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. CLOSE IN. A splrndtdly built bungalow. 6 rooms downstairs and 1 room up: large attic: large living and dining room: hardwood floors in .'I rooms; fino furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen and all bullt-lns: property in fine condition: cloae to car: under priced on the prevsllmg market. A com fortable cozy home at $.'.2..u. Ask lor Mr. Johnson with SKOTHEIM-RROWN CO.. 3.".0-r.33 Ky. Exch. Bldg. Main 5199 $2050 COZY, well-kept 5-room bungalow. meal floor plan: hlHny Dulit-ln er fects. best plumbing, full cement baee-mcnt Willi laundrv trays: big value at the prl-. See it by ail means today; $570 down. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway JCxch. Illdg. Main 7487. Open Evenings. MODERN Br.VGAl.oW. j ACRE. $4200 I20I CASH. Modern 5-room hungnlow; fireplace, furnace. 2 large bedrooms, lurg,. living rooms. 3 mole b.-drootns can be finish. -d in attic; 50 assorted fruit irws. chicken houses and runs; rich gunl.-n soli, oniy 8 blocks to car line; north of lte.d college. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO , 212 Railway Exch. Mdg. Main 7:.2 is i x in om s n ir i; 11 r Nt ; A l w. Flue -room bunjrulow; elei-lrn-ity. g.ia. fll't'p)uc. Hit bul.l-lna. cniant iafrin'iit lauriciry truya, cabinet kit'hin; II l.-l rouiita, all on one floor: attir; lot :u 1mu. J'rK-e Skhmi i jhIi. i.'. month. On Kant tWd at., n-ar North .Mount Tubor. GKLWI 4c UKNNKTT, aiS Hoard of Trail n bids. Main tiaaan 7 4.'i l!. ICMIxltK) FKKT of rround with rtifll a fruit and orllf. nounv tiaa rooms witn u-n and alc-'Pin porch, noma buill-lna, toil cPtnMit baafintnt, furnarr; block frmn rar; Inimcdtat po.trarlon given; IH-MJ, I1U.M) cash, balanca monthly. .H)HNSO.N-ULjSU.N' t'O., 632. fc)4, .135 .N W. la nk Bid. Main 377. LAfWK MUI'KltN 1H .M K on very aightly lot ou willnniptte HeiKhtM. 1 roonia n " InrRO reception room; all modern rou venlencea; hrta an iinaurpaancd out ion k ovt-r th ha rbnr, with the mount nina in th brirkffroiind. 1'rlce mdo t nn hi poHaoxafon Mitrch 1". Htaantiabie (t tn rpHDormlhia Dur:ha"r. 1' "r pMrlli lara call on niy renreentativfl at 44 P l att bid jr.. 1 - Pa r k at. OtK)D 6-room honaa on K. Main nt , 4n l imi Int. paved te't in anu pain ; mom larne and llnht. houne la verv attractive and well coiiatrufted. lame p.-mnt Im-e-ment; jirlce only 3.M)U, 1H vaati, bai ance like rent. .lUHNMOV-hODON "0 . 632. Sa'o. tW4, N. W. I-iank Bid. Alain 77. . B-nooAf hoi'sk ma hnaiv Good rt-room houe. it bed room a and bath upatnlra. 3 roonia downetaira; good cement haaetnent. electrtc hhta, rm. tr. : cornor K. 30th and Alder I'rb $2'J:0, .M'i raah and - per mouth; eii worth l-'0o. CllUSSI A BKNNKTT, 3 IS Biarti of Trade bklif; -Main T4fiJ 100x100 LOT with all kind of iM-ann tru It tree ana nemo, new 01 non mr frarden. chicken houw, S-room houae in Kood rendition, larKe hFenien4: iw r an1 aldewalka In and paid; prtea .'.')0, 1500 cash, bn'anre ifke rent. .ItJHNSOV-PnljSON CO, C32, G3, tKil. u:i3 N. W. Bank B dg. .Main 37H7. UOSK VI T Y AM HA V THOU N K A K. I I SI It 1' I , $4J.M to $d.VMi New. modern . and fl-room hunKrtlowft; hardwood tloora, fire place Dutch kttrhen. breakfaat nook, all built-in, ffitraue, all atreet Improve menta in and paid; terma See owner, 4t4 Gerlinger bldg. Phone Murahall FINE R-rnoru, M on one fioor. entii n-te foundation, Tuil naserneni, eiwinr nun". (Tan bath; lot JOOxJOO, with bearing fruit tree; only 3 btorka to rar; only .Umk, JKKrtJ ca."h. a!nnfe riify. .T()HSO-DODfON CO, SffJ, 63, W4. W5 X. W. Bank Bldg. .Vain 87S7. LAURELsHI'HST HOM 10 CiA HAG hi. $r,.Mtit TEK MS, H ronma, modern; hardwood fioora. firepiara. furnace, buffet, hookraa. lull cement basement, garaa: at. imp. in and paid: located near park. Cl'fc V KlA NU-H K DK USON 'O . 2 lii Hallway Kxch. bldg. Alain i7-g 1M.10 Wtt.l, BI'Y 5-ronm house anrl rare re en (.-sere rr,.i hullt.ln kitchen; a apple trr. owner non-resident, deslree to el4 ;4."iihj h7oHN-SON-DODSO.V CO., 632 6W. KI. 'ms N. W. Bank BJdl. Msln 3T7. MALI-Olir AVENL'B ojttaui. I mmi. .Nice o-room coiisK., p.". .. .. .... ' basrment. pavr.l strct, sewr all p.n.1. Msllory ave., near Msson I'rlre IIM'O. i.'iWJ cash. $1-". per month, o nsr cent. tiRL'SSI UKX.Ntfr, ".nt Tlnsr.l of Trsde b!dK. Main ..; r-v YDi; WHAT IT? 2-room houso for I"IT.".. r.-ii.lv to move Into Why pny rent? Verv eesy Kriua FHAMt I.. HfcGL'lRK. Abirilton bids-. vM,ln 10"S- Ark for Mr. Msrshsli. t7nn $100 CASH, G-rooin, classy but.Ks Kred Spear. Tabor low. MUiur.ni. &S8T, . fcuburhan llnmee. 1000. $1100. iii-.-.n. si 511. ii'nno, ijtr.o, fjyO Nest collages ana oimiiios.; drove. Bryant Acres, Osaeso l.aks. Ideal horns sites for ehh kon rslelus; snd ardens: electricity, astsr, prion, lie fare. Mala &0T1. McKarland, ttuj Yeon bll. QUArtTKU-ACUK snd four-rom hou to tlregon Electric. 7c fare; f..r IL''UO on terms: owner moved to Idaho. Hre ATCHISON. 1104 Henry bM. BRYANT ACRES. 114sta0 on county rosd : fine view; nl.-e trrcs: wsler end llsht avsllshle. Prlre $:u0: l down, l.'i pr month. Owner. r.'H Poncord Mrtir., I'd end Hlsrk. FOR RENT, trsde or sale, best hew 8- room ounnsiow ."..,..( ..un.y, on electric line: you can hn.e the prul less of iesslna H0 acres adjoining. J. J. McCarthy. Ahlnmon bidn. choice srnniB.ts iinws anrl screuge, well located, nenr car line, from llsuu up. Inquire lid house north of Klsiey station, on Oregon City car Una. si. a "Alder Brook." ItEAL KTTK. Huburhasj Home. MILWALKlli HUME BAKGAI.NM. 8-room bunra'otr. 8 lota, fruit, thmh. eery, gss, liar. is. Hull Hun wal-r, no., la. A big bargain at $joou. Aa.lf tun. ft-roont bungalow lot 55x2.14. bath room, 2 bedrooms, gas. Bull Kun truer, lights, fruit, chicken bouse, woodshed, close la I2U00, $lovo casn. 8-room strictly modern bungalow t eept furnace. I acr.. fruit, la'ss straw berry bed. chlrscn bouse. XbiS is a big snap at I icon, $25u0 cash. 6-room hens., bsth. water, lights, gss, bnsement, sleeping porch, lot 5..xl'Si: would cost ai.'.ut $ iniio to build toe house, price $2100, $(Hi cash. We hare a few mighty good e.ibnrban homes on Oregon Ciiy snd fesiaiada is lines that are priced right. KI.EKT1 PA RUT, First Mtate Hank ln-'C. Phone 19. Automobile trice. MllWSUkle. UirKoll. a ; F:riXK kai irr, r.ght mt H-.iroM Binn, Jmt nutnM city limhi. wlt rmr rr fm '. 2 irrr in illvrtr if-d .r-hrl ; thr ! fin 7-me.m hou with (i I r'inrnt buppni'-nl. wir1 tr rtn liKfii"; n.n.t of plumhiiif lninI1ri. th m hnup roult not be bulit iacImv tr Vmm. A tint hi r nrnm hniint in w,ft'i rpn if . mll barn with rmrnl foun1ino mt flmir, t, hii kfn hnu..- and purhp ir r ha hern rtiurri, tli"n nn th.v pif fir (jut k whi' h brings II mmv br'r ll arfunl vfthi; .'..( ill bm1l h- tnr y; ml hi rnnitlilrr, an u In-dn t bun km im In ih ntv n p ri payment. J-TKWAMT A 1.1'rK, N. W. Ttink It . .tar R-room mnfi.MH mn'cpi ha'" om1 flnnrsi Ininaalnw, rompn v f trrwin.irii. cmnt Immir ni, a: a r -a". '(i(rkn hout-". fruit. rK", Mi p la n with 'mi. 1 1 faun t a1 n for fii.li, Mixl.Mt f-( nn iil nl. :i block from tliy llmita nn nr Una, nty tor. Ran, clrfl -i-lt i , vrvth.na; at .Hmhii hmiR in north t.:i' mono. trm tf vmifii. THK A. JAi'nim .,. 104 Ir jflh M. V tin a"0r Jt.vrn.ng Tabor a.i QrAWTKn A"rtr, Wnrlrrn tmnitaiow f A bi-nrnt. khimki', fruit, riiy nii, ji... riot lii it y, on t-tivrd mid. "S iniiiiitfB fin ni pnninfi i o 3 minutf-i (mm nr Hup, a oriileuful ha. gain at IJ-'it"). hiiuao alona nrth mora . than $ l'if m., ty run Inint, THK KHKU A. JACOHM rfl UU KlUh h . Mila N0B. Kteninra Tabor AX grA.lTK..-At.K TKAfT ONLY 4(Hi, .Ml 1 Mi W N, lu MO. 11 1,ot'Htod i-Win In atatln at tl A U TFN HOMIC, on tli 0,-rKn Kli'irle Una; 41 pli.yrlc train 0all. in com. fare; rlifn to ai hniil, church, l(r; all cltv rohtcn. n , I net ml ilia: aa. rliotrtrtty, aid valka and muih ; no rrntru tlmia tit-i't a in rata aiul iharaftr. Knr aaia i v owner only, t.rt out wIht you ran liva fnr half. Call at i(4'j ahlna:ton t , k for Mrt't 'KM l n fir, I'hona Maiu k.'l'O; ovonmni Alain h;n. W At'ltK Eiei tru! on t'o. rnaj, rloaa to Drfjrrin a I I'm. tlo fnrr ; watar taa toiophon. at hont, (. ; a"n- o;M-tr1rit rh-ltv. una omy tnrai I'tiuntiy Dfautr j'-- aotvnti ratlin titan hurannrn i taxea: 2.iltK. U an J up; lOxtMl, r1 f - till Up. It UU t'Ml v ho tO pii nn lncxprnnlx a liillv hnniK, itir. Ulj Kuilwiiy Kxih. bid. Alain 075. (. Lumt NKAM MI'J.TNOM Alt. t.I n I.K OV Kit U, A-'liR. . Ovfr -i air of t ha f tnrat amuntl In Oregon and in lnnh alata of run ivaitun ; Rood G room Iioun-r. vu t hutldln aa anl fiult and btTrlra; iona to (,'apttut t'ft'i wav I'rlt't- nn ly t -1 Mt. trrrn.. ItKl.l Alll.K 1NV KHTMK.NT CO , :tk 'ak at. Hrnilwy 41'IaI. HCOHON ACKKH, Juat outabla of tha city llmita; ritr Wafer, electric light and gaa; ait In tug tt atute of coin at ion ; uma ft tilt and herrl-; Juki tha pia a fur a auiurian home. Price r ton aula and ttnui If deeired. H. K. Alai-NKrKB CO., 416 Hj . a.xrh. I... if Alain 4n:m 1 U K A 1TI I'M I auhurban Itmna at atati.oi, red ateel car line; 2 a-r-a fruit, b.itn. Chicken houne, houae. 1 rootna nd al-ei lug pi.r.-h , rM t t inn ha: I, put. it v. bu.h room, volaeta, hnrdool t1o..m. nrtp,-, furnace, t ement lni ntent. mry nunlfrn nun etnrm e; t..MMi, rriy leima. J-'or fut llirr inforn.aLiou adiinaa onr, LtIF IVUi, ( 11 ronifin. t "hi: t t iTk an k mtTi'V; Gouli 4 ltM... (l .N.JAl.tiW Anil ll'7t-'(i0 fet't Of ground, Juat pu'- ide of c,i y llmita; lt chirk en 1 ur 4 nnh 5 -foot U-c, ptlia ou'y .; huf if you want It. hki.ia i;i; ivitmfnt ro Htr, chk lt Hr-mdwiiv 4Kt.t Aiol K It N 7-rootn hnue with gf a arid env waier. e:-cl rtrit v available. I urne . fireplace and nil bul't -in a. 1 lure, ni-. s hp hi ir, if fruit t rcea. berr i a. I t hicken bona a atnl rur. garar, J oiitenle cltv lluil'n: tei nn Tt'tiof 4 . 9 ot- aee owner, r."i-7 "let al. H K. uaiukti. O'tm "at K T 41 l ST, Mmo-t an acre. OM.v Juoo. en a.i KIOHi V K MtM on th- tia'anr. 1 1 1 1 N K 'K It. ' ia and w aietA cloee '"hool a"f m. lire ' V H HI Sll AV 1 O , 4-111 t baftib'-r (tf t'oinuu rre tidg (in kg is in r "link. at acre, ft-rnom p i-tteriii fini, nut cement liaaemen f . eieri no frt.iiv orchard on l a ra at t pavn ff,.. four biorl-a from a k tiiove; pr $ terma H protrn Mid. He, X.4 KM av Kv'hinn hldtf War. ii.liil. " ' oViVthv "iiMk"in"tmk mtt Here le where oii can bat the It i I li) rea. 4 timiIti hou-e, or haid. )H el! tmproveu in a Hee Air. .tohtiaon ' I'ham nf t'otii , 4'h I Prt d na' nth T 1 1. luid. : and Niarlt. AUr '. - tSV K I.AKI FIV K-A-'HtC Tiur-I" 1 4011 per a re rlcht on a:. I l;.Ue; (Mi bine. k rHit a 1 clone to atutton i a bm Bain al lie an 4 H OKSIK'N' ,inbr of 'urnine 615 Oh HMg. $.l7MV-TANOY 4 Tii.lt.! In vallrv a-re. 7 room httiine, lunil , ofchrn, tlo Trn bi.tig. garde weil. Frank Al I- ar and, f or fWle Itualnewa i'ronerty. " fiU .-I N F S ! VtUtV K HTY 7 Ail (Hi aoiiibar-t corner AfliaaMd ave and Fremont at., li atorv aim a hu'ldlnr 304.'.. H lare rnonn nn oi4 floor and -rm rttaae Ia ing I t mntit.. bv Andrew i'au.en, i-1 At fi-ippl ave. . l-'or hals Arr..as. SIK.'IAT, HA l.K. EX''M AX.I-. I'll nr.-i. KX ClK.IrS 1U a.TSS. O'S i-.mir.i.l.-l.i - rhsrrt. near rri.. ll snd Kus.-iis: 1'f: -.,, n. rent -".. In.ir..r-I 0 (ir.-son Cllv. only .lii. rrnl ...,. b... I, ful 1.1 n-.r Vsn.-siiivrr, I IMK). r.it a I 7 Arr.(M r.sl.l.-n . on sllh.r. fl.n rr HI East IWlh Noilh. Kv.ninss Tstr AMITY A.'HI-H. 1 a.rrs, m.i far from Amity: snrrrt T srrrs In tin. riiltlstlnn; rnnritns: vi.w: .r,...ikh of Hn H.l.r, fm-rd. nne vlss. h.-r ..11 the ilft.'. to ls)- f..r ssins: lliU". ;.ntt down, lisl. o ft Chanilj.r of t out lliert-r. (ir.A.WfinD TtlCAl.TY t-r. i.ooaKn-OKr i.anps. Trscts. ft seres up. lo.aled srlthla M nilles of -Port;snd. on rsiirr.s4: sood soil, no roik, plsnlv of water, woik nar.r: buy on your own terms. Prices JJ te III p,r ,e,,i,r.i'nnr.ANN ro. . QH tLbamter of Commerea CHU'KEN RANCH I, ' A Tl i N - H.ir wnier: 1' A. joining rilr..sd, v mil of store snd f I I - I A. t-le.red sirens spring, goon run wainut or iron ,,! lies rnlllng: - tries or Portland; ,,,. -,.v ft in) cash. hal. y l.rn. .1. It. Kiilev. Ii'.i Chamber of ..miner. , )AcnK3 In soiith"'ers Wstiletoa for sals to settlers only; easy terms, low nrlce 15 per acre end up. Liberty boa accepted at Tsr. V. rite lor ui.p showing ,eat ion. terma, etc. WtlKltHAtl HKH TIvrtBR TOVPANT. ' Tacoma Uldg.. Tacon.a. Vah FHt:rt'" nuTs, berries. scie tracts and liirsc'r. hperlal terms to home s.-.-kns. Albeiia l.'ir to .lerieit. tliem-s H ..... I-, e-,at nf K-nnedv e. hol to ' 4'd - Win ,N. W. B.ink bl.lg O W N K R' ft AC H I V I CK 7 BO 10 acres, aenion I. ins road. 4-reri house harn, well, fenced: a miles city hums; i cultivated. " ;tl HKOAUVVAT. BOUTH. "s'OH fillKil'iin CITY I. IN C Ai'RH'.eK I.MPHtVKU ANI I N.VI'KliV Kl.. Kc lircvn ll.i) die. m luils.v l.i rhsnge bldg. I 6'. AI'IIH. nearly ell cleared, B'.ostt t Inllea west ot 1'c.rtlarul cllv lltulis, on canvnn road. John lis in, 007 .pawling building At'RKS oXflllEN l.Txn. This Is good bis. k. toll, ell In cult., oe ft P. electric, rlcl.t at the sts. 'i- down Draper, 4M1 Hoai-tl of Trade. 7.-1 v yt res flue rulilvs'e.l Un.l, fsmHT orchard, house, barn, eindmtil, lb n in. ntes from llr.tadwsv brMge $il'.04l, .,iml Mr. t'sry. l.'ls X. W. Hank Mile .11 HAl.b: Park n.se on.-l.alf s--ie. cleared, fenced, several bearing Innr treaa This ts on a corner and gear school. TaBor t.-.IO. si tVn ACRK1 near Csnhy; will I. see o i'nni.o..r Mir Keniua iuslui.ul Or 14 Coucb bld- , I y: r f r'. ' '